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tv   News  RT  October 2, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the, the iran retaliates. i've enters the fight. ballistic missiles, launched on mast and rain down on television. it's a ron who owns up more to come. if indeed it's suffering to use creek. if the zionist regime intends to continue such crimes or do anything against our sovereignty or territorial integrity, tonight's operation will be repeated with much higher magnitude. the type of correspondent reports i've made the incoming iranian stripe on the israel benjamin netanyahu filing a response with some of those in a direct attack on turnarounds, nuclear facility and celebrations erupt in the broad
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a region over the iranians tried many say the wait time is over to take on israel and ultimately clear the region of americans, we must destroy as real waiting is useless. it must continue more firmly. we will give them a more crushing response. god willing, the victory is with all the resistance. the israel continues to philosophy, babe ruth has ballasa, is it's directly engaging the idea of forces the breach develop and he's board the ballistic. and the hypersonic miss aisle aspired from iran, into israel. over night. it's been a nova stock of the day for many and tennessee of on the surrounding region. it is breaking, uses our here on how to international, straight to the middle east. we go for a bar osh of a ronnie and miss owls,
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targeted israel, tyrone coles at 8 retaliatory strike. and so it's, it's all, it's go to more in store if indeed israel decides to fire back the rollins military chief of staff. so it is the targets where right most side operations center to military bases and the mass of id f tanks and footage from across the israel shows thousands of incoming this all streaming down in the middle of the night. it's a wrong says many penetrated israel as a defense systems with some hitting tel aviv. however, israel claims most of them was shot down while they were on it release footage on the head of the islamic revolutionary god, ordering the strikes. this was while israel says little damage was inflicted iranian media report, 10 is riley gas rig and the mediterranean was hit along with 3 military bases that store f, 355,
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the jets and tanks. iran and military chief of staff want more strikes will be launched unless israel vs got i got to the human side, you only see if the zionist regime, which has gone insane, is not contained by america and europe, and intends to continue such crimes or do anything against our sovereignty or territorial integrity, tonight's operation will be repeated with much higher magnitude and we will hit all of their infrastructure here at all to you. we have our finger on the pulse across the region from high foot to tel aviv to be rude. but 1st of the light is not from the iranian capital. his all correspondent use of july or die. or do you see said that it has moved past? what's it called? uh, it's to put t judge self restraint after it saw that israel has been on this suite of assassinations targeting different q leaders from the resistance access one by one, and that with their watches that propagates game. so unfortunately i'll be,
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i'll just see what are these 2 statements in the 2nd state, but it said that it claimed got more than 90 percent of those fired missiles heads their designated target, some of them 3 major military bases. and israel including gun mean never our team air base, which is the largest air base possessed by as well. and b i r d c claims that this air bases used by as well to target has but loss positions and 11 on. so this is one of the air bases that was a head spike yvonne's missiles on tuesday night, that of course, it won't force, it won't take square pride in using it's fun to hypersonic missile for the 1st time . it has just recently been unveiled by the r g c a. now it was used in this latest strike. now that one is warning that if israel wants to retaliate or again, once again, intrude and a breach of on sovereignty it's,
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we'll try even more stronger this time, more and more strongly this time. so that's based on comments recently made by it was for a minister of us out chief who made these comments during phone conversations with his european counterparts who received several phone calls last night. so by different your pin nations insisting that everyone needs to de escalate. but he said that that was a legitimate act of 5 self defense, given the fact that it's smart in honey, or the former chief of how mosque was targeted by israel under warranty. and so, earlier this evening we exercise self defense under article $51.00 of the un charter or targeting solely military and security sites in charge of genocide in gaza and 11 on we did so after exercising, tremendous restraint for almost 2 months to give room for a cease fire in gaza. our action is concluded unless the israeli regime decides to invite further retaliation. in that scenario,
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our response will be stronger and more powerful, less i'll go to hif to i'm at least bureau a, treat more if an ocean and outstanding by for us it maria, your high for about 90 kilometers north of tennessee. but you are reporting live during the missile salvo last night. tell us about your run and tactics real with dozens of really sick me, sol as well. the idea is around $200.00. we saw her on claim to the number was double and unprecedented scale regardless. we weren't returning from filming the movements of is really tang new, the lebanese border and israel's north. when the attack began, his really soldier had still tasks for routine id tags wouldn't. might a walk into laura's application, went into overdrive with non stop insist, occasions of threats across the country. there were no bomb shelters in that area. just to boss stuff along the road. and the sirens were adults going off either and the soldier instructed us to just carefully watch the nice car and lie down when we so it's really air defense intercept. and the mirror walk is as it is it just bolt
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in the dark. and that's how we spent about 40 minutes. and after we started moving, we had to solve the problem a couple of more times as we enter the, an area with sirens were heard the for the 1st time during this war. nathan, yahoo used at 45 underground bunker in jerusalem. he and some other minister or spend hours in the end. that's fortress where the country's military cabinets. convenience to discuss how to respond to the reading and attacks. and shortly after that, the idea of vows to retaliate and try to target across the middle is on tuesday night. but despite smocks and dissipation, the response has not yet come. in late to the army stated that the response will
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happen when israel tours is the right time. there is some reaction from is read it either ship. your own is that jack is a severe and dangerous escalation, and there will be consequences. we will respond wherever, whenever, and however we choose. in accordance with the directive of the government of israel, the sonic receiving any one as of now found the ward, each stole face. they are a terrible beast state for you there, but i'm there will reach the rogue states. i was blood stained fingerprints of every well until now they have hidden behind bulk scenes, but the mask has dropped him. i'm not going to sit on it. ron made a grave mistake tonight and it will pay for it the regime and iran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves in our determination to retaliate
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against our enemies. we've been. this attack failed is failed thanks to israel's air defense system, which is the most advanced in the world. and i congratulate the idea on its impressive achievement. i also think the united states for its support in our defense effort. let's go to want to contribute it. now, and they call, they all can nick and you are inside of a, but the moment i'll be around in attack, i would imagine it's been a pretty sleepless night for most residents of kind of the can you tell us what you saw? i saw a lot of tension on the streets of the v in the noon afternoon. people got some messages from that. the relatives in the army or from some reports or news that may be tonight. i run bill strike and that's why the streets were pretty empty. in the evening, and then suddenly those sirens become all over across the country. and the also menus riley has the have a special application in their pockets in the cell phone,
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which stays that now, which is the alert. you have one and a half minutes to run to the bone shoulders. and israel is usually in the dense food base are looking garage on to see where there is a bomb shelters, even before there is the error rates. because they are know that from their past experiences that they need to run fast on the job, i have no clue what the let's go back to tyrone now to i used to use that a wrong the semester. i'll strike against you as always, suddenly spotted celebrations. in some parts of the muslim world, can you,
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can you tell us more about that? of course are they spent the whole night off in joy and celebration, not only people in yvonne, but of course across the region, nations and countries that host resistance factions including iraq, syria, but yeah, man and even people in gaza are celebrating v iranians try can guess as well as a retaliation they called at the ritz how you ation for all the death and destruction that is rep has inflicted on guys. ok. so nobody imagined that though the iranian missiles would be able to penetrate and info freight, the parent don't. that is why now we see the users are mocking the iron door i'm using and funding a hash tag paper don't instead of fire and don't trying to say that this has been big blow to the security and defense system of israel. so another reason they're celebrating is the fact that it one, uh they say that has been the only country within the most of them. world that has
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kept stiff upper lips and stand toe to toe with an army that is armed to the teeth. the ok, me off as well. so let's think of this into others. the, i feel so proud. i'm see, i didn't, i'm a rainy and we must destroy as real waiting is useless. it must continue. more firmly is real, must understand it can't engage in a fight with a radians, which it's we're glad with what the revolutionary guard did. god willing, we will give them a more crushing response. we promised to remain loyal soldiers for them until the liberation of our codes from the jews gripped in the clearance of a rock from the occupied american forces. god willing, the victory is with all the resistance about to humor it one more time. i know that america has signed, i guess several 1000 american troops to the region. they say that to protect american assets. but what do we know about israel's main ally? how? how was washington react to,
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to this attack from tyrone president joe biden reaffirm strong us support for israel, a force describing it arrives, attack as an effective. and he said he's planning to discuss a israel's retaliation with prime minister and attend the at home the us military, closely carbonated with these rid of defense forces to help defend israel. u. s. navy destroyer is deployed in the middle east. fire the round, a dozen interceptors to counter the incoming and running miss out. let's take a listen to what pen. so going had to say about that. we, of course, do not want to see a wider regional conflict. the part of say that many times and will continue to work towards that end. but we also fully understand the fact that this was a significant attack by iran to be crystal clear as secretary austin has said, should i ran its partners, or it's proxies. use this moment to target american personnel or interest in the region. the united states will take every necessary measure to defend our people, while the security council is set to convene today at 5 pm is really time to
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discuss it ran in attack. and it isn't clear if any decisions will be made with one thing is sourcing, despite numerous calls for immediate, this collection for safe and the region is moving quite opposite direction. usually if we need to get back to again, because we understand that they might have been some reaction from various military groups across the region where you are anything you can tell us on the, from the fees, any amend all the way to iraq's is law. make resistance has to shelby in iraq resistance groups and syria. and of course of the i r d. c itself is a hailing this attack as a major victory for the whole access of resistance. the her demo, how much i just sent on the spokesperson for human school fees. who said, and i'm quoting him, he said i won't come the one in a military operation which shows support for palestine and challenges. quote is wells had gemini and that we didn't time us also reacted and praised yvonne's
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strikes as a heroic act. we congratulate the heretic rocket launched, carried out by the islamic revolutionary guard court and array on large areas of are occupied territories in response to the occupations continuing crimes against the peoples of the region. and in retaliation for the blood of our nations heretic martyrs from which are on back to tell of even mic, we know that there was a mass shooting in type of eve on choose day. do you have any details about the to a to give to us, to terry reese a guns to be as ride fullest. and these knives came to a lively boulevard until a v been the jaffa area and they started to kill any one that they see on their weights. so maybe there was some coordination. does that ran by these riley security forces right now still investigating that to understand? exactly. so those 2 theories, they came from the west bank and they started to shoot at the women at man. it's
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young people. they shots, mother with her baby in her hands. and the mother bleeding to death. whoa, whoa, her baby and stay eggs. the baby and those kind of things are happening in the each row so many time. unfortunately, the young people also were murdered. some of them are young women that just gets married and the people that just after their high school and this is a big tragedy in tel aviv at least 7 people over that. and that it's $171.00 that some of them and critical situation. so may be, the casualties will be higher in the coming days, unfortunately. and the israeli police said, trying now to understand how the terry succeeded to do that because there are lots of security forces seem to ease ro, especially until a v that are fully the army and the many other people will be gone. so
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probably somebody help those the terry to come to the central area and to do this terror attack. and also they've got inside of the public transportation to try to kill as much as possible people and the eventually to inspectors of the to lead one is the ability that the have gone. so the guns down the terrorist and they eliminate the damage. and now you can hear the spokesperson of the is riley police . we spoke and seen yesterday and he describes the watch police the saw on the scene. we know that to tears to arrive with the automatic weapons and knives and began attacking our civilians were standing right now on the tracks of a light trail which is kind of like a metro above ground system that goes through the city of the folks which is the doors, the mix for arabs juice for us to come around here. these towers didn't care, they began slaughtering the innocent civilians. quickly. first responders
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municipality officers came intercepted distress, neutralize them at the spot. a lease arrived without any suspicion of additional terrace that might be in the area. and all the while, like the said, the rockets were coming in the police officers at the same time respond to potential rocket direct rocket impact sites or project out impact sites where it was intercepted up above. unfortunately, this is the said reality of these rallies. you always need to look back to see if there is some me cells coming to towards you from the noise from the east or from the south, or maybe some terrace tried to kill his knife of his rifle, his tract, or visit anything they invent each time new technique, how to queue as much as possible, that before that in the previous decade they were exploding inside the boxes, the mark of that service and then thousands of people are killed each time. and that's why it's so hard to make pizza needs rep. there is so much at beds, history,
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and decide to look at violence should be stopped on to yes. and that can finally in a root. yes. and i know the situation and i've been on remains tens, i understand, has blogs been directly engaging the idea from the head on had a, at the head fights. what can you tell us? and there was a great sense of fear throughout the country for one specific reason that there could be backlash, and as a result of his attack against the people of lebanon. and we understand that despite the barrage of attacks, the idea of as issued a statement suggesting it is completely operational and carried out strikes overnight. and in the early hours of wednesday, essentially carrying a strikes against the southern suburbs of the roots, the stronghold of hezbollah. and we have confirmed at least 5 attacks in that sense of here's some video footage the
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so the attacks over the course of the past year had been ongoing. this, what was going to talk to israel is really, really talking webinar. but one thing that does remains a fact is that the past week has seemed the most intense violence back and forth resulting in the most casualty side, we understand that the despite shared flights of abuse and that by to around the reality is that's the capital available is under constant attack looms of smoke can be seen across the city skyline. and there's also a great deal of activity in the south of the country in southern territories, where here's the lives engaged with the idea as below has confirmed that it has been interacting and, and come back with the idea of soldiers in the south. of course,
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we also understand that they've confirmed that there been some casualties on these really sides. we don't necessarily have a statement in full detail by the idea as of as, as to the nature of these attacks or the casualties that have been stated by his beloved. but one thing that we do now is that the escalation is a matter of concern. because we understand as these attacks continue, arrives, continue the lebanese capital, the city of baby ruth is under constant attack on 70 southern suburbs of you would, for example, the idea of as issued statements of urging people to leave their homes in anticipation of attacks. and we have witness series of attacks. they're only getting stronger, they're only getting more frequents, and the matter of concern for many civilians is as these attacks continue, people have very little to no options when it comes to seeking safe refuge across the country, especially in the city of payments of the attack and that was carried out over night by here on against israel is something that has been very closely followed by
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the people of webinar. and we understand that despite what happens is real vows to continue its attacks. not just a guess, let me know, but as about to continue to attack, to retaliate against the entire middle east. and the attacks that we observed on wednesday, at least, does not necessarily align with what idea of officials filed to deliver. and we expect more attacks as we covered, continues to cover this very sorry, but let's say this conversation further on how to international coughing live now to the active as chairman of the jerusalem development fund barriers somebody, or as soon as, while we now joining us here on the international and alive from new delhi. thank you very much for popping on the program, enjoying a continued breaking news coverage. iran fired off hypersonic missiles 1st time ever it's, it's a big show of force in that regard. mean time didn't yahoo says it's rainy, retaliation could kick off in the coming days of somebody. hear your thoughts. what
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do you expect to come next from that in your administration? let me know the reasons to plan for. i mean, offensive the task against the guns down on the west bank. no problem on the or even the ad on your i think, you know, he was expecting such an action. yeah. the on the, i've had that the, this was the reaction that was the summation of on a 2 months ago or great. okay. kim, last birthday, you know, they have picked up the time for it. for me, you know, this has become a common practice independent and he's, there are many, those who are marking fire all over and we deeper receiving stops last night. and it was the exception of mind the society said that the i'm that i'm doing. but at the same time,
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the city everything goes and i've been experiencing this type of, of invasions on all kinds of products. but isn't it is every night for the last year and the amount of time to get to that that's that applied sort of proof gets $60000.00 students in one year. no, no, no, no. this is, this is become a video of a disease. it's a middle east is by me. there's also 5 over wars. all you can handle is the engineering of the kind of situation the holds, the responsibility to what's happening and i'm, i'm not the final of the on yours nor because by law. but i, i feel that also is not, is to be like the kind of prime minister is the main person to be bent on the discussion that this continue to happen. is that the sentiments to me i, i apologize for interrupting you. but when you talk about different yahoo being to
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blame is that a sentiment that is a felt by the majority of his riley's these days, or is it just a small old, outspoken minority? well, i think maybe it's the same thing. i thought this went on all the work and it's a sentiment that is spent even by the most serious alliance. often it's a, it's a sentiment in washington, dc. it's a sentiment and the carpet kind of the. yeah, but i'm not going to stop me talking to you. can you try to treat this is these statements and, and, and i will not be in by the end of a box in washington dc and title and my mind all the time to resolve it. what is it i had with these 3 days was a lie, 3 days would line street is all these companies were all involved in to the region at the middle east. the defense date is not the americans engineer done . but by the way, yesterday,
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and nobody could have taken off like 15 or 40 and hopefully they put into it type for the find the adopt it up is that it was on that because even though they had on hands, they did not, not define americans upfront. maybe british off mazda is less than one hour before the, the, i thought i'm, they, they have sent their message that the, almost they need to do that by to pass the lines of the very beginning. yeah. plus the can you hold on us american honey? yeah, and what was the game of us moving any other insulting there on an individual of that depends on the day that they were the celebrating the appointment of the new or precedent. so it wasn't in all of the vision for the yeah. appropriate application to the my title,
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one license and one big. yeah. some of these are, it is how much good have you know us with a serious the again, are these, you know, oh, well, i mean, you know, where do we sound? so why are we taking this time, today's to mirror? i mean, so i sort of, i do apologize for jumping and i think what you're saying by the way is really on points. and i credit you for saying this on international television. i mean, you know, you look back, you, you talk about, you know, it's one with a tit for tat. now going back and forth between tyrone and tell it for you, but look what happened in b root. there's thousands of pages and those will control. he's exploding, that's defacto terrorism, you know, and so there are very fine lines at all being crossed in the middle east right now, especially now the latest is really your x is ready, pm. natalie bennett, he's now urging the idea of the quote, destroy it runs nuclear program. it is that like plea and your thoughts on what might be the consequences somewhere. i think this is just, you know, some statements to get that entered into
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a better situation. i sort of pattern cancer for becoming an ocean this month. obviously there's not, and i don't think, but is it a is going into affecting. i'm the starting the, the new plan for the but it is all that honors. this is beyond the, the couple of minutes is not, you're not getting, i don't want to be the advocate of or for the final exam. but imagine if this operation has been done by another company, i guess is what, what could have been the action of the what exactly using technology to the age, to produce number of citizens of another solvers that i'm roll them without even being sure that this is not a good thing for the videos or monthly videos, or if every person that is holding up those desires to begin or hop. this is
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the beyond. you know, you know what we have lost during the last few telling me we have lost 26. we have completely on us the international all the there is a collapse in the system. now the system is not functioning, no the united nations. no, it's all good organizations. no. the international law. it has been can. i'm destroyed. i'm 2nd, there is a collapse in our there is a more collapse of the past is that i would have to be this company stopped acting as everything is part of mr. icon to work there, but i went to the other side. yeah, i can keep 20000 kids and java on students. nobody is allowed to open as well. so we have rich to the best we have most important thing that was managed to get an
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issue among the nations all over the globe and dimensional. under my product is the buns. now we are operating without international hold on without the restrictions. it's a juncture. i think that's a very strong coming from you somewhere. i appreciate you saying that i'm just now i'm really running low on time, but just 11 last point here you talk about the collapse. so all of the global governing order, the international. ready the you and global governing body essentially unable to enforce what it's trying to do from new york means i'm in new york. and y'all are recently speaking to the you and did you see how many people worked out when y'all was speaking so many people walked out of the you when, when the is really latest started speaking to do you think that in your it was feeling any sense of isolation on the global stage, the mirror and i've only got 30 seconds to be around so he doesn't care about the account in the un general assembly. he cares about.


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