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tv   Cross Talk  RT  October 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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the what is happening and that's why they think they can, they can invade the or the missile. this india has expressed its concern over the escalating conflict in the middle east of the nations far minnesota says india, kind of engaging them out of this to paste, but only through discussion and diplomacy. i don't underestimate the importance of communication difficult times if there are things to be said and passed on and back . i think those are all contributions that we can make and we do. we are concerned and the possibility of abroad know the conflict. no, just what happened to 11 on, but also the who face and the red sea. and do anything that happens between around an israel and goes. this phones is a crucial your given the fact that new to use policy invest issue has been very clear or has been very consistent for a 7 years now. but now with the escalation, invest the show would expel. that's the same news that you may see. a shift in, in y'all's policy, we heard j, sean green. just form if, as administer,
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who basically set the why israel reaction it some responding to we did is on the stand the moon, would you still have to agree or do you mind if you're doing international laws? so he's been bank, toyota, bob, that also it's a big concern for you all because 9000000 india is. that's the number 9. the indians are basically in west asia region right now, and they safety as well as and livelihoods as we speak, are impacted into that and diagnose and, and advisory to level 4 in games to re keyed as soon as possible from last night. also, it on zillow strikes on is read in the issue is not in, in advisory for each citizens in israel saying the sequels to show to us also in the launched emergency health blind numbers. that's also it's important to mention here that indian from minnesota and the reason will be he spoke to his counterpart in his read over a lease. and he where he spoke about the need for peace. and also he said it's up
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to you the crucial to prevent the escalation investigation. terrorism has no place in our world. it is crucial to prevent regional escalation and ensure the safe release of all hostages. india is committed to supporting efforts for an early restoration of peace and stability. let me mention yard that. what's that state for india is also bilateral relationship. it shares with is read. let me mention that. in fact, india imports on strong as jail. so this is about 40 percent of alms exports for jobs, but as in india is the largest bow cheese that evolves from his jazz. in fact, this is this amounts to about 15 percent of windows imports, so that the score skids impacted of the bilateral relationship. the tree is relationship that india says with the as well, but also in the old, remember now in parts about 40 percent of its oil from russia, but its traditional boss, no, i was, i was sensually been in west asia. so that's something of force also which gets
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infected, but also talking good you politically here, the brick summit which would take the me until this month. and then most of the big boss knows the seats are they, they may be condemned. they vary. they feel like the good about is that so now as far as in the us concerned, you know, the changing geo political landscape, we will have to see if it's or doors in the history of relationships as well. yeah, of course that's a 100 and was saying india, one of the central members of the bricks, strategic family and join us for us. special coverage from the bricks conference and cuz on the starting october, the 22nd. this is on the the
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hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle? what is the state and future of the resistance movement, challenging israel with the gods and genocide, continuing unabated and testable as leadership designated? what are some of the choices facing a room? is israel getting? it's which of the regionals war, the cross fucking the resistance move. and i'm joined by my guess mohammed mirandi and be root is a professor at the university of toronto. and in montreal we have when we rabbani he is co editor of jamalia, all right, jolene prospect rolls in effect. that means you can jump in any time you want. and i always appreciated. well, how many let me go to you 1st and be rude? there's so many separate individual things that we can be talking about, but i'd like to go for them the broadest picture around starting off in what is the
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state of the resistance right now, given what's going on is been happening in the last week in lebanon, and go ahead. a lot of people here, obviously in a very difficult situation. that's very big. yeah. with a shock on, on the 1st day when they bought the south central lebanon. uh and you said people, that's when i decided to come to be a bit of a but also to do my own with me and when i was amazing, people were bang. we obviously because of the science for them, we had the air sites inside the a was where i was, i was about a 1000 meters away from where say to pass that and that sort of off it was underground, a set of tires the ground showed 08100, this house and hundreds of people were this were slaughtered wouldn't be
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near my sabbatical year when i was working. i pay the conflicts form. so they just, they're all fine. but the western media, of course only focus is on the market to say they don't want to deal with the genocide aspect of. ready like and then hours from southern they the refinance told people to be by, on the very short period of time. obviously they really didn't want to be. and that strung over 10, maybe a dozen different phases which weren't declare. and then it just began and they got worse. so people were, were married. and then when they discovered that say it was march of people were people who are refugees on the street. they were here. but
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they quickly, they quickly compared sauce. and i personally leave that says martha then said how sudden i saw i will say it was the last people in the west and some others may say these actually was, but that he was a towering figure. he may has for long what it is a salvage ready with the machine from a bay where i am right now. and the feed is, i isn't out and all these other groups as well as a sophisticated organization today, many intelligent people made a higher educated people. we are effective and spread out across the country and beyond. and they are more than capable of defeating this lady. and image and the notion, i think, uh, the resistance being dependent on an individual group of individuals,
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i think it sort of raises or yeah, yeah, yeah, this is, yeah, the structure there and it's ready for me from and i think they'll see that they will lose yeah, because the resistance has an idea and it's communities, it's just not one person. and, and if you go according to the west to one bad person, okay. well, we, you know, as we speak right now, there appears to be a ground incursion into lab and on there's a lot of conflicting reports about what to what degree and what, you know, it's limited and targeted. i think i've heard that before. oh yeah, i did 1982, they said exactly the same thing. it didn't work out then it didn't work out in 2006. what's going to be different this time? we well, we'll have to wait and see. i mean, regarding your previous question. um has above the deputy general secretary and i am costs of him yesterday, gave an address in which he stated that has been the remains institutionally coherent. that it will quickly replace those leaders,
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including the general secretary who are recently killed within a very short period of time that it retains the will and capacity to fight. and it's that it retains its military capabilities and it will not renounce any of its objectives. in other words, there will be no the linking of love and on the gaza strip. those are fairly clear criteria, so we should find out before too long to what extent has about has been weakened and to what extent hasn't regarding your question. it's 1982. it's 2006. it's somewhat ironic, but loving on the smallest arabs date is where is rarely and us hubris goes to diets the graveyard of these grand admissions and 1982. you have ariel sharon's operation big pines falsely sold to the world as,
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as operation piece for galilee, which was sold as an attempt to push the p a little back 40 kilometers from these really border but was actually a grand plan to remake the levant and it's made achievement was in fact the establishment of hezbollah, which israel is fighting today in 2006. as you may remember, the us secretary of state called the liza rice referred to as rules invasion of love. and on in that year, as the birth pangs of a new middle east and it turned out to be a rather bloody miscarriage. of course, some of the past is not a definitive predictor of the future. but i think what we've seen now is that is real, has announced a very limited objective for its invasion of love, and on mainly posting hezbollah forces back from the border. but it's already clear
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that it's envisions, are much larger, i think is real given what it has achieved in terms of assassinations during the past month. now is confident that it can dismantle and destroy as about the as part of a broader plan to also directly engage iran. and from its point of view, hopefully a engineer, a director to us, is not even going the way it seems to me that you know, they're trying to solve all of their quote unquote security problems simultaneously . this is an opportunity they said, and they have a very ply, an american president and congress that will go along with and i want to talk a little bit about around in the 2nd part of the program mohammed unit. one of the big discussions i've had with people, serious people, is the discussion over tactics and strategy. the walk and slaughter of people is a tactic, but it's not a strategy. these rallies are very good at doing that. it's
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a and a front to humanity. what they do, but it's not a strategy, go ahead. well, actually in that, it is the strategy is financing for the story is ready to machine that the world is fine. that's what they wanted. the guy was ready to have done the last year has nothing has not only distorted the tire. we've been military, they will never be invested in some major investments as well. and is he trade? yeah. but all that aside is really easy, is made itself into a, a legit, regina? the hired so many people who never would have said such things before. peter. one of the extraordinary things is that some people are right. not criticizing the wrong or not striking by now by waiting to
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strike. it is what so many people that i know are contracted, contacted me from across the world and say, why is it do you mind repeating as of please. as i told you how the decision maker is something, you know, the money is being supported by people as possible. they want you to hit israel is rich because this change, this is if this is the strategy that they've succeeded of just a couple of decades ago. we were, you know, when, when i 1st came on new sho, many years ago you ron was the access of people. yeah. demonized across the world. and now we see people from all walks of like jews, jewish friends of mine, christian friends of mine. most of the friends of mine, others i was asking why is it the 100 st. lucie?
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i think that is symbolical, something something much bigger. this rate 5 units in advisor to solve. i think the really nice the receive is going to help problems in the months and years ahead. that will will become a issue. they cannot do as a whole. i mean another issue moving that it will that i don't think will be ever resolved. at least it wouldn't mean i think of the region is the united states as having any kind of legitimacy whatsoever. everybody knows that the, this is really government could not do without what it's doing on so many different fronts without the united states and joe biden do as duplicity says he is a reflects that go ahead moving as well. i would argue that the us essentially forfeited the any legitimacy that it had in this region in
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2003 with the invasion of iraq. and i think you're right that any residual legitimacy that has retained the 2 decades since then has, has evaporated into thin air in the past year. and i think we also need to be clear about the nature of the us is really relationship. many people like to present to the us as a country that is in effect of the subordinate power as one that is controlled by is real and these real lobby and, and, and so on. and you know, as i would like to say, i'm to don't lang, dogs, dogs wag tools. and this relationship does indisputably the united states, that is a superpower and israel, which is the regional proxy. and it's true that us policy towards the middle east has now for several decades. been characterized by i think,
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what many observers would, would call unconditional support for israel, but never the less what we've seen in the past year moines. and i've had to jump in here, we're going to have to go to a hard break, but i will ask you to hold that thought and we'll continue when return. okay, we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the future of the resistance. stay with our to the, the, the,
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the welcome back across software. all things are considered on peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the future of the resistance movement. the okay, let's go back to moving in montreal before it went to the regular characterizing the relationship, the united states and israel out in the region. please continue. i think you was making the point that the level of us support for israel during the past year as even by us standards on a whole new level um absolutely no restraints in the us and its uh, many of its european allies have knowingly unwillingly shredded the international rulebook, the norms and values that are under tenants on the altar of is really impunity in order to ensure that israel can do as it pleases our pleases without facing any
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consequences for its actions. and i don't think this is a product of some nefarious control of washington by an israel lobby or anything. yes, israel has many groupies in the us congress and so on. but i think on the one hand, you have an administration loved by the self proclaimed design is still bite, and that is almost uniquely invested in israel. and israel being able to achieve its objectives despite its failures over the past year. but there's also a geo political element to here to this issue, which is that washington i think, quite rightly sees and is really success as an american success. and is really failure, or is really defeat as reflecting negatively on washington's position in the region and more broadly, geopolitically. well, i mean, if we can go back to the road i, i can't,
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i understand the reasoning the moving gave us, but i can't see how an end is really victory. however, you would define it would be an american one because you have a regime that as low as, than the entire read. how can that possibly be a win for the united states? but i suppose that's beside the point. go ahead and go home and react to it. and i'm going to have to say, i think it both correct. i, but i just don't see it is rarely with americans. me when, if this varies, succeed in subjugating the vision. reason likely. turning the closing or fulfilling the process of the west side. but i don't see that as a result. the opposite is it's a minus phase and the europeans have destroyed the image or cost of all along the
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side as well. they are see has a guess, right? be said, this is there, there seem to be a part of this isabel is uh, the united states, the town is not wire. the dog. i agree. the horse designers lobby is an american law right there in the united states. they're jewish christians, they're a secular, and they are very how, so it is the united states, but they are destroying themselves. the collective way is destroying itself as a result of as well. i mean, also also i would say, you know, it's, it's so easy to get into the, the details of net and, you know, who did this and then biden said that, but i mean, it's is realize, reinforcing a greater american hegemony. i think that's the service they think they are providing and the americans are so grateful they'll, they'll turn their, turned a blind eye to genocide. i mean,
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it's really quite extraordinary. and for the goal they've had gemini, which is in there really dangerous, particularly in that region. we have so little time a home and i want to ask you about a around because that, you know, the, if that's what everybody we you, your 1st answer on this program is about how the world is looking to around. and i know that iran has strategic patients, like the russians do, like the chinese do the oh, how, how do you think they, they were going to move forward here because israel wants as much violence as it can generate on as many friends as possible, always with the hope in with it with a lame duck president like joe biden, the americans will come in, they do the americans do have the hardware go ahead moment. i don't know, she can hear the sound of drones and explosions. but this is what life is now for the love of these, these are bunker busters. here. i, well obviously the ronnie is, will continue to support the access of resistance. they will continue to find the
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resistance and got off his allies. they will build more tunnel. so weapons, all have new members of this regime. never the casa will continue to enable and saw the bucket. yeah, man and the american, they will continue to see the americans in this way of using the red sea, but also say that these are, they were, they wouldn't have had a success box. these don't be the powers that are far greater than that of. so these are people who believe in the, as the colonial struggle they believe in the cd design colonialism. and this, those privacy especially, you know, it's not the candidacy but anyway. and drama continued to support has for the
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thousands of kilometers as piles that exist under them or not. these are the weapons at all. they are because of the wrong support and it's not really haven't heard, has the structure they've killed as you commanders. and it will be, as always, in the weakest link it's, it's a cd of espionage in my yellow west with embassies, west, many, many western journalists, people going across the country. the machine has not had any success is dealing with. it's under brown structure at all. then we have syria, iraq, but i have no doubt that you're on will this all on this is way maybe she? so the minus says says they wouldn't, i, i don't doubt that that will happen. but i do have a balancing act to do on the one hand, they have to ensure that nothing yahoo is defeated and so far has been defeated by despite the fact that the,
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in the immediate us about it was an upfront because they said that they've achieved something through the state as high as especially in recent days. but he is he, he will not be running that he must be defeated so they will protect. they will protect awesome the other groups, but they have to do because the other one is really, really must be the fee. but on the other hand, no one wants original the, the writers and it has all have their policy has allowed this a review to escalate 1st. so the international community forget the wes international community. the global south seas is really, really most depressed so that the western media products in the west coast was not able to turn the tables inside them. it is about the wrong. but you, ron, will, will not the response to make a decision. are they going to initiate?
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if they do, then all that you're on america as will be swept away, present all that could destroy the whole oil and gas economy for the world. so no one wants this, but they were going to move it the wrong direction for a regional context. the miners and the resistance wants to make sure that the world sees it. this is what the americans and this raise is not something that you're an issue. you know, moving ever since the inception of the state of israel is rarely foreign policy, has been quite a adapted of dividing the error of neighbors and puts you, making them go against around. but over the last year, we've seen a couple, a lot, a lot, all these different groups. they may have differences, but the united, more than ever, against this policy of israel supported by the united states. i mean, this is one of the unintended consequences where we see the resistance actually
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stronger, not weaker as well. i said, if you go back through israel's admittedly short history, you'll find that one of the principals with his early state craft has been to prevent any unified or coordinated action against it. this goes back to the armistice. negotiations of the late 19 forties or israel insisted on negotiating separately with each other of states and succeeded in doing so. um its attitude during, for example, the 1991 madrid, a peace conference and so on. and so i think israel's primary dilemma now is that it is being confronted by this coalition, known as the axis of resistance. and it's a coalition, not a formal alliance, but it is uh, coordinating. and therefore i think is real strategic objective. now that it's
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a little, you know, drunk with power after it's successful, series of assassinations and loving on during the past 2 months and, and elsewhere is to seek to systematically dismantle the school. listen 1st by the linking its members from the gaza strip, then by the linking them from each other, and then by destroying each of them. and i, and if you listen to a speech and that's in yahoo gave yesterday, where he basically promised the wrong young people that salvation is at hand, that will be coming soon and so on. it's quite clear that israel has determined that the road to death rock goes through the southern suburbs of beta root and given the situation in the us. i think the period between now and the end of the bite, the ministration represents an extraordinary january 2025. represents an extraordinarily
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dangerous time. and my thoughts exactly here is what, what, how will that play into the calculations? do you think into then? i think i agree completely down to your selections. we have a very dangerous situation, but there's only one option that is to ensure the next video. and we should be aware of questions papa gather west with media will try to speak of this very success is the saw in, in a bad thing on both of these territory. 2006. we were told that they were waiting and suddenly we woke up. i think it was the financial times of last week journal which admitted as for the national one of the board, don't remember exactly which one was. and i think that it was being drawn. and
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these are, these drugs are miscalculating the market, the same test, and that's of, i think it's only me more determine, more angry. and as your, as you raised the previous it has, i did the region even further. look at the state is coming now. ha, ha, well, where you always have to be careful what you wish for, particularly in politics here, gentlemen, that's all the time we have. i want to thank my guessing be root adding montreal. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at ortiz. see you next time. remember across the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the iran retaliates. i'm enters the fight. ballistic missile is the lowest on mast and rain down on television. it's around who owns of more to come, if indeed it's suffering to use creek. if the zionist regime intends to continue such crimes or do anything against our sovereignty or territorial integrity, tonight's operation will be repeated with much higher magnitude. the type of corresponding reports. i made the incoming iranian stripe on israel really


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