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Address  at  the  Opening  Meeting  of  the 
itfth  Session  of  the  Society  of  Arts , 
November  21,  igoo. 


SIR  JOHN  EVANS,  k.c.b..  f.r.s. 

Vice-President  and  Chairman  of  the  Council. 

h  -HciDOVt; 


LONDON :  X.®n don,  w 

Printed  by  W.  Trounce,  io,  Gough-square,  Fleet-st.,  E.C. 








Address  at  the  Opening  Meeting  of  the 
i/gjth  Session  of  the  Society  of  Arts, 
November  21,  1900. 

SIR  JOHN  EVANS,  k.c.b.,  f.r.s. 

Vice-President  and  Chairman  of  the  Council. 


Printed  by  W.  Trounce,  io,  Gough-square,  Fleet-st.,  E.C. 


Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 
in  2019  with  funding  from 
Wellcome  Library 





In  taking  the  chair  at  this  the  opening 
meeting  of  the  Session  of  the  Society  of  Arts, 
I  have  in  the  first  place  to  express  my  thanks 
to  the  Council  for  the  honour  that  they  have 
bestowed  upon  me  in  electing  me  their  Chair¬ 
man.  I  must,  however,  confess  that  though 
in  the  course  of  my  life  I  have  had  much  to  do 
with  manufactures  and  commerce  and  some 
little  to  do  with  the  arts,  and  that  though  I 
have  been  for  forty  years  a  member  of  this 
Society,  my  acquaintance  with  the  working 
both  of  the  Council  and  the  Society  is  less 
intimate  than  I  could  wish  it  to  be.  I  may, 
therefore,  from  time  to  time  have  to  claim  the 
indulgence  of  those  with  whom  I  am  here 
associated.  Of  this  indulgence,  so  far  as 
the  Council  is  concerned,  my  short  experi¬ 
ence  as  a  member  of  their  body  assures  me, 
and  I  trust  that  the  Society  at  large  will 
extend  to  me  the  same  degree  of  leniency. 

It  is  my  duty  on  the  present  occasion,  in 
accordance  with  the  rules  of  the  Society,  to 
offer  to  you  an  address.  Before,  however, 
proceeding  to  do  so,  I  must  say  a  few  words 


with  regard  to  some  of  the  losses  by  death  that 
the  Society  has  sustained  during  the  course  of 
the  last  twelve  months. 

The  sad  and  unexpected  decease  of  H.R.H. 
Prince  Alfred  Ernest  Albert,  Reigning  Duke 
of  Saxe-Coburg  and  Gotha,  but  even  better 
known  in  this  country  as  Duke  of  Edinburgh, 
cast  a  gloom  over  the  whole  empire.  The 
Council  have  tendered  to  the  President,  H.R.H. 
the  Prince  of  Wales,  and  through  him  to  Her 
Most  Gracious  Majesty  the  Queen,  the  assur¬ 
ance  of  their  dutiful  and  loyal  sympathy.  The 
late  Duke  had  since  1872  been  one  of  the 
Vice-Presidents  of  this  Society,  and  always 
took  a  warm  interest  in  its  welfare. 

In  Sir  John  Bennet  Lawes  we  have  lost  not 
only  a  distinguished  member,  but  one  of  the 
greatest  benefactors  to  agriculture  that  this 
century  has  seen.  The  son  of  a  country  gentle¬ 
man,  he  took  possession  of  the  family  estate 
at  Rothamsted,  near  St.  Albans,  in  1834,  and 
from  that  time  constantly  inaugurated  and 
carried  on  experiments  in  practical  and 
scientific  farming.  In  1843,  he  called  to  his 
aid  Dr.  (now  Sir)  Joseph  Henry  Gilbert,  who 
became  his  lifelong  friend  and  coadjutor,  and 
the  Rothamsted  experiments,  carried  on 
through  their  joint  labours,  have  a  world-wide 
reputation.  With  the  view  of  continuing  these 
experiments,  and  when  thought  desirable  of 
extending  their  scope,  Sir  John  Lawes,  with 
almost  unparalleled  liberality,  founded,  in  1889, 
the  Lawes  Agricultural  Trust,  and  while 


placing  the  laboratory  and  the  experimental 
land  at  Rothamsted  under  the  control  of  the 
Trust  for  a  period  of  99  years,  made  over  to 
the  Trustees  a  capital  sum  of  no  less  than 
^100,000  for  the  initiation,  prosecution,  deve¬ 
lopment,  and  continuance  of  investigations  in 
connection  with  the  advancement  of  the 
science  of  agriculture. 

His  membership  of  this  Society  dated  from 
1854,  and  in  1877  he  received  the  silver  medal 
for  a  paper  communicated  to  it ;  in  1893,  how¬ 
ever,  the  Albert  medal  was  awarded  to  Sir 
John  Bennet  Lawes,  Bart.,  F.R.S.,  and  a  like 
medal  to  Sir  Joseph  Henry  Gilbert,  Ph.D., 
F.R.S.,  “for  their  joint  services  to  scientific 
agriculture,  and  notably  for  their  researches 
which  through  a  period  of  fifty  years  have  been 
carried  on  by  them  at  the  Experimental  Farm, 
Rothamsted.”  The  jubilee  of  the  experiments 
was  celebrated  on  July  29th,  1893,  by  a  dis¬ 
tinguished  and  representative  meeting  at  the 
laboratory,  and  a  granite  memorial  then  un¬ 
veiled  will  preserve  the  date  to  posterity. 

Sir  John  Lawes  passed  away  after  a  short 
illness  on  August  31st  last  in  his  86th  year. 
He  preserved  his  vigour  and  his  keen  intellect 
to  the  last,  and  his  loss  will  be  widely  and 
deeply  felt.  To  myself,  as  Chairman  of  the 
Lawes  Agricultural  Committee,  as  one  of  his 
trustees,  and,  as  a  neighbour,  I  can  only 
describe  it  as  irreparable. 

Sir  Saul  Samuel,  Bart.,  late  Agent-General 
for  the  Colony  of  New  South  Wales,  died  on 


August  29th  in  his  eightieth  year.  He  had  been 
a  member  of  this  Society  since  1884,  and  was  a 
frequent  attendant  at  our  meetings  He  more¬ 
over  served  several  times  on  the  Council,  and 
had  been  a  Vice-President  from  1893  to  1898. 

More  recently  we  have  sustained  a  severe 
loss  through  the  death  of  Mr.  William  Luson 
Thomas,  who  took  a  hearty  interest  in  the 
prosperity  of  the  Society,  and  who  for  the  last 
three  years  has  served  upon  our  Council.  A 
born  artist,  he  studied  both  in  Paris  and  in 
Rome,  and  after  being  articled  to  the  well- 
known  wood  engraver,  Mr.  W.  J.  Linton,  he 
embarked  in  business  on  his  own  account.  He 
was  an  active  member  of  the  Royal  Institute 
of  Painters  in  Water  Colours,  and  occasionally 
exhibited  his  works.  Mr.*  Thomas,  however, 
had  more  than  one  side  to  his  character,  he 
was  not  merely  an  artist,  but  a  man  of  business, 
with  enlarged  and  far-seeing  intelligence.  As 
an  engraver  he  was  long  associated  with  the 
first  English  illustrated  weekly  paper — The 
Illustrated  London  News ;  but  as  a  young 
man  he  had  assisted  in  launching  two  news¬ 
papers — one  of  them  the  ‘‘Picture  Gallery” 
in  New  York.  In  1869  he  became  convinced  that 
there  was  room  for  more  than  one  illustrated 
paper  in  this  country,  and  boldly  started  the 
Graphic,  to  be  followed  twenty-one  years  later 
by  the  Daily  Graphic.  Of  the  manner  in 
which  these  papers  have  been  conducted,  both 
from  the  artistic  and  literary  point  of  view,  it 
is  difficult  to  speak  too  highly,  but  both  the 


art  and  the  moral  tone  have  been  in  the  main 
due  to  the  personal  influence  of  Mr.  Thomas. 
A  fuller  sketch  of  his  career  has  already  ap¬ 
peared  in  the  Journal. 

So  lately  as  the  25th  of  October  we  have  lost 
by  death  one  of  those  most  intimately  con¬ 
nected  with  the  daily  work  of  the  Society,  Mr. 
Howard  Henry  Room.  For  thirty-nine  years  he 
had  served  the  Society  in  an  official  capacity, 
and  for  the  last  twenty-five  years  had  been  our 
Accountant.  In  addition  to  holding  this  office 
he  performed  a  great  amount  of  the  detail  work 
involved  in  the  Society’s  Examinations.  In  all 
that  he  did  he  was  most  accurate  and  attentive  ; 
he  exhibited  a  warm  zeal  for  the  interests  of 
the  Society,  and  at  the  same  time  he  won  the 
kindly  appreciation  of  all  those  with  whom  he 
was  associated,  by  whom  his  loss  is  sincerely 

Of  late  years  it  has  been  not  infrequently  the 
custom  for  those  who  have  occupied  the  position 
which  I  this  day  hold  to  address  the  Society  on 
some  practical  subject,  and  all  here  present 
will  gratefully  remember  the  extremely  valuable 
and  suggestive  addresses  of  Sir  John  Wolfe 
Barry,  on  the  means  of  intercommunication 
in  London,  a  matter  which  we  all  agree  with 
him  in  regarding  as  highly  important  and 

On  the  present  occasion  I  propose  to  say  a 
few  words  on  a  subject  of  less  practical  im¬ 
portance,  so  far  as  the  needs  of  every-day  life 
are  concerned,  but  still  not  without  some  general 


interest,  and  not  without  a  direct  bearing 
on  the  history  of  the  advancement  of  human 
knowledge — the  “  Origin,  Development,  and 
Aims  of  our  Scientific  Societies.’ ’  The  subject 
is  a  large  one,  and  it  will  be  impossible  to 
enter  into  details  with  regard  to  its  almost 
innumerable  ramifications.  In  justification  of 
a  considerable  degree  of  limitation,  I  may  in¬ 
cidentally  mention  that  the  “  Official  Year¬ 
book  of  the  Scientific  and  Learned  Societies 
of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,”  for  the  year 
1900,  extends  over  upwards  of  290  octavo 

The  principle  of  collective  action  was  at  an 
early  date  recognised  among  the  Greeks  and 
Romans,  and  associations  for  the  purposes  of 
finance,  trade,  religion,  and  politics,  known  as 
collegia ,  were  of  great  importance  in  Roman 
civil  life.  In  those  days  three  persons  sufficed 
to  form  a  “  college,”  whereas  now  seven  are  re¬ 
quired  to  constitute  a  “  Limited  Liability  Com¬ 
pany.”  I  will  not  enter  into  the  relations  be¬ 
tween  the  collegia  and  the  Universitas  of7 
classical  times,  but  may  call  attention  to  the 
fact  that  the  modern  university  with  its  colleges 
derives  its  name  from  the  ancient  institution, 
though  its  scope  has  been  most  materially 

The  Academia  at  Athens  and  the  Museum, 
founded  in  B.C.  280  by  Ptolemy  Philadelphus 
at  Alexandria,  with  botanical  and  zoological 
gardens  as  well  as  a  lecture-room  attached, 
were  much  of  the  nature  of  modern  scientific 


societies,  though  more  of  an  exclusively  educa¬ 
tional  character. 

The  principle  of  collective  action  was  main¬ 
tained  by  the  guilds  of  Saxon  times,  and  the 
livery  companies  of  London  and  other  great 
cities,  some  of  which  date  back  to  the  12th 
and  13th  centuries.  These  associations  for 
the  purposes  of  trade  and  commerce,  the  mem¬ 
bers  of  which  met  at  stated  intervals  for  the 
discussion  of  matters  of  common  interest, 
offered  an  example  which  those  engaged  in 
the  advancement  of  different  branches  of 
knowledge  could  readily  follow,  and  academies 
are  said  to  have  been  founded  in  some  con¬ 
tinental  cities  in  the  13th,  14th,  and  15th  cen¬ 
turies,  while  many  more  can  authentically  be 
dated  back  to  the  16th  and  the  beginning  of 
the  17th  century. 

In  England  no  learned  society  received  a 
Royal  Charter  before  1662,  when  the  Royal 
Society  was  incorporated  by  Charles  II.  It 
had,  however,  been  instituted  in  1660.  So 
early,  moreover,  as  1645  the  lovers  of  experi¬ 
mental  philosophy  formed  a  society  which  met 
weekly  in  London  on  a  certain  day  to  treat 
and  discourse  of  philosophical  affairs,  and 
many  of  its  members  became  subsequently  the 
first  Fellows  of  the  Royal  Society.  About  the 
year  1648-1649,  this  little  band  of  students  was 
divided  into  two  —  one  part  remaining  in 
London  and  the  other  migrating  to  Oxford, 
where  a  Philosophical  Society  of  Oxford  was 

established,  that  subsequently  for  some  time 



worked  in  concert  with  the  Royal  Society,  and 
did  not  finally  cease  to  exist  until  1690. 

We  shall  have  to  return  in  the  course  of  my 
remarks  to  the  early  days  of  the  Royal  Society  ; 
but  it  will  be  well  to  dwell  now  for  a  short 
time  on  the  origin  of  the  .Society  of  Anti¬ 
quaries,  which,  in  its  unchartered  form,  can 
claim  a  considerably  higher  degree  of  anti¬ 
quity.  About  the  year  1572,  “  divers  gentle¬ 
men  of  London,  studious  in  antiquities,  formed 
themselves  into  a  College  or  Society  of  Anti¬ 
quaries.’ ’  The  honour  of  this  foundation  is 
“entirely  due  to  that  munificent  patron  of 
letters  and  learned  man,  Archbishop  Parker. 
The  members  met  near  20  years  at  the  house 
of  Sir  Robert  Cotton,  and,  in  1589,  resolved 
to  apply  to  the  Queen  for  a  charter  of  in¬ 
corporation,  and  for  some  public  building, 
where  they  might  assemble  and  have  a  library.” 
A  petition  was  prepared  for  presentation  to  Her 
Majesty  Queen  Elizabeth  praying  for  the  in¬ 
corporation  of  “  An  Academy  for  the  Studye 
of  Antiquity  and  History,”  the  meetings  of 
which  were  to  be  held  in  the  Savoy,  or  the 
dissolved  Priory  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem,  or 
elsewhere.  It  is  uncertain  whether  this 
petition  was  ever  presented,  but  the  Queen 
seems  to  have  given  the  society  her  coun¬ 
tenance,  and  under  the  presidency  of  Arch¬ 
bishops  Parker  and  Whitgift  successively  it 
flourished,  and  a  list  of  thirty-eight  of  its 
members,  comprising  such  well-known  names 
as  Camden,  Cotton,  Erdeswicke,  Lambarde, 

and  Stow,  is  still  extant.  For  some  cause  or 
other  Elizabeth’s  successor,  James  I.,  thought 
fit  to  dissolve  the  society  in  1604,  and  though 
attempts  were  made  to  revive  it  in  1617,  and 
though  there  was  an  Antiquaries’  feast  on 
July  2nd,  1659,  the  society  remained  in  a 
dormant  condition  until  1707.  It  then  held 
weekly  meetings  at  the  “  Bear  Tavern  ”  in  the 
Strand,  and  afterwards  at  the  “  Young  Devil 
Tavern  ”  in  Fleet-street,  subsequently  moving 
to  the  ‘‘Fountain  Tavern.”  In  1718  the 
society  was  reconstituted,  and  in  1751  a 
Charter  of  Incorporation  was  granted  to  it  by 
George  II.,  who  declared  himself  the  founder 
and  patron  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  of 

In  the  meantime,  the  Societies  for  Pro¬ 
moting  Christian  Knowledge  and  for  the  Pro¬ 
pagation  of  the  Gospel  had  been  founded, 
the  one  in  1698  and  the  other  in  1701.  These 
societies,  however,  being  of  a  religious  and 
not  a  scientific  character,  lie  outside  my  pro¬ 

Having  traced  the  inception  of  the  two  oldest 
of  our  learned  societies,  which  in  their  early 
stages  partook  more  of  the  nature  of  clubs 
than  of  what  are  now  known  as  societies,  I 
propose,  before  considering  their  further  de¬ 
velopments  to  say  something  as  to  the  pro¬ 
per  aims  and  objects  of  a  learned  society, 
and  the  means  usually  adopted  for  carry 
ing  them  into  effect.  Such  a  society  is  an 
association  of  persons  united  together  by 


common  tastes  and  anxious  to  improve  or 
extend  some  particular  branch  of  knowledge, 
or  even  the  whole  range  of  scientific  inquiry. 
With  this  object  in  view'  it  becomes  neces¬ 
sary  to  hold  periodical  meetings  for  the 
discussion  of  subjects  in  which  the  society 
is  interested,  and  for  taking  such  action 
in  respect  of  them  as  may  seem  desirable. 
The  holding  of  such  meetings  involves  an 
organisation  and  the  appointment  of  pre¬ 
sidents  to  take  the  chair  at  meetings, 
of  secretaries  to  summon  them,  and  of 
a  treasurer  to  receive  those  subscriptions 
without  which  an  association  of  the  kind 
cannot  exist.  Moreover,  for  the  determination 
of  questions  of  policy  and  finance,  espe¬ 
cially  when  the  society  issues  publications,  a 
council  of  some  kind  becomes  a  necessity. 
It  is  on  this  organisation  that  the  success  or 
failure  of  a  society  mainly  depends,  and  the 
questions  as  to  the  length  of  period  that 
presidents  and  others  should  remain  in  office, 
what  proportion  of  new  blood  should  be  infused 
into  the  council  each  year,  and  how  far  those 
in  power  are  carrying  out  the  views  of  the 
bulk  of  the  members  of  the  Society,  have 
frequently  been  discussed  with  more  or  less 
warmth.  In  some  instances  the  too  conserva¬ 
tive  apathy  of  the  council  has  led  to  disruption 
and  the  foundation  of  new  societies,  or  to  the 
society  under  their  charge  being  reduced  to 
a  state  of  inanimate  slumber,  while  on  the 
other  hand  too  rapid  revolutionary  measures 


have  led  to  diminutions  in  numbers,  if  not  to 
absolute  rebellion.  Much,  of  course,  of  the 
welfare  of  a  society  depends  upon  the  character 
of  its  publications  being  kept  at  a  high  level, 
and  on  their  being  brought  out  with  scrupulous 

There  is  one  condition  in  the  life  of  a 
scientific  society  which  is  entirely  beyond  its 
control  or  that  of  its  council,  and  this  condition 
may  be  superinduced  by  the  activity  of  the 
society  itself.  As  researches  proceed  and 
knowledge  extends,  new  branches  of  inquiry 
are  opened,  which  can  only  be  investigated  by 
those  who  apply  themselves  specially  to  the 
subject.  New  publications  are  required, 
particular  days  have  to  be  set  apart  for  the 
discussion  of  the  new  subject,  and  eventually 
it  is  found  desirable  either  to  establish  a  sepa¬ 
rate  branch  of  the  old  society,  or  to  constitute 
a  new  one.  The  latter  course  is  the  one  that 
has  been  most  often  adopted,  especially  in  the 
case  of  biological  science ;  and  not  infre¬ 
quently  the  new  society  finds  a  home  in  the 
apartments  of  the  parent  society,  and  under  its 
fostering  care. 

This  is  of  course  a  reason  and  a  legitimate 
reason  for  the  multiplication  of  societies  having 
closely  cognate  but  not  identical  objects  in 
view ;  but  the  fact  that  in  all  the  centres  of 
population  and  intelligence  throughout  the 
United  Kingdom,  there  are  devotees  of  science 
no  less  able  and  energetic  than  Those  __who 
reside  in  and  around  the  metropolis  will  account 

for  the  reduplication  of  societies  on  precisely 
the  same  lines  as  the  parent  societies  in  London 
throughout  the  whole  kingdom.  Were  new 
soeieties  not  to  come  into  existence,  and  wrere 
the  older  societies  to  attempt  to  adjust  them¬ 
selves  to  all  the  requirements  of  modern  science, 
they  would  soon  collapse  under  the  burden 
thrown  upon  them. 

Let  us  now  go  back  to  the  period  immedi¬ 
ately  succeeding  the  Restoration,  or  to  the 
year  1663,  in  which  Charles  II.  granted  his 
second  Charter  to  the  Royal  Society  of  London 
for  improving  natural  knowledge.  At  that 
time,  as  has  already  been  observed,  the 
Society  of  Antiquaries  was  in  abeyance,  so 
that  the  Royal  Society  was  practically  the 
only  institution  of  the  kind  in  Britain,  and 
its  aims  were  naturally  wide.  On  the  20th 
November,  1663,  the  Society*  “  consisted  of 
13 1  Fellows,  of  whom  18  were  noblemen, 
22  baronets  and  knights,  47  esquires,  32 
doctors,  2  bachelors  of  divinity,  2  masters  of 
arts,  and  8  strangers  or  foreign  members.” 
With  the  exception  of  the  large  proportion  of 
physicians  or  doctors,  it  will  be  observed  that 
the  Society  in  the  main  was  composed  of  noble¬ 
men  and  gentlemen  of  independent  position, 
and  that  the  professional  element  was  to  a  very 
great  extent  wanting.  Great  attention  was 
paid  to  experimental  methods  ;  but  “what  the 
learned  and  inquisitive  are  doing,  or  have 

*  ^VeW’s  Hist,  of  the  Royal  Society,  I.,  p.  145, 


done  in  physick,  mathematicks,  mechanicks, 
opticks,  astronomy,  medicine,  chymistry, 
anatomy,  both  abroad  and  at  home  ”  were  sub¬ 
jects  on  which  they  were  solicitous.  Many  of 
the  branches  of  science  diligently  pursued  at 
the  present  day  were  either  unknown  or  in 
their  infancy.  The  variation  of  the  com¬ 
pass  had  been  observed,  but  magnetism  and 
electricity  presented  almost  untrodden  fields ; 
the  steam  engine  was  in  an  embryonic 
stage ;  visions  of  space  with  four  or 
more  dimensions  had  not  visited  the  poeti¬ 
cal  mathematical  brain ;  microscopes  and 
telescopes  were  in  their  infancy ;  the  family 
of  the  planets  was  no  more  numerous  than  of 
old ;  the  circulation  of  the  blood  had  not 
met  with  universal  acceptance,  and  the  exist¬ 
ence  of  bacilli  was  but  dimly  conceived ; 
chemistry  was  of  the  crudest,  and  the  elements 
were  earth,  air,  fire  and  water ;  anatomy  had 
already  made  notable  advances,  but  Dermato¬ 
logical,  Laryngological,  and  Odontological 
societies  were  not  even  dreamt  of ;  Geology 
was  unborn,  and  Palaeontology  did  not  exist, 
except  in  connection  with  Noah’s  Deluge. 

One  of  the  results  of  this  very  wide  scope 
of  the  Royal  Society  was,  that  at  its  meet¬ 
ings  the  variety  of  subjects  brought  forward 
for  discussion  was  great  ;  and  the  early 
volumes  of  the  Philosophical  Transactions 
contain  a  large  amount  of  miscellaneous 
reading.  I  am  not  sure  that,  as  a  means  of 
whiling  away  a  spare  half-hour,  one  of  the 


first  twenty  volumes  of  the  Transactions  would 
not  by  most  persons  be  found  more  attractive 
and  amusing  than  the  volume  say  of  Series  A 
for  the  year  1900. 

To  turn  to  the  other  societies  which 
were  in  existence  early  in  the  18th  cen¬ 
tury.  At  the  beginning  of  that  period  life 
again  returned  to  the  Society  of  Antiquaries, 
which  resumed  its  regular  meetings  in  1707, 
and  by  1717  was  in  active  existence,  though  its 
numbers  were  limited  to  one  hundred.  As 
before  stated  it  received  its  charter  of  incor¬ 
poration  in  1751  and  in  1780,  through  the 
the  liberality  of  George  III.  it  had  apartments 
granted  to  it  in  Somerset  House. 

The  Society  for  the  Encouragement  of  Arts, 
Manufactures,  and  Commerce  was  founded 
in  1754,  but  not  incorporated  until  1847,  and 
this  Society  together  with  the  two  already 
mentioned  form  the  trio  from  which  nearly  all 
the  numerous  learned  societies  of  the  present 
day  have  sprung  by  what  may  be  regarded  as 
a  natural  process  of  evolution. 

Let  us  now  consider  the  order  of  develop¬ 
ment  in  which  some  of  the  principal  scientific 
and  learned  societies  of  the  present  day  have 
been  derived  either  directly  or  indirectly 
from  the  three  parent  societies  which  we  have 
had  under  consideration.  The  dates  assigned 
are  those  of  the  foundation  of  the  societies, 
and  not  of  their  charters.  Indeed,  some  scientific 
societies  still  remain  unchartered. 

As  might  have  been  expected,  Scotland  was 


not  long  in  following  the  example  set  by 
England,  and  the  Medical  Society  of  Edin¬ 
burgh  was  instituted  in  1734,  to  be  followed  by 
the  somewhat  kindred  Harveian  Society  in 
1752.  In  the  meantime,  the  Royal  Society  of 
Edinburgh,  or  as  it  was  originally  called,  the 
Philosophical  Society,  was  established  in  1739. 
The  “  Royal  Physical  Society  of  Edinburgh,” 
exclusively  devoted  to  “  Natural  History  and 
the  Physical  Sciences,”  was  founded  in  1771, 
and  by  1813  had  absorbed  no  less  than  six 
other  societies,  which  became  incorporated  in 

In  Ireland,  the  Royal  Irish  Academy  for 
“the  study  of  Science,  Polite  Literature,  and 
Antiquities,”  was  founded  in  1785,  and  may 
be  regarded  as  combining  the  attributes  of 
the  three  parent  societies  in  London. 

Among  the  off-shoots  of  the  Royal  Society 
of  London,  the  first  perhaps  is  the  Medical 
Society,  founded  in  1773,  which,  even  at  the 
present  day,  comprises  a  large  number  of 
Fellows.  The  Linnean  Society,  for  the  cultiva¬ 
tion  of  natural  history  in  all  its  branches,  was 
founded  in  1788,  and  has  from  700  to  800 
Fellows.  These  are  the  only  two  London 
societies  coming  under  this  category  that 
date  from  the  last  century. 

During  the  century  now  drawing  to  its  close 
the  vast  advances  in  science,  and  the  in¬ 
numerable  aspects  that  it  assumes,  has  led  to 
the  foundation  of  numerous  scientific  societies, 

each  with  a  more  or  less  limited  scope.  In 


1 8 

natural  history  we  have  the  Horticultural 
(1804),  the  Zoological  (1826),  the  Entomological 
(1833),  the  Ornithological  (1837),  the  Royal 
Botanic  (1839),  the  Ray  Society  (1844),  the 
Palseontographical  (1847),  and  others  that  it 
would  be  tedious  to  mention. 

Geology  as  a  new  science  had  a  society 
founded  for  its  study  in  1807,  tlie  Geologists’ 
Association  followed  in  1858,  and  at  a  later 
date  the  Mineralogical  Society  (1876).  The 
Royal  Astronomical  Society  (1820)  has  been 
supplemented  by  the  British  Astronomical 
Association.  Mathematics  and  Physics  have 
also  their  own  societies,  as  have  also  Statistics, 
a  subject  which  has  a  mathematical  side  as 
well  as  one  in  the  direction  of  commerce  and 
the  affairs  of  ordinary  life.  Engineering  is 
represented  not  only  by  the  Institution  of  Civil 
Engineers  (1818),  but  by  the  Institution  of 
Mechanical  Engineers  (1847),  of  Mining  En¬ 
gineers  (1851),  the  Iron  and  Steel  Institute 
(1869)  and  that  of  Electrical  Engineers  (1871). 
Geography  has  had  its  own  Royal  Society  since 
1830,  Microscopy  its  society  since  1839,  an(l 
Meteorology  since  1850.  For  medicine,  phar¬ 
maceutics,  pathology,  neurology,  anatomy, 
and  some  other  branches  of  medical  inquiry, 
special  societies  have  been  founded  in  London. 
The  Victoria  Institute  or  Philosophical  Society 
of  Great  Britain  was  founded  in  1865,  its 
primary  object  being  the  attempt  to  reconcile 
apparent  discrepancies  between  Christianity 
and  science. 

In  Edinburgh  and  Dublin  scientific  societies 
have  multiplied,  though  not  to  a  similar  extent ; 
and  throughout  the  United  Kingdom  there  are 
numerous  literary  and  philosophical  societies, 
that  of  Manchester  dating  back  to  1781.  There 
are  also  several  provincial  geological  societies, 
and  almost  every  county  has  its  natural  history 
society  or  club. 

Moreover,  the  British  Association  for  the 
Advancement  of  Science,  founded  in  1831,  con¬ 
tinues  to  hold  its  annual  meetings  at  different 
centres  in  the  empire,  and  helps  to  maintain 
the  general  interest  in  the  advancement  of 
knowledge  and  to  kindle  or  keep  alive  local 

The  offshoots  from  the  Society  of  Anti¬ 
quaries  have  not  been  so  numerous  or  im¬ 
portant  as  those  from  the  Royal  Society,  the 
field  of  archaeology  being  much  more  restricted 
than  the  wide  domain  of  more  purely  “  natural 
knowledge.”  The  Society  of  Antiquaries  of 
Scotland  dates,  however,  from  1780,  and  that 
of  Newcastle-on-Tyne  from  1813,  while  the 
Literary  and  Antiquarian  Society  of  Perth 
goes  back  to  1784.  Several  branches  of  anti¬ 
quarian  study  have  now  their  own  societies. 
The  Numismatic  Society  was  founded  in 
1836,  the  Royal  Historical  Society  in  1868, 
the  Society  of  Biblical  Archaeology  in  1871, 
the  Palaeographical  in  1873,  and  that  for 
Hellenic  studies  in  1879.  There  are  also 
special  societies  for  the  exploration  of  Pales¬ 
tine  and  Egypt  as  well  as  the  important  Royal 


Asiatic  Society  with  its  different  branches. 
The  peripatetic  habits  of  the  Royal  Archaeo¬ 
logical  Institute  and  of  the  British  Archaeo¬ 
logical  Association  (both  1843)  help  to  main¬ 
tain  the  warmth  of  local  interests  and  to  dis¬ 
seminate  a  certain  amount  of  archaeological 

Anthropology  and  Ethnology  have  made 
great  advances  since  the  foundation  of  the 
Ethnological  Society  in  1843,  and  of  the 
Anthropological  in  1863.  The  two  merged  in 
1871  to  form  the  Anthropological  Institute, 
which  has  rendered  signal  services  to  science. 
A  minor  branch  of  anthropology — Folk  Lore — 
has  had  its  own  society  at  work  since  1878. 

The  Society  of  Arts— to  make  use  of  its 
shortened  title — can  claim  nearly  as  numerous 
an  offspring  as  its  elder  sisters  the  Royal 
Society  and  the  Society  of  Antiquaries.  Her 
descendants,  moreover,  are  fairly  entitled  to  as 
high,  if  not  indeed  a  higher  rank  and  import¬ 
ance.  It  is  not  merely  the  Royal  Scottish 
Society  of  Arts  (1821)  that  she  can  claim  as 
an  offshoot,  but  it  was  the  Society  of  Arts  that 
first  in  England  devoted  attention  to  the  all- 
important  objects  of  forestry  and  agriculture. 
The  Royal  Agricultural  Society  originated  not 
earlier  than  1838,  though  in  Scotland  a  Society 
of  Improvers  of  Agriculture  was  instituted  in 
1723,  a  Dublin  Agricultural  Society  in  1731, 
the  Bath  and  West  of  England  Society  in  1777, 
and  the  Highland  Society  in  1784. 

It  would,  moreover,  be  unfair  not  to  credit 

the  Society  of  Arts  as  well  as  the  Royal  Society 
with  having  laid  the  foundations  on  which  the 
Institution  of  Civil  Engineers  and  the  cognate 
bodies  havebeen  erected.  The  Chemical  Society 
was  established  at  a  meeting  held  at  the 
rooms  of  the  Society  of  Arts  in  1841.  From 
this  arose  the  Institute  of  Chemistry  in  1877. 
The  Society  of  Chemical  Industry  (1881)  to  a 
large  extent  grew  out  of  the  Chemical  Section 
of  the  Society  of  Arts,  which  dealt  for  some 
years  with  the  chemical  industries,  and  was 
dropped  on  the  foundation  of  the  Society. 
The  Sanitary  Institute  and  the  other  sanitary 
societies  certainly  owe  their  origin  to  the  Con¬ 
ferences  on  the  Health  and  Sewage  of  Towns 
held  by  the  Society  of  Arts  in  1877,  1879,  and 
1880.  The  City  and  Guilds’  Institute  also  origi¬ 
nated  in  consequence  of  the  action  of  the  Society 
in  the  matter  of  technical  education.  They  took 
up  and  carried  on  the  technological  examin¬ 
ations  founded  by  the  Society  of  Arts. 

The  Science  and  Art  Department  may  be 
said  to  have  grown  out  of  the  1851  exhibition, 
which  was  organised  by  the  Society  of  Arts. 
Its  examinations  were  based  on  the  model  of 
the  Society  of  Arts  examinations,  and,  indeed, 
it  was  to  a  very  large  extent  a  development  of 
the  Society’s  work  by  those  who  were  already 
connected  with  the  Society  of  Arts. 

It  must  never  be  forgotten  that  in  its 
earlier  days  inventions  of  all  useful  kinds,  and 
all  that  was  new  in  machinery  and  manu¬ 
factures,  came  within  the  scope  of  the  Society, 


which  in  thirty  years  spent  nearly  as  many 
thousands  of  pounds  in  rewards  and  premiums 
for  useful  inventions. 

It  took  a  very  active  part  in  all  educational 
movements  and  a  warm  interest  in  the  welfare 
of  our  colonies,  and  to  its  credit  be  it  said  that 
the  examinations  of  the  Society  of  Arts  still 
rank  among  the  most  useful  and  thorough, 
while  the  existence  of  our  Indian  Section  still 
evinces  our  interest  in  the  prosperity  of  the 
dependencies  of  the  Empire. 

What  the  Society  has  done  for  the  advance¬ 
ment  of  art,  it  is  difficult  for  us  of  the  present 
day  fully  to  appreciate ;  but  it  must  be  re¬ 
membered  that  one  of  the  first,  if  not,  indeed, 
the  first  public  exhibition  of  pictures,  was  that 
held  in  this  Society’s  rooms  in  1760,  and  that 
from  this  exhibition  sprang  the  Royal  Academy, 
the  first  exhibition  of  which,  comprising  136 
works  only,  was  opened  in  1769.  We  may, 
therefore,  here  claim  the  Royal  Academy  as  in 
a  certain  sense  an  offshoot  from  our  body. 
The  Royal  Institute  of  British  Architects, 
founded  in  1835,  may  also  in  some  degree  be 
regarded  as  connected  with  the  Royal  Acad¬ 
emy,  which  admits  architects  among  its  mem¬ 
bers.  The  Photographic  Society  also  grew 
out  of  an  exhibition  of  photographs,  the  first 
of  the  kind,  held  in  our  rooms.  The  founda¬ 
tion  of  the  Royal  College  of  Music  is  likewise 
due  to  the  exertions  of  the  Society  of  Arts. 

I  have  dwelt  at  considerable,  perhaps  too 
great, .  length,  on  the  various  societies  in  the 

United  Kingdom  that  are  more  or  less 
intimately  connected,  so  far  as  their  origin  is 
concerned,  with  what  I  have  termed  our  three 
parent  societies.  It  is  needless  to  add  that 
analogous  societies  to  those  in  the  Mother 
Country  have  sprung  up  in  many  of  our 
numerous  colonies  and  dependencies,  and  even 
in  America  before  the  Declaration  of  Inde¬ 
pendence.  The  American  Philosophical 
Society,  with  its  headquarters  in  Philadelphia, 
was  founded  by  Franklin  in  1743. 

I  venture  to  hope  that  from  the  historical 
point  of  view,  the  sketch  that  I  have  attempted 
to  draw  of  the  development  of  scientific 
societies  in  these  islands  has  not  been  entirely 
devoid  of  interest.  It  testifies  also  to  the 
success  that  has  attended  the  united  action 
which  the  societies  were  founded  to  foster. 

It  would  indeed  be  difficult  to  say  how  far 
the  work  done  by  any  society  would  have  been 
accomplished  by  the  individuals  composing 
that  society,  without  combination  or  collective 
organisation.  A  society  of  course  is  only  a 
collection  of  individuals,  and  the  work  of  the 
society  is  the  work  of  the  individuals  com¬ 
posing  it. 

A  society  offers  opportunities  for  discussion, 
brings  men  of  similar  ideas  together,  and  sub¬ 
stitutes  collective  and  organised  action  for 
isolated  individual  effort.  It  affords  means  of 
publication,  organises  research,  records  dis¬ 
coveries,  stimulates  invention,  and  assists 
students  by  providing  a  common  meeting- 


place  and  centre  of  action.  Every  scientific 
discoverer  desires  immediate  publication  of 
his  work,  both  for  his  own  reputation,  and  to 
secure  the  assistance  of  his  colleagues.  Every 
industrial  inventor  requires  publication  in  order 
that  he  may  secure  the  natural  profits  of  his 
invention.  A  society  systematises  and  arranges 
the  science  or  study  which  is  its  subject 

The  present  condition  of  science  is  certainly 
due  to  the  organised  efforts  of  such  societies 
as  the  Royal  Society  and  its  subordinate 
societies,  in  this  and  other  countries.  They 
secure  public  recognition  for  science  and  those 
who  pursue  it ;  they  prevent  over-lapping ; 
serve  to  deter  different  men  from  working  on 
the  same  lines ;  and  they  bring  influence  to 
bear  on  the  public  and  on  the  Government. 
Any  individual  is  less  powerful  by  himself  than 
when  he  is  associated  with  others  seeking  the 
same  object.  An  active  society  is  a  corpora¬ 
tion  with  a  perpetual  succession,  and  it  never 
dies.  The  work  carried  on  by  an  isolated 
student  ceases  at  his  death,  but  the  work  done 
by  a  number  of  students  associated  together 
goes  on  and  on.  As  one  man  drops  out,  another 
takes  his  place. 

An  excellent  example  of  the  reciprocal  in¬ 
fluence  of  scientific  workers  and  of  a  scientific 
institution  upon  each  other  is  afforded  by  the 
Royal  Institution.  Without  Davy,  Faraday,  or 
Tyndall,  the  Royal  Institution  would  never  have 
become  the  important  body  it  now  is.  But 


without  the  Royal  Institution  neither  Davy 
nor  Faraday  would  have  had  any  opportunity 
for  carrying  out  their  scientific  work,  and  of 
obtaining  their  scientific  reputation,  and  per¬ 
haps  the  same  may  be  said  to  a  certain  ex¬ 
tent  of  Dr.  Tyndall. 

The  history  that  I  have  been  tracing 
comprises  within  it  a  record  of  the  advance 
in  many  directions  of  our  acquaintance  with 
the  secrets  of  nature,  of  our  turning  that 
acquaintance  to  practical  account,  and  of 
the  consequent  progress  of  the  nation  in 
material  prosperity.  It  bears  witness  likewise 
to  that  specialisation  in  science,  which  though 
by  no  means  an  unmixed  blessing,  seems  to  be 
of  necessity  associated  with  all  advancement  in 
natural  knowledge.  The  days  are  long  since 
past  when  any  single  individual  could  attempt 
to  cope  with  the  whole  encylopaedia  of  science, 
but  the  question  not  infrequently  arises  at  the 
present  day  whether  the  position  of  the 
specialist  would  not  be  more  secure  were  the 
foundations  on  which  he  builds  extended  over 
a  larger  area,  and  were  his  scientific  sym¬ 
pathies  somewhat  wider  in  their  character. 

Another  question  that  may  be  asked  is 
whether  there  is  any  need  for  this  multiciplicity 
of  societies.  The  answer  from  anyone  who 
in  whatever  manner  believes  in  evolution 
will  be,  that  at  the  time  of  founding  each 
society,  a  necessity  for  it  must  at  all 
events  have  been  thought  to  exist,  and  that 

the  analogous  societies  at  that  time  in  being 



must  have  been  either  unable  or  unwilling-  to 
adjust  or  expand  themselves,  so  as  to  include 
the  subject  for  the  study  of  which  the  new 
society  was  instituted.  Many  of  the  subjects, 
for  instance,  that  originally  came  within  the 
domain  of  the  Royal  Society,  and  indeed  are 
still  included  within  it,  have  by  degrees  been 
not  absolutely  banished  from  it,  but  relegated 
in  the  main  to  other  societies,  founded  more 
especially  for  the  study  and  illustration  of  such 
subjects.  The  Linnean,  the  Astronomical, 
the  Chemical,  and  the  Geological  Societies, 
afford  instances  in  point,  and  any  attempt  to 
suppress  such  societies,  and  to  bring  their 
members  all  within  the  fold  of  the  Royal 
Society,  would  have  a  disastrous  effect  on  the 
advance  of  science,  and  would  absolutely 
overweight  the  powers  of  the  Royal  Society 
itself.  At  the  same  time  it  must  be  re¬ 
membered  that  accounts  of  important  dis¬ 
coveries  in  any  of  these  branches  of  knowledge 
are  cordially  welcomed  by  the  Royal  Society, 
and  that  it  is  usually  the  case  that  the  leading 
Fellows  of  these  special  societies  are  also 
Fellows  of  the  P.oyal  Society.  The  same  in  a 
lesser  degree  holds  good  with  the  Society  of 
Antiquaries  as  archaeological  discoveries,  espe¬ 
cially  when  bearing  on  the  early  history  of  man, 
are  welcomed  alike  on  both  sides  of  the  quad¬ 
rangle  at  Burlington-house. 

In  the  case  of  local  societies  which  in  their 
character  are  almost  identical  with  those  of  the 
metropolis,  the  geographical  reasons  for  their 


existence  are  in  most  cases  undeniable.  Their 
isolation  is,  however,  to  some  extent  a  draw¬ 
back,  and  a  great  step  in  advance  has  been 
made  by  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  which  has 
now  brought  into  union  with  itself  nearly  the 
whole  of  the  archaeological  societies  through¬ 
out  the  kingdom — or,  at  all  events,  forty-five 
of  their  number — which  now  hold  an  annual 
congress  in  the  apartments  of  the  Society  in 
Burlington-house.  The  results  have  been  most 
satisfactory.  Each  society  while  retaining  its 
own  individuality  has  co-operated  with  the 
others  in  matters  of  common  interest,  and 
among  other  fruits  of  collective  action,  an 
annual  classified  and  subject  index  of  the 
archaeological  papers  of  each  year  is  now  pub¬ 

Of  course,  a  certain  number  of  Societies  are 
born  to  die ;  but  it  is  remarkable  how  few  of 
them  have  expired  without  having  done  some 
good  work.  In  some  instances,  two  rival 
Societies,  neither  of  them  in  a  flourishing  con¬ 
dition,  have  coalesced,  and  the  combined  body 
has  acquired  a  degree  of  vitality  and  energy 
that  neither  of  its  constituents  ever  possessed. 
In  the  archaeological  world,  it  is  possible  that 
there  are  still  two  bodies  in  existence,  the 
amalgamation  of  which  would  probably  result 
in  good. 

An  arrangement  by  which  the  subdivision 
of  a  Society  has  been  obviated,  and  which  on 
the  whole  has  worked  in  a  satisfactory  manner, 
has  been  adopted  by  the  Society  of  Chemical 


Industry,  which  has  branches  in  centres  of  im¬ 
portance  on  both  sides  of  the  Atlantic.  These 
branches  hold  their  own  meetings,  and  dis¬ 
cussions  and  reports  of  them  are  published 
in  the  Society’s  Journal,  together  with  those 
of  the  meetings  in  London.  This  union  of 
the  metropolis  with  capitals  in  the  provinces 
is  further  strengthened  by  the  holding  of  the 
annual  meetings  of  the  Society  sometimes  in 
Liverpool  or  in  some  other  important  centre  of 
chemical  industry. 

It  will  have  been  observed  that  I  have  hitherto 
been  speaking  of  societies  more  or  less  inti¬ 
mately  connected  in  their  origin  with  what  I 
have  termed  the  three  parent  societies,  but 
there  is  another  category  of  studies  which 
these  societies  either  do  not  represent  at  all 
or  do  so  in  a  very  imperfect  manner.  They 
have  been  termed  the  philosophico -historical 
sciences  as  distinct  from  mathematical, 
physical,  and  biological  sciences.  A  certain 
portion  of  them,  such  as  language  and  history, 
come  within  the  province  of  societies  cognate 
with  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  while  this  latter 
deals  directly  with  antiquities.  There  remain 
philosophy,  psychology  in  its  non-biological 
aspects,  economics,  and  probably  some  other 
branches  of  study  or  speculation.  Literature 
is  another  somewhat  outlying  field,  but  there  are 
numerous  literary  associations,  some  of  them 
practically  printing  clubs,  others  of  a  more 
social  character,  and  others  again  which  hold 
regular  stated  meetings  for  the  study  and 


discussion  of  the  works  of  some  well  known 
author — Dante,  for  instance. 

The  title  “  Literary  and  Philosophical  ”  has 
been  adopted  as  a  convenient  one  by  many 
local  societies,  probably  on  account  of  its  great 
comprehensiveness.  Many  are  doing  good 
work,  but  the  term  “philosophical”  is  generally 
used  in  the  same  sense  as  in  the  case  of  the 
“  Philosophical  Transactions  ”  of  the  Royal 
Society,  and  the  term  “literary”  is  accepted  as 
covering  all  that  cannot  be  regarded  as  philo¬ 

Turning  to  the  more  purely  philosophical 
societies  that  have  been  established  in  London, 
it  would  seem  as  if  for  some  reason  or  other 
the  soil  was  not  congenial  for  their  growth  or 
longevity.  The  Dialectical  Society,  founded  in 
1865,  was  dissolved  in  1888  ;  the  Psychological, 
founded  in  1875,  ceased  to  exist  in  1879,  but 
was  resuscitated  under  the  name  of  the  Society 
for  Psychical  Research  in  1882.  The  Zetetical 
Society,  established  in  1878,  and  the  Aristo¬ 
telian  in  1880,  do  not  appear  in  Whitaker’s 
List  of  Societies  and  Institutions,  though  the 
latter,  notwithstanding  that  its  members  are 
few,  is  still  in  active  operation.  Altogether 
the  number  of  those  interested  in  abstract 
philosophy  seems  to  bear  no  proportion  to  that 
of  the  votaries  of  the  study  of  nature  in  all  its 
phases  and  of  those  who  devote  themselves 
to  the  application  of  science  to  the  good  of 

In  the  Institut  de  France ,  one  of  the 

Academies  is  that  of  Sciences  Morales  ei 
Politiques ,  which,  however,  is  divided  into 
five  sections.  Of  the  eight  places  devoted 
to  philosophy,  only  six  were  filled  at  the 
beginning  of  the  present  year,  but  this  may  have 
been  purely  accidental.  The  mention  of  the 
Institut  suggests  the  question  how  far  a 
similar  association  of  academies  would  meet 
the  requirements  of  this  country.  Such  a 
question  is  beyond  the  limits  of  the  present 
address,  but  in  passing,  I  may  say  that  the 
necessary  limitations  of  the  Institut ,  the 
payment  for  attendance,  the  method  of 
election  of  its  members,  and  its  close  con¬ 
nection  with  the  Government  of  the  day 
all  present  features  which  are  hardly  in  ac¬ 
cordance  with  our  insular  traditions.  In 
Paris  itself  the  Institut  has  had  to  be  supple¬ 
mented  by  various  important  scientific  societies, 
such,  for  instance,  as  the  Geological  Society 
and  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  of  France. 

But  to  return  to  England.  It  has  been  sug¬ 
gested  to  me  that  it  would  be  of  some  interest 
were  I  to  give  a  short  account  of  the  vicissi¬ 
tudes  through  which  some  of  our  principal 
societies,  including  the  three  parent  societies, 
have  passed.  No  doubt  with  all  of  them  there 
have  been  periods  during  which  they  may  be 
said  to  have  vegetated  rather  than  lived,  but 
to  trace  out  the  causes  of  their  temporary 
suspension  of  life,  and  the  reasons  which  led 
to  the  resumption  of  activity,  would  involve  an 
historical  discussion  of  considerable  length, 


and  might  also  lead  to  invidious  personal  com¬ 
parisons.  Paradoxical  as  it  may  appear,  these 
seasons  of  rest,  or  if  it  be  preferred  so  to  call  it 
torpor,  have  not  in  the  long  run  impaired  either 
the  utility  or  the  prestige  of  the  societies.  A  great 
deal  of  regular  and  useful  work  may  be  done 
without  the  machinery  by  which  it  is  effected 
making  sufficient  noise  to  attract  the  attention  of 
those  not  immediately  interested  in  the  work, 
and  the  torpor  may  in  fact  have  been  apparent 
rather  than  real.  Under  any  circumstances 
there  can,  I  think,  be  but  little  doubt  that  it  is 
better  for  a  society  to  carry  on  its  work  in  a 
thorough  but  unobtrusive  manner,  than  to  be 
subject  to  paroxysms  of  fitful  energy,  and  to 
be  always  devising  new  ways,  instead  of 
gradually  improving  the  ©Id. 

Even  a  real  torpor  is  not  always  deadly. 
There  is  a  tradition  in  the  Society  of  Anti¬ 
quaries  that  once,  in  days  gone  by,  the  Secre¬ 
tary  was  overheard  to  utter  the  pious  aspiration, 
“  Would  to  God  there  was  nothing  in  this  world 
older  than  a  new-laid  egg!”  And  yet  the 
Society  survives  and  is  still  carrying  on  use¬ 
ful  and  valuable  work.  May  it  long  con¬ 
tinue  to  do  so,  and  may  the  Society  of  Arts 
and  the  Royal  Society  together  with  it  long 
survive  as  the  parents  of  many  societies  which 
have  rendered  and  still  will  render  indispens¬ 
able  assistance  in  the  wide  diffusion  of  know¬ 