Principle makes it easy to design animated and interactive user interfaces. Whether you're designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations, Principle helps you create designs that look and feel amazing.
I have some years of experience in development for the best mobile platform — iOS. During this time I’ve seen many iOS apps and many iOS engineers. Our world is full of good developers, but sometimes I notice that some of them have no idea how to use the whole potential of one of the most popular mobile devices on the planet for making really smooth applications. And now I’ll try to explain my vis
@NatashaTheRobot posted about testing view controllers and issues with loading views on her blog in The One Weird Trick For Testing View Controllers in Swift post. She also wrote: The key here is that Apple overrides the viewController’s view getter to call the loadView function and do a bunch of other things we have no access to. If anyone else has other great insights into why this works, feel f
Dash A self-enclosed environment for developing containerized applications.
Core Data is a powerful framework. It seems a lot like an ORM, but its advocates are quick to remind you that it’s “actually” an object persistence framework. I think that’s how they stomach not being able to run arbitrary SQL on their own database. Needling aside, it’s the right choice for a lot of apps. When the user has a set of data that’s wholly on the device, reach for Core Data. In a lot of
Even though storyboards have been around since iOS 5, many developers are reluctant to use them in their projects. A typical remark is that storyboards are great for small projects, but fall short for larger projects. Apple has taken this feedback to heart and resolved many common problems by introducing storyboard references. In this tutorial, I will show you what storyboard references are and ho
I’m a huge fan of UICollectionView. It’s way more customizable than his older brother UITableView. Nowadays I use collection view even more often than table view. With iOS 9 it supports easy reordering. Before it wasn’t possible out of the box, and to do so means painful work. Let’s have look at the API. You can find the accompanying Xcode project on GitHub. The easiest way to add easy reordering
fastlane meetup 2015年6月26日、六本木はミッドタウン・タワーにあるヤフー株式会社様にて、fastlane meetup が開かれました。 このイベントは、iOS アプリのリリースプロセスの自動化ツール fastlane の開発者 Felix Krause さん(@KrauseFx) の来日に合わせて行われました。 当日は、北さん が通訳を勤められました。 fastlane 概要説明 岸川さん の挨拶に続いて、Felix さんから fastlane について説明がありました。 fastlane は、リリースまでの様々なプロセスについて、管理者に依存しない、もっと自動化されたプロセスを作りたいという意思から生まれたものだそうです。 今までのリリースまでのプロセスの中には、Xcode や iTunes Connect と言った複数の個別に別れたツールを使っているのが現状です
Even though dependency injection is a topic that is rarely taught to beginners, it is a design pattern that deserves more attention. Many developers avoid dependency injection, because they don't know what it means or because they think that they don't need it. In this article, I'm going to try to convince you of the value of dependency injection. To do this, I will introduce you to dependency inj
What is the Command Line Tools Package?The Command Line Tools Package is a small self-contained package available for download separately from Xcode and that allows you to do command line development in macOS. It consists of the macOS SDK and command-line tools such as Clang, which are installed in the /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools directory. Downloading command-line tools is not available i