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Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with the Complete EXO-200 Dataset

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Tobas Ziegler: Is registered as an author of this paper.
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G. Anton, I. Badhrees, D. Beck, V. Belov, T. Bhatta, M. Breidenbach, G. F. Cao, W. R. Cen, C. Chambers, B. Cleveland, M. Coon, A. Craycraft, T. Daniels, M. Danilov, L. Darroch, S. J. Daugherty, J. Davis, S. Delaquis, A. Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, R. DeVoe, J. Dilling, A. Dolgolenko, M. J. Dolinski, J. Echevers, W. Fairbank Jr., D. Fairbank, J. Farine, P. Fierlinger, D. Fudenberg, P. Gautam, R. Gornea, G. Gratta, C. Hall, E. V. Hansen, J. Hoessl, P. Hufschmidt, A. Iverson, C. Jessiman, M. J. Jewell, A. Johnson, A. Karelin, L. J. Kaufman, T. Koffas, R. Krücken, A. Kuchenkov, A. Larson, D. S. Leonard, S. Li, Z. Li, C. Licciardi, Y. H. Lin, R. MacLellan, T. McElroy, T. Michel, D. C. Moore, K. Murray, O. Njoya, A. Odian, F. Retière, A. L. Robinson, P. C. Rowson, D. Ruddell, J. Runge, S. Schmidt, D. Sinclair, A. K. Soma, V. Stekhanov, M. Tarka, J. Todd, T. Tolba, T. I. Totev, B. Veenstra, V. Veeraraghavan, P. Vogel, J. -L. Vuilleumier, M. Wagenpfeil, J. Watkins, L. J. Wen, U. Wichoski, G. Wrede, S. X. Wu, D. R. Yahne, L. Yang, Y. -R. Yen and O. Ya. Zeldovich are not registered as owners of this paper. (why?)