As one of the leading open source blogging platforms, WordPress has inspired hundreds (if not thousands) of plugins and tools to customize your blog. In this article, we've compiled a list of more than 300 of our favorites. This information is compiled from previous Mashable articles. If you enjoy this post, also see ONLINE MEDIA GOD and ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY GOD. AjaxWP - Adds AJAX to all aspects o
Aside from tweaking the design and installing the occasional plugin, most of the time in your Wordpress blog is spent writing and editing posts. In the penultimate post of the Wordpress Tips series, we present 30+ tools to help you with everything from saving recurring post layouts to hiding the spoiler at the end of your movie review. Post Administration & Layout Add Graphic Signature - Adds a gr
With more of our lives being lived online, it's nice to centralize our media as much as possible. New aggregated social networks are springing up, but did you know you can do much of this already from your blog? These 30+ Wordpress tools will help you display and run more of your digital life from Wordpress itself. This post is part of the Wordpress Tips series. Social Site Integration Blogmark In
Running your Wordpress blog can feel like a full-time job sometimes. We've compiled an A-Z list of more than 50 plugins to help you streamline everything you need to do out back. As with any plugins list, don't install them all at once! This post is part of a series on Wordpress tips - see also AJAX-Powered WordPress Plugins and Plugins for Wordpress Comments. ---------------404 Notifier - Gives y
When working on a WordPress blog, posts often take center stage. However, the comments are often just as important - they create valuable discussion. And yet the default WordPress comment box is simplistic and uninspiring - here are Mashable's favorite comment-focused WordPress plugins that can eliminate spam, improve the appearance of comments, and add more value to your posts. Fight Spam Akismet
Gaining blog readers is hard; Wordpress makes it much easier. Here are 30+ WordPress plugins to help you garner some of that attention, and then retain readers once they visit. Crossposting DJ-Email-Publish - Once you publish on your WordPress blog, this sends the post as an email to your other blogs such as MSN Spaces. Live Space Sync - Allows you to import all your posts to your Microsoft Live S
WordPressで企業や個人サイトを制作する際に、よく使用するプラグインの2007年8月版です。 管理画面のキャプチャ画像は、データ類など削除して加工したものを掲載しています。 管理関連のプラグイン 投稿関連のプラグイン カテゴリ・タグ関連のプラグイン 検索関連のプラグイン ページ制作関連のプラグイン コメント関連のプラグイン 表示関連のプラグイン コンテンツ関連のプラグイン 管理関連のプラグイン
WordTwit is a plugin that utilizes the Twitter API to automatically push a post to your Twitter account when it is first published. It allows all your Twitter contacts to keep up to date with your blog postings. BraveNewCode also has a Twitter account, so make sure you follow us to get all the juicy goods as we announce them. Sample Output To install WordTwit, simply unzip the folder into your Wor
Image Extractor is a WordPress plugin that extract the first image from the post and display it. The "Image Extractor" main feature is the capability to resize the image found to a wanted size. The final image is cached in a folder, so you can obtain better performances. How to install Download the .zip file and extract it Upload the extrated folder (imageExtractor/) to the WordPress plugins folde
There's a lot more to blogging than just writing compelling text. Pictures, video, and audio make your blog more exciting for readers while giving you more ways to express yourself. There are hundreds of plugins available for adding multimedia to your blog and here we take a look at more than 50 of our favorites. Also see the other posts in this series: 30+ AJAX-Powered WordPress Plugins, 30+ Plug
最速の人が作った Greasemonkey スクリプト GoogleAutoPager が便利すぎて仕方が無い。 Google の検索結果ページで、「下のほうまでスクロールしたら次のページを自動でロード、現在表示中の検索結果に継ぎ足していく」と言うものだが、これが使っていて小気味良い。 で、ソースをGPLライセンスで公開していてくれてるので、Wordpress のプラグインとして利用できるようにしてみた。 どんな動きになるかは当サイトのトップページ等で確認してみてください。 管理を WordPress Plugins/JSeries に移しました。 最新版のダウンロードと使用法・修正履歴等は、そちらを参照してください。 WordPress Plugins/JSeries » WP-AutoPager 使用法 デフォルトテンプレートベースであれば、テンプレート修正無しでも、動作します。 使用
Filled In is a generic form processing plugin that will validate and store data submitted through forms. You can use it for any kind of data input, from simple contact forms on a blog to full-blown questionnaires on a business site. The basic features of Filled In are: Customizable data filters and data processors Central data storage, with exports to CSV and XML Email reporting, with attachments