kyo_agoさんに誘われて、CoffeeScriptについて1章書きました。 JavaScriptエンジニア養成読本[Webアプリ開発の定番構成Backbone.js+CoffeeScript+Gruntを1冊で習得!]:書籍案内|技術評論社 他の章の紹介は他の著者さんに任せるとして、自分の書いた章について少し紹介。 JavaScriptエンジニア養成読本を書きました - watilde's blog 実践的CoffeeScript CoffeeScriptの言語仕様について、初心者でも誤解しないよう、言語マニアでも新しく学びがあるように書いたつもりです。 とくにオブジェクトや配列のパターンマッチ、CoffeeScript特有のオブジェクト指向のイディオム、大規模開発時のディレクトリ構成について実例を交えて書きました。 たとえばこんなコード module.exports = class
It has been two weeks since my last Blog, not a way to keep your readers happy, if you have any (left). Well, I rather hope that my readers are more to the right than the left. But then, I welcome them all. There are many people who enter the Blogosphere who seem more intent on taunting the Bloggers than to learn and to comment. Foul, ugly-minded, and even beastly, but then, we can always delete t
Love Rails? You'll love batman.js. If you know Rails, then you'll be up and running with batman.js in minutes. batman.js was built with Rails development in mind, allowing you to save time and use less code. Serious Scalability. batman.js makes it easy. Building the next [insert trendy website/app]? batman.js was created with scalability in mind and currently powers Shopify. In other words, your p
kybernetikos / Dynamic Source Maps There are many pages about source maps online (e.g. this one), but almost none of them go into detail on how to decode VLQs (the smoosh of characters at the bottom of the source map where all the important data is stored), so lots of thanks to Peter van der Zee who wrote it up in enough detail that someone who hadn't heard of VLQs before (me) could write a decode
Hello, and welcome back to the rebooted #WorkflowThu series. Today we're going to see how ridiculously easy it is to debug CoffeeScript files with source maps. Watch the video (07:14) or read the article below. Tools mentioned in this video: Uglify.js v2 by Mihai Bazon (free) LiveReload by yours truly ($10) — alternatives include CodeKit by Brian Jones ($25), by Handlino ($14), and others
In today's modern workflow, the code that we author in our development environments is considerably different from the production code, after running it through compilation, minification, concatenation, or various other optimization processes. This is where source maps come into play, by pointing out the exact mapping in our production code to the original authored code. In this introductory tutor
Daftar Serta Masuk Saat ini Di Situs Slots Online Terpilih Ojekslot Seperti yang kita pahami waktu ini ada sangat banyak permainan slot online paling sederhana yang dapat dimainkan dalam sekejap hanya cukup masuk di sana saja ojekslot terunggul. Di sini dapat ada sangat banyak bermacam permainan luar biasa yang pastinya dapat anda temukan dengan ringan. Beraneka permainan terbaik di sini dapat and
07 Feb 2012 I’m the primary developer on the HTML/front-end components (but not the Flash) of the Camry Effect website. It’s both the largest amount of client-side code I’ve written for a project, and the first project I’ve done with CoffeeScript. It was also a fairly high-pressure project for many different reasons. This post will describe the project, and detail my experiences developing it in C
Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial. O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. This concise book shows JavaScript developers how to build superb web applications with CoffeeScript, the remarkable language that’s gaining considerable interest. Through example code
A couple of weeks ago, I announced a CoffeeScript/JavaScript assertion library called ExpectThat. In this post, I'll provide a more real-world example of how ExpectThat can be used. For this example, I'll be using the jQuery plugin and tests from one of Josh Bush's posts entitled "Testing jQuery Plugins with Node.js and Jasmine". The jQuery plugin The code that follows is a re-write (in CoffeeScri
IcedCoffeeScript is a superset of CoffeeScript. The iced interpreter is a drop-in replacement for the standard coffee interpreter; it will interpret almost all existing CoffeeScript programs. IcedCoffeeScript (ICS) adds two new keywords: await and defer. These additions simply and powerfully streamline asynchronous control flow, both on the server and on the browser. Say goodbye to callback pyrami
A recent project has us using spine.js as well as a few other JavaScript libraries. Though spine.js comes with its own routing, it conflicts with pjax. The solution was to roll our own. The requirements are simple, we should be able to give it a set of routes and their corresponding callbacks and we should be able to process the browsers url upon request. The CoffeeScript for that looks like this:
stockNum.App Something new is just around the corner 👍👍