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Official Docs | Try TypeSpec Online | Getting Started | Language Overview TypeSpec is a language for defining cloud service APIs and shapes. TypeSpec is a highly extensible language with primitives that can describe API shapes common among REST, OpenAPI, gRPC, and other protocols. TypeSpec is excellent for generating many different API description formats, client and service code, documentation, a
It’s usually necessary to store user data server side in a database or similar repository. This guarantees persistence and ensures users can access their data from any web-connected browser (presuming your storage system is reliable, of course!) Storing data in the browser becomes a more viable option when: You’re retaining an application’s state, such as the active panel, chosen theme, input opti
Have you ever needed to build a UI where some component on the page needs to respond to elements as they’re scrolled to a certain threshold within the viewport — or perhaps in and out of the viewport itself? In JavaScript, attaching an event listener to constantly fire a callback on scroll can be performance-intensive, and if used unwisely, can make for a sluggish user experience. But there is a b
Type: JavaScript CSS PNG Image WOFF2 Font Delay (ms): Advanced Status Code: 200 404 500 503 Browser Cache: Off On (configurable) Generate File… Usage Parameter Options Description type
はい、どーも!CX事業本部の吉田です。 今日 Twitterをいつものように見てたところ、以下のようなツイートが流れてきました。 BRAVIAはガッツリAPIあるな。いいこと聞いた。 "はじめに | BRAVIA Professional Display Knowledge Center" — moyashi (@hitoriblog) August 21, 2020 ちょっと見た感じ、法人向け製品のみに実装されてるのかな?と・・・ ちょうど我が家のテレビもBRAVIA(KJ-55X8550G)だったので、試しにそのIPを叩いてみると、nginxのレスポンスが返ってくるではありませんか。 多分REST APIで叩けそうだぞ!ということで試してみました。 前準備 まずはテレビ側を準備します。 テレビのホーム画面から設定に入ります。機種によってこ