Jiaqi Bai


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m3P: Towards Multimodal Multilingual Translation with Multimodal Prompt
Jian Yang | Hongcheng Guo | Yuwei Yin | Jiaqi Bai | Bing Wang | Jiaheng Liu | Xinnian Liang | LinZheng Chai | Liqun Yang | Zhoujun Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Multilingual translation supports multiple translation directions by projecting all languages in a shared space, but the translation quality is undermined by the difference between languages in the text-only modality, especially when the number of languages is large. To bridge this gap, we introduce visual context as the universal language-independent representation to facilitate multilingual translation. In this paper, we propose a framework to leverage the multimodal prompt to guide the Multimodal Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (m3P), which aligns the representations of different languages with the same meaning and generates the conditional vision-language memory for translation. We construct a multilingual multimodal instruction dataset (InstrMulti102) to support 102 languages Our method aims to minimize the representation distance of different languages by regarding the image as a central language. Experimental results show that m3P outperforms previous text-only baselines and multilingual multimodal methods by a large margin. Furthermore, the probing experiments validate the effectiveness of our method in enhancing translation under the low-resource and massively multilingual scenario.

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New Intent Discovery with Attracting and Dispersing Prototype
Shun Zhang | Jian Yang | Jiaqi Bai | Chaoran Yan | Tongliang Li | Zhao Yan | Zhoujun Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

New Intent Discovery (NID) aims to recognize known and infer new intent categories with the help of limited labeled and large-scale unlabeled data. The task is addressed as a feature-clustering problem and recent studies augment instance representation. However, existing methods fail to capture cluster-friendly representations, since they show less capability to effectively control and coordinate within-cluster and between-cluster distances. Tailored to the NID problem, we propose a Robust and Adaptive Prototypical learning (RAP) framework for globally distinct decision boundaries for both known and new intent categories. Specifically, a robust prototypical attracting learning (RPAL) method is designed to compel instances to gravitate toward their corresponding prototype, achieving greater within-cluster compactness. To attain larger between-cluster separation, another adaptive prototypical dispersing learning (APDL) method is devised to maximize the between-cluster distance from the prototype-to-prototype perspective. Experimental results evaluated on three challenging benchmarks (CLINC, BANKING, and StackOverflow) of our method with better cluster-friendly representation demonstrate that RAP brings in substantial improvements over the current state-of-the-art methods (even large language model) by a large margin (average 5.5% improvement).

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Towards Real-world Scenario: Imbalanced New Intent Discovery
Shun Zhang | Yan Chaoran | Jian Yang | Jiaheng Liu | Ying Mo | Jiaqi Bai | Tongliang Li | Zhoujun Li
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

New Intent Discovery (NID) aims at detecting known and previously undefined categories of user intent by utilizing limited labeled and massive unlabeled data. Most prior works often operate under the unrealistic assumption that the distribution of both familiar and new intent classes is uniform, overlooking the skewed and long-tailed distributions frequently encountered in real-world scenarios. To bridge the gap, our work introduces the imbalanced new intent discovery i-NID task, which seeks to identify familiar and novel intent categories within long-tailed distributions. A new benchmark baNID-Bench comprised of three datasets is created to simulate the real-world long-tail distributions. ImbaNID-Bench ranges from broad cross-domain to specific single-domain intent categories, providing a thorough representation of practical use cases. Besides, a robust baseline model ImbaNID is proposed to achieve cluster-friendly intent representations. It includes three stages: model pre-training, generation of reliable pseudo-labels, and robust representation learning that strengthens the model performance to handle the intricacies of real-world data distributions. Our extensive experiments on previous benchmarks and the newly established benchmark demonstrate the superior performance of ImbaNID in addressing the i-NID task, highlighting its potential as a powerful baseline for uncovering and categorizing user intents in imbalanced and long-tailed distributions.


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M2C: Towards Automatic Multimodal Manga Complement
Hongcheng Guo | Boyang Wang | Jiaqi Bai | Jiaheng Liu | Jian Yang | Zhoujun Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Multimodal manga analysis focuses on enhancing manga understanding with visual and textual features, which has attracted considerable attention from both natural language processing and computer vision communities. Currently, most comics are hand-drawn and prone to problems such as missing pages, text contamination, and text aging, resulting in missing comic text content and seriously hindering human comprehension. In other words, the Multimodal Manga Complement (M2C) task has not been investigated, which aims to handle the aforementioned issues by providing a shared semantic space for vision and language understanding. To this end, we first propose the Multimodal Manga Complement task by establishing a new M2C benchmark dataset covering two languages. First, we design a manga argumentation method called MCoT to mine event knowledge in comics with large language models. Then, an effective baseline FVP-M2 using fine-grained visual prompts is proposed to support manga complement. Extensive experimental results show the effectiveness of FVP-M2 method for Multimodal Mange Complement.

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Enhancing Dialogue Summarization with Topic-Aware Global- and Local- Level Centrality
Xinnian Liang | Shuangzhi Wu | Chenhao Cui | Jiaqi Bai | Chao Bian | Zhoujun Li
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Dialogue summarization aims to condense a given dialogue into a simple and focused summary text. Typically, both the roles’ viewpoints and conversational topics change in the dialogue stream. Thus how to effectively handle the shifting topics and select the most salient utterance becomes one of the major challenges of this task. In this paper, we propose a novel topic-aware Global-Local Centrality (GLC) model to help select the salient context from all sub-topics. The centralities are constructed in both global level and local level. The global one aims to identify vital sub-topics in the dialogue and the local one aims to select the most important context in each sub-topic. Specifically, the GLC collects sub-topic based on the utterance representations. And each utterance is aligned with one sub-topic. Based on the sub-topics, the GLC calculates global- and local-level centralities. Finally, we combine the two to guide the model to capture both salient context and sub-topics when generating summaries. Experimental results show that our model outperforms strong baselines on three public dialogue summarization datasets: CSDS, MC, and SAMSUM. Further analysis demonstrates that our GLC can exactly identify vital contents from sub-topics.


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Jointly Learning to Repair Code and Generate Commit Message
Jiaqi Bai | Long Zhou | Ambrosio Blanco | Shujie Liu | Furu Wei | Ming Zhou | Zhoujun Li
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We propose a novel task of jointly repairing program codes and generating commit messages. Code repair and commit message generation are two essential and related tasks for software development. However, existing work usually performs the two tasks independently. We construct a multilingual triple dataset including buggy code, fixed code, and commit messages for this novel task. We first introduce a cascaded method with two models, one is to generate the fixed code first, and the other generates the commit message based on the fixed and original codes. We enhance the cascaded method with different training approaches, including the teacher-student method, the multi-task method, and the back-translation method. To deal with the error propagation problem of the cascaded method, we also propose a joint model that can both repair the program code and generate the commit message in a unified framework. Massive experiments on our constructed buggy-fixed-commit dataset reflect the challenge of this task and that the enhanced cascaded model and the proposed joint model significantly outperform baselines in both quality of code and commit messages.


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StyleDGPT: Stylized Response Generation with Pre-trained Language Models
Ze Yang | Wei Wu | Can Xu | Xinnian Liang | Jiaqi Bai | Liran Wang | Wei Wang | Zhoujun Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Generating responses following a desired style has great potentials to extend applications of open-domain dialogue systems, yet is refrained by lacking of parallel data for training. In this work, we explore the challenging task with pre-trained language models that have brought breakthrough to various natural language tasks. To this end, we introduce a KL loss and a style classifier to the fine-tuning step in order to steer response generation towards the target style in both a word-level and a sentence-level. Comprehensive empirical studies with two public datasets indicate that our model can significantly outperform state-of-the-art methods in terms of both style consistency and contextual coherence.