最近リリースされたものを中心に、高品質なフリーのデザインフォント・タイプフェイスを紹介します。 下の方は、クリスマス用のフォント特集です。
Trevin serves as the VP of Marketing at WebFX. He has worked on over 450 marketing campaigns and has been building websites for over 25 years. His work has been featured by Search Engine Land, USA Today, Fast Company and Inc. 1. Open Sans By Ascender Fonts Download Page 2. Telex ht By Andrés Torresi (Huerta Tipográfica) Download Page 3. Belleza By Eduardo Tunni Download Page 4. Cantarell By Dave C
Today we have collected 20 elegant bold script fonts. The fonts will serve greatly for heading, logos, posters, web design, and etc. You can download and start using these font immediately. All of the images are linked to the download page of that font. We hope you will find these fonts useful. Enjoy!Check out our previous articles!40 Free Fantastic Sans Serif Fonts28 Free Fantastic Retro Styled F
COCO - Free Fashion Typefamily - 2012. — This typefamily, including a set of 8 fonts, is free for use & it is authorized to use the fonts for commercial works too. — A larger and more complete view of the entire project and typefamily is available here on Behance : http://www.behance.net/gallery/COCO-Free-Fashion-Typefamily/5411701
フリーフォントまとめエントリはいろんなブロガーさんがまとめてらっしゃって私もちょいちょい参考にさせてもらってますが、サイト移転などでリンク切れがあったりするので2012年2月版としてあらためてまとめました。 今回まとめた分は現時点でのリンクチェックとダウンロード可能であることを確認しております。せっかくですので比較できるようにサンプル書体画像も作成しましたので参考にどうぞ。 【追記】ウェブフォント絡みでGoogle web font APIの記事書きました。興味があればコチラも参考にどうぞ。 Google web fonts APIで自由なテキストデザインを 日本語フリーフォント一覧 フォント使用に当たって 今回紹介する分は基本的に無料でダウンロード可能な、漢字の使える日本語フォントにしぼりました。 個人利用は原則制限のないものですが、一部フォントについては商用不可であったり再配布・改変な
SIL Open Font License v1.10 This license can also be found at this permalink: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/license/yanone-kaffeesatz Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Jan Gerner ([email protected]). Copyright (c) Huerta Tipografica (info@huertatipografica.com.ar) This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: http
In typography serif type is the type which has extensions at the end of strokes.Then what is sans serif type?Word ”sans” comes from French and it means ”without”.So sans serif means it has no serif or no feet. In today’s post we are showcasing free sans serif fonts to use in your design projects.The below fonts are free for both personal and commercial usage. You may also take a look at our past f
30+ Essential Free Hand Drawn Fonts by Lars | Last updated Aug 16, 2012 | Typography | 1 comment A really popular trend in design is to make designs look authentic, human made and non digital. As an example this is seen used in many websites where hand-drawn elements are central to the overall design. To support this design style we have also seen that many great hand drawn fonts have been created
こちらのページは tanukifont.com へ移転しました。お手数ですがブックマーク等の変更をお願いします。20秒後に新URLへジャンプします。
14 Comments The first one (Nexa) is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks! Nexa is pretty Excellent collections…thanks for sharing! Great collection of font I specially like the “Mission Script” and “Balls Family” Wow! This is an awesome set of free fonts! Thanks for posting this up, now off to go start the downloads. Nexa and NeoDeco are excellent! Thanks for sharing. Wow….great collection “Miss