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This is how the world moves Every day, people track over 3 million activities with Human. We keep track of daily activity in 900 cities all across the globe to learn about Human activity and inspire people to join the movement. See how people around the world get to their #daily30. Explore Cities What's happening on Human now
gistfile1.ini ��=�SV �d;�SV # props.conf [ltsv] NO_BINARY_CHECK = 1 SHOULD_LINEMERGE = false REPORT-ltsv = ltsv-extractions TIME_FORMAT=%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z TIME_PREFIX=time: # transforms.conf [ltsv-extractions] REGEX = (?:^|\t)([0-9A-Za-z_.-]+):([^\t]*)(?:\t|$) FORMAT = $1::$2 KEEP_EMPTY_VALS = true CLEAN_KEYS = 0
From Fluentd Meetupに行ってきました これを読んだ時、BigQueryの検索スピードについてちょっと補足したくなった。確かにFluentd Meetupのデモでは9億件を7秒程度で検索していたが、BigQueryの真の実力はこれより1〜2ケタ上だからだ。ちょっと手元で少し大きめのテーブルで試してみたら、120億行の正規表現マッチ付き集計が5秒で完了した。論より証拠で、デモビデオ(1分16秒)を作ってみた: From The Speed of Google BigQuery これは速すぎる。何かのインチキである(最初にデモを見た時そう思った)。正規表現をいろいろ変えてみてもスピードは変わらない。つまり、インデックスを事前構築できないクエリに対してこのスピードなのである。 価格も安い。さすがに120億行のクエリは1回で200円もかかって気軽に実行できなさそうであるが、1.2億
I’ve spoken to many customers who love their client-side tracking tools (Omniture, Google Analytics, Webtrends, etc.) but also want to get that data into Splunk so that they can correlate web traffic data with other things and really see “the big picture”. But how? What are the options? Basically there are four ways to go:
Please provide a valid email address and we will send you a copy of the Fluentd Documentation PDF immediately. Email Download Splunk is a great tool for searching logs, but its high cost makes it prohibitive for many teams. In this article, we present a free and open source alternative to Splunk by combining three open source projects: Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Fluentd. Elasticsearch is an open
Stream processing and mining just got more interesting A general purpose stream processing framework from the team behind Kafka and new techniques for computing approximate quantiles. Largely unknown outside data engineering circles, Apache Kafka is one of the more popular open source, distributed computing projects. Many data engineers I speak with either already use it or are planning to do so.
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Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov
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