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tv   Documentary  RT  July 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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hardy, probably the know he's doing it because he is intellectually cognitively and they're all logically unable to do this is that this is not a strategic move on. here's part why he went this far. i have no idea. let me also say something that many of us who listen very carefully to job i since 2017, when he gave his favorite famous corn pop speech, that skid or die out of me. i been wondering, or are you paying attention? and they said, oh, that's just you know, that's just joe. so let me say something in conclusion. i, because i know we're going to run out of time. donald trump, be careful. because if you think you're gonna walk into the white house, if you think that your bumps from got a date gone from your brush, with depth, from dodging a bullet from, from your rally, do not confuse republican rallies with the country. and with all due
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respect, what i have heard this incredible compilation of stories and, and, and, and a few points regarding them at least, and ukraine with all due respect, the average american voter. courtney and carol was stopped by the couldn't find it on a map. doesn't understand this. they're going to be in 2 mediums and that personality . and this is quite a white woman. this is wonderful and do not ever miss under estimate is george bush would say the hatred, the vile, the contempt people have for donald trump. this trump arrangements send your message called tv. yes, there are people, mike. there are huge swats of the democratic party who don't exist, who don't have a platform. they just don't want trump. they don't want from anybody, but trump, that's the focus of this. trump has been the most divisive and the most exciting aspect of all parts. so let me tell you something, donald trump, the republican party. don't you think for a moment this is going to be
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a cake walk. oh no, no, no, because whatever you had against joe, whatever you thought that's over with. now you've got a comma. now if she can somehow, i cannot wait until the debate at some point a debate provided provided that the democratic party cleared his waiver, but a debate with donald trump, which he talks about and bring when she starts going to this local re a. this weird. it's across between deepak chopra and 100 thompson and professor irvin corey. where she waxes serial in a a. but i don't know what i hope that happens like to not under of estimate her because of this thing. turns into a movement. if she doesn't become carmella harris, the one who couldn't pull to present the woman who was your dropbox, the woman that nobody likes, this is monitoring tackling, calculating for. if it goes from that into this church to make really ready to pick
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up world, i'm a left up. be careful by don't, don't estimator. i'm telling you all right. be very afraid. all right, that, and so much somebody actually said that they will be easier to beats in camelot, but you, you have sent a course and now that is not just going to be a walk in the park. but before we come to that, the extra days biden has endorsed camera coming to hire is eventually to be the potential candidate. we know that by the end is just one plastic. the convention is coming with, but you know, all of the, the, all the forces political forces within the system. not from what you're seeing right now. do you see tamela really being picked getting the nomination? but besides him, besides ha, rather, do you see all the lightning names a lot rightful 1st this, the surprise no one to this, this was in the offing. this was already calculated the dnc,
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the powers that be of already been working on this. it depends on a lot of thing. sweeney state polling. we only care about certain states. why did you know under our electoral process, what's your colors system? you only need the 111 states to win the whole country. i mean it's, it's, it's been as in teen to make it to, to use that particular phrase. i don't know, and i don't, and i say that because as of today, i don't know. i will tell you, though, that they're there, that the donors and the big money people were furious and you see by they have committed nearly as of dollars to is a joe biden, or what is to joe biden and his running mate? should he step down? i don't know how the particular wording of that is. there was a suggestion that a lot of these builders, one of their money back, they were asking for a refund, so to speak. and then they ask, well, why don't you do this? we'll give you the money back, but you re re donate. let's see how that goes. many people are feeling that they
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were just left alone left in the woods, that they were hoodwinked by. this now could, could come to harris when, as crazy as the sounds and is not he is this sound? absolutely, it's a long way to go. but if the president can continue, president, trump can continue what he's doing with his message and understand that she is the most vulnerable when it comes to issues. just ask her what she can do. if during the debate they just ask her, and i'm going to say this, she could say anything she could recite the alphabet. she could be a super can label i, there are, people was a bravo, but really, why she's not trying. this is well, nobody understands. he has all of the present and the load. there's no in between. here's one reaction you never hear about donald trump. never it love him or just
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spies him. and he is going to, why the know knowing him, he is going to go in and he's gonna, he's not going to take the high road. he's not going to benches words, he's not going to be. he's not going to say, well, she is going to be a good election. i made a better person with no, he's going to go for the counselor. he's going to give her a nickname he's going to. he is going to be vintage trump because a lot happened to him and you know, they, they said that after this this, this brush with death, they said, i think it's the new donald trump. he recognizes the, the, the importance of unified give me a break. he's more donald trump than he's ever been. he says this is my last chance and i'm going to go on fighting. so mike, get ready, my friend, it's going to be a peer 6 brawl. it's going to be a i an over the top roll battle royal, as we say, professional rationally, it's going to be it's marvelous ad who essentially was sit down and watch how it
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all plays out. now the point is the new york times is that too late at bed. the bed cabinet, however, is, was biden's choice because she has no access to a quick access. i'll close the access to the campaign funding. what do you make of that though? well, that's what i've said before you see when, when you donate it was to joe biden barton harris campaign. i don't know exactly how the wording of the contract guess but are but, but if both of them dropped out, clearly, those monies would be returned or, or somebody could ask for refunding. the question now is, does that, can they use these funds if joe is not there? but mike, the bigger question, the most important question is he is barton, present a bi, you're going to step down if he can be the norm and me. how can you be president? you're going to be hearing about the 25th amendment. there's going to be
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resignation. and in the event he resigned, comma harris becomes the acting president. the ad building to give her a little chance of showing her her stuff for metal. that's what people are going to be asking. how is joe biden? again, with all due respect, how is he able to handle this until january the 20th? i'm not here. every time we see him, i'm sorry, you're breaking my hard to say that he, his, his declination is more apparent. so i don't know what's going to do to happen. that's one issue. and then we're talking about who is for rodney made going to be sandwich, the least of the that's the least her, but she's going to pick somebody from a swing stage. he's going to pick somebody from whatever. but mike, i'm telling you right now, this is the way it's, this is a way is read history and the make images. brock. obama. a black woman physically changed. ladies and gentlemen, come out and catch your vote. not for a person. it's not for a party or history. i saw a message, but for a statement,
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but for a moment in history, let's show the world see where that's going. that will be there are people who will feel motivated to vote, who couldn't tell you where the borders are. put in spell ukraine, who have maybe some people who never voted. and let me also say one thing. i don't know how many new voters are going to be available when i say the newly minted. we have a lot of people in this country. millions who have crossed the border wiggly illegally on a company, i don't know, seeking a new life. do they have new voting potential? are we going to have people, they should we, we're going to have this ignored and it run, or they're going to say, oh no, no. so there's, there's, there's no, there's no illegality here. there's no sure category. these are all legal voters, new voters pursuant to legislation. maybe you never knew about maybe an executive order. you never heard about. i mean this, we don't know what is going to happen. but if you think that right now the
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president trump is going to walk through this, oh no, no, no, no. and i tell my friends, especially in the conservative, said commentators they say call, there's no way anybody to go. for example, here she's, she's up, she's bumbling. she's in coherent. oh no, no. no. you don't understand. you might just, you know, voting is one thing. remember from karate kid, mr. me, i did. you said on yes. on cut out date is yeah. yeah. never. yeah. well, voting is yeah, that's fine. yeah. never intelligent people vote because of i've been a democrat my whole life. i found it was about. i wanted to see i'd be looks pictures and names. and let me tell you, if you also have hollywood is going to be using everything. they have every, a director, every cameraman, every makeup artist, every story, every, every play,
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right? everybody to put together a story. so common last, harris woman who came from nothing who, you know, the, i mean you can always hear how people are going to be crying. this is it. oh, i'm telling you, get ready and don't think this is about issues. this is not, this is not about this, is this, this, this feeling people have this, this chance. and also, if the democrats were to go detail, voters like show that trump, what we can do, show them what real american, these women with a right to abortion and, and he doesn't racism in january 6. so what, what i really wanted to throw on, and this could change the, the, the tenor of everything by virtue of how they positions this is not going to be an election. this is a movement statement. if that's the attitude and i know is going to be rather the drum gap ready. get ready and praise for anything. right?
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who the way we see a lot of it's going to be history in the making us have this the election, this year's consent law. no, thank you so much for your insight. all is great to have you on. thank you, my good friend. great. now let's move on now. was joe biden, and don't think is vice president campbell, the higher is as a no money for the upcoming presidential race, hoping to impose show that she's still lagging behind. donald trump, the highway is, has her own special way with words which has often raised questions about whether she's 80 more fit for office done her car in boss. do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? i loved venn diagrams. i really do. i love then diagrams it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues,
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to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on. if the truck administration improves the vaccine before or after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? donald trump tells us that we just take it. i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance of the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community. as he was president, joe biden says a, he's quitting the presidential res ortiz donald court. the exam, as a reasons why his campaign has come to this logical conclusion. joe biden's re
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election campaign will no doubt go down in history as one of the biggest embarrassments on record, the the, the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum off for the trunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is, i don't think he knows what he said. he, that i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay him. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker. you're those are he sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coverage i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is if we finally b, medicare, take you president by the fight in this debate disaster was far from the end of it and his attempt to explain away clear signs of mental degradation only added to the
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ridiculousness of it all. i wasn't very smart. i decided to travel around the world a couple of times. i don't know how many times zones, it's not an excuse, but an explanation. the president did not have a great night, as you all know and many of you reached out during the can't the, the debate, the present had a cold. he had a hoarse voice. you will hurt it. that's why he reached out the writing was so clearly on the wall that bite and had lost his marbles. that even the main stream media had a band at him. the same people who tried to downplay his ailing cognitive abilities for so long, president feels well and that this year's physical identified no new concerns. he also goes on to say that he continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations. we don't have a plausible explanation for what happened to the president. 2 weeks ago, he should undergo a cognitive test to put this issue to arrest this version of abiding
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and will actually, analytically is the best buys and ever. and joe biden couldn't respond to any of those lies. in fact, as a new york times that he spent much of the night with his mouth agape. and as i starting back and forth, he couldn't, in fact check anything donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another after another. then out the door went biden's allies and the democratic party who began calling for him to throw in the towel. while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone. i believe it is time for him to pass the torch and in doing so secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat donald trump in the upcoming election. perceptions are absolutely ruling and things like this. in a campaign,
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he looks very frail. his voice is very soft, it's not robust. and again, it is not how i perceive that it's how the american people perceive it. what i stressed to the president is, this isn't just about you. it's not about loyalty. it's about being pragmatic. what he needs to do is show to the responsibility for keeping that seat. and part of that responsibility is to get out of this race with little to no political or media support left financial aid, went out the window as well. hard heading party donors began to lose faith, even writing a letter calling for bite and to withdraw his ticket. we respectfully urge you to withdraw from being a candidate for re election for the sake of our democracy and the future of our nation. but it doesn't take a story and to recall that biden's problems pre dates this election cycle, mr. president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blame you directly. what's your response to that, sir? the?
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so you can probably imagine how easy it was for the republican national convention to rip biden's credibility to shreds. president biden has become the symbol of in america in decline. this may be our presence, but it does not have to be our future. we can replace the by it inheritance, come off with a president who is strong and smart rather than sleepy n c nile. or in her case clueless and embarrassing. it was pretty clear how things were set to go down even before by made his exit. political
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bookmakers said that there was an over 60 percent chance that the president would make the decision to drop out of the race. and that should come as no surprise since biden was talking about retirement as far back as 2020. like i told brock if, if, if i reach something where there's a, a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle all, i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll develop some disease and say i have to resign. i tested positive for cove and 19 this afternoon, but i am feeling good and thank everyone for the well wishes for so long. there were so many indications that an attempt to secure a 2nd term for bite and would end in disaster. and yet it took the main stream media and democrats until biden spent nearly 2 hours, not making any sense on international television, and is debate with donald trump for them to finally see how wrong they were.
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right. that's across live to international option, a decline press. the incline is good to have you join me now. now sometimes you thank you some top republicans are now calling for binding to resign from the presidency. how likely is this to happen from a legal point of view? well, it's complicated now because just because he's not going to commit to continue his campaign, but for him to step aside under the 25th amendment would be a different standard that would have to be met. sadly, i think the standard was not long ago, but it really raised a lot of political questions. some of them are actually the democrat parties making, but by having kamala harris as his running mate. and they created her, essentially chose her as an insurance policy. well, now that policy may be due, and that caused some problems that i don't think they fully you anticipated.
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right, martin has supported his vice president cabinet harry's as a potential candidate for the coming elections. but how likely is it that she will get the nomination? well, you know, it's really hard to say um, i think this, these legs advance really exemplified the fact that there is no democracy in the democrat party. so and you know the present binders, man for style that's not democratic move. and the next moves that they make will be made not by the people, the democrat of the democrats, supporters, but to be made by the donors, the democratic donors. and so i don't believe that she has widespread support here in the united states. she's not very well respected, but you know,
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they'll calculate what their odds are and in beating donald trump in the general election and make that the decision at that point. but um, it's really hard to handicap it because the democrat party doesn't actually operate upon a democratic democratic principles. so it's hard to anticipate what actions they'll take now. but right now the new york times has speculated that kimberly hire use was by didn't stop choice because she has immediate access to that. can thing funding. i wonder what you make of that? well, that would be the only reason to keep part of the reason she's on the taking to begin with, just to be very candid or because of her gender and race, not because of many qualifications. and so, um, you know, the only saving grace that they would have now, and the only benefit to keeping her on the ticket is the fact that they would be
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able to use campaign funds had been raised to this point. it's like she was a different candidate model of the campaign finance roles in united states that would not be able to use that money. so as a financial question that somebody said that it would be easier to beat the camera to hire is then to abide. and i wonder what to make of that you know, i would say their, their big bully bad. uh frankly, um, as candidates uh, everyones known for some time that present biden is not actually running the country um and cam wire has been put aside as much as she can be by the democrat party. and by pressing the button to keep her out of public view. and so we have to really, less than ideal choices for the american people in the democratic party side.
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so it's, it's just a soap opera at this point. now how can the sort take and candidates influence the people's trust in the democratic party at to vote for the, for that party of the election? well, i don't know that you can have trust in that the democrat party in the, the actions i've taken to this thing, particularly given the fact that you know how they've essentially forced bottom to resign from further campaigning. that was done not demographically, that was done by the money people in his party that support him. and so that's not very democratic in my view. um, so i think there is a, the way this has been handled, does raise a lot of trust issues with democrats, supporters and then boaters. it's not a very transparent system,
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but the way it's been handled and, and i think that is anything but democratic. all right, we'll wait to see how these things play out as they own phone climb preston international actually. thank you so much for your insight. thank q a. roger king. yes. all the details of all the stories will following this time when archie does come, how suddenly drive back again, just in a few minutes at the top of the season. the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and
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whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense. the best english i'll send send up the speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will fan in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on the rushes per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say
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from stephen twist, which is the because they already, gosh, they cps because they could scroll. so i'd be search and then use their email futures. great if and then to the roles, the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of korean access, all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes 10. prisons really well, you know, thing to do with me. she's the media venue, so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment i could have looked into the beatles going to be
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approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff dumbly level if the shifted utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so the youngest, i mean you know what? the a man disease forced labor torture by the water slip on. yes. what was the last, it also need you to do that? it's a terrible human off with those who quoted me is 9 person and 6 of the give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more and you've got here, you know, wanted to do this be a good idea. yeah. for the good i see it or really supplement. they decided to do it. but this is danielle. i was booked at the middle of the
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same room. just don't you have to safe house because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the,
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the job i didn't say as a he is courting the us presidential raise. had he's in those in his v b camera, the hiring of a possible candidate for the november election. after the news in the donald trump slammed his former arrival, say biden's controversial policies of florida and the nation into a crisis and bought instead has been mon bobby ukraine conflicts to the war in gaza. case, the gun they said were all an increasing domestic gift of people. as the end of these e rice modified b thing divided with america. we all have the legacy of the companies you as president as he vows out of the electro race. the.


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