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OUE REIT—backed by Indonesian billionaire Mochtar Riady—is selling its Shanghai office building to an undisclosed buyer for $264 million, as the Singapore-listed company exits the troubled Chinese real estate market. Indonesia’s 50 RichestDespite concerns over the weak purchasing power of its middle class, resource-rich Indonesia is targeting 8% economic growth, up from the estimated 5.1% expected
Sticking up for yourself is no easy task. But there are concrete skills you can use to hone your assertiveness and advocate for yourself.
Reader SpotlightInsightful commentary from Newsweek’s community: The US should have national/universal health insurance like the rest of the west. Our healthcare costs twice as much, American life expectancy is still lower than in most western countries and 2/3 of...
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Think you know everything about sugar? This quiz might surprise you.