Jiang Bian


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Empowering Diffusion Models on the Embedding Space for Text Generation
Zhujin Gao | Junliang Guo | Xu Tan | Yongxin Zhu | Fang Zhang | Jiang Bian | Linli Xu
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Diffusion models have achieved state-of-the-art synthesis quality on both visual and audio tasks, and recent works further adapt them to textual data by diffusing on the embedding space. In this paper, we conduct systematic studies of the optimization challenges encountered with both the embedding space and the denoising model, which have not been carefully explored. Firstly, the data distribution is learnable for embeddings, which may lead to the collapse of the embedding space and unstable training. To alleviate this problem, we propose a new objective called the anchor loss which is more efficient than previous methods. Secondly, we find the noise levels of conventional schedules are insufficient for training a desirable denoising model while introducing varying degrees of degeneration in consequence. To address this challenge, we propose a novel framework called noise rescaling. Based on the above analysis, we propose Difformer, an embedding diffusion model based on Transformer. Experiments on varieties of seminal text generation tasks show the effectiveness of the proposed methods and the superiority of Difformer over previous state-of-the-art embedding diffusion baselines.

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Mitigating Reversal Curse in Large Language Models via Semantic-aware Permutation Training
Qingyan Guo | Rui Wang | Junliang Guo | Xu Tan | Jiang Bian | Yujiu Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

While large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance across diverse tasks, recent studies showcase that causal LLMs suffer from the “reversal curse”. It is a typical example that the model knows “A’s father is B”, but is unable to reason “B’s child is A”. This limitation poses a challenge to the advancement of artificial general intelligence (AGI), as it suggests a gap in the models’ ability to comprehend and apply bidirectional reasoning. In this paper, we first conduct substantial evaluation and identify that the root cause of the reversal curse lies in the different word order between the training and inference stage, namely, the poor ability of causal language models to predict antecedent words within the training data. Accordingly, permutation on the training data is considered as a potential solution, since this can make the model predict antecedent words or tokens. However, previous permutation methods may disrupt complete phrases or entities, thereby posing challenges for the model to comprehend and learn from training data. To address this issue, we propose Semantic-aware Permutation Training (SPT), which addresses this issue by segmenting the training sentences into semantic units (i.e., entities or phrases) with an assistant language model and permuting these units before feeding into the model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SPT effectively mitigates the reversal curse since the performance on reversed questions approximates that on the forward ones, and significantly advances the performance of existing works.

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Comprehensive Study on German Language Models for Clinical and Biomedical Text Understanding
Ahmad Idrissi-Yaghir | Amin Dada | Henning Schäfer | Kamyar Arzideh | Giulia Baldini | Jan Trienes | Max Hasin | Jeanette Bewersdorff | Cynthia S. Schmidt | Marie Bauer | Kaleb E. Smith | Jiang Bian | Yonghui Wu | Jörg Schlötterer | Torsten Zesch | Peter A. Horn | Christin Seifert | Felix Nensa | Jens Kleesiek | Christoph M. Friedrich
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) can be largely attributed to the advent of pre-trained language models such as BERT and RoBERTa. While these models demonstrate remarkable performance on general datasets, they can struggle in specialized domains such as medicine, where unique domain-specific terminologies, domain-specific abbreviations, and varying document structures are common. This paper explores strategies for adapting these models to domain-specific requirements, primarily through continuous pre-training on domain-specific data. We pre-trained several German medical language models on 2.4B tokens derived from translated public English medical data and 3B tokens of German clinical data. The resulting models were evaluated on various German downstream tasks, including named entity recognition (NER), multi-label classification, and extractive question answering. Our results suggest that models augmented by clinical and translation-based pre-training typically outperform general domain models in medical contexts. We conclude that continuous pre-training has demonstrated the ability to match or even exceed the performance of clinical models trained from scratch. Furthermore, pre-training on clinical data or leveraging translated texts have proven to be reliable methods for domain adaptation in medical NLP tasks.

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Hard Prompts Made Interpretable: Sparse Entropy Regularization for Prompt Tuning with RL
Yunseon Choi | Sangmin Bae | Seonghyun Ban | Minchan Jeong | Chuheng Zhang | Lei Song | Li Zhao | Jiang Bian | Kee-Eung Kim
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

With the advent of foundation models, prompt tuning has positioned itself as an important technique for directing model behaviors and eliciting desired responses. Prompt tuning regards selecting appropriate keywords included into the input, thereby adapting to the downstream task without adjusting or fine-tuning the model parameters. There is a wide range of work in prompt tuning, from approaches that directly harness the backpropagated gradient signals from the model, to those employing black-box optimization such as reinforcement learning (RL) methods. Our primary focus is on RLPrompt, which aims to find optimal prompt tokens leveraging soft Q-learning. While the results show promise, we have observed that the prompts frequently appear unnatural, which impedes their interpretability. We address this limitation by using sparse Tsallis entropy regularization, a principled approach to filtering out unlikely tokens from consideration. We extensively evaluate our approach across various tasks, including few-shot text classification, unsupervised text style transfer, and textual inversion from images. The results indicate a notable improvement over baselines, highlighting the efficacy of our approach in addressing the challenges of prompt tuning. Moreover, we show that the prompts discovered using our method are more natural and interpretable compared to those from other baselines.

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UF-HOBI at “Discharge Me!”: A Hybrid Solution for Discharge Summary Generation Through Prompt-based Tuning of GatorTronGPT Models
Mengxian Lyu | Cheng Peng | Daniel Paredes | Ziyi Chen | Aokun Chen | Jiang Bian | Yonghui Wu
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

Automatic generation of discharge summaries presents significant challenges due to the length of clinical documentation, the dispersed nature of patient information, and the diverse terminology used in healthcare. This paper presents a hybrid solution for generating discharge summary sections as part of our participation in the “Discharge Me!” Challenge at the BioNLP 2024 Shared Task. We developed a two-stage generation method using both extractive and abstractive techniques, in which we first apply name entity recognition (NER) to extract key clinical concepts, which are then used as input for a prompt-tuning based GatorTronGPT model to generate coherent text for two important sections including “Brief Hospital Course” and “Discharge Instructions”. Our system was ranked 5th in this challenge, achieving an overall score of 0.284. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our hybrid solution in improving the quality of automated discharge section generation.


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On the Impact of Cross-Domain Data on German Language Models
Amin Dada | Aokun Chen | Cheng Peng | Kaleb Smith | Ahmad Idrissi-Yaghir | Constantin Seibold | Jianning Li | Lars Heiliger | Christoph Friedrich | Daniel Truhn | Jan Egger | Jiang Bian | Jens Kleesiek | Yonghui Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Traditionally, large language models have been either trained on general web crawls or domain-specific data. However, recent successes of generative large language models, have shed light on the benefits of cross-domain datasets. To examine the significance of prioritizing data diversity over quality, we present a German dataset comprising texts from five domains, along with another dataset aimed at containing high-quality data. Through training a series of models ranging between 122M and 750M parameters on both datasets, we conduct a comprehensive benchmark on multiple downstream tasks. Our findings demonstrate that the models trained on the cross-domain dataset outperform those trained on quality data alone, leading to improvements up to 4.45% over the previous state-of-the-art.

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MusicAgent: An AI Agent for Music Understanding and Generation with Large Language Models
Dingyao Yu | Kaitao Song | Peiling Lu | Tianyu He | Xu Tan | Wei Ye | Shikun Zhang | Jiang Bian
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

AI-empowered music processing is a diverse feld that encompasses dozens of tasks, ranging from generation tasks (e.g., timbre synthesis) to comprehension tasks (e.g., music classifcation). For developers and amateurs, it is very diffcult to grasp all of these task to satisfy their requirements in music processing, especially considering the huge differences in the representations of music data and the model applicability across platforms among various tasks. Consequently, it is necessary to build a system to organize and integrate these tasks, and thus help practitioners to automatically analyze their demand and call suitable tools as solutions to fulfill their requirements. Inspired by the recent success of large language models (LLMs) in task automation, we develop a system, named MusicAgent, which integrates numerous music-related tools and an autonomous workflow to address user requirements. More specifically, we build 1) toolset that collects tools from diverse sources, including Hugging Face, GitHub, and Web API, etc. 2) an autonomous workflow empowered by LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) to organize these tools and automatically decompose user requests into multiple sub-tasks and invoke corresponding music tools. The primary goal of this system is to free users from the intricacies of AI-music tools, enabling them to concentrate on the creative aspect. By granting users the freedom to effortlessly combine tools, the system offers a seamless and enriching music experience. The code is available on GitHub along with a brief instructional video.


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KGE-CL: Contrastive Learning of Tensor Decomposition Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings
Zhiping Luo | Wentao Xu | Weiqing Liu | Jiang Bian | Jian Yin | Tie-Yan Liu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Learning the embeddings of knowledge graphs (KG) is vital in artificial intelligence, and can benefit various downstream applications, such as recommendation and question answering. In recent years, many research efforts have been proposed for knowledge graph embedding (KGE). However, most previous KGE methods ignore the semantic similarity between the related entities and entity-relation couples in different triples since they separately optimize each triple with the scoring function. To address this problem, we propose a simple yet efficient contrastive learning framework for tensor decomposition based (TDB) KGE, which can shorten the semantic distance of the related entities and entity-relation couples in different triples and thus improve the performance of KGE. We evaluate our proposed method on three standard KGE datasets: WN18RR, FB15k-237 and YAGO3-10. Our method can yield some new state-of-the-art results, achieving 51.2% MRR, 46.8% Hits@1 on the WN18RR dataset, 37.8% MRR, 28.6% Hits@1 on FB15k-237 dataset, and 59.1% MRR, 51.8% Hits@1 on the YAGO3-10 dataset.


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Revisiting the Evaluation of End-to-end Event Extraction
Shun Zheng | Wei Cao | Wei Xu | Jiang Bian
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


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Doc2EDAG: An End-to-End Document-level Framework for Chinese Financial Event Extraction
Shun Zheng | Wei Cao | Wei Xu | Jiang Bian
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Most existing event extraction (EE) methods merely extract event arguments within the sentence scope. However, such sentence-level EE methods struggle to handle soaring amounts of documents from emerging applications, such as finance, legislation, health, etc., where event arguments always scatter across different sentences, and even multiple such event mentions frequently co-exist in the same document. To address these challenges, we propose a novel end-to-end model, Doc2EDAG, which can generate an entity-based directed acyclic graph to fulfill the document-level EE (DEE) effectively. Moreover, we reformalize a DEE task with the no-trigger-words design to ease the document-level event labeling. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Doc2EDAG, we build a large-scale real-world dataset consisting of Chinese financial announcements with the challenges mentioned above. Extensive experiments with comprehensive analyses illustrate the superiority of Doc2EDAG over state-of-the-art methods. Data and codes can be found at https://github.com/dolphin-zs/Doc2EDAG.


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An Analysis of WordNet’s Coverage of Gender Identity Using Twitter and The National Transgender Discrimination Survey
Amanda Hicks | Michael Rutherford | Christiane Fellbaum | Jiang Bian
Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet Conference (GWC)

While gender identities in the Western world are typically regarded as binary, our previous work (Hicks et al., 2015) shows that there is more lexical variety of gender identity and the way people identify their gender. There is also a growing need to lexically represent this variety of gender identities. In our previous work, we developed a set of tools and approaches for analyzing Twitter data as a basis for generating hypotheses on language used to identify gender and discuss gender-related issues across geographic regions and population groups in the U.S.A. In this paper we analyze the coverage and relative frequency of the word forms in our Twitter analysis with respect to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey data set, one of the most comprehensive data sets on transgender, gender non-conforming, and gender variant people in the U.S.A. We then analyze the coverage of WordNet, a widely used lexical database, with respect to these identities and discuss some key considerations and next steps for adding gender identity words and their meanings to WordNet.

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Solving Verbal Questions in IQ Test by Knowledge-Powered Word Embedding
Huazheng Wang | Fei Tian | Bin Gao | Chengjieren Zhu | Jiang Bian | Tie-Yan Liu
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


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Co-learning of Word Representations and Morpheme Representations
Siyu Qiu | Qing Cui | Jiang Bian | Bin Gao | Tie-Yan Liu
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

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A Probabilistic Model for Learning Multi-Prototype Word Embeddings
Fei Tian | Hanjun Dai | Jiang Bian | Bin Gao | Rui Zhang | Enhong Chen | Tie-Yan Liu
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers