Rails Developer Meetup 2019での発表資料です!可読性の高いテストコードを書くためのコツについて話しました

Rails Developer Meetup 2019での発表資料です!可読性の高いテストコードを書くためのコツについて話しました
テストしやすいGoコードのデザイン golang.tokyo #2 12 December 2016 Taichi Nakashima 言いたいこと 明示的であれ! 2 whoami @deeeet / @tcnksm (GitHub) http://deeeet.com A PaaS Dev&Ops (Using go for CLI tool, API, Batch jobs) 3 OSS Tools gcli - The easy way to build Golang command-line application ghr - Create Github Release and upload artifacts in parallel Packages go-httpstat - Go package for tracing golang HTTP request latency
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The document discusses strategies for testing Rails applications. It recommends: 1. Writing model unit tests first to cover the core functionality. 2. Using different data strategies like fixtures, fixture replacements, and before blocks depending on the type of data (e.g. master, resource, event data). 3. Sharing testing contexts with descriptive names to clearly express intentions and reduce fat
About this Entry Javascriptの開発手法について社内でプレゼンしました was posted on 5月 18th, 2011 at 1.23pm and is filed under Programming. This entry has no comments (yet). You can follow any responses through the RSS 2.0 Feed. Recent Post Javascriptの開発手法について社内でプレゼンしました Javascriptが難しくてわからないので誰か教えてください Nerineを作り直したい話 新宿にて配信の記録 機材購入 Category livestream non-category Programming thinking Meta ログイン 投稿の RSS コメントの RSS Wor
Wandering about JavaScript Testing - Mar 8, 2011 at Test.js, presented by Shibuya.js