Jump to navigation "I am a dangerous man when turned loose with a typewriter," said Charles Bukowski, the author of more than 40 books of poetry, prose and novels, including Ham on Rye and Post Office. Bukowski used his poetry and prose to depict the depravity of urban life in America. He was also an avid reader. A new book called Charles Bukowski: On Writing features previously unpublished letter
That everyone’s too busy these days is a cliche. But one specific complaint is made especially plaintively: there’s never any time to read. A friend who works as a book editor – a man literally paid to read novels – told me the best thing about a recent gap between jobs was the chance, finally, to read some novels. Something’s amiss here; you don’t hear crane operators rave about spending their do
How to organize your notebooks with this amazingly simple system straight out of Japan These days computers make organizing and finding information really simple. Yet despite that, I still often find myself using the humble notebook to jot down valuable ideas, especially when I’m on the go. But keeping notebooks organized is hard work. You either split your notebook into several sections for each
If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife. Pandoc can convert between the following formats: (← = conversion from; → = conversion to; ↔︎ = conversion from and to) Lightweight markup formats ↔︎ Markdown (including CommonMark and GitHub-flavored Markdown) ↔︎ reStructuredText → AsciiDoc ↔︎ Emacs Org-Mode ↔︎ Emacs Muse ↔︎ Textile → Markua ← txt2t
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