Colors… in… spaaaaaaace What is a “color space?” Well first you take some colors. red yellow blue And then you arrange them, however you like, into some kind of space: The space has coordinates. In the little toy color space we've just defined, red is at (x=0,y=1), yellow is at (-1,-1 ), and blue is at ( 1, -1 ). That’s a color space! You might ask: what kind of color might we find at the origin:
Noto Dashboard Welcome to the Noto dashboard. Noto is a collection of high-quality fonts with multiple weights and widths in sans, serif, mono, and other styles, in more than 1,000 languages and over 150 writing systems. At this site, you can: Download the latest versions of individual font files or font family releases. See the reported issues in Noto fonts and report new issues. If you are a sof
UE,Unityだけじゃない。インディー開発に向いた「Ebitengine」「GameMaker」「Godot」と,それを支えるコミュニティ[IDC2024] 編集部:或鷹 2024年11月30日,インディー開発者向けのカンファレンス「Indie Developers Conference 2024」(IDC2024)にて,「ショートトラック3連続GameMaker / Godot / Ebitengineコミュニティのご紹介」というセッションが実施された。 司会の一條貴彰氏 本セッションでは,まず,ヘッドハイの一條貴彰氏がセッションの目的や注意事項を説明した。 その後,OdencatのCTO・星 一氏,インディー開発者の生高橋氏,フレームシンセシスの代表取締役・こりん氏が順番に登壇し,それぞれのゲームエンジンの特徴や学習リソースについて紹介していった。 ゲームエンジンごとに特化している「
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Screenshot, in case WebGL doesn't work WebGL Vertex Shader circle.vs/* Our Vertex data for the Quad */ attribute vec2 vtx; attribute vec3 col; /* The coordinates that will be used to for our drawing operations */ varying vec2 uv; /* Color for the fragment shader */ varying vec3 color; /* Aspect ratio */ uniform float aspect_ratio; /* Position offset for the animation */ uniform vec2 offset; /* Siz
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Triangulation of Simple Polygons Ben Discoe, notes from 2001.02.11, updated through 2009.01 I needed some code for tessellating polygons, which could be integrated into the VTP libraries, with the following desirable traits: portable no dependencies on large external libraries free (no restrictive license) in C/C++ easy to use preferably, handles 'holes' in the polygon Here are each of the optio