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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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visit mixer for only $56., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. go to and see how much you can save. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. (♪) with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin.
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and if you have psoriatic arthritis skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi, is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain, and that means everything. (♪) ask your doctor about how skyrizi could help with your skin or joint symptoms. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> ainsley: a fox news alert. we are just minutes from a verdict in the espionage trial
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of evan gershkovich. russia is seeking 18-year prison term. we're monitoring that and will bring to you as soon as the verdict comes in. >> steve: supposed to come out at 8:00 a.m. eastern time, we are standing by. >> ainsley: a global it outage as major airlines issue ground stops on all flights. >> steve: president biden could reportedly step aside as soon as this weekend. more fellow democrats and big democrats are calling for him to withdraw from the race. >> brian: in milwaukee, former president donald trump formally accepting the gop nomination in his first public address since the attempt on his life six days ago. >> lawrence: david spunt has the latest on the computer outages and peter doocy has more.
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and bill melugin is reporting on an emotional final night at the rnc. >> bill: this final night, climax of the rnc has everything, emotional moments, a party-like atmosphere at times. donald trump knows how to put on a show. emotional moment when donald trump honored a man who died at his rally last saturday. >> the shooter claimed the life of a fellow american, corey comperatore lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. it went over the top of them and was hit. what a fine man he was. >> bill: corey comperatore was a
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firefighter, dad of two daughters. donald trump decided to bring out his firefighting gear, the family giving permission to have it mailed to the rnc. trump paid tribute to the fallen firefighter, as appearing to ki his helmet. several performers got the crowd ramped up, amped up, hulk hostage an, kid rock and ufc president dana white. take a listen. >> i want the world to know that donald trump is a real american hero. and i'm proud to support my hero as the next president of this united states. >> i know president trump. i know president trump is a fighter. i've been saying this since 2015. this guy never, ever gives up.
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>> bill: after the first 15 to 20 minutes of the rally, we were watching donald trump teleprompter and he started treating it like a rally, he started going off script ad libing and resulted in longest convention speech in history at 90 minutes. >> brian: your coverage was -- focused on what he was reading and ad libbing. it was interesting, i'm watching him speak to my left and looking at the teleprompter. he shifted and started talking about policy and border and his time in office and you have seen it many times, he started winging it. >> steve: seen it a million times.
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bill, when people ad-lib, and there is a teleprompted speech or script, the most important person there is teleprompter ope operator. when do i move it forward for the next line? former president works with somebody who knows him. >> lawrence: the oaudience stoo for 40 minutes straight. he had their attention. the president showed e emotion, he is always the tough guy in the room. he talked about the strength of america. first 30 minutes he describes what happened at that rally. watch a little bit of it. >> i will tell you exactly what happened and you will never hear it from me a second time because it is actually too painful to t
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tell. in order to see the chart, i started to, like this, turn to my right. and was ready to begin a little bit further turn when i'm lucky i did not do. when i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear. i said to myself, wow, what was that. it can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. my hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. i immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack and in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground.
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bullets were continuing to fly. very brave secret service agents rushed to the stage and they really did, they rushed to the stage. i'm not supposed to be here tonight. not supposed to be here. >> yes, you are. you are. [cheering] >> yes, you are. yes, you are. >> once my clenched fist went up high into the air, you have all seen that. the crowd realized i was okay and roared with pride for our country like no crowd i have ever heard before. never heard anything like it. for the rest of my life, i will be grateful for the love shown by that giant oaudience of
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patriots that stood opposite that fateful evening in pennsylvania. >> lawrence: barron trump was not on the stage after the speech and talking with the former president, he is still struggling with the attempted assassination and seeing his father almost assassinated on live tv. >> steve: one point, donald trump said he will never talk about that again, i'm sure we'll hear bits throughout the kament pain. one point, he did joke a little bit about the assassination attempt. he put up that graphic that he had put up on the big screen in pennsylvania. he said last time i put that chart up, i never got to look at it, the chart he turned to look at and that was exactly the moment the sniper fired and that turn saved his life. >> ainsley: he gave credit to god and remembered corey
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comperatore, who was the firefighter who lost his life and had his uniform on stage and kissed the helmet. >> brian: two other men that were shot, ones i want back on the harley. the other one, just happened to be at the wrong place. even in corey's situation, he was not supposed to sit where he was sitting. >> lawrence: it could have been his family, he shielded them. >> steve: in lower right-hand corner of the screen, that is a live view from russia. we are just waiting. the verdict in the espionage trial of evan gershkovich who has been in prison for a very long time by russia we were supposed to hear announcement of the verdict 8:00 a.m. eastern time, it is 8:10 temperature is presumed he'll be found guilty, that is what they do over there.
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>> lawrence: according to our team, they have reached a verdict, we're waiting to bring it up when we have what happened. >> ainsley: he is 32 years old and russia iseck zooing an 18- 18-year-sentence. evan gershkovich has been sentenced to 16 years in russian prison after being found guilty of espionage. >> brian: nate foy joins us. not a surprise. >> certainly not a surprise calling the entire russian legal process a sham. russian prosecutors asking for 18 years, gershkovich accused of gathering information on behalf of the cia as a spy, has now been found guilty of that technically in russ ian court. the courts he was gathering information at a tank factory. the state department says they
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are working tirelessly on bringing him home, as well as paul whelan. he has been in custody since 2018. gershkovich, 16 months in russian custody, you see him there. a source close to the family says his father shaved his head. they are not sure of the conditions evan is enduring, they are happy according to a source, this sham trial is upon wraing up. they have been anxious for it to move quickly. which it did. second hearing yesterday was moved from august 13th, leading some to hope that possible a prisoner swap could be in the works. that is not confirmed, lavrov confirmed that american and russian intelligence agencies
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have discussed az pra prison sw. putin said that is on the table. breaking news, 16 years in russian prison for wall street reporter evan gershkovich. we will follow this. we were told we could possible see gershkovich when a verdict was rendered. we'll monitor and report back on anything we get. back to you. >> steve: bring in michael schwartz, a friend of evan since they worked together eight years ago. he is a reporter for "new york times." not surprising, 16-year sentence, at the core, evan is not a spy. he was convicted of espionage, he is a reporter just like you. >> he is a reporter just like me. it is tough to hear the verdict,
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even though we all knew it was coming, knowing what evan has endured the past 16 months and to hear the verdict come down. he's shown strength and fortitude throughout this process and i hope he has reserves to get through whatever it is he'll be going through right now hearing the verdict. >> brian: i think we're looking at situation, we have to get a swap going. the best opportunity might be a russian being held in germany right now. you as a reporter, have you heard about a swap or any progress? >> i have not heard specifically about any progress. i know as your reporter said, in fact, counter intuitively, the end of the trial does bring some hope that perhaps a swap would be underway. it is unexpected the trial was moved up, that indicated perhaps
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something is going on in the background, i have not heard anything specific. r russian authorities said they would not consider a swap until a verdict was rendered. some cases, it feels like an important mile stone. >> ainsley: michael, how are they treating him behind bars? >> michael? >> lawrence: looks like we lost him. >> ainsley: michael, do we have you? can you hear us? >> i can hear you. >> ainsley: how are they treating him behind bars? have you talked to him? >> i have not talked to him since he was moved. in moscow, probably the boredom and lack of contact was probably the most intense experience for him. he spent a lot of time reading
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and watching russian reality tv. it is known he would play chess with his father back and forth in letters. it's been a few weeks since he was moved and there has not been a lot of contact with him, we don't know conditions out there. >> lawrence: michael, you would know this, you are a reporter, the allegation is absurd. he was writing about putin, if you're a spy, you don't want to go after the person you are spying after. my question is what was the story exactly that really ticked off putin? what was he reporting on that angered putin? >> the washington journal has been coy about what exactly he -- it was not expected to
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anyone. you not hearing me? >> steve: we can hear you now. go ahead, michael. >> i just don't know what he was working on specifically. the thing that has galled me about this case in particular. evan really likes russia, he loves russia. he went to russia with purpose and not unlike a lot of reporters who cover something like russia or a place like that, as a foreign -- >> brian: this is -- >> he liked the culture and lived for that country. his arrest -- yep, thank you. >> brian: appreciate it, you are breaking up. he talked -- that had the
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impetus for it. >> steve: evan gershkovich found guilty of espionage, sentenced to 16 years in prison and now transaction begins. it will lead to some sort of a prisoner swap. bill hemmer joins me in milwaukee at the curvy couch. >> if you follow the paper and app, they have had a column everyday right near the front page. here is what i would do if i were president of the united states. i would be in touch with putin and work out some arrangement here. if you can negotiate for brittney griner, you can bring this man home.
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i believe he went to this town east of moscow to report on economic conditions of russia, suggesting that the numbers we were receiving outside of moscow were not accurate and that is the day he was snatched. it was in the town to the east. >> brian: what is going on with president biden? we had a convention that just wrapped up. we perhaps do not know who the republican nominee is facing. you earn it and have no opponent to plan against. where is this story going? >> bill: i think the story has been brewing for 22 days now. just three weeks ago yesterday they had the debate. i've talked about it a lot with others. i will remind you during that debate, i don't know who they were, my guess is they were folks close to the former president barack obama who were
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contacting leading members at cnn and sending them messages this cannot go on. my view, they tried to fire the shot that was going to take biden down during that debate and it has not worked. my sense is that biden knew it and he's been resisting this the entire time. i don't know if the reporting was accurate. >> brian: a lot of it. >> bill: if so, significant headline this weekend, maybe that is sunday or monday. we should be cautious right now, it is biden's call and i don't think this news will come from anyone except him. >> lawrence: bill, i will bring you back to breaking news with evan. can you go into some details about the negotiation/prison swap? what we're learning from the
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president himself is that there has not been back channels or communication with putin at all about any matter. how do you start this -- >> bill: the ukraine war has gotten in the middle of all of this. maybe they do and not telling us. i think william burns, head of the cia, will have a hand in this. i would be stunned if there were not communications to get him home, especially when you consider the significance the journal put on this. they have made him a high-profile american who was being held -- >> steve: the problem, joe biden, as you ulewded to, he is hanging on by fingernail of his job, he is not thinking about evan gershkovich. the government will go, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. there does not seem to be a lot
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of emphasis being put on springing this guy, which is heartbreaking. we have talked to the family. they knew this was going to happen. he was just found guilty of being a spy, sentenced to 16 years in prison. >> bill: in the trump years, people like robert o'brian, they found success. those were days isis would take americans. it was difficult to bring those people home, they did it with some of them, not everyone unfortunately. s significant effort by trump. i am not here to suggest that biden does not care about it. >> he is busy. >> bill: maybe it is more public than what the biden team is doing. i can't say that is the case. >> steve: that is him in the
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glass box. >> ainsley: we interviewed -- >> bill: one thing about him in the glass box, they put the criminal in a cage and sit in the courtroom. it was interesting to watch gershkovich many times, you can see the smirk on his face, he knows russia, he knows the russian people and the heritage, his parents are from there and he knows putin and i thought the smirk was his way of saying, man, this is all a joke and nothing more. >> ainsley: we interviewed general counsel for the dow, they are working with the administration trying to get evan home, dow, "wall street journal" is under the dow. i know news corporation has put a lot of effort into trying to bring one of our reporters, co-workers home. he said hardest part for his
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friend, i read he only gets out of his jail cell for an hour a day. he does not have know cotact with the outside worl. he speaks russian and can read russian. he is watching russian television. we have whelan over there, who has served six years. would we be able to get both of them home? >> lawrence: the idea of the former president said moment he is elected before he is sworn in, he will have a deal done. that is what the former president said. >> bill: january of 1981, america was on its back and as a young kid at that time, we would get up in the morning and get ready for school. i come from a big family and every morning my mom would have the radio on. we would listen to the news for 20 minutes and every morning
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there was countdown about american hostages being held in iran and on that cold day in january, ronald rying an came out with inauguration address and said, they are coming home. you wonder if there is scenario that could develop down the line. i hope for the same of the gershkovich family, that is not the case. his sister is reluctant to go public, they know the dire situation. let parents are humble people, reserved, they know their message carries a lot of weight. >> brian: who is coming up on your show? >> bill: a great lineup, jason miller from the trump team. we are looking at this, shannon, guy, katie, paul. paul mauro is in butler, pennsylvania, working sources up there. we'll talk to him and alex thompson has broken a lot of
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news on axios, that is coming up. roadies take the show. >> brian: you will set up in our same studio. >> bill: i don't know how this dance will work, we will figure it out. >> ainsley: safe travels home. >> bill: 31 days in chicago. >> steve: here we go. we are stepping aside, more live from milwaukee and around the world coming up. a. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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>> lawrence: fox news alert. major airlines issuing global stop on all flights. hospitals, banks and businesses are reporting outages. >> steve: it's a mess. david spunt has the latest. >> david: from sydney to massachusetts, mass hospital cancelled all nonemergency medical visits today. delta back online. this affects more than articles. >> this is like a christmas tree, microsoft, visa, at&t, xbox, adt security, microsoft teams, spectrum, i can go on and
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on and on. this is massive disruption. >> david: communication system that runs check-ins at airplanes and keeps banks running has been down. it is related to crowdstrike. the ceo said this is not a cyber attack, a fix has been deployed. there is support portal for updates and we'll provide live updates. this is a look across airports, there is actual closing of the airport, milwaukee, detroit, boston, "the guardian" laguardia closed. there were 110 911 centers that had outages, that number is now down.
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quite an outage today. >> steve: in milwaukee, thousands of people trying to get home today. the airport is closed. >> ainsley: thank you. to big news, reports that president biden could get out of the race by this weekend. >> brian: widespread, peter doocy outside the president's home in rohoboth beach. he has covid on top of it. >> peter: he does. democrats are doing a ton of damage to president biden that could affect the ticket if he stays in. campaign officials say that is exactly what he's going to do. >> the president is not going anywhere, the president can win. we should go campaign on the issues because we're right on the issues.
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we have a candidate with values and character. if you look on the other side, guy who only cares about himself, lies all the time, twice impeached, convicted of 34 fe felonies, that is what we should be talking about. >> peter: nbc, biden left angry and betrayed. cnn, many senior biden officials believe he must drop out. reuters, soul searching about dropping out of the race and punch bowl, democratic leaders get ready to move. washington times has this nancy pelosi said biden may be persuaded to exit the race and an item that says obama tells allies biden's path to winning reelection has diminish said red and biden need to consider his viability, according to people briefed on the matter. 22 elected democrats are saying
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joe must go, latest is john tester, who is write, montaa put their trust in me. i have worked with president biden and never been afraid to stand up to him when he's wrong. i appreciate his commitment to public service and our country, i believe president biden should not seek reelection to another term. later today, there will be a virtual dnc meeting talking to delegates about virtually certifying president biden as the nominee as early as august 1. if president biden is going to try to run out the clock, he has to wait 13 more days. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: john tester never counters joe biden, voted with
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him on everything. hulk hostage an at the rnc doing what hulk hog an does best. >> run wild, brother. let trump-a-mania rule again. >> brian: fantastic, we got a hulk a-mania here. >> steve: over here, walk toward the light. >> good morning.
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>> brian: wrestling ledgend hul hogan is on the couch and will not rip off his shirt. >> steve: how do you know? >> ainsley: he might have "fox and friends" tank top underneath. >> brian: what was it like out there? >> it was crazy, b. i went out and felt that energy. and they had the teleprompter and i don't work off a teleprompter. writers hand me 90 pages and i look at my bos and go, really. they had a teleprompter and wanted to make sure i didn't go too off script. it was fun, the energy was crazy and it felt like a wrestling crowd rumbling.
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i started pushing the gas pedal down. >> ainsley: when did you come up with the idea to rip the shirt open? >> in the back, i was like, you know what issue what pushed me over the edge. i was silent and didn't speak and i call those people cowards. i sat around and when they did that to trump and tried to kill him, i said, that is it. that is when i said enough is enough, i'm done. and so i was sitting there going, you know what, that might be crazy to rip the shirt off. >> steve: iconic moment of the rnc 2024. dana white introduced him. you were in attendance, subtle message is donald trump is a fighter. >> one thing i forgot to say and my wife was with me and they were playing music.
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i was in the back trying to get my head right. i started thinking i'm dr dr. hogan, i can fix trump deran derangement syndrome. trump cares so much about this country and people that trump-amania is the cure. i are fo got to say it. i am saying it now. >> brian: what do you know about donald trump? who is donald trump you know? >> we rented trump plaza for wrestle mania four and five. he was gracious and came ring side and stayed for all the matches. we did still with wwe, he shaved vince mcmahon's hair off. he was gracious and i watched how he treated everybody the same. it was cool to see.
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there you go. it was really cool to see, this guy has not changed a bit. all the stuff the press writes, he is not that guy. >> brian: do you think if you told everybody how your al allegiance, you might be the running mate, not j.d. vance. >> i've had people tell me i need to get in politics. i know right from wrong, to be a flat tax, standard flat tax, fix everything. >> steve: politics has been full contact and you would be expert. thank you for getting up early. >> great to be here. >> brian: fantastic. >> i'm a huge fan of the show, and i watch all the time. >> steve: then you know rachel campos-duffy, she is talking with folks at a diner and we'll hear from them coming up next. >> all right.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> lawrence: we have a fox news alert. "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich sentenced to 16 years in russian prison. dan hofman, joins us now.
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what is the process now? >> this was expected, there is no such thing as rule of law in russia. evan has been held for over a year now. they sped up the trial so he would be convicted and sentenced and allow putin to extort us to get what he wants from us. >> lawrence: how hard will this negotiation be? >> it is pretty hard. we've got people that putin would like to get back, most not in the united states, we traded the merchant of death for brittney griner. vladamir putin has a murderer in berlin and a russian military intelligence officer in brazil he would like to get back. he may want other things on the
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geopolitical stage, perhaps not to give military assistance to ukraine. our intelligence community is working hard to learn what is behind vladamir putin's plans. >> lawrence: dan hofman knows too much about how vladamir putin operates and what his next target may be. thank you for your insight, we look forward to getting our colleague evan back home. president trump striking tone of unity at the rnc. rachel campos-duffy is at miss katie's diner talking with voters. >> rachel: great to see you. we're in wisconsin at miss katie's diner. wisconsin, one of the most important battleground states. so is michigan. marie has a grandmother in itch m began who said she was not voting until this week.
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what happened? >> she was not going to vote and now she's ready to vote for trump. >> rachel: fapsinating story. rich, what is your top issue? >> the moms for liberty town h hall, they are advocating totally doing away with department of education. give power back to the states. >> rachel: wendy, a favorite moment? >> trump showing up at moms for liberty and the border, we will not give up. we have this. >> rachel: she said, wisconsin, we have this. back to you guys, more "fox and friends" coming up. ♪ ♪
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>> what a week it has been at the rnc. >> ainsley: we can't go home without trying wisconsin favorites. >> lawrence: we've moved to d.w. pub to try it out. >> steve: it's breakfast time. this is the kringle. we are experts of that.
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>> it has been a -- 32 layers of pastry. delicious, that is cream cheese. >> lawrence: what is this? >> moving down here so we have a cannibal sandwich. >> ainsley: it's raw beef. >> raw beef and onions on rye bread. kids don't usually touch it. for adults, right? moving down here summer sausage from johnsonville. all sorts of different cheeses, shapes and sizes in wisconsin. >> ainsley: that cheese. cheese curds, brian. >> absolutely. they're fantastic. >> ainsley: what is this, beer cheese? >> port wine dip and beer cheese as well. good eye there. >> cheese curds have could be squeaky if they're good and it
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means they're fresh. it squeaks in your mouth. you could feel it squeak against your teeth. >> brian: means it might be alive. >> this is a bratwurst with sauerkraut. >> ainsley: big german population here, right? >> huge german population, a lot of history, sausage, beer, cheese, can't get much more german than that. >> steve: everybody should have a beer at least once a day? >> everything wisconsin. every presentation. >> ainsley: he won't eat on camera but drink after the show. >> steve: thank you very much for hosting us. that will wrap up a great week in wisconsin. thank you very much for joining us. >> bill: thank you, guys, preachinging news from overseas begins our coverag


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