Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2005

Timothy Baldwin, James Curran, Menno van Zaanen (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Sydney, Australia
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Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2005
Timothy Baldwin | James Curran | Menno van Zaanen

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Dimensions of Deep Grammar Validation
Dan Flickinger

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Text Summarization: News and Beyond
Kathy McKeown

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From Non-segmenting Language Processing to Web Language Engineering
Virach Sornlertlamvanich

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Disambiguating Conjunctions in Named Entities
Pawel Mazur | Robert Dale

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Learning of Graph Rules for Question Answering
Diego Molla | Menno van Zaanen

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A Statistical Approach towards Unknown Word Type Prediction for Deep Grammars
Yi Zhang | Valia Kordoni

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Tagging Unknown Words with Raw Text Features
David Vadas | James R. Curran

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POS Tagging with a More Informative Tagset
Andrew MacKinlay | Timothy Baldwin

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Augmenting Approximate Similarity Searching with Lexical Information
James Gorman | James R. Curran

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Word Prediction in a Running Text: A Statistical Language Modeling for the Persian Language
Masood Ghayoomi | Seyyed Mostafa Assi

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Using Diverse Information Sources to Retrieve Samples of Low Density Languages
Andrew MacKinlay

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Faking it: Synthetic Text-to-speech Synthesis for Under-resourced Languages – Experimental Design
Harold Somers

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Dual-Type Automatic Speech Recogniser Designs for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Jason Littlefield | Michael Broughton

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Efficient Knowledge Acquisition for Extracting Temporal Relations
Son Bao Pham | Achim Hoffmann

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Formal Grammars for Linguistic Treebank Queries
Mark Dras | Steve Cassidy

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Extracting Exact Answers using a Meta Question Answering System
Luiz Augusto Pizzato | Diego Molla

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Multimedia Presentation of Grammatical Description: Design Issues
Simon Musgrave

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Structuring Documents Efficiently
Robert Marshall | Steven Bird | Peter Stuckey

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Round-trip Translation: What Is It Good For?
Harold Somers

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Evaluating the Utility of Appraisal Hierarchies as a Method for Sentiment Classification
Jeremy Fletcher | Jon Patrick

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Efficient Grapheme-phoneme Alignment for Japanese
Lars Yencken | Timothy Baldwin

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Statistical Interpretation of Compound Nominalisations
Jeremy Nicholson | Timothy Baldwin

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Paraphrase Identification by Text Canonicalization
Yitao Zhang | Jon Patrick

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Words and Word Usage: Newspaper Text versus the Web
Vinci Liu | James R. Curran

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Automatic Induction of a POS Tagset for Italian
Raffaella Bernardi | Andrea Bolognesi | Corrado Seidenari | Fabio Tamburini

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A Dual-Iterative Method for Concept-Word Acquisition from Large-Scale Chinese Corpora
Guogang Tian | Cungen Cao

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Programming With Unrestricted Natural Language
David Vadas | James R. Curran

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Identifying FrameNet Frames for Verbs from a Real-Text Corpus
Matthew Honnibal | Tobias Hawker

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A Distributed Architecture for Interactive Parse Annotation
Baden Hughes | James Haggerty | Joel Nothman | Saritha Manickam | James R. Curran

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Multi-document Summarisation and the PASCAL Textual Entailment Challenge
Nicola Stokes | Eamonn Newman

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Design and Development of a Speech-driven Control for a In-car Personal Navigation System
Ying Su | Tao Bai | Catherine I. Watson

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Combining Confidence Scores with Contextual Features for Robust Multi-Device Dialogue
Lawrence Cavedon | Matthew Purver | Florin Ratiu

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Automatic Utterance Segmentation in Instant Messaging Dialogue
Edward Ivanovic