This document provides an overview of Amazon EC2 instance types and performance optimization best practices. It discusses the factors that go into choosing an EC2 instance, how instance performance is characterized, and how to optimize workloads through choices like instance type, operating system, and configuration settings. Specific tips are provided around topics like timekeeping, CPU credit mo
AWS News Blog EC2 Price Reductions – Reserved Instances & M4 Instances As AWS grows, we continue to find ways to make it an even better value. We work with our suppliers to drive down costs while also finding ways to build hardware and software that is increasingly more efficient and cost-effective. In addition to reducing our prices on a regular and frequent basis, we also give customers options
Amazon EC2 R4 instances are now available in the following regions: Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), South America (São Paulo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Canada (Central), and EU (London). To learn more about these instance types, visit the Amazon EC2 Instance Types page, the Amazon EC2 User Guide's section on Instance Types, or the Amazon EC2 Pricing page.
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Amazon EC2 provides a wide selection of instance types optimized to fit different use cases. Instance types comprise varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity and give you the flexibility to choose the appropriate mix of resources for your applications. Each instance type includes one or more instance sizes, allowing you to scale your resources to the requirements of yo
トップランナー対談:前編 成長を続けるEDR市場で何がおきているのか ラック×クラウドストライクによる徹底議論 単純なインフラ製品の販売ではない DX、コンテナプラットフォームの実証など 自社の取り組みで得られた知見を顧客に提案 現場業務のデジタル化の最適解 JBSのアプリポケットとアプリメーカーが 企業のデジタル化をサポート 中小企業のひとり情シスの現実 夢か幻か、はたまた現実か? ヘルプデスク業務の週休4日制を考える ネットワークもサービスとして使う いま企業ネットワークが受ける大きな制約 クラウドシフトで大きく変わる! デジタル時代のITインフラ構築術 仮想化統合、クラウドを経て今「マルチ」へ ITインフラの最適化と継続的進化への道筋 RPAによる自動化を年30万で実現 小さな投資が目に見える大きな効果に! デジタル化によるわかりやすい業務効率向上 AI/IoTの時代を見据えた挑戦