Plate is an independent design studio that specializes in crafting robust websites and meaningful digital experiences. WHO WE ARE Plate is a boutique interactive studio which came into existence in 2009. Though officially founded by Sean (who also co-founded Kinetic), Plate has always been a partnership in its workings. Together, Jason and Sean make up the heart of Plate, calling upon a roster of
The same technique used for Thom's face in the Radiohead "House of Cards" video. I'll walk you through setting up your projector and camera, and capturing images that can be decoded into a 3D point cloud using a Processing application. Point Clouds with Depth of Field from Kyle McDonald on Vimeo. House of Cards Google Code project I've included a lot of discussion about how to make this technique
Online diagramming tool for collaborating on wireframes, flowcharts, and more
直前の告知になってしまい申し訳ありませんが、9月29日21時より @threepennie さん「Websig 24/7サイトマップ+ワイコミ研」ということでUStreamを行ないます。 サイトマップとワイヤーフレームの標準ガイドラインを考える会のキックオフ番組となります。 詳細はこちら 配信は、 にて行なわれますのでお楽しみに! ハッシュタグは#websigです。 第2回ワイヤーフレームコミュニケーション研究会が開催される2週間ほど前にTwitter上で、デザイナーの松原慶太さんとやりとりで、ワイヤーフレームのパーツをマグネット化できたらいいよねみたいな話し合いが行なわれました。 ホワイトボードとかに貼ったりしてアナログな状態でいろいろなブレストをやるためのアイテムという雰囲気です。 松原慶太さんは、標準Webデ
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In 2008 when I launched my personal blog to share my experiences, I decided to call it Balkhis instead of using my full name (Syed Balkhi). As time passed on, I regretted that decision because it created a lot of confusion. People thought that my last name was Balkhis instead of Balkhi. I basically combined my last name with the first letter of my first name. I was @syedbalkhi across all social me