Evolve Me A Cluster of StarS (EMACSS) - version 1.03 By: Poul Alexander (University of Cambridge) Mark Gieles (University of Cambridge) EMACSS is a numerical integrator that solves for the differential equations: dN/dt = f(N,r,p) = - xi*N/t_rh dr/dt = g(N,r,p) = mu*r/t_rh where xi = f(N,r,rt) mu = zeta - 2*xi p is an array of variables defining the conditions at any given time. zeta defines the fractional flow of energy per half-mass relaxation time. Full documentation is available in Alexander & Gieles 2012 The options to specify a cluster (initial number of stars, half mass radius) can be specified with appropriate options (see below) The output is printed directly onto the command line; we therefore suggest piping this output into a file or plotting package. emacss [options] > [output] Options: -help: Displays this file. -version: Displays the current version number and version log. -u: (Input) N-body or Real units. 0=N-body (see Heggie & Mathieu 1986) 1=Real [parsec, solar masses, Myr] -N: initial number of stars in cluster. -r: initial half-mass radius of cluster [pc if u = 1 ignored if u = 0]. -m: mean mass of stars [solar masses]. -t: start of balanced evolution (default is 20trh0). -R: initial ratio of virial radius to Jacobi radius. -M: mass of point mass galaxy around which the cluster is in orbit. -d: distance to the point mass galaxy around which the cluster is in orbit [kpc if u = 1, krv (virial radius * 1000) otherwise]. -v: orbital velocity of cluster around galaxy. [km/s] -l: mass loss prior to core collapse. -x: expansion prior to core collapse. -e: change in mean mass prior to core collapse. -z: value for zeta (otherwise default, 0.111 (equal mass clusters) is used). Tidal field is specified first by MG and RG, if these are provided. If one or both are missing, the code will first attempt to use orbital velocity, then filling factor rhrj. When options are not defined a default cluster is used with: N=1e5 mm=0.5 M_sun r=3pc RG=8.5kpc vG=220kms^-2 If used to represent clusters with mass functions, we recommend increasing zeta to ~0.2. Early evolution is not properly recovered by this prescription- evolution prior to t_cc is found via exponential extrapolation, and is marked at output by a 1 in the final column.