Sixth Applied Natural Language Processing Conference

Anthology ID:
Seattle, Washington, USA
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Sixth Applied Natural Language Processing Conference

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BusTUC - A natural language bus route oracle
Tore Amble

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Machine Translation of Very Close Languages
Jan Hajic

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Cross-Language Multimedia Information Retrieval
Sharon Flank

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Automatic construction of parallel English-Chinese corpus for cross-language information retrieval
Jiang Chen | Jian-Yun Nie

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PartsID: A Dialogue-Based System for Identifying Parts for Medical Systems
Amit Bagga | Tomek Strzalkowski | G. Bowden Wise

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Translation using Information on Dialogue Participants
Setsuo Yamada | Eiichiro Sumita | Hideki Kashioka

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Distilling dialogues - A method using natural dialogue corpora for dialogue systems development
Arne Jonsson | Nils Dahlback

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Plan-Based Dialogue Management in a Physics Tutor
Reva Freedman

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A Framework for MT and Multilingual NLG Systems Based on Uniform Lexico-Structural Processing
Benoit Lavoie | Richard Kittredge | Tanya Korelsky | Owen Rambow

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Talk’n’Travel: A Conversational System for Air Travel Planning
David Stallard

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REES: A Large-Scale Relation and Event Extraction System
Chinatsu Aone | Mila Ramos-Santacruz

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Experiments on Sentence Boundary Detection
Mark Stevenson | Robert Gaizauskas

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DP: A Detector for Presuppositions in survey questions
Katja Wiemer-Hastings | Peter Wiemer-Hastings | Sonya Rajah

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MIMIC: An Adaptive Mixed Initiative Spoken Dialogue System for Information Queries
Jennifer Chu-Carroll

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Javox: A Toolkit for Building Speech-Enabled Applications
Michael S. Fulkerson | Alan W. Biermann

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A Compact Architecture for Dialogue Management Based on Scripts and Meta-Outputs
Manny Rayner | Beth Ann Hockey | Frankie James

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A Representation for Complex and Evolving Data Dependencies in Generation
C Mellish | R Evans | L Cahill | C Doran | D Paiva | M Reape | D Scott | N Tipper

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An Automatic Reviser: The TransCheck System
Jean-Marc Jutras Rali

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Unit Completion for a Computer-aided Translation Typing System
Philippe Langlais | George Foster | Guy Lapalme

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Multilingual Coreference Resolution
Sanda M. Harabagiu | Steven J. Maiorano

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Ranking suspected answers to natural language questions using predictive annotation
Dragomir R. Radev | John Prager | Valerie Samn

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Message Classification in the Call Center
Stephan Busemann | Sven Schmeier | Roman G. Arens

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A Question Answering System Supported by Information Extraction
Rohini Srihari | Wei Li

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Categorizing Unknown Words: Using Decision Trees to Identify Names and Misspellings
Janine Toole

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Examining the Role of Statistical and Linguistic Knowledge Sources in a General-Knowledge Question-Answering System
Claire Cardie | Vincent Ng | David Pierce | Chris Buckley

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Extracting Molecular Binding Relationships from Biomedical Text
Thomas C. Rindflesch | Jayant V. Rajan | Lawrence Hunter

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Compound Noun Segmentation Based on Lexical Data Extracted from Corpus
Juntae Yoon

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Experiments with Corpus-based LFG Specialization
Nicola Cancedda | Christer Samuelsson

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A Tool for Automated Revision of Grammars for NLP Systems
Nanda Kambhatla | Wlodek Zadrozny

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Aggressive Morphology for Robust Lexical Coverage
William A. Woods

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TnT – A Statistical Part-of-Speech Tagger
Thorsten Brants

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Language Independent Morphological Analysis
Tatsuo Yamashita | Yuji Matsumoto

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A Divide-and-Conquer Strategy for Shallow Parsing of German Free Texts
Gunter Neumann | Christian Braun | Jakub Piskorski

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A Hybrid Approach for Named Entity and Sub-Type Tagging
Rohini Srihari

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Spelling and Grammar Correction for Danish in SCARRIE
Patrizia Paggio

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Linguistic Knowledge can Improve Information Retrieval
William A. Woods | Lawrence A. Bookman | Ann Houston | Robert J. Kuhns | Paul Martin | Stephen Green

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Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition from Text
Dan Moldovan | Roxana Girju | Vasile Rus

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Large-scale Controlled Vocabulary Indexing for Named Entities
Mark Wasson

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Unsupervised Discovery of Scenario-Level Patterns for Information Extraction
Roman Yangarber | Ralph Grishman | Pasi Tapanainen

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Using Corpus-derived Name Lists for Named Entity Recognition
Mark Stevenson | Robert Gaizauskas

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Answer Extraction
Steven Abney | Michael Collins | Amit Singhal

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Evaluation of Automatically Identified Index Terms for Browsing Electronic Documents
Nina Wacholder | Judith L. Klavans | David K. Evans

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Sentence Reduction for Automatic Text Summarization
Hongyan Jing

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Named Entity Extraction from Noisy Input: Speech and OCR
David Miller | Sean Boisen | Richard Schwartz | Rebecca Stone | Ralph Weischedel

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Improving Testsuites via Instrumentation
Norbert Broker

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The Efficiency of Multimodal Interaction for a Map-based Task
Philip Cohen | David McGee | Josh Clow