23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Anthology ID:
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Association for Computational Linguistics
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23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

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Semantics of Temporal Queries and Temporal Data
Carole D. Hafner

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Temporal Inferences in Medical Texts
Klaus K. Obermeier

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Tense, Aspect and the Cognitive Representation of Time
Kenneth Man-kam Yip

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Classification of Modality Function and Its Application to Japanese Language Analysis
Shozo Naito | Akira Shimazu | Hirosato Nomura

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Universality and Individuality: The Interaction of Noun Phrase Determiners in Copular Clauses
John C. Mallery

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Meinongian Semantics for Propositional Semantic Networks
William J. Rapaport

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Speech Acts and Rationality
Philip R. Cohen | Hector J. Levesque

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Ontological Promiscuity
Jerry R. Hobbs

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Reversible Automata and Induction of the English Auxiliary System
Samuel F. Pilato

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The Computational Difficulty of ID/LP Parsing
G. Edward Barton

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Some Computational Properties of Tree Adjoining Grammars
K. Vijay-Shankar | Aravind K. Joshi

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TAG’s as a Grammatical Formalism for Generation
David D. McDonald | James D. Pustejovsky

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Modular Logic Grammars
Michael C. McCord

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New Approaches to Parsing Conjunctions Using Prolog
Sandiway Fong | Robert C. Berwick

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Parsing with Discontinuous Constituents
Mark Johnson

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Structure Sharing with Binary Trees
Lauri Karttunen

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A Structure-Sharing Representation for Unification-Based Grammar Formalisms
Fernando C. N. Pereira

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Using Restriction to Extend Parsing Algorithms for Complex-Feature-Based Formalisms
Stuart M. Shieber

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Semantic Caseframe Parsing and Syntactic Generality
Philip J. Hayes | Peggy M. Andersen | Scott Safier

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Movement in Active Production Networks
Mark A. Jones | Alan S. Driscoll

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Parsing Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Derek Proudian | Carl Pollard

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A Computational Semantics for Natural Language
Lewis G. Creary | Carl J. Pollard

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Analysis of Conjunctions in a Rule-Based Parser
Leonardo Lesmo | Pietro Torasso

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A Pragmatics-Based Approach to Understanding Intersentential Ellipsis
Sandra Carberry

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Some Pragmatic Issues in the Planning of Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrases
Douglas E. Appelt

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Repairing Reference Identification Failures by Relaxation
Bradley A. Goodman

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Anaphora Resolution: Short-Term Memory and Focusing
Raymonde Guindon

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Explanation Structures in XSEL
Karen Kukich

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Description Strategies for Naive and Expert Users
Cecile L. Paris

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Stress Assignment in Letter to Sound Rules for Speech Synthesis
Kenneth Church

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An Eclectic Approach to Building Natural Language Interfaces
Brian Phillips | Michael J. Freiling | James H. Alexander | Steven L. Messick | Steve Rehfuss | Sheldon Nicholl

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Structure-Sharing in Lexical Representation
Daniel Flickinger | Carl Pollard | Thomas Wasow

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A Tool Kit for Lexicon Building
Thomas E. Ahlswede

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Using an On-Line Dictionary to Find Rhyming Words and Pronunciations for Unknown Words
Roy J. Byrd | Martin S. Chodorow

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Towards a Self-Extending Lexicon
Uri Zernik | Michael G. Dyer

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Grammatical Analysis by Computer of the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen (LOB) Corpus of British English Texts
Andrew David

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Extracting Semantic Hierarchies From a Large On-Line Dictionary
Martin S. Chodorow | Roy J. Byrd | George E. Heidorn

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Dictionaries of the Mind
George A. Miller

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The Use of Syntactic Clues in Discourse Processing
Nan Decker

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Grammar Viewed as a Functioning Part of a Cognitive System
Helen M. Gigley