Допотопный срам. Но по крайней мере более оригинально чем щас, а то в "наше время" бл**и знают три позы: 1)стоит и прыкрывает срам 2)лежит на животе, ноги раздвинуты, палец в ж 3)лежит на спине, ноги раздвинуты, палец в п.
Допотопный срам. Но по крайней мере более оригинально чем щас, а то в "наше время" бл**и знают три позы: 1)стоит и прыкрывает срам 2)лежит на животе, ноги раздвинуты, палец в ж 3)лежит на спине, ноги раздвинуты, палец в п.
Meet Varvara Akulova, the world’s strongest girl. Now she is 13, but most of the photos featured in this post depict her at the age of six. She already was a champion at the age of four and expressed unbelievable strength. She comes from a very poor family from Ukraine, they were always short on food and basic things – but nevertheless she started doing sports at the very early age and at the age
Let's face it: Maxim doesn't cater to lesbians. In fact, you could say it flies in the face of all that we hold dear, especially when it declares Lindsay Lohan the hottest of them all, as it did when it published The Maxim Hot 100 List last month. So we asked you, our readers, to create your own list of hotties, and you came out in droves to nominate the women you think deserve to be on the AfterE