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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the you are watching the w news coming to you live from berlin. joe biden drops out of the us presidential race, the 81 year old vows to pressure from within his own party. i'm it concerns over his age and mental fitness. many democrats now healing his decision as selfless and patriotic bite, and then many leading democrats now throwing their support behind vice president cala harris. does. she have what it takes to beat donald trump, who is now facing a new electoral landscape. and with us politics in turmoil, israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu heads to washington for he's due to
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address the us congress. also coming up for you on our show and a parent break and the bangladesh protest. students suspend demonstrations for 48 hours, say they wanted for forms, but not at the expense of so much, bloodshed, security forces remain on the alerts. the i'm clear, richardson welcome joe biden has pulled out of the us presidential race. boeing 2 weeks of pressure over his age and health, joe biden's run for re election was thrown into disarray late last month after a dismal debate performance against donald trump. he is now back in vice president, comma la harris to take his place at the top of the tickets. after weeks of speculation and denials us president joe biden has a band and his bid for re election in november. in a statement,
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biden said, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president. for the remainder of my term. the capitalist was his debate against donald trump. i should be biden struggled to keep his train of thought or interest performance fueled concerns about his age and cognitive state. if we finally b, medicare bite and has now endorsed his vice president comma law harris as the challenger to donald trump. but americans are divided on his choice. awful, awful news, joe biden got 14000000 votes. he should be the candidate. she's a woman. what also, maybe she was make change for us on says what we mean. a lot of change. we need
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definitely some fees to. i don't see where they have really much of chance. i think it's over for it's a, it's a party that is deconstructing it is failing and i think the whole world is, is witnessing that right now. donald trump reacted to the news saying, cricket joe biden was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve. and he never was. he only attained the position of president by lies fake news and not leaving his basement. all those around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he wasn't capable of being president, and he wasn't in 2020 harris failed in her bid to become the democratic nominee. now, she is closer than ever. it all depends on how delegates vote at the democratic convention in august. you have a technical memory. many notable democrats have already endorsed harris, a former prosecutor and attorney general as our cause. some of the party's top
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brass have not backed her. critics say harris lacks a clear vision and has been absent on the political stage. biden's late withdrawal has up ended the democratic campaign. the party must quickly signed its footing with just months until the election to early our correspondence and helped him along talk to me through possible options for who come while harris could pick as a running mate. claire, it might be, it might seem very aggressive uh to even talk about in this way, but uncomfortable realities are still reality. so we are talking about potentially the 1st black woman to appear on top of the democratic ticket. as such, the names we are hearing and circulation to belong over whelming lead to white men . so white men who could potentially help pamela harris by being from a purple state or a swing state, or by being moderate and balancing her out because she has thoughts of being progressive. so currently there was a lot of attention on and the but she or he is of the governor of kentucky. so he's
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a democrat and a deeply red state. so that makes some interesting. people are also looking at josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania. now pennsylvania, of course, being one of those must win states, one of the blue wall states jobs. so the democrats are trying to retain the other ones being wisconsin and michigan. there's also mark kelley, former name in and out of asked or not. so he is a senator from the purple state of arizona, so he has that so macho street cried going on. there's also j. b. print skirt, the governor of illinois. it's interesting because he has the pockets and who could help finance the campaign. so those are just some of the names, but it goes to show that kimberly harris has options here and a relatively deep pool of democratic talent for which to draw upon. indeed, all these possible choices aiming to broaden out the potential appeal of the ticket . you know, what i find really interesting is that now the trump campaign not up against the candidate, they thought they would be. how are they going to pivot here at this point in the election cycle? yeah,
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so the trump campaign was really bend to be a campaign to be joe biden. not anyone else. now, while they were really going after jo biden's age and mental fitness, mental acuity, and now they have to pivot to come to harris. so in a situation now where it will be donald trump will be the old man in this campaign, and they also run the risk cabinet harris by not even be the nominee at the end. arguably though, they wouldn't be more equipped to attack pamela harris over an unknown quantity she was on the ticket. so what we are expecting is that in the next weeks there will be attack ads launched against her in battleground states, where they sort of for trade, or is the one pulling the strings in the bite and administration involved and cover up. so around jo biden's health, they're also going to attack or for policy areas where they, the republicans feel they are strong and they view the democrats as weak as, for example, the board or,
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and immigration. the board are having at one point been part of camelot harris has portfolio. they're going to keep hammering the point that she is somehow worse than joe biden. so these are just some of the ways that we could expect the trump campaign to pivot in the days to con. janelle, thank you so much for that analysis. that is a janelle, jim alone for us in washington dc. and let's get a view on biden's decision to drop out of the race from here in germany, chancellor, all off schultz saying quote, my friend to joe biden has achieved a lot for his country for europe, for the world. thanks to him. transatlantic cooperation is close, nato is a strong and the usa is a good and reliable partner for us is decision not to run again, deserves respect. and germany's foreign minister and i'm in a bare bulk echoed those sentiments at a you may meeting in brussels. the cost of the specs for the inside don't have great respect for the president's decision items to you'll buy dentist putting his
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country's interest above his own and then he has been then there is one exception to this general mood of praise and respect that is coming from the far right a, if the party here in germany, we've seen some leading members criticize bite in almost a mockingly talking about bite and, and his decision to step down. but overall, there is a mood of, of praise and respect among politicians here in germany. the and a tell our audience how important of a difference it makes for germany, who eventually ends up in the white house as well. it is seen as crucial by many here in germany who is going to become the next us president. whether it's going to be donald trump, or the democratic candidates who is going to be the actual democratic candidates, is of less concerned because the thought is that whoever will be the next candidate cobble a harris or somebody else will follow in the footsteps of what joe biden has done so far, but were donald trump to become the next president?
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and then concerns have actually been mounting here in germany for a while. now, looking back at trump's previous presidency relations between germany and europe in general. and the us had soured quite significantly. donald trump was regularly criticizing europe, germany, but also personally the chancellor at the time here in germany, i'm going to america with personalized attacks against her. the concern is that we're trying to return the relations could again sour, and that a more isolation is a more america 1st us could mean trouble for the transatlantic relationship, but also for a specific issues like military and financial support for ukraine. the fear is that we're the us to withdraw most of the supports here of would not be able to sustain the burden on its own. and we know that behind the scenes politicians here in germany, but also in europe have been working on contingency plans were trumped to become
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president again. but we've also seen a scene from the reactions today and yesterday that there is a hope that it will actually be a democratic candidate to them for male. what thank you so much for that. that is our political correspondent, julia so deli, around the world. there has been praise for biden's achievements in the office and his legacy for us foreign relations. here's the values, shallow jada with reaction from india in india as boston to stick with the us boom, done to the president ship of joe biden, to go to america as partnerships with india amongst the most consequential in the was. and that was reinforced by the red carpet welcome bite, and dave to india in 5 minutes in the movies during his stay to visit us la steele . while the southern announcement by biden has come as a surprise, it is left to a lot of anticipation in india. focus as quickly move to vice president, come a lot higher, says indian booth i. she's the highest ranking indian american in the us history, as well as the 1st female and black vice president as dual by didn't endorse to
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a democratic party presidential nominee excitement is building up 8000 miles away from washington in her and sister village and southern india back in 2021, the entire village is going to seem to put them in record, enjoy and celebrated her. you know, the reason is vice president with firecrackers and marches on the street, vice president coming to his maternal grandfather was born in this village more than a century ago. and the village of stick, a huge amount of freight in the fact that one of their own is entering so close to the tough position in global politics. the goal, the daughter of the village highest, was born to an indian model and a jamaican father would migrate it to the us. so naturally there's already a sense of excitement and the possibility that a woman with indian who is going to be running for the american president ship. also for indians come in as political claudia, as a woman, as a 1st black and indian american candidate, is a testament to the achievements of the indian community in america. so there would be high hopes from hole in this part of the wood. if she indeed goes on to become a made, it goes next president 50 to these shall,
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are you out of there now is carmella. harris wins the democratic nomination. as we've heard, she would be the 1st black woman and the 1st south asian woman at to top, a major parties ticket. let's take a closer look at what she might bring to the campaign. kamala harris has already made history once by being the 1st female and the 1st black vice president of the united states. she was in no hurry to get rid of fightin initially holding the line for him. after his disastrous debate performance. we believe in our president joe biden, and we believe in what he stands for the soonest to this. others began to push the hood to replace him. if he stepped aside, it's a scenario for you would have predicted just a couple of years ago. the story of her vice presidency was overshadowed
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by criticism. some said hers was failing to make the most of her role and was being and effective. however supports his claim. she was being sidelined and held to a higher standard because she was a woman on black. yeah, perhaps on surprisingly for one who managed to become the vice president of the us, she's not the person to back down there going to be many times in your life where you're going to be told that can't be done. it's never been done before. it's not time, they're not ready for it and then this is the one i love. it's going to be a lot of hardcore don't to listen. i you know, for breakfast some other fun to the also working, you know, favor. she's already on the ticket and a search would automatically inherit the infrastructure and funds of biden's campaign with tens of millions of dollars. she also
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has the highest name recognition of all the alternatives. and he's already a player on the global stage. she's become a leading voice on abortion rights. one of the key issues of the campaign and has prioritized finding solutions for the migration crisis of the us is southern border . but most crucial level, perhaps in the weeks after the debate. i think companies showed harris had a great a chance to buy a winning the election is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on his way to washington d. c. where he will deliver a landmark speech to the united states congress ahead of the trip missing. yahoo thank to bite and for his contribution to us as well relations following the president's decision to end his re election campaign and then send you
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a who also said as well will be the.


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