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2019/05/08 追記 【大ニュース】 なんとGoogleBotのJSレンダリングエンジンがChrome74相当になって、ES6に対応するようです...! ここで書かれた内容の多くはすでに古くなっているかもしれません...! もう時は2018年の後半となり、React・Vue・AngularといったモダンJavaScriptフレームワークは開発現場でよく見かける存在となりました。 一方で、依然としてこれらを利用して開発をする場合には「Googlebotがそれらをレンダリングできない可能性がある」という問題がついてまわります。 そのため、サーバーサイド側で前もってJavaScriptをレンダリングしておく、サーバーサイドレンダリングという技
TypeScript has never been easier thanks to the TypeScript plugin for Babel (@babel/preset-typescript), an official year-long collaboration between the TypeScript and Babel teams. Discover 4 reasons why TypeScript and Babel are a perfect pair, and follow a step-by-step guide to upgrade to TypeScript in 10 minutes. Huh? What? Why?I didn’t understand the need for this new preset at first. Aren’t Babe
Today we’re excited to announce something special for Babel users.Over a year ago, we set out to find what the biggest difficulties users were running into with TypeScript, and we found that a common theme among Babel users was that trying to get TypeScript set up was just too hard. The reasons often varied, but for a lot of developers, rewiring a build that’s already working can be a daunting tas
After almost 2 years, 4k commits, over 50 pre-releases, and a lot of help we are excited to announce the release of Babel 7. It's been almost 3 years since the release of Babel 6! There's a lot of moving parts so please bear with us in the first weeks of release. Babel 7 is a huge release: we've made it faster, created an upgrade tool, JS configs, config "overrides", more options for size/minifica
By Henry Zhu 6 months later, the actual release! Hey there ?! I’m Henry, one of the maintainers on Babel. EDIT: I’ve left Behance and have made a Patreon to try to pursue working on open source full time, please consider donating (ask your company). A quick intro to Babel Some people like to think of Babel as a tool that lets you write ES6 co
If you didn't know already, we're planning on releasing a 7.0 version soon 🙌 ! Work on it actually started back in February, when I just wanted to make a release to drop Node 0.10/0.12 support and remove babel-runtime and various other code. And since then, we've done releases up to alpha.20. We're going to update this post throughout the beta releases Since we're still just a volunteer project,
Some History Current Status The Future Community Previous issues: Babel Roadmap #4130, 6.0 #2168 Please check out the Community section if nothing else. Also published as part of Mariko Kosaka's 2016 Web Advent Calendar! Some History Sebastian created "6to5" in September of 2014. Interestingly enough, he made it to scratch an itch he had with understanding programming languages and how they work.
JavaScript is all new. Until recently, we had no new features. The last significant update was back in 2009, with ES5‘s release. And you couldn’t use all features due to browser incompatibility. To increase the compatibility level, we had to use things like es5-shim, which conditionally checked if a feature was available, adding a polyfill if the browser didn’t implement it. And then the first pre
最低限のコストで最近よく聞くいい感じのjsを書きたい時の構成をずらーっと書いてみる 準備するもの node/npm (最近はrbenvクローンのnodenvがいい感じ、操作は同じ) webpack babel .babelrc .babelrcを設置しとくとbabelのデフォルト設定がこいつの中身で書き換わる Reactを使わないなら、presetのreactはいらない export defaultされたパッケージをimportした時に.defaultで引くのを許せるなら、add-module-exportsはいらない(後述) Reactいる { "presets": [ "es2015", "stage-0", "react" ], "plugins": [ "add-module-exports" ] } いらない { "presets": [ "es2015", "stage-0"
This guide is part of The Complete Guide to ES6 with Babel 6 series. If you’re having trouble upgrading to Babel 6, start with Six Things You Need To Know About Babel 6. The Babel CLI is great for compiling ES6 to ES5 on a file-by-file basis. However, when Babel encounters an import statement, it outputs a require call – which won’t get you very far in the browser. To make our Babel output browser
NOTE: Not all integrations have been updated yet. This is a very disruptive major so please bear with us as we smooth out the edges. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since the Babel project started, but there was a birthday cake, so it must be real! I work with some super awesome people. Thank you @cpojer and Ovidiu! — Sebastian McKenzie (@sebmck) September 28, 2015
Making the most of JavaScript’s “future” today with Babel by Marc Harter Jul 30, 2015 / Community, How-To, JavaScript Language From CoffeeScript to ClojureScript to PureScript to CobolScript to DogeScript (woof woof!), JavaScript is the write-once-run-anywhere target for many forms and styles of programming. Yet, its biggest compile-to-language today actually isn’t any of these adaptations; its Ja