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tv   Documentary  RT  September 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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that backslash savings. i'm assuming that was of high the allies the by his followers with a those with active members of the, for those reward hectic members, the support of the movement with the assassination of safe customers. from those who are supposed to spend most active members might now be galvanized to become active members because they want to seek revenge against these barrels. if the scenario does play out, i think you can see how he's real hasn't really behaved in a strategic matter in the long term or adult 11 on his leadership is saying it's ready to feel feel at 2006, un resolution to avoid conflict with its neighbors, but that seemed to be falling on deaf ears as far as these were this concerned. but so all un decisions not important for ease. well, what are you interpret thing from this to look you in decisions i've never been born figures are a lot. i don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone. they live in
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a statement which was made 17 or one the lebanese. oh, i stated that they're ready to commit to these resolutions. now despite all, even when it's in a position of relative weakness, it never recognizes a voice by such resolutions. imagine now when his world sees itself in the position of spring. so of course, as well as not going to agree the only way is rarely the reason why they did agreed to 171 and 2006, it agreed to 71 and 2006 think was against because of the law. it wasn't able to defeat the law and in fact, as i said, many argue would be itself was defeated. remember that is right, establish the commission back there, broke into these quotes for the mistakes which were dom, knuckle in 2006, it was supposed to be no grass commission. so the only way is around a blank right? resolutions would be to commit that even with frequency and one by the way,
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he's will continue to evaluate that with its daily move applied skin celebrities aspects. while i think of any sovereignty but going back now, it will be extremely, extremely far fetched to think that it is what would abide by you when resolution, when it thinks it gets in a winning position. maybe later on. if the ground operation doesn't go well, if israel stuff is losses, maybe then because you know, might be ready. but now as things stand, that's, you know, that's impossible. all right, this all comes despite even some western countries urging restrained is that virtually nothing that can stop these real at this point? and by the way, why is that after with such confidence? why sorry, did you say then? no, but the question is, what we're saying is a we what we're hearing a some western countries are urging restraint as far as this escalation is concerned. but there's actually nothing that anyone can do to stop usual from going
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ahead with this plan defensive. and by the way, why is he acting with such kind of confidence right now? are literally only now the only player which can the stopping as well is the united states of america because of it. so you are the states of america that provides the use way, the war machine. it provides the weapons, it provides israel and the, you know, with the cutoff politically, to do this. look at the statements which were by it, by us president george bar, then over the so, so nice on a site. so somebody a spoke, you know, he practically gave his approval, his global approval without operation. so with that us, that's still supportive. there's no busing which will stop this room. now if you ask me, why do you have this, you wish to what extensive israel? i think the united states, in my humble opinion is how hostage buyers, when you have a pro, is rating lobby in the united states,
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which would have been chicago events. so in addition to supply the logical factors, you know, the united states, the evangelical christianity, which is supportive of israel, you have many factors and benjamin up in your whole nerves. so i think that drove by, it has to be very, has been very timid in pressure and use where he has to have the gun. so if you would like to really put pressure on his rooms for reasons related to action purposes, domestic politics is that this will jeopardize the democratic parties, chances are retaining the whitehouse. so this leads to the conclusion that at least from now, until the american elections is road, is going to be given this free hand to do what it was. all right, now israel also as long as to strides on to how many ports just a week after you had started bombing 11 on why, what kind of expand the geography of the conflict?
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is it able to sustain water on 3 funds, gather lebanon, and yemen at the same time? do not belong to these res? oh, in a state of great confidence. now, you know that coming out, they feel that the victorious even what they didn't live in on. you have to remember, but i'd say it's less than a sum. that was a very, very formidable enemy, a very capable and a need for the is really side taking him out. and he's really all items is considered to be a major, major achievement survey every night. you know, this state of jubilance these ready, sorry, and that's the confidence that state of jubilance. i think that is one reason why they going ahead and escalating in places like that and elsewhere. but i think people, i think the more important point is that you haven't in particular with big. so what is the, maybe the biggest cabinet or the most likely to intervene in face has been
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a lot of work to encounter difficulties in case physical law was in some kind of an existential danger. so i think that worked this way and was trying to do was trying to send the message through the whole these if you have been saying that as we continue on operations, i guess as the law don't you dare intervene because you'll meet the similar phase and they've covered, dr. struck and for the data to send that message, trying to determine a couple of days from coming to the height of his below. now, the question is, will that work now history, it tells us, given the faulty performance episode. so after the 7 until 2, i believe that this will not work in deterring difficulties. and regarding the israel will be able to fight on various friends. it is escalating comp in syria is an escalating elsewhere. i think that these ratings believe that should the situation of a, you know, intensify, that they can possibly dread review which to their side or they wouldn't be
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transporting by themselves is also important. factor is that the united states continues to provide intelligence supports and other wishing printers, provide intelligence support. i think all of these factors may be give, you know, give an appropriate answer to your question. the all right, as, as the tensions escalade in the we didn't know. what do we expect from other countries within the region? we expect them to join in, in this tension. oh, well, well, how about you? run the speak to us about the disposition of your run, for instance iran, sarah, or a ministry spokesperson made statements today saying that the iran will not be sending flight is on the set that the 5 digit level on are capable of facing the enemies themselves. so that is the rainy and policy. i think that iran right though, you know, it doesn't want to go on a suicide the emission, if iran were to have to as a conventional poppy in conventional it will say that the, the rock is that
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a disadvantage, especially if america comes, maybe iraq and take on his way old and conventional roofing. but in a war where he, ron becomes actively involved is that he is likely to draw the united states again for the conflict. and we will know that appear on is that it's obviously a disadvantage. i guess you are the states military, so you're wrong if the diesel, i don't want to because it is an excess of resistance via the leader of the mentors of resist systems. but it's also a pragmatic, rational player. and i think that's right. you know, that's how we should understand a rating position right now. here are in the end is not suicide. so have the wrong answering a conflict, a conventional conflict, initially you what she is involved. i don't think that search the excess of resistance in any way whatsoever that will be an active irrationality. all right,
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we have to live here now highly risk political come and tell you to join list and contribute to for the money to thank you so much for your inside here. great. so i'll be your rodya and president, i'm as soon as this can, has a key is the west of framing to keep its promise to bring about the ceasefire, lebanon, and gaza, on the condition that to ron, renounce as the military responds towards usual, over the killing all they have mass political chief is, might have had the he was assassinated by an explosive device planted in the guest house. he was staying in inter ron. the claims of the leaders of the united states and european countries who promised to cease fire in exchange for the runs known responds to the assassination of mazda honey. yeah, we're completely false. i'm giving such criminals a chance will only encourage them to commit more crimes. well let's get some more reaction to all this now and cross live to fly. these are the professor of
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political communication at university of to ron professionally. that is good to have you join me now. now reports say that israel has already entered solve 11 and for a limited ground operation. does how limited do you think this will be? you know, if they have associates history, they know that the going into is solvent countries $10.00 to $30.00 at that, especially if the country is named whether or not it is going to is all in that debt and any of the of maybe as early. so just, you know, has been a, was created after the 1982 invasion of 11 of the younger people in 11 on wanted to free deadlines from is, are the occupation they fund as well the site that's on that so that the secretary general was one of those young people and they fought for
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15 years in 1995. it is there. it is occupied the southern 11. 19. 1982 as well. no. just started the resistance in 1995. in 2000, i spent 15 years of the existence they managed to take is, are these out of lebanon, tennessee. there is a small portion of living instead of 30 the shuttle funds that is a still occupied by this, by a 0. but at the older than the majority of the land that was occupied was fee from occupation. so if it's really is, remember that the city, they should not invade the neighboring country. and if they decide to do that, i think to the, here's what know it can be relatives as quite as strong. this is true that they have lost those 63 generally they have lost some of the top commanders. but yeah,
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you know, in 1985 or 1990 or even 2000, it has the temperance is the much smaller than what they have to date since 2000 in the last 24 years they have it built. there's a capability significantly. so if they could kick is there any is out in a 2000 there says that we can create serious damage to the is where the army, the remedy and to a sudden 11 at. so given that fact to answer your question, i think they should not stay 11 on a too long because this casualties have, would lead them to realize that that was a mistake. all right, if we have to be more specific, what is easy? well as go here and do you think it will be to be able to achieve it?
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what's the analysis of this to you know, i think this is not certainly a who trying to say in power that he knows that's the day that he and that was, that he starts to go to jail because of his violation of the is what i get off and so this a continuation of the genocide that as and now this sort of the log in love a non is serving the pin. it's ensuring his a police officer live up, you know, in public opinion impulse in, in occupied by the sign. his numbers are increasing, which is very unfortunate. it's because he has been kidding more than 1500 people in 11 and just the last few days. so for, for people who like to have a 5 minutes. so that's the genocide,
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the chem and it's, it's not a good sign. so overall i take that because of the success that they have had in terms of the kidding as well. the, there's that they want to take advantage of the current situation before it has what can regroup. and they, they want to use this opportunity to invade that 11 on you know, cuz with us this has been around for a decades now. and it is a system of replacing killed leaders. it is well established and i think is what it is. would be surprised to see that this is a sense that is actually capable of making sure that they regrets
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the decisions they made. you know, of in the as you know, but i say it has and that sort. ready be cuz magically there a lot of people in the 11 not really very upset that he was killed even people who may not have agreed with him politically. they don't think it is should have the option of kenny live in these leaders that have been securing the country for many dictates. so what does this have done is actually going to give you more resolve to kinds members of customers, and it's going to increase the membership of the, you know, the, the, the, the, we have a more than a 1000000 refugees. people who is living a southern 11 and now they have been replaced,
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are living and be able to in the other parts of the country. and there are lots of young people among the people to close this place. so then when you approved a 1000000 people, you're going to have tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of young people that want to get their land back. they want to go back home. and so this is something that is, that is didn't understand in 1982, then they invaded 11 on and it seems they have forgotten the lessons of that same pa, this all right, can your into, ron, how do you expect to run to react to all of this escalation has been demonstrated, remarkable with straight up to this point. but how long cannot last you know, there are patients of vanya and the, there's a, has a limit, and that there's a huge public opinion patient you need on that to,
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for the government to respond military, the to destination of the message, a mess, or lot of people actually been waiting for the response for the submission of a smart heavy. yeah. and it is that if you're in the and politician that it's just there's so much that you can take from this public opinion pressure . so i think sooner or later the patients that are on out whether it's this week or next week was the tomorrow. i don't know, i cannot tell you that, but sorry, no, that's it. lots of people didn't even realize that the, if these type of the good kikes, but it is what it is. it does not have any consequences for them if there is no
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pain. but attacking the civilians in love or not. because that for that matter, then these type of crimes will continue and it may be cheese on eventually it's a slow they toes. a lot of people here think that the ladies need to be reminded that this type of behavior is not going to be tied to it. and you don't seem to abilities a pipe. a song in april after is, are these. i typed it on an embassy in damascus. you had as early as opening up the window and seeing, you know, and by the sickness of the, you know, hitting the targets and this time around i think he runs this possibly be much. most of you. all right, we have to leave you here now for these are the professor of political communication at the university of to ron. thank you so much for your insight.
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thank now as a user olsby operating the space and it's stand off with has blah and the international community warning of the risk of full scale water in the middle east are teases by roman costs or have has been looking at the power levels for the $2611.00 and more. the latest escalation between israel and it has the law has become the deadliest of self since that 2006 ford, a conflict that many fear could be repeating itself to day. that war lasted from july 12th until august 14th just 34 days, and it was triggered by across the border attack by hezbollah, which captured 2 is very soldiers and killed 8 others. the response was swift and intense. with is ready forces unleashing a barrage of air and artillery strikes across lebanon. what define to this for? were the members violations of international law and the habits all of civilians is
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read? it forces repeated. this truck areas with no apparent military targets, inflicting heavy casualties. the amount of civilians and causing widespread destruction which trace concerns them on their rights groups on the conduct of israeli forces. once again, is there elizabeth thing on it's excessive military force to settle the problems with its neighbors? and 11 on is once again, the victim of an aggression whose the brutality has exceeded all expectations. and all previous regressions hiding as always behind the right to set of defense. this reveals their twisted understanding on international idea of tanks also to positions more than one kilometer into the northern central and southern strip. the violence is continuing to do a family of 5 was killed then in his early thank find that the house and gaza, which is at least the 2nd time in the reporting period. the many members of a family have been to have this sentiments was
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a widely shared reward triggered an outpouring of international condemnation with many countries accusing israel offsite, disproportionate response that violates of international norms. the presidency of the european union is shocked and dismayed by these riley as to likes on the southern ebony stone of quanah. there was no justification for the tax goals and casualties among innocent civilians, most of whom were women and children. the fact that the residents had been warned and called upon to leave the area does not justify these tragic event. as israel had rejected the 72 hours of station the facilities called for by the un to open the way for safe with the creation of civilians from solving levin on the normal process of negotiation accepted
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by the fact that the civilian targets and civilians in law the states are being bombarded is against international law and completely unacceptable. the allegations against israel extends beyond the battlefield. a start reminder of its past abuses is see um prison in southern lebanon. the vicinity run by israel's proxy force, the south lebanon army became the story of fort source, or an arbitrary detention. although israel denied direct control human rights, which reported that is rarely personnel trains and guided v. s l. a. making israel complicit had the systematic abuse. prisoners were held without being charged often for years in conditions that violated international law. reports of torture and severe mistreatment for rapids, casting a long shadow over israel's actions and 11 and israel. main same throughout the
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conflict that they were targeting has full of fighters and infrastructure and that civilian casualties work. and unfortunately the consequence on has the laws, tactics. we defend ourselves in this brutal war. and sometimes, tragically, as has happened to day women and children and do get hurt because they are used as a human shield by that his beloved, this is by lies, holmes 11, on which house miss side, in which the family sleeps with a miss side. when you sleep with a miss side, sometimes you don't wake up in the morning and as well, we have homes. we try equipped with a, an air raid shelter. to save people from bombs and 11 on, they have homes in which they equip them to launch imbecile taking into account that those people could be killed. we today say we are truly sorry for the people of lebanon and for the people who are killed. but tenant the widespread destruction,
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the united states food almost alone and its support for israel descending its actions as necessary and blaming as below for the conflict. people around the region in the world need to take a step back and recognize that hezbollah has blue as action. create a very strong, strong reaction that uh, that up unfortunately, cause some people to lose or lose or live innocent people to lose their life. but on the other hand that it was has below the costs of destruction. people have got understand it, and it'll take time. andrea, that'll take time for people to see the truth. that hezbollah hides behind innocent civilians as they attack. and we're finally ended on august 14th, 2006 after israel as the law and the lebanese government agreed to the terms of united nations resolutions. 17
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o one. the resolution called for an immediate cease fire, the withdrawal of israeli forces and the disarmament of hezbollah. however, the resolution did little to result the underlined tensions and the scars how the conflicts were made during the 34 day war. israel's limited 3 operations target is not only hezbollah positions, but also the lebanese infrastructure. leading much of the country in ruins, over 1100 lebanese, were killed, most of them civilian fed, approximately 1000000 people were displaced while has belie, emerged from the war, claiming victory. the human cost and devastation left a lasting damage to lebanon. i always spoke to lebanese parliament member, he brought him in a may, and he told us about the motives, nothing now has been pursuing and the conflict lately. the ways the idea proceeds collateral damage and the last ease ready warnings about it strikes and 11 on the
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message was uh that the whoever it is home is near america decides or community allowed on or any arms. the principalship evacuated on how little disability and i know, you know, 7 is don't even know that these vocational courses bundle or so how are you able to know if you need to evacuate or not? some people who are taken by surprise, some people believe it don't trust the isn't a if these messages they are thought a good thing anyways the. ringback the, the disability and because it seems to me that is a, in the way they see it, that we give you a warning, and this is the way to evacuate this house for them to increase that condition. and to add to it'd be the responsive responsibility of the discriminating between the disability. i'm not sleeping in this way. they can have mass destruction or uh for the whole area. i mean, uh they even, you know, we've seen uh, some targeting for and believe those, but you know, they targeted these leaders with no,
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the attention or move or respect for disability. it will even who lived in this building. they thought it takes a few days ago. uh, sometimes the duck in southern suburbs available. and they brought the whole building of 9 floors with the families with the women and the children on the ground dispute uh to target one. uh and uh with, because this has been let either and this is pardon me, i want to cry. this is little discrimination in florida, but the thing civilians are admitted city and i think they're doing it intentionally just to say to the international community, the by thing by the national and they, they don't care about, connected or damage for them for them. so begins out just connected with damage, which we believe that is a bit. i mean it's, it's, it's a, it's a games to amenities against international law. if you have someone specifically and you just don't go onto the device and this we have formed you, i think what that the whole i've been trying to do in the past a year or so trying to uh,
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drive the whole area to an old floor. he said that he wants to change them, at least i know how else would he want to change the middle east if he doesn't. and . ready a drag be a night and spades into an old alkaloid with the open old fronts at the same time, under the pretext of protecting isn't i you? and i believe that escalating this situation in the south and disconnecting the aggression on having this war. i'm getting civilians is about dragging more and more that they could uh, reactions from huntsville to just to buy more and more escalation and maybe and drag out other countries and do this on all 4. and that's the update. now i'll see you again in about 10 minutes. the
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news, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discuss the wheel in
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the, the report phase, ready time to rolling into the solvent 11 on beginning of ground depression. and the columns, despite 11 on his leadership, saying it's ready to fuel fuel a 2006 un resolution to avoid a conflict with its neighbors. we are ready to fully implement a un security council resolution, 17 o one, and we are ready to send the lebanese homie to the southern area for it to fully performance duties. and coordination with international peacekeeping forces at washington confirms the as well informed it of its intentions and carry out the limits of the ground. the operation 11 on the part of us that doesn't appear to


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