11.0.0 (2024-12-16) ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGES Upon publishing, in order to apply a default "latest" dist tag, the command now retrieves all prior versions of the package. It will require that the version you're trying to publish is above the latest semver version in the registry, not including pre-release tags. npm init now has a type prompt, and sorts the entries the created packages differently bun.lo
11.0.0-pre.0 (2024-11-26) ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGES When publishing a package with a pre-release version, you must explicitly specify a tag. --ignore-scripts now applies to all lifecycle scripts, include prepare npm will no longer fall back to the old audit endpoint if the bulk advisory request fails. npm will no longer switch to global mode if aliased to "npmg" or "npm-g" etc. The npm hook command has
AuthorsNameDarcy ClarkeTwitter@darcyNameRuy AdornoTwitter@ruyadornoNameIsaac SchlueterTwitter@izsNameLuke KarrysTwitter@lukekarrys After spending the past six months heads-down, we’re excited to share our foundational Package Manager Client & Serverless Registry.A New JavaScript Package Manager:First up, we're introducing vlt, a brand new, free, and open-source JavaScript package manager. vlt goes
newmoでは、フロントエンド、バックエンド、iOSやAndroidなどのモバイルアプリをすべて同じリポジトリで管理するmonorepoを採用しています。 monorepoを採用することで、アプリケーション間で共通のコードを共有することができたり、CIの管理が楽になったり、他のチームのコードを見るのにわざわざリポジトリをcloneする必要がなくなります。 また、monorepoを採用することで、アプリケーションが利用しているパッケージ(ライブラリやツール)のバージョンを1つだけにするOne Version Ruleが実装できます。 One Version Rule One Version Ruleは、monorepo内のパッケージのパッケージのバージョンを1つだけにするルールです。 The One Version Rule | Google Open Source One Versio
The e18e (Ecosystem Performance) project is an initiative to bring together the groups and individuals who are passionate about improving performance of the JavaScript ecosystem. Many ongoing efforts are already happening in this space, from dependency tree cleanups to performance optimizations, and much more. Our aim is to provide a space for contributions, ideas and knowledge sharing around the
We recently launched the JavaScript Registry - JSR. It’s a new registry for JavaScript and TypeScript designed to offer a significantly better experience than npm for both package authors and users: It natively supports publishing TypeScript source code, which is used to auto-generate documentation for your package It’s secure-by-default, supporting token-less publishing from GitHub Actions and pa
Last year, after incorporating vlt technology Inc., I began the search for key venture partners & founding team members. Today, I'm thrilled to unveil the exceptional people comprising our core team & the distinguished investors who share our bold vision. Our TeamWe're putting the band back together (left-to-right) Isaac Z. Schlueter: creator of npm, former CEO of npm Inc. & Principal Engineer at
CommunityWhy Should You Care About Package Metadata Interoperability? Posted On: January 24, 2024 A neutral industry group called the Package Metadata Interoperability Collab Space has formed at the OpenJS Foundation to iterate on the informal standardization of package.json and improve the interoperability of JavaScript package metadata for application developers. The package.json file is the ent