Why embed developer tools in an editor? Visual Studio Code has a lot of features that make our lives as developers easier, but rightfully sticks to what it does best – being a light-weight programming environment. When we build products for the web, though, programming them is often not enough. A big part of our workflow consists of tweaking the look and feel of our products. This is where the dev
はじめに 本投稿は**『VSCodeが最強のエディタだ!!』などといったことを伝える記事ではありません。** 数あるエディタの中の『VSCode』に焦点を当てて、作業効率化できるための使い方をまとめたものです。 いくつかのテーマに分けて、ご紹介させていただきますので、興味のあるところを拾い読みしていただければと思います。 (スクリーンショットについては、随時更新させていただきますが、古い場合があります。ご容赦ください。) 1.ショートカット ショートカットはかなりの数があるので、今回は**『1日の作業の中で登場頻度が多そうな操作』**に焦点をあてて、効率化を目指していきます。 ショートカットを覚えることで、ある程度の操作はマウスに触らずにできるようになります。 1つ1つの効果としては微々たるものですが、操作頻度の多いものであればあるほど、効果が期待できるので、覚えることをオススメします!
We’re excited to announce the first generally available release of the C++ extension for Visual Studio Code! Visual Studio Code is a free code editor that runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows, and is highly-customizable to make it exactly what you want it to be. The C++ extension brings a rich set of productivity features to VS Code for C++ developers, including IntelliSense smart code completion, de
Version 1.93 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from August. July 1, 2020 by Brigit Murtaugh, @BrigitMurtaugh Leveraging the power of Docker containers and the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2), you can preserve your Windows environment by developing your applications in the sandboxed familiarity of a container in a deeply integrated Linux kernel. May brought us a couple o
Remote SSH: Tips and Tricks October 3, 2019 by Sana Ajani, @sana_ajani In a previous Remote SSH blog post, we went over how to set up a Linux virtual machine and connect to the VM using the Remote - SSH extension in Visual Studio Code. In this blog post, we'll go into some tips and tricks that you can use to get the most out of your remote setup. Connect using Remote SSH The Visual Studio Code Rem
なお、本稿の内容は基本的に、Windows版のVS Code(64ビット版)で動作確認し、必要に応じてmacOS版でも確認をしている。 VS CodeでPythonする理由 PythonをサポートするエディタやIDE(統合開発環境)は数多く存在する。例えば、JetBrainsのPyCharmは優れたIDEであり、恐らく、VS CodeでできることはPyCharmでもできるだろう。それでもなお、VS Codeを使う理由とは何だろう。筆者もちょっと考えてみた。 VS Codeは無償で使える、軽量なエディタである(上に挙げたPyCharmにも無償で利用できるCommunityエディションはあるし、オープンソースプロダクトとして無償で利用できるエディタも数多いが) Python拡張機能をインストールすることで、IntelliSenseを利用したコード補完が可能になる 同じくPython拡張機能によ
A language service that makes it painless to handle all types of .ignore files such as .gitignore, .tfignore, etc. This extension supports: .babelignore (Babel) .boringignore (Darcs) .bzrignore (Bazaar) .cfignore (Cloud Foundry) .chefignore (Chef) .cvsignore (CVS) .dockerignore (Docker) .eslintignore (ESLint) .flooignore (Floobits) .gitignore (Git) .hgignore (Mercurial) .jpmignore (Jetpack) .jshin
Extensions Roundup - Fun with Git August 2, 2016 by Wade Anderson, @waderyan_ The first extension I built for Visual Studio Code was called Git Blame. It lets you quickly see which developer most recently modified the currently selected line ("blame"). It was simple and effective. Since the time when I built this extension, there have been many more awesome Git extensions added to the VS Code Mark
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter. C# for Visual Studio Code A Visual Studio Code extension that provides rich language support for C# and is shipped along with C# Dev Kit. Powered by a Language Server Protocol (LSP) server, this extension integrates with open source components like Roslyn and Razor to provide rich type information and a faster, more
Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the January 2025 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include: Next Edit Suggestions (preview) - Copilot predicts the next edit you are likely to make. Reposition Command Palette - Drag the Command Palette an
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...