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Wikipǣdia:Se Þorpes Wella/Hord 1

Fram Wikipǣdian

Ealla trametas

Burtones Bassetes Wiella in Wærincwícscíre.

Wilcume tō þǣm Þorpes Wiellan!

[adiht fruman]

Ǽsce and Andswaru Hér - English Spoken Here

Interwiki Bot Status

[adiht fruman]

Hi. I would like to get my interwiki bot YurikBot marked as a bot in your language. The bot is already operating in almost 50 languages, and it would lower the server load and improve the quality of articles if all interwikies are updated at the same time. You can read more or ask questions here. I always run the latest version of the Pywikipediabot (i am also one of the developers of this project). The request for the bot status is here. Please support. Thank you. --Yurik (en) 20:12, 5 Se Æfterra Gēola 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Attorney General on Englisce

[adiht fruman]

Hwæt sceoldon wé wrítan for "Attorney General?" Ic þóhte, þæt wé "ambihtmann/wíf" swá "secretary of..." hæbben, and wé cunnon ǽghwæðer "ambihtmann" oþþe "lahwita" mid "lagu" oþþe "ǽ" brúcan. --James 16:50, 22 Nov 2004 (UTC)


[adiht fruman]

It may be a bit unseemly to post on the front page of this Wikipedia, but I suspect it is not a high-volume endeavour as yet. My question is how you can write an encyclopedia in a language that doesn't have equivalent terms for many of the concepts we use. What will the article on the electroencephalograph look like?

Well, any such endeavour involves neologism. In forumlating new words we use a combination of historical precedent, analogy with the equivalents in other Germanic languages, and inspired choice. Sometimes we simply adapt words into OE spelling, but OE speakers typically resorted to Germanic constructions, so we try to do the same.
An example of a neologism is Feorrsíen ('television') formed by analogy with German Fernsehen (far-seeing). In the case of electroencephalography, there are two German words for this: Hirnstrommessung and Elektroenzephalographie, of which the former is made with Germanic roots. So an idea would be simply to adapt this into OE bit by bit. --Saforrest 21:24, 19 Sol 2005 (UTC)
James Johnson and I did add a few neologisms as well as using the wordhord (which I can't seem to find) when trying to translate Gnome into OE. I'll try and find the page. Computer termsdave
And it's worth noting that this is absolutely no less a problem in many modern, living, aboriginal North American languages which are nevertheless used to write on all subjects in official as well as educational capacities. One simply has to be a bit creative and, ideally, document neologisms as they are introduced. Working with Old English, one has the benefit of a pre-existing native method for the rapid introduction of neologisms, as the title of this section illustrates, by way of Latin. Not only are New Latin terms frequently self-explanatory to readers of Modern English, the use of Latin to describe abstract or technical concepts is methodologically appropriate to Anglo-Saxon scholarship which strives for historical accuracy. Having done some study of modern Ojibwe and Inuktitut practice in technical and legal writing, I see no reason to consider Old English any more problematic a case --Yst 08:46, 28 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Do you guys think it would be a reasonable policy to adopt to keep a list of neologisms coined here? Just to keep them in check, so to say, and also help others make their decisions when translating stuff into English. It seems to me that now may be a good moment to begin, while there still aren't many users about (my # is 159, wow!) and you can still recall (most of?) the words you created. It would be a great resource from the linguistic point of view as well, but first of all, it seems to me quite a practical move that may speed up the growth of angwiki. The list could be simple, say:

word [1] - declension/conjugation [2] - link to where it was used [3]

Notes to the above:

  1. the base form, Nom.Sg for N/A, 1.Sg.Pres.Ind for Vs
  2. if it happens to be a newly formed root, of course
  3. because searching for it needn't always be successful or easy if it is inflected

Does that make any sense? Thanks, Bansp 00:25, 11 Solmōnaþ 2006 (UTC)

how do you translate terms like 'Geography' ,'Movies','Art' and 'Please'?

thank you, Fran.

Special characters

[adiht fruman]

I have started experiencing a big nuisance in editing in Wikipedia. At the bottom of the editing page are clickables to make various accented characters. They used to work OK. But not now. For example, if I click the lowercase e-acute, I get é (uppercase A-tilde followed by copyright). And if I click on þǽm , I get þǽm (uppercase A-tilde, three-quarters, uppercase C-cedilla, half, lowercase m). This is happening in the Modern English Wikipedia also. Please when will this be put right? I have Windows 98. Anthony Appleyard 23:14, 10 ÆGé 2005 (UTC)

I suspect this was introduced with the move, around the New Year, to a new version of MediaWiki on all wikipedias. I can't reproduce the problem on Linux, so it is probably Windows-only.
What browser are you using? Internet Explorer? --Saforrest 00:25, 11 ÆGé 2005 (UTC)
Beþt get a proper browðer. It'þ working fine in Firefokþ. Þorry about ðe liþp.
  • An easy way to use the accented symbols is to highlight one with your mouse, copy it, and then paste it. The same problem is happening to me, and I have Windows XP and use Verizon/MSN. JarlaxleArtemis 04:34, 19 Sol 2005 (UTC)

Sources for learning Englisc

[adiht fruman]

I'm interested in learning 'Englisc'. I'm understanding everything that I read here, thanks to Swedish, German and English. Can you direct me to a good source so I can help mid artikeln?

Wilcume tó þǽm Engliscan Wicipǽdian!
For printed learning resources, a standard introductory text is Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Primer (link on amazon). For online resources, these links might prove useful to you. Best of luck. --Saforrest 23:13, 27 ÆGé 2005 (UTC)

Thanks very much gents and ladies! BoLingua


[adiht fruman]

Where do you post translation requests for English to Anglo-Saxon?— JarlaxleArtemis 04:41, 19 Sol 2005 (UTC)

Do you mean to ask where to request that an existing page in this encycoledia be fully Englisced, or where to make a request to translate an as-yet non-existent tag?
For the former, you can tag a page with the {{english}} template. This will put the page into the category Category:Trametas tó áreccenne on Englisc, with the idea that we will all occasionally browse this category and depopulate it.
For the latter, we could create a 'requests for translation' page. Such a thing doesn't yet exist, but might be useful. It might also be useful to see meta:Translation of the week. --Saforrest 21:10, 19 Sol 2005 (UTC)

Looking for translation for the current "cockfield" into old english.


[adiht fruman]

Is there a page on which I may request someone create pronunciation files for Englisc words? Specifically, I hope to have the pronunciation of the name of the Kingdom and its kings stored in OGG files as the pronunciation is not immediately obvious to speakers of modern English. Would anyone like to help? --OldakQuill 14:48, 10 Hré 2005 (UTC)

A great idea. I've created a page on the Old English Wictionary at wikt:Wiktionary:Ábiddan rihtstefne. I'm not sure how much we'll be able to keep up with demand, but it's worth a try. My spoken OE is not great, but I can probably get a pronunciation of a short phrase right with enough tries. :) --Saforrest 04:17, 11 Hré 2005 (UTC)
I have added the requests to that page, thanks for setting it up. --OldakQuill 10:51, 12 Hré 2005 (UTC)

Goals for this Wikipedia

[adiht fruman]

I would like to set this wiki on a goal, if anyone wishes to help along this goal, to make this wiki a major wiki within a certain time frame (end of this year, this time next year, end of next year). This would require 10,000 articles (we currently have 302), and would allow us to be a language on New Project Policy. The short-term goals include: (1) Englisc-izing the articles which currently have modern English on them; (2) identifying any styccu and enlarging them, hopefully with the information across several other wikis, making the Englisc version the most complete article of any wiki; (3) completing the Englisc-izing of the interface; (4) more effective utilization of the Gemǽnscipe Ingang. The short-term goals would mean we would become a quality source of OE information, improve the size of modern OE text available, and make this wiki a valuable tool for learning OE. The vote is up at Cyst wici-endes.

Hi James. I'm unclear on what meta:New Project Policy has to do with this: all that page says about languages is that a new project has to be written about in English and at least 4 major languages. I think that's a fairly minor thing to focus on; hitting the 10000 would be significant enough in itself.
BTW, I'd suggest you include the list of goals in your poll page, since you're seeking to discuss them there. --Saforrest 07:20, 18 Hré 2005 (UTC)
Hitting the 10,000 mark is a nice goal; for the end of this year, I'd like to see 1,000 articles at minimum. Let's get started! --James 05:41, 10 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Date format

[adiht fruman]

We are somewhat inconsistent in our use of calendar dates. What's preferable when referring to, say, April 15?

  1. 15 Éastermónaþ
  2. Éastermónaþ 15
  3. 15e Éastermónaðes

My own preference is for (1), as it more closely mirrors way the date would be said in Anglo-Saxon, without complicating the picture excessively with inflections (as (3) does, IMO). Saforrest 18:06, 16 Éas 2005 (UTC)

I would prefer keeping the links in format 2, so we can order the dates by month, rather than have 12 17s after one another, but show something like 1 or 3, i.e. "on 15um Éastermónþes." The number before the month seems correct to me too, but I'm just thinking about ordering the month names too.--James 22:55, 16 Éas 2005 (UTC)
I think whatever corresponds best to spoken usage is best, which is why I prefer (1) over (2). If you want to order dates correctly when day pages appear in categories, you can do stuff like [[Category:SomeCategory|1017]] (for October 17th). Saforrest 01:34, 17 Éas 2005 (UTC)

Portugal, Portugese, etc.

[adiht fruman]

So, what would be a good name for these concepts in OE? Lisbonisc, Lisbon, etc.? or would that be confusing? --James 16:35, 29 Éas 2005 (UTC)

Accent versus Macron

[adiht fruman]

I was thinking about this for a while, and it may help us later on on the Wikibooks site, that we might want to consider changing the accent marks we currently use to Macrons over the vowels, and reserve accent marks (both up to the right and down to the right) for stress demarcation. Comments? Questions? My main concern in using macrons was the availability of the long æ, though I think there is one, but can everyone see it? I don't want to go over unless there's support from some other people on the wikipedia. --James 20:36, 30 Sér 2005 (UTC)

How's this: Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū Ǣ ǣ Ȳ ȳ Ƿ ƿ Ƕ ƕ
Don't worry about changing the letters; I'll wouldn't mind changing them over for the wiki if everyone thinks it's an ok idea. I also have a keyboard setting I can send via e-mail that will change the keyboard to make it easier to enter the macroned characters, including accented ash, ƕ, , and ġċ. --James 06:24, 2 Mǽd 2005 (UTC)
I can't see the last eight characters in IE on Windows.
With regard to the use of such characters: I'm mostly in favour of using macrons over acute accents, but I think we can do without the dots over c and g. These dots are only really used in OE books for beginners (since anyone with sufficient familiarity with the language will know how these consonants should generally be pronounced) and in any case their only utility is as a guide to pronunciation, not meaning. --Saforrest 19:57, 19 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)
I think that we should use the acute accent, as these are the most authentic. Macrons were not used in Angel Seaxisc, and I don't believe that they should be used today. Also, we should be using wynn, yogh, hwair, etc. -- 05:27, 21 Se Æfterra Gēola 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I concur on both points. Macrons are greatly preferable to grave and acute accents, firstly because they're clearly the scholarly and popular convention, and secondly because grave and acute accents in an Old English context are too easily confused with metrical notation. I similarly agree that accenting 'c' and 'g' would be odd, and serves no really worthwhile purpose anyway, save in reproduction of poetry for beginners to the language, which this certainly is not --Yst 09:38, 28 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)
I experimented with the macrons in the ang.wiktionary.org site, and they looked fine except for the Ǣ ǣ characters. They looked small and out of place (the Ǽ ǽ looked fine, and regular size.). Anyone know why they show up a different size? And can everyone see them (see Ealra Hālgena Ǣfen and Ealra Hálgena Ǽfen)? I like macrons too, but the accented characters are more likely to show up. But if it's macrons, I can begin switching things over. --James 02:34, 31 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)
I've replied to this on the Wikipedia-l list: this is a font issue with Windows, and can be fixed by installing the Arial Unicode font. --Saforrest 18:10, 1 Háligmónaþ 2005 (UTC)
I've set up a vote page at Wikipedia:Macrons oþþe Accentas, and it will remain open until Saturday at midnight of this week. --James 02:56, 31 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)
I may be wrong, but afaik Englisc was not normally written with either macrons or accents, so for the sake of authenticity I would not require them. In fact, to be really authentic, we would need different characters for w and g (looking similar to, but not exactly like, p and 3 respectively)... Codex Sinaiticus 22:59, 28 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)
This particular approach to orthographic authenticity is generally considered quaint and misguided in Old English scholarship and writing. For the sake of convenience, wynn and yogh are virtually never used in modern Old English texts and the web provides even better reason for their omission, given there is no basic HTML character code for them. For contemporary students of Old English, the use of wynn and yogh is almost as foreign to the language as is the writing of Latin without any spacing or punctuation between words to modern Latinists. It's a historical curiosity, but in every day usage, an oddly quaint and ultimately pointless anachronism. I'll side with the conclusions of virtually every major Old English scholar of the last century in saying that wynn and yogh serve no beneficial purpose in modern Old English orthography. As for the macrons, I could do without them. I've never bothered with their inclusion when typing in Old English myself. But they do beneficially communicate meaning by distinguishing phonetically but not orthographically distinct vowels, so there's a very good argument for their being included. Especially given that without them, Old English has so very many homographs, which would inevitably create unnecessary confusion amongst editors and contributors trying to read one another's work. --Yst 02:51, 29 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Old English

[adiht fruman]

Why you guys writes in an died language?-- 07:16, 23 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

I believe it is a way of keeping it's heritage alive. Personally, as an Icelander, I find this enjoyable to read as I can understand pretty much everything. Reading Faroese is more humourus though since they have warped their words ;) --Stalfur
Thanks, Stalfur! With your knowledge of Icelandic, can you get a feel for what is right/wrong in the OE, such as vocabulary or word order/syntax? And how did the Faroese warp their words? -- 21:25, 11 Winterfylleþ 2005 (UTC)
My background is not in language studies, so my feel for right/wrong does not really exist I think. As for creating new words, Iceland has been at the forefront of the movement of keeping a language clear and such brilliant words such as "þyrla" (helicopter, literal meaning is twirl) brighten my day (of course we've had bad misses too, some words are just too heavy to replace anglicized words). As for the Faroese, some wovel changes mean that when they mean "shoot", they say "shat" (past tense of "shit") in Icelandic. A goalkeeper in Faroese is a condom in Icelandic. There's a lot more of this and less lurid around, both due to wovel changes and with words changing their meaning. ----Stalfur 22:37, 11 Winterfylleþ 2005 (UTC)

Hoax: The Flowers Of Romance, please delete

[adiht fruman]

Sorry, i don't speak the language of this Wikipedia and could not find the Template for Deletion-Requestion. However i would like to inform you that the Article The Flowers Of Romance is an hoax, see [1] and commons:Commons:Village_pump#Hoax Article in 57 languages -- de:Benutzer:Kju 18:12, 29 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Ic þé þancie, Kjue. Ic þæt ǽr dyde. --James 02:27, 31 Wéodmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Well, I do not speak Anglo-Saxon, but I find this to be an interesting sight that makes me interested in learning more about Anglo-Saxon.

Wes hāl! Fela manna þe hēr wrītaþ ne cunnon fela Englisces...ac hīe wrītaþ forþ! Gif þu help wilt, frign sumne! Wē sind hēr ā þē tō helpenne. -- 06:05, 16 Ēastermōnaþ 2006 (UTC)

This article consists entirely of the letter "Æ", and has only one revision. Someone should either expand it or delete it, imho. Thryduulf / en:User:Thrdyuulf 16:07, 12 Háligmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Anglo-Saxon dictionary

[adiht fruman]

For those interested, Distributed Proofreaders - Europe currently have "A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (1916)" by John R. Clark Hall working it's way through the rounds. Anyone interested to join in is naturally free to sign up to Distributed Proofreaders Europe and learn new words as well as partaking in an effort to get a digital free license copy of the dictionary --Stalfur 08:33, 14 Winterfylleþ 2005 (UTC)

I find it rather interesting, for example
āmelcan to milk
which in Icelandic is mjólka
--Stalfur 17:15, 20 Winterfylleþ 2005 (UTC)


[adiht fruman]

Could this page be considered as being the "same" as the English "Village Pump" or French "Bistro"? Hégésippe | ±Θ± 17:01, 5 Géolmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Well, I've found the answer on meta:Wikipedia languages. That's all right. :o) Hégésippe | ±Θ± 17:19, 5 Géolmónaþ 2005 (UTC)

Hello, everyone :-)

I was wondering -- is the lack of the Babel template system here a result of some local decisions, or is it simply one of the things still on the to-do list? Thanks, Bansp 23:48, 10 Solmōnaþ 2006 (UTC)

Juat one mor thing to do. Rich Farmbrough 21:21 1 Mǣdmōnaþ 2006 (UTC).

Could they please write a stub http://ang.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w ? Only 2 -5 sentences enough. Please. 12:51, 18 Solmōnaþ 2006 (UTC)

Middle Engglisce Test Wikipedia

[adiht fruman]

Here. That's all I know. Rich Farmbrough 19:12 19 Hrēþmōnaþ 2006 (UTC).


[adiht fruman]

I noticed that the ang.wikisource was created today. I did not even realize that there had been a request for one. I invite you all to continue adding anglo-saxon texts to en.wikisource instead. I feel there is little advantage to keep a seperate wikisource for anglo-saxon. The editors there will simply have less time to work on actual texts as they must duplicate all the administrative work already being done at en.wikisource. Just getting the most basic policies and templates together takes a great deal of time. Since texts at wikisource are pretty much static it very condusive to having all Anglo-Saxon, Middle English, Scots, Archaic, and Modern English texts together. It will be more efficient to simply use the infastructure that has already been developed. In any event I plan to continue adding to the anglo-saxon collection at en.wikisource in order to create a variety of comparative texts. Duplicating this work does not seem to me the best direction to take. en:User:BirgitteSB -- 00:01, 3 Sēremōnaþ 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I didn't know that either...personally I was hoping wikinews would open up in Anglo-Saxon. I'll try to add more Anglo-Saxon texts into the en: domain when I have time. --James 08:05, 5 Sēremōnaþ 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please, help slavonians!

[adiht fruman]

Please, help us to open Wikipedia on Surzhyk language! We need just your support vote here http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_new_languages#Surzhyk_.2819_Support.2C_11_Oppose.29 Thank you so much! --Dmitry Nikitin

Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin

[adiht fruman]

Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range. Team Bulletin is published at the official website of Wikimania 2007 and released to the public domain. Issue 1 and Issue 2 has already published.-- 01:45, 29 Winterfylleþ 2006 (UTC)

Wikimedia Election Notice

[adiht fruman]

If you are able, please translate this notice to as many possible languages and post it anywhere applicable.

The Wikimedia Election Committee is accepting candidates for the 2007 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election. Please see [2] for more information.

There is still time for a new candidate to be considered for election, and you may now endorse the candidate of your choice (up to 3 candidates) on the endorsements page, [3]. Please read the instructions carefully prior to endorsing. If you can translate the instructions, please do.

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the election committee, who are listed here [4].

Posted on behalf of the Election Committee,

Bot status for Byrialbot

[adiht fruman]

Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot Byrialbot here at the Anglo-Saxon Wikipedia, and to get a bot flag for it.

  • Botmaster: User:Byrial
  • Botmaster's home project: da:User:Byrial
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: als:, ar:, bat-smg:, bn:, bs:, bpy:, ca:, ceb:, cs:, da:, de:, en:, eo:, et:, fo:, fr:, fy:, gl:, he:, hu:, id:, io:, is:, it:, ka:, ksh:, lb:, li:, lt:, lv:, mk:, ms:, nds:, nds-nl:, nl:, nn:, no:, pms:, pt:, ru:, simple:, sk:, sl:, sr:, sv:, ta:, th:, uk:, vo:
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Technical details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot starting from da:, nn:, no: and sv:. It mostly runs manually assisted and I try to solve found interwiki conflicts when I can.

It will soon start to do test edits. Thank you! Byrial 16:21, 27 Sēremōnaþ 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I believe Byrial's request should be granted. However, there are already many automated interwiki edits being done, so you can even begin now.
Ic gelīefe wē sculon unnan Byriales bēn. Ac hēr sind nu manigfeald interwicisc ahtidas, so þū mæg onginnan todæg. --Saforrest 17:11, 9 Mǣdmōnaþ 2007 (UTC)
Now Byrialbot gpt a bot flag, thank you. The other bots could also get one if someone make a request for it. Byrial 20:44, 11 Mǣdmōnaþ 2007 (UTC)

Press TV

[adiht fruman]

Hello everyone! can someone writes an article about Iran's launch of new English TV channel called PRESS TV which claims to be rivaling Anglophone BBC World, CNN International and Qatar base Al Jazeera! for further information please check out English Wikipedia's article at PRESS TV and BBC's article.

Many Thanks: Kaveh