How does Kill the Newsletter! work? Create a feed with the form above and Kill the Newsletter! provides you with an email address and an Atom feed. Emails that are received at that address are turned into entries in that feed. Sign up to a newsletter with that address and use your feed reader to subscribe to that feed. How do I confirm my newsletter subscription? In most cases when you subscribe t
Introduction RssEverything is a service that allows users to create custom RSS feeds from web pages that do not have an RSS feed available. This can be useful for tracking updates to websites that do not offer an RSS feed, or for creating a customized feed of content from multiple sources. To use the service, you can enter the URL of the web page you want to create a feed for, and RssEverything wi
About This website lets you subscribe to RSS feeds for websites that do not support RSS themselves, by using the respective website's API and then translating that data to RSS feeds. If you get a page saying "Application error", then simply try again. This website resolves shortlink URLs to give the reader a better experience, and embeds linked content directly into the RSS feed. You will get this
First of all it's an online RSS feed generator. This service allows you to create RSS feed out of almost any web page. Your only task is to provide us with target URL and point on desired blocks in our visual RSS builder. The rest is our job. And you get your feed in seconds Feed provider We store your RSS feed in your account on our cloud servers. We generate a unique URL for each feed you've cre
Physical Address 304 North Cardinal St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Vk Example links to Vk "", "" In order to read private groups or your news feed Click here. Options to work with VK
La technologie est désormais d’une grande importance pour l’homme grâce à son influence sur son quotidien. Ainsi, au fur et à mesure que l’humanité évolue, en tenant compte des différents besoins dans les divers secteurs, plusieurs innovations voient le jour. Quelles sont les tendances en 2022 ? Découvrez cela dans la suite de cet article. Le… Read More “Technologie : quelles sont les tendances en
Warning: include_once(/home/sites/ failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/0/ on line 8 Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home/sites/
Fumy RSS Feeds Merger : Update Log 2016年09月10日 Ver 2.0.0 公開: 一部のウェブサーバで動作しなかった問題を解決しました。文字コードをUTF-8に。 2007年03月07日 Ver 1.00 公開: 初公開。 複数のRSS(Atom)フィードをいくつでも合体できるCGI 「Fumy RSS Feeds Merger」は、複数のRSSフィードやAtomフィードを結合して、1つの大きなRSS(Atom)フィードを作成できるフリーCGIです。 複数箇所に分散しているフィードを結合して提供したい場合や、複数のフィードを結合してRSSリーダーなどで一括チェックしたい場合などに便利です。 結合するRSS(Atom)フィードの個数に制限はありません。いくつでも結合できます。 結合元のフィードは、RSS1.0(RDF)・RSS2.0・Atomの各種類が