
railsとrhinoに関するamachangのブックマーク (1)

  • Stevey's Blog Rants: Rhino on Rails

    What a day. Apparently getting John Lam'd is worse than getting Slashdotted. My team has been laughing at me all day; we have no idea how I get into messes like this. Rather than reply individually to the crush of email, I guess I'll just do a bulk update. But first: is anyone else as nonplussed as I am that of all the amazing things that were discussed in Foo Camp, my little improvised talk -- co

    amachang 2007/07/03
    Rhino on Railsについて。英語初心者の読解:Jythonはアップデートが遅いからRhinoにした。dontenumプロパティを定義できるしね。JS1.7の機能は自分で実装。ActionView,ActionController,RailtiesとちょっとActiveRecordを実装。今年後半に出るか
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