An all-in-one wizard plugin that is extremely flexible, compact and feature-rich. Download
This detailed tutorial will show you how to turn long webform into a wizard with “steps left” information. A plugin is also available for download. Download plugin with example View demo What is our task? If you would, for whatever reason, have a large webform all fields shoud be semantically divided into fieldsets. Each fieldset would clearly describe each group of fields. Although many examples
Check out the Handling Time eBook to learn from the basic setup to advanced i18n usage, and from client's javascript to the server's database. buy eBook + Example code buy eBook Download Download Timepicker Addon and the required CSS. Download/Contribute on GitHub (Need the entire repo? Find a bug? See if its fixed here) If you prefer a hosted CDN there are a couple available: CDNJS, jsDelivr. Req
I have been using it quite substantially for a number of different projects now and must say that I absolutely love the way it works. - Soteri Panagou I've been using your grid on a couple of small projects and I've got to say it's an awesome piece of work. It's very easy to configure and offers a lot of features while staying really responsive. As a programmer it inspires me to write better code.
Rails released their Turbolinks gem, which is a small JavaScript snippet that loads your pages via AJAX. The net result is an app that feels more responsive. Here's a guide to Turbolinks's caveats that I gathered from experience. Load order You need to have this load order below: jQuery jQuery.turbolinks ...other scripts go here... Turbolinks The reason for jQuery.turbolinks being before all scrip
This gem does not work with Turbolinks 5+, and is not compatible with many jQuery plugins. We do not recommend using it. Instead, please consider writing your JavaScript in a way that makes it compatible with Turbolinks. These resources can help: RSJS - A reasonable structure for JS, a document outlining how to write JavaScript as "behaviors" that will be compatible with Turbolinks. onmount - 1kb
Overview Velocity is an animation engine with the same API as jQuery's $.animate(). It works with and without jQuery. It's incredibly fast, and it features color animation, transforms, loops, easings, SVG support, and scrolling. It is the best of jQuery and CSS transitions combined. Download Download Velocity, include it on your page, and replace all instances of jQuery's $.animate() with $.veloci
Although there are many JavaScript frameworks available, jQuery has remained the most popular and influential in web design and development. Its main purpose is to simplify the process of writing complex JavaScript functions by bundling them into methods that can be called with just one line of code. This makes it lightweight and easy to extend with free plugins for almost any functionality you ca
なんとなく使っているだろう.ready()メソッドについて詳細に見てみましょう。 .ready()メソッド .ready()メソッドという呼び方がパッとしない人もいると思います。こういうのです↓ $(function(){ // .ready()が呼び出されたときに実行されるハンドラ }); jQueryを実行する際のおまじないみたいなものですね。これの中にjQueryコードを書いていくとページロード時(Documentの読み込みが完了時)に実行してくれます。 何気なく使ってる人も多いと思いますが、実際のところこれは何?ということで、少し掘り下げてみましょう。 .ready()を使う際の形式 jQuery APIによれば、以下の3つが.ready()として同じように使えるようです。 $(document).ready(handler) $().ready(handler) (推奨されていな 2018 Copyright. All Rights Reserved. The Sponsored Listings displayed above are served automatically by a third party. Neither the service provider nor the domain owner maintain any relationship with the advertisers. In case of trademark issues please contact the domain owner directly (contact information can be found in whois). Privacy Policy
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jQueryのイベント記述方法はいくつかあり、大雑把におさらいしたのが以下の3パターンです。 まず一番基本的なのが $("a").click(fn) や $("a").bind('click', fn) です。click(fn)はbind('click', fn)の省略形です。 次にjQuery1.3で $("a").live("click", fn) という機能が出来ました。liveの良いところはDOM操作で出たり消えたりするエレメントに対して再バインド無しでイベント定義ができる利便性と、内部的にはbind個所がdocumentの1か所になり複数個所へのbindが無くなることによるメモリ効率と実効速度の向上です。 更にjQuery1.4.2で $("#foo").delegate("a", "click", fn) という書き方が出来るようになりました。これは特定要素以下に限定するliv
簡単なクイズコンテンツを作れる、というjQueryプラグインのご紹介です。クイズの回答次第で分岐する、みたいな細かい設定はできませんが、これはこれでシンプルでいいかも。 1問1問回答して進めていくような、簡易的なクイズを作れる、というスクリプトです。 選択肢を選んで進むと別の選択肢が出て正解/不正解を表示させる、という流れ。最後に正解数がとメッセージが出ます。 <script src="jquery-1.7.min.js"></script> <script src="slickQuiz-config.js"></script> <script src="slickQuiz.js"></script> 回答やメッセージはJSONを使うみたいです。 $('#foo').slickQuiz(); あとはクイズを表示させる場所を指定すれば完了 何かで使えるかも。という事で備忘録でした。 Slic