Projeto TAMAR

Since the 80's

Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) with a group of fish. (2011) by Banco de Imagens Projeto TAMARTAMAR

Projeto TAMAR

Tamar’s mission is to promote the recovery of the five endangered sea turtle species that occur in Brazil by developing conservation actions, researching these species, and through social inclusion programs.

Journey to the Atol das Rocas in one of the expeditions organized by the Oceanographic Museum of Rio Grande by students of the School of Oceanology (FURG). (1977) by Projeto TAMARTAMAR

Tamar was born in the late 1970’s. There there were no records of marine conservation work in Brazil. Sea turtles were included on the list of threatened species as populations were diminishing due to incidental capture by fishermen and direct take of nesting females and of eggs.

Sea turtle hatchlings face, from the first moments of their life, a lot of obstacles to their survival, both on land and at sea. (2009) by Banco de Imagens Projeto TAMARTAMAR

The five sea turtle species found in Brazil are threatened with extinction according to the Brazilian and IUCN list of endangered species. Of the five species the occur on the Brazilian coast, the four listed as most threatenednest on the continental coastwhere they are more exposed to anthropogenic threats. These four species are loggerhead (Caretta caretta), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea).
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting occurs mainly on oceanic islands (Rocas Atoll, Fernando de Noronha and Trindade), where human activityis are more controlled, contributing to a stable population.

This photograph shows a TAMAR researcher with a hawksbill turtle. The crystal clear waters around the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago provide a truly open-air laboratory for sea turtle research. (2013) by Banco de Imagens Projeto TAMARTAMAR

Tamar protects approximately 1.100 km of Brazilian coastal beaches, through 19 research stations at the main sea turtle nesting and feeding areas located in the States of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco (Fernando de Noronha), Sergipe, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina.

Green sea turtle hatchlings. (2005) by Marta Granville and TAMAR Image BankOriginal Source:

The sea turtle nesting season occurs from September to March along the mainland, and from December to June at the oceanic islands. Tamar works in nesting, feeding, growth and resting areas. At the nesting beaches, Tamar researchers monitor the sea turtle nests at their original nesting sites, and transfer those that are at risk to open-air hatcheries at Tamar stations. A research team patrols the beaches each night in order to find nesting turtles, observe their behavior, take body measurements, apply metal tags to the flippers and collect biological samples for subsequent studies.

Sea turtle hatchling heading towards the sea. As they hatch, the tiny turtles instinctively head toward the natural light of the ocean horizon to find the sea., Banco de Imagens Projeto TAMAR, 2008, Original Source:
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The first "tartarugueiros" hired by TAMAR (1983)TAMAR

The first Tamar partners were fishermen, their families and coastal communities. Early on, even at the time of the survey of nesting areas aiming at the implementation of the project, they played a key role in defining the priority beaches. Based on the accumulated knowledge by the experience, they guided the work with precious information on the occurrence and behavior of sea turtles during the nesting period.

A TAMAR researcher in 1983 showing children how to protect sea turtle eggs for the hatchlings to be born. At that time, all nests were transferred to incubation special areas. Today 95% of the nests are protected in the original location chosen by the turtle. (1983)TAMAR

In order to effectively accomplish Tamar’s mission it was important to support the development of coastal communities by offering economic alternatives that alleviated human pressure on sea turtles.

Handling a green turtle during research capture activities in Fernando de Noronha/PE. After tagging and measuring it, the researchers return the turtle to the ocean. (2000) by Banco de Imagens Projeto TAMARTAMAR

In areas with high tourism potential, visitor centers have been established serving as research centers, environmental education and leisure areas. These centers also provide guided tours to schools and universities, visitors and fishermen.

Credits: Story


Pro-TAMAR Foundation

Coordination: Guy Marie Guagni Dei Marcovaldi
Executive board, editing and technical consulting: Neca Marcovaldi
Curation and writing: Beatriz Ribas
Technical consulting and translation: Daphne Wrobel
Photos: Tamar Image Bank
Tamar Google Cultural Institute development: 2Palito Projetos

Tamar represents a sum of efforts between Pro-Tamar Foundation and Tamar/ICMBio/Environmental Ministry sponsored officialy by Petrobras.

National headquarters:
Rua Rubens Guelli, 134, sala 307
Ed. Empresarial Itaigara, Salvador, Bahia
Phone: (71) 3676-1045 [email protected]

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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