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tv   News  RT  July 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the th and across the headlines right now, coat danger was adventure, is it your rod one diesel? he gets to drop the destination of the region after he's reading your planes involved in or refinery yemen. supposed to be leaving 6 killed and more of the 18th when the the us presidential. now many donald trump hold us, draw these things in the brush with death a week ago. while the mag deleda blocked the main street media from constantly humanizing him. in cabinets, president accuses a us bang, you said geo financing this fall and anti government protests that i've renewed across the east african nation,
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the so called software update era claim for what's being told the law just digital out to you in history at ports, hospital tv, networks were all taken down, but the question remains, was it really just that the legs, the color continuing coverage of the lake? a stretch of shipping the world right now. this is our to international. i a michael question. now the desk told in the yeah, mens red c port of all the whole data has risen to fix while more than 80 others have been wounded and that's after these really attack the blue are both feel refinery in storage depot. now these pictures you see right now show the area before and after these really strike, although each row claims to have claimed only if the pocket and admitted to target
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that civilian infrastructure was also destroyed. the lead to all the who, the movement said the easel use us weapons in the attack of these rarely is carried out aggression against civilian targets in our country, using american weapons. the enemies attack on our countries. oil reservoirs will not stop our support for the palestinian people. our people will never back down from their position it on one's against the risk of escalation of tension and the spread of war and the region design is resume and it supports us, including the us government, directly responsible for the dangerous and unpredictable consequences of the continuation of crimes and gaza as well as that sex on human person to have a service back into this pot applied after israel watched its 1st ever direct flight model. so after the war broke out, the idea targeted the fuel source facilities
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a direct c for the city of using f. 35 fire still has justified its assault as being a would tell you ition for you as previous attacks, particularly the most recent phones trying to kill one person and so you must be injured. 10 others and the most comfortable the porch we attacked is not the innocent points. it was used for military purposes and it was used as a nancy point for the weapons to apply to the cookies by wrong. they use the swap and to talk it as well to talk the counts, we solve the region to talk in international shipping lane, one of the most important sleeping lights in the world. the tech came in direct response to the drone attack and we send this mail. a citizen was killed and all the civilians were injured. it also followed the press and they'll be sure to face against the state. so please, well, since the beginning of the war i have a message for this will kind of me don't let me just lead us. we will proceed. 8 so south, in every way on every from anyone who home saw school pate, a very heavy price for the russian. that's, i think, i'd say made
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a fire that is currently burning. indiana is sent across the middle east with a spectacular mask over $200.00 times in the 1st time that the 100 and miss royal citizen was charged. apple says, and when do these in any place, we've made the required people the blunder of these rarely citizens because of price cease has been made clear in lamina in gaza, in human. indeed, other places they will dare to attack castle. the result will be identical. things are getting scary as israel has to rep pockets attacks on back slide. these are the best with your shots that we use ratings. fine sources for the ministry of foreign affairs non denounced the task. so the people are bearing the consequences. no cost the women and children
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suffering under israel's incessant bombardment on the ongoing killings and comprehensive. ready here's our resources on current regional tensions. i was also quick to condemn these radius all saying dudley b birch. why the fire last as well? also, i was support with these are the many people after the extra 2 bits, there a sign of a new dangerous phase and the confrontation at the level of the entire region. so i sort of get a new cycle of reactions, no age groups in the region form is supporting policies that we spoke with unit for us to be able to. ron profess, i said, well, how about? but randi, he said he has become all of us to the middle east,
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the region and the world that he's role does not want peace is randy regime is in deep trouble because it's becoming increasingly clear to the world that the regime will never have peace does rather machine is a rock raising the carriers of a regular strikes against syria. it has been carrying out proof of chewing regularly in the west bank. this is something that people don't hear between 502600 palestinians have been murdered in the west bank in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. it has nothing to do with because it has nothing to do with how much. but the regime just kills people whenever it likes. and the same is true and yeah, man and house with the regime is a roku machine and it will be supported by the wes they will allow that is rarely rushing to behave as they behaved for centuries. but the reason of this change,
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since the reader will not accept an apartheid regime in west asia and now to gather now why depleted hospitals have been overwhelmed with casualties and meet these roles, relentless bombardment of the region over the past 24 hours at least 60 palestinians had been killed with hundreds more injured. the now overnights is where the slides on the brains refugee camp to. busy at least 15 people, including women and children, and not according to local health, professional ambulances brought in the bodies of the dead to a hospital in the central city of denver, all belong. funeral services and prayers were held for the deceased. been while these are these strikes in solving god the killed the v. 6 paul is tedious. among them, a woman and 2 goals and their bodies were taken to the nearby and i saw hostages. but that's not the only troubling news from the region un agencies in, in coordination with the policy and health ministry here filed the presence of the
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highly infectious polio virus in gaza. i'm the director of the world health organization says that the war has been increasing the risks of infection and other c 5 is the social to stop the spread of the disease. 6 environmental samples of variant political virus type 2 had been detected from con eunice and darrow by law in gaza. w h o, the ministry of health, eunice f u n r w a and partners are conducting the risk assessment on the scope of polio virus spread and the necessary response to stop any further spread. including prompt vaccination campaigns prior to the conflict. polio vaccination rates and gaza, or optimal a ceasefire is essential to allow and effective response. polio is considered a highly infectious disease that can cause peralez season death. it was found in syria to want to gather some flows between the tents and guys of refugee camps.
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savannah overcrowding in those shelves as lack of teen was having proper medical care and united good sanitation and hygiene conditions. um even main contributors to the risk of the disease spreading of the uh, the humanitarian crisis is getting worse by the day. take that catastrophic impact on the health system, the, according to you and officials, only 16 all the regions. 36 hospitals are even partially functional. and also a $105.00 from a half gas and does only $45.00, operational. now let's press now live to and the largest and public health physician. now dogs, the rich intent of eve is nice to have you join me right down to dab. now the world health organization has cautioned about the risk of party when the warring guys a,
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how dangerous is this virus? can you break it down for us? so we're talking about what is called but seem derived all the also this is not the wild type. we had did in israel and several other countries that throughout the years because there are polio vaccine. can you dates back of cause these carriers it's on a risk. and of course because of the really very, very dire sanitary situation. though in gaza these can spread and finally, a, this has info to know johnstone's or region on there, but also global sky because we are in the midst of play a already several decades complaints eradicate the polio. so we must have a pony of explanation, a contain, especially for those. well, the most probable we're talking about the babies that are not vaccinated by the way, april so,
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but some nation writing does not any as well. that'd be foldable. what cried, tie as well. i started the vaccination infrastructure already in the seventy's in it guys, but as you said before, now the has the infrastructure and guidelines almost destroyed. so we need to have to concentrate the default by all those involved. the building with the half of the traditional community to start the about the nation may complain. all i do, we know the pull you off. it's chosen the more but the with the situation the guys are right now. can you make us understand who is most at risk of catching pulled you? it does not trace go, does it not vaccinate that? of course, there are also people with that, i mean, a compromise uh, suffering from chronic a mrs. eh, pulling that has been from samantha, the by sledge. hands hygiene is that crucial? by the way,
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99 percent the infected though not going to have say almost any symptoms that can be silent. they can, they can be guthrie testing. novel is science, but then it does that to have a serious infection. uh, and again, this is the minority can develop in the logic of the symptoms probably sees them even. and that we must go and see that there is a through good surveillance, not just in the sewage, but also clinical. so veterans that it's really difficult now because of the sick legend in gaza and to share information among all those involved. and we know that that was also you need to say, well, you found in the sewage. uh, as i started in these are 2 years ago we had, but the, the genetic composition is different from the time when we're talking about vaccines arrived. prototype to this,
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actually the wild type was eradicated. but because of the all party of, of seem to mutate that sometime when we're doing a sewage surveillance that can be found, we need to remember it's not just folio the other um illnesses including appetite is a, a means as in other diseases, the game we have exceeds it of course the wednesday is also mind latricia and this is also very problematic. all right, i know you mentioned the issue of solve the lines of what we know that the guy, the situation has a peculiar situation. what, what steps should be taken to prevent the spread of the polio viruses and guides as if he is right now? so it's like in any of the situation, it's uh, people remember, including in syria, including, i've gotten this time. uh, we need to see that the places the top oxygenated the there is uh, the themes are safe. so you need to have at least
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a local ceasefire to have the approximation a campaign. we need to do the surveillance, so not just in several places, that moles spread the, the sewage, same surveillance, then we can best be paid until the 1st day. it is readily available then for good instructions, are able to see that there's more just sorts of benefits also clinical surveillance . and this is very difficult. these when clinics uh, mostly outside down a and probably it says sign in may be a breach, a foot caught up, or i shouldn't between the stakeholders and with the help of international organization and other countries that it revealed the system. unfortunately from us use many of them uh for hiding weapons and refuge and hostages. um, but uh, we need to see that says they have to assist them. uh,
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is coming back. we need to think about the day after. we need to remember there's also the whole thing is that you also there's, you guys are in a very dangerous situation right now. so i was going to call you because obviously, so i think that the probably accounts can serve as a breach, may be to think how to work together in the you, money, tare on and efficient way or i would have to leave you here. now. thank you. the net up debbie, the which i mean to me, i largest and public health physician reaching us from tell of you. thank you very much for your time. to and over to the united states now flagged donald trump has held his 1st raleigh since his brush or death. a week ago. the mazda leader was met with a hero's welcome from the patched crowd inside and the rena. in michigan, the nicest place america's $47.00
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a presidential hopefuls sounded the alarm and that the country is on the brink highlighting inflation and added the crisis and the march of migrants crossing the nation the southern border. he also slammed the main stream media had this political rivals, would demonizing him do what they do is miss information and this information and they keep saying choose a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do for democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy and that's up to 10 students had these 10 should be exploded between some support as and his detractors with the main stream media blame for scattering off the hostilities. the take
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a look at what happened right there with some supporters and venting their on go ahead and taking a mazda pool, messing jeff for in finding the violence that so i'm still on the 1st through his hats in the reading to become president, back in 2016, the usual suspects published a slew of many headlines against him. well, the blame game is in full swing to find his good responsible for the assassination attempt. law enforcement agencies have tried to dodge the blood while some of the media blamed from political rhetoric for the shooting and science to the us main street media. they even managed to try and blame me, run well guessing to the bottom of it has proven difficult. as the director of the secret service fled from a group of senators who demanded answers. the
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answer to trump security detail has clearly been beefed up since the assassination attempt took place. but we're seeing a lot of finger pointing between all of these people that are essentially a fault for the security failure that took place at trump's riley in pennsylvania. i mean, the ahead of the secret service is saying that the local police is exclusively to blame because they are responsible for the building where the shooter actually took his position with the chair support for that particular site. and the secret service was responsible for the in a perimeter, and then was sort assistance from local police from the outer perimeter. an interesting remark, swear state, but it's the secret service itself, which is coming under scrutiny not. that's right. because on the other hand, the us media is saying that the secret service was actually tipped off about a suspicious person in the building where the shooter was by both people participating in that rally that was taking place and the local police themselves. nevertheless,
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nothing was done about this tip off rally goers on their way and noticed crooks pacing and behaving strangely near the metal detectors. according to 4 officials, they alerted local police who began pursuing crooks on foot. a us official telling nbc news that during the pursuit the officers told secret service they were looking for a suspicious person in the area. it's not clear when secret service was notified. very effective. but crooks did make it onto the rooftop. so it looks like the secret service could have prevented this assassination attempt from taking place in the 1st place. if it just investigated that tip off, it seems quite strange, but that information was just ignored. as you've been saying, you've got both law enforcement sides accusing each other of blame here, but it's another party which some are saying, various responsibility, correct? that's right. i mean, this might seem a bit out of left fields, but according to cnn, the radians had their own assassination plot for trump,
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or on the same time where the shooting took place, the us government received the intelligence from a human source that indicated that the iranians were plotting to try to kill a former president, donald trump, now that led immediately to an increase in the protection for the former president . we heard over the weekend from the secret service that in recent weeks they had increased their protection for the former president. now it's important to understand that cnn in the article that it put on its website about this story said that the a rainy in the parents, a rainy implied, had nothing to do with the shooting, but still it, it seems quite strange why media play would mention that in an article that doesn't have anything to do with around in the 1st place. and to africa now, where a new wave of anti government protest is gripped kenya area of this week, demonstrator demanded president william router step down calling for immediate changes to clean up corruption. the
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the for the 2 day is um, uh, the continuing of the anti government protest and some people are on the street. um, you can see from the box fully uh uh, friday um got to despise the crowd that i got that here. i am the right non nationalized vision of mind run deductible, which must been for the people who are must pick up. you go to work one big blue monthly with the president. you know, what is that right for us? here's what, who to he's i'm only get the yes to leave both the media to fix. yeah. yes.
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to stay until we can see like really onto this gums. so if the president thinks we are going anywhere, we are going to leave you being so you're going to sit down and talk with you. we are not going to do that because i and even if it to minutes possibly be me, i'm going to do that. what they're saying that they don't want caught up officials because uh for a very long time the government has been drawn by what obviously shows that what we saw recently was the president william brutal um, dismissing all the members of his cabinet including um, uh the attorney general, who is the legal advice uh to the exec i do what the government. so what the people are saying right now is that the president himself must resign even after dropping the controversial off, but not to be the $24.00 weeks. many claimed that uh, this finance be diesel. uh if you decide not to be lo, city to mesa, is that what you produce? but are you moved, which are not a city do most of that were meant for a lot of good notes on biking is so uh that's what spots of
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a product is different not to be looked at $24.00, which the kitchens. why that it was coming from i move the purpose, i've been witnessed in different parts of the country. it's in different cities in mombasa, in makoto, in and go to it in can reach a number of people have lost lines of, of 40 people have been reported and hundreds of people i've seen in most people must see injuries, not seeing injuries, but they, that was on the lifted on them on duty. uh the yeah, in the couple of days the metal be that me a while president router has accused the us base n g o fort foundation of financing the protest and stoking the balance. i want to pull out both water behind today. i'm not in kenya. there's a lot of behind the splint setting the kilo thing that republicans can someone them because they have fun setting violence against our democratic mission. maybe not
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that are new to the ford foundation. what, what form b, e o s i why not the one up the funding of food your job. but if i duck gun, we are going to pull them out and they're going to tell them if they are not invested in the bankruptcy and can know if they're going to dispose of violence. if they're going to sponsor on our key, we are going to pull them out and they are going to tell them they eva, fight up, or they leave. so the can government wants the us base fort foundation to explain the $5000000.00 us dollars. it's dished out to various local organizations and the government sides of the n g o is funding opposition groups. one canyon and human rights activists said, but the nation once it's over t at west and lead in all west on lending institutions like the, i am asked me to go this is this, this is the, the, the image, this is very extensive. and can you, yeah, and this has to be presence internet for available times. i think that the message from, from beyond what,
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what testing is that they don't want to know what the payments uh you can blow the not you know, now the, the, the agenda. oh uh you finding the public services, uh, privatization and, and the end of the so uh that i missed that thing cuz had a new insurance uh, in, in, in uh, in the office and then just the final speed that says that it's disposable meant, uh, was i think many people have come to believe that this, this particular runs to the best buy, they may have a way from kenya. now the biggest global tech out to age in the history has effected leon's, coughing k, off from airports to hospitals, was that it was the unintentional price? now always this, it was, they say was that it wasn't just a glitch. well,
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many around the world, our in buying the lot to say it's not a glitch. friday's computer meltdown started with a so called flor to update by american cyber security from the ground strike for the microsoft windows operating system. the article was put into my my each covers what the mainstream had to say, but maybe experts a steadfast, but this could not have happened without direct intent. let's imagine you're at the airport ready to board your flight except that last minute you end up stranded there with everyone around you in
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a sudden frenzy the well no big deal. it was just an unexpected global. i see prices that no one seems to be able to fix. that was the reality for most of the world this past friday. airlines were rounded, in fact, over 2000 flights were cancelled in the us alone. hospitals were on hold, banks named trouble. broadcast was unable to reach their audiences. emergency service is not working and similarly, no one was exempt. it all started with the floods software update by americans, cyber security for crowd strike. this is not as secure as the incidental cyber attack. the issue is being identified. isolated and the fix is being deployed. russia, though avoid a decay all send that is thanks to itself sufficiency. while most of the world, especially the west relies on the same digital systems the most sanction country. ross shaw has made its missions to be as independent as possible. i of the
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situation with microsoft once again shows the importance of him for substitution of, for, and software primarily at critical information. infrastructure facilities across strike is a big deal. it works with microsoft, amazon, youtube, and many others. so it's no longer that the world ground to hold for a few hours process, right? there's also the same company that helped to revive a russia hate movement in american politics in recent years, from claiming that moscow in a beard to secure donald trump's 2016 presidential when. so a legend that russia had into your ways artillery program later, the company admitted that it had no evidence to back up as bold accusations and even retracted his statement on russians had, can be quite new military. and although proven to be false, these obligations play the huge part in popularizing the american, the company, old as in mind, knowing that the firm was caught lying before. one big question was the crisis
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really just the flawed update is the largest, the disruption in id and so such a globally id. all these networks and applications are designed in such a way that the long slow 100 distributed environment. so that even if it's a situation, if anybody applies to interrupt, the topic will be uh, secure to the space all and part of the flow. but this time this has actually this stuff in the inside of bills. so that's why it is a one of the biggest, uh, kind of is that option and i'm, i'm not, i'm not denying that could be a cyber attack because of the big don't complete floating substitute or some is a big thing. and i, i'm very confident that this is, this could be some state of sponsor that this isn't very coordinated in order to enter the next bill. so many people find that this is not only a dentist to microsoft, but it does actually send it back to us for the global economy. cross stripe type
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relations to american intelligence services should naturally have other stays, questioning the work with them. and after what happened this friday, would all the madness and panic around the flow balls last roommate on phase due to its digital independence, the maybe the need for more autonomy, it will become a topic of discussion for other nations. and to use right now where a group of ideas reserve us sees rodney settlers and families of hostages taken on october 7th, a blocking aid convoys from reasoning. gazda, the group. no, not that south 9 plains, that humanitarian aid is going to have mass. so the blocking drops from entering the enclave at a new poll suggests the most is rodney ease agree that 4 should not be going in until the hostages come out. and the u. n says over one media and guys ends out both expected to face death and starvation by mid july. so we talked with the


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