Privacy Policy

This is the privacy notice for The Artangel Trust; registered office 31 Eyre Street Hill, London EC1R 5EW, United Kingdom; limited company number 1917570; registered charity number 292976.

Artangel is committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold about you.

Using personal data allows us to provide people with information about the work that we do and as a charity to engage with potential donors and supporters.

The purpose of this policy is to give you a clear explanation of how we collect and use your information.

We use your information in accordance with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information. We regularly review our privacy policy and will place any updates on this web page. The policy was last updated February 2019.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you:

  • By email to [email protected]
  • In writing to Artangel, 31 Eyre Street Hill, London EC1R 5EW, United Kingdom.

Personal Data

Personal data is any information that relates to a living person who can be identified from that data (or from that data plus other data that is held).

We have a commitment to protecting the privacy of personal data submitted to The Artangel Trust and follow the guidance of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Personal data that we hold will be:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and transparently
  • Collected for limited and specific purposes
  • The minimum required for those purposes
  • Accurate
  • Stored for a limited time
  • Kept updated and secure

We store and process personal data via The Raiser’s Edge, Quickbooks, and Mailchimp whose servers are sited in the USA. All three companies offer Standard Contractual Clauses as a mechanism to provide appropriate safeguards for the protection of personal data for EU, UK and Swiss data protection purposes.

Third Parties

There are certain circumstances under which we may disclose your personal information to third parties. These are as follows:

  • To our own service providers who process data on our behalf and on our instructions (for example our ticketing system software provider). In these cases we require that these third parties comply strictly with our instructions and with data protection laws, for example around security of personal data.
  • Where we are under a duty to disclose your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation (for example for Gift Aid purposes).

Security of Your Personal Information

We have in place appropriate safeguards (both in terms of our procedures and the technology we use) to keep your personal information as secure as possible. We will ensure that any third parties we use for processing your personal information do the same.

Your Rights to Your Personal Information

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in this data corrected. Please use the contact details given at the top of this policy if you would like to exercise this right.

List of Websites

Artangel administrate a number of websites including:

If you visit any of these websites, including their subdomains, you accept and consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. 

There are links out to websites not controlled by The Artangel Trust given on our websites. These links should not be taken as endorsements of these third party websites. We are not responsible nor do we have control of the content of these sites and we do not have input to their privacy policies.

Website Cookies

Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information.

This information is used to track visitor use of the website so as to improve our site and content, and also so that we can compile statistical reports on website activity to report to our funders, in particular our main funder: Arts Council England. These cookies can not identify you personally, but they use your computer’s IP address to locate where geographically you are accessing this site from.

The collection method used at current is Google Analytics.

In addition, we use cookies provided by Facebook to personalise advertising to you on social media. These cookies use Personally Identifiable Information (PII) if it is available on your Facebook profile. You can find out more information about how Facebook Pixel cookies work on Facebook's website.

We also embed content from third-party websites included but not limited to YouTube, Vimeo, and Soundcloud. When you access a page with this embedded content, these third party websites may place cookies on your computer and Artangel do not control how they do this. To find out more about each of their privacy policies, please visit their websites.

You can set your browser not to accept cookies and you can remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases some of our website features may not function as a result.

If you would like to disable cookies, here is more information on how to do so for the most popular browsers:

There is also a Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on which can be installed on all of these browsers to opt out of Google Analytics cookies across all websites.

Mailing List Subscribers’ Data

The data we collect from our mailing list subscribers are:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address
  3. Post code
  4. Country of residence

We collect this information so that we can let you know about our projects and events.

For subscribers who consent to receive fundraising messages the information is used to provide them with information about donating to Artangel.

For subscribers who consent to receive surveys the information is used to send them surveys about projects and to enter them into a prize draw if they complete a survey.  The surveys ask for ethnicity and disability details but this is not required. The lawful basis for processing this special category data is Article 9(2)(a) – consent. The data will only be processed in anonymised form and subscribers are not required to provide it.

The information is also used in aggregate data analysis such as tracking the effectiveness of communications through email opening rates.

The lawful basis for processing these data is Article 6 (1)(f) – legitimate business interests and/or Article 6(1)(a) – consent. We only collect and process your personal data for purposes that are in our legitimate organisational interests (to keep you informed about our work) if there is no overriding prejudice to you by using your personal information in this way. For any situations where it is not appropriate we will ask for your explicit consent.  

The data and consent are stored and recorded via MailChimp. The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. It will not be shared.

Subscribers may submit a Subject Access Request to access their personal data and are entitled to have it rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete. They may request the deletion of their personal data at any time or to block further processing. They may object to their personal data being used for direct marketing and every communication provides a link to unsubscribe online. Minimal personal data will then be held in a “suppression list” and will no longer be processed but will be used to ensure subscribers’ preferences are followed.

Once a year, mailing list subscribers who have not opened the last 50 campaigns will be unsubscribed. Those who have not opened the last 20 in a row will be asked to opt in to continue to receive correspondence, failing this, they too will be unsubscribed.

Survey Respondents Data

We use Counting What Counts (CWC) as our Processor to power our surveys and participant communications with you.

We have signed a legally-binding agreement with CWC and Arts Council England confirming it will only collect and store information about you according to our instructions, based on how we use its self-serve platform. CWC has taken steps to minimise the amount of personal data it can see or access when processing on our behalf and to make sure it is appropriately secured. See the CWC Privacy Policy.

Opening Events List Subscribers’ Data

The data we collect from our Opening Events list subscribers are:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address
  3. Postal address

We collect this information to let you know about our projects and invite you to events. For subscribers who consent to receive fundraising messages the information is used to send communications about donating to Artangel.

The lawful basis for processing these data is Article 6 (1)(f) - legitimate business interests and/or Article 6(1)(a) – consent.  We only collect and process your personal data for purposes that are in our legitimate organisational interests (to invite you to our projects and events) if there is no overriding prejudice to you by using your personal information in this way. For any situations where it is not appropriate we will ask for your explicit consent. The data and consent are stored and recorded via The Raisers’ Edge by Blackbaud.

The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. Data items 1 and 3 may be shared with a mailing processor in order to send invitations to subscribers by post.

Subscribers may submit a Subject Access Request to access their personal data and are entitled to have it rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete. They may request the deletion of their personal data at any time or to block further processing. They may object to their personal data being used for direct marketing and every communication provides a link to unsubscribe online. Minimal personal data will then be held in a “suppression list” and will no longer be processed but will be used to ensure subscribers’ preferences are followed.

Current Donors’ Data

The data we collect from our donors are:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address
  3. Postal address
  4. Details of donation
  5. Bank details

We collect this information so that we can fulfil the contract for membership or other donor benefits we have with you, for our own financial record-keeping and to comply with our legal obligations when claiming Gift Aid.

The lawful basis for processing these data is Article 6(1)(b) – contract and Article 6(1)(c) – legal obligation. The data are stored via The Raisers’ Edge and QuickBooks.

The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data.  

Data items 1, 3, and 4 are shared with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for Gift Aid purposes where the donor is registered for Gift Aid. Data item 4 is shared with the donor’s bank where the donor requests us to set up a standing order for the donation. Data items 1 and 3 may be shared with a mailing processor in order to send invitations to subscribers by post. The data is not otherwise shared.

Donors may submit a Subject Access Request to access their personal data and are entitled to have it rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete.


Potential Donors’ Data

The data we collect from our potential donors are:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address
  3. Postal address

We collect this information so that we can invite you to our projects and events and send you fundraising messages.

The lawful basis for processing these data is Article 6(1)(a) – consent. The data and consent are stored and recorded via The Raisers’ Edge.

The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. Data items 1 and 3 may be shared with a mailing processor in order to send invitations to subscribers by post. The data is not otherwise shared.

Potential donors may submit a Subject Access Request to access their personal data and are entitled to have it rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete. They may request the deletion of their personal data at any time or to block further processing. They may object to their personal data being used for direct marketing and every communication provides a link to unsubscribe online. Minimal personal data will then be held in a “suppression list” and will no longer be processed but will be used to ensure potential donors’ preferences are followed.

Employees’ Data

The data we collect from employees are:  

  1. Contact and personal details
  2. Pension details
  3. Tax details
  4. Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability details
  5. Bank details
  6. Annual leave details
  7. Sick leave details
  8. Performance details
  9. Qualifications and employment history

We collect this information in order to fulfil the contract of employment we have with you, to comply with our legal obligations as an employer and to provide aggregated monitoring data to our main funder, Arts Council England.  

The lawful basis for processing data items 1 – 3 is Article 6(1)(c) – legal obligation.  The data will be shared with HMRC and item 2 will also be shared with Artangel’s pension adviser Fraser Heath and pension provider Royal London.  

The lawful basis for processing data item 4 is Article 6(1)(a) – consent.  The lawful basis for processing this special category data is Article 9(2)(a) – consent.  The data will only be processed in anonymised form and employees are not required to provide it.  

The lawful basis for processing data items 5 – 9 is Article 6(1)(b) – contract.  The lawful basis for processing item 7 special category data is Article 9(2)(b) – employment.  The data will not be shared except with a future employer by consent.

The data is stored via QuickBooks and each employee’s personnel file. There are access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. It will be securely deleted seven years after the employment has ended.  

Employees may submit a Subject Access Request to access their personal data and are entitled to have it rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete. Where the legal basis for processing is consent, employees have the right to withdraw this at any time.

Job Candidates’ Data

The data we collect from job candidates are:

  1. Personal and contact details
  2. Qualifications and employment history
  3. Ethnicity, gender, and disability details

We collect this information in order to assess your suitability for employment and to provide aggregated monitoring data to our main funder, Arts Council England.

The lawful basis for processing items 1 and 2 is Article 6(1)(b) – contract.  The lawful basis for processing item 3 is Article 6(1)(a) – consent. The lawful basis for processing this special category data is Article 9(2)(a) – consent.  The data will only be processed in anonymised form and job candidates are not required to provide it.

The data is currently collected via Wufoo by SurveyMonkey. It is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. It will be securely deleted one month after the closing date for applications. It will not be shared. 

Contractors’ Data

The data we collect from contractors are:

  1. Personal and contact details
  2. Qualifications and employment history
  3. Bank details
  4. Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability details

We collect this information in order to fulfil the contract we have with you and to provide aggregated monitoring data to our main funder, Arts Council England.

The lawful basis for processing items 1 – 3 is Article 6(1)(b) – contract.  The lawful basis for processing item 4 is Article 6(1)(a) – consent. The lawful basis for processing this special category data is Article 9(2)(a) – consent.  The data will only be processed in anonymised form and contractors are not required to provide it.

The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data.  It will be securely deleted one year after the contract has ended. It will not be shared.

Contractors may submit a Subject Access Request to access their personal data and are entitled to have it rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete.

Potential Contractors’ Data

The data we collect from potential contractors are:

  1. Personal and contact details
  2. Qualifications and employment history

We collect this information in order to assess the services you are offering.

The lawful basis for processing these data is Article 6(1)(b) – contract.  

The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data.  It will be securely deleted one year from the date of receipt. It will not be shared.

Directors’ / Trustees’ Data

The data we collect from directors / trustees are:

  1. Personal and contact details
  2. Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability details
  3. Declaration of interests

We collect this information in order to fulfil our legal obligations as a limited company and registered charity and to provide aggregated monitoring data to our main funder, Arts Council England.

The lawful basis for processing data items 1 and 3 are Article 6(1)(c) – legal obligation and data item 1 will be shared with Companies House and the Charity Commission. Data items 2 and 3 will not be shared.

The lawful basis for processing data item 2 is Article 6(1)(a) – consent. The lawful basis for processing this special category data is Article 9(2)(a) – consent. The data will only be processed in anonymised form and directors/trustees are not required to provide it.

The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. It will be securely deleted one year after the resignation of the director/trustee.  

Directors / trustees may submit a Subject Access Request to access their personal data and are entitled to have it rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete. Where the legal basis for processing is consent, directors/trustees have the right to withdraw this at any time.

Project Participants’ Data

The data we collect from project participants are:

  1. Personal and contact details (including passport details if project requires)
  2. Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability details

We collect this information so that we can produce artistic projects and to provide aggregated monitoring data to our main funder, Arts Council England.

The lawful basis for processing item 1 is Article 6(1)(b) – contract. This data will be shared with suppliers such as airlines if the project requires.

The lawful basis for processing item 2 is Article 6(1)(a) – consent. The lawful basis for processing this special category data is Article 9(2)(a) – consent.  The data will only be processed in anonymised form and project participants are not required to provide it. This data will not be shared.

The data is securely stored with access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access to the data. It will be securely deleted three months after the completion of the project.