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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 430a  NBC  September 17, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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kids in philadelphia are now being treated for the enterovirus. we will tell you what health officials are doing to help prevent the spread. and a new tax on cigarettes to help philadelphia schools. the vote the district's been waiting for could come today. and a live look outside right now, boathouse row along the schuylkill river, starting off cool again this morning, so have a jacket or sweater ready as you head out. good morning. this is "nbc 10 news today." i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm vai sikahema. i love this time of the year, and it's not just football season. i love the change in the weather. let's get right to meteorologist brittney shipp with her first alert forecast. >> good morning. that's right, grab a jacket as you head out the door, maybe a scarf later on today. we'll see temperatures staying below average for us. fall-like conditions ahead this entire week. closer look at the aramark and you can see flags flowing.
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light wind speeds this morning and also a cooler start than yesterday, almost 16 degrees cooler in the poconos right now, only 39 degrees. patchy fog is possible in the poconos and also the lehigh valley. 49 degrees currently in allentown, 53 in pottstown. mild conditions for philadelphia, 57, and 53 in millville. heading into the rest of today, we are going to see plenty of sunshine and comfortable conditions with our humidity going down and our temperatures staying between 71 and 74 degrees. it's going to be a fantastic day out. i'll let you know what else to expect coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast, but for now, let's check in with a look at traffic and christine maddela. >> the biggest problem this morning is in center city, 7th and locust. it's a water main break. look at this video that our nbc 10 photographer captured. you can see all the water at this intersection. this is why that intersection is shut down. and you can see not only just the water, but that debris left over from the asphalt cracking
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there. so, this is going to take quite some time for crews to repair, even after they shut off that water and get in there and try to repair this broken water main. so, your alternate is 9th street. that's the best way to get around this water main break. elsewhere, taking a look right now. if you're traveling on the new jersey turnpike, take a look here. all traffic looks, all that green, that's realtime traffic data. so, it's not slowing anything down, but just to be aware of. on the southbound side of the new jersey turnpike, there is a tractor-trailer fire taking out the right lane and crews are responding to that. so, be on the lookout if you're traveling in that area. on the ben franklin bridge, traffic moving along nicely, but see some of those flashing lights there? that's a construction crew taking out the two right-hand lanes if you're heading westbound into philadelphia from the camden side of the bridge. on route 309, the pennsylvania turnpike, crickets out there. that's what we like to see. no major problems, no major delays. tracy? >> christine, thanks. 4:32 right now. breaking news from overnight. minnesota vikings running back adrian peterson is off the team
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again while his legal case plays out. the team released a statement after midnight. peterson was indicted on child abuse charges in texas. he is accused of beating and injuring one of his sons with a tree branch. peterson is now on the nfl commissioner's exempt permission list, which means he has to stay away from all football activities while his case goes through the legal process. the decision comes after one of the nfl's major sponsors, anheuser-busch, released a statement saying it was disappointed in how the nfl handled recent situations, and after radisson hotels pulled its advertising from the vikings. meantime, on the ray rice scandal, the nfl players union is appealing the running back's suspension from the league. the appeal was filed before the midnight deadline. rice was given a two-game suspension back in july, then suspended indefinitely after video emerged showing him punching his future wife. the union is arguing that rice cannot be punished twice for the same action. and new from overnight, a man waiting for a bus was shot in the face during a drive-by shooting in north philadelphia. this happened just before
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midnight on north 17th street. police say a car slowed down, someone inside that car opened fire and then drove away. the victim is in critical but stable condition. an uncommon respiratory virus is sweeping across the country, and now cases are popping up in philadelphia. four patients have been treated at the children's hospital of philadelphia for enterovirus. pennsylvania has become the 12th state to have confirmed cases of the virus. and so far, all patients have been children. nbc 10's katy zachry is live outside children's hospital of philadelphia. katy, how are the children doing? >> reporter: tracy, the good news for those children and their families, they are at home and doing well, but they were at c.h.o.p. for the last week, being treated for enterovirus d-68. pennsylvania is the 12th state to have confirmed cases of the respiratory virus. last week, delaware reported having 12 possible cases. test results are expected back in a few days, making it possibly the 13th state. the virus presents itself much like the common cold, but for some kids, especially those with
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breathing problems, the symptoms are severe. difficulty breathing, harsh and prolonged coughing. if those symptoms arise, you need to take your child to the doctor. doctors say it is no coincidence the virus is surging at the same time kids are back at school, spreading germs miles per hour light of that, many teachers in philadelphia are bringing in clorox wipes and cleaning commonly used surfaces. >> teachers take them to the bathroom, usually we take them out of class, kids wash their hands. it's instilled in them. and we have hand sanitizer that the kids bring in. so, you know, we try to do the best we can. >> reporter: so, how are parents in pennsylvania reacting to the spread of enterovirus d-68 here in their backyard? we talked to them and i'm working on that story for 5:00 a.m. reporting live in university city, katy zachry, nbc 10 news. now to the philadelphia budget crisis. a cigarette tax bill vote could come as early as today.
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a rules committee okayed the $2-a-pack cigarette tax yesterday. it could bring in $80 million or more to help fund philadelphia public schools for the school year, and without that money, the district would have to make more cuts or even close schools during the school year. now from our south jersey bureau, camden mayor jane red announces a new plan to reduce youth violence. later this morning, red will join school officials and law enforcement to go over details of a new program aimed at cushing violence and crime among young people. the new jersey labor department is opening another resource center today to help unemployed casino workers following yesterday's closure of trump plaza. the center opens this morning at boardwalk hall. the labor department staffers will be there to help with filing for unemployment insurance. trump plaza is the fourth casino to shut down this year and trump taj mahal is threatening to close in november. also today, atlantic city's mayor will be in media, delaware county, to talk about the city's
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future. the mayor will address a luncheon on the press club of philadelphia suburbs. now to news from our trenton bureau. lawmakers are trying to crack down on heroin and prescription drug abuse in new jersey. so, this afternoon, they'll talk about a package of bills that are aimed at doing that through education, prevention and treatment. it is constitution day, so a number of events are planned for the we the people at the national constitution center in philadelphia. among them, a flag-raising ceremony, naturalization ceremony, educational programs, historical displays. the u.s. constitution was ratified on this date in 1787. and american troops on the ground in the fight against isis. >> what the nation's top military commander said to lawmakers in washington raises the possibility. plus, a live look at love park right now. some major changes coming to this local landmark, and you can be part of it. also ahead -- >> always chasing groundhogs and rabbits. >> but those pests were just
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practice for what this little dog ran into over the weekend. his incredible encounter, coming up. plus, i'm tracking cooler temperatures as we end your workweek. i'll let you know what to expect, coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant!
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(yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off.
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class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. 20 minutes before 5:00. happening today, you can weigh in on redesigning philadelphia love park. the city rec department wants to hear your ideas in person or online. draw or write your idea on an image of the current park design, share a picture on social media using #newlovepark. or you can visit love park today and saturday and share your thoughts with organizers of the project. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> good morning. grab a jacket before you head out the door, but as we head into the afternoon, we are going to see beautiful conditions, sunny and dry days ahead for us.
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we're also tracking a weekend warm-up, so the 80s are not completely gone just yet. for philadelphia, we're at 57 degrees, mostly clear skies. our humidity is at 77%. our wind speeds out of the north-northwest at 6 miles per hour. throughout the rest of our region, take a look at the poconos, 39 degrees in mt. pocono right now, 49 in allentown, 46 degrees in quakertown, warmer in pottstown at 53 degrees. 57 in philadelphia, 51 in cherry hill, 49 in trenton. temperatures in mt. holly at 50 degrees. staying a bit warmer closer to the water at 60 degrees in avalon, 65 at prime hook and 54 degrees in dover. we have a bit of a dip in our jet stream, so that's why you're checking out temperatures at 47 degrees in detroit, only 52 right now in chicago and 46 degrees in cincinnati. big change this morning versus yesterday morning. we are 16 degrees cooler in the poconos. we're down two degrees in allentown, down five degrees in philadelphia and nine in wilmington. quiet on our radar.
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we are going to see just a few clouds. most of the rainfall that's moving offshore near the carolinas is going to stay well to the south of us. instead, high pressure's going to stay in control for us, and that's going to give us below-average temperatures, ranging between 71 and 74 degrees. sunny and comfortable, low humidity, light wind speeds. this is going to be a gorgeous day. but make sure you grab a jacket as you're heading out the door this morning because we are on the cooler side. >> yeah, we are. yeah, we are! >> you and i were kind of chuckling little bit at christine's description of one of the major highways in her last bit. crickets. you hear crickets when you're driving, that's a really good sign. >> yeah! i mean, there's not often i can say that crickets on the roadway, especially for the morning commute, but now is the time where on many of our majors, thr just crickets. so, in center city, though, this is a live picture right now. our nbc 10 photojournalist john panfile is out there showing us what's going on. this is from a water main break, 7th and locust. you can see there's still water flowing throughout this intersection. and this is just one of the
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reasons why this intersection is closed. not only is there water, there is also debris and cracked pavement there, which also happened during a water main break. so, to get around this, if you travel through 7th and locust, you're going to want to take 9th street instead to get around that water main break. elsewhere, take a look at the route 422. this is one of our problem areas, heading eastbound usually from oaks to 202, things slow down, but we have a lot of green out there, so good news. no major problems, no major delays. vai? america's top general refuses to rule out the need for combat boots on the ground in the fight against isis. >> we'll have a live report from washington. plus, mall makeover. the local shopping experience that's about to get a whole new look and a new name. and clean up or pay up. the tough, new rules that will force local property owners to add some curb appeal to their homes.
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it's 4:45. happening today, president obama's in florida to meet with
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military officials coordinating the fight against isis. >> nbc 10 national correspondent tracie potts reports from washington. >> isis is expanding in numbers exponentially. >> reporter: as the house prepares a quick vote on arming syria's opposition, president obama's at macdill air force base today, getting an update from the unit that will oversee the fight against isis. >> it's the men and women who will partner with others in the region to carry out our limited military mission. >> reporter: limited. no boots on the ground. the president has promised repeatedly. but his top general tells congress -- >> that there are threats to the united states, then i, of course, would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the use of u.s. military ground forces. >> reporter: more than 1,000 u.s. soldiers are already there with more on the way. the state department tried to clarify. >> the president's been very clear, we will not have troops on the ground in combat roles, period. >> saying we're not going to have boots on the ground is just kind of not being totally
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truthful with the american people. >> reporter: some lawmakers are concerned about arming syrian rebels. >> are we simply arming and training another taliban? >> reporter: today, a vote and testimony from secretary of state john kerry just back from the middle east, urging other countries to help. now, that's this afternoon. this morning, jeh johnson, the homeland security secretary, testifies about threats to the homeland. isis is sure to come up. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. a trial is scheduled today for a woman accused of leaving five children in a running car while she shopped at a philadelphia supermarket. karen thompson is charged with endangering the welfare of children. investigators say it was on july 2nd she went into a shoprite and left five children in her care unattended in the car. a witness called police when she heard the children crying. police say thompson operated a home daycare. philadelphia police say a
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15-year-old girl found unconscious in the woods had a medical issue, even though her parents believe she was attacked. the teen was found with bruises and scratches in the woods off roosevelt boulevard in penny pack park jumonday night. she was reported missing after she didn't show up to school. police say she suffered a medical episode, but parents insist the levels were fine in the hospital. there is a multimillion dollar renovation project for a makeover of the mall and name change. the indoor outlet mall in northeast philadelphia will be called philadelphia mills. the interior and exterior of the shopping center will be upgraded. wi-fi and lounge areas, device charging stations will be added. the exterior work is expected to be completed some time this fall, and then the interior work will begin early next year. the mall's grand reopening is planned for the fall of next year. philadelphia mills is the largest outlet and retail mall in our region. there are over 200 stores inside and the mall employs more than 2,500 workers.
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from our south jersey bureau, property owners who don't make their homes have curb appeal will face fines. owners of abandoned or vacant homes that are not cleaned up or maintained will be fined $1,500 per day. township officials hope this will help boost property values. now from our nbc 10 jersey shore bureau, some drivers in a popular shore town might be in line for refunds of their parking tickets. a judge has ruled the parking ordinance in point pleasant beach is unconstitutional. he sided with camden county lawyer kevin walsh, who appealed his own ticket. the judge found that signs don't warn drivers that they have to display their parking receipt on the driver's side dashboard as proof of their payment to park. judges considering walsh's request to order the town to refund drivers who are fined for failing to display the ticket. he has not yet issued a written opinion. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist brittney shipp.
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>> good morning. a cool start on your wednesday with up to 16 degrees cooler this morning than yesterday morning. as we move into the afternoon, we are going to see sunny and dry days, and that's going to be the trend for at least the next couple of days. also, a warmer weekend on tap for us. i'll let you know which day looks the best. for philadelphia, 57 degrees, mostly clear skies, our humidity's at 77%, wind speeds out of the north-northwest at 6 miles per hour. that wind direction is important because that's drier, cooler air making its way back into our region. it is only 39 degrees in the poconos right now, 49 in allentown, 46 in quakertown, 53 degrees in pottstown, 52 in swedesboro, 54 in wilmington. temperatures in the low 50s for mt. holly, 49 in trenton. closer to the shore here, we're at 61 degrees in atlantic city at the atlantic city airport, 52 degrees and 59 if you're waking up with us in delaware city. our 24-hour temperature change map shows we are down 16 degrees in the poconos, 5 in philadelphia, 9 in wilmington.
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so, you'll really notice a difference this morning versus yesterday morning. our radar shot shows quiet conditions with high pressure staying in control over most of the northeast. and as we fly you down south here, all of this rainfall is going to stay to the south. so, we don't have to worry about this, really don't have to worry about much over the next couple days, but just nice conditions, 73 degrees today, 75 tomorrow. it is a bit cooler than average for the final days of summer. 69 on friday and then take a look at what happens as we head into the weekend. 82 degrees by sunday. >> mm-mmm, that will be a warm-up. it is nine minutes before 5:00. let's check the roads if you're getting ready to head out. >> christine maddela's manning the first alert traffic center. >> if you're traveling on the new jersey turnpike, we have an issue out there, but see all of this green? that's realtime traffic data. it doesn't seem to be slowing anything down too much. there's just not a lot of volume on the road. but if you are traveling the new jersey turnpike southbound near the pennsylvania turnpike, be on the lookout. it's an earlier truck fire. that fire is now under control,
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but there are crews still cleaning it up. the right lane is still blocked at that area. 676 near 8th street here, everything clear, no major delays anywhere. just not a lot of folks on the road at this hour, even in some of our problem spots, like here on 95 southbound near cottman avenue in that long-term construction project. there is a water main break, though, in center city on 7th and locust streets, so you'll have to detour around that and take 9th street. i'm going to show you a live picture of that coming up at 5:00. tracy? >> christine, thanks. here's a reminder that you can vote for the "high school blitz game of the week" for friday. the choices this week, adelphia/camden, george washington and northeast or archbishop wood and west catholic. to vote, go to or go to our facebook page. you can also call or text your one-time vote to 610-624-4111. the game with most votes is featured on the "high school blitz" every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. speaking of football, time to take a look at some
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philadelphia eagles players who got all dressed up for a good cause. nbc 10 was in center city last night for the fashion touchdown for big brothers and big sisters. demeco ryans, fletcher cox and jeremy maclin were just some of the birds who donned the latest fashions. maclin spoke to us about what it means to be a role model. >> it's important for us to create a good image, create, you know, a good, positive image of yourself as well and just know that these kids definitely, you can definitely make a difference in these kids' lives. >> we've been doing it for a hundred years and this is what we believe. we believe it can be the difference in a child's life. if you put a caring, compassionate adult with a kid, it makes a difference. >> again, the event benefits big brothers big sisters of southeastern pennsylvania. up next, jury duty summons crackdown. the new list local courts have compiled and how to check if you're on it before you end up in handcuffs. and a miniature mutt -- [ barking ] -- who encountered an intruder
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quite a bit bigger than he is, but this little guy refused to back down.
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lis arrested a 14-year-old boy for allegedly causing an explosion at a chinese restaurant in north philadelphia last month. surveillance video from the oriental kitchen on august 20th shows someone putting a device into an access panel in the wall of the restaurant. moments later, it explodes. no one was hurt, but police say tips from the public led to the arrest. a philadelphia police officer finds himself on the other side of the law. he's been arrested in a hit-and-run crash. tayon moore surrounded yesterday. police say he rear-ended a car on drexel street and pulled over when the driver called 911. he grabbed the phone and threw it down an embankment and took off again. moore has been suspended with intent to dismiss. four minutes to 5:00. a warning for any philadelphia resident who's missed or ignored
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a jury summons. the court system is cracking down. last year, jury summons were sent to about 576,000 philadelphia residents, but only 13% actually showed up. judicial leaders say the low turnout wastes a big part of the court's $500,000 budget for printing summons and reminder cards, plus postage. >> that shows not only a disregard for their civic duty, it shows a disrespect for the court system. >> this morning, more than four dozen philadelphia residents who have missed multiple jury summons are required to show up at the center for criminal justice. if they skip it, they could be arrested. now to decision 2014. philadelphia officials are encouraging immigrants living in the city of philadelphia to register to vote. a table was set up in love park yesterday to help people with the registration process. and today a table will be set up outside the national constitution center. and we're now just 48 days away from the general election in pennsylvania, which will be held on tuesday, november 4th. so, here's a story from western pennsylvania about a
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small dog with a big bark. >> yes, so big, in fact, it was enough to scare a bear away from the family home. meet casper, the miniature poodle. on sunday, his owner, george rigger, noticed he was missing. after seeing the side door of his home scratched and scratches and fur left inside, rigger concluded casper was after a bear that had broken in. >> about 7 pounds. she's like 7 years old. he's always chasing groundhogs and rabbits. it doesn't surprise me that he was chasing a bear. and i went over two streets and the neighbor said that he seen the dog chasing the bear through the woods. [ laughter ] >> neighbors helped locate casper, who's been hailed as a hero, and of course, a heck of a watchdog! good for you, casper. >> oh, sweet. take a look at this emotional reunion of a mother and her child in minnesota. aww. this is a welcome home ceremony for 130 national guard troops who returned after serving nearly a year in afghanistan. and no one seemed to mind when the little boy broke protocol
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and just flew into his mom's arms. >> and the mommy's face, that's incredible. good for her. >> you're watching nbc 10 news. "nbc 10 news today" at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. back on the bench. this morning we are following breaking news in the adrian peterson child abuse case. the minnesota vikings reversed their decision, saying peterson will not play. a fast-spreading virus that targets children has hit our area, and this morning, what you need to know about the enterovirus to protect your kids. and a water main break is causing traffic trouble in center city. nbc 10 live on the scene this morning. we'll tell you how to get around this. and good morning and welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm vai sikahema. >> and i'm tracy davidson. another chilly morning. let's find out about the temperatures and what's ahead with meteorologist brittney shipp in the first alert weather center. good morning. >> good morning. it is a cool start to your wednesday morning as we head into the afternoon. plenty of sunshine, comfortable conditions expected for us. so, grab a jacket before you head out the door today.
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mostly clear skies right now in our philadelphia skyline. our temperatures currently for philadelphia at 56 degrees. our humidity's at 80%. wind speeds out of the north at 5 miles per hour. so, that's cooler, drier air coming into our region, and that's going to help drop our humidity and keep us nice and cool and below average. 61 degrees the high today in the poconos. for the city, 73 degrees. and if you're going to be ha hanging out at the shore or delaware beaches, we're staying in the low 70s, but plenty of sunshine everywhere. i'll let you know how long this dry weather's going to stick around coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. but now, a closer look at traffic. we'll check in with christine maddela. good morning. good morning, brittney. center city, 7th and locust streets, this is what's going on right there. you can see all of that water. this is a water main break that crews are responding to, and it's still wet in that intersection. it looks like there's still some water flowing around, as john panfile, our nbc 10 photojournalist, zooms in there. there is also some cracked pavement around there, so you'll want to detour around this