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Canadian Entomologist
Thecla strigosa, Harr.
Rev._G. JoSabetune: MAs DC. Laker Ss.
Dr. J. Fletcher and W. H. Harrington, Ottawa ; H. H. Lyman,
Montreal; J. D. Evans, Trenton ; Prof.
Lochhead, Guelph.
London, Cntario:
The London Printing and Lithographing Company, Limited |
AE DRITCEH . PROBS Mollet cre femce.a csc cence Oe ed walle sieeresisistotes ae ats Moscow, IDAHO.
AS HIMIES AID: WAT IC AIVE JETS MAAS DE SGieie aac als sare cis ae eters . WASHINGTON, D.C.
BA CRG HEPA cere sete oo dset east: oscil onesie cnc einiee AMHERST, IMASS,
IB AUNIGS FINALE EUAN GS coset esas tee eonanlcinest bo dese s biases dais East Enp, Va.
BARNES: DR eaW IL LTAN: vaccine ose ee eects ceteris cclemeet Decatur, ILL.
BERHUNE, keV. Cajecs. (ibe Biditor)ianns. 2. «ime nenee Lonpon, ONT.
BRATNE RID! TW TGR oA, sire savas tselcre ete a aere e efetereeye plone oe MONTREAL.
LE Pe| USS (CHS WN) 2a Al Ds a NS ee A IE AS Sec, Gm rece New York.
CASEY4eMATOR® THOMAS isons enue bore rae ecm e ae Sr. Lours, Mo.
AUC TEG As, NS depevess site ol nisbavahater he’s siayarer ios atecetave ots oeeereo ets astereesr= Wasuineoton, D. C.
GEUAIVIB BIRIGIN::, Rate e strc a eas oot acl te aire trols aI ebro ItHaca, N. Y.
COCKERELE, PROB aie De Aten cis. ccihc aaa lear uathieeten cts BouLpDErR, Coro.
GOCKIGE Seyi. WiLIGIRUAW pe ra)... «cae Rane aie hake ne eee Kasto, B. C.
(CRON O10 8 Ly RIC Ce a a SN A Re Pi eee nr eae Sr eee ALBany, N. Y.
BOOK ORIN HEMegee nih cree ace e sceistuerd fo chalet cvoucte siete oo monet eed eae ALBany, N. Y.
COOPER RE Vir sy ees siolecc tals, cise retin ted olare Ae aePS oss . TORONTO.
COO WIDE TS Wr aD Wie mesa te rniginy satan gations «ato ateat teres cla ater . Wasurincton, D. C.
GEC ASVVIE © RD) Jo Cop Rs Se . cearsns say Sion a coal ometealte ne are Mee West Point, NEBR.
VA WAES OV eiptdimnen St iar cian eke Om i ert raraslaye oie we Lee ey ANE ae New Bricuton, N. Y.
IDOI D)., “LR 8) 8 NO) Bs 8 OS ee a eee A ie ee eee nes See a Se a, MILLARVILLE, ALBERTA.
INIONDT GA Ds a DesJs\y. AS Geld 2 Sleise cee ere aries Pets wai oc .Louistana, Mo.
OD ROVIIE) crn Gren ulV ie iea cys: ps susie eh uciarg ee erase nate thse arnt aia ome Lourstana, Mo.
ID WAIRS ID Re EVA'S ON) 1Gis @ Soe oe okt, « jeenigoen cen ee eal WASHINGTON. D4 GC:
PERINAT DOP ROB. (Cs Elie donate, coca toeccny fee _........AMHERST, Mass.
BEE RG IE Roe DR eA Sins c.scai tence k cel atoe oso at Teen nee OTTAWA.
BOS MB Riv Bee Ey, Oa cats data case wohl ae MEME SUNS Grea OS ee CLAREMONT, N. H.
BREN GEH we kO Ry (Gelbleet ein: hte erator sie ene sci eemine CARBONDALE, ILL.
SYA UB Wied ia WV sno) GM Lay a cee Obici See ie aS Meee cre Levis, QuE
GBS OUNG ATR: EU Gs Re vse stois ein ote a Rae tee tehnkans ic hci s ocean he OTTAWA.
GRATE Tae A. ARSE NEBr sbocccs os ee enecoan te clara ak oy ae AL REMOR TE VODS
GROSSBE CK, JORINGAR =) ents anes een Boi ae oS We tate PaTTERSON, N. J.
EE A eles be Dunk: MS DOIN Bi eees. ees 2 een Sain aac ae ene _.. CARTWRIGHT, MANITOBA.
PEIN Ee PAWVIBS: “Si. 5 «eh emcee ae ee eee eich Seer ee CoLumBus, OHio.
TGA BS <a ee eos ey rae arren riSaoe EatCne .. TRING, ENGLAND.
FEAR ROU Ws OD), gees mates cedars cite meets noah ioe a hin eal eiaeimeiee oe LON TUL ATIR wIN eye
OTR KGLSAINID) SCA. Etc eee eas seis tne DE oer es ate POSTON NLASS:
BUD LOW MISS CaSee Wine SGen. sae eee toh ao iets esis olen ae WASHINGTON, D. C.
EAGAN Seige IN eas en ae artes | a cain eye Soins re as acre tom MONTREAL.
IME TSA NIDENR: ADSIE Wiper tert guiaticone a-clee hae set dbs Routan. PULLMAN, Wasu.
MOURA E BSD) VES SmyVlAIR IW By, .25 duaceer a attcaeniaeiniic women KrrKwoop, Mo.
NEEDHAM, PROF. JAMES G........... Wanye eee nene soe ee EAS EP ORESI MIELE
OSBiURINA IA VIVO NS Go ner sarang anatase tees cre cae) MORK
PACKARD PROP: sAs -S. fuss Ie ci essa les es Wo a cesaas sac AMHERST, MASS;
BARS AMIS SRL CEVA) Hes 5 een. Mieate alarers snctedic revere deus syeratoreierstare BrRooK yn, N. Y.
ROP ENOE ERO Rs bapA a oes chclasaance Poet poder: eae wana ere MANHATTAN, Kansas.
RIB EIN ee AUVILES Sb Aro Ging) c.c tee too c roan de eletestelata dave dia claw Oe PHILADELPHIA.
ROBE RESON. GEAR EBS 35 sic xan adorstere lepr ot marlerdepecle.2 sceuie Ger CAREINVILLE, ILL.
HOHE BER. DELE OME, ca) sree odie cs viele eee ete eeree aisbio ete Nee MANHATTAN, Kansas.
SHOIM DI DRI CA OMIM OIE Sean A ae ne A tae et Sty es ae ee er Nae New YorK.
SEING EAR GAN DSP ROB IM Vis, sere cielo once tafe cia arene oicsis soma ItHaca, N. Y.
SMERE ee ROB) OEEN KBs ys Gs Diner aac aecm mcs sess aeleeteee New Brunswick, N. J.
STEVENSON, CHARLES, ssaeimen cea tide since tcc aoe MONTREAL.
SWEN BSNL ON MEL tie aes sre darts eulars vac Dela take se slegeadine ater Lincoitn, NEBR.
TTRAVILLORVARIEVi (GoW Ban utamecolinser etic 7 clcnet ea bashes WELLINGTON, B. C.
LS fd Bl OS peed ems On Cee a a Reed Ro aie hy ke eI E Ae he ths Wasuincton, D. C.
SVT GS, SEU Dyas ota, « creyaace eed ati ete ngetetace! athe iy Si evet ol areey vets ites New Haven, Conn.
WATER ER Bins Mir IVIe oo ctor aaa sagt a cater ne crac ie, anette to psd TORONTO.
WASHBURN PROB Ber Ly oa) hatcason meee er aa che eis Rene St. ANTHONY Park, MINN.
WIRES ED RS ERO Hai pert «oad atic nace Ohalake cious natch nto .UrpBana, ILL.
WYER TIN By, Ose bun sc 5 foceraioce aes Saat omate dain recareteese-s Mirrorp, N. H.
WHGCKETA IM PRO BEL) Byes C0 ake ferro ble thcteiotaule grate aie actors Iowa Crry.
AVVATIE CODED) Re IBIS OR A ert REE Suche sacri foot a5 Sa pate le i ape ne aie Os WasHINGTON, D. C.
WORE TAVIS Uy Ents Se ete elas RA en Wen a Re SpE ge Ud eas TORONTO
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The Gana " Kntomotogst,
‘The readers of the Canadian Entomologist will be pleased, we feel
sure, to see the good portrait given herewith of the Rev, G. W. Taylor,
who, during the last twenty years, has done such excellent work in almost
all lines of Natural History in British Columbia. Born in 1854, in Derby,
England, where he received his education, Mr, Taylor, after leaving
school, studied mining engineering, but in 1882 came out to Canada and
went at once to British Columbia, where he had relatives. Although
engaged for a short time in farming, he began almost immediately to study
for the ministry, and in 1884 was ordained by the Bishop of Columbia.
Since that time, with the exception of two years, from September, 1838, to
August, 1890, which he spent in Ottawa as rector of the joint parishes of
St. Barnabas and Holy Trinity, he has been in charge of parishes in
British Columbia, and at the present time is rector of the Church of
England at Wellington, B.C. From boyhood Mr. Taylor has been keenly
interested in Natural Science, and from his enthusiasm and industry has
accomplished much, not only in doing original work of importance in
several lines of Zoology and Palzontology, but in constantly encouraging
and assisting others with whom he came in contact, to take up and enjoy |
with him his favourite studies.
Mr. Taylor has for many years been a Fellow of the Entémclomedl
and Zoological Societies of London, England, and in 1884 was elected a
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in recognition of his eminent
services to science, particularly in connection with his investigations in
Canadian Conchology and Entomology. In 1887 he was appointed
Honorary Provincial Entomologist of the British Columbian Department
of Agriculture, and sent out a cirtular letter to farmers, drawing their
attention to the losses caused by insects and asking their co-operation.
Owing to his removal to eastern Canada in 1888, this work was relinquished
before any report was issued. Several important papers have appeared
from his pen in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, the
Canadian Entomologist, the Ottawa Naturalist and the Nautilus. Many
new species have been discovered by this energetic worker, and several
have been named after him. Among insects, species which have been
mentioned in this magazine are Afelitea Taylori, Edw. Anthelia
Taylorata, Hulst, Zchneumon Taylori, Harrington, Trichiosoma Taylort,
Provencher, and Adranes Taylori, Wickham. All orders of insects, how-
- ever, have been studied, and several other species in different orders from
those named have been or are being named after the subject of this sketch.
Some of Mr. Taylor’s best work has been done on the Mollusca, and
naturally several new species have been called after him ; among those
which occur to us are Pristoloma Taylori, Pilsbury, Modiolaria Taylori,
Dall, and PAylaphysia Taylori, Dall; in addition a new species of sponge,
Leucandra Taylori, Lambe, may be feniioneal
Enormous and valuable collections of British Columbian eee
of various kinds have been made, and generally sent off to specialists in
all parts of the world. Mr. Taylor, possesses himself the largest private
collection of Limpets (Patellidz and allied families) in the world; also.
the most complete collection of Unionide in Canada, and one of the
largest general collections of land and water shells (7,000 species)
A constant collector of insects, Mr. Taylor has also amassed valuable
collections in several orders, notwithstanding the fact that he has made
a practice continually of giving away to specialists any specimens which
were required for study. . His cabinets contain a wealth of representative
specimens of inestimable value to the many beginners who have been
stirred up by his enthusiasm to investigate the insect fauna of our Pacific
Coast Province. At the present time he is devoting all his energies to the.
working up of the North American Geometride, paying particular attention
to northern species which are likely to occur in Canada. Since the death
of the Rev. G. D. Hulst, this important family of moths has been somewhat
neglected by American students. Mr. Taylor’s methods of work are
systematic and thorough First securing all the literature on the subject
under consideration, he then strives to acquire types for study from the
original localities, compares them with the descriptions, and then with
extensive series of specimens from as wide an area as possible. He is an
indefatigable collector and generous correspondent, who considers no
trouble too much to make observations or secure specimens when specially
desired. In his parish work he is painstaking, gentle and self-denying, ©
always ready to help; a clear and forcible preacher, and an earnest liver.
who shows in his works that religion is not an accessory of everyday life,
but an integral part of it, Jeli
The 25th anniversary of the foundation of this active and useful
organization was celebrated, in the large assembly hall of the Normal
School on Tuesday evening, December the 15th, and proved of much
interest to the large audience present. The inaugural address of the
president, Mr. W: T. Macoun, dealt with the present work of the Club, and
of projects for the future. Principal White, of the Ottawa Normal
School, in a concise and well-expressed address of welcome, attested to the
public appreciation of the efforts of the Club, and the important work they
were engaged in in connection with the educational institutions of the city.
All the speakers were members of the first Council of the Club in 1879.
Lieut.-Col White, C. M. G., the first president of the Club, spoke upon
Natural History at Ottawa before the formation of the Club, giving many
pleasing reminiscences of former workers, and the difficulties under which
they laboured.
Mr. Robert B. Whyte spoke upon “ Botanical Conditions around
Ottawa twenty-five years ago.” He went carefully over the old hunting-
grounds, many of which are now covered with buildings, and recalled with
pleasure the finding of special rarities, and the companionship of friends
bound together by ties of mutual scientific interest. He spoke particularly
of the delight of the Honourable Joseph Martin, who at that time was an
enthusiastic’student of botany, when he found his first plant of the Showy
Lady’s Slipper.
Dr. Fletcher dealt with ‘Ottawa as a Natural History locality twenty-
five years ago.” He reviewed in order the old localities which were most’
productive for the naturalist, mentioning some of the rarer objects found,
and drew attention to the changes which had obliterated some of these
since the Club started; but pointed out that there was still much to be done
close to, or even within the city limits, in the different branches of Natural
History. Reference was made to the great stimulus given to scientific
work in Ottawa by the advent of the Geological Survey of Canada.
Lieut.-Col. Anderson gave an address upon the ‘‘ Workers in Natural
History at Ottawa twenty-five years ago,” paying a tribute to the good
work done, and to the constancy with which the enthusiasm had been kept
up. A striking feature was the encouragement which had always been
given to beginners by the leaders,
Dr. H. B. Small’s subject was, ‘* What the Ottawa Field Naturalists’
Club has accomplished.” He recalled many interesting characters and
incidents connected with the foundation of the Club, showing how it had
developed from a mere bond, holding a few enthusiasts together, into an
active and influential organization, taking an important part in the educa-
tional development of the country. In addition to having in a large
measure effected its prime object of working up the local natural history of
the Ottawa district, it had provided opportunities for delightful recreation
and improvement to the many hundreds, or even thousands, of lovers of
the country and of natural history, who had, during the twenty-five
years, attended the excursions and evening meetings where the popular
presentation of science had always been kept well to the front.
The meeting ended with short and appropriate speeches by Dr.
Robert Bell, the director of the Geological Survey, and Prof. Macoun,
the eminent botanist. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. W.: H.
Harrington, and seconded by Mr. James Ballantyne. in a happy manner.
Cyaniris ladon, Cramer, a. Zucia, Kirby.
This is the new name for our old friend, Lycena pseudargiolus, var.
Juwia. An interesting observation was made on the oviposition of this
species by Mr. C. H. Young, of Ottawa. On June 4th, when at Meech
Lake, Que., noticing a female /wc/a fluttering around a patch of the common
Ox-eye Daisy, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L., he watched it carefully
and saw that it was laying eggs upon the buds of this plant. Im no case
was a full-blown flower visited, the eggs being invariably laid on the small
buds, which were from a quarter to three-eighths of an inch in diameter.
After watching the insect for some time, the three last buds visited were
gathered and the eggs secured. The operation of egg-laying was, as is
usually the case with this species, as follows: Settling on the top of a
flower, the female crawled to the edge of the bud, and then turning her
abaomen down beneath it thrust the egg as far out of sight as possible,
just at the base of the bracts, where there is a slight swelling which hides
them to a certain extent. ‘The only plants belonging to the Composite
recorded by Dr. Scudder as food-plants of Cyaniris ladon ( Pseudargiolus }
are Verbesina helianthoides and Actinomeris sguarrosa, neither of which
occursin Canada. The other plant inadvertently stated by Dr. Scudder
as belonging to the Composite, Dimorphanthus mantchuricus, is a member
of the Ginseng family, Araliaceze.x—J FLETCHER.
(Paper No. r8.—Continued from Vol. XXXV., p. 332.—Conclusion.)
3 SupramMILy I]J.—Ephutine.
This subfamily is readily separated from the AZuti/line by the
difference in the abdomen, both sexes having the first segment much
narrowed, or petioliform, and separated from the second by a more or less
distinct constriction or furrow; it is never broadly sessile with the second
as in the AZutidline.
The group is based upon the genus Zp/wfa, Say, as I have restricted
it, but not as defined by André. Say, in his original brief description,
designated no type for the genus, but placed under it ¢hree species,
namely, Wutilla erythrina, Klug; M. serupea, Say, and MZ. gibbosa, Say.
When I recognized the genus I designated as the type Z. scrupea, Say,
the only species I knew in both sexes. As I was the first to designate a
type for it, my views should prevail ; in fact, must prevail under the rules
of zoological nomenclature.
The genus Rhoptromutilla, André, is Ephuta, Say, as I defined it
under a new name.
Of my genus A//omutilla Mr. André says: ‘Ce genre a été fondé
par Ashmead sur le ¢ de D. melicerta, a Smith, qui d’apres auteur cité,
présenterait cette particularité d’avoir les deux nervures récurrentes
reeves par la seconde cellule cubitale, or cette assertion est erronée, car
chez le g en question dont j’ai pu examiner plusier examplaires, les
nervures recutrentes sont recues comme dordinaire, par le ze et 3e
cellules cubitales.”
My definition is correct, and André’s several examples of JZ,
melicerta, Smith, probably represent some other species. Radoszkowski,
in Hore Soc. Ent., Rossice, Vol. VI., 1869, Pl. ro, Fig. 4, gives a good
figure of AZ. melicerta, Smith, and if Mons. André will consult this figure
he will see that the second cubital cell receives both recurrent nervures, as
I fave stated. Another species figured by Radoszkowski, MMutil/a
egregia, Klug, also has the same venation and will fall into 4//omutilla,
The subfamily Zphutine is divided into two tribes as follows :
Table of Tribes.
Eyes never rounded or hemispherical, but always ovate, obovate or
ellipsoidal, not polished, and distinctly facetted, as in the tribe
Muti tns os rg hes LOSE: TARR eee Tribe I., Ephutini.
Eyes rounded or hemispherical, very prominent and highly-polished,
not facetted, or the facets very indistinctly defined, as in the tribe
PROVO PSUMINE 5 Oe ke oe Tribe II., Sphaerophthalmini.
Tribe I.—Ephutini.
Table of Genera.
MALES rahe ate, lame Oat te hts hi an ide aid eRe case ee te eS thao la oleae
pemaies eae oa AE tale i aan hemp a gapel hota an taint bes Q-
1. Eyes distinctly emiavsiante Shine wt he Dam wea Sascav SPR gS ates be
Eyes mzo¢ emarginate within ......... arr Pe eeN heey
2. Metathorax with the hind angles corms not + dentate : scutellum
normal, MOhspined. i... ccm owe ; Se Nsinde
Metathorax with the mind annles dentate: elomied witht a iene silvery-
white pubescence; scutellum bispined. (North and South
ATmericd).' ies. aides RIO tiereee Ephutopsis, Ashm., gen. nov,
(Types E. brimidadeneis Ashm., and M. odontophora, Cam,)
3. Second and third cubital cells each receiving a recurrent nervure.
Scape bicarinate beneath, the first and second flagellar joints
transverse, or not longer than thick ; first segment of abdomen
petioliform, as wide at base as at apex. (North and South
INICIO Vest sips Meats ee eel a ee reenemeiaet at aer &5 Rue . Ephuta, Say.
= Rhoptromutilla, André.
(Type E. scrupea, Say.)
Scape (?) not bicarinate beneath ;. first segment of the abdomen
narrowed anteriorly, nodiform posteriorly.
(Africal). 0. is.) s a so e8 ees eR bopalomutilla, Andre
(Type R. clavicornis, André.)
Second cubital cell receiving both recurrent nervures; scape
normal .; 2.5 . 2 suis) coud au we eee elele ete OUIUIA, » Ashmaacaa:
(Type Mutilla melicerta, Smith.)
4. Front wings with ¢iree cubital cells, or the third partially formed... 5.
Front wings with ¢wo cubital cells, the third entirely absent.......6.
*T have not seen a specimen of this genus, and am not positive of its position in
this tribe.
Middle and posterior tibize zof spinous ; second ventral segment with
a longitudinal impresssion on each side filled with a dense
pubescence. (Europe, Africa and Asia.).....Stenomutilla, André.
(Type Mutilla argentata, Villiers. )
Middle and posterior tibiz spinous ; second ventral segment normal.
(Europe, Africa and Asia.)............Dasylabris, Radoszowski.
Baga Mutilla arenaria, Fabr.)
Head normal, unarmed........... ae
Head abnormally large, qnativate died on eth zide behest sraile a
tooth or spine, the hind angles acute or straight...............8.
. Stigma in front wings indistinct ; mesonotum zw/éthout furrows, or the
furrows only slightly indicated ; first joint of the flagellum shorter
y than the second...:.. ...........Dasylabris, Radoszk. (partim.)
Stigma in front wings well developed; mesonotum z/t# distinct
furrows. (Europe and North Africa.).......Cystomutilla, André.
(Type Mutilla ruficeps, Smith.)
Marginal cell. squarely truncate at apex; second recurrent nervure
subobsolete ; first joint of the flagellum longer than the second.
(North and South America.)............Hoplomutiila, Ashmead.
(Type Mutilla cephalotes, Swederus.)
Thorax obpyriform, ovate or ovoid ; head not unusually large....10.
Thorax banjo-shaped, or nearly ; head very re pei about
twice as wide as the thorax. Desi RR Se AM aha) how arses . 16.
Pygidium smooth, without a nyaiaial area, Or at most they area at odie
slightly indicated, rarely finely, sparsely punctate.............11.
Pygidium not or rarely smooth, opaque, striate or rugulose, always
with a distinct pygidial area. Sige ds alyedistiiie bea ek eee ae
Thorax bare, or with only a fees sparse Hasta: eyes ovate or oval;
first abdominal segment petioliform, as ak at base as at apex;
imetathoracic spiracles round or short oval. ene oe eras
Thorax not bare, densely pubescent above ; eyes S euineoiaerr or ashen
oval ; first abdominal segment subnodose at apex ; metathoracic
spiracles long, linear. : t Je, Reds
Head transverse, much wider than the ‘thorax, ‘the temples “obliquely
narrowed ; eyes rather large, oval.. . Ephutopsis, Ashmead.
Head transverse or subglobose, not much wider than the thorax ; eyes
ovate or oval; flagellum not long, either subclavate or clavate, the
first joint transverse, a little shorter than the second, the following
_ short, wider than long ; ; hind tibize with a few cea
hairs... weridelers Meee Lcleerantaeas: « shcmamign ears ..Ephuta, Say.
13. Head subglobose ; flagellum filiform, the first joint obconical, longer
than the second, the following Bises eer than thick ; mandibles
with a tooth within before apex............Stenomutilla, André,
14. Thorax longer, obpyriform or ahopate 2 ae aM acres ery Ie
Thorax short, obovoid, above sais or cae ; metathoracic
spiracles (?) oval; mandibles bidentate ; abdomen red and black,
with the first segment petioliform, of an equal width
thropwhoul «2 2s Ps eae wba were eae ...-Allomutilla, Ashmead.
15. Thorax bare; head subquadrangular; eyes very small, placed
towards the middle of the sides of the head ; antennz very short,
strongly clavate, the joints of the flagellum wider than
long . ay : a bie .. Rhopalomutilla, André.
Thorax asually cnaoly HT cihcrent the Gaittamacnaeic spiracles «long
oval; mandibles tridentate at apex, or with one or two teeth within
before the apex ; antennz neither very short nor strongly clavate,
the first joint of the flagellum longer than the second ; abdomen
usually spotted with silvery-white or golden pubescent spots, the
petiole short, widest behind.......... Dasylabris, Radoszkowski.
16. Head with the hind angles acute or dentate, armed beneath with four
teeth, z.¢., two small teeth at base of gula and a large tooth on each
side behind these; mandibles bidentate, the lower tooth much
The JORGER Neo), « wate jacdnie cine wie aes srs Hoplomutilla, Ashmead,
Tribe I 1 a eas
The members of this tribe exhibit the strongest affinity with those in
the tribe Photopsidini, and many females are easily confused with some
in the latter.
The closest attention, therefore, must be given to the difference in
the shape of the first abdominal segment, made use of in separating the
tribes, before they can be recognized.
Table of Genera.
Eades! nn os BER OS Siete Saas: Met anein tate dels Senuetenete oats ee Be
PSUAIER 5.0.0 5a 0-0 ois Fe Che ns Be Cae» Sele Rees se ee ies BE
VER WACO 5 2 ccnp vp oh eben ee ee ate Sele 2
Subapterous or with rudimentary wings.
Thorax ovoid, coarsely sculptured, or rugosely punctured, with a
black pubescence ; head rather large, quadrate, wider than the
thorax ; eyes small, rounded ; mandibJes 3-dentate ; first joint of
the flagellum not short, but hardly longer than the second.
(North America.).............Pycnomutilla, Ashm., gen. nov.
(Type Mutilla waco, Blake.)
2. Front wings with only fwo cubital cells. oie : sak ye
Front wings with ¢/ree cubital cells, or dhe third dareially fori ay)
sueblareinal cell at,-apex-broadly: wumcate. 42). «tac SES aw elete o\hs Ae
Marginal cell at apex pointed or rounded, never truncate.
4. Mandibles at apex broad and 3-dentate. Reais i:
Mandibles at apex never broad nor 3- pedeneaterr at thes most ‘ehidenitata 6.
5. Body bare, or nearly ; second Neat abdominal segment not black,
red or marked with red or yellow spots, (North and South
AMeMGAN nee ats + oe 2h ot pnaerophthalinas Blake:
= Traumatomutilla, André.
(Type S. scaeva, Blake.)
Body not bare or nearly, usually very hairy or pubescent ; second
dorsal abdominal segment usually black or unicolorous, not spotted
with red or yellow. (North and South
PAMING Teste ass oes ee crate ee ee teas .. Dasymutilla, Ashmead.
( Type Shhaeroph® gorgon, Blake.)
6. Body Fall pubescent or hairy, the abdomen black, with a white
hair-band ; first joint of the flagellum shorter than the second.
(south: America: i>... 02220029. 2s Reediay “Ashmi; ‘sen: nov,
(Type Mutilla atripennis, Spinola.)
7. Thorax obpyriform or obovate, or at least always narrowed
Mandibles at apex wot 3-dentate, edentate, or with a small tooth
within some distance from the apex, or bidentate.........8.
Mandibles at apex obliquely truncate and 3-dentate.
First joint of the flagellum obconical, but not twice as long as
the second; head and thorax usually black, with a sparse
black pubescence, rarely with the head red; second
abdominal segment mostly red... .Pycnomutilla, Ashmead.
8. Body bare or nearly, never densely pubescent, or hairy, usually
rugosely punctured; scape rather long, slightly bent, the first
joint of the flagellum longer than the second ; second abdominal
segment marked with from 2 to 4 red or yellow spots, rarely.
immaculate . Mit. 2 ae . Sphaerophthalma, Blake.
"= Traumatomutilla, André.
Body not bare, but clothed with dense long hairs or densely
pubescent, or the head and thorax above with a dense pubescence ;
second abdominal segment usually black or the derma not spotted,
although the se Poe is sometimes ieee with two or more
PUDESCEMENSDOIS Fem wigs. of sg tees ,.Dasymutilla, Ashmead.
Family CULICID&.
Culex Dupreei, new species.— Female. Near serratus, but much
smaller, the white-scaled median vitta of the mesonotum broader, widening
posteriorly where it is wider than the brown lateral portion, etc. Black,
the bases of antenne, lower part of pleura, the metanotum, basal portion
ef venter, cox, and femora, yellowish; scales of palpi black, those of
occiput white, and with a spot of black ones each side; scales of middle of
mesonotum white, those on the sides brown, on the pleura and scutellum
white ; scales of abdomen brown, those in the basal angles of the segments
and on the venter white ; scales of femora yellowish, those on front side
of first two pairs, and on apical portion of upper side of hind ones, chiefly
brown, those of tibize and tarsi brown ; tarsal claws toothed ; wings hyaline,
lateral scales of the veins narrow and linear, petiole of first submarginal
cell about one-third the length of that cell, hind crpssvein about its length
from the small; length, slightly over 2 mm.
Male.—Colours as in the female, but the mesonotum nearly covered
with white scales ; penultimate joint: of palpi considerably dilated, the
last joirit narrow, front and middle tarsi with one tooth under one of the
claws, none under the other, petiole of first submarginal cell nearly as long
as the cell. ;
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.—A specimen of each sex received from
Mr. J. W. Dupree, after whom the species is named. Type No. 7340,
U.S. National Museum. Mr. Dupree writes that the eggs and larve of
this species are very distinct from those of serratus. A small series bred
by Dr. j. B. Smith, at New Brunswick, New Jersey, has also been
examined, }
Conchyliastes varipes, new species.—Near musicus, but the last joint
of the hind tarsi is brown. Black, the front and hind femora, except their
broad apices, the posterior side of the middle femora except their apices,
and the stems of the halteres, yellow, the fourth joint of the hind tarsi
white ; scales of palpi violaceous, those of the occiput yellowish white and
with a patch of violaceous ones on either side ; (mesonotum abraded ;
what scales remain are yellowish white and a few black ones along the
middle) ; scales of abdomen violet blue, those on sides of first two
segments, hind angles of the others except the Jast one, under surface of
each segment except the last one and base of the preceding, whitish ;
scales on yellow portion of femora yellowish white, those on the remainder
and on tibiz violet blue, those on the tarsi black except on the fourth
joint of the hind tarsi, where they are white, claws of front tarsi toothed ;
wings grayish hyaline, veins and scales brown, petiole of first submarginal
cell from two-fifths to three-fifths as long as that cell, hind crossvein less
than its length from the small; length, 4 mm. Five female specimens.
Fype No. 7341, U. S. N. M.
Las Penas and Tonala, Mexico (Dr. A. Dugeés), and Agricultural
College, Mississippi (May 18, Glenn W. Herrick).
Metriocnemus Knabi, new species.—Black, the knobs of the halteres
whitish, hairs of antennz brown, those of the body yellowish ; mesonotum
somewhat polished, front tibize twice as long as the first joint of their tarsi,
hind tibiz outwardly fringed with rather long hairs, all tarsi with a short
pubescence, but without hairs, the fourth joint slender and longer than the
fifth ; wings grayish hyaline, densely covered with brown hairs, third vein
almost straight ; length, 1.25 to 2mm _ ‘Two males and four females bred
by Mr. Fred Knab, after whom the species is named. Type No: 7321,
Uses) N. M.
Westfield, Massachusetts. This European genus of Chironomid
has not heretofore been recorded from this country.
Cuterebra grisea, new species.—Near fontine//a, but the hairs of the
mesonotum are whitish; also near scufe//aris, but the last abdominal
segment is largely opaque, gray pruinose. Black, the abdomen and legs
dark reddish brown ; front at vertex one and one-half times as wide as
either eye, its hairs black and with several yellow ones on the lower
poition, two gray pruinose spots along each eye and one on either side of
insertion of antennz ; face and cheeks densely gray pruinose, the upper
portion of sides of face broadly, a triangular spot on either side of lower
part of facial cavity, a small spot at luwer end of each eye and one nearly
midway between it and the oral margin, also two streaks along the anterior
portion of the latter, polished, margins and lower portion of facial
depression, except in the middle, also polished, hairs of fuce and cheeks
whitish, those on upper portion of face chiefly black ; (antenne wanting) ;
thorax gray pruinose, its hairs whitish, those of the hypopleura, middle of
breast and scutellum black, a row of three polished spots near the lower
front corner of the pleura ; abdomen polished, the last segment and venter
of the last three gray pruinose, several spots and the hind margin of the
last segment polished, hairs of abdomen black, those of the last segment
and venter of the last three chiefly yellow ; legs polished, an elongate,
whitish pruinose spot on front side of middle femora, hairs black, those on
inner side of apical half of front tibize golden yellow, on inner side of other
tibice chiefly white ; wings brown, veins yellow, calypteres dark brown ;
length, 15 mm.
Fort Simpson, B. C., Canada. <A single specimen collected by the
Rev. J. H. Keen, and submitted for naming by Dr. James Fletcher, to
whom the type has been returned.
Family ScloMyzip®.
Bischofia varia, new species.—Black, the head except middle of face,
basal half of antennz, mouth-parts, pleura, sternum and scutellum, reddish
brown, the halteres, sides of abdominal segment, coxz, trochanters, middle
legs except apical half of femora, and nearly basal half of hind femora,
yellow ; head and body polished, frontal lunule hidden, antennal arista
sparsely long-plumose, face strongly produced forward at the oral margin,
mesonotum bearing two pairs of dorsocentral bristles, no acrostichals,
mesopleura bare, pteropleura bearing two bristles, one above the other,
and several short hairs, sternopleura covered with short hairs, hind femora
without long hairs or bristles on the under side ; wings hyaline, veins
broadly bordered with brown, least distinct on the sixth vein, tip of first
vein slightly before the small crossvein, calypteres whitish ; length, 6 mm.
Rigaud, Quebec, Canada.
A female specimen collected May 24, 1902, by Mr. G. Chagnon, and
submitted by Mr. C. W. Johnson, of Boston, Mass., to whom it has been
returned by request.
This European genus was founded by Hendel in the Kais. Konig.
Zool-bot. Gesell. Wien, II., page 52, 1902, and besides the present form
the Dryomysa aristalis, Coquillett, also belongs to this genus. The latter
is closely related to Dryomyza, differing in the possession of a propleural
bristle, a preapical pair of bristles on each front tibia, etc.
Chelostoma Neomexicanum, 0. sp.
?.—Length about 8 mm., black, with distinct narrow white hair-
bands on abdomen. Middle of anterior margin of clypeus curved upwards,
presenting a point from which the sides slope gently for some distance,
and then abruptly nearly vertically, the whole, seen from beneath, having
about the outline of a low house seen from one end ; some distance on
each side of this structure is a low projection of the margin. In general,
the insect looks just like Ashmeadiella bucconis, but the second tooth of
the mandibles is short, and the front and vertex are as densely punctured
as it is possible for them to be. The last joint of the labial palpus is
conspicuously longer than the penultimate one.
Hab.—Barela Mesa, New Mexico, at flowers of blue-bell ; June 28,
1903. (Anna Gohrman.) ‘The genus is new to New Mexico. The
species will be easily known by the clypeal structure, as described. Miss
Gohrman also collected Osmia Brzuneri, Ckll., at flowers of blue-bell at
Barela Mesa, June 28. The species is new to New Mexico. At the same
place, and on the same day, she also collected Anthidium maculosum, Cr.,
q (at loco flowers), and Syzhalonia frater, Cr.
Flalictus clematisellus, n. sp.
9 .—Length about 5 mm.; head and thorax olive green; abdomen
shining bright orange-ferruginous, not at all dusky at apex, the third and
fourth segments each with a small round black spot near the base on each _
extreme side ; wings short, iridescent; tegule, nervures and stigma pale
testaceous. In nearly all respects this agrees with HZ /zctus, Crawford,
but it differs conspicuously in having the abdomen only very scantily
pubescent, and the enclosure of the metathorax (except the broad shining
rim) entirely covered with strong vermiform ruge. The clypeus (except
its upper margin) is wholly purplish-black, with very large, sparse
‘punctures, and no testaceous border ; the supraclypeal area is more or less
brassy. The knees, apices of tibize, and tarsi more or less, are ferruginous,
Antenne black, flagellum dark brownish beneath. Mesothorax strongly
and rather closzly punctured on a microscopically tessellate surface. First
abdominal segment smooth, with sparse, very minute punctures ; second,
with equally small but rather closer punctures, and more or less trans-
versely striatulate basally. Hind spur of hind tibia with few, large, teeth.
Belongs to Robertson’s group Chloradictus.
Hab.—Pecos, New Mexico, July 14, 1903. (W. P. Cockerell.) It
occurs in numbers at flowers of Clematis digusticifolia, but has been seen
on no other plant.
Trypetes carinatum (Cresson).
Prof. C. H. T. Townsend has taken this at Tlacotalpam in Vera Cruz,
Mexico, April 21. I cannot see any difference between the specimen and
those found in the United States. The genus is new to Mexico.
Colletes Wilmatta, n. ‘sp.
?.—Length 10 mm.; almost entirely covered with short pale yellow
pubescence ; legs red. Palpi ferruginous, with subequal joints, the basal
ones a little the longer ; malar space very short, at least twice as broad as
long ; mandibles black, with a faint red stain in the middle ; labrum
convex, shining, with a row of shallow pits; clypeus confluently punctured ;
antennz short, black or nearly so, scape brownish, second joint very
distinctly brown; prothoracic spines short ; mesothorax shining and
densely punctured, but the surface entirely concealed by the short hair ;
even the metathorax is covered with hair ; tegule small, pale testaceous ;
wings very short, quite clear, the small stigma and the nervures pale
ferruginous ; second submarginal cell broader than high; abdomen rather
parallel-sided, long, the dorsal surface entirely covered with very short
pubescence, except the apical segment, which is dark brown and nearly
bare, strongly contrasting.
Hab.—Pecos, N. M., Aug. 9, 1903. (Z7:D. A. & W. P. Cockerell.)
Flying over damp ground by the Pecos River. A very distinct and
beautiful species. The character of the pubescence allies it with C.
aberrans, Ckil., while the red legs and some other characters curiously
suggest the Brazilian C. rufipes, Smith. The insect also reminds one of
Dasiapis ochracea, Ckll.
While arranging the flies of this family contained in the Garry de N,
Hough collection of the University of Chicago, together with my own
material, a number of notes have been made, which are here given. This
family, like a number of other dipterous groups, needs monographic
study owing to the confused and scattered descriptions of most of the
forms. Of recent years the number of genera has been multiplied,
although the authors have neglected to sift out the older species belonging
to these new groups. Accordingly, the older genera, like Sargus for
example, contain species of several of the modern subdivisions.
In the following pages are listed the species studied, together with
the localities from which they were received. Analytical keys are intro-
duced for several of the genera as an aid to the-future student. I here
wish to thank my friend, Mr. Charles T. Brues, for supplying descriptions
not accessible in this city.
Our three species are related thus :
Misewheet not as broad aS the Stiema.. © se) cs seit aie we hiv acetate saets o ePRee
Discal cell as broad as the stigma ; abdomen testaceous
CCMA Lys tates, | eeeata.n ths Sin oes Som Shante Sale espe ie Siar vray PAS CLEP SS LANE
2. wAbdomen testaceous centrally... ... <2. 6eee sais... similis, Loew.
Abdomen wholly black............-.........-0bscuriventris, Loew.
A. fuscitarsis, Say.
Edgebrook and Algonquin, Ill.; Kiamesha, N. Y. June.
A. obscurtventris, Loew.
Edgebrook, Ill. June. This species occurs in company, with the
preceding in open woodland.
But two species occur in the United States. They have the thorax
metallic green and the abdomen black.
Seuteham witir four sspmMesis 0. ls Sa he as eles dels s DEF TALS, BBY.
Scutellum with six or eight spines........ ‘eee Bell., Will.
B. viridis, Say.
New Jersey (vi., 3, ’or) ; Michigan ; Glen Ellyn, Ill. (v., 30, ’99).
B. Mexicana, Bellardi, Williston.
One specimen from Vancouver Island (Livingston, viil., 14, ’96)
agrees with Dr. Williston’s redescription of this species (CAN. ENT., 1885,
p. 123).
The species grouped under the old genus Savgus are many of them
superficially described. Accordingly, it would be difficult to decide to
which subdivision most of the species belong. So far the species
described under the generic name Sargus may be distributed among the
following groups :
Non-metallic species 2.7.90. 00). bs ne RN ees oe ee eon Ie Wwe
More or less metallic species.
Eyes contiguous or subcontiguous, g ; ocelli equidistant.
Abdomen long, pedicellate, cylindrical at the
DASE sa3 hire Padme theed (titheaas Macrpsarousy Higet
Abdomen short, pian ad)
flattened 2 co. 5.0. dso est sopp.-efegens, Lw,, and Zexana,isp. 1.
Eyes, oe 2, cme ; front ocellus further from the other
two. et ae .. Sargus, S. str.
The assignment ot a species in ite fallewine ‘able is based almost
entirely on their descriptions, and hence can not be relied upon with
absolute certainty. Many species are known from one sex alone, many
are poorly described, and as we know that there is great variability in
colour in some of the species, it seems certain that the species are less
numerous than their descriptions. All the species that have been recorded
as from North America are included in the table. To the future student
who has a sufficiently large collection is left the task of solving the
Abdomen petiolate ; eyes of male contiguous or nearly 50 ; ocelli equidis-
tant (Afacrosargus, Bigot) .. 41-8 ; AE Na ene
Abdomen not clavate ; eyes SenGraiy: sera did: oct Balle gener-
ally further tee the others. O25 = ai in Peas oat SeNetoees Lis
2. Thorax reddish, more or less ficial Hagerictiy. Wie Sena
Thorax completely metallic green 2... 0.0.6 ice ee ere oe ale ee As
3. Abdomen dark green ; antenne black..............dénearts, Loew.
Abdomen reddish, with four black fascie.....smaragdiferous, Bigot.
4. Abdomen entirely metallic, cupreous.... 1.2... 05. eee ee ee ee ee Bs
Abdomen with the second segment yellow..... coarctatus, Macquart.
5. Scutellum ag with red; face more or less black pilose (f//formzs,
Gilio Tos). . Se CE oo 2 eMart tied See ATES to SCHL EIEE Ne
Scutellum apniy green or voids STEEN “ace sieve ~ eae sais whe edbalnareiee
6." Wings blackish jes. acces sae ens bee a demche oe OUETES, Walker
Wings at most brown. dpe “i iL. wide ei Sia oe RON ce bins ee ee
7. Abdomen black with brane tre as, f sks eis .....-¢lavis, Williston.
Abdomen cupreous with green Justre ............02 teeeeees 08
Abdomen golden at base, aeneous at tip ..........aureus, Bellardi.
*(Of the species in Osten Sacken’s Catalogue, Sargus trivittatus, Say, and S,
subinterruplus, Bellardi, belong here. )
——__ = ~ — SS
Bilewblaekss-.:%.4 5. i: Cea deca: Sau Dien > oo oe ok (alebiaas.. Walker:
PALE ARLVOUS (ei. haku atta ocak Pee Cease ee Oat mange teat dares Qe
Mesonotum with a white spot. ..sp. innom., Osten Sacken, Williston.
Mesonotum not marked with a white spot ....-.....00... e000 +10,
Pleura green ;-vertical triangle longer 277.2 :.....-...Zacens, Loew:
Pleura yellow ; vertical triangle shorter ......../ateralis, Macquart.
Legs black, at least the hind femora more or less black ......... 26.
Legs largely yellow ; at most the hind on with brown markings... 12.
Abdomen unicolored, not fasciate . FM ee Rapti eee aero oes Te
Abdomen purple with yellow a Athos & Ss errients hae ae
Abdomen reddish or eet at teat’ at jase sometimes wilt more
or less cupreous tinge.. eee ra ee nes nae
Abdomen black, green, Ole: or cupreous, not t light eolonted! i
Pleura yellow, eyes of male contiguous.......... .. .legans, Tew.
Pleura black or concolorous ‘with the dorsum So. .o0 2. 2. Se. oes
Face and front reddish yeliow ....... oes Newel
Face and front metallic green ; wings hyaline renee
3mm. ae dance . bicolor, Wiedemann.
ibeaoeniial seathients en race al ipeinlee” 4 wings light brown (not
Abdomen aeneous at the tip ; wings hyaline ........ debilis, Walker.
- Pleura yellow, woolly on parily . 07. fan ok «cde s 5 Ste ins eae eee
Pleura (black or Gare metallic) 3.1) ioe 0s sc. Sey eh gs sine ay oN ge BOR
. Legs varied with brown ; stigma Mackin, Sates seta ten tra ae Ole
Legs completely yellow: stigma fuscous ......... pleuriticus, Loew.
Thoxax blue-green = length’ 7 mm... ses). ceruleifrons, Johnson.
Thorax violet ; length about 16 mm..............splendens, Bigot.
Front testaceous ; scutellum margined with yellow .............21.
Front metallic, except sometimes for two white spots ...........22.
Abdomen blue; veins yellow ... ............. versicolor, Bellardi.
Abdomen. green; veins dark ji.-2. 0.0... ..bdagosus, Walker.
Face yellow ; thorax violet. nae ove, 5's eR aa Ne eae Bigot.
Face black ; thorax green. a“ : : ; sage
. Eyes of at contiguous; car Edutdistant: akgorten short aia bread
TEENA rakes oh ; BE Bes . Zexanus, sp. NOV.
Normal Sargus-species ; abaemen ences «oop eee Sort ealeh eek
Sargus decorus, Say. Sint
ADGOMED SKEEM... « siphiy wir a bialela aye «tain! dpv AAU PUNY CF a BIBOK,
abdomen:eupreous «2 66 eee le wate vel Plebicornis; Bisa,
xanuthopus, Wiedernann.
BbAQMED PICEONA >. ..is:si6d ls lected MEE ey ee ee el ee eonereen aw.
25. Hind legs varied with brown ................stamineus, Fabricius.
Tip.of hind tarst.only brown. ...p..42 62). de6 1) on oeereaolar, pew.
26. Thorax and abdomen violet green, concolorous................27.
Thorax violet or green, abdomen not concolorous..............28.
Thorax red above, scutellum dark; abdomen yellow at base; fore legs
.concinnus, Osten Sacken.
pale... :
27. Legs entirely Bee antenne Hider aaa bis, Bigot). wtridis, Say.
Legs in part yellow ; antenne yellow... ..nigrifemoratus, Macquart.
28. Wings with a brown cloud at middle (xubeculosus,
EHEC. -etan ort) ON see hah eats ciate ie CRO Ae EAL Ss eae UTS
Wings uniformly yellowish ; front legs pale. .... 2... 22... + 00000 2Qs
agiiAbdomen wniforimly gieta lac ic usaf ce atm a GS tals niche inves Wie esas 30.
Abdonien with a. whitevitta’ .....' sale. dos Sali, Bellardi.
30: Abdomen eupreaus: vinlet 200) 44).3 sae vale | oteeeeis, Macquart.
Abdomen aeneous .. : ./atus, Bellardi.
Of these species the aiicnaines are not aie a in Osten Sacken’s Cata-
splendens, Bigot, Ann. Soc, Ent. France (5), 1x., p. 224. 1879. Mex.
nigribarbis, Bigot, ibid., p. 224. Cal. (=viridis, Say.)
élavis, Williston, CAN. ENT., xvil., p. 123. 1885. Va., N.C.
punctifer, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. France (6), vii., p. 27. 1887. Col.
picticornis, Bigot, ibid., p. 27. Wash.
patlipes, Bigot, ibid., p. 28, Oregon.
sapphireus, Bigot, ibid., p. 28, Cuba.
concinnus, Osten Sacken, Biologia Centr.-Amer. Dipt.
Sp. innominata, Osten Sacken, ibid., p. 23. Mex.
Williston, ibid., Suppl., p. 231.
filiformis. Gilio Tos, Bull. Mus. Zool. Torin. 1891, No. to2. Mex.
(=cesius, Bell.)
sp. innominata, Townsend, Ann. N. Hist., xix., p. 18. 1897. Mex.
cestus, Bellardi, Williston, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Dipt. Suppl., p. 232.
caruleifrons, Johnson, Ent. News, Phila., xi., p. 325. New Jersey.
cuprarius, Linn, etc. A common European species.
coarctatus, Macq., etc. A Brazilian species, taken also in Mexico.
Texanus, sp., nov. Described herewith.
Notes on the distribution of the specimens of Sargus studied.
1. ducens, Loew. Several specimens from Hayut,
2. cuprarius, Linn. This is the species known as nebecudosus, Z tt., in
collections. Not rare. Woods Hole, Mass. (July); Newark, N. J.
(June) ; Penn.; Chicago, Ill. (June-July).
decorus, Say. Kiamesha, N. Y. (June); New Bedford, Mass. (May) ;
Phila, Penn. ; Ontario ; Algonquin and Chicago, Ill. ; Austin, Tex.;
Vancouver Island. June and July.
4. viridis, Say. Mich.; London, Ontario; Chicago, IIl.; Denver, Col.
May and June.
. elegans, Loew. Opelousas, La. May and June.
Texanus, sp. nov.
Male: Eyes contiguous, subcontiguous in front of the antennae; front
and face black; antenne reddish, the style black ; proboscis yellow ;
ocelli equidistant, ocellar triangle metallic black, with fulvous pile.
Thorax polished green, scutellum and metathorax somewhat more bluish ;
pile of thorax fulvous, erect, appearing dense when viewed from the side;
humeri and a line to the root of the wing yellow; pleura black. Abdomen
metallic green, with erect fulvous pile, sexual organs testaceous ; venter
piceous, becoming metallic posteriorly. Legs, including cox, completely
yellow. Halteres yellow. Wings lutescent, veins yellow. Length, 6 mm.
Female: ‘Front and vertex green, their sides parallel, medially
bisected by a fine impressed line, which also separates the transversely
lunate frontal white spots. Between the antenne and the frontal marks
the ground colour is piceous. Otherwise as in the male.
Described from two males and one female collected by the writer at
Austin, Texas, one bearing the date of April 28, rgoo.
Although not a typical Sargus, this species is placed in this genus, as
it is closely related to elegans, Loew. From e/egans it may be distin-
guished by the shorter contiguity of the male eyes (in e/egavs the eyes are
contiguous up to the ocellar triangle), by the lack of frontal spots in the
male, the wholly green thorax and the black pleura.
The two species occurring in the United States may be separated as
follows :
Front black above ; hind metatarsi black, remainder of hind tarsi
WHOS: as chee 2 eet koh A Seah see eta igh oki wholeasaaaas ane OAM ake, NUNS GEN
Front wholly yellow ; hind tarsi brown................¢rivittatus, Say.
P. trivittatus, Say. (P. similis, Will.).
A single female from Pennsylvania,
1. Hf. idducens, Linn.
Not rare at Austin, Texas, during the whole year. The species seems
to have a predilection for fences and sidewalks, where they can be picked
up with the fingers, showing no desire for flight.
. A. aurata, Bellardi.
Austin, Texas. April-May,
1. O. maculata, Oliv.
Opelousas, La. (May-June) ; Toronto, Ontario.
. O. unifasciata, Loew.
Boykins, Va. (June) ; McHenry, Ill.
E. tetraspilus, Loew.
McHenry, Ill. June.
The genus /Vemote/us has been reviewed in the current number of
Psyche, where five new species are described from my collection.
M. fasciatus, Brauer.
Several specimens, all males, of this dainty little species were taken
running about on the large leaves of Elephant’s-ear growing along the
Comal River, New Braunfels, Texas. May.
Owing to the absence in Florida of Mr. C. W. Johnson at the time of
publication; the analytical keys of Odontomyia and Stratiomyia in the
Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. (1895) are full of typographical errors. Every
student of this paper has been perplexed as to the meaning of the strange
mélange. The following table is a transcription of the key published on
page 230 of Mr. Johnson’s paper :
Head ¢ ? narrower than the thorax.. oa 5 » Risley aes
Head ¢ ? much wider than the thorak? hire bitten sein flat . ely
2. Eyes ¢ @ glabrous.. ST ICE ee ee Soe
Eyes ¢ pubescent.. ei ir SUN ante by oes es COs
3. Occiput of both sexes Mateely. slice! Soa REGS SRR ta a etter ce 3 8 4.
Occiput black, sometimes yellow beneath..
4. Antenne normally long......... ‘ We ete Oa ha ne she
Antenne noticeably arate fheue in ve emer BPEGICS Niramnvn Ah 4 7.
5. Abdominal spots usually connected on the fourth segment of the
male, and always connected on the fourth and usually on the third
ofthe female? ws S755. 081: pig ee ME
Abdominal spots never Horneticdk on the towieh segment of the ¢,
and warely: counectedun: the Seok. wicker s1= eC eRDALO, Loew.
6. Fifth segment with a large keystone-shaped marking. me/anostoma, LW.
Fifth segment with a dorsal line and spot at the anterior
BIAGIO ay eS etal ot clara: hare ake Who aay view aus Mee amehaen POLEUONIF ES,” IW.
7. Abdomen: lateral triangular markings on the second and third seg-
ments, widely connected on the lateral margin... Braver’, Johns.
Abdomen: lateral subtriangular markings on the second and third
segments not connected at the lateral margins ....../aticeps, Lw.
8. Scutellum normally yellow, or with base narrowly black..........9.
Scutellum black, or with narrow apical margin yellow.... ......12.
g. Second segment with lateral triangles ; wings infumated ........ 10.
Second segment with narrow lateral markings ; wings usually
GARR. esa g Lok Be to Po ae ocata wee Bite ada Mi te eee STE cee pele
1o. Posterior margin of fourth segment yellow, with median triangular
BLOjEction\.\..s..c <1. : : aa .unilimbata, Lw.
Yellow on seater margin ae ‘unt eepcH inteaaipredee dt ENN
11. Fourth segment with a small dorsal triangle ; vertex of ¢
black.. Seah : Seid .normula, Lw.
Fourth and a sepuients with Saal dorsal triangles vertex of @
WSiial by Melo aes ec Secale, sidan eiesere aol gales @ rerene norma, Wied.
12. Abdomen with Site markings. ten aah, teste Jes Agnes
Abdomen wholly black ¢ (2 ambROAY ere a ee Big.
13. Abdominal markings linear....... Were
Abdominal markings coalecera! farina a tongue yellow ae at the
anterior corners of the abdomen ...... : atpheporey «dal
14. Fifth segment with a dorsal line ; lateral marine on ‘hie segments of
the ? very narrow. oa bs Ela . Meigenti, Wied.
Fifth segment with a dar) bangle. : jae maeeinise on the seg-
ments of the f @ prominent . 5 Sadie 4 os CPICHLD, Acays
15. Pile of the thorax unusually long el deine’ sndbinee Ans third and
fourth segments very convex. ine Siar, <<'e ju ch « @ESCOLESy MONUE
Pile on the thorax normal ; abaémen narrow, and chan and fourth
Seaments noticeably, CONVER sae sie « anal os ace qguaternaria, Lw.
. Face of 2 yellow, ¢ black ; abdomen with a wide maculated or
indented lateral margin ; variable...............macudosa, Lw.
Face of ¢ 2 yellow, with a longitudinal line of black; abdominal
markings transverse, the same in both sexes ; eyes of ?
plabhous, iv tila. ad Dein CEL Ge Gace ale cus eee Walker
Abdomen: bands on the second segment interrupted, the third and
fourth contiguous. Be aa aes A? eM oe
Abdomen : fourth abe fifth segments Gabe ork hide elle
bands . a's! hies = eyaalos fa agi, ll ona ipa nied af'sh ghnter 1 ORR REE aE:
srutelionn cs Divehi, of bin il. Gis Sao GReetanieseieanl ar, malkdets +, Nears
sentellyg oD yellow jacsias cas, eatin none aildn cerien 1 CORREA (LW
Abdomen: bands on the second and third segments
CONES MONON Tee Wocmtadc: eerie, walter Gersteckeri, Bell.
Abdomen : second segment with two large spots ...dimaculata, Bell.
List of species of Stratiomyia studied.
. S. melanostoma, Iw.
McHenry, Ill. July.
. S. lativentris, Loew.
Chicago, Ill. (July) ; Canada.
S. normula, Loew.
Chicago, Ill. (May) ; Colorado.
. S. zorma, Wiedemann.
Indiana ; McHenry, Ill. (June).
S. unilimbata, Loew.
McHenry, Ill. (July); Milwaukee, Wisc. (June); Berkeley, Col.
iS. Meigenii, Wiedemann,
Chicago, Ill. ; Austin, Texas; S. Dakota.
S. apicula, Loew.
Algonquin, Ill. (June) ; Austin, Texas (April).
. S. discalis, Loew.
Chicago, Ill. May.
. S. dadius, Walker.
McHenry, Ill. June and July.
10. S. constans, Loew.
Austin, Texas. April to October. Common.
The puzzling key to the species of Odontomyza, given in the Transac-
tions of the American Entomological Society, 1895, pp. 250-251, was
printed without Mr. Johnson’s supervision, and contains numerous mis-
takes in typography. The student attempting to use the key is misled to
a blind ending in four places. ‘The dichotomy is given corrected here-
with. In addition to the species listed by Mr. Johnson, the Supplement
of the Biologia Centrali-Americana contains three recent species from
(ard joncitnomal-vern branched at 22 cae cae ctayetl ae aici rise tvehar= win = 2
Thindvlonsitudamal vem simple 2.66. sce cael ee ee een ee ge TBs
zamomenilarsely Preen Or Yellow taxis .2: wie sete Geer es 2 ee Se
Abdomen largely black, the markings comparatively narrow ..... 10.
gesiges of dorsulnm of tharax yellow Or green \2 eye ar) cra iain ee
Dorsum of thorax wholly black. Rar she Deter ath ete ee tte
4. Abdominal markings ¢ @ Aisne ; manande of 4 confluent
Vageranly 2s oct ne > : 5a eh, Pata he ok A ai
Abdominal eanines 3 9 Ganilae hal aiated cs anar dite ele. eee age
5. Disc of thorax usually with two irregular sathek emule Osnotata, Lw,
ise of thorax witbowt mae kSh cas «cage ais's)<p5e Behm » os ue cos eee ae
6. Spines of seutellum bling coma ae eas ce hn se 2 1 erepens. law.
Spines of scutellum a 1% : ns ao UME eI:
7. Abdominal markings Se eupule, athenuated. ee each the lateral
WOGNEIMS .. 56. 2). HA aie a , car .cincta, Oliv.
Abdominal markings triangular not SL LEAeREAE ihe. Ueerat
margins . ae cee ie noe wate umemmedes, abr:
8. Abdomen 2 aii transverse head d eat only iepenal markings at
posterior angles ........ wet : rh iat Lw.
Abdomen ? with transverse ete ‘dit a dorsal line. Preece
Abdomen 4 @ similar, with basal triangular spot and transverse
ra Melati sed sesh NE eR tac 02s aha abr oa Bae jk poe ema me ERIN
9. Scutellum and spines yellow ......-..+..-..+..+.~. arcéata, Lw.
Scutellum.and spines black ..4......5 0.00 .0.:40 000» fleua, Say.
to. Scutellum more or less yellowish, without spines ...............1I.
Scutellum black, with spines. ae Sree, Cth en erie sap lee
1x. Scutellum wholly black ; feat ie Hake vertex eee not Dewi over the
vertical angle.......... Se ol elaeen aes . fallax, Johns.
Scutellum, base back ilack: of hee vertex Sasa. over the vertical
angle: proboscis longer.....,,-..++++++++. + Migrérostris, Lw,
. Wings: very dark brown, face produced ........... nigerrima, Lw.
Wings: veins reddish, face rounded, front broad ..... Hg Day.
. First antennal joint less than twice the length of the second.. «...14.
First antennal joint twice the length of the ae or longer. e's
. Scutellum largely yellowish. . ARITA Aa cae ee aA
Scutellum black or marked Ait VEGW.. Soe tan mae ay. PE8:
. Pleura ¢ yellow; thorax ? with yellow vitte.... ae vidiheeen, ‘ake
Pleara- a. black: thorax’? “at vittare=n sks . 16.
Abdomen wholly oreet.- os. ties sos c pene aan
Abdomen with black marks....:.:....... oe a Ba ie
. Antenne, front-and vertex Ted): 4... wearer: jiiiiraleinaads jon
Antenne, front and vertex black. 7/5... -b es see vertebrata, Say.
Scutellum laterally green. ROD chee) Sire ree eyes Texasiana, Johns.
Scutellum apically green. reg ; si 20,
Abdomen ¢ @ with wide Ene Tee Rsaniits: narrower in i én in
Da AOR, Pe eas “atin re bese et al ater e eek nee mesial ew 2: Meat eee eR canara le
Abdomen 9? black with transverse markings, ¢ with dorsal
Ie. nce te (ogee, valine s ee a ..daterrupta, Oliv.
Abdomen’ ° with, transverse or cae klar eS Saye a ae ee
Third antennal joint sharply pointed ; front yellow.............21.
Third antennal joint bluntly pointed ; front shining black........22.
. Abdomen brown-black, with wide continuous lateral margin ;
scutellum 9 yellow........ sae. microstoma, LW.
Abdomen with irregular median Black Swipes ...-pilimana, Lw.
Pile of thorax whitish ; median black stripe of aidonied
straight... ; : . Americana, Day.
Pile of thorax yellow “median black stripe ‘notched on the
sides. . virgo, Wied,
Femora yellow ; ; ‘abdominal marks ‘usually triangular. “pubescens, Day.
Femora black ; abdominal marks transverse. .hoodtana, Big.
First and second joints of the antenne black. . a re Paso 0
First and second joints red..... aie oy Poem hs 8 3
Front and vertex wide, lateral thoracic stripe
CONTINUOUS. «- a. ieee hieroglyphica, Oliv.
Front and vertex narrow ; " Jateral thoracic stripe abbreviated
anteriorly..... wba tia ty ¥ ae EMER EES) TONS;
Eyes pubescent ; scutellum of 9 yellow... ae ih oon
Eyes glabrous ; scutellum black, with yellow margin. 1. occipitalis, Johns.
Abdomen ¢ broad, with narrow markings, pilose. . . obscura, Oliv.
Abdomen ¢ narrow, with wide markings, pubescent _flavicornis, Oliv,
(To be continued. )
THE Morn Boox.—A popular guide to a knowledge of the Moths of North
America. By W. J. Holland, D.D., Director of the Carnegie Museum,
Pittsburg, Pa., etc. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 34
Union Square ; 4to. pp. xxiv.+479- (Price $4.00 net, postage 34
It is now four years since Dr. Holland published his admirable
“Butterfly Book,” and for some time the possessors of it have been looking
forward eagerly to the publication of this companion volume, which is
intended to afford an easy introduction to the identification of our moths.
We can well understand that the task has been a difficult one, as there are
six thousand species listed, a number manifestly impossible to figure or
describe in a single volume, and the problem has been how to make a
satisfactory selection from this vast number. The author has wisely solved
the difficulty by figuring almost all the larger and more conspicuous species
which the ordinary collector is most likely to meet with, and giving
representatives of many genera in the remaining families. Owing to the
limitations of space, no descriptions are givenas a rule, but there is a useful
key to the families, and a list of books which the student may consult.
The forty-eight plates, containing over 1,500 figures, are very beauti-
ful, and for the most part true to nature, but in some cases the purple tint
of the background affects the correctness of the colouring. In many
instances the effect is marvellously successful, as may be seen in the case
of Composia fidelissima (plate xxxviil., fig. 4), and the figures of larve on
the frontispiece. The cuts in the text, 263 in number, are not so satis-
factory, owing to the rough texture of the paper, which has prevented clear
impressions from being made.
A full meed of gratitude is certainly due to Dr. Holland for this
welcome addition to the goodly list of popular works on Natural History.
With this volume, the Butterfly Book, and Dr. Howard’s Insect Book, the
way is made easy for beginners in the study of Entomology, who should
now become many times more numerous than ever before. The initial
difficulties regarding the identification of specimens being largely removed,
collectors and students should have much more time at their disposal for
tracing out the life-histories and observing the manners and customs of
insects respecting which we know little at present.
The want of a “ Beetle Book ” still remains unfulfilled. Its prepara-
tion, would be an even more difficult task than that of the ‘* Moth Book,”
owing to the immense number of species to be dealt with, and the minute
size of a large proportion of them; it might, however, be practicable to
take up a certain number of families at a time and spread the work over
two or more volumes.—C. J. S. B.
We have before us Dr. Holland’s long expected ‘‘ Moth Book,” a com-
panion to his well-known “ Butterfly Book,” published in the same style
and only a little larger. The coloured plates show most characteristically
the appearance of all the commoner North American moths, except in the
lower families, where only typical illustrations are given. The book will
be of great value to all collectors. Not only this, but there are several
features wherein it will commend itself to more advanced students.
Several types are figured, noticeably some of Hulst in the Geometride,
and among these I see some species with the appearance of which I was
not hitherto familiar, A few new species are described by Dr. Holland,
and there is some change in the nomenclature, notably the adoption of the
names of the Sphingidz proposed by Rothschild and Jordan. There is
no attempt at description of genera or species, and the synoptic tables do
not proceed beyond family definition ; but a good review of the literature
of the subject is given, arranged under a heading of families. We are
personally aware that Dr. Holland took much pains to avoid misidentifica-
tion of his figures, but are sorry to note thata considerable number have:
nevertheless crept in. A casual glance over the plates shows, for example,
pl. xxix., fig. 66, what purports to be Cydosia majuscula, Hy. Edw., but
really represents Z7ricostibas calligera, Zell. Pl. xlii., fig. 32, is labelled
Tephroclystis absinthiata, Cl., but shows AZacaria infimata, Guen.; p!. xliii.,
figs. ro and 11, are marked Aydriomene custodiata, Guen., but really repre-
sent Hydriomene excurvata, Grt. On page 375 in the text is figured
‘« Inguromorpha basailis,” which should be Cossuda magnifica, while the
cut on page 379, which purports to be the latter species, is a representa-
tion of something unfamiliar to me, which is neither magnifica nor basalis.
The plate xlvii., representing Limacodiz, contains several errors: fig. 15.
should be Luclea indeterminata, not £. chloris; fig. 21 should be Zortrz-
cidia flexuosa, not Cochlidion y-inversa, and fig. 27 should be Coch/idion
latomia, not C. rectilinea, which has black hind wings. We fear that there:
are other such misidentifications, and on this point the student wili have
to be on his guard in using the book. Harrison G. Dyar.
Vol iv. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart. London: 1903; xx +689
pages, with a supplementary volume of coloured plates.
With this volume the Noctuidze are begun, the classification to be
used is outlined, and about one-tenth of the species are treated. Fifteen
subfamilies are recognized, based on the usual structural characters, but
used in a new order, and a very commendable one it seems to us. The
first subfamily, the one treated in this volume, is the Agrotinz, containing
all those Noctuids with trifid venation of the hind wings and spines on the
hind tibie. This subfamily is remarkably well represented in North
America, so that the volume consists largely of our familiar names—I
ought to say our familiar species, for the names are very largely changed.
The sequence of genera, too, is a new one. The little day-flying
Fleliolonche modicella heads our list, followed by the Heliothids and
Schinias, and finally the bulk of the Agrotids proper. These changes in
the generic names were fully to be expected, since now for the first time
all the old names are applied to the world fauna. Besides this, secondary
sexual characters are not used in generic definition, and this naturally
makes a great change in the names as heretofore applied by American
authors. We have been in the habit of using these characters very
largely. I am therefore pleased to note that there are some of our names
that are not changed. I regret that Hiibner’s ‘‘ Tentamen ” is not adopted.
American economic students will hardly recognize the familiar Boll-worm
under the new appellation of Chloridea obscura, Fab. A part of this change
could have been avoided by recognizing the Tentamen ; it would have
allowed the retention of the generic name /e/éothis. Our large genus
Carneades (Paragrotis, Pratt, of Bull. 52, U. S. Nat. Mus.), made still
larger by the addition of RAizagrotis and Corhizagrotis, is called Euxoa,
Hubn. It would be 4grotis if the Tentamen names were applied. The
term /Voctua, Linn., does not appear in the volume, being applied to the
South American species s¢réx. The process of arriving at this and other
types of genera is not elucidated, and it is not clear to us. We can only
hope that future workers will not feel obliged to review the matter, and
change all the names again.
A few new genera are based on our species, and two new North
American species are described. Most ill-advisedly, the name Cadifornica
has been selected for one of these. This specific name has been used
already too often, so that it has become a nuisance to anyone attempting
to use a specific index. There are thirty species named Cadifornica, and
including the variants Californie, Californiata, Californiella, Catlt-
forniana and Californicalis, the name has been used forty-eight times,
The other new name, Jorea/is, is also objectionable, having been used
no less than sixteen times for North American species.
We note that Harvey’s species are uniformly credited to Harris.
At the end of the book is a list of 77 unrecognized species, 26 of
which are North American, and might have been eliminated from the list
if American students had exerted themselves more actively to assist the
author. Harrison G. Dyar.
From Science we learn that the following Entomological appoint-
ments have been recently made:
Mr. S. I. Kuwana, M. S, (Leland-Stanford University), has been
appointed Entomologist at the Central Agricultural Experimental Station,
Nishigahara, Tokyo, Japan. His special studies have been devoted to
scale insects, and he has monographed the Japanese Coccide, so far as
the species are at present known.
Pror. C. P. Gitterre, Entomologist at the Agricultural College,
Fort Collins, Colorado, has been appointed Chief Entomologist of the
St. Louis Exposition.
Mr. H. Maxwe.t-Lerroy, who left Barbadoes early in the year to
fill the the position of Entomologist to the Government of India at the
Imperial School of Forestry, Dehra Dun, N. W. Provinces, is to be
stationed at Surat in the Bombay Presidency.
Pror. W. M. Scort, State Entomologist and Pathologist of Georgia,
has been appointed Pathologist in the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Pror. Witmon NeweELt, of the Texas Agricultural College, has been
appointed State Entomologist of Georgia, vice Prof. Scott.
Mailed January 4th, 1904.
The Canadian atomoloia
Apatela mesta, Nn. var.
A very distinct form of the European Zeforzna, Linn.; dark gray, fully
as dark as Canadensis, Smith & Dyar, which it much ecciatslew ; but the
basal line is broken and the transverse posterior line is dentate as in
Described from 6 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.
U.S. National Museum, type No. 7322.
Apatela griseor, n. var.
A western variety of 7znotata, Guen., slightly larger, the white ground
colour more distinctly strewn with black scales and the black marks
‘bordering the usual lines sharper and more pronounced, especially notice-
able in the transverse anterior line. In ¢unotata this line is almost lost ;
in griseor it is often nearly as obvious as the transverse posterior line.
Described from 16 specimens, Kaslo, B. C
U. S. National Museum, type No. 7323.
Apatela dolorosa, 0, var.
A western form of d@stans, Grote; darker than its eastern ally, both in
the tone of the gray ground and the amount of black shadings. It
closely resembles emacu/ata, Smith, from the same region, but is a less
smoothly gray and has more marked contrasts between the light and dark
shades ; the transverse posterior line is more distinctly dentate, and there
are other slight differences, so that | think we have to do with distinct,
although closely allied species.
Described from 3 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.
U.S. National Museum, type No. 7324.
Platyperigea anotha, 0, sp.
Luteous, strewn with dark scales. Head and palpi black-brown,
thorax and abdomen luteous grayish. Fore wings shining luteous, basal
line rather distinct, broken, the costal half supplemented by an outwardly .
placed shade on inner margin ; t.-a. line distinct, single, brown-black,
marked by a spot on costa, with an outward subcostal angle and an inward
one on vein 1. Orbicular round, small, black ; reniform a large, diffuse,
black cloud. Median shade close to t.-p. line, broad, diffuse, obsolete
above. ‘T.-p. line crenulate, inflexed at costa to a spot above reniform
and bent inward below cell evenly. A light space beyond it is succeeded
by a broad smoky marginal shade, which a faint, pale, subterminal line
bisects. Ihe shade is gathered to an ill-defined dark patch on anal
angle. Hind wings whitish at base, brownish outwardly, subpellucid.
Expanse 20 mm. ‘The wings are not very broad.
Described from one specimen, ¢, Revelstoke, B. C.
U.S. National Museum, type No. 7325.
Caradrina nitens, n. sp.
Large, slender, close to miranda, Grote, but much blacker. Head
and thorax black, not lighter in front ; fore wings shining brown-black,
orbicular a black dot, reniform a white lunate spot preceded by a black
dot ; other marks lost, the lines barely traceable in the best specimen.
Hind wings silky whitish, smoky along costa and outer edge. Expanse
30 mm.
Described from 8 specimens, Kaslo, B. C., and Turtle Mts., North
Dakota (A. H. Verrill).
U. S. National Museum, type No. 7336.
Hadena maida, n. sp.
Close to dubitans, Walk., in appearance. Thorax and fore wings of
the same blackish brown as in the darkest db7tans, but more smooth and
shining and the wings somewhat narrower ; a light brown area at centre
of inner margin. T.ines lost; t.-p. line indicated by fine white venular
dots, s.-t. by a white powdering preceded by black, which forms a rather
distinct spot at anal angle. Fringe crenulate, containing white specks at
the ends of the veins. Orbicular a linear black ellipse, broken above ;
claviform similarly distinctly outlined in black, the filling as dark as the
ground colour; reniform black edged except superiorly, with a double
curved white mark outwardly. A few white specks on costaledge. Hind
wings gray, irregularly shaded. Fringe, abdomen and whole under surface
suffused with pinkish purple. Expanse 36 to 4o mm.
Described from 9 specimens, Kaslo, B, C.
U.S, National Museum, type No. 7326.
Homohadena fifia, 0. var.
Differs from éadéstriga, Grote, in being darker gray, the ground
colour ashen, obscured by dark shades, without any of the testaceous tint
of its eastern ally. The collar is gray, scarcely contrasting with the
thorax, The markings are as in dadistviga, and vary much in the extent
of the black shades.
Described from 2 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.
U.S. National Museum, type No. 7337.
Homohedena Cocklei, n. sp.
Brownish black, some of the scales hoary tipped. Fore wings dark,
basal space dark gray, median space black, a little lighter than the limit-
ing t.-a. and t.-p, lines, which are single, the t.-a. line with three slight
waves, the t.-p. bent out over reniform, Sutgmata obsolete, orbicular
barely indicated, reniform a lighter shade. S.-t. space pale, the veins a
little darker. S.-t. line a diffuse black shade, grayish outwardly on its
lower half, this colour forming an ill-defined spot at anal angle ; fringes
dark. Hind wing solidly black, fringe white. Below black, a faint white
discal dot on fore wings and a distinct lunate one on hind wings. Fringes
as above. Expanse 27 mm.
Described from one specimen, ¢, Ainsworth, B. C.
LRhynchagrotis scopeops, Ni. sp.
Allied to vartata and alternata. Dark violaceous brown, shading
to dull clay colour at bases of wings and on thorax. Lines geminate,
crenulate, as in a/ternata, but distinct ; orbicular and reniform distinctly
bordered with whitish rings, filled with the ground colour. Terminal space
bluish ashen, contrasted ; margin narrowly and fringe dark.
Described from 6 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.
U.S. National Museum, type No. 7327.
Peridroma subjugata, n. var.
Differs from astricta, Morr., in being uniformly darker, the brown
colour more or less reduced, visible only for a short space inside the t.-p.
line, never wholly absent, though sometimes very nearly so. Discal spots
much grayer, almost white at the edges, darker filled. Terminal space
sparsely gray powdered. The discal spots are sometimes joined by a
spur from the reniform along the median vein. ‘The form stands between
astricta, Morr., and zzgra, Smith, but does not connect them.
Described from 61 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.
U. S. National Museum, type No. 7328.
Noctua umbrosa, n. var.
Judging by the @ genitalia, which agree with Smith’s figure, this is
a torm of cyzica, Smith, rather than of rudbifera, Grote. ‘The markings
are the same, but the colour is much darker, a grayish brown, giving a
very distinct appearance. :
Described from 117 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.
U.S. National Museum, type No. 7329.
Mamestra crydina, 1. var.
A racial form between purpurissata, Grt., and jaunt onntes Smith.
Darkly coloured and variable ; some of the specimens are nearly indis-
tinguishable from the Eastern purpurissata, though in most the t.-p. line
is more or less distinct, sometimes very distinct, scalloped, black, pale
edged outwardly. ‘The reniform frequently has a spur below, sometimes
joining the spots as in jwncimacula, Smith.
Described from 21 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.
U. S. National Museum, type No. 7330.
Himella infidelis, 0. sp. |
Between coutrahens, \Walk., and conar, Streck., with the discal spots
of the latter and the diversified ground colour of the former. Fore wing
light brown, nearly ochreous, shaded with dark except along internal
margin and beyond reniform. Lines black, ta. scalloped, t-p.
bent outward beyond reniform. Spots black, distinct, white ringed,
orbicular small, reniform constricted with a slight spur below. Fringe
dark, spotted with ochreous ; thorax reddish.
Described from 5 specimens, Kaslo, B. C.. and Turtle Mts., N.
Dakota (A: H. Verrill). i
U.S. National Museum; type No. 7331.
Tentocampa communis, n. sp.
Thoracic vestiture hairy, without scales; ¢ antenne simple.
Luteous, powdered with blackish scales. Lines geminate, blackish, inter-
rupted ; basal half line indistinct, t.-a. waved, t.-p. bent outward over
reniform, s.-t. concolorous or a little paler, preceded by a dusky shade,
often as Pee as the other lines. Stigmata concolorous or more or less
dark filled, pale ringed. A row of terminal dark dots ; fringe dusky.
Hind wings luteous, fuscous shaded. Expanse 26 to 32 mm.
Described from 3,500 specimens, 3,495 of which are from Kaslo,
B. C.: the other 5 from California and Colorado, without definite localities.
U. S. National Museum, type No. 733
ferigrapha achsha, ti. sp.
Thorax robust, hairy, forming a slight anterior crest. Wings broad,
the apex of primaries acute, outer margin rounded, costa straight.
Abdomen without dorsal tufts. Thorax dark mouse gray, collar lighter at
the sides, no markings. Abdomen brownish gray.’ Fore wings bluish
ash-gray sprinkled with dark mouse gray, forming nearly a solid area on
the lower half of the median space and less solidly on lower half of basal
space ; costa and fringe dark. Lines obsolete, indicated by the limits of
the darkened median space, appearivg pale by the remnants of the pale
filling of geminate lines. Terminal half of wing broadly of the pale bluish
ash ground colour, not discolorously paler, but lacking the dark shadings.
A double row of black venular dots, situated apparently between the
positions of the obsolete t.-a. and s.-t. lines. | Between the pairs of these
dots the colour is faintly lighter, indicating whitish spots. Orbicular and
reniform irregularly outlined in black, filled with a slightly darker shade,
inconspicuous, moderate, well separated, upright ; claviform lost. The
colour on the lower half of the wing is a little darkened on the veins.
Hind wings pinkish brown, darkened and smoky on the outer half.
Below, the fore wings are pinkish along the costa, else smoky brown, a
diffuse discal spot and outer line of blackish. Hind wings all pinkish,
irrorate with darker, an outer row of venular spots. Expanse 38 mm.
Described from 1 specimen, ¢, Kaslo, B. C.
Diptera during the past century have gradually risen in public
estimation, especially among men of science. The superiority of their
organization has been recognized by systematists, and observers of living
specimens have noticed peculiarities in their behaviour which prove a
higher development of their faculties than of those of other orders.
Diptera, more than all other insects, show a distinct love of freedom,
while Hymenoptera, with all their perfections, betray drz//. Owing to
their organization, Diptera have more contro] over their motions than any
other insects, in consequence of which there is a remarkable stamp of
individuality in their actions. They can suddenly arrést their flight, and
poise in the air; they can not only swarm, but dance in cadence, or
gambol in the air in the most extraordinary manner. It is principally the
males who dance, play and frolic together ; during courtship they perform
most ludicrous antics. Schiller said: ‘‘ The animal, the child, as well as
man, f/ay ; the sense of strength and the higher sense of freedom derived
from strength give rise to the joy of playing.”—OstEN SACKEN,
St; Louis; Mo, Dec2zo.and 31, 1963.
One of the most enjoyable features of the St. Louis meeting of the
A. A. A. S., from the entomologists’ standpoint, was the informal sessions
of the Entomological Club, held at the Southern Hotel on the evenings of
Dec. 30-31. The duties of chairman were discharged by Dr. Jas.
Fletcher in his inimitably felicitous manner, the proceedings being
recorded by Messrs. Kirkland and Wilcox. Among those present were :
Messrs. Howard, Marlatt, Lochhead, Corbett, Clifton, Symons, Cooley,
Frost, Adams, Sanderson, Fairchild, Burgess, Fletcher, Gillette, Felt,
Knab, Kirkland and others. ’
Mr. Marlatt gave a description of a recent trip in California, and
described in detail the work of the introduced parasite, Scuted/ista cyanea,
on the black scale (Lecanium olee). This insect has become well
established in Californian orchards, and now practically controls the black
scale. It will probably prove as valuable an ally of the fruit-grower as
has Vedalia cardinalis in the case of the white scale (Zcerya purchas?).
The black scale is a general feeder, breeding on orange, pepper-tree,
erigeron, cockle-burr, sunflower, Chili pepper, etc. It results that these
food plants keep up the stock of scale in which the Scuted/iste breeds,
and it in turn attacks the scale in the orchards. So valuable has the
Scutellista proved, and so general is the appreciation of its services, that
it is not unusual for orchardists suffering from the scale attack to
surreptitiously remove infested scales from the orchards of their more
fortunate neighbors and thus colonize the parasite among their own trees.
Dr. Howard discussed the first importation of Scuted/ista to Baton
Rouge, La., several years ago, to which place he sent the parasite,
hoping it would prove effective against certain Cevof/astes common there.
This introduction, according to Prof. Morgan, was a failure. When
Lounsbury bred the Scufe//ista on the black scale in S. Africa, Dr.
Howard at once arranged for an importation of the parasite to California,
where, through the work of the agents of the Department of Agriculture,
and Mr. Craw, the insect has now become well established, with results as
previously described by Mr. Marlatt.
The Scutel/ista was probably sent to South Africa originally on plants
from English colonists at Ceylon, where it is a native species. It is the
first known Cha/cid that destroys a// the eggs of its host. In the case of
Aphelinus mytilaspidis, which breeds in the common oyster-shell and
scurfy bark lice, at least 10 or 15 eggs remain undex the scale unharmed
after the parasite has ceased feeding, as determined by actual count.
Dr. Howard also called attention to the improved status in public
opinion now enjoyed by the pepper-tree in Southern California. Hereto-
fore this common tree has been under a ban because of harbouring the
black scale. Now it is regarded in a better light, because, while breeding
the scale, it also serves as a constant source of supply of the highly-prized
Mr. Symons described the serious injury caused by the cigarette
beetle in the tobacco warehouses and factories of Maryland. ‘This insect
has increased to such an extent as to render a law for compulsory fumiga-
tion advisable. Déatrea saccharalis appeared in notable numbers in
Maryland this year.
Dr. Howard stated that this borer breeds in sugar-cane, sorghum,
rank grasses, etc., as well as in corn, and was probably introduced here in
Mr. Cooley described the rich entomological fauna of Montana, and
spoke with enthusiasm of the field there offered to the collector. Among
the interesting specimens he had recently taken was a small Buprestid,
which flew freely, in spite of the fact that its elytra were closely fused
Mr. Adams expressed in fitting phrase what all had felt, the delight-
ful spirit of good-fellowship that eharacterized such meetings of the
entomological fraternity. Various experiences on collecting trips in
Arizona were described in a pleasing manner, and certain interesting finds
of Zrypetid@ described.
Mr. Frost described the successful fumigation of a tomato house
infested with A/eyrodes. Cyanide at the rate of 34 ounce to 2,000 cubic
feet, 3 hours’ night exposure was completely successful in destroying the
insects without damage to the plants. In another house 4-5 oz. cyanide
to 2,000 cubic feet, all night exposure, resulted in slight, but not serious,
injury to the plants.
Mr. Kirkland described the increase of the Gypsy moth in Mass. now
that the State has abandoned its warfare against the pest, and stated that
the Brown-tail moth has become well established in the oak woodlands of
Eastern Mass., which thereby become a constant source of infestation,
He recorded the breeding of very large numbers of Diglochis omnivorus
from pupe of the latter moth.
Dr. Howard expressed the opinion that these parasites were
secondary, and that the primary parasite was probably a Pimp/a.
Mr. Lochhead described in a most interesting manner a collecting
trip into the Abbitibi region, where remote from all cultivated areas large
numbers of Pieris rape imagoes were taken.
Mr. Corbett has recently devoted considerable attention to spraying
outfits, and has succeeded in perfecting a duplex nozzle for applying the
mechanical mixture of kerosene and water. He hoped in time to devise
some form of compressed air outfit which should prove satisfactory in
applying this and other sprays.
‘The best of the “wine” came at the “last of the feast.” Although
the hour was late, no feature of the meeting was more enjoyed than the
remarks of Dr. Fletcher, who vividly described a long collecting and
lecturing tour made through the west of the Canadian Dominion last
summer. The breeding of certain Trypetas in Canada thistle, with their
parasite So/enotus, and another in sunflower stems, were described,
together with an interesting outbreak of Loxostege stictica/is in Manitoba
and the N.-\W. Territories. Here the insects, after devouring their chosen
food-plant, Chenopodium, attacked various other forms of herbage, and
even, rarely, wheat plants. The marching ofthe larval swarms in June and
September attracted much attention and aroused unnecessary alarm. An
experiment with the South African fungus vs. locusts in Manitoba was
unsuccessful. Dr. Fletcher has this year succeeded in procuring eggs
and breeding certain rare lepidoptera, viz.: Leucobrephos Middendorffit
and Afocheima rachele, and has now the life-history of these two species
worked out in full.
In closing, Dr. Fletcher spoke feelingly of the assistance he and other
Canadian Entomologists had constantly received from his confreres on the
other side of the line, particularly from Messrs. Howard and Marlatt,
while the sentiment of his audience was that the acquaintance and
friendship of workers like Messrs. Fletcher, Bethune, Lochhead and others
on the Canadian side was sufficient reason to make all desire the
immediate annexation of the Dominion.
The meeting adjourned to meet again the following evening.
A. H. KIRKLAND, Secretary,
This is one of a series of papers—Andrenine, Tr. Am. Ent., Soc.
25-9157 >. Elalictinz., GAN WENT. 24: 265,000902., sphecodinz, - Ent.
News 14: 103; Megachilide and Bombine, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. 29: 163 ;
Nomadine, Can. ENT. 35:172; Epeoline, Can. Ent. 35: 284, 1903—
intended to bring together the results of studies of the bees of the
neighbourhood of Carlinville, Illinois.
The synopses are intended primarily to enable the student to dis-
tinguish the local species, and are based exclusively upon them, so that
the characters assigned may not always be true of related things from
beyond the district. In a given category I may mention certain characters
which are common to all of the local representatives of a group, and may
not mention those characters in the alternate category. Thus I say the
Andrenide have the mandibles bidentate, not mentioning them in
Halictide because they are various.
When a family, or superfamily, is named froma given genus, I hold
that genus is the type of the family, and fixes the application of the family
name as the one to which that genus belongs. The name Apide has
been used in three senses, and I use it in a fourth, but Apis always belongs
to it.
The group of Apygidialia is placed first because it contains the
lowest bees. It appears to be an older, more broken series, there being
wide gaps between the different subdivisions.
In the superfamily Trypetoidea, Stelidide is defined to contain
Trachusa, and no doubt Zacesta, in subfamily Trachusinz, and Anthidiinz
as asecond subfamily, with the tribes Anthidiini and Stelidini. The
basal tooth of the claws of certain Megachilinz is not homologous with
the inner tooth of Trachusa and Anthidiinz.
In Ceratinoidea I would include Exoneura in a separate family,
Exoneuride. Ihave seen &. /ibanensis, Friese. The most remarkable
thing about the case of this insect is that any one should regard it as an
inquiline. Allopade is evidently related here. There still remains a wide
gap between these things and Xylocopide.
I would not separate Bombus and Psithyrus from Apide. It seems that.
a similar treatment would result in endless families. Psithyridve is a relic
of Schmiedeknechr’s third section. Since he referred the inquilines to
this third section, which had the rank of a superfamily, he was obliged to
erect a separate family for it. Ifhis third section is rejected, there is no
ground for the retention of Psithyridce. The family Stelididee of Schmiede-
knecht is in the same case.
The presence of a distinct malar space is a common thing in the
Apygidialia, occurring in all of the principal groups. It is rare in the
The Pygidialia form a more recent, continuous series. I would
separate the Halictide from the Andrenidz on account of their structural
differences, their different flight, and the fact that they have produced
their own inquilines. The structural characters of Paranomia, etc., seem
\@ justify their separation as a family. Macropis is separated in the same
way. Jdonot think it is closely related either to Panurgide orto Melitta.
Halictoides is referred to Dufoureidze. This family differs from Panurgide by
the cell III 449 being pointed on costa ; the mandibles bidentate; labrum
without basal space or process ; the scopa femorilegid, the females collect-
ing loose pollen; the face without coloured marks and without foves.
Both families show considerable variation in the structure of the mouth-
parts. Indeed, Rhophites, in Dufoureide, has the labial palpi more highly
specialized than in any other bee I have seen, joints 1-3 being flattened and
4 being simple and lateral. Protandrena I would refer to Protandrenine, a
sub-family of Panurgidee. Panurgus is one of the exceptions among the
Andrenoidea in having crurilegid scope and collecting loose pollen. The
scopa is consequently less localized than in the local Panurgide, all of
which mix the pollen with honey.
In Melectide I would include a number of genera referred by
Ashmead to Stelidide—Ammobatoides, Biastes, Pasites, Neopasites. In
Ammobatoides punctatus the femalé does not show a distinct pygidial
area, but the male shows a distinct pygidial process. ‘The postscutel in
Ammobatoides and Biastes differs from that of local species in being more
protuberant and surpassing the scutel.
The Euceridee and Emphoridz are separated in families which seem
sufficiently distinct from Anthophoride.
Finally, there remains a possibility that the Pygidialia and Apygidialia
had an independent origin from the pygidial and apygidial Sphecoidea.
In that case, the Anthophila would not form a natural group.
In the description of the venation the nomenclature of Comstock
and Needham, Am. Nat. 32: 414, 423, has been followed, except that
JII, IV and V are used for R, M and Cu; V, for M,; V, for Cu,;
a = ee — - =
VI (1st Anal) for Cu,; vein @ for m-cu, which I hold is the cross-vein
element of the arculus (basal nervure); IV; in my table is the first recur-
rent nervure; cell rst IV for M; 2nd IV for M,; V, for M,; V for
Cu, ; VI for Cu. * Section 1 of vein [V=the vein separating cells III
and ist IV ; when not otherwise indicated segment = dorsal segment of
abdomen. Scopa relates to the ventral surface of the abdomen of females
of Trypetoidea, and to the hind legs of other bees; it is the brush in
which females place and carry their pollen, and is not applied to other
parts or to bees which do not collect pollen; m. p. 6 = maxillary palpi
6 jointed ; m. p. 1 longer than 2 = basal joint of maxillary palpi longer
than the second; |. p. 1 = basal joint of labial palpi. Joints 3-4 are
usually simple and subequal; 1-2, however, may be either one or both
flattened, or may be both simple and, in either case, may vary greatly in
length. Ihave adopted a formula giving the measurements of these two
joints in 1/ro mm. Thus in Xylocopide |. p. 17:5 means that the basal
joint is 17/10 mm, and the next 5/10 mm, and also indicates that 1 is more
than three times as long as 2.
This synopsis is based upon the females, but the characters of the
males have influenced me in some cases where changes were made.
Usually the males of Pygidialia have a distinct pygidial area on segment
7, often on a distinct process, but some of them show no sigh of it.
Segment 6 exserted or retracted, with a pygidial area............ audi
Segment 6 exserted, without a pygidial area.....
I. Apygidialia.
Vein IV, never strongly bent or directed outward before joining ms no
facial foveze ; glossa filiform; m. p. shorter tnan galea....... 1.
Vein IV, strongly bent or directed outward before joining 7; glossa flat,
bilobed ; 1. p. simple, at most 1=2-3; m. p. 6, longer than
galea ; facial foveze present; mandibles bidentate ; cell III,.9
ACMA eee ORG. VEIN LU Tas icoieis ie. i8s Ldiighonapaeeycts ma giéds «ce le
a. Colletoidea
Submarginal cells 2, I1].+ 111, and III,, the first much longer ; stigma
large ; cell I11,;2 pointed near costa; vein IV, before or opposite
*Macroxyela seems to me more typical than the composite typeof the authors,
because the arculus is nearer the base of the wing, where it might be expected ina
primitive case. To be sure, it does not show vein VI., but the position of that vein is
indicated by an angle. See Comstock, Manual, 606,
III, ; @ arcuate, about four times as long as section 1 of lV; m
about as long as V, ; facial fovez linear; black, at least the bases
of tibize yellow ; nearly bare; no scopa ;
PROSOPIS.» . ss UE eee we .. (1) Prosopidide.
Submarginal cells 3, Lr as Lanne as III, +II11,; ane middle-sized; cell
IJI,,9 with apex bent away from costa; vein IV, about middle
of cell III;; @ only a little longer than section 1 of IV; m longer
than V,; facial foveze clavate or oblong; black, abdomen with
pubescent fasciz; pubescence ordinary; femorilegid, scopa
plumose, on trochanter, femur and lower border of tibia ;
Colletes in. : : a ea(2)) Callendse.
1. Submarginal ells 3% fear wider haa inte not concealed by
mandibles, except sometimes at apex; 1. p. 1-2 flat........ 2.
Submarginal cells 2, III and III4,5, subequal; labrum longer than
wide, base usually conceaied by mandibles, apex often showing
beyond them ; mandibles at least bidentate ; |. p. 1 usually shorter
haw ye eS ocenraes . eee) tee ee HE oe eee
b. Trypetoidea.
Claws cleft, inner tooth subapical; vein a@ usually before V,; IV,
rarely before III,; scutel surpassing postscutel ; abdomen with
coloured ornaments ; Avthidiing in..............(3) Stelidide.
Claws simple, sometimes with a basal tooth; vein @ usually beyond
V.; 1V. always before III,; scutel rarely surpassing postscutel ;
abdomen usually with pubescent fasciz........(4) Megachilide.
2. Apex of segment 6 obtuse, without a spine or mucro............. di
Apex of segment 6 with a ee or mucro, a little concave before the
point ; m. p. 6. est bs eS mE a) Sie gen ©
G Eeratinoides
Cell III longer than III, equals III,; stigma large ; cell III; strongly
narrowed above ; vein @ arcuate; IV, near apex of cell III;;
apex of segment 6 mucronate ; no malar space ; mandibles triden-
tate ; blue-green, clypeus, tubercles and knees each with a white
spot ; nearly bare ; femorilegid, scopa simple, on anterior faces of
femur and obi thin on femur; |. p. 8:7; 5-9 mm; Ceratina
dupla in. 1.2. a) ei Sy Geratinide:
III shexter nite dere ‘stigma Gees cell III,;2 longer than
2nd IV.; II, as large as Tate ; ue narrowed to a point
above ; vein m longer than V,; IV; opposite III;; 1V, beyond
middle of cell III,; ocelli large, in a triangle on the front; a
carina between antennz ; clypeus flat ; labrum small, with a basal
tubercie ; malar space distinct ; mandibles bidentate ; m. p. longer
than stipes, 1 about one-half as long as 2, 2=3, 3=4-6; galea
enormous, broad, acuminate, rigid; ]. p. moderately flattened, 17: 5,
3-4 minute ; segment 6 with strong apical spine and two converg-
ing rows ; hind metatarsus nearly twice as long as tibia, the latter
with an excavated process; scopa simple, almost limited to
metatarsus ; black, with metallic reflections ; thorax above with
ochraceous pubescence ; 21-25 mm. Xylocopa
virginica in..... Mebaeh ec SIS ene Sh Eictin Fe ore tes de (OV LOC OpICee:
d. Apoidea.
Cell III shorter than III, ; stigma small; vein IV, before middle of
cell III;; malar space distinct ; mandibles broad at apex ; hind
metatarsus shorter thantibia. 0. - 2.000 +-.. qe = «- (7) Apider,
II. Pygidialia.
Clypeus protuberant or mandibles beveled so as to show all of labrum
or a great portion of it ; labrum large, without basal process ;
posterior angle of mandible before posterior line of eye ; thorax in
profile declining beyond scutel, postscutel on posterior face,
metathorax at most a little convex ; stigma small or middle-sized,
rarely large ; glossa filiform; 1. p. 1-2 flat ; the hosts collect loose
pellen-and arescrurilegid.* 2.3.0... Va on Ds
Clypeus hardly protuberant Bet aameiEies: not eevelen: usually the
labrum is small, concealed, except at base, and with a basal
process ; posterior angle of mandible not before posterior line of
eye ; metathorax produced beyond postscutel, in profile at least
strongly convex, usually with a posterior and a discal space ;
stigma large, rarely middle-sized ; vein # at most hardly longer
than V,; segment 6 usually retracted, the pygidial area then
concealed under 5; glossa acute, flat, rarely filiform; 1 p. 1
various, 2-4 simple; scopa femorilegid, on trochanter and
anterior faces of femur and tibia, in those which collect loose
pollen, crurilegid in those which mix the pollen with
Deneve Ge Sey Site, Senge es We a oie othe Sala ie Ree ed OH es aie
a. Andrenoidea.
Tegule very large ; segments 2—4 with greenish, somewhat opalescent
apical fascie ; cell IIIj;2 longer than 2nd 1V, not acuminate
beyond vein III,; 3 submarginal cells, III about as 3 jong. as as
*Scopa wanting in inquilines.
III,, III, shorter, subquadrate, with vein IV; beyond its middle ;
m. p. 6,a little longer than galea ; 1. p. simple, 5:1 ; glossa lance-
linear, acuminate, shorter than mentum ; mandibles bidentate ;
femorilegid, scopa plumose, a simple curl on base of femur ; 17mm ;
POF LROUA VOLT OTLE MINS a Se Wd oh ce A a (3) Nomiide.
dhegillss to kchinary. . 5420 Cs. Peay acne Ts, rade 2 ROE TES C
1. Labrum free from mandibles, as Tones as Bitte oes than wide,
transversely striate, without basal process ; cell III, pointed on
costa ; 2 submarginal cells, subequal ; femorilegid, scopa simple,
a thin floccus on trochanter plumose ; mandibles bidentate ; m. p.
6, longer than galea or stipes; ]. p. simple, 6:4, longer than
mentum; glossa lance-linear, acuminate, longer than mentum ;
nervures pale ; thorax with dull ochraceous pubescence ; segments
with apical margins pale testaceous ; 7-8 mm ; Hadictoides
MEAP TERALYS AD sh sco. ole cn on layed uae es see vie Ge ekg TTL
Labrum-Ordiary 1.7. )ws xeieh ehh Seat tein ot oR an RS OU ke vee
2. Hind tibia and metatarsus ee aeras with dense simple hairs, white on
former, black on latter ; pollen mixed with honey carried mainly
on anterior faces of both joints; cell III,:2 pointed on costa; 2
submarginal cells, III and IIIy+5, subequal; vein m about equals
V,; mandibles bidentate ; m. p. 6, shorter than galea]. p. simple,
2:1; abdomen closely and coarsely punctured ; 9 mm ; AZacropis
STELTOTAEUIULES: URE tie ee Peace be N . sts tebe eee (5) Macropidide.
Hind tibia and metatarsus ordinary.......... she dean ee RS
3. Cell Il] ,+2 truncate ; 2 submarginal eee facial eda present, narrow,
glabrous ; mandibles simple ; aici with a median area ; cruril-
egid, pollen mixed with honey carried mainly on anterior face of
TUDE) sac StS ta ue. > = tet a rete ae ages ae ORAL OR eee eet) Vk LET Meee
Cell III,+2 pointed on or near costa, acuminate beyond vein IIJ,;
usually 3 submarginal cells, III=Il]+III;, or nearly ; vein m -
shorter than V, ; femorilegid ; m. p. 6; 1. p. simple, at most 1 = 2-4 ;
glossa shorter than mentum; vein a@ rarely a little before V,.. 4.
4. Vein a strongly bent or arcuate ; 7 quite oblique to line of V,; IV;
beyond middle of cell III; ; no facial foveze ; scopa plumose, femur
with long hairs posteriorly*; m. p. longer than galea, shorter than
stipes ; glossa lanceolate or lance-linear,
mcimmate 4.0 .ee kee SE eee nee eae eC ) ee eT alee
*Scopa wanting in inquilines.
Vein aslightly arcuate ; # nearly parallel to line of V,; facial fovese
large, pubescent ; mandibles bidentate; labrum with a_ basal
process ; scopa various, curl on trochanter and tuft on side of
metathorax plumose ; |. p. 1 arcuate............(2) Andrenide.
b. Anthophoroidea.
Vein m shorter than V,; labrum free from mandibles, except when
much longer than wide ; mandibles usually before middle of eye,
the eye usually bulging behind them; pygidial area usually
concealed by segment 5; pubescence rarely long and dense ;
scopa absent. Lares SAAR betcnen WUE ya eae (7) Melectide.
Vein mm distinctly ee we V,: ; 3 submarginal cells, III shorter
than III,+ I1II,, segment: 6 exserted, showing pygidial area....1.
1. Cell III,42 oblanceolate, shorter than 2nd IV, apex rounded, not bent
away from costa nor separated for any great distance; stigma
obsolete, or nearly ; vein a straight ; V, in line with IVs, the latter
parallel with 7z ; metathorax truncate in profile ; mandibles biden-
tate, not clasping iabrum; scopa simple, on anterior face of tibia, a
little pollen extending wn base of metatarsus; m. p. 6,1 hardly
more robust than 2, at most hardly more than one-half as long ;
]. p. 1 at least three times as Jong as 2, much longer than
Parag lOssee: ¥cckage lnk whys ieee shspe\~ wiser. cht oO) Amthaphonides,
Cell III,,2 lanceolate, usually longer than 2nd 1V, apex acute, bent
away from costa and separated for some distance; cell III,
strongly narrowed above ; vein-a beyond V,; metathorax usually
more convex in profile; mandibles simple or with an apical
notch ; scopa on tibia and metatarsus ....... dt ig eetenen rns 2
2. Vertex crested, usually a little concave on each side, noel near its edge;
middle joints of antenne at least as long as wide; edge of labrum
thin, hairy, clasped by closed mandibles ; m. p. 1 twice as thick and
at least about twice as long as 23]. p. t longer than 2; paraglosse at
least as long as |. p. 1-2; scopa mainly on anterior faces of tibia
and metatarsus, a little more copious on tibia; metatarstis broad,
with a posterior apical appendage.. ...........(10) Euceride.
Vertex not crested, strongly convex from side to side, ocelli more
remote from its edge ; m. p. 6, 1 hardly more robust than 2 ; |. p. 1
at most little longer than 2; paraglossz shorter than |. p. 1-2; scopa
black, thinly plumose, more strongly developed on outer border of
tibia and posterior outer face of metatarsus ; metatarsus narrow,
poster apical appendage obsolete, or nearly..... (11) Emphoride,
This Spittle insect of the Pine was abundant on two trees on the
campus at Blacksburg, Virginia, last summer, and an attempt was made
to observe its oviposition and to work cut its complete life-history.
Owing to lack of time this was not successful, but the following notes
may be of some interest :
The Protective Secretion.—The material under which the nymphs live
consists of a clear albuminous liquid, exuded by the insect, mixed
intimately with bubbles of air introduced by the nymph after secretion ;
it is tasteless, or slightly salty.
The mass is situated on either side of the twig, immediately back of
the new growth as arule. In 80 cases observed 76 were thus placed, the
remaining four were several inches below the new growth. Only a single
mass of secretion was usually found ona twig. As the insects increase
in size and grow older, they become somewhat erratic and settle almost
anywhere ; in the pupal stage they move in towards the trunk of the tree.
The number of nymphs in a mass varies, generally there is only one, but
as many as six or seven have been found. Those containing but a single
nymph are easily distinguished from those including several by their
relative size. A recently secreted mass is characterized by the imperfect
state of its emulsion, the bubbles being large and the fluid consequently
more or less clear; in an old mass, the nymphs having been settled for
some time, the bubbles are minute and the fluid is opaque.
Habits of the Nymph.—The nymphs move about at will, and where-
ever they settle cover themselves with the protective fluid, but as a rule
they seldom move unless disturbed. As an experiment a nymph was
removed from its position at 3.35 p.m. on May 13th, it crawled four inches
down the twig and then back, occupying twenty minutes; then it
wandered about for nearly three-quarters of an hour, apparently sucking
at times ; at 4.33 p.m. it climbed up about one-third of the length of a
leaf and inserted its beak, the sete only entering ; at 4.45 secretion had
begun, and ashiny, colourless fluid was exuded from the anal opening
and distributed along the body by the legs, this also served to mix the
air with it. At 5 the insect hada cushion of air-bubbles under it, and
five minutes later it moved on with part of the cushion towards the end of
the twig. For nearly half an hour it wandered about, sucking at intervals,
and at 5.31 settled on another leaf nearer the end of the twig. Here the
setee were inserted and secretion was renewed. At 5.45 it moved again
and crawled back nearer the end of the old wood and took up its final
position lengthwise between the bases of two leaves. At 7.30 it had
shifted its position to the other side, and there was no noticeable secretion.
At 5.45 the next morning (May r4th) it was still in the same place and
entirely covered with its secretion.
During the process of secretion the fluid flows slowly along the
venter from a point near the anal opening, and gathers between the legs,
where, by their alternate agitation, it becomes mechanically mixed with
air and forms the cushion of air-bubbles.
Another nymph was taken at 3 p.m. on the rgth from its position
beneath the protective mass and placed at an inch from the end of a
limb ; it crawled about two inches further down and settled with its head
close to the base of a leaf, where it immediately inserted its sete ;
secretion began at once, but was hardly perceptible until about 3.15,
when a cushion of air-bubbles was noticed under the thorax and abdomen,
especially surrounding the lower half of the latter. The insect then
lowered the tip of the abdomen until the anal opening was under the fluid,
when it began to generate bubbles of air, each bubble being followed by a
dip in and out of the tip. This dipping in and out of the fluid was
followed at short intervals by extensions of the abdomen, apparently to take
in air, and then was renewed. The following count was made: 77
continuous dips producing 77 bubbles, then an extension, followed by 60
continuous dips.
By thus blowing out the fluid, it gradually submerged the abdomen
and the rest of the body (3.37 p.m.). After the nymph was covered, the
secretion of fluid and exudation ‘of air continued until the body was
completely hidden ; the secretion was afterwards steadily maintained, for
if it were not it would soon dry up. It is evident that the air is taken in
at each upward and outward dip of the abdomen, and let out in the form
of a single bubble at each inward and downward dip into the fluid.
During this dipping process the ventral anal plates are in transverse
motion like jaws, and it is probable that the secretory glands are between
The nymphs have the habit of extending the abdomen at regular
intervals beyond the frothy mass ; this is also done when they are walking.
Their locomotion is slow, tedious and deliberate, but they can move quite
fast, in a rambling fashion, when they are disturbed, Their position in
the mass is one of convenience, the tip of the abdomen being near the
surface, and when disturbed they move to the other side.
The following dates were recorded: May 11-12, 2nd moult ; May
15-18, 3rd moult ; May 26, 4th moult, pupe ; June 11, 5th moult, adults,
several pupz still present; July 5, adults to be found, but gradually
Description of the Nymph.—The colours in the larval state are the
same throughout, with minor variations for successive stages. As the
nymphs become older and larger the colours are more pronounced, the
eyes becoming wholly red and annulate with ochreous. The stages are
not simultaneous throughout the colony ; the difference in size between
the different stages is noticeable. The wing-pads are fainUy seen in the
4th stage.
Third stage, 2nd moult (see figure).—Head, thorax, antenne, beak,
legs, eyes, supra- and infra-anal plates, overlapping lips of tergites on
ventral segments, glabrous black ;
Sey abdomen, median line of head and
thorax, edges of prothorax, knees,
and two basal articulations of legs,
most of thoracic sternum, dorsal
thoracic articulations, ochreous
yellow ; abdominal sternum blood-
red, gradually shading into ochre-
ous latero-dorsad. General shape
that of an alligator; head prominent,
constricted, large, distal two-thirds
broadly rounded, hemispherical on
dorsal aspect, blunt and subquad-
rate on cephalic aspect, basal third
as wide as thorax ; antennz short;
(A 2 :
PP _. setiform, not as long as_ head,
a i ~e--" " 9-jointed, first joint rectangular, flat
above, 2nd globular, 3rd cylindrical,
Fig 1.
as long as the next two combined,
4th and sth and next three sub-equal respectively, terminal joint minute,
ending in a hair; the antenne are inserted on the side of the head at the
constriction, just cephalad of the eyes; eyes prominent, bulging,
comparatively large, situated on basal third of the head, on the lateral
aspect, suffused red and black; thoracic segments normal; legs
comparatively large ; tarsal joints two, the distal twice as long as the
basal, bearing two large claws ; distal end of tibia bearing a semicircle of
stout long spines beneath ; femur ochreous beneath ; beak long, 3-jointed,
reaching to 4th abdominal segment, black marked with ochreous ; abdomen
longer than head and thorax combined, broad at base, tapering, 9-jointed,
the tergites extending well beneath to the ventrum, and each ending in a
ieaf-like plate, coloured black and ochreous (two terminal ones black),
forming a broad channel along the median line, the bed of which is
formed by the sternites ; 3rd sternite bearing a peculiar nipple-like red
fleshy process, hidden by the overlapping tergites, minute, analogous to
that in the locusts (Acridide) between the bases of the cephalic coxe.
Length, full-grown, 6.25 mm.
After a moult the nymphs are softer and pale, the thorax and head
lemon-yellow, the abdomen dark along the mesero-, yellow at the latero-
cephalic angles and at tip; reddish beneath and along the sides. Eyes
black, annulate. Legs and beak pale yellow, the latter with a median line
of red. The normal colours are acquired in about an hour and a half.
Pupa (5th stage).—General shape and colour of the preceding stages.
Body pale ochreous yellow, mottled on head, thorax and wing-pads with
more or less diffuse brown ; tip of abdomen verging to black ; eyes red,
with some black ; antenne black, glabrous ; legs concolorous with head
and thorax. General colour varies from pale ochreous brown to brownish-
black with pale mottled streaks. Underneath ochreous, with red on sides
of abdominal segments and black down the median line. Head distinctly
striate on ventral and lateral aspect. Wing-pads not large, but easily
noticeable ; process between abdominal tergites on ventrum absent.
Length 6,25-8 mm.
Adult.—June 11th to 21st, adults found and watched continuously,
June 22nd, found adults crawling slowly about on the branches,
with a movement similar to that of the nymphs ; found at rest generally
where the young nymphs locate; not easily disturbed, and rather
sluggish, but when touched they jump awkwardly to some distance,
making a sound similar to that of a steel spring when suddenly loosened ;
the jump is made with much force. They are easily observed and seem
to spend their whole time in feeding, remaining quietly in a position similar
to that of the young nymphs. When once settled they very seldom move,
but remain quiet like a piece of the tree itself ; the only evidence of life is
given by the forcible ejection of small, colourless, tasteless drops of a
watery secretion at regular intervals, three or four drops are emitted every
two or three seconds ; three drops every two seconds is a usual] amount.
On June 23rd, after watching for two days at a time, during all hours of
day and night, two were at last found zz coztu. They were end to end,
and remained united for twenty hours. Although during several days
following, pairs were found connected and were watehed constantly, and
after separation the female was in some few cases isolated, and in others
left free and undisturbed, no signs of oviposition were ever indicated.
They were always quietly feeding or wandering from place to place, with,
apparently, no care but that of feeding, no aim but to rest. Gradually
they disappeared ; there is probably but a single brood in this locality.
Spinola in 1851 described and figured Diphaglossa Gayi as a new
species and new genus closely related to Anthophora. It was founded on
males and females collected in northern Chili, ‘‘Santa Rosa, Coquimbo,
etc.” He figures the insect (natural size), face view of head and mouth-
parts, wing, antenne and leg.
F. Smith in 1854 gave a partial description of the genus, probably not
trom specimens, reporting the male only as known. He placed the genus
immediately after Anthophora in his catalogue, and Dalle Torre in his
catalogue in 1896 has followed Spinola and Smith in placing the genus in
the Authophoride.
In 1898, ina monograph of several closely related genera of bees
( Megacilissa, Caupolicana, Diphaglossa and Oxea), Dr. H. Friese
regarded Diphag/ossa as an offshoot of Megaci/issa, which, according to
his view, haa been derived from Coé/etes through Caupolicana. He had
examined males and females from ‘‘ Santiago and Valdivia (Lossberg),”
and 6 females and 1 male from ‘Chili (Phillippi),” in the Vienna Museum,
In his *‘ Classification of the Bees,” in 1899, Dr. Wm H. Ashmead
placed the genus in the family Coé/etide, citing most of its principal char-
acters in tne generic table for the family.
Diphaglossa, Spinola, 1851, and Diphaglossa Gayi, Spinola, 1851.
Spinola, 1851, Gay : Hist. Fisc. de Chili, Zoology, VI., pp. 168-170, plate
Ty igs Ten Os.
F.-Smith, 1854, Catalogue Hymen. Brit. Mus., II., p. 343-344, 6.
Dalle Torre, 1896, Catalogue of the Hymenoptera, X., p. 297, ¢.
Friese, 1898, Ann. Naturhist. Hofm. Wien., XIII., p. 61, 72, 76, 77, ¢ 9.
Ashmead, 1899, Trans. Amer. Entom. Soc., XXVI., p. 94.
Diphaglossa is characterized by the peculiarly elongate, triangular
head, the face being three times as wide at the vertex, from eye to eye, as
at the base of the mandibles along the clypeal margin ; clypeus elongated,
twice as long as broad, longitudinally striate ; mandibular space much
elongated, punctured, longitudinally striate ; antenna reaching beyond
tegule ; mandibles bifid at tip ; labial palpi 4-jointed, three basal joints
subclavate, fourth joint longest, more slender and slightly tapering ;
maxillary palpi 6-jointed, joints subclavate, except the last, which is slen-
der, slightly tapering, fourth and sixth joints almost equal, second
shortest, first longest ; wings with marginal cell slightly appendiculate,
first cubital cell longest, but not as long as second and third united, third
smallest, narrowed above, first recurrent nervure entering second cubital
cell at the middle, second recurrent nervure more or less curved, entering
the third cubital beyond the middle ; transverse median nervure entering
before radial nervure and weakly angulated ; first joint of tarsi flattened,
elongate, claws bifid and with a pulvillus; metathoracic truncation narrow,
almost perpendicular, no row of pits present; abdomen with distinct
dorsal and ventral hair bands.
Spinola has figured the tongue as emarginate and with two pairs of
slender ‘‘filaments,” the apical pair very long. While the tongue is
undoubtedly emarginate, the ‘‘ filaments” are missing in all of the specie
mens we have examined. However, Dr, Friese states that the para-
glossz are slender and threadlike, extending beyond the tip of the tongue.
Spinola states that the mandibles have three teeth, but his figure shows
but two, and he also gives the hind tibiz as unispinose. Dr. Friese has
corrected this, stating that they are spined as usual, and in all the speci-
mens we have examined they have two spines.
Diphaglossa Gayt, Spinola, the type of the genus, is described as
black, with a long-haired red abdomen, and Dr. Friese notes that it
resembles in habitus the red-haired Bombus pascuorum. The wings are
thickly set with fine short hairs. .
Diphaglossa Spinole: a, wing ; b, maxilla and maxillary palpus; c, labial palpus.
Diphaglossa Gayt, Spin.: d, face and mouth-parts. (Copied from Spinola’s Fig. 1a.)
Diphaglossa Spinole, n. sp. (Figure 2.)
g.—Length 1o mm. Black, head, thorax and first two dorsal and
ventral abdominal segments clothed with golden-yellow pubescence, very
dense on face, cheeks and thorax ; clypeus remarkably long, obsoletely
crenulate at apical margin, mandibular space with large sparse setigerous
punctures, often so large as to cross several of the longitudinal striz ;
labrum black, polished, with several minute tubercles, the central one the
largest ; mandibles black at base, red at tips, the outer tooth longest and
pointed ; there are two grooves running from the tips to the base of the
mandibles ; antennz brownish-black, second joint small, globular, third
joint very slender at base ; tegule shining, reddish, wings with dark veins,
second recurrent nervure weakly curved, entering third submarginal cell
about two-fifths of its length from its apex; wings set with fine short hairs;
legs black, with long, thick, gray hair, tarsi reddish, pubescence inclining
to fuscous, tips of claws very dark ; punctures of head and abdomen
medium and quite close, of the mesothorax sparse, the metathorax smooth;
abdomen with dorsal and ventralsegments 1-6 having apical appressed
hair bands, varying from gray to yellow; some short yellowish pubescence
on dorsal segments 3-7, and still more short pubescence on ventral seg-
Habitat : La Paz, Bolivia, 14th November, 1898. 7 ¢ specimens,
One ¢ placed in U. S. Nat. Mus., type No. 6854.
In one specimen the pubescence is quite gray, perhaps only faded.
The drawings for the figures, excepting the copy of Spinola’s figure,
were made by Mr. Otto Heidemann, of the Division of Entom., U. S.
Dept. of Agriculture.
The authors desire to express their thanks to Prof. Lawrence Bruner
for his kindness in loaning three specimens of this species from the
collection of the University of Nebraska.
? and g new to Vancouver. Hitherto only the male of this
fossorial wasp had been known. The males recorded in the literature
came from Nova Scotia, Canada; Montana, Colorado, Arizona, Oregon
and Washington. The female is related to 7: medius, Fox, but differs in
size, sculpture and ornamentation, particularly’ in the contrast between
the deep median sulcus on the metanotum and the regular subdued
sculpture adjoining. In medéus the sulcus is not sharply outlined, nor is
there a strong contrast between it and the sculpture of the adjoining area
which is rough. The female of 7. /atipes is much like the male, and is
readily referred to its fully described sex. Prof. Harvey sent one female
taken 21st June, 1903, and one male roth June, 1903, to Dr. Henry
Skinner, who referred them to me for identification.
Henry L. ViERECK, New Haven, Conn,
As the Editor expresses willingness to receive notes on any entomo-
logical subject, I give my experience with “vertical” inflation of
caterpillars. I have done a great deal of inflating, and find three bad
faults with the common horizontal ovens.
1st. The air pressure necessary to extend the caterpillar often is
enough to force the skin out of shape.
2nd. By beginning the drying at the tail-end one sometimes
discolours the rear segments when it comes to using heat sufficient for
stewing the juices out of the head.
3rd. The caterpillar has to be twirled around, and as the hand
becomes tired pencils and hairs are likely to be rubbed off.
At the end of 1902 I took my lamp-chimney oven, cut a few notches
at the bottom for ventilation and turned it upright on a sand bath heated
from below. In this my specimens dried like a charm. Gravity helping,
almost no air was needed, there was no twirling, and the heads received
the first and greatest heat. I got good results with such caterpillars as
full-grown Acronycta Americana, almost impossible to inflate by the usual
method. Being hurried, I, in one or two instances, finished up the tail
ends of the fleshy specimens in the ordinary oven, and I hardly did work
enough to conclusively prove the experiment. Stull, it is full of
possibilities, and it is perfectly obvious that with twirling given up one can
use a water column for air pressure and attend to several ovens at the
same time.
With the exception of Mr. Merrick’s “ Haploas,” photographed in
the January number of the Entomological News, the writer never saw a
drawer of specimens that were even approximately in line. I know my
own all veer to the right.. This winter I sawed off a wooden T-square,
and now by running it along the front edge every pin goes in
mathematically correct.
Mr. Lyman’s statement about the ease of raising Papilio brevicauda
is fully endorsed. I once had a dozen or thirteen of these caterpillars ;
fed them first on parsley, then on parsnip tops, and finally on their native
food-plants, obtained from the Lower Provinces by the kindness of Mr.
Winn. They all went into pupa, were brought into the kitchen about
Christmas time, and all but one hatched. DWIGHT BRAINERD,
(Continued from page 24.)
List of the species of Odontomyia studied.
. O. binotata, Loew..
Chicago, Ill. (July); Austin, Tex. (May); Colo.
O. cincta, Olivier.
Chicago and Aigonquin, Ill. (June).
O. dorsalis, Fabricius.
O. arcuata, Loew.
Chicago, Ill, (July) ; Colo.
. O. nigrirostris, Loew.
Chicago, Ill.; Austin, Tex.; Colo.; Lusk, Wyom. (August).
. O. nigerrima, Loew.
Chicago, II]. (May).
. O. pilosus, Day.
Vancouver Isl. (June).
O. trivittata, Say.
Chicago, Ill. (July) ; Mexico.
O. vertebrata, Say.
Chicago, McHenry, Ill. (June, July).
O. hydroleonoides, Johnson.
McHenry, Ill. (June).
. O. Aldrichi, Johnson.
Galveston, Tex. (June).
. O. virgo, Wiedemann.
Virginia ; Maryland ; Toronto, Ont.; McHenry, Ill. (June, July).
O. pilimana, Loew.
McHenry, Chicago, Ill. (June, July).
. O. microstoma, Loew.
Woods Hole, Mass. (July).
. O. pubescens, Day.
Chicago, Ill. (May).
O. interrupta, Olivier.
Chicago, McHenry, Ill. (May, July).
O. hieroglyphica, Oliv.
Chicago, Ill. (August); Austin, Tex. (May).
. O. flavicornis, Olivier.
Austin, Tex. (April).
In ‘addition to the species here mentioned, there are three unde-
termined specimens. One of these represents an undescribed genus,
but is mutilated. The other two belong to Cyphomyia ; of these one is
from Austin, Texas, the only recorded instance of this genus being taken
within the United States. As the descriptions of Cyfhomyia are not
accessible to me, these species must be omitted.
Within the last few years three books have taken their place in the
scientific literature of this country that should make a great advance in the
study of natural history in our high schools. The first was “ The Butter-
fly Book,” by Dr. W. J. Holland; the second, ‘‘The Insect Book,” by Dr.
L. O. Howard, and the third, recently out, ‘‘The Moth Book,” by the
author of the first. The cheapness of these three volumes places them
within the means of any high school that makes any pretense to having a
reference library, while the excellent plates, photographed from the speci-
mens, make them of great value to the young who desire means for identi-
fying their captives.
Without taking further space to speak of the general merits of “The
Moth Book,” I wish to point out a few errors in the names of the plates of
Catocale. Plate 31, figure 14, is given as C. obscura, Strecker. This
is evidently C. restdua, Grote. The fringes of the hind wings of C.
obscura are white, or white with only the fringe at the ends of the veins
black. In C. residua there is only a very little white at the apex of the
hind wings, as in this figure.
Plate 35, figure 13, is given as C. Stretchii, Behr. This is probably
C. Mariana,, Hy. Edw. ‘LT have bred C. Stretchii from eggs, and find the
fore wings quite variable within certain bounds, but in none of them is
there the colouring of C. AZariana. ‘The hind wings have two character-
istic marks ; the median band very narrow and terminating in a distinct
hook, and a patch of red at the apex outside the black band, but inside
the white fringe. Below the apex there are smaller red patches between
the black veins. The fringes are white except where the black of the
veins extends into the fringe.
_I am glad to see C. amasia, A.4S., as figure 1, plate 35. I would
have furnished Dr. Holland with a specimen of its companion, C. Corde/ia,
Hy. Edw., having the same range of locality, if I nad known he desired it.
Chrysops fulvistigzma, n. sp —Female. Palpi yellowish, antenne
slender, first segment yellowish, slightly darker at apex, second and third
segments brown, annulate portion nearly black. Face shining black,
covered next the eyes and on the anterior parts of the cheeks with
yellowish-gray pollen. Front yellowish-gray pollinose, callosity and region
surrounding the ocelli shining black. Thorax dark, nearly black, with
grayish pollen above, giving the impression of stripes before the suture ;
coxa, basal two-thirds of femur and base of tibia of anterior leg, and nearly
the whole tibia and base of tarsus of middle leg, yellow ; remainder of legs
dark, nearly black. Wing almost hyaline, costal margin from base to
apex, and a narrow cross-band abbreviated behind pale brownish, stigma
conspicuously brownish-yellow. Abdomen yellow at base, black at apex.
Dorsally, a large, nearly square, black spot beneath the scutellum reach-
ing the posterior margin of the first segment. Second segment with two
contiguous, black triangles, their bases on the posterior margin of the
segment and their apexes not attaining the anterior margin ; otherwise the
first two segments are yellow ; remainder of the abdomen black, with the
exception of a small, pale yellowish triangle on the third segment.
Ventrally the first two segments are yellow, with the exception of a linear,
black spot on each lateral margin, and a suggestion of the same colour at
middle. The yellow also extends back on to the third segment on each
side of the midventral line.
Length slightly more than 7 millimeters. Two females taken at
Raleigh, N. C., by C. 8. Brimley, July 15 and 17.
A very distinct and interesting species. It has somewhat the aspect
of Zugens, Wied., univittatus, Macq, and obsoletus, Wied., but the nearly
hyaline wings and black face are characteristic. As a pale brownish
colouring follows the costa to the apex of the wing, the species may be said
to belong to the group with an apical spot, and is the second North
American species of the group with an entirely black face, but this one
lacks the yellow pollinose stripe from base of antenne to margin of mouth,
a character very evident in /rigzdus, O. S.
The species is larger than zigribimbo, W hitney, and not to be con-
fused with it except in coloration of wings.
Chrysops Brimleyi, n. sp.—female. Palpi and proboscis black,
antenne about normal in length and thickness, first segment yellow,
remainder black, facial-callosities and posterior cheeks shining black, mid-
dle of face yellow, next the eyes and a band from eye to margin of mouth
below the facial callosity golden-yellow pollinose ; front gray pollinose,
frontal callosity and region of the ocelli shining black. Thorax clothed
with white pile and grayish pollen, so that no stripes are evident even in
the best preserved specimens, legs black with suggestions of yellow on
metatarsi, and bases of tibie of the middle and posterior pairs. Wings
with anterior border, cross-band, apical-spot and spot at the bifurcation
of the third vein black ; the anterior border includes the costal cells, and
nearly the whole of the first basal, the outer border of the cross-band
proceeds backward from near the apex of the first vein, and reaches the
anterior branch of the fifth vein near its outer third. ‘The cross-band is
abbreviated behind, leaving nearly half of the fourth posterior and the
whole of the fifth posterior cells hyaline. ‘The apical-spot is rather narrow
and confined to the tips of the marginal and first and second submarginal
cells. ‘The abdomen is black in ground colour, with the posterior margins
of all the segments thinly gray pollinose ; in well-preserved specimens the
first and second segments are gray pollinose all over, except a small dorsal
spot on each, and on the second and third segments especially, the
posterior margins expand into quite prominent triangles at the middle.
The venter is shining black with narrow posterior margin of each segment
Length 7 millimeters, some specimens slightly longer. A number of
specimens taken at Raleigh, North Carolina, during the latter part of
April and the first part of May by C.S. Brimley, after whom the species is
The species is more like C. xiger, Macquart, than any of our species,
but the colour of the thorax and abdomen, and the presence of the apical-
spot of the wings are very distinctive.
It is a matter of regret that we were not able to procure the males of
either of the two species here described, since oftentimes the best
characters are to be found in that sex.
Referring to the note on this butterfly, in the October, 1903, number
(page 292), Mr. Austin H. Clark writes from St. Vincent, West Indies,
that during the first week of November last he saw three specimens in
that island. two females and one male, all in different localities.
Mailed February 3rd, 1904.
J. Ent., Vol. XXXVI. PLATE 2:
gens ZK N
a A
a The G anautiay Fontomologist
Within the past few weeks I have received from the Rev. J. H. Keen
a number of fresh specimens of larvee and pupee of 4gialites Californicus,
Mots., or as it has been called for years, 4. debi/is, Mann. These had
been taken by Mr. Keen somewhere in the vicinity of his home at
Metlakatla, B. C., and were especially welcome to me since they gave an
opportunity for the study of the early stages of a beetle whose position has
always been considered problematical.
An account of the habits of the beetles has been published by Mr.
Keen in the Canapian Entomo ocist, (Vol. XXXV., p. 125), showing
that they live in crevices of shaly rocks along the sea shore, and that
they are active all the year round. The larve and pupe are found in
July and August. My series shows larve of various sizes from _ half
to full grown, and they differ not at all in general appearance. The
following description is made from a full-grown individual, which had
been preserved in spirits.
Form elongate, subparallel, moderately convex, upper surface
alutaceous and rather finely rugulose, naked excepting a few inconspicu-
ous sete, lateral segmental prominences membranous, each with a long
bristle. Colour above brownish with a distinct olivaceous tinge, head,
thorax and terminal abdominal segments sometimes a trifle darker, middle
of the back with a longitudinal pale line. Under surface light yellowish,
the segments with indistinct longitudinal and oblique dark markings,
head fuscous beneath, lower side of pygidial processes castaneous.
Length about 714 mm., width about 114 mm.
Head subquadrate, about 11% times as broad as long, widest slightly
behind the insertion of the antenne, sides slightly and scarcely percepti-
bly arcuately narrowed to the base, vertex with a rather well-marked
subtriangular chevron, the apex of which is directed backwards. Frontal]
margin oblique at sides. Labrum free, margin bristled,
Ocelli, five in each group; three are arranged in a transverse row
immediately behind the antennal sockets, the remaining two are about
equidistant from each other, and from the nearest ocellus in the front row.
Antenne inserted in large sockets at the sides of the front; the basal
articulating segment is membranous, protruding and bears three chitinized
joints, the first of which is short and thick, subcylindrical, very sparsely
bristled ; the second is longer and more slender, slightly clavate and
attenuate towards each end, also sparsely bristled, a heavy seta close
to the tip. The third, the terminal, joint is small, subcylindrical, tipped
with a long seta and two or three smaller ones.
Mandibles subtriangular, strongly ridged and toothed ; apex sharp,
produced, just inside of the tip is a broad lobe bearing three denticles,
while half way between this lobe and the base is a large triangular tooth.
Maxille blade-like, apical and inner marginal portion clothed with
stout, rather short, thickly placed bristles. Palpi of three short subequal
Labium small, ligula rounded in front, beset with fine bristles and
pits. Palpi short, two-jointed, the basal joint about as broad as long, the
apical more slender, narrowed slightly to the tip.
Prothorax broader than long, dorsal scute with a prominent bristle
on each side behind the front angles; the anterior margin of this scute
is nearly straight, the sides are moderately arcuate, the base narrower
than the apex. The spiracle is located in the lateral membrane near
the hind angles, and is very large and prominent. Prosternal scute
broader anteriorly, front margin arcuate, apex rounded.
Mesothorax much shorter than the prothorax, dorsal scute with a
long bristle on each side near the middle of the margin, sides of this
scute rounded, not quite covering the dorsal aspect of the segment.
Ventral scute less strongly chitinized, subquadrate or roughly pentagonal
in outline, quadrisetose. No spiracle.
Metathorax about like the mesothorax, the scute on the ventral
surface slightly differing as shown in the figure.
Abdomen with nine segments visible from above, anus inferior, pro-
jecting. The segments one to eight are similar, each with a broad dorsal
scute, the sides membranous and prominent. Each scute bears a row of
four short bristles arranged transversely near the hind margin, the mem-
branous prominences each bear a long, slender seta. Ventral scutes
imperfectly chitinized, each with six oblique longitudinal impressions, and
about eleven sete arranged in two rows as shown in the figure. Ninth
segment longer and narrower, sparsely covered above and beneath with
setigerous tubercles, hind angles produced, curving outward and upward
in the shape of horns which are thickly bristled. Between these horns
the hind margin bears two smaller smoother processes which curve inward.
anus with two strong distant teeth on the anterior margin.
Spiracles in nine pairs, those of the prothorax prominent and projec-
ting as described above. Those of the abdomen are dorso-lateral in aspect
and are found in segments one to eight. In a balsam preparation the
spiracular peritreme appears to be continuous with the body of the dorsal
scute, as shown in the drawing. In specimens simply taken from alcohol
there is apparently a suture between.
Legs stout, the three pairs nearly equal in 1 length, coxe rather prom-
inent, fissured or emarginate internally so as to expose a small portion
of the basal part of the trochanter, femur broader at tip than at base,
somewhat longer than the tibia, which narrows slightly towards the apex.
All of these last-mentioned three joints are sparsely bristly. Claw large,
toothed obtusely near base and bearing two bristles on the inferior surface,
The pupa, when preserved in spirits, is yellowish white, about
4-75 mm. long and 2 mm, across the broadest part. ‘The most remarkable
characters are to be found in the armature of the prothorax and of the
last abdominal segment. The front and side margins of the prothorax
are beset with a series, about fourteen, of Jong, fleshy spine-like bodies,
each of which bears a long seta near its tip. The disk bears six similar
organs, while the head is armed with a row of three on each side, and a
single one on the occipital region. ‘There are also several on each
leg. The abdomen bears a quadruple row of long bristles, two pairs
to each segment, and the lateral segmental prominences are each
armed with a pair of setigerous processes like those of the thorax. The term-
inal segment of the abdomen is highly modified, the apex being squarely
truncate at middle, the hind angles produced into rather long pointed
processes with curved tips. This segment bears two long bristles at the
base of each of the processes, as well as a pair on each side nearer the
base ; the under side of this joint is more thickly spinous than the upper.
The figure of the pupa shows the general form and the location of the
larger bristles, but no attempt has been made to incorporate the small,
inconspicuous ones, as many would almost certainly be overlooked on the
whitish surface, and the drawing might thus give rise to erroneous
As related by Dr. Le Conte in the “ Classification,” this beetle has
been placed in several diverse families by different authors. ‘‘Mannerheim
hesitated between Scydmenide and Tenebrionide ; Motschulsky, on
account of the form of the tarsi, placed it among the Parnide; Gerstecker
placed it in Tenebrionidz, near /Ye/ops.” A study of the characters of the
rather remarkable larva does not, in my opinion, point to the correctness
of any of these references. It is decidedly not of a Parnide type, nor is
it in the least like the larva of Helops as described by Waterhouse and
Perris. To me it is a larva not corresponding exactly with those of any
of the families of Heteromera as far as I am acquainted with them, though
approximating the Pyrochroide in many respects—the maxillary and
antennal structures, the depressed body (this, however, much more marked
in Pyrochroa), the strong chitinization of the abdominal tip and the
development of large horn-like processes on the ninth abdominal segment.
From the Pyrochroid larve known to me it may readily be distinguished
by having four horns on the last segment instead of two, by the absence
of accompanying cul-de-sacs and by the position of the abdominal
spiracles, which in Pyrochroa are ventro-lateral instead of dorso-lateral.
Considering the very meagre knowledge that we have of Coleopterous
larvee, I think that we should not lay too much stress on their use in defining
the larger groups in our systems of classification ; but there seems nothing
in the structure of the one above described to indicate that Dr. Le Conte
was wrong in erecting a distinct family for the reception of the genus
ti gialites.
1, Full-grown larva, ventral view, much enlarged; 2, antenna; 3,
mandible; 4, maxilla; 5, labium; 6, hind leg; 7, scute of dorsum of
second abdominal segment, showing spiracles and sete; 8, pupa, from
The number of types given for this species as 3,500 is erroneous.
The correct number is 3,430, as the Kaslo specimens number 3,425, not
3,495 as incorrectly written. A species as common as this has naturally
been often taken before, and I may state that it is generally. known as 7,
Surfurata, Grt., but incorrectly so. Harrison G. Dyar,
Preparatory to a revision of the Nearctic Hemerobiide I present
descriptions of a few new species of Hemerobius. <A few of the names
have been used already elsewhere, but without description. Outline
figures of the male genitalia will be given in the forthcoming revision.
Hemerobius transversus, n. sp.—Face shining black, vertex and
antenne pale yellowish ; thorax pale, a black stripe across front part of
the mesothorax ; abdomen brownish ; legs pale yellowish. Wings with the
margins faintly but broadly clouded with brown; the gradate series
marked with dark brown, and a brown band between the first and second
series. The first gradate series is from base of second fork of radial
sector obliquely backward ; second and third series as usual ; all nearly
complete. There are four sectors in one specimen and three in the other,
but the last is forked twice before gradate series. The median is not bent
toward the cubitus, so the connecting veinlets are subequal in length ; the
costal area is very broad at base. In hind wings the veins are all pale,
except a brown cross-vein closing postcostal cell ; the first fork of radial
sector is as far out as fork of median vein.
Expanse, 20 mm. From Denver, Colorado.
Hemerobius Nevadensis, n. sp.—Head pale yellowish, a brown dot
between the antenne, the latter pale yellow, darker at tips. Thorax dark
brown, with a broad median yellow stripe above. Abdomen dark brown,
nearly black ; legs pale yellow. Wings hyaline, the veins mostly pale,
the radial sectors and some others dotted with brown ; around the margin
are brown spots alternating with whitish ; the gradate series are rather
heavily marked with brown, and the veinlets connecting median, cubital
and anal veins near base are also brown. In hind wings the venation is
pale, except around the margin, where it is brown. The fore wings are
moderately long, the costal area rather narrow at base ; the lower branch
of median is not bent toward the cubitus, so that the connecting veinlet
is as long as that connecting cubitus to anal. In hind wings the first fork
of the radial sector is plainly before the forking of median.
Expanse, 16 mm. Ormsby Co., Nevada, July (Baker).
Hemerobius dorsatus, n. sp.—Head pale yellow, cheeks brownish,
and a short brown line from middle of face down on clypeus ; antennal
sockets marked with brown ; antenne pale, but darker at tips; thorax
dark brown on sides, with a broad median stripe of yellow ; abdomen
brown, legs pale yellow. Wings hyaline, very evenly marked with brown
fimbriz, veins dotted with brown, the gradate series more heavily brown,
outer and posterior margin with brown spots alternating with pale. In
hind wings the venation is brownish and the pterostigma rather reddish.
Fore wings moderately long and narrow, costal area quite broad at base ;
the lower branch of the median vein is slightly bent toward the cubitus.
There are four radial sectors, the first three not forked till near tip, the
fourth twice forked before gradate series. In the hind wings the first fork
of the radial sector is much before forking of median vein.
Expanse, 16 mm.
From Ft. Collins, August, and Veta Pass, rst July ; Colorado.
Sometimes there are but three branches of radial vein, then the last is
forked three times before second series of gradate veins.
Hemerobius pictus, n. sp.—Pale brown, prothorax rather darker,
antenne pale, black-ringed at base and black at tip. Legs pale yellow.
Fore wings hyaline, with four broad brown bands in the middle area of
wing, the two intermediate rather close-together. Around the outer and
posterior margin are pale brown spots alternating with smaller whitish
spots, about eight of these dark spots ; costal area pale brown. Hind
wings hyaline, costal area and venation pale brown. The wings are rather
short, the costal area moderately broad at base. The first sector of
radius forks before origin of second sector, but is not connected back to
Expanse, 12 mm. South-western Colorado (Oslar).
A very pretty species of the two-sector section, and differing from
others in pale venation of hind wings and the several bands on the fore
Hemerobius speciosus, 0. sp.—Head yellowish-brown, darker above ;
antenne pale; thorax almost black; abdomen dark brown; legs pale
yellowish. Wings hyaline, marked with dark brown; venation mostly
pale, with a few scattered brown dots, more brown toward margins ;
apical half of both anterior and posterior margins alternately brown and
yellowish. An indistinct brown patch in the costal area before ptero-
stigma ; five or six round, almost black, dots along radius, one at base of
each sector, except the first, which is beyond first sector, and one under
the pterostigma ; another similar spot on cubitus, where it is connected to
anal vein ; a series of four or five obliquely across wing following the first
gradate series, the anterior one being on the first fork of the fourth radial
sector ; and beyond is a crescent of five spots, most of them contiguous,
on the upper part of the second gradate series, the posterior four of these
are geminate with a minute white point ; a larger triangular dark spot
near ends of cubitus and anal veins. Hind wings with the costal
neuration toward middle and towards apex distinctly brown ; between it
is very pale. The fore wings are very broad, but acute at tips; the costal
area very broad at base. ‘There are four radial sectors, but the first arises
nearer base than usual, and at first diverges but little, but curves before
origin of second sector ; none of the sectors are connected back to the
radius. The median is not bent toward cubitus at connecting veinlet.
Expanse, 16 mm.
One specimen from Plummer’s Island, Maryland, Sept.
Genus Sirex, Linné.
Sirex taxodii, new species.—¢. Length, 11.5 to 13 mm.; ovi-
positor very nearly the length of the abdomen. Black ; a spot back of
eyes and the process of the last dorsal segment reddish-yellow ; antennal
joints from rt to apex, an annulus at base of middle and hind tarsi, and
at base of hind tibize, yellowish-white. Wings brown-black, with a faint
purplish tinge in certain lights.
é.—Length, 12 mm. Agrees well with the female, except that the
metanotum and the abdomen are reddish-yellow, the apex dusky or
blackish, the angles of the pronotum faintly reddish, the apices of the
front and middle femora and their tibize and tarsi are yellowish ; the hind
tibiz have an annulus at base, the hind tarsi have an annulus at base,
while the extreme tip of the basal joint and joints 2 to 5 are yellow. ‘The
antenne are 20-jointed, the joints 12 to 20 being yellow, the rest black.
Types.—Cat. No. 7681, U.S. N. M.
Tryon, N. C. Described from 29’s and 1, labelled No. 1611; bred
by Mr. W. F Fiske from the Cypress (Zaxodium distichum, L.).
Sirex Fiskei, new species.—@. Length, 27 mm.; ovipositor about
two-thirds the length of the abdomen. Head and thorax black, the
thorax above brownish ; abdomen reddish-yellow, the basal two-thirds of
first dorsal segment, dorsal segments 3 and 4 and the fifth segment
laterally black. The antenne are apparently 22-jointed, black, with
joints 13 to 22 yellowish or yellowish-white ; legs black, an annulus at the
base of the middle tarsi, the basal third or more of the hind tibiz, and the
base of the hind tarsi, white or yellowish-white. Wings purplish-black.
Type.—Cat. No. 7682, U. S. N. M
Tryon, N. C. Described from one female taken by Mr, W. F. Fiske
on Pine, |
Genus Paururus, Konow.
Paururus Californicus, new species.— 2. Length, 23 mm.; ovipositor
hardly half the length ofthe abdomen. Uniformly dark blue; the wings
hyaline, but with the apices of both wings margined with fuscous, the stigma
and veins black or brown-black. Antennz 20-jointed.
Type.—Cat. No. 7683, U.S. N. M.
Placer Co., California (Albert Koebele); Hoquiam, Wash. De-
scribed from 2 specimens. The specimen from Washington State was
taken by Mr. H. D. Burke, Aug. 28th, on spruce, and bears the label No.
2202b, Hopkins. ;
Paururus Hopkinsi, new species.—9. Length, 20 to 22 mm.
ovipositor hardly one-third the length of the abdomen. Uniformly dark
blue, with brown-black wings that have a faint purplish tinge in certain
lights. Antenne apparently 23-jointed, the terminal joints being brownish.
g. Length, 18.5 mm. Dark blue, with abdominal segments 5 and
6, the apices of front and middle femora and their tibiz and tarsi, an
annulus at base of hind tibize, and the fourth joint of hind tarsi, yellow.
Wings yellowish hyaline, the apical margins fuscous.
Types.—Cat. No. 7684, U.S. N. M.
Tyron, N. C., and Kanawha, W. Va. Described from many
specimens taken by Dr. A. D. Hopkins and W, F. Fiske from dying pine
trees. The species is allied to P. pinicola, Ashm.
Paururus pinicola, Ashmead.—F. W Konow, without seeing a
specimen of this species, has incorrectly made it a synonym of P.
nigricornis, Fabr., a species known to mein both sexes. The male of
P. pinicola has never been described, but as Messrs. Hopkins and Fiske
have taken it in quantities at Kanawha, W. Va, together with the female,
I give below a brief description :
¢.—Length, 11.5 to rg mm. Dark blue, with the abdomen, except
the basal three segments, reddish-yellow ; the apices of the front and
middle femora and their tibiz and tarsi except the last joint, a narrow
annulus at the base of hind tibiz, and the fourth joint of hind tarsi, are
honey-yellow. Antenne 17-jointed. Wings usually yellowish-hyaline,
rarely wholly hyaline ; the apices margined with fuscous, the costal cell
and the stigma, except the outer edge, which is dark brown, always
distinctly yellowish.
In the issue of Psyche for April, 1903, I published a paper on the
diffusion of insects in North America, in which reference was made in a
footnote to the probable tread of diffusion in the Sphingide, and this may
be looked upon as supplementary to that publication. In the former
paper I could not deal with this phase of the problem of diffusion of
insects, to the extent that this family deserves, nor am I certain that this
is possible even now, but it seems desirable to point out some suggestive
features of the present distribution and probable diffusion of this interest-
ing family of moths.
The Sphingide, or Hawk moths, are noted for their stout, spindle-
shaped bodies, and for possessing the most powerful wings of all the
Lepidoptera, these last being long and slender, and provided with exceed-
ingly strong muscles, thus resembling those of sea birds. They are in this
way fitted for long flights, and are not infrequently driven by the winds
far out at sea, where they are encountered by ships long distances from
any land. They are primarily tropical insects, though they have become
widely diffused, have adapted themselves to almost frigid climates, and
are thus found throughout all the principal regions, except in New Zea-
land, where there is but a single form closely allied to, if not identical
with, the almost cosmopolitan Sphinx convolvuli, Linneeus. That these
insects have existed structurally the same since a very remote period is
shown by the occurrence of an insect in Prussian amber that belongs to
this family, and has been referred to the genus Sphinx. The specimen
cited by Wallace as having been found in the Upper Oolite of Bavaria
seems to have been another insect and not one of the Hawk moths.
We have in North America 82 species belonging to 31 genera. Of
these, 48 species, or more than one-half, are found in the eastern United
States, and 21 of these are known to occur southward through Florida and
in South America, while of the remainder many are known to extend
southward into Mexico, ‘The 21 species have most assuredly reached
North America by way of what I have termed the Antillian trend of
diffusion. Of the remaining 26 of the 48 species, some few of them range
far enough to the west to indicate a diffusion from Mexico, or northward
through that country, though the majority of them are more or less closely
*Read before Section F, American Association for the Advancement of Science,
St. Louis, Dec. 29, 1903.
allied to South American forms. Of the remaining 34 species, many can
be traced into Mexico, where, owing to lack of knowledge of the insect
fauna, they are lost in obscurity.
Taking up the genera, and following Dr. Dyar’s recent List, because
of the more definite information given relative to the distribution of the
species, we find many interesting facts. In the genus Hemaris we have
one species occurring over the eastern portion of the country with vari-
eties scattered from the Pacific Northwest through British Columbia and
California to New Mexico ; another occurs in Colorado and Utah; the
other two from Labrador and Canada to Florida, and west to the
Mississippi river. Some day we may find out that the Pacific coast and
south-western forms are more remote from the eastern forms than we now
suppose, and have had their origin in the west, while we may be able to
find a similar connecting link between the eastern forms and the
stem species from which both branches have evolved, somewhere in
Central America, or north-west South America. The genus Lefzsesza has
one species in arctic America ; another ranging from Northern California
to Utah ; one in Southern California ; one generally distributed over the
Southern States; one each in Texas and. New Mexico, and another
extending from Mexico into Georgia, all of which indicates a northern
trend of diffusion from Mexico or beyond. The three genera, Ae//opos,
Triptogon and Calliomma, each with a single species ; the first inhabiting
South America and the Southern States ; the second South America,
Mexico, West Indies, Florida and occasionally northward, and the last
being found also in South America and Florida. The next three genera,
Amphion, Sphecodina and Deidamia, each with a single species, the first
ranging from Florida to Canada, and west to Iowa ; the second and third
having much the same habitat. Dei/ephila has two species, both
introduced, but the genus is represented in South America also. The
genus TZheretria has two species, one ranging from South America,
Central America and the West Indies, through the Southern States and
north into Canada, while the other is found in both South America and
Florida. Arvgeus, with a single species, occurs in South America and
Florida, northward along the cost to Canada, though it is rare north of
Florida. achylia, likewise with a single species, is found in South
America and Florida. Pholus (Philampelus) with five species, two
ranging from South America through Central America, Cuba and the
Southern States, northward along the eastern coast to New England ;
another generally distributed over the entire United States and Canada,
and another covering the country east of the Great Plains ; the fifth and
last ranging through Mexico into Arizona certainly indicate their ancient
home and that they have come to us both from the south-east and south-
west, from the South American tropics. Ampelophaga comprises three
species ; one ranging from Florida to Canada and west to Iowa, and
another from Georgia to Canada and west to Missouri and Iowa, while
the third extends from Brazil throughout the Atlantic Coast States and
west to the Mississippi valley. Two genera, Cocytius and Pseudosphinx,
have one species each, the former occurring in the Antilles and Florida
and the latter extending from South America through the Antilles into
Florida. The genus D2lophonota, seven species, every one of which
occurs in South America and Florida, some occasionally farther to the
northward. The two genera, Cautethia and Didudia, containing respec-
tively one and two species, all three of which are found in the Antilles and
Southern Florida. /A/egethontius contains five species ; one ranging
over the United States and Canada, and another from South America,
Mexico and West Indies, northward over the entire United States into
Canada; a third being found in South America and the West Indies,
northward as far as New York; the fourth extending from Brazil to
Canada and over the United States to the Pacific coast and in Hawai,
while the fifth is the cosmopolitan species, P. convolvuli, which ranges
over the British Islands, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand
and the entire Southern States. Dr. Dyar considers the last two as one,
the latter species. The genus SfAimx has nineteen species and two
doubtful. Omitting these doubtful species, two cover the entire United
States from Florida to Canada and westward; two from Georgia to
Canada and west to Mississippi River States ; one from Florida to Canada
and west to Mississippi River States ; two range over the Atlantic States
east of the Mississippi ; one is found from New England to Newfoundland
and west to Ohio ; two cover the Southwestern States by their distribution;
one the Southern States ; one is known from Missouri only: one each
occur in Texas and Colorado; one in Arizona, and one extends from
Arizona to Utah ; two are confined to California, and the last ranges over
the Western and Rocky Mountain States, the genus together showing
about an equal number of species that can be accredited to the south-east
and south-western diffusion. Do/ba, with one species, occurs from Florida
to Canada and west to lowa, while Ch/enogramma, also with a single
species, is known from Georgia to Canada and west to States bordering the
Mississippi River ; Ceratomza has four species, two ranging from the
Carolinas to Canada and west to States bordering the Mississippi; one
ranges over the Southern States as far north as Southern Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio and Pennsylvania, while the fourth is confined to Texas. Lapara
with two species, one covering the territory from Florida to Canada and
west to the Mississippi Valley, and the other nearly the same area.
Exedrium with its single species is confined to Florida ; AZaruméa, also
with a single species, ranges over the United States and Canada.
Smerinthus with two species ; one covering the entire northern portion of
the United.States and Canada, and the other confied to the eastern section
from Virginia to Canada and west to Iowa, while the closely-allied genus
Paonias has three species, one being found from Pennsylvania to Canada,
and the other two from Florida to Canada and west to the Mississippi.
Cressonia has but one species, that occurs from Florida to Canada, and
- west to the Mississippi River in the north and to Texas in the South ; the
last genus, Arctonotus, has also a single species, that occurs throughout
the Pacific coast.
Fic. 3.—Map illustrating the trend of diffusion in the Sphingida of North America.
When we consider the number of species that we know occur from
South America northward through Florida, and from there range more or
less north and west, but not sufficiently far west to indicate a Mexican
habitat, and those so closely allied to these, also distributed over the
eastern United States, we find that in this family of insects the south-
eastern or Antillian tread of diffusion has greatly affected the Sphingid
fauna of America north of Mexico. I cannot leave the subject, however,
without calling attention to the fact that South American forms make their
way into the United States by several lines of diffusion. A species may
make its way up through the Windward and Leeward Islands and, the
larger islands of the West Indies into Florida; it may make its way
northward through Panama to Honduras, and thence through Cuba to
Florida, or continue northward through Central America and Mexico,
sometimes both, but in the latter case we are likely to find it in both
Florida and Texas. With the Sphingidze it would seem that the species
had for the most part either followed the Antilles, or crossed over from
Honduras, and entered the United States by way of Florida, sometimes
holding closely to the Atlantic coast, and in other species spreading west-
ward around the lower extremity of the Appalachian Mountain system.
But, excepting those species that we know have been introduced from
other countries within the temperate zone, we can trace almost every
North American species of Sphingidz, either directly or by closeiy-allied
species, to their ancient and original home in tropical South America, and
of the doubtful remainder there are few indeed that cannot be traced
into Mexico, where we lose track of them in the obscurity surrounding
the entomological fauna of that country.
In connection with the work on the Philippine mosquitoes carried on
by the authority of the Surgeon-General, U.S. Army, and “for and with
the co-operation of the Medical Corps, U.S. A.,” a lot of mosquitoes recently
received from Cottabato, Mindanao, P. I., makes it possible to describe a
new JJyzomyia ; to state definitely all the differences between Stegomyia
scutellaris, Walker, and the variety Swmarensis, Ludlow ; and to make a
small correction in the description of AZyzorhyncus pseudobarbirostris,
Myzomyia Thorntonii, n. sp.— Female : Head dark brown, with tuft
of white scales on the vertex, and white hairs projecting forward between
the eyes, a few white scales around the eyes; antenne brown, verticles
and pubescence white, basal joint testaceous, a few white scales on first
and second joints ; proboscis brown on basal half, apical half dull yellow,
with narrow brown band at apex, tip dull yellow ; palpi, ultimate joint
white with narrow basal brown band, penultimate also white with narrow
basal brown band, followed by a broad white band, and the remainder of
the proboscis brown, divided nearly in half by a narrow white band.
About the middle of the exterior brown section is a small yellow spot, and
there are a few yellow scales near the base of the palpus. Eyes brown;
clypeus brown.
Thorax light brown, with white (frosty) tomentum, a dark median
line, and sparsely covered with golden-brown hair-like scales and a few
flat white ones on the cephalad end ; prothoracic lobes with brown flat
scales ; scutellum light laterally, and broad dark median line, hair-like
golden-brown scales and brown bristles ; metanotum brown.
Abdomen very dark brown, rather heavily covered with brown
(golden brown in some lights) hairs.
Legs : cox and trochanters all brown, with a few white scales ;
femora and tibiz all dark brown, with distinct white spots (6 or 7) on the
sides ; metatarsi on fore legs basally and apically white banded, and a few
white spots, first three tarsal joints basally and apically white banded so
as to make rather broad bands, last joint brown, but giving light reflections ;
metatarsi and all the tarsal joints on the mid leg have narrow white apical
bands, sometimes the metatarsi have white intermediate spots, and some-
times the band on the last joint is lacking ; on the hind leg the metatarsi
and tarsal joints, except the last, all have narrow white apical bands, and
one or two white spots. These metatarsal and tarsal spots vary greatly in
individuals, there being sometimes only one small spot, sometimes several,
and sometimes the metatarsal spots are very large so as nearly to cover
the apical half of the joint. Oddly enough this occurs in one specimen on
one leg and not on the other. Ungues simple and equal.
Wings markedly spotted, costa mostly dark, a light spot at the apex
extending on apex of rst longitudinal, and upper fork of 2nd long. vein, a
second spot a little exterior to base of 2nd posterior cell, a third at the
junction of the subcosta, a fourth at some distance from the third, and two
or three small ones near the base of the wing. ‘The large spots all extend
on the rst longitudinal, and there are additional white spots on the rst
long. vein in the area between the third and fourth costal spots, and some-
times between the second and third costal spots, but so irregularly placed
as to be of little value for identification, the two wings of the same insect
varying markedly. The wing field is well spotted, about six light spots on
the 3rd long., and the other veins spotted in much the same way except
the stem of the 2nd posterior cell, which is dark. Fringe is mottled,
the light spots occurring for the most part at the apices of the veins ; on
the inner (short) fringe scales the light spots occur as far as the 6th long.,
on the long scales the spots are distinctly yellow as far as the 5th long.,
avd merely pale at the apices of the more caudad veins ; rst submarginal
cell longer (4:3), and narrower than the 2nd posterior, its base nearly one-
sixth of its length interior, stem of 2nd posterior much the longer ; super-
numerary cross-vein is nearly equal to mid, which it meets, and posterior
cross-vein somewhat longer and a little more than its own length distant.
These vein positions vary somewhat ; halteres white.
Length, 3-3.3 mm.
Habitat : Oras Samar, P. I., and Cottabato, Mindanao, P. I.
Taken June 20 (Cottabato), Aug. 20 (Oras).
This is a very beautiful and well marked species near JZ. albirostris,
Theob., but the additional broad band on the palpi, and the spotted legs,
make it easily distinguishable, while the wing markings resemble those of
M. elegans, James. It has only been sent in twice, and the two specimens
from which the description was written were collected by Dr. James W.
Thornton, Cont. Surg. U. S. A., after whom it is named.
The specimens of Stegomyta scutellaris, Walker, sent in early in
1903 from Samar, were found to vary from the type, and as these varia-
tions occurred in all the specimens from that island, it was decided to
create a variety, attention being called to some differences, and the insect
was published as S. scutel/aris, Walker, sub-species Samarensis, Ludlow.*
Since then a number of very perfect specimens from Samar, Leyte and
Mindoro have made the differentiation more perfect, and the complete list
of differences is given below.
Stegomyia scutellaris, Walk., var. Samarensis, Ludlow.—This variety
differs from the type as follows :
I. Has two white lateral bands on head; no bands on antenne of
II. The silvery median line on thorax extends nearly the whole length of
the mesonotum, tapering from the cephalic end to just in front of
the scutellum, where it divides, forming two short, very fine sub-
median lines ; there is also a narrow straight white line on each
side, exterior to these, extending cephalad from the scutellum
about one-third of the length of the mesonotum, dividing its width
almost exactly into quarters.
*Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., Sept., 1903.
III. Femora of hind legs are white at the base, with a white line reaching
almost to the knee ; on fore and mid legs this line is not so .
distinct nor is it so long ; the metatarsi of the hind legs have a
basal white band, and those of the fore and mid legs a basal white
IV. The first submarginal cell varies in length, but is as long as, usually
longer, and sometimes more than twice as long as its stem.
Under Myzorhyncus pseudobarbirostris,+ Ludlow, after ‘‘ antennz a
lighter brown,” delete “ minute apical bands on the joints,” the effect is
caused by reflections.
This seems to be a rare mosquito, having been taken once at
Hagonoy, Bulacan, Luzon, Oct., 1901, by Dr. Kellogg, and once at Cotta-
bato, Mindanao, June, 1903, by Dr. Thornton.
It is also necessary that Culex annulifera,{ Ludlow, appear as
Culex annuliferus, Ludlow.
We regret to record the death of Dr. J. H. Sangster,. which took
place in Toronto on the 27th of January. He was one of the original
members of the Entomological Society of Ontario, and during its early
years took an active part in its proceedings, but for a long time past he
had ceased to take any interest in the Society or its pursuits.
He was born in England in 1831, and coming to Canada when a
child received his education in this country. The principal part of his
life was devoted to scholastic work, his first position being that of an
assistant master in the Model School at Toronto, Subsequently he was
placed in charge of the Provincial Grammar School ; later on he became
Head Master of the Ontario Normal School, and finally Professor of
Chemistry and Botany in Victoria University. During the earlier portion
of his career he published a number of schoolbooks, which were for a
long time in general use in the Public Schools of the Province, and made
his name familiar throughout the length and breadth of the land. He
also wrote extensively on public topics in the newspaper press. Since his
retirement from active work he lived in Port Perry, Ont., and was highly
respected by all who knew him.
tJourn. N. Y. Ent. Soc., April, 1yo2.
tJourn. N. Y. Ent. Soc., Sept., 1903.
The eggs of this rare species were kindly sent me from Tacubaja,
Mexico, by Mr. O. W. Barrett. The food-plant of the caterpillar was
. unknown to him. Heretofore we have only had the figures of the mature
larva of three species of this genus, and four sketches of the caterpillar of
A. armida, the better known species of this interesting genus, which
ranges from Mexico to Brazil. The larva figured by Madam Merian,
Stoll, Burmeister, and by Peters, is represented as being smooth, without
any tubercles, horns, or hairs. The partly grown larva, when about one-
half grown, is drawn as having a pair of high horns on the prothoracic
and a longer pair on the third thoracic segment, and a caudal horn on the
8th segment, also a shorter median horn on the gth abdominal segment.
Peters* states that this armature is retained until the last moult. He also
figures the caterpillar of 4. aspasia, H. Sch., which has four thoracic and
a caudal horn ; one would infer from his brief account that this larva was
fully fed, since he figures the pupa, but it may be found to belong to the
penultimate stage. He also figures the larva of O. xanthopus, Walk.
The small young (in stage III.?) has a pair of long, slender filamental
metathoracic horns about half as long as the body, and a caudal filamenta]l
horn of nearly the same length. The older larva has no caudal horn, but
retains the two thoracic appendages, which are about a quarter as long as
the body. He does not positively say whether this is the full-fed larva or
not, but the pupa (subterranean) is figured.
We had from a study of this genus (also of Rhescyntis and Dysde-
monia), referred these moths to the subfamily Agliine, the venation being
similar to that of Ag/ia tau. And it is a matter of no little interest to find
that the young freshly hatched larvee, now for the first time described, is
somewhat similar in armature to that European genus, whose nearest
allies belong to the South American fauna.
_ Stage 7.—Length, 4 mm. Head large and round, wider than the
body, and shaped as in Adelocephala. The body is rather thick, and
tapers somewhat to the end. The first thoracic segment is rather wide,
*Die Heteroceren-Raupen (und Puppen) des H. T. Peters’ schen manuskript-
werkes; Biologische Beitidge zur Brasilianischen Schmetterlings-fauna, Neudamm
but not so wide as the head; the front edge is somewhat raised, 2. e., flares
up, and bears a remarkably complex armature. The two dorsal tubercles
are broad, thin (in a fore-and-aft sense), and divided into seven heads or
subtubercles, one or two of which are smaller and shorter than the others,
each digitiform tuberculet bearing a long spinulate black seta ; the setae are
of nearly equal length, and nearly as long as the entire main or master
tubercle. As compared with those of Eac/es imperialis, Stage I., these
tubercles are much thinner, and are 7-headed instead of being 2-headed,
z. e., simply forked.
Below on the front edge of each side is a smaller tubercle of the sub-
dorsal series about one-third as long and large as those of the dorsal pair,
ending in three subtubercles, each of which bears a black spinulated seta.
Just below the spiracle is a small, simple, infraspiracular tubercle, and
below this a low minute 3-headed one. Behind this series of four tuber-
cles (on each side) is a dusky, narrow, chitinous band or rudimentary pro-
thoracic plate or shield, which passes down each side of the segment, not
quite reaching a point opposite the spiracle, 7. ¢., not as far down as the
On the 2nd thoracic segment are two dorsal tubercles (2), which are
small, digitiform, 2-headed, the heads diverging. These are smaller than
the corresponding pair on the rst abdominal segment, but larger than those
of the hinder pair (22) on the same abdominal segment.
On the 3rd thoracic segment is a pair of enormous horns, which are
slightly more than half as long as the body. They are not stiff, and easily
bend over, but with a thin integument, the surface of which is crowded with
short, erect spinules, some of which are conical, others blunt. These two
appendages are nearly as thick as the segment is long, their greatest
diameter being a little above the base ; they are forked at the end, each
fork being about twice as long as thick, and much rounded at the end, and
giving rise to a stout spinulated seta, which is of moderate length, z. ¢.,
about twice as long as the greatest diameter of the horn itself. The horns
of this pair are much larger than those of Ag/ia tau of the same stage, and
differ in the trunk, and two branches of the fork being much thicker, while
the short spinules do not give rise to a hair. It is most probable that
the caterpillar moves these horns with more or less freedom, and that they
are deterrent structures.
On the back of abdominal segments 1-7 are two pairs of dorsal tuber-
cles, those of the anterior pair (2) digitiform, as long as the horns are thick;
they are separated by a space nearly as long as one of the tubercles them-
selves. Those of the second pair (¢/) are a little wider apart, but situated
close to the anterior pair, and with shorter and smaller sete. The
presence of a second pair of tubercles on the tergum, the four tubercles
arranged in a short trapezoid, is a very primitive feature. I have observed
them in the rst stage of Cerura Heterocampa, Macrurocampa, and other
Notodontide, as well as in Anisota and Adelocephala, but not in Eacles.
The caudal horn is about as thick as the metathoracic horns, the distal
half fully as thick through, and the two divisions of the fork are of the
same size, including the terminal sete. It is also equally flexible, and its
armature isthe same, the surface being beset with microscopic conical
spinules which do not end ina hair. The horn is about half as long as
the anterior horns, extending a little beyond the end of the dorsal sete.
The horn is the fused homologues of the anterior pair of tubercles of
the abdominal segments in front, for directly behind its base is a pair of
short tubercles of the same size and shape as those of the posterior pair.
The gth abdominal segment is armed dorsally with a pair of separate
tubercles like, in shape and size, the anterior ones on segments 1-7, but
situated close together at their base. The suranal plate is triangular, about
as long as broad, with three small marginal tubercles on each side, and
one twice as large near the base of the plate. The surface is not tubercu-
lated. The anal legs are flat, square, not rough and tuberculated, but
bearing three small setiferous tubercles near the lower edge.
The tubercles of the subdorsal 2nd row (22) are simple and digitiform,
as are those of the third or supraspiracular row (222). These tubercles
arise from a broad base, forming a dark or reddish discoloraticn. The
tubercles of the lower or 4th supraspiracular row (v, vZ) are on the
abdominal segments united at their base, those of the znd and 3rd thoracic
segments minute and single, as usual in all Ceratocampide.
The sete are peculiar in the microscopic spinules being stout,
conical, often blunt. They are of nearly equal length, the longest one
being nearly or about two-thirds as long as the segment is thick, and
necessarily add very much to the defensive nature of the armature of the
young larva.
The ground coiour, as shown by Mr. Joutel’s drawing, is a reddish
ochreous, the bases of the tubercles being surrounded by light reddish
brown ; the tubercies are all red, the middle of the big two dorsal horns
and of the caudal horn being yellowish. There are no longitudinai or
transverse stripes,
Colletes niger, n. sp.— 2. Black, shining, with long erect jet black
pubescence ; clypeus prominent, with coarse close punctures tending to
form strize on either side of a shallow median longitudinal depression, and
with a deep transverse depression just before the sharply truncate apex ;
face above and on sides of clypeus much more closely and finely punc-
tured, and covered with a long and dense pubescence which extends over
the clypeus itself; vertex and cheeks very finely punctured, the former
practically bare except for a tuft of long hairs in the interocellular space,
the latter with abundant long hairs; ocelli pale, opalescent ; occiput
fringed with long erect pubescence ; malar space smooth, its length about
two-thirds width of mandible at base ; mandibles slender and_ polished,
deeply grooved without, notched almost at the tip, which is blunt and
slightly rufescent in some lights ; labrum with a rounded median pit at
base ; antenne entirely glossy black, the first joint of the flagellum as long
as the second and third together ; no prothoracic spines; disc of meso-
thorax sparsely covered with erect hairs and with a few fine punctures,
the pubescence becoming longer and denser and the punctuation finer
and much closer on the sides, especially anteriorly ; scutellum with a
narrow impunctate line at base followed by a coarsely but evenly punctured
surface, the postscutellum finely roughened and densely covered with long
erect pubescence ; base of metathorax bounded by an indistinct rim and
a transverse series of rectangular pits, medially subquadrate but imperfect,
laterally more perfect and twice as long as broad; enclosure funnel-
shaped, shining, the neck very wide, almost as broad at base as long ;
sides of metathorax dull, finely roughened, rather sparsely pubescent ;
pleura evenly, closely and finely punctate, and with sparse, long
pubescence ; tegule black ; wings long, smoky, hyaline, slightly irides-
cent, the nervures and stigma black ; first submarginal cell about equal to
second and third, which are subequal, together, the second receiving the
first recurrent nervure at its midd!e, the third the second recurrent nervure
two-thirds from the base and narrowed one-half toward the appendiculate
marginal cell; legs with moderately heavy pubescence, long on anterior
femora, shorter and quite dense on posterior femora where forming a
pollen-carrying scopa; pubescence on inner surface of tarsi dark brownish;
spurs testaceous, claws rufescent at apex ; abdomen short and moderately
shiny, the first segment with sparse, fine punctures, becoming closer and
less fine apically, the second and following segments finely and very indis-
tinctly punctured, all the segments, and especially the basal one, sparsely
covered with long bristly hairs, denser and tending to form fringes on the
apices of the segments, which are depressed on segments 1-4. Length,
Io-Ir mm.
f .—Similar to the 9, but smaller ; the pubescence of the face longer
and denser, and together with that of the cheeks near the mandibles
mostly grayish ; the pubescence on under parts in general mixed with pale
hairs, often conspicuously so on anterior femora ; malar space longer, as
long as width of mandible at base ; antennae much longer, with the basal
joints of flagellum subequal ; wings unusually long, extending well beyond
the tip of abdomen. Length, 8-9 mm. |
Fourteen @ @ and four ¢ ¢. Volcano Irazu, February 23, 1902
(L. Bruner). Types in collection of University of Nebraska. An
extremely abundant species on the volcano, at an elevation of 8,500 to
9,500 feet, where the earth in many places is completely riddled with its
Colletes Bruneri, n. sp.—Q. Black; clypeus bare and rough,
coarsely and confluently punctured, transversely depressed before apex ;
face crowded with small confluent punctures forming a rough surface, and
covered with short dirty gray pubescence ; vertex finely punctured, bare
except for a tuft of pale fulvous hairs between the ocelli; occiput fringed
with long, pale fulvous hairs ; cheeks finely roughened, with sparse short
gray pubescence: malar space so short as to be almost lacking; mandibles
dull black, grooved, notched near the blunt reddish-tinged tip ; labrum
dull, roughened by numerous fine striz; antenne dull black, the first joint
of flagellum but a trifle longer than second or third ; prothorax without
spines; mesothorax finely, closely and deeply punctured laterally, |
sparsely so on the disc, and covered with short, bright fulvous pubes-
cence ; scutellum coarsely punctured posteriorly, postscutellum finely
roughened, both with long, erect, dense fulvous pubescence ; metathorax
bounded by a double rim, between which are the usual subrectangular
pits, which are half as wide as long ; enclosure shiny, funnel-shaped, with
a short, wide neck ; sides of posterior truncation dull, rough, with sparse,
pale fulvous pubescence; pleura thinly pubescent, with large, close,
deep punctures ; tegule pale testaceous ; wings smoky hyaline, slightly
iridescent, nervures and stigma blackish ; third submarginal cell narrowed
one-third toward the marginal; iegs thinly covered with short gray
pubescence, the apices of the tarsal joints with a tuft of rufous hairs
within ; spurs testaceous, claws ferruginous ; abdomen short, dull, the first
segment evenly covered with fine, deep punctures, separated about the
width of one, the second and third segments more finely and closely
punctured, fourth and following segments with the punctuation fine but
indistinct ; apical margins of the three basal segments conspicuously
depressed ; no hair bands, but the whole abdomen sparsely covered with
short pale hairs, which are somewhat elongated and tinged with fulvous on
extreme base of first segment. Length, 10 mm.
One 2, Monte Redondo, March 3, 1902 (L. Bruner). Altitude 4,000
feet. Type in collection of University of Nebraska.
(Continued from page 36.)
The Club held a second informal meeting in the Southern Hotel, St.
Louis, on December 31, 1903. Dr. James Fletcher presided, and
the discussions which were presented during the evening indicated the
cleverness of the president in selecting speakers and assigning interesting
topics. ‘The evening was spent in a congenial and unusually profitable
manner until the incoming of the new year.
Prof. Lochhead, of Guelph, presented to the Club a number of
incidents relating to a trip to Killarney, Lake Huron, and the numerous
islands in that vicinity. The habits of the native Indians were described
in an interesting manner. ‘These Indians are in a prosperous condition,
as evidenced by the good horses and carriages which they own, and by
other possessions. ‘The Jesuit missionary schools have apparently had a
great influence upon the prosperity of the Indians through their training
in mechanical and other sciences. On St. Joseph Island the drama of
Hiawatha is played every year by the Ojibwa Indians. The version of
the drama followed is that of Longfellow, and the daughters of Longfellow
were once present by invitation. ‘The play is given out-of-doors, with logs
for ordinary seats and bearskin seats for an extra price of 25 cents. A
sepulchral voice calls the people together. The whole career of Hiawatha
is presented in all its details, accompanied by excellent representations of
festivities. Good music is rendered in harmony. The concerted choruses
are peculiarly effective, partly on account of their unique quality of cross-
syncopation. Many exceedingly dramatic features occur in the play,
especially where Paupukeewis leaps 50 feet from a xock out into the lake,
and where Hiawatha leads Minnehaha home, and his departure. During
pantomine parts the meaning of the action is explained by the dramatic
director through a megaphone.
The president called on Dr. D. G. Fairchild, who gave an account of
some of his experiences in Java. The speaker described in an interesting
manner his observations on the fungus-cultivating termites. As is
generally known, these insects are enormously abundant and injurious
throughout the tropics. Timbers are destroyed in all situations ; in a few
cases even ocean-going steamers have been destroyed. The observations
of the speaker were made chiefly in the neighbourhood of the botanic
gardens at Buitenzorg. It was soon found that the interesting comb-like
nests of the termites were composed exclusively of the excrement of the
insects. This structure serves as a nutrient medium for the growth of the
fungous felt which lines all the passages. The conidiophores of the fungus
are interesting structures. Each species of white ant cultivates a different
species of fungus, The speaker’s observations were chiefly confined to
Termes bellicosus. Young white ants are fed almost exclusively on the
conidiophores of the fungus. The speaker described the furious combats
which are frequently observed between different species of termites. The
individuals from different nests of the same species do not fight. The
workers fight even more furiously than the soldiers. One group of
termites was observed which did not cultivate any fungus, and which
carried on their combats by ejections of fluid from the head. This fluid
appeared to be very obnoxious. ‘The nests of termites vary in size, from
that of a man’s hand to 25 ft. in height. Some species have five or six
queens, and the queens lay about one egg per second. Many of these
observations were corroborated by Mr. C. L. Marlatt, who referred to
some of the habits of white ants, and who also spoke of toads as feeding
upon these insects.
The subject of power sprayers was discussed by Mr. A. F. Burgess, with
special reference to compressed air sprayers, as invented and perfected by
manufacturers in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois. According to one of
these schemes the air tank is charged with air under a pressure of 160
Ibs., and this air under pressure is conducted into a second tank contain-
ing the spray. The apparatus is furnished with an attachment of 12
nozzles set at intervals of 8 and ro in., and according to the representa-
tions of the manufacturer a pressure of 160 lbs. is sufficient to spray 50
gals. The pressure may be maintained by connecting the apparatus by
gearing with the wagon wheels. According to the experience of a number
of the members present, however, this apparatus is still quite defective,
and requires numerous modifications before it can become of real practical
A letter from Mr. Tepper, of South Australia, to Dr. Howard was
read before the Club. In this letter the efficacy of kerosene in killing
mosquitoes was questioned. It was argued that there are various natural
agencies which prevent undue prevalence of mosquitoes. Kerosene,
however, was once tried by the writer with good results. Considerabie
importance was attached to the action of mosquito larve in preventing
stagnant water from becoming putrid. Apropos of this letter mention was
made by Dr. Fairchild of acetozone, which is claimed by the manufacturers
to be one hundred thousand times more powerful than peroxid of hydrogen
as a disinfectant. It was suggested that this substance might be tested in
killing mosquito larvae, The value of formalin as an insecticide was also
discussed, but in the experience of a number of members its power had
proved very slight.
Mr. C. P. Gillette considered it very undesirable to use an excess of
lime with Paris green in spraying for the codling moth, and attention was
called by other members to the fact that Kedzie’s formula for arsenite of
lime is extensively used for this insect.
Doctor Fairchild reported the use of an unknown fluid mixture by an
orange-grower in Florida for the purpose of influencing the maturity of the
oranges. Oranges thus treated become sweet and mature, in so far as the
flavour is concerned, while they are still green and before they have
matured in appearance. The proprietor of this method is thus able to
ship green oranges and secure a higher market price than for oranges
which have not been so treated.
Dr. Fletcher enquired if anyone had had experience with Fuller’s
carbolic insecticide, and stated that good results had been obtained in
Canada from the use of a mixture, said to contain carbolic acid, oil and
Stockholm tar, in combating San Jose scale. Prof. Lochhead spoke to
the same effect. Professors Piper and Gillette had noticed the burning
effect of this mixture on leaves, but’the president stated that trees had
received three applications in summer in Canada without any apparent
injury, while go per cent. of the scale was killed.
Mr. C. P. Gillette gave an account of some observations on insects in
Colorado. The speaker illustrated his remarks by means of insect
specimens. A short-winged form of J/e/anoplus bivittatus was exhibited,
‘and also of AZ. femur-rubrum, the latter showing great variation in colour.
The speaker stated that Chorizagrotis agrestis occurs in Colorado in three
forms, and is extremely injurious to a great variety of crops. The males
are uniformly darker than the females. and this, fact has, in a few cases,
led to errors in determination. He also described a_ species of
Chermes on pine and spruce, and gave an account of its life-history. In
spring the insect is found on the under side of small twigs of <Adies
pungens. The eggs are deposited on the old wood near the new growth
in masses of r50 or more. The swelling of the needles and consequent
gall formations are due to the attacks of young lice, and not to the
punctures of the adult females in laying the eggs. In Colorado there is
apparently a new species of Chermes in addition to C. abdietis. The
young of this new species also locate on the new growth, but do not form
galls. The insect passes the winter in a larval stage and is strictly
Oviparous. There is some evidence of another species of Chermes on
Pinus ponderosa. The speaker also referred to the injury to apples from
the use of strong arsenical sprays and Bordeaux mixtures.
_ R. A. Cooley, of Montana, also spoke on the same subject.
The question was raised whether breeding experiments in insects
might reasonably be expected to lead to valuable results, and was
discussed by several members. During this discussion mention was made
of experiments which had been made in attempting to lengthen the
tongues of bees, and of experiments to determine the effect of foodstuffs
and other conditions of environment upon the life history of silkworms and
the quality and quantity of silk produced.
Dr. E, P. Felt spoke on the subject of the exhibit of economic
insects to be sent to the St, Louis World’s Fair, and the arrangements
which had been made for displaying it.
For the next meeting of the Club, which will be held in connection
with the meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Science in
Philadelphia, the Club elected Henry Skinner as president, and E. V.
Wilcox as secretary. E. V. WILcox.
The action of our friends who publisk Entomological News, in
putting on the title-page of that excellent journal the figure of an insect,
with the legend “J/gnotus enigmaticus, Slosson,” creates a situation
hitherto unknown in entomology.
In Mrs. Slosson’s delightful article on ‘‘A Coleopterous Conundrum,” |
in the CANADIAN EntomoLocist for July, 1903, she asks this question :
‘Shall I ever find more specimens of what I have sometimes, in chat
with friends, called Zgnotus enigmaticus? I trow not.” This is the sole
basis for the application of the name, as fully admitted in the January
If we adopt the principle upon which the News acts, it will afford
great relief to those who have been labouring in descriptive entomology °
for lo! these many years. It is evident that our pains have been wholly
unnecessary. Chatting with our friends, we need only mention any Latin-
ized jingle that occurs to us under the inspiration of the moment ; then
let this leak into print, and all is accomplished.
We may expect that the general adoption of this method will bring
about a rapid increase of new genera and species. Now that it is
unnecessary to go through the tedious process of describing, figuring,
comparing and writing out, no one need hesitate to enter the field. It is
highly probable that some of us name insects in our sleep, and never
knew it before. Let us merely employ an amanuensis to sit by and take
down our mutterings, after a long evening spent in the old-fashioned
sort of entomological labour, and doubtless in the morning we shall be
rewarded by a fine list of new genera and species, some of which will per-
haps be so interesting as to subsequently adorn the cévers of entomological
One of my friends has an infant son, two years old, who has already
named several new genera and species. His. chat is not very fluent, but
his names are not preoccupied, and compare very well in appropriateness
with the one given above. Some of the endings look rather unlike old-
fashioned Latin, but this is easily cured. If I were to enumerate some of
his appellatives, there is no reason to doubt that they would stand here-.
after as valid names for the species to which he has applied them. I
refrain from giving them publicity, as I think his father would like to do it.
J. M. Atpricx, Moscow, Idaho.
In the October number of the St. Paul Medical Journal, Dr. Burnside
Foster, the editor, gives a very interesting case of larve found in the
cutaneous tissues of a three weeks old infant, that a specialist in Dipter-
ology identified as the above species. The case was not one of Dr.
Foster’s patients, but was from Superior, Wis. If the identification is
correct, and I see no reason why it should not be, for the specialist was
the same one who identified the first larva found in the boy at Chester,
Illinois, as a Gastrophilus, and he had one of the types before him for
comparison, the case is important. How they came to be in the child’s
skin is an interesting question, and in a brief note in reply to Dr. Foster’s
article, I suggested an examination of the excreta of the mother.
In the November number of the same journal, Prof. F. L. Washburn,
State Entomologist of Minnesota, publishes a paper on the same subject. In
the issue for January 16th of the Journal of the American Medical Associ-
ation, Prof. Washburn has an article that is nearly a copy of the one in the
St. Paul Medical Journal. It is of a few statements in these two articles
that I wish to speak.
I do not know whether the fly producing these larve is a Gastro-
pPhilus or not, and that question can not be settled till some of the living
larvee are found and bred. One of the best authorities on Diptera in the
United States says they are, and there it will have to rest till breeding
proves him right or wrong.
I never assumed that by naming this larva Zpi/ipsalis it was‘ the
cause of epilepsy. In fact, epilepsy is not a disease, but a symptom result-
ing frorn some irritation somewhere in the body of a neurotic with a spasm
tendency. But that this has been in five cases the source of irritation, or
at least one of the sources, there is no question in the minds of those
knowing the conditions. In two of these cases, the two best known to
myself, the removal of the parasites from the system cured the cases,
Again, in the five cases where these larve had been found previous to the
Wisconsin infant, the hosts were epileptics. I have said before that from
the wide distribution of the insect the probability is that it is not an
uncommon human parasite, but that its small size—one-twelfth of.an inch
long—and causing so little irritation in ordinary individuals, its presence
has been overlooked. Previous to Dr. Foster’s case it had been found in
three places in Illinois, one in Kentucky and one in Indian Territory.
Prof. Washburn says: “ This intestinal parasite evédent/y has no con-
nection whatever with epilepsy, and is wrongly named.” The italic is
mine. The last clause of the statement is answered above. As to the
rest of it, if Prof. Washburn were a little more familiar with human path-
ology he probably would not have written the sentence. The writer has
spoken before hundreds of physicians on this subject,‘some of them the
best nerve specialists in the United States, and not one of them has ever
raised a question as to its being one of the causes of epilepsy.
Prof. Washburn questions my assumption that the larve might be
reproduced in the intestines by parthenogenesis. I do not believe I wish
to add anything to my original statements in the CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST
when naming the species.in 1900. At the time of writing then I gave. the
subject a careful investigation in the literature of this country and of
I do not know how these larvee gain access to the digestive canal of
man. ‘That is one of the things for future investigation.
It is with profound regret that we announce the death of our dear
and greatly-esteemed friend, Mr. JoHN Atston Morrat, which took
place at the Victoria Hospital on Friday evening, February 26th. For the
last six months Mr. Muffat had been in poor health, but continued to
frequent the Society’s library and to discharge, as far as his strength per-
mitted, the various duties that devolved upon him. He was very
unwilling to give up, and resisted as long as‘he could the attacks of weak-
ness and old age. At last, on the day before Christmas, his condition
was such that he could bear up no longer, and with great reluctance he
went to the Victoria Hospital, where he remained till the end came.
His ailment was pronounced to be ‘‘senile decay,” aggravated by much
digestive weakness. He suffered much discomfort, though little acute
pain, and bore with great patience and gentleness all that he was called
upon to endure. At the advanced age of fourscore years, he knew that
his days were numbered, and was quite prepared to leave this world when
the summons came.
For the last fourteen years Mr. Moffat has been the Librarian and
Curator of the Entomological Society of Ontario, and during that time
endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact by his gentleness,
kindness and courtesy. It was always a pleasure to him to identify
specimens, and to exhibit the beautiful objects in the Society’s cabinets to:
anyone who was interested in natural history. We shall miss him sadly
at our meetings, and our library will seem desolate without his familiar
voice and figure. He was a constant contributor of notes to this
magazine and .of more elaborate papers in our annual Reports. ‘The
volume for 1903, which is now in type, contains an article from his pen,
entitled “ Recollections of the Past”; this will be read with great interest
by his many friends. It contains some reminiscences of his life, and
relates how he came to study entomology, through the necessity for an.
outdoor life caused by ill-health. Crd boats eal of
Mailed March grd, 1904.
The G anautiay Entomologist
VoL. XXXVI. LONDON, APRIL, 1904. No. 4
(First Part.)
During the summers of 1901-2, while at the Minnesota Seaside
Station on Vancouver Island, Professor Raymond C. Osburn collected a
number of Diptera, and during these same seasons and the past summer
Professor R. V. Harvey, of The Queen’s School at Vancouver, British
Columbia, collected in the same order. Since so little has been pub-
lished on the Diptera of that province, we have thought that even a short
paper on the Dipterological fauna would be of interest and probably of
some value.
These gentlemen have very kindly turned over their material, with the
exception of the Syrphide, with the request that I should make the
determinations and publish the results. I have encountered more or less
difficulty in making these determinations, but have been ably aided in
some cases by Mr. D. W. Coquillett, of the U. S. National Museum.
- Besides a number of specimens still undetermined, four new species have
been described from the material. Two of these are described in this
paper, one, Anthalia stigmadis, was described by Coquillett in the Pro-
ceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, V. 268, and I
described the fine Crane-fly, Pedicia magnifica, in The Ohio Naturalist,
I have not considered the Syrphide in this part of the paper. Pro-
fessor Osburn paid special attention to collecting the members of this
family, and has spent much time in studying them and comparing with
types in the U. S. National Museum. It is his intention to follow with a
second part and give full notes regarding the field observations taken on
many of the species.
As the field-work for this paper was done by others, I have no
extended notes to offer, but in working over the material some few things
have suggested themselves,
The list given below includes a number of species that have been
taken in California, as well as a number that have been taken in Alaska.
Some of the species are known to occur all along the coast from
California to Alaska, and are thus proven to have a wider range than most
species are supposed to have. Ledicia obtusa and Tabanus Sonomensis
were described from California; I have identified them from British
Columbia, and Coquillett reports them from among the material taken in
Alaska by the Harriman Expedition. Other species in the list may be
shown to have the same or even a much wider range.
Only two species of mosquitoes are included in the list, and we have
two others not yet determined, but this does not indicate that there is a
dearth of these insects in the region, for Dr. Dyar has recently published
a paper in the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington,
in which he enumerates twenty species from British Columbia. This
serves to show us that there is plenty of opportunity for entomological
work in this interesting region, and that the most interesting results are
obtained by taking a small group and thoroughly collecting the forms
belonging to it.
The Tabanidze of British Columbia, as well as from the western
United States, are a perplexing lot, and I have spent much time working
on them, sometimes with satisfactory results, sometimes otherwise.
Excellent characters have been found for some of the species, but for
others the distinguishing marks are not apparent as yet. It seems that
some of the species are quite variable, and that there are more species
described than can be differentiated. Nearly all the species of Tabanus
belong to the sub-genus Therioplectes, only two of those received having
the eyes nonpubescent. In California Zabanus punctifer and egrotus
occur together, but although I have repeatedly received the latter from
British Columbia I have never known of a record for the former.
The family Leptide is represented by a number of interesting
forms. Xylomyia parens, Will., appears to be rather commonly met
with. The two specimens before me were taken at Vancouver on June
21st and July 4th. The species looks something like some of the sawflies,
and can easily be confounded with them by the inexperienced. The
species of Symphoromyia are said to bite severely, and are therefore some-
what of an annoyance to the collector and to stock in that region.
I have been interested in studying Rhynchocephalus Sackenii, Will.,
for it is surely an interesting form, and represents a family not commonly
met with in North America. I have seen only one. specimen, and that
was taken at Vernon, which must be a splendid collecting region, if one
can judge from the species taken there.
Fully as interesting as the last species is Pterodontia misella, O. S.,
taken at Wellington, July 6th. The original description of the species was
written from a specimen taken in Oregon by Henry Edwards.
The family Tachinidz is represented by numerous species, some of
which are widely distributed, but a number are known only from that
region. The presence of these flies is always welcomed, for we have
learned of so much good accomplished by them that we suspect their
mission is a beneficial one, and are willing to let them have ‘their way,
especially if we note in them a tendency to direct their attacks to any of
the species that are known to be injurious. The following breeding
records accompanied the specimens sent: /anzeria ampelus, Walker,
reared from a chrysalis of C/zstocampa (2?) Americana; Frontina Frenchii,
Will., reared from Zelea polyphemus; and Lombyliomyia abrupta, B.
and B., reared from pupa of Hadistdota maculata.
Pyrellia enea, Zett., has not been reported from North America
heretofore, but some specimens before me agree so well with the
description of that species as given by Schiner that I am well satisfied to
give them that name. The group of Muscids to which this species
belongs is widely distributed in this country and in Europe, so it is not
strange to find it here, but the detection of the presence of an introduced
species is always attended with more or less interest.
It is interesting to note that the usual stock pests are present in
British Columbia as well as in other parts of North America. Simalium
Sulvum, numerous species of mosquitoes, horse-flies, the bot fly, and species
of the genus Symphoromyia are noted, and must be a consideration with
reference to the stock interests of the province.
A number of species commonly known as scavengers are noted, and
it seems that these are more numerous in individuals than is usually com-
mon in much of the western country,
Euparyphus obliquus, n. sp.—Female: Black, with yellow markings
on head, thorax and abdomen. Face black, with an oblique yellow fascia
on each side about midway between the vertex and the insertion of the
antenne. Antenne black at each extremity, with the intervening parts
rather light brown. Face black, with a triangular yellow spot on the
anterior part of each cheek, and a very narrow whitish pollinose space
along each eye, posterior orbits yellow, occiput shining black. Thorax
black, with yellow on each half, as follows: a narrow dorsal line from
anterior border to beyond the suture, a large spot distinctly furcate before,
above the base of the wing, an elongate triangular spot before the suture,
a small humeral spot narrowly connected with a stripe, which reaches the
base of the wing, and which is five or six times as wide posteriorly as
where it joins the humeral spot, a rather large geminate spot below the
base of the wing, and one or two small spots above the posterior coxa
Scutellum yellow, with the base narrowly shining black ; halteres yellow ;
legs yellow, except the median part of each femur, which is black ; wings
hyaline, stigma and principal veins yellow, third vein not furcate.
Abdomen black, with yellow on each half, as follows : a narrow lateral
margin connected with a small spot on second segment, an oblique fascia
on each of the third and fourth segments, and the rather broad apex of
the fifth segment; venter black, with irregular yellow patches on the
middle of the second and third segments. Length, 6 millimeters.
Habitat: Taken at Vernon, British Columbia, August 8th, 1goz2.
On account of the oblique yellow markings on the front, the name
obliguus is given this species.
We hesitated at first to describe this species from a single specimen,
but as we have studied practically all the types of the species of the genus
without identifying the specimen, have concluded to name it.
Anthrax Harveyi, n. sp.—Ground coiour deep black, clothed above
with light yellow and golden yellow pile, beneath with black pile. Head
black, face and front clothed with black pile, proboscis projecting slightly
beyond the margin of the mouth. Thorax clothed on the dorsum and
sides with rather Jong, light yellow pile, on the sternum with black pile,
legs black, with black hairs, and all the tibiz with distinct spines, wings
hyaline except costal cells and basal areoles, which are black ; the
branching of the second and third veins takes place almost opposite the
small cross vein, and the common stock of these veins is narrowly mar-
gined with black almost to where they branch, halteres yellow, of nearly
the same colour as the pile of the sides and dorsum of the thorax.
Abdomen with the dorsum clothed with long and rather dense pile, that
on first segment light yellow and on the remaining segments golden
yellow, a few black hairs at the apex of the abdomen, venter entirely
clothed with black hairs.
Total length 8-10 mm. The species seems to be related to fu/viana,
but besides being smaller differs in the colour of the vestiture of the body.
Habitat: Mount Cheam, near Agassiz, British Columbia.
Professor R. V. Harvey, who collected the specimens, and after whom
the species is named, sends the following note: Mount Cheam is a peak
in the Cascade Range, and rises abruptly from the west bank of the Frazer
River opposite Agassiz station, on the Canadian Pacific, about 70 miles
from the coast. It attains a height of 8,000 feet, but the spot where these
specimens were obtained was some 1,500 feet lower, ina grassy valley
clothed in brake-fern and various flowering plants. The species appeared
to haunt ‘a clump of low bushes of a species of mountain ash, whose
flowers seemed to attract insects in some numbers. Most of the speci-
mens were taken while resting on bare stony patches among the fern
adjoining the clump mentioned.
If there are those who have aided me in any way in getting the
material for this paper together, and if I have not given them credit, I
wish to thank-them for their part in the matter. I say this because I sus-
pect that some of the specimens have been collected by parties not men-
tioned, but I have used the data at hand and given the facts so far as I
am in a position to know them.
The following is a list of the species identified, and the localities
where they were taken:
Simulium fulvum, Cog. Pt. Renfrew, Glacier.
Bibio nigripilosus, Lw. Victoria, Glacier.
Culex incidens, Thomp. Pt. Renfrew, Vancouver.
Culex varipalus, Coq. Pt. Renfrew.
Pedicia obtusa, O. S. Pt. Renfrew.
Pedicia magnifica, Hine. Pt. Renfrew.
Xylomyia parens, Will. Victoria.
Xylophagus decorus, Will. Wellington.
Xylophagus rufipes, Lw. Pt. Renfrew.
Sargus decorus, Say. Vancouver, Victoria.
Sargus viridis, Say. Vernon, Victoria.
Euparyphus obliquus, Hine. Vernon.
Odontomyia Hoodiana, Bigot. Vancouver.
Odontomyia pubescens, Day. Vernon.
Stratiomyia barbata, Lw. Victoria, Vernon.
Stratiomyia laticeps, Lw. Vernon.
Pangonia fera, Will. Agassiz.
Chrysops proclivis, O.S. Victoria,
Chrysops noctifer, O. S. Vancouver, Goldstream.
Silvius gigantulus, Lw. Pt. Renfrew.
Tabanus egrotus, O. S. Victoria, Wellington.
Tabanus fratellus, Will. Victoria, Pt. Renfrew.
Tabanus sequax, Will. Vancouver, Glacier.
Tabanus Sonomensis, O. S. Pt. Renfrew, Vancouver. 6
Tabanus comastes, Will. Agassiz.
Tabanus septentrionalis, Lw.* Vancouver.
Triptotrichia discolor, Lw. Wellington.
Leptis dimidiata, Lw. Vancouver, Pt. Renfrew.
Symphoromyia latipalpus, Bigot. Victoria.
Symphoromyia Johnsoni, Coq. Victoria, Glacier, Vancouver.
Dioctria albius, Walk. Victoria.
Scleropogon modestus, Lw. Victoria, Goldstream.
Scleropogon helvolus, Lw. Victoria.
Pogonosoma dorsata, Say. Victoria.
Cyrtopogon nebulo, O. S. Vancouver, Vernon.
Cyrtopogon aurifex, O. S. Victoria.
Cyrtopogon montanus, O. S. Vernon.
Cyrtopogon positivus, O. S. Pt. Renfrew.
Laphria astur, O. S. Victoria, Goldstream.
Laphria vultur, O. S. Vancouver, Pt. Renfrew.
Rhynchocephalus Sackenu, Will. Vernon.
Anthrax agrippina, O.S. Victoria, Vancouver.
Anthrax seminigra, Lw. Victoria.
Anthrax lateralis, Say. Pt. Renfrew, Goldstream.
Anthrax sinuosa, Wied. Pt. Renfrew, Victoria.
Anthrax Harveyi, Hine. Agassiz.
Exoprosopa dorcadion, O. S. Wellington.
Spogostylum cedipus, Fabr. Victoria.
Spogostylum pauper, Lw. Victoria.
Spogostylum melanopogon, Bigot. Vancouver.
Apheebantus hirsutus, Coq. Goldstream,
Eclimus auratus, Will. Victoria.
Bombylius major, Linn. Victoria.
Bombylius lancifer, O. S.. Vernon.
Systoechus candidulus, Lw. Victoria.
Thereva frontalis, Say. Vancouver.
Pterodontia misella, O. S. Wellington.
Empis luctuosa, Kirby. Wellington.
Empis virgata, Cog. Victoria, Vancouver.
Empis poplitea, Lw. Victoria.
Empis laniventris, Esch. Glacier.
Anthalia stigmalis, Coq. Pt. Renfrew.
Dolichopus occidentalis, Ald. Vancouver.
Dolichopus plumosus, Ald. Pt. Renfrew.
Hygroceleuthus crenatus, O, S. Vancouver.
Hygroceleuthus ciliatus, Ald. Pt. Renfrew.
Hercostomus procerus, Wheeler. Pt. Renfrew.
Physocephala Burgessii, Will. Glacier.
Myopa plebeia, Will. Halzic.
Myopa clausa, Lw. Vancouver.
Zodion fulvifrons, Say. Pt. Renfrew.
Gastrophilus equi, Fabr. Vancouver.
Gymnosoma fuliginosa, R. D. Goldstream.
Alophora zneoventris, Will. Vancouver.
Eulasiona Comstockii, Towns, Pt. Renfrew.
Plagia Americana, v.d. W. Pt. Renfrew.
Arphria ocypterata, Towns. Victoria.
Ocyptera Carolin, R. D. Vancouver.
Ocyptera dosiades, Walker. Pt. Renfrew.
Dionza nitoris, Coq. Victoria, Vancouver.
Panzeria ampelus, Walker. Vancouver.
Gymnocheta alcedo, Lw. Vancouver.
Exorista blanda, O. S. Vancouver.
Tachina robusta, Towns. Victoria.
Blepharipeza adusta, Lw. Victoria.
Paraphyto borealis, Coq. Glacier.
Frontina Frenchu, Will. Vancouver.
Gonia antennata, Coq. Vernon.
Gonia capitata, DeG. Vancouver.
Masicera chetoneura, Coq. Glacier.
Peleteria tessellata, Fabr. Agassiz.
Peleteria robusta, Wied. Goldstream.
Echinomyia algens, Wied. Vancouver, Victoria.
Echinomyia infumata, Bigot. Victoria.
Echinomyia decisa, Walker. Glacier.
Epalpus bicolor, Will. Vancouver.
Epalpus signifera, Walker. Vancouver, Victoria.
Bombyliomyia abrupta, B and B. Victoria.
Myiocera simplex, Bigot. Victoria.
Sarcophaga sarracenie, Riley. Vancouver.
Calliphora erythrocephala, Meig. Victoria.
Calliphora viridescens, R. D. Pt. Renfrew, Glacier.
Lucilia Cesar, Linn. Vancouver.
Lucilia sericata, Meig. Wellington.
Musca domestica, Fabr. Victoria.
Pollenia rudis, Fabr. Victoria.
Mesembrina Latreillei, R. D. Vancouver, Agassiz.
Pyrellia cyanicolor, Zett. Vancouver.
Pyrellia enea, Zett. Vancouver.
Pseudopyrellia cornicina, Fabr. Vancouver.
Limnophora alone, Walker. Vancouver, Pt. Renfrew.
Phaonia septentrionalis, Stein. Glacier, Agassiz.
Hydrotza dentipes, Fabr. Pt. Renfrew.
Aricia serva, Meig. Glacier.
Phorbia cinerella, Fall. Field.
Hyetodesia varipes, Coy. Victoria.
Mydea signia, Walker. Vancouver.
Scatophaga furcata, Say. Victoria.
Scatophaga stercoraria, Linn. Pt. Renfrew, Vancouver.
Neuroctena analis, Fall. Victoria, Pt. Renfrew.
Tetanocera plebeja, Lw. Field.
(Edoparea glauca, Coq. Pt. Renfrew, Vancouver.
Seoptera vibrans, Linn. Vancouver.
Tephritis albiceps, Pt. Renfrew.
Palloptera jucunda, Lw. Vernon.
Sapromyza lupulina, Fabr. Victoria, Pt. Renfrew.
Sepsis violacea, Meig. Vancouver.
Borborus geniculatus, Macq. Vancouver.
This first guide to the bees of the ‘‘ Great Northwest ” is presented in
the hope that it will encourage the collection and study of these
interesting insects in a region which is only now beginning to yield its
treasures in this department of science.
The species are, in the main, arranged from generalized to specialized
types ; the groups follow one another, as in the recently proposed scheme
of Mr. Charles Robertson, whose papers on the classification of bees have
appeared, with few exceptions, in this journal.
Prof. Cockerell’s published work on Nomadidz has been drawn upon
for the portion of this synopsis which relates to that family. Mr. E. S. G.
Titus, Mr. J.C. Crawford and Mr. M. H. Swenk have contributed, or will
contribute, respectively, the Megachilide, Halictide and Colletide—to
all I am greatly indebted. Those papers of Robertson that have not
appeared in the CANADIAN EntTomo ocist have been drawn upon for the
generic synopsis in Bombide and Andrenide.
Prosopip#&, Prosopis, Fabr.
8mm. Entirely black; wings strongly brownish; dull, sculpture dense,
disc of metathorax rugose ; abdomen shining, second segment depressed
about one-third, indistinctly in the middle.......... ........dasadis.
Prosopis basalis, Sm.—Brit. Mus. Cat. I., 23.
Vancouver. (Am. Ent. Soc. Phila.)
Scape immaculate.
Superior extensions of the lateral face-marks ee lela from
the eyes. Tan ria ae : sd a dates anche COLL MIRE TOMES:
Superior extensions af the eel ee: bated contiguous ‘saith the
CPE a 5 0b oh oh che share tee (eave aa Sema al esibiet (art) of ate! 3h ois ee One ga BO Ig Se
Scape maculated.
Superior extensions of the lateral face-marks shaped like commas and
abruptly wie from the eye ea abdomen dull, wings
DEO WMISHC...2ccdss sy <cane-ess saaeeeeee fae . Baker.
Superior extensions of the lateral fae: mise not atcatianee ee commas
nor abruptly separated from the eye margins ; abdomen
SEMEOUGON sg 3 sie te niy Pec 0 RES © | RN Os . Mesille.
Prosopis citrinifrons, Ckll., Psyche vii., Supp. p. 27.
Vancouver. (Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.) With the flagellum brown
Prosopis divergens, Ckll., Psyche vii., Supp. p. 29.
Oregon. (Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.) Differs from the description as
follows: Face lemon-yellow, inclining to orange ; marks on body and
legs much the same ; anterior tibize reddish (possibly coloured by cyanide);
first segment of abdomen closely punctured; flagellum brown beneath ;
supraclypeal mark blunt, triangular; a dark spot on the yellow of the
Prosopis Bakeri, Ckll., Psyche vii., Supp. p. 26.
Corvallis, Oregon, 25 May, 1898 (Cordley).
Prosopis Mesille, Ckll., Can. ENT., xxvili., p. 42.
Washington. (Am. Ent. Soc. Phila.) Enclosure of metathorax,
rather coarsely striate.
CoLLETID&, Colletes, Latr.
By Mvron H. Swenk, Lincoln, Nebr.
Mesothorax with black hairs; abdomen highly polished, base of segment 2
fasciate . sin jis’ fol sms 6 apna, a boca Pea AMER > fouclk lec pei aga e ay RCI LN CLES De
ae Siiokt bake hairs.
Pubescence of head, pleura and legs black ; no abdominal
PASCHS 2 Ay oe is canes «mR aie on tla oe eben tees Aree . Pascoensts.
Paeocnce of or pleura Be legs not ‘baa Sodom ‘facie.
Pubescence of head and thoracic dorsum fulvous ; 13 mm.
OS hes sea wee eo ON tc ey Se RE. wee OL ee . Kincaidii.
Pabcboedes of ea and thoracic coo Pitan aie ;
TO Miho: LONE kN ow eile Gio aaa be eee oer) 9 oo OLR Ria
Cheeks and tibie with black pubescence ................ » Pascoensis.
Cheeks and tibiz with pale pubescence.
Pubescence of thoracic dorsum whitish, with a few brown
WANTS ar pee ; SPA ahs px . fulgidus, n. sp.
Bineecenee of areca aeeee falweee or aehraneens. without dark
Larger, 1034 mm. long. 50)... . oa seca). osene ees ot. DOMMCQIGH.
Smaller, 9.mm,long.ic: tyes fest eae eine ee .. simulans.
Colletes Pascoensis, Ckll., Proc. Acad. Nat., Sci., Phil., 1898, p. 51.
Type locality: Pasco, Wash. (Ckll.)
Colletes Kincaidii, Ckll., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1898, p. 52.
Type locality: Olympia, Wash. (Ckll.)
Colletes delodontus, Vier., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xxix., p. 60.
One 9, Pasco, Wash., May 25, 1896.
Colletes simulans, Cress., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xii., p. 165.
Two ¢ $’s, Olympia, Wash., July 4, 1896.
Colletes fulgidus, 0. sp.—Q. Length, 10 mm. Black, shining.
Head broad, orbit extremities bluntly rounded. Clypeus flat, shining,
very coarsely striately punctured, depressed before truncate apex, with
short scattered, pale hairs. Middle of supraclypeal area shining, about
impunctate. Front dull, with small crowded punctures, sparsely covered
with short gray pubescence. Vertex not depressed, shining, very finely
and rather closely punctured, with erect pale pubescence and a few black
hairs intermixed. Cheeks punctured like vertex, the pubescence short
and sparse. Malar space less than one-fourth width of mandible at base.
Mandibles black, the notch not far from the spatulate, rufescent tip.
Labrum shining with a deep, round median pit and lateral grooves.
Antenne black, the flagellum sometimes very obscurely brownish beneath,
and its basal joint a shade longer than second.
Prothoracic spine short, but stout and sharp, triangular. Meso-
thorax very coarsely and deeply punctured, the punctures very close but
rarely cancellate, on the polished disc well separated and few, on either
side a longitudinal sub-impunctate line. Scutellum hardly punctured,
except along posterior margin, postscutellum dull and finely roughened.
Anterior margin of thorax with a rather dense fringe of erect hairs, whitish
tinged with ochraceous and mixed with black, this passing along sides
within tegule and covering postscutellum, where the black hairs are
lacking. Space within this circle of pubescence almost bare, the hairs
few, scattered, bristle-like and all black, a fringe of black hairs along
posterior edge of scutellum. Superior face of metathorax rather poorly
defined, but a decided rim beyond postscutellum, the sub-rectangular pits
well formed, shining, scarcely wider medially, about twice as long as
broad. Posterior face of metathorax shining, the lateral faces with sparse,
long, white pubescence and very coarsely and irregularly punctured,
forming a rough surface, the enclosure funnel-shaped, its bowl ridged
laterally and with a median longitudinal groove, not so polished as the
smooth neck, which is twice as long as wide at base. Mesopleura shining,
coarsely and closely punctured, except for a small, median, polished,
impunctate space, the pubescence whitish. Tegule shining, black to
rufo-piceous. Wings hyaline, nervures very dark brown to blackish,
stigma dark brown. Legs wholly black, claws and spurs ferruginous,
thinly clothed with grayish-white pubescence, rufous fringes on inner
apices of tarsal joints. Abdomen shining, first segment highly polished,
its base almost impunctate and surrounded by a ruff of long, erect, pale
hairs, which reaches down the sides, elsewhere with small, well-separated
punctures, weakening toward a median longitudinal impunctate line and
becoming finer and very dense on apical margin, second segment similar,
but uniformly and more finely punctured, following segments duller, but
still quite shiny, finely and closely punctured. Base of second segment
depressed; and with a white pubescent fascia broadly interrupted medially,
the apical margin of the first with lateral fascize, of 2-5 with complete
broad pure white fasciz, which are, however, not dense, but easily worn
off, and not decidedly continued on the shining venter. Segments 3-6
with a few scattered, dark brown hairs.
¢.—Length 9 mm. Differing from 9 as follows: Pubescence
much paler and denser, that on clypeus long, dense and silvery, that on
thorax long, erect and covering the whole surface, pale gray or grayish-
white, with a very few dark brownish hairs intermixed, these most
noticeable on scutellum ; labrum with about four subequal striz ; first
joint of flagellum a shade shorter than second ; malar space about one-
half width of mandible at base ; prothoracic spines smaller ; apical tarsal
joints inclining to ferruginous ; abdomen shining, but lacking the high
polish of the 2, the whole of first segment with spare, long, erect pale
pubescence, no fascia on base of second segment, but a poorly-formed one
at apex of first segment, and well-formed, though loose, fasciz on apices
of 2-6.
Specimens examined: Type 2, ¢, Big Horn Mts., Wyoming (L.
Bruner) ; co-types, 2 9 ?’s, Corvallis, Oregon, June 11, 1898 ; 2 2 ¢’s.
Market Lake and St. Anthony, Idaho; 2 ? 9?’s, Colorado, Nos. 2277
and 2294. Apparently a mountain species of rather extended distribution.
From the other North American species having black hairs on the
thorax above and a fascia on base of second abdominal segment in the ?,
this sex of fudegidus may very readily be distinguished as follows: From
compactus by the pitted base of metathorax; from distinctus by the
densely-punctured and sparsely pubescent mesothorax ; from Gi/ensis by
its much smaller size; from #wdus by the polished and more closely-
punctured abdomen, and pale hairs on vertex; from dége/ovie by the
clear wings ; and from armatus by its smaller size, darker flagellum and
tegule, and more shining abdomen and legs.
XYLOCOPID&, Xylocopa.
Female. 17 mm.
Entirely black ; wings pale brown ; dorsum shining ; middle of dorsulum
impunctate ; abdomen with the punctures irregularly distributed, at no
Piaice Maen RG apes ues ee Ses TaiReE re aah clown gh thie apt OOF EOE
Xylocopa orpifex, Sm., Trans. Ent. Soc., Lond., 1874, p- 298.
Riddle, 4th July, and Corvallis, roth Oct., 13th Dec., Oregon.
| BomBipa&,
Ocelli large ; ¢ with the ocelli below supraorbital line, in the narrowest
part of the front, distance between lateral ocelli greater than the
distance between the lateral ocellus and the eye. 4 with the ocellj
frontal, the lateral one less than its diameter from the eye, malar
space tuch shorter than wide. 0. 22... MB. oe we ce were, e OMDZES:
Ocelli small; 9 with the ocelli near the supraorbital line, above the
narrowest part of the front, the distance between lateral ocelli about
equal to the distance between the lateral ocellus and the eye. ¢ with
the ocelli vertical, the distance between the lateral ocelli and between
them and the eye as in the 2, malar space about as long as
NULL ce css. 0. c..« eal A ch oe aN ea eR Be PG or, Aan es CES 7 ace
Bomptas, Robt.
Pubescence of head black, in the male pale ; dorsum of thorax, pleura,
first dorsal segment entirely, second segment partly, with pale ochreous
ESE E MEO y a5) 5 we.» [bs eldest oe Jia don 8j2y4 mab ees olor asp AE RMLOES.
Bombias separatus, Cress., Proc. Ent. Soc., Phil. ii., p. 165. Taken
at Corvallis, Oregon, by Prof. Cordley, as clon: 7: 2’s, 21st May,
1899; 1st June, 1898; 4th October, 1899. ¢ ¢’s, 24th April, 1899 ; end
and 2oth September, 3rd October, 5th November, 1899.
Bomeus, Latr.
Pubescence of first three dorsal segments of abdomen pale........1.
Pubescence of first three dorsal segments of abdomen various, at least
one of the segments black, or partly black....... 0.2... .0 00004.
t. Pale pubescence of abdomen ochreous....... BE eee ee
Pale pubescence of abdomen at least partly reddish BT Reet eS ohne a te atta
ei Dorsum of thorax entirely pales@ . 326 2. Feel eee ore iepaee.
Dorsumy;ofithorax black an. the centre... ...). pots). Pe Veep adensis:
Dorsum of thorax with a black band.
Face with black pubescence, 2 with two apical segments
black. rs wwe eeee cs ah ennsylvanicus ( =fervidus.)
Face oath ae Popeeceres Q with the apical segment
Inla@ke ms tiak i c.ds0. Oe ees wie eG eibietayeie nto. imine Aas a heen mageR
3. Dorsulum not banded, pale and black hairs mixed......melanopygus.
Dorsulum banded ; second and third segments of abdomen distinctly
Scutellum: entirely. pale. . 4:20. 2. eee. lan wale ene CEPT eee
Scutellum partly black. oe ae ghst'e Slabs eaves AO Ef EP EMESE
Third and fourth aivdorninal: segments naicénely
MEAGISH, VE ale tis sige Senco eee! ola cee ens nee aie caeratetes nM RENE TE TIRE RESTS
4. Apex of abdomen Ba ecg te hear a Seve ihae scereetend?
Apex of abdomen largely black. SECA Se Tek ree Tet
5. First abdominal segment black........... sae; ay hay ay OCLEDETILGIES..
First abdominal segment pale, or tt some oe
Last three segments pale yellowish............. .mixtuosus.
Last three segments pale white and yellow! or anise ina
LAWUIY. 25 efi ecu o feoae, Suen a kt «+ ORiRVeae 2 ager ee mes Oregonensts.
First abdominal segment with some black.
Last three segments pale and black and brownish at
ANDER LAS 5 Aes oa ee eee at, eee Ae gee Putnamit,
First abdominal segment without black.................S7thensis.
Oe Hirst seament, Diack: 2°. 8 f.c's eke scat ne a7 eee ae genes
First segment pale......... 5 a Sane ah See RS ae .. Ldwardsit.
First segment black ants at eile so : + andrea:
Bombus Morrisonti, Cress., Proc. ead Nat, Sci “Phil, 1878, p. 183.
One 2 (without data) received from Prof. Cordley.
Bombus Nevadensis, Cress., Trans., Am. Ent. Soc., Phil., v., p. roz.
Females, Condon, Oregon, 8th and 23rd July. (Cordley.)
Bombus Pennsylvanicus, De Geer, =fervidus, Fabr.
B. (Apis) Pennsylvanicus, De Geer, Mem. Hist. Insect. ili., 1773,
P- 575:
B. (Apis) fervida, Fabr., Supp. Entom, System., 1798, p. 274.
One ? 23rd July, 1899, %’s 23rd July, 1899, Condon, Oregon; ¢’s
26th July, 1897, 8th Sept., 1899. (Cordley.)
Bombus appositus, Cress., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1878, p. 183.
?’s 11th June, 1897, September, 1899, Corvallis (Cordley), ¢’s
5th July, r900, Hillsboro (Tulley), 13th July, 1900, Amity (Smith), 11th
Aug., 1899, Corvallis (Cordley), Oregon.
Bombus melanopygus, Nyl. Notis. Saellsk. Faun. and FI. Fenn. Forh. i.,
1848, p. 236.
Q’s 4th May, 1897, 11th, 14th May, 1898, Corvallis, Oregon
(Cordley.) Mt. Hood, Oregon; Vancouver (Am. Ent. Soc., Phil.).
Bombus mixtuosus, Ashm., Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., iv., p. 128.
Ist May, 1903, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey.)
Bombus Sitkensis, Ny\., Notis. Saellsk. Faun. and FI. Fenn. Forh, i., p. 235.
2nd June, 19c2, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey.)
Bombus ternarius, Say, Bost. Journ, Nat. Hist., 1., p. 414.
$’s, Condon, 14th July, tg9co (Tulley), Corvallis, 14th July, 1900
(Tulley), 14th Aug., 1900 (Tulley), Corvallis, Oregon.
Bombus bifarius, Cress., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1878, p. 185.
Washington, Vancouver, British Columbia. (Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.).
This is undoubtedly a variety of ¢ernarius.
Bombus Vancouverensis, Cress., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1878, p. 187.
Vancouver. (Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.)
Bombus occidentalis, Greene, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist., New York, vii., 1858S,
?’s, Corvallis, gth, 14th and zoth May, 1898; 4th May, 7th June,
1899, 1900; 9’s, 11th May, 28th May, 1898 (Cordley.) Washington ; Mt.
Hood, Oregon ; Vancouver. (Am. Ent. Soc., Phil.) Rated as a variety
of terricola by Handlirsch.
Bombus Oregonensis, Cress., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1878, p. 185.
Q’s, 5th, roth April, 3rd, 7th, oth, r5th, 25th, 26th May, 1898;
3oth April, 1899; 6 22nd April, roth, r4th, 15th, 25th, 28th May, 2nd, 6th,
7th, roth June, 1898; Z’s, 1st May, 1899; 22nd, 29th May, 1897 ; 11th
June, 1897; 5th June, 1897; 1st June, 1898; 17th Aug., 1899; all
Corvallis (Cordley). Vancouver 16th, 30th May, 1903, 9’s.
‘Bombus Putnami, Cress., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1878, p. 185.
Washington ; Mt. Hood, Oregon (Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.).
Bombus Californicus, Sm., Cat. Hym. Brit. Mus., ii., 1854, p. 400.
?’s, 15th, 21st, 23rd, 29th May, 1899; 4th, roth June, 1898; 18th
Sept., 1899; 3’s, 20th June, 23rd Sept., 1899; 27th Sept., 3rd Oct.,
1899; 7th, 9th Oct., 3rd Nov., all Corvallis. Oregon (Cordley), Mt. Hood,
Oregon; Vancouver; Washington (Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.), 28th June, 1902,
Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey).
Bombus Edwardsii, Cress., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1878, p. 184.
Washington; Vancouver ; British Columbia ; Ft. McLeod, Aug., 1882.
(Am. Ent. Soc., Phiia.)
Bombus Americanorum, Fabr., Syst. Entom., 1775, p. 380.
One @ without data, received from Prof. Cordley.
Psythyrus insularis, Sm.
Head above and dorsum of thorax covered with pale pubescence,
which extends down on the pleura. A band of black hairs reaching from
wing to wing. Abdomen, in the 9, black sides of apical half yellow; ¢
with pale pubescence except on apical third, where it is black.
9 4th June, 1898, Corvallis (Cordley), with posterior 24 of dorsum
of thorax black; @ 1st April, 1902; Vancouver, British Columbia
(Harvey); 3 28th June, 1902, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey); ¢ Mt.
Cheam, B. C., Aug., 1903 (Harvey).
In the CanapDIAN EntTomo.ocist for May, 1903, page 139, Mr. J.
W. Cockle, of Kaslo, B. C., stated that he had found a number of cocoons
of Z: polyphemus suspended to the twigs of trees by a silken band, after
the manner of Promethea, and expressed the view that this peculiarity
might only apply to Western America.
He has now sent us a letter from Mr. Edward Denny, of Montreal,
who says that he has collected Polyphemus cocoons for several years, and
has taken as many as 400 in one season; that he has found them lying
loose upon the ground, and also as high as fifteen feet from the ground,
with the leaf spun firmly to the twig. ‘* The method of attaching the leaf
to the twig seems to prevail in this district, 19 out of 20 being of this
character, but, strange to say, this year they seem to prefer the grass, or
content themselves with spinning their cocoons on the ground.”
Mr. Cockle suggests that as “the continuous wet, snow and rain in
the west would undoubtedly be detrimental to the life of the pupa if it
remained upon the ground all winter, so we find them suspending them-
selves from the limbs of trees ; whereas, in Montreal the extremely hard
and cold winter seems to afford a reason why the pupa should have the
protection of a heavy covering of snow.” [We have never found a Poly-
phemus cocoon suspended by a silken band ; when attached to a twig or
~bough it has always been by the side.—Ep. C. E.]
Mr. Jacob Schreiner, of St. Petersburg, Russia, has been sending me
for names some of his rearings of parasitic Hymenoptera, among which
are many interesting species.
In his last sending were ¢ivee which are apparently undescribed, and
as they are of great economic importance I submit the following
descriptions :
Genus PRISTOMERUS, Holmgren.
Pristomerus Schreinert, new species. —@. Length, 7.8 mm.;
ovipositor almost as long as the abdomen. Black, the abdomen with the
venter, the dorsal segments 3 to 6, except the third basally, and the legs,
including all coxze, pale ferruginous, the hind tibize at apex narrowly
fuscous ; antennze black, with the first three joints, except the apex of the
third, honey-yellow ; wings hyaline, the stigma reddish-brown, the veins
blackish, the tegule yellowish. The head and thorax are very finely
punctate, slightly shining, the metathorax rugulose and_ distinctly
areolated ; the abdomen is smooth, but with the first and second segments
and the base of the third segment delicately, but distinctly, longitudinally
$.—Length, 6.5 to 7.5 mm. Agrees well with the female, except
that the ventral segments, except the first and the second, the sutures of
the following, and the dorsal segments, except the apex of the second, the
third entirely, and the fourth and fifth laterally, are black.
Type.—Cat. No. 7778, U. S..N. M.
St. Petersburg, Russia. Described from 1 ? and 2 ¢ specimens,
bred by Mr. Jacob Schreiner from the larve of Plutella cruciferarum,
Genus TEMELUCHA, Forster.
Temelucha plutelle, new species.—@. Length, 7.5 mm.; ovipositor
a little shorter than the abdomen. Black, the orbits broadly, the cheeks,
the face below the insertion of the antenne, except the sutures of the
clypeus, the scape of the antennz beneath, the upper margin of the
prothorax and the lateral angles to the tegule, a yw-shaped mark on the
mesonotum, the scutellum entirely, a broad band and a rounded spot on
the mesopleura, a spot back of the insertion of the hind wings, a stripe on
the metapleura, a band above this stripe and connected with a transverse
band near the apex of the metathorax, yellow; the tegulz, the front and
middle legs, a spot at apex of hind cox, and the apex of the hind
trochanters, pale yellowish ; the middle and hind coxe have a black spot
at base, the hind legs, except as noted, being ferruginous, the tips of the
tibize, tips of the first and second joints, and the fifth joint of tarsi, fuscous,
the tibial spurs white ; the abdomen, except the apex of the first and the
second dorsal segments, and some marks on the venter and laterally on
segments 3 to 7, is black, the apex of first and second dorsal segments
and marks on segments 3 to 7 are ferruginous ; the ventral segments 2
and 3, except a quadrate black spot at base of the third, are yellowish-
white. Wings hyaline, the stigma and veins rufo-testaceous.
Type.—Cat. No. 7779, U. S. N. M.
St. Petersburg, Russia, Described from a single 2, bred by Mr.
Jacob Schreiner from the larva of Plutella cruciferarum, Zeller.
This is the first European species to be described in this genus,
although I suspect, just as is the case in America, that other species are
described under the genus Cremastus.
Genus Eprurus, Forster.
Epiurus carpocapse, new species.— @. Length, 6 mm.; ovipositor
about 2 mm. _ Head, the prothorax, except the upper hind angles, and the
first abdominal segment towards base, black, rest of thorax and the
abdomen rufo-testaceous ; antennz and legs, except as noted, pale
ferruginous, the base and apex of hind tibiz and the tips of the joints of
the hind tarsi, black, the rest of the hind tibiz, between the black annuli
at base and apex, and the tarsi, white. Wings hyaline, the stigma and
veins reddish-brown.
Type.—Cat. No. 7780, U.S. N. M. ;
St. Petersburg, Russia. Described from a single ?, bred by Mr.
Jacob Schreiner from Carpocapsa pomonella, Linné.
This species is evidently allied to Pimpla diluta, Ratzeb., which
should be relegated to this genus.
The hosts of these parasites are widely distributed in North America,
and do considerable damage, so that these parasites discovered by Mr.
Schreiner should be introduced into our fauna to aid in destroying these
pests of the cabbage and apple. ;
Prof. Cockerell writes me that the name Woctuwa umbrosa has been
used previously (Newman, British Moths, p. 352), and that my species of
that name (Can. EntT., XXXVI, 31, 1904) will have to be changed. I
therefore propose that it be called perumbrosa. Harrison G. Dyar.
(Sabulodes arcasaria, Wlk., ¢. Sabulodes sulphurata, Pack., 9.)
On April 24th two @ 2 of this moth were found resting on the
ground within a cluster of Sumach-brush, at Woodside, Long Island, N.
Y. Their bright yellow colour had faded to pale ochre.
Eggs were deposited from April 24th to 28th, only during the night.
According to circumstances they are secreted within the fissures of the
leaf-buds and narrow crevices of bark, or into the folds of decaying leaves
of the food-plant. In the first case the nearly elliptical eggs are fastened
erect, close together, in a single row ; when attached to a broader surface
they are arranged in small regular patches or rows, but deposited lengthwise,
the next one always overlapping the preceding one with its blunt, micro-
pylar end.
At first the eggs are pale grass-green, rather bright, turning soon to
brown and bright purplish-brown; towards maturity they contract, forming
a shallow cavity on the surface, and revealing the dark-coloured embryo
within the colourless membrane.
All the larvee left their egg-shells by May gth, collecting gregariously
during the daytime on the under side of the leaves, hanging down perpen-
dicularly. The slender, smooth larvae are purplish-violet to purplish-
brown above and below, stigmatal region. white. In general they retain
this colour to maturity, changing not more than to adapt themselves to the
brighter or duller appearance of the maturing or decaying leaflet stems.
The larve grow rapidly, moulting during the night; they eat their
thrown-off skin, only leaving the covering of anal legs and adjoining parts.
Full-growo, they reach a length of 3.5 to 5.0 centim., and attain, by the
gradually more pronounced whitish irregular lines and dots upon the dark
ground-colour, the appearance of a withered branchlet.
At maturity the larva draws one or more leaves together with the help
of a few white silky spinnings, and contracting itself considerably, changes
within a few hours toa slender, light brownish-yellow or deep tan-coloured,
finely-speckled pupa, transforming into imago within two or three weeks.
Eggs deposited April 24th to 28th hatched May 7th to oth; larve
pupated from June 2nd to 7th, imagoes appeared from June 17th to 3oth.
A § and @ of this brood were paired ; the ? deposited eggs to June
28th ; eggs hatched July 2nd ; larve transformed July 24th to 28th; final
metamorphosis Aug. 7th to rgth.
Near New York City probably three broods during a season are the
rule for this species ; of the last generation apparently only the gravid 2 ?
hibernate ; since more ¢ ? of faded appearance, and almost destitute of
eggs, were taken during the first days of May within the Sumach-brush, on
the hills near Patterson, N. J. Of the European Geometride only ¥% p.c.
hibernate in the imago state (Wemsburg).
The preferred food-plant seems to be Rhus glabra, though the larvae
also feed on Rhus hirta and R. copallina, with the changeable leaves of
which the bright colours of the moth perfectly harmonize ; these often rest
in the manner of butterflies, with the wings meeting perpendicularly over
the back.
All the ¢ ¢ of the two broods were Sabulodes arcasaria, W\k., and
all the 2 2 S. sudphurata, Pack., with no intermediate forms.
The description of ¢ and § in Packard’s Monograph is exhaustive,
and it may only be added that the first generation of the ¢ ¢ has the
yellow basal part of the wings often very prominently variegated by brown
irrorations, the basal line becoming very conspicuous ; while the July
brood has the yellow space mostly plain, even the basal line being often
wanting. ‘The extension of the brown outer part of the wings is variable,
often covering, especially on secondaries, the larger part of the wings.
With many specimens the brown is more or less clouded by yellow towards
the basal part.
The 2 @ seem less inclined to variation, but with a few the whole
space beyond the indicated outer line is of a delicate pale ochre.
The difference in size is very considerable, as might be expected from
the appearance of the mature larve ; the specimens measure across the
wings: 3g 6 from 3.0 to 3.9 centim.; ¢ 2 from 3.3 to 4.49 cen.
The eggs are nearly elliptical, finely punctured except the smooth,
more rounded micropylar end, which is ornamented with rather large,
elongated cells. Longest diameter 0,65 millim.
"The newly-hatched larvee are very slender, cylindrical and smooth to
longitudinal fold, only first segment slightly enlarged. The head at this
stage is considerably wider than the body, rounded above, flat in front,
not specialized, rather smooth, of a deep tan colour, with darker ocelli.
Dorsal, lateral and ventral region purplish-violet to purplish-brown ; stig-
matal area white; warts very minute, with blackish points emitting a
single short black hair.
The changes the larve gradually undergo up to their last stage are
rather limited ; their skin turns wrinkled by numerous transverse folds, the
whole stigmatal area gets greatly reduced and obscured by many irregular
purplish-brown length-lines. The head and first segment become adjusted
to nearly the same width, though they are perceptibly narrower than
second somite, from which the body slowly gains towards the last two
segments, which appear abruptly widened.
The majority of the full-grown larvee measured 4.5 centim., width of
head 2.15 millim. ; they are widest at the last four somites, where they
measure about 1% centim., tapering gradually towards second somite.
The head and first segment are of almost the same width, and rather
abruptly set off, anal legs very much developed, and provided with
moderately long spurs, which bear a single short bristle.
Head nearly smooth, rounded above, flat in front, of the same light
brown colour as cervical shield, whose dark brown lateral bands extend
over the cheeks, terminating wedge-like near the white-tipped antennz.
From second to last somite the colour of the larve is almost
uniformly purplish-brown, variegated by fine, often interrupted, whitish
lines and ixrorations, which are most prominent on posterior part
of somites. Fourth and fifth segments have anteriorly a black patch,
extending from longitudinal fold to lateral space. Ventrally the whitish
lines and irrorations mostly prevail, giving this area often a nearly grayish
Tubercles small, dark brown, conical, pointed, with a short single hair;
wart il. more developed on 7th and 8th somite, but not exceeding in
height 0.5 mm. .
On second segment the prominent longitudinal fold has the tubercles
within its sphere enlarged and rounded, thus obtaining almost the appear-
ance of an excrescence.
The slender pup vary considerably in size and colour, measuring
from the slightly protruding head to cremaster from 1.5 to 2.0 centim.,
width of 5th abdominal somite from 5.5 to 7.5 mm. They are finely but
very profusely, granular and wrinkled, especially the wing-covers, thorax
and sheaths of limbs. The strong, rugose, flat and pointed cremaster ends
with two slender hooks and six smaller capitate ones at the edges.
The colour of the pupee varies from tan colour to a warm light brown-
ish-yellow, sprinkled with numerous blackish atoms; wing-covers, thorax
and limbs of slightly paler colour than abdomen, Stigmata brown, also the
tubercles of the larva indicated by larger brown Gots. An often obscured
or obsolete blackish stripe at the middle of abdomen above and below.
In the first week of July my attention was drawn by my friend, Mr.
Joshua Thomson, of Levis, to a strange sight. The plum trees in his
grounds were infested with myriads of a new species cf Torymus, as many
as thirty of the insects appearing on one plum. I never witnessed any-
thing in my entomological pursuits more remarkable. The brilliant little
creatures could be seen in the act of depositing their eggs; their
ovipositors thrust deep into the fruit. Some of the plums attacked
showed signs of a previous attack of the Curculio, but most of them did
not. Whether the larve of the species feed on the flesh and juices of the
plum or attack the grubs of the Curculio, I cannot say, for i was unable
to follow the life-history of the species. The following is a description
of the fly :
Body a brilliant metallic green. Thorax punctate; prothorax
rounded ; metathorax large and elevated ; scutellum arched. ‘Trochanters
and femora of the same colour as the body, the rest of the legs cerate ;
tibiz spurred ; tarsi five-jointed, the two last joints somewhat darkened.
The antenne brown, clavate; scape rather long; club three-jointed.
Eyes oval, large and full, of a warm purple, with a pale rim, and set with
short hairs ; ocelli purple. Wings with short ciliz, iridescent ; vein of
fore-wing widened where it bends to the costa and for the rest of its
length, bristly ; the stigmal vein knobbed, Plates above and below the
insertion of the wings purple. Ovipositor dark brown, stout, as long as
the body. ‘Total length of the insect, 3 mm.
Mr. Ashmead says that the species is “ quite different from 7:
Sackenii, or anything else in our collection.”
I have sent types of the species to the U.S. National Museum. I
may add that all the fruit attacked by the insect fell to the ground. I
have named the species after Mr. Thomson, who drew my attention to it.
Stagmatoptera typhon, n. sp.—Type, 9; San Marcos, Nicaragua
(Baker). Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Allied to samcta and birivia, Stoll., and insatiabilis, Rehn. From
the sancta-insatiabilis type it differs in the shorter and broader tegmina
and wings, the wider and more rotundate expansion of the pronotum, the
deeper head and slenderer anterior femora. From the d/rivia type it can
easily be distinguished by the extremely short and broad wings and
tegmina, the more arcuate expansions and more compressed shaft of the
pronotum, as well as the absence of distinct maculations on the tegmina.
Size large ; form robust. Head with the anterior aspect trigonal,
about three-fourths as deep as broad; superior margin very slightly
arcuate ; tacial shield transverse, almost twice as broad as high ; superior
margin very obtuse-angulate, the point of the angle depressed; eyes
prominent, rounded, sub-pyriform in basal outline ; antennz very small,
but slightly more than haif the length of pronotum, filiform. Pronotum
with the expansion moderately inflated, gradually curving anteriorly to the
rather narrowly-rounded anterior margin, curving rather sharply
posteriorly to the compressed, trigonal shaft ; shaft with the compressed
portion about equal to half the entire length of the pronotum, margins
slightly expanding posteriorly ; posterior margin rounded ; median carina
distinct on the posterior portion of the shaft; gradually becoming lower
anteriorly, until on the collar it is represented by a distinct sulcus ;
margins of the anterior portion of the dilation with distinct but low teeth,
which gradually decrease in size posteriorly, until on thé posterior portion
of the shaft they are obsolete. Tegmina coriaceous, short and broad, the
greatest width being about one-half the length ; costal margin straight,
~ except the basal swell and a very slight median ‘sinuosity ; posterior
margin very broadly and gently arcuate; apex very ‘blunt, broadly
rounded, the posterior curve more arcuate than the anterior; costal field
broad, equal to one-third the median width of the wing ; stigma small,
longitudinal, fusiform. Wings very broad, but slightly narrower than-
long, posterior and apical margins of the wing evenly arcuate, except for a
slight emargination separating the radial portion of the wing. Abdomen
broad, depressed. Supra-anal plate narrow, distinctly transverse, apical
margin very broadly obtuse-angulate. Cerci simple, moniliform, about
equal to the apex of the subgenital plate when extended. Subgenital
plate rather large, trigonal, the median portion with the usual rostrate
protrusion. Anterior coxe two-thirds the length of the pronotum, lower
margin being a continuous series of regularly disposed spines of two
alternating sizes; femora considerably exceeding the cox in length,
robust, anterior portion of the external margin bearing four large spines,
anterior portion of the internal margin bearing fifteen spines, several of
which exceed the others in length, and give a formula (reading from the
distal extremity) of JirliIiI1IiIili, discoidal spines four in number,
posterior portion of the lower face of the femora with a series of small
denticles ; tibiz slightly more than half the length of the femora, external
margin with ten or eleven spines, internal margin with fourteen spines,
the spines on both margins increasing in size toward the distal extremity ;
metatarsi slightly less than half as long again as the remaining tarsal
joints. Median and posterior limbs moderately slender, the metatarsi of
the median limbs considerably, and of the posterior limbs slightly, shorter
than the remaining tarsal joints.
General colour pale apple-green, touched with pale yellowish on the
pronotum and apex of the tegmina; eyes blackish-chocolate ; stigma of
tegmina pale yellow ; wings hyaline, with numerous transverse tessellations
of yellowish-green.
Patel Veneto. t wastes Goreteas tc. Sexayesy SOA aera
Waidthiwot head oo) 3 saison: «aris Seana
Lensth.of upronotum jess. \Nneet.. suomi cts cee Ong tee
Greatest width: of propotunas:. o..\.iatae oeus re eee
Least.width- of; pramotm. ..: kage. sap atonste eos ales
Lenoth of tepminaie <i \\.- 5 tad leet nies Baa nne
Greatest width of tegmina............... 17.
Length sof primase aay cinska epee Gace a esis
Lengthvot anterior temora..t.)c. 4 soe iays ons Pe
This specimen was forwarded for determination by Prof. C. F.
Baker, of Pomona College, Claremont, California. It is such a striking
and unique form that comparison with the other species of the genus is
hardly necessary.
Through the courtesy of Dr. Harrison G. Dyar I have had the
privilege of examining and assisting in the identification of all the
specimens of the family Zortricide collected and bred by him and his
assistants during the past summer at and in the vicinity of Kaslo, B. C.
A complete list of all species will be included in Dr. Dyar’s comprehensive
paper on his summer’s work, which is in course of preparation. All of the
species that appear to be unknown are described in the following paper.
Prot. C. H. Fernald has very kindly read over the MSS. and examined
the types, and confirmed my generic determinations, and in the case of
One species made a correction, for all of which I am glad to acknowledge
my obligation.
Cydia arctostaphylana, sp. nov.—Head, palpi, thorax and fore
Wings magenta, thickly sprinkled with grey, the latter predominating on
inner side of palpi. The grey and magenta scales alternate along inner
two-thirds of costa. Cilia of fore wing magenta inwardly margined by a
delicate line of grey scales. Hing wing light shining fuscous, cilia same.
Under side fore wing dark, smoky fuscous. Six or seven pale spots on
costa, in each of which are a pair of dark brown costal spots. Cilia dark
shining grey, tips magenta. Under side hind wing dark fuscous, with a
row of whitish spots on costa. A small black crescent margining apex, and
a series of faint, darker fuscous lines paralleling outer margin on outer
half. Cilia light shining grey, inwardly outlined by a row of darker
fuscous scales. Abdomen light fuscous, anal tuft tinged with brown ;
under side darker fuscous, with shades of magenta. Legs grey, outside
and tibize shaded with magenta.
Var. A.—Ground colour nearly same as above, but more of a
coppery-magenta. Palpi, only magenta on outside, upper edges and
inner sides grey. Head grey, with only a trace of magenta. Thorax
magenta. Fore wing: grey scales, mixed with black, almost entirely hide
the magenta on the dorsal margin ; a darker shade in the anal angle, and
a narrow band of nearly black scales, sprinkled with grey, outline the cilia
along the outer margin before this; at and above anal angle are a few
dark brown scales, overlapping the dark line; along the costal are a
number of whitish or light grey spots, alternating with dark brown.
Cilia dark smoky-grey, sprinkled with a very few light grey specks,
Var. B.—Ground colour same as last two, but the dorsal band of
Var. A in Var. B is a broad band, one-third width of wing, of whitish
scales, interrupted and mixed with black, the outer and costal margin are
the same, but narrower, leaving the ground colour in only the middle of
the wing, forming a broad band from base to just before outer margin.
Palpi dull black, tips of scales greyish-black, sprinkled with lighter ;
under side grey. Head dark fuscous, scales very long, projecting well
above and in front of eyes in the form of ruffs. Thorax and patagia the
same, but more mottled with lighter fuscous shades. Fore wing magenta,
well sprinkled with whitish scales, these are more concentrated at outer
third, below costa, and at apex shading into and obliterated by whitish
and brownish fuscous scales. Costa from base to apex, alternate short
patches of blackish-brown and whitish scales ; this line is only on costal
nervule. Scales on dorsal margin, whitish or very pale grey, forming a
band extending upwards one-third width of wing ; upper margin irregular,
well defined and not gradually shading into ground colour. A conspicuous
dark brown spot at inner and outer third on upper edge of this band, and
a number of small spots of same colour touching dorsum, and three small
patches between the inner large patch and base; other small patches
of dark brown occur, making it appear mottled. Before outer margin
ground colour shades into light grey and fuscous, the latter forming a
narrow line, succeeded by a paler one, and beyond this another dark line
just before cilia. The latter is dark fuscous, mottled with lighter dots,
and at anal angle pale fuscous.
Described from 13 specimens. Seven nearly immaculate, and three
each like varieties A and B. Alar Exp., 17 to 18 mm.
Bred by Dr. Dyar, Kaslo, B. C., on Arctostaphyla sp., and collected
Platte Canon, Col., Aug. 24 to Sept. rr. U.S. Nat. Mus., Type No. 7786.
Cydia pseudotsugana, sp. nov.—Head fawn colour, the scales
standing separately, and giving speckled appearance, by darker shades at
their bases ; face darker. Palpi, fawn colour inside and at base outside,
shading into dark brown; terminal joint bare, projecting its full length
beyond tuft of second joint, blackish-brown, a dot of fawn on extreme tip.
Thorax and patagia same as head, very dark brown beneath, irrorated
with fawn-colour tips of scales. Fore wing, shades of whitish grey,
fuscous and black. The basal patch occupies a little more than one-third
the length of wing on the median line, angling sharply inwards to costa
and dorsal margin, both of which it reaches at the inner fourth. Ground
_ colour greyish white, almost evenly spread dark brown and black, the
dark colour is concentrated in three dots on fold, the middle one
extending in a line nearly to dorsum, and beyond these a dark oblique
line, defining the basal patch to median line, thence abruptly angling
inward nearly to, but not reaching, dorsum. A small dark dot on costa
between this line and base ; on lower half are scattered light brown
scales. A dark broad band begins on costa, just beyond middle, as a
small dot, but broadens just below costa and ends on dorsum before anal
angle. The inner and outer edges of this band are irregular, with three
distinct rounded projections on the outer and the same number of
rectangular projections on the inner edges. Scattered over this band are
a few whitish and reddish-brown scales, the former predominating above
and the Jatter beneath the median line. Between this band and the basal
patch the colour is more whitish than basal patch, appearing as a paler
band, interrupted by a concentration of dark scales, forming a short
horizontal line about a third below the costa, and a dark dash on costa
in centre of light area; a broader band of darker scales begins about
median line and proceeds obliquely inwards towards, but not quite
reaching, costa. The lower half of this light area is a conspicuous patch
of almost white scales, in the centre of which is a small patch of light
brown. Beyond the central dark fascia the ground colour as light as
between basal patch and dark fascia ; a conspicuous rounded subapical
patch of dark scales defines the pale area and causes the latter to appear
as a whitish band from costa to anal angle. On the costa are four evenly-
spaced dark dots, the inner in the centre of the whitish fascia, the outer
on the apex, and the one before the apical spot is confluent with the sub-
apical dark patch. On both the pale area and dark patches are scattered
light brown scales ; a line of almost black scales precedes the dark lead-
coloured cilia. Hind wing smoky-fuscous, under side same, but darker
on fore wing, the costa of latter marked with geminate whitish dots,
continuing over from the upper side. Abdomen grey, paler beneath ;
legs same as under side of abdomen, shaded with fuscous and annulated
with dark brown. In some specimens the light brown scales are missing,
this may be due to rubbing, as these scales seem to be longer and less
firmly rooted, but they are not long or erect enough to be classed as
raised scales. Alar Exp., 17 mm.
Twenty-three specimens, collected by Dr. Dyar at Kaslo and
Kokanee Mt., and taken torpid on the snow of, Kitchener Glacier about
_ Aug. 10; also bred by hun from larve taken June 24 on Pseudotsuga sp.
U.S. Nat. Mus. Type No. 7788.
Proteopteryx Columbia, sp. nov.—Head clothed with long brown
scales. Palpi same colour, paler beneath and inside, point of apical joint
fuscous, scarcely projecting beyond tuft of second joint. Thorax, closely
appressed smoky-black scales, very minutely sprinkled with brown.
Patagia same, tips of scales light fuscous. Fore wing, greyish fuscous,
marked with black streaks and dots and heavily overlaid, especially on
lower half, with reddish-brown scales of several shades. Basal patch not
distinctly defined, costal] fold one-quarter length of wing, mottled grey,
black and pale reddish-brown. Beyond fold on costa are five large
oblique dashes, between each is a smaller dot, all black, but bordered by
bright reddish-brown scales, between these dots and dashes the scales are
nearly white, the outer dash is on the apex; below the third and fourth
dashes is an irregular short horizontal black streak, divided into two fine
lines at its outer end by a concentration of bright reddish-brown scales, the
latter scales form a ?-shaped mark, with the upper edge of the rounded
part bordering the black streak, the upper point running into outer margin
and the lower point nearly to anal angle. A larger, somewhat oblique
horizontal streak begins just beyond middle of wing, and ends beyond
end of cell, a few reddish-brown scales are sprinkled over it, below it and
reaching to dorsal margin is a large, roughly-triangular patch of mixed
pale brown and reddish brown ; this colour continues on dorsum to anal
angle, but before reaching it and defining an ocellic spot the brown scales
project upwards and merge into a small black dentate streak. The scales
on the outer half of wing, between these black and brown patches, have
a very pale bluish-white appearance. The lower and inner quarter of
wing is heavily overlaid with brown scales, a shade darker than the brown
dorsal patch, into which they merge. The extreme dorsal margin is dotted
with black. ‘There is a broad outer marginal line of evenly-mixed fuscous,
gray and brown scales, this line bends sharply outwards above the
marginal notch, which is opposite 3, 4 and 5. Cilia brownish-fuscous,
long, a few long scales of black at lower end, inside anal angle. Hind
wing smoky fuscous, darkest on apex. Cilia a shade lighter, under side
same, but slightly paler. Under side fore wing dark smoky fuscous,
darkest at apex, five white dots on costa, each enclosing a smaller black
dot. Abdomen grey, anal tuft light brown. Legs light grey, tinged with
pale brown,
In another specimen the pattern is the same as the above, but the
ground colour is more uniformly a bright or steely grey ; the brown scales
are nearly entirely absent, and the clothing of the head and palpi is almost
white, but faintly tinged with yellowish-brown or very pale fawn. On the
thorax of this specimen are three small pure white dots, one on each side,
the result of the extreme ends of the scales of the patagia being white,
and one on posterior edge, caused by the tips of the thoracic scales,
which partly overlap first abdominal segment, being white.
In another specimen the reddish-brown scales cover nearly all of the
lower half of the fore wing, and in other specimens these scales are
coppery-brown, and in others pale brown or fawn colour. The species
seems to be quite variable, but a fairly constant characteristic of all that I
gronp under the name Columbia is the pair of black patches on the outer
half of fore wing, one before apex, parallel to and just below costa, and a
larger one also parallel to costa, but on a lower level, covering end of cell.
These two streaks, with the smaller one on the apex, make three steps,
each nearly an eqnal height above the other.
Besides the above there are two very differently marked varieties
which show no intergrades, and are entitled to varietal names ; they may
possibly be distinct species, as Dr. Dyar’s breeding records of this group
are not entirely satisfactory to him. ,
Proteopteryx Columbia, var. albidorsana, var. nov.—Head well
clothed with long smoky-black scales. Palpi fawn colour, speckled with
blackish, the latter predominating on end of tuft, and paler fawn on inside.
Thorax black, with a few very minute brown specks. Fore wing dark
chocolate-brown ; basal patch smoky-black, about half length of costal
fold, convex outwardly. On the dorsum, defined on the inside by the
basal patch, is a broad white band, the upper edge is excavated deeply
just beyond its inner end by the ground colour, beyond this it extends
upwards to a sharp point at about the middle of the cell, thence curving
downward and again upward, terminating in a sharp point on middle of
wing, just beyond end of cell; the ground colour below this forms a
triangular patch on dorsum, just before anal ocellic spot, the base of the
triangle rests on dorsal margin at and before anal angle, but leaves margin
and indents white area, causing the latter to terminate outwardly in two
points. The ocellic spot is a hemispherical patch of these same white
scales, but a shade less white.
In other specimens the white dorsal area is replaced by fawn-coloured
scales. On the costa, beyond the fold, are five pairs of greyish-blue
oblique streaks, lightest on the costa. A streak of black begins on apex,
and proceeds parallel to costa to about middle of cell, interrupted at half
its length. An obscurely black streak on median line, between basal patch
and inner third, a few black scales overlaying white patch on dorsal
margin before inner third. Outer margin and cilia dark fuscous, a black
dash in cilia just below apex. Hind wing dark smoky-brown, cilia darker.
Under side fore wing dark smoky-brown, cilia lighter; five geminate
whitish spots on costa. Under side hind wing and cilia fuscous.
Abdomen, upper side same as thorax, black, with a few very minute
brown specks, anal tuft purplish brown. On the second or third
abdominal segment is a flattened tuft of long scales. Under side of
abdomen and legs light fuscous, latter annulated with black and speckled,
game as upper side of abdomen and thorax.
Protopteryx Columbia, var. mediostriana, var. nov.—Head brown,
mixed with lighter and darker scales, mottled. Palpi mottled-brown
outside, nearly white on inside and apex. ‘Thorax smoky-black, very
minutely speckled with brown ; patagia with white spot on posterior end.
Fore-wing, ground colour very uniformly mottled bluish-grey, fuscous and
black scales, with a few brown scales in patches and streaks. Beginning
at base on median line and extending to outer margin just above
anal angle is a pinkish fawn-coloured streak, slightly wider at outer
end ; a second streak of this same colour begins at base, but only extends
to inner third, below and parallel to the long one, they are joined together
at base. A number of geminate whitish dots on costa. Hind wing smoky
fuscous, cilia fuscous. Under side, fore wing smoky fuscous, with geminate
whitish dots repeated on costa. Hind wing fuscous, darker before apex.
Abdomen very dark fuscous ; under side paler. Legs fuscous.
Described from about 60 specimens, of which ten per cent. are var.
albidorsana and the same number var. mediostriana. Bred by Dr. Dyar,
Kaslo, B. C., on willow (?), and collected by Dr. Taylor, Wellington and
Vancouver, B. C., and by Mr. Bryant, Wellington, B. C., latter part of
February to latter part of March. U.S. Nat. Mus. Type Nos. 7789,
7790 and 7791, respectively.
This species is nearest to the European Protoepteryx crenana, Hbn.,
inasmuch as both are extremely variable ; all of the British Columbian
specimens are larger than crenana, the general colour of the latter is
brighter and less sombre, and the hind wings of crenana decidedly lighter.
I have no knowledge of the variety mediostrzana occurring at allin Europe.
Named in honour of the earnest and hard-working Entomologists of
the British Columbia district.
(To be continued.)
Catocala obscura, Strecker.—Larve taken under hickory bark. Food-
plant hickory. Described June 1st, 1903.
General colour, gray with pale brown and black markings.
No transverse band and no elevation of eighth segment.
Head broad as first segment, flattened, gray, with a black dash on
each cheek, extending from mouth two-thirds of the way to top of head,
and ending in a point.
Tubercles white, but not prominent ; the dorsal tubercles being in a
brownish stripe that is fairly distinct the entire length.
There are a few black spots along the outer edge of this stripe
sometimes extended as short lines ; and on the posterior part of the fourth
and fifth rings shading inwardly and forming small triangular‘patches at
the inner boundary of the stripe. The dorsum is gray with a faint
central line. The gray portion has a wavy outline, forming somewhat
oval patches, most conspicuous between the segments.
There is a narrow brown stigmatal stripe, distinct and of even width
throughout. Stigmata black and in the lower edge of this stripe. No
filaments. The eleventh ring is slightly raised and marked with black
posteriorly. Venter greenish, with central spots on segments four, five,
six, seven, ten and eleven. Legs pale.
In the CanapIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, Vol. XXXIII., page 225, we
described the larva of a Catocala, determined by us as C. Obscura, Strk.
This, however, was the form having dark fringe on the posteriors, and
which is properly known as C. residua, Grt.
It is not uncommon to find this dark-fringed form under the name
obscura in collections, and this error will be confirmed and more widely
diffused through the publication of Dr. Holland’s Moth Book, in which
the same mistake is made.
The following extract from our description above referred to is
given for comparison .
‘*Colour dusky gray. Head broad, but not high, whitish, with pale
brown markings and a small, ill-defined black blotch at corners of mouth.
“The dorsal stripe is interrupted on fourth to ninth segments,
inclusive, by black curved patches that occupy the space between the
dorsal tubercles, and opening backward enclose» white, cone-shaped
patches, apex forward and truncate behind.”
It will be seen that in the ornamentation of the dorsal region the
two forms differ materially.
Of greater importance is the fact that while the larve that in 1901
produced rvestdua had “a small, ill-defined black blotch at corners of
mouth,” those that in 1903 gave obscura had ‘“‘a black acuminate dash,
extending from the mouth two-thirds of the way to top of head.”
These descriptions were taken from several larvee in both instances,
and the differences bere recorded would indicate that the two forms
should be classed as distinct species.
Colour variations in Catocala larve are frequent, and have no
connection with the variations of the imago. But the pattern of the
dorsum and the black marks of the cheeks are constant, and are good
specific characters.
Described as a distinct species, the catalogue makers, with no better
guide than a comparison of cabinet specimens, listed res¢dwa as var. “a”
of obscura, thus assuming a knowledge that they did not possess, and
thereby misleading all who were depending upon such lists for aid in
arranging their collections.
Prof. Smith states in the preface to his new Check List that “all
species and genera are treated as presumably good, unless the contrary
has been established.” But residua is still var. “a” of obscura in his
list. It would be interesting to learn who estabdished the identity of these
two forms, and just how it was done.
Catocala Whitneyi furnishes another case in point.
Soon after its description it was denied specific value, and became
var. ‘‘a” of abbreviatella. It so appears in Smith’s List, both the old
and new editions.
This error is also given especial prominence in the ‘ Moth Book,”
where the two forms are shown side by side.
Their likeness, together with the author’s expressed opinion that they
are forms of one species, will undoubtedly be taken as proof indisputable
of their identity by the majority of readers.
At our former home in Nebraska we used to take a few abbreviatella
every year. We noted that they invariably began to appear from one
week to two weeks earlier than Waztneyz. When the latter was fresh
and coming to bait nightly in considerable numbers, specimens of the
former in a more or less worn and faded condition were to be encountered.
a - —
Manifestly if one was a variety of the other there should be no
difference in the season of appearing.
The late Judge Truman, of South Dakota, took both species at
Volga. He was satisfied that they were distinct, and gave the same
reasons as cited above for his belief.
Here at Louisiana we take a few adbdbreviatel/a nearly every year, but
have found no Waitneyz.
In the large number of specimens of both forms that we have taken
during the last twenty years or more we have never found an intergrade,
nor have we observed any variation of either form toward the other.
Nothing short of breeding one or both in confinement can definitely
settle the question and prove or disprove their identity.
But if we array the facts as above stated against the bare assertion
that “they look somewhat alike,” the preponderance of proof seems to
favor the contention that they are distinct.
If anyone has established the identity of these two forms we have
overlooked it.
Prof. French, in his revision of the Catocale, published in this journal,
rated both restdua and Whitneyi as species, and they so appear in Dyar’s
Catalogue, which adopts his classification.
But Prof. French carefully consulted every available source of
information before passing upon the validity of a species. As the years
go by the intrinsic value of his work will be made manifest.
Dryinus nigrellus, sp. nov.—Female. Length 4.25 mm. Wholly
black, except tarsi, part of antenne and mandibles. Head _ black, finely
rugulose, faintly silvery pubescent and sub-shining. Vertex impressed ;
front with a short median impressed groove above the antenne. Cheeks
roughened ; mandibles pale yellow, with the tip of the teeth black ;
quadridentate, the outer tooth the larger and the inner one extremely
minute ; palpi black. Antenne filiform, reaching to the base of the
abdomen, ten-jointed; first three joints and base of fourth rufous, remainder
black, except the last, which is pale yellow. Scape stout, slightly over
twice as long as the pedicel ; first flagellar joint twice as long as the scape,
remaining joints decreasing in length, except the last, which is one and
one-half times as long as the penultimate. Pronotum ovoid, finely
rugulose, with a transverse depression at anterior third ; behind this very
sharply convex ; two and one-half times as long as the mesonotum and
one-half as wide as the head. Mesonotum more coarsely sculptured than
the pronotum, twice as wide as long, tegule piceous ; scutellum large,
finely rugulose, with a punctate frenum anteriorly. Metanotum slightly
longer than the pronotum, rounded behind; rather finely and evenly
longitudinally rugoso-aciculate. Abdomen ovate, black, highly polished,
extreme tip rufous. Petiole shorter than the hind coxa; second, third
and fourth segments about equal, the fifth somewhat longer. Legs
piceous black, the swollen femora below and the knees reddish. Anterior
tibiz and their metatarsi fuscous, the tarsi chelate, rufous ; four posterior
tarsi pale yellow. Wings hyaline, marked with two fuscous spots ; the
first fills out the two basal cells, except their extreme bases, and the
second covers the stigma and stigmatal vein, fading out posteriorly. Basal
cells very distinct, marginal cell not compiete ; stigma of moderate size.
Described from a single female specimen collected at Parkville,
Long Island, by Mr, Wm. Beutenmuller. Type in the collection of the
American Museum of Natural History.
This species can be most readily recognized by its very dark
Bocchus atriceps, sp. nov.—Female. Length, 5 mm. Rufous, head
and posterior portion of abdomen black. Head black, shining ; rufous
below the base of the antenne ; front coarsely rugulosely punctate above,
below irregularly longitudinally striate: occiput margined ; cheeks finely
punctate and clothed with delicate white hairs ; mandibles light yellow ;
maxillary palpi four-jointed, fuscous, joints nearly equal. Antenne
slender, reaching to the base of the hind coxe ; ten-jointed ; four basal
joints rufous, others black; scape short, stout, a little longer than the
slender pedicel ; both together equal to the long, slender first flagellar
joint; second flagellar joint two-thirds as long as the first ; others slightly
decreasing in length to apex. Prothorax half as wide as head, a little
longer than wide, constricted just before the apex; rufous, white
pubescent on the sides. Mesonotum distinctly shorter than the pronotum,
the two furrows deep ; surface shining, rufous medially, fuscous on the
sides. Scutellum semi-circular, separated from the mesonotum and
post-scutellum by transverse furrows. Metathorax short, rounded behind,
coarsely reticulate ; rufous, except the anterior edge, which is black.
Abdomen ovate, polished, short petiolate, black, except the greater part
of the first sesnient and the extreme tip, which are black ; second, third
and fourth segments sub-equal in length. Legs rufous, the tarsi lighter ;
femora, especially the anterior pair, very stowt ; anterior tarsi chelate,
first joint long ; anterior femora with a black mark below at the base, tips
of posterior femora and tibie also black. Wings hyaline, with a fuscous
band just beyond the stigma, also a faint fuscous spot at the apex of the
second basal cell, stigma lanceolate.
Described from a single female specimen collected at Mosholu, N.Y.,
July 25, 1903, by Mr. J. R. de la Torre Bueno.
This species may be distinguished from the only other described
species of Bocchus (B. flavicollis, Ashm.) by its colour, larger size,
different length of abdominal segments and configuration of the antenne.
It agrees very well with the generic diagnosis given by Ashmead (Monog.
Proctotrypide, p. gr).
Oxylabis bifoveolatus, sp. nov.—Male. Length, 3 mm. Black ;
legs fuscous, varied with rufous. Head shining black, rugulose on the
occiput, with a short impressed longitudinal. line above the ocelli; head
margined behind ; cheeks shagreened ; mandibles dark fuscous. Antenne
14-jointed, distinctly longer than the body, tapering toward the tips ; two
basal joints black, the rest fuscous. Scape very short, twice as long as
the pedicel, which is less than one-half as long as the first flagellar joint ;
first eleven flagellar joints of equal length, the Jast one and one-half times
as long as the preceding and more slender. Sides of the pronotum
coarsely and obliquely striate. Mesonotum with two deep furrows, less
pronounced anteriorly, and with a triangular fovea just before the
scutellum. Scutellum with two deep fovex. Post-scutellum with a
median groove and a more delicate one on each side; its tip produced
into a long, acute black spine, which is perpendicular to the posterior
face of the metathorax. Metanotum anteriorly coarsely rugose-striate, at
the middle with a widely-interrupted transverse furrow, behind this with a
fovea on each side, and medially at the tip with a large enclosed space.
Petiole on abdomen suddenly constricted in front,:a little wider than long
and coarsely fluted. Remainder of abdomen compressed and very
shining, impunctate ; second segment very long, others short. Legs
fuscous ; front tibie, knees and bases of the tarsi lighter. Wings
hyaline, basal aand marginal cells complete ; the latter completely closed,
one and one-half times as long as high, and. with the stump of a vein at
its lower angle.
Described from a single specimen from Snake Hill, New Jersey ;
collected in June by Mr. Wm. Beutenmuller. Type in the collection of
the American Museum of Natural History.
This species can be easily distinguished from O. spznosus, Ashm., the
only other described North American species, by its bifoveate scutellum,
and straight, black, post-scutellar spine.
This genus was established by Lord Walsingham in Illustrations of
Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the collection of the
British Museum, Part IV., North American Tortricide, p. 68 (1879), with
emarginana, W\sm., the only species under it. This variable species was
taken in Mendocino and Lake Counties, California, in considerable
numbers (about 40 specimens) in June, 1871, and five varieties were
described. His Lordship had the great kindness to give me several
examples representing the different varieties.
The generic characters, as given in the original description, need
some revision, which the author would doubtless have given before this
time if he had had occasion to review the genus. There isa costal fold
in the three male specimens of this species in my collection, which
character the author overlooked, as it is generally so closely pressed to
the surface of the wing as to be scarcely visible, but in one of my
specimens the fold on one wing is turned up sufficiently to expose the
usual pencil of long hairs. Veins 7 and 8 of the fore wings are said to be
“ scarcely separate at their origin,” which is true in my examples of this
species, but in some allied species belonging to this genus these veins
arise near each other, or are connate, or stalked, or sometimes connate in
one wing and stalked in the other of the same specimen. Vein 5 in the
hind wing is bent down, and has its origin near that of the stem of 3 and
4, which are stalked. The European species, crenana, Hub., belongs to
this genus.
Mailed April 6th, 1904.
te s ue
of a é
VAR ARGENTATA (unpersive!
var. LIPAROPS (unpersiDEe!
he € anadtiay Bintomalogist
Vou. XXXVI LONDON, MAY, 1904. No. 5
Read May 19, 1903. Separates distributed January 22, 1904.
I submit herewith descriptions of 3 species and 3 varieties of
Canadian diurnal Lepidoptera, specimens of which have been in my
collection for many years, and of which a continued study convinces me
that it is wise to characterize them for the benefit of other students of
Canadian butterflies. It is possible that some of these may be only local
races, but they are so constant that I believe them to be well worthy of
recognition. In describing these forms, I have endeavoured to compare
them with their nearest allies, as a description, even when accompanied
by a plate, is more intelligible when a new form can be compared with a
well-known standard. My thanks are due to Dr. Henry Skinner, of
Philadelphia, who very kindly undertook the arrangement and preparation
of the specimens illustrated on the plate given herewith, and also from his
own cabinet provided some specimens which were better for illustration
than the actual types used in the descriptions. I have also to express my
gratitude to the American Museum of Natural History for a beautiful
painting of Zhecla Heathit, which was specially made for the purpose and
used for the accompanying illustration, on account of two of the wings in
the type specimen being imperfect. It is well here to mention that this
painting is, in my opinion, almost as perfect as a drawing can be, and
represents exactly the appearance of the type in every mark and spot as
well as in colour and shape. Mr. Wm. Beutenmuller very kindly under-
took personally the supervision of this painting.
The names used in this paper are those in the recognized check lists
of diurnal Lepidoptera now used by American entomologists, viz.: the
“ List of Lepidoptera of Boreal America,” by Dr. J. B. Smith, 1891, and
‘* A Synonymic Catalogue of the North American Rhopalocera,” by Dr.
Henry Skinner, 1898. Up to the present time the names given by Dr. S.
*Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Section IV.,
1903, p. 207.
H. Scudder in his magnificent work, ‘‘The Butterflies of the Eastern
United States and Canada,” have not been adopted by collectors in
labelling their collections. These names, however, are, I believe, for the
most part well founded, and it is merely a matter of time before they will
be generally accepted.
PuHyciopEs HaNHAMI,n sp. (Hanham’s Crescent.)
Sexes similar both in colour and markings. Alar expanse, males
37-38 mm.; females, 40-43.50 mm.
Upper side.—Wings bright orange fulvous, darkened towards base
and bordered with a clear black margin,
which is widest at apex of primaries.
The base and cell marked as in P.
nyctets and with the same ‘tangle of
black lines” mentioned by Dr. Scudder
in his description of that species ; the
basal area, however, is never so black as
in myctets, and in some specimens the
ground colour is hardly darkened at all. All the veins of both wings are
lined with dark brown.
The white marks of the under surfaces of both wings are repeated
above as light yellowish contrasting spots, giving the species a much
brighter appearance than myctezs, in which this feature does not occur,
even in the forms of that variable species where the fulvous colour pre-
‘ dominates on the upper surface. A striking character in which Hanhami
differs from both P. zyctets and Melitea Harrisii, a species which it also
resembles, is the absence on the secondaries, above, of the median black
line, which in those species divides the fulvous discal area on almost all
specimens. ‘There is a more or less complete series of submarginal ocelli
in the interspaces between the submarginal and median veins, but these
are smaller and less distinct than in the two species named, and in some
specimens are obsolete. Fringes white, interrupted with black at the tips
of the nervures. Under side.-—Fore wings fulvous brown, marked with
brown streaks and pale spots, after the pattern of 17. Harrisiz, but much
paler and less contrasting, owing to the absence of black marks. Apical
area very little darkened. There is a submarginal series of nacreous
lunules in all the interspaces, except the lowest, and inside this a sinuous
series of pale spots. Margin fulvous, narrow, wider than in #ycfezs, but
always narrower and more regular than in JZ, Harrisiz, Hind wings with
Fig. 4—P. nycreis, Db.-Hew.
colour areas distributed as in mycfes, but much less contrasting, the basal
area being bright fulvous, and the brown field at apical margin less intense
in colour. At base are 5 large nacreous spots and a dash inside the
internal vein. The triple mesial band is wide, distinct, and nacreous, the
spots of the same shape and comparative length as in myctecs; but the
outer tranverse traversing line is somewhat angled where it crosses the
nervules, that is, is made up of short, almost straight dashes as in JZ,
Hlarristi, not of rounded crenations as in zyctezs. The outer margin of
this band is, as in mycteis, not clearly defined, a character in which both
of these species differ from 47, Harrisiz, where this is distinctly the case.
Beyond the mesial band is a row of 5 ocelli, the central one of which is
white, ringed with brown, and the two outer ones on each side of this are
black, shaded inwardly with fulvous and pupilled with white. The most
conspicuous character of this species, and one by which it is easily
separated from mycfeis, is the complete series of large marginal silvery
lunules which occur on every interspace, as in JZ. Harrisiz. In Hanhami,
as in zycteis, the pattern below is outlined in brown, while in Harrisiz
the margins of the spots are black, thus producing the well-defined and
distinct pattern which is characteristic of that species. Body above black,
fulvous on sides, silvery beneath. Abdomen banded narrowly with white
above. Antenne black above, banded with white, bright fulvous beneath.
Palpi silvery white, fulvous at tips. I must acknowledge that I refer this
species with some hesitation to the old genus Phyciodes. The general
appearance and venation seem to make it congeneric with zycfezs ; but,
at the same time, the upper sides of some specimens resemble closely
extreme forms of AZ. Harrisiz, in which the yellow colour predominates,
and in addition, the shape of most of the markings beneath is similar to
those of that species. On examining a good series of specimens, the
venation comes rather under the genus Charidryas, characterized by
Scudder, and as figured by Holland in the Butterfly book, than under
Cinclidia. Although, as stated, the markings resemble more closely
those of Harriszz in shape, the distribution of the colour areas is more as
in zyctets. There is also in the mottled appearance of the under side a
resemblance to /. mylitta, which is congeneric with myctezs.
Distribution: Manitoba (Eastern, Central and Southern), Minnesota.
The first specimens of this insect seen by me were in the collection of
Mr. A. W. Hanham, at Winnipeg, near which place, at Bird’s Hill, he
had taken them late in June, 1895. Subsequently I took several
specimens at the same place and at Brandon in the beginning of July.
Mr. L. E. Marmont finds the species not uncommon at Rounthwaite,
Man., and Mr. Norman Criddle takes it also at Aweme, Man. Dr. Win.
Barnes writes me that he has specimens from near Minneapolis, Minn.
Described from 12 specimens (6 males and 6 females). The types
of both sexes, which are figured, are deposited in the U.S. National
Museum at Washington. The species is named after Mr. A. W. Hanham,
an enthusiastic and indefatigable collector, who has done so much towards
working up the insect fauna of Manitoba and British Columbia.
THECLA STRIGOSA, Harr., var. LIPAROPS, n. var. (The Bright-eyed Hair-
In the CanapiaAn EntTomo.Locist for November, 1895, p. 315, I
referred to the Manitoban form of Zhecla strigosa, and expressed the
opinion that this form was worthy of at least varietal recognition. This,
as far as I have seen, always shows the large, rich fulvous, well-defined
blotches which are represented on the plate herewith. The ordinary
form of Z: strigosa is shown in the accompanying wood-cut. (Fig. 5.)
I have examined during the last fifteen years a great many specimens
of this variety from Manitoba, and all without exception showed the two
large fulvous eye-like spots on the primaries. Mr. E. F. Heath, who
formerly took the insect in numbers at Cartwright, Man., writes: ‘1
have never taken this form without the fulvous patch on the primaries in
both sexes, and I have certainly taken and seen over one hundred
specimens. Four or five years ago, and for years prior to that, it was very
abundant here ; now it seems to have disappeared. I do not come across
one in a season.”
Mr. L. E. Marmont, of Rounthwaite, Man., who has lived and
collected in Manitoba for many years, writes: ‘I have only 9 specimens
of your variety /iparops of strigosa just now ; but
all have the large fulvous blotch on the fore wings.
In one female it is fainter than the others, but
quite noticeable ; in another female the primaries
are almost entirely fulvous with only a blackish
Occasional specimens of the eastern J? strigosa
show a more or less poorly-defined fulvous blotch
on the upper side of primaries, but such specimens
in my experience have proved to be of decidedly
rare occurrence. Dr. Scudder thinks that
Harris, Eastern form. Boisduval and Leconte intended to represent
under the name of Z. /éparofs' what we now know as TZ. strigosa,
Harris. I can hardly think that this is the case; but it seems well to
preserve the name; so, I suggest that it should be used for the variety
found in Manitoba, which constantly shows on the primaries above a
bright clearly-defined blotch, and this was the chief character from which
the name /iparops was derived. Qn discussing the reference by Dr.
Scudder of Harris’s s¢rigosa to Boisduval and Leconte’s plate with Mr.
W. H. Edwards some years ago the latter wrote as follows: ‘‘Scudder
says this is s¢-Zgosa of Harris, but no one would know it from the figures.
The description is done from the figure and not from the insect ; therefore,
liparops represents no insect, but merely the said figure, and for that
reason I reject thename. ‘The first time the insect was described was by
Harris, and his name prevails.” In addition to the large and handsome
golden fulvous, almost quadrate patch which occupies nearly half the
area of the primaries, the secondaries are also frequently ornamented with
a fulvous cloud at the anal end, near the tails. The under side of the
western form is of a darker brown than in the type, with the white lines
much paler, these in some specimens being almost obliterated.
Described from to specimens taken at several places in Manitoba :
Beulah (Dennis); Cartwright (Heath); Aweme (Criddle); Brandon
(Fletcher) ; Routhwaite (Marmont).
The types described herewith are deposited in the United States
National Museum at Washington.
THECLA Heatui, n. sp. (Heath’s Hair-streak.)
Described from one female (not a male, as stated on the plate.)
Alar expanse, 26 mm.
Upper side.—Blackish-brown (when taken), as in Z! calanus. Costa
at base finely edged in front with yellow, as in ca/anus and acadica.
Under side.— Fawn-brown, faintly washed with white from the base
almost up to a submarginal band of large pearly-gray blotches which
occur on all the wings. -On the primaries these are four in number and
ovate. On the secondaries there are five square blotches and a long
whitish spur running up the inner margin. Exterior to these blotches is
an incomplete series of marginal lunules, as in several other allied species
of the genus ; consisting of, at the anal angle, between the internal and
submedian veins, a few scarlet scales shaded exteriorly with as many white
ones and bordered inside and outside with black ; between the submedian
1 Histoire générale et iconographique des Lépidopteres, p. 99; Pl. 31, fig. 1.
and the first median veins is a large, wide and shallow white lunule,
without any scarlet scales ; between the first and second median veins, a
scarlet crescent outlined on both sides with black and shaded externally
with white ; between the second and third median veins is a small red
lunule one-third the size of the last, shaded externally with white.
The specimen here described and figured has no tails to the
secondaries, but, from the appearance of the ends of the veins and the
marginal pattern, as well as the presence of a few longer scales at the end
of the first median vein, I have no doubt that originally tails existed.
On the primaries the ovate blotches are bordered on each side by a
broad band about two-thirds their own width, and darker than the ground
colour of the wings. On the secondaries the series of square blotches is
outlined on both sides by an almost black angulated line. Beyond the
cell on all the wings is a large dark, oblong quadrate blotch ; the fringe on
all wings is dark. Eyes ringed with pearly white; palpi white, tipped
beneath with black ; antenne black, ringed with white; club orange
below and at the tip.
Locality.—The type was taken by Mr. E. Firmstone Heath, near his
home in the picturesque valley of the Long River, a few miles from
Cartwright, in Southern Manitoba. This spot is about ten miles north of
the boundary of North Dakota and about 25 miles north-east of the Turtle
Mountains. This valley, near Mr. Heath’s house, is about a mile wide,
and is well-wooded with ‘scrub oaks (Quercus macrocarpa), ash-leaved
maples (Acer negundo), aspen and balsam poplars (Populus tremuloides
and P. balsamifera), Saskatoon-berry (Amelanchier alnifolia), white
thorn (Crategus coccinea), wolf-berry (Symphoricarpus occidentalis ),
prairie roses, wild plum (Prunus nigra), a few American elms, choke-
cherries and various willows. Mr. Heath tells me that it was taken in
July about 25 years ago, and, although he has been keenly on the lookout
ever since, he has never seen another specimen. It is a remarkable form,
and, as will be seen from the accompanying plate, which is an excellent
representation, bears very little resemblance to any described species.
The species of Zhec/a occurring at Cartwright at the season 7:
Heathii was taken are 2. acadica, T: calanus, T. strigosa, var. liparops
and Z. ¢itus. The pattern of the under side of the insect here described
in no way resembles that of any of these, and I can hardly think that it
is a suffused albinic variety of any of them.
The type which was generously presented to me by Mr. Heath, after
whom it was named, is deposited in the United States National Museum
at Washington. The painting from which the figure in the plate was made
is in my own collection.
Manitoba Blue.)
The beautiful variety of the common Spring Blue butterfly figured
herewith is the prevailing form in Central and Southern Manitoba, where
it has usually been named by collectors var. meg/ecta. From this latter,
however, it differs in having the black marks of the under side less
distinct, in some specimens these are almost entirely obliterated so as to
present a clear, nearly unspotted, surface of silvery white. The illustration
given herewith does not quite represent the colour of the under side,
rather too much of the red pigment having been used, which gives it a
warm tint not seen in nature. The shade of blue of the upper surface in
both sexes is, as a rule, paler than in other forms (or varieties) of
pseudargiolus. In the females the discal area of primaries is silvery
white, with a blue reflection and a more decided flush of blue at the base.
Described from 18 specimens (12 males and 6 females) collected at
Cartwright and other places in Southern Manitoba, as well as in south-
eastern Assiniboia. The types of both sexes are deposited in the U.S.
National Museum at Washington.
Kaslo Blue.)
An interesting variety of Z. pseudargiolus has been sent to me by
Mr. J. W. Cockle, from Kaslo, on Kootenay Lake, British Columbia,
where it is in the common spring form. The most conspicuous difference
between this and the other described varieties of the stem species, is the
large amount of black on the upper surface of the females. This
darkening forms a wide black border on the costal and outer margins of
primaries, and spreads over the whole surface of the secondaries, which
merely show a little blue on the folds between the veins. The blue of the
disc of primaries is a dark purplish-blue, as in var. pzasus, and is
frequently irrorated with black scales. The upper side of the male is a
deep rich violet-blue, almost of the same shade as in amyntuda. The
under side of this variety is remarkable, and specimens of both sexes may
be found which, if the under side alone were seen, might be referred to
neglecta, violacea, lucia or marginata, and some even combine characters
of all of these. One beautiful form which frequently occurs has an
irregular discal dark blotch of confluent spots on the secondaries beneath
as in /ucia, and the clear marginal and submarginal spots of wolacea.
This form Mr. Cockle, who has collected this butterfly for several years
and has been much interested in it, considers to be most typical of the
variety. In all forms of this Kaslo Blue the eye-like spots of the marginal
band are distinct, a character in which it differs from Azasws. Some
specimens beneath show the marginal band of marginata either with or
without the confluent discal patch.
Described from 16 specimens (8 males and 8 females). Types of
both sexes deposited in the U. S. National Museum,
PAMPHILA MANITOBOIDFS, n. sp. (The Nepigon Skipper.)
In the annual report of the Entomological Society of Ontario for
1888 I described the larva of a Pamphila belonging to the comma group,
which Dr. Scudder and I had taken in small numbers in the first week of
July at Nepigon, Ont., north of Lake Superior. In subsequent years I have
found the butterfly as early as the last week in June. In low lands the
favourite flower visited seems to be MMVertensia paniculata, but on the
higher rocky ridges along the Nepigon river this skipper seems to confine
itself almost entirely to the inconspicuous white flowers of VPofenti//a
tridentata. Itis extremely shy, active and difficult to catch.
This species is rather smaller than P. JZanitoba, but the markings of
both sexes above are very similar to those of that species, although the
colours are different. In A/anitoboides the upper side is a rich tawny-
brown with a wide very dark brown margin. None of the spots at apex
of the primaries are hyaline, and the bases of both primaries and
secondaries show a much less broken field of brown colour than is the
case in AZanitoba. ‘The male and female above are perhaps rather more
like the figures of P. Colorado, given by Dr. Scudder on plate X., fig. 17
and 18, in his paper ‘‘On the Species of the Lepidopterous Genus
Pamphila,” in the Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol.
II., Part III., Number IV. (1874), except that the tone of colour is of a
more fuscous brown and the border is darker, giving more contrast with
the light shades.
Under side.—A bright tawny brown in fresh specimens, primaries
much darkened at the base. The whole tone of colour of the under side,
including the dark shade at the base of primaries, and the washed-out
appearance of all spots, both on primaries and the mesial band of
secondaries, very similar to the under side of the British Columbian
P. agricola. The mesial band is dull yellow, inconspicuous, angled and
irregular, composed of the same squarish spots as in A/anitoba. ‘These
are perhaps normally 8 in number. as in JZanztoba, when all are present,
but this is seldom the case in this species. I have only eight specimens
before me at the present time: in one of these there are seven spots and a
trace of the eighth ; in one specimen there are seven, in five six, and in
one five. The spots of the lower portion of the band, when present and
of fullsize, confluent or nearly so, the two spots at the angle of the band
usually smaller than the others. The large V-shaped spot, so conspicuous
in the cell of AZanitoba, is inconspicuous and frequently absent. The
spot at the base of the submedian interspace seldom present or very small.
In the males the light colour of the spots has a tendency to run out along
the veins, both towards the margin and to the base of the wings, in the
same way as in P. wncas.
Alar expanse, males 28-31 mm., females 30-32 mm,
Locality.—Up to the present time I have only taken this species at
Nepigon, Ont., and Sudbury, Ont. Specimens sent to Mr. Henry
Edwards many years ago were at first named by him VPamphila
sylvanoides, but he subsequently wrote to me: ‘* Your Northern Ontario
Pumphila is not syl/vanoides, but must come nearer to one of the forms of
comma, such as Alanitoba or Colorado ; but the under side shows that it
is quite distinct from either of these.”
P. Manitoboides occurs at Nepigon, as stated above, from the third
week in June until the middle of July. A month or six weeks later than
this the true P. M/anitoba appears, which is a rather large insect, with a
greenish tinge on the under side and distinct silvery white markings.
The eggs of P. Alanitoboides hatch about a fortnight after they are laid,
but, as has been shown by the Rev. T. W. Fyles [Canapian ENTOMOL-
ocist, XXVII. (1895), p. 346], the eggs of AZanztoba laid in August do
not hatch until the following spring. The iarva of Wanztobotdes, as
described by me in the Report of the Entomological Society for 1888,
does not quite agree with Dr. Fyles’s description of ?. AMfanitoba. I have
no idea that this species is very closely related to P. J/anitoba, and the
name was only given to indicate a somewhat close resemblance on the
upper side to that species. I did not intend, when publishing the
description of the larva, that the name MMZanitoboides should stand, and
particularly mentioned in the article referred to, that, as J did not wish to
cause confusion by naming what might prove to be a described species in
a difficult genus which I had not specially studied, I refrained from further
describing the perfect insect. Unfortunately, this precaution seems to
have been unavailing, for several have written to me for further information
on the species ; and, as the name has been introduced into published lists
of North American Lepidoptera, I have thought it best to prepare the
description here submitted, particularly as further study has convinced
me that the species here named does not agree with any of the described
species of this genus.
Described from g specimens (3 males and 6 females). Types of
both sexes deposited in the U. S. National Museum.
Frons smooth and rounded, with the scales inclining downward, not
closely appressed, erect on the vertex ; labial palpi ascending, the second
segment with more or less separated scales beneath, recalling the genus
Choreutis, third segment a little shorter, naked and somewhat pointed ;
maxillary palpi present; proboscis very short ; eyes hemispherical ; ocelli
absent ; antenne not quite half the length of the costa, ciliate, the ciliz
nearly as long as the diameter of the shaft ; thorax with a small tuft at
the end above.
Fore wings subelliptical, nearly three times as long as wide ; vein 1b
with a long fork at the base and ending near the outer third of the hind
margin ; Cell about two-thirds of the length of the wing; vein 2 arises
before the end of the median, a little further from 3 than that is from 4 ;
veins 3 to 10 nearly equidistant at the origin; 11 arises from the sub-
costal vein near the end of the first third of the cell; 7 ends in the outer
margin and 8 in the costa ; the anterior intercellular vein arises from the
subcostal intermediate between the origin of veins 10 and rz and forks
near the cross vein, the forks running into 7 and 8; the posterior inter-
cellular vein arises at the base of the wing and continues beyond the cell
as vein 6. ;
Hind wings about half as long as wide, subsemicircular ; median
vein not pectinate above towards the base; three internal veins, vein rb
forked at the base, 2 from near the beginning of the outer third of the
median vein ; 3 and 4 coalesce and arise from the lower angle of the ceil ;
5, 6and 7 nearly equidistant, 7 from the base of the wing ; 8 arising free
from the base of the wing, running nearly intermediate between the costa
and subcostal vein, ends in the costa a little below the apex ; cross vein
very oblique from the base of 5 till it joins the cellular vein from the base
of the wing, then runs up and joins vein 7 a little before the middle.
This genus is more closely related to Choreutis than to any other
genus known to me, but is without the metallic scales and some other
characteristics of Choreutis. The venation of the fore wing is like that of
C. onusta, Walk., but that of the hind wing differs in the course of the
upper part of the cross vein and in having a much stronger intercellular
Named in honour of Mr. W. D. Kearfott, who has so successfully
begun the study of the North American Microlepidoptera.
Kearfottia albifasciella, n. sp.—Expanse of wings g to ro mm.
Head, thorax, base and outer part of fore wing dark brown with bronze
reflections ; middle of the wing cream-white, with four equidistant dark
brown dots on the costal and three on the hind margin of this white
fascia ; these dots are not present in all the specimens. ‘The dark basal
area has a vertical nearly straight outer edge, though there is a slight
indentation on the submedian fold. The terminal dark bronzy-brown
area which covers about a third of the wing has an oblique wavy inner
edge, varying somewhat in the different examples. Fringe concolorous,
with a whitish fleck near the anal extremity.
Hind wings and fringes above and beneath, and also the abdomen
above, fuscous. Under side of fore wings fuscous, lighter beneath the
median fascia. Under side of thorax and abdomen and the legs dull
yellowish-white ; the fore coxze, femora .and tarsi in front and the middle
tibiz and tarsi in front, dark fuscous.
Described from three specimens, two taken at Plummers’s Island,
Md., July 1893, by Mr. August Busck, and one in Cincinnati, Ohio,
July 7, r903, by Miss Annette F. Braun. One cotype is in my collection,
one in the National Museum, Washington, D. C., and one in the collection
of Mr. W. D. Kearfott, Montclair, N. J.
Those who visit the pine-barrens of New Jersey know what a pleasure
it is to ramble along the narrow wooded-paths among the pine trees ; old
paths that after once being made continue for many years, and may seldom
entertain a pedestrian. Along these paths and by the side of the sandy
roads, any time during late summer and until frost, one may hear a faint,
lisping little song from a grasshopper coming from the pines, often from
their topmost branches. It is an easy matter to climb the pitch-pine,
which is usually arranged admirably for the purpose, and the grasshopper
is also friendly to investigation, and commonly continues to stridulate.
Two stout insect-nets clapped together suddenly about the centre of
the music will often disclose the grasshopper in one of them, but not
always. He is a tree-loving insect, and being subject to the tossings of
the wind, holds on tighter than most grasshoppers that I have had dealings
with. It is, in fact, the only arboreal Orchelimum that I have found in
New Jersey.
When he is captured, it will be discovered that he is a small affair,
only 22 to 23 mm. long, including the wings, and that he has decided
colours ; the green is very green in places, and the brown markings are
conspicuous. ‘The brown stripe on the prothorax is particularly dark,
and the same colour continues on the wing-covers. The female is usually
two or three mm. larger than the male.
In the CanapIAN EnTomo .ocisr for April, 1891, Prof. Laurence
Bruner writes of a single female specimen of this species taken in the
District of Columbia. Hesays: ‘‘ This jatter form is also undescribed,
and can be known temporarily as Orchelimum minor, from its rather
small size and short wings. In colour it is rather less green than usual,
and has the brown markings very decided. Its ovipositor, which
resembles that of g/adiator, is also brown instead of green.” I have sent
Prof. Bruner other specimens, and he has confirmed my identification.
Sometimes Orchelimum minor can be observed on the low branches
of a pine, especially if the tree stands in the open, and the insect may
occasionally be beaten into an umbrella. When the trunks of the pines
are “sugared” for moths the little szzor also attends, and, like many
other members of the genus, it is active and musical both by day and
The note in the CanaDIAN Enromotocist for April 1903, by the
late Prof. A. R. Grote, the one by Mr. J. Wm. Cockle, in the May
number for the same year, and the one in the April 1904, number, all
relating to this subject, have interested me greatly.
Over 25 years ago I observed and recorded for the first, I believe,
the destruction of the pupe of our very common Samia cecropia by the
Downy Woodpecker, by puncturing the cocoons and feasting on the juices
of the occupant. ‘The habit of the insect in attaching its cocoon firmly to
and parallel with the twigs and smaller limbs of trees places them at the
mercy of these birds, especially during that part of the year when the
trees are devoid of foliage. It has seemed me that this habit of the bird
has become more apparent during this time, but this may be on account
of my paying more attention to the matter, and thus having seen more of
their work.
I have been watching to see if the insect would gradually come to
adopt a less dangerous cocconing habit, but up to the present time have
not myself observed any notable variation from the old-time custom. In
the case of Zyof@a luna, the problem appears to have been solved by the
larve cocooning on the ground among the fallen leaves, while Ze/ea
polyphemus seems to have but partly arrived at a similar solution by
largely cocooning on the ground, while Ca/losamia promethea has entirely
outgeneralled the woodpecker by swinging her cocoon, enclosed also
within a folded leaf, and attached to the twig or limb by a stout silken
thong, which allows the whole structure to dangle some distance below
the point to which it is thus anchored. In this position the cocoon
responds to the impact of the beak of the bird, which, instead of
penetrating the cocoon, simply pushes it away, to at once swing back into
place uninjured. Whether these are the results of a gradual change of
cocooning habits or not, the effects are as given. TZe/ea polyphemus has
long been known to spin her cocoon largely upon the ground; the
experience of Mr. Denny about Montreal being exceptional, and therefore
very interesting, and especially so as the habit appears to vary with
different years. If Mr. Denny would consent to observe, if possible, the
interrelation of the woodpeckers with this species, and especially if the
cocoons fastened to the twigs or limbs of trees are destroyed by these
birds, it will be possible for him to make a decided accession to our
knowledge regarding this interesting subject, for the tree-cocooning habit
in this instance seems to be rather abnormal, and raises the question as to
whether it is in that locality rather behind in adopting the terrestrial habit
of cocooning, or in advance in abandoning that and adopting that of
cocooning in the trees inhabited by the larva. This will also aid Mr.
Cockle in solving his equally interesting puzzle as how to account for the
same insect in his locality cocooning after the manner of C. promethea.
And this last gentleman can also do science a lasting service if he can
throw any light on the interrelation of the species and the woodpeckers in
his locality. We have in these notes some very interesting facts relative
to the habits of some of our common species of Attaci, but we cannot
without further observation and more facts decide whether these
phenomena are due to natural selection and a change of habit or whether
they are perplexing coincidences. Then, too, possibly others may have
some observations to offer that will help us in getting more light on the
In his Monograph of the Geometrid Moths, Dr. Packard described
and figured two moths as Metanema quercivoraria, Guenée, and
Lindropia textrinaria, Grote and Robinson. He placed them in
different genera and had apparently no doubts as to their distinctness.
With regard to MZ. guercivoraria (page 544), he does not state what
material he had before him, but his figure, pl. XII, fig. 39, clearly
represents a female with simple antenne. In giving the dimensions of
the moth, however, he speaks only of the male. Packard suggests that
M. aeliaria of Walker may be a synonym, and Hulst (Ent. News, VI.,
14), from an examination of the type, confirms this. JZ. ae/iaria was
described from the female only.
M. quercivoraria is also figured by Holland in the Moth-book, pl.
XLV., fig. 28, and again it is the 9 that is represented.
Lindropia textrinaria was described and figured by Grote and
Robinson from the male only. Packard (Mon., 507), redescribes it from
3 d specimens. His figure is also of a 6, and he makes no mention of
the female.
Hulst, in his ‘‘ Classification ” (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., XXIII., p. 378),
brings the two insects together, placing them side by side in the genus
Both forms have the same range, and both occur with us in British
All the specimens of guercivoraria which have so far been taken by
our B. C. collectors, and all the specimens I have received from various
localities in the United States and Canada, together with, so Dr. Dyar
informs me, all the specimens in the United States National Museum, are
females, and all the specimens of ¢extvimaria are males.
The inference would seem to be that these forms are sexes of one
species which would retain the older name of gwercivoraria, and that
Packard made a slip of the pen in giving dimensions of $ guercivoraria.
If this is not the case, then we must be confounding the males of two
species under the name /extrimaria, and similarly the females of two
species under the name guercivoraria, which seems very unlikely. Will
readers of the CanapIAN ENnTomoLocisT kindly examine their series
under the above names and tell us whether they find two species or one?
My second query relates to the insect described and figured by
Packard in the Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1874, and again in the
“ Monograph,” p. 453, as Cleora umbrosaria. The type was one male
from California (Edwards), but the description in the Monograph is from
four males, the additional ones being from Victoria, Vancouver Island
(Crotch), and it is one of these that Packard figures on plate XI., fig. 33.
This figure shows a moth with pectinated antenne. In his description
Packard says “antennz broadly pectinated as usual,” and he places the
species in C/eora, in which genus, of course, the ¢ antennz are always
pectinated. Hulst removed the species to his genus JVepytia, in which
also the antennz of the males are pectinated, but at the same time he
changed the termination to “ata,” signifying that the antenne are simple.
But this moth is common in British Columbia, and our specimens, some
of them from Victoria one of the type localities, agree exactly with
Packard’s description, except that in the male the antenne show no signs
of pectination. Our species, then, cannot be a C/eora in any sense, or a
Nepytia. It, in fact, belongs to the genus Zxypia, Hulst.
The question then is this: Is there in California a species of
Nepytia with pectinated antenne to which Packard’s original type
belonged and which he failed to distinguish from the Vancouver Island
specimens, or was Packard, who had four males before him, in error with
regard to the ‘broadly pectinated antenne,” which he both described
and figured ?
In the first case the Vancouver species will require a new name. In
the second case all that will be needed will be to transfer the species
umbrosata, Packard, to the genus Enypia.
On the 6th of June, 1903, we found a Thecla caterpillar unknown to
us feeding openly upon the berries of Vaccinium corymbosum. Its
general colour was bright yellowish-green, which served to render it
comparatively inconspicuous while feeding in the midst of a cluster of the
unripe fruit. A faint, darker, dorsal stripe and a very minute coral-red
spot in the middle of each segment, just above the lateral fold, were the
only markings. The head was of a uniform light brown, and the body
was clothed with short pile. Length, 12 mm.
This larva fed voraciously, biting a hole in the side of each berry
attacked and eating only the interior. One afternoon, having exhausted
the immediate supply of fruit, it was observed to crawl to a leaf, upon
which it fed readily enough until a fresh supply of the berries was
introduced into the breeding cage.
On the 1r2th of June the caterpillar ceased eating, and the next
morning was found fastened to the floor of the cage by a silken girth.
At 10 p. m., June rsth, it changed to a chrysalis. To the naked eye
this was a pitchy-brown, with the sutures between the abdominal segments
red. Under a microscope the surface was seen to be covered with a
raised reticulation and sparsely clothed with short hairs, while the colour
was dull reddish-brown, profusely sprinkled with pitchy-brown spots and
irregular blotches less numerous, and further apart on the wing-cases than
On Feb. 4th, 1904, this chrysalis produced a g Jucisalia Augustus.
The caterpillars of Augustus hitherto described have been carmine-
red or pink (see Scudder’s Butterflies of the Eastern U.S. and Canada,
and Entomological News, Vol. XV., p. 107), and it is to be noted that
these larve have all been found in the Sierra Nevada range. The larva
here described was found about two miles west of Albany, N. Y., and at
no stage of its existence while in our possession did it show any trace of
colour other than that which marked it at first. Is the discrepancy to be
explained on the ground of variation among the larvee—geographical or
otherwise—or is it possible that the eastern and western forms are
specifically distinct ?
| Zhecla iroides, which is thought by some to be a western representa-
tive species of Augustus, has been reared from larve found feeding on
young apples in June, 1897, near Victoria, on Vancouver Island, by Mr
Carew Gibson, but no description was:taken of the larve.—Ep. C. E. |
(Continued from page 114.)
Enarmonia Cockleana, sp. nov.—Palpi pale fawn, tipped with black.
Front of head or face very pale fawn, top of head and thorax a shade
deeper. Fore wing rich reddish chocolate brown, by refracted light, scales
prismatic, like burnished copper. A broad fawn-coloured fascia from costa
at inner third obliquely to dorsal margin beyond half. A second oblique
fascia parallels the first, begins on costa at outer two-thirds, and ends
at anal angle ; this is broader on costa, and lower half is not so well
defined. The inner fascia is nearly straight on inner margin, which is
sharply defined by a line of shining pearl-white scales, interrupted three
times ; the outer edge of fascia is indented by four similar pearl-white
patches projecting outward over the brown ground colour. The upper
pearly-white spots do not touch the costa, but the lower ones are on the
dorsal margin. The outer fascia is not so conspicuous as the inner. On
its inner edge is a line of pearly-white scales beginning on the costa, inter-
rupted the middle of its length, and terminating just above the anal angle.
On its outer edge is a small pearl costal spot, below this a short vertical
streak. Just before the outer margin is an irregular row of five small
pearly-white spots. The last named and the lower streaks on outer fascia
have a metallic blue reflection. The base of wing to inner fascia and the
space between the two fasciz is thickly sprinkled with fawn-colour scales.
Costa, to outer fascia brown, sprinkled with fawn, with four pure white
dashes or patches beyond ; the first is geminate, and with the second, is
in the outer fascia, the third makes an extension of this fascia, and the
fourth between third and apex. The fourth is narrowly lined before and
beyond with black, and on it is the upper of the submarginal row of pearl-
metallic-blue dots. Costa between third and ‘fourth white patch and
beyond latter to apex is black. Beneath this black, at apex, is an ovate
spot of ochreous-brown, enclosing a darker brown dot. Cilia white
below apex to middle, below this and around anal angle fuscous. Hind
wing and under side both wings dull metallic dark fuscous, or dark-
coppery-fuscous. Cilia lighter. Abdomen, upper side dark shining gray,
anal tuft yellowish brown or fawn, under side same as tuft, Legs same.
Tarsi with dark annulations. Alar exp., 12 to 13 mm,
Twenty-eight specimens, twenty-six collected and bred by Dr. Dyar,
Kaslo, B.C. Larve June 17, on willow, issued and flown specimens July
25; and two specimens taken by Dr. Barnes, Aug. 9, Banff, Alberta. U.
S. Nat. Mus. Type No. 7787.
Named in honour of Mr. J. W. Cockle, the enterprising and inde-
fatigable collector who is making Kaslo famous.
Acleris Britannia, sp. nov.—Head light brownish fuscous, tips of
scales shaded with deeper brown. Palpi fuscous, beneath and inside,
brown outside. Antenne fuscous beneath, reddish brown above. Thorax
ochreous brown, with scales arranged ina tuft. Fore wing ochreish-brown.
Costa at base dark brown. A faint brown outwardly-curved oblique line
begins at costa at about one-fifth, touching dorsal margin at one-quarter.
Parallel to this line is a second brown line, beginning on costa at two-fifths
and touching dorsum just beyond middle. The space between these two
lines is paler than the balance of wing, forming a well-defined oblique
fascia. The usual triangular costal patch begins at this second line, and
is unusually large and dark. It extends along costa to but not touching
apex, more than half length of costa, and the lower point nearly to centre
line of wing ; colour of patch rich dark coppery brown, roughly arranged
in parallel oblique rows, between the rows brownish fuscous ; heavily
overlaying the patch are clusters of dark gray scales. These are particu -
larly grouped at the lower point, just beyond inner point, and before outer
point, and a row of dots below but not on costa. The costa along the
patch is paler. Tips of scales, on outer margin, overlapping, cilia are
darker brown, forming a fine marginal line.
There are a number of dots of black raised scales ; the largest and
highest is just above dorsum, on the inner of the above parallel lines, on
the outer of these lines five or six small clusters, the cluster in centre the
largest, the lowest one is on the dorsal margin, another small dot is just
beyond this and just above the dorsal margin. Seven small clusters
form an acutely outwardly curved line, its upper end beginning in the dark
costal patch about half way between the lower and outer points of the
patch, and curving outward towards outer m&rgin, thence evenly and
regularly curving to the anal angle. Another dot is below outer end of
costal patch and before apex. The ground colour of the fore wing is more
of a tawny yellow than ochreous brown; under a low-power lens the
ground colour is seen to bea series of wavy lines, alternately tawny yellow
and a lighter cinereous yellow. These lines are generally parallel and
oblique. They are an entirely independent ornamentation to the lines,
spots, etc., in above general description. Cilia same as ground colour,
tinged with fuscous, and bordered on the inner side by a thin brighter line,
Hind wing very pale ash gray, with a reticulated effect on the outer half,
and especially the apical third, caused by a series of parallel brownish
fuscous lines, broken into short dashes. Cilia long, concolorous. Under
side, fore wing shining fuscous, with the lines and dots of upper side
repeated by darker fuscous. On the inner half of costa are several
oblique dark fuscous dashes. Cilia concolorous, shading into brown at
extreme edge and apex. Under side, hind wing same as upper side.
Abdomen fuscous. Legs fuscous, annulated with dark fuscous on last
The type described above is like the majority of the specimens
before me. Two extremes may be noted.
In one, A, the costal patch is so heavily overlaid with nearly black,
slate-coloured scales, that the ground colour is entirely hidden, except a
line along the costa, and a small enlargement of this line in the middle of
the patch.
In another, B, the general colour is lighter all over, with barely a trace
of the dark slate scales in the patch. In this specimen the wave-like lines
of the ground colour are not nearly so well defined, but the lighter and
darker scales are broken up into small patches ; one is particularly well
marked, near base on dorsum, and surrounding the large dot of black
raised scales.
The general appearance of all specimens is much the same, these
differences only becoming prominent through alens. Alar exp., 17 to 19
This species is close to the European Ac/eris aspersana, Hbn., but is
quite distinct, especially larger average size, pair of basal lines absent in
aspersana, and hind wings of latter are evenly smoky fuscous, no lines or
Described from 23 specimens, 16 from Kaslo, B. C., collected by Dr.
Dyar, also bred by him on rose, and 6 specimens collected by Dr. Taylor
and one by Theo. Bryant in the vicinity of Wellington and Victoria, B. C.
I have also seen one specimen in the Museum of Comp. Anat., Cambridge,
labelled ‘“ B. C.,”.and I have so named it after British Columbia.
Larva taken July 21. Moths emerged and dates of capture, July 31
(Bryant), Aug. 20 (Taylor), and Sept. 5 (Dyar).
U.S. Nat. Mus. Type No. 7784.
Acleris fragariana, sp. nov.—Head and palpi dull smoky black, tips
of scales gray, giving a mottled appearance, prothoracic legs and under
side of thorax the same; the gray colour predominates on inside and
under side of palpi. Thorax, patagia and fore wings yellowish brown.
Scales on thorax long, arranged in a well-defined tuft. Fore wing: the
inner half, including the base, is of ground colour, mottled by four evenly
spaced, transverse, narrow, interrupted bands of a shade darker brown.
The dorsal margin, within this space, beginning just beyond the base, is
overlaid with dark blue-gray scales, formed into short vertical bars,
between the bars the ground colour is darker brown. This dorsal band
extends out to anal angle, but merges beyond the middle with the darker
outer half. The latter is sharply defined by line beginning on costa, just
before the middle to the dorsum, oblique and curving slightly outwards.
The lower two-thirds of this line is of darker brown raised scales. Adjoin-
ing this line outwardly is a band of mixed rust brown, gray-blue and dark
brown scales ; in this band, where it touches costa, are two small dark
brown costal spots ; this oblique band continues down and merges into
dorsal dark band; beyond this band on the costa is a small triangular
patch of ground colour scales, with a short oblique streak of dark brown
on costa just before outer end of patch. Beyond this on costa, and just
before the apex, is an almost circular patch of dark gray-blue scales,
bounded by short raised scales tipped with black. Below this circular
patch the general colour is lighter, the lighter colour circling the patch on
outer side and running up to costa at apex. Beginning at apex and con-
tinuing to outer margin, just above anal angle, is a perfectly straight vertical
line of black raised scales, interrupted by a short break one-third below
costa ; and opposite this break. closer to outer margin, is a short line of
the same scales, slightly overlapping the inner line at the lower end, and
continuing up to apex, roughly margining the cilia. At the inner third:
just above dorsal margin, on lower median line, is a large cluster of raised
scales, dark brown mixed with black ; above this, a little nearer to base,
On median line, is a small cluster of brown raised scales, with a black dot
in centre ; a third small cluster is between these two, but a little beyond
them. These three clusters are all on the inner yellowish-brown half of
wing, the first mentioned and largest resting on the dark dorsal band.
Cilia long, mottled light and dark brown at apex, with a scale or two of
black. This colour continues to middle of outer margin, where it gradually
merges into blue-gray, which latter colour is solid at and around anal
angle. A faint line of this gray runs up through centre of cilia to apex.
Hind wing shining light fuscous, cilia same. Under side fore wing: inner
half pale yellowish brown, lighter than upper surface ; outer half light lead
colour, a dark brown, short, oblique dash on costa at inner fourth, and a
small black dot at middle of costa. Apical portion of under side and cilia
mottled with brown, and the colour of the raised scales of upper side are
repeated. Under side hind wing very light fuscous, marked by a few
brownish black broken lines, paralleling outer margin, in apical and costal
regions. These lines are faintly visible from the upper side. Abdomen:
above shining fuscous, anal tuft faintly tinged with brown; under side
same, but a shade darker. Meso- and metathoracic legs dark gray on
upper joints ; outer cinereous, annulated with dark brown. Alar exp.,
14 tO 15 mm.
Described from four specimens, bred on strawberry, at Ellensburgh,
Wash.; forwarded by S. W. Maxey, through F. H. Chittenden. Issued
Aug. 22.
U.S. Nat. Mus. Type No. 7785.
Commophila fuscodorsana, sp. nov.—Head white, shaded with brown
on the sides. Paipi and thorax white. Fore wing pure white, except
basal patch and band on dorsal margin, nearly one-third width of wing,
extending two-thirds length of wing, and at outer end merging into a patch
covering lower end of cell, greenish fuscous ; overlaid along dorsal margin
with striations of pearly white. On the extreme dorsal edge the fuscous
is interrupted by a row of pure white dots. At apex are two short rounded
lines of dark greenish fuscous, one margining the cilia and one paralleling
it just before apex, both touching costa. On the costa at middle of wing
are two pale greenish dots, below these a shade of light yellow, running
into or forming a continuation of the fuscous patch terminating the dorsal
band. The faint vertical streaks of very pale greenish fuscous traverse
the white outer third between the dorsal fuscous patch and apical lines.
Cilia white, except at apex, fuscous. Hind wing light fuscous, cilia paler.
Under side fore wing smoky fuscous, darker at apex; hind wing light
fuscous. Abdomen yellowish fuscous, anal tuft lighter, legs same. Alar
exp., 18 mm.
Described from two ¢ ¢, one Kaslo, B. C., June 74 ju Ws ‘Cockle;
one Fieldbrook, Cal., May 21, H. S. Qarber.
Type, U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 7876.
The crickets, or Gryllidz, like the other families of Orthoptera, have
received so little attention from Canadian entomologists that very few
species have been reported from the country, and most of these few records
are of little value, as they were made at a time when the family had been
little studied, and the species were ill defined. Much has been done of
late, however, by American entomologists, notably Scudder and Blatchley,
to unravel these difficulties, although the family is still a very difficult one
to deal with, and much patience and close observation is necessary in
order to separate the species satisfactorily. As the writer has paid a good
deal of attention to the Orthoptera for the past ten years, a number of
species of crickets have been added to the Ontario fauna, and the following
notes upon these species may serve as a guide to the further and more
complete investigation of the species of Gryllide in this part of the country.
Briefly, the Gryllidee may be characterized as follows: They are
jumping Orthoptera, in which the body is more or less depressed. The
wing-covers lie flat upon the dorsal surface of the body, with the outer part
bent abruptly downwards at the sides. The tarsi are 3-jointed, without
pads between them, and the fore coxe are longer than broad. The antennz
are usually long and filiform; the hearing organ, when present, is situated
at the base of the fore tibize, and the shrilling organ of the male is near
the base of the tegmen, and is longer and broader than in the Locustide.
The ovipositor when exposed is long and spear-like, and apparently
consists of two lateral pieces, grooved internally. Each of these pieces,
however, is made up of two separate parts closely fitted together. A tube
is thus formed, down which the eggs are passed during oviposition.
Three subfamilies of Gryllide are represented in Ontario, the Gryl-
lotalpinee or mole crickets, the Grylline or ground crickets, and the
(Ecanthine or tree crickets. These subfamilies may be separated by the
following table, which, with the succeeding ones, has been taken from
Blatchley’s excellent report on the Orthoptera of Indiana (27th Ann, Rep.
Dep. Geol. Res. Ind., 1902), such changes having been made as were
necessary to adapt them to the Ontario fauna. I am also indebted to Mr.
Blatchley for the loan of specimens,,and for his kind assistance to me in
the determination of difficult species.
Subfamilies of Ontario Gryllidee.
a. Fore tibie enlarged, fitted for digging; female without exposed
ovipositor (Mole and Sand Crickets) .............. Gryllotalpine.
aa. Fore tibiz not enlarged; female with well-developed external ovipositor.
b. Hind tibiz rather stout, armed with stout spines, without teeth
between them (Ground Crickets)..............Grylline.
bb. Hind tibiz slender, armed with delicate spines, with minute
teeth between them (Tree Crickets)..........C%canthine.
Two genera are represented in Ontario, each witha single species.
1. GRYLLOTALPA BOREALIS, Burm. ‘The Northern Mole-Cricket.
G. borealis, Burm. Handbuch der Ent., II., 1838, 740.
G. brevipennis, Serv. Hist. Nat. des Ins., 1839, 368.
G. columbia, Scudd. Mem. Peabody Acad. Sc., 1, 1869, 26.
This insect cannot be mistaken for any other Canadian species. It is
a large seal-brown insect, about 30 mm. long, with enormously dilated fore
femora and tibiz, the latter with the tarsi forming a sort of hand very like
the fore foot of a mole in appearance, and similarly adapted for burrowing.
The hind legs are short and not fitted for jumping, and this alone serves
to distinguish it from all our other Gryllidz.
This species has been taken at Leamington, Essex Co. (Fletcher, An.
Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1892, 87), but as I have never met with it in the field,
I have nothing to add to the published accounts of its habits. These have
been dealt with in a very interesting manner by Dr. Fletcher, under the
above reference, and also by Blatchley in his recent work on the Orthop-
tera of Indiana.
2. TRIDACTYLUS APICALIS, Say. The larger Sand Cricket.
T. apicalis, Say. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., IV., 1825, 310.
Xya mixtus, Hold. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., VI, 1853, 364.
Length of body, 9.5 mm. ; pronotum, 1.75 mm.; tegmen, 2.7 mm. ;
hind femur, 4.5 mm.
This little insect much resembles a diminutive mole-cricket in appear-
ance, but differs in having greatly swollen hind femora, and in the fore
tibia, which are much less expanded, and bear three or four spines at the
apex. The antennz are extremely short for a cricket, being shorter than
the pronotum. ‘The tegmina cover about half the abdomen, and the wings
project slightly beyond the tip of the abdomen.
I first came across this interesting little cricket on Sept. 21, 1895,
when I found two specimens on the borders of a small pool near the
Humber River. The pool was on sandy soil, and supported a large num-
ber of aquatic insects and other animals. Since then I have taken it at
several different localities near Toronto, usually on the sandy margins of
streams. On June 25, 1go1, I found it in considerable numbers on a
certain part of the margin of a small stream near York Mills, Ont.,a few
miles north of Toronto. Here they were to be found upon the damp sand
a few yards from the water’s edge, and when approached would leap
vigorously. They never flew more than a few yards, however, and were
fairly easily ‘marked down” on account of the bareness of the sand,
They were often seen peeping from their burrows, into which they would
immediately retreat on being approached.
The spot where these crickets were found extended only some 15 or
20 yards along the margin of the stream, and although the banks were
explored for half a mile or more, and many other spots of similar charac-
ter passed, no more specimens of the insect were seen.
(To be continued.)
The notes on “ Spring Methods of Zelea Polyphemus,” in the April,
1904, number of CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, Were very interesting, and
recalled to my mind a cocoon of this insect sent me from South Carolina
in 1899, securely fastened to a twig by a silk wrapping running up the
twig, after the same manner as cynthia and promethea. Among the
many cocoons of folyphemus taken in various parts of New Hampshire, I
never saw one suspended in this manner, and had hitherto supposed my
Carolina specimens to be entirely exceptional. Mr. Cockle’s suggestion,
that the habit of suspending the cocoon may have a relation to the
climatic conditions and be of advantage in regions where there is no
continuous snow-carpet in winter, may be found to hold true. It would
be interesting to hear from other localities on this question.
F. H. Foster, Claremont, N. H.
“ Lithobii from California and Oregon,” published in the Proc. Phil.
Acad. for 1903, page 152, a peculiar transposition of part of the key to
species occurs, this having been overlooked in the reading of the proof.
The two species, Aztecus and Chumasanus, in the key are placed in
division a, of,series A, with forms having the coxal pores in several rows.
As is evident from the statements in the key itself, and from the descrip-
tions of Chumasanus following it, these two species belong in series B,
division a, the coxal pores being in a single row, R. V, CHAMBERLIN,
Scarcely any two men who have studied the ZLycostde have
interpreted or defined the genera of the family wholly in the same way.
The purely relative nature of the characters most frequently used in
separating the species into genera leaves room for much diversity in
opinion and usage ; and, in consequence, it is not surprising to find that
genera used without question by one arachnologist are by others
unhesitatingly relegated to synonymy.
Various genera that have been proposed in this family are clearly
artificial, having been erected on single characters without reference to the
existence or non-existence of correlated differences. That is, the species in
such cases are grouped with a view to convenience rather than with the
intent to express generic relationship. There can be little doubt, however,
that some of the more commonly accepted genera represent in the main
natural associations of species, the difficulty here being encountered in
the choice of characters for definition and diagnosis.
It is true that Pardosa, for example, may promptly be recognized by
an experienced student of the group from the shape of the face and the
relations of the eyes of the first and second rows, but no statement of
their features has been given that does not become uncertain somewhere,
and restriction to them in study has led authors to the incorrect reference
of many species. The difference between Lycosa and Pardosa in the
armature of the furrows of the chelicerz, pointed out by Mr. Simon, will
also often not hold good. It is sometimes stated that in Pardosa and its
relatives the metatarsus is longer than the combined length of the tibia and
patella of the same leg, whereas in Lycosa, etc., the reverse is true, but
exceptions to this are not rare on either side ; and ‘so it is likewise with
other characters which might be selected singly.
The labium in its form and proportions affords characters of
considerable significance. It has been stated that the labium of Pardosa
and its close allies is nearly always wider than long, and that it is never
longer than wide, whereas in Zycosa it is always longer than wide. For
the use of this distinction very careful measurement is essential. The
value of the character I find to be increased and its use made safer by
considering in connection with it the shape and relative length of the
articulating notch or excavation at the base of the labium. In Pardosa
the notch is short, averaging one-fourth, or less, the total length of
the labium. In ZLycosa the excavation is relatively long, usually
one-third the total length of the labium. In P¢rata, in which the labium
is longer than wide, as in Zycosa, the notch is shorter than in either of the
two preceding genera, varying between one-fourth and one-fifth of the
length of labium, with the average toward the lesser limit.
It is my opinion, however, that the clearest and most definite
characters for limiting the more important genera of Lycoside are
presented in the structure of the copulatory organs, especially of the male,
although slight use has been made of them in such connection heretofore.
In a more extended paper, to appear later, I shall give a detailed treatment
of the structure and homologies of the reproductive organs in this family,
with application to the arrangement and classification of its American
members. Inthe present place are presented only a few notes on the
structure of copulatory organs in the commoner genera Lycosa, Pardosa
and /irata, although other genera might be used equally well so far as
concerns the validity of the points it is desired to make.
Van Hasselt*, who uses the ferm ‘‘ epigynum” as applying strictly
to the median piece or “ process” of the female genital plate, attempts to
establish with respect to its structure and functions in the Aranee several
theses, the more essential of which are certainly not true for the Zycoside.
Thus in no degree whatever in this family can the median body, when
such is present, have any mobility independent of the whole epigynum
** avec Crection in longuer et flexibilite latérale,’ and cannot be considered
“du moins fourtionellement comme analogue a Vovipositor de quelques
Lnsectes,’ such as could be used in arranging eggs ina cocoon, ‘The
median body here is simply a ridge-like elevation of the floor of the
depressed area of the plate.
In most cases at or near its posterior end the median ridge is
extended transversely on each side to the marginal walls, which they meet
immediately behind the openings of the receptacula. The ridge thus
divides the epigynal depression into two furrows or channels, each of
which leads to the opening of the receptaculum of the corresponding side.
Posteriorly the free ventral edges or the septal elevation and its transverse
arms are produced out horizontally to a varying distance over the lateral
channels, the median piece thus being in effect grooved along its sides.
Sometimes these plate-like extensions are very wide, and may cover over
most of the epigynum behind, as is the case in Pardosa Californica, Keys.
*Vid. ‘* L’Epigyne des Araignees Femelles,” Tids. v., Ent., Vol. 35 (1891-92),
pp. 87-121. Pls. 7-9.
The lateral plates are mostly thin and partially transparent, the result often
being an appearance confusing to one not understanding their structure,
especially so when the epigynum is examined in aliquid medium. Various
published drawings of epigyna represent the septum as narrowest at the
free surface and gradually broader and broader toward the base or dorsal
part in cases where the free edge in reality is widely extended horizontally
over the basal portion.
The function of the median body, or variously termed “ process,”
“ovipositor,” ‘ finger,” etc., seems clearly to be that of a guide to the male
embrolus, controlling the course of the latter and facilitating its entrance
to the spermatheca. Intimately associated with specific and generic
differences in the epigynum are naturally corresponding differences in the
male palpus. The unusual structure of epigynum in Lycosa pulchra,
Keys (—2., Kockiz, Keys, of Em., Banks, eéte., but nec. Keys; — 7.
Purcelli, Montg., the true Kochiz being a western species), is matched by
an equally, if not more, peculiar palpus in the male. The characteristic
epigyna of Z. ocreata, gracilis (=verisimilis, Montg.), d:/ineata and their
allies (group Schizogyna), are likewise associated with correspondingly
peculiar palpal organs.
The epigyna in the genus /ardosa agree in having the depressed
area relatively large and deep on each side adjacent to the opening of the
receptaculum, the depression anteriorly becoming narrower and shallower,
usually strongly so. The depression in front, in fact, is often but slightly
indicated, aithough ordinarily more developed at its extreme anterior end
than in the region immediately posterior to that part. The guide frequently
quite fades out in front of the middle, leaving the depression
anteriorly undivided (?. Zapidicina), and in other cases it is relatively but
weakly indicated in that region. Sometimes the depth and width of the
furrows increase very gradually from in front posteriorly, as they do in
P. nealota (an undescribed Texan species allied to Zétforadis), but leaving
the guide narrower anteriorly. In other forms the deeper posterior areas
or fovezee may be formed abruptly, as is very conspicuously the case, for
example, in /. stermadis and P. atra. he posterior fovee may be
relatively very large, with the shallower front region much reduced
(Groenlandica, brunnea) or relatively small (sternalis, atra). In
xerampelina, Keys (=tachypoda, Th., and Montana, Em., etc.) the
transverse arms of the guide are but weakly developed, and the median
septal part widens conspicuously anteriorly.
In Zycosa, conditions as to the median depression are nearly the
reverse of those found in Fardosa, the furrows being deepest and widest at
the front, and becoming shallower and narrower posteriorly in the region
of the spermathecal openings, ‘The narrowing of the furrows is produced
principally by the bulging inward of the side ridges of the epigynum, the
posterior face of the tubercle so produced usually being close to and
parallel, or nearly parallel, with the corresponding transverse arm of
the guide. Sometimes the lateral plates of the guide extend over the
narrowed channels behind in such a way as nearly completely to roof
them over. In most cases the tubercles are conspicuously more elevated
than the depressed posterior ends of the lateral ridges which embrace the
ends of the arms of the guide. The form of epigynum typical of the
genus is well presented in Z. hel/uo (nidicola, Em., etc.), riparia and
related species. From this form the epigyna of other species depart in
varying degrees.
The epigyna in the genus /riata, as also in the American species
(Junerea, evagata) of Tricca (Anocosa), present no distinct guide,
although they are sometimes weakly furrowed. In no case is any
transverse restraining ridge developed. The spermatheca practically
always open free each upon the inferior or the inner face of one of two
posteriorly-directed tubercles, between which is an open space or
excavation. The tubercles may be separated by a rather narrow space,
as in imsudaris and agilis (=wacondana, recently described by Mr.
Scheffer), may be more widely divergent, as in przatria, Cl. (Em.), or may
be scarcely evident, leaving the posterior margin of the epigynum nearly
straight, as in Montana. The Priata type of epigynum is very similar to
that of some Agalenide. The species described by Mr. Tullgreu, from
Florida, as Pardosa bilobata, which has an epigynum of this kind, is,
there seems scarcely room for doubt, a Pirata (probably ixsuZaris, Em.).*
The bulb of the male palpus consists of an upper lobe folded more
or less transversely upon a larger and more protruding basal division, in
which is contained all but the apical portion of the coiled semiferous tube.
The slender terminal portion of the tube passes forward into and opens
near the end of the intromittent organ, the emdo/us or style. The embolus
arises toward the upper and inner side, near the base of the anterior lobe,
and in rest lies more or less transversely across the bulb, either in a fold
of the apical lobe itself (as usual in Pardosa and Priata) or upon a special
fold developed along the front margin of the basal lobe (Zycosa). This
special fold, which may be termed the /ectus, in Lycosa is produced at the
end into a lobe of varying size, which normally bends forward at the
margin of the alveolus, and which supports during quiescence the
terminal portion of the embolus. This apical lobe or auricle may be long,
and may extend forward along the side of the conductor embolt, to be
nientioned later, even to the front margin of the alveolus, as it does in
L. ocreata, bilineata, etc.
= Vide) GA: Tullgreu, “Spiders collected in Florida by Dr. Einar Lounberg,” Vet.
Ahad., Handl., B. 27, Afd., IV., No. 1 (1902), p. 22, fig. 12.
(To be continued.)
Mailed May 7th, 1904.
ube € anatiay Entomologist.
Won <x VI. LONDON, JUNE, 1904. No. 6
Noctua dislocata, n. sp.—Ground colour bluish, ash-gray, marked
and more or less suffused with reddish. Head gray, tending to reddish
on the vertex ; palpi deep brown at the sides. Thorax mouse to fawn
gray or reddish, immaculate. Primaries in a general way are gray to the
middle of the wing and reddish beyond; but they may be an even
reddish-gray throughout. All the normal maculation is present, but not
contrasting. Basal line geminate ; but the outer line is obscure and only
the inner is dark brown and obvious. T. a. line narrow, brown, single,
preceded by a narrow paler line, just a little outcurved between the veins
and a little outcurved as a whole. T. p.line geminate, about parallel
with the outer margin ; the inner line narrow, brown, somewhat irregular,
tending to lunulate; the outer is obscure, more even and sometimes
marked only by the difference between the gray-included space and the
reddish brown s. t. space. S.t. line pale and a little irregular, as a whole
nearly parallel with the outer margin. A series of small dark terminal
lunules which may be obliterated. Median shade line starts from about
the middle of costa, darkens the space between the ordinary spots, then
runs from the bottom of the reniform close to and parallel with the t. p.
line to the inner margin. Asarule the terminal space is grayish, or, at
least, lighter in colour than the s. t. space. Claviform just indicated and
very small. Orbicular large, gray, oval, open to the costa, usually defined
by gray scales. Reniform of good size, kidney-shaped, incompletely
outlined and not relieved. Secondaries yellowish at base, smoky toward
outer margin, where a dusky terminal line relieves the reddish fringes.
The discal lunule and outer line of the under side are usually indicated
above. Beneath, smoky with a reddish tinge, which is best marked at
the margins, secondaries more yellowish except along costa ; both wings
with a dusky extra median line, secondaries with an obvious discal lunule.
Expands 1.25-1.40 inches = 31-35 mm.
Habitat,—Calgary, head of Pine Creek, in July, F. H. Wolley Dod.
Four ¢ and two 2 examples are at hand. The species resembles
Calgary at first sight, but differs in that the median shade line is
dislocated on the median vein and, instead of continuing an even course
across the wing, resumes it below the reniform and runs close to the t. p.
line. There are other superficial differences and the genitalic structure is
distinctive ; but the character just pointed out should enable the species
to be recognized.
Euxoa pestula, n. sp.—Ground colour a dull smoky luteous, more or
less powdered with bluish-gray, brown and black; but never so as to
obscure the luteous base. Head with a dark frontal and inter-antennal
line, the dark shade ranging from brown to black. Collar with a some-
what obscure brown or blackish median line, surmounted by a distinct or
even prominent gray line. Thorax not otherwise definitely marked.
Primaries with all the normal maculation well defined, though not promin-
ent, and in some examples there is a distinct ferruginous dot or spot at
the insertion of the costal margin of primaries. There is no basal dash or
mark below the median vein. Basal line distinctly geminate, blackish,
included space a little paler than the ground. T. a. line geminate,
blackish, a little outcurved in the interspaces and, as a whole, a little
outwardly oblique. Included space of the ground colour or a little paler.
T. p. line geminate, not very well defined, inner portion more or less
lunulate, outer more even and tending to form a series of venular points.
As a whole, abruptly bent on the costa, outcurved over the reniform and
then nearly parallel with outer margin. S. t. line pale, a little irregular,
preceded by a dusky costal patch and an ill-defined dusky shading, fol-
lowed by a terminal space, which is darker, except at apex. Median shade
line distinct, though scarcely prominent. It is single, starts from costa
between the ordinary spots, bends to the base of the reniform, then runs
parallel with and close to the t. p. line. Claviform rather small, outlined
in dark scales, not otherwise contrasting. Orbicular oval, oblique, open
to the costa, gray-filled, not otherwise well defined. Reniform large, only
a little lighter than ground ; kidney-shaped, tending to a pale annulus.
Secondaries yellowish at base, smoky toward the outer margins. Fringes
white, or whitish with a dusky interline. Beneath smoky, secondaries
paler and more powdery, both wings with an incomplete outer line and a
small discal spot.
Expanse, 1.25-1.50 Inches = 31-37 mm.
Hfabitat.—Calgary, Alberta, July, August and September, F. H.
Wolley Dod.
Twenty examples, representing both sexes in almost equal numbers.
The relationship is to messoria because of the obvious median line ; but
also to ¢essed/ata because the space between the ordinary spots is darkened.
It is one of the group containing inucubita, terrenus and pleuritica ;
differing from each as much as they do from each other.
Mamestra obesula, n. sp.—Ground colour a somewhat luteous gray,
more or less shaded with reddish gray and smoky brown. Head with
brown or blackish frontal line; collar with median and subapical black
lines ; patagia with black or brown submarginal line; disc a little
discoloured, tufts well marked. Primaries with all the ordinary markings
well defined, but so broken and shaded as to seem confused. Basal line
black, geminate, included space pale, dislocated on the median vein.
T. a. line geminate, black, the two portions almost equally defined,
included space of the palest ground; as a whole a slight outcurve, only
a little indented on the veins. TT. p. line geminate, obscure, inner portion
a little lunulate, outer almost even ; as a whole it is abruptly bent on the
costa, a little curved over the reniform and somewhat drawn in below.
There is a narrow, obscure, median shade line which crosses obliquely
between the ordinary spots and afterwards continues from the bottom of
reniform, close to the t. p. line. S. t. line pale, somewhat contrasting,
preceded by sagittate black spots, strongly indented on veins 3 and 4 and
again below the apex, forming in the first case a conspicuous, pale W.
A series of black terminal lunules. The long fringes are interlined, a
little notched, cut with whitish opposite the veins. Claviform rather
broad and short, black margined, filled with smoky, forming a conspicuous
feature. Orbicular round or oval, oblique, pale ringed, dark centred, an
oblique paler shading, continued behind the claviform to the t. p. line.
Reniform large, upright, a little drawn in centrally, more so from outside,
narrowly pale ringed, dusky-filled. Secondaries pale yellowish to a
broad blackish margin. There is a smoky discal lunule, a narrow smoky
line before the broad margin, and the fringes are yellowish. Beneath,
reddish gray, powdery, each wing with a blackish discal mark, a smoky
median line, a dusky s. t. shading before a pale terminal space, and a
series of small terminal lunules.
Expands 1.20—1.32 inches = 30-34 mm.
Ffabitat.—Calgary, Alberta, head of Pine Creek, July 20, 22, and
August 5, F. H. Wolley Dod; Denver, Colorado, July 8.
One ¢ and three ? 9 are now before me. The species is in a way
intermediate between 47. Farnhami and M. trifolii, having the colour
contrasts of the former, with the build and maculation of the latter. The
specimen from Denver has been doubtfully associated with Farnhami
for some years ; but until I received specimens from Calgary I did not
feel safe in determining it as distinct.
Mamestra Dodii, n. sp.—Ground colour lilac-gray, more or less
suffused with reddish brown. Head concolorous. Collar with a more or
less obvious brown median line. Thorax almost fawn-gray, not obviously
maculate. Primaries in a general way are gray in the basal and s. t.
spaces, and at the apex ; reddish or brown along the costa and in the
median space, the darkest portion between veins 1 and 2 and over the
claviform ; but no two examples are alike in the relative distribution of
the shadings. Basal line obscure, gray, not defined by darker lines. T. a.
line geminate, defining lines narrow, included space gray ; outcurved in
the interspaces and outwardly oblique. ‘T. p. iine gray, defined by the
dark median space and by a following dusky shading. S. t. line pale,
forming a small WV on veins 3 and 4, preceded by a brown line or shade,
sometimes entire, sometimes broken up into spots. Terminal space
narrow, brown except at apex. A narrow, brown terminal line, The
long brown fringes are cut with gray on the veins. Claviform black
marked, broad at base, narrowed to a point near, but not quite at the t. p.
line. Orbicular oblique, varying in size and in the ground; always at
least gray and sometimes contrasting ; sending an oblique gray shade
across the median space above the claviform. Reniform upright, of
moderate size, a little constricted, not well defined, reddish marked in
upper portion. Secondaries pale smoky yellowish, with a diffuse, broad
outer margin, yellowish fringes and a smoky discal lunule. Beneath,
smoky to yellowish-gray, powdery, all wings with a discal lunule and an
outer shade band, which is diffused and variable in the specimens.
Expands 1.25-1.50 inches = 31-37 mm.
Habitat.—Calgary, Alberta, head of Pine Creek, June 21, 22, 27,
July 4 and 7; mouth of Fish Creek, July 7, Mr. Dod; Bullion Park,
Colorado, July 27.
Seven males and one female are at hand, no two alike, yet obviously
one species, resembling Zacoma and rugosa. I had, in fact, considered
the species to be a form of rugosa; but Sir George Hampson, to whom
specimens were sent, declared this to be an error. Mr. Dod thereupon
kindly sent additional material, and I secured typical rugosa from Maine
and New Brunswick for comparison. The result is this description,
which I believe characterizes as good a species as any in the genus.
Rugosa is a smaller, less irrorate, more sharply-defined species, with
ordinary spots of different form, s. t. line hardly indented, costal region
gray, and colour of secondaries more decidedly yellow.
Mamestra acutermina, n. sp.—Related to Goodelli in general
characters ; but is smaller, darker, the maculation barely traceable, the
apex of the primaries distinctly better marked. Of the seven specimens
before me, two have no relieved maculation at all, though the general
ornamentation may be made out by careful scrutiny ; three others have a
little black mark at the end of the claviform, and in these it is sowewhat
easier to determine the general markings. In the other two the ordinary
spots are partly outlined by black scales, and the remainder of the
ornamentation may be readily made out.
Expands 1.20-1.30 inches = 30-32.5 mm.
Habitat.—Calgary, Alberta, July 9, head of Pine Creek, Mr. Dod ;
Cartwright, Manitoba, Mr. Heath; Wellington, Brit. Col., July 17,
August 24, Mr. Bryant ; Volga, South Dakota, Mr. Truman.
Five males and two females. One male measures 1.20, another 1.30
inches ; all of the others measure 1.25 inches. An equal number of
Goodelli range from 1.35 to 1.50 inches ; 1.40 being about the usual size.
Orthosia verberata, n. sp.—Ground colour varies from dull grayish
~ to reddish luteous. _Head and thorax immaculate. Primaries with all
the maculation defined ; s. t. space a little the darkest part of the wing,
but not strongly contrasting. Basal line single, smoky, nearly upright.
T. a. line single, narrow, smoky, outwardly angulate on costal, inwardly
on median vein, outcurved in the submedian interspace and well bent out
below the internal vein. ‘Tp. line geminate, the inner part narrow,
smoky, linear, the outer merely a darkening of the s.t. space, even in
course, outcurved over cell, a little incurved below. S. t. line outwardly
diffused, irregular, pale, preceded by a distinct reddish shade. There is a
series of small, smoky terminal lunules. Median shade diffuse, smoky,
outwardly bent between the ordinary spots so as to darken the reniform
inferiorly, then bent inward and darkening the outer third of median space.
Orbicular round or nearly so, concolorous, defined by a narrow smoky
ring. Reniform moderate in size, kidney-shaped, outlined in brown,
concolorous, except for the leaden-gray lower end. Claviform incom-
pletely outlined by reddish scales, concolorous, reaches to the median
shade, but is scarcely traceable in some examples. Secondaries with the
disc smoky, costal margin broadly, the others narrowly yellowish or
reddish. Beneath, yellowish to reddish, a little powdery, with a discal
lunule and an outer smoky line on each wing.
Expands 1.35-1.50 inches = 34-38 mm.
ffabitat.—Calgary, Alberta, head of Pine Creek, at treacle,
September 17, 23 and 27, Mr. Dod.
Two males and two females, in good condition. Both the males
expand about 34 mm. and both the females about 38 mm.; but this
proportion may not hold. The species is allied to ferruginoides, and is
one of several new forms worked out in the course of a revision of the
genus which is now in progress.
Cucullia indicta, n. sp.—Ground colour bluish-gray, all the
maculation vague. Head darker, smoky brown. Collar smoky at base
and with a blackish median line. Disc of the thorax smoky behind the
tuft; but this is not contrasting. Dorsal tufts of the abdomen smoky.
Primaries almost concolorous. ‘TT. a. line barely traceable, with the usual
long teeth. TT. p. line marked by a geminate curved line in the sub-
median interspace. This is followed by a pale line and bya more
obvious blackish-brown line, which extends along below vein 2 to the outer
margin. There is a broken, blackish terminal line. The ordinary spots
are as in fostera, but barely traceable. Secondaries dull yellowish-white
at base, smoky toward the outer margin and with a white fringe. Beneath,
dark smoky, disc of secondaries whitish, else immaculate.
Expands 1.80-2.08 inches = 45-52 mm.
Habitat.—Calgary, Alberta, South Fork of Sheep Creek, July 12,
29, F. H. Wolley Dod.
One male and one female, the latter much the larger. I have alsoa
2 from Colorado which may be this species, but is not good enough to
make the matter certain. The relation is with Jostera, but all the brown
has disappeared, and the maculation is almost gone with it.
Near Monument Creek, Colorado Springs, my wife and I recently
came across an undetermined species of Artemisia, about three feet high,
bearing many Cecidomyiid galls. The flies emerged from these galls on
April 2, and, as the species is new, it is herewith described :
Diplosis Coloradella, n. sp.—¢. Length hardly 2 mm. Head
black ; thorax black, reddish posteriorly, mesothorax with rows of black
bristles ; legs reddish-brown, suffused with dusky; abdomen narrow,
reddish passing into yellowish, with long lateral hairs, genitalia darker,
terminal joint of forceps stout; wings with a very long fringe ; first vein
reaching costa about or very slightly below middle of wing ; third vein
reaching the margin at the apex of the wing, but the apex is subtruncate,
rather bulging below, so that the most distal point seems a little below
the end of the vein; fifth vein forked beyond its middle, but its distal
half reduced to mere shadowy lines; antennz reddish, 15 (2+ 13) jointed,
joints cylindrical, slightly constricted in the middle, pedicillate with very
long hairs, terminal joint subacuminate. The antennal joints are like
those figured by Coquillett of D. vzo/tcola.
?.—Head black; thorax and abdomen dull crimson, dorsum of
thorax usually blackish or black, sides and apex of abdomen more or less
variegated with pale yellowish ; ovipositor when exserted scarcely two-
thirds length of abdomen ; antenne 15 (2+13) jointed, in one example
2+12 only, joints nearly sessile.
Pupa-shell white, fuscous anteriorly. Larva bright orange.
Gall a deformed flower-head, about ro mm. long, and 5 to 6 broad,
covered by the greatly enlarged involucral bracts, which are smooth and
vary from reddish to yellowish outwardly, but on the inner side are clothed
with white hair. The flies emerge from between these bracts.
The Artemisia mealy-bug, Erium lichtenstoides (Ckll.), proves to be
extremely abundant at Colorado Springs.
Rhabdophaga Fortere, n. sp.—Gal/—A slight irregular smooth
swelling of a very small red willow-twig. The gall may be only about
2 mm. long, with a single cell, or 6 or 7mm, with half a dozen or more
larve ; it is in all cases inconspicuous, like a small gouty swelling of the
Pupa.—The pupa-shell is white, the thoracic parts not appreciably
darkened, but there are two long reddish-brown cephalic spines, precisely
as in R. saliciperda, Duf.
Imago.—Unfortunately, the only available flies are shrivelled and
broken. They are similar to R. saliciperda, with the same produced
ovipositor. Thorax rather dark gray-brown, scutellum prominent and
pallid; abdomen yellowish brown; ovipositor clear light ferruginous.
Legs pale brown. Venation about as in 2. saliciperda. Length about 2 mm.
Hfab.—Near Las Vegas, New Mexico, January 31. (Wilmatte
Porter and Mary Cooper.) ‘The gall is apparently nearest to Cecidamyia
salicis-hordeoides, Walsh, among the American species.
Cecidomyia perosculta, n. sp.— Gal/._—The insects form no true galls,
but live in numbers under the bark of willow stems, the adults hatching
about the middle of April.
fupa,—Pupa-shell colourless; base of antenne light brown; no
cephalic spines.
Imago.— ¢. Length about 3 mm. Black; scutellum dark red,
abdomen faintly reddish ; legs dark brown, tarsi more reddish ; insect
with abundant long dark hairs ; sides of abdominal segments with large
piliferous tubercles ; thorax slightly shining, with two longitudinal velvety-
black bands; knobs of halteres black or almost so; eyes united on
vertex ; forceps stout ; antennze moniliform, 2+ 18-jointed, with nearly
globular stalked joints bearing single whorls of very long hairs ; apical
joint with a small terminal knob ; wings ample, lower margin with a strong
fringe; first vein terminating about middle of costa; no cross-vein
between first and third; third distinct from the base, strong, bent down-
wards at end, but terminating before the most distal point of wing ;
median fold distinct ; fifth vein colourless, forked near or rather beyond
the middle.
Hab.—Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1904.
to see on the roth of May a worn specimen of Avnosia plexippus (Danats
archippus ) flying about at the corner of Yonge and Bloor streets, Toronto.
{t alighted on the street close to my feet, and I could easily have secured
it if I had had a net with me. The preceding three or four days were
very warm, which may account for its coming north so early.—J. B.
The species here treated belong to genera previously “lumped ”
under Andrena.
Three submarginal cells.
? with joint 3 of the antennz shorter than 4 and 5; ¢ with joint 3
shorter than 5, rarely as long as 4; sculpture in both sexes with few
exceptions coarse, enclosure usually ridged, depressions of abdominal
segment usually sharply defined; 9 witha A oa tibial
scopa . SERS Merona he: Laren . Zrachandrena.
? with coint 3 as long as or . Indes ‘en 4 anae: 5; 3 with joint 3
longer than 4.
Tibial scopa of 9 simple................Amdrena or Opandrena.
g. Clypeus or face without yellow marks ; joint 3 not longer
thahigarandssi ay a D ahictathehs ceeia cia be eae Renee
d. Clypeus or fee with cllomt marks sie cetaee s e Opandrena.
Tibial scopa of ¢ plumose.
Tibial scopa thin, thinly plumose; ¢ without yellowish face
marks; joint 3 longer than 4 and s, cheek with a rounded
Ped (MEAP Prarie ‘ sua\sleh aati ene LOLEM AL CHG:
Tibial scopa dense, densely anbescents ft the same
as § Opandrena.. Ae Pa Rey . Pterandrena.
Two submarginal cells in both sexes ; 3 pak ollotish ace
marks. «(Ree j : Abinialviaecap vel t EF AR O7ERG:
For etal of the new species sof aide pista, see welanGeatce of
North American species, which will appear in Transactions American
Entomological Society, Phila.
Second dorsal segment depressed about one-third............ . crate.
Second dorsal segment a more than half, but not more than
two-thirds: .. 5) . ae ; ,
Second dorsal segment Biciessed’ two- end or more.
. Abdomen wzthout distinct whitish fascie .... ee
Abdomen with distinct whitish fascie at least tateraligy
wm wn
. Anal fimbria pale ochreous.
Dorsulum rugose, not distinctly punctured ...........amphibola.
Dorsulum partly rugulose, but with distinct punctures... .zzdotata.
Anal fimbria dusky dark brown or black.
Sculpture of the elevated portion of abdominal segments dense,
dullish. Je RG bin SEO ES
Sculpture a wise Bartion 5 abdominal: segments not dense,
Shiming « ....\°. aiiae sR eas eer Stat, ks Naa oie ea a
Face and pleura mith, bkick dca bid aaewemirae. 5 nS. « Vesey Re cupreotincta.
Face and pleura with ochreous hairs.................ochreopleura.
Hats; on dorsulum thick... 2. 2c at ease ie Gul le pOReSRIrea.
Hairs on dorsulum thin.
Abdomen coarsely punctured, metathorax coarsely
sculptured . rit © : a a . .perdensa.
Abdomen Amel unetired scuilptnte af miseathiiin not
OaTsE b..t 2.6 n Sa RSs she eiRteahie ek eee ees
yy. Panesanceg on fice ucwieae ee seardatis sof abaoren shining,
punctures well separated, as are the strize of the area on
metathorax . ea ae) Stench iis = aoe ane oheeeimeye eter eat Mem iD
Pubescence on > doxstan Ghich: re <cetien of sd dion dull,
punctures close together, as are the striz of the area on
MEUATIOT AR) ce 4) J. cults po eee te ARLE DER Me ee Pe limarea.
Anterior half of dorsulum with distinctly contiguous punctures ;
usually dull. ga stomeinn eats MeeneeeeR i be Sey a cane aie pobre te Sigh
Anterior half of Aprsnle with Ca alnires peated usually
shininipiss .saekaissee .<. os : eimaldin (126.
Dorsulum seer ; first cecineit ey someeunmedle Gowen half of
frontal fovea broader than the adjoining shining space ; tibie and
tarsi of posterior legs, tarsi of anterior and middle legs pale
honey colour ‘or neatly < .)..,..-' en sles nia > » Aer os ees
Anterior half of dorsulum dull.
A sharp demarcation between enclosure and adjoining area at the
sides ; dorsulum rather dull. See .. salicifioris.
No sharp demarcation between cnnlbeite and Ecjaining area at the
sides ; dorsulum rather shining................sadicifioris var.
Distinctly separated punctures scarce or absent on dorsulum.
Dorsulum rugose; abdomen blues .c5 -.| Se os - + smo. se eeeDaOra,
Dorsulum not rugose ; abdomen black. igi nies wa inne SY
Distinctly separated punctures numerous on n dorsulum . te ieee 4 TO:
g. Anal fimbria dark brown; wings dark ;. abdomen globose. fuscicauda.
Anal fimbria bright golden ; wings pale.
Punctures on dorsulum numerous, close Cee: abdomen
depressed . J Ceee aac eeereta Bei a ee . auricauda.
Punctures on aorsalurn very sparse ; abdotien more
globose vais. sted mi eSaistte: shu ote cs oe os SR « ¢ ol o HERIOT:
10. Abdomen not densely punctured.
Pubescence white ; stigma black ................ semipunctata.
Pubescence ochreous ; stigma pale.................striatifrons.
Second dorsal segment depressed about one-third, sixth ventral segment
with reflexed angles. sles : te: .crateg,
Second dorsal segment depressed more Shed one- e-third, ‘Bat not as much
as half.. Sn EN ER CRN FES cares fi Str RRR ER Sater Hubei laa iN AT
¥., Ridges of the area prominent, very coarse ...... ....0. 2s 0. + -n neds
Ridges of the area not prominent, rather smooth.................2.
2. Abdomen distinctly fasciate.
Dorsulum distinctly punctured ; pubescence yellowish to bright
RIBERA, 2 yes Soy eee A AU iad 9 ..Salicifioris, var. a.
Dorsulum fridievinctty bie cniret- utegodatse stile: . .semipunctata.
Abdomen, indistinetly fscrte so 2. ba perry re var. b.
3. Abdomen ee fasciate, enclosure large, with numerous
strive . ee ss MeheS TEE ane
Enclosire: saan with fig striz . Bade oe shat aote oe SEPECULOL ISa WAL. Ch
Abdomen indistinctly fasciate.
Distinct punctures numerous on anterior halt of dorsulum. . . zdofata.
Distinct punctures absent on anterior half of dorsulum... .. limarea.
Trachandrena crategi, Robt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. Phil., XX., p. 223.
Corvallis, Oregon, 6th May, 1899; 8th, goth, roth June, 1898
(Cordley). Washington.
Trachandrena amphibola, n. sp.
? 12mm. Pubescence whitish, foveze with brownish pubescence.
g about the same size, colour and general appearance of @?,
antenne dull.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon; type Coll. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.*
*It is believed that the types will eventually go to this institution.
Corvallis, Or., 8th November (Cordley.) Washington.
Trachandrena indotata, 0. sp.
2 11mm. Pubescence short and white, not abundant, that in the
foveze also white; ¢ smaller, similar ; antennz dull.
Type locality: Corvallis, Oregon. Type Coll. Acad. Nat. Sci.,
Corvallis, Or., 5th June, 1897; 8th, zoth, 25th May, 1898; 2nd June,
1899 (Cordley).
Lrachandrena cupreotincta, Ckll., Can. Ent., XX XIIL., p. 153.
Type locality: Skokomish River, Washington. Type U. S. Nat.
Mus., Washington, D. C.
Skokomish River, Wash., 26th April, 1892 (T. Kincaid).
Trachandrena ochreopleura, n. sp.
Same size as the preceding, of which it may be only a variety.
Type locality: Skokomish River, Washington. Type U. S. Nat.
Migs. Wiashe, 7G.
Skokomish River, Washington, rst May, 1892 (T. Kincaid).
Trachandrena crassthirta, n. sp.
@ 12mm. ‘The nearly black appearance of abdomen, the brownish
pubescence in the fovea, and, moreover, the short, thick, brown hair on
dorsulum, make this a very distinct species.
Type locality : Washington? Type Univ. Nebr., Lincoln, Nebr.
One specimen presumably from Washington.
Trachandrena perdensa, n. sp.
? 11mm. Pubescence of thorax and fovee whitish.
Type locality: Victoria, British Columbia. Type Acad. Nat. Sci.,
Victoria, B. C., 22nd July, 1902.
Trachandrena hadra, n. sp.
@ 10 mm. Thorax and fovee with pale yellowish pubescence ;
abdomen nearly entirely black ; base of scopa black.
Type locality: Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Trachandrena limarea, 0. sp.
9 10mm. Superficially like the preceding, but not so dark, pubes-
cence more abundant.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat Sci., Phila.
Corvallis, Or., roth June, 1896 (Cordley) ; Vancouver Is. (50).
Trachendrena hippotes, Robt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Phila., XXII., p. 120.
Corvallis, Or., rst June, 1896; 21st May, 1899 (Cordley); Wash-
This may be the same as miranda, Sm., but the ¢ described by
Smith does not resemble the g of 2ippotes.
LTrachandrena salicifioris, Ck\l., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1897, p. 351.
Olympia, Wash., 4th April, 9th May, at willow blossoms (T. Kin-
caid). Seattle, Wash., 21st April, 1895, on gooseberry (Lot 214). Corvallis,
Or., 22nd April, 24th April, 30th May, 1898; 23rd, 24th May, 1899; 2nd,
3rd June, 1899 (Cordley). Livingston, Vancouver, 5th, 17th, roth, 25th
May, 1896. Wellington, B. C., 15th April, 1903 (Harvey).
Trachandrena cleodora, 0. sp.
Q aboutrt mm. A very distinct species, being the only Zrachan-
drena known with blue abdomen.
Type locality : Mt. Hood, Oregon.’ Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Mt. Hood, Oregon.
Trachandrena fuscicauda, 0. sp.
2 about ro mm. Its dark colour, dense thoracic sculpture and pale
fovee make this a distinct species.
Type locality: Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Trachandrena auricauda, n. sp.
? about 10 mm., sculptured much like the preceding, from which its
can be at once separated by the golden anal fimbria.
Type locality: Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Trachandrena pernuda, 0. sp. !
? about ro mm. Superficially this resembles sa/zczfloris.
Type locality: Pullman, Washington. Type Univ. of Nebraska.
Pullman, Washington (C. V. Piper).
Trachandrena semipunctata, Ckll., Ann. Mag. N. H., 9 (7), p. 102.
Seattle, Wash., 5th April, 1896 (T. Kincaid).
Trachandrena striatifrons, Ckll., Entom., 1897, p. 308.
Olympia, Wash., 19th April, 1894 (T. Kincaid) ; Victoria, B. C.
By arecent article in this Journal giving the life-history of Sadulodes
arcasaria, Walk., Dr. Otto Seifert demonstrates the need of careful study
of some of our species of Geometride. A similar case has come under my
notice. In June, 1896, I gathered in beating ten rough-looking
mahogony-red larve from a small group of oaks (Quercus nigra). . They
were exactly alike in form and colour, and apparently well-grown, so I
carried them home, supposing taey would quickly mature. They had no
thought of it. Most of the time they spent in a state of rigid extension,
at an angle from the twig they stood upon, feeding only at night and
eating very little at one time. About Aug. 16th they began to spin long
web filaments over the food-plant, and finally disappeared under the loose
leaves and chips on the surface of the earth in their box, where they spun
very slight cocoons of webbing, sometimes none at all, and transformed to
pup. These produced the imagoes from Sept. 2nd to 6th, four maies and
four females. Of the latter, three have the large black spot on the inner
angle of the primaries, a characteristic marking of the species, and one is
without it. I placed them in my collection, therefore, over the name
Metanema quercivoraria, Guen. Recently I had occasion to study more
carefully my Geometride, with the intention of arranging them in accord
with Dr. Hulst’s revision and Dr. Dyar’s “ List.” Much to my surprise, I
found my males were excellent examples of AZetanema textrinaria, G,
& R., while the females were guercivoraria, Guen., as I had named them.
The pattern of markings on the upper side of these two sexes of one
species, as I am now compelled to regard them, is quite unlike, but on
the under side the colour, lines and markings are similar, and it is curious
this was not noticed before. Although ¢ext¢rinarta was described from a
male specimen by Grote and Robinson (Ann. N. Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist., V.,
VIII., p. 449), it was omitted from Grote’s “Check List” of 1882,
perhaps because he had detected this relationship, though I can find no
proof in his writings to that effect. Zextrinaria, G. & R., becomes, then,
a synonym of guercivoraria, Guence.
[The above communication was received before the publication of
Mr. Taylor’s query in the May number respecting this species, but after
the article was in type ; the coincidence is interesting.—Ep. CE. ]
The Ray Spiders live a retired life along the banks of some creek,
where overhanging bushes and projecting rocks afford the gloom which
they seem to seek. In such locations, especially in the dark recesses
under clusters of roots, we- may
look for their cocoons in .mid-
summer. They are among the
most interesting to be found—
little golden-brown balls, about one-
eighth of an inch in diameter,
suspended by a single glossy-white
thread nearly an inch long. They
are paper-like in texture and are
attached to their stiff silken pedicels
by a dilation of the latter in the
form of a cone. At the time of
hatching this little cone lifts up like
a lid, adhering by merely a point
of the circumference, and uncovers
a small circular hole through which
the young escape. The _ pedicel
itself usually hangs suspended from
Fic. 6. two or three cross lines of silk
attached to surrounding objects. (Fig. 6.)
From some cocoons collected in the vicinity of Ithaca, N. Y., on
August 23, the young spiders emerged August 28. Females imprisoned
in glass tubes about the same time also spun cocoons.
The 31st annual meeting of the Montreal Branch of the Entomological
Society of Ontario was held on May gth in the Library of the Natural
History Society. All the reports of the officers showed good progress
during the past year. The membership roll contains twenty-two names,
two of whom are honorary members. The following officers were elected
for the coming year: A. E. Norris, president; A. F. Winn, vice-
president ; Geo. A. Moore, 24 Lorne avenue, secretary-treasurer ; D.
Brainerd, librarian and curator; H. H, Lyman, Charles Stevenson and
Lachlan Gibb, council.
Mr. A. E. Norris read a paper, illustrated by lantern views prepared
by himself, on Hydrcecias and several other Lepidoptera.
With the opening of the season, my son, Kenneth R. Stevenson, has
proceeded to keep up his reputation as a Coleopterist by finding two
specimens of Aphodius erraticus, Linn., on the first of May under stones
on a waste piece of ground in Maplewood, near Montreal.
This beetle is widely distributed throughout Europe, and has been
identified by comparison with a series of the species from France and
Italy in the collection of Mr. G. Chagnon. I can find no previous
record of its being taken in Canada among the lists I have had reference
to. It was taken by the late Otto Lugger, near Baltimore, some years
ago, and was described previously by Melsheimer under the name
pensvallensis, from a specimen of which there are doubts as to whether it
was a native or an accidental cabinet specimen. Dr. George H. Horn
describes it in his monograph of the Aphodiinz as inhabiting the United
States (Zrans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIV., Jan. 1887, p. 7), and it is in
Henshaw’s List under No, 5514.
The Curator begs to acknowledge with grateful thanks the receipt of
a box of Coleoptera from Mr. Norman Criddle, Aweme, Manitoba,
containing over one hundred specimens, representing about fifty species ;
also from the same gentleman twelve specimens of Lepidoptera,
including the following interesting species: Chionobas Alberta,
Hemileuca maia var. lucina, Dysocnemis borealis, Pseudotamila Avemensis,
Leucobrephos Middendorfi and Apocheima Rachel.
From the Rey. C. C. Waller, Principal of Huron College, London,
Ont., specimens of the Carpenter Ant ( Camponotus FPennsylvanicus) and
portions of a Basswood tree showing its work,
In order to avoid needless repetition, I wish here to express my
sincere thanks to Prof. John B. Smith and Dr. H. G. Dyar for numerous
favours, and also to Mr. O. C. Poling for his great liberality in furnishing
me with many of the species here described. Mr. Poling has made a
number of collecting trips to little known parts of Arizona and Utah, and
in addition to many new species has turned up many rare forms
discovered years ago by Morrison and Doll. The fauna of Southern
Arizona is essentially Mexican, and as there is at present no collection of
Mexican Lepidoptera in this country worth mentioning, One in describing
apparently new species from that region is certain to make synonyms.
The probabilities are that within a few years one of the best if not the best
Mexican collection in the world will be in Washington, then we shall have’
some foundation to build on, and will not have to waste time and burden
our catalogue with a lot of names to be later relegated to the synonym
Syntomeida Hampsonii, n. sp.—Resembles yoda, Druce, Biol. Centr.
Am. Het., II., p. 333, pl. 71, f. 15 (1897); Hampson, Catalogue Lep.
Phalenz, Vol. I., p. 305. Head and thorax blue-black. Tegule and
patagia orange-yellow, edged with black. Fore cox whitish on inside,
yellowish outwardly, fore tibiz yellowish inwardly, hind tarsi more or less
whitish, palpi yellow, tipped with black, tongue yellow. Antenne black,
with more or less whitish towards tip. Abdomen black, with metallic
blue scales on dorsum and sides, dorsal vellow spots on first, subdorsal on
remaining segments. Anal tuft yellow above, black at sides and tip.
Ventral valve yellow, edged with black. Abdomen beneath with yellow
bands. Wings black, somewhat bluish metallic along costa, especially of
males. A large orange-yellow spot in and below cell on fore wings and
one midway between it and apex. Hind wings white or somewhat
yellowish white at base, and a large orange-yellow spot beyond cell.
Types: several specimens collected by Mr. Poling in Southern
Arizona. Aside from many minor differences, this species may readily be
separated from joda by the presence of orange subdorsal yellow patches
on all the abdominal segments, while in yoda they are confined to the first,
fourth and fifth, .
Pygarctia Neomexicana, n. sp.—Expanse: ¢ 36 mm., ? 40 mm.
Female.—Palpi red, tipped with drab. Head drab in front, vertex
red. Collar drab, patagia drab, bordered with red internally. Thorax
drab in centre, bordered with red. Abdomen red, with dorsal and lateral
rows of black spots. Beneath: thorax red, abdomen drab, legs drab, with
' the exception of fore femora, which are red within, tarsi more or less
blackish. Antenne dark brownish. Primaries stone drab, with a few red
hairs just at base. Edge of costa whitish, fringe white, with dark line at
base. Secondaries slightly darker shade of drab. Inner margin from
base to inner angle red, about 2 mm. in width. Beneath as above. In
the male the fore wings are of a rather light yellowish-fawn colour, dark-
ened a little along the veins ; hind wings are somewhat darker than the
fore, otherwise the markings are the same as in the female. The male
being somewhat rubbed and probably faded, the description is made from
the female.
Types: t ¢, Alpine, Texas, June 28th; 1 9, Marfa, Texas, July
Moma tybo, n. sp.—Expanse: ¢ 34mm., 9 36 mm.
Colour bluish green, of about the same shade as geminata. Lines
black, double but fragmentary, lighter filled. Basal half line represented
by one or two dots on costa, and one or two on basal dash. T, a.
irregular, broken, a dot on costa remaining, together with a heavy mark
in middle of wing, prolonged as a well-marked basal dash to base, broadly
exserted as a finer line below submedian vein to inner margin. The outer
accompanying line is rather widely removed in centre of wing, but
more closely approximated at costa and inner margin, quite faint and
peorly defined. The median shade is represented by a double line, the
inner well defined, the outer faint and fragmentary. The inner is heavy
above and to outer side of orbicular, narrow and irregular though quite
continuous the rest of its course. T. p. double, scalloped. The inner
line faint, fragmentary, widely removed from outer, which is widely
exserted around cell, then deeply incurved to inner margin. It is
irregular, usually heavy below costa, opposite cell and at lower third,
reduced to a fine line or almost disappearing in other places. S.t. line
much closer to t. p. line than to margin, emphasized by a more or less
evident following paler shade. The space between it and t. p. more or
less suffused with black, especially at inner margin. The line itself is
rather faint and irregularly scailoped. In terminal space opposite cell
there is usually a quite distinct sagittate spot, in some specimens reaching
even tot. p. line. There are usually one or two similar spots just above
inner angle. Fringe white or greenish white at ends of veins, black
between them, pale line at base. A marginal row of black lunules
against the black spots of fringe. Orbicular moderate in size, round,
concolorous, with whitish centre, almost completely black ringed.
Reniform large, erect, kidney-shaped, concolorous, white centred. The
black limiting line more or less incomplete and fragmentary. Hind wings
rather dirty white, darker outwardly, distinct though not prominent, rather
irregular mesial band. Discal dot present. ' Terminal more or less inter-
rupted black line. Fringe pale, with tendency to formation of black spots
as on fore wings.
Beneath : fore wings somewhat dusky, paler along inner margin.
Three prominent black spots on costa, marking the inception of more or
less distinct dusky transverse, rather diffuse bands; faint discal bar.
Fringe as above. Secondaries somewhat paler, a black demi-band at
basal third and a more complete outer one, both somewhat jagged and
irregular. Discal dot, terminal line and fringe as above. Head dusky
white. Collar, patagia and thorax green. Coliar black on edge and
extending mesially through it to head. Patagia edged with black intern-
ally at base. Thorax with some black scales posteriorly. Abdomen
fuscous, showing tendency to be pale banded, fan-shaped tuft at base,
green-black at tip. Palpi black outwardly, whitish within. Tongue
yellow. Legs dirty white. Tarsi black ringed.
Types: Cochise Co., Ariz. Collected by Mr. Poling and myself.
Caradrina tacna, n. sp.—Expanse : 26-27 mm.
3 .—General colour a rather dark glistening golden brown, inclined
to reddish in some specimens, slightly darkened along veins. There is a
light frosting of white scales, which is emphasized around the ordinary
spots and along the lines, bringing them out in a beautiful manner in fresh
specimens on close inspection or under the lens, but it is so fine and
delicate that but little remains in worn specimens. The subterminal space
next to t. p. line is a trifle lighter than the rest of wing, and shades gradually
into the concolorous terminal space. Head, collar and thorax concolorous,
the edge of collar with more white scales than the remainder. Abdomen
fuscous. Inception of ordinary lines marked by faint white dots on costa.
Basal half line only traceable on most perfect specimens. T. a. transverse,
quite regularly scalloped. T. p. waved, almost transverse opposite cell,
then making a slight inward angle, with a slight inward curve to inner
margin. S. t. line quite irregular. Terminal line quite straight, very
slightly scalloped between veins. Fringe brown, paler at base, edge and
opposite veins. Orbicular prostrate, oblong or pear-shaped, with outward
projecting point, in some specimens fusing with corresponding projection
from reniform, which is large, erect, slightly constricted, with lower portion
swollen and with sharp inward projection at lower edge. Hind wings
pale dirty white, fuscous towards margins, very faint trace of discal dot
and pale mesial band. Beneath pale brown, suffused with gray along
costa and outer margin, evidences of pale mesial band, more marked
towards costa. A few pale points along costa as on upper surface
Hind wings as above, only darker, along costa and mesial band a trifle
more pronounced.
similar to 4, except the hind wings are darker throughout and
the discal dot and mesial band better defined.
Types: Kerrville, Texas; Shovel Mt., Texas. Collected by Mr.
Lacey and Mr. Schaupp.
Fladena Kyune, n. sp.—Expanse: 34 mm.
Head, collar and thorax very dark gray, almost black. Under the
lens the collar shows a median jet black band and also a slightly darker
shade along the margin, extreme edge being, however, somewhat lighter
gray. The collar is slightly bilobed. Palpi rusty brownish. Eyes
naked. Fore wings to s. t. line dark purplish brown, beyond s. t. line of
a rusty light yellowish brown, forming a sharp contrast with the rest of
the wing. Lines and ordinary spots marked in jet black. Basal half line
distinct, though not prominent. T. a. line outwardly oblique, somewhat
irregular, thickened at either end and in the middle. T. p. line single,
black, distinct, widely and broadly exserted over cell, thence parallel to
outer margin in a quite direct course to inner margin, followed by a
narrow, slightly paler shade. ‘The line itself is lunulat, the individual
lunules are considerably thickened in the middle, and two of those
opposite cell project inwardly as two black dashes as far as reniform.
S. t. line widely removed from margin, black, somewhat irregular, closely
following course of t. p. line from inner margin to opposite cell, so that it
gives the appearance of a double line. In the centre of the wing the line
is thickened opposite to and projecting into the lunules of the t. p. line.
Terminal space light yellowish brown, very even in colour. Black lunular
lines at base of fringes, which are defective in thespecimen before me, but
appear to be concolorous with terminal space. Hind wings fuscous,
somewhat darker externally to an obscure mesial line. Discal dot present,
though not pronounced. Abdomen yellowish fuscous. Beneath yellowish
fuscous, with the common median band and discal dots not prominent on
hind wing. Legs, thorax and abdomen somewhat darker fuscous.
Type: 1 9, Huachuca Mts., Ariz.
Oncocnemis Polingii, n. sp.—Expanse : 28 mm.
Head, collar and primaries from base to t. p. line, as well as the ter-
minal space, of a light brown colour. Thorax, orbicular and subterminal
space lighter in colour, contrasting, the first two being of a yellowish-
white or gray colour, while the last, showing less of the yellow tinge, is of
a more bluish-gray colour. The head and palpi are of the same general
buff ground colour, with an admixture of black and white. ‘There are
two black bands across the head between antenne, and three across the
collar, which is tipped with whitish. The thorax and patagia are clothed
with a mixture of buff, black and white hairs and scales, the white pre-
dominating so as to give a yellowish-gray effect as a whole. There is a
quite well marked posterior thoracic tuft. Abdomen of a quite uniform
buff colour ; along the dorsum, especially of the basal segments, a few
black hairs can be seen grouped together, and at the base cf the anal tufts
they form a transverse band, which is quite distinct underalens.. Thorax
and abdomen beneath a shade lighter than above, the former thickly
coated with hair. Legs checkered buff and black. Anterior tibia with
stout spur. Primaries above with the ordinary lines and spots distinctly
and neatly marked, Basal half line single, black and well defined, joined
at lower end by spur fromt. a. line along median vein. ‘The t. a. line is
somewhat thickened at its origin, which is almost directly above the inner
edge of the orbicular ; from this point its course is downward and inward
to the median vein, thence downward and outward, making two outwardly
convex scallops before reaching inner margin. ‘The line is black, distinct
and neatly defined ; it is accompanied on its inner side by a brownish
line, more diffuse and not so neatly defined. The accompanying line
follows the spur connecting the basal and t. a. lines on both upper and
lower sides. On the upper side it joins a similar line on the outer side of
the basal line, which is then continued across along costa to t. a. line
again, thus forming a brownish ring in the superior enclosed part of basal
space ; the centre of the ring shows as a spot somewhat lighter in shade
than the general ground colour. The inferior part of the basal space is
also somewhat lighter than the ground colour. With the lens a few black
scales can be seen as an extension of the connecting line to the base, but
not enough in the specimen before me to be called a basal dash. The
median shade is black, heavier, and more prominent than the other lines,
especially at the costal end. It runs from the costa downward and out-
wards along inner border of reniform to its lower border, where it meets
the t. p. line and accompanies it to inner margin. The t. p. line is
thickened at its origin on costa, is exserted over cell, touches lower border
of reniform, thence by three inward scallops between veins to inner
margin ; the upper portion of line is only slightly scalloped. The t. a.
line is nearer the base of the wing in this species than in occata, so that
there is a wider space between it and the t. p. line on inner margin, and
the median shade does not tend to diffuse itself over this space as in
occata, but clings to the t. p. line as a well-defined band, only covering
from one-third to one-half the space. To the outer side of the t. p. line
is an accompanying brown shade line, which is more pronounced on
costa. The s. t. line is pale, and indicated chiefly by the contrast
between the terminal and subterminal spaces. It is irregular and not well
defined. The veins from the t. p. line outward are more or less coated
with black scales, and the spaces between them in the subterminal space
are somewhat dusted with brown scales, which in the lower three or four
spaces show a tendency to arrange themselves into rather poorly-defined
arrow heads, with the points in. Occata shows neat black dashes in those
spaces. ‘There is a neat, even, black line at base of fringes which seem to
be concolorous with terminal space and not checkered as in occafa, but in
the specimen before me they are quite worn away, so that it is impossible
to give an accurate description of them. The orbicular is strikingly
different from that in ovccafa ; it is almost or quite as large as the reniform,
oval, with long axis longitudinal, neatly outlined by a fine black line,
and of a bluish-gray colour, contrasting with the brown of the median
space. Closely within the black ring there is a narrow brown ring. The
reniform is upright, oval, concolorous and outlined by a fine black line,
which is a little irregular in its course, it is a little darker to the inner side,
seemingly due to the median shade encroaching on it. The claviform is
large, touching orbicular above, finely outlined in black to the inner side
and centrally concolorous, somewhat paler along upper, outer and lower
sides from an admixture of paler scales. Secondaries pale yellowish,
veins darker, faint discal dot, mesial line distinct, but fine, and not
conspicuous, outer border of wing almost but not quite to mesial line, black.
Fringe brown at base, white outwardly. Under surface pale yellowish
from base to mesial line, external to this, blackish. A black blotch on
middle of costa of both wings. Faint discal dot on secondaries. Mesial
line on primaries, distinct on upper half, fading out as it reaches inner
margin, on secondaries distinct through its entire course and emphasized
by black dots on the veins.
Type: 2 ¢’s from Southern Arizona. One from Mr. Poling and
one of my own collecting.
While recalling occata to a striking degree, it does not require any
very close inspection to readily separate them.
Rhizagrotis socorro, n. sp.—Expanse : 36 mm.
Ground colour varying from a pale yellowish brown, in some
specimens, through a quite well-marked luteous or reddish brown in others,
to a quite dark blackish brown form. Black shades and pale yellowish or
luteous markings encroach so much on the ground colour, however, as to
give a quite mottled effect. Aside from the ordinary lines and spots
there is a prominent black shade through cell from just before orbicular
to t. p. line, more pronounced in the darker specimens, more contrasting
in the paler. A broad, heavy basal dash extends to t. a. line, and after
being interrupted by it, is continued on as the prominent solid black
claviform from a quarter to half, across the median space. There is also a
blackish shade on costa just before subterminal line, and one on outer
margin opposite cell beyond it. The costa is broadly pale creamy or
luteous yellow to t. p. line, with five or six dark spots on its edge,
marking inception of transverse lines. In some specimens these spots are
more or less fused, thus encroaching somewhat on the pale border.
Ordinary lines double, black, pale-filled. The basal half line not present,
except the dots on costal edge. T. a. moderately outwardly oblique, only
marked on costa and below cell; slightly scalloped, outer line more
prominent. T. p. moderately exserted over cell, thence with only slight
curve quite obliquely to inner margin, about 2 mm, from t. a. line, well
scalloped, inner line well marked, outer faint. S.t. line bluish white,
beginning with a quite well-marked apical patch of the same colour, quite
irregular, projecting inwardly opposite cell and again in lower third,
traces of black dashes preceding it in some specimens. Orbicular small,
round, black outlined, complete or open above, concolorous with costa,
usually darkened centrally. Reniform about normal! shape and size, pale
creamy yellow, luteous centred, outlined in black. Claviform solid black,
moderate in size. Black terminal line, emphasized between veins into
lunules, which show a tendency in some specimens to extend across the
terminal space. Fringe luteous at base, darker centrally, whitish at edge.
Secondaries subpellucid, white, slightly dusky at apex and along veins.
Fringe white, dusky line at base. In 9, smoky with faint discal dot.
Beneath fore wings more or less smoky, paler along inner margin. Discal
dot, though not prominent. Mesial band distinct on costa, fading out
before inner margin. Pale area at apex preceded by dark patch at
inception of outer shade. Hind wings whitish, some dark scales along
costa, small discal dot. Mesial band evident on costa and continued by
a few dusky dots a short distance across wing. In 9, the wings beneath
are darker and the bands more prominent. Head, collar, thorax and
abdomen concolorous with ground colour. Collar with mesial black
band. Patagia inwardly edged with black at basal half. Posterior edge
of abdominal segments paler in some specimens, especially the females,
giving a banded appearance. Palpi blackish externally, luteous at tip
and internally. Thorax and abdomen grayish white beneath, more or less
tinged with luteous. Anal tufts luteous. Legs gray, tarsi banded black
and luteous.
Types: Huachuca Mts., Ariz.
Rhizagrotis salina, n. sp.— Sg. Expanse: 32 mm.
Fore wings warm blackish brown, with a faint reddish tinge. Costa
broadly luteous yellow to outer edge of reniform, darker along extreme
edge. Distinct black basal dash to t. a. line. A black dash from before
orbicular through cell to t. p. line. Basal line obsolete. T. a. line
double, obsolete above, scalloped between veins below median, outer
portion black, quite distinct, inner faint, luteous yellow filling. T. p. line
evident beyond cell, but not prominent, pale, confining lines scarcely
discernible. The remainder of line to inner margin scarcely traceable,
except in certain lights. S.t. line not evident. A triangular portion of
subterminal space below costa somewhat darker than ground colour. The
termina] space, especially opposite cell, is also more or less irregularly
darkened. Fringe fuscous, paler at base and preceded by black marks
between veins, those opposite cell being more prominent and almost or
quite reaching t. p. line. Orbicular a minute round yellowish dot.
Reniform quite broadly oval, upright, yellow narrowly outlined in black
and including a central ochraceous annulus. Three or four pale points
on costa towards apex. Claviform short, well marked, outlined in black.
Hind wings white, very slightly darkened along costa and at apex, Fringe
white, with faint dusky line at base. Beneath fore wing smoky, somewhat
paler along costa, discal dot, extra mesial band and short bar from costa,
close to apex, well marked but not prominent. Hind wings with faint
discal dot and mesial line, the latter traceable only a short distance from
costa. Costa somewhat darkened, the rest of wing white. Palpi brown,
terminal joint ochraceous. Head and collar mixture of gray and
ochraceous, the former with two black spots between antenne, the latter
with mesial black transverse band. Patagia ochraceous, strongly black
margined within, thorax pale gray, abdomen pale brown.
Type: ‘1 ¢,, Huachuca Mts., Ariz.
(To be continued.)
(Continued from page 148.)
In Zycosa there is in most cases present a small, apically more or less
rounded flap or lobe at and pressing against the base or origin of the
embolus. This lobe, which may be spoken of as the fa/ea, is often small or
but weakly developed ; but in Z. Au/chra it is very long and conspicuous.
Here it embraces and supports the embolus along much of its length,
being at the same time shifted ectad from its usual position. This special
development of the supporting palea in Z. pudchra is associated with the
peculiar position of the embolus, which, instead of curving back to rest
along the lectus in the usual manner, here arches forward and outward
(i. e., ventrad) free from the bulb, only its apical part, which turns forward
and rests obliquely across the auricula, being at all in contact with the
lectus. The unusual size of the palea is evidently necessitated by the
otherwise unsupported condition of the proximal portion of the embolus.
Above and ectad of the origin of the embolus is a variously
complicated lobe, which was first unhappily termed the ssermaphorum by
Menge, under the false impression. that its function was that of a sperm
reservoir. It has been better called the conductor emboli. The conductor
usually presents an elevated rim or edge along its length dividing two
commonly cepressed areas or furrows, the upper one frequently raised
along its length or sometimes transversely into a series of parallel ruge.
Upon the upper edge of the lower furrow, opposite which is normally
during quiescence the embolus, is borne a variously-formed, but mostly
needle- or blade-like, strongly chitinized process or apophysis, which may
be termed the fezacu/um. ‘There may be a second or third similar but
smaller accessory tenaculurn. Other features of the conductor need not be
mentioned here.
The large, strongly-arched basal division of the bulb, covering over most
of the hematodocha, is protected by a number of variously-formed
chitinous plates, which, together with other hard parts at the surface of the
palpal organ, were collectively termed the tegulum by Wagner. The
largest of these plates and the one covering over much of the lobe is the
basal plate. Proximad from this and sometimes concealed by its
protrusion backward, is a smaller plate covering over and protecting the
fundus of the semeniferous tube, the walls of the latter structure not being
themselves chitinized at and towards its enlarged end. This plate may
be spoken of as the /unate plate. It is usually in connection with a more
slender rod-like plate, which is joined by one end to the wall of the
alveolus, and which may be spoken of as the petiolar rod or petiole.
Toward the middle or more often the anterior end of the basal
division of the bulb and either at the middle or toward the exterior side
is borne a conspicuous and often large, highiy chitinized apophysis, which
is in large part plate- or blade-like, in form being thinner more or less
dorso-ventrally. The different position and structure of this apophysis,
which will be called the scopws, serve very readily to distinguish the genera
now under consideration, the differences being clear and well-marked.
About the base of the scopus in Pardosa and Lycosa is elevated a fold of
varying height, forming thus what may be spoken of as the scopal pit.
In some Zycoside@ there is no trace of such a fold.
In Pardosa the scopus occupies, without exception, a median position,
for the most part some distance back of the front margin of the lobe. It
is free for the greater part of its length, being attached only at its base.
The scopus bears a process or spur, which is always basal in position, and
which may be in part or as a whole concealed by the basal fold. The
basal fold in Pardosa, however, is comparatively low, covering ‘but little
of the basal part of the scopus. ‘The basal spur is relatively short, in most
more or less uncate distally, and extending out nearly at right angles to
the scopus. The scopus may be short and stout, relatively wide, as P.
lapidicina, brunnea and Californica; in other cases it may be long,
as in 2. Emertoni and Banksi.* In P. sternalis and P. minima, etc., the
scopus curves freely forward and outward to or beyond the outer margin
of the alveolus, and is of nearly the same width throughout its length.
In Zycosa the scopus is transverse and essentially exterior in position.
It is free only apically. Toward its base, 7. ¢., mesally, it flattens
out in plate-like form, and is usually covered over by the extended basal
fold. It lies immediately back of the lectus. | Below its apex it is always
provided with a more or less retrorsely directed and variously pointed
process, “spur” or barb, which is often conspicuously salient. The
apical process itself may also be salient, or in other cases it may not rise
above the side of the alveolus. In some species the scopus is compara-
tively small, and almost concealed at the side of the bulb both in side and
ventral views.
In Firata the scopus is borne in a median position, but distinctly
farther forward than in Pardosa, being attached by its base to the front
face of the basal lobe, and projecting freely forward to or beyond the front
margin of the alveolus. The scopus is broad from side to side. The base
of the scopus is always extended transversely on the exterior side into a
well-developed branch, which in most has the front angle at its free end
produced anteriorly in varying degrees. The basal portion of the scopus
is thus very broad; and it nearly always completely conceals the com-
paratively small embolus from sight. The principal branch of the scopus
is typically very wide proximad, narrowing gradually distad, and running
more or less to a point, the branch distally curving in some degree
outward; i. e, in the same direction as the basal process (Cf.
Wacondana, insularis, etc.). A process or spur may be _ borne
upon the main branch above its lower part, either at the outer
side or upon the inner (i. e., dorsal) face. There is such a spur
in the latter position, for example, in P. zzsuZaris, which may be detected
only when the palpus is viewed obliquely or from the side. ‘The scopus
is less deeply chitinized than in Pardosa and Lycosa. The conductor is
but little developed.
*New names for pallida, Em., and /zttoralis, Bks., respectively, which are pre-
Seemingly associated with the apical position of the scopus in Pirata
is a drawing forward of parts at the base of the bulb. The lunate area is
large and conspicuous, being one-third or more as long as the entire bulb ;
whereas in Zycosa and FPardosa it is evidently smaller. In Schizocosa
(new) it is very small and of a characteristic form.
. Of course there is a considerable number of structures in the
copulatory organs other than those which have been briefly treated here,
which furnish characters available for systematic work. The conductor
emboli, for example, in its general form and in the structure of its furrows,
and especially in the form and disposition of the tenacula, affords
characters by which alone, at least the commoner genera may be
separated by one who has sufficiently acquainted oneself with them.
In conclusion, it may be well to give brief diagnoses of the three
genera that have been more particularly discussed in the preceding pages,
and also of Schizocosa, new. ‘The last named genus is erected for a group
of species, including ocreata, Hentz, and its allies, some of which have
been placed in Zycosa, others in Pardosa, or the same one in both by
different workers. Other species of the genus are venustula, Hentz,
(= Pardosa gracilis, Bks., and Lycosa relucens and verisimilis, Montg.),
bilineata, Em. (= Pardosa bilineata, Em., and Lycosa ocreata pulchra,
Montg.), and Aumudi, Bks. For the sake of brevity, only characters
drawn from the copulatory organs are given below without indicating other
important characters in correlation.
Parposa, C. Koch.
Epigynum with a distinct guide, which is but weakly or not at all
developed anteriorly, its transverse arms entire; openings of the
spermatheca protected, leading on each side into a relatively large and
depressed fovea or basin, the lateral furrows becoming narrower and
shallower anteriorly. Pars basalis of bulb of male palpus bearing a
scopus in a median position and evidently proximal from the front edge
of the lobe ; scopus attached only at base, toward which it bears a short
spur, when elongate, comparatively slender, not much widening proxiinad ;
a true lectus but rarely present, when so, never produced into an auricle ;
extreme lower or posterior margin of inferior furrows of conductor bearing
a variously-formed but usually stout and often lobed or dentate tenaculum.
Lycosa, Latr.
Epigynum with a strongly-developed guide, the septal piece distinct
and well-developed anteriorly ; openings of the spermatheca protected ;
lateral furrows widest anteriorly, where they are also comparatively deep,
narrowed posteriorly by the inward protrusion of the side walls, the
channels leading to the spermatheca being thus much contracted ;
transverse arms of guide not divided. Scopus borne at exterior side of
bulb ; transverse in position and attached along front side well distad,
bearing a subapical more or less retrorse process or barb ; median margin
of furrow of conductor bearing one or sometimes two slender needle- or
blade-like and always simple tenacula. Lectus well developed, with a
distinct auricula of moderate size.
Epigynum with a distinct guide, which is elevate and well developed
anteriorly as in Zycosa; transverse arms of guide double (i. e., divided
from their exterior ends mesad a varying distance) ; lateral furrows
not widening anteriorly, the sides straight or nearly so and subparallel.
Bulb of male palpus bearing a scopus transverse and_ exterior
in position with a subapical process or barb; superior furrow of
conductor ill-defined, showing no ruge. Conductor elevated at its
exterior end anteriorly and more or less produced into a horn-like process
of varying length ; median rim bearing more or less ectad of its middle a
basally broad and apically-pointed, relatively short, plate-like tenaculum,
which is curved backward and dorsad distally, a shorter similarly stout
secondary tenaculum ectad and cephalad from the first. Auricula of
lectus very long, extending forward along the side of the conductor and
attaining, or nearly attaining, the front margin of the alveolus. Embolus
distinctly angled or elbowed at base of auricula. Lunate area very small.
PriraTa, Sund.
Epigynum possessing no true guide, in most cases presenting behind
two more strongly-chitinized lobes or tubercles upon which the
spermatheca open free. Bulb of male palpus bearing a scopus in a
median and subapical position ; its base attached on front face of basal
lobe of bulb; its principal branch reaching to or in most extending
beyond the front margin of the alveolus ; a basal process of large size.
Embolus small, nearly or quite concealed by proximal part of scopus.
Lunate area large, fully one-third or more the total length of the bulb.
P. 145, line 14 from top, for generic read genetic.
P. 146, line 14 from bottom, for fourtionellement read fonctionellement.
P. 147, line 10 from top, for embro/us read embolus; line 18 from
top, for Schizogyna read Schizocosa; line 11 from bottom, for Zeaving read
having, and insert the clause, du¢ . . . . anteriorly, within the
parenthesis after //¢toradis.
P. 148, lines 14, 24 and 35 from top, for Priata read Pirata ; line
15 from top, for Anxocosa read Allocosa; line 27 from top, insert between
probably and insularis, Em., the words related to; line 14 from bottom,
for semiferous read semeniferous ; line 19 from bottom and in foot-note,
for Zuligreu read Tullgren; in the foot-note, for Lounberg and Ahad,
respectively, read Linnberg and Akad.
Part 1, pp. ix+ 238, 17 plates; Part 2, pp. 284, 4 plates ; numerous
headpieces and figures in the text. Published by Doubleday, Page &
Company, New York.
These two sumptuous volumes contain the entomological results of
the far-famed Harriman Expedition to Alaska in the summer of 1899.
The voyage was undertaken by the generous leader of the enterprise, as a
journey for recreation and enjoyment, but its far-reaching importance was
established by the invitation of twenty-three literary and scientific men to
accompany the party. The results are now being made known to the
world by the publication of a series of splendid volumes, beautifully
printed and bound, and fully illustrated with admirable plates and a
variety of artistic engravings.
The entomologist of the party was Professor Trevor Kincaid, of the
‘University of Washington at Seattle. How zealously and successfully he
worked may be gathered from the fact that during the two months devoted
to the Expedition, a large portion of which was necessarily spent on board
ship in travelling from place to place, he collected about 8,000 specimens,
including 5,500 pinned insects and a variety of Arachnida, Myriapoda and
larval forms. On his return home, these collections were carefully gone
over and then sent to Dr. L. O. Howard, United States Entomologist, for —
distribution to specialists for study and report. The results are now given
in these two volumes, and form eighteen papers by twelve well-known
entomological authorities. Prof, Kincaid himself furnishes a very inter-
esting introduction, in which he describes the localities visited, and the
flora and insect fauna that came under his observation, and also papers on
the Metamorphoses of Alaska Coleoptera, the Tenthredinoidea, and the
few Sphegoidea and Vespoidea obtained. Mr. Nathan Banks describes the
Arachnida and Neuropteroid Insects ; Mr. O. F. Cook, the Myriapoda ;
Mr. Justus Watson Folsom, the Apterygota; Mr. A. N. Caudell, the
Orthoptera ; Mr. Theo. Pergande, the Aphidide and Formicide ; Dr.
Wm. H. Ashmead, the Homoptera and Hymenoptera; Mr. O. Heidemann,
the Heteroptera; Mr. Rolla P. Currie, the Odonata; Mr. E. A Schwarz, the
Coleoptera; Dr. H. G. Dyar, the Lepidoptera ; and Mr. D. W. Coquillett,
the Diptera. Each writer gives a list, with dates and localities, of the
species assigned to him and describes the new forms. Altogether the
entire collection consisted of 1,001 species, of which no less than 344
were considered to be new to science, and are accordingly named and
described in these volumes.
It is evident from the foregoing summary that a very important
addition has been made to the knowledge of the insects of the far north-
western regions of North America, regarding which nothing has been
known, except in the order Coleoptera, which received much attention
from early Russian investigators and was more recently catalogued by the
late Dr. John Hamilton. It will now be comparatively easy for travellers
in the future to collect and identify the insects found in Alaska, and our
friends in British Columbia will obtain in these volumes a large amount
of valuable information regarding the forms inhabiting that portion of our
country. ‘To them, indeed, this work will be indispensable, and it should
find a place in all the public libraries of the Province.
The remarks of Prof. Aldrich on the above subject in the March
number of the CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST suggest to me the existence of
a good deal more humour, intentional or otherwise, in scientific (?)
nomenclature than appears on the surface. It must sometimes be very
difficult, if not impossible, for an author to choose a name, especially one
not preoccupied, having some reference to specific characters, habitat, or
modus vivendi, and it is quite obvious that thousands of names in
existence were never intended to have any such reference whatsoever.
The custom of naming things after people, whether they lived many years
B. C. or in more modern times, or after classical myths, might become
intolerable if carried too far, and it. seems as if a little humour, which is
often the fresher for being unconsciously suggested, is bound to creep in
somewhere. And why not? It is surely an improvement on so much
of the dog-latin, or what may just as well be termed cat-greek (not to
mention the false concords !), with which scientific lists are crowded. It
is hard enough at times for one who, like myself, has no pretensions as a
classical scholar, to make so much as a vague guess at the translation of
names that are grammatically correct, without trying to discover their
application too. To hear the pronunciations often given to names must
have made many a schoolmaster squirm. And why do not describers more
often state their reason for a name when that is not self-evident ?
I was the other day arranging in series, previous to examination, a
species I had received by mail. There were 5 or 6 specimens, and they
had but one antenna each, some the right and some the left. As I looked
at them I wondered whether such an accident had ever given birth to the
name a/ternata. Can it have been the condition of the type specimen to
which the name Zeucania imperfecta was intended to refer? Or did
successfully-replaced wings, antenne, etc., give rise to the application of
refecta to an Oncocnemis? Alas! there must be many a type to which
trita would be much better suited than the name it bears, and Sir George
Hampson, who has the care of the types at present, can perhaps tell us
whether Morrison’s Agrotis intrita does not require redescription, say, as
it has travelled far, as fracta. I cannot find that a description of dirupta
has ever been published. The mail clerks send me lots. It seems to
have a very wide range, and is referable to a large number of genera.
One might be excused for wondering whether when Walker described
Dryobota illocata he was doubtful as to its affinities. Such apparently
was really the case with Prof. Smith sixteen years after Grote had
redescribed the species. But reference to Prof. Smith’s Catalogue shows
that lack of a locality label on the specimen evidently suggested Walker’s
name. Would that alll collectors would endeavour to obviate this
application of the name again. ‘“ Retained” is often the final comment
made—and, I must admit, generally in full justice—by specialists to
collectors on new forms sent for naming. Yet, strange to say, refenta is
not yet in use in the N. American Lepidoptera. There is, however, a
Xylopharia remissa, which in this sense may or may not have been
misapplied. These suggestions might doubtless be carried very much
further.—F, H. WoLtLey Dop, Muillarville, Alberta.
Mailed June grd, rg04.
The € anadtiay Fintomotogist
VoL. XXXVI. LONDON, JULY, 1904. No. 7
(Continued from page 144.)
Subfamily GRYLLIN&.
This subfamily includes the common field and ground cuca: and
is represented in Ontario by two genera, Vemobius and Gryl/us. These
may be separated as follows :
a. Small species; last joint of maxillary palpi twice as long as the
one preceding ; hind tibiz furnished with long movable spines ;
first joint of hind tarsi unarmed above, or with one row of small
125121 |e a RE! eS MPR CE Ca eM Ae eG,
aa. Medium-sized or large species; last joint of maxillary palpi but little,
~if any, longer than the one preceding ; hind tibiz armed with short
immovable spines: first joint of hind tarsi sulcate above, with a
row oftteeth: omleaehiside) <..;:...: .12.( Ree rea os ae Gryllus.
This genus is best known by the common little striped ground
cricket (lV. fasciatus), which abounds in our fields and roadsides in late
summer and autumn. Our other species are all much more local and less
numerous in individuals, and are not likely to be taken by the collector
unless he is specially looking for them.
Key to Ontario species of Nemobius.
a. Ovipositor as long as or barely shorter than the hind’ femora, straight
or nearly so.
b. Ovipositor distinctly longer than hind femora, black of body
arranged in lengthwise bars.
c. Ovipositor a fourth longer than hind femora, colour light
grayish, with distinct black markings ; size medium or
rather small . BE? ae er . LV. griseus, 0. sp.
ce. Ovipositor not more than out an AS longer than hind
femora, size large.
d. Colour blackish or fuscous ; the dark stripes on
occiput always visible, though sometimes indis-
tinctin very dark specimens ....2. JV. fasciatus.
dd. Colour light reddish-brown or grayish; without dark
Stripes'on OCCIPUL.. see) eeu ee - 3. LV. canus.
bb. Ovipositor no longer than hind femora; black of body scattered
in blotches ameidashes $.)72)%0c seek fe eee 4. NV. maculatus.
aa. Ovipositor distinctly shorter than hind femora, usually more or less
arcuate. ;
e. Small species ; tegmina of male covering about three-fourths of
the abdomen, last two joints of maxillary palpi in female dark
BROW BONE a. OE, SA ee SSG OPV arse res
ee. Medium-sized species; tegmina of males reaching tip of
abdomen, last two joints of maxillary palpi in female light
Brewin". Gas 2st. SU RE eViiaiesticoll/es; D, Sp:
3. NEMOBIUS GRISEUS, new species.
Size rather small, body moderately slender, light yellowish gray,
covered with fine short closely-appressed gray hairs. Head about as wide
as the pronotum, rather large, full and rounded; below the antennz
deep shining piceous, elsewhere yellowish gray, the occiput with three
distinct dark gray longitudinal bands. Eyes of average size, about as
prominent as in JV. fasciatus, but rounder than in that species. Maxillary
palpi dark reddish-brown, the third joint and the apex and base, respec-
tively, of the second and fourth lighter. A dark piceous band starts behind
the eye and covers the lateral lobe of the pronotum, except the extreme
lower margin, which is light yellowish. Pronotum nearly three-fourths as
long as broad, widening slightly posteriorly, dorsum pale yellowish-gray,
sparsely covered with black bristles. Tegmina of ¢ usually covering
about three-fourths of the abdomen, and fitting closely to the latter, pale
yellowish, with the upper half or more of the lateral field shining black, a
black streak along the dorsal field near the inner margin, and usually two
or three smaller black patches near the base. Tegmina of 2 usually
covering about one-half the abdomen, the hind margin less convex than in
fasciatus, pale testaceous, a shining black stripe along the upper third of
the lateral field, a black streak on the dorsal field between its guter and
middle thirds, and a few short streaks and spots on the inner two-thirds.
Wings absent or fully developed, and extending beyond the tips of the hind
femora by more than one-half their length. Abdomen in ¢ glossy black
on dorsal and lateral surfaces, grayish-yellow beneath ; in % with the
dorsal surfaces of the first three segments shining black, elsewhere yellow-
ish-gray, with a row of dark spots along the dorsum, Hind femora dark
sooty brown above, with a few small light spots along dorsal surface, the
dark colour extending down irregularly over about half or more of the
inner and outer surfaces, where it is more or less broken into blotches :
elsewhere pale testaceous, lighter internally. Legs dark sooty brown,
variegated with pale iestaceous. Ovipositor about as long as the body,
and about one-fourth longer than the hind femora, nearly straight, stout,
the apical blades tapering evenly to a fine point, the teeth sharp, promi-
nent, and nearly equidistant.
Length of body, ¢ 7 mm., 9 8 mm.; pronotum, ¢ 1.5 mm, @? 1.75
mm.; tegmen, ¢ 3.5 mm., 9 2.9 mm.; hind femur, ¢ 5 mm., ? 6 mm.;
Ovipositor; 7.7 mm.
1246 4¢,13 9 2. Toronto, Aug. 16, Sept. 8, 1902; Sarnia, Aug.
16, 1901 ; De Grassi Pt., Lake Simcoe, Aug. 3, 1903; Sept. 15, tg01. I
have a single long-winged female, taken at High Park, Toronto, Aug.
16, 1902.
This is a well-marked species, easily distinguished from JV. fasciatus
by its much smaller size, grayish coloration, more distinct dark mark-
ings and longer ovipositor. It has the longest ovipositor of any of our
It occurs only on sandy soil, where the vegetation is somewhat scanty.
I have never taken it in large numbers, but in High Park, where all my
Toronto specimens were taken, it is by no means scarce when looked for
in the proper kind of locality. Its pale colours renders it very inconspicu-
ous against the sand.
The chirp of the male is a feeble, continuous trill, more high-pitched
than that of fasciatus or angusticollis, and much shorter than either.
4. Nemosius FasciatTus, De Geer. The Striped Ground Cricket.
Gryllus fasciatus, De G., Mem. pour serv. a Vhist. des ins., III,
1773, 552- :
Nemobius fasciatus, Scudd., Mat. Mon. N. A. Orth., VII., 1362, 430.
Acheta vittata, Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg., 1862, 152.
LNemobius vittatus, Scudd., Mat. Mon. N. A. Orth., VIL, 1862, 430.
Nemobius fasciatus vittatus, Beut., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., VI.,
1894, 267.
Nemobius exiguus, Scudd., Mat. Mon. N. A. Orth., VII., 1862, 429.
Length of body, ¢ 9 mm., ? ro mm.; pronotum, ¢ 1.5 mm., ?
2 mm.; tegmen, g 5.5mm., 9, 4 mm.; hind femur, ¢ 6.3 mm., 9 7
mm.; Ovipositor, 9 mm.
I have found this cricket in abundance in all parts of Ontario where
I have made collections of Orthoptera. In this species the tegmina
usually cover about three-quarters of the abdomen in the ¢, and about
half the abdomen in the 9, and in such specimens the wings are absent.
This is the form that was formerly known as vittatus. Specimens with
wings extending far beyond the end of the abdomen are often met with,
however, and are most often seen at night, when they are attracted to
light. These long-winged individuals are usually, but not always, females.
Blatchley says of this species in Indiana: ‘During hundreds of days spent
in field collecting, not a single specimen of the long-winged form was taken
until Aug, 1, 1902, when it was found in numbers on the stems of long grass
in a marsh bordering Round Lake, Whitley County.” This has not been
my experience, as I have frequently come across it in the field. On Aug.
26, 1901, I found large numbers of this form floating on Lake Huron,
about a quarter of a mile from the south shore of the Bruce Peninsula. It
was a hot, still day, and many other insects were seen floating in the same
manner, notably two other Gryllide, the tree cricket, @canthus fasciatus,
and the long-winged form of Grydlus abbreviatus This species reaches
maturity towards the latter part of July, and continues until severe frost,
usually in the early part of November.
Specimens from the south-west appear to average larger than those
from the north. My largest ones are from Arner, Essex Co., close to the
shore of Lake Erie.
Localities: Niagara Falls, Point Pelee, Arner, Chatham, Sarnia,
Goderich, Southampton, Bruce Peninsula, Owen Sound, Hamilton, To-
ronto, Lake Simcoe, Severn River, Lake Muskoka, Algonquin Park, North
Bay, Stony Lake (Peterboro’ Co.). ‘
‘ Mr. Blatchley has called my attention to a small dark Lemodius
which he has taken in Northern Indiana, Michigan, and in Ontario across
from Buffalo, N. Y. I have also taken this form, and I agree with Mr.
Blatchley in considering it to be a small degenerate form of fasciatus.
NV. canus, Scudd., Journ. N. Y. Ent, Soc., IV., 1896, 100, 103.
I have a single @ emobius taken at Arner, Ont., which agrees
pretty well with Blatchley’s description of camus. The head is light
reddish-brown, without any trace of the fuscous stripes which are so con-
stant a feature in fasciatus. The general coloration is light reddish-
brown, with the dark markings more distinct than in fasczatus. ‘The eyes
are more globose than is usual in that species. It may be only an
atypical specimen of fasciatus, but it appears to show the chief peculiarities
by which camus is known from the latter.
NV. maculatus, Bl., Psyche, IX., 1go0o, §2.
On Aug. 22, 1903, when collecting near ‘Tobermory, on the Bruce
Peninsula, I found a small JVemodius in considerable numbers jumping
about in a small patch of moss in the spruce woods. I captured 4 ¢ ¢
and 3 2 2, and on my return to Toronto sent a pair to Mr. Scudder, who
named them JV. macu/atus. They do not agree with Blatchley’s descrip-
tion in all respects, and I do not feel satisfied that they really belong to
that species. The ovipositor in maculatus is equal to or very slightly
shorter than the hind femora, whereas in my specimens it is slightly
longer in one and distinctly longer in the other two. The tegmina are
shorter than the average in JV. fasciatus, but are longer than those of
typical maculatus, according to the description. They agree with the
latter in having fine cross veinlets in the ¢ tegmina. ‘The coloration
does not show the spotty pattern of macu/atus in any marked degree.
Length of body, ¢ 8 mm., ? 8 mm.; pronotum, ¢ 1.5 mm., 2 1.6
mm; tegmen, 3 3.5 mm., 2? 2.75 mm.; hind femur, ¢ 5 mm., 2 5.3
mm.; ovipositor, 6.5 mm.
7. NEMOBIUS PALUSTRIS, Blatchley. The Marsh Ground Cricket.
LV. palustris, Bl., Psyche, IX., 1900, 53.
Length of body, ¢ 5.5 mm., 9 6 mm.; pronotum, ¢ ? 1 mm;
tegmen, ¢ 2.7 mm, 2 2 mm.; hind femur, 3 3.5 mm., @ 4 mm;
Ovipositor, 3 mm.
On the 18th of August, 1903, I came across this handsome little
cricket in a sphagnum swamp on the margin of Ragged Lake, Algonquin
Park. The swamp bordered the lake for a few hundred yards about the
mouth of a small creek, and was of,a very interesting character. It was
carpeted throughout with a deep growth of sphagnum moss, in which
cranberries (Oxycoccus macrocarpus) were growing in the greatest pro-
fusion. Pitcher-plants (Sarracenia purpurea ), various Ericacee, such as
Andromeda polifolia and Chamedaphne calyculata, were also conspicu-
ous among the plants, the only trees being a few dwarf specimens of black -
spruce and tamarack. For about a hundred yards beyond the margin of
the creek the swamp was a true floating bog, and the trees very few and
small ; and it was here that the crickets were found. They were present
in considerable numbers, but were very difficult to capture, and when
alarmed would at once burrow down among the masses of sphagnum. By
pressing these masses down under water, it was often possible to bring the
crickets to the surface.
Mr. Blatchley, to whom I sent a pair, remarks that the specimens are
smaller than typical ones from Indiana. They are much the smallest of
the Ontario LVemobzi.
My attention was first called to this species by its chirp, which is a
continuous and rather feeble trill, very Jike that of MY. angusticollis.
LV. palustris, Walk., Ann. Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., rgor, 109.
Size medium, body of male very broad. Head small but prominent,
dark shining brown, more or less obscurely trifasciate above with darker
brown, rather scantily covered with black bristles. Eyes small but
prominent, oval. Maxillary palpi light brown, the terminal joint infuscated
apically. Pronotum nearly smooth, somewhat shining dark piceous, more
or less faintly variegated with lighter brown, sparsely covered with black
bristles ; slightly narrower at the anterior margin than the head, about
equal to it in width at the hind margin; a rather deeply impressed
median longitudinal line on the anterior half. Tegmina of ¢ reaching
tip of abdomen, very broad, the dorsal breadth being much greater than
that of the pronotum, but fitting pretty closely to the abdomen ; uniform
deep shining piceous. Tegmina of 9 covering about two-thirds of the
abdomen. Wings absent or fully developed,. and extending beyond the
tips of the cerci. Legs and abdomen fuscous, the former more or less
variegated with pale testaceous, the hind femora without bands upon the
inner surface. Ovipositor a little more than one-half as long as the hind
femora, slightly arcuate, and feebly expanded at the base of the apical
fourth, each blade bearing an irregular row of rather sharp teeth, the basal
ones fine and close together, the apical coarse and unusually far apart.
Length of body, ¢ 8 mm., ? 8.5 mm.; pronotum, ¢ 1.5 mm., ¢
1.6 mm,, tegmen, ¢ 5.4. mm., 2? 3.4 mm.; hind femur, d 4-5 mm.,
5 mm.; S eeaaie: 3.3 mm.
This species is most related to WV. confusus and LV. palustris, and
.also resembles JV. exiguus in some respects, It differs from all three in
the smaller head and narrower pronotum, the width of which, in azgus-
tico/lis, is less than the dorsal field of the tegmina in their natural position.
It differs from Aa/ustris in the much greater size, the longer and broader
tegmina in the male, lighter maxillary palpi and shorter ovipositor, with
more irregular teeth. From confusus the male of angusticollis differs in
the longer and broader tegmina, those of confusus covering only three-
fourths of the abdomen, and in the uniform coloration of the hind femora,
those of confusus being blotched and spotted on the inner surface. The
females of angusticol/is approach those of confusus so closely that they are
separated with difficulty. The last two joints of the maxillary palpi in
the latter are white, those of the former hight brown; the hind femora and
ovipositor are somewhat shorter in confusus, while the pronotum as men-
tioned before is broader than jn azgusticol/is. From exiguus, angusticollis
differs in the much darker and more uniform coloration, the much broader
body and tegmina in the male, narrower hind femora, and in the some-
what longer and more sharply-toothed ovipositor.
Although neither has been reported from Ontario, I have figured both
exiguus and confusus from specimens kindly loaned me by Mr. Blatchley,
because it is thought that this will aid in the separation of these difficult
species, and it is quite possible that both, especiaily ex/gwus, will eventu-
ally be found to occur in Ontario. Angusticollis is, next to fasciatus, the
commonest /Vemodius in Ontario. It frequents low grounds of almost any
kind, but delights especially in low grassy borders “of swampy woods or
clearings in swamps. I have found it in abundance in sphagnum moss
when growing in such localities, but have not met withit in the open peat-
bogs where JV. palustris occurs. It is also found beneath stones along
the margins of lakes and streams.
I first discovered this insect through its stridulation, which I heard
among the granite boulders which line the shores of Lake Simcoe at De
Grassi Pt. It was a high-pitched continuous trill of considerable volume,
and although I could approach the performer within a few feet, it was
always necessary to disturb the rock in order to expose him. This, of
course, not only silenced him, but allowed him to make himself scarce,
and it was not until after repeated efforts that I at last secured one of the
little musicians.
Of the long-winged form I have but a single pair, a male taken at De
Grassi Pt., July 30, rg01, and a female from the Severn River, Aug. 24,
This species reaches maturity about the last week of July, and con-
tinues till November.
Localities: Toronto, Sept.-Noy.; Lake Simcoe, July 29-Sept. 14 ;
Sarnia, Aug. 15, rg01 ; Southampton, Aug. 20, rg01 ; Owen Sound, Aug.
31, 1901; Severn River, Aug. 24, 1898.
(To be continued.)
1. LVemobius griseus, nov. sp., f.
2. “ce “ec i79 ce é
2. SJasciatus vittatus (De G.), Harr., 9.
4. a maculatus (2), Blatch., 9.
5, Ee exiguus, Blatch., ¢.
6 oe a3 es
. eh
a; sf confusus, Blatch., ¢.
So ce sé ‘73 3
9. E: angusticollis, NGV. sp., 3.
lo. cc as 66 [a]
IT; ‘“ ) palustris, Blatch.,, 7 .
“ec “e
12. i :
Ali the figures are magnified two and one half diameters.
We regret to chronicle the death of the Rev. P. Jerome Schmitt at St.
Vincent's College, near Beatty, Pa., onApril 27th. Father Schmitt was
well known to the entomological world as a most careful and able worker,
generous with his specimens and his time. He will be sadly missed by
those who had the privilege of his acquaintance.
Father Schmitt was born at Neuhausen, Wurtemberg, May 30, 1857;
he came to St. Vincent’s College in 1869, and in 1876 joined the Bene-
dictine Order. In 1881 he was ordained priest of the Roman Catholic
Church, and spent the greater part of the remaining years of his life in
teaching the classics at the College. He found time for a great deal of
close work with the Coleoptera, and was especially devoted to the study
of some of the minute Clavicornia, as will be seen by reference to the
writings of present-day authors. At the time of his seizure by the disease
which resulted in his death, he was engaged on a descriptive catalogue of
the Pselaphide collected in Brazil by H. H. Smith.
His collections and manuscripts remain at the College where his life
was spent, and the material collected by him will no doubt be carefully
preserved by his confreres. It has formed the basis of numerous rgcords
in Dr. Hamilton’s Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Western Pennsylvania,
and has furnished types of many new species described during the past
ten years.—H. F. W.
ANDRENA, Fabr., and OPANDRENA, Robt.
Third joint of antennz equal to 4+ 5, or very nearly .
Third joint of antennz longer than 4+5 .. J ae
. Scopa ample, compact, the hairs long and curved up .
Scopa with the hairs short and straight . Bat gears : oe
Abdomen punctured ; dorsulum siosale Fh distinote ainiceined not
metallic ; enclosure very finely rugulose, almost '
STIMU a, 2 ale, op He: cman) cave She, aie eel PAMEMMIR 5 winls ota es 2 Re gn Oe eM re
Oo oe
= at ea)
Abdomen not punctured.
Without distinct narrow fascie.
Fovea about as broad as one-half the distance between lateral
ocellus and eye margin.
Enclosure ewe very nearly rugulose ; abdomen
black. ar ¢ teense. melanochroa.
Baclosure: very finely pranuliten abdomen
STESHISHeZ amr. oa x SL ames on ta) a shes OES
With distinct narrow fascie.
Dorsulum impunctate or with indistinct punctures ; abdomen
black ; dorsulum dull.
Second abdominal segment with a broad whitish testaceous
MATGHEAt APOIO 2. cee cae : et _Llinotensis.
Abdominal segments not Braealy testaceous ; green. or
greenish or blue.
Enclosure nearly smooth ; abdomen greenish... .... Pipert.
Enclosure rugulose ; abdomen Rima? green. .chlorinella.
Abdomen distinctly blue ........ ee candida.
3. Metatarsus of posterior legs one-half as wide as the riba at apex ;
enclosure smooth ; abdomen indistinctly fasciate. . angustitarsata.
Metatarsus of posterior legs more than one-half as wide as the tibie
at apex,
Abdomen fasciate; clypeus indistinctly punctured, dull.
Enclosure smooth; pubescence abundant on the clypeus ; pubes-
cence of dorsulum gray. Lee... mustelicolor.
Enclosure smooth ; pubescence sparse 0 on the clypeus. .. subtilis
Abdominal segments depressed nearly to the base. .¢rachandrenoides.
Abdominal segments not unusually depressed.
Abdomen distinctly -punckinedc cic Gv aeet-re ean cae Meetate fe cial aerate
Abdomen. not distinethypmnetireds sey 4. 5e1-/e eens « «areas
. Enclosure coarsely rugose, at least at base ; dorsulum with very dis-
tinct punctures ; superior surface of metathorax rather convex. .6.
Fnclosure noticoarsély magose; nearly Smoot: [0.5.0 roca acne a 7
Abdomen shining ; hair of dorsulum and face white or pale ochreous.
Abdomen black.
PUbescenGemvbite . . =. Samet anc oa be. s wclyuperauncs > te ss DMR
PIBESCENCEWELOW ..\. cake ae Bcllwic. Peewee AR PMED EEE Wake
Abdomen red, at least partly ..... ....K¢éncatdit, var. Pasciensts.
Abdomen dull; hair of dorsulum and face bright fulvous.... Vernout.
Punctures of abdomen sharply defined; posterior tibiz dark; enclosure
rather LUMOSE 255. ae eee. ia aoa eter bib olatavedeemnl ake: eC LESS sare
Abdomen fasciate, with rather dense appressed hair bands..... .. 24.
Abdomen usually without dense appressed hair bands, where they
occur they are not broad, and the abdomen is tessellate
PUNCHES ond ae eet aes Siete cele aie che ete oe Se
Abdomen with more or less abundant erect pale hair .........-. 20.
Abdomen with no conspicuous erect pale hair ........-......-.10.
Abdomen and scopa with pale pubescence : eae gible eG ee Ed
Abdomen and scopa with black or very dark vaieeacienae Bere fy
Abdomen with black pubescence ; scopa with pale ubjesoencey peas
-weodomen very distinctly, punctate tessellategm: . .. 25 -ic ae. +o = oe
AMa@ormen not distinctly punetate téessellate yrs... .. 7 aie bale sn
. Clypeus finely punctured, almost granular ............pudverulenta.
SEN ORMMENOCD TIS . S5.< ogunre Weasel ORASE a 3) ose RRR “c eieey a oe oa
kength Pepseeltam TT MAM |. 5 «). "sig aeels = acs See, fc ee
Dorsuluntpmanmctate os... vyre ose mne = cls oleae eR =, see emee ee,
. Abdomen with lateral patches of silvery appressed
iy BDESCeEMCER ME oie >. u «sich od SRNR -ot Ses Ron eae aaa
_ Pubescence of dorsulum black........:.......ees+0e++.dndotata.
. Enclosure smoother, only partly rugose.
Abdomen tessellategmunctate .. 3. S29, tae oe ete 8.
Abdomen: not punched... «.:. sas, c.cn zi fhe haealens Rime tO
18. Punctures of abdomen dense.
Face with black hairs ; first recurrent nervure received before the
middle of the second submarginal cell ; dorsulum with reddish
pebescences: Mees to Re? Ti Se hel AS? =F cca OPEL UREE ZS
Face with ochreous hairs ; first recurrent nurvure received beyond
the middle of the second submarginal cell; pleura with pale
DUbeSe€enee’s.-5 coe Sc fea 3 oar. ss SRDME Ss ocala OGLE meas
Face with ochreous hairs ; first recurrent nervure received before
the middle of the second submarginal cell; pleura with pale
PUbDESCENCE ae ae a hs cia Ne od AER «ows Mee og se pO
Face with pale to dark brown hairs ; pleura with pale
PUDESCENEE 5.00 face cs yc 4 Ete op Vie sis * «aa ED EE OSC Ope
Punctures of abdomen not dense.
Pubescence of dorsulum ochreous.
Pleura pale:s sch vio Seve. + « sarap ok eae it en: Seeks ai eer
Pleura black. 4
Abdomen black.
Dorsulum entirely pale.
Face with pale pubescence; first recurrent nervure received
before the middle of the second submarginal
COL eRe « «aie cahts te ich enema Ne seh ce Sharia RG CERI
Face with black pubescence; first recurrent nervure
received beyond the middle of the sécond sub-
marginal cell.
Hmelosuressmooth eee. «eile poise G yatwia 9 SLCUTO ae
Emclosuré partly migoses... .c.. scjp. 6. PCE
Dorsulum with a black band.................¢ransnigra.
Abdomnen blue ias ca .c mene eta inan's . Seattlensis.
19. Clypeus sparsely punctured, eal in the middle.
Clypeus deeply punctured.
Abdomen blue, with a greenish cast...... .......Chapmane.
Abdomen greenish and purplish .............Chapmane race.
Abdomen black.
ScoOpa VELY COMIPACE |. wh o.. cons, . + 0. « + eeeentrepagee CLAP EEIL Cn
SCOPAwlOQse sti ta-s tence hab) acd tse) oN o\6 » » glee OMB LMETE ISCO Der
Clypeus not deeply ee ee vos oigein hele da eian 2ECAMOLA ES:
20, \ocopal liairs lone-atid. curved... eave art eerne . Serums a seabeenaihe
Scopalmiairs Shortjand: Stralelat nar we oor ee ogee ee ce ere 2
Abdomen covered with pale hairs except at apex..... .......23.
Abdomen only partly covered with pale hairs.
First abdominal segment with pale hairs,
Posterior legs black or nearly. 7. ..2....- oe « « SQLERIA.
First and second abdominal oatne with | some ee hairs;
scopa pale.
Clypeus rather sparsely punctured, especially in the
mmole... «Bence «> : sivomc- Pease ts ane ener hemileuca,
Clypeus rather densely S ihickimned - .....clypeoporaria.
22, ‘ScOpa tainly PUBESCEMts . . cs. cass ht «64 cskiee ee 26% « o GCURITAMS:
SCOPAMensely PUBESEERE. . 6. i elses oie Cee ae cela a>» cc) SECO,
23. Clypeal punctures fine and dense.
Nearly all scopal hairs white.
Pubescence on abdomen abundant ; anal fimbria white, tinted
with DIOWH 5. Heyes sy er dtaenw incase Arca eh. 6 PLOCSEE,
Only the lower half of shen scopa a pale or
white (hairs. 2!) 7. came. 20s» lO ta — per armaia
Clypeal punctures large and sparse.
Dorsulum with sparse pubescence ; first two segments of abdomen
no more pubescent than the remaining segments ..... Flarveyt.
Dorsulum with abundant pubescence; first two segments of
abdomen distinctly more pubescent than the remaining
SCP UICMTS 4 Lin. stolen: «5/2 wis oat ee “0 Oak eRe lw mE
24. Fovea about one-half as wide as the distance between the eye and
lateral ocellus:o.6.3 o/..6 OF
Fovea distinctly broader than one- Shall the se ace ‘beimeen the eye
and lateral ocellus.
Process of labrumvordinary, truncate or rounded.............25.
Process of labrum various, as long as broad at base, quadrate,
fingéreshaped; emarpginate or pomted.: . or. 2 See. se eye
25. Clypeus with a distinct median impunctate space or the punctures
A clearly defined median impunctate space on the
clypeus «... es. OP ee CCE re Seer es ... medionitens.
No clearly defined sdedian sna an eet space on the
CLY PSUS 5's OM bse wi he ROA MEN bre enh a cn oR TONY Car
Clypeus closely punctured.
Dorsulum with pale pubescence.
-Abdomen greenish, purplish or bluish.
First recurrent nervure received by the second submarginal
cell before the middle ; anal fimbria bright
PETOW DSi. cence tine Piece Se vs ls eee: « « ULTLMOSHLLITD,
First recurrent nervure Perened iy the second submarginal
cell beyond the middle ; anal fimbria sooty. .
Abdomen dull’ stisma: pale”... ie. - os 2 oe cin SOA
Abdomen rather shining; stigma dark.........subcandida.
Abdomen black.
First recurrent nervure received by the second submarginal
cell before the middle ; abdomen thinly
stuibfasciate, ..0. 0. 2. : seladin . .decussata.
First recurrent nervure recent fe ie coher) eh brmArzidal
cell beyond the middle; abdomen not fasciate. decussatudla.
Abdomen fasciate ; dorsulum dull, apparently impunctate ;
clypeus not hidden by pubescence ; abdomen
Breenishiy. ¢ ie. wae. | ay ay ene areeeR aemeet 5 cue meaner Eman
26. Enclosure not rugose.
Clypeus dull impumectates ae... sok Mee aageee ta oss aoe eee
Clypeus dullish, dense, with indistinct punctures .......auricoma.
Clypeus rather closely punctured. but not densely.........scurra.
27. Process of labrum finger-shaped ; scopa compact.... Afacguillivrayi.
Process emarginate, but not deeply.
Posterior legs pale. . ade: syiiavenee Patan MMUILED CRIES:
Posterior legs dark ; sbaemen fiscihes : ei mba dark
DYOWI: urge . oc eae eee Bae sa are usc eae. «+ FY SCL ieee
Males. ;
Giieeks, produced into aroundedianglewt. wren. ess. asa. le
Cheeks regularly rounded, not angulate.. ges SCM! Dench KEY
1. The angle opposite or below the middle a om eye)... . :memeeeere ena
The-ansle above themiddle.of the.eye.. <2 .°:... .. gear eee
2.” Anslevopposite the mmddleo! (heeyer.. .. te. s... - geen eer eae
Angie. below:.the- middlexor the eyet-.08 02. 1 70, ) Spee |... OF
3. Jomt.g shorter than4t.. es. (aes 5.) ence
Jomt.3 longer than -aabur shorten thany4:-h 5 ..... eaeeee eee. 4.
jomnt.2 about-equal sqrt cas Cie es. ay... _ Menor goat a oaesta Be
Abdomen with black pubescence........................ Solidula.
Abdomen with pale pubescence.
Baseice abgent :i.'. 1 Neves. warn ahd oe ne wiemeeeiee ns 6 NPC CIE NANG? Ue
. Pubescence on face and thorax partly black..............HMarveyi.
PEGDESCEMEE, WILE saprt eg eos cen © 2k onus e wie ends Oe ee LO RMECE Ree
PUDESCENEEYOCHTEOUS es cree’ tes cccle «nce ee Bue tat ach ano a MOE AE
Mandibles armed with a tooth at base. Shs 5 seat Adtearg ts a eae es
Mandibles not armed with a tooth at base: ess Ee ahets aie gee Oe
. Pubescence of abdomen pale and black ; ‘anne. 3 nial, longer thant A;
butnot as loneias 4 igs. < wishue +s « eas one Ae ARIE.
Pubescence of abdomen pale.
Pubescence fulvous; joints = 4:or neanly <2... 6-40. 5 at SINE
Pubescence white ; joint 3 much longer than 4, but not as long
CXS Eo US Big Toe Oe Ea el mooie enor e sane qoe eo perarmata.
Abdomen black.
PubesGences wits. icae. cee + pin water elaoe Ne, niet Paes Mae tuk SLOT ENG ERED
Pubescence ochreous to Avon sales ails cop d peso g SUPRUSIF AMS War.
Joint 3 about = to4.. ths) Ee is
Joint 3 distinctly lonbee nan 4, Bue hone cae Het Bie caace wives 13.
. First recurrent nervure received by the second submarginal cell before
themmuddle® soo. .0o2 ass or re:
First recurrent nervure a Aro b the secon Steeneital cell heyond
the middle ; abdomen blue. BL es ox We ehidie st eneNal & cence eee aeee Ceaeede
Dorsulum nuneuaren ae not determined) Texapeet ieee
Dorsulum impunctate........ : SA area eneiee
First recurrent nervure abana ‘ay the secon dala eeiuel cell
before the middle.......... ‘ f BAS, era:
First recurrent nervure Peccinhay By the Pond asin cell
mor ‘beyond the middle yess. .. <clole eis sole tetanic aie ns OMIT
AbGGmen: punctired ss i7iivoe co cagemia at. stcetree ems, Leer re are eee:
Abdomen impunctured ssc). Pigcacteet« were oe SEES EERE: '¢ aden eae
Metathotaxstmiooth ). e920... sara) a5 cient he ae iieinis + seme oe MEO EO.
Enclosure granular.
Pubescence dense ; antenne pale in front............LZd/inozensis.
Pubescence thin ; antenne black in front......,.. ..melanochroa.
Enclosure indistinctly striated.
Stigma dark brown ; pubescence of dorsulum fulvous. . medzonitens.
Stigma pale ; pubescence of dorsulum pale ochreous, . . microsoma,
Abdomen fasciate-er subfasciate . ; . + af.0.eeiatte «tas. 2:01 s Magne ow a BOs
Abdomen not at all fasciate ....... EVE aks AMA We ofeach let BAS
Abdomen densely clothed with ochreaue
pubescence. . = + ieaethees .trachandrenoides.
Abdomen not densely eleihed win? Gehtcone Haeteence wicaget Brats Ses 19.
Legs pale; wings yellow. 3... a... Rees tre a es auricoma.
Legs dark, wings: not yellow, pale °:........ sc: came. » ss eehee mete Or
+ Dorstlwuin’ Shining yes cauecsre nabs «sok oss CARINE: «, ide sR
Pars tle, Quy. 3 Macs satis c+ sae eee, oo oS «oe eaeeniatoe BAP
Mba corns blte .. 53.75 pa dott soe essere AEM «<<a e eee Seattlensts.
Abdomen Vala ches: 2, Gig, csbie, evs abayn o's a tite ies 3) o(ahe 8) Smet a 22s
:*Pubeseenee bright, fulvioust:o. 2). ior chee 5 2s «5 \, SRE
Large 10 mm.; fasciz rather distinct..............Alacguillivrayi.
Smaller*S-mm-> fasciee| father. indistimeie » sha .n1e oe Pullmani.
Abdomen: with some black. pubescemee’.. .... +4 <5 wee wine oes ee
Abdomen: with no black pubesceneess «.. 2.45. ctatpn ie oe a es ee
Huce and legs: with: black, hair ciated . ...» saske ta cebu oe < Me e/a
Bacesand: légs with pale: Gait jie. «4s cpteys ya ea tetanatct-0d ip Eto SCREC RE
. Cheeks not twice as broad as the eye ......... sa lit a's alahio vicina.
Cheeks twice as broad sas, theveye «woh cities ie est aye PMLCL MELO
Joint 3 longer than 4, shorter than 4+5.
Abdomen more or less distinctly punctured...
Abdomen impunctate........ SOM cic SER PRS oe ee,
Tieig, Wolbyiges Pale: <$ g/cm GARMEMR « «oe operated eh ace Miele ee anf ene Io are O mies o:8 og 2
Tibie dark. Hp ‘ 60 : aa
2. Abdomen Shinn radisticlle Fasciates Bubesrence whitch, _Kincaagie
pubescence fulvous..A7zucazdti var.
Abdomen dull, distinctly fasciate ....... Pacis . Vernoni.
3. Abdomen rather indistinctly punctured; euceltun Patisheds Trevoris.
Abdomen distinctly punctured ; scutellum dull ............ Cressoni.
4. Dull; distinctly fasciate. area : .. ee... mustelicolor.
Joint 3 leaner than 445; siete shine ERE Ciate. ... pallidifovea.
Andrena viburnella, Graen. Can. ENT., XXXV., 1903, p. 165.
?, 6th, 7th June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley); ¢, 27th April,
1895, Almota, Wash. (C. V. Piper) ; 17th April, 1896, Livingston, Vanc.;
Victoria, B. C. This may be the same as A. perplexa, Sm.
Andrena meldnochroa, Ck\l. Ent., Lond., 1898, p. 89.
?, 25th May, 1894, Olympia, Wash.; ¢, 15th May, 1894, Olympia,
Wash. (T. Kincaid) ; 9, 18th May, 1896, Livingston, Vane. (2119).
Andrena chlorogaster, n. sp.
? 6mm. A small, almost entirely impunctate species, with pale
hairs in the fovea, pale pubescence and dark brown stigma.
Type locality: Oregon. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Andrena Illinotensis, Robt., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Phila., XVIII., p. 54.
@, 16th April, 1897; ¢, April, 1895, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper).
Andrena Piperi, n. sp.
97mm. Dull black, finely sculptured, impunctate, covered with
white pubescence, stigma pale brown.
Type locality: Pullman, Washington. ‘Type Univ. of Nebraska.
Andrena chlorinella, n. sp.
2? 8mm. Pubescence white; fovea nearly black; dorsulum purplish
and greenish ; abdomen blue and greenish ; anal fimbria nearly black.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon. -Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila:
2oth May, 1899, at the type locality (Cordley).
Andrena candida, Sm. New Spec. Hym. Brit. Mus., p. 55.
?, 18th June, 1895, Olympia, Wash. (T. Kincaid); ¢, 18th June,
1895, Olympia, Wash. (T. Kincaid); April, Pullman, Wash. (R. W.
Doane), Vancouver (Sm. ).
Andrena angustitarsata, 0. sp.
@ 9mm. Pubescence ochreous; fovea ochreous. This is a stylop-
ized specimen, and may be an aborted A. suzbéz/is, the abortion due to
the presence of the stylops.
Type locality: Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Andrena mustelicolor, n. sp.
. 2 ginm. Pubescence mouse gray; anal fimbria and fovea brownish.
Type locality : Pullman, Washington. Type Univ. Nebraska.
9, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper); ¢, 9th May,.1899, Corvallis, Or.
Andrena subtilis, Sm. New Spec. Hym. Brit. Mus., p. 55.
Q, July, 1898; 4th May, 1898; 7th May, 1899; 8th June, Corvallis,
Or. (Cordley) ; ¢, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper) ; Vancouver (Sm.).
(To be continued.)
(Continued from page 173.)
Mamestra elsinora, n. sp.—Expanse: 37 mm.
General colour very dark blackish brown, with a slight purplish tinge,
quite smooth and somewhat shiny. Ordinary markings jet black, but not
conspicuous, owing to the similarity in shade with the ground colour.
The distinct black, more or less solidly filled claviform and the yellow-
filled reniform are the most conspicuous features in the maculation.
Basal line present though fragmentary, represented by two blackish dots
on costa, in one specimen with some whitish scales between them,
forming a more or less evident dot, in the other specimen this is not so
noticeable, the line is also evident between the median and submedian
veins, though in a lighter, diffused sort of way. Just above the median
vein is a small yellow point, quite distinct in one specimen, faint in the
other. T. a. line transverse, more or less outwardly scalloped between
veins, in a few places, especially on the costa, showing as a double line,
with a somewhat paler filling. The outer line is the more easily traced,
but even this is not very distinct without a lens. A narrow median shade
can be made out running from costa downward and outward to lower
edge of reniform, thence to inner margin very close to termination of t. a.
line. T. p. line only moderateiy exserted over cell, thence parallel to outer
margin in a quite direct line to inner margin, inwardly scalloped between
veins. An outer accompanying line is only indicated here and there by a
few scales and a tendency to a lighter filling between the two is evident
though very faintly marked. S. t. line fragmentary, wavy, showing a
mixture of black and yellow scales, with the naked eye the yellow can be
traced as a faint fragmentary line across the wing and the black as two
closely approximate sagittal dashes opposite cell, extending almost to
reniform and usually one smaller one just below costa. With the lens
these sagittal marks can be traced more or less plainly across the wing,
and the yellow scales seem to be imbedded in them. There are fine
yellow points at the termination of veins, which have a tendency to
extend outward, more or less completely through fringe, giving it a faintly
checkered appearance. Fringe concolorous, with a very faint, wavy,
lighter mesial line. Orbicular moderate in size, narrowly black ringed,
within which the lens shows indications of a fine yellowish line.
July, 1904. eS
Reniform moderate in size, erect, surrounded by a black line, which is,
however, somewhat broken and of uneven width, outwardly broadly
yellow-filled, inwardly to a lesser degree, this yellow colour in one
specimen largely fills the spot, in the other it is broken and fragmentary.
Claviform conspicuous, black-filled, crosses t. a. line, and in some
instances its lower fork almost, if not quite, reaches basal line. Hind
wings with a broad blackish fuscous outer border, inwardly much lighter.
Discal dot well marked. Mesial band faint, lighter, hard to follow from
its being merged in fuscous border. Fringe, outer portion whitish, inner
half fuscous, with pale wavy yellowish-white line at base.
Beneath: foré wings dark fuscous, more or less mixed with gray
along costa and outer margin. Mesial line evident, though not prominent.
Discal dot present. Hind wings dark grayish fuscous along costa and
external margins, paler centrally. Well-marked mesial band and discal
dot. Head, collar and thorax slightly darker than wings. Abdomen
fuscous, paler at base. One or two dorsal tufts at base, though not
prominent. Palpi blackish outwardly, lighter inwardly. Tongue
yellowish, at root of tongue on either side, when seen with lens, a small
tuft of bright orange hair. Thorax, abdomen and legs dark smoky
fuscous. Eyes hairy. Antenne broadly bipectinate, pectinations
terminating in one or two fine ciliz. Antenne light yellowish fuscous.
Types: 2 9’s, Huachuca Mts., Ariz.
Mamestra hueco, n. sp.—Expanse: 35 mm.
General colour a light yellowish brown or tan with darker coloured or
purplish brown markings, relieved by whitish shades, especially in the
median space. Palpi yellowish at tip, reddish outwardly. Head
yellowish. Collar tan-coloured, yellowish at base, tipped with whitish.
Patagia purplish-tan, somewhat darker than collar, bordered and tipped
with whitish. Thorax tan, moderate posterior thoracical tuft. Abdomen
tan and purple shades, latter most pronounced at the posterior part and
former at the anterior part of the segment, anal tuft distinct and well
marked. Abdomen at sides, below the middle, densely coated with
tan-coloured hairs, having a tendency to arrange themseives in tufts.
Fore wings, basal half line distinct, purplish, in the centre just above
median veins a prominent broad, solid tooth of the same colour projects
almost to the t. a. line, there is also a small tooth above and below the
median one. The lower one of these is almost or quite connected with a
similar inwardly-projecting tooth on the t. a. line by a band of the same
colour. The basal line is bordered inwardly by a well-marked reddish
band, which extends beyond it to the submedian vein, thence outward
as an accompanying shade. ‘T. a. line distinct, purplish-brown, transverse.
Two inwardly-projecting teeth just above and below the median vein,
forming a well-marked W, as above mentioned they show a tendency
to connect with the basal line, the lower part of the line forms a single
broad scallop to inner margin, there is an accompanying whitish shade on
the outer side, and at inner margin a slight indication of an accompanying
purplish line. T. p. line distinct, vinous, somewhat irregular in width,
exserted over cell in a somewhat quadrangular manner, thence to inner
margin in a couple of broad waves. The line is peculiar in that it does
not extend entirely to costa, but turns inward at quite a sharp angle and
follows parallel to costa and at about 44 mm. removed from it, as a narrow
purplish line as far as outer edge of orbicular. ‘The line itself, as well as
the prolongation, is bordered within with a lighter diffuse whitish shade.
At inner margin the line is accompanied on its inner side for a short
distance by an accompanying line. The veins through the median space
are very delicately and lightly tinted with purplish and also accompanied
by whitish shades. The median shade is diffuse, scarcely, if at all, to be
traced except from inner margin to lower edge of reniform. S. t. line pale
yellowish, scalloped, bordered within and without with purplish, on the
outside this purplish border projects along veins as sharp teeth to terminal
line. ‘The veins in the subterminal space and especially in the centre of
the wing are quite heavily coated with purplish shades, which almost, if
not quite, join in many places, connecting the purple shades of the t. a.
and s. t. lines. There is a purplish terminal line composed of shallow
lunules, these are accompanied inwardly by a pale yellowish shade, which
gradually darkens as it approaches the s. t. line. Fringes pale at base,
purplish outwardly, cut with paler at termination of veins, in some
specimens there is an extremely faint median lighter line. Pale yellowish
spots on costa at inceptions of basal and t. a. lines, one over cell and three
similar dots on apex. Orbicular quite large, subquadrate, quite evenly
tan-coloured, bordered outwardly with pale, within which is purplish ring.
varying in width, in general much broader in the superior half. Reniform
large, slightly oblique, constricted in centre, purplish and light ring the
same as orbicular, centre somewhat paler. -In one specimen before me
there is, at the inner upper edge of reniform, a small purplish dot,
surrounded by the prolongation of the yellowish border, a corresponding
dot of similar size is at the outer upper edge of the orbicular. In other
specimens these spots are fused with the purple rings of the ordinary
spots, forming slight projections on them, in some specimens they are
separate on one side, united on the other. Claviform is present, distinct,
though not prominent, lighter tan-coloured outlined in pale yellow. Hind
wings pale yellowish, semitranslucent, slightly darker outwardly and
along veins.
Beneath: fore wings yellowish, paler than above, longitudinally
streaked with purplish in middle of wing, from base to end of cell, some
purplish streaks at base. Hind wings pale yellowish-white, slightly
purplish along costa and at upper angle. Two or three purplish spots
along veins towards costa, the only indication of a mesial band. On
primaries the purplish shades terminate rather abruptly and are here
somewhat thickened along the veins, giving a rather faint resemblance to
mesial band. Discal spots only apparent as a few faint dark scales, under
lens, not apparent to the naked eye. Abdomen below rusty tan colour,
more or less mixed with purplish. Legs banded yellowish and purple.
Types: ¢ and 9, Huachuca Mts., Ariz.
Admetovis similaris, n. sp.—We have received at various times
a number of specimens of an insect showing on superficial examination so
much similarity to oxymorus, Grt., that we have without further
investigation placed them together. We find both forms likewise in the
National Museum and Henry Edwards’s collections, and, if we remember
correctly, also in that of Mr. Neumoegen. Both forms seem to occur in
the same locality, as we have examples of each from Arizona and
S. California. Oxymorus we also have from Colorado. Grote’s
figure’ (Bully Buff. Soc.,. Vol. Ty %p.-133; Ply iv.,gfigy 5) leavesaine
doubt as to which form he had before him when he made his
description, and for the other, of which we now have six specimens
before us, evenly divided as to sex, we propose the name simz/aris. The
most obvious distinguishing feature lies in the secondaries, which in the
new variety are semi-translucent, white with a faint yellowish tinge, and
show none of the yellowish brown scales which almost, or quite, cover the
wing in oxymorus. A few faint dots in two of the females suggest a mesial
line, and a very faint discoloration in one female towards anal angle and
a slight darkening of some of the veins, especially in the female, are all
that, mars the otherwise uniform clearness of the wings. In oxymorus the
darker portions of the fore wings are frosted with white, more or less
obscuring the markings and giving a powdery appearance to the wings.
In sémilarzs these portions are smooth, even, dark iron-gray, neater and
cleaner looking, not so “mussed up.” The basal and t. a. lines are fine,
black and more distinct than in the older species. No trace of claviform,
except in one specimen, and that very faint, while in oxymorus it is quite
marked. The t. p. line is exserted further beyond cell and on inner
margin comes closer to the t. a. line. The upper of the two dark
patches beyond s. t. line is more triangular, and the lower extends
farther in towards t. p. line.
Types: 3 ¢’s, 3 9’s. So. California, March and May; Arizona,
April and May.
Teniocampa alamosa, 0. sp.—Expanse: 34 mm.
Ground colour yellowish-brown or sepia, markings darker shades of
the same colour, with a vinous or purplish cast. Ordinary lines double
distinct, pale-filled, basal half line well marked crenulated, outer portion
emphasized just above median vein by a small, rather broad toothed
projection, surrounded by the same shade as the filling. T. a. line
transverse, irregular, cut by the somewhat lighter veins, outer portion
heavier than inner. Median shade well marked, passes almost directly
across wing from inner margin to costa, between reniform and orbicular,
it is also cut by the lighter veins and slightly lunulated between them,
especially in lower half. TT. p. line well-defined, moderately exserted over
cell and slightly incurved below it, consists of a series of lunules between
veins, the lunular character being more marked opposite cell. S. t. line
distinct, pale yellowish-tan, wavy, emphasized by a preceding rather
purple shade, which is made up of lunules between the veins, the line
being almost or quite cut by them. The terminal space has a row of
terminal lunules projecting between them, both being of a purplish colour.
These purplish lunules are continued through the fringe, which otherwise
is ofa lighter colour. Orbicular moderate in size, subquadrate, slightly
inwardly oblique, pale-ringed, purplish-filled, somewhat lighter centrally.
Reniform of good size, erect, moderately constricted, pale-ringed, purplish-
filled, somewhat lighter centrally. Hind wings yellowish-white, slightly
darker along extreme edge. Veins somewhat darker, fringe concolorous.
Beneath : fore wings pale yellowish, somewhat darker centrally, quite
uniform double outer line well-marked on costa towards apex, fading out
below. Veins, especially towards apex and outer margin, somewhat
covered with purplish scales. Some ochre-coloured hairs at base of wing
and inner margin. The central portion of wing is also thinly-covered
with moderately long white hairs. Hind wings pale yellowish, costal edge
and veins somewhat darkened. Palpi yellowish inside, mixed with purple
outside. Head, collar and thorax mottled tan and purplish, arranged on
collar in alternate bands, The scales at front of thorax, just behind
collar, are of a more ochraceous tint. Abdomen pale yellowish, slightly
darker than secondaries. Beneath: legs yellowish internally, purplish
and tan externally.
Type: <4 and 9, Huachuca Mts., Ariz.
Tricholita chipeta, n. sp.— g 32 mm., Y 35 mm.
In many collections wil] be found specimens of a species of
Tricholita from Colorado, under the name of /istuzZa, Harv., most of these
came from either Mr. Bruce or myself. At the time these were distributed
I had no specimens of Harvey’s species from California, from which
locality the types originally came, and so had no reason to doubt the
correctness of the identification. Having recently, however, received
specimens from California which agree much more nearly with Harvey’s
description, I feel certain they are the true /7stu/a, and that we have in
the Colorado specimens a distinct species. There is no question but
that the two species I have before me are perfectly distinct. In a series
of eight specimens from Colorado, evenly divided as to sex, the following
variations from the Californian ones are constant: The arrangement of
the white spots in the form of a pipe (mentioned by Harvey) is very clear
in the Californian specimens, in the Colorado ones the upright row of spots
is more rigid, not so curved, and the inner spot corresponding to the bowl
of the pipe is in all the specimens prolonged inwardly as a sharp spur
varying in length, in some specimens reaching as far as the inner edge of
the orbicular, it is bordered above and below bya more or less distinct
black line. The claviform is plainly marked, neatly outlined in black in
all’ Colorado specimens, while no trace of it can be seen in the others,
The orbicular is drawn out in a longitudinal direction, and in some
specimens is continued quite a distance inwards towards the base, in other
specimens there is a single black line running inwards from orbicular. In
some specimens the cell is considerably darkened, in others very slightly
so. The secondaries are whitish, dusky along margins in male, in the
female dusky throughout, though somewhat lighter at base. Fringe dusky
at base, white externally. Beneath //s¢zZa is much darker and has a well-
marked mesial line on both wings, of which there is no trace in the
Colorado form.
As a whole they are quite different looking insects, aside from the
difference in markings, and, if I am correct in the identification of
Harvey’s species, there can be no doubt but that the Colorado ones are
Types : Glenwood Springs, Colo.
Cucullia agua, nN. sp.— g expanse, 44 mm.; ¢, 46 mm.
General type of maculation recalling convexipennis, ground colour a
rather clear bluish gray, with a faint reddish-brown flush, markings in
brown varying in shade from light reddish through dark umber to almost
black. ‘Transverse lines almost obsolete. Extreme base of wing dark
umber brown, with a small white spot next to costa. Inner margin with
narrow dark brown, almost black, line. A prominent dash above inner
angle of same colour, interrupted at its inner fourth by a pale lunule. A
. small blackish spot below costa, just before orbicular, and a larger, more
diffuse one between reniform and orbicular from costa to median vein.
The latter is continued as a faint shade obliquely to inner angle. The
wing between this band and base is a rather clear gray, only very faintly
tinged with reddish brown ; beyond the band and above the median vein
the wing is a light brown, slightly darker outwardly and above, the costa
being, however, narrowly gray, with two or three pale dots and one or two
outwardly oblique short black dashes. Beyond the band below median
vein the wing is gray but considerably washed with brown, especially out-
wardly. ‘The veins, especially the median and its branches, are darkened.
Orbicular small round, brown, with faint interrupted blackish limiting line.
Reniform moderate in size, upright, kidney-shaped, limiting line dark
umber brown, outwardly more blackish, inwardly fragmentary. The spot
is not conspicuous, being concolorous with the brown subapical shade
which embraces it. Thet. a. line is almost obsolete, but on very close
Inspection it can be made out. It makes a wide, outwardly projecting
tooth below median vein. There is a dark brown interrupted terminal
line. Fringe concolorous with adjacent portion of wing, paler at base.
Hind wings soiled white, shading into fuscous outwardly, veins darkened,
fringe white.
Beneath fore wings smoky, paler on inner half of inner margin, costa
somewhat more gray. (uite a coating of long hairs on wing below costa
over cell. Secondaries soiled white, darker outwardly and along costa.
Palpi blackish outwardly, pale brown within. Head dark, black and gray
mixed. Collar pale brown, largely mixed with gray, in front and through
middle antero-posteriorly dark brown, almost black. A darker brown
mesial band, narrowly edged with whiteanteriorly. Patagia gray, more or
less edged with black. Abdomen fuscous. Fan-shaped dorsal tuft at base
and two or three more rounded ones behind it, dark blackish gray.
Thorax and abdomen beneath pale yellowish brown. Legs yellowish
brown inwardly, more or less gray outwardly, tarsi darker brown. |
? resembles ¢ closely, but fore wings are more obscured with dark
blackish brown ; the oblique median shade being much darker.
Ordinary spots more constrasting and have dark brown centres. Hind
wings darker, basal area more obscured.
Types: 1 ¢,1 9. Huachuca Mts., Ariz. One specimen from Mr..
Poling, the other of my own collecting.
(To be continued.)
I have on several occasions had specimens of both the European and
Oriental cockroaches sent me by fruit dealers, who had found them on
bunches of bananas, and there was a report of the capture of a large
scorpion, said to be over five inches in length, on a bunch at Spokane,
Wash., but the most interesting capture that I have to record:is a beautiful
freshly-emerged specimen of Ceramidia Butleri, Moschler, which I secured
here last March. The specimen was sent to the U. S. Museum for identi-
fication, and Dr. Dyar writes me that it made a welcome addition to their
cabinet, and cites Guatemala and the Amazons as its habitat.
J. Wa. Cocke, Kaslo, B. C.
Chrysops lupus, 0. sp.— 2 .—Length, 8-9 mm. Face shining yellow-
ish ferruginous, callosities outside of suture, and cheeks black. Antenne
black, base of first joint fulvous. Front grayish pollinose, callesity black.
Thorax black, with the usual glaucous stripes. Scutellum black.
Abdomen yellow, first segment with a black spot wider anteriorly, and
connecting on second segment with a subquadrate spot deeply emarginate
posteriorly, which does not attain the posterior margin of the segment.
The following segments have four large triangular black spots anteriorly,
well separated from the posterior margins, and forming serrate bands on
the fifth and sixth segments. Venter yellow, with transverse black spots
increasing posteriorly. Legs black ; front coxz, middle femora and tibiz,
distal half of posterior femora, posterior tibiz and base of tarsi ferruginous.
Wings: root, costal cell, crossband and apical spot brown; first
basal cell more than one-half infuscated, second at extreme base only.
The crossband reaches the posterior margin only as a brown cloud on the
last section of the fifth vein. The apical spot is broad in the distal end of
the first submarginal cell and occupies as a brown shade about one-third
of the apical part of the second submarginal, being almost disconnected
from the crossband by the hyaline triangle which crosses the second
longitudinal vein.
Hab.: Grand Lake, Col. Nine females collected by Mr. G. M.
Dodge ineAugust. Long’s Peak, two females, Mr. E. A. Dodge, July.
The wing picture most resembles A7z/aris, O. S., of any eastern species,
though the first basal cell is farther infuscated. The abdominal markings
are somewhat like caé/idus, O.S., but the spot on second segment is
shaped more as on invdus, O. S.
Chrysops Pikei, n. sp.—Q. Length, 6-8 mm. Face yellow, the
callosities infuscated outwardly. Antenne slim, first joint yellow, second
a little infuscated, the third blackish brown. Front yellow, with black
callosity and ocellar space. Thorax black, with wide, well-defined stripes
of greenish-yellow. Abdomen yellow, with two broad black median stripes
the entire length, and two narrow abbreviated lateral stripes beginning on
the third segment. The sixth segment is mostly black. Venter yellow,
with slender furcate lateral lines and an abbreviated wider median stripe
black. Legs yellow ; distal part of anterior tibiz, anterior and posterior
tarsi infuscated.
July, 1904.
Wings: first basal cell completely infuscated, except a small apical
hyaline spot contiguous to a basal one in the discal cell, The second
basal cell is hyaline, except a slight proximal infuscation. The crossband
reaches the hind margin, completely filling the fourth posterior cell. The
fifth posterior cell is entirely hyaline, except for a slight but distinct cloud
near the tip of the fifth vein, and which occasionally extends up the vein
as avery faint shade. The hyaline triangle seldom reaches the second
longitudinal vein and is broad and biunt at its extremity. The apical
spot nearly fills the second submarginal cell and crosses the first posterior
at its extremity.
Eleven females, collected by Mr. G. M. Dodge in Pike Co., Mo.
One specimen has the front and dorsum of thorax dense black.
This species resembles seguvax, Will., but the latter has the hyaline
triangle narrower, arcuated, owing to the convex distal margin of the
crossband, and it crosses the second vein.
Tabanus benedictus, 0. sp.— 9. Length, 23-25 mm. Palpi slender,
dark brown with appressed black hairs. Two basal joints of antenne
dark brown, third joint fulvous, the angle prominent. Eyes revived by
moisture, purple, with two green bands. Front narrow, distinctly
contracted anteriorly, dark brown ; callus brown, twice as long as wide,
with a fusiform prolongation above. Subcallus and face covered with
dense yellow pollen. Thorax dark reddish-brown with a faint whitish
median line. Abdomen black, pruinose. Legs black, base of tibize dark
reddish. Wings fuliginous ; base, costal cell and stigma fulvous, brown
clouds upon cross-veins and divarication of third vein. First posterior
cell closed or nearly so.
Five females, Mr. G. M. Dodge, Pike Co., Mo., August.
This species may be easily recognized by its peculiar abdomen,
which resembles that of afratus, F., its narrow front and closed first
posterior cell.
Tabanus ( Thevioplectes) typhus, n. sp.—Q. Length, 11-13. mm.
Palpi yellow, long and tapering, with white and black hairs. Face and
cheeks grayish, covered with white pollen and long white hairs. Antenne
fulvous ; first two joints with black hairs, third joint with upper angle
obtuse, the concave upper margin sometimes infuscated, the annular tip
black. Eves purple, with the green bands common to the subgenus.
Front broad, whitish-gray, slightly contracted anteriorly, callus castaneous,
a darker lanceolate spot above, subcallus covered with white pollen.
Thorax olive black, with three lighter lines, antealar tubercle rufous with
black hairs. Abdomen rufous with a broad median black stripe broken by
the white posterior margins of the segments.: There are lateral rows of
large, angular whitish spots with whitish hairs, resting on the posterior
margins of the segments. Commencing on the second or third segment near
the lateral margin are blackish spots, increasing posteriorly. The whitish
margins expand medially into a row of very small triangles. | Venter
rufous, darker posteriorly with white margins. Legs fulvous, base of
femora and tips of tibiz infuscated, tarsi black. Wings hyaline; stigma,
costal celi and base luteous.
Six females, Milford, N. H., July.
This species is the size of astutus, O. S., but the latter has darker
antenne, the frontal callosity black, a more perceptible cloud on the
divarication of the third’ vein, and the median row of abdcminal spots
much larger. The abdomen appears more tapering and the rufous tinge
is wanting.
Amesolytus pictus, n. sp.—Length of body, 8 mm.; length of antenne,
4 mm.; expanse of wings, 13 mm.
Head: Clypeus white, pilose, somewhat mottled in appearance ;
mouth organs white ; upper portions of the head black, except that on
either side of the front there is a white line next the eye, and above the
eye on either side a white semi-oval patch extending behind the ocelli.
Eyes oval, large, protuberant, dark brown with a gloss. Ocelli jet black.
Cheek, lower part white ; upper part black. Antenne: scape bead-like,
jet black above, white beneath ; pedicel jet black ; flagellum 30-jointed,
fuscous. Thorax: pronotum and upper parts black, set thickly with retrorse
white hairs. On either side is a white line curving and widening above
the first pair of legs, and then extending upward to the tegule. Scutellum
rather small, outlined with white ; upper and lower edges slightly curved ;
sides somewhat indented. Post-scutellum has a short white line in the
middle of the outer edge. Metathorax elongate, truncated behind.
Under parts of thorax light red. Fore wings: costal nervure edged with
sete, basal nervure boldly curved, first transverse cubital nervure short
and straight, second ditto, wanting ; submedian cell larger than the
July, 1904.
median. Hind wings: costal cell of good size, cubital cell large ; the
transverse cubital nervure set well back, making the median cell to end
with anangle. Legs: first pair small, third pair much larger than either
the first or the second ; coxe and trochanters light red ; femora light red
with pale yellow patches at the knees, the last pair much enlarged and
curved like a bill-hook; tibize white, very hairy ; in the second pair of legs
the tibize have a black patch at the bottom, and in the third pair a black
patch both at top and bottom; tibial spur large and white ; tarsi white,
hairy, the lower half of last joint and claws black. Abdomen: Attached
to thorax by a short petiole
slightly curving upward, clavate,
7-jointed, entirely black, punc-
tured and pubescent.
I raised this very beautiful in-
sect (Fig. 7, greatly enlarged) last
year from Aeroptera pravella,
Grote, a leaf-crumpler on the
Sumach. Dr. Ashmead says of
it: “ Amesolytus, n. sp.-—Quite
different from the other species
described in our fauna, which
comes from Texas.” I have deposited a type of the species in the
National Museum at Washington.
Fic. 7.
Since any work in this group must of necessity be a review of that
done by the late Dr. Geo. D. Hulst, I want to state in this beginning of
mine, that it is not to be regarded as a criticism.
Dr. Hulst made (for him) some curious errors, which will be noted
later on, but the immense work he did in untangling the synonymy of this
variable group, and in his two trips across the ocean to study the types,
cannot be overestimated, and by it mine is rendered easy.
Not long since I made an attempt to rearrange my collection of
Geometride in accordance with Dr. Hulst’s classification of the group as
given in Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., Vol. 23, 1896, which was accepted as an
authority, and followed without many changes by Dr. Dyar in his recent
“List.” Dr. Hulst divides the group into two great families, Geometrinz
and Ennominze, based upon the development or absence of vein 5 in the
July, 1904.
hind wings. This leads to a natural division of the specific groups, and is
a good starting point. The Geometrinz he divides into eight subfamilies.
One of these, Leuculinz, Dr. Hulst doubtfully classes as geometrid, and
subsequently it proved to belong to the Liparide. The Brephinz are in
Dr. Dyar’s “ List ” now placed as a subfamily at the end of the series of
Ennominz. This cannot stand, since vein 5 is developed in all speci-
mens of Brephos I have examined, and it must go, therefore, among the
Geometrinz, or be raised to family rank, as has been done in the case of
another subfamily, the Strophidiine, now Epiplemide. I understand from
Dr. Dyar that the manuscript for his list was prepared by Dr. Hulst, and
unless the reasons for these changes are there given, I am not aware that
they are to be found.
The subfamily Dyspteridine is founded upon the absence of the
frenulum in certain species. This division is not warranted by the studies
which I have made of Dr. Hulst’s collection, now lodged in Rutger’s
College, New Brunswick, N. J., to which, through the courtesy of Prof.
John B. Smith, I was granted free access, and of the collection which he
gave to the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, as well as my own
material. Examination of the types of each genus show the following
results as to the presence or absence of the frenulum in both sexes :
Male. ‘ Female.
Dysptenisi.\<.:.2: 1.2020 ee bsent. absent.
Cysteoptery x. a.k i. not a valid genus.
Ny ctobiay oP isc present. a tuft of stiff hairs.
@ladara.. . Saree. .absente absent.
Opheroptera nee. - present: wings aborted.
Paraptera, ©. ae... ‘PRESent: y a
Reachela:.. ee... | PFeSene. FE “
Such a showing should, in my opinion, eliminate this subfamily,
whose affiliations are with the Hydriomenine, and necessitate a reorgani-
zation of the latter subfamily, which constructive work I intend to take up
later on, after making a comparison of every generic type, with its descrip-
tion. That these descriptions contain many errors, I have already
discovered. How far they may affect the general scheme of arrangement,
as followed by Dr. Hulst, it is impossible to say as yet, but his arrangement
of the species commends itself to me, after some study of the related
forms, and it may not be necessary to greatly alter it. I sincerely hope
this may be so, because I appreciate the labour bestowed upon this group
by Dr. Hulst, when it was in a chaotic condition.
In this connection I may refer to a recently published query by the
Rev. G. W. Taylor, concerning Agza eborata, Hulst., and its supplemental
note by Dr. Dyar. They cite wiridata, Packard, as the type of
Cysteopteryx. This species was not used by Dr. Hulst as the type of
Cysteopteryx (see Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. 23, p. 250), for Agva eborata,
Hulst, is undoubtedly a synonym of Lobophora viridata, Packard, and its
structural characters are widely at variance with Dr. Hulst’s generic
description of Cysteopteryx. In founding the genus Cysteopteryx, he gives
as the type wzrzdata, Grote (not Packard). 1 have been unable to find
any description of such a species (it would probably be called a
Lobophora), nor does it appear in the old Brooklyn Check List, or in
Grote’s Check List of 1882. In the Brooklyn Institute collection there is,
however, a male specimen from New Hampshire, labeled Cysteopteryx
viridata, Grote, in the handwriting of Dr. Hulst. It is a varietal form of
NVyctobia limitata, Walk., and though the end spurs and tarsi are broken
off, in the one hind leg remaining it still bears the hair pencil so curiously
occurring in this group, referred to by Dr. Hulst under his detailed generic
description of Vyctobia. It has ¢wo accessory cells in the fore wings, not
one, and in this agrees also with JVyctobia as defined. In the Hulst
collection at Rutger’s College is a single male specimen labeled Cysteo-
pteryx, which is also, in my opinion, one of the varieties of MVyctodia
Zimitata, Walk., but it has the hair pencil and ome accessory cell. Now,
in my collection, seventeen specimens of the latter species divide in this
respect as follows:
One accessory cell—z2 males, 8 females.
Two accessory cells—5 males, 2 females.
The genus Cysteopteryx therefore should fall. That this showing
should make it necessary to abandon the use of the accessory cell as a
means to generic division, I do not admit. It only proves in this species
to be a variable quantity. Nature follows no hard and fast lines. I
recognize that it is no light matter thus to upset an established order of
things, but facts must be recognized and dealt with, even if they create
temporary disturbance.
Nore.—Since writing the above, I have sent to Mr. Samuel Hen-
shaw, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., a specimen of
Agia eborata, Hulst, which he has kindly compared for me with the type of
Lobophora viridata, Packard. He writes: “ Your specimen is identical
with Packard’s type of Lobophora viridata.”
The Broad-leaved Aster (Aster macrophyl/us, L.) grows in patches of
considerable size in the woods around Levis. In the month of June,
1902, I noticed that many of the large ground leaves of the plant were
folded over from both sides and crinkled. On opening one of them I
found that a larva had turned the leaf into a cool and pleasant tent for
itself, and was feeding upon the parenchyma of the leaf.
This larva was about nine lines in length. It was of a pale green,
with dorsal, subdorsal and side lines of darker green. The head and
second segment were jet black and glossy. The fore part of the third
segment was dull brown, on the after part of it were four conspicuous
white patches. At intervals, along the subdorsal lines, and elsewhere on
the body, were round jet black dots. The spiracles were black. The
under side of the larva was pale green. The claspers and anal segment
were marked with black.
On the 25th of the month mentioned the larva spun a capsule-like
white cocoon, open at one end for the exit of the moth. Its plan was to
place itself on the under side of a fresh leaf, upon the midrib; then to
affix its threads at a certain distance on either side of the rib, and to draw
so much of the leaf as lay between into a fold or crease. Within this it
formed its cocoon.
The moths appeared on the roth of the next month. The perfect
insect when displayed measured ten and a half lines across. Its body was
four lines in length, and its antenne three lines. The palpi were dark
brown, turned back usually. The basal part of them was _ spindle-
shaped ; the terminal joint was smaller, long and pointed. ‘The fore
wings were brown, clouded with darker brown towards the hind margin.
They had a subterminal line of paler brown spots, bordered with biack.
Beyond the centre of the wings was a pale brown horseshoe-like mark, not
very distinct. The secondaries were gray, with a lighter well-marked ter-
minal line, and a gray fringe. The body was tufted at the extremity.
The tarsi were ringed with white.
Professor Fernald and Mr. August Busck informed me that the moth
belongs to the genus Z7richotaphe, Clemens. I have named it Zyricho-
taphe Levisella, and I have sent types of it to the U. S. National Museum.
July, 1904.
The Carnegie Museum has just issued a magnificent volume of over
300 pages, by Dr. Wm. H. Ashmead, on the Classification of the Hymen-
opterous Superfamily Chalcidoidea. (Classification of the Chalcid
Flies of the Superfamily Chalcidoidea. Mem. Carnegie Museum, Vol. 1,
No. 4, pp. 3264+ XII. pls. 9. Jan., 1904.)
The work is divided into two parts, the first of which includes tables
for the separation of all the known genera in the group, while the second
deals with the species occurring in South America.
Fourteen families of Chalcids are recognized and over six hundred
genera. Many of the latter are characterized for the first time in the pres-
ent work. Under each family and tribe is given a brief consideration of
the affinities and general habits of the respective groups. These are of
material aid to the student in identifying specimens by means of the
A good idea of the extreme completeness with which the work has
been done may be gathered from the fact that, in the entire complex, there
are only six genera which are unknown to the author and not classified.
The second part of the paper includes descriptions of nearly 200 new
species of South American Chalcids and a complete synonymical cata-
logue of all the species from that continent, besides tables for the deter-
mination of the species in some of the larger genera.
It is to be hoped that the appearance of this work will give an im-
petus to the collecting and studying of this economically very important
group. Dr. Ashmead may most certainly be congratulated on having
done his share in placing the classification within easy attainment and giv-
ing at the same time one of the most important contributions on American
Hymenoptera ever puplished.
It may also be mentioned that the volume is very nicely printed and
quite free from typographical errors. ‘The nine plates which accompany
it include well-executed figures of some fifty South American genera.
Ci B:
Mailed July 4th, 1904.
The Canadian Kutomotagist
Vou. XXXVI. LONDON, AUGUST, 1904. No. 8
Second Part.—The Syrphide.
In Part I. of this paper Professor Jas. S. Hine has given a list of the
Diptera of British Columbia in all the families except the Syrphide.
While connected with the Minnesota University Seaside Station at Port
Renfrew, on Vancouver Island, during the summers of 1tgor and ’o2, the
present writer paid especial attention, as far as time permitted, to the
collection of Syrphids, hence the list of species in this family is much
more complete than in other families which were picked up incidentally.
Port Renfrew is situated on the south-west corner of Vancouver
Island, across the Strait of Fuca from Cape Flattery. The forest is
unbroken, and the thick, sunless evergreen woods cover everything to
the edge of the cliffs and rocks that form the shore, leaving only the
merest fringe at the extreme border, where flowering plants may grow to
attract Syrphids. A few small sphagnum swamps-and streams let a little
light into the forest, and on the flowers growing in such places Syrphids
were common. A few species, such as Sericomyia chalcopyga,
were found about stagnant pools in woodland. Practically all of the 35
species taken here were found along the shore within a mile of the
Two days were spent about Victoria with favourable results. There
are some fine collecting grounds near the city. At Vancouver a couple
of hours between the arrival of our boat and the departure of our train
yielded a number of species. At Agassiz, 70 miles from the coast, six
species were taken in a few moments’ rapid work while the train stopped
at the station. A portion of two days was spent at Glacier in July, 1901,
and again in August, 1902, and here 16 species were taken, mostly on the
flowers of a small mountain meadow about 6,000 feet up on the side of
Eagle Mt. Glacier is near the summit of the pass over the Selkirk Mts.
A number of species were taken also at Field, a short distance west of
_ the Great Divide. On account of their interest in comparison 12 species
taken at Seattle, Washington; 14 taken at Laggan, Alberta, most of them
about Lake Agnes, over 7,000 feet high, and 17 taken at Banff, Alberta,
are given mention in the following list.
Besides the foregoing taken by myself, Professor R. V. Harvey, of
Queen’s School, Vancouver, the energetic secretary of the British
Columbia Entomological Society, has aided materially in increasing the
list. He has very generously turned over to me all his Syrphids for
study, and I take great pleasure in acknowledging him as a “silent
partner” in the work on which this paper is based. Most of the records
from Vancouver and all from Mt. Cheam, Grouse Mt., Vernon and
Goldstream are from his material. My thanks are due also to Mr. Ernest
Anderson, of the Provincial Museum at Victoria, for certain specimens.
The work of the present paper seems to bridge over a considerable
gap in our knowledge of the distribution of this family in the west.
Osten Sacken, Bigot, Loew, Williston, Snow, Hunter and Coquillett have
studied the Syrphids of the Western United States, and Hunter, Johnson
and Coquillett have recorded about 50 species from Alaska, but in all the
literature at my command I have failed to find reference to more than a
paltry half dozen species from British Columbia. The only papers, to
my knowledge, that make any reference to British Columbia species are
Hunter’s ‘‘ Contribution to the Knowledge of North American Syrphide.
—II.” (Canapian EnrTomo.ocist, June, 1897), in which two species are
described from British Columbia, and Coquillett’s Diptera of the
Harriman Expedition to Alaska, in which three species are mentioned
from Lowe Inlet. The present paper includes 78 species. It is hardly
worth saying that the collecting is only just fairly begun, and the work
done only serves to indicate the richness of the Syrphid fauna in that
region. Careful collecting at different seasons of the year and in different
parts of that vast and varied territory should almost, if not quite, double
the present list.
Most of the species recorded for Alaska will be found recorded for
British Columbia in this paper, many of the mountain species of Colorado
and other western States are also found in the mountain regions of British
Columbia, and the coast species of California and Oregon are taken in
the warm inland sound region about Victoria and Vancouver. The fauna
of the open coast at Port Renfrew is distinctly more northern than that of
Vancouver, though the latter place is tarther north. One thing note-
worthy in the present list is the large number of Old World species.
This observation falls in line with what Williston has already noted for
western Syrphids in general, and what is well known in regard to both
animals and plants, viz., the agreement of Pacific species with those of
Europe. If, as Williston has suggested, the course of the distribution in
this family has been from west to east, British Columbia would seem to
be in the path of distribution. In this connection it is worthy of note that
there is found a much larger number of eastern species in British
Columbia than in California or elsewhere on the west coast. However,
in the present state of our knowledge, this latter fact may bear another
interpretation. The mountain passes are much lower to the northward
and the region of high altitude is much narrower. There is also distinctly
more vegetation, and:these conditions would make the passage of eastern
species westward easier toward the north, and this might account for the
greater number of eastern species than is found farther southward. The
number of species of the genus Sy7fhus (17) in this list is somewhat
remarkable ; 13 are known from Alaska. The west is far richér in this
genus than the east. For instance, New Jersey, which has been carefully
worked, has 8 species. The same thing is noticeable in the genera
-Platychirus, Chilosia, Spherophoria and Melanostoma. On the other
hand, the common eastern genera, /up:za, Xanthogramma, Spilomyia and
Temnostoma, have not thus far been noted in British Columbia.
In the preparation of this paper the writer has had the opportunity
of comparing with types and identified material in the National Museum
at Washington, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge,
Mass., and in the American Museum of Natural History at New York,
thanks to Curators Coquillett, Henshaw and Beutenmuller.
A number of species still remain undetermined, and some of these are
apparently new. ‘These will not be listed here, but will await publication
until such time as a careful comparison with the literature of European
species can be made in order to avoid needless duplication of specific
names in a family already too rich in synonyms. In the following list all
material not otherwise indicated has been taken by the writer :
1. Microdon tristis, Loew.—A single female specimen in my
collection, bearing the data “ Br. Col., June 16, 1898,” seems to belong
here, although it is larger than the eastern ¢vs¢zs, the fourth segment of
the abdomen is nearly bare, the pile of the front and vertex is black, and
the tibize and tarsi are brownish-red instead of reddish-yellow. It
approaches most nearly to the variety cothurnatus, Bigot, which has been
recorded from Oregon.
2. Chrysotoxum derivatum, Walker.—One male was taken at
Glacier, July 20, 1901. Harvey has taken the female at Mt. Cheam,
Aug. 10, 1903. The species has been previously recorded from Alaska
and Oregon.
3. Paragus bicolor (Fabricius).—One male specimen taken by E. A.
Anderson and bearing the data ‘‘ Br. Col., July 13, 1900,” presumably
taken at Victoria. The writer has taken the species at Banff, Alberta.
4. Paragus tibialis (Fallen).—One specimen taken at Agassiz, July
18, 1902. In the west the species has been previously recorded from
California and Colorado.
5. Chilosia lasiophthalma, Williston.—A number of specimens from
R. V. Harvey, bearing the data Vancouver, April 12, 1902; April 15,
1903, and April 10, 1904. Recorded from Alaska (Coquillett, 1900).
6. Chilosia Willistont, Snow.—A specimen from Port Renfrew, July
5, 1go1, and one from Glacier, July 20, tg901. A specimen was also
taken at Seattle, Wash., July 15, 1gor.
7. Chilosia plutonia, Hunter.—A pair taken at Port Renfrew, July
5, 1901. Recorded commonly from Alaska.
8. Chilosia pulchripes, Loew.—A single specimen at Field, July 19,
tgo1. Taken also at Banff, Alberta, July 19, 1902. A European species,
previously recorded from N. A. only from Alaska (Coquillett, tg00).
[Several other species of this genus from Br. Col. are in my posses-
sion, but as I have not been able to assign them definitely to described
species either by study or by comparison with types, I forego further
mention of them for the present. |
9. Melanostoma mellinum (Linné).—Common at Port Renfrew from
June 22 to Aug. ro, Victoria, July 17, 1901, and Agassiz, July 18, 1902.
Taken by Harvey at Vancouver, April 4 to Aug. 19; at Vernon, April
22, 1902, and Wellington, April 15, 1903.
10. Melanostoma angustatum, Williston.—In all over 50 specimens.
Mostly taken at Port Renfrew on dates varying from June 29 to Aug. 16.
Agassiz, July 18, 1902; Victoria, July 17, 1902; Field, July 19, 1901,
and Glacier, July 20, r901. The species has been sent me by Harvey
from Vancouver, April 12, 1902, and April 10, 1904; Wellington, April
15, 1903. The writer has also taken the species at Seattle, Wash., and
at Laggan and Banff, Alberta.
11. Melanostoma stegnum (Say). (=tigrinum O. S.).—Taken by
Harvey at Vernon, April 22, 1903, and at Vancouver, May 1, 1903.
Several specimens. It has been previously recorded from Washington.
12. Pyrophaena ocymi (Fabricius)—Two males of this singular
species weré taken at Port Renfrew, July 6, rgor.
13. Llatychirus guadratus (Say).—A _ single specimen taken by
Harvey at Vancouver, June 2, 1902. The writer has taken the species at
Seattle, Wash.
14. Platychirus hyperboreus (Steeger).—One male in my collection
from Vancouver, April 15, 1898. The female from Wellington, April 16,
1903, taken by Harvey. Taken also at Banff, Alberta.
15. Platychirus chetopodus, Williston.—Taken at Victoria, July 7,
tgor. Also at Banff, Alberta, June 17, 1got.
16. Platychirus peltatus (Meigen).—Glacier, July 20, 1901. Harvey
has taken it at Vancouver, May 9 to Aug. 18; Vernon, June 22, 1903 ;
and Mt. Cheam, Aug. 5, 1903. Kincaid took it at Lowe Inlet, June 3,
1900, on the Harriman Expedition (Coquillett, 1900). Taken also at
Banff, Alberta.
17. Platychirus tenebrosus, Coquillett.— Several specimens taken at
Port Renfrew, July 5, 1901, and Aug. 16, 1902. The species was
described from Alaska in rgoo in the results of the Harriman Expedition
(Coquillett, 1900).
18. Llatychirus albimanus, Fabricius.—Port Renfrew, July 5, rgot.
Several specimens of both sexes. A single specimen at Field, July 18,
1902, also at Banff, Alberta, June 17, 1901. This European species has
heretofore been recorded only for Alaska in N. A. (Coquillett, rgoo). It
seems to be pretty generally distributed in the Northwest.
19. Leucozona leucorum (Linné).—A single specimen, male, taken at
Mt. Cheam, Aug. 5, 1903, by R. V. Harvey. This species has been
recorded from Alaska and Washington.
20. Catabomba pyrastri (Linné).—Port Renfrew, Aug. 16, 1902;
Glacier, Aug. 20, rgo1. Taken by Harvey at Vancouver, May 1, 1903.
Taken also at Seattle, Wash., July 15, rgo1; Laggan, Alberta, Aug. 24
1902; and at Banff, Alberta, June 17, rgor, and July 17, 1goz.
21. Eupeodes volucris, Osten Sacken.—Victoria, July 17, 1g0r, and
Agassiz, July 18, 1902. Taken by Harvey at Goldstream, July 20, 1go2.
22. Syrphus arcuatus (Fallen)—Common and widely distributed.
Taken at Port Renfrew, July 25, 1902; Victoria, July 17, 1901; and
Field, July 15, 1902. Harvey has taken it at Wellington, April 15, 1903,
and at Mt. Cheam, Aug. 5, 1903, and the writer has it also from Laggan
and Banff, in Alberta. The variety /apponicus occurs along with the
typical form.
23. Syrphus amalopis, Osten Sacken.—Two specimens, male and
female, from E, M. Anderson, are in my collection marked ‘‘ Br, Col.,”
but with no other data. They are presumably from Victoria. This
supposedly eastern species has been recorded commonly from Alaska
(Coquillett, 1900).
24. Syrphus intrudens, Osten Sacken. Common at Port Renfrew,
June 22 to July 5. A specimen taken at Victoria was sent me by E. M.
Anderson, and Harvey has taken it at Vancouver, May 16, and at Mt.
Cheam, Aug. 9, 1903. Also taken at Laggan, Alberta. Considerable
variation is shown in size, and in shape and size of abdominal markings,
but they seem to intergrade completely.
25. Syrphus contumax, Osten Sacken.—A single specimen taken by
R. V. Harvey at Grouse Mt., July 19, 1903. Kincaid found the species
common at a number of places in Alaska (Coquillett, 1900).
26. Syrphus mentalis, Williston.—Port Renfrew, June 30, 1901 ;
Glacier, July 20, r901. Taken by Harvey at Vancouver, April ro, and at
Wellington, April 15, 1903. ‘Taken also at Laggan, Alberta, July 22,
tgot. Has been taken in Washington and Alaska.
27. Syrphus disjectus, Williston—Taken by R. V. Harvey, at
Vancouver, July 26, 1902. A single specimen.
28. Syrphus velutinus, Williston.—A single specimen of this inter-
esting species was taken at Mt. Cheam, Aug. 9, 1903, by Harvey. The
type locality is Oregon. Kincaid took a single specimen in Alaska
(Coquillett, 1900).
29. Syrphus pauxillus, Williston.—This species was described by
Williston in his Synopsis of N. A. Syrphidz, 1886, from a single female
specimen taken in New Mexico. Since that time I have not been able to
find any reference to it in the literature of western Syrphide. Three
specimens in my collection without doubt belong here. One of these, a
female, was taken by the writer at Banff, June 17, 1901. Another female
taken at Grouse Mt., Br. Columbia, July 19, 1903, was sent me by
Harvey, and a male that seems without question to belong to this species
was given me by E. A. Anderson. It bears the data, “ Br. Col., April 15,
1898,” and is presumably from Victoria. These specimens agree with
Williston’s description in practically every detail. For the female I can
add the description of the hind legs, which were lacking in the type
specimen. They are similar to the others, except that on the femora the
black of the base has a greater extent, there is a dark ring on the tibia,
and the last four tarsal joints are somewhat infuscated (in one specimen
this is true of the front and middle tarsi as well). In the specimen‘ from
Grouse Mt. the yellow spots of the third and fourth abdominal segments
are very slightly connected by narrow bands across the middle of the
segments. The male is very similar to the female, differing only in the
following points: The pile of the thorax is longer and mixed with black,
the abdomen is a trifle less broadly oval, and the yellow spots are lacking
on the front angles of segment 5, though both segments 4 and 5 are
margined with yellow behind as in the female. The legs are rather red
than yellow in ground colour, but the black has the distribution as in the
female. The pile of the face is black, and that of the eyes yellowish in
both sexes. The front and vertex are greenish black, with black pile.
The species seems to have a wide though rare distribution through
the west, but perhaps its apparent rarity can to some extent be accounted
for by its small size and obscure coloration.
30. Syrphus diversipes, Macquart.—One at Port Renfrew, June 29,
1go1, the only specimen taken in two seasons’ collecting at that point.
Harvey has taken it more commonly at Vancouver, July 26 to Aug, 20,
1903, and at Mt. Cheam, Aug. 5, 1903. The species has been taken in
Washington and Alaska, and Kincaid found it common in Alaska
(Coquillett, 1900).
31. Syrphus protritus, Osten Sacken.—A single specimen from Mt.
Cheam, taken Aug. 5, 1903, by R. V. Harvey, seems best to belong here,
though with some question. The species was described from California,
and it has been taken in Alaska (Hunter, 1897).
32. Syrphus ribesii (Linné).—Port Renfrew, Aug. 16, 1902; Victoria,
July 17, rgor, and Glacier, Aug. 20, 1902. Harvey took one specimen
at Mt. Cheam, Aug. 5, 1903. Taken also at Laggan and Banff, Alberta,
33. Syrphus torvus, Osten Sacken.—Common at Glacier, July 20,
tgor, and Aug. 21, 1902. Taken by Harvey at Vancouver, May 16,
1903 ; at Wellington, April 17th, 1g03, and at Mt. Cheam, Aug. 9, 1903.
Taken also at Laggan, Alberta.
34. Syrphus Lesuerii, Macquart.—Victoria, July 17, 1901. Harvey
has taken the species also at Vancouver, Aug. 25, rg02, and July 14, 1903.
35. Syrphus Americanus, Wiedmann.—Very common at Port Ren-
frew early in July. Taken by Harvey at Vancouver, Aug. 18, 1902, and
April 13, 1903, and at Wellington, April 15, 1903. Taken by the writer
at Seattle, Wash., July 15, rgor.
36. Syrphus opinator, Osten Sacken.—Port Renfrew, July 6, 1gor,
and Field, July 17, rg01. Taken by Mr. E. A. Anderson at Victoria, and
by Mr. R. V. Harvey at Vancouver and Victoria, at dates ranging from
May 23 to Oct. 22.
37. Syrphus umbellatarum, Schiner.—A number of specimens taken
at Glacier, Aug. 21, 19c2. The species was also taken at Laggan,
Alberta, July 22; 1901, and at Banff, Alberta, July 17, 1902.
(Syrphus glacialis (Johnson), Laggan, Alberta, July 22, 1gor).
38. Syrphus macularis (Zetterstedt).—A single specimen taken at
Port Renfrew, June 29, Igor.
39. Didea laxa, Osten Sacken.—Three specimens have been sent
me by Mr. Harvey, one taken at Victoria, Aug. 14, 1902; one at Van-
couver, Aug. 10, 1902, and one at Mt. Cheam, Aug. 6, 1903.
40. Mesogramma marginata (Say).—Port Renfrew, Aug. 16, 1902.
Agrees almost exactly with specimens from New York, Ohio and North
41. Mesogramma geminata (Say).—Port Renfrew, Aug. 16, 1902 ;
Victoria, Aug. 17, r90r. Taken also at Seattle, Wash., July 15, r1gor.
The western specimens agree well with the common eastern form.
42. Spherophoria cylindrica (Say).—Very common. Port Renfrew,
July 6, r901 ; Aug. 16, 1902; Field, July 19, rg01; Glacier, July 20,
rgo1 ; Agassiz, July 18, 1902. Mr. Harvey has also taken the species at
Vancouver, May 30, 1902; Vernon, June 27, 1902; and Victoria, Aug.
1, 1902. The writer has taken the species also at Seattle, Wash.; Banff,
Alberta; Swift Current and Moose Jaw, Assiniboia. There seems to be no
appreciable differences between western and eastern forms in a series of
over 50 specimens.
(To be continued.)
(Continued from page 1096.)
Andrena trachandrenoides, n. sp.
2 and ¢ ro mm. Presumably from British Columbia. A very
remarkable species, with ochreous pubescence and legs partly pale. If it
were not for the character of the antennze, this would have to be placed in
Andrena Kincaidti, Ckll., Proc. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1897, p. 25.
?, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper); ¢, 2nd, roth June, 1895, Olympia,
Wash. (T. Kincaid) ; 7th June, 1895, Seattle, Wash. ; 20th May, 1896.
Livingston, Vanc.; ?, 6th April, 5th July, 1898; ¢, 2nd June, 1898; 5th
June, 1897 ; 26th Sept.,-1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley).
Andrena Kincaidii, Ckll., var. Pascoensis, Ckll., Ent., Lond., 1897, p. 305,
?, 25th May, 1896, Pasco, Wash. (T. Kincaid), Oregon. |
Andrena Vernoni, n. sp.
? 135mm. g 12mm. Very like AXizcaidiz, but the dull sculpture
separates this at a glance.
Type locality : Vernon, British Columbia. Type Acad. Nat. Sci.»
Andrena Cressoni, Robt., Tr. Am. Ent, Soc., XVIII, p. 56.
?, 27th May, 1897; 8th June ; 4th, sth, 8th, rrth June, 1898 ; 4th,
27th April ; 12th May, 7th, roth, r4th June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cord-
ley); g, 11th, rath, 3rst May, 1903, Vernon, B. C.; 29th May, sth July,
1896, Livingston, Vanc.
Andrena pulverulenta, n. sp.
$ 1omm. The dull fine sculpture, the gray and sericeous pubes-
cence, make of this a sharply defined species.
Type locality: Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila,
25th Sept., 1898 ; ¢, 15th May, 1897 (Cordley).
Andrena seminigra, n. sp.
? 12mm. A species with gray pubescence, the abdomen nearly
bare and with a steel-blue reflection.
Type locality: Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat, Sci., Phila.
¢, 4th May, 1899; rath, 18th May, 1898; 7th, 9th June, 1898 ;
3rd, roth June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley).
Andrena subaustralis, Ckll., CAN. ENT., XXX., 1898, p. 146.
9, 7th May, 1898, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley); 2zoth April, 7th, 24th
May, Livingston, Vanc.
6, 2nd June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley); 4th May, 1897,
Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper), 17th, 20th, 24th April, 8th May, 1896,
Livingston, Vanc.
Andrena indotata, Nn. sp.
? 1omm. Easily distinguished by the characters given in the key
to species.
Type locality: Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Andrena Halli, Dunn, Can. Ent., XXX., 1898, p. 268.
Q?, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper).
Andrena solidula, n. sp.
13 mm. Fovea and thorax with brown hair.
Type locality: Pullman, Washington. Type Univ. Nebraska.
9, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper).
Andrena junonia, n. sp.
This may be so/idu/a altered by Stylops.
Type locality: Pullman, Wash. Type Univ., Nebraska.
9, May, 1895, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper).
Andrena compactiscopa, Nn. sp.
Size of solidula.
Type locality: Pullman, Washington. Type Univ. Nebraska.
Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper). :
Andrena vicina, Sm. Brit. Mus. Cat. Hym., I, 112.
?, 14th June, 1902, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey); 9. 4th June, 1895,
Seattle, Wash.
9 9, 4th May, 1898; 18th May, 6th June, 1897, Corvallis, Or.
(Cordley); 43, 5th June, 1895, Olympia, Wash. (Kincaid); 15th April,
1894, Seattle, Wash.
Andrena Carlini, Ckll., CAN. ENT., XXXIII., 1g01, p. 150.
2, 12th June, 1903, Vernon, B. C.; 3rd, 4th June, 1899, Corvallis,
Or. (Cordley).
4g, 2nd April, 1895, on gooseberry, Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid).
Andrena neurona, N. sp.
2 a2 mm. ;
Type locality: Seattle, Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
2, 17th April, 1896, Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid); 2nd May, 1903,
Vernon, B. C. (Venables).
Andrena pluvialis, Ckll., CAN. Ent., XXXIIL, rgor, p. 154.
9, 1st May, 1894, Olympia, Wash. .(T. Kincaid); Victoria, B. C.
(G. W. Taylor); 29th May, 14th June, 1896, Livingston, Vanc.
Andrena transnigra, . sp.
| Lr mm:
Type locality: Seattle, Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
9, 17th April, 1896, the type.
Andrena Seattlensis, n. sp.
? tomm,
Type locality: Seattle, Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
?, Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid); 13th June, 1902, Vancouver, B. C.
(Harvey); 17th May, 16th June, 1896, Livingston, Vancouver, Victoria,
B. C. (G. W. Taylor); 20th May, 1895, Almota, Wash. (C. V. Piper).
Andrena Chapmana, n. sp.
? 12 mm. Pubescence black. This species is included to show
the relation between it and the form from Oregon, which may be a
distinct race.
Type locality: Yosemite, California. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
24th June, 1902 (B. Chapman).
Andrena Chapmane race.
tst June, 1897, Corvallis, Oregon (Cordley),
Andrena Pullmani, n. sp.
2 10mm. Face with black dorsulum with white pubescence.
Type locality: Pullman, Washington. Type Univ. Nebraska.
?, 14th April, 1897; 6th May, 1898 (C. V. Piper); ¢, 25th April,
Livingston, Vanc.; 3rd May, 1896, Elkton, Or.
Andrena longihirtiscopa, 2. sp.
? 10 mm.
Type locality: Vancouver Island. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
?, Vancouver Is. (G. W. Taylor).
Andrena vicinoides, n. sp.
? 12 mm.
Type locality: Victoria, B.C. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
?, Victoria, B. C. (G. W. Taylor); 2nd June, 1897, Olympia, Wash.
Andrena saccata, . sp.
? 13 mm. Face with black pubescence, dorsulum with pale
pubescence, abdomen with erect, black pubescence.
Type locality: Corvallis, Or. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
?, 3rd May, 1899; 15th May, 1897; 8th June, 1898, Corvallis, Or.;
17th April, 1896, Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid). 4, no data.
Andrena hemileuca, U. sp.
OF osmin:
Type locality: Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
¢ , Seattle, Washington; Mt. Hood, Or.; ¢, Washington.
Andrena clypeoporaria, n. sp.
Oe min
Type locality: Olympia, Wash. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
9, 12th June, 1895, Olympia, Wash.; Mt. Hood, Or.
Andrena advartans, fr. sp.
° 13 mm.
Type locality: Vancouver, British Columbia. Type Acad. Nat.
Sci., Phila.
?, 5th April, 1902 (Harvey); ¢, 2nd March, 1902 (Harvey).
Andrena Washingtoni, Ckll., Psyche, I[X., rgor, p. 284.
9, 2nd June, 1895, Olympia, Wash. (Kincaid); 20th May, 1896,
Seattle, Wash.
dg, 4th April, 1896, Seattle, Wash.
Andrena moesta, Sm. New Spec. Hym. Brit. Mus., p. 54.
2, 6th May, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley).
Andrena albihirta, Ashm., 2? =perarmata, Ckll., g. Bull. Col. Ass., I.,
P. 5:
2, 13th, 17th March, 1896, Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid); Pullman,
Wash. (C. V. Piper); 20th April, 1896, Livingston, Vanc.; 9th June,
1903, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey).
$, 16th, 18th February, 13th March, 1896; 15th March, 1897,
Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid).
Andrena Harveyi, n. sp.
299mm. Related to 4. mandibularis, Rob.
Type locality: Grouse Mt., Vancouver, B. C.
Type Acad, Nat. Sci., Phila.
2, 19th July, 1903, Grouse Mt. (Harvey); 6th, 8th, 14th, 24th, 25th
May, 1898; 1st, 5th June, 1897; 6th, 8th, 9th, roth June, 1898, Corvallis,
Or. (Cordley); ¢, 28th, 29th March, 1902, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey);
31st March, tg02, Capilano Canon, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey); 5th May,
1g02, Greer’s Beach, Vancouver, B. C.; 22nd March, rst, 4th May, 1903,
Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey).
Andrena asmi,n, sp.
Q 12 mm.
Type locality: Pullman, Washington. Type Univ. Nebraska,
Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper).
Andrena medionitens, Ck\l., Ann, and Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 (7), p. 1o1.
Q., 25th May, 1896, Pasco, Wash.
Andrena semipolita, n. sp.
Q 11mm. Superficially this looks much like medionitens.
Type locality: Washington. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
Andrena xanthostigma, Nn. sp.
2 8 mm.
Type locality: Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
9, 28th May, gth June, 1898; 7th June, 1899, Corvallis, Or.
(Cordley). i
Andrena candida, Sm. New Spec. Hym. Brit. Mus., p. 55.
?, 8th June, 1898; 27th April, 1898, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley);
‘** Vancouver ” (Sm.).
Andrena subcandida, 0. sp.
9? 9mm.
Type locality: Seattle, Wash. Type Am. Ent. Soc., Phila.
9, 14th March, 1896, Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid); Vancouver Is.
(G. W. Taylor).
Andrena decussata, n. sp.
? 9 mm.
Type locality: Puilman, Washington. ‘Type Univ. Nebraska.
@, no date; ¢, 4th May, 1897, Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper).
Andrena decussatula, n. sp.
? 9 mm.
Type locality: Vancouver, British Columbia. Type Acad. Nat,
Sci,, Phila.
?, 22nd June, tg02, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey).
Andrena subdistans, n. sp.
Type locality , Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
9, r4th May, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley); Wash.
Andrena plana, Nn. sp.
? 9mm. A very remarkable species that looks like a Hadictus
with brown velvet on the dorsum of thorax.
?, 7th April, 6th May, 2oth May, 1899 ; 2nd June, 1898 ; 5th June,
1897; 6th June, Corvallis, Oregon (Cordley).
Type locality: Corvallis, Or. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Andrena auricoma,Sm. New Spec. Hym. Brit. Mus., p. 56.
2, 3rd, 7th June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley) ; ¢, Washington ;
‘“ Vancouver ” (Sm.).
Andrena scurra, Nn. sp.
9 10mm.
Type locality: Corvallis, Or. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
2, 2nd May, 1897; 2nd, 7th, 9th May, 1899; 12th, 24th, 25th,
26th, 30th May, 1898: 15th, zoth, 27th May, 1899; 15th, 22nd, 29th
May, 1897; 23rd May, 2nd June, 1896; 4th, 6th June, 1898 ; 4th, 5th
June, 1897 ; 8th, gth, r4th June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley) ; ¢, 17th
April, 1896, Livingston, Vanc.; Mt. Hood, Or.
Andrena Macguillivrayi, Ck\l. Ent. Lond., 1897, p. 308.
?, 1st May, 1899; 6th May, 1897; 8th, 24th May, 1898, Corvallis,
Or. (Cordley) ; 29th May, 17th June, 1896, Livingston, Vanc.; Seattle,
Wash.; 12th June, 1895, Olympia, Wash. (T. Kincaid) ; Vancouver, B. C.;
Mt. Hood, Or.; ¢, 30th April, 1898, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley) ; 17th
April, 1896, Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid). ;
Andrena nubilipennis, n. sp.
9 13mm. Superficially like 4. Kincaidii.
Type locality: Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Andrena w-scripta, 0. sp.
? 8 mm.
Type locality: Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
>, 7th June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley) ; Wash.; 26th April,
1902, Vancouver, B. C. (Harvey).
Andrena errans, Sm. New Spec. Hym. Brit. Mus., p. 55, ‘‘ Vanc.”
(Sm.). Not determined.
Andrena cerulea,Sm. New Spec. Hym. Brit. Mus., p. 55, ‘‘ Vanc.”
(Sm.). Not determined.
Joint.3 of the‘antennz shorter than 4-+ 5 or.as longs... 5) Arye. we I
Jointyglongen than: 4 tibet. Muy 25.0. chcah yee amen ie sy hc eae,
I. Joint 3=4+5.
Fovea very broad, extending nearly to the lateral ocellus........2.
Fovea narrow, not much wider than one-half the distance between
lateral ocellus and eye. eee ES : 33%
Fovea very narrow, its width: About sana to one- Sale the dmance
between the lateral ocellus and eye. eee Liason ames: Ge
2. Clypeus densely indistinctly punctured ; aueseence on dorsulum not
abundant, the surface nearly bare......... ae .oniscicolor.
Clypeus sparsely indistinctly punctured ; wibeneeueee on dorsulum
abundant, the sculpture hidden......................albuginosa.
3. Dorsulum distinctly tessellate punctate ................pallidiscopa.
Dorsulum: not distinctly tessellate- punctate... ov. cds ae ae
4. Abdomen distinctly fasciate.
scopa thin; the hairs straights 00. Ge ccey.. «agnosie meus RAEESCOD IE:
Scopa dense, the hairs pureed Sica Sieg acd eee ube aay wees oa aE
5. Fovea with pale pubescence ; dorsullem blaalee: ....-pallidifovea.
6. Process emarginate, abdomen purplish...................complexa.
7. Fovea long, extending below the insertion of the antenne, usually the
lower end is distinctly outlined ; middle metatarsus about as wide
as the posterior metatarsus.
Abdomen black.
Abdomen not fasciate ; scopa compact........... erigenotdes.
Abdomen: faseiatewis. /hs'ndee toi eee cee. dee es HOR
Abdomen: bluishvor greenishviriea ae utes aie base thee
8. Scopa pale, whitish or brownish.
Scopa whitish.
Abdomen greenish ; ee almost impunctate, dull, almost
hidden by pubescence.. : : ..crypta.
Abdomen bluish, clypeus not aleorighy auneeurade stall nearly
Dakeeut ci.) Heaters rae eas wif. Sas se Aa ee territa.
Scopa brownish ; clypeus not hidden by pubescence... .. .. acrypfa.
Scopa black.
Clypeus distinctly punctured ; black; dorsulum and basal segment
of abdomen with pale pubescence............... nigrocerulea.
g. Dorsulum punctured ; enclosure not closely rugose, nearly
SMGGU:.,.. «Saran eeiae Rarer gre. wi hile'n i'w ove oly. Clie eeeaa AIRE ARO RITES,
Pterandrena oniscicolor, n. sp.
P 8 mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon.
7th June, 1899 (Cordley).
Pterandrena albuginosa, 0. sp.
fp rr mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon.
8th June (Cordley).
Pterandrena pallidiscopa, 0. sp.
Pp to mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon.
rst June, 1896 (Cordley).
Pterandrena nudiscopa, 0. sp.
? og mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon.
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila,
and April, 1899; 23rd May, 1899; 3rd June, 1898 ; 7th June, 1899
Pterandrena pallidifovea, n. sp.
Pp 11.5 mm., ¢ 10 mm.
P type locality : Corvallis, Oregon.
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
4th June, 1898, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley) ; 29th May, 1903, Vernon,
B. C. (Venables); Pullman, Wash. (C. V. Piper); g, 17th April, 1896 (T.
Pterandrena complexa, n. sp.
— 8mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon,
23rd April, 1898 (Cordley).
Pterandrena erigenoides, N. sp.
? 7mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon.
17th April, 1897 (Cordley).
Pterandrena crypta, n. sp.
yr 7 Minin
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon,
zoth May, 1899 (Cordley).
Fterandrena territa, Ckll., Ent. Lond.,
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
1898, p. 89.
—, 23rd May, 1894, Olympia, Wash. (T. Kincaid).
Pterandrena acrypta, 0. sp.
Pp 8 mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
g, 7th, 20th May, 1899 ; 8th June, 3rd July, 1899; 7th, 26th May,
1898, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley), Washington.
Pterandrena nigrocerulea, Ckll. Ent. Lond., 1897, p. 309.
£, 23rd May, 1899, Olympia, Wash. (T. Kincaid); roth May, 1896,
Seattle, Wash. (T. Kincaid) ; 22nd April, 1899; 2nd May, 1897; 7th
May, 1898 ; rzth, 15th, 18th, 2oth, 21st May, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cord-
ley); 2nd, 3rd, 6th June, 1899 (Corvallis, Or. (Cordley).
Pterandrena nudimediocornis, n. sp.
P gmm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila,
3g, 27th May, 3rd, 7th June, 1899, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley).
Scopa dense ; fovea extending below antenne.
Progess of labrum deeply emarginate ...:... .. 62) 5a" ue chalybioides.
Process of labrum, pointed y s,. 4242 sagen ee ee andrenotdes.
Face without pale marks ; abdomen blue................. chalybioides.
Face with pale marks ; abdomen black.....................andrenoides,
Parandrena chalybioides, n. sp.
Pp 1rmm., ¢ 9mm.
Type locality : Corvallis, Oregon. Type Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.
P, 20th March, 14th, 21st May, 1899; 24th, 26th May, 1898 ; 3rd
June, 1899; g, 23rd April, 1898, Corvallis, Or. (Cordley).
Parandrena andrenoides, Cress., Tr. Am. Ent., VII., p. 62 (Panurgus).
P, 2nd May, 1899, Olympia, Wash. (T. Kincaid).
By T. D. A. Cockerell.
Of the genus Sphecodes in the broad sense, sixteen species are known
from the Eastern and Middle States, nine from the Rocky Mountain
region, seven from Mexico, three from the West Indies, and only three
have been recorded from the States bordering on the Pacific. The
Pacific species are probably numerous, but mostly unknown; in the
present article six are reported from Olympia, Washington State,* where
they were collected by Professor Trevor Kincaid.
*It would save much confusion if the State of Washington could be known as
Washingtonia, with the abbreviation Washa, or Wa,
Length 12 mm.; abdomen quite elongated, with approximately parallel
Sides entirely bright: ferrugm@us 2.02. iene ook oaks owe MOmeatale,
Ihenicthess than 11 tmm.; “abdomen ordinary: fn7-% 2. S028 ae oe
LA LAMGMeS Simple. /F.ciie see sae aes <ta ae eae ewvaurl olde bene noes
Mandibles dentate. . mi ihe pada se pa hciretatighetcl Ua the ee Eee
2. Length about 914 mm.; Sahin very lela bide ehawa k dicts. (OLD UEAICUS:
Length barely 7 mm.; labrum small. signs htc iss DV ASAINEONEs
3. Abdomen scarcely shun euped size sitll AeA ERAGE A . minor.
Abdomen with distinct but minute punctures, at ledst on *seeeinde and
following segments ; size larger ........ staat calle Sher areas heres
4. About 8%4 mm. long ; enclosure of puetanhoras ean tina,
distinct . SR cee EA Rae a Sh rae ean he cea hesperellus.
Larger ; eAeidie iF enaiioree4 NOE GEMNEGT: Save wince: arvensiformis.
Abdomen practically impunctate; segments 2 and 3 red, the others nearly
all black ; tarsi light yellowish. . etsy Lae uae minor.
Abdomen Saal punctured ; ceeeae 2 anak 3 ara aise nadia black
cloud; 1 with jai margin red, the rest nearly all black ; tarsi
brownish . Sets, Pa sf iets \ pespeneliae
Sphecodes Kincaidii, Ckll., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., “Phila, ra p. 56.
roth June, 1895, ion Wash. (Kincaid).
Sphecodes (Drepanium) Olympicus, n. sp.
One fP, Olympia, May roth, 1896 (Kincaid).
Length about 9% mm.; head, thorax and legs black; flagellum
brownish beneath apically ; mandibles dark reddish, black at base ;
wings only slightly grayish; stigma dark reddish brown ; abdomen bright
chestnut red, the fifth segment black, apical plate chestnut red, broad and
truncate, faintly emarginate. Mandibles simple, long and _ faiciform;
labrum very large and long, smooth, densely punctured at extreme base,
“emarginate at apex; clypeus very densely punctured ; flagellum densely
and minutely rugoso-punctate ; 3rd joint of antennz distinctly longer than
4, 4 equal to 5; mesothorax rather closely punctured, with a strong
anterior median sulcus ; base of metathorax reticulate ; abdomen scarcely
punctured. .
The three species of Drepanium, falcifer, fortior and Olympicus,
are very closely allied, but may be readily separated by the following
characters ;
S. falcifer: wings brownish; abdomen broader, yellowish red ;
mesothorax more coarsely punctured. E. States.
S. fortior : wings practically clear ; abdomen narrow, deep chestnut
red ; mesothorax less coarsely punctured. Middle Sonoran Zone in New
S. Olympicus: wings practically clear; abdomen broad, chestnut
red, segment 5 black ; mesothorax more finely punctured. Washington
State. In S. falcifer the second abdominal segment is distinctly the
broadest ; in S. fortior and S. Olympicus it is not or hardly broader than
the apex of the first. The apical plate of abdomen is much narrower in
fortior than in Olympicus.
Sphecodes (Macheris) Washingtoni, n. sp.
One £, 24th June, 1895, Olympia, Washington (Kincaid).
Length hardly 7 mm.; head, thorax and legs black; mandibles simple,
yellowish-red, black at base and dark at extreme tip, stout and short;
ridge of labrum low, very broadly truncate ; flagellum very faintly brown-
ish beneath, scape punctured, joints 3, 4, 5 subequal, antenne placed
rather low down; front extremely closely punctured ; head somewhat
broader than thorax; mesothorax shining, with sparse punctures, not
obviously sulcate ; tegule large, dark at base, otherwise pallid; wings
pale brownish, nervures and stigma very dark; enclosure of metathorax
semilunar with a distinct rim, irregularly wrinkled ; abdomen yellowish-
red, apex of fourth segment, and all of fifth, blackish, practically impunc-
tate ; apical plate narrow. The head seen from above is thicker in
proportion to its width than in S. Olympicus.
Allied to S. stygeus, Rob., but larger, and differing in several small
Sphecodes ( Sphecodes) minor, Robt., Tr. Ac., St. Louis, VIII., p. 45.
One P, June 30, 1896, one ¢, no date, Olympia (Kincaid).
Actual comparisons may prove this different from the Illinois: S. m/nor,
but the P agrees with Robertson’s description, and the { is unknown to
him. The g has not only pale tarsi, but the anterior tibiz are light
reddish, with a blackish cloud behind, and the middle and hind legs have
the knees reddish, and the tibiz pale reddish apically. The apical
margin of the first abdominal segment is red.
P, 24th, 25th May, 1898; 6th June, 1898; oth June, 1899, Corvallis,
Or. (Cordley). .
Sphecodes (Sphecodes) hesperellus, n. sp.
One —, June 5th, 1895, two ¢’s, no date, Olympia (Kincaid). This
was formerly recorded as S. dichrous, or (arvensis), but it is distinct,
having a narrower thorax, less punctured abdomen, etc.
Pp .—About 814 mm. long ; head, thorax and legs black ; mandibles
with only the faintest red shade towards the apex; inner tooth of
mandibles strong ; ridge of labrum broad and low; antennal joints 3, 4
and 5 subequal; flagellum faintly brownish beneath ; face broad, front
strongly punctured, no tubercle on vertex ; mesothorax shining, with a
median impressed line, but no sulcus, punctures distinct but widely
separated ; enclosure of metathorax distinct, semilunar, very coarsely
reticulated ; tegulz pale brown ; wings rather light fuliginous, stigma and
nervures piceous ; abdomen broad, shining, chestnut red, delicately punc-
tured, the punctures almost obsolete on middle of first segment ; first
segment with basal and median blackish clouds, connected so as to have
the form of an hourglass, fifth segment suffused with blackish.
In S. arvensis the first abdominal segment is uniformly punctured
all over the disc, and the mesothorax is more closely punctured. ¢
characters as given in the table. The seventh dorsal segment is broadly
rounded, and the fourth is broadly red at the apex laterally. The face is
covered with white hair. The ¢ is more like that of S. clematidis than
that of S. arvensis.
Sphecodes (Sphecodes) arvensiformis, n. sp.
One f, no date, another June 30, 1896, Olympia (Kincaid).
?.—About 10 mm. long, with the colours and appearance of S.
arvensis, but differing as follows: punctures of mesothorax more widely
separated ; enclosure of metathorax less defined, with the reticulations
smaller ; first recurrent nervure joining second submarginal cell at the
beginning of its last third ; abdomen less distinctly punctured, middle of
first segment practically impunctate. As in arvensis, the abdomen is all
red ; the apical plate is dark and very narrow. The wings are strongly
darkened. Ridge of labrum low and broad, its anterior margin straight.
Mandibles black, with a dark red spot just before apex.
The \S. arvensis used for comparison is an Illinois specimen from Mr.
P’s, 7th June, 1899, Corvallis, Oregon (Cordley).
Laboratory of the Office of the Surgeon-General U.S. Army, Washington.
From one of the smaller of the Philippine Islands comes a new
Megarhinus, which is noticeable for its dark caudal tuft and banded tarsi,
and with it a specimen of Stegomyia fasciata, Fabr., accurately marked in
all points except the hind tarsi, which lack all the white bands except those
on the metatarsi, while from Jolo is sent a new variety of Desvordea.
The Megarhinus, and an apparently new Grabhamia from California,
are described, and the differences for the Desvoidea are given below:
Megarhinus Le Waldii, n. sp.—Male.— Head dark brown, covered
with flat iridescent scales, probably brown, but appear blue and green,
with a light bluish, almost white, rim around the eyes, a few brown bristles
projecting forward; antenne dark brown, almost black ; plumes heavy
and very dark, the basal joint densely covered with fine white hair-like
tomentum, the first joint long and densely scaled, the iridescence showing
as purple and white; proboscis dark ; palpi dark, a few light. scales (or
showing light iridescence) on the first joint, the last joint twice as long as
the penultimate, and pointed ; clypeus brown, covered with fine white
tomentum ; eyes blue.
Thorax dark brown, densely covered with scales (probably brown)
which show ‘‘ peacock blues and greens” all over the dorsum, a little
lighter to almost bluish white laterally, a few bristles at the wing joint ;
scutellum like mesothorax, lateral lobes apparently lighter, and a few
brown bristles on each lobe ; prothoracic lobes heavily scaled like meso-
thorax ; pleura dark brown, very densely covered with white scales ;
metanotum dark brown.
Abdomen dark, heavily scaled, showing blue-green iridescence.
First segment has a brown median spot, light blue submedian and white
lateral spots. Apical hairs on most of the segments very short or lacking;
the sides, however, are densely white-haired, and these white hairs
connect with the caudal tuft, so that the cephalic part of this has some
white in it, the main body of it being dark brown, almost black. There
are also suggestions of small white lateral spots on some of the segments.
Venter dark,
Legs : coxe and trochanters all heavily white scaled. Hind femora
dark blue dorsally, ventrally white, especially at the base; tibie dark blue;
metatarsi dark ; first tarsal joint basally white-banded, otherwise the tarsi
are dark, sometimes a brilliant purple ; ungues simple, equal, and rather
straight. Mid legs all Gark except a light band at the base of metatarsal
and first tarsal joints. These bands are conspicuous in some lights and
hardly suggested in others. Fore legs dark, Ungues on fore and mid
legs large, unequal, and the larger one uniserrate. The legs show, as a
whole, blue on femora and tibiz, while the tarsal joints are brown or
purple, the metatarsi between the two.
Wings clear and sparsely scaled; scales on the costa showing the blue
iridescence strongly. Fork cells short. First submarginal cell about
one-half the length and one-half the width of the second posterior, the
stems very long, in the former nearly three times the length of the cell.
Supernumerary cross-vein nearly the length of the mid and more than
four times its length exterior to it ; the posterior cross-vein nearly twice as
long as the mid, which it meets. The fork of the fifth long vein is very
far interior. Halteres light. The median scales are usually broad at the
apical end, and remind one of the “ inflated” scales on the body.
Length: 11 mm. Habitat: Salog, Guimaras Island, P. I. Taken
April roth.
Described from one very perfect specimen raised by Dr. L. T. Le
Wald, 1st Lt. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, in the laboratory (Base
Hospital) at Iloilo, Panay, from larve brought from Salog on April rst.
No data as to length of larval and pupal stages were sent. A dried larva
accompanied the adult, but as it is much shrivelled no description is
Grabhamia de Niedmannti, n. sp.——Female.—Head dark. brown,
covered with ochraceous curved scales, ochraceous forked scales on the
occiput, flat ochraceous, with a few brown scales on the sides, a line of
light scales around the eyes, and a few light hairs projecting forward
between the eyes ; antenne brown, verticles brown, pubescence light,
basal cell sparsely white-scaled, first joint heavily white-scaled on the inner
side ; proboscis mostly light-scaled, a few scattered brown scales, and the
very base and tip dark ; palpi dark, with white tips and a white band
about two-thirds the way down, probably at the apex of the second joint,
a few white scales at the base ; eyes brown; clypeus brown. |
Thorax dark brown, the median portion (about one-third the width
of the mesothorax} heavily covered with golden-brown slender curved
scales ; just exterior to this on either side is a very narrow white line
extending to the scutellum. There are also two submedian very narrow
white lines extending the whole length of the mesothorax and curving
around the “ bare spot.” Laterad the mesothorax is densely covered with
broader ochraceous scales, becoming white just over the wing joint, and
directly dorsad of this white spot is a large dark brown spot, suggesting an
‘“eye spot”; pleura dark brown, heavily scaled with broad curved light
ochraceous to white scales; scutellum dark brown, with ochraceous
slender curved scales and numerous brown bristles; metanotum dark
Abdomen dark scaled, with a few light scales scattered irregularly
through the brown, and a heavy basal white spot very much deepened on
the median line, so that it curves down in the middle, and on some of
the segments covers nearly one-half the segment. There are also heavy
basal lateral spots, but not always continuous with the dorsal spot, which
in most instances hardly creates a band. The last few segments are much
less heavily marked, but may have very narrow apical light bands, which,
however, do not usually extend all the way across; light apical hairs on
all segments. Venter mostly light scaled.
Legs: cox and trochanters all mostly light scaled. Femora all
ventrally light, but speckled, dark and light scales nearly equally mixed
on the dorsal side, the brown scales preponderating towards the apex, so
that the femora are quite dark near the distal end, but the apex itself has
a ring of white scales, which, with a few at the base of the tibizw, make
distinct knee spots; tibie somewhat darker than the femora, the dark
scales in excess, and growing more so towards the apex; metatarsi dark,
like tibiz, and all basally light-banded, but in the fore legs the bands are
not very distinct. All the tarsal joints basally light-banded, the bands on
mid and fore legs narrow, sometimes minute, and that on the last joint of
the fore legs sometimes missing ; on the hind legs the bands are much
broader and conspicuous. All the ungues large, equal and uniserrate,
Wings rather heavily covered with dark and light scales, both median
and lateral scales very heavy and spatulate on most of the veins, but those
on the under side of the wing are narrow. First submarginal cell longer
and narrower than the second posterior, bases nearly on a line ; the stem
of the first submarginal about one-third the length of the cell. Super-
numerary cross-vein a little longer than the mid, which it meets at a
marked angle; posterior cross-vein also a little longer than mid and
nearly twice its length distant. Halieres light with dark knobs.
Length: 7 mm. Habitat: Benicia, Cal. Taken March, April
and May.
While this species lies near v/téata, Theobald, and dorsa/is, Meig.,
it differs from the first in abdominal markings, in white scales on the two
veins, etc, and from the latter also in abdominal markings and in the
tarsal banding, which in this species does not include both sides of the
The specimens were sent in a series of collections by Dr. William F.
de Niedmann, Post Surgeon, Benicia Barracks, Cal.
Desvoidea fusca, Theob., var. Joloensis, new var.
The Desvoidea fusca sent from Jolo differ from the type in two small
points, but as this difference appears in every specimen of a collection of
23 (males and females) it seems advisable to note it.
On the mesothorax is a short median line of white, beginning at the
scutellum, tapering as it runs cephalad, and ending just cephalad of a line
drawn perpendicular to the wing joint. The middle lobe of the scutellum
is also white.
Taken at Jolo, Jolo, P. I., probably in May, 1903, as it reached San
Francisco in August, 1903, but no date nor name of collector accompanied
it. By some accident the collection was not forwarded, so was not
included in the list published last year.*
Culex tentorhyncus, Wied., has lately been sent in from Fort
Caswell, N. C. So far as I know it has not hitherto been reported north
of Florida.
*Journ, N, Y. Ent, Soc., Sept., 1903,
(Continued from page 204.)
Cucullia oribac, n. sp.—General type of maculation like agua,
differing, however, in important particulars; moreover, it seems to be of a
less stumpy, stocky build, the wings being longer ih proportion to their
width and the abdomen considerably longer. It is quite possible that it
may be but a variety of agwa, and were it not for the fact that the species
of Cucullia, as a rule, run quite true to type I should hesitate to
describe it. ,
g expanse: 47 mm.
Differs from agua in entirely lacking the brown patch and white dot
at base of wing, in the absence of orbicular and reniform ; in the presence
of quite distinct white spots in fringe at end of veins, not reaching quite
to edge, however. There are three well-marked, strongly outwardly
oblique dark umber-brown dashes from costa in middle third of wing.
The space between these reaching along median vein to outer border is
pale brown, somewhat lighter along the vein. The outer of the three
dashes is extended in a rigid line to outer border a little below apex, the
apical region above it being somewhat gray, with an extra dark dash or
two through it. The brown subapical area is differently shaped from that
in agua, longer and more narrow, extending inward to first dash and
outward to margin, limited below by median vein and above by outer
dash. The space below median vein, except at inner angle, is gray,
somewhat lighter outwardly, with the veins more darkened than in agua.
In fact, the whole wing has a more strigate appearance, not so smooth
and evenly shaded. The inner margin is not so heavily lined, the white
mark at inner angle is more s-shaped and apparently somewhat farther
from outer margin and more obliquely set. The dusky border of hind
wings is broader and body parts more gray, less mixed with brown than
its ally. The costa of fore wings beneath is quite distinctly gray,
contrasting with rest of wing.
Type: 1 6, Huachuca Mts., Ariz.
Pseudoglea lobato, n. sp.—Expanse: 44 mm.
General colour rather a light yellow, with a faint reddish. tinge.
Palpi reddish at sides, gray at tip. Head dark gray in front, vertex
lighter. Thorax concolorous with wings. Abdomen yellow on sides,
dorsally tinged with reddish. Fore wings have the ordinary spots and
lines distinct, but faintly marked. Basal half line indicated by two
superimposed somewhat brownish blotches. ‘T. a. line vertical, slightly
waved, yellowish, somewhat paler than ground colour, owing to the
absence of the reddish tinge, edged outwardly by a very faint darker shade,
which is emphasized by three or four small brownish spots on the veins,
the one on the submedian vein being quite well defined. T. p. line even,
broadly curved outward over cell, thence with a slight inward curve to
inner margin, its course in a general way following that of the external
margin, like the t. a. line it is of a pale yellow colour and edged inwardly
by a quite complete row of brownish dots on veins. S. t. line extremely
faint, and only to be distinguished at all with the lens in certain lights,
seems to be evenly lunulate and follows the course of the t. p. line.
Orbicular concolorous, outlined with a pale yellow ring, which is lost in a
somewhat paler shade along costa. Spot large, oval and erect. Reniform
marked laterally by pale line, not defined below, large, upright, slightly
constricted in centre. Boundary lines merge into the paler costa shades,
the same as orbicular, so that both spots seem open above. Extreme
edge of costa is darkened somewhat by blackish scales, which diffuse
themselves somewhat over the wing at apex. Fringe with a faint wavy
brownish line at base, followed by a band concolorous with ground colour,
edge ochraceous. Hind wings white, pellucid, fringe pale yellowish.
Inner margin of wing clothed with rather long yellow hair, tinged with red.
Beneath, thorax and abdomen yellow, with the exception of the thorax at
sides and below éyes, which is reddish. Legs whitish inwardly, reddish
Type: 1 ¢, Chiricahua Mts,, Ariz., from Mr. Poling.
Alaria diffusa, n. sp.— 2 expanse: 35 mm.
Head and palpi pink, antennz yellowish-brown, collar flushed with
pink at base, yellow above. Thorax pale yellow, abdomen a little darker,
more dusky-yellow than thorax. Primaries clear pale yellow, showing,
howeyer, under the lens a slight dusting with orange scales between the
veins, barely discernible to the naked eye in some places as faint
longitudinal streaks. The pink markings are arranged as follows: From
middle of, but not quite reaching costa there is a well-marked blotch,
quite well defined, which runs downward and outward across cell, here it
makes a well-marked angle and is continued to middle of inner margin as
a somewhat narrower band, parallel to outer margin. This median band
is connected with a marginal band by a broad shade in the middle of the
wing, which is sharply defined above, but gradually fades into the yellow
below, ‘The marginal band leaves the external margin just below apex,
and is narrow and sharply defined above the connecting shade, below it
is not so sharply limited, and fades out as it reaches the inner angle.
These bands divide the wing into three areas, a basal to the median shade,
one above outer half of inner margin, and one below outer half of costa.
‘The first two are not so sharply defined on the borders which are formed
by the pink bands, as these are here more diffuse and shade into the
yellow, the last, however, is clear cut at its outer and lower sides. The
outer edge of the marginal band is regularly toothed, the points just
reaching the basal fringe line. The filling between the teeth is yellowish,
dusted with pink. The fringe is pink outwardly, somewhat lighter
yellowish internally, basal line pink, not very distinct. Secondaries pale -
yellowish, quite thickly dusted with pink over outer half of wing, forming
a broad pinkish band from costa, fading out shortly beyond middle of
wing. Fringe concolorous.
Beneath primaries quite thickly dusted with pink, except along inner
margin and a subapical patch, which are yellow. Secondaries have a pink
blotch at middle of costa, from which a faint, broad and diffuse mesial
band runs partly across wing, disappearing about the middle.
Type: 2 @’s, Arizona, Huachuca Mts., August; Santa Catalina
Mts., August 24-30. The latter specimen from Mr. Poling.
Grotella blanca, n. sp.—Expanse: 26 mm.
White with a satiny lustre. Slightly dusky along median vein.
Extreme edge of costa at inner third blackish. Eight black points
arranged as follows: One at base of wing, just below median vein, three
representing t. a. line, one on costa, one on inner margin and one just
below median vein, slightly within a line connecting the other two, four
representing t. p. line, one on costa, slightly beyond middle, one exserted
beyond end of cell, one on inner margin, slightly beyond centre, and one
slightly above and external to it. Fringe white. Secondaries dusky.
Median band apparent, though not prominent. The wing beyond the
line is a couple of shades darker than within it, and as the line lies almost
through centre of wing it divides it about equally into an inner lighter and
outer darker portion. ‘This contrast is not very marked, and is best seen
when wing Is slightly shaded from direct light.
Beneath: primaries dusky-blackish, darker outwardly. Rather
diffuse median shade, broad on costa and beyond cell, shading out
towards inner margin. Fringe white, contrasting. Hind wings dusky
along costa and a broad outer band, more marked at external angle,
shading out towards inner angle, rest of wing whitish. Head and thorax
white above, abdumen fuscous. Head protuberant in. front, with saucer-
shaped depression in centre. Palpi brownish. Legs dusky externally,
whitish within. Male as female, except hind wings above and below are
paler and there is a second spot on costa at base. This species differs
from septempunctata in the fuscous abdomen, darker secondaries, and
especially in the wide exsertion of the second spot beyond cell.
Type: ?, Wilgus, Cochise Co., Arizona. 2,So. Arizona. The
latter from Mr. Poling.
Grotella tricolor, n. sp.—Expanse : 20-23 mm.
Palpi yellowish below, whitish on top. Head yellowish in front,
white on top, vertex white. Antennz white at base and on upper surface,
beneath yellowish. Collar white. ‘Thorax white, with dark spot at
inception of costa. Abdomen dark yellowish-brown. Primaries white,
marked with dark brownish black spots, in some of which yellowish-brown
scales are mixed. There is a spot on costa, marking the position of the
basal Ine. A row of spots representing the t: a. line; these are
arranged in a slight curved line across the wing. In all the specimens
before me these are four in number, one on costa, one close to inner
margin, and one on each side of the median band; of these, the one on
costa and the one below median vein are the largest. In two specimens
the spot below median vein is elongated. Probably when more material
turns up specimens will be found in which these spots are more or less
fused. There is a spot on costa, over cell, which may be considered as
the remains of a median shade ; this is quite large in two specimens, but
very much reduced in the third. A quite well marked discal spot at end
of cell. The t. p. line is well marked, and consists of a series of blotches,
irregular in size, which show a tendency to coalesce. The line as a whole
is broadly exserted over cell, and incurved from thence to inner margin.
It is followed by a yellowish shade, somewhat broken and irregular.
Beyond the shade is another row of irregular-sized spots, parallel to the
outer margin. These spots vary in size, and while irregularly round they
are not clearly defined in outline. Taken as a whole the effect in this
part of the wing is of a well-marked yellowish-brown band, bordered on
both sides by dark spots. The fringe is long, black at base and at outer
edge. It is cut by a mesial white line and white-lined veins into a double
row of black patches, the inner row of which is remarkably distinct, the
individual spots being very even in size and shape; the outer row only
obtains as a slight dusky discoloration. Secondaries blackish in both
sexes, darker outwardly ; in the male the wing is somewhat lighter
towards base than in £; discal dot and mesial band apparent, though not
prominent. Fringe white. Beneath primaries light yellowish-brown.
Blackish blotch on middle of costa and two at outer end, the last two
marking the beginning of obscure dusky bands across the wing. Discal
dot indicated, though not prominent, fringes as above. Secondaries dusky
along costa and external margin, otherwise whitish. Quite well marked
median band and discal dot. Body parts beneath, whitish. Legs
whitish, checkered and shaded with black.
Type: 2 ¢,1 £, So. Arizona, Pinal and Pima Co. Mr. Poling.
Antaplaga hachita, n. sp.—Expanse : 23 mm.
The space between t. a. andt. p. lines creamy white, remainder of
fore wings bright chrome yellow. ‘Transverse lines black, distinct. T. a.
almost transverse, with slight outward projections below costa, above inner
margin and on median vein. T. p. slightly incurved below costa,
moderately exserted beyond cell, thence only slightly oblique to inner
‘ margin. The t. a. and t. p. lines are in a general way parallel, and divide
the wing quite accurately into thirds. A row of black spots runs through
the middle of the terminal third, following line of outer margin, the second
and third from costa subobsolete, the others gradually decreasing in size
towards inner margin. Fringe pale yellowish. Hind — wings slightly
yellowish fuscous, darker outwardly, very faint trace of mesial band,
especially at costa. Beneath, fore wings narrowly yellow along costa,
more broadly along outer margin, the remainder blackish, with evident
mesial band corresponding to t. p. line above. Hind wings pale
yellowish-white. Head and collar chrome yellow, thorax rubbed,
abdomen greased. Front of head with crater-like protuberance.
Type: 1 £, Santa Catalina Mts., Ariz., August. Mr. Poling.
Stibadium ochoa, n. sp.—Expanse: 30 mm.
Ground colour pale yellow, tinged with green of a light olivaceous
tint. Lines and spots marked with a darker olivaceous green or
castaneous shade, which shade also covers the lower part of the median
space, as well as between the ordinary spots. The basal part of the wing,
as well as along costa, is quite thickly sprinkled with violet scales, and
less profusely over median and subterminal spaces. Palpi dark castaneous.
Head dark iron-gray. Collar and thorax castaneous, concolorous with
fore wing. Abdomen in both specimens greasy, but, as near as can be
told, of a somewhat more yellowish tinge than thorax. Fore wing with
t. a. line quite well marked, strongly outwardly oblique to submedian vein,
thence forming an acute angle, inwardly oblique to inner margin, dark
olivaceous green. Median shade of same colour, accompanying, rather
closely, t. p. line as far as lower edge of reniform. T. p. line well marked,
dark olivaceous, strongly oblique, very slightly outcurved in upper portion
and incurved in lower portion of wing, extends from junction of middle
and outer third of inner margin nearly to apex, where it turns inward at
an acute angle to costa. A branch from the line as a shade to apex,
marks off the usual apical triangle. S. t. line indicated more by the
contrast between the terminal and subterminal space than by any actual
line. The subterminal space is darkest at inner margin, though somewhat
lighter than median space, showing more of the violaceous tint, this shade
gradually fading out and disappearing before reaching apex. The
terminal space is of a very pale yellow colour, with a slight olivaceous
greenish tinge, and’ is the only part of the wing free from either the violet
or castaneous scales. Fringe at base same colour as terminal space,
darker externally, slightly waved dark olivaceous terminal line. A spot
on costa, blended with the dark filling between ordinary spots, seems to
mark the origin of the median shade. Ordinary spots concolorous, not
prominent, faintly outlined with dark olivaceous rings. Secondaries pale
yellowish, with a very faint olivaceous tinge, very slightly dusted with
fuscous as far as s. t. line. Faint though distinct dusky median and
subterminal bands, dusky discal bar. Fringe concolorous with wing, with
a slightly waved darker olivaceous line at base. Beneath, fore wings of
male yellowish beyond mesial line, dusky in cell, whitish along inner
margin, pale spot at end of cell, indicating position of reniform above,
faint, obscure discal dot. Mesial band distinct in upper half of wing,
fading out below. In certain lights a slight difference in shade suggests
as.t. line. Veins somewhat darkened. The female below, has wing less
dusky, more uniform, yellowish. S. t. line is more marked. The mesial
band extends to inner margin. Secondaries pale yellowish along costa
and outer half of wing. Lighter towards base and inner margin. Distinct
mesial band and discal bar.
Beneath, P has the yellow more uniform of wing, only slightly paler
at base.
Type: 1 g,1 £, Wilgus, Arizona.
Stibadium manti, n. sp.——Expanse : 31 mm.
General colour walnut brown, quite dark over outer part of median
space, and a triangular patch just before apex, paler basally and submar-
ginally, though the contrast is not strongly pronounced. Under the lens
there is seen to be a more or less evident sprinkling of white scales.
Head, collar and thorax concolorous. Ordinary lines and spots not
prominent, except t. a. and t. p. lines, and especially the latter, they are
hard to make out except with lens. Basal half line not in evidence in any
of the specimens. T. a. inwardly oblique, slightiy waved or scalloped,
subobsolete in some specimens, and more in evidence from the slight
accumulation of pale scales along the outer side, than from the only
slightly darker brown of the line itself. ‘he t. p. line is better marked in
most specimens, and in the proper light can be quite readily traced with
the naked eye. Starting from costa, it makes a slightly downward curve
to a point some little distance beyond cell, whence, after making a sharp,
though rounded angle, it proceeds with a very slight inward curve in a
strongly oblique direction to inner margin. ‘The line itself is a trifle
darker than the ground colour, but is emphasized by an outer border of
white scales. In one quite fresh specimen the line can scarcely be traced,
even with the lens, but the contrasting median and subterminal spaces
mark its position. In one or two specimens very faint traces of a sub-
marginal line, pale and irregular, can be made out with the lens.
Orbicular very faint, concolorous or slightly darkened, round, outlined by
white scales. Reniform subobsolete, the inner margin usually in evidence,
the outer fragmentary or wanting. Claviform wanting. Fringe brown,
paler opposite ends of veins. Secondaries quite uniformly dark fuscous
brown, slightly darker along outer border, a very faint extra-mesial pale
band can be made out in the proper light. Fringe fuscous, paler at base
and slightly-so at ends of veins. Beneath, pale grayish brown, more gray
along costa and outer border, more brown centrally, faint extra-mesial
band. Hind wings paler, quite gray, mesial band very faint.
Types: ¢ and £, Kerrville and San Antonio, Texas. From Mr,
Lacey and Professor Attwater.
Ogdoconta altura, n. sp.—Expanse : 21 to 25 mmm.
General colour of head, collar, thorax and fore wings a dark golden
brown, thinly sprinkled with pale scales. Basal half line only apparent
under lens, and then only as a few pale scales. T. a. line plainly visible
but not prominent, pale, inwardly oblique, slightly outcurved. ‘T. p. line
the only contrasting feature of wing, pale, angled close to costa, then
strongly inwardly oblique to inner margin, parallel to direction of t. a., but
not somuch curved. Inner edge rigid, cleanly marked, outer shading
gradually into ground colour. The s. t. line is oniy marked by a very
slight difference in shade between terminal and subterminal spaces, the
latter being slightly darker next the line. Fringe concolorous, slightly
paler at base. No trace of ordinary spots. Secondaries fuscous, darker
outwardly. Mesial band and discal dot evident, but very faint. Female
as male, only hind wings somewhat darker. Beneath, fore wings fuscous,
with extremely faint, if any, trace of mesial band and discal dot ; hind
wings paler, with band and dot only a trifle better defined.
None of the specimens before me are perfectly fresh, and it is
probable that when better material is available there will be additional
features of maculation to be added to the above description. For
instance, a few white scales here and a few black ones there lead me to
think that in fresh specimens there would be a marginal row of dark
points preceded by white ones.
Types: ¢ and $, Kerrville, Texas. From Mr. Lacey.
(To be continued.)
While engaged in studying the still enigmatical insect, Platypsilla
castoris, along Devil’s River, Texas, in the spring of 1891, an opossum
was treed by the dogs one evening, and shot. The following morning I
found the animal, which was a female, and, though herself dead, the
young were still alive and in the pouch of the mother. While
examining these I observed that the pouch also contained numbers of
fleas. Specimens were captured and sent to the Department of Agricul-
ture at Washington, I being at the time employed by the Division of
Entomology. It is these specimens, I presume, that were described by
Mr. Baker, in CANADIAN EnTomotocist, Vol. XXVII, p. 67, as Pulex
simulans. In Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Vol. XXVII, p. 379,
Mr. Baker states that the occurrence of this flea, which he here considers
a variety of P. irritans, is to be looked upon as accidental. This latter
statement may, perhaps, be true, but it is weil enough to place the
circumstances surrounding the capture of the type specimens, and to call
attention to the fact that the section of Devil’s River where they were
taken is not by any means a thickly settled one. While I know, from
personal experience at the time, that not,all of the fleas were infesting the
opossums, their abundance on the individual from which they were taken,
and the nature of the country inhabited by her, would lead me to look
rather confidently for their recurrence on others of these animals,
especially where opossums are, if anything, thicker than humans, and fleas
ad infinitum. i
It-seems a little ungracious to call attention to errors in so excellent
a work as ‘* The Moth Book,” and presumptuous for a novice to criticise
so eminent an authority as its author, but perhaps it is as well for the
sake of the many amateur collectors who will name their captures from
Dr. Holland’s beautiful plates that the few mistakes that seem to have
crept in should be pointed out.
There are four plates upon which species of Geometridz are figured,
and J think that in a few cases the names attached to the figures ought to
be changed.
On Plate XLII., figure 25 represents A/sophila pometaria, not
Faleacrita vernata. Figure 32 on the same plate is Macaria infimata,
as pointed out by Dr. Dyar in the January number of this journal. Ihave
ov several occasions received specimens of JZ. ixfimata frota eastern
collectors as Eupithecia absynthiata. Figure 49 is Petrophora fluctuata
not Aesoleuca intermediata.
On Plate XLIII., figures 10 and tr represent Aydriomena
excurvata = Ceratodalia Gueneata, Packard, not Hydriomena custodiata,
which is the Ochyria Gueneata, Packard. _Figure 36 seems to be
Deilinia erythremaria rather than D. variolaria, and figure 39 represents
the European form /PA7lobia notata, and not the western American
‘2. enotata.
On Plate XLIV., figure 2 is an excellent portrait of the Caripeta
seductaria of Strecker, and is not the species figured by Packard in his
monograph as C. angustiorata, Walker. I possess both species, and
they are quite distinct. Figure 32 is, I think, Plagodis alcoolaria, not
LP. emargataria.
I may also call attention to the fact that there are some evident
misprints in the ‘‘ Key to the Families,’ on page 24, which will, I fear,
make the use of the key difficult for beginners.
Lastly, I may point out that Dr. Holland does Dr. Dyar an injustice,
unintentional of course, when he says on page 344 that he has overlooked
in his catalogue the C/eora atrifasciata of Hulst, for, as a matter of fact,
Dr. Dyar has placed that form just where Dr. Hulst himself (see Ent.
News, VI., 43) said it should go, namely, as a synonym of Mesoleuca
immanata. {must admit that this appears a strange position for a moth
described as a Cleora, and as Dr. Holland has the type it is interesting
to know his opinion of its specific value.
In the Journal of the New York Entomological Society, X., 140,
1902, footnote, Mr. Coquillett called attention to a serious error of mine
in my revision of what I called the Psilopine (Diptera, family
Dolichopodide), by which I applied the new name Gnamptopsilopus to
that portion of the old genus Psilopus containing the type species
platypterus. But little investigation was needed to assure me that the
criticism was just. This gave occasion for an overhauling of the literature
of the group, and I undertook to ascertain what name ought to be used
for Psilopus, which has been known for many years to be preoccupied.
Some of the papers needed were hard to obtain, which delayed my task ;
but the main difficulty was the host of subsidiary questions, historical and
critical, which rose up to confront me. I have never found anything like
it in previous excursions into the realm of nomenclature. I doubt very
much if any two zoologists could independently investigate the subject
and come to the same conclusion ; at least, there are a number of different
names for which plausible arguments can be made. It would require a
lengthy article to set forth all the queer questions connected with the case;
I dare not attempt it, partly because it would not be worth the room, and
partly because it would make subsequent change too easy. Instead of
offering a choice of several names, I give my conclusions and a few notes,
and particularly request that any future worker in the family who may
wish to use other names for the genera will do as I have done—examine
all the literature and then ponder the matter one year before making any
The two genera which I have formerly called Gnamptopsilopus and
Psilopus should stand as follows :
Guérin-Méneville, Voyage . .-. . sur la Corvette; Zoologie, Tome
Il., partie 2me, p. 293. Paris, 1838 (title page gives date 1830).
On the plates the genus is called Chrysosoma.
Fallén, Dolichopodes, 23, 1823 (Leptopus, preoc.).
Meigen, Syst. Beschr. Europ, Zw. Ins., 1V., 35, 1824 (Psilopus, preoc.).
Zeller, Isis, 1842, 831 (changes Baisius to Sciapus).
?Bigot, Annales Soc. Ent., France, 1859, 215 (Margaritostylus, in n part).
Rondani, Dipt. Italice Prodromus, IV., 11, 1861 (changes Psilopus to
Schiner, Fauna Austriaca, Dipt., I, 180, 1862 (Psilopus, Meig.).
Loew, Monogr, N. A. Diptera, II., 229, 1864 (id.).
Aldrich, Kans. Univ. Quart., II., 47, 1893 (Gnamptopsilopus) ; Biologia
Cent. Amer., Dipt., Suppl., 364, 1902, table of species (id.).
Coquillett, Jour. “N.~ Yo" Hint “Soc., Xi) )140,) nooz synonymy of
Bezzi, Zeitsch f. Hym. u. Dipterologie, 1902, 191, adopts Sciapus.
Bigot, Annales Soc. Ent., France, 1890, 269.
?Bigot, Annales Soc. Ent., France, 1859, 215 (Oariostylus, Megistostylus,
Mesoblepharius, Condylostylus, Eurostomerus, Dasypsilopus, Het-
eropsilopus, Aedipsilopus).
?Bigot, Annales Soc. Ent., France, 1890, 261-269 (Spathipsilopus,
Eudasypus, Amblypsilopus, Tylochzetus, Oariopherus).
Aldrich, Kans. Univ. Quart., II1., 47, 1893 (Psilopus in restricted sense).
Nores.—I have seen all the literature cited except Zeller. The
Smithsonian institution kindly loaned me Guérin—Méneville.
The genera of Bigot, published in 1859 and 1890, are very badly
conceived, and not properly genera at all, nor even subgenera. The
descriptions of the type specfes hardly allow a definite opinion as to their
location in the two genera here adopted, but I incline to place most of
them in the second genus, with tegular cilia black. I chose to retain
Bigot’s name Psilopodinus for this genus for several reasons. First,
sipho is mentioned among the types ; second, it is’ not based on purely
sexual characters (nor on much of anything else, I must admit) ; third,
it is an advantage to retain this name from its resemblance to Psilopus, as
the group includes Loew’s larger section of Psilopus, and all that I referred
to that genus in my revision,
The genus Agonosoma was supposed by its describer to differ from
Psilopus by a more elongated third antennal joint and a somewhat
different structure of the face and front. Two East Indian species were
described, fasciata and maculipennis. In these the antenne are yellow
or ferrugineous, with tip of third joint infuscated. The figure of the wing
of the first shows the third vein parallel at the tip with the fourth. These
two characters are quite distinctive, and I think we may safely assume that
the species also have pale. tegular cilia, and are entirely congeneric with
Psilopus platypterus, which should, therefore, be referred to Agonosoma.
The effect on nomenclature is as follows: In Loew’s Monograph of
N. A. Dolichopodidee, p. 244, his first section of Psilopus, comprising
those with black cilia of the tegule, are now referred to Psilopodinus,
excepting Psi/opus dimidiatus; the other section, with pale cilia, are now
referred to Agonosoma, together with Ps. dimidiatus. In Williston’s
Manual of N. A. Diptera, 1896, pp. 77, 78, substitute Psilopodinus for
Psilopus, and Agonosoma for Gnampiopsilopus.
Last summer, on August 24th, a few hours were spent at Moose Jaw
collecting Orthoptera. But few species were taken, and they are here
listed for the locality. They were all taken on the open prairie, out a
short distance from the town.
Chortophaga viridifasciata, DeGeer. Nymphs only taken.
Philibostroma quadrimaculatum, Thom. But a few specimens taken.
Gomphocerus clepsydra, Scudd. This species was moderately
Arphia pseudontetana, Thom. (tenebrosa, Scudd.). Rather common,
but not numerous.
Mestobregma kiowa, Thom. <A single male taken.
Encoptolophus parvus, Scudd. One female specimen only taken.
This species does not appear to have been previously reported from
Melanoplus atlanis, Riley. Apparently not very common.
Melanoplus Dawsont, Scudd. Only the short-winged variety,
tellustris, was taken. It occurred quite abundantly in the prairie grass.
Melanoplus infantilis, Scudd. This was the most. numerous of any
species noted.
Gryllus Pennsylvanicus, var. neglectus, Scudd. Five specimens of
this insect were taken under a stone ina draw, or small hollow, on the
prairie. Scudder has referred this insect to the synonymy, placing it as a
synonym of Burmeister’s G. Fennsylvanicus, but the smaller size and
shorter elytra certainly entitle it to varietal distinction.
Nemobius fasciatus, var. abortivus, n. var. Hopping actively about
in the grass in and along the borders of the above-mentioned draw were
numbers of a small /Vemobius, which is very similar to WV. fasciatus, but is
uniformly darker, being nearly black, and decidedly smaller, as shown by
the following measurements :
Length elytra, male 4.5 to6 mm., female 3 to 4 mm.; posterior
femora, male 4 to 5 mm., female 5 to 6 mm.; ovipositor, female 6 to °
7 mm.
About three dozen specimens, a few more females than males, were
taken, and they are very uniform in size and coloration. This is the
small black species mentioned by Walker, on page 184 of the CANADIAN
Entomo.Locist for July. Specimens were submitted to Prof. Blatchley.
who says they may eventually prove a good species. They certainly form
a valid variety, which may be called aéortivus.’ Like vittatus, it is short-
winged. Except for the uniform black colour, it resembles the J.
Utahensis of Scudder.
Mailed August 3rd, 1904.
The € anadtiay Fontomologist.
(Continued from page 188.)
This genus contains the common large black field crickets and the
house cricket, which has been introduced into this country from the Old
World. But three species have been taken in Ontario. All! of these are
dimorphic as regards wing-length, the short-winged form being the normal
one in the field crickets, the long-winged form in the house cricket.
Key to the Ontario species of Gry/lus :
a. Black species, the tegmina and parts of the body sometimes dull
reddish-brown ; first joint of antennz not projecting beyond front of
head. (Field crickets.)
b. Ovipositor nearly or fully half as long again as hind femora,
usually exceeding 16 mm. in length; the male stout, with
largeé<and broad) heads} .°/ Be erates 2 Qe OUT CULALIS.
bb. Ovipositor seldom if ever more than 14 mm. or less than
12 mm., rarely more than one-fourth as long again as hind
femora; the male more slender with narrower and _ less
swollen head . eee wees . 10. pennsylvanicus.
aa. Straw-coloured species aun some dat prawn or blackish markings on
head and thorax ; first joint of antenne projecting ae beyond
front of head. (Hause GHIGIEES) .". Lapua 6: . domesticus.
g. GRYLLUS ABBREVIATUS, Serville. The ae Field pa:
Gryllus abbreviatus, Serv., Hist. Nat. des Ins., 1839, 336.
Acheta abbreviata, Harr., Ins. Inj. to Veg., 1862, 152.
Gryllus luctuosus, Serv., Hist. Nat. des Ins., 1839, 335-
Gryllus angustus, Scudd., Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VII., 1862,
This is the common field cricket with which everyone is familiar. It
varies greatly in size in Ontario, according to locality, southern specimens
averaging much larger than northern ones. The measurements given in
the published descriptions of this species are too large for average
specimens from Ontario. Specimens from Point Pelee measure about the
same as those from Indiana, according to Blatchley’s figures, but those
from Toronto, Lake Simcoe and other places further north are distinctly
smaller, the smallest average size being found in the North Bay and
Northern Muskoka specimens. My smallest specimens are from Lake
Simcoe, but I have many from this locality that are nearly as large as
those from Point Pelee, and there is a complete series of intermediate
sizes. The smaller specimens are sometimes very difficult to distinguish
from G. pennsylvanicus, especially the males, in which the head is not
always broader and more swollen than in that species. In the females
the ratio of the length of the hind femora to that of the ovipositor is
pretty constant.
The following are measurements of average specimens from the
localities given :
Point Lake North
Pelee: Simcoe. Goderich. Dwight. Bay.
mim. mm. mm. | cael mm.
Pronotum.... rate é : 5 3s 635 9 aa Se, a3
2 4:3 2 3.71 me!
mm. mm. mm.
Hind Femur.. 6 as jt 13 ce out a 19.7
9 13.5 13-5 oe Pile Graces
mm. {| mm. mm. i mm
ISON Solera as 6 20 he Gus | 3 6 19.5 9 me | & 1G
2 OnE 18.5 18.5 5 Wess
"i |
Ovipositor ... 19.5 mm. 3 mm. = 5mm.| 15 mm. | 15.5mm.
Adults begin to appear about the second week in August. My
earliest captures are from Point Pelee, Aug. 7, 1901, where I found them
fairly numerous under boards and rubbish on the sand. ‘These specimens
are all of large size, the ovipositor sometimes more than 20 mm. in length.
In September and October they become very numerous and congregate
in large numbers under every chunk, log or board, under the loose bark
of old stumps, or in burrows in the sand. Late in the season they may
be seen in hundreds sunning themselves on fences close to the ground.
The eggs are laid in October, and, according to McNeill, in Northern
Illinois, hatch in the following July. None of the adults ever survive the
winter, the crickets which appear in the spring belonging to another
For interesting accounts of the life-history and habits of this insect
the reader is referred to McNeill’s ‘‘ List of the Orthoptera of Illinois,” in
Psyche, VI., 189, p. 5, and to Blatchley’s ‘* Orthoptera of Indiana,” p. 436.
Long-winged females of abdreviatus are common in Ontario, though
far less so than the short-winged individuals. On Aug. 26, rgo1, I found
considerable numbers of them floating on Lake Huron, off the shore of
the Bruce Peninsula. I have never seen a long-winged male.
Localities: Pt. Pelee, Aug. 7, 1g01; Arner, Aug. 9, I90r ;
Rondeau, Sept. 14, 1899; Sarnia, Aug. 15, 1go0t ; Goderich, Aug. 19,
1go1 ; Southampton, Aug. 20, 1901 ; Bruce Peninsula, Aug. 25-26, 1gor;
Owen Sound, Aug. 31, 1901; Peterborough Co., Sept., 1903 ; Toronto,
Aug.—Nov.; Lake Simcoe, Aug. —Oct.; Dwight, Muskoka, Aug. 23, 1903 ;
Algonquin Park, Aug., 1902-3 ; North Bay, Sept. 12, 1900.
10. GRYLLUS PENNSYLVANICUS, Burmeister. The Pennsylvania Field
Gryllus pennsylvanicus, Burm., Handb. der Ent., II., 1838, 734.
Gryllus luctuosus, McNeill, Psyche, VI., 1891, 4.
Acheta niger, Harr., Ins. inj. to Veg., 1862, 152.
Gryllus neglectus, Scudd., Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VIL, 1862,
Measurements: Length of pronotum, ¢ 3 mm., 2 3.3 mm.;. of
hind femur, ¢ Io mm, 9 10.5 mm.; of body, ¢ 2 17.5 mm.; of
ovipositor, 13.5 mm.
I have often found mymphs of this species in early spring under logs
and rubbish, where they’ have passed the winter. The chirp of the adult
is first heard about the third week in May, the last toward the end of
July. They are most numerous about midsummer, when the fields and
pastures resound with their song. They are very difficult to obtain,
however, for they are not gregarious like G. adbreviatus, but usually
occur in pairs hidden in the rubbish under some thick tuft of grass or
weeds, or under the edge of a stone. It requires the utmost care and
patience to trace the song to its’ source, but if this is done successfully,
one is often rewarded by finding the female as well as the male.
They are found everywhere in open woods and pastures, and are
most abundant on sandy soil.
Blatchley says of this species in Indiana, that “ the young hatch in
July and August, and after the second or third moult form their winter
abiding places, while the adults perish with the coming of the hoarfrost.”
It has always appeared to me that the adults disappear long before the sum-
mer is over, but this may be an error on my part. The chirping of the
males becomes more and more infrequent towards the close of July, and
apparently disappears before that of abbreviatus begins. None of my
female specimens of Gryllus taken after July can be referred to
penusylvanicus, though some of the males, I confess, I should be unable
to place were it not for their dates.
I have only one long-winged female taken at De Grassi Pt., Lake
Simcoe, which has, unfortunately, no date attached.
Localities Niagara Glen, June 28, 1903; Hamilton, June, 1893 ;
Toronto, May 23, 1898, June ; Lake Simcoe, June-July 30, rgot. *
11. GRYLLUS DOMESTICUS, Linnaeus. The House Cricket.
Gryllus (Acheta) domesticus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. I., 1758, 428.
Gryllus domesticus, Glov., Iliust. N. A. Ent., 1872, Pl. VL, fig. 14.
Measurements: Length of pronotum, ¢ 2 3 mm.; of hind femur,
d I0.5mm., 2 1omm.; of body, ¢ 20mm., 9 18 mm.; of ovipositor,
Ir mm.
Late in the fall of 1903 I heard the chirp of a cricket in the basement
of the Toronto General Hospital, but paid little heed to it, thinking it was
that of a common field cricket which had entered the building. My
attention was again drawn to the sound, however, as it persisted night
after night, and 1 began to notice that it was higher pitched and of less
volume than that of the field cricket. I traced the sound to the boiler-
room and found, as I had expected, the European house cricket, which I
had never before met with in this country. They were there in plenty,
lurking in the chinks between the bricks of the wall, and positively
swarmed under some loose bricks close to the furnace. They were found
in ali stages, most of them nearly matured. Imagoes continued to be
found throughout the winter, but became scarcer in early spring, and by
May had nearly disappeared.
I took one short-winged female. The rest were all long-winged.
The house cricket is said to be found also in the Trinity College
building. Both this and the General Hospital are comparatively old
It has been reported once before from Toronto by Caulfield. (Ann.
Rep. Ent, Soc, Ont., XVIIL., 1888, 69.)
Sub-family CEcANTHIN#.
We have one genus, (icanthus, the species of which are slender,
delicate insects of pale greenish or whitish colours, living on trees,
shrubs or tall herbs. The males differ considerably from the females in
appearance, on account of the great width of the tegmina, which are
much broader than the body, while those of the female are narrow and fit
closely around the abdomen.
Only three species have been found in Ontario, but there are
doubtless others in the south-western part of the Province.
Key to the Ontario species of Qicanthus :
a. Antenne with but one black mark on each of the two basal joints,
black marks in the form of small rounded dots..........12. miveus.
aa, Antenne either wholly black or with two black marks on each of the
two basal joints.
b. Head and thorax either black or trifasciate with black or
fuscous ; antennz usually black, when pale the marks on the
first joint generally connected .at apex.. ...... 13. fasciatus.
bb. Wholly pale greenish or yellowish, translucent ; marks on the
antenne elongate, parallel, distinct.....14. guadripunctatus.
12. CECANTHUS NIVEUS, De Geer. The Snowy Tree Cricket.
Gryllus niveus, De G., Mem. pour serv. 4Vhist des Ins., II1., 1773,
Ccanthus niveus, Fitch., Trans. N. Y. State Agric. Soc., XVI.,
1856, 404.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 10.5 mm. @ 11 mm.; of
tegmen, ¢@ 13.3 mm., 2 12.3 mm.; of hind femur, ¢ ? 8 mm.; of
Ovipositor, 4.6 mm.; width of ¢ tegmen, 5.25 mm.
This well-known insect is very common in the cultivated parts of
Ontario, where it frequents orchards, vines and shade trees. Its song is
the soft rhythmical “treat, treat, treat,” which can be heard any evening
in late summer or autumn. It is also heard in the day-time in cloudy —
weather, but at such times is much more subdued.
Of native trees I have found it most partial to butternut, but it
occurs On many others. At De Grassi Point, Lake Simcoe, I have often
traced the song to the tree from which it came, and it was very often a ~
butternut, but sometimes an elm, maple or other hard wood.
The females are often found on the trunk and lower branches, and
are comparatively easily taken, but the males are usually higher up and
are quite difficult to obtain.
NViveus is generally held responsible for a great deal of mischief done
to raspberry and blackberry canes by the females in laying their eggs. It
is my belief that most of this damage, at least in this locality, is caused
by the other two species of (icanthus, which abound on raspberry bushes,
while mz/veus is seldom, if ever, found upon them. JVivews comes to
maturity about the first week in August and continues till late in October.
Localities: Leamington, Aug. 7, Ig01; Arner, Aug. 9, Igor ;
Chatham, Aug. ro, 1901; Sarnia, Aug. 12, rgor ; Goderich, Aug. 19,
tgo1; Toronto, Aug.—Oct. 13; Lake Simcoe, Sept. 6-21, 1901.
13. CECANTHUS FASCIATUS, Fitch. The Striped Tree Cricket.
Ccanthus fasciatus, Fitch., Trans. N. Y. State Agric. Soc., XVI,
1856, 414.
(Ecanthus nigricornis, Walk., Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., I., 1869,
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 2 12 mm.; of tegmen, ¢ 11
mm., 9 12 mm.; of hind femur, ¢ 2 8 mm.; of ovipositor, 5.5 mm.;
width of ¢ tegmen, 4.8 mm. .
This is by far the commonest tree cricket in Ontario, and during
August and September it abounds on shrubs and tall herbs, especially
golden-rod, and is particularly plentiful on low grounds. Partially cleared
bush lands supporting a rank growth of raspberry bushes, golden-rod,
boneset and other tall herbaceous plants are favorite haunts. It is so
common on raspberry bushes that there is little doubt that the female is
responsible for much damage to the canes, though I have no proof of this
assumption. I have found it in cultivated raspberry bushes in gardens,
but it is more partial to wild districts.
In shrilling the male elevates the tegmina to nearly a right angle with
the body and spreads them to an angle of about 45°. The song is a
continuous and rather powerful trill, and is kept up all night and in
cloudy weather during the day when the sun is shining. It begins about
Localities: Chatham, Aug. 10, 1901; Sarnia, Aug. 12, Igo! ;
Walpole Id., River St. Clair, Aug. 13, 1901 ; Toronto, Aug.—Sept.; Lake
Simcoe, Aug.—Sept.; Goderich, Aug. 19, 1901 ; Burke Id., Lake Huron,
Aug. 27, 901; Bruce Peninsula, Aug. 23, 24, 1901; Algonquin Park,
Aug. 23, 1902-; North Bay, Sept. 12, 1go00.
14. Qcanthus quadripunctatus. The Four-spotted Tree Cricket.
Ccanthus quadripunctatus, Beut., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., VL,
1894, 250.
Gcanthus fasciatus, Hart., Ent. News, III., 1892, 33 (text in part).
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 9.5 mm. @ 11.5 mm; of
fegmen, ¢ 11 mm., 9°12 mm-; of hind femur, ¢ ‘jem, 2 7/5 imm.;
of ovipositor, 5 mm.; width of ¢ tegmen, 4.5 mm.
I believe this form to be merely a pale variety of @. fasciatus, as I
have a series of intergrades and am unable to draw a definite line to
separate the two. I have retained the name guadripunctatus for the
present, however, as I have an insufficient series of typical examples of
this form to make a satisfactory comparison between the two varieties.
Quadripunctatus is common in the southern part of the Province,
where it is associated with fasciatus, but I have never taken typical
specimens in the north. Blatchley found it abundant on the north shore
of the Niagara River, opposite Buffalo, N. Y.
Localities: Chatham, Aug. ro, 1901 ; Walpole Id., River St. Clair,
Aug. 13, 1901 ; Toronto, September.
The Geometrid moth described below cannot be placed in any
European or American genus known to me, and I therefore venture to
institute a new genus for its reception.
The genus belongs to the Azzomine, and the absence of a tongue
and the possession of the dorsal abdominal tufts serve to separate it
readily from all the other American genera of the subfamily, as none of
them, I believe, possess these two characters in combination.
As there is some difficulty, especially for a novice, in finding a
suitable combination of Greek or Latin which has not already been used
as a generic name in some branch of Zoology, I have named this genus
after the island opposite to Nanaimo, V. I., where I took specimens of the
species last summer. ‘The species I dedicate to my friend Dr. Dyar, who
has given me much help and encouragement since I began my study of
the Geometride.
Gabriola, n. g.—Palpi short, subascending: tongue apparently
wanting ; front scaled; antenne ¢ heavily pectinated, pectinations
rapidly shortening and leaving apex simple ; thorax tufted pesteriorly,
loosely scaled ; abdomen with dorsal tufts on second, third and fourth
segments, the tuft on segment three being the most conspicuous ; hind
tibie of ¢ slightly swollen, with all spurs ; fore wings with 12 veins, 5
weak, 1o and 11 from cell; hind wings with all veins separate, 5
undeveloped, 8 separate from cell.
Type: G. Dyari.
Gabriola Dyari, n. sp.—Male expands 25 mm. Front, thorax and
abdomen gray, with numerous black scales. ‘Thoracic and abdominal
tufts tipped with black, a black band on front of thorax and the posterior
margins of the abdominal segments are also marked with black scales.
Fore wings a warm shade of brown with two very distinct black lines—
intra and extra discal. The intra discal line is regularly curved,
commencing on the costa at about one-fourth the distance from base to
apex, and terminating on inner margin at a little greater distance from
base. Extra discal line also very distinct, leaving costa at about two-
thirds distance from base to apex, running in a straight line towards
central point of hind margin. At vein 5 it turns at right angles and runs
in an almost straight line to juncture of veins 3 and 4, thence in a bold
inward curve to vein 1, and thence curving in the opposite direction to
inner margin. There is an indistinct gray cloud in the middle of the
basal area with some scattered black scales. The central area is
uniformly brown, peppered with darker scales ; no discal dots apparent ;
outer area brown, with a blackish cloud bordering the extra discal line
and becoming a decided blotch on the inner margin. This black cloud
is bounded outwardly by a white line, distinct on the costa, then almost
obsolete, but reappearing very distinctly below vein 4 and widening, in
some specimens, into a large and conspicuous white spot at the inner
angle ; a marginal row of intervenular black dots. Hind wings paler,
with a broad subterminal black shade and an irregular black line across
the centre of the wing.
Beneath : the markings of the fore wings are faintly reproduced, but
the intra discal line is almost obsolete, and the extra discal, instead of
having the double curve as on the upper side, runs in an almost straight
line from vein 5 to the inner margin. The lines on the hind wings are
also reproduced, the median line being much more distinct than on the
upper side, and the subterminal line is broken up into 3 or 4 blotches.
Described from 4 ¢ specimens in my own collection, which were
taken in August, 1903. I have seen numerous other specimens, all males,
in British Columbian collections, and there are specimens also in the
United States National Museum. I have not seen the ?. The species
seems to be not uncommon on Vancouver Island.
Second Part.—The Syrphide.
(Continued from page 220.)
43. Spherophoria micrura, Osten Sacken.—Two females from Port
Renfrew, one July 6, 1go1, the other Aug. 16, 1902. The male was
taken at Seattle, Wash., July 15, rgor.
44. Spherophoria sulphuripes (Thompson).—One male specimen,
taken at Glacier, July 20, 1901, belongs here questionably. It lacks the
characteristic bunch of yellow pile on the hypopygium of cylindrica, but
otherwise resembles that species quite closely.
45. Spherophoria melanosa, Williston.—A single specimen taken by
Harvey at Vancouver, May 3c, 1903, agrees quite well with Williston’s
description, except that the cheeks are brownish instead of shining black.
-46. Sphegina infuscata, Loew.—Not common. Port Renfrew, July
6, 1901. A specimen from Mr. Harvey, Vancouver, April 12, 1902.
Taken at Lowe Inlet by Kincaid, June 3 (Coquillett, 1900). The writer
has taken the species also at Laggan, Alberta, Aug. 23, 1902. Two other
specimens taken by Harvey, one at Vancouver, March 28, 1903, and one
at Wellington, I place here provisionally, They are much larger and
darker than the typical form, and may be distinct.
47. Sphegina lobata, Loew.—Not common. Port Renfrew, July 3,
1gor ; Glacier, Aug. 20, 1902. These show no difference from Ohio
48. Baccha obscuricornis, Loew.—A single specimen from Port
Renfrew, July, 1991 ; one specimen from Harvey, Vancouver, May 30,
1903. Taken at Lowe Inlet by Kincaid, June 3 (Coquillett, 1900), A
single specimen was taken also by the writer at Seattle, July 15, 1gor.
49. Ayiolepta bella, Williston. A single specimen of this fine species
taken at Port Renfrew, June 30, 1901.
50. Volucella facialis, Williston.—Taken by Harvey at Vancouver,
May 17, 1902, and May 30, 1903. The writer has taken the species at
Banff, Alberta, July 17, 1go2.
51. Pyritis montigena, Hunter.— Taken by Harvey at Vancouver, May
2, 1903, and again at Vernon. A number of specimens, only females. <A
specimen is in my collection from Victoria also. The species was
described in 1895 from a single male specimen taken at Moscow, Idaho.
As the female has not, to my knowledge, been described, I indicate here
the characters.
Very similar to the male, differing only in the following: Eyes widely
separated. Front broadly sulcate transversely, below the sulcus shining ;
in the sulcus and above brownish pollinose. Face above and on the sides
also brownish pollinose. The whole body, head and legs covered with
whitish or light yellowish pile ; the only black hairs. present are those on
the eyes and ariste.
I have not been able to compare with the male of this species, but
the female answers so well to the description that I have little hesitation
in describing it here.
52. Pyritis Kincaid (Coquillett) —(Volucella Kincaidii, Coquillett,
Ent. News, 1895, pp. 131-2.)
Taken by Harvey at Vancouver, Feb. 14, 1901; Feb. 28, 1903;
April 12, 1902; also at Vernon, May 2, 1903. Four specimens, two
males and two females.
This species is quite close to the preceding. I have been unable to
separate them by any marked anatomical characters, and yet they are
quite different in appearance. FP. Kincaidii averages larger than P.
montigena, yet they intergrade in size. The chief difference to be noted
is in the colour of the pile, which in montigena is whitish or light
yellowish, while in Azzcaidii it is dark reddish yellow. ‘The females of
Kincaidii are exactly like the males in this respect, and, in my specimens,
show no tendency to intergrade in colour with P. montigena.
53. Sericomytia chalcopyga, Loew.—A common species at Port Ren-
frew, on dates ranging from June 30 to Aug. 16. Mr. Harvey has taken the
species at Vancouver, April 12 and Oct. 3, and at Wellington, April 17.
The writer has taken the species also at Laggan, Alberta, Aug. 24, I1go02.
(Sericomya militaris, Walker. Taken at Laggan, Alberta, Aug. 24,
1902, and will undoubtedly be found in Br. Col.)
54. Arctophila flagrans, Osten Sacken.—Port Renfrew, Aug. Io,
1902 ; Glacier, Aug. 20, 1902. A single male specimen taken at each
locality. Snow says (Kan. Univ. Quart., 1895, p. 242): “So far as I
know this species is taken only on the summits of mountains of consider-
able height.” My specimen from Port Renfrew was taken on low ground
by the sea shore. The species has not previously been recorded so far
north, and perhaps this is only another example of the law that mountain
species approach the sea level in higher latitudes. é
55. Eristalis tenax (Linné).—Abundant everywhere. Taken all
summer. Port Renirew, Victoria, Vancouver, and also at Seattle, Wash.
Specimens have also been received from Vancouver, Victoria and
Wellington, from Mr. Harvey.
56. Lristalis latifrons, Loew.—Victoria, July 17, 1901. Takenalso
at Banff, Alberta, June 17, 1901.
57. Eristalis montanus, Williston.—A single specimen, female, taken
at Vernon, Sept., 1902, by Harvey. :
The eyes are separated about as in the female of dastardi or
occidentalis. ‘The front is reddish-yellow pollinose on the sides like the
face ; vertex black pilose. The centre of the disk of the thorax has some
black pile intermixed with yellow. Otherwise the specimen _ tallies
exactly with Williston’s description, and I have no hesitation in placing it
58. Eristalis occidentalis, Williston.—Apparently a common species.
Port Renfrew, Aug. 16, 1g01 ; Victoria, July 20, 1902. Specimens from
Harvey, taken at Vancouver, June 21, 1goz2, and July 20, 1903.
59. Lristalis flavipes, Walker.—A single specimen from Harvey,
taken at New Westminster.
60. Eristalis obscurus, Loew.—Port Renfrew, Aug. 10, Igor ;
Agassiz, July 18, 1902. Taken by Harvey, Vancouver, July 29, 1902.
The writer has taken the species also at Seattle, Wash. _
61. ELristalis hirtus, Loew.—Two specimens, taken by Harvey at
Mt. Cheam, Aug. 5, and another at Vancouver, Aug. 29, 1903.
62. LHelophilus latifrons, Loew.—One specimen sent me by Harvey,
taken at Vernon.
(Helophilus similis, Macquart, Banff, Alberta, June £7, 1902.)
63. Helophilus bilinearis, Williston.—One specimen at Port Ren-
frew, July, 1902. Taken also at Seattle, Wash., July 15, rgor. These
show no important differences from specimens taken at Fargo, N. Dak.
64. Helophilus pilosus, Hunter.-—Described in 1897 from Br. Col.,
one female specimen. No other data given. I have not seen the species.
65. Pterallastes perfidiosus, Hunter.—Described in 1897 from two
female specimens from Br. Col. No other data given. I have not seen
the species.
66. Zriodonta curvipes (Wiedmann).—A male and female of this
peculiar species taken at Victoria, July 20, 1902, are a trifle larger and
darker in colour than specimens from the Atlantic coast, but in other
respects are similar.
67. Criorhina Kincaidii, Coquillett.—Taken by Harvey, at Van-
couver, April g to May 19, and at Wellington, April 17. In all, 10
specimens of this striking species, nine males and one female, have been
sent me by Mr. Harvey. ‘They show considerable variation in colour of
the pile of the thorax and abdomen, but otherwise all agree very well with
Coquillett’s description. The pile of the thorax varies in regard to the
extent of the black, which may include all of the hinder part of the
mesonotum except the angles, and all of the scutellum except a fringe of
yellow hairs around the edge, or the black may be limited to a bar across
the mesonotum, leaving the hind border as well as the scutellum yellow.
The greatest variation, however, is seen in the pile of the abdomen. As
one extreme, the pile of segments 2 and 4 is light yellow, with that of 3
black, or at most with a few reddish hairs intermixed, while at the other
extreme, segments 2, 3 and 4 are covered with reddish pile, with no trace
of black on 3. Practically all the intermediate stages are shown by my
nine specimens. All agree in having long light yellow pile on the side of
segment 2, in having some yellow on the posterior margin of 4, and in
having 5 black, with at most a few reddish hairs. In most of my specimens
a fringe of long yellow hairs projects, moustache-like, from the epistoma
in front. It appears to be broken off in some specimens. ‘The tibiz and
tarsi vary in colour from brownish to yellowish. ‘The last joint of the
tarsus is always brown except the pulvilli, which may be yellow.
The female resembles the male closely. The face is only thinly
pollinate with yellow. The eyes are separated by about the length of a
millimeter. The front is coloured as in the male. The vertex is black.
68. Criorhina tricolor, Coquilett.—Vancouver, May 10, 1902; Mt.
Cheam, Aug. 5-11, 1903; Grouse Mt., July 19, 1903. Nine specimens
in all, both sexes, from R. V. Harvey. I have placed these specimens in
this species provisionally, as I have not been able to make out any
structural differences to separate them from ¢ricolor. They differ
considerably from Coquillett’s description in colour markings, and may be
a distinct species, but, knowing the tendency of related species such as C.
Kincaidii and C. xigripes to vary in this respect, I hesitate to separate
them until further study. Coquillett’s type is from Alaska.
69. Criorhina nigripes (Williston).—Vancouver, April g and 11,
1903, taken by R. V. Harvey. Two specimens, both females. One of
these has a distinct margin of yellow hairs on the hinder border of
abdominal segments 2 and 3. Otherwise they are identical with Willis-
ton’s type from California in the Mus. Comp. Zool., at Cambridge, Mass.
70. Criorhina scitula, Williston.—Taken at Port Renfrew, Aug. 10,
Tgo2, and by Harvey, at Vancouver, June 22, 1902, and at Mt. Cheam,
Aug. 5-10, 1903. :
71. Crioprora alopex (Osten Sacken).—A specimen was sent me by
E. M. Anderson, taken at Victoria, April 16, 1897, and another was
received from Harvey, taken at Vancouver, April 12, 1902, both females.
I have seen no description of the female, but it is very much like the male
in all respects except the following: Eyes widely separated ; the yellow-
red pile of the front continued back upon the occiput at the middle.
Pile of the scutellum light yellowish ; in one specimen a few black hairs
on the margin ; the other has the pile entirely without black.
72. Crioprora femorata, Williston.—A single specimen taken by
Harvey, at Wellington, April 15, 1903.
73- focota grandis (Williston).—Harvey has taken this species at -
Vancouver, Oct. 3, 1902, and at Mt. Cheam, Aug. 7, 1903. Two females
are in my possession. They are essentially like the male, differing only in
the separation of the eyes. The rather broad front is brownish pruinose,
with short dark yellow pile. On the under side the middle tarsi are beset
with short sharp black spines, not present on the other tarsi.
74. Brachypalpus pulcher, Williston.—Port Renfrew, July 25, 1902,
and by Harvey, at Goldstream, Aug. 10, 1902... A specimen is also in
my collection marked “ Br. Col., Sept. 5, 1897.” Both sexes present.
The species is described from Washington and Oregon.
75. Xylota fraudulosa, Loew.—A single male specimen taken at
Port Renfrew, June 26, 1901, undoubtedly belongs here, though a trifle
larger than my eastern specimens. It has been recorded in the west from
76. Xy/ota barbata, Loew.—Port Renfrew, July 25, 1902, and
Glacier, Aug. 21, 1902, and by Harvey, at Vancouver, June 19, 1903.
Taken also at Seattle, Wash.
77. Syritta pipiens (Linné).—Abundant. Port Renfrew, Victoria,
Vancouver, Agassiz and Glacier, at dates ranging from July 17 to Aug. 19.
Harvey has taken it at Vancouver, June 19, 1903. Taken also at Laggan
and Banff, Alberta.
78. Sphecomyia Pattoni, Williston.—A single male specimen taken
at Glacier, Aug. 21, 1902, I place here with some doubt. In general
appearance it is much like Pattonz, but it shows the following differences :
The ground colour of the face seems to be entirely dull black under
whitish pollen, and there is no shining facial stripe; the spots of the
thorax white instead of yeliow, and there is a fringe of yellow pile on the
scutellum ; the legs differ in the extent of yellow and black. It may bea
distinct species. The type locality of Pattoni is Washington.
Macrosiphum ambrosie (Thomas). — Siphonophora ambrosia,
Thomas, Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1878, p. 4.
Found at Pecos, New Mexico, on Zactuca. ‘The following account
is based on the Pecos specimens :
Very dark brown, very shiny ; legs, antennz and nectaries black,
except that the basal part of legs, to near middle of femora, is brownish-
white; stigma pale green; cauda of winged @_ yellowish-white.
Measurements of winged @ in »: Marginal cell about goo, of which
about 340 is substigmatal ; cubital vein between branches 850 to 970;
cauda 450; nectaries about 820, minutely imbricated ; beak about 950,
last joint about 160; antennal joints, (1) 130, (2) 80, (3) goo, (4) 750,
(5) 725, (6) 200, (6a) 1,130 ; 3 has numerous sensoria on the under side,
4 has no sensoria; the hairs on 3 and basal half of 4 are knobbed, as
also are practically all those on the anterior legs.
Young dull reddish, minutely tuberculate, not pruinose.
This Pecos form may be separable as a variety ; in Schouteden’s
table of European species it runs to JZ. cichorit (Koch). It certainly is
not AZ. muralis or M. lactuce.
Pemphigus lucifugus (Zehnt.).— Tetraneura lucifuga, Zehntner, De
Plantenluizen Van het Suikerriet op Java, XV. (1go1). Pl. 2, figs. 29-34.
By the venation of the hind wings this cannot be a Zetraneura.
Cladobius Beulahensis, n. sp.—Winged 9: Rather large, robust ;
head and thorax black ; abdomen grayish-brown, dorsum with a _ broad,
dull black band on each segment, sides with large black spots ; on the
first four segments there is a considerable interval between the bands and
the spots ; ventral surface of abdomen immaculate, except that the last
segment bears a large transverse black spot; insect thinly clothed with
short hairs ; legs very hairy, dark ferruginous ; knees, end of tibiz, and
tarsi black ; wings ample, hyaline, not darkened along the veins, stigma
large, grayish-brown, fork ample, but shorter than its stem ; antenne
reaching second abdominal segment, blackish, third segment ferruginous ;
cauda broad and rounded, hairy, not produced ; nectaries short, distinctly
swollen, ferruginous, black at apex, very much longer than broad; beak
reaching posterior margin of middle coxee, or at least their base. Length
of insect, 3%-314 mm. Measurements in »: Antennal joints, (3) 500,
(4) 260-290, (5) 250, (6) 170, (6b) 310. Nectaries about 250. The
prothorax has a lateral tubercle.
Young dark gray, slightly purplish.; femora dull whitish.
Beulah, New Mexico, prox. 8,000 ft., Aug. 4, on Populus tremuloides,
in little colonies (winged and young) on the twigs. The leaves of the
tree were much curled, I suppose by the aphides. Related to C. bicolor,
but not identical; also clearly distinct from C. sadictz. By the banded
abdomen it resembles C. pi/osus (Pterocomma pilosa, Buckton), but it is
not the same. It is not C. sadicis, and it is certainly not C. popudleus, as
that insect is figured by Buckton. There seems to be some confusion
about C. populeus (sometimes called populneus) ; it has been recorded
from Greenland (Rubsaamen) and Alaska (Pergande), and might be_
expected in the Rocky Mountains,* but so far as I can make out our
insect is quite distinct from it.
Aphis medicaginis, Koch.—Abundant at Pecos, New Mexico, on
Glycyrrhiza lepidota. Some were found on Spheralcea Fendleri growing
near the Glycyrrhiza.
Lachnus viminalis (Fonsc.) =dentatus, Le Baron.—Pecos, New
Mexico, 1903, on Salix. New to New Mexico.
Chattophorus negundinis, Thos.—Pecos, N. M., 1903 (Dr. M.
Grabham). C. populicola, Thos., was also found at Pecos.
Thirty-eight Aphididz are known from New Mexico so far.
*The willow-coccid Zyrzococcus borealis, described from Dawson City, N.-W, T
has since been found by me at Beulah, New Mexico, iy
(Continued from page 244.)
Prothymia rosario, 0, sp.—Expanse : 26 mm.
Fore wings chrome yellow, a pink patch at base of wing, about 3
mm. wide; this is most marked on costa and between median and
submedian veins. A subterminal pinkish band, broad at base, where it is
confluent with the pink fringe ; at centre is narrow and furthest removed
from margin, at inner angle it broadens out, becoming again confluent
with fringe. Fringe pink, in one specimen slightly paler inwardly. Hind
wings pale yellowish white, fringe concolorous.
Beneath, fore wings pale yellowish along costa, outer and inner
margins, dusky centrally, with indications of discal dot, pinkish spot at
apex. Hind wings as above. ‘Thorax and abdomen yellowish, head
darker yellowish, more or less pink intermixed. _ Palpi yellowish, pinkish
at tip. Legs pink externally, pinkish internally.
Type: g¢ and ?. Huachuca Mts., Arizona, July. One of the
specimens from Mr. Poling.
Apatelodes uvaia, n. sp.—The general type of maculation is similar
to A. lacefania, Druce (Biol. Cent. Amer., Vol. IL, 437, Pl. 37, fig. 12
and 13), and to A. difidens, H. E. (Entom. Amer. III., 92; Biol. Cent.
Amer. II., 438, Pl. 87, fig. 15), but in detail there is a marked difference
from the figures as well as from the descriptions. Fore wings light gray,
with pale brown shadings, the whole with a slight olivaceous tinge. As in
diffidens, there is a straight brownish line from junction of basal and
middle thirds of costa almost to inner angle. Below this line the wing 1s
gray, above it more or less shaded with brown. On inner margin at
inner third are two black spots, one on margin, the other above and
extending a trifle farther outward, separated more or less distinctly from
first. Beyond these, and only separated from them by a narrow space of
ground colour, is a short black bar, which becomes lost before reaching
oblique line. The course of the bar and spots is obliquely outward from
inner margin, and they seem to be the remnants of a double transverse
line, which if angled in the middle of the wing and then run inwardly
would strike costa at beginning of oblique line. In one specimen a slight
thickening of the oblique line on costa seems to represent a remnant of
the transverse line. About 2 mm. further outward a second transverse
brown line can be made out; in one specimen this is evidently double on
inner margin. It passes from costa outwardly oblique, along inner side
of discal spot to oblique line, whence making somewhat of an angle it
tuns obliquely inward to inner margin; it is rather faint, but can be
followed in both specimens its whole length. <A third more distinct brown
transverse line leaves costa at outer third, curving outwardly around cell ;
it then makes a broad inward curve to inner margin at about its outer
fourth. Another transverse line runs parallel to third and about 2 mm.
from it; itis pale whitish, but in one specimen there is a quite well
marked brown inner edging to this, especially at costa and inner margin.
In the other specimen this it not so evident. There are two superimposed
subapical black wedges, base outwardly, resting on a short pale bar,
which terminates below in a small round pellucid dot, which has a minute
black dot to its outer side. On holding the wing against the light the
pellucid dot is very striking, and there can be seen a second very minute
one just above it. Beyond cell the marginal area it clear brownish, but
at apex it is mostly gray, and below centre of wings the pale shading on
veins, and a broad, rather diffuse included gray shade, cover fully half
the space. Fringe brown. Discal spot small, pale, upright. Second-
aries reddish brown, with distinct pale mesial band; within this is a
narrow dark band, distinct in one specimen, fainter in the other. This
terminates in the upper of two brownish black spots on inner margin, well
above inner angle. The second lies on upper side of termination of
mesial band; in one specimen the spots are somewhat run together.
Fringe concolorous or a shade paler.
Under side of primaries reddish, washed with gray along costa, darker
reddish brown at apex beyond the distinct pale bar which corresponds to
the one on upper surface. A dark reddish extra mesial band and a pale
subterminal one. Secondaries: upper two-thirds reddish, lower third
pale, the line between the shades being quite sharply defined, very distinct
dark reddish brown mesial and pale extra-mesial bands, the latter
especially towards inner margin slightly edged on inner side with brown.
Very faint, scarcely discernible traces of discal spots on both wings. Head
and thorax concolorous with base of primaries, abdomen with secondaries.
Patagia gray, with brown transverse band, near but not quite at tip.
Palpi, coxe and inner side of fore tibiz brownish, rest of legs gray,
abdomen beneath fuscous, laterally with small blackish tufts.
Types: 2 g’s. Pima Co., Arizona, July. Mr. Poling. It is
possible this may be the same as Dr. Dyar’s pudefacta, the description of
which has just reached me,
Hemiceras pilacho, n. sp.—Expanse : 28 mm.
Ground colour pale yellow, rather thinly dusted over with golden
yellow scales. Body parts with more of a brownish tint. Front of head
with round turreted projection, yellowish brown, with black centre and
black ring. Thorax, largely denuded in the specimen before me, is some-
what darker than abdomen. ‘TT. a. line somewhat outwardly oblique,
formed of three large teeth, one from costa to median vein, one between
median and submedian veins, third between latter and inner margin, dark
golden yellow. TT. p. line runs from junction of outer and middle thirds
of inner margin obliquely outwards almost to apex, where it curves inward
slightly before reaching costa, the same colour as t, a. line. A very faint
trace of s. t. line, scarcely to be noticed. Ordinary spots concolorous,
outlined with golden yellow scales. Orbicular large, round. Reniform
large, oval, slightly inwardly oblique, joined to orbicular by a slightly
thicker accumulation of the dark yellowish scales than elsewhere. Veins
of wings slightly darker. Fringe fuscous, with an even dark golden
yellow basal line. Hind wings white, with a faint yellowish tinge, very
slightly dusky at extreme edge. Fringe concolorous, faint, slightly darker,
basal line.
Beneath very pale yellowish colour. Orbicular and reniform showing
as obscure paler spots in cell. TT. p. line showing faintly through wing.
Wing very slightly darkened through cell and along veins beyond it.
Hind wings pale yellowish white, slightly darker along costa.
Type tg, so. Arizona. ‘Mr. Poling,
Lunotela mogut, n. sp.— Expanse: 33 mm.
Fore wings light gray, with a slight reddish flush. Basal line double,
slightly angled on median vein, inner portion black, outer brownish.
Beyond this a diffuse black shade across wing, outwardly curved to
median vein, then inwardly curved to inner margin. T. a. double, black,
distinct, slightly outcurved. A small diffuse black spot on costa beyond
t. a. line. T. p. line double, inner portion black, outer brown, distinct and
scalloped between veins below cell, both lines brown opposite cell, lunular
and preceded by a distinct black lunular bar in cell, which is continued to
costa, after making a slight angle on subcostal vein. S. t. line irregular,
broken, somewhat diffuse, not sharply defined, more pronounced in upper
two-thirds of wing, at costal end a small black dash running almost but
not quite to apex. Distinct black terminal line, quite even in upper,
somewhat irregular in lower half. Veins more or less darkened. Fringe
concolorous, with pale points at end of veins. Hind wings white above
and below. Fore wings smoky beneath, with about four pale points on
costa, towards apex. Antenne shaft yellow, pectinations brown. Head
and thorax dark gray. Abdomen ochraceous above, dirty white below.
| ?, fore wings a trifle darker, with markings somewhat heavier,
especially the terminal line, while the subterminal line is equally heavy to
inner margin. Secondaries broadly fuscous outwardly, with faint mesial
Type: 1 g, So. Arizona, July; 1 ¢, Santa Catalina Mts., Pinal Co.,
Ariz. Mr. Poling. ;
Hapygia estrella, n. sp.—Closely allied to A xolot/, Schaus (Proc.
Zool. Soc., London, 1892, p. 339; Bicol. Cent. Amer. II., 464, Pl. 91, fig.
19), but differs from figure and description, and Mr. Schaus, who on a
recent visit kindly examined most of the species described in the present
paper, thinks it distinct from his species.
fg expanse: 5e mm; 2, 57 mm:
Colour of male chestnut, of female darker, almost walnut-brown.
Basal line faint but traceable, pale, with dark brown border. T. a. faint,
outwardly oblique, somewhat wavy, pale, with slightly darkened border.
In female there is a dark shade between t. a, and basal line on lower half
of wing. ‘TT. p. line pale, with slightly darker outer border, distinct but
not prominent, inwardly oblique from costa, slightly outcurved over cell,
then with a slight inward curve to inner margin. A faint black, broken
subterminal line, emphasized at apex so as to form a short oblique apical
dash, within which is a metallic silver mark. In cell is aslightly outwardly
oblique oblong silver ring, constricted in middle, with small dot of silver
joined to its upper inner side.” The centre of ring is silver filled, leaving
a narrow border of ground colour. ‘There is a second small round silver
spot in cell to inside of upper end of first ; in the female this has a fine
central dot of ground colour, in the male it is solid. Fringe concolorous’
outwardly, paler within. Inner margin incised and toothed, more marked
in female. Hind wings paler than fore, pale reddish fuscous in male,
blackish fuscous in female.
Beneath fore wings much paler than above, even light reddish brown,
somewhat darker in centre and along costa. ‘Two pale spots in cell
corresponding to silver spots above. Hind wings still paler, with faint
traces of mesial band in female. Head, collar, patagia and thorax
concolorous with fore wings. Abdomen with more of a yellowish tinge
above, beneath paler.
Types: 1 f,1 9, Pima Co., Arizona, July. Mr. Poling.
Gloveria coronada, n. sp.—Expanse: ¢, 70 to 85 mm.
Chocolate brown, one specimen slightly grizzled with gray. Hind
wings a shade lighter than fore. Fore wings with two pale whitish trans-
verse lines, one at inner fourth, moderately outcurved, even, distinct,
about }2 mm. in width, Outer line at about outer third broadly outcurved
around cell, then with slight inward curve to inner margin, at a point
somewhat beyond middle. ‘The two lines are thus about twice as widely
separated on costa as on inner margin. The subterminal space is
somewhat paler than the concolorous terminal, in one specimen markedly
so. The subterminal line is only indicated by the contrast between the
two ; it is irregularly dentate, the pale extending outward along the veins,
almost to margin in places. A minute pale discal dot. Hind wing with
faint trace of pale mesial band. Fringes concolorous, extreme edge
whitish. Head and thorax concolorous, abdomen paler. Beneath fore
wings much paler than above, hind wings grayish at base, gradually
darkening to outer margin, where it is same shade as fore wings. Distinct
pale mesial band on both wings, fading out on hind wings before reaching
inner margin. ‘There is a brown inner accompanying shade line, more or
less evident, especially on hind wing. Thorax and legs concolorous. with
fore and abdomen with hind wings. Antennz brown.
Types: 4 $’s, Huachuca Mts. Arizona; t ¢, Chiricahua Mts.,
Ariz. Mr. Poling.
The colour and maculation remind one very strongly of sidii, but
the shape of the wings is altogether different, being much broader, more
like Zo, or judging from the description, like guadrina.
The above description applies to four of our specimens, a fifth, how-
ever, more recently received from the Chiricahua Mts., has the ground
colour of the fore wings replaced by gray to a much greater degree, the
transverse lines appearing brown, with faint pale accompanying shades,
and the subterminal line as an irregular row of brown spots. The
variation being the same so commonly seen in A/a/acosoma ( Clisiocampa).
Since Mr. A. W. Hanham published his lists of Manitoba
Lepidoptera in the CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST (1897-1901), many
additional species have been taken in the Province by myself and others.
Where no special locality is given in the following list, the capture was
made by me ou my farm on the Long River, and in almost every instance
the identification has been made by Dr. John B. Smith, to whom my
warmest thanks are due for the kindly trouble that he has taken with my
Sphinx Vancouverensis, Hy. Edw.—At light during June and July in
about equal numbers with the form a/bescens, Tepper.
Hyphantria textor, Harris.—Only one at light in July.
Apantesis determinata, Neum.—A form of W7d/iamsii, Dodge, in the
previous list.
Apantesis michabo, Grote.—Rounthwaite, May 20 (Marmont).
Apantesis oithona, Strecker, a. rectilinea, French.—At light at
Rounthwaite, Aug. 5 (Marmont). Bred from larve on Castilleja
sessilifiora at Aweme (Criddle and Fletcher).
Thyris lugubris, Boisd.—Rounthwaite (Marmont). Sandhills near
Aweme, flying in bright sunshine, July 20 (Criddle and Fletcher).
Alypia octomaculata, Fabr,—Several taken flying in the sunshine
about wild raspberry bushes when in flower, together with Zangtonzi,
Acronycta hastulifera, Sm. and Abb.—July ; taken at sugar occasion-
Acronycta leporina, Linn.—Several taken at sugar,: June and July,
Acronycta superans, Guén.
Acronycta albarufa, Grote.—July ; at sugar occasionally.
Acronycta inclara, Smith (hamamelis, Guén).
Acronycta illita, Smith.—June ; at sugar. This is one of the earliest
to appear.
Acronycta modica, Walk.—One taken at sugar in July.
Moma geminata, Smith.—Previously recorded as fad/ax, H.-S.
Platysenta videns, Guén.—July ; several at sugar and light.
Hadena vultuosa, Grote-—June 25, etc. ; sometimes plentiful at
Hadena cogitata, Smith.—June ; a few at sugar most years.
Hadena lona, Strecker (runata, Smith).—July; a few at sugar.
Winnipeg at end of June ; a few at light (Hanham).
Hadena ferens, Smith.—August ; at sugar, one only taken in 1903.
Hadena adnixa, Grote.—August ; at sugar, one only taken in 1903.
Hadena claudens, Walk.—August ; a few at sugar.
Hadena allecto, Smith.—Kinosota (Hutchinson); also taken in
British Columbia and Dakota.
Adita chionanthi, Sm..and Abb.—Several at sugar ; August, 1900
and 1got.
Rhynchagrotis gilvipennis, Grote. This was prevously reported
under the name chardinyz, Boisd.
Euretagrotis sigmoides, Guén.—Not infrequently at sugar in July.
Euretagrotis attenta, Grote. —With the preceding species.
Noctua rosaria, Grote.—Previously recorded as rudifera, Grote. It
is generally abundant both at light and sugar during June and July,
whereas rubifera is scarce here, one only having been identified in my
collection by Dr. Smith.
Noctua inopinatus, Smith.—One only recognized so far.
Chorizagrotis soror, Smith.—One taken at sugar or ‘‘ honey-dew ” on
black cherry with others of the genus ; in June.
Chorizagrotis auxiliaris, Grote.—Several at sugar and honey-dew in
Chorizagrotis agrestis. With the preceding species.
Chorizagrotis balanitis, Grote.—One taken at sugar, July 8, 1903.
Euxoa maimes, Smith.—Two taken at light with d/vergens in May ;
the two species have previously been confused. Brandon (Hanham).
Euxoa citricolor, Grote.—One at sugar, Sept. 29, 1903.
Euxoa acornis, Smith.—Occasionally at sugar in July.
Euxoa fuscigera, Grote.—Several at sugar, July and August, 1903.
Euxoa intrita, Morr.—Found among some duplicates, date wanting.
Kuxoa titubatis, Smith.—A few at sugar in July.
Euxoa verticalis, Grote.—A few at sugar in July.
Euxoa albipennis, Grote.—A few at sugar in July.
Euxoa furtivus, Smith.—A few at sugar, July and August.
Euxoa perexcellens, Grote.—Occasionally at sugar with évsu/sa.
Euxoa abar, Strecker.—One at sugar, Sept., 1903.
Euxoa nordica, Smith.—Occasionally at sugar, June and July.
Prodenia ornithogalli, Guén.—Winnipeg, at sugar, Oct. 19, and later,
1900 (Hanham). :
Psaphidia Grotei, Morr.—Winnipeg and Brandon, rare (Hanham).
Ufeus satyricus, Grote.—At sugar, others in the house in October.
Mamestra imbrifera, Guén.—A few at sugar in June.
Mamestra Oregonica, Grote. —At sugar with ¢rzfo/ii.
Mamestra Goodellii, Grote.
Mamestra lucina, Smith.—At sugar. Previously recorded as o/ivacea,
Morr. +e
Mamestra circumvadis, Smith.— Aweme (Criddle).
Nephelodes tertialis, Smith.— Winnipeg, August 16-24 (Hanham).
Rancora albicinerea, Smith.—Rounthwaite, April 24 (Marmont).
Bellura gortynoides, Walk.—A few taken at light, decidedly rare
June 18-30.
Morrisonia sectilis, Guén.—A few at sugar, August 12, 1903.
Leucania minorata, Smith.-—Previously listed as pad/ens, Linn.
Leucania obscurior, Smith.—Previously listed as a/bi/inea, Hubn.
Leucania megadia, Smith.—At light in July. At first confused with
insueta, Guén.
Himella contrahens, Walk.—Listed as ¢heca¢a, Morr.
Teeniocampa peredia, Grote. Two or three at sugar, July, 1900.
Not seen since.
Xylina hemina, Grote.—Several at sugar, during October, 1903.
Xylina amanda, Smith.—Previously listed as contenta, Grote, which
does not seem to occur here.
Xylina holocinerea, Smith.— Several at sugar, during September and
October, 190 3.
Xylina Oregonensis, Harvey.—One only at sugar, in October.
Xylina unimodia, Lint.—Several at sugar, in September and October.
Xylina Grotei, Riley.—Several at sugar, in September and October,
Xylina antennata, Walk.—Several at sugar, in September and
Xylina tepida, Grote.—Several at sugar, in September and October.
Xylina, n. sp., in Dr. Smith’s hands for description.
Cucullia postera, Guén.—Taken but once, some years ago.
Nonagria subflava, Grote. Taken occasionally at light in the middle
of August, both here and at Winnipeg.
Papaipema rigida, Grote.—Listed before as cerina, Grote.
Papaipema nebris, Guén.—One taken at light in August.
Papaipema circumlucens, Smith.—A few at light in August.
Pyrrhia umbra, Huful.—One at currant bloom, in May, and a few at
sugar, in August and September.
Orthosia decipiens, Grote.—Winnipeg.
Orthosia inops, Grote.—A few at sugar.
Cosmia punctirena, Smith.—A few at sugar, in August, rgoo.
Epiglea decliva, Grote.—Several at sugar, September and October,
Copablepharon grandis, Streck.—One only, at light, August 1, 1899.
Heliothis armiger, Hubn.—One at light, Winnipeg (Hanham).
Xanthoptera semiflava, Guén.—A few taken nearly every year on
the prairie in the day time, by beating clumps of Lveagnus argentea, in
Melicleptria villosa, Grote.—At St. James, Winnipeg, taken in rgoo,
July 29 (seven), Aug. 4 (seven), Aug. 5 (five). A white daisy-like
flower, Erigeron glabellus (determined by Dr. Fletcher), occurred in
scattered patches in a meadow, and these pretty little moths were all
found resting on the centre of the flowers. They were hard to see, and
more often than not would fall to the ground and lie close to escape
capture (Hanham).
Syneda Athabasca, Neum.—Beulah.
Syneda Alleni, Grote.—Aweme.
Catocala abbreviatella, Grote.—One or two at sugar, late in July.
Homoptera unilineata, Grote.—A few at sugar, May 13; also flying
about cherry and plum bloom.
Erebus odora, Linn.—Winnipeg, August 14, 1900. A male with
wings rather frayed alighted on a tree when I was renewing the sugar on
it at dusk (Hanham). Beulah (Dennis).
Epizeuxis rotundalis, Walk.—A few at sugar, in July.
Zanclognatha protumnusalis, Walk.— A few flying in July.
Ianassa Coloradensis, Hy. Edw.—One only; July 10, 1903.
Schizura concinna, Sm. and Abb.—Reared from larve some years
ago ; they were quite numerous on Populus aspen ; larvee not seen since.
One moth taken at light.
Drepana arcuata, Walk. One taken on the wing in June.
This paper belongs with the series on local species—Andrenine,
Megachilide and Bombine, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc., 28: 187; 29: 163; Spheco-
din, Ent. News, 7g: 103; Balictine, Nomadine, Epeoline, Anthophila,
Can: EINT:, G2)0 245 34 3502 0 72, 204 5 GO ina
For the length of the malar space is taken the shortest distance
between the eye and the mandible ; the breadth is that of the mandible at
base; joint refers to antenna, segment to abdomen; cells III; and III, are
the second and third submarginal cells.
Of 81 specimens formerly referred to P. modesta, Say, 45 are referred
to P. Llinotensis, and 36 to P. Sayi, sp. nov. I have given up the
attempt to identify P. modesta, Say. The type of P. Say7 is a pair taken
in copula on flowers of Heracleum lanatum, June 4, 1888. Both have a
dot on tegula,
According to my separation of them, P. ///:nozensis sometimes has a
dot on tegula, and P, Say? often has. The determination of P. afjinis
thus becomes more doubtful than ever. I use the name /. z/z¢@ for the
insect I have always called P. affinis, Sm.
Prosopis, Fabricius.
Front coxa with a lateral tooth: eyes short; cheeks broad; face
marks, tubercles, sometimes two lines on collar, front and middle
knees, and base of hind tibie, yellow ; enclosure of metathorax rugose
on basal middle; 6mm...... BE ch ee eC EER See Seth Sc, «GAS OILS
Front coxa simple ; eyes long ; cheeks narrow ; at least bases of tibize
yellowish ; metathorax usually more rugose...............-..+..1:
1, Segment 1 and base of 2 red; face marks, tubercles, and dot on tegule,
yellow ; wings beyond middle clouded ; 6-7 mm.... ..nelumbonis.
Segments 1-6 black. 5 ihe; tana : fa cid RENO
. Collar with yellow ralarlees fabereles ant fee falar veiloseik 5-6 mm. 4.
iii Cait: wade al : i TALPIOT ORR a
3. Entirely black, except bases bof bie oui sometimes narrow lines on
face; slender. . int Pao : Poe SPER . sanicule.
Clavate face vee pieeeale A eelly a : eee on n\clypedes tiberdles and
tepulee ;~‘arlittle moretrobustiii.. cs ie geld. [eee cepyemeee
4. Edge of wing base and spot on tegule yellow...........+.+-+ . ZAZ1e.
Edge of wing base black ; tegulze black ; sometimes with a yellow
otoitS : A ere Pia, Sree et Nee aS noreeh ack ce oa code 5
5. Metathorax more rugose, more pubescent ; enclosure less distinct,
bordered by an impressed line, often obscured by the reticulations ;
face marks more yellow, less produced, more rounded on eye
margin ; wings more fuscous: flagellum darker; rarely a dot on
ce Pulae SEI eee = = 2 eee cece ese nck? en hae .... I}inoiensis.
Metathorax less rugose, less pubescent; enclosure more distinct,
bordered by a raised line ; face marks paler yellow, more produced
and pointed on eye margin; wings more hyaline ; flagellum paler
beneath ; tegula often with a yellow dot; sf. nov.: 36
specimens .. idee dh ea ot ‘a OAyL
Front coxa with a lateral tooth; metathorax moderately rugose ; spot on
labrum, scape exterioriy, two lines on collar, and tubercles, yellow; face
marks somewhat club-shaped on the sides; 5 mm........-- . thaspil.
Front coxa simple; metathorax more rugose ; at least the face, tarsi,
anterior tibice in front, and middle and hind tibie at base,
BY SULONV USER ls Shay Wiel hesiee ae so RN Site egane Whe jal c go el he area otra Ee
_ 1. Base of abdomen red; 6 mm ..........--.+++++-++++.nelumbonis.
Base of abdomen blacks ... temeswraiee ss = vee crepe mics tenets rena
Face mark broken into four parts by the irregular encroachment of
black in the sutures; elsewhere black, except on the legs ; scape
broad, clavate ; 4-5 mM..........-.+--e5: bas sis le Fea
Face mark entire ; tubercles coloured... ......-- 2.022 ee ee ee 03;
3. Lateral extension of face mark usually club-shaped, always diverging
from eye; scape exteriorly and sometimes dot on tegul pale
yellowish ; 4 mm............++.5.. ajhid wipe him averse pygmea.
Lateral extension of face mark ending near eye ; usually two lines on
collars 5=6 ati ie oars 4 oe ala teenel * o6 (4 Reet a aoa i Rea eeey 4.
4. Scape concave exteriorly; spot on tegulz, edge of wing base, labrum,
mandibles more or less, often the scape exteriorly, yellow ; face
mark club-shaped laterally ; yellow at base and apex of middle tibiz
Gamnected ajiciaeticw « pre a ererne amaecterari iar ne agen lakes,
Scape ordinary ; tegule, labrum and mandibles rarely with yellow. .. 5.
5. Middle and hind tibiz with a blackish spot behind, hind ones often
entirely yellow; segment 1 impunctate ; face mark sometimes club-
shaped laterally ; flagellum darker ; tegule unspotted ; wings more
SUSCOUS 0/2. dca a ee ah o> + 5 GEER. oy, s"a LUITIOICHSIS:
Middle and hind tibize yellow at base ; segment 1 punctate; face mark
pointed on eye margin; flagellum paler beneath ; tegulee sometimes
spoted ; wines hyalmens Core ls)... cee As austen ete tech eres os MOAT.
Co.L_etEs, Latreille.
Front coxee with distinct hairy spines ; malar space one-fifth to one-fourth
as long as wide ; g-II mm...... atace OMG PAGS sole naal sfeebeanns tl SHE ae er
Prdnt tox without distinct hay: spines 6292.5 $e. 24. 22a.
t. Thorax above with pubescence ochraceous, not mixed with black ;
MODE WANE rst be tietetademate ers yg tetd te he iS) aie
Thorax above with natecuenes griseous, aiived with bined Tat Sane Zi:
Ventral segment 6 bicarinate; metathorax rounded, with triangular,
rugose reticulated enclosure; joint 3 longer than 4 or 5; malar
space one-third as long as wide ; 9-11 mm...........compactus.
Ventral segment 6 simple; metathorax truncate, with transverse series
ofisubquadtate, Pitsy. ec oak cc Mee ee d EPR EEG ces
. Hind metatarsus about twice as long as ele celine broadly
sulcate ; labrum concave, striate; joint 3 nearly = 4-5; spurs
dark; malar space one-fourth as long as wide; 9-11 mm... latitarsis.
Hind metatarsus three or four times as long as broad ............ 4.
4. Postscutel anteriorly with transverse series of subquadrate pits ; rather
bare ; coarsely punctured ; malar space linear; 10-12 mm..nudus.
Postscutel anteriorly without transverse series of subquadrate pits..5.
5. Clypeus in profile strongly convex, closely and evenly punctured ;
joint 3 nearly = 4-5; malar space linear ; gQ—10 mm. . brevicornis-
Clypeus in profile slightly convex, somewhat sulcate, puncto-striate. 6.
6. Malar space more than one-third as long as wide; clypeus shining,
coarsely puncto-striate ; front coxe simple ; 12-13 mm. . inequalis.
Malar space hardly one-third as long as wide ; clypeus opaque, finely
puncto-striate; front coxz with blunt spines; 9-11 mm. . Willistonii,
7. Clypeus opaque, finely punctured, not sulcate ; pubescence of mes-
onotum very fine and dense; abdomen opaque, finely punctured,
fascize very even; nervures pale; malar space about one-fifth as
long as wider. 3°..2.6 MSE t ch sp, sc Kaa sieve? cae tore ee: . speciosus,
Clypeus shining, coarsely puncto-striate, sulcate ; abdomen shining,
rather coarsely punctured, fasciz often obscured by moisture ;
nervures dark ; malar space about one-third as long as
WIGEGl2. . 0: <M vate afin Slaretais Dee apie Camera ae (ers COOP,
8. Prothorax with strong lateral spines ; pubescence above mixed with
black ; segment 1 distinctly punctured, extreme sides fasciate, 2
fasciate at base and apex; scutel puncto-striate ; malar space
Short sa. i's» ‘Maga gahe 1. A+ a's led ee ale ots ee naa Se
Prothorax without strong lateral spines; pubescence of thorax above
ngtmixed withublack ©. soph auteae «dite leh. CA einer eee
g. Segment 2 rather coarsely punctured ; fasciz narrow; cell III,
narrowed about one-half above; claws cleft, the divisions nearly
QUEL os Stssgia ets is cE ws gos Groep eet ee ee aod AES UME
Segment 2 minutely punctured, or impunctate ; fasciz broad ; cell
PE, not so istrongly natrowedsabove: ¢i5.)02 2s me oes ee we 10.
to. Wings whitish ; pubescence white ; inner claw tooth
SUPADICAL:. souk GRU ad ee hehe ie Wedel ee eas ee oF oF ote DESEEMS.
Wings yellowish ; inner claw tooth median; hind spur more distinctly
ECUMALC 2. ony saeicceic: cf wf ecate hie nk cael andere Peg ed gat a) gauge nage i een
11. Pubescence ochraceous; cell III, little longer than III,.. Americanus.
Pubescence whitish ; cell III; longer than III,; sp. nov .+...similis.
Antenne long, joints much longer than wide............ pide teas aieetor. 4.
Antenne short, joints shorter, or hardly longer, than wide............1.
1. Joint 3 longer than 5; labrum _ bituberculate ; clypeus convex ;
pubescence pale ; malar space linear; 8 mm.........brevicornis.
POU ROE MORST AT OS 5 ev oem at! ao casey ns Cee ete fate el ate ars ptbishelanh coe 2.
2. Posterior face of metathorax coarsely, closely, distinctly punctured ;
abdomen coarsely punctured ; labrum with median fovea ; joints of
antenne a little longer than wide; flagellum beneath, tarsi, tibiz
more or less and their spurs, testaceous ; malar space linear ;
Dat YAR ce fucice Se oeNe sw « |p REN iar » ce, cin) ene en ee See De GEST
Posterior face of metathorax shining, reticulated, impunctate ;
abdomen rather finely punctured ; malar space more than one-third
as longras WIGE wfc. 40s .chamueet aye, w= alas Venn sn ote pet ie easy ine 2a,
a —E $<
Hind metatarsus about twice as long as broad, with a posterior lobe ;
clypeus broadly sulcate ; labrum striate; front femur with long
white hair; thorax above mixed with black ; 9-10 mm... latitarsis.
Hind metatarsus about three times as long as broad ;
S29 MMM A a. EER Ot. RE WV ailistomeg
4. Joint 4 shorter than 2-3, not much longer than 3; labrum plane, or
with a faint fovea ; ventral segments 2-5 strongly bearded laterally;
malar space short; thorax above ochraceous; cell III; short,
Strong] yimaErowed. ADOVE ses. + mx sii, deme ots) ~hee Se ems DEMIS
Joint: abouts lonecas:2 230s. xi(/2) : sate ane ee ase
5. Malar space at least about one-half as long as wide............-.8.
Malar space not more than one-third as long as wide ........... 6.
6. Postscutel with transverse series of subquadrate pits; 9 mm...nudus.
Postscutelsdensely punctured sand ‘pubes¢ent . 4-7. 45.45.2455 Berea
7. Mesonotum rather evenly punctured; prothoracic spines indistinct ;
pubescence ochraceous 7S mm... .laea0 cto. a o OuMenIeanuss
Mesonotum with two densely punctured submedian streaks ; pro-
thoracic spines distinct ; pubescence griseous or whitish, usually
mixed with black on vertex and thorax above ; 8-9 mm. .armatus.
8. Metathorax with triangular rugose enclosure ; maler space as long as
wide ; pubescence mixed with black above; 9-10 mm..compactus.
Metathorax truncate ; with transverse series of subquadrate pits ...9.
g. Pubescence of scutel mixed with black; malar space shorter than
Wide: s POT? MUMS eg ae re «Gs ete dencees ete ao ae SEER LISS
Pubescence of seutel not mixed: with ‘black 3) 7—8 mumi.:2..5 42.0: 10.
10, Punctures of mesonotum and scutel about equal in size ; malar space
shorter than wide ; pubescence rather dense, ochraceous ..eulophi.
Punctures of mesonotum rather fine and sparse, of scutel very coarse;
malar space nearly as long as wide ; pubescence thin,
QTISCOMS w Ac tee sr avacste 4: pa theta) 5» SRM es oie sts | vt) eC LCS
Megachile strophostylis, sp. nov., 2.—Black ; closely punctured and
hardly shining ; pubescence rather long and pale; short, thin and black
on vertex, mesonotum, scutel, discs of segments 2-5, and base of 6;
lateral ocelli about equally distant from vertex and nearest eye; mandibles
with four broad teeth ; clypeus short, sparsely punctured, except at base,
margin dentate ; mesonotum anteriorly with two oblique lines of whitish
pubescence ; segment 1 short, with a broad concavity, 2-5 with unusually
broad fascize of pale pubescence; segment 6 very short and broad, a
little convex in profile, clothed with long, appressed, glittering, yellowish
or whitish pubescence, sometimes blackish at tip ; scopa white, a little
fuscous on segment 6 ; hind tibize broader than metatarsi ; 12-14 mm.; 5
In the paper on Sphecodine, Eft. News, 7Z: 103, Stelidium is a slip
of the pen for Sphecodium.
Andrena polemonii belongs to Ptilandrena.
Contribution to Modern Animal Psychology, by Eric Wasmann, S. J.
(Authorized Translation of the Second and Enlarged Edition).—B.
Herder, St. Louis, Mo.
This is a book which ought to be read by every scientist for the clear
insight which it gives into the dangers of drawing rash conclusions.
Wasmann excels in clearness of thought, but most of all for his insistence
upon accuracy in using terms. He gives the clearest definition of
“instinct ” we have ever met with. It is short, but full: ‘Instinct is a
sensitive impulse to actions that are unconsciously adaptive ”; or, more
fully, ‘“‘A sensitive impulse which induces a being to perform certain
actions, the suitableness of which is beyond the perception of the agent
that performs them,” while “intelligence” is the *‘power of formal
conclusion.” Again, he says, “there is a power of sensitive cognition
which guides instinctive actions belonging to the exterior senses, and
there is also an interior sense which perceives the interior state of the
agent and feels the pleasant or disagreeable impression which the object
of the exterior sense-perception makes upon it ; hence we must add the
power of sensitive imagination, and a sensile memory which reproduces
exterior sense-perceptions and interior sensile feelings, and combine them,
one with another, and with new sense-perceptions according to the nature
and laws of sensitive imaginations.” Hence, instinctive actions arise when
these faculties act to represent as pleasant to an agent what is objectively
useful for its preservation, and that of its kind. But “intelligence ”
combines, with all this, deliberative thought, which takes in every aspect
of the case, and draws conclusions of various kinds, both for the present
and for the future. Hence, as the result of the study of the actual life
and conduct of the creatures other than man, our author contends, and,
we think, succeeds in maintaining his contention, that, in the correct
sense of the term, those creatures cannot be proved to have ‘“ intelligence.”
He refuses agreement with the modern school of animal psychology on
the ground that that school is lax in its use of the term intelligence.
Their reasoning is, he thinks, founded on what is termed in logic,
‘‘ambiguous middle”; they really use ‘‘intelligence” in a double sense.
In fact, all attempts to get even the most domesticated animals to
“think ” have proved abortive. Even Sir John Lubbock’s poodle ‘‘Van”
was a failure. Sir John tried to get his poodle to “‘read” by having two
cards, one inscribed ‘food,’ and the other ‘ out,” and trained Van to
bring the card ‘‘food” when hungry, and the other ‘ out” when he
wanted a walk. But Van often blundered. Lady Lubbock’s lap-dog
“ Patience,” though she had abundant opportunities of seeing the lessons,
failed to take them in, nor did Van ever make the least attempt to teach
her. There is no proof from even the case of ants that there is more in
their actions than can be accounted for by our author’s theory when these
cases of ant ‘‘ intelligence” are investigated by really scientific methods
and human imagination is not called in to assist deductions.
The attempt, therefore, to prove, as modern animal psychologists try
to do, that the intelligence of man differs only in degree, not in kind,
from that of the lower creatures cannot be said to be at all established.
Man is a thinking creature ; he has a spiritual nature, not shared in by
creatures lower than himself. 4
Then as regards “‘ speech ”—language—reasoning speech, so to call
it, no animals but man have it, nor, in all these years of their existence,
have they ever appeared even to seek to acquire it. Speech is the result
of human and superior intelligence, and is the vehicle of reasoning
thought properly so called.
There is a magnificent chapter on the ‘‘ different forms of acquiring
knowledge,” which is, to our mind, one of the best portions of the book,
Another good chapter is that on a “ Uniform Standard for Comparative
Animal Psychology.”
We would earnestly commend to all scientists a careful study of
Chap. VII., Bk. V., in Mills’ Logic, “ on Fallacies of Confusion,” as most
useful to them in building up their theories. It has always appeared to
us that modern animal! psychologists are faithless to their theory of
evolution. Evolution teaches us that there is an ever upward step in the
succession of being ; hence we should expect that this would take place
in the case of man, the present culmination of all previous evolutions of
being. This, Revelation makes known. Creatures below man have had
evolved for them, in rising degrees, a sensitive soul, that can direct them
to act suitably to their needs for obtaining good and avoiding harm. The
next step would be the “evolution,” so to call it, of a creature that would
add intelligent reasoning, and a deeper insight into the true nature and
reason of things ; a being that would more nearly, in this and other ways,
e. g., the moral sense of right and wrong, approach the character of the
Great Author and Ruler of all. Man is clearly seen to surpass other
creatures, especially in this last respect. Man has a conscience as regards,
if we call it so, the abstract nature of good and evil as principles of
conduct, not merely of expediency. The best of men in all ages have felt
that they were not mere clods of the valley, but had a future. Revelation
explains this by letting us know that that which differentiates man is his
threefold nature ; his highest constituent being his spirit, in which reside
and act his intellectual and reasoning powers properly so called. Science,
if it does not attempt to go beyond its province by calling in imagination
to its aid, will find itself stopped at a certain point. If it assures us that
acts and thoughts are the results of motion, or change, in the brain cells,
it cannot tell us what that mysterious thing is that connects will, or
thought, with that motion or change. Why not, then, accept the
explanation afforded by Revelation? It is answered: Revelation does
not clear up the mystery. No more it does ; but it gives us the informa-
tion that man has a nature not wholly common to other creatures, but is
possessed of a constituent that enables him to see, more and more, into
deep things and thoughts, and the next step higher will be when the new
man “ Shall know even as he is known.” W. E. Cooper.
Mailed “September Ist, 1904.
he € anatiay ¥ontomotonist
All of the Hymenoptera described in this paper were received from
Father W. A. Stanton, who captured them in the Observatory Garden at
Manila, P. I.
Family X.—STELIDID&. Ccelioxys, Latr.
Celioxys Manile, new species.— 9. Length,6.5 mm. Black; the
cheeks, temples, clypeus and the face upwards to the front ocellus, the
mesopleura, sternum, coxz, metathorax, and the apical margins of the
ventral and dorsal abdominal segments, clothed, rather densely, with a
whitish pubescence, sometimes tinged with yellow; there are also triangular
spots of a yellowish pubescence on the anterior and posterior margins of
the mesonotum and on the base of the scutellum ; the head and thorax
are rather coarsely, closely punctured, opaque, while the abdomen is
shining, although distinctly punctate, the punctures sparse and separated ;
the pygidium is bi-impressed at apex witha short median carina separating
the impressions, the punctures being coarser and closer in the impressions
or towards apex ; the mandibles medially and the legs are red, the femora
beneath and the tibize outwardly being clothed with a short, fine, dense,
whitish pubescence. Wings hyaline, but faintly fuscous towards their
apical margins, the tegule dark rufo-piceous, shining, the stigma and veins
very dark fuscous, almost black.
Type.—No. 8103, U.S. N. M.:
Manila (Father Stanton).
Family XII.—ANDRENID&. Halictus, Latr,
Ffalictus Mantle, new species—?. Length, 6 mm. neous
black, the head from the base of the antenne upwards greenish metallic,
closely punctured, and clothed with a griseous pubescence, the clypeus
smooth, but with some sparse punctures, the anterior margin fringed with
yellowish hairs ; the median process of the labrum is semicircular and
bi-impressed at base ; ocelli pale or whitish ; antennz black, the flagellum
testaceous beneath, the pedicel small, only a little longer than thick, and
much narrower than the flagellum ; the first joint of the flagellum is
obconical, longer than the second joint, the third joint a little longer than
the second; the following joints to the last are nearly equal, slightly
longer than thick, the last as long as the first ; the mesonotum and the
scutellum are smooth and shining, but with minute, scattered punctures ;
the area at base of the metanotum is rugulose but not bounded by a
salient rim, the posterior face smooth, impunctured, the mesopleura closely
punctured. The abdomen is oblong oval, smooth and shining, but the
derma, under a strong lens, shows some delicate, microscopic, transverse
aciculations. ‘The dorsal segments 2 to 5 have a band of white, appressed
pubescence at base. The legs are black, with the tarsi ferruginous, the
tibiz, middle femora beneath and the tarsi with a ferruginous pubescence.
Wings hyaline, the subcostal and median veins black, the stigma and
other veins pale yellowish.
Type.—No. 8104, U. S..N. M.
Manila (Father Stanton).
Family XI X.—LaRRIDA.
THYREOSPHEX, new genus.
The wasp forming the type of this genus is a true Larrid, but differs
greatly in certain characters from all others so far discovered. It falls
into the subfamily Zavrin@, and between the genera Zachytes, Panzer,
and Zachysphex, Kohl.
My generic table of the genera, published in the CANADIAN
Enromo.ocist, Vol. XXXI., 1899, p. 244, may be modified to contain
this new genus, as follows :
12. Second cubital cell receiving both recurrent nervures, the first
transverse cubitus not angularly broken ; face
TCT ALE OMe eR EDS Sergei tae Rhea Ne Ny ae Co) Tachytes, Panzer.
Second and third cubital cells each receiving a recurrent nervure, the
first transverse cubitus angularly broken at its basal third; face
abnormal, with a shield-like plate anteriorly that extends over the
base of the antenne. ¢ ( 2 unknown). Thyreosphex, Ashm., gen. nov.
Thyreosphex Stantoni, new species.—g. Length, 5 mm. Black
and shining, with some sparse, microscopic punctures, the face, from the
front ocellus, anteriorly more or less rugulose, with irregular, elevated
lines, and a distinct median carina; eyes parallel, large, extending to the
base of the mandibles ; the shield-like plate that covers the base of the
antenne is rounded anteriorly and broadly margined with white ; the
clypeus is sparsely clothed with silvery hairs; the mandibles have a rufous
spot towards their apex ; palpi slender, white ; the flagellum brown, with
a dusky streak above, the joints of which are rather long and cylindrical,
the first joint being about five times as long as thick ; the hind angles of
the pronotum are subacute, with a white spot at each angle; the
mesonotum has two parallel grooved lines; the tegulz are testaceous, with
a white spot anteriorly ; legs black, the tarsi honey-yellow, the tibial spurs
white ; the metanotum-has three longitudinal carinz, the metapleura and
the posterior face being striated. The abdomen is oblong oval, smooth
and shining, impunctured, but more or less constricted in the first and
second sutures. Wings hyaline, the small stigma and the veins brown.
Type.—No., 8105, U. S. N. M.
Manila.—This singular little wasp is named in honour of Father
Stanton, whose captures have contributed so much towards advancing our
knowledge of the Hymenopterous fauna of the Philippines.
Family XXI.—Trypoxyuip&. Trypoxylon, Latr.
Trypoxylon Philippinensis, new species.—¢. Length, 6.5 mm..
Black and shining, with sparse glittering white hairs, the hairs silvery
back of the eyes, on the clypeus, and on the collar; mandibles
ferruginous ; the extreme apex of the scape, pedicel and trochanters, the
tegulee, bases of all tibize, and a band at the base of the second and third
abdominal segments are honey-yellow, or testaceous; the front and middle
tarsi, the tibial spurs, and the fourth joint of. the hind tarsi, are white.
Wings hyaline, the stigma and veins, except the costal and median veins
at base, dark fuscous, or almost black. The metanotal area is well
defined, the area and the posterior face each with a longitudinal median
Type.—No. 8106, U. S. N. M.
Manila (Father Stanton).
Family XX XI.—Curysipip#. Hedychrum, Latr.
Hedychrum Stantoni, new species.— ¢. Length, 4mm. Blue, but
with metallic greenish or brassy reflections on the vertex in front of the
anterior ocellus, on the anterior half of the pronotum and along its sides, on
the sides of the mesonotum broadly, on the scutellum at the sides narrowly,
on the metanotum, the pro- and meso-pleura, the mesosternum, the hind
cox within, and some spots on the first and second segments of the
abdomen ; legs biack, with the tarsi, except the basal joint of the hind
tarsi, pale or yellowish. Wings hyaline, with the apical third subfuscous,
the stigma and veins brown, The head and thorax are rather coarsely,
closely punctured, the metathorax with large, coarse, umbilicate punctures,
while those on the abdomen are much smaller, not dense, but separated,
except on the first segment laterally, where they are larger and more
Type.—No. 8107, U.S. N. M.
Manila (Father Stanton).
Family LVI.—Scertonip#&. Telenomus, Haliday.
Telenomus catacanthe,, new species.—F. Length, o.8mm. Head,
thorax and abdomen black, the scape of antenne and the legs, including
the coxze, brownish yellow, the pedicel and flagellum black; the head and
abdomen are smooth, impunctate, the first abdominal segment and the
second at base, longitudinally striated, the mesonotum feebly, microscopic-
ally punctate and sericeous; the head is transverse, wider than the
thorax, about 31% times as wide as thick antero-posteriorly ; the ocelli are
arrayed in a triangle, but widely separated, the front ocellus placed in a
slight depression, the lateral ocelli rather close to the eye margin, but not
quite touching it; the flagellum is subclavate, thickened towards apex,
the pedicel obconical, about as long as the first joint of the funicle, the
second joint of the funicle is a little shorter than the first, the third is
shorter than the second, the fourth ang fifth moniliform, the club 5-jointed,
the joints, except the last, being a little wider than long. Wings hyaline,
the venation light brown, tle marginal vein short, hardly half as long as
the stigmal vein.
4 .—Agrees well with the @, except that the pedicel is brownish
yellow, the flagellum alone being black, filiform, tapering off at apex,
pubescent, the first joint being a little longer than the pedicel, but hardly
as long as the second, which is fully twice as long as thick, the third joint
is only about two-thirds the length of the second and more slender, the
fourth and following joints to the last being moniliform, the last ovate; the
marginal vein is a little longer than in the female, being fully two-thirds
the length of the stigmal vein.
Type.—No. 8108, U. S. N. M.
Manila. Described from several specimens bred by Father Stanton
from the eggs of a Pentatomid, probably those of Catacantha Carrenoi, Le
Family LXVI.—IcHNEUMONID&. Colpomeria, Holingren.
Colpomeria flava, new species.—g. Length, 7 mm. Entirely
yellow, except the eyes, which are brown, and a rounded spot on the
middle of the mesonotum, a spot enclosing the ocelli, and the tips of the
claws, which are black. Wings hyaline, the stigma and subcostal vein
yellowish, the costal and other veins black.
Type.—No. 8109, U.S. N. M.
Manila (Father Stanton).
This species mimics a species of Xanthopimpla in colour and in the
structure of the abdomen, and I first took it for a species in that genus.
It has, however, no areolet in the front wings, and agrees structurally, in
venation and in the structure of the legs, with genuine Colpomerie.
Family LXVIII.--Braconip&. Ischiogonus, Wesmael.
Ischiogonus Philippinensis, new species.—. Length, 2 mm.;
ovipositor as long as the abdomen. Reddish brown, the head paler, more
yellowish, the first and second segments of the abdomen more or less
fuscous above, the eyes black, the flagellum fuscous; wings hyaline, the
stigma and veins light brown.
The quadrate head is smooth, impunctate ; the mesonotal furrows
converge and meet posteriorly just in front of the scutellum; the
metanotum has a median carina that uniles with a transverse carina
bounding the upper margin of the posterior face, the latter uniting with
the pleural carinxe, the metanotum, therefore, biareolated. The abdomen
is elongate oval, as long as the head and thorax united, with the first and
second segments longitudinally striated.
Type.—No. 811o, U.S. N. M.
Manila (Father Stanton).
_ The library and collections of the Society have been removed from
the Y. M. C. A. building on Wellington street, London, to the Public
Library building on the corner of Queen’s Avenue and the same street.
The new room is much larger and more convenient in many respects than
the one occupied by the Society during the last eight years, and affords
much needed space for bookcases, etc. It is hoped that the change of
quarters will produce an increased interest in the Society, and cause its
valuable library and collections to be made more use of by the public, to
whom they will be open on every alternate afternoon.
The annual meeting is to be held in the Public Library building on
Wednesday and Thursday, October 26th and 27th, when many subjects
of interest and importance will be discussed.
Brief preliminary descriptions cf the following species are given in
order that the names may be used in another place.
Lycosa permunda, sp. nov.— &. Cephalothorax dark brown; a pale
narrow median line extending backward from first eye row, widening
abruptly in front of dorsal groove, and then gradually narrowing to a point
at posterior margin ; a broad light-coloured marginal stripe on each side
not extending forward farther than the third eye row, its upper margin
coarsely dentate, the lower border broken by a few dark dots, but not
limited below by a continuous dark line or stripe at margin. Chelicere
black. Labium and endites dark brown. Sternum dark brown, with a
yellow median line. Legs brown, darker distally ; beneath unmarked but
having a number of dark cross bars above on femora and posterior tibiz.
Abdomen above dark, having the usual lanceolate mark at base followed
by a‘series of light coloured, chevron-formed transverse lines, each ending
on each side in a light dot ; sides yellowish brown, densely spotted with
black ; venter also yellowish brown, more sparsely covered with smaller
black dots, much as in he/Zuo.
Length, 22mm. Length of cephalothorax, 10.7 mm.; width, 8 mm.
Length of leg iv., 30.3 mm.
¢.—Coloured nearly like the @, but paler throughout. Marginal
stripes of cephalothorax not interrupted below by dark spots. Legs clear
brown, without any cross markings on any joints. Palpi yellowish brown
excepting tarsus, which is black.
Length, 20 mm. Length of cephalothorax, 10 mm.; width, 7.5 mm.
Length of leg iv., 32.4 mm.
Locality ; Wansas.
In general appearance the female resembles /e//uo, but is easily
separated by structure of epigynum and by various other characters. ‘The
male is conspicuously different in its palpal organ and in size, proportion
and structure from those of related species. This form also might suggest
the vafra of Koch, but is not that species.
Pirata aspirans, sp. nov.—@. Sides of cephalothorax dark brown,
crossed by radiating lines of black; a pale-coloured median band enclosing
in front the usual dark V-shaped mark ; a yellow stripe on each side
extending forward as far as third eye row, limited below by a marginal
black line ; clypeus yellow. Chelicerze reddish yellow. Labium yellow.
Endites yellow apically, dusky brown below. Sternum and coxe of legs
immaculate yellow. Legs yellow, with all joints excepting tarsi banded
with black annuli, which on the femora of the first legs are confluent, and
on the other joints of the same legs are partially so. Abdomen above
black, at sides minutely punctate with yellow ; at base a lanceolate yellow
mark, having at each side behind middle a small ovate yellow spot, with
black dot at centre, and each side of its apex a larger triangular yellow
spot; behind is a series of chevron-shaped transverse marks, which become
successively shorter caudally, the last few being diamond-shaped and con-
tiguous with each other by their apices. Sides of abdomen above like
lateral part of dorsum, but with black reduced to spots over a yellow field
below. Venter yellow, dusky in front of genital furrow, and witha dusky
median stripe behind epigynum extending only part way to the spinnerets
Anterior row of eyes but slightly procurved, shorter than the second ;
anterior median eyes two-thirds their diameter apart closer to the smaller
lateral eyes ; anterior lateral eyes three-fourths their diameter from front
margin of clypeus, their diameter from eyes of second row; eyes of second
row two-thirds their diameter apart ; quadrangle of posterior eyes one-
fourth as long as the cephalothorax, a little wider in front than long.
Epigynum behind at middle shallowly indented or angularly excavated, the
side lobes widely rounded.
Length, 3.9 mm. Length of cephalothorax, 1.8 mm.; width, 1.4 mm.
Length of leg iv., 7.3 mm. (of tibia + patella, 2.3 mm.).
Locality: Virginia, North Carolina. One specimen from the
former locality and two from the latter in company with specimens of
LP. bilobata (Tully). The female of this species is nearest P. humicolus, but
among other points differs clearly in the form of the spermathecz. In
aspirans the spermathece lie entirely in front of their openings, whereas in
humico/us \his is not the case. Both these species may be separated frem
minuta by the fact that in them the inferior margin of the chelicerz is
armed with three teeth, mznuta having but two. ‘The male of aspirans is
conspicuously different in the form of the scopus.
Allocosa degesta, sp. nov.—@. Cephalothorax shining black, of
reddish lustre. Chedicere the same. Labium and endites brown. Legs
nearly as in fumerea, but light marks on femora more obscure and less
contrasted on other joints between the light and dark rings. Sternum
reddish brown, dirk about margins, lighter, more yellowish over middle
area. Abdomen above nearly as in funerea ; venter yellow, with a few
faint dark dots at sides. Spinnerets yellow. Epigynum brown, weakly
reddish at borders.
Chelicerz not quite twice as long as the face is high. Anterior row of
eyes a little longer than the second, nearly straight; anterior median eyes
much larger than the lateral, at most one-fifth their diameter apart, still
closer to the lateral eyes, not fully one-third their diameter from eyes of
second row ; anterior lateral eyes not fully their diameter from front margin
of clypeus, some closer to eyes of second row ; anterior median eyes three-
fourths as large as those of second row; eyes of second row about their
radius apart ; quadrangle of posterior eyes as wide in front as long, only
one-sixth as long as cephalothorax. Spzues of anterior tibie greatly
reduced, minute ; none at all on either anterior or posterior side of joint.
Epigynum nearly the same as that of f/wnerea.
Total length, 6.6 mm. Length of cephalothorax, 3.2 mm.; width,
2.25mm. Length of leg iv., 9.4 mm.
Locality : Vouisiana.
The other species of AZ/ocosa so far described are funerea, Hentz ;
rugosa, Keys (nigra, Stone, nec funerea) ; and subdata, Montg. Ihavea
fifth species not yet described.
It will doubtless be of interest for me to record what seems to me the
strangest cross-copulation between different species of lepidoptera that I
have ever heard of. Mr. Arthur Hudson informs me that one night
recently he found on.a treacled post a ¢ Orthosia Conradi in coitu with
a 9 Noctua Smithii, and on the same night on another treacled post, a
3 Xylophasia lateritia in coitu also witha 9 WV. Smithii. Both pairs
remained in cop. for some little time after boxing; but the @ ? died,
probably from dry heat, within about twenty-four hours, without laying.
Mr. Hudson’s dictum on matters concerning the habits, etc., of our local
lepidoptera is unimpeachable, and he says there cannot be any doubt as
to the species in each case. Of course it is unlikely that, had eggs been
obtained, they would have proved fertile. During my 17 years’ experience
as a collector I never yet saw even supposed different species in cop., and
never heard of copulation between species so widely distinct. The
occurrence of the two cases on the same night would seem to suggest that
something about the atmospheric conditions had turned the moths a bit
“ crazy.”—F. H. Wo.iey Dop, Millarville, Alta. °
Dasyllis cinerea, sp. nov,—Black, shining, with slight bluish
reflection ; head, thorax, tip of abdomen, and legs with cinereous hair and
pile. Length, r2-15 mm.
¢ 2 .—Head black, face cinereous pollinose, mystax and vibrissz long,
composed of moderately-dense cinereous hair, with the exception of a few
black ones for the most part confined to the oral margin, but sometimes
extending up on the facial gibbosity ; ocellular tubercle prominent with
black hair; occipito-orbital hairs fine, black and gray, the latter
predominating ; beard dense, silky, of same gray colour; palpi small,
black-haired ; antennz black, first two segments with black and gray
hairs. Thoracic dorsum clothed with short gray pile, longer behind;
lateral margins with fine black hair ; scutellum, with the exception of a
few short black hairs on the anterior, and a fringe of longer hairs of same
colour on its posterior margin, bare and shining black ; halteres yellowish-
brown. Abdomen with lateral margins of segments 1-4 with moderately
long gray and black pile ; dorsum of same segments sparsely clothed with
fine black pile, not noticeable without the aid of a lens. Segments 5-6,
excepting the middle anterior portion of segment 5, with dense,
procumbent, yellowish-gray, sometimes brassy-yellow pile. Venter with
spare, long, gray pile ; ovipositor of female with long pile of same colour,
sometimes is part black ; genitalia of male with short black pile and a
few longer gray hairs. Legs black ; coxe, femora, on the upper and
posterior surfaces, and the tibiz, excepting the distal third of the posterior
pair, with long gray pile and hairs ; scattering hairs and bristles on all the
legs, a patch of short pile on the upper distal portion of the posterior
femora, and the clothing of the distal third of the posterior tibiz, and of
all the tarsi, black. Wings hyaline, slightly fuliginous along the black
veins. A distinct bulla on vein at base of discal cell.
Described from two males and one female from Southern Pines, N.C.,
collected in March by F. Sherman, and one female from Karnes, N. Y.,
collected June 18. Four co-types deposited as follows: A male and
female in the collection of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, one
male in the collection of the N. C. Experiment Station, and one female in
the collection of the N, Y. State Museum,
Dasyllis Fernaldi, sp. nov.—Black ; segments 4-5 of abdomen with
fulvous pile. Length, 15-18 mm,
3 9.—Head: pile covering entire head, excepting on the oral
and occipito-orbital margins and of palpi, where it is black, dull yellow.
Basal segments of antenne black with sparse yellow pile; third joint
covered with a pale pubescence. Thoracic dorsum with short, sparse
dull yellow pile intermixed with black on portion above and in front of
wings ; humeri with small rufous spot and black pile. In no place does
the pile completely hide the dorsum. Pleura black with a bronze tinge.
Scutellum with short black pile and long bristles. Halteres yellowish.
Abdomen moderately slender ; tergum of segment 1 with short black
hairs, apparently nude, likewise on segment 2, except pile is yellow and
more perceptible ; on segment 3 still denser and has more of a fulvous
tinge. Longer pile on lateral margins of segments 1, 2, 3, yellow and
increasing in quantity. Segment 4 entirely clothed with fulvous pile,
excepting a few hairs on lateral margin. This fulvous pile extends back
over sides of segment 5 and its anterior border, otherwise segment 5 and
following segments with dull yellow pile. Genitalia of male large, with
sparse yellow pile and few black bristles. Venter thinly clothed with long
yellow pile. Legs black; coxze with yellow pile; femora and tibie,
especially on outer portion, with sparse yellow pile, more abundant on
anterior legs, rest of pile short, black. Intermediate femora on the
anterior side with short row of black bristles. Tarsi black with black
bristles and very short yellow pile, varying in amount. Claws black, rufous
at base ; pulvilli tawny. Wings slightly fuscous. Expanse, 30 mm.
Described from three males and one female from Colorado. Co-
types deposited as follows: 1 male in collection of Massachusetts
Agricultural College and two males and one female in collection of
American Entomological Society, Philadelphia.
I have named this species after Dr. H. T. Fernald, in recognition of
his kind services. . .
Saropogon rufus, Sp. nov.— 2. Rufous ; eyes, style of antenne, tip
and upper side of proboscis, front, and occiput of head, line on distal
margin of trochanters, and the claws, black. Face covered with fine
golden pile, mystax composed of whitish bristles; ground colour of
occiput black, hidden beneath a dense golden pubescence. | Anterior and
intermediate coxe white pollinose ; halteres rufous. Abdomen slender,
shining, nearly glabrous; second segment of venter white pollinose.
Pulvilli straw-coloured. All bristles and pile not mentioned, pale or deep
rufous. Wings hyaline, slightly fuscous along the brown veins. Length,
14.5 mm.
This species may be readily distinguished from Loew’s adustus and
combustus, the types of which I have seen, by its more slender body and
the lack of any blackish tinge to the wings. It may be distinguished from
Johnson's dicolor and abbreviatus, the types of which I have also seen, by
its long, slender abdomen.
Described from one female captured August 2, Tehachapi, California,
by A. P. Morse. Type specimen in collection of Mr. Charles W. Johnson.
Sarapogon albifrons, sp. nov.—¥.. Face white, thorax brownish-
yellow, abdomen rufous. Length about ro’mm.
Head everywhere white pollinose ; ground colour of face pale straw,
of occiput black. Eyes, ocelli, proboscis, and distal half of third antennal
joint black. Bristles of mystax, pile of segments t and 2 of antenne,
proboscis, and testaceous palpi, and hair of ocellular tubercle, occiput and
beard, white ; last very slight. Thoracic dorsum and upper portion of
pleura and scutellum brassy-yellow pollinose. Lower portion of pleura
and the coxee whitish pollinose. Pule of thorax confined chiefly to dorsum,
very short, white ; bristles and halteres whitish.
Abdomen rufous, slender, somewhat shining. First segment,
especially on sides, spot on posterior angles of four following segments
white pollinose ; spots on segment 5 very small, and in one instance
lacking. White pile most abundant on segment 1, elsewhere extremely
scarce and short. Legs pale rufous; distal margins of trochanters and
claws black; pulvilli whitish. Two anterior pairs of coxe with moderately
long white pile; femora, tibiz and tarsi with very short pile of same
colour, ‘Tibize and tarsi with sordid white bristles, longest on the
intermediate pair. Wings purevhyaline with slight violaceous tinge ; veins
brownish at base of wing, darker outwardly.
This species is smaller than either adustus or combustus, and is
nearer them in form than d/color, abbreviatus or rufus.
Described from 2 females collected by F. H. Snow, Bill Williams
Fork, Arizona, August. One is a somewhat worn specimen, and has lost
its antenne. ‘Two female co-types, one in the collection of the Massa-
chusetts Agricultural College and one in that of the University of Kansas.
= —-
Ospriocerus albifasciatus, sp. nov.—Black, thoracic dorsum, posterior
margin of 4th and the following segments of abdomen rufous ; wings deep
fuliginous ; legs black. Length, 18 mm.
¢.—Head black; face and occiput white pollinose; mystax,
occipito-orbital bristles and beard black. Antennz black ; distal end of
the first and the entire small second segment reddish, both with black
hair. Lateral margins of proboscis, and the palpi, in certain lights rufous;
the latter with black hair. Dorsum of thorax, excepting that of the
prothorax and a distinct median line, rufous, with very fine black pile
and the usual black bristles ; anterior and lateral margins of prothorax
with longer black hair. Dorsum of prothorax, a broad stripe running
backward over the humeri to the base of the wings, and a short narrow
stripe on the mesothorax on each side of the median line, white pollinose.
Entire thoracic dorsum when viewed from the side appears thinly covered
with a hoary bloom. Pleura nearly glabrous, in certain lights with a
reddish tinge ; a spot above each coxa shining white pollinose. Scutellum
black, bordered very narrowly on the anterior, and on the posterior
margin when viewed from above, more broadly with white pollinose ;
bristles black. Halteres pale straw colour ; spot on thorax above their
insertion shining white pollinose.
First four segments of abdomen black ; a large dull white pollinose
triangular spot on each side of segments 2 and 3, extending backward
nearly to the posterior margin, and on segment 2 in a narrowing stripe to
the middle of the tergum, thus forming a narrow pollinose cross band on
the anterior margin. The fasciz of segment 3 do not extend so far
upward in this specimen; the sides of segment 1 are also somewhat
white pollinose. The posterior lateral margins of 2,a fine line on the
posterior portion of 3, the entire posterior margin of 4, and segments 5, 6
and 7, entire above, rufous. Pile of tergum short, black, fine, except on
the lateral margins of segments 1 and 2, where it is longer,
Venter: segments 2 and 3 dull whitish pollinose ; the 4th almost
black, the following dark rufous ; pile black, sparse on segments 1 and 3,
denser and more tufted on the following. Genitalia black above, rufous
below, clothed with long whitish pile. Legs everywhere black, except at
the femero-tibial articulations, where they are rufous, the thick short pile
and bristles black. Claws black, at base rufous ; pulvilli straw-coloured.
Anterior cox with a few whitish and many black bristles ; the posterior
pair obscurely white pollinose.
Described from rt male from Indian River, Florida. Type in
collection of the American Entomological Society of Philadelphia.
Anisopogon Johnsoni, sp. nov.—Black ; head, thorax, scutellum,
posterior margins of abdominal segments, venter and legs with dull
yellowish-white or whitish pile. Pile, except on posterior margins of
abdominal segments, where it is short, recumbent, and often deeper
yellow than on the thorax, long, erect, not dense, giving the insect a furry
appearance. Face, thinly white pollinose ; mystax and vibrissz composed
of long pile, the former dense, mostly black, the latter not as denge, and
extending upward to the antennz on either side of the face in such a way
as to leave the middle of the face below the antenne bare. Occiput white
pollinose with long pile ; in one male specimen with a few black occipito-
orbital bristles. Beard long and fine, palpi smal] with black and white
pile. Proboscis and antenne black, the style of the latter nearly or quite
as long as the third segment. Thorax in several specimens slightly white
pollinose beneath the long pile. Abdominal segments finely punctured ;
the anterior two-thirds of each segment with short black pile, not easily
noticeable. Last two segments of female shining black, not punctured ;
genitalia of male small, reddish, with fine pile.
Legs : coxee and femora black, with same long pile on thorax. Ina
few specimens the pile on the upper distal portion of the intermediate and
posterior femora short, black ; tibiz and tarsi vary from- nearly black to
deep testaceous. Pile and bristles of tibie moderately long and whitish ;
bristles of posterior pair in part black ; pile extends down over the entire
first segment of the anterior, and to a greater or less extent on the first
segment of the intermediate and posterior tarsi; the following segments
with black bristles. Claws black, pulvilli dark brown. Wings hyaline,
veins yellow.
Described from 3 males and 3 females and ro other specimens for
comparison. Seven bear the label of Colorado, and one the date of
capture at Fort Collins, September 12, 1901. A _ pair of co-types
deposited in the collection of the Massachusetts Agricultural College,
American Entomological Society of Philadelphia, and that of Charles W.
Johnson. The paratypes are in the collection of the American Entomo-
logical Society.
I have named this species after the well-known dipterologist, Charles
W. Johnson, curator of the Boston Society of Natural History, whose aid
has been one of encouragement to me,
The ill wind that blows insects into a lake may blow the entomolo-
gist some good if he be on hand to collect them when they are cast upon
the beach. During recent yeats I have gathered much material for class
- use from the drift line upon the beach at Lake Forest, with great economy
of time and labour. After every on-shore breeze following sunshiny
summer weather some insects are cast up by the waves, and occasionally
there iS a great accumulation of them. Twice I have observed accumula-
tions of them quite out of the ordinary ; the first time, in Angust, 1899,
when the drift was predominantly crickets of a single species ( Vemobius
— fasciatus )*, and a second time in June, 1904, when it was predominantly
May beetles of a single species (ZLachnosterna fusca). It is the purpose
of this paper to record some observations on this occurrence.
It was discovered on the afternoon of June 11th. The weather had
been bright and calm for several days, and the favoring wind was gently
blowing from the north-east, and bringing the insects ashore, for the most
part alive and in good condition. Two things seemed very remarkable
about this drift: first its smell, due to the presence in large numbers of
the ground beetle, Ca/osoma frigidum, incited by their tossing upon shore
to emit their pungent, but, when sufficiently diluted, not wholly
unpleasant odour; and second, the preponderance of beetles. It was
nearly all beetles, and nearly all the beetles were a single species. ‘The
accumulation was hardly sufficient to be called a windrow—rather, an
incomplete layer averaging a meter wide, spread out in a long sinuous line
at the farthest reach of the waves—a ribbon of brown trailed along the
lighter coloured sand. ‘There was little cinder flotsam or other trash in it,
it was nearly pure insect material—brown, because of the millions of May
beetles, hardly one per cent. being anything else.
I gathered an abundant supply of Lachnosterna and Calosoma, made
a few notes and went home. Early the next morning I went again to the
shore, a mile farther northward. There, to my great surprise, I found the
beach bare. Had I missed my opportunity by putting off till to-morrow
a more careful examination? I walked southward, and soon came upon
the smell of it, and then, the drift itself. ‘The wind was still north-east,
but insects had apparently stopped coming in. Many of the May beetles,
*An account of this I published in the Occasional Memoirs of the Chicago Entom.
Soc,, Voli.I., No: 1.
and some others with them, had buried themselves shallowly beneath the
sand, and many of the ground beetles were in hiding under loose boards,
etc., upon the sand. All were easily discoverable, however, and it is
probable that few had left the beach, for none were seen taking flight, and
few could be found under loose boards, except near the edge of the water.
Hence, I considered the opportunity still favourable for making an
estimate of the constituents of the drift. So I selected a representative
bit of ita few rods long, and collected and counted all the beetles I could
easily find in it, save only Lachunosterna fusca, which was innumerable.
The result of the count I list below:
Cicindelide. Dytiscide.
Cicindela hirticollis, Say. (2) | Phe names of the species will be
‘ given in a future issue.
Carabide. @ ]
Calosoma scrutator, Fabr. (5) Sulphide.
fe Necrophorus Americanus, Oliv
Calosoma frigidum, Kirby. (180) ; “a
Calosoma calidum, Fabr. (3) ; ; Cocinellide.
Hippodamia convergens, Guer. (1)
Amara impuncticollis, Say. (3) Analisceespunceatel, Oy (2)
Amara musculus, Say. (4)
Cytilus sericeus, Melsh. (2)
Byrrhus Americanus, Lec. (6)
Diplochila laticollis, Lec. (3)
Platynus cincticollis, Say. (1)
Platynus nutans, Say. (1)
Platynus zruginosus, Dej. (1) Lucanide.
_ Galerita janus, Fabr. (22) Lucanus placidus, Say. (23)
Lebia ornata, Say. (1) Scarabaeidae.
Chienius tricolor, Dej. (4) Lachnosterna fusca, Frl. (innumera-
Chlznius tomentosus, Say. (5) [ble)
Cratacanthus dubius, Beauv. (2) Cotalpa lanigera, Linn. (ro)
Agonoderus pallipes, Fabr. (8) ES
Harpalus laticeps, Lec. (1) ,
Ba YSe Diabrotica vittata, Fabr. (1)
Bradycellus rupestris, Say. (7)
Anisodactylus nigrita, Dej. (8) Ve ogapers ey Say (Z)
Anisodactylus discoideus, Dej. (tr) fythide.
Anisodactylus Baltimorensis, Crymodes discicollis, Lec. (3)
[Say. (1) Curculionide.
Anisodactylus sericeus, Harris. (3) Sitones flavescens, Marsh. (1)
Besides beetles there was almost nothing. I saw in all but one
Lepidopter—a tiger moth of the genus Eyprepia. Of Hymenoptera there
was an occasional bumblebee, wasp or ichneumonid. Of Hemiptera I
saw one Belostoma and one Nepa. Of Diptera I saw only craneflies-
wings and fragments of single specimens of Symplecta, Gonomyia,
Limnobia and Pachyrhina. Of Odonata I saw three specimens each of
Libellula 4-maculata and Leucorhinia intacta. Of other groups I saw
none at all. The presence of drowned aquatic species, and the prevalence
of large, strong-flying species, were, as usual, obvious features. I followed
the drift lime more than a mile. It appeared to continue southward
indefinitely. Drift lines are not very local ; this is the first time I have
seen either end of one.
I will mention in conclusion an accompaniment of the drift that was
probably independent of most of the causes that brought the other insects
together: This was the copious intermixture of empty pupa-skins of
Chironomus. ‘This is the blood worm that lives on the lake bottom. It
transforms to a floating pupa, whose skin is left on the surface when the
gnat emerges. ‘The wind drifted these skins to the shore, forming a thick,
gray scum-like layer of them in the hollows of the shore, overspreading
the pier with a layer half an inch thick. The big beetles swam out with
their legs draped with these pupa skins, which were inconceivably more
numerous than even the Lachnosternas.
White grubs (larva of Lachnosterna) are occasionally excessively
destructive to blue-grass sod along this “* North Shore.” In the summer
of 1903 1 saw acres of beautiful sward with all its roots eaten off two
inches below the surface ; it could be rolied up like a carpet ; in places
there were a dozen grown larve per square foot beneath it. Perhaps
these devastating larve come from eggs laid by adult Lachnosternas
brought in with the drift.
We learn with much pleasure, from Scéence, that Mr. SAMUEL
HensHaw, of Cambridge, Mass., has been appointed Curator of the
Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. His only
predecessors in the office have been Prof. Louis Agassiz, the founder and
first Curator of the Museum, and his son, Dr. Alexander Agassiz. Mr.
Henshaw is well known among Entomologists as the author of the
valuable ‘‘ List of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico,”
Laboratory of the Office of the Surgeon-General, U. S. A., Washington, D. C.
Among the new genera lately separated by Theobald from des and
Uranotenia, the differences seem at times puzzling, and without an
opportunity to study the types, it is not always easy to feel sure of the
position of a new insect. It is also to be noted that in some of these
genera the male is unknown, and it may possibly happen that they belong
to the class having long palpi in the male. This is very definitely
suggested by a mosquito received recently from Bayamban, Pangasinan,
P. I., which, while having long palpi in the male, flat scales (no curved
ones) on the head, curved scales only on the scutellum, still has the wing
characteristics of Uranotenia. From most of the new genera it is cut off
by the wing and the long palpus, but it evidently lies near Mimomyia, 7f
Mimomyia belongs to the long-palpied group, the main differences being :
1st. The shape of the scales on the mesonotum, which in this insect
are, so far as I can determine, simple slender curved scales; more
slender than those on Stegomyia fasciata, Fabr., but showing no
truncated ends.
2nd. Base of rst submarginal is exterior to that of 2nd posterior.
3rd. Position of cross-veins, which in this insect are typical Urano-
tenia veins.
Variability of cross-veins has, however, now become proverbial, and
while the other differences constitute good specific values, they hardly
seem, even considering the scale shapes on the mesonotum, sufficient to
warrant creating a new genus, and I am therefore placing it, provisionally
at least, under AZ7momyza.
Mimomyia Chamberlaini, n. sp.—Male: head light, heavily covered
with light yellow, almost white iridescent flat scales, a few brown forked
scales on the occiput extending well around to the sides; two large bristles
projecting forward between the eyes, four or five around the eyes; antennz
brown, very plumose, light banded, basal joint bare, dark, verticels brown,
but giving light (tow-coloured) reflections with a suggestion of orange ;
proboscis orange, tip black; palpi longer than the proboscis, mostly
yellow-scaled ventrally, but partly brown-scaled dorsally, a dark band at
the apex of the penultimate joint, and the ultimate joint clubbed (suggest-
ing some of the Anopheles), and quite dark at the tip; clypeus yellow ;
eyes brown and silver,
Thorax: dorsum dark brown, heavily covered with dark brown
slender curved hairs, laterally light, covered with light golden curved
scales, forming a large spot over and around the wing joint, and running
in a line cephalad on the edge of the mesonotum, light bristles over the
wing joint ; pleura and prothoracic lobes almost white ; scutellum, dark
brown median lobe, and light lateral lobes, both covered with dark brown
slender curved scales, six large and a few small bristles on the mid-lobe,
four bristles on the lateral lobes ; metanotum dark brown.
Abdomen light, thickly covered with dark brown flat scales, having
deep blue iridescence ; very large basal lateral light spots forming an
almost continuous lateral yellowish stripe, also continuous with the venter,
which is very light yellow, almost white. All the segments heavily
Legs: cox and trochanters alllight. In the fore legs the femora are
brown dorsally and ventrally light yellow, growing darker toward the
apex, tibize brown (giving red-bronze and purple lights), metatarsi brown,
with tiny light apical bands, tarsal joints brown, the first and second also
with light apical bands. Ungues unequal, very large, one bi-serrate and
the smaller almost straight. Muid-legs much as in fore legs; there are tiny
light bands on the metatarsi, and first and second tarsal joints, and in
some lights the whole metatarsus looks light. Ungues as in fore legs.
Hind legs have femora brown, with red reflections, tibize brown, with light
apical bands. ‘There are also narrow apical bands on the metatarsi and
first and second tarsal joints, the remainder of the hind legs is missing.
In some cases the bands seem slightly to involve both joints, but in any
case they are minute.
Wing light, and apparently partly denuded, but there are rather
broadly truncated, sometimes slightly asymetric dark scales, with dark
blue-green iridescence on costa, subcosta and rst long vein and a few of
the same ‘‘ broad-ended” scales on the other veins ; 1st submarginal cell
is about one-third longer and a third narrower than the 2nd posterior, the
base of the latter, however, being well interior to that of the 1st sub-
marginal. Stem of rst submarginal about one-third longer than the cell,
and somewhat longer than that of the 2nd posterior. Mid cross-vein is
about same length as-supernumerary, which it meets, and posterior cross-
vein is about one-fourth longer, and is distant from the mid about three-
fourths of its own length. Halteres light, knob brown scaled, Length,
4.5 mm,
Habitat : Bayamban, Pangasinan, Luzon, Philippine Islands. Taken
May 15.
Described from one specimen collected by Capt. W. P. Chamberlain,
Asst. Surg, U.S. A., after whom it is named. In the same collection
were Culex microannulatus, Theob.; C. gelidus, Theob.; C. annudlifera,
Ludlow ; Afansonia annulifera, Theob.; MZyzomyia Ludlowi, Theob.;
Myzomyia Thorntonii, Ludlow; Stegomyia scutellaris, Walker; and
Myzomyta Rossii, Giles, var. indefinata, n. v., Ludlow, an unusually large »
number of species for one collection.
As another instance of variation, I have received during the last year,
from different parts of the P. I., specimens of a JZyzomyca apparently new,
yet lying so close to Rossii and Ludlow? that it has been difficult to be
sure just where they belong. The differences hardly seem to be specific,
and are, besides, most of them very unstable, and after much hesitation I
have decided to publish it as a variety of Rossii.
Myzomyia Rossii, Giles, var. indefinita, n. v.— Female: Head brown,
covered with white curved scales on the vertex, some large ones projecting
forward as a white tuft between the eyes, white forked scales on the
occiput, brown on the sides; antennze brown, verticels and pubescence
white, basal joint testaceous ; palpi brown, last joint broadly white tipped,
a narrow white band near it, and another dividing the remainder of the
palpus in half (very like Zwd/owz), basal part dark and quite heavily
scaled ; proboscis dark, tip light ; eyes brown; clypeus brown.
Thorax gray and sparsely covered with slender hair-like curved white
scales, and a few heavier ones projecting forward at the neck, a dark
median line, widening just cephalad of the scutellum so as to forma small
spot, narrow lateral ridges appearing as dark lines, running from the
scutellum about half the length of the mesothorax; scutellum with
hair-like white scales ; metanotum brown ; pleura gray, with brown spots
almost forming bands.
Abdomen gray, densely covered with golden hairs.
Legs : cox and trochanters white, scaled with dark tips so as to
form a light band at base of leg ; femora all brown, a subapical yellow
band on the fore femora, the tip dark ; this marking sometimes occurs on
the other legs and sometimes is wanting on all; tibize brown, with a narrow
apical yellow band; metatarsi the same; tarsi on fore and mid-legs
basally and apically banded except the last joint, which lacks the apical
band : ungues simple and equal. The metatarsi and tarsi on the hind
legs have usually only minute apical bands, but occasionally the tarsal
bands involve both joints.
Wings light, heavily covered with dark and light scales, forming on
the costal portion spots as follows: Apex light, extending on tip of 1st
long. and upper branch of 2nd long., then a short dark spot, which
includes rst long. and upper branch of 2nd long., followed by a light spot,
about one-third longer than the dark, and extending also on rst long.; —
second dark spot about as long as the preceding one, and extends on
rst long.; then a light spot followed by the third dark spot, which is much
the longest of the dark spots, includes the sub-costa its full length, and
extending on the rst in the centre, suggests the “T” of RosszZ; there is
also at times a second dark spot on the rst long. under this long one (like
the marking in Zwd/ow/), and the relative lengths of all the costal spots
vary so much that no measurements can be depended on. The fourth
spot is shorter again, and extends on the sub-costa and ist long. A
couple of small indefinite dark spots on the costa only at the base of the
wing. ‘The wing field reminds one strongly of Zud/ow7, and is fairly
stable ; 1st submarginal is slightly longer and about the same width as
the 2nd posterior cell ; bases nearly ona line, and the cells are noticeably
longer than those in Zud/ow/, in which this species resembles osszz.
Supernumerary cross-vein about half the length of the mid, which it meets,
and posterior cross-vein is also about the same length, and about two and
one-half times its length from the mid. Halteres light, knob fuscous.
Fringe mottled, light at apex of cells. Length, 3.5 mm.
Habitat: Philippine Islands. ‘Taken May (Bayamban), Sept. (vite
_garin), Dec. (Guimaras Is.), etc.
This species occurs with Zwd@/owi at various places, and until Mr.
Theobald called my attention to the differences I believed it to be Rosszz,
which it strongly resembles, ‘The general colouring is, however, darker
in this resembling Zva/ow7, and its great variability makes it extremely
hard to place definitely. Its relationship to these two species may be
indicated as follows :
Wing venation like ossz7, and is constant. Palpal markings and
general colour like Zwd/ow/, also constant. Femoral markings (when
present) like foss7?7, never like Zud/owi. Wing markings extremely
variable, and may resemble either species. The balance seems to lie in
favour of Rossii, and I have therefore referred it to that species.
In my “ Mosquito Notes ”* I referred to Culex teniorhyncus, Wied.,
as not having been found, so far as I knew, north of Florida. The mistake
was caused by my being so impressed with the statement (Theobald’s
Monograph, Vol. I., pp. 352, 353, 1901), “ Mr. Coquillett writes me this
species is not found north of Florida and Mexico,” that I did not even
consult American authorities. This statement is, of course, superseded by
later work, and the species is found in the vicinity of Washington, D. C.,
in Pa., and in N, J., etc., as shown by various authorities, notably the
interesting work on C. ¢eniorhyncus and G. sollicitans, by Dr. J. B. Smith,
of N, J., to whom, as to others, my apology is due. This is another very
variable species. Dr. Smith writes me that those he finds show much
variation as to abdominal markings, but that the leg maculation is constant;
those sent me from Florida and N. C., while fairly stable as to abdominal
markings, are not constant as to the band on the proboscis, it being at
times hardly more than a dot, while the last tarsal joint of the hind legs
shows all variations from pure white to almost pure brown, the two legs on
the same insect being often quite unlike. Mr. Coquillett tells me he also
finds these differences in the specimens sent him,
Spending the summer in England, I have, of course, hastened to
examine the types of F. Smith, and other bees contained in the collection
of the British Museum. The following notes elucidate some species
which had puzzled American entomologists, who had access only to the
descriptions :
Chelostomoides rugifrons (Smith).
Chelostoma rugifrons, Sm., type 9 .—Would be large for Che/ostoma;
a transverse ridge, with large punctures, below the antenne, and below
this a smooth shining impunctate depressed area, bounded on each side
by a vertical ridge, so that one gets the impression at first that the clypeus
is very broadly and deeply emarginate; the long labrum, seen from above,
looks like the end of an elephant’s trunk, being broadened at the end, and
presenting a median elevation ; the “ tooth near the base within” of the
mandibles is a shining tubercle ; the recurrent nervures join second
submarginal cell at about equal distances from its base and apex respect-
ively; the basal neryure just fails to reach transverso-medial ; claws
*CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. Aug., 1904, p. 236.
broad and angled basally, but not cleft; no pulvillus (Chelostoma
Horisomne has a large pulvillus) ; first abdominal segment with a distinctly
margined though shallow concavity.
Emphoropsis cineraria (Smith).
Anthopora cineraria, Sm., ?.—Easily known by its rather large
size and grayish appearance, rather like a large Cl’sodon terminadis ; hair
on outer side of hind tibie entirely shining orange-golden ; hair on sides
of face is black, and black hair is mixed with that of mesothorax; the
venation is of the type of 2. foridana, marginal cell comparatively long,
and recurrent nervures entering it at ends of second and third submarginal
cells, though not meeting transverse cubital nervures ; third submarginal
cell strongly contracted above. The male has a white clypeus, very
broadly margined laterally with black; the white area is broader than
long, and is a curious sort of pinkish-white.
The Mexican species of Hmphoropsis (placed by Smith in Hadro-
poda) represent a distinct section of the genus, known by the light area
on the clypeus being much longer than broad, and separated from the
lateral face-marks. Our Z. floridana differs also from the Mexican ones
by its much broader face, with a broader and shorter clypeus. The
Mexican &. agi/is has maxillary palpi slender, 6-jointed, second joint
longest, last two small; paraglosse short ; galea long and parallel-sided,
as long as labial palpi. Male with third antennal joint not elongated,
though its apical half is broadened. The second joint of maxillary palpi
is much longer than first, but not as long as the last three together. The
Mexican species are readily separated, thus :
Pubescesce of thorax black. 3. oo. .5 - Emphoropsis terminata (Smith).
Pubescence of thorax not black...... 6.0... e sees eee epee eee eee eed
1. Ground-eolourjof abdomen red... 5.225 hae. oft, agilis (Sm.).
Ground-colour of abdomen black or largely so.........-.........+2.
2, Pubescence of thorax bright orange-fulvous, wieciasie with black hairs
intermuned ) J: .-)!2 42.7), Fue .£. fulva (Sm.).
Pubescence of teat Panont black, tite srigateatgeel rey eat re 3
3. Pubescence of thorax light yellowish ; clypeus without black marks on
the yellow ; apical part of abdomen not red ..#. montezumia (Sm.).
Pubescence of thorax bright orange-fulvous ; clypeus with two black
streaks on the yellow ; apical part of abdomen with red
STOUNG-COlOUE © sok san keke OUR cin ota Re E. bombyformis (Sm.).
Perdita halictotdes, Smith.
Type: Abdomen very dark brown, almost black ; nervures and
stigma sepia, strongly defined ; marginal cell with the poststigmatal part
hardly as long as the substigmatal ; metathorax and sides of thorax dark
blue, but the prothorax, mesothorax and scutellums practically black,
tinged with aeneous ; face more or less greenish, with no light marks ;
mandibles fulvo-ferruginous, scape reddish; legs dark brown, femora
darker. Nearest to P. enetfrons, Ckll.
Pseudopanurgus andrenoides (Smith).
Scrapter andrenoides, Sm., type 2.—Rugose, with pale fuliginous
wings, head and thorax almost nude; marginal cell truncate; stigma’
large, brown ; first recurrent nervure enters second submarginal cell a
_long way from its base ; second recurrent joins cell at its extreme tip ;
basal nervure falls short of transverso-medial by a moderate distance ;
maxillary palpi 6-jointed ; first joint of labial palpi somewhat shorter than
the other three united ; facial foveee club-shaped in outline, smooth and
shining ; no raised nodule on vertex ; process of labrum broadly truncate;
mandibles reddened ; clypeus densely punctured, except a narrow median
line ; punctures of mesothorax minute and extremely numerous, though
quite distinct ; the abdomen has not the large coarse punctures of some
forms of Pseudopanurgus ; tegule shining testaceous ; basal half of the
abdomen with a strong reddish tinge; hind legs slender; hind tibial scopa
thin but abundant. ‘The truncation of the marginal cell is not nearly so
oblique as in Panurginus Cressoniellus.
Nomia fausta (Smith).
Andrena fausta, Sm., type ?.—Natal. Third submarginal cell at
least as large as first; enclosure of metathorax practically reduced to a
transverse band ; head and thorax with very dense large punctures; basal
joint of hind tarsi with the apical margin very oblique, second joint
triangular ; tegulee with a little keel behind. Colours like those of Vomia
rubella, Sm. Also examined by Col. Bingham, who agrees with me that
it is a Vomia.
Supraclypeal mark well developed ; lateral face-marks extending upwards
along €ye-marbints seanellnm VENOM. Javan. 42s sic jlde ake caer a te ae
1. Marginal cell and beyond fuliginous ; sides of clypeus, except basally,
narrowly margined with black (Mexico)... ....maculipennis, Smith.
Marginal cell not clouded ; sides of clypeus not marginal with black
(S. Paulos Brazile eee. 54 + peal Dia'p aa Soeh te. Pega SIE,
Lateral face-marks continued upwards along eye-margin ; clypeus with a
broad central yéllow simmer sine oak hae, Utekaton, sete omens meals
suoeutellum: black. (Brazil) iiaiyseeeet chneee cca octo es Car nolosa, Smnith.
Benteliuin yellows Pe tte Sees oes . vigilans, Smith.
Prosopis tr epanda, Smith, is a synonym of Reyes
Ashmead puts this in the Andreninez, but it is really a relative of
Meliturga, and has, like it, terminal abdominal spines in the ¢, and the
same sort of eyes (though in Jfe/turga ¢ they converge above) and the
same third antennal joint. They also agree in having the basal nervure
falling a long way short of the transverso-medial. They are, of course,
quite distinct genera, AZé/iturga being the more aberrant. Oxea also
appears to be related.
Gastropsis pubescens, Sm., ¢.
W. Australia; the only known species of the genus, Its general
appearance is very like that of the Peruvian MWegacilissa vestita, Smith,
but the venation, of course, is different. It has the broad second
submarginal cell like that of Anthoglossa plumata, Sm., and like it has the
stigma obsolete. First and second recurrent nervures enter middle of
second and third submarginal cells ; third antennal joint very long; face
narrow, with large eyes; maxillary palpi 6-jointed ; area of metathorax
very long and narrow; abdomen very hairy, and rather tapering, with
two terminal spines, which are sometimes folded back, and then not
readily seen.
Sphecodes dichroa, Smith.
Type 2. Vertex with a low but quite observable tubercle just
behind the ocelli, and behind this are a number of transverse grooves or
strize ; mesothorax with large strong punctures well separated on a,shining
surface ; abdomen with distinct but only moderately close punctures, only
the last segment blackish ; area of metathorax strongly but not closely
longitudinally wrinkled, and with some irregular cross-wrinkles.
Sphecodes pilosulus, Smith,
Type @. Mandibles dentate; metathoracic area semilunar, very
distinct, with a strong margin, and very strongly, closely longitudinally
tidged ; rest of metathorax hairy ; face hairy ; first abdominal “segment
with a black discal patch.
Sphecodes mandibularis, Cresson.
An apparently authentic in the Museum has the mandibles dentate.
Family Thomiside : Subfamily PHILODROMIN®.
Philodromoides, gen. nov.—Cephalothorax low, about as wide as.
long ; head region much narrowed and slightly elevated. Abdomen fully
twice as long as wide, very little wider behind than at the base; some-
what pointed at the end; the base projects a short distance over the
cephalothorax, and is distinctly notched on the upper side. The sternum
and labium are about as in PAilodromus. All eyes approximately equal
in size ; the anterior row much the shorter and slightly recurved ; median
eyes of this row farther from each other than from the side eyes. Posterior
row also recurved ; side eyes of this row on larger tubercles than any of
the others ; median eyes farther from each other than from the side eyes.
Ocular quadrangle considerably wider behind ; about as wide as long.
Clypeus wider than space between anterior median eyes, but not as wide
as space between posterior median eyes ; obliquely directed forward and
downward. Legs long and slender, the second pair longest, the third
shortest ; the relative lengths are, in their order, second pair, first pair,
fourth pair, third pair. The tibiz of the first and second pairs are set
beneath with ten or twelve stout spines arranged in two rows, and the
metatarsi are similarly armed with half that number. Weaker spines
likewise occur on the other two pairs of legs and on the pedipalps.
Philodromoides pratarie, sp. nov.—Female. Length, 6 mm.; length
and width of cephalothorax, 2 mm.; width of abdomen, 2 mm. Other
characters as given in the generic description. A very few short bristle-
like hairs scattered about among the spines on the outer joints of the legs
and on the chelicere and the pedipalps ; thickest on the tarsi of the latter.
Coloration.—Abdomen plain brown above, mottled and streaked
with a lighter shade. The four muscle impressions are quite distinct.
Cephalothorax rusty-brown, lighter at the sides and just back of the head
region. Streaks marked by depressed lines radiate from the dorsal groove.
The sternum is pale yellow or almost white. The abdomen is lighter
beneath than above, and there is a less mottled central region, set off by
a row of indistinct dots on either side. The legs are pale yellow to
whitish. The femora, patellee and tibize of all four pairs are marked in
front with a longitudinal stripe of black, which becomes nearly obliterated
on the metatarsi and tarsi. The corresponding joints of the legs of the
third and fourth pairs are similarly marked on the hind border also.
The males are somewhat smaller than the females, the abdomen
being considerably narrower than the cephalothorax. ‘The legs are more
hairy in appearance and the spines less conspicuous than in the female.
The colour markings are about the same in the two sexes.
This species is not uncommon about Manhattan, Kansas, in mid-
summer. Mature males and females were taken in this locality on
August 17. Types are in the’collection of the Kansas State Agricultural
College and in the National Museum at Washington.
¢,18 mm. Head, thorax, palpi, antennze and fore wings, same
shade of very light tan or pale brownish-fuscous, overlaid with a few
blackish brown scales.
Palpi: outer joint short, obtusely pointed; tuft on second joint
flattened and appressed, lower scales extending to outer end of outer joint.
Head roughly scaled. Eyes black with coppery reflection. Antenne
annulated with fuscous and brown. Thorax smooth.
Fore wing: just beyond base, above and below fold five smail
clusters of dark scales in an irregular ring, open towards base. A broad
oblique central fascia is faintly outlined by two very scattering lines of
dark scales, the inner from inner quarter of costa to inner third on
dorsum, and the outer from middle of costa to dorsum before angle.
Regularly and closely placed on costa are small clusters of dark scales, in
short oblique dashes on the inner half, and short oblique lines on the
outer half. A small subapical dark spot, and below it a submarginal
cloud of darker scales between the latter and outer margin, obscurely
merging into central fascia. The lower two-thirds of margin are almost
entirely free from dark scales, and are of a pale yellowish-fuscous colour,
except the ocellic spot above angle, which is white, overlaid with gray.
Cilia same as fore wing, but slightly darker.
* Hind wing pale fuscous, with darker fuscous scales} below outer half
of costa and at apex. Cilia same. All the space above vein 8 is closely
and heavily clothed with rather short black scales; this ‘is. possibly a
sexual character, Abdomen grayish-fuscous, anal tuft bright light brown.
Legs yellowish-fuscous, shaded with light brown.
Q,1t8to 20mm. Three specimens, each differing jfrom each other
only in degree of darkness, and differing from the male in the absence of
the black subcostal streak on hind wing and in the addition of four
clusters of raised scales on the fore wing, three subdorsal, evenly spaced,
inner just beyond base and outer before angle, the fourth isfabove and
beyond the latter.
Fore wing of palest 9 contains less black scales than ¢ described
above, and the lines indicating the centrai fascia are almost obsolete.
There are three short parallel horizontal dark lines on outer margin below
apex, and a fourth below them traversing the ocellic spot. White scales
are rather freely scattered over the fore wing of this. specimen, which
under a low-power lens or with eye only, appears almost immaculate, of a
pale tan colour, with basal area, a broad oblique band beyond central
fascia and cilia a shade darker.
The markings on fore wing of darkest @ are well defined. The
ground-colour is white and whitish-fuscous, with streaks and spots of
yellowish-tan. The black scales are arranged as follows :*A short vertical
streak just beyond base connects by a line in the fold to a parallel vertical
streak inclined inwardly, neither touching dorsum. A rather large
quadrate costal spot at inner fourth and below and beyond it, but separated
by ground-colour ; another quadrate spot, above and defining the middle
cluster of raised scales ; these two spots form the inner boundary of the
central pale fascia. At centre of costa an oblique line goes to lower
median vein, thence curves outwardly, then upward into apex, is broken
just before apex by ground-colour, and sends off two straight horizontal
lihes into margin. The first upper half of this line forms the outer’
definition of central fascia, the lower half of which is defined by a short
horizontal streak and three small dots. The costal maculation is less
distinct on this than the more obscurely-marked ¢, and the black-brown
streaks of the latter are replaced by pale fuscous and yellowish-fuscous.
Ocellic spot in anal angle is an inverted U of pure white scales, yellow in
the centre and broken by a horizontal fuscous line through outer leg.
Subciliate line dark fuscous, cilia yellowish-fuscous.
Described from one ¢ and three 2’s bred by Mr. T. N. Willing,
Regina, Assa., in whose honour the species is named, and kindly forwarded
for determination by Dr. James Fletcher, who states that the species is
likely to become of rather considerable economic importance in the North-
west, as the larve are gall-makers on the twigs of Vegundo aceroides,
Moench. (Acer negundo, L., of Britton and Brown), the box elder. No
doubt a more detailed account of the work of this insect and description
of the larve will be given in one of Dr. Fletcher’s annual reports. The
labels on Mr. Willing’s specimens state the moths issued July 2 to 7.
The genus Proteopteryx was erected by Walsingham*, with emar-
ginana, Wlsm., as the type of the genus. Fernaldy has recently pointed
out that emarginana has a costal fold, mention of which was omitted by
Walsingham, hence a costal fold inthe ¢ must be added to the characters
of genus Proteopteryx.
This species Wil/ingana agrees in venation and other characters with
Walsingham’s original definition of the genus, but the ¢ has no costal
fold ; hence it, with some others of the species now placed under this.
genus in our lists, will, when furthur study has been given the subject, be
separated from Proteopteryx.
*Ills. Lep. Het,, Br. Mus., IV., 68, 1879.
tCan. ENT., XXXVI., 120, 1904.
Mailed Sept. goth, 1904.
| The anatiay sutomologist.
The forty-first annual meeting of the Society was held in its new
quarters in the Public Library Building, Queen’s Avenue, London, on
Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 26th and 27th. The chair was taken by
' the President, Prof. W. Lochhead, of the Ontario Agricultural College at
Guelph. Among those present were: Dr. James Fletcher and Mr.
Arthur Gibson, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa; Mr. H. H. Lyman,
Montreal; Mr. John D. Evans, Trenton; Mr. J. B. Williams, Toronto ;
Mr. G. E. Fisher, Burlington ; Prof. Creelman, President of the Ontario
Agricultural College ; Miss M. V. Dunlop, Woodstock ; Mr. J. A. Balk-
will, Dr. Bethune, Prof. Bowman, Prof. Dearness, Mr. S. B. McCready,
Principal Merchant, Mr. John Law, Mr. Jacobs (of the ‘ Farmer’s
Advocate”), Mr. W. E. Saunders, Mr. W. R. Thompson, Dr. Woolverton,
Mr, M. Westland, Miss Bapty, Miss Hotson, and others, London ; Prof.
Wickham, of the University of Iowa, Iowa City ; Mr. T. N. Willing, Chief
Inspector of Weeds for the Department of Agriculture, Regina, N.-W. T.
The first morning session was occupied by a business meeting of the
In the afternoon the President began the proceedings by congratulat-
ing the Society on their fine new quarters in the Public Library Building,
which afford ample space for the books and collections, and which are in
every way more commodious and accessible. He’paid a feeling tribute
to the memory of the late J. Alston Moffat, who died in February last,
and who had been the faithful Curator and Librarian for fourteen years.
The reports of the Directors on the injurious insects of the year were
then read ; they all remarked upon the scarcity of insect life during the
season and the consequent immunity throughout the Province from serious
insect depredations, Mr. Fisher gave an account of some experiments
made during the past year with the lime and sulphur wash as a remedy for
the San Jose scale. This led to an interesting discussion upon this and
other methods of controlling insect and fungous injuries.
Mr. T. N. Willing gave an account of the operations in the North-
west Territories against noxious weeds and insects. They had fifty field
inspectors at present, and the number would soon be increased ; the
Government had taken up the work with great energy, and the farmers as
a rule were heartily co-operating. Much of their success was due to the
addresses given by Dr. Fletcher in an annual tour through the country.
Museums of Natural History had been started in two or three places ; the
children in the schcols were being taught Nature Study, and efforts were
being made to procure observers of the migrations of birds in various
Dr. Fletcher bore testimony to the excellence of the work which was
being done in the Northwest, and to the high appreciation which the
farmers there had for scientific work and teaching. He spoke in warm
terms of the energy and ability of Mr. Willing, his practical knowledge
and scientific attainments, and the success attending his efforts among the
farmers, in the schools, and in the Natural History Society.
Prof. Lochhead read his paper on the Injurious Insects of the year in
Ontario, dealing with those affecting the farm, the orchard and the garden,
which was followed by an animated discussion regarding many of the
insects referred to.. After the reading of the reports from the Montreal
and Toronto Branches, the meeting adjourned.
In the evening a public meeting was held in the Normal School, and
was well attended, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. The
chair was taken by Dr. Fletcher. Prof. Lochhead read his presidential
address on ‘“‘ Recent Progress in Entomology,” and was followed by Prof.
Wickham, of the University of Iowa, who gave a very interesting lecture
on ‘The Great Basin in the Western States and its Entomological
Features.” This was illustrated by a large number of beautiful Jantern
slides, most of them made by the author from his own photographs. Both
addresses were highly appreciated by the audience, which included many
pupils from the Collegiate Institute and Normal School.
On the second morning the election of officers took place, with the
following result ;
President—J. D. Evans, C. E., Trenton.
Vice-President—Dr. James Fletcher, Ottawa.
Secretary—W. E. Saunders, London.
Treasurer—J. A. Balkwill, London.
Directors: Division No. r—C. H. Young, Hurdman’s Bridge.
Division No. 2—C. E. Grant, Orillia.
Division No. 3—J. B. Williams, Toronto.
Division No. 4—G. E. Fisher, Burlington.
Division No. 5—S. B. McCready, London.
(The ex-Presidents of the Society are Directors ex-officio. )
Librarian and Curator—Rev. C. J. S. Bethune, London.
Auditors—W. H. Hamilton and F. A. Stuart, London.
Editor of the ‘Canadian Entomologist’? —Rev. Dr. Bethune, London.
Editing Committee—Dr. Fletcher, Ottawa ; H. H. Lyman, Montreal;
J. D. Evans, Trenton ; Prof. Lochhead, Guelph; G. E. Fisher, Burling-
ton ; J. B. Williams, Toronto.
Delegate to the Royal Society—J. D. Evans, Trenton.
Delegates to the Western Fair—J. A. Balkwill and W. E. Saunders,
London. -
Finance Committee—J. Dearness, J. A. Balkwill and Dr. Bethune.
Library and Rooms Committee—Messrs. Balkwill, Bethune, Bow-
man, Dearness and Saunders, London.
After some discussion, it was decided that the Editing Committee
should arrange a series of articles of a popular or practical character in
the CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, beginning with the January number.
WiLutiAM H. AsHMEAD, M. A., D. Sc., of the United States National
Museum, Washington, D. C., was unanimously elected an Honorary
Member of the Society.
Papers were read on a variety of subjects by Dr. Fletcher, Dr.
Lyman. Prof. Lochhead, Messrs. Gibson, Williams, Evans, Cockle,
Stevenson, and Prof. Wickham. These will be published in full in the
Annual Report of the Society to the Legislature of Ontario.
An agreeable feature of the meeting was the large number of rare and
remarkable specimens brought by many of the members. These were
examined and discussed with great interest.
The principal motive in publishing the present paper is the desire to
fulfill a promise made to Rey. J. H. Keen, several years ago, to write a
description of an apparently new and very interesting Staphylinid dis-
covered by him in British Columbia. For one reason or another I was
compelled to defer this work, but having now an opportunity to comply
with the wishes of my valued friend and correspondent of many years, the
present occasion is made available to draw upa little paper, containing in
addition a number of novelties received from various collectors from time -
to time.
BRYOTHINUSA, n. gen.—Staphylinide.
Body moderately slender, exactly parallel, rather depressed on ue
upper surface, the re cauten ts dull, very finely and densely sculptured,
the pubescence short, abundant and semi-erect ; head strongly deflexed,
fully as wide as long, the sides parallel and arcuate, the base very broad
and inserted within the apex of the: prothorax ; eyes small, anterior, flat,
elongate-oval, consisting of ten to twelve coarse convex’ facets ;
infralateral carina wholly wanting; epistoma broadly arcuate; labrum
about twice as wide as long, rather prominent, broadly rounded at tip ;
antenne long and slender, very feebly incrassate distally, the joints loosely ,
joined, the first and second elongate and subequal, the second as long as
the third and fourth combined: mentum very large, flat, trapezoidal,
maxillary lobe long, slender, hooked at tip, loosely serrate within ; labial
palpi slender, 3-jointed, the maxillary large' and well developed, densely
hairy ; prothorax at apex as wide as the head, gradually and moderately
narrowed thence to the base, the sides nearly straight, the hypomera
delimited from the pronotum by a very fine beaded edge, broad in the
middle and narrowing arcuately to base and apex; scutellum very large,
triangular ; elytra shorter than the prothorax, the suture not beaded ;
abdomen more than half as long as the body, parallel, the segments not
impressed at base; metasternum very short, the episternum large,
gradually and rapidly narrowed anteriorly ; legs rather short and stout ;
cox very large, the intermediate acitabula apparently well defined
throughout ; tibiae pubescent and finely subspinulose; tarsi short and
rather thick, 4—4—5-jointed, the first four joints of the posterior diminish-
ing gradually and slightly in length, the fifth not quite as long as the
preceding three combined.
This genus differs from Zhinusa in its very long antenne, broad
hypomera, small eyes, and in many other characters. The type is the
following :
B. Cataline, ». sp.—Pale yellowish-brown in colour throughout the
body, legs and antennz, the abdomen feebly clouded with piceous from
rather before the middle nearly to the apex, extremely minutely and
closely punctulate throughout, the pubescence pale and rather con-
spicuous ; head rather large, flat or broadly impressed above, the antennz
half as long as the body, slender, just visibly incrassate distally, bristling
throughout with short and rather stiff erect pubescence, the tenth joint
distinctly longer than wide, the eleventh about as long as the preceding
two combined, gradually and acutely conoidal; prothorax distinctly
wider than long, broadly, feebly concave toward the middle throughout
the length, except at the apical margin ; base superposed over the base of
the elytra, the latter flat, biobliquely truncate at tip, as wide as the
prothorax and four-fifths as long, the sides parailel ; abdomen strongly
margined, equal in width to the elytra. Length, 2.15 mm.; width,
0.43 mm.
Catalina Island, California.
A number of specimens were recently sent to me by Mr. C. F. Baker,
said to have been taken on the beach between high and low tide marks.
EUNONIA, n. gen.—Staphylinide.
Body broad, subdepressed, small in size, the integuments polished,
very coarsely, rather sparsely sculptured, inconspicuously pubescent ; head
and prothorax much narrower than the hind body ; head wider than long,
the eyes convex, coarsely faceted, occupying the entire sides from near
the antenne to the basal constriction, which extends euitirely across the
very broad base, the ocelli very small, basal, widely separated and
adjoining the constriction ; antenne well developed, nearly half as long
as the body, rather slender, bristling with long sparse sete, the three
outer joints enlarged, forming a loose club; mentum large; maxillary
palpi rather stout, the first joint small, second a little shorter than the
third, the latter stout, the fourth as long as the third, obliquely inserted,
conical, becoming aciculate at tip ; epistomal suture between the antennz
deeply excavated, except the oblique lateral parts before the supra-
antennal prominences, where it is fine ; prothorax wider than the head,
parallel and broadly rounded at the sides; elytra Jarge ; abdominal
border broad, strongly inclined; legs rather short and slender; coxe
rather small ; tarsi moderate, the first four joints very short, and together
longer than the last, the first shorter and more oblique than the second.
Not closely allied to any other genus of the Omalini. This genus is
represented at present by a single species, as follows:
£. Keeniana, n. sp.——Black, the upper surface, except the abdomen,
with a piceous tinge, especially noticeable on the elytra ; legs dark rufo-
piceous, the antenne black ; surface highly polished ; head- coarsely but
not densely punctate, the prothorax coarsely, closely and vermicularly
sculptured, with a smooth elevated median line, and, midway between this
line and each side, two irregular, slightly elevated and smooth areas ;
elytra wider than long, three-fourths wider and longer than the prothorax,
the sides diverging from the moderately-rounded humeri, which are not
very widely exposed at base, the surface very coarsely, not densely
punctate, feebly impressed toward the humeri, narrowly along the sutural
bead toward base, more broadly behind the middle, this latter impressed
area having on each elytron a small patch adjoining the sutural bead
where the sculpture becomes subobsolete ; abdomen as long as the elytra,
and, at the base, equally wide, strongly ogival, transversely convex,
polished and impunctate, though rather coarsely micro-reticulate. Length,
2.25 mm.; width, 0.95 mm.
British Columbia (Metlakatla). Rev. J. H. Keen.
I also have this species, which it gives me pleasure to dedicate to its
discoverer, labeled ‘“‘ Queen Charlotte Islands.”
LEPTOREMUS, n. gen.—Anthicide.
Body subcylindric, closely punctured throughout, the sculpture con-
cealed by the dense decumbent vestiture; erect hairs wanting ; head
wider than the prothorax, the eyes extremely large, feebly sinuate
anteriorly, occupying the entire sides of the head, convex, prominent, very
coarsely faceted, the facets strongly convex ; tempora subobsolete ; neck
rather long, about two-thirds as wide as the head; epistoma iong, the
suture obscure ; maxillary palpi slender, the fourth joint much longer than
the third, narrow, elongate-suboval, the apex obtusely pointed and
obliquely truncate; antennz long, gradually attenuate, the apex very
slender, joints from the third compressed, rather strongly serrate within,
the serratures gradually becoming very feeble distally, the last joint very
slender, still more attenuate subabruptly in less than apical half and
about two-thirds longer than the penultimate ; prothorax narrow and
elongate, broadly constricted at apex, finely margined at base ; scutellum
small, broadly rounded ; abdomen with five free segments equal in length;
metasternum long ; mesosternum very narrowly separating the coxe, with
the episterna large and equilatero-triangular ; legs rather long, slender, the
tibiz clothed with short decumbent hairs, with some small] inclined
spinules intermingled externally ; terminal spurs small, slender ;_ tarsi
long, filiform ; basal joint of the posterior as long as the entire remainder,
the penultimate simple; claws well developed, feebly subdentate within
near the base.
This genus differs from J/astoremus in the structure of the eyes,
tempora, maxillary palpi, tarsi and vestiture of the entire body and legs,
as may readily be observed on comparing the descriptions. The genus
does not closely resemble Bactrocerus, Lec., under which name specimens
were distributed by Mr. Wickham, the latter genus having the eyes much
smaller, with the tempora rather long, but strongly converging behind
‘them to the neck, which is very much narrower. The prothorax in
Bactrocerus is transverse, gradually narrowed from near the apex to
the base, the surface clothed sparsely with long erect hairs, not at all
concealing the sculpture, which consists of lunate granuliform elevations
having their concavities outward. The antenne are not serrate, and the
last joint is as long as the four preceding combined. Aactrocerus
concolor, from Lower California, is 7.0 x 2.0 mm. in size. The vestiture
is long and sparse throughout, shorter and less erect on the elytra. Of
Leptoremus | have seen only the type species, which may bé described as
follows :
L. argenteus, n. sp.—Moderately slender, convex, black, the legs
scarcely paler, the antenne red-brown, densely, not very coarsely, roughly
punctured, the surface in great part concealed by dense and closely
decumbent silvery-white hairs, short or moderate in length and rather
coarse, without trace of erect hairs at any point; head less than two-
thirds as wide as the elytra, the eyes separated anteriorly by very much
less than their own width, their inner outline obliquely rounded, the
tempora behind them extremely short and subtransversely rounded to the
neck, with the margin adjoining the eyes somewhat prominent ; antennze
rather more than three-fourths as long as the body, rather broad and
strongly compressed basally, the second joint very small and transverse,
the first moderate, three to five similar and having the form of a right-
angled triangle, less than twice as long as wide, seventh to ninth more
than twice as long as wide, less serrate and gradually longer, tenth fully
three times as long as wide ; prothorax distinctly narrower than the head,
and evidently longer than wide, subparallel, the sides broadly rounded
anteriorly, the base two-fifths wider than the apex before the constriction 3
elytra parallel, obtusely rounded behind, the humeri widely exposed at
base, the sides nearly straight, the humeral angles well rounded, distinctly
more than twice as long as wide. Length, 5.8—6.5 mm.: width, 1.6-1.8
California (Indio,.—22 feet below sea level). Mr. H. F. Wickham.
* The sexual characters of the male are not observable in any of the
specimens before me. In well preserved individuals there is a feeble
maculation of small spots, in which the vestiture is still denser, but of the
same character ; on the elytra’these small rounded spots are remotely
spaced in rather regular series.
LIOBAULIUS, n. gen.—Anthicide,
Body small in size, convex, with narrow head and prothorax and
inflated hind body, the elytra largely smooth, punctureless and polished,
with a strong transverse opaque impression near: the base ; head with the
eyes well developed and noticeably before the middle, semicircularly
rounded at base, the neck very narrow; last joint of the maxillary
palpi moderate in size, very obliquely securiform ; antennz slender, more
or less strongly and gradually incrassate distally ; prothorax very convex,
circularly rounded at the sides, constricted between basal third and
fourth, the constriction confined to the sides ; basal part feebly expanding
to the base and much narrower than the rounded anterior part; apical
collar well developed, much wider than the neck ; elytra strongly convex
behind the subbasal pubescent impression ; legs moderately long, slender,
the basal joint of the hind tarsi as long as the remainder, the penultimate
joint slightly dilated, strongly lobed, deeply grooved above and angularly
marginate at tip, the last joint inserted near its base; mesosternum
expanded greatly toward the sides of the body, forming a broad polished
and wholly sculptureless plate, rounded and fimbriate at the sides, the
sete sparse, the plate with a beaded edge throughout; epimera, at the
sides, and episterna in front of the polished plate, both very narrow and
dull in lustre, finely sculptured ; anterior coxal cavities open behind.
As may be inferred from these characters, this genus is allied to
Baulius, but differs wholly in the general facies and sculpture of the body,
form of the head and absence of the fringe of sete at the sides of the
expanded mesosternal plate; it also differs in having a few series of
rather long, very sparse stiff setz on the elytra, these being wholly
wanting in Baudius. The species known to me, which will include also
the Anthicus dromedariys of Laferté, may be described as follows ;
L. subtropicus, n. sp.—Pale red-brown throughout, the elytra black
in apical three-fourths, except an oblique pale line, on each at apical
third, not attaining the suture or sides and of the usual pale tint ; antenne
blackish distally ; pubescenée wanting on the head, except an erect tactile
seta at each side between the eye and the neck, fine sparse, decumbent
and inconspicuous on the prothorax, dense decumbent, silvery and
conspicuous in the strong transverse depression near the base of the elytra,
and also similar but sparser on the posterior oblique pale lines,
elsewhere wanting; head longer than wide, convex, coarsely but not
closely punctate throughout ; antenne half as long as the body ; prothorax
narrower than the head, longer than wide, more finely punctate, the
punctures dense and longitudinally confluent anteriorly, sparse posteriorly,
the basal border strong, parailel with the basal margin ; elytra twice as
wide as the prothorax, but less than three times as long, moderately
inflated posteriorly, the apex rather acutely ogival. Length, 2.6 mm.;
width, 0.73 mm. 4
Texas (Brownsville), Mr. Wickham.
The male sexual characters are rather complex, the fifth ventral being
broadly emarginate in circular arc, the surface adjoining convex and
beveled toward the middle, the sixth segment also broadly emarginate, with
a small cusp at the middle, the intromittent spicule very slender, the
lateral members large and irregular in form. This species is closely allied
to dromedarius, Laf.
L. Lulingensis, n. sp.—Similar to the preceding in general form, size,
nature of the sculpture and coloration, the head much more sparsely and
indistinctly punctate, the eyes much smaller and less prominent, and the
antenne rather more incrassate distally, somewhat more than half as long
as the body ; prothorax similar, but with the punctuation sparse and
inconspicuous throughout ; elytra notably more inflated behind the middle
and narrower at the humeri, twice as wide as the prothorax and two and
one-half times as long, the oblique pale lines at posterior third obsolete.
Length, 2.4 mm.; width, 0.65 mm.
Texas (Lulng® ~ 4
This species is of the same general type as the preceding, but differs
very distinctly in its narrower form, more posteriorly inflated elytra and
sparser sculpture. It is described from the male.
L. spectans, n, sp.—Smaller, the hind body shorter and more inflated;
body and legs black, the antennz paler toward base, the elytra with a
transverse narrow pale band following the subbasal impression, the tarsi
also pale ; surface brightly polished throughout, the head small, longer
than wide, convex, sparsely and longitudinaliy strigilate throughout
except toward base and on the front, not distinctly punctate; eyes
moderate in size, but extremely convex and prominent ; antenne half as
long as the body, very strongly and gradually incrassate distally through
the outer five joints, which are also strongly compressed ;_ prothorax
extremely convex, narrower than the head and somewhat longer than
wide, finely and sparsely punctate throughout; elytra about one-half longer
than wide, more than twice as wide as the prothorax, strongly and gradu-
ally inflated posteriorly, finely and sparsely punctate and subglabrous
throughout, even in the subbasal impression, where the punctures are
simply larger but still sparse, elsewhere very minute and forming series,
some of which bear the’ long tactile sete, and others small, more decum-
bent hairs, all extremely sparse ; mesosternal plate beaded anteriorly and
posteriorly, but not at the sides ; basal joint of the hind tarsi longer than
the remainder. Length, 1.9 mm.; width, 0.62 mm.
Texas (Brownsville). Mr. Wickham.
Notably distinct from the two preceding species in sculpture and
general appearance.
L. fronteralis, n. sp.—Of the same type as the preceding, but minute
in size and much more slender, less convex, glabrous, dark piceo-rufous,
the antenne black distally, the elytra piceous-black, with a broad yellow
band at basal fifth; legs paler, flavo-piceous; head very sparsely punctate,
with a few longitudinal rugee anteriorly toward the eyes, the latter very
prominent ; antennz very slender, scarcely half as long as the body,
rapidly and strongly incrassate and compressed near the tip; prothorax
much narrower than the head and elongate, finely, sparsely punctate ;
elytra nearly twice as long as wide, more than twice as wide as the
prothorax, gradually and but feebly inflated posteriorly, not distinctly
punctured except some rather Jarge but feeble and very sparse punctures
in the subbasal impression, which is much feebler than usual. Length, 1.65
mm.; width, 0.45 mm.
Mexico (Frontera in Tabasco). Mr. C. H. T. Townsend.
The small size and slender form of this species will readily admit of
identification when discovered.
Euvacusus, n gen. (Anthicide).
Body broader and more convex than in Vacusus, the integuments
opaque and densely sculptured, the elytra without trace of erect tactile
sete ; tempora prominent and rounded behind the eyes ; occiput broadly
and strongly impressed in the middle ; last joint of the maxillary palpi
strongly securiform, moderate in size; antenne long, incrassate distally ;
mesosternum greatly dilated toward the sides of the body, the polished
mes-epimera—between it and the elytral margin—very narrow and tumid;
legs and tarsi as in Anthicus.
The above name is proposed for a species differing greatly from
Vacusus in general facies, sculpture and vestiture, in its more obliquely
securiform palpi, longer antennz, prominent tempora, very conspicuously
impressed occiput, and still more dilated mesosternum, the mes-epimera
in Vacusus being much broader and flat. In Zuvacusus the greatly
dilated mesosternum is separated from the episterna by a strongly marked
suture, and the latter extend from the sides of the body nearly to the axial
line in front of the expanded mesosternum and are sculptured like the
‘latter, the epimera being brightly polished and sculptureless. The middle
coxze are much more widely separated than in Anthicus, and are
emarginated by a strong external trochantin. The prosternum before the
coxe is very much more longitudinally convex than in Vacusus.
£. Coloradanus, n. sp.—Moderately stout and rather convex, opaque,
dark piceous-brown throughout, the prothorax slightly and the legs much
paler and more rufous ; antennze dusky, much longer than the head and
prothorax, the outer five joints larger than the preceding five ; head wider
than long, strongly convex, finely and not closely punctured, the inter-
spaces finely strigilato-reticulate ; base broadly truncate; eyes moderate,
very prominent, at rather more than their own length from the base ;
tempora as prominent laterally as the eyes ; prothorax narrower than the
head, slightly longer than wide ; sides strongly, evenly rounded anteriorly,
thence converging and broadly sinuate to the base ; punctures stronger
and dense ; collar strong ; basal margin feebly defined ; surface almost
evenly convex ; elytra not quite twice as long as wide, very slightly wider
behind the middle than at base, almost twice as wide as the prothorax ;
humeri rounded, widely exposed at base; apex obtusely rounded ;
sculpture consisting of larger nude punctures, with fine intermediate
punctulation bearing the pubescence, which, like that of the pronotum,
consists of short fine decumbent and very uniform pale hairs ; legs
moderate. Length, 2.4 mm.; width, 0.75 mm.
Colorado (Leadville). Mr. H. F. Wickham.
The type of this very interesting species is a male, the intromittent
spicule being slender, subparallel, abruptly narrowed near the apex, and
thence very slender to the tip, which is very feebly swollen, the upper
surface of the wider portion longitudinally excavated except toward base.
A. floridanus, n. sp.—Moderately stout, notably depressed, pale
yellowish-brown, the head feebly clouded toward the middle; elytra
blackish, each with two large pale spots, the anterior transversely and
unevenly oval at basal fifth, extending from the side margin to inner fifth
or sixth, the posterior rather behind apical fifth, somewhat elongate-oval,
extending from near the side margin to inner fourth or fifth; legs pale ;
antennze dusky, paler toward base; pubescence pale, rather short,
moderately abundant and suberect on the elytra, inconspicuous elsewhere;
head rather wider than long, broadly, rectilinearly truncate at base ; eyes
well developed, moderately prominent, at much less than their own length
from the base, the tempora rounded, short and less prominent ; surface
moderately convex, shining, rather coarsely, moderately closely punctate
toward the sides, the median parts impunctate ; prothorax evidently
narrower than the head, barely as long as wide, the sides strongly and
rather narrowly rounded very near the apex, thence converging to the
base, sinuate for a short distance from the latter ; punctures anteriorly
moderate and not dense, gradually becoming densely scabrous in fully
basal half ; surface feebly. impressed along the median line from the basal
border almost to the extreme apex; elytra long, parallel, about twice as
long as wide, not quite twice as wide as the prothorax; rather finely and
closely punctate, the sides nearly straight, obtusely rounded at tip; legs
rather long and slender ; basal joint of the hind tarsi fully as long as the
remainder. Length, 2.8 mm.; width, 0.9 mm.
Florida (Lake Worth). Mr. Kinzel.
A fine species, readily distinguishable from most of the other pale-
spotted species by its more depressed form, peculiar sculpture of the
prothorax, larger eyes and many other characters ; the antenne are of the
usual type but rather slender, and the median line of the head toward base
is only very obsoletely impressed.
A. plectrinus, n. sp.—Moderately stout and convex, rather dull in
lustre, somewhat dark red-brown, the legs and antenne concolorous, the
elytra black ; punctures rather small and very close-set throughout, the
vestiture short but abundant, whitish and conspicuous ; head wider than
long, broadly arcuato-truncate at base, the occiput very feebly impressed
at the middle ; eyes small, convex and prominent, at fully twice their own
length from the base ; tempora slightly diverging behind them, so that just
before the moderately-rounded basal angles the width is about as great as
across the eyes; antenne rather slender, as long as the head and
prothorax, feebly incrassate distally ; prothorax barely as long as wide, a
little wider than the head, broadly, evenly convex, with distinct basal
margin, the sides denticularly and conspicuously prominent at apical fifth
or sixth, thence converging and nearly straight to the base; elytra parallel,
the sides feebly arcuate ; apex obtusely subtruncate, the humeral angles
well rounded, not quite twice as long as wide, about three-fourths wider
than the prothorax, and three times as long; surface almost evenly
convex, feebly flattened toward the suture, the subbasal tumidity wholly
obsolete. Length 3.0 mm; width, o.g mm.
Colorado (Colorado Springs). Mr. H. F. Wickham.
This remarkable species will form an exception in the particular
arrangement of species proposed by the writer for our representatives of
Anthicus (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., VIIL., p. 687), in that, being ‘one of the
larger species, it must be placed, because of its general structure and
affinities, near the very small convexulus at the end of the table. The
head is finely, very closely punctured, with a narrow entire impunctate
line, expanding anteriorly, where it seems to be slightly tumid.
DiINocLEus, Csy.
D. porcatus, n. sp.—Small in size and rather narrowly suboblong-
oval, deep black, partially clothed with narrow pointed decumbent white
scales, a broad pronotal area but little more than half as wide in front as
at base, subdenuded, the elytra very coarsely furrowed, the furrows coarsely
and deeply but not closely punctured, the first and second deeper and
more coarsely punctured from near the base to apical third, the third and
fourth generally from basal fifth to near the middle, these more
coarsely punctured parts subdenuded of vestiture, the fifth and sixth also
more denuded, especially behind the middle ; prothorax very strongly
dentate and prominent laterally at apical fourth, the sides converging and
more or less sinuate thence to the base ; disk very coarsely and closely
punctate ; beak more or less prominent along the median line. Length
from the eyes to the elytral apex, 7.0-8.5 mm.; width, 2.75-3.25 mm.
Utah (Ogden). Mr. Hugo Soltau.
Allied to denticoZlis, but smaller and narrower, and with the vestiture
sparser, the elytra more coarsely and deeply furrowed, and more coarsely
punctate, the elytral intervals alternately more prominent and convex, but
only conspicuously so along the more coarsely punctate and denuded
parts. The lateral prominences of the prothorax are even more
developed than in denticollis. —
D. interruptus, n. sp.—Elongate-oval, more convex, the surface
smoother, more densely clothed with slender decumbent pointed scales,
generally white in colour, but variegated on the elytra with numerous
small patches, in which the scales become brown in colour, smaller in
size and sparser, these patches more coarsely punctate, and forming in
general an oblique line from the humeri to the middle near the suture,
and thence obliquely outward and posteriorly, meeting a broad variegated
area extending longitudinally from the humeri nearly to the apex ; beak
not more prominent along the middle; prothorax only moderately
denticulate and prominent at the sides near apical fifth, the subdenuded
central area moderately narrowed anteriorly, the punctures somewhat
coarse but sparse ; elytra not furrowed, having series of small punctures
which become large in the subdenuded patches. Length, 8.2-9.5 mm.;
width, 3.3-3.9 mm.
Utah. Mr. Weidt.
This species somewhat resembles the southern Californian a/boves-
titus, but is smaller in size and more convex, with the alternate elytral
intervals not more convex and conspicuous, as they are in that form, and
with the punctuation throughout less coarse.
iD: Mexicanus, n. sp.—Elongate-oval, large in size, rather strongly
convex, black, densely clothed with decumbent whitish scales of the usual
elongate pointed form, not variegated in colour and not distinctly denuded
in patches on the elytra; beak large and well developed, very coarsely
punctate, not prominent along the middle ; prothorax much wider than
long, the dentiform lateral prominences at apical fourth moderate, the
punctures coarse and rather close-set, the median subdenuded area very
broad, moderately and sinuously narrowed anteriorly ; elytra not grooved,
having feebly impressed series of moderately small and deep punctures,
the first and second from the suture usually coarser, and having a more
denuded appearance from near the base to behind the middle, the
alternate intervals just visibly more convex and more densely clothed asa
rule. Length, 14 5-15.5 mm.; width, 6.0-6.5 mm.
Mexico (Guerrero). Mr. Baron.
Resembles moditor, Lec., to some extent, and was confused with that
species by Mr. Champion. It is rather broader and less convex in form,
with the scales denser and much more persistent than in mo/itox, and the
prothorax is much broader and less elongate. In *mo/itor the vestiture
does not entirely conceal the integuments, and is very easily denuded.
The two species are quite different.
Yuccaporus, Lec.
Y. lentiginosus, n. sp.—Rather narrowly elongate-oval, convex, black,
shining, the elytra dull and with many of the punctures of the intervals
surrounded by a pale yellowish-white modification of the surface, the
punctures along each side of the pronotum also so affected ; beak slender,
parallel, straight, four-fifths as long as the prothorax, the antennz inserted
just beyond the middle, where there is a slight lateral swelling ; punctures
coarse and subconfluent ; antenne thick, the glabrous polished base of
the club extending beyond the middle on the compressed sides, but
confined to the basal parts on the narrow sides, the scape attaining the
eyes, which are coarsely granulated, the individual facets very convex ;
prothorax not quite as long as wide, the sides rounded ; apex much
narrower than the base, transverse, feebly sinuate at the middle, the base
rectilinearly truncate ; punctures coarse, deep and rather close-set,
polygonally crowded toward the sides; elytra a fourth wider than the
prothorax, and more than twice as long, the sides parallel and straight,
converging and rounded in apical third; humeri rather widely exposed at
base, the angles rounded ; strize not very coarse, feebly impressed,
coarsely and strongly punctured toward base, finely toward apex, the
intervals each with a single uneven series of fine punctures ; abdomen
strongly and sparsely but only moderately coarsely punctate, strongly
impressed in the middle near the base in the male; legs moderate, shining,
punctate. Length, 8.5—9.5 min.; width, 3.0-3.7 mm.
Texas (Brownsville). Mr. H. F. Wickham.
There is no described species in our fauna closely allied to this, as
may be gathered from the table previously published by the writer (Ann.
N. Y. Acad. Sci., VI., 688), but it belongs with grossus rather than with
Jrontalis, though very much smaller than that species, and less coarsely
sculptured. The singular small pale spots of the elytra are a distinctive
feature ; they are irregularly distributed over the entire surface.
I have recently received a Guatemalan species of Centrinus, which
cannot be distinguished from “/zee//us, described by LeConte from a
unique, said to have been taken in California. While drawing up a
redescription of this species (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., VI., p. 592), it was
impossible to avoid a suspicion of some mistake in the locality, because
of the tropical appearance of the species and its apparent lack of harmony
with the Pacific coast Barid fauna in general. It now seems probable
that, like Xystropus Californicus, of Horn, the Centrinus lineellus, of Le
Conte, is an adventitious importation from Central America, which should
be removed from the list of our native Coijeoptera.
The genus Plectromodes, Csy. (1. c. VIII., p. 829), is a synonym of
Sternechus, Sch., previously supposed to be entirely tropical, and the
genus Copturodes, Csy. (I. .c IX., p. 669), is a synonym of Cylindrocop-
turus, published by Heller two years before.
This species was named by Clemens* from the larval habit and food-
plant only. He did not publish a description of the moth, nor, so far as
I am aware, has any one else bred it, until very recently Mr. Arthur
Gibson rediscovered the larvee on basswood.
The case is of the so-called pistol-shape, of about same size and
hardly differing from the well-known pistol-case on apple}, excepting that
the side wings are less expanded or more closely appressed.
The following is a description of the moth:
Head, thorax and antennz-basal brushes very light brown or pale
fawn, face and under side of head whitish ; a collar of nearly white scales
between head and thorax. Palpi whitish at base and beneath, gradually
becoming pale brown at tips. Antenne annulated with white and light
Fore wing : Ground-colour at base and inner fourth of costa same
shade as thorax, beyond and gradually increasing in intensity, overlaid
with darker brown, becoming smoky black at apex. A line of white scales
along middle of costa, and parallel, beneath a shorter white line, below
this a few scattered white scales. Another narrow white line on costa,
before apex. Continuing around outer margin to about the middle of the
long dorsal cilia, the white scales of this marginal line project into the
cilia. Cilia brown, gradually becoming smoky-black at apex. The tips
of costa-cilial scales white.
Hind wing, cilia and under side of both wings dark smoky fuscous.
Abdomen above dark shining fuscous, anal tuft, under side and legs
Exp., 14 mm. One Q specimen bred by Mr. Arthur Gibson,
Ottawa, Canada. Larval case coliected on basswood, June 21, 1904 ;
issued June 30, 1904.
*Proc. Ento. Soc. Phila., Vol. I., p. 80, 1861,
tC. mativorella, Riley.
The Locustide (Tettigonidze, Rehn), comprise the long-horned or
green grasshoppers, katydids and camel or stone crickets. They have for
the most part a southern distribution, and hence are but poorly represented
in Ontario, except in the south-western part, to which the majority of the
species are confined.
Five sub-families are represented in the province, and twenty-six
species have been found, many of these being now recorded for the first
time. All, or nearly all, of these occur in the south-west, but the number
of species rapidly diminishes northward, and in the boreal zone not more
than six or seven species are to be found, only one or two of these being
at all characteristic of the north. Along Lake Erie the genera Orchelimum
‘and Xiphidium are well developed, there being eight species of the
former, only one of which, O. vu/gare, extends north of the south-western
peninsula. To this region is also confined the sole representative of the
sub-family Decticine, Atlanticus pachymerus. There are doubtless also
unrecorded species in the south-west, especially in the genera Ceuthophilus
Conocephalus and Xiphidium.
In the preparation of the following notes I am indebted to Messrs.
Blatchley and Caudell for their kind assistance in the determination of
puzzling species.
Excellent tables for the determination of all but one species of our
Locustidz are to be found in Blatchley’s “ Orthoptera of Indiana,” in the
27th Annual Report of the Dept. of Geology and Natural Resources of
Indiana, 1902.
I. SCUDDERIA TEXENSIS, Saussure-Pictet. The Texas Katydid.
Scudderia Lexensis, Sauss.-Pict, Biol. Cent. Amer. Orth, 1897, 328.
Scudderia curvicauda, Bl., Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., 1893, 99.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 25 mm., 2 28 mm.; of pronotum,
¢@ 6.2 mm., ? 6.5 mm.; of hind femora, ¢ 29 mm., ? 28.5 mm.; of
tegmina, $ 39 mm., 2 38.5 mm.; of ovipositor, 8 mm.; width of tegmina,
6 8.2mm., 2 8.5 mm.
This fine large species is quite common in south-western Ontario, but
seems to be confined to that part of the province. I found it upon tall
coarse grasses and sedge growing:in open marshes. Blatchley says it is
probably less arboreal than any other species of katydid,
Localities : Pt. Pelee, Aug. 8, 1901; Arner, Essex Co., Aug. 9, 1901;
Sarnia, Aug. 14, t901 ; Walpole Id., River St. Clair, Aug. 13, 1gor.
The Curve-tailed Katydid.
Locusta curvicauda, De G., Mem. pour. serv. 4 Vhist des ins., iii.,
1773, 446.
Phaneroptera curvicauda, Burm., Handb. Ent., i1., 1838, 690.
Phaneroptera angustifolia, Harr., Ins. Inj. to Veg., 1841, 120.
Scudderia curvicauda, Stal., Rec. Orth., i, 1874, 30.
Scudderia angustifolia, Scudd., Ann. Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1892, 67.
Scudderia furculata, Bl, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sc., 1893, 100.
This katydid varies considerably in size, according to locality
Blatchley’s measurements of Indiana specimens are too large for Ontario
specimens, except those from the south-west.
The species diminishes in size northwards, as seen from the following
measurements :
Length of|Length of|/Length of|Length of/Length of} Width of
body. |pronotum| body. | tegmen. lovipositor| tegmen.
mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm.
AMers.« o 24 6 27 36 9
PAiises 5.6 27 | 34-5 8 15
Toronto. ¢ 22,5 5 24.510 305 vies
? 21 5-4 24.5 | 31.0 7 7-3
Severn { ¢ |20-21.5 | 4.7-5.3 |20-24 25.3-31 6.3-7
River. t Q 21.8 5 2035 28 7 6
I have but a single pair from Arner, so that their measurements may
not be typical for that locality, but they are probably nearly so. I give
the total range in size of the Severn River specimens, as I have but 4
¢’sandi 9?,and of the former two are considerably smaller than the
other two.
The Arner specimens were taken in company with S. Zexensis and
other Locustide from the long grass and sedge of an open marsh bordering
a small creek. ‘The Toronto specimens all come from trees and bushes in
more or less open, partly wooded country at High Park, or from the
borders of woods, The soil here is sandy everywhere, and the growth is
chiefly of white and red pine, oak and sassafras, while the open grassy
places are largely grown up with New Jersey tea ( Ceanothus Americana ),
sweet-fern, great quantities of lupine, bush-clover, Yesmodium, and many
kinds of Composite. The two larger specimens from the Severn were
taken under very similar conditions, but the other three came from an open
bog, forming a small lake which had become filled in and was covered
with a thick tangle of the dwarf Cassandra (Chamedaphne calyculata ).
The day note of this katydid has been represented by Scudder by
the syllable ‘‘ dzrzwz.” The only song that I have heard was produced
during the afternoon, and is composed of a rather harsh note lasting about
one-third of a second, and repeated three or sometimes four times in
succession. Each note ends quite abruptly before the next is produced.
The night song is described by Scudder as consisting of a ‘ repetition
ordinarily eight times, of a note which sounds like ¢chw. It is repeated at
the rate of five times in three-quarters of a second, making each note half
the length of the day note.”
Localities: Arner, Essex Co., Aug. 9, 1901; Toronto, August ;
Tobermory, Bruce Co., Aug. 24, tg01 ; Severn River, Muskoka, Aug. 12,
13, 17, 1898.
3. SCUDDERIA PISTILLATA, Brunner. The Northern Katydid.
Scudderia pistillata, Brunn. Mon. der Phan., 1878, 240.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 20 mm., 2 19 mm; of pronotum,
gd 5.2 mm., 9 5. mm; of hind femora, ¢, 21 mm, 9 19:5 mm. Jom
tegmina, ¢ 30 mm., 2 26 mm; of ovipositor, 6.5 mm.; width of tegmina,
é6 9mm, 9 8mm.
This is a northern species, much the most abundant in northern
Ontario, but I have not taken it south of Toronto. It is common on
bushes, tall herbs and grass on the borders of low woods and along fence
Its note is less harsh than that of curvicauda. The night song some-
what resembles ‘ zeep, seep,” repeated about five or six times at the
rate of about twenty-three times in five seconds. Late in the afternoon,
while the sun is still shining brightly, this night song is begun, but at this
time it is more rapid, the notes being produced at the rate of about five
per second, and repeated seven or eight times. The true day song consists
of a single note lasting about three-quarters of a second, somewhat like
The mature Katydids appear about the third week in July, and
remain until about the first of October.
This species is usually taken for Amdlycorvpha oblongifolia by
amateur collectors, and I have little doubt it was, at least in part, the
species referred to under that name by Caulfield in his “Sketch of
Canadian Orthoptera” (Apn. Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1887).
Localities : Toronto, Aug.; Lake Simcoe, July 18 to Sept. 8 ; South-
ampton, Aug. 20, 1901; Bruce Peninsula, Aug. 22-27, 1901; Burke’s
Island, Lake Huron, Aug. 27, 1901; Dwight, Muskoka, Aug.—Sept., 1902;
Algonquin Park, Aug.—Sept., 1902-03. I have also taken it on the Isle
d’Orleans, Quebec.
4. SCUDDERIA FuRCATA, Brunner. The Fork-tailed Katydid.
Scudderia furcata, Brunn., Mon. der Phan., 1878, 239.
Scudderia angustifolia, Bl., Proc. Ind. Acad. Sc., 1893, 102.
Phaneroptera curvicauda, Riley, Ann. Rep. Ins. Mo. 1874, 164.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢z20 mm, 2 19 mm.; of pronotum,
¢ 4.6 mm., ? 4.9 mm.; of hind femora, ¢ 21 mm., Q 21.3 mm.; of
tegmina, ¢ 28.5 mm.; of ovipositor, 7 mm.; width of tegmina, g 6
mm., ? 6.2 mm.
This species seems to be quite generally distributed throughout
Ontario, as far north as Lake Nipissing, but is commoner in the southern
part. It frequents trees and bushes about the edges of woods and
thickets on both dry and marshy ground, but most often on the latter.
The earliest date upon which I have taken the imago is Aug. 7, at Point
Pelee, but it may appear somewhat earlier. It remains until about the
end of September.
The song of S. furcata is very like that of pistillata. Riley says:
‘‘ The shrill of the male is by no means so loud as that of the oblong-
winged katydid, Amb/ycorypha oblongifolia, De Geer, in which its sound
is always drowned in the woods. _ It consists of a softer zeep, seep, some-
times uttered singly, but generally thrice in succession. The call is
occasionally responded to by a faint chirp from the females, produced by
the stretching out of their wings as for flight, and is as often heard in the
day as at night.”
Localities: Pt. Pelee, Aug. 7, 1901; Arner, Essex Co., Aug. 9,
1901; Rondeau, Sept. 14, 1899; Sarnia, Aug. 12, 1901; Bruce Penin-
sula, Aug. 23, 24, 1901; Toronto, Sept.; Lake Simcoe, Sept. 6-21 ;
Severn River, Aug. 12, 1898 ; Dwight, Muskoka, Aug. to, 1903 ; North
Bay, Sept. 12, 1900.
I have also taken this species at Agassiz, B. C., where it was common
on Sept. 9, 1897.
5. AMBLYCORYPHA OBLONGIFOLIA. The Oblong-winged Katydid.
Locusta oblongifolia, De G., Mem. pour serv. & hist. des ins., IIL.,
1773) 445:
Phylloptera oblongifolia, Harr., Ins. Inj. to Veg., 1862, 159.
Amoblycorypha oblongifolia, Brunn., Mon. der Phan., 1878, 266.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢, 23 mm. @?, 28 mm; of
pronotum, ¢, 6.25 mm., 9, 6.5 mm.; of hind femora, ¢,31 mm. 9,
28 mm.; of tegmina, $, 38 mm., 2 33.5 mm.; of ovipositor, 11.5 mm.;
width. of tegmina, ¢, 13 mm., 9, 1: mm,
This fine large katydid is confined to the southern part of the
Province, where it is common. I have seen one specimen taken at
Toronto, but it must be very rare there. It is common from Hamilton
westward along Lake Erie to the St. Clair River.
I found it common on shrubs and tall herbs on the borders of an
open marsh at Arner, Essex Co. The marsh was bordered by low hills,
thickly covered with hardwood. At Point Pelee immature examples were
plentiful upon weeds in openings in a low wood, and on the Niagara
River, near the Glen, I found it in numbers on tall weeds and grass in a
pasture near a small wood. Blatchley says: “‘ Od/ongifolia frequents the
shrubbery and flowers of the golden-rod and other Composite along fence
rows and the edges of thickets and woods, especially in damp localities.”
(Orth. Ind., p. 351.)
The specimens taken on the Niagara River were found by tracing the
note of the male to its source. In this way I observed the insect in the
act of stridulating. The note is very harsh and scraping in character, and
is usually of about three-fifths of a second’s duration. At a little distance
it sounds something like “* &zzzzzk /” I have heard it at night and in the
afternoon while the sun was still shining.
In Caulfield’s “ Preliminary List of the Orthoptera of Canada” (Ann.
Rep. Ent. Soc. of Ont., 1887, 70) this species is reported as being com-
mon at Ottawa and Toronto, and as being found in Ontario generally,
to north cf Lake Superior. ‘This is without doubt an error, the reference
being to another species, probably Seudderia pistil/ata, which I have
often seen labelled “ Phylloptera oblongifolia” in local collections. The
true oblongifolia is distinctly confined to the south-western portion of
Ontario, and although I have never collected at Ottawa nor at Montreal,
from which it is also reported by Caulfield, I consider it extremely
improbable that the species has ever been taken so far north.
Localities: Point Pelee, Aug. 8, 1901 ; Arner, Essex Co., Aug. 9,
1901 ; Rondeau, Sept. 14, 1899 ; Walpole Id., River St. Clair, Aug. 13,
tg0o1; Niagara River, Aug. 14, 1904, Sept. 25, 1898; Hamilton, Sept.
23, 1898 ; Toronto.
Gryllus perspicillatus, \.., Cent. Ins. Rar., 1763, 15.
Cyrtophyllus perspicillatus, Brunn., Handb. der Ent., I1., 1838, 697.
Platyphyllum concavum, Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg., 1862, 158.
Cyrtophyllus concavus, Scudd., Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., VIL, 1862,
This well-known insect has been but once reported from Ontario by
Caulfield (Ann. Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1887, 70). It was taken at London
at an electric light. I have been told that it is common at Niagara, but I
have never met with it anywhere in the Province, although I am pretty
sure I heard its song at Morpeth, Kent Co., on Lake Erie, Sept. 7, 1899.
I had often heard it before at Yonkers, N. Y.
(To be continued.)
The genus 4fista was proposed by F. Smith in 1861, to contain the
species Apista opalina, Sm., which was described from a single female
from Ega, Brazil. So far as I know, the specimen is still unique. In
Dalla Torre’s Catalogue the genus is placed just after WWe/zpona, which is
the reason, ne doubt, why Schrottky says nothing about it in his work on
the solitary bees of Brazil. Ashmead, in his tables, places it in the
Andrenidz, and I have no doubt that this is its correct position. The
following notes are from the type in the British Museum:
Looks very much like a_ Ligurian (or Italian) honey-bee ; the
fasciation of the abdomen, to which Ashmead refers, is inconspicuous,
consisting merely of a dense ciliar fringe on the hind margins of segments
1 to 4, very narrow and pale yellowish in colour; the abdomen is testa-
ceous with a greenish reflection ; pygidial plate large and triangular ; area
of metathorax triangular, distinguished by absence of pubescence (the rest
of metathorax covered with long dense hair), and minutely sericeous ;
hind trochanters and femora with a large curled floccus ; basal joint of
hind tarsi broad ; tegule red; wings hairy, venation peculiar ; marginal
cell obliquely truncate ; first recurrent nervure joins second submarginal
cell near its base; second recurrent meets /A7rd transverso-cubital
nervure ; second submarginal cell very broad, slightly larger than third ;
basal nervure falling some distance short of transverso-medial ; joints of
palpi short ; flagellum red beneath, except first joint, last joint very shiny
The following notes relate to various insects:
Dione vanille.
Some years ago I took a brightly-coloured form of this butterfly at
San Diego, California. As it was obviously different from the insect of
our Southern States, I took occasion to look it up in the British museum.
I found that the Californian insect was the true vam7//e, as found in
Mexico and the West Indies ; while the darker and somewhat differently
marked insect familiar in the United States is a very good sub-species, to
which the name fasszflore, Abb.-Sm., is applicable.
Flemileuca sororia, Hy. Edw.
I recently saw the type of this in the American Museum of Natural
History. It is remarkably large and dark, with roseate hind wings. [ do
not think the New Mexico insect (o/ivie) is conspecific.
Lastoptera ephedra, Ckll.
Dr. D. T. MacDougal showed me galls of this species on Lphedra
trifurca, which he collected on the sand dunes at San Felipe Bay, Lower
Lecanium capense, Walker.
The type in the British Museum shows that this is a Diaspid. I do
not recognize the species, but it resembles a Pseudaonidia.
Orthezsia Americana, Walker.
The type is missing from the British Museum, and a note where it
should be states that it has been missing since Aug. 1874. Under these
circumstances it will be quite impossible to recognize the species.
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, Cresson.
Going west I first noticed the nests of this ant at Ruleton, Kansas.
They probably are as indicative of the beginning of the arid region as any-
_thing one could mention,
Culex siphonalis, sp. nov.— 2. Head brown, occiput covered with
pale’ yellow scales ; antenne brown, basal joint and two following ones
testaceous ; proboscis pale brown, with dark brown scales scattered over
the surface, covering the apical fourth; palpi dark brown, with minute
terminal joint oval in form, pointed at the apex and slightly spiny.
Mesonotum covered with pale yellow and brown scales at the sides and
with a median vitta wholly of brown scales, the pale yellow scales some-
times forming a narrow border to this vitta; scutellum brown, with
yellowish-brown bristles on the posterior margin; metanotum evenly
brown ; pleura brown, clothed with patches of dirty white scales ; halteres
yellowish-white, black at the apex. Abdomen blackish-brown, with pale
yellowish basal bands and extremely narrow apical ones on the posterior
three segments, irregularly merging into the brown, becoming diffused at
the sides until beneath are mixed brown and white scales, the latter
predominating. Legs with cox yellowish-white ; femora with mixed
black and white scales, wholly yellowish beneath and with a white dot at
the knee ; tibiz blackish-brown, sprinkled with whitish scales ; tarsi black,
except the first tarsal joint, this like the tibiz, narrowly white banded at
the base in the anterior and mid feet, save the fifth joint in the anterior
one, posterior feet broadly white banded basally ; claws slender, uniser-
rated ; wings hyaline, petiole of first submarginal cell about half as long
as this cell. Length, 5 mm.
¢.—Palpi brownish, with a pale band in the centre of the basal
joint and at the base of the two terminal joints. Claws all uniserrated.
The bands of the abdomen very broad, mixed with brown scales and
tending to cover the entire surface in the apical segments. Petiole of first
submarginal cell almost as long as this cell. Length, 6 mm. Otherwise
as in the female.
This species closely resembles Culex cantans, but differs in the
median thoracic stripe, the much more slender claws, its darker colour
and smaller size. ‘The larve are obviously different from those of
cantans, possessing a very long anal siphon, which has suggested the
Described from two females and five males bred from larve collected
at Livingston Park, New Jersey.
Types in the collection of the New Jersey Experiment Station,
Tripe V.—Campoplegini.
Genus Thymaris, Forster.
Thymaris Slingerlandana (Fig. 9}, new species— 2. Length, 4.5 mm.;
ovipositor about one-third the length of the abdomen. . Black, subopaque,
the head and thorax very finely, microscopically punctate, with a sparse,
glittering, white pubescence, which is denser or more distinct on the lower
part of the face, the cheeks, the pleura and the metanotum ; ocelli pale or .
opalescent ; palpi whitish ; scape and pedicel of antennee, the tegule, the
front and middle coxe and trochanters, the hind trochanters except at base
of first joint, and all tarsi, except as hereafter noted, honey-yellow, the
hind cox, base of hind trochanters, a spot at base of hind tibiz
Fic. 9.
outwardly and at apex, and the apices of hind tarsal joints 1, 2 and 3 and
joints 4 and 5 entirely, black; rest of legs pale ferruginous ; wings
hyaline, iridescent, the stigma and veins light brown; metathorax
incompletely areolated, the areola alone complete or distinct pentagonal ;
abdomen subfusiform, longly petiolated, about one-half longer than the
thorax, subcompressed towards apex and entirely black, except the ventral
fold, at apex of the petiole and on segments 2 and 3, which is honey-yellow.
Type.-—No. 8124, U.S.N.M.
Host.—Lepidop. udemis botrana, Schif.
Described from two specimens bred by Prof. M. V. Slingerland, at
Ithaca, N.Y., from the destructive Grape-berry Moth, Audemis botrana,
Schif. It resembles the European Zhymaris pulchricornis, Brischke, but
differs in sculpture, colour of antennz and legs, and in the incompletely
areolated metathorax.
(Platyptilia rhododactyla, Schiff.)
Scarcely a season passes that some newly-introduced, pernicious
insects from across the eastern or western oceans are not reported in the
United States or Canada. These immigrants, leaving behind them their
natural enemies, and apparently greatly invigorated by the change of
climate, usually multiply with rapidity and soon prove exceedingly
Among others which have recently appeared in the flower gardens in
the vicinity of St. Louis is a Pterophorid larva, which bores rosebuds and
threatens to become a serious additional pest on the already sorely beset
“« queen of flowers.”
This insect first attracted my attention two years ago by its
characteristic manner of cutting into the receptacle of nearly-opened buds,
which caused them to incline on the injured side and form a sort of
bracket for the suspension of a rather dense, tent-like web, extending two
or more inches down the stem, with which the larva incloses itself as it
approaches maturity.
The mature larva, when extended, measures 10 mm., the broadest
diameter being 2.5 mm., thick fusiform. Sutures distinct from their pale
colour, though but slightly impressed. General colour pale greenish-
yellow, with conspicuous dull red medio-dorsal stripe, most. pronounced
on thoracic segments, where it is supplemented by two narrower sub-
dorsal red streaks. The entire surface has a woolly appearance, with
short, coarse, glandular or slightly knobbed hairs, interspersed with longer
and finer ones proceding from faintly-indicated piliferous warts. Head
and legs honey-yellow, mottled and streaked with pale brown—the former
small—scarcely one-half the diameter of the succeeding segments. Prolegs
Slender, glassy.
Pupa inclosed in slight web of very open meshes, resting on a mat of
silk on surface of slightly-curled leaf or against the stem, and held in
position by a fine thoracic band. It is about 8 mm. in length; sparsely
hairy, very pale green, with distinct, dark green dorsal stripe and
irregular fainter markings of the same colour and of dull purple or crimson;
wing-sheaths outlined in dark green. Changes to gray several days
before the imago appears.
The moth expands from 16 to 20 mm. Colours rather dull golden-
brown, dark brown and white. These are intermingled in streaks and
mottlings on the basal two-thirds of the fore wings, the apical area, of clear
golden brown, being separated by a distinct triangular line of white, and
margined by a fine line of dark brown, succeeded by a white one. The
hind wings are lustrous, golden-brown, except the posterior “ feather,”
which is white with a dark brown triangle near the tip. Abdomen dark
brown. Legs white, banded with dark brown.
As the species is already described, these general characters are given
merely to enable any one to whom the original description is not
accessible to identify it.
[ am indebted to my friend, Dr. C. H. Fernald, for the determination
accompanied by the information that ‘the specific name is from two
‘Greek words, the first of which means rose, and the second fingers,” which
would indicate that the rose-feeding habit of the larva was known to the
original describer.
BeetLe Drirr on Lake Micuican.—The names of the Dytiscidze
omitted on page 295 are:
Colymbetes sculptilis, Say (1).
liybius confusus, Aube (10).
Ilybius fuliginosus, Fabr . (1
Agabus, sp. (1).
I desire to acknowledge the determinations of Mr. John D. Sherman,
jr., in the Dytiscida, and of Mr. A. E. Schwarz in other beetles.—JamEs
SprinninG Hapits or TELEA POLYPHEMUS.—Prof. F. M. Webster
writes, with reference to his article in the May number, page 133: ‘The
observations of Mr. Cockle (C. E., p. 100, May) are not altogether unique,
as Mr. Wm. T. Davis, in the Journal of the N. Y. Entomological Society,
Vol. V., pp. 42-43, records having observed a cocoon of Zélea polyphemus
attached to the side of a house, in August, about 5 inches from the ground,
and also a case where a larva had spun in the forked branch of a rose-
bush that had stood in the water ; in both cases the cocoons were firmly
attached. The same writer records the finding of a Luna cocoon spun on,
and firmly attached to, the branch of a tree or shrub that had stood in the
water. It thus appears. that these insects do the best they can under
existing circumstances, and I presume Mr. Cockle, had he been able to
see the conditions when the cocoons to which he refers were spun, might
also have noticed that these were unusual.” [Mr. Cockle sent to the
Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Ontario a further paper
on this subject, and a quantity of cocoons showing a remarkable variety of
modes of attachment, some being suspended in the same manner as C.
promethea.—Ep. C. E.].
Mr. F. L. WasHzurn, State Entomologist of Minnesota, reports the
occurrence at St. Anthony Park of the imported Alder and Willow Beetle,
Cryptorhyncus lapathi, Linn., which was introduced in a shipment of
Carolina poplars from the State of New York last spring. '
Mr. K. Jorpan, Zoological Museum, Tring, England, desires to
draw attention to the fact that Hyloicus | Sphinx] perelegans has a gray
form very similar toa small 1 chersis, besides the ordinary black-backed
form. Perhaps someone will breed the insect and thus ascertain whether
the dichromatism is seasonal.
The Curator begs to acknowledge with grateful thanks the following
gifts to the Society’s collections :
From Mr. C. H. Young, Hurdman’s Bridge, Ont., specimens of the
imago, chrysalis and inflated larvee of Semiophora Youngti, Smith, and a
new species of Hydrecia.
From Mr. A. A. Wood, Coldstream, Ont., specimens of Ancyloxypha
numitor, Fabr., Orthosia helva, Grote, and Sots generosa, Grote and
The Curator would very much like to receive specimens of most of
our Canadian insects to fill blanks in the cabinets, and to replace old and
imperfect examples ; all specimens should have date and locality labels
attached. In many of the orders our collections are very meagre. ‘To
avoid duplication it would be well for any intending donor to send a list
first of those specimens which he is willing to present to the Society.
Mailed Nov. 8th, 1904.
se # anatiay Fontomalogist
(Continued from page 330.)
7. CONOCEPHALUS ENSIGER, Harris. The Sword-bearer.
Conocephalus ensiger, Harr. Ins. Inj. Veg., 1862, 163.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 26.5 mm., 2 29 mm.; of pro-
HOLM 7-5 mm.; 9 6.7 mm.; of hind femora; ¢ 20.5 mm. 2 ¥em5
“mm.; of tegmina, ¢ 41 mm., 2 46 mm.; of ovipositor, 32 mm.
This is a very common insect in Ontario, ranging northward about as
far as Muskoka and the Bruce Peninsula. It frequents fields, vacant lots
and roadsides, which resound at night with the incessant monotonous
song, during late summer and autumn.
Scudder describes this song as composed of a succession of sounds
like “ chw7,” emitted at the rate of about five per second. He states that
it stridulates only at night or during cloudy weather, but I have occasionally
heard it in bright sunshine, in the afternoon. It is the most easily
approached of all our locustarians while thus engaged, and is in fact
difficult to find in any other way ; hence the females are but seldom seen.
Although this grasshopper usually perches upon tall weeds, I have
occasionally traced its song to a tree or ving the insect being sometimes
stationed at a considerable height.
I have taken but one brown individual, a female captured at Toronto,
Oct. 1, 1893.
Localities : Rondeau, Kent Co., Sept. 14, 1899 ; Leamington, Aug.
7, 1901; Sarmia, Aug. 16, 1901 ; Goderich, Aug. 19, 1901; Burke Id.,
Lake Huron, Aug. 27, 1901 ; Niagara River, Sept. 26, 1898; Toronto,
Aug.—Nov.; Lake Simcoe, Aug.—Sept.; Bracebridge, Muskoka (heard),
Sept. 11, 1900.
8. ConocePpHALUS NEBRASCENSIS, Bruner. The Nebraska Cone-
Conocephalus Nebrascensis, Bruner, Can. Env., XXIII, 1891, 72.
Measurements of ¢: Length of body, 25 mm.; of pronotum, 6.7 mm.;
of hind femora, 19 mm.; of tegmina, 34 mm.
I found four males of this species at Sarnia, on the 12th of August,
Tgor, by tracing the song to its source. The song was a loud, penetrating,
continuous whirr, quite suggestive of the dog-day Cicada, but less clear,
and very unlike that of esiger. It was heard in the morning during
bright sunlight.
The specimens were taken ina large stretch of open grassy marsh
land, bordering the St. Clair River. Earlier in the season this area of land
had been entirely covered by water, but the ground was dry when I visited
the spot.
9g. XIPHIDIUM FASCIATUM, De Geer. The Slender Meadow Grass-
Locusta fasciata, De G., Mem. pour serv. a Vhist. des ins., 1IL., 1778,
Xiphidium fasciatum, Burm., Handb. der Ent., I1., 1839, 708.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 9 12.5 mm.; of pronotum, ~¢
2-75 mm; 2 2:8) mms of hind femora, ¢ th mui.. 2 15.5, nam., von
tegmina, ¢ 14mm., 2 15 mm.; of ovipositor, 8.4 mm.
This is much the most abundant locustid found in Ontario, and is
common in every part where I have made collections of Orthoptera. Itis
especially numerous in low damp pastures, timothy and clover meadows.
My earliest captures are dated July 25th, but the imagoes usually
appear rather before this. They remain until the beginning of October.
The song of the male is somewhat like a faint echo of that of
Orchelimum vulgare, but the ‘‘z7p” is emitted only once or twice at a
time, and at shorter intervals, “ «r...... ZIP WED, hewn a
Fasciatum is one of the few common locustids in northern Ontario.
It is as abundant at North Bay, Lake Nipissing, as at Point Pelee, and
south of the boundary line its range extends to Buenos Ayres, S. A.
Localities : Ottawa ; Ont., generally to north of Lake Superior
(Caulf.) ; Point Pelee and Leamington, Aug. 8, 1901 ; Arner, Essex Co.,
Aug. 9, 1901 :. Rondeau, Sept. 14, 1899; Chatham, Aug. 1c, 1gor ;
Sirnia, Aug. 12, 14, 1901 ; Walpole Id., River St Clair, Aug. 13, 1901 ;
(i .derich, Aug. 19, 1901; Southampton, Aug. 22, 29, 1901; Bruce
'' ninsula, Aug. 23, 27, 1901 ; Toronto, Aug.—Oct. ; Lake Simcoe, July
20-O-t ; Severn River, Aug. 17, 1898 ; near Gravenhurst, Aug. 27, 1899;
A gonquin Park, Aug., Sept., 1902, ’03; North Bay, Sept. 12, 1900;
Wnitemouth, north shore of Lake Superior, Aug. 28, 1897.
Outside of Ontario I have taken this species at Quebec and the Isle
d’Orleans, P. Q.; Aug., Sept, 1904; Boissevain, Man., Sept. 24, 1897 ;
and at Agassiz, B. C., Sept. 9, 1897.
10. XIPHIDIUM BREVIPENNE, Scudd. The Short-winged Meadow
Xiphidium brevipenne, Scudd., Can. Nat., VII., 1862, 285.
Measurements : Length of body, ¢ 12 mm., ? 13 mm.; of pronotum,
$ 2.75 mm., ? 3.25 mm.; of hind femora, g 10.3 mm., ? 11.7 mm.; of
ovipositor, 9.75 mm.
This is another abundant species in Ontario, and is found in the same
places as X. fasciatum.
. It first reaches maturity about the first week in August, and remains
well into October.
Although nearly as common as X. /asczatum in southern Ontario,
brevipenne becomes scarcer to the north of Muskoka. It was not very
common in Algonquin Park, where it seems to prefer the vicinity of rank
herbs and bushes in more or less shady spots ; while at North Bay I did
not come across it at all. It was also quite rare on the Bruce Peninsula.
On the other hand, I found it very abundant on the Isle of Orleans and
surrounding parts of the Province of Quebec, fasctatum being compara-
tively scarce there.
The note of the male is very like that of fasctatum. The zips are
emitted at intervals of about one second, one or two being produced at a
I have a long-winged female of a X7phidizm taken at Rondeau, Sept.
15, 1899, which possibly belongs to this species. It is considerably larger
than typical fasciatum, with a distinctly longer ovipositor. In the length
and shape of the ovipositor, it is very like exséferum, but the head and
pronotum are narrower than in that species. It measures as follows:
Length of body, 15 mm.; of pronotum, 3 mm.; of hind femora, 13 mm.;
of tegmina, 8 mm.; of ovipositor, 12.3 mm.
Localities: Arner, Essex Co., Aug. 9, 1901 ; Rondeau, Sept. 14,
1899; Sarnia, Aug. 12, 1901; Walpole Id., River St. Clair, Aug. 1g, 1go1;
Goderich, Aug. 19, 1901; Southampton, Aug. 22, 1901; ‘Tobermory,
Bruce Co., Aug. 26, rgor (one seen) ; Burke Id., Lake Huron, Aug. 27,
rgot ; Owen Sound, Aug. 31, rgor; ‘Toronto, Aug. 4—Oct.; Lake Simcoe,
Aug. 5 to Oct.; Severn River, Aug. 17, 1898. Six-mile Lake, Muskoka,
Aug. 24, 1898 ; Dwight, Northern Muskoka, Sept. 2, rg02 ; Algonquin
Park, Aug., ’02, 703.
Xiphidium saltans, Scudd., Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv., Nebr., 1871, 249.
Xiphidium modestum, Brun., Can. Ent., XXIII., 1891, 56.
Measurements: Length of body, g 11 mm.; ¢ 12 mm.; of pro-
notum, ¢ 2.8mm., ? 3 mm.; of hind femora, ~ 9 1o mm.; of tegmina
(short-winged form), ¢ 4 mm.; @ 2.4 mm.; of ovipositor, 10.6 mm.
Long-winged form: Length of tegmina, 7 14 mm.; @ 14.6 mm.; of
wings, ¢ 16.2mm, @ 17 mm.
I have found this western species in but one locality, High Park,
Toronto, wheré it occurs locally in considerable numbers in the open
grassy uplands, on sandy soil. These sandy uplands are of a very
interesting character, and support a number of unusual plants and insects.
Among the latter, J7e/anoplus Dawsont, another western grasshopper, is
found in the same spots as X. sa/taus. Both of these species are charac,
teristic of the Western prairies, the general range of sa/taus, as given in
Scudder’s ‘‘Catalogue of the Orthoptera of the United States and Canada,”
being from the Rocky Mts. to the Mississippi River. It is found in the
western part of Indiana, and has been reported from New Jersey (Smith,
ins N; J.,. 1900, 162):
X. saltans is most plentiful in tufts of rather long grass. New Jersey
Tea, Sweet-fern and Lupine are among the characteristic plants of the
My specimens are all peculiar in their coloration, being of a pale,
almost bluish green, instead of dull reddish brown, the usual colour
according to the descriptions. The dark stripe on the top of the head and
pronotum is margined on either side by a very distinct and rather broad
yellowish line.
A pair of this species was submitted to Prof. Morse, and another to
Prof. Blatchley, both of whom agree in confirming my determination,
On the oth of August, 1903, I captured a pair of long-winged
individuals. These are the first that have been taken. They were found
in company with short-winged examples, and are recognizable as sa/tans
at a glance from the small size, peculiar coloration and long ovipositor
in the female.
My specimens are dated Aug. 9, to, 1902, and Aug. g, Sept. 8, 20,
12. XIPHIDIUM NIGROPLEURA, Bruner. The Black-sided Meadow
Xiphidium nigropleurum, Brun., Can. ENT., XXIII, 1891, 58.
Xiphidium nigropleura, Scudd., Can. ENT., XXX., 1898, 184.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 19.3 mm. 2? 14.6 mm.; of
pronotum, ¢ 3.3 mm., 2 3.5 mm.; of hind femora, g 13 mm., 2 13.8
mm.; of ovipositor, 17.5 mm.
I have come across this handsome species in small numbers in
southern Ontario, where it frequents open marshes bordering creeks and
ponds, and grown up with tall grasses, sedge, etc. It was generally found
in company with the next species. But a single male was taken.
Localities: Rondeau, Sept. 14, 1899; Arner, Aug. 9, tg01; Chatham,
Aug. 10, 1901; Walpole Id., River St. Clair, Aug. 13, 1gor.
13. XIPHIDIUM ATTENUATUM, Scudd. The Lance-tailed Meadow
Xiphidium attenuatum, Scudd., Trans. Amer. Ent, Soc., IL, 1869,
Xiphidium Scudderi, Bi., Can. Ent., XXIV., 1892, 26.
Measurements: Length of body, ¢ 12 mm., 2 14 mm.; of pronotum,
6. 26mm, 922.9 mm: ot hind femora, Gear mm’, O 14:2" mim-; ioe
tegmina, short-winged form, ¢ 9.5 mm, ¢ 8.5 mm. ; long-winged form,
¢ 16.5mm.; ¢ 19 mm.; of ovipositor, 20-30 mm.
This extraordinary insect is plentiful in southern Ontario, but is quite
limited in distribution.
The females are easily known by the enormous development of the
It frequents open marshy borders of creeks and ponds, where it leaps
about with wonderful agility among the tall grasses and sedge. The
short-winged form is much more often seen than the long.
Blatchley says: “ The eggs of atteuwatum, as the length of the
ovipositor indicates, are laid between the stems and ieaves of tall rank
grasses, among which the insects live.”
Localities : Rondeau, Sept. 15, 1899; Point Pelee, Aug. 8, 1gor ;
Walpole Id., River St. Clair, Aug. 13, 1gor.
(To be continued.)
In my former paper a preliminary discussion of certain genera in
Geometride made plain the need for a general rearrangement of this
group. But this cannot be done as regards all of the species without
much close study and comparison of types. ‘Therefore, I venture at this
time only to outline what seems to me the most rational method of
arrangement into sub-families and genera —to include new material and to
correct many errors in definition, and in some cases identification of generic
types, as given by Dr. Hulst (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xxitl., 245, 1896).
I claim nothing original in my work, for I consider the general scheme,
as devised by Dr. Hulst, the best that can be produced, nor do I need to
add to his introduction of it, as given in the article referred to, except to
say that I am strongly in accord with him when he states that this family
are most nearly related to the Noctuidee. In my arrangement of genera
I place, therefore, Pa/eacrita at the head of the series.
Following largely the characterization as given by Dr. Hulst, they
separate thus :
Synopsis of families and sub-families.
Hind wings, vein spresent, StmOOg ). . sees alesse icy efem ine: Geometride.
Hind wings; vein 5 absent, or a foldonly...............-.: Ennomide.
r Amtennee ¢ wnipectifate 2... 22.2.0... sn aes wwe » MONOLANIIOR
Antennce o uOteunipectinale si,:.15 1-0? acted oc + ota om eee
2. All wings with vein 5 nearer 6 than 4.......... one se. sRrOOEMe URINE:
Fore or hind wings with vein 5 at middle of cell or nearer 4 than 6. . 3.
3. Hind wings, vein 8 coalescing with cell to middle, or if separate, joined
with it by a cross-bar, at or beyond middle...........Hydriominz.
Hind wings, vein 8 separate from cell, or joined at or near base only. 4
4. Hind wings, 8 shortly joined with cell at or near base...........-++5;
Hind wings, 8 separate from cell ......... J. ob... Brephame:
5. Hind wings, 8 joined with cell near base, shaitly then pauls
diverging...... ‘ : eat . Sterrhinze,
Hind wings, 8 joined: ah ha at ee such Sibrer lean
With Gt = +0 bie ove vuruse sp Blacks Epeipacghince eke esate nee ee vd On ae
1. Hind wings, 8 coalescing with cell at base............Fernaldelline.
Hind wings, § separate from cell... Bee itt Sol ek sien Be
24, Prenilum, absentic.. afi owas «2 acs 025 eee oe auaeuTices
Eremiphim | Preseme :x,.33.0 caged be obyclot cing hor Raye ae eR ash eye
3.. Antenne nearly joinediat base... ©)... ..s2t-#) 1 foe spmecetouines:
Antenne normally placed . Serr wal <A ale hla ag aac 3 4.
4. Antenne three-fourths ledeth ‘of fore wings; legs very
long . stk ce oie a A aX Aaa oe . Mecoceratine.
Bulennge never more that two- bands lena of honed wing ; legs
normal . ih Rata Sha he CRS i ac A
5. Fore wings, 7 sae aah aan § aod 9. bots bess s'est Miglanechveimes
Fore wings, 7 stemmed with 8 and g.. vee ees ee os BNOMME:
From this group is excluded the sub-family of Strophidiine, now
constituting the family Epiplemide. They are sufficiently removed from
the typical forms of Geometridz to warrant this perhaps, by the want of
humeral angle at the base of vein g on the hind wings, and, in the case
of Callizzia, by the broadening of the inner margin of the hind wings,
which, when the insect is at rest, is rolled round the body, in the manner
of the Tineoidea, the upper half overlapping it, while the fore wings are
extended at right angles, as in most Geometride.
Starting with the sub-family of Hydriomine, I have amalgamated with
it the Dyspteridinz, a sub-family established by Dr. Hulst, upon the
supposed absence of the frenulum, in certain species. Finding that this
appears to be constant in only two of his species, and that in the
Ennomidz the same feature occurs, I have determined to abandon its
use, as showing when absent merely a tendency toward degeneration
(as in the Sterrhinee and Geometrinz, by the partial obsolescence of the
hind legs), and not worthy of basic consideration.
The Brephinez find a final resting place at the close Py the family of
Geometride, for by the presence of vein 5 in the hind wings they belong
with this series, and the presence of hair pencil on hind tibiz of ¢ in
Brephos infans (an observation I have not seen recorded) fixes beyond
further question their family relationship.
The Ennominz remain an unwieldly mass, but afford no characters
which I can detect, that are stable enough to warrant more than generic
Beginning with Paleacrita, the genera can be arranged in a sequence
which is natural both as to structure and venation. The wingless female
graduaily develops into one fitted for flight, while the male degenerates in
alar expanse, especially on the hind wings, the series reaching a full
development in both sexes as it progresses. A synopsis of the genera will
be given at the close of my work on each sub-family.
I have dropped both Cysteopteryx and Agia, genera founded by Dr.
Hulst, the former upon a variety of Vyctobia /imitata, and the latter on
a species previously described by Dr. Packard as Lodbophora viridata.
Dr. Packard’s species, however, is not a true Lobophora, but belongs
under Nyctobia.
The genus Talledega, founded by Dr. Hulst, falls because the type
montanata, Pack., is a true Lobophora, Curt. The supposed absence
of hair pencil on the male, by which Dr. Hulst separated it, is an error.
It is present and very conspicuous, but lies in a cavity between the thorax
and abdomen beneath. Probably Dr. Hulst looked for the sheath or
groove in hind tibia, where it usually rests, and finding none, supposed
the hair pencil was wanting.
The genus Opheroptera, Hub., should be dropped, the only species
under it, O. boreata, having been very doubtfully catalogued by Staudinger,
from Greenland, many years ago.
(To be continued. )
In the November number of this Journal, page 333, Dr. Ashmead has
described a parasite of the Grape-berry moth, giving the scientific name of
the moth as Ludemis bortana. ‘The specific name should be éo0trana.
This European name has been applied ;to the American Grape-berry moth
by all writers since 1870, but as Mr. W. D. Kearfott and myself have just
demonstrated in Bulletin 223 from the Cornell Agricultural Experiment
Station, and also in the Transactions of the American Entomological
Society for December, 1904, the American insect is specifically distinct
and easily separated from the European Grape-berry moth. We find that
the American Grape-berry moth should bear the name of /odychrosis
viteana, Clemens. The European Zudemis botrana is not known to occur
in this country, and the parasite was bred from the American. species, so
the title of Dr. Ashmead’s description should be corrected to include the
American name of the Grape-berry moth and not the European.
(Continued from Vol. XXXIII., p. 172.)
It is now over three years since I published a list of Albertan butter-
flies under the above title. The list gave promise “to be continued,” and
it was fully intended at the time to publish the continuation the same year,
but for a variety of reasons it had to be postponed. ‘The delay, however,
has not been without advantages. Not only have a number of species
come to hand that had not been recorded here up to that time, but many
that were then standing under names by which I had known them for
years, have been found to be wrongly named, and several of them have
been described as new species. Closer study, too, of long series, has
resulted in a better understanding of nearly allied forms ; and it is hoped
that some of the notes here appended, though they have no claim
to perfection, will enable some obscure species to be more easily separated
than they have been hitherto. At the same time, I much regret that I
have not been able to make more comparison of local material with that
from other districts. Not only has it been hard to spare the time which
much exchanging calls for, but it has often proved a very difficult, if not
impossible matter, to get by exchange some of the commonest species,
their very commonness seeming to render them, so to speak, scarce, at
least in collections. JI hope, however, to pay more attention to exchange
in the future, and when more forms from other localities have come to
hand the result of their study, and comparison with their Alberta represen-
tatives will probably be published from time to time.
Of the radical changes that have taken place in classification since
my list of butterflies was published, enough has been said. Of the two
recently published North American lists, I have preferred to follow that of
Prof. Smith, as it seems to me to give a better arrangement of the
Noctuide, or at least of the species in their respective families, and it is
the Noctuidz that have always been my favourite group. Though I am
doubtful as to whether the term is any longer recognized, or if so, just
where the line is drawn, I have included all the old-time ‘‘ Macros,”
meaning thereby those genera which used to be known in European lists
fifteen years ago as Sphinges, Bombyces, Geometre, Cuspidate, and
Noctue. Though I still study them as with the “larger fry,” the
Hepialidz at any rate have been eliminated from their former position, as
have also the Cossidz, and of the impending removal of the latter to the
‘‘ Micros,” it is quite fifteen years since I first heard the suggestion. In the
present list I have attempted considerably more in the way of study than
I did in the butterflies. I have made more comparisons and exchanged a
far greater amount of correspondence. In one instance, that of Cosmia, I
have taken the liberty of differing from the authors of all our recognized
standard works, and believe a revision of the synonymy, by some-
one who has seen the types of Grote and Walker, to be necessary.
This decision is only after a close inquiry into the matter, a study of
a considerable quantity of material from the old world as well as from the
new, and correspondence with several specialists who were able to give me
information on the subject. It may be, however, that in this, as well as
in other points concerning identity, I have come rather too hastily to
conclusions. I am indebted to Prof. J. B. Smith and Drs. Ottolengui and
Dyar for the names of my Sphinges, Bombyces, Notodontid, and a few
other families allied thereto. ‘The list of these is not a long one, but Iam
rather inclined to think that their apparent scarcity may be due to the fact
that, in this district at any rate, they are of quiet and retiring habits, and do
not often show up. It is to the Noctuidz that most attention has always
been paid, and Prof. Smith has been unceasing in his assistance to me in
this group. Iam also most fortunate in being in correspondence with Sir
George Hampson, of the British Museum, where, of course, a very large
number of types are to be seen, and the sending to him of a number of
species, with the names by which I have known them, has resulted in the
detection of many errors which would probably have otherwise still been _
overlooked. The first instalment of the Noctuidze has quite recently been
published in Vol. IV. of his “ Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phaleenze in
the British Museum,” and as a very large number of North American
species are therein figured, many of them for the first time, it proves a
valuable aid in the determination of species. Dr. Holland’s “Moth Book,”
too, has supplied a long-felt want. In all works of the above kind, how-
ever, the practice of sometimes figuring the male of one species and the
female of another very closely allied to it, is rather to be deprecated, as it is
apt to give the impression that a merely sexual difference is really specific,
there not unfrequently being less difference in facies between two species
in the same sex than there is between the two sexes of either. It must be
borne in mind that in making comparisons between closely allied species,
my opinions are based on superficial characters, and I have almost com-
pletely igncred genitalic differences claimed by Prof. Smith. It is, I think,
for superficial characters that most of us naturally look, and though the
“senitalia test” is doubtless of the highest value as an aid, I am not
aware that its infallibility is an accepted fact. I have not, however, studied
the matter, and am quite willing to accept it at its estimated worth. The
genus Euxoa is perhaps the most difficult in all the Noctuide to under-
stand. Species run so very close together, and vary so tremendously ¢ter
se that it is often almost impossible to tell where one ends and another
begins. It is probable that many groups in this genus will never really be
made much of without careful breeding from known females. The matter
is intricate enough in dealing only with material from one locality, but
when geographical variation has to be taken into account, I believe there
is hardly a genus in all the Lepidoptera in which species are harder to
define. In the Noctuide I have given references to all published figures
of western species known to me elsewhere than in the works of Dr.
Holland and Sir George Hampson.
Unfortunately, not much attention has as yet been paid to the
Geometride in this district. But though for that reason records have not
been very carefully kept, the notes and dates given, as far as they go,
have been very carefully prepared, and may be relied upon as _ being
tolerably accurate. The Rev. G. W. Taylor has recently commenced a
special study of the whole group, and through his kindness at least half of
those here listed are now named, which could not have been named three
years ago owing to there then being no one working on them that I knew
of. Amongst those that I had at that time named, it turns out that the
late Dr. Hulst had made several peculiar errors. The names I now give
are all on the authority of Mr. Taylor, and the (??) are his also.
It is often a difficult matter to decide whether to put down a species
as “common” or “rare.” The majority of species seem to have their
special seasons or series of seasons ; and favourable or unfavourable
conditions for existence seem sometimes to show their effects on an entire
genus. Almost every year something or other turns up in some numbers
that has always been considered a great rarity, or else never before been
met with at all, and vice versa. Every moth-collector of experience must
know, too, how sometimes a species shows up rather freely for one or two
nights only, though to all appearance on the preceding and succeeding
nights the conditions are practically the same.
All captures, unless otherwise expressly stated, refer to the district
near the head of Pine Creek, about eighteen miles south-west of Calgary.
The “Billings’s mill” locality, ten miles further west, in the spruce timber,
has been described in my preface to the butterflies. ‘* Blackfalds ” is, I
believe, intended to refer to the same general locality as ‘‘ Lacombe” in
the butterflies. A type specimen referred to as ‘‘at Washington,” means
that it is in the U. S. National Museum at that place, and ‘at Rutgers
College” signifies Prof. J. B. Smith’s collection, It has been a common
error in the past amongst describers of species to record a large percentage
of material taken on British territory, between Winnipeg and the Pacific,
as coming from “ B. C.” Incidentally, the geographical error is not
confined to entomologists, as ‘‘ B. C.” is erroneously engraved upon the
door-key tags, menus, etc., at the C. P. R. chalet at Laggan. The eastern
boundary of British Columbia is, I believe, the summit of the Rocky
Mountains, 5 or 6 miles west of Laggan. In one instance among the many
corrections of the error that I have made in this paper, the actual locality
mentioned (Roundthwaite) as being in “‘B. C.” is actually about 650 miles
distant therefrom as the crow flies. There are several types referred to
“B.C.” which I rather suspect of coming from Manitoba or the North-
west Territories, though I am quite unable to trace them.
95. Hemaris diffinis, Bdv.—Common at flowers of wild gooseberry.
End May and June. Larva on snowberry. (
96. Lepisesia flavofasciata, Walk.—One fine ? near Billings’s lumber
mill, June 5th, 1898.
97. Deilephila galit, Rott., var. chamenerit, Harr.—Common at
flowers of bergamot, wild gooseberry, etc., at dusk. June and July.
98. D. lineata, Fabr.—Rather rare at cultivated “ pinks” and other
flowers at dusk. My specimens are all from near mouth of Fish Creek.
I think I have seen it on the hill prairie occasionally. July.
99. Sphinx Vancouverensis, Hy. Edw., var. albescens, ‘Tepper.—Not
rare, flying at dusk, or at rest in daytime. June and July.
100. Smerinthus Jamaicensis, Dru., var. geminatus, Say.— Rather
common flying round willow bushes after dark, and at light. June and
tor. S. cerysii, Kirby.—Not at all common. Same method of
capture as preceding species. June.
102. Samia Columbia, Smith.—Probably fairly common, but it seems
to me to be more of a prairie than a foothill species. I have only 4 ¢
specimens taken at light, one of which has been labelled Columbia by
Prof. Smith. They agree pretty well with the figure of that species in _
Dr. Holland’s book, but lack the reddish shading of the outer band there
shown, which shading, as mentioned in the text, is supposed to be charac-
teristic of Gloveri. 1 cannot, however, detect it in his figure of the latter
species. 1 have a pair sent me from the States, but without data, labelled
Gloveri, which have certainly a very faint purplish shading in
outer band, but the central band has less of a purplish tint, and in this
respect they are quite unlike Dr. Holiand’s figure of Glover. The speci-
mens are a good deal larger than mine, but otherwise their distinctness
does not satisfy me. However, comparison with specimens from an
unknown locality is eminently unsatisfactory. I have occasionally found
empty cocoons of a Samza on Salix near the head of Pine Creek (2. ¢., in
the hills), but never with larve, and rarely with imagines. It is rather
more common about ten miles further east, near the mouth of Fish Creek,
but the only time I tried ‘‘assembling” with a 9 there I met with no
success, probably through ignorance of the correct time for flight. It is
a fairly regular, though not common, visitor to the Calgary electric lights,
and I have occasionally been brought specimens taken in houses in the
During a trip made down the north bank of the Bow River in 1899, I
noticed larvie that I took to be Co/umbia common in some spots on
osier growing on the river banks. Dr. Fletcher has bred moths from
larvee from the Lacombe district which he tells me are ‘‘ more like Glover
than my conception of Co/umbia.” He reports that the larvee at Lacombe
feed on Eleagnus argentea, but | have never observed them on that
shrub myself.
103. Scepsis fulvicollis, Hbn.—A single specimen at head of Pine
Creek, flying in sunshine, July 25th, 1898, and another on Red Deer
River bottom at snowberry flowers, in sunshine, about July 7th, 1904.
104. Crambidia casta.—Not rare at light. Middle Aug. to middle
105. Hypoprepia miniata, WKirby.—Two specimens only, a 9°,
Blackfaids (near Lacombe), Alta., Aug. rst, 1902 (Gregson), anda 6,
head of Pine Creek, July 25th, 1903, at light, the latter named by Dr.
Dyar. Both are quite fresh specimens.
106. Celama pustulata, Valk. —Not rare, at light and dusk, July.
107. Eubaphe aurantiaca, Hbn., var. rubicundaria, Abn.—Common
flying in sunshine. End of June and July. I have only seen a single §.
108. Dodia Alberte, Dyar.—Described from Calgary. Probably not
rare in the spruce some seasons, though I have only taken two specimens
from near Billings’s lumber mill in early July. These are the diaphanous
gray form referred to in the description. A third, taken at head of Pine
Creek on June 11h, 1900, by Mr. Hudson, is the specimen there mentioned
as being washed with white, and which I had looked upon as a distinct
species. Type 5747, U.S. Nat. Mus., has been divided. The left wings
are in the National collection mounted on a slide, and the rest of the
specimen is in my own collection, ‘Though I have looked out for it, I
have not met with the species since rgo0. At rest it resembles Eubaphe
in form. :
109. Estigmene acrea, Dru.—Common in the town of Catgary, and
probably on the prairies eastward. A few specimens were taken at head
of Pine Creek during 1903, but as the species had not been observed there
previously, they may have been the progeny of live 9 ? brought by Mr.
Hudson or myself from the town. June.
110. WMeoarctia Beanii, Neum., Laggan (Bean).—Described from
there, I believe. I have a single specimen from Mr. Bean, July 9th, 1900,
bred from larva on willow ; var. fwscosa, Neum., is from the same locality.
111. WV. yarrow?, Stretch.—A single specimen was taken on Aug.
18th, 1902, on the bare summit of Mt. Niblock., near Lake Agnes,
Laggan, at an altitude of about 8,000 feet, by Dr. Wm. Barnes.
112. Phragmatobia fuliginosa, Linn.—A single ? flying in sunshine,
May 27th, 1894.
113. Arctia caja, Schrank., var. Wiskotti, Staud.—Mr. Sanson records
‘‘ var. Utahensis” from Banff. The name stands in the latest lists as a
synonym of Wiskotti.
114. Hyphoraia lapponica, Thunb.—Occasionally in the hills at
light, rest, or flying in sunshine. Fairly common during 1902, and at
dusk in 1904. Middle June and July. .
115. Apantesis virgo, L.—A single ¢ taken at light, July 22nd, 1903, is
apparently typical. A pair from Blackfalds, July 1st and 2nd, 1902, have,
Mr. Gibson tells me, the markings on secondaries much heavier than in
the eastern form. These are the only Albertan specimens I have seen.
Mr. Gregson reported the larvze of this species to be abundant at Black-
falds during 1903. Mr. Arthur Gibson records the species from
Edmonton, in Northern Alberta,
116. A. virguncula, Kirby.—Two ¢ 6 and a ¢ are all the speci-
mens I have ever seen here. They were taken in different years. End of
June and July.
117. A. michabo, Grt.—A single 9, at rest, June 9th, 1893.
118. A. parthenice, Kirby.—Not common at light in some seasons.
The only 9 @ I have taken have been bred from larve picked up
haphazard. Middle July to middle August. The secondaries of the ?
are of a much deeper red than in the ¢, and in one specimen the white
markings on primaries have a very decided reddish tinge.
119. A. otthona, Strk., yar. rectilinea, ¥Yrench.—Recorded from
Calgary by Mr. Willing, on the authority of Mr. Gibson.
120. A. Quenselii, Payk., var. turbans, Christoph.—This species,
which formerly passed as a miniature vrguncu/a, used to be very common,
more especially east of the hills, eight or ten years ago. ‘The larvee, which
fed on Galium, might then be captured in some numbers in holes dug for
fence posts, and left open for twelve hours or so. Of late years it has
been far less common, but has come occasionally to light. None of my
specimens have the orange secondaries mentioned by Mr. Gibson in his
paper on this genus (Can. EnT., XXXV., 144).
121. A. obliterata, Stretch.—A single male, at light, head of Pine
Creek, Aug. 15th, 1g0r. This, which I believe is the only specimen of
the form known, is referred to in Can. EntT., XXXV., 144, and figured on
Pl. 5 of that vol. It is still in “my collection. It differs from any of my
turbans in having rich orange secondaries instead of yellow, two
additional discal spots, and a dark dash near and parallel to the inner
margin. I never suspected it of being distinct from ¢usbans until Mr.
Gibson’s paper was published, and fancy it will eventually prove to be but
a variety of that species.
122. A. Bolanderi, Stretch ?—Mr. Gibson referred a ¢ (May 24th,
1897) and three 2 ? doubtfully to this form, which Dr. Dyar treats as a
synonym of B/akei. I have a similar ¢ dated June 3rd, 1903, and a third
has been taken during June of the present year. Two of my ¢ 2 I have
always taken to be determinata. ‘The other ? andthe 4 ¢ I have been
inclined to consider distinct, on account of the much earlier date, lighter
build, less hairy vestiture, and greater intensity of black on primaries. I
have 4/akei from Colorado, which at any rate can hardly be the same
species as mine, from which it differs in being a stouter insect, broader
winged, with more hairy thoracic vestiture, having four transverse bands
e t
on primaries instead of two, longer and rather more heavily pectinated
antennz, and much less black on secondaries, Of my ¢ Mr. Gibson
said, ‘‘ May be Bolanderi, but may simply bea variety of determinata.” I
hardly think it is the latter.
123. A. NMevadensis, G. & R., var. zacorrupta, Hy. Edw.—So far I
have only taken two ¢ ¢ and two ? 9, July 7th toAug. 6th. The g 2g,
on Aug. 6th, were taken at Calgary town lights. <A third 2, June 28th,
1899, has primaries marked as zucorrupta, but has pure black secondaries
and a black body. I have two f Mevadensis trom Glenwood Springs,
Colo., which look quite a different species. In fact, they come very much
nearer to Blakei, from the same localify, than to Calgary zucorrupta,
specimens of which have been seen by both Dr. Dyar and Mr. Gibson.
124. A. Williamsii, Dodge, var. determinata; Neum.—Common.
End of June and July. In one specimen there is no trace of the 3rd
transverse band (=typical W7//iamsii 2), and the 4th and W marks are very
faint. I have no 2 9, unless those mentioned above under Aolanderi
belong to this species. The ¢ antennz are sometimes variegated, black
and cream,
125. A. celia, Saund.—Banff, June 16th (Sanson). On the authority
of Mr. Gibson. I have never to my knowledge seen a specimen.
126, A. sp.—A series of nine specimens have been a puzzle alike to
Mr. Gibson and Dr. Dyar. Seven ¢ ¢ and one @ were taken near
Billings’s lumber mill on June roth and 26th, 1898, anda @ is from Black-
falds, taken by Mr. Gregson on Aug. gth, 1902. I believe the series to
represent one extremely variable species. Four ¢ ¢ somewhat resemble
Williamsii in maculation, but are smaller and much blacker. Two ¢ ¢
and two @ @ are like miniature wirguncula. I have not taken the species
for several seasons.
127. Parasemia plantaginis, Linn.—Not common on creek bottoms
on the hill-prairie. Common in the spruce and westward to the mountains.
End June and July. I have specimens like all the varieties listed in Dyar’s
and Smith’s lists except Geddest. An interesting article on Laggan
petrosa, by Mr. Bean, will be found in Can. Enr., XXVII., 87, and Fl. II.
128. Halisidota maculata, Harr.—A single ¢ at light, June 25th,
1898, was all I ever saw of this species until last year (1903), when I found
the decidedly conspicuous larva common on different species of poplars in
gardens in Calgary. ‘These pupated in September, and moths emerged in
the house at the end of February of the present year,
129. Guophela latipennis, Bdv., var. vermiculata, G. & R.—A
single specimen at Lacombe, July 27th, 1900, in sunshine, on a flower
head (P. B. Gregson), I have seen the specimen. The name is on the
authority of Dr. Fletcher, who says that the species has never before been
recorded north of Colorado. .
130. Androloma MacCullochti, Kirby.—Rare near Calgary, probably
more common in the mountains. June roth (worn), Billings’s lumber mill;
Laggan (fresh), July 17th to 25th ; and (worn) Aug. 8th. Taken flying in
131. Alypia Langtonii, Couper.—Common in the spruce, less so in
the poplar woods on Pine Creek. End May and June.
32. Acronycta Canadensis, Smith and Dyar.—Vervy rare; four speci-
mens only, 2 6 6,2 99, June 15th to July 6th. I don’t think any
actual description of this has ever been published, but a Calgary ? (now
the type) is mentioned in Smith and Dyar’s Monograph, where the form
is referred doubtfully to esta, Walk. Material sent Prof. Smith from
here later confirmed his opinion as to the validity of Canadensis as a
species. He returned mea ? ‘“‘like @ type, but better marked,” and a
g with maculation scarcely traceable. Taken at treacle. The type is in
the U. S. National Museum.
133. A. cretata, Smith.—A ¢ June 22nd, 1901, anda @ July 6th,
1896, both, I believe, at treacle. Prof. Smith has seen the 2. With so
little material at hand, I am not in a position to question the distinctness
of these two Calgary forms. I can only say that my crefata looks to me
like my Canadensis, with much stronger and blacker maculation, and
whiter and less powdered ground colour. J submitted to Sir Geo. Hamp-
son the 9 Canadensis, “like type,” which was still labelled “ ¢zsita, var.
Canadensis,” and a g which closely resembled my ? crefata returned by
Prof. Smith. His verdict was: ‘“ Your zwsifa is quite a different species
from Walker’s zusita, of which we have the type. It is /epuscudina, Gn.,
?, and your cretata is the g of it.” My 2 cretata is, however, exactly
like Smith and Dyar’s figure, and my ¢ is evidently the same species.
The type is in the U. S. National Museum collection at Washington.
134. A. Manitoba, Smith.—A single 2 July ist, 1898, at treacle,
which Prof. Smith has seen. It resembles Smith and Dyar’s figure, but
has paler primaries, and secondaries are somewhat smoky outwardly,
[Norr.—The text refers to this figure as a 9, but mentions the
existence of two ¢ ¢ only. |
135. A. guadrata, Grote.—Has been fairly common some seasons at
treacle. June and July.
136. A. revellata, Smith.—About the same as guadrata in dates
and numbers, etc. Formerly referred to grisea.
137. A. tartarea, Smith.—Described in Can. Ent., XXXV., 127
(May, 1903), from a ¢ taken at treacle near Calgary, on June 23rd, 1898,
the only specimen I have ever seen. I had supposed it to be a dark
revellata. The specimen is in the U. S. National Museum.
138. A. iddita, Smith.—A single ¢, which Prof. Smith says is “more
powdery than usual,” at treacle on the Red Deer River, about fifty miles
N. E. of Gleichen, June 2oth, 1901, rather worn. .
139. A. emaculata, Smith.—(Dyar’s list, No. 1038, omitted from
Smith’s list in error). Common at treacle in “‘Acronycta” seasons, June and
July. Larvee on Salix and Rosa. I think the type isa ¢ from Calgary,
and is in the Rutgers College collection. Formerly sent out as zmpressa.
140. Apharetra pyralis, Smith. Described from Calgary. Very rare,
one ¢ and three ? ? being all I ever took, July 13th to Aug. 23rd. PI.
XIII., fig. 11, in Smith and Dyar’s Monograph, is the 9 type, and not
fig. 12, “‘ male adult,” as there stated. The specimen is figured also in
Ent. News, VI., No. 10, Pl. XV. The type is in the U. S. National
Museum at Washington.
141. Hadenella tonsa, Grt.—Redescribed partly from Calgary
material as swbjuncta (CAN. ENT., XXX., 323, Dec., 1898), and sent out
by me previous to that as ‘‘ Bryophilid, sp.” Fairly common at treacle
some years. July. The type of saubjuncta is in the Museum at
142. Caradrina extimia, Walk.—July and August. Common.
143. Caradrina miranda, Grote-——Not common. Treacle and
light. Middle June to middle July. Sir Geo. Hampson says it is “larger
and darker than the typical form,” so the species may perhaps be z7fevs;
Dyar (Can. Ent., XXXVI, 29, Feb., 1904).
144. C. punctivena, Smith.—Not at all common. June and July,
treacle. One of the ¢ types is stated to be from “ McLean, B. C.”
\icLean is in Assiniboia, and 450 miles in a straight line from the B. C.
boundary. Prof. Smith thinks that this may prove to be synonymous
with rufostriga, Pack.
145.—fiiliia senescens, Gtrt.
146. HZ. vigilans, Grt. i Both very rare previous to 1903, when I
took about a dozen specimens of each at treacle in September. The form
Prof. Smith calls vig¢dans is dark red, and except for the s. t. line and
discoidal spots, almost unicolorous, with conspicuously pale whitish collar.
Senescens is ochreous, tinged with reddish, and with all the maculation :
evident. I had always believed them distinct, but until last year had not
sufficient material to enable me to press the point. I have-now submitted
a series of each to Prof. Smith, and he considers that the names must now
stand for distinct species. The species sent out by me in some numbers
seven or eight years ago as crasszs turned out to be Mamestra obscura, a
_ species somewhat similar in type of maculation to my vig/ans, but without
pale collar, and smaller and biacker. A @ taken on Aug. rst, 1896, of
size and general appearance of vzgz/ans, but almost entirely black, with
unicolorous collar, may perhaps have been the true crass’s. Unfortunately
this specimen was completely destroyed in transit to Rutgers College, and
still requires to be duplicated. Breeding might prove semescens and
vigilans dimorphic forms of one species, but I very much doubt it.
147. Hf. algens, Grt.—Generally distinctly rare, but, in company with
the two foregoing species, fairly common at treacle last year, evidently a
“ Hillia” year. Asa matter of fact, the other two species confined them-
selves to those fence posts treacled on a creek bottom, while a/gens
seemed rather more fond of those on the hillside. September.
148. Hadena (Luperina) niveivenosa, Grt. Very rare. End July
and August. —
149. Hf. (L.) passer, Grt.—Very rare. End June and July.
(To be continued.)
The larvee of this Noctuid moth were again found at Ottawa the past
season, in beds of Irises, on the grounds of the Central Experimental
Farm. ‘They were not, however, at ali numerous, and did not do any
appreciable harm this year. ‘Two larvee were collected on July 28, one of
which was inflated ; the other pupated on Aug. 1, the moth emerging on
Sept. 7. Another larva was found on Aug. 4, the moth appearing on
Sept. 15. The pupa of the former specimen was much larger than any
of those obtained in 1903, an account of which appeared in the last
Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario. This pupa
measured 30 mm. in length and 7.5 in width, ARTHUR GIBSON,
The family A®gialitide, then known by but one species, was placed
by Dr. LeConte (Classification of the Coleoptera of North America, p.
XXXvi.) IN association with those Heteromera having the anterior coxal
cavities closed behind. ‘This structure is also assigned to Aigialites in the
detailed account of the insect on page 388 of the same work. Dr. Sharp,
in his recent treatise on insects (Cambridge Natural History, Vol. VI., p-
265), speaks of the anterior cox as being “‘ completely closed in,” while
Dr. Geo. Horn, though dissecting a specimen for a study of the mouth-
parts, seems to have overlooked the coxal structure, or he would certainly
have alluded to it in his notes on the genus (Trans. American Ento. Soc.,
XV., p. 27). In view of the statements in the books, I was surprised, a
few months ago, by the receipt of a letter from the Rev. J. H. Keen, in
which he asserted that the cavities of the anterior coxze are open behind,
as is indeed the case. Mr. Keen’s observation is of great importance, in
that it opens the way to a proper appreciation of the systematic position
of the insect.
Having been supplied with specimens of gzalites Californicus,
Mots. (debé/is, Mann.), by Mr. Keen, and of 4. Fuchsii, by Mr. Fuchs, I
have been able to make cireful dissections of both, and find that in neither
case do the epimera reach the tip of the prosternum. There is thus left a
gap of some extent, though the posterior aspect of the cavities is not open
for its entire width as it is in /ytho. This being true, it becomes
necessary to make a change in Dr. LeConte’s table, removing Avgialitidee
from proximity to the Tenebrionidz, and transferring them to group 4.
Here they may be placed next to the Pythide, with which they agree in
so many respects in larval as well as adult characters, and from which
they may be distinguished by the greater number of ventral abdominal
segments, there being six of these in 4gvadites and but five in the
To my mind, the sequence of Heteromerous families adopted in the
LeConte and Horn “ Classification” is not satisfactory, the Pyrochroide
being too far removed from the Pythide. These families seem to me to
be quite closely related, and I prefer the view presented by Dr. Sharp (I. c.,
p. 266), whereby they are placed in juxtaposition. If now, we place the
/Ecialitida between the Melandryidz and the Pythide, I think we shall
have an arrangement that will do little violence to the affinities of these
four families, as far as our present knowledge of the larval and adult
structures allows us to judge.
, ‘ee a Ov 7
Ls RK CO x -
& ee
In order that the characters alluded to may be more readily appreci- ,
ated, I have prepared sketches (Fig. 10), showing the structure of the
under side of the prothorax in the Melandryide, Pyrochroidwe, Pythide,
ARgialitidee and Tenebrionide. © 1 represents M/edandrya striata; 2,
Pyrochroa flabellata; 3, Pytho Americana; 4, Lecontia discicollis ; 5,
Aigialites Californicus; and 6, Nyctobates Pennsylvanica. All are
lettered alike, # indicating the prosternum, cc the coxal cavities, and es the
thoracic side pieces, the Sutures between the episterna and epimera being
obliterated or indistinct.
When writing (p. 330) on the genus Apista, F. Smith, 1861, I
unfortunately overlooked the fact that the generic name is long preoccupied
(Apista, Hiibn, 1816, and the similar Apistus, Cuvier, 1829). The
bee-genus from Brazil may therefore be known as Lgafésta, n. n., type
Egapista opalina (Apista opalina, Smith).
I find that the name of the African bee-genus Sevapis, F. Smith, 1854,
is also preoccupied (Serapis, Link, 1830); it may be changed to Serapista;
type Serapista denticulata (Serapis denticulatus, Smith).
The natne Zumorpha proposed by Friese for a group of bees, is also
preoccupied. The group Rhodocentris, Friese, includes the type of the
prior “eterocentris, Ckll.; so the latter name must be used for the group,
unless (as seems probable) it can be divided. T. D. A, COCKERELL.
On the 18th of June, 1904, while collecting dragon-fly nymphs in
Grenadier Pond, Toronto, I found two Gomphus exuvie resting on the
surface of a thick growth of algz a few feet from the edge of the pond. I
examined the debris and black swamp mud from the bottom, just below
the spot where the skins were taken, and found one nymph about two-
thirds grown, apparently of the same species. On June 2oth I found
another exuvia on a similar part of the shore, and on examining the
bottom I found several half-grown nymphs and one full-grown one, which
was crawling along the surface of the algw, evidently ready to transform.
In the evening a male Gomphus furcifer emerged.
Since then I have taken several half-grown nymphs, but as the season
for transformation was apparently over I got no more mature ones, All
of the nymphs were found in the surface mud, at a depth of about one or
two feet of water, the shore being low and marshy. I have kept one of
the nymphs alive ever since.
The imagoes of Gomphus furcifer are not rarely taken in the country
surrounding Grenadier Pond, and I have one female from De Grassi Pt.,
Lake Simcoe. It has always been considered an uncommon species, and
the nymph was hitherto unknown.
Nymph of Gomphus furcifer (Figs. 11
and 12).
Body elongate, depressed, covered with
minute dense brownish scurfy pubescence;
the legs very sprawling. Abdomen
lanceolate, broadest at the fourth seg-
ment, the lateral margins as far as the
apex of segment 8 regularly convex ;
segments g and 1o very long and narrow,
together equal in length to segments 6, 7
and 8. Segment 8 nearly twice as broad
Fi aN eh eRe ee ila eae co base as at apex, about two-thirds as
(Enlarged 174 diameters.) long as segment g. Segment, g about
three-fifths. as broad at apex as at base, about as long as
segment ro with the appendages. Segment ro equal in _ breadth
throughout, Small lateral spines are present on segments 8 and
g, very minute on the former; otherwise the lateral margins are
smooth and free from hair. Dorsal surface of abdomen as far as base of
segment 6 evenly convex from side to side with a very faint median ridge,
along which is a faintly impressed line; beyond this the ridge is some-
what more distinct and the sides slope more abruptly. |The “scars,” or
irregular bare patches, on the dorsal surface of the abdomen are con-
spicuously marked on segment 1-8, and are represented on g by a pair of
distinctly impressed lines. Width of metathorax about equal to that of
the first abdominal segment. Wing-cases extending
a little over the base of the fourth abdominal segment.
Legs thinly fringed on both anterior and posterior
margins with rather long hairs, except the posterior
margins of all the tibie, which bear a rather dense
fringe. Antenne with the third joint about one-
third longer than the first and second joints together,
slightly broader at apex than at base. Mentum of
labium about one-third longer than broad and a
little more than two-thirds as broad at base as at apex,
contracted in its basal two-fifths, Median lobe Peer ee
distinctly produced, the anterior border convex furcifer nymph.
and bearing on its margin a dense fringe of short flat, light brownish
hairs, in the midst of which at the apex is a pair of very small, shining,
dark brown teeth, which are seen with some difficulty. Lateral lobes
with the outer margins very convex, apex with a prominent hook and about
six other nearly equidistant teeth along the inner margin, the basal one
very small, the others prominent and of about equal size.
Total length, 33 mm.; abdomen, 22.5 mm.; hind femur, 6 mm.;
width of head, 5.75 mm.; of abdomen, 7 mm.
When I was working on the Haploas, previous to the publication of
my paper on “The North American Callimorphas” (Can. Env., XIX, 181-
191), | appealed to Mr. A. G. Butler for information in regard to Walker’s
types, and he very kindly sent me sketches of the types of Contigua and
Conjinis as then standing in the British Museum collection, but as what
was shown as the former was practically the same as the latter, I wrote
that I thought there must be some mistake, and sent a drawing of what
we, in this country, understood to be Contigua, Mr. Butler, in replying,
said I was quite right, and that Mr. Walker, with his usual carelessness,
had got the Contiguva label on the wrong specimen, and thanked me for
calling his attention to the error, which he had corrected.
At the Annual Meeting of the Ent. Soc. of Ont., 26th and 27th
October this year, I saw for the first time the D’Urban collection of moths
deposited in November, 1871, in which I found a specimen of Contigua
marked Confinis in Walkers handwriting, as confirmed by Dr. Bethune.
This shows that Walker had confused his own species of these moths very
badly. Henry H. Lyman, Montreal.
On page 351 of this magazine Professor Cockerell notes his observa-
tion of the Pogonomyrmex vccidentalis at Ruleton, within twelve miles of
the western limit of Kansas, and considers this as the indication of the
eastern limit or beginning of the arid region. Our. investigations of the
range of this large ant in Kansas have shown us that its eastern limit is
found far to the east of the point mentioned. ‘The species occurs as far
east in this State as the Sixth Principal Meridian, or in the counties of
Republic, Ottawa, McPherson and Sedgwick, on a line about two-fifths of
the length of the State from the eastern border. One would scarcely be
acquainted with climatic conditions in Kansas who should consider this
ant as a mark of the “arid region,” as west of the line indicated are found
some of the best farming lands of the State. Especially is this true of the
wheat lands, as the counties named are among those famous for the pro-
duction of this cereal. Notwithstanding its occasional occurrence along
the extreme eastern limit above indicated, the favoured home of the species
is really within the western hundred miles of the State, and thence west to
the mountains, where in specially suitable localities it sometimes occurs in
astonishing abundance. From its habit of clearing about its mounds a
considerable space of vegetation, this ant is not liked by farmers, and
various measures have been taken to destroy it, one of the most successful
being the pouring into the centre of the formicary, opened for the purpose,
a quantity of carbon bisulphide, the opening being then closed to retain
the fumes, which finally penetrate to the depths of the burrows, destroying
the inmates. As these cleared spaces sometimes attain the diameter of
twenty-four feet, and as the hills may occur a few rods apart, it will be
seen that the ant is not a desirable occupant in cultivated fields. How-
ever, it is well known that regular cultivation of the soil of infested fields
is a great deterrent to their occupation by the Pogonomyrmex, perhaps less
through the dislodgment of well-established colonies than through the
discouragement of new ones. Thus it comes to be true that in fields
properly handled the ant ceases to be a general pest, and the few large
colonies are readily destroyed by the means above indicated. The species
is therefore economically of less importance than is sometimes believed.
E. A. PopEnor, Manhattan, Kan.
Mailed December 12th, 1904,
Acknowlegments, 164, 336.
Acleris Britannia, n. sp., 138.
‘< fragariana, n. sp., 140.
Acronycta, notes on Alberta species.
Admetovis similaris, n. sp., 200.
‘Egialites, metamorphoses of, 57 (plate).
Egialitidze, systematic position of, 356
Agaristide, list of Alberta, 353.
Agia eborata, 210.
Agonosoma, the genus, 246.
Alaria diffusa, n. sp., 238.
Alberta, list of Macro-Lepidoptera of,
- 345:
ALDRICH, J. M., articles 4 82, 246.
Allocosa degesta, n. sp., 287.
Allognosta, table of species, 15.
Amblycorypha oblongifolia, 329.
Amesolytus pictus, n. sp., 207 (fig.).
Andrena advarians, n. sp., 192, 194,
Andrena angustitarsata, n. sp., 189,
Andrena asm, n. sp., 192, 225.
wb Chapmane, n. sp., 191, 223.
chlorinella, n. sp., 189, 196.
chlorogaster, 1. sp., 189, Spee
clypeoporaria, 1. sp., 192, 22
compactiscopa, 1. Sp., 191, 222.
‘Andrena decussata, n. sp., 193) 194,
Andrena decussatula, n. sp., 193, 225
oe fausta, 303.
Hlarveyt, n. sp., 192, 194, 224.
Andrena hemileuca, n. sp., 192, 193;
Andrena indotata, 0. sp., 190, 222.
‘‘ gunontia, n. Sp., 191, 222.
Andrena longihirtiscopa, n. sp., 191,
Andrena mustelicolor, n. sp., 189, 196.
be neurona, N. Sp., GI, 222.
nubilipennis, 0. Sp., 193, 226.
Piperi, n. sp., 189, 196.
plana, n. sp., 193, 226.
Pullmant, n. sp., 191, 195, 223.
Andrena pulverulenta, nu. sp., 190, 195,
Andrena saccata, 0. sp., 192, 195,
scurra, 0. SP., 193, 1955 226,
Seattlensis, n. SP, 191, 195, 223.
seminigra, N. Sp., 190, 221.
semtpolita, 0. sp., 192, 225.
| Beetle drift on Lake Michigan,
Andrena solidila, n. sp., 191, 194, 222.
ee subcandida, Hg) SPes) 19350225.
Be subdistans,'n. sp., 193, 226.
Andrena trachandrenoides, 1. sp., 190,
195, 221.
Andrena transnigra, 1. Sp, 191, 223.
us Vernont, n. sp., 190, 221.
vi vicinotdes, N. Sp., 191, 223.
w-scripta, N. Sp., 193, 194, 226.
xanthostigma, Nn. Sp., 193, 225
table of species, 189, 193, 221.
Andrenidz, table of genera, 157.
Antsopogon Johnsont, n. sp., 293.
Anosia plexippus, early arrival, 156.
Antaplaga hachita, n. sp., 241.
Anthicus Floridanus, n. sp., 320.
‘< plectrinus. n."sp., 320.
Anthophila, synopsis of, 37.
Anthopora cineraria, 302.
Anthrax Harvey, n. sp., 88.
Apantesis, list of Alberta species, 350.
Apatela dolorosa, n. var., 29.
S<| - (S77S€07,, N. VAL, 20.
ie masta, 1. Var., 29
Apatelodes uvada, n. sp., 264.
Aphididze, notes on, 262.
Aphis medicaginis, 263.
Aphodius erraticus at Montreal, 164.
Aphrophora parallela, notes on, 44 (fig.).
Apista, the Bee-genus, 330, 357.
“C .-opalina, 330, 357-
<= Agapista, nu. nom.,-357-
Archippus butterfly, early arrival, 156.
Arctiidze, list of Alberta, 350.
Arctophila flagrans, 258.
Arsenura Richardsoni, larva of, 73.
ASHMEAD, W. H., articles by, 5, 63,
281, 333 (fig-).
Asilidz, new N. American,
Bacca obscuricornis, 257.
Back, E. A., article by, 289.
BANKS, N., article by, 61.
BARNES, W., articles by, 165, 197, 237,
Bees in the British Museum, 301.
_ Bees of Oregon, Washington and
British Columbia, 93, 157, 189, 221.
Bees, records of American, 13, 48.
«* synopses of, 37, 93, 273-
335: t
Beris, table of species, 15.
BETHUNE, C. J. S., articles by, 25, 72,
84, 178, 309.
Bischofia varia, n. sp., 12.
Bocchus atriceps, n. sp., 118.
Bombias separatus, 97.
Bombide, table of genera, 97.
Bombus, table of species, 97.
Book Notices, 25, 178, 212, 278.
Brachypalpus pulcher, 261.
BRAINERD, DwiGHrt, article by, 52.
British Columbia, Entomology of, 29,
51, 85, 93, 109, 137, 157, 189, 213,
22M, 255, e5yer ol.
BrRuEs, C. T., articles by, 117, 212.
Bryothinusa, n. gen., 312.
ss Cataline, n. sp., 313-
Butterflies, new Canadian species and
varieties, 121 (plate and figs.).
Butterfly, new Food-plant for
Spring Blue, 4.
Callosomia promethea, spinning meth-
OdS, 133:
Caradrina nitens, n. Sp.,
- notes on Alberta species, 354.
es tacna, n. sp., 167.
CasEY, T. L., article by, 312.
Catabomba pyrastri, 217.
Caterpillars, inflation of, 52.
Catocala obscura, 115.
7 residua, 115.
By Whitneyi, 116.
Catocalz in ‘‘ the Moth Book,” 54
Catocalz, notes on the early stages,
CAUDELL, A. N., article by, 248.
Cecidomyia perocculta, n. sp., 156.
Cecidomyiid flies, new species, 155.
Celama pustulata, 349.
Centrinus lineellus, 323.
Ceramidia Butleri, 204.
Chaitophorus negundinis, 263.
Chalcidoidea, classification of : W. H.
145, 173, 286.
Chelostoma Neomexicanum, 0. Sp., 13.
ag rugifrons, 301.
Chilosia, Br..Columbia species, 216.
Choreutine, new N. Am. genus and
species, 130.
Chrysops Brimleyi, n. sp., 555
4 fulvistigma, n. sp., 55.
a lupus, 0. Sp., 205.
= Pikei, n. sp., 205.
Chrysotoxum derivatum, 216,
V., articles by, 144,
Cladobius Beulahensis, n. sp., 263.
Cleora umbrosaria, 135.
COCKERELL, T. D. A., articles by, 13,
985, 055, i575) KOO; 220.0 202, One
339, 357: :
COcKLE, J. W., articles by, 100, 204.
Celioxys Manile, n. sp., 281.
Coleophora tilizefoliella, 324.
Coleoptera, new genera and species,
Colletes Bruneri, n. sp., 77:
re niger, 1. Sp., 76.
‘Sd Wilmatte, n. sp., 14.
“fulgidus, 0. Sp. 95.
‘* synopsis of species, 275.
Colletidze, table of species, 94.
Colpomeria flava, n. sp., 284.
Commophila fuscodorsana, n. Sp., 141.
Conchyliastes vartpes, n. Sp., 10.
Conocephalus ensiger, 337.
“ Nebrascensis, 337:
Cook, J. H. and H., article by, 136
Cooper, W. E., article by, 278.
Copturodes = Cylindrocopturus, 324.
CogulILLeTtT, D. W., article by, 10.
Corrections, 72, 102, 144, 344, 357-
Crambidia casta, 349.
CRAWFORD, J. C., articles by, 48, 93,
157, 189, 221.
Crickets of Ontario, 142,
Criorhina, species from B. C., 261.
Cryptorhyncus lapathi, 336.
Cucullia agua, 0. sp., 203.
2g indicta, n. Sp., 154.
Bie ortbac, nN. Sp., 237.
151 (plate),
Culex annuliferus, 72.
<* Dupreez, n. sp., 10.
‘¢ stphonalis, n.sp., 332:
‘* tzeniorhyncus, 236, 301.
Cuterebra grisea, n. sp., 11.
Cyaniris ladon, a lucia, 4.
Cydia arctostaphylana, n. sp., 109.
ng pseudotsugana, n. Sp., 110.
Cyrtophyllus perspicillatus, 330.
Cysteopteryx viridata, 210.
Dasyllis cinerea, nu. sp., 289.
“< Fernaldi, n. sp., 290.
Davis, W. T., article by, 132.
Deswiden fusca, var. /oloensis, n. var.,
Didea laxa, 220.
Dinocleus interruptus, n. sp., 322.
BS Mexicanus, n. Sp., 322,
f porcatus, n. sp. 321,
Dione vanilla, 331.
Diphaglossa, new Bee in the genus, 48
(fig. ).
Diphaglossa Spinole, n. sp.4 50 (fig.).
Diplosts Coloradella, n. sp., 155.
Diptera, new North American, 10, 14,
55) 76, 87, 155, 289.
Diptera of British Columbia, 85, 213.
‘« revision of genera, 246.
* |, the-Order,i33:
Dop, F. H. WOLLEY, articles by, 179,
288, 345-
Dodia Albertze, 350.
DonGE, G. M. and E. A., article by,
Dryinus nigrellus, n. sp., 117.
Dyar, H. G., articles by, 26, 27, 29,
60, 102.
Egapista opalina, n. nom., 357.
Emphoropsis cineraria, 302. ,
ee table of species, 302.
Enarmonia Cockleana, n. sp., 137-
Eudropia textrinaria, 134, 162.
Ennomide, table of families, 343.
Entomological Club, A. A. A. S., meet-
ing at St. Louis, 34, 78.
Entomological Society of Ontario, an-
nual meeting, 309.
Entomological Society of Ontario,
Montreal Branch, 163.
Entomological Society of Ontario, re-
moval, 285.
Enypia umbrosata, 134.
Ephutinze, the subfamily, 5.
Ephutini, table of genera, 6.
Ephutopsis, n. gen., 6.
Epiurus carpocaps@, n. sp., 102.
Eristalis, Br. Columbia species, 259.
Errata, 177.
Eudemis botrana, parasite, 333 (fig.),
Eunonia, n. gen., 313.
eS Keeniana, 0. sp., 314.
Eunotela moqui, n. sp., 266.
Euparyphus obliquus, n. sp., 87.
Ss tetraspilus, 20.
Eupeodes volucris, 217.
Euvacusus, n. gen., 318.
ue Coloradanus, n. sp., 319.
Euxoa pestula, n. sp., 150.
FERNALD, C. H., article by, 120, 130. |
Flea, the human, infesting Opossum,
FLETCHER, J., articles by, 1, 4, 121
Foster, F. H., article by, 144.
FRENCH, G. H., articles by, 54, 83.
Fy.es, T. W., articles by, 106, 207,
Gabriola, n. gen., 255.
ne Dyari, n. sp., 256.
Gastrophilus epilepsalis, 83.
| Gastropsis pubescens, 304.
Geometrid classification, review of,
208, 342.
Geometride in the ‘‘ Moth Book,” 245.
Geometridz, new genus and species,
Geometridz, table of families, 342.
GIBSON, ARTHUR, article by, 355.
GIRAULT, A. A., article-by, 44.
Gloveria coronada, n. sp., 268.
Gnopheela latipennis, var. vermiculata,
Gomphus furcifer, nymph, 358 (figs.).
Grabhamia de Niedmannii, n. sp., 234.
Grape-berry Moth, parasite, 333 (fig.),
GROSSBECK, J. A., article by, 332.
Grotella blanca, n. sp., 239.
‘* tricolor, n. sp., 240.
Gryllidz, table of subfamilies, 143.
Gryllinz, table of genera, 181.
Gryllotalpa borealis, 143.
Gryllotalpinze of Ontario, 143.
Gryllus abbreviatus, 249.
<« domesticus, 252.
‘« Pennsylvanicus, 251.
‘© table of Ontario species, 249.
Hadena Kyune, n. sp., 168.
Flalictus clematisellus, n. sp., 13-
os Manile, n. sp., 281.
Haploa contigua, 359.
Hapygia estrella, n. sp., 267.
Harriman Alaska Expedition: Insects,
ra Ne EL ah diffusion in N. America,
65 (map).
HEATH, E. F., article by, 269.
Hedychrum Stanton, n. sp., 283.
Helophilus, species from B. C., 259.
| Hemerobius dorsatus, 0. sp., 61.
sf Nevadensis, n. sp., 61.
fe pictus, n. sp., 62.
& spectgsus, 1, Sp., Ol.
Hemerobius transversus, n. sp., 60.
Hemicerus pilacho, n. sp., 266.
Hemileuca sororia, 331.
Hermetia aurata, 20.
oe illucens, 20.
Hillia, notes on Alberta species,
Himella infidelis, n. sp., 32.
HINE, J. S., articles by, 55, 85.
Homohadena Cockle, n. sp., 31.
me Jifia, 1. Sp., 30.
Horn-tails, descriptions of new species,
Hybridization in nature, 288.
Hydriominz, revision of, 344+
elypoic us (Sphinx) chersis, 336.
3 perelegans, 336.
Hymenoptera from Philippine Islands,
Hymenopterous Parasite of Eudemis
botrana, 333 (fig.), 344.
Hypolimnas misippus, 56.
Hypoprepia miniata, 349.
Ichneumon flies from Russia, 101.
Incisalia augustus, larval habits, 136.
Instinct and Intelligence in the Animal
Kingdom: Wasmann, 278.
Ischiogonus Philippinensis, n. sp., 285.
Jocular Entomology, 82, 179.
JORDAN, K., note by, 336.
SESRHOLT, ba D., articles by, 109, 1375
306, 3
Reap bike, h. . gen., 130.
vb albifasciella, n. sp., 131.
KIRKLAND, A. H., article by, 34.
Lachnus viminalis, 263.
Lasioptera ephedrz, 331.
Lecanium Capense, 331.
Lepidoptera, list of Manitoba, 269.
Lepidoptera, new N. American, 29,
TOG; T2T, 0 37,9AO;, MOS. Oye tT,
237) 255, 264, 306.
Lepidoptera of Alberta, list of, 345.
Lepidoptera Phalaenz in the British
Museum, Catalogue of: Sir G. F.
Hlampson, 27.
Leploremus, 0. gen., 314.
ss argenteus, N. Sp. 315.
Leucozona leucorum, 217,
-Mamestra acutermina, n. sp., I
Liobaulius, n. gen., 316.)
Liobaulius fronteralis, n. sp., 318.
s Luligensis, n. Sp., 317.
Spectans, N. SPp., 317.
subtropicus, n. Sp., 317.
Lithobii from California, a correction,
Lobophora viridata, 210.
Locustidz of Ontario, 325, 337-
LupDLow, C. S., articles by, 69, 233, 29
Lyczena pseudargiolus, var. be
n. var., 127 (figs.).
Lyczena, pee dee eeae Gs var. 2igrescens,
n. var. 127 (figs.).
_ Lyczena pseudargiolus, var. lucia, A.
Lycosa permunda, n. sp., 286.
“* pulchra, 173.
Lycosidz, generic
ich terler
Lyman, H. H., article by, 359.
characters, 145,
Macronoctua onusta, 355.
Macrosiphum ambrosiz, 262.
ones crydina, Nn. var., 32.
Dodii, n. sp., 152.
elsinora, 1. Sp., 197.
hueco, n. sp., 198.
obesula, n. Sp., 151.
Mantis from Nicaragua, new species,
Megachile strophostylis, n. sp. 277.
Megarhinus Le Waldii, n. sp., 233-
MELANDER, A. L., articles by, 14, 53-
Melanostoma, Br. Col. species, 216.
Melitzea Harrisii, 122.
Mesogramma, Br. Col. species, 220.
Metanema quercivoraria, 134, 162.
gs textrinaria, 134, 162.
Metriocnemus Knabi, n. sp., 11.
Microdon tristis, 215.
Mimomyia Chamberlaini,, n. Sp., 297:
Moffatt, J. A., death of, 84.
Moma tybo, n. sp., 166.
Mosquitoes, some Philippine, 69, 233,
Moth Book, the:
26, 54) 245.
MurTFELDT, M. E., article by, 334.
Myriolepta bella, 257.
Myxosargus fasciatus, 20.
Myzomyia Rossii, var. indefinita, n.
var., 299.
Myzomyia Thorntonii, n. sp., 69.
W. J. Holland, 25,
| Myzorhyncus pseudobarbirostris, 72.
NEEDHAM, JAMES G., articles by, 294,
335 a4
Nemobius angusticollis, n. sp., 186
Nemobius canus, 184.
ES fasciatus, 153 (fig.).
Nemobius fasciatus, var. abortivus, n.
var., 248.
Nemobius griseus, n. sp., 182 (figs.).
Nemobius, key to Ontario species, 181
Nemobius maculatus, 185 (fig.).
aS palustris, 185 (figs.).
Noctua dislocata, n. sp., 149.
‘© perumbrosa, n. NOM., 102.
‘« Smithii, 288.
es umbrosa, N. Var., 31, 102.
Noctuidz from British Columbia, 29.
se list of Alberta, 353.
Noctuids, new, for 1904, 149.
Nomia fausta, 303.
Nyctobia limitata, 210.
Odontomyia, table of species, 23, 53.
(Ecanthinz, key to Ontario species,
(Ecanthus fasciatus, 254.
“¢ niveus, 253.
quadripunctatus, 255.
Ogdoconta altura, n. sp., 243.
Oncocnemis Polingii, n. sp., 169.
Opandrena, table of species, 189, 195.
Orchelimum, an arboreal, 132.
oS minor, 132.
Orthezia Americana, 331.
Orthoptera taken at Moose Jaw, Assa.,
Orthosia Conradi, 288.
ut verberata, n. Sp., 153-
OsBurRN, R. C., articles by, 213, 257.
Ospriocerus albifasciatus, n. sp., 292.
OSTEN SACKEN, Baron, article by, 33.
Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club, 3.
Oxycera maculata, 20.
ue unifasciata, 20.
Oxylabis bifoveolatus, n. sp., 119.
PACKARD, A. S., article by, 73.
Pamphila Manitoba, 128.
se Manitoboides, n. sp., 128.
Papilio brevicauda, rearing of, 52.
Paragus, Br. Columbian species, 216.
Pardosa, generic characters, 145, 174,
Paururus Californicus, n, sp,, 64,
| - .
Paururus Hopkinsi, n. sp., 6
pinicola, 64.
PEARSALL, R. F., articles by, 162,
Pemphigus lucifugus, 262.
Perdita halictoides, 303.
Peridroma subjugata, n. var., 31.
Perigrapha achsha, n. sp., 32.
Personal Notes, 28, 296, 336.
Philodromoides,. n. gen., 305.
Philodromoides* pratarie, n.
Phiyegiies Hanhami, n. sp., 122 (figs.).
«sé nycteis, 122 (fig.).
Pirata aspirans, n. sp., 286.
Pirata, generic characters, 148, 175,
sp., 306
Platychirus, Br. Col. Species, hae
Platyperigea anotha, n. sp., 29
Platyptilia rhododacty la, 334-
Plectromodes = Sternechus, 325.
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, 331, 360.
Polychrosis viteana, 344.
POPENOE, E. A., article by, 360.
Pristomerus Schreineri, n. sp., 101.
Prosopidz, table of species, 93.
Prosopis, synopsis of species, 273, 303.
Proteopteryx Columbia, n. sp., 112.
Proteopteryx Columbia, var. albidor-
Sana, n. var., 113.
Proteopteryx Columbia, .var. medio-
striana, n. var., 114.
Proteopteryx Willingana, n. sp., 306.
2 the genus, 120,
Prothymia rosario, n. sp., 264.
Pseudoglea lobato, n. sp., 237.
Pseudopanurgus andrenoides, 303.
Psilopus, the genus, 246.
Psythyrus insularis, roo.
Ptecticus, table of species, 19.
Pterallastes perfidiosus, 260.
Plerandrena acrypta, n. Sp., 227, 229.
albuginosa, ni. sp., 227,228.
chalybioides, n. sp., 229.
complexa, n. sp., 227, 228.
crypta, n. sp., 227, 228.
Pterandrena erigenoides, n. Sp., 227,
Pterandrena nudimedicornis, n. sp., 227;
Pterandrena nudiscopa, n. sp., 227, 228.
re oniscicolor, n. sp., 227, 228.
Pterandrena pallidifovea, n. sp., 195,
227, 228.
Pterandrena pallidiscopa, n. sp., 227,
| Pterandrena, tables of species, 195, 227,
Pulex irritans infesting Opossum, 244.
Pycnomutilla, n. gen., 8
Pygarctia Neomexicana, n. sp., 166.
Pyrellia zenea, 87.
Pyritis, Br. Columbia species, 258.
Pyrophzena ocymi, 217.
Ray spider, cocoon, 163 (fig.).
Reedia, n. gen., 9.
REHN, J. A. G., article by, 107.
Rhabdophaga Portere, n. sp., 155.
Rhizagrotis salina, n. sp., 172.
ee Socorro, n. Sp., 171.
Rhynchagrotis scopeops, 0. Sp., 31-
ROBERTSON, C., articles by, 37, 273
Rosebud Feather-wing, 334.
Sabulodes arcasaria, life-history, 103
ee sulphurata, 103.
Samia Columbia, 348.
Sangster, Dr. J. H., death of, 72.
Sarapogon albifrons, n. sp., 291.
a rufus, N. Sp., 290.
Sargus, table of species, 15.
Sargus Texanus, n. Sp., 17, 19. |
Scepsis fulvicollis, 349. |
SCHEFFER, THEO. H., articles by, 163,
Schizocosa, n. gen., 177.
Schmitt, Rev. P. J., death of, 188.
Scrapter andrenoides, 303.
Scudderia curvicauda, 326.
s furcata, 328.
us pistillata, 327.
“ Texensis, 325.
Scutellista cyanea, 34.
SEIFERT, OTTO, article by, 103.
Serapis = Serapista, n. nom., 357.
Sericomyia chalcopyga, 258.
Sirex Fiskei, n. sp., 63.
‘* taxodit, n. sp.,; 63.
SLINGERLAND, M. V., article by, 344.
SMITH, J. B., article by, 149.
Sphzrophoria cylindrica, 220.
a species from B. C., 257.
Sphzrophthalmini, table of genera, 8.
Sphecodes arvensiformis, n. Sp. 230,
Sphecodes dichroa, 304.
hesperellus, n. Sp., 230, 232.
oP mandjbularis, 304.
i Olympicus, n. sp., 230.
# pilosulus, 304.
Sphecodes Washingtoni, n. sp., 230,
231, |
Sphecodes, Pacific Coast species, 22
Sphecomyia Pattoni, 262.
Sphegina, species from B. C., 257.
Sphingidz, distribution of, 65 (map).
Sphingide, list of Alberta, 348.
Sphinx chersis, 336.
‘* perelegans, 336.
Spiders, a new genus, 305 (fig.).
Spinning methods of Telea polyphemus,
100, 133) 144, 336.
Stagmatoptera typhon, n. sp., 107.
| Stegomyia scutellaris, var. Samaren-
sis, 71.
STEVENSON, C., articles by, 163, 164.
Stibadium manti, n. sp., 243.
as ochoa, n. sp., 241.
Stratiomyia, table of species, 20.
Stratiomyidz, notes on North Ameri-
can, 14, 53.
SWENK, M. H., articles by, 76, 94, 157,
189, 221.
Syntomeida Hampsonii, n. sp., 165.
Syntomid far from home, 204.
Syritta pipiens, 262.
Syrphidz of British Columbia, 213, 257.
Syrphus, Br. Columbia species, 218.
Tabanidz, new North American, 55,
Tabanidz of British Columbia, 86.
Tabanus benedictus, n. sp., 206.
ve typhus, n. sp., 206.
Tachinidz of British Columbia, 87.
Teniocampa alamosa, n. sp., 201.
e commMUNTS, N. SP. 32, 60.
oe furfurata, 60.
TAYLOR, G. W., articles by, 134, 245,
Tay sed Rev. G. W., biographical
sketch and portrait, is
Telea polyphemus, spinning methods,
100, 133, 144, 336.
Telenomus catacanthe, n. sp., 284.
Temelucha plutelle, n. sp., 101.
Termes bellicosus, 79.
Thecla Heathii, n. sp., 125 (fig.).
‘s iroides, 136.
Thecla strigosa, var. liparops, n. var.,
124 (figs.).
Theridiosoma gemmosum, cocoon, 163
Thymaris Slingerlandana, n. Sp-5 333
Thyreopus latipes, 51.
Thyreosphex, n. gen., 282.
up Stantoni, n, sp., 282,
Titus, E. S. G.; articles by, 48, 93,
157, 189, 221.
Tortricids from Kaslo, B. C., 109, 137.
Torymus Thomsont, n. sp., 106.
Trachandrena amphibola, n. sp., 158,
Trachandrena auricauda, . sp., 159,
Trachandrena cleodora, nn. sp., 158,
Trachandrena crassthirta, n. sp., 158,
Trachandrena fuscicauda, n. sp., 159,
Trachandrena hadra, n. sp., 158, 160.
Se indotata, n. sp., 158, 160.
pe limarea, 1. sp., 158, 160.
Trachandrena ochreopleura, n. sp., 158,
Trachandrena perdensa, n. sp., 158, 160.
< pernuda, n. sp., 159, 161.
ee table of species, 157.
Tricholita chipeta, n. sp., 202.
Trichotaphe Levisella, n. sp., 211.
Tridactylus apicalis, 143.
Triodonta curvipes, 260.
Trypetes carinatum, 14.
Trypoxylon Philippinensis, n. sp., 283.
Vespoidea, classification of the super-
family, 5.
VIERECK, H. L., articles by, 51, 93,
Use 1SQs 221.
Volucella facialis, 257.
WALKER, E. M., articles by, 142, 181
(plate), 249, 325, 337, 358 (figs.).
WaASHBUrRN, F. L., note by, 336.
Wasps, classification of the Fossorial,
Predaceous and Parasitic, 5.
WEBSTER, F. M., articles by, 65, 133,
White Ants in Java, 79.
Whitney, C. P., article by, 205.
Wickua\, H. F., articles by, 57 (plate),
188, 356 (fig.).
Witcox, E. V., article by, 78.
WILuiaMs, J. B., article by, 156.
Xiphidium attenuatum, 341.
oe brevipenne, 339.
ue fasciatum, 338.
es nigropleura, 341.
sie saltans, 340.
Xylocopa orpifex, 97.
Xylophasia lateritia, 288.
Xylota barbata, 262.
‘* fraudulosa, 261.
Yuccaborus lentiginosus, 0. Sp.) 323+
Page 144, line 19, for ‘‘ Spring methods " read ‘‘ Spinning methods.”
read ‘‘ BOTRANA.”
Page 333, line 2, for ‘‘ BORTANA
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