Other Workshops and Events (2017)



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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Recent Advances in RST and Related Formalisms

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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Recent Advances in RST and Related Formalisms
M. Taboada | I. da Cunha | E.G. Maziero | P. Cardoso | J.D. Antonio | M. Iruskieta

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Deliberation as Genre: Mapping Argumentation through Relational Discourse Structure
Oier Imaz | Mikel Iruskieta

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The Good, the Bad, and the Disagreement: Complex ground truth in rhetorical structure analysis
Debopam Das | Manfred Stede | Maite Taboada

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A Distributional View of Discourse Encapsulation: Multifactorial Prediction of Coreference Density in RST
Amir Zeldes

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Rhetorical relations markers in Russian RST Treebank
Svetlana Toldova | Dina Pisarevskaya | Margarita Ananyeva | Maria Kobozeva | Alexander Nasedkin | Sofia Nikiforova | Irina Pavlova | Alexey Shelepov

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Applying the Rhetorical Structure Theory in Alzheimer patients’ speech
Anayeli Paulino | Gerardo Sierra

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Using lexical level information in discourse structures for Basque sentiment analysis
Jon Alkorta | Koldo Gojenola | Mikel Iruskieta | Maite Taboada

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Framework for the Analysis of Simplified Texts Taking Discourse into Account: the Basque Causal Relations as Case Study
Itziar Gonzalez-Dios | Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza | Mikel Iruskieta

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Using Rhetorical Structure Theory for Detection of Fake Online Reviews
Olu Popoola

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“Haters gonna hate”: challenges for sentiment analysis of Facebook comments in Brazilian Portuguese
Juliano D. Antonio | Ana Carolina L. Santin

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Discourse Segmentation for Building a RST Chinese Treebank
Shuyuan Cao | Nianwen Xue | Iria da Cunha | Mikel Iruskieta | Chuan Wang


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Proceedings of the 2017 EMNLP Workshop: Natural Language Processing meets Journalism

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Proceedings of the 2017 EMNLP Workshop: Natural Language Processing meets Journalism
Octavian Popescu | Carlo Strapparava

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Predicting News Values from Headline Text and Emotions
Maria Pia di Buono | Jan Šnajder | Bojana Dalbelo Bašić | Goran Glavaš | Martin Tutek | Natasa Milic-Frayling

We present a preliminary study on predicting news values from headline text and emotions. We perform a multivariate analysis on a dataset manually annotated with news values and emotions, discovering interesting correlations among them. We then train two competitive machine learning models – an SVM and a CNN – to predict news values from headline text and emotions as features. We find that, while both models yield a satisfactory performance, some news values are more difficult to detect than others, while some profit more from including emotion information.

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Predicting User Views in Online News
Daniel Hardt | Owen Rambow

We analyze user viewing behavior on an online news site. We collect data from 64,000 news articles, and use text features to predict frequency of user views. We compare predictiveness of the headline and “teaser” (viewed before clicking) and the body (viewed after clicking). Both are predictive of clicking behavior, with the full article text being most predictive.

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Tracking Bias in News Sources Using Social Media: the Russia-Ukraine Maidan Crisis of 2013–2014
Peter Potash | Alexey Romanov | Mikhail Gronas | Anna Rumshisky | Mikhail Gronas

This paper addresses the task of identifying the bias in news articles published during a political or social conflict. We create a silver-standard corpus based on the actions of users in social media. Specifically, we reconceptualize bias in terms of how likely a given article is to be shared or liked by each of the opposing sides. We apply our methodology to a dataset of links collected in relation to the Russia-Ukraine Maidan crisis from 2013-2014. We show that on the task of predicting which side is likely to prefer a given article, a Naive Bayes classifier can record 90.3% accuracy looking only at domain names of the news sources. The best accuracy of 93.5% is achieved by a feed forward neural network. We also apply our methodology to gold-labeled set of articles annotated for bias, where the aforementioned Naive Bayes classifier records 82.6% accuracy and a feed-forward neural networks records 85.6% accuracy.

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What to Write? A topic recommender for journalists
Alessandro Cucchiarelli | Christian Morbidoni | Giovanni Stilo | Paola Velardi

In this paper we present a recommender system, What To Write and Why, capable of suggesting to a journalist, for a given event, the aspects still uncovered in news articles on which the readers focus their interest. The basic idea is to characterize an event according to the echo it receives in online news sources and associate it with the corresponding readers’ communicative and informative patterns, detected through the analysis of Twitter and Wikipedia, respectively. Our methodology temporally aligns the results of this analysis and recommends the concepts that emerge as topics of interest from Twitter andWikipedia, either not covered or poorly covered in the published news articles.

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Comparing Attitudes to Climate Change in the Media using sentiment analysis based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Ye Jiang | Xingyi Song | Jackie Harrison | Shaun Quegan | Diana Maynard

News media typically present biased accounts of news stories, and different publications present different angles on the same event. In this research, we investigate how different publications differ in their approach to stories about climate change, by examining the sentiment and topics presented. To understand these attitudes, we find sentiment targets by combining Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) with SentiWordNet, a general sentiment lexicon. Using LDA, we generate topics containing keywords which represent the sentiment targets, and then annotate the data using SentiWordNet before regrouping the articles based on topic similarity. Preliminary analysis identifies clearly different attitudes on the same issue presented in different news sources. Ongoing work is investigating how systematic these attitudes are between different publications, and how these may change over time.

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Language-based Construction of Explorable News Graphs for Journalists
Rémi Bois | Guillaume Gravier | Eric Jamet | Emmanuel Morin | Pascale Sébillot | Maxime Robert

Faced with ever-growing news archives, media professionals are in need of advanced tools to explore the information surrounding specific events. This problem is most commonly answered by browsing news datasets, going from article to article and viewing unaltered original content. In this article, we introduce an efficient way to generate links between news items, allowing such browsing through an easily explorable graph, and enrich this graph by automatically typing links in order to inform the user on the nature of the relation between two news pieces. User evaluations are conducted on real world data with journalists in order to assess for the interest of both the graph representation and link typing in a press reviewing task, showing the system to be of significant help for their work.

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Storyteller: Visual Analytics of Perspectives on Rich Text Interpretations
Maarten van Meersbergen | Piek Vossen | Janneke van der Zwaan | Antske Fokkens | Willem van Hage | Inger Leemans | Isa Maks

Complexity of event data in texts makes it difficult to assess its content, especially when considering larger collections in which different sources report on the same or similar situations. We present a system that makes it possible to visually analyze complex event and emotion data extracted from texts. We show that we can abstract from different data models for events and emotions to a single data model that can show the complex relations in four dimensions. The visualization has been applied to analyze 1) dynamic developments in how people both conceive and express emotions in theater plays and 2) how stories are told from the perspectyive of their sources based on rich event data extracted from news or biographies.

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Analyzing the Revision Logs of a Japanese Newspaper for Article Quality Assessment
Hideaki Tamori | Yuta Hitomi | Naoaki Okazaki | Kentaro Inui

We address the issue of the quality of journalism and analyze daily article revision logs from a Japanese newspaper company. The revision logs contain data that can help reveal the requirements of quality journalism such as the types and number of edit operations and aspects commonly focused in revision. This study also discusses potential applications such as quality assessment and automatic article revision as our future research directions.

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Improved Abusive Comment Moderation with User Embeddings
John Pavlopoulos | Prodromos Malakasiotis | Juli Bakagianni | Ion Androutsopoulos

Experimenting with a dataset of approximately 1.6M user comments from a Greek news sports portal, we explore how a state of the art RNN-based moderation method can be improved by adding user embeddings, user type embeddings, user biases, or user type biases. We observe improvements in all cases, with user embeddings leading to the biggest performance gains.

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Incongruent Headlines: Yet Another Way to Mislead Your Readers
Sophie Chesney | Maria Liakata | Massimo Poesio | Matthew Purver

This paper discusses the problem of incongruent headlines: those which do not accurately represent the information contained in the article with which they occur. We emphasise that this phenomenon should be considered separately from recognised problematic headline types such as clickbait and sensationalism, arguing that existing natural language processing (NLP) methods applied to these related concepts are not appropriate for the automatic detection of headline incongruence, as an analysis beyond stylistic traits is necessary. We therefore suggest a number of alternative methodologies that may be appropriate to the task at hand as a foundation for future work in this area. In addition, we provide an analysis of existing data sets which are related to this work, and motivate the need for a novel data set in this domain.

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Unsupervised Event Clustering and Aggregation from Newswire and Web Articles
Swen Ribeiro | Olivier Ferret | Xavier Tannier

In this paper, we present an unsupervised pipeline approach for clustering news articles based on identified event instances in their content. We leverage press agency newswire and monolingual word alignment techniques to build meaningful and linguistically varied clusters of articles from the web in the perspective of a broader event type detection task. We validate our approach on a manually annotated corpus of Web articles.

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Semantic Storytelling, Cross-lingual Event Detection and other Semantic Services for a Newsroom Content Curation Dashboard
Julian Moreno-Schneider | Ankit Srivastava | Peter Bourgonje | David Wabnitz | Georg Rehm

We present a prototypical content curation dashboard, to be used in the newsroom, and several of its underlying semantic content analysis components (such as named entity recognition, entity linking, summarisation and temporal expression analysis). The idea is to enable journalists (a) to process incoming content (agency reports, twitter feeds, reports, blog posts, social media etc.) and (b) to create new articles more easily and more efficiently. The prototype system also allows the automatic annotation of events in incoming content for the purpose of supporting journalists in identifying important, relevant or meaningful events and also to adapt the content currently in production accordingly in a semi-automatic way. One of our long-term goals is to support journalists building up entire storylines with automatic means. In the present prototype they are generated in a backend service using clustering methods that operate on the extracted events.

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Deception Detection in News Reports in the Russian Language: Lexics and Discourse
Dina Pisarevskaya

News verification and automated fact checking tend to be very important issues in our world. The research is initial. We collected a corpus for Russian (174 news reports, truthful and fake ones). We held two experiments, for both we applied SVMs algorithm (linear/rbf kernel) and Random Forest to classify the news reports into 2 classes: truthful/deceptive. In the first experiment, we used 18 markers on lexics level, mostly frequencies of POS tags in texts. In the second experiment, on discourse level we used frequencies of rhetorical relations types in texts. The classification task in the first experiment is solved better by SVMs (rbf kernel) (f-measure 0.65). The model based on RST features shows best results with Random Forest Classifier (f-measure 0.54) and should be modified. In the next research, the combination of different deception detection markers for the Russian language should be taken in order to make a better predictive model.

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Fake news stance detection using stacked ensemble of classifiers
James Thorne | Mingjie Chen | Giorgos Myrianthous | Jiashu Pu | Xiaoxuan Wang | Andreas Vlachos

Fake news has become a hotly debated topic in journalism. In this paper, we present our entry to the 2017 Fake News Challenge which models the detection of fake news as a stance classification task that finished in 11th place on the leader board. Our entry is an ensemble system of classifiers developed by students in the context of their coursework. We show how we used the stacking ensemble method for this purpose and obtained improvements in classification accuracy exceeding each of the individual models’ performance on the development data. Finally, we discuss aspects of the experimental setup of the challenge.

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From Clickbait to Fake News Detection: An Approach based on Detecting the Stance of Headlines to Articles
Peter Bourgonje | Julian Moreno Schneider | Georg Rehm

We present a system for the detection of the stance of headlines with regard to their corresponding article bodies. The approach can be applied in fake news, especially clickbait detection scenarios. The component is part of a larger platform for the curation of digital content; we consider veracity and relevancy an increasingly important part of curating online information. We want to contribute to the debate on how to deal with fake news and related online phenomena with technological means, by providing means to separate related from unrelated headlines and further classifying the related headlines. On a publicly available data set annotated for the stance of headlines with regard to their corresponding article bodies, we achieve a (weighted) accuracy score of 89.59.

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‘Fighting’ or ‘Conflict’? An Approach to Revealing Concepts of Terms in Political Discourse
Linyuan Tang | Kyo Kageura

Previous work on the epistemology of fact-checking indicated the dilemma between the needs of binary answers for the public and ambiguity of political discussion. Determining concepts represented by terms in political discourse can be considered as a Word-Sense Disambiguation (WSD) task. The analysis of political discourse, however, requires identifying precise concepts of terms from relatively small data. This work attempts to provide a basic framework for revealing concepts of terms in political discourse with explicit contextual information. The framework consists of three parts: 1) extracting important terms, 2) generating concordance for each term with stipulative definitions and explanations, and 3) agglomerating similar information of the term by hierarchical clustering. Utterances made by Prime Minister Abe Shinzo in the Diet of Japan are used to examine our framework. Importantly, we revealed the conceptual inconsistency of the term Sonritsu-kiki-jitai. The framework was proved to work, but only for a small number of terms due to lack of explicit contextual information.

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A News Chain Evaluation Methodology along with a Lattice-based Approach for News Chain Construction
Mustafa Toprak | Özer Özkahraman | Selma Tekir

Chain construction is an important requirement for understanding news and establishing the context. A news chain can be defined as a coherent set of articles that explains an event or a story. There’s a lack of well-established methods in this area. In this work, we propose a methodology to evaluate the “goodness” of a given news chain and implement a concept lattice-based news chain construction method by Hossain et al.. The methodology part is vital as it directly affects the growth of research in this area. Our proposed methodology consists of collected news chains from different studies and two “goodness” metrics, minedge and dispersion coefficient respectively. We assess the utility of the lattice-based news chain construction method by our proposed methodology.

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Using New York Times Picks to Identify Constructive Comments
Varada Kolhatkar | Maite Taboada

We examine the extent to which we are able to automatically identify constructive online comments. We build several classifiers using New York Times Picks as positive examples and non-constructive thread comments from the Yahoo News Annotated Comments Corpus as negative examples of constructive online comments. We evaluate these classifiers on a crowd-annotated corpus containing 1,121 comments. Our best classifier achieves a top F1 score of 0.84.

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An NLP Analysis of Exaggerated Claims in Science News
Yingya Li | Jieke Zhang | Bei Yu

The discrepancy between science and media has been affecting the effectiveness of science communication. Original findings from science publications may be distorted with altered claim strength when reported to the public, causing misinformation spread. This study conducts an NLP analysis of exaggerated claims in science news, and then constructed prediction models for identifying claim strength levels in science reporting. The results demonstrate different writing styles journal articles and news/press releases use for reporting scientific findings. Preliminary prediction models reached promising result with room for further improvement.


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Structured Prediction for Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Structured Prediction for Natural Language Processing
Kai-Wei Chang | Ming-Wei Chang | Vivek Srikumar | Alexander M. Rush

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Dependency Parsing with Dilated Iterated Graph CNNs
Emma Strubell | Andrew McCallum

Dependency parses are an effective way to inject linguistic knowledge into many downstream tasks, and many practitioners wish to efficiently parse sentences at scale. Recent advances in GPU hardware have enabled neural networks to achieve significant gains over the previous best models, these models still fail to leverage GPUs’ capability for massive parallelism due to their requirement of sequential processing of the sentence. In response, we propose Dilated Iterated Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (DIG-CNNs) for graph-based dependency parsing, a graph convolutional architecture that allows for efficient end-to-end GPU parsing. In experiments on the English Penn TreeBank benchmark, we show that DIG-CNNs perform on par with some of the best neural network parsers.

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Entity Identification as Multitasking
Karl Stratos

Standard approaches in entity identification hard-code boundary detection and type prediction into labels and perform Viterbi. This has two disadvantages: 1. the runtime complexity grows quadratically in the number of types, and 2. there is no natural segment-level representation. In this paper, we propose a neural architecture that addresses these disadvantages. We frame the problem as multitasking, separating boundary detection and type prediction but optimizing them jointly. Despite its simplicity, this architecture performs competitively with fully structured models such as BiLSTM-CRFs while scaling linearly in the number of types. Furthermore, by construction, the model induces type-disambiguating embeddings of predicted mentions.

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Towards Neural Machine Translation with Latent Tree Attention
James Bradbury | Richard Socher

Building models that take advantage of the hierarchical structure of language without a priori annotation is a longstanding goal in natural language processing. We introduce such a model for the task of machine translation, pairing a recurrent neural network grammar encoder with a novel attentional RNNG decoder and applying policy gradient reinforcement learning to induce unsupervised tree structures on both the source and target. When trained on character-level datasets with no explicit segmentation or parse annotation, the model learns a plausible segmentation and shallow parse, obtaining performance close to an attentional baseline.

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Structured Prediction via Learning to Search under Bandit Feedback
Amr Sharaf | Hal Daumé III

We present an algorithm for structured prediction under online bandit feedback. The learner repeatedly predicts a sequence of actions, generating a structured output. It then observes feedback for that output and no others. We consider two cases: a pure bandit setting in which it only observes a loss, and more fine-grained feedback in which it observes a loss for every action. We find that the fine-grained feedback is necessary for strong empirical performance, because it allows for a robust variance-reduction strategy. We empirically compare a number of different algorithms and exploration methods and show the efficacy of BLS on sequence labeling and dependency parsing tasks.

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Syntax Aware LSTM model for Semantic Role Labeling
Feng Qian | Lei Sha | Baobao Chang | Lu-chen Liu | Ming Zhang

In Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) task, the tree structured dependency relation is rich in syntax information, but it is not well handled by existing models. In this paper, we propose Syntax Aware Long Short Time Memory (SA-LSTM). The structure of SA-LSTM changes according to dependency structure of each sentence, so that SA-LSTM can model the whole tree structure of dependency relation in an architecture engineering way. Experiments demonstrate that on Chinese Proposition Bank (CPB) 1.0, SA-LSTM improves F1 by 2.06% than ordinary bi-LSTM with feature engineered dependency relation information, and gives state-of-the-art F1 of 79.92%. On English CoNLL 2005 dataset, SA-LSTM brings improvement (2.1%) to bi-LSTM model and also brings slight improvement (0.3%) when added to the state-of-the-art model.

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Spatial Language Understanding with Multimodal Graphs using Declarative Learning based Programming
Parisa Kordjamshidi | Taher Rahgooy | Umar Manzoor

This work is on a previously formalized semantic evaluation task of spatial role labeling (SpRL) that aims at extraction of formal spatial meaning from text. Here, we report the results of initial efforts towards exploiting visual information in the form of images to help spatial language understanding. We discuss the way of designing new models in the framework of declarative learning-based programming (DeLBP). The DeLBP framework facilitates combining modalities and representing various data in a unified graph. The learning and inference models exploit the structure of the unified graph as well as the global first order domain constraints beyond the data to predict the semantics which forms a structured meaning representation of the spatial context. Continuous representations are used to relate the various elements of the graph originating from different modalities. We improved over the state-of-the-art results on SpRL.

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Boosting Information Extraction Systems with Character-level Neural Networks and Free Noisy Supervision
Philipp Meerkamp | Zhengyi Zhou

We present an architecture to boost the precision of existing information extraction systems. This is achieved by augmenting the existing parser, which may be constraint-based or hybrid statistical, with a character-level neural network. Our architecture combines the ability of constraint-based or hybrid extraction systems to easily incorporate domain knowledge with the ability of deep neural networks to leverage large amounts of data to learn complex features. The network is trained using a measure of consistency between extracted data and existing databases as a form of cheap, noisy supervision. Our architecture does not require large scale manual annotation or a system rewrite. It has led to large precision improvements over an existing, highly-tuned production information extraction system used at Bloomberg LP for financial language text.

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Piecewise Latent Variables for Neural Variational Text Processing
Iulian Vlad Serban | Alexander Ororbia II | Joelle Pineau | Aaron Courville

Advances in neural variational inference have facilitated the learning of powerful directed graphical models with continuous latent variables, such as variational autoencoders. The hope is that such models will learn to represent rich, multi-modal latent factors in real-world data, such as natural language text. However, current models often assume simplistic priors on the latent variables - such as the uni-modal Gaussian distribution - which are incapable of representing complex latent factors efficiently. To overcome this restriction, we propose the simple, but highly flexible, piecewise constant distribution. This distribution has the capacity to represent an exponential number of modes of a latent target distribution, while remaining mathematically tractable. Our results demonstrate that incorporating this new latent distribution into different models yields substantial improvements in natural language processing tasks such as document modeling and natural language generation for dialogue.


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Proceedings of the Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization

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Proceedings of the Workshop on New Frontiers in Summarization
Lu Wang | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung | Giuseppe Carenini | Fei Liu

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Video Highlights Detection and Summarization with Lag-Calibration based on Concept-Emotion Mapping of Crowdsourced Time-Sync Comments
Qing Ping | Chaomei Chen

With the prevalence of video sharing, there are increasing demands for automatic video digestion such as highlight detection. Recently, platforms with crowdsourced time-sync video comments have emerged worldwide, providing a good opportunity for highlight detection. However, this task is non-trivial: (1) time-sync comments often lag behind their corresponding shot; (2) time-sync comments are semantically sparse and noisy; (3) to determine which shots are highlights is highly subjective. The present paper aims to tackle these challenges by proposing a framework that (1) uses concept-mapped lexical-chains for lag-calibration; (2) models video highlights based on comment intensity and combination of emotion and concept concentration of each shot; (3) summarize each detected highlight using improved SumBasic with emotion and concept mapping. Experiments on large real-world datasets show that our highlight detection method and summarization method both outperform other benchmarks with considerable margins.

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Multimedia Summary Generation from Online Conversations: Current Approaches and Future Directions
Enamul Hoque | Giuseppe Carenini

With the proliferation of Web-based social media, asynchronous conversations have become very common for supporting online communication and collaboration. Yet the increasing volume and complexity of conversational data often make it very difficult to get insights about the discussions. We consider combining textual summary with visual representation of conversational data as a promising way of supporting the user in exploring conversations. In this paper, we report our current work on developing visual interfaces that present multimedia summary combining text and visualization for online conversations and how our solutions have been tailored for a variety of domain problems. We then discuss the key challenges and opportunities for future work in this research space.

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Low-Resource Neural Headline Generation
Ottokar Tilk | Tanel Alumäe

Recent neural headline generation models have shown great results, but are generally trained on very large datasets. We focus our efforts on improving headline quality on smaller datasets by the means of pretraining. We propose new methods that enable pre-training all the parameters of the model and utilize all available text, resulting in improvements by up to 32.4% relative in perplexity and 2.84 points in ROUGE.

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Towards Improving Abstractive Summarization via Entailment Generation
Ramakanth Pasunuru | Han Guo | Mohit Bansal

Abstractive summarization, the task of rewriting and compressing a document into a short summary, has achieved considerable success with neural sequence-to-sequence models. However, these models can still benefit from stronger natural language inference skills, since a correct summary is logically entailed by the input document, i.e., it should not contain any contradictory or unrelated information. We incorporate such knowledge into an abstractive summarization model via multi-task learning, where we share its decoder parameters with those of an entailment generation model. We achieve promising initial improvements based on multiple metrics and datasets (including a test-only setting). The domain mismatch between the entailment (captions) and summarization (news) datasets suggests that the model is learning some domain-agnostic inference skills.

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Coarse-to-Fine Attention Models for Document Summarization
Jeffrey Ling | Alexander Rush

Sequence-to-sequence models with attention have been successful for a variety of NLP problems, but their speed does not scale well for tasks with long source sequences such as document summarization. We propose a novel coarse-to-fine attention model that hierarchically reads a document, using coarse attention to select top-level chunks of text and fine attention to read the words of the chosen chunks. While the computation for training standard attention models scales linearly with source sequence length, our method scales with the number of top-level chunks and can handle much longer sequences. Empirically, we find that while coarse-to-fine attention models lag behind state-of-the-art baselines, our method achieves the desired behavior of sparsely attending to subsets of the document for generation.

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Automatic Community Creation for Abstractive Spoken Conversations Summarization
Karan Singla | Evgeny Stepanov | Ali Orkan Bayer | Giuseppe Carenini | Giuseppe Riccardi

Summarization of spoken conversations is a challenging task, since it requires deep understanding of dialogs. Abstractive summarization techniques rely on linking the summary sentences to sets of original conversation sentences, i.e. communities. Unfortunately, such linking information is rarely available or requires trained annotators. We propose and experiment automatic community creation using cosine similarity on different levels of representation: raw text, WordNet SynSet IDs, and word embeddings. We show that the abstractive summarization systems with automatic communities significantly outperform previously published results on both English and Italian corpora.

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Combining Graph Degeneracy and Submodularity for Unsupervised Extractive Summarization
Antoine Tixier | Polykarpos Meladianos | Michalis Vazirgiannis

We present a fully unsupervised, extractive text summarization system that leverages a submodularity framework introduced by past research. The framework allows summaries to be generated in a greedy way while preserving near-optimal performance guarantees. Our main contribution is the novel coverage reward term of the objective function optimized by the greedy algorithm. This component builds on the graph-of-words representation of text and the k-core decomposition algorithm to assign meaningful scores to words. We evaluate our approach on the AMI and ICSI meeting speech corpora, and on the DUC2001 news corpus. We reach state-of-the-art performance on all datasets. Results indicate that our method is particularly well-suited to the meeting domain.

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TL;DR: Mining Reddit to Learn Automatic Summarization
Michael Völske | Martin Potthast | Shahbaz Syed | Benno Stein

Recent advances in automatic text summarization have used deep neural networks to generate high-quality abstractive summaries, but the performance of these models strongly depends on large amounts of suitable training data. We propose a new method for mining social media for author-provided summaries, taking advantage of the common practice of appending a “TL;DR” to long posts. A case study using a large Reddit crawl yields the Webis-TLDR-17 dataset, complementing existing corpora primarily from the news genre. Our technique is likely applicable to other social media sites and general web crawls.

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Topic Model Stability for Hierarchical Summarization
John Miller | Kathleen McCoy

We envisioned responsive generic hierarchical text summarization with summaries organized by section and paragraph based on hierarchical structure topic models. But we had to be sure that topic models were stable for the sampled corpora. To that end we developed a methodology for aligning multiple hierarchical structure topic models run over the same corpus under similar conditions, calculating a representative centroid model, and reporting stability of the centroid model. We ran stability experiments for standard corpora and a development corpus of Global Warming articles. We found flat and hierarchical structures of two levels plus the root offer stable centroid models, but hierarchical structures of three levels plus the root didn’t seem stable enough for use in hierarchical summarization.

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Learning to Score System Summaries for Better Content Selection Evaluation.
Maxime Peyrard | Teresa Botschen | Iryna Gurevych

The evaluation of summaries is a challenging but crucial task of the summarization field. In this work, we propose to learn an automatic scoring metric based on the human judgements available as part of classical summarization datasets like TAC-2008 and TAC-2009. Any existing automatic scoring metrics can be included as features, the model learns the combination exhibiting the best correlation with human judgments. The reliability of the new metric is tested in a further manual evaluation where we ask humans to evaluate summaries covering the whole scoring spectrum of the metric. We release the trained metric as an open-source tool.

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Revisiting the Centroid-based Method: A Strong Baseline for Multi-Document Summarization
Demian Gholipour Ghalandari

The centroid-based model for extractive document summarization is a simple and fast baseline that ranks sentences based on their similarity to a centroid vector. In this paper, we apply this ranking to possible summaries instead of sentences and use a simple greedy algorithm to find the best summary. Furthermore, we show possibilities to scale up to larger input document collections by selecting a small number of sentences from each document prior to constructing the summary. Experiments were done on the DUC2004 dataset for multi-document summarization. We observe a higher performance over the original model, on par with more complex state-of-the-art methods.

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Reader-Aware Multi-Document Summarization: An Enhanced Model and The First Dataset
Piji Li | Lidong Bing | Wai Lam

We investigate the problem of reader-aware multi-document summarization (RA-MDS) and introduce a new dataset for this problem. To tackle RA-MDS, we extend a variational auto-encodes (VAEs) based MDS framework by jointly considering news documents and reader comments. To conduct evaluation for summarization performance, we prepare a new dataset. We describe the methods for data collection, aspect annotation, and summary writing as well as scrutinizing by experts. Experimental results show that reader comments can improve the summarization performance, which also demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed dataset.

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A Pilot Study of Domain Adaptation Effect for Neural Abstractive Summarization
Xinyu Hua | Lu Wang

We study the problem of domain adaptation for neural abstractive summarization. We make initial efforts in investigating what information can be transferred to a new domain. Experimental results on news stories and opinion articles indicate that neural summarization model benefits from pre-training based on extractive summaries. We also find that the combination of in-domain and out-of-domain setup yields better summaries when in-domain data is insufficient. Further analysis shows that, the model is capable to select salient content even trained on out-of-domain data, but requires in-domain data to capture the style for a target domain.


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech-Centric Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech-Centric Natural Language Processing
Nicholas Ruiz | Srinivas Bangalore

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Functions of Silences towards Information Flow in Spoken Conversation
Shammur Absar Chowdhury | Evgeny Stepanov | Morena Danieli | Giuseppe Riccardi

Silence is an integral part of the most frequent turn-taking phenomena in spoken conversations. Silence is sized and placed within the conversation flow and it is coordinated by the speakers along with the other speech acts. The objective of this analytical study is twofold: to explore the functions of silence with duration of one second and above, towards information flow in a dyadic conversation utilizing the sequences of dialog acts present in the turns surrounding the silence itself; and to design a feature space useful for clustering the silences using a hierarchical concept formation algorithm. The resulting clusters are manually grouped into functional categories based on their similarities. It is observed that the silence plays an important role in response preparation, also can indicate speakers’ hesitation or indecisiveness. It is also observed that sometimes long silences can be used deliberately to get a forced response from another speaker thus making silence a multi-functional and an important catalyst towards information flow.

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Encoding Word Confusion Networks with Recurrent Neural Networks for Dialog State Tracking
Glorianna Jagfeld | Ngoc Thang Vu

This paper presents our novel method to encode word confusion networks, which can represent a rich hypothesis space of automatic speech recognition systems, via recurrent neural networks. We demonstrate the utility of our approach for the task of dialog state tracking in spoken dialog systems that relies on automatic speech recognition output. Encoding confusion networks outperforms encoding the best hypothesis of the automatic speech recognition in a neural system for dialog state tracking on the well-known second Dialog State Tracking Challenge dataset.

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Analyzing Human and Machine Performance In Resolving Ambiguous Spoken Sentences
Hussein Ghaly | Michael Mandel

Written sentences can be more ambiguous than spoken sentences. We investigate this difference for two different types of ambiguity: prepositional phrase (PP) attachment and sentences where the addition of commas changes the meaning. We recorded a native English speaker saying several of each type of sentence both with and without disambiguating contextual information. These sentences were then presented either as text or audio and either with or without context to subjects who were asked to select the proper interpretation of the sentence. Results suggest that comma-ambiguous sentences are easier to disambiguate than PP-attachment-ambiguous sentences, possibly due to the presence of clear prosodic boundaries, namely silent pauses. Subject performance for sentences with PP-attachment ambiguity without context was 52% for text only while it was 72.4% for audio only, suggesting that audio has more disambiguating information than text. Using an analysis of acoustic features of two PP-attachment sentences, a simple classifier was implemented to resolve the PP-attachment ambiguity being early or late closure with a mean accuracy of 80%.

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Parsing transcripts of speech
Andrew Caines | Michael McCarthy | Paula Buttery

We present an analysis of parser performance on speech data, comparing word type and token frequency distributions with written data, and evaluating parse accuracy by length of input string. We find that parser performance tends to deteriorate with increasing length of string, more so for spoken than for written texts. We train an alternative parsing model with added speech data and demonstrate improvements in accuracy on speech-units, with no deterioration in performance on written text.

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Enriching ASR Lattices with POS Tags for Dependency Parsing
Moritz Stiefel | Ngoc Thang Vu

Parsing speech requires a richer representation than 1-best or n-best hypotheses, e.g. lattices. Moreover, previous work shows that part-of-speech (POS) tags are a valuable resource for parsing. In this paper, we therefore explore a joint modeling approach of automatic speech recognition (ASR) and POS tagging to enrich ASR word lattices. To that end, we manipulate the ASR process from the pronouncing dictionary onward to use word-POS pairs instead of words. We evaluate ASR, POS tagging and dependency parsing (DP) performance demonstrating a successful lattice-based integration of ASR and POS tagging.

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End-to-End Information Extraction without Token-Level Supervision
Rasmus Berg Palm | Dirk Hovy | Florian Laws | Ole Winther

Most state-of-the-art information extraction approaches rely on token-level labels to find the areas of interest in text. Unfortunately, these labels are time-consuming and costly to create, and consequently, not available for many real-life IE tasks. To make matters worse, token-level labels are usually not the desired output, but just an intermediary step. End-to-end (E2E) models, which take raw text as input and produce the desired output directly, need not depend on token-level labels. We propose an E2E model based on pointer networks, which can be trained directly on pairs of raw input and output text. We evaluate our model on the ATIS data set, MIT restaurant corpus and the MIT movie corpus and compare to neural baselines that do use token-level labels. We achieve competitive results, within a few percentage points of the baselines, showing the feasibility of E2E information extraction without the need for token-level labels. This opens up new possibilities, as for many tasks currently addressed by human extractors, raw input and output data are available, but not token-level labels.

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Spoken Term Discovery for Language Documentation using Translations
Antonios Anastasopoulos | Sameer Bansal | David Chiang | Sharon Goldwater | Adam Lopez

Vast amounts of speech data collected for language documentation and research remain untranscribed and unsearchable, but often a small amount of speech may have text translations available. We present a method for partially labeling additional speech with translations in this scenario. We modify an unsupervised speech-to-translation alignment model and obtain prototype speech segments that match the translation words, which are in turn used to discover terms in the unlabelled data. We evaluate our method on a Spanish-English speech translation corpus and on two corpora of endangered languages, Arapaho and Ainu, demonstrating its appropriateness and applicability in an actual very-low-resource scenario.

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Amharic-English Speech Translation in Tourism Domain
Michael Melese | Laurent Besacier | Million Meshesha

This paper describes speech translation from Amharic-to-English, particularly Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) with post-editing feature and Amharic-English Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). ASR experiment is conducted using morpheme language model (LM) and phoneme acoustic model(AM). Likewise,SMT conducted using word and morpheme as unit. Morpheme based translation shows a 6.29 BLEU score at a 76.4% of recognition accuracy while word based translation shows a 12.83 BLEU score using 77.4% word recognition accuracy. Further, after post-edit on Amharic ASR using corpus based n-gram, the word recognition accuracy increased by 1.42%. Since post-edit approach reduces error propagation, the word based translation accuracy improved by 0.25 (1.95%) BLEU score. We are now working towards further improving propagated errors through different algorithms at each unit of speech translation cascading component.

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Speech- and Text-driven Features for Automated Scoring of English Speaking Tasks
Anastassia Loukina | Nitin Madnani | Aoife Cahill

We consider the automatic scoring of a task for which both the content of the response as well its spoken fluency are important. We combine features from a text-only content scoring system originally designed for written responses with several categories of acoustic features. Although adding any single category of acoustic features to the text-only system on its own does not significantly improve performance, adding all acoustic features together does yield a small but significant improvement. These results are consistent for responses to open-ended questions and to questions focused on some given source material.

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Improving coreference resolution with automatically predicted prosodic information
Ina Roesiger | Sabrina Stehwien | Arndt Riester | Ngoc Thang Vu

Adding manually annotated prosodic information, specifically pitch accents and phrasing, to the typical text-based feature set for coreference resolution has previously been shown to have a positive effect on German data. Practical applications on spoken language, however, would rely on automatically predicted prosodic information. In this paper we predict pitch accents (and phrase boundaries) using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model from acoustic features extracted from the speech signal. After an assessment of the quality of these automatic prosodic annotations, we show that they also significantly improve coreference resolution.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems
Emily Bender | Hal Daumé III | Allyson Ettinger | Sudha Rao

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Towards Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems: A Workshop and Shared Task
Allyson Ettinger | Sudha Rao | Hal Daumé III | Emily M. Bender

This paper presents a summary of the first Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable Natural Language Processing Systems, and the associated Build It Break It, The Language Edition shared task. The goal of this workshop was to bring together researchers in NLP and linguistics with a carefully designed shared task aimed at testing the generalizability of NLP systems beyond the distributions of their training data. We describe the motivation, setup, and participation of the shared task, provide discussion of some highlighted results, and discuss lessons learned.

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Analysing Errors of Open Information Extraction Systems
Rudolf Schneider | Tom Oberhauser | Tobias Klatt | Felix A. Gers | Alexander Löser

We report results on benchmarking Open Information Extraction (OIE) systems using RelVis, a toolkit for benchmarking Open Information Extraction systems. Our comprehensive benchmark contains three data sets from the news domain and one data set from Wikipedia with overall 4522 labeled sentences and 11243 binary or n-ary OIE relations. In our analysis on these data sets we compared the performance of four popular OIE systems, ClausIE, OpenIE 4.2, Stanford OpenIE and PredPatt. In addition, we evaluated the impact of five common error classes on a subset of 749 n-ary tuples. From our deep analysis we unreveal important research directions for a next generation on OIE systems.

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Massively Multilingual Neural Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
Ben Peters | Jon Dehdari | Josef van Genabith

Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (g2p) is necessary for text-to-speech and automatic speech recognition systems. Most g2p systems are monolingual: they require language-specific data or handcrafting of rules. Such systems are difficult to extend to low resource languages, for which data and handcrafted rules are not available. As an alternative, we present a neural sequence-to-sequence approach to g2p which is trained on spelling–pronunciation pairs in hundreds of languages. The system shares a single encoder and decoder across all languages, allowing it to utilize the intrinsic similarities between different writing systems. We show an 11% improvement in phoneme error rate over an approach based on adapting high-resource monolingual g2p models to low-resource languages. Our model is also much more compact relative to previous approaches.

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BIBI System Description: Building with CNNs and Breaking with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Yitong Li | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin

This paper describes our submission to the sentiment analysis sub-task of “Build It, Break It: The Language Edition (BIBI)”, on both the builder and breaker sides. As a builder, we use convolutional neural nets, trained on both phrase and sentence data. As a breaker, we use Q-learning to learn minimal change pairs, and apply a token substitution method automatically. We analyse the results to gauge the robustness of NLP systems.

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Breaking NLP: Using Morphosyntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and World Knowledge to Fool Sentiment Analysis Systems
Taylor Mahler | Willy Cheung | Micha Elsner | David King | Marie-Catherine de Marneffe | Cory Shain | Symon Stevens-Guille | Michael White

This paper describes our “breaker” submission to the 2017 EMNLP “Build It Break It” shared task on sentiment analysis. In order to cause the “builder” systems to make incorrect predictions, we edited items in the blind test data according to linguistically interpretable strategies that allow us to assess the ease with which the builder systems learn various components of linguistic structure. On the whole, our submitted pairs break all systems at a high rate (72.6%), indicating that sentiment analysis as an NLP task may still have a lot of ground to cover. Of the breaker strategies that we consider, we find our semantic and pragmatic manipulations to pose the most substantial difficulties for the builder systems.

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An Adaptable Lexical Simplification Architecture for Major Ibero-Romance Languages
Daniel Ferrés | Horacio Saggion | Xavier Gómez Guinovart

Lexical Simplification is the task of reducing the lexical complexity of textual documents by replacing difficult words with easier to read (or understand) expressions while preserving the original meaning. The development of robust pipelined multilingual architectures able to adapt to new languages is of paramount importance in lexical simplification. This paper describes and evaluates a modular hybrid linguistic-statistical Lexical Simplifier that deals with the four major Ibero-Romance Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Galician. The architecture of the system is the same for the four languages addressed, only the language resources used during simplification are language specific.

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Cross-genre Document Retrieval: Matching between Conversational and Formal Writings
Tomasz Jurczyk | Jinho D. Choi

This paper challenges a cross-genre document retrieval task, where the queries are in formal writing and the target documents are in conversational writing. In this task, a query, is a sentence extracted from either a summary or a plot of an episode in a TV show, and the target document consists of transcripts from the corresponding episode. To establish a strong baseline, we employ the current state-of-the-art search engine to perform document retrieval on the dataset collected for this work. We then introduce a structure reranking approach to improve the initial ranking by utilizing syntactic and semantic structures generated by NLP tools. Our evaluation shows an improvement of more than 4% when the structure reranking is applied, which is very promising.

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ACTSA: Annotated Corpus for Telugu Sentiment Analysis
Sandeep Sricharan Mukku | Radhika Mamidi

Sentiment analysis deals with the task of determining the polarity of a document or sentence and has received a lot of attention in recent years for the English language. With the rapid growth of social media these days, a lot of data is available in regional languages besides English. Telugu is one such regional language with abundant data available in social media, but it’s hard to find a labelled data of sentences for Telugu Sentiment Analysis. In this paper, we describe an effort to build a gold-standard annotated corpus of Telugu sentences to support Telugu Sentiment Analysis. The corpus, named ACTSA (Annotated Corpus for Telugu Sentiment Analysis) has a collection of Telugu sentences taken from different sources which were then pre-processed and manually annotated by native Telugu speakers using our annotation guidelines. In total, we have annotated 5457 sentences, which makes our corpus the largest resource currently available. The corpus and the annotation guidelines are made publicly available.

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Strawman: An Ensemble of Deep Bag-of-Ngrams for Sentiment Analysis
Kyunghyun Cho

This paper describes a builder entry, named “strawman”, to the sentence-level sentiment analysis task of the “Build It, Break It” shared task of the First Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems. The goal of a builder is to provide an automated sentiment analyzer that would serve as a target for breakers whose goal is to find pairs of minimally-differing sentences that break the analyzer.

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Breaking Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews
Ieva Staliūnaitė | Ben Bonfil

The current paper covers several strategies we used to ‘break’ predictions of sentiment analysis systems participating in the BLGNLP2017 workshop. Specifically, we identify difficulties of participating systems in understanding modals, subjective judgments, world-knowledge based references and certain differences in syntax and perspective.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Curation and Applications of Parallel and Comparable Corpora

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Curation and Applications of Parallel and Comparable Corpora
Haithem Afli | Chao-Hong Liu

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Building a Better Bitext for Structurally Different Languages through Self-training
Jungyeul Park | Loïc Dugast | Jeen-Pyo Hong | Chang-Uk Shin | Jeong-Won Cha

We propose a novel method to bootstrap the construction of parallel corpora for new pairs of structurally different languages. We do so by combining the use of a pivot language and self-training. A pivot language enables the use of existing translation models to bootstrap the alignment and a self-training procedure enables to achieve better alignment, both at the document and sentence level. We also propose several evaluation methods for the resulting alignment.

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MultiNews: A Web collection of an Aligned Multimodal and Multilingual Corpus
Haithem Afli | Pintu Lohar | Andy Way

Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and computer vision is a promising effort. However, the applicability of these methods directly depends on the availability of a specific multimodal data that includes images and texts. In this paper, we present a collection of a Multimodal corpus of comparable texts and their images in 9 languages from the web news articles of Euronews website. This corpus has found widespread use in the NLP community in Multilingual and multimodal tasks. Here, we focus on its acquisition of the images and text data and their multilingual alignment.

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Learning Phrase Embeddings from Paraphrases with GRUs
Zhihao Zhou | Lifu Huang | Heng Ji

Learning phrase representations has been widely explored in many Natural Language Processing tasks (e.g., Sentiment Analysis, Machine Translation) and has shown promising improvements. Previous studies either learn non-compositional phrase representations with general word embedding learning techniques or learn compositional phrase representations based on syntactic structures, which either require huge amounts of human annotations or cannot be easily generalized to all phrases. In this work, we propose to take advantage of large-scaled paraphrase database and present a pairwise-GRU framework to generate compositional phrase representations. Our framework can be re-used to generate representations for any phrases. Experimental results show that our framework achieves state-of-the-art results on several phrase similarity tasks.


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Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Disease Detection using Social Media 2017 (DDDSM-2017)

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Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Disease Detection using Social Media 2017 (DDDSM-2017)
Jitendra Jonnagaddala | Hong-Jie Dai | Yung-Chun Chang

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Automatic detection of stance towards vaccination in online discussion forums
Maria Skeppstedt | Andreas Kerren | Manfred Stede

A classifier for automatic detection of stance towards vaccination in online forums was trained and evaluated. Debate posts from six discussion threads on the British parental website Mumsnet were manually annotated for stance ‘against’ or ‘for’ vaccination, or as ‘undecided’. A support vector machine, trained to detect the three classes, achieved a macro F-score of 0.44, while a macro F-score of 0.62 was obtained by the same type of classifier on the binary classification task of distinguishing stance ‘against’ vaccination from stance ‘for’ vaccination. These results show that vaccine stance detection in online forums is a difficult task, at least for the type of model investigated and for the relatively small training corpus that was used. Future work will therefore include an expansion of the training data and an evaluation of other types of classifiers and features.

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Analysing the Causes of Depressed Mood from Depression Vulnerable Individuals
Noor Fazilla Abd Yusof | Chenghua Lin | Frank Guerin

We develop a computational model to discover the potential causes of depression by analysing the topics in a usergenerated text. We show the most prominent causes, and how these causes evolve over time. Also, we highlight the differences in causes between students with low and high neuroticism. Our studies demonstrate that the topics reveal valuable clues about the causes contributing to depressed mood. Identifying causes can have a significant impact on improving the quality of depression care; thereby providing greater insights into a patient’s state for pertinent treatment recommendations. Hence, this study significantly expands the ability to discover the potential factors that trigger depression, making it possible to increase the efficiency of depression treatment.

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Multivariate Linear Regression of Symptoms-related Tweets for Infectious Gastroenteritis Scale Estimation
Ryo Takeuchi | Hayate Iso | Kaoru Ito | Shoko Wakamiya | Eiji Aramaki

To date, various Twitter-based event detection systems have been proposed. Most of their targets, however, share common characteristics. They are seasonal or global events such as earthquakes and flu pandemics. In contrast, this study targets unseasonal and local disease events. Our system investigates the frequencies of disease-related words such as “nausea”,“chill”,and “diarrhea” and estimates the number of patients using regression of these word frequencies. Experiments conducted using Japanese 47 areas from January 2017 to April 2017 revealed that the detection of small and unseasonal event is extremely difficult (overall performance: 0.13). However, we found that the event scale and the detection performance show high correlation in the specified cases (in the phase of patient increasing or decreasing). The results also suggest that when 150 and more patients appear in a high population area, we can expect that our social sensors detect this outbreak. Based on these results, we can infer that social sensors can reliably detect unseasonal and local disease events under certain conditions, just as they can for seasonal or global events.

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Incorporating Dependency Trees Improve Identification of Pregnant Women on Social Media Platforms
Yi-Jie Huang | Chu Hsien Su | Yi-Chun Chang | Tseng-Hsin Ting | Tzu-Yuan Fu | Rou-Min Wang | Hong-Jie Dai | Yung-Chun Chang | Jitendra Jonnagaddala | Wen-Lian Hsu

The increasing popularity of social media lead users to share enormous information on the internet. This information has various application like, it can be used to develop models to understand or predict user behavior on social media platforms. For example, few online retailers have studied the shopping patterns to predict shopper’s pregnancy stage. Another interesting application is to use the social media platforms to analyze users’ health-related information. In this study, we developed a tree kernel-based model to classify tweets conveying pregnancy related information using this corpus. The developed pregnancy classification model achieved an accuracy of 0.847 and an F-score of 0.565. A new corpus from popular social media platform Twitter was developed for the purpose of this study. In future, we would like to improve this corpus by reducing noise such as retweets.

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Using a Recurrent Neural Network Model for Classification of Tweets Conveyed Influenza-related Information
Chen-Kai Wang | Onkar Singh | Zhao-Li Tang | Hong-Jie Dai

Traditional disease surveillance systems depend on outpatient reporting and virological test results released by hospitals. These data have valid and accurate information about emerging outbreaks but it’s often not timely. In recent years the exponential growth of users getting connected to social media provides immense knowledge about epidemics by sharing related information. Social media can now flag more immediate concerns related to out-breaks in real time. In this paper we apply the long short-term memory recurrent neural net-work (RNN) architecture to classify tweets conveyed influenza-related information and compare its performance with baseline algorithms including support vector machine (SVM), decision tree, naive Bayes, simple logistics, and naive Bayes multinomial. The developed RNN model achieved an F-score of 0.845 on the MedWeb task test set, which outperforms the F-score of SVM without applying the synthetic minority oversampling technique by 0.08. The F-score of the RNN model is within 1% of the highest score achieved by SVM with oversampling technique.

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ZikaHack 2016: A digital disease detection competition
Dillon C Adam | Jitendra Jonnagaddala | Daniel Han-Chen | Sean Batongbacal | Luan Almeida | Jing Z Zhu | Jenny J Yang | Jumail M Mundekkat | Steven Badman | Abrar Chughtai | C Raina MacIntyre

Effective response to infectious diseases outbreaks relies on the rapid and early detection of those outbreaks. Invalidated, yet timely and openly available digital information can be used for the early detection of outbreaks. Public health surveillance authorities can exploit these early warnings to plan and co-ordinate rapid surveillance and emergency response programs. In 2016, a digital disease detection competition named ZikaHack was launched. The objective of the competition was for multidisciplinary teams to design, develop and demonstrate innovative digital disease detection solutions to retrospectively detect the 2015-16 Brazilian Zika virus outbreak earlier than traditional surveillance methods. In this paper, an overview of the ZikaHack competition is provided. The challenges and lessons learned in organizing this competition are also discussed for use by other researchers interested in organizing similar competitions.

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A Method to Generate a Machine-Labeled Data for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition with Various Sub-Domains
Juae Kim | Sunjae Kwon | Youngjoong Ko | Jungyun Seo

Biomedical Named Entity (NE) recognition is a core technique for various works in the biomedical domain. In previous studies, using machine learning algorithm shows better performance than dictionary-based and rule-based approaches because there are too many terminological variations of biomedical NEs and new biomedical NEs are constantly generated. To achieve the high performance with a machine-learning algorithm, good-quality corpora are required. However, it is difficult to obtain the good-quality corpora because an-notating a biomedical corpus for ma-chine-learning is extremely time-consuming and costly. In addition, most previous corpora are insufficient for high-level tasks because they cannot cover various domains. Therefore, we propose a method for generating a large amount of machine-labeled data that covers various domains. To generate a large amount of machine-labeled data, firstly we generate an initial machine-labeled data by using a chunker and MetaMap. The chunker is developed to extract only biomedical NEs with manually annotated data. MetaMap is used to annotate the category of bio-medical NE. Then we apply the self-training approach to bootstrap the performance of initial machine-labeled data. In our experiments, the biomedical NE recognition system that is trained with our proposed machine-labeled data achieves much high performance. As a result, our system outperforms biomedical NE recognition system that using MetaMap only with 26.03%p improvements on F1-score.

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Enhancing Drug-Drug Interaction Classification with Corpus-level Feature and Classifier Ensemble
Jing Cyun Tu | Po-Ting Lai | Richard Tzong-Han Tsai

The study of drug-drug interaction (DDI) is important in the drug discovering. Both PubMed and DrugBank are rich resources to retrieve DDI information which is usually represented in plain text. Automatically extracting DDI pairs from text improves the quality of drug discov-ering. In this paper, we presented a study that focuses on the DDI classification. We normalized the drug names, and developed both sentence-level and corpus-level features for DDI classification. A classifier ensemble approach is used for the unbalance DDI labels problem. Our approach achieved an F-score of 65.4% on SemEval 2013 DDI test set. The experimental results also show the effects of proposed corpus-level features in the DDI task.

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Chemical-Induced Disease Detection Using Invariance-based Pattern Learning Model
Neha Warikoo | Yung-Chun Chang | Wen-Lian Hsu

In this work, we introduce a novel feature engineering approach named “algebraic invariance” to identify discriminative patterns for learning relation pair features for the chemical-disease relation (CDR) task of BioCreative V. Our method exploits the existing structural similarity of the key concepts of relation descriptions from the CDR corpus to generate robust linguistic patterns for SVM tree kernel-based learning. Preprocessing of the training data classifies the entity pairs as either related or unrelated to build instance types for both inter-sentential and intra-sentential scenarios. An invariant function is proposed to process and optimally cluster similar patterns for both positive and negative instances. The learning model for CDR pairs is based on the SVM tree kernel approach, which generates feature trees and vectors and is modeled on suitable invariance based patterns, bringing brevity, precision and context to the identifier features. Results demonstrate that our method outperformed other compared approaches, achieved a high recall rate of 85.08%, and averaged an F1-score of 54.34% without the use of any additional knowledge bases.


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Proceedings of Language, Ontology, Terminology and Knowledge Structures Workshop (LOTKS 2017)
Francesca Frontini | Larisa Grčić Simeunović | Špela Vintar | Anas Fahad Khan | Artemis Parvisi

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Exploratory Analysis for Ontology Learning from Social Events on Social Media Streaming in Spanish
Enrique Valeriano | Arturo Oncevay-Marcos

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Creating a gold standard corpus for terminological annotation from online forum data
Anna Hätty | Simon Tannert | Ulrich Heid

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A conceptual ontology in the water domain of knowledge to bridge the lexical semantics of stratified discursive strata
Jean-Louis Janin | Henri Portine

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GeoDict: an integrated gazetteer
Jacques Fize | Gaurav Shrivastava | Pierre André Ménard

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Fine-grained domain classification of text using TERMIUM Plus
Gabriel Bernier-Colborne | Caroline Barrière | Pierre André Ménard

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TBX in ODD: Schema-agnostic specification and documentation for TermBase eXchange
Stefan Pernes | Laurent Romary

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Enrichment of French Biomedical Ontologies with UMLS Concepts and Semantic Types for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Though Ontological Semantic Annotation
Andon Tchechmedjiev | Clément Jonquet

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Experiments in taxonomy induction in Spanish and French
Irene Renau | Rogelio Nazar | Rafael Marín

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A statistical model for morphology inspired by the Amis language
Isabelle Bril | Achraf Lassoued | Michel de Rougemont

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Developing LexO: a Collaborative Editor of Multilingual Lexica and Termino-Ontological Resources in the Humanities
Andrea Bellandi | Emiliano Giovannetti | Silvia Piccini | Anja Weingart

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Designing an Ontology for the Study of Ritual in Ancient Greek Tragedy
Gloria Mugelli | Andrea Bellandi | Federico Boschetti | Anas Fahad Khan


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Abusive Language Online

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Abusive Language Online
Zeerak Waseem | Wendy Hui Kyong Chung | Dirk Hovy | Joel Tetreault

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Dimensions of Abusive Language on Twitter
Isobelle Clarke | Jack Grieve

In this paper, we use a new categorical form of multidimensional register analysis to identify the main dimensions of functional linguistic variation in a corpus of abusive language, consisting of racist and sexist Tweets. By analysing the use of a wide variety of parts-of-speech and grammatical constructions, as well as various features related to Twitter and computer-mediated communication, we discover three dimensions of linguistic variation in this corpus, which we interpret as being related to the degree of interactive, antagonistic and attitudinal language exhibited by individual Tweets. We then demonstrate that there is a significant functional difference between racist and sexist Tweets, with sexists Tweets tending to be more interactive and attitudinal than racist Tweets.

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Constructive Language in News Comments
Varada Kolhatkar | Maite Taboada

We discuss the characteristics of constructive news comments, and present methods to identify them. First, we define the notion of constructiveness. Second, we annotate a corpus for constructiveness. Third, we explore whether available argumentation corpora can be useful to identify constructiveness in news comments. Our model trained on argumentation corpora achieves a top accuracy of 72.59% (baseline=49.44%) on our crowd-annotated test data. Finally, we examine the relation between constructiveness and toxicity. In our crowd-annotated data, 21.42% of the non-constructive comments and 17.89% of the constructive comments are toxic, suggesting that non-constructive comments are not much more toxic than constructive comments.

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Rephrasing Profanity in Chinese Text
Hui-Po Su | Zhen-Jie Huang | Hao-Tsung Chang | Chuan-Jie Lin

This paper proposes a system that can detect and rephrase profanity in Chinese text. Rather than just masking detected profanity, we want to revise the input sentence by using inoffensive words while keeping their original meanings. 29 of such rephrasing rules were invented after observing sentences on real-word social websites. The overall accuracy of the proposed system is 85.56%

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Deep Learning for User Comment Moderation
John Pavlopoulos | Prodromos Malakasiotis | Ion Androutsopoulos

Experimenting with a new dataset of 1.6M user comments from a Greek news portal and existing datasets of EnglishWikipedia comments, we show that an RNN outperforms the previous state of the art in moderation. A deep, classification-specific attention mechanism improves further the overall performance of the RNN. We also compare against a CNN and a word-list baseline, considering both fully automatic and semi-automatic moderation.

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Class-based Prediction Errors to Detect Hate Speech with Out-of-vocabulary Words
Joan Serrà | Ilias Leontiadis | Dimitris Spathis | Gianluca Stringhini | Jeremy Blackburn | Athena Vakali

Common approaches to text categorization essentially rely either on n-gram counts or on word embeddings. This presents important difficulties in highly dynamic or quickly-interacting environments, where the appearance of new words and/or varied misspellings is the norm. A paradigmatic example of this situation is abusive online behavior, with social networks and media platforms struggling to effectively combat uncommon or non-blacklisted hate words. To better deal with these issues in those fast-paced environments, we propose using the error signal of class-based language models as input to text classification algorithms. In particular, we train a next-character prediction model for any given class and then exploit the error of such class-based models to inform a neural network classifier. This way, we shift from the ‘ability to describe’ seen documents to the ‘ability to predict’ unseen content. Preliminary studies using out-of-vocabulary splits from abusive tweet data show promising results, outperforming competitive text categorization strategies by 4-11%.

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One-step and Two-step Classification for Abusive Language Detection on Twitter
Ji Ho Park | Pascale Fung

Automatic abusive language detection is a difficult but important task for online social media. Our research explores a two-step approach of performing classification on abusive language and then classifying into specific types and compares it with one-step approach of doing one multi-class classification for detecting sexist and racist languages. With a public English Twitter corpus of 20 thousand tweets in the type of sexism and racism, our approach shows a promising performance of 0.827 F-measure by using HybridCNN in one-step and 0.824 F-measure by using logistic regression in two-steps.

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Legal Framework, Dataset and Annotation Schema for Socially Unacceptable Online Discourse Practices in Slovene
Darja Fišer | Tomaž Erjavec | Nikola Ljubešić

In this paper we present the legal framework, dataset and annotation schema of socially unacceptable discourse practices on social networking platforms in Slovenia. On this basis we aim to train an automatic identification and classification system with which we wish contribute towards an improved methodology, understanding and treatment of such practices in the contemporary, increasingly multicultural information society.

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Abusive Language Detection on Arabic Social Media
Hamdy Mubarak | Kareem Darwish | Walid Magdy

In this paper, we present our work on detecting abusive language on Arabic social media. We extract a list of obscene words and hashtags using common patterns used in offensive and rude communications. We also classify Twitter users according to whether they use any of these words or not in their tweets. We expand the list of obscene words using this classification, and we report results on a newly created dataset of classified Arabic tweets (obscene, offensive, and clean). We make this dataset freely available for research, in addition to the list of obscene words and hashtags. We are also publicly releasing a large corpus of classified user comments that were deleted from a popular Arabic news site due to violations the site’s rules and guidelines.

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Vectors for Counterspeech on Twitter
Lucas Wright | Derek Ruths | Kelly P Dillon | Haji Mohammad Saleem | Susan Benesch

A study of conversations on Twitter found that some arguments between strangers led to favorable change in discourse and even in attitudes. The authors propose that such exchanges can be usefully distinguished according to whether individuals or groups take part on each side, since the opportunity for a constructive exchange of views seems to vary accordingly.

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Detecting Nastiness in Social Media
Niloofar Safi Samghabadi | Suraj Maharjan | Alan Sprague | Raquel Diaz-Sprague | Thamar Solorio

Although social media has made it easy for people to connect on a virtually unlimited basis, it has also opened doors to people who misuse it to undermine, harass, humiliate, threaten and bully others. There is a lack of adequate resources to detect and hinder its occurrence. In this paper, we present our initial NLP approach to detect invective posts as a first step to eventually detect and deter cyberbullying. We crawl data containing profanities and then determine whether or not it contains invective. Annotations on this data are improved iteratively by in-lab annotations and crowdsourcing. We pursue different NLP approaches containing various typical and some newer techniques to distinguish the use of swear words in a neutral way from those instances in which they are used in an insulting way. We also show that this model not only works for our data set, but also can be successfully applied to different data sets.

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Technology Solutions to Combat Online Harassment
George Kennedy | Andrew McCollough | Edward Dixon | Alexei Bastidas | John Ryan | Chris Loo | Saurav Sahay

This work is part of a new initiative to use machine learning to identify online harassment in social media and comment streams. Online harassment goes under-reported due to the reliance on humans to identify and report harassment, reporting that is further slowed by requirements to fill out forms providing context. In addition, the time for moderators to respond and apply human judgment can take days, but response times in terms of minutes are needed in the online context. Though some of the major social media companies have been doing proprietary work in automating the detection of harassment, there are few tools available for use by the public. In addition, the amount of labeled online harassment data and availability of cross-platform online harassment datasets is limited. We present the methodology used to create a harassment dataset and classifier and the dataset used to help the system learn what harassment looks like.

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Understanding Abuse: A Typology of Abusive Language Detection Subtasks
Zeerak Waseem | Thomas Davidson | Dana Warmsley | Ingmar Weber

As the body of research on abusive language detection and analysis grows, there is a need for critical consideration of the relationships between different subtasks that have been grouped under this label. Based on work on hate speech, cyberbullying, and online abuse we propose a typology that captures central similarities and differences between subtasks and discuss the implications of this for data annotation and feature construction. We emphasize the practical actions that can be taken by researchers to best approach their abusive language detection subtask of interest.

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Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Classify Hate-Speech
Björn Gambäck | Utpal Kumar Sikdar

The paper introduces a deep learning-based Twitter hate-speech text classification system. The classifier assigns each tweet to one of four predefined categories: racism, sexism, both (racism and sexism) and non-hate-speech. Four Convolutional Neural Network models were trained on resp. character 4-grams, word vectors based on semantic information built using word2vec, randomly generated word vectors, and word vectors combined with character n-grams. The feature set was down-sized in the networks by max-pooling, and a softmax function used to classify tweets. Tested by 10-fold cross-validation, the model based on word2vec embeddings performed best, with higher precision than recall, and a 78.3% F-score.

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Illegal is not a Noun: Linguistic Form for Detection of Pejorative Nominalizations
Alexis Palmer | Melissa Robinson | Kristy K. Phillips

This paper focuses on a particular type of abusive language, targeting expressions in which typically neutral adjectives take on pejorative meaning when used as nouns - compare ‘gay people’ to ‘the gays’. We first collect and analyze a corpus of hand-curated, expert-annotated pejorative nominalizations for four target adjectives: female, gay, illegal, and poor. We then collect a second corpus of automatically-extracted and POS-tagged, crowd-annotated tweets. For both corpora, we find support for the hypothesis that some adjectives, when nominalized, take on negative meaning. The targeted constructions are non-standard yet widely-used, and part-of-speech taggers mistag some nominal forms as adjectives. We implement a tool called NomCatcher to correct these mistaggings, and find that the same tool is effective for identifying new adjectives subject to transformation via nominalization into abusive language.


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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Argument Mining

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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Argument Mining
Ivan Habernal | Iryna Gurevych | Kevin Ashley | Claire Cardie | Nancy Green | Diane Litman | Georgios Petasis | Chris Reed | Noam Slonim | Vern Walker

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200K+ Crowdsourced Political Arguments for a New Chilean Constitution
Constanza Fierro | Claudio Fuentes | Jorge Pérez | Mauricio Quezada

In this paper we present the dataset of 200,000+ political arguments produced in the local phase of the 2016 Chilean constitutional process. We describe the human processing of this data by the government officials, and the manual tagging of arguments performed by members of our research group. Afterwards we focus on classification tasks that mimic the human processes, comparing linear methods with neural network architectures. The experiments show that some of the manual tasks are suitable for automatization. In particular, the best methods achieve a 90% top-5 accuracy in a multi-class classification of arguments, and 65% macro-averaged F1-score for tagging arguments according to a three-part argumentation model.

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Analyzing the Semantic Types of Claims and Premises in an Online Persuasive Forum
Christopher Hidey | Elena Musi | Alyssa Hwang | Smaranda Muresan | Kathy McKeown

Argumentative text has been analyzed both theoretically and computationally in terms of argumentative structure that consists of argument components (e.g., claims, premises) and their argumentative relations (e.g., support, attack). Less emphasis has been placed on analyzing the semantic types of argument components. We propose a two-tiered annotation scheme to label claims and premises and their semantic types in an online persuasive forum, Change My View, with the long-term goal of understanding what makes a message persuasive. Premises are annotated with the three types of persuasive modes: ethos, logos, pathos, while claims are labeled as interpretation, evaluation, agreement, or disagreement, the latter two designed to account for the dialogical nature of our corpus. We aim to answer three questions: 1) can humans reliably annotate the semantic types of argument components? 2) are types of premises/claims positioned in recurrent orders? and 3) are certain types of claims and/or premises more likely to appear in persuasive messages than in non-persuasive messages?

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Annotation of argument structure in Japanese legal documents
Hiroaki Yamada | Simone Teufel | Takenobu Tokunaga

We propose a method for the annotation of Japanese civil judgment documents, with the purpose of creating flexible summaries of these. The first step, described in the current paper, concerns content selection, i.e., the question of which material should be extracted initially for the summary. In particular, we utilize the hierarchical argument structure of the judgment documents. Our main contributions are a) the design of an annotation scheme that stresses the connection between legal points (called issue topics) and argument structure, b) an adaptation of rhetorical status to suit the Japanese legal system and c) the definition of a linked argument structure based on legal sub-arguments. In this paper, we report agreement between two annotators on several aspects of the overall task.

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Improving Claim Stance Classification with Lexical Knowledge Expansion and Context Utilization
Roy Bar-Haim | Lilach Edelstein | Charles Jochim | Noam Slonim

Stance classification is a core component in on-demand argument construction pipelines. Previous work on claim stance classification relied on background knowledge such as manually-composed sentiment lexicons. We show that both accuracy and coverage can be significantly improved through automatic expansion of the initial lexicon. We also developed a set of contextual features that further improves the state-of-the-art for this task.

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Mining Argumentative Structure from Natural Language text using Automatically Generated Premise-Conclusion Topic Models
John Lawrence | Chris Reed

This paper presents a method of extracting argumentative structure from natural language text. The approach presented is based on the way in which we understand an argument being made, not just from the words said, but from existing contextual knowledge and understanding of the broader issues. We leverage high-precision, low-recall techniques in order to automatically build a large corpus of inferential statements related to the text’s topic. These statements are then used to produce a matrix representing the inferential relationship between different aspects of the topic. From this matrix, we are able to determine connectedness and directionality of inference between statements in the original text. By following this approach, we obtain results that compare favourably to those of other similar techniques to classify premise-conclusion pairs (with results 22 points above baseline), but without the requirement of large volumes of annotated, domain specific data.

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Building an Argument Search Engine for the Web
Henning Wachsmuth | Martin Potthast | Khalid Al-Khatib | Yamen Ajjour | Jana Puschmann | Jiani Qu | Jonas Dorsch | Viorel Morari | Janek Bevendorff | Benno Stein

Computational argumentation is expected to play a critical role in the future of web search. To make this happen, many search-related questions must be revisited, such as how people query for arguments, how to mine arguments from the web, or how to rank them. In this paper, we develop an argument search framework for studying these and further questions. The framework allows for the composition of approaches to acquiring, mining, assessing, indexing, querying, retrieving, ranking, and presenting arguments while relying on standard infrastructure and interfaces. Based on the framework, we build a prototype search engine, called args, that relies on an initial, freely accessible index of nearly 300k arguments crawled from reliable web resources. The framework and the argument search engine are intended as an environment for collaborative research on computational argumentation and its practical evaluation.

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Argument Relation Classification Using a Joint Inference Model
Yufang Hou | Charles Jochim

In this paper, we address the problem of argument relation classification where argument units are from different texts. We design a joint inference method for the task by modeling argument relation classification and stance classification jointly. We show that our joint model improves the results over several strong baselines.

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Projection of Argumentative Corpora from Source to Target Languages
Ahmet Aker | Huangpan Zhang

Argumentative corpora are costly to create and are available in only few languages with English dominating the area. In this paper we release the first publicly available Mandarin argumentative corpus. The corpus is created by exploiting the idea of comparable corpora from Statistical Machine Translation. We use existing corpora in English and manually map the claims and premises to comparable corpora in Mandarin. We also implement a simple solution to automate this approach with the view of creating argumentative corpora in other less-resourced languages. In this way we introduce a new task of multi-lingual argument mapping that can be evaluated using our English-Mandarin argumentative corpus. The preliminary results of our automatic argument mapper mirror the simplicity of our approach, but provide a baseline for further improvements.

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Manual Identification of Arguments with Implicit Conclusions Using Semantic Rules for Argument Mining
Nancy Green

This paper describes a pilot study to evaluate human analysts’ ability to identify the argumentation scheme and premises of an argument having an implicit conclusion. In preparation for the study, argumentation scheme definitions were crafted for genetics research articles. The schemes were defined in semantic terms, following a proposal to use semantic rules to mine arguments in that literature.

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Unsupervised corpus–wide claim detection
Ran Levy | Shai Gretz | Benjamin Sznajder | Shay Hummel | Ranit Aharonov | Noam Slonim

Automatic claim detection is a fundamental argument mining task that aims to automatically mine claims regarding a topic of consideration. Previous works on mining argumentative content have assumed that a set of relevant documents is given in advance. Here, we present a first corpus– wide claim detection framework, that can be directly applied to massive corpora. Using simple and intuitive empirical observations, we derive a claim sentence query by which we are able to directly retrieve sentences in which the prior probability to include topic-relevant claims is greatly enhanced. Next, we employ simple heuristics to rank the sentences, leading to an unsupervised corpus–wide claim detection system, with precision that outperforms previously reported results on the task of claim detection given relevant documents and labeled data.

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Using Question-Answering Techniques to Implement a Knowledge-Driven Argument Mining Approach
Patrick Saint-Dizier

This short paper presents a first implementation of a knowledge-driven argument mining approach. The major processing steps and language resources of the system are surveyed. An indicative evaluation outlines challenges and improvement directions.

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What works and what does not: Classifier and feature analysis for argument mining
Ahmet Aker | Alfred Sliwa | Yuan Ma | Ruishen Lui | Niravkumar Borad | Seyedeh Ziyaei | Mina Ghobadi

This paper offers a comparative analysis of the performance of different supervised machine learning methods and feature sets on argument mining tasks. Specifically, we address the tasks of extracting argumentative segments from texts and predicting the structure between those segments. Eight classifiers and different combinations of six feature types reported in previous work are evaluated. The results indicate that overall best performing features are the structural ones. Although the performance of classifiers varies depending on the feature combinations and corpora used for training and testing, Random Forest seems to be among the best performing classifiers. These results build a basis for further development of argument mining techniques and can guide an implementation of argument mining into different applications such as argument based search.

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Unsupervised Detection of Argumentative Units though Topic Modeling Techniques
Alfio Ferrara | Stefano Montanelli | Georgios Petasis

In this paper we present a new unsupervised approach, “Attraction to Topics” – A2T , for the detection of argumentative units, a sub-task of argument mining. Motivated by the importance of topic identification in manual annotation, we examine whether topic modeling can be used for performing unsupervised detection of argumentative sentences, and to what extend topic modeling can be used to classify sentences as claims and premises. Preliminary evaluation results suggest that topic information can be successfully used for the detection of argumentative sentences, at least for corpora used for evaluation. Our approach has been evaluated on two English corpora, the first of which contains 90 persuasive essays, while the second is a collection of 340 documents from user generated content.

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Using Complex Argumentative Interactions to Reconstruct the Argumentative Structure of Large-Scale Debates
John Lawrence | Chris Reed

In this paper we consider the insights that can be gained by considering large scale argument networks and the complex interactions between their constituent propositions. We investigate metrics for analysing properties of these networks, illustrating these using a corpus of arguments taken from the 2016 US Presidential Debates. We present techniques for determining these features directly from natural language text and show that there is a strong correlation between these automatically identified features and the argumentative structure contained within the text. Finally, we combine these metrics with argument mining techniques and show how the identification of argumentative relations can be improved by considering the larger context in which they occur.

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Unit Segmentation of Argumentative Texts
Yamen Ajjour | Wei-Fan Chen | Johannes Kiesel | Henning Wachsmuth | Benno Stein

The segmentation of an argumentative text into argument units and their non-argumentative counterparts is the first step in identifying the argumentative structure of the text. Despite its importance for argument mining, unit segmentation has been approached only sporadically so far. This paper studies the major parameters of unit segmentation systematically. We explore the effectiveness of various features, when capturing words separately, along with their neighbors, or even along with the entire text. Each such context is reflected by one machine learning model that we evaluate within and across three domains of texts. Among the models, our new deep learning approach capturing the entire text turns out best within all domains, with an F-score of up to 88.54. While structural features generalize best across domains, the domain transfer remains hard, which points to major challenges of unit segmentation.


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Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

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Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
Joel Tetreault | Jill Burstein | Claudia Leacock | Helen Yannakoudakis

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Question Difficulty – How to Estimate Without Norming, How to Use for Automated Grading
Ulrike Padó

Question difficulty estimates guide test creation, but are too costly for small-scale testing. We empirically verify that Bloom’s Taxonomy, a standard tool for difficulty estimation during question creation, reliably predicts question difficulty observed after testing in a short-answer corpus. We also find that difficulty is mirrored in the amount of variation in student answers, which can be computed before grading. We show that question difficulty and its approximations are useful for automated grading, allowing us to identify the optimal feature set for grading each question even in an unseen-question setting.

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Combining CNNs and Pattern Matching for Question Interpretation in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System
Lifeng Jin | Michael White | Evan Jaffe | Laura Zimmerman | Douglas Danforth

For medical students, virtual patient dialogue systems can provide useful training opportunities without the cost of employing actors to portray standardized patients. This work utilizes word- and character-based convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for question identification in a virtual patient dialogue system, outperforming a strong word- and character-based logistic regression baseline. While the CNNs perform well given sufficient training data, the best system performance is ultimately achieved by combining CNNs with a hand-crafted pattern matching system that is robust to label sparsity, providing a 10% boost in system accuracy and an error reduction of 47% as compared to the pattern-matching system alone.

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Continuous fluency tracking and the challenges of varying text complexity
Beata Beigman Klebanov | Anastassia Loukina | John Sabatini | Tenaha O’Reilly

This paper is a preliminary report on using text complexity measurement in the service of a new educational application. We describe a reading intervention where a child takes turns reading a book aloud with a virtual reading partner. Our ultimate goal is to provide meaningful feedback to the parent or the teacher by continuously tracking the child’s improvement in reading fluency. We show that this would not be a simple endeavor, due to an intricate relationship between text complexity from the point of view of comprehension and reading rate.

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Auxiliary Objectives for Neural Error Detection Models
Marek Rei | Helen Yannakoudakis

We investigate the utility of different auxiliary objectives and training strategies within a neural sequence labeling approach to error detection in learner writing. Auxiliary costs provide the model with additional linguistic information, allowing it to learn general-purpose compositional features that can then be exploited for other objectives. Our experiments show that a joint learning approach trained with parallel labels on in-domain data improves performance over the previous best error detection system. While the resulting model has the same number of parameters, the additional objectives allow it to be optimised more efficiently and achieve better performance.

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Linked Data for Language-Learning Applications
Robyn Loughnane | Kate McCurdy | Peter Kolb | Stefan Selent

The use of linked data within language-learning applications is an open research question. A research prototype is presented that applies linked-data principles to store linguistic annotation generated from language-learning content using a variety of NLP tools. The result is a database that links learning content, linguistic annotation and open-source resources, on top of which a diverse range of tools for language-learning applications can be built.

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Predicting Specificity in Classroom Discussion
Luca Lugini | Diane Litman

High quality classroom discussion is important to student development, enhancing abilities to express claims, reason about other students’ claims, and retain information for longer periods of time. Previous small-scale studies have shown that one indicator of classroom discussion quality is specificity. In this paper we tackle the problem of predicting specificity for classroom discussions. We propose several methods and feature sets capable of outperforming the state of the art in specificity prediction. Additionally, we provide a set of meaningful, interpretable features that can be used to analyze classroom discussions at a pedagogical level.

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A Report on the 2017 Native Language Identification Shared Task
Shervin Malmasi | Keelan Evanini | Aoife Cahill | Joel Tetreault | Robert Pugh | Christopher Hamill | Diane Napolitano | Yao Qian

Native Language Identification (NLI) is the task of automatically identifying the native language (L1) of an individual based on their language production in a learned language. It is typically framed as a classification task where the set of L1s is known a priori. Two previous shared tasks on NLI have been organized where the aim was to identify the L1 of learners of English based on essays (2013) and spoken responses (2016) they provided during a standardized assessment of academic English proficiency. The 2017 shared task combines the inputs from the two prior tasks for the first time. There are three tracks: NLI on the essay only, NLI on the spoken response only (based on a transcription of the response and i-vector acoustic features), and NLI using both responses. We believe this makes for a more interesting shared task while building on the methods and results from the previous two shared tasks. In this paper, we report the results of the shared task. A total of 19 teams competed across the three different sub-tasks. The fusion track showed that combining the written and spoken responses provides a large boost in prediction accuracy. Multiple classifier systems (e.g. ensembles and meta-classifiers) were the most effective in all tasks, with most based on traditional classifiers (e.g. SVMs) with lexical/syntactic features.

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Evaluation of Automatically Generated Pronoun Reference Questions
Arief Yudha Satria | Takenobu Tokunaga

This study provides a detailed analysis of evaluation of English pronoun reference questions which are created automatically by machine. Pronoun reference questions are multiple choice questions that ask test takers to choose an antecedent of a target pronoun in a reading passage from four options. The evaluation was performed from two perspectives: the perspective of English teachers and that of English learners. Item analysis suggests that machine-generated questions achieve comparable quality with human-made questions. Correlation analysis revealed a strong correlation between the scores of machine-generated questions and that of human-made questions.

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Predicting Audience’s Laughter During Presentations Using Convolutional Neural Network
Lei Chen | Chong Min Lee

Public speakings play important roles in schools and work places and properly using humor contributes to effective presentations. For the purpose of automatically evaluating speakers’ humor usage, we build a presentation corpus containing humorous utterances based on TED talks. Compared to previous data resources supporting humor recognition research, ours has several advantages, including (a) both positive and negative instances coming from a homogeneous data set, (b) containing a large number of speakers, and (c) being open. Focusing on using lexical cues for humor recognition, we systematically compare a newly emerging text classification method based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with a well-established conventional method using linguistic knowledge. The advantages of the CNN method are both getting higher detection accuracies and being able to learn essential features automatically.

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Collecting fluency corrections for spoken learner English
Andrew Caines | Emma Flint | Paula Buttery

We present crowdsourced collection of error annotations for transcriptions of spoken learner English. Our emphasis in data collection is on fluency corrections, a more complete correction than has traditionally been aimed for in grammatical error correction research (GEC). Fluency corrections require improvements to the text, taking discourse and utterance level semantics into account: the result is a more naturalistic, holistic version of the original. We propose that this shifted emphasis be reflected in a new name for the task: ‘holistic error correction’ (HEC). We analyse crowdworker behaviour in HEC and conclude that the method is useful with certain amendments for future work.

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Exploring Relationships Between Writing & Broader Outcomes With Automated Writing Evaluation
Jill Burstein | Dan McCaffrey | Beata Beigman Klebanov | Guangming Ling

Writing is a challenge, especially for at-risk students who may lack the prerequisite writing skills required to persist in U.S. 4-year postsecondary (college) institutions. Educators teaching postsecondary courses requiring writing could benefit from a better understanding of writing achievement and its role in postsecondary success. In this paper, novel exploratory work examined how automated writing evaluation (AWE) can inform our understanding of the relationship between postsecondary writing skill and broader success outcomes. An exploratory study was conducted using test-taker essays from a standardized writing assessment of postsecondary student learning outcomes. Findings showed that for the essays, AWE features were found to be predictors of broader outcomes measures: college success and learning outcomes measures. Study findings illustrate AWE’s potential to support educational analytics – i.e., relationships between writing skill and broader outcomes – taking a step toward moving AWE beyond writing assessment and instructional use cases.

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An Investigation into the Pedagogical Features of Documents
Emily Sheng | Prem Natarajan | Jonathan Gordon | Gully Burns

Characterizing the content of a technical document in terms of its learning utility can be useful for applications related to education, such as generating reading lists from large collections of documents. We refer to this learning utility as the “pedagogical value” of the document to the learner. While pedagogical value is an important concept that has been studied extensively within the education domain, there has been little work exploring it from a computational, i.e., natural language processing (NLP), perspective. To allow a computational exploration of this concept, we introduce the notion of “pedagogical roles” of documents (e.g., Tutorial and Survey) as an intermediary component for the study of pedagogical value. Given the lack of available corpora for our exploration, we create the first annotated corpus of pedagogical roles and use it to test baseline techniques for automatic prediction of such roles.

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Combining Multiple Corpora for Readability Assessment for People with Cognitive Disabilities
Victoria Yaneva | Constantin Orăsan | Richard Evans | Omid Rohanian

Given the lack of large user-evaluated corpora in disability-related NLP research (e.g. text simplification or readability assessment for people with cognitive disabilities), the question of choosing suitable training data for NLP models is not straightforward. The use of large generic corpora may be problematic because such data may not reflect the needs of the target population. The use of the available user-evaluated corpora may be problematic because these datasets are not large enough to be used as training data. In this paper we explore a third approach, in which a large generic corpus is combined with a smaller population-specific corpus to train a classifier which is evaluated using two sets of unseen user-evaluated data. One of these sets, the ASD Comprehension corpus, is developed for the purposes of this study and made freely available. We explore the effects of the size and type of the training data used on the performance of the classifiers, and the effects of the type of the unseen test datasets on the classification performance.

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Automatic Extraction of High-Quality Example Sentences for Word Learning Using a Determinantal Point Process
Arseny Tolmachev | Sadao Kurohashi

Flashcard systems are effective tools for learning words but have their limitations in teaching word usage. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel flashcard system that shows a new example sentence on each repetition. This extension requires high-quality example sentences, automatically extracted from a huge corpus. To do this, we use a Determinantal Point Process which scales well to large data and allows to naturally represent sentence similarity and quality as features. Our human evaluation experiment on Japanese language indicates that the proposed method successfully extracted high-quality example sentences.

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Distractor Generation for Chinese Fill-in-the-blank Items
Shu Jiang | John Lee

This paper reports the first study on automatic generation of distractors for fill-in-the-blank items for learning Chinese vocabulary. We investigate the quality of distractors generated by a number of criteria, including part-of-speech, difficulty level, spelling, word co-occurrence and semantic similarity. Evaluations show that a semantic similarity measure, based on the word2vec model, yields distractors that are significantly more plausible than those generated by baseline methods.

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An Error-Oriented Approach to Word Embedding Pre-Training
Youmna Farag | Marek Rei | Ted Briscoe

We propose a novel word embedding pre-training approach that exploits writing errors in learners’ scripts. We compare our method to previous models that tune the embeddings based on script scores and the discrimination between correct and corrupt word contexts in addition to the generic commonly-used embeddings pre-trained on large corpora. The comparison is achieved by using the aforementioned models to bootstrap a neural network that learns to predict a holistic score for scripts. Furthermore, we investigate augmenting our model with error corrections and monitor the impact on performance. Our results show that our error-oriented approach outperforms other comparable ones which is further demonstrated when training on more data. Additionally, extending the model with corrections provides further performance gains when data sparsity is an issue.

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Investigating neural architectures for short answer scoring
Brian Riordan | Andrea Horbach | Aoife Cahill | Torsten Zesch | Chong Min Lee

Neural approaches to automated essay scoring have recently shown state-of-the-art performance. The automated essay scoring task typically involves a broad notion of writing quality that encompasses content, grammar, organization, and conventions. This differs from the short answer content scoring task, which focuses on content accuracy. The inputs to neural essay scoring models – ngrams and embeddings – are arguably well-suited to evaluate content in short answer scoring tasks. We investigate how several basic neural approaches similar to those used for automated essay scoring perform on short answer scoring. We show that neural architectures can outperform a strong non-neural baseline, but performance and optimal parameter settings vary across the more diverse types of prompts typical of short answer scoring.

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Human and Automated CEFR-based Grading of Short Answers
Anaïs Tack | Thomas François | Sophie Roekhaut | Cédrick Fairon

This paper is concerned with the task of automatically assessing the written proficiency level of non-native (L2) learners of English. Drawing on previous research on automated L2 writing assessment following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), we investigate the possibilities and difficulties of deriving the CEFR level from short answers to open-ended questions, which has not yet been subjected to numerous studies up to date. The object of our study is twofold: to examine the intricacy involved with both human and automated CEFR-based grading of short answers. On the one hand, we describe the compilation of a learner corpus of short answers graded with CEFR levels by three certified Cambridge examiners. We mainly observe that, although the shortness of the answers is reported as undermining a clear-cut evaluation, the length of the answer does not necessarily correlate with inter-examiner disagreement. On the other hand, we explore the development of a soft-voting system for the automated CEFR-based grading of short answers and draw tentative conclusions about its use in a computer-assisted testing (CAT) setting.

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GEC into the future: Where are we going and how do we get there?
Keisuke Sakaguchi | Courtney Napoles | Joel Tetreault

The field of grammatical error correction (GEC) has made tremendous bounds in the last ten years, but new questions and obstacles are revealing themselves. In this position paper, we discuss the issues that need to be addressed and provide recommendations for the field to continue to make progress, and propose a new shared task. We invite suggestions and critiques from the audience to make the new shared task a community-driven venture.

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Detecting Off-topic Responses to Visual Prompts
Marek Rei

Automated methods for essay scoring have made great progress in recent years, achieving accuracies very close to human annotators. However, a known weakness of such automated scorers is not taking into account the semantic relevance of the submitted text. While there is existing work on detecting answer relevance given a textual prompt, very little previous research has been done to incorporate visual writing prompts. We propose a neural architecture and several extensions for detecting off-topic responses to visual prompts and evaluate it on a dataset of texts written by language learners.

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Combining Textual and Speech Features in the NLI Task Using State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Techniques
Pavel Ircing | Jan Švec | Zbyněk Zajíc | Barbora Hladká | Martin Holub

We summarize the involvement of our CEMI team in the ”NLI Shared Task 2017”, which deals with both textual and speech input data. We submitted the results achieved by using three different system architectures; each of them combines multiple supervised learning models trained on various feature sets. As expected, better results are achieved with the systems that use both the textual data and the spoken responses. Combining the input data of two different modalities led to a rather dramatic improvement in classification performance. Our best performing method is based on a set of feed-forward neural networks whose hidden-layer outputs are combined together using a softmax layer. We achieved a macro-averaged F1 score of 0.9257 on the evaluation (unseen) test set and our team placed first in the main task together with other three teams.

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Native Language Identification Using a Mixture of Character and Word N-grams
Elham Mohammadi | Hadi Veisi | Hessam Amini

Native language identification (NLI) is the task of determining an author’s native language, based on a piece of his/her writing in a second language. In recent years, NLI has received much attention due to its challenging nature and its applications in language pedagogy and forensic linguistics. We participated in the NLI2017 shared task under the name UT-DSP. In our effort to implement a method for native language identification, we made use of a fusion of character and word N-grams, and achieved an optimal F1-Score of 77.64%, using both essay and speech transcription datasets.

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Ensemble Methods for Native Language Identification
Sophia Chan | Maryam Honari Jahromi | Benjamin Benetti | Aazim Lakhani | Alona Fyshe

Our team—Uvic-NLP—explored and evaluated a variety of lexical features for Native Language Identification (NLI) within the framework of ensemble methods. Using a subset of the highest performing features, we train Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Fully Connected Neural Networks (FCNN) as base classifiers, and test different methods for combining their outputs. Restricting our scope to the closed essay track in the NLI Shared Task 2017, we find that our best SVM ensemble achieves an F1 score of 0.8730 on the test set.

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Can string kernels pass the test of time in Native Language Identification?
Radu Tudor Ionescu | Marius Popescu

We describe a machine learning approach for the 2017 shared task on Native Language Identification (NLI). The proposed approach combines several kernels using multiple kernel learning. While most of our kernels are based on character p-grams (also known as n-grams) extracted from essays or speech transcripts, we also use a kernel based on i-vectors, a low-dimensional representation of audio recordings, provided by the shared task organizers. For the learning stage, we choose Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) over Kernel Ridge Regression (KRR), because the former classifier obtains better results than the latter one on the development set. In our previous work, we have used a similar machine learning approach to achieve state-of-the-art NLI results. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that our shallow and simple approach based on string kernels (with minor improvements) can pass the test of time and reach state-of-the-art performance in the 2017 NLI shared task, despite the recent advances in natural language processing. We participated in all three tracks, in which the competitors were allowed to use only the essays (essay track), only the speech transcripts (speech track), or both (fusion track). Using only the data provided by the organizers for training our models, we have reached a macro F1 score of 86.95% in the closed essay track, a macro F1 score of 87.55% in the closed speech track, and a macro F1 score of 93.19% in the closed fusion track. With these scores, our team (UnibucKernel) ranked in the first group of teams in all three tracks, while attaining the best scores in the speech and the fusion tracks.

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Neural Networks and Spelling Features for Native Language Identification
Johannes Bjerva | Gintarė Grigonytė | Robert Östling | Barbara Plank

We present the RUG-SU team’s submission at the Native Language Identification Shared Task 2017. We combine several approaches into an ensemble, based on spelling error features, a simple neural network using word representations, a deep residual network using word and character features, and a system based on a recurrent neural network. Our best system is an ensemble of neural networks, reaching an F1 score of 0.8323. Although our system is not the highest ranking one, we do outperform the baseline by far.

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A study of N-gram and Embedding Representations for Native Language Identification
Sowmya Vajjala | Sagnik Banerjee

We report on our experiments with N-gram and embedding based feature representations for Native Language Identification (NLI) as a part of the NLI Shared Task 2017 (team name: NLI-ISU). Our best performing system on the test set for written essays had a macro F1 of 0.8264 and was based on word uni, bi and trigram features. We explored n-grams covering word, character, POS and word-POS mixed representations for this task. For embedding based feature representations, we employed both word and document embeddings. We had a relatively poor performance with all embedding representations compared to n-grams, which could be because of the fact that embeddings capture semantic similarities whereas L1 differences are more stylistic in nature.

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A Shallow Neural Network for Native Language Identification with Character N-grams
Yunita Sari | Muhammad Rifqi Fatchurrahman | Meisyarah Dwiastuti

This paper describes the systems submitted by GadjahMada team to the Native Language Identification (NLI) Shared Task 2017. Our models used a continuous representation of character n-grams which are learned jointly with feed-forward neural network classifier. Character n-grams have been proved to be effective for style-based identification tasks including NLI. Results on the test set demonstrate that the proposed model performs very well on essay and fusion tracks by obtaining more than 0.8 on both F-macro score and accuracy.

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Fewer features perform well at Native Language Identification task
Taraka Rama | Çağrı Çöltekin

This paper describes our results at the NLI shared task 2017. We participated in essays, speech, and fusion task that uses text, speech, and i-vectors for the task of identifying the native language of the given input. In the essay track, a linear SVM system using word bigrams and character 7-grams performed the best. In the speech track, an LDA classifier based only on i-vectors performed better than a combination system using text features from speech transcriptions and i-vectors. In the fusion task, we experimented with systems that used combination of i-vectors with higher order n-grams features, combination of i-vectors with word unigrams, a mean probability ensemble, and a stacked ensemble system. Our finding is that word unigrams in combination with i-vectors achieve higher score than systems trained with larger number of n-gram features. Our best-performing systems achieved F1-scores of 87.16%, 83.33% and 91.75% on the essay track, the speech track and the fusion track respectively.

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Structured Generation of Technical Reading Lists
Jonathan Gordon | Stephen Aguilar | Emily Sheng | Gully Burns

Learners need to find suitable documents to read and prioritize them in an appropriate order. We present a method of automatically generating reading lists, selecting documents based on their pedagogical value to the learner and ordering them using the structure of concepts in the domain. Resulting reading lists related to computational linguistics were evaluated by advanced learners and judged to be near the quality of those generated by domain experts. We provide an open-source implementation of our method to enable future work on reading list generation.

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Effects of Lexical Properties on Viewing Time per Word in Autistic and Neurotypical Readers
Sanja Štajner | Victoria Yaneva | Ruslan Mitkov | Simone Paolo Ponzetto

Eye tracking studies from the past few decades have shaped the way we think of word complexity and cognitive load: words that are long, rare and ambiguous are more difficult to read. However, online processing techniques have been scarcely applied to investigating the reading difficulties of people with autism and what vocabulary is challenging for them. We present parallel gaze data obtained from adult readers with autism and a control group of neurotypical readers and show that the former required higher cognitive effort to comprehend the texts as evidenced by three gaze-based measures. We divide all words into four classes based on their viewing times for both groups and investigate the relationship between longer viewing times and word length, word frequency, and four cognitively-based measures (word concreteness, familiarity, age of acquisition and imagability).

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Transparent text quality assessment with convolutional neural networks
Robert Östling | Gintare Grigonyte

We present a very simple model for text quality assessment based on a deep convolutional neural network, where the only supervision required is one corpus of user-generated text of varying quality, and one contrasting text corpus of consistently high quality. Our model is able to provide local quality assessments in different parts of a text, which allows visual feedback about where potentially problematic parts of the text are located, as well as a way to evaluate which textual features are captured by our model. We evaluate our method on two corpora: a large corpus of manually graded student essays and a longitudinal corpus of language learner written production, and find that the text quality metric learned by our model is a fairly strong predictor of both essay grade and learner proficiency level.

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Artificial Error Generation with Machine Translation and Syntactic Patterns
Marek Rei | Mariano Felice | Zheng Yuan | Ted Briscoe

Shortage of available training data is holding back progress in the area of automated error detection. This paper investigates two alternative methods for artificially generating writing errors, in order to create additional resources. We propose treating error generation as a machine translation task, where grammatically correct text is translated to contain errors. In addition, we explore a system for extracting textual patterns from an annotated corpus, which can then be used to insert errors into grammatically correct sentences. Our experiments show that the inclusion of artificially generated errors significantly improves error detection accuracy on both FCE and CoNLL 2014 datasets.

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Modelling semantic acquisition in second language learning
Ekaterina Kochmar | Ekaterina Shutova

Using methods of statistical analysis, we investigate how semantic knowledge is acquired in English as a second language and evaluate the pace of development across a number of predicate types and content word combinations, as well as across the levels of language proficiency and native languages. Our exploratory study helps identify the most problematic areas for language learners with different backgrounds and at different stages of learning.

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Multiple Choice Question Generation Utilizing An Ontology
Katherine Stasaski | Marti A. Hearst

Ontologies provide a structured representation of concepts and the relationships which connect them. This work investigates how a pre-existing educational Biology ontology can be used to generate useful practice questions for students by using the connectivity structure in a novel way. It also introduces a novel way to generate multiple-choice distractors from the ontology, and compares this to a baseline of using embedding representations of nodes. An assessment by an experienced science teacher shows a significant advantage over a baseline when using the ontology for distractor generation. A subsequent study with three science teachers on the results of a modified question generation algorithm finds significant improvements. An in-depth analysis of the teachers’ comments yields useful insights for any researcher working on automated question generation for educational applications.

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Simplifying metaphorical language for young readers: A corpus study on news text
Magdalena Wolska | Yulia Clausen

The paper presents first results of an ongoing project on text simplification focusing on linguistic metaphors. Based on an analysis of a parallel corpus of news text professionally simplified for different grade levels, we identify six types of simplification choices falling into two broad categories: preserving metaphors or dropping them. An annotation study on almost 300 source sentences with metaphors (grade level 12) and their simplified counterparts (grade 4) is conducted. The results show that most metaphors are preserved and when they are dropped, the semantic content tends to be preserved rather than dropped, however, it is reworded without metaphorical language. In general, some of the expected tendencies in complexity reduction, measured with psycholinguistic variables linked to metaphor comprehension, are observed, suggesting good prospect for machine learning-based metaphor simplification.

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Language Based Mapping of Science Assessment Items to Skills
Farah Nadeem | Mari Ostendorf

Knowledge of the association between assessment questions and the skills required to solve them is necessary for analysis of student learning. This association, often represented as a Q-matrix, is either hand-labeled by domain experts or learned as latent variables given a large student response data set. As a means of automating the match to formal standards, this paper uses neural text classification methods, leveraging the language in the standards documents to identify online text for a proxy training task. Experiments involve identifying the topic and crosscutting concepts of middle school science questions leveraging multi-task training. Results show that it is possible to automatically build a Q-matrix without student response data and using a modest number of hand-labeled questions.

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Connecting the Dots: Towards Human-Level Grammatical Error Correction
Shamil Chollampatt | Hwee Tou Ng

We build a grammatical error correction (GEC) system primarily based on the state-of-the-art statistical machine translation (SMT) approach, using task-specific features and tuning, and further enhance it with the modeling power of neural network joint models. The SMT-based system is weak in generalizing beyond patterns seen during training and lacks granularity below the word level. To address this issue, we incorporate a character-level SMT component targeting the misspelled words that the original SMT-based system fails to correct. Our final system achieves 53.14% F 0.5 score on the benchmark CoNLL-2014 test set, an improvement of 3.62% F 0.5 over the best previous published score.

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Question Generation for Language Learning: From ensuring texts are read to supporting learning
Maria Chinkina | Detmar Meurers

In Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (FLTL), questions are systematically used to assess the learner’s understanding of a text. Computational linguistic approaches have been developed to generate such questions automatically given a text (e.g., Heilman, 2011). In this paper, we want to broaden the perspective on the different functions questions can play in FLTL and discuss how automatic question generation can support the different uses. Complementing the focus on meaning and comprehension, we want to highlight the fact that questions can also be used to make learners notice form aspects of the linguistic system and their interpretation. Automatically generating questions that target linguistic forms and grammatical categories in a text in essence supports incidental focus-on-form (Loewen, 2005) in a meaning-focused reading task. We discuss two types of questions serving this purpose, how they can be generated automatically; and we report on a crowd-sourcing evaluation comparing automatically generated to manually written questions targeting particle verbs, a challenging linguistic form for learners of English.

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Systematically Adapting Machine Translation for Grammatical Error Correction
Courtney Napoles | Chris Callison-Burch

n this work we adapt machine translation (MT) to grammatical error correction, identifying how components of the statistical MT pipeline can be modified for this task and analyzing how each modification impacts system performance. We evaluate the contribution of each of these components with standard evaluation metrics and automatically characterize the morphological and lexical transformations made in system output. Our model rivals the current state of the art using a fraction of the training data.

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Fine-grained essay scoring of a complex writing task for native speakers
Andrea Horbach | Dirk Scholten-Akoun | Yuning Ding | Torsten Zesch

Automatic essay scoring is nowadays successfully used even in high-stakes tests, but this is mainly limited to holistic scoring of learner essays. We present a new dataset of essays written by highly proficient German native speakers that is scored using a fine-grained rubric with the goal to provide detailed feedback. Our experiments with two state-of-the-art scoring systems (a neural and a SVM-based one) show a large drop in performance compared to existing datasets. This demonstrates the need for such datasets that allow to guide research on more elaborate essay scoring methods.

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Exploring Optimal Voting in Native Language Identification
Cyril Goutte | Serge Léger

We describe the submissions entered by the National Research Council Canada in the NLI-2017 evaluation. We mainly explored the use of voting, and various ways to optimize the choice and number of voting systems. We also explored the use of features that rely on no linguistic preprocessing. Long ngrams of characters obtained from raw text turned out to yield the best performance on all textual input (written essays and speech transcripts). Voting ensembles turned out to produce small performance gains, with little difference between the various optimization strategies we tried. Our top systems achieved accuracies of 87% on the essay track, 84% on the speech track, and close to 92% by combining essays, speech and i-vectors in the fusion track.

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CIC-FBK Approach to Native Language Identification
Ilia Markov | Lingzhen Chen | Carlo Strapparava | Grigori Sidorov

We present the CIC-FBK system, which took part in the Native Language Identification (NLI) Shared Task 2017. Our approach combines features commonly used in previous NLI research, i.e., word n-grams, lemma n-grams, part-of-speech n-grams, and function words, with recently introduced character n-grams from misspelled words, and features that are novel in this task, such as typed character n-grams, and syntactic n-grams of words and of syntactic relation tags. We use log-entropy weighting scheme and perform classification using the Support Vector Machines (SVM) algorithm. Our system achieved 0.8808 macro-averaged F1-score and shared the 1st rank in the NLI Shared Task 2017 scoring.

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The Power of Character N-grams in Native Language Identification
Artur Kulmizev | Bo Blankers | Johannes Bjerva | Malvina Nissim | Gertjan van Noord | Barbara Plank | Martijn Wieling

In this paper, we explore the performance of a linear SVM trained on language independent character features for the NLI Shared Task 2017. Our basic system (GRONINGEN) achieves the best performance (87.56 F1-score) on the evaluation set using only 1-9 character n-grams as features. We compare this against several ensemble and meta-classifiers in order to examine how the linear system fares when combined with other, especially non-linear classifiers. Special emphasis is placed on the topic bias that exists by virtue of the assessment essay prompt distribution.

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Classifier Stacking for Native Language Identification
Wen Li | Liang Zou

This paper reports our contribution (team WLZ) to the NLI Shared Task 2017 (essay track). We first extract lexical and syntactic features from the essays, perform feature weighting and selection, and train linear support vector machine (SVM) classifiers each on an individual feature type. The output of base classifiers, as probabilities for each class, are then fed into a multilayer perceptron to predict the native language of the author. We also report the performance of each feature type, as well as the best features of a type. Our system achieves an accuracy of 86.55%, which is among the best performing systems of this shared task.

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Native Language Identification on Text and Speech
Marcos Zampieri | Alina Maria Ciobanu | Liviu P. Dinu

This paper presents an ensemble system combining the output of multiple SVM classifiers to native language identification (NLI). The system was submitted to the NLI Shared Task 2017 fusion track which featured students essays and spoken responses in form of audio transcriptions and iVectors by non-native English speakers of eleven native languages. Our system competed in the challenge under the team name ZCD and was based on an ensemble of SVM classifiers trained on character n-grams achieving 83.58% accuracy and ranking 3rd in the shared task.

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Native Language Identification using Phonetic Algorithms
Charese Smiley | Sandra Kübler

In this paper, we discuss the results of the IUCL system in the NLI Shared Task 2017. For our system, we explore a variety of phonetic algorithms to generate features for Native Language Identification. These features are contrasted with one of the most successful type of features in NLI, character n-grams. We find that although phonetic features do not perform as well as character n-grams alone, they do increase overall F1 score when used together with character n-grams.

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A deep-learning based native-language classification by using a latent semantic analysis for the NLI Shared Task 2017
Yoo Rhee Oh | Hyung-Bae Jeon | Hwa Jeon Song | Yun-Kyung Lee | Jeon-Gue Park | Yun-Keun Lee

This paper proposes a deep-learning based native-language identification (NLI) using a latent semantic analysis (LSA) as a participant (ETRI-SLP) of the NLI Shared Task 2017 where the NLI Shared Task 2017 aims to detect the native language of an essay or speech response of a standardized assessment of English proficiency for academic purposes. To this end, we use the six unit forms of a text data such as character 4/5/6-grams and word 1/2/3-grams. For each unit form of text data, we convert it into a count-based vector, extract a 2000-rank LSA feature, and perform a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) based dimension reduction. From the count-based vector or the LSA-LDA feature, we also obtain the output prediction values of a support vector machine (SVM) based classifier, the output prediction values of a deep neural network (DNN) based classifier, and the bottleneck values of a DNN based classifier. In order to incorporate the various kinds of text-based features and a speech-based i-vector feature, we design two DNN based ensemble classifiers for late fusion and early fusion, respectively. From the NLI experiments, the F1 (macro) scores are obtained as 0.8601, 0.8664, and 0.9220 for the essay track, the speech track, and the fusion track, respectively. The proposed method has comparable performance to the top-ranked teams for the speech and fusion tracks, although it has slightly lower performance for the essay track.

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Fusion of Simple Models for Native Language Identification
Fabio Kepler | Ramon F. Astudillo | Alberto Abad

In this paper we describe the approaches we explored for the 2017 Native Language Identification shared task. We focused on simple word and sub-word units avoiding heavy use of hand-crafted features. Following recent trends, we explored linear and neural networks models to attempt to compensate for the lack of rich feature use. Initial efforts yielded f1-scores of 82.39% and 83.77% in the development and test sets of the fusion track, and were officially submitted to the task as team L2F. After the task was closed, we carried on further experiments and relied on a late fusion strategy for combining our simple proposed approaches with modifications of the baselines provided by the task. As expected, the i-vectors based sub-system dominates the performance of the system combinations, and results in the major contributor to our achieved scores. Our best combined system achieves 90.1% and 90.2% f1-score in the development and test sets of the fusion track, respectively.

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Stacked Sentence-Document Classifier Approach for Improving Native Language Identification
Andrea Cimino | Felice Dell’Orletta

In this paper, we describe the approach of the ItaliaNLP Lab team to native language identification and discuss the results we submitted as participants to the essay track of NLI Shared Task 2017. We introduce for the first time a 2-stacked sentence-document architecture for native language identification that is able to exploit both local sentence information and a wide set of general-purpose features qualifying the lexical and grammatical structure of the whole document. When evaluated on the official test set, our sentence-document stacked architecture obtained the best result among all the participants of the essay track with an F1 score of 0.8818.

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Using Gaze to Predict Text Readability
Ana Valeria González-Garduño | Anders Søgaard

We show that text readability prediction improves significantly from hard parameter sharing with models predicting first pass duration, total fixation duration and regression duration. Specifically, we induce multi-task Multilayer Perceptrons and Logistic Regression models over sentence representations that capture various aggregate statistics, from two different text readability corpora for English, as well as the Dundee eye-tracking corpus. Our approach leads to significant improvements over Single task learning and over previous systems. In addition, our improvements are consistent across train sample sizes, making our approach especially applicable to small datasets.

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Annotating Orthographic Target Hypotheses in a German L1 Learner Corpus
Ronja Laarmann-Quante | Katrin Ortmann | Anna Ehlert | Maurice Vogel | Stefanie Dipper

NLP applications for learners often rely on annotated learner corpora. Thereby, it is important that the annotations are both meaningful for the task, and consistent and reliable. We present a new longitudinal L1 learner corpus for German (handwritten texts collected in grade 2–4), which is transcribed and annotated with a target hypothesis that strictly only corrects orthographic errors, and is thereby tailored to research and tool development for orthographic issues in primary school. While for most corpora, transcription and target hypothesis are not evaluated, we conducted a detailed inter-annotator agreement study for both tasks. Although we achieved high agreement, our discussion of cases of disagreement shows that even with detailed guidelines, annotators differ here and there for different reasons, which should also be considered when working with transcriptions and target hypotheses of other corpora, especially if no explicit guidelines for their construction are known.

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A Large Scale Quantitative Exploration of Modeling Strategies for Content Scoring
Nitin Madnani | Anastassia Loukina | Aoife Cahill

We explore various supervised learning strategies for automated scoring of content knowledge for a large corpus of 130 different content-based questions spanning four subject areas (Science, Math, English Language Arts, and Social Studies) and containing over 230,000 responses scored by human raters. Based on our analyses, we provide specific recommendations for content scoring. These are based on patterns observed across multiple questions and assessments and are, therefore, likely to generalize to other scenarios and prove useful to the community as automated content scoring becomes more popular in schools and classrooms.


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BioNLP 2017

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BioNLP 2017
Kevin Bretonnel Cohen | Dina Demner-Fushman | Sophia Ananiadou | Junichi Tsujii

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Target word prediction and paraphasia classification in spoken discourse
Joel Adams | Steven Bedrick | Gerasimos Fergadiotis | Kyle Gorman | Jan van Santen

We present a system for automatically detecting and classifying phonologically anomalous productions in the speech of individuals with aphasia. Working from transcribed discourse samples, our system identifies neologisms, and uses a combination of string alignment and language models to produce a lattice of plausible words that the speaker may have intended to produce. We then score this lattice according to various features, and attempt to determine whether the anomalous production represented a phonemic error or a genuine neologism. This approach has the potential to be expanded to consider other types of paraphasic errors, and could be applied to a wide variety of screening and therapeutic applications.

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Extracting Drug-Drug Interactions with Attention CNNs
Masaki Asada | Makoto Miwa | Yutaka Sasaki

We propose a novel attention mechanism for a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) extraction model. CNNs have been shown to have a great potential on DDI extraction tasks; however, attention mechanisms, which emphasize important words in the sentence of a target-entity pair, have not been investigated with the CNNs despite the fact that attention mechanisms are shown to be effective for a general domain relation classification task. We evaluated our model on the Task 9.2 of the DDIExtraction-2013 shared task. As a result, our attention mechanism improved the performance of our base CNN-based DDI model, and the model achieved an F-score of 69.12%, which is competitive with the state-of-the-art models.

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Insights into Analogy Completion from the Biomedical Domain
Denis Newman-Griffis | Albert Lai | Eric Fosler-Lussier

Analogy completion has been a popular task in recent years for evaluating the semantic properties of word embeddings, but the standard methodology makes a number of assumptions about analogies that do not always hold, either in recent benchmark datasets or when expanding into other domains. Through an analysis of analogies in the biomedical domain, we identify three assumptions: that of a Single Answer for any given analogy, that the pairs involved describe the Same Relationship, and that each pair is Informative with respect to the other. We propose modifying the standard methodology to relax these assumptions by allowing for multiple correct answers, reporting MAP and MRR in addition to accuracy, and using multiple example pairs. We further present BMASS, a novel dataset for evaluating linguistic regularities in biomedical embeddings, and demonstrate that the relationships described in the dataset pose significant semantic challenges to current word embedding methods.

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Deep learning for extracting protein-protein interactions from biomedical literature
Yifan Peng | Zhiyong Lu

State-of-the-art methods for protein-protein interaction (PPI) extraction are primarily feature-based or kernel-based by leveraging lexical and syntactic information. But how to incorporate such knowledge in the recent deep learning methods remains an open question. In this paper, we propose a multichannel dependency-based convolutional neural network model (McDepCNN). It applies one channel to the embedding vector of each word in the sentence, and another channel to the embedding vector of the head of the corresponding word. Therefore, the model can use richer information obtained from different channels. Experiments on two public benchmarking datasets, AIMed and BioInfer, demonstrate that McDepCNN provides up to 6% F1-score improvement over rich feature-based methods and single-kernel methods. In addition, McDepCNN achieves 24.4% relative improvement in F1-score over the state-of-the-art methods on cross-corpus evaluation and 12% improvement in F1-score over kernel-based methods on “difficult” instances. These results suggest that McDepCNN generalizes more easily over different corpora, and is capable of capturing long distance features in the sentences.

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Stacking With Auxiliary Features for Entity Linking in the Medical Domain
Nazneen Fatema Rajani | Mihaela Bornea | Ken Barker

Linking spans of natural language text to concepts in a structured source is an important task for many problems. It allows intelligent systems to leverage rich knowledge available in those sources (such as concept properties and relations) to enhance the semantics of the mentions of these concepts in text. In the medical domain, it is common to link text spans to medical concepts in large, curated knowledge repositories such as the Unified Medical Language System. Different approaches have different strengths: some are precision-oriented, some recall-oriented; some better at considering context but more prone to hallucination. The variety of techniques suggests that ensembling could outperform component technologies at this task. In this paper, we describe our process for building a Stacking ensemble using additional, auxiliary features for Entity Linking in the medical domain. We report experiments that show that naive ensembling does not always outperform component Entity Linking systems, that stacking usually outperforms naive ensembling, and that auxiliary features added to the stacker further improve its performance on three distinct datasets. Our best model produces state-of-the-art results on several medical datasets.

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Results of the fifth edition of the BioASQ Challenge
Anastasios Nentidis | Konstantinos Bougiatiotis | Anastasia Krithara | Georgios Paliouras | Ioannis Kakadiaris

The goal of the BioASQ challenge is to engage researchers into creating cuttingedge biomedical information systems. Specifically, it aims at the promotion of systems and methodologies that are able to deal with a plethora of different tasks in the biomedical domain. This is achieved through the organization of challenges. The fifth challenge consisted of three tasks: semantic indexing, question answering and a new task on information extraction. In total, 29 teams with more than 95 systems participated in the challenge. Overall, as in previous years, the best systems were able to outperform the strong baselines. This suggests that state-of-the art systems are continuously improving, pushing the frontier of research.

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Tackling Biomedical Text Summarization: OAQA at BioASQ 5B
Khyathi Chandu | Aakanksha Naik | Aditya Chandrasekar | Zi Yang | Niloy Gupta | Eric Nyberg

In this paper, we describe our participation in phase B of task 5b of the fifth edition of the annual BioASQ challenge, which includes answering factoid, list, yes-no and summary questions from biomedical data. We describe our techniques with an emphasis on ideal answer generation, where the goal is to produce a relevant, precise, non-redundant, query-oriented summary from multiple relevant documents. We make use of extractive summarization techniques to address this task and experiment with different biomedical ontologies and various algorithms including agglomerative clustering, Maximum Marginal Relevance (MMR) and sentence compression. We propose a novel word embedding based tf-idf similarity metric and a soft positional constraint which improve our system performance. We evaluate our techniques on test batch 4 from the fourth edition of the challenge. Our best system achieves a ROUGE-2 score of 0.6534 and ROUGE-SU4 score of 0.6536.

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Macquarie University at BioASQ 5b – Query-based Summarisation Techniques for Selecting the Ideal Answers
Diego Mollá

Macquarie University’s contribution to the BioASQ challenge (Task 5b Phase B) focused on the use of query-based extractive summarisation techniques for the generation of the ideal answers. Four runs were submitted, with approaches ranging from a trivial system that selected the first n snippets, to the use of deep learning approaches under a regression framework. Our experiments and the ROUGE results of the five test batches of BioASQ indicate surprisingly good results for the trivial approach. Overall, most of our runs on the first three test batches achieved the best ROUGE-SU4 results in the challenge.

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Neural Question Answering at BioASQ 5B
Georg Wiese | Dirk Weissenborn | Mariana Neves

This paper describes our submission to the 2017 BioASQ challenge. We participated in Task B, Phase B which is concerned with biomedical question answering (QA). We focus on factoid and list question, using an extractive QA model, that is, we restrict our system to output substrings of the provided text snippets. At the core of our system, we use FastQA, a state-of-the-art neural QA system. We extended it with biomedical word embeddings and changed its answer layer to be able to answer list questions in addition to factoid questions. We pre-trained the model on a large-scale open-domain QA dataset, SQuAD, and then fine-tuned the parameters on the BioASQ training set. With our approach, we achieve state-of-the-art results on factoid questions and competitive results on list questions.

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End-to-End System for Bacteria Habitat Extraction
Farrokh Mehryary | Kai Hakala | Suwisa Kaewphan | Jari Björne | Tapio Salakoski | Filip Ginter

We introduce an end-to-end system capable of named-entity detection, normalization and relation extraction for extracting information about bacteria and their habitats from biomedical literature. Our system is based on deep learning, CRF classifiers and vector space models. We train and evaluate the system on the BioNLP 2016 Shared Task Bacteria Biotope data. The official evaluation shows that the joint performance of our entity detection and relation extraction models outperforms the winning team of the Shared Task by 19pp on F1-score, establishing a new top score for the task. We also achieve state-of-the-art results in the normalization task. Our system is open source and freely available at https://github.com/TurkuNLP/BHE.

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Creation and evaluation of a dictionary-based tagger for virus species and proteins
Helen Cook | Rūdolfs Bērziņš | Cristina Leal Rodrıguez | Juan Miguel Cejuela | Lars Juhl Jensen

ext mining automatically extracts information from the literature with the goal of making it available for further analysis, for example by incorporating it into biomedical databases. A key first step towards this goal is to identify and normalize the named entities, such as proteins and species, which are mentioned in text. Despite the large detrimental impact that viruses have on human and agricultural health, very little previous text-mining work has focused on identifying virus species and proteins in the literature. Here, we present an improved dictionary-based system for viral species and the first dictionary for viral proteins, which we benchmark on a new corpus of 300 manually annotated abstracts. We achieve 81.0% precision and 72.7% recall at the task of recognizing and normalizing viral species and 76.2% precision and 34.9% recall on viral proteins. These results are achieved despite the many challenges involved with the names of viral species and, especially, proteins. This work provides a foundation that can be used to extract more complicated relations about viruses from the literature.

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Representation of complex terms in a vector space structured by an ontology for a normalization task
Arnaud Ferré | Pierre Zweigenbaum | Claire Nédellec

We propose in this paper a semi-supervised method for labeling terms of texts with concepts of a domain ontology. The method generates continuous vector representations of complex terms in a semantic space structured by the ontology. The proposed method relies on a distributional semantics approach, which generates initial vectors for each of the extracted terms. Then these vectors are embedded in the vector space constructed from the structure of the ontology. This embedding is carried out by training a linear model. Finally, we apply a distance calculation to determine the proximity between vectors of terms and vectors of concepts and thus to assign ontology labels to terms. We have evaluated the quality of these representations for a normalization task by using the concepts of an ontology as semantic labels. Normalization of terms is an important step to extract a part of the information containing in texts, but the vector space generated might find other applications. The performance of this method is comparable to that of the state of the art for this task of standardization, opening up encouraging prospects.

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Improving Correlation with Human Judgments by Integrating Semantic Similarity with Second–Order Vectors
Bridget McInnes | Ted Pedersen

Vector space methods that measure semantic similarity and relatedness often rely on distributional information such as co–occurrence frequencies or statistical measures of association to weight the importance of particular co–occurrences. In this paper, we extend these methods by incorporating a measure of semantic similarity based on a human curated taxonomy into a second–order vector representation. This results in a measure of semantic relatedness that combines both the contextual information available in a corpus–based vector space representation with the semantic knowledge found in a biomedical ontology. Our results show that incorporating semantic similarity into a second order co-occurrence matrices improves correlation with human judgments for both similarity and relatedness, and that our method compares favorably to various different word embedding methods that have recently been evaluated on the same reference standards we have used.

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Proactive Learning for Named Entity Recognition
Maolin Li | Nhung Nguyen | Sophia Ananiadou

The goal of active learning is to minimise the cost of producing an annotated dataset, in which annotators are assumed to be perfect, i.e., they always choose the correct labels. However, in practice, annotators are not infallible, and they are likely to assign incorrect labels to some instances. Proactive learning is a generalisation of active learning that can model different kinds of annotators. Although proactive learning has been applied to certain labelling tasks, such as text classification, there is little work on its application to named entity (NE) tagging. In this paper, we propose a proactive learning method for producing NE annotated corpora, using two annotators with different levels of expertise, and who charge different amounts based on their levels of experience. To optimise both cost and annotation quality, we also propose a mechanism to present multiple sentences to annotators at each iteration. Experimental results for several corpora show that our method facilitates the construction of high-quality NE labelled datasets at minimal cost.

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Biomedical Event Extraction using Abstract Meaning Representation
Sudha Rao | Daniel Marcu | Kevin Knight | Hal Daumé III

We propose a novel, Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) based approach to identifying molecular events/interactions in biomedical text. Our key contributions are: (1) an empirical validation of our hypothesis that an event is a subgraph of the AMR graph, (2) a neural network-based model that identifies such an event subgraph given an AMR, and (3) a distant supervision based approach to gather additional training data. We evaluate our approach on the 2013 Genia Event Extraction dataset and show promising results.

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Detecting Personal Medication Intake in Twitter: An Annotated Corpus and Baseline Classification System
Ari Klein | Abeed Sarker | Masoud Rouhizadeh | Karen O’Connor | Graciela Gonzalez

Social media sites (e.g., Twitter) have been used for surveillance of drug safety at the population level, but studies that focus on the effects of medications on specific sets of individuals have had to rely on other sources of data. Mining social media data for this in-formation would require the ability to distinguish indications of personal medication in-take in this media. Towards that end, this paper presents an annotated corpus that can be used to train machine learning systems to determine whether a tweet that mentions a medication indicates that the individual posting has taken that medication at a specific time. To demonstrate the utility of the corpus as a training set, we present baseline results of supervised classification.

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Unsupervised Context-Sensitive Spelling Correction of Clinical Free-Text with Word and Character N-Gram Embeddings
Pieter Fivez | Simon Šuster | Walter Daelemans

We present an unsupervised context-sensitive spelling correction method for clinical free-text that uses word and character n-gram embeddings. Our method generates misspelling replacement candidates and ranks them according to their semantic fit, by calculating a weighted cosine similarity between the vectorized representation of a candidate and the misspelling context. We greatly outperform two baseline off-the-shelf spelling correction tools on a manually annotated MIMIC-III test set, and counter the frequency bias of an optimized noisy channel model, showing that neural embeddings can be successfully exploited to include context-awareness in a spelling correction model.

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Characterization of Divergence in Impaired Speech of ALS Patients
Archna Bhatia | Bonnie Dorr | Kristy Hollingshead | Samuel L. Phillips | Barbara McKenzie

Approximately 80% to 95% of patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) eventually develop speech impairments, such as defective articulation, slow laborious speech and hypernasality. The relationship between impaired speech and asymptomatic speech may be seen as a divergence from a baseline. This relationship can be characterized in terms of measurable combinations of phonological characteristics that are indicative of the degree to which the two diverge. We demonstrate that divergence measurements based on phonological characteristics of speech correlate with physiological assessments of ALS. Speech-based assessments offer benefits over commonly-used physiological assessments in that they are inexpensive, non-intrusive, and do not require trained clinical personnel for administering and interpreting the results.

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Deep Learning for Punctuation Restoration in Medical Reports
Wael Salloum | Greg Finley | Erik Edwards | Mark Miller | David Suendermann-Oeft

In clinical dictation, speakers try to be as concise as possible to save time, often resulting in utterances without explicit punctuation commands. Since the end product of a dictated report, e.g. an out-patient letter, does require correct orthography, including exact punctuation, the latter need to be restored, preferably by automated means. This paper describes a method for punctuation restoration based on a state-of-the-art stack of NLP and machine learning techniques including B-RNNs with an attention mechanism and late fusion, as well as a feature extraction technique tailored to the processing of medical terminology using a novel vocabulary reduction model. To the best of our knowledge, the resulting performance is superior to that reported in prior art on similar tasks.

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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Clinical Negation Detection
Timothy Miller | Steven Bethard | Hadi Amiri | Guergana Savova

Detecting negated concepts in clinical texts is an important part of NLP information extraction systems. However, generalizability of negation systems is lacking, as cross-domain experiments suffer dramatic performance losses. We examine the performance of multiple unsupervised domain adaptation algorithms on clinical negation detection, finding only modest gains that fall well short of in-domain performance.

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BioCreative VI Precision Medicine Track: creating a training corpus for mining protein-protein interactions affected by mutations
Rezarta Islamaj Doğan | Andrew Chatr-aryamontri | Sun Kim | Chih-Hsuan Wei | Yifan Peng | Donald Comeau | Zhiyong Lu

The Precision Medicine Track in BioCre-ative VI aims to bring together the Bi-oNLP community for a novel challenge focused on mining the biomedical litera-ture in search of mutations and protein-protein interactions (PPI). In order to support this track with an effective train-ing dataset with limited curator time, the track organizers carefully reviewed Pub-Med articles from two different sources: curated public PPI databases, and the re-sults of state-of-the-art public text mining tools. We detail here the data collection, manual review and annotation process and describe this training corpus charac-teristics. We also describe a corpus per-formance baseline. This analysis will provide useful information to developers and researchers for comparing and devel-oping innovative text mining approaches for the BioCreative VI challenge and other Precision Medicine related applica-tions.

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Painless Relation Extraction with Kindred
Jake Lever | Steven Jones

Relation extraction methods are essential for creating robust text mining tools to help researchers find useful knowledge in the vast published literature. Easy-to-use and generalizable methods are needed to encourage an ecosystem in which researchers can easily use shared resources and build upon each others’ methods. We present the Kindred Python package for relation extraction. It builds upon methods from the most successful tools in the recent BioNLP Shared Task to predict high-quality predictions with low computational cost. It also integrates with PubAnnotation, PubTator, and BioNLP Shared Task data in order to allow easy development and application of relation extraction models.

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Noise Reduction Methods for Distantly Supervised Biomedical Relation Extraction
Gang Li | Cathy Wu | K. Vijay-Shanker

Distant supervision has been applied to automatically generate labeled data for biomedical relation extraction. Noise exists in both positively and negatively-labeled data and affects the performance of supervised machine learning methods. In this paper, we propose three novel heuristics based on the notion of proximity, trigger word and confidence of patterns to leverage lexical and syntactic information to reduce the level of noise in the distantly labeled data. Experiments on three different tasks, extraction of protein-protein-interaction, miRNA-gene regulation relation and protein-localization event, show that the proposed methods can improve the F-score over the baseline by 6, 10 and 14 points for the three tasks, respectively. We also show that when the models are configured to output high-confidence results, high precisions can be obtained using the proposed methods, making them promising for facilitating manual curation for databases.

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Role-Preserving Redaction of Medical Records to Enable Ontology-Driven Processing
Seth Polsley | Atif Tahir | Muppala Raju | Akintayo Akinleye | Duane Steward

Electronic medical records (EMR) have largely replaced hand-written patient files in healthcare. The growing pool of EMR data presents a significant resource in medical research, but the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates redacting medical records before performing any analysis on the same. This process complicates obtaining medical data and can remove much useful information from the record. As part of a larger project involving ontology-driven medical processing, we employ a method of recognizing protected health information (PHI) that maps to ontological terms. We then use the relationships defined in the ontology to redact medical texts so that roles and semantics of terms are retained without compromising anonymity. The method is evaluated by clinical experts on several hundred medical documents, achieving up to a 98.8% f-score, and has already shown promise for retaining semantic information in later processing.

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Annotation of pain and anesthesia events for surgery-related processes and outcomes extraction
Wen-wai Yim | Dario Tedesco | Catherine Curtin | Tina Hernandez-Boussard

Pain and anesthesia information are crucial elements to identifying surgery-related processes and outcomes. However pain is not consistently recorded in the electronic medical record. Even when recorded, the rich complex granularity of the pain experience may be lost. Similarly, anesthesia information is recorded using local electronic collection systems; though the accuracy and completeness of the information is unknown. We propose an annotation schema to capture pain, pain management, and anesthesia event information.

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Identifying Comparative Structures in Biomedical Text
Samir Gupta | A.S.M. Ashique Mahmood | Karen Ross | Cathy Wu | K. Vijay-Shanker

Comparison sentences are very commonly used by authors in biomedical literature to report results of experiments. In such comparisons, authors typically make observations under two different scenarios. In this paper, we present a system to automatically identify such comparative sentences and their components i.e. the compared entities, the scale of the comparison and the aspect on which the entities are being compared. Our methodology is based on dependencies obtained by applying a parser to extract a wide range of comparison structures. We evaluated our system for its effectiveness in identifying comparisons and their components. The system achieved a F-score of 0.87 for comparison sentence identification and 0.77-0.81 for identifying its components.

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Tagging Funding Agencies and Grants in Scientific Articles using Sequential Learning Models
Subhradeep Kayal | Zubair Afzal | George Tsatsaronis | Sophia Katrenko | Pascal Coupet | Marius Doornenbal | Michelle Gregory

In this paper we present a solution for tagging funding bodies and grants in scientific articles using a combination of trained sequential learning models, namely conditional random fields (CRF), hidden markov models (HMM) and maximum entropy models (MaxEnt), on a benchmark set created in-house. We apply the trained models to address the BioASQ challenge 5c, which is a newly introduced task that aims to solve the problem of funding information extraction from scientific articles. Results in the dry-run data set of BioASQ task 5c show that the suggested approach can achieve a micro-recall of more than 85% in tagging both funding bodies and grants.

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Deep Learning for Biomedical Information Retrieval: Learning Textual Relevance from Click Logs
Sunil Mohan | Nicolas Fiorini | Sun Kim | Zhiyong Lu

We describe a Deep Learning approach to modeling the relevance of a document’s text to a query, applied to biomedical literature. Instead of mapping each document and query to a common semantic space, we compute a variable-length difference vector between the query and document which is then passed through a deep convolution stage followed by a deep regression network to produce the estimated probability of the document’s relevance to the query. Despite the small amount of training data, this approach produces a more robust predictor than computing similarities between semantic vector representations of the query and document, and also results in significant improvements over traditional IR text factors. In the future, we plan to explore its application in improving PubMed search.

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Detecting Dementia through Retrospective Analysis of Routine Blog Posts by Bloggers with Dementia
Vaden Masrani | Gabriel Murray | Thalia Field | Giuseppe Carenini

We investigate if writers with dementia can be automatically distinguished from those without by analyzing linguistic markers in written text, in the form of blog posts. We have built a corpus of several thousand blog posts, some by people with dementia and others by people with loved ones with dementia. We use this dataset to train and test several machine learning methods, and achieve prediction performance at a level far above the baseline.

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Protein Word Detection using Text Segmentation Techniques
Devi Ganesan | Ashish V. Tendulkar | Sutanu Chakraborti

Literature in Molecular Biology is abundant with linguistic metaphors. There have been works in the past that attempt to draw parallels between linguistics and biology, driven by the fundamental premise that proteins have a language of their own. Since word detection is crucial to the decipherment of any unknown language, we attempt to establish a problem mapping from natural language text to protein sequences at the level of words. Towards this end, we explore the use of an unsupervised text segmentation algorithm to the task of extracting “biological words” from protein sequences. In particular, we demonstrate the effectiveness of using domain knowledge to complement data driven approaches in the text segmentation task, as well as in its biological counterpart. We also propose a novel extrinsic evaluation measure for protein words through protein family classification.

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External Evaluation of Event Extraction Classifiers for Automatic Pathway Curation: An extended study of the mTOR pathway
Wojciech Kusa | Michael Spranger

This paper evaluates the impact of various event extraction systems on automatic pathway curation using the popular mTOR pathway. We quantify the impact of training data sets as well as different machine learning classifiers and show that some improve the quality of automatically extracted pathways.

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Toward Automated Early Sepsis Alerting: Identifying Infection Patients from Nursing Notes
Emilia Apostolova | Tom Velez

Severe sepsis and septic shock are conditions that affect millions of patients and have close to 50% mortality rate. Early identification of at-risk patients significantly improves outcomes. Electronic surveillance tools have been developed to monitor structured Electronic Medical Records and automatically recognize early signs of sepsis. However, many sepsis risk factors (e.g. symptoms and signs of infection) are often captured only in free text clinical notes. In this study, we developed a method for automatic monitoring of nursing notes for signs and symptoms of infection. We utilized a creative approach to automatically generate an annotated dataset. The dataset was used to create a Machine Learning model that achieved an F1-score ranging from 79 to 96%.

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Enhancing Automatic ICD-9-CM Code Assignment for Medical Texts with PubMed
Danchen Zhang | Daqing He | Sanqiang Zhao | Lei Li

Assigning a standard ICD-9-CM code to disease symptoms in medical texts is an important task in the medical domain. Automating this process could greatly reduce the costs. However, the effectiveness of an automatic ICD-9-CM code classifier faces a serious problem, which can be triggered by unbalanced training data. Frequent diseases often have more training data, which helps its classification to perform better than that of an infrequent disease. However, a disease’s frequency does not necessarily reflect its importance. To resolve this training data shortage problem, we propose to strategically draw data from PubMed to enrich the training data when there is such need. We validate our method on the CMC dataset, and the evaluation results indicate that our method can significantly improve the code assignment classifiers’ performance at the macro-averaging level.

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Evaluating Feature Extraction Methods for Knowledge-based Biomedical Word Sense Disambiguation
Sam Henry | Clint Cuffy | Bridget McInnes

In this paper, we present an analysis of feature extraction methods via dimensionality reduction for the task of biomedical Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). We modify the vector representations in the 2-MRD WSD algorithm, and evaluate four dimensionality reduction methods: Word Embeddings using Continuous Bag of Words and Skip Gram, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We also evaluate the effects of vector size on the performance of each of these methods. Results are evaluated on five standard evaluation datasets (Abbrev.100, Abbrev.200, Abbrev.300, NLM-WSD, and MSH-WSD). We find that vector sizes of 100 are sufficient for all techniques except SVD, for which a vector size of 1500 is referred. We also show that SVD performs on par with Word Embeddings for all but one dataset.

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Investigating the Documentation of Electronic Cigarette Use in the Veteran Affairs Electronic Health Record: A Pilot Study
Danielle Mowery | Brett South | Olga Patterson | Shu-Hong Zhu | Mike Conway

In this paper, we present pilot work on characterising the documentation of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) in the United States Veterans Administration Electronic Health Record. The Veterans Health Administration is the largest health care system in the United States with 1,233 health care facilities nationwide, serving 8.9 million veterans per year. We identified a random sample of 2000 Veterans Administration patients, coded as current tobacco users, from 2008 to 2014. Using simple keyword matching techniques combined with qualitative analysis, we investigated the prevalence and distribution of e-cigarette terms in these clinical notes, discovering that for current smokers, 11.9% of patient records contain an e-cigarette related term.

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Automated Preamble Detection in Dictated Medical Reports
Wael Salloum | Greg Finley | Erik Edwards | Mark Miller | David Suendermann-Oeft

Dictated medical reports very often feature a preamble containing metainformation about the report such as patient and physician names, location and name of the clinic, date of procedure, and so on. In the medical transcription process, the preamble is usually omitted from the final report, as it contains information already available in the electronic medical record. We present a method which is able to automatically identify preambles in medical dictations. The method makes use of state-of-the-art NLP techniques including word embeddings and Bi-LSTMs and achieves preamble detection performance superior to humans.

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A Biomedical Question Answering System in BioASQ 2017
Mourad Sarrouti | Said Ouatik El Alaoui

Question answering, the identification of short accurate answers to users questions, is a longstanding challenge widely studied over the last decades in the open domain. However, it still requires further efforts in the biomedical domain. In this paper, we describe our participation in phase B of task 5b in the 2017 BioASQ challenge using our biomedical question answering system. Our system, dealing with four types of questions (i.e., yes/no, factoid, list, and summary), is based on (1) a dictionary-based approach for generating the exact answers of yes/no questions, (2) UMLS metathesaurus and term frequency metric for extracting the exact answers of factoid and list questions, and (3) the BM25 model and UMLS concepts for retrieving the ideal answers (i.e., paragraph-sized summaries). Preliminary results show that our system achieves good and competitive results in both exact and ideal answers extraction tasks as compared with the participating systems.

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Adapting Pre-trained Word Embeddings For Use In Medical Coding
Kevin Patel | Divya Patel | Mansi Golakiya | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Nilesh Birari

Word embeddings are a crucial component in modern NLP. Pre-trained embeddings released by different groups have been a major reason for their popularity. However, they are trained on generic corpora, which limits their direct use for domain specific tasks. In this paper, we propose a method to add task specific information to pre-trained word embeddings. Such information can improve their utility. We add information from medical coding data, as well as the first level from the hierarchy of ICD-10 medical code set to different pre-trained word embeddings. We adapt CBOW algorithm from the word2vec package for our purpose. We evaluated our approach on five different pre-trained word embeddings. Both the original word embeddings, and their modified versions (the ones with added information) were used for automated review of medical coding. The modified word embeddings give an improvement in f-score by 1% on the 5-fold evaluation on a private medical claims dataset. Our results show that adding extra information is possible and beneficial for the task at hand.

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Initializing neural networks for hierarchical multi-label text classification
Simon Baker | Anna Korhonen

Many tasks in the biomedical domain require the assignment of one or more predefined labels to input text, where the labels are a part of a hierarchical structure (such as a taxonomy). The conventional approach is to use a one-vs.-rest (OVR) classification setup, where a binary classifier is trained for each label in the taxonomy or ontology where all instances not belonging to the class are considered negative examples. The main drawbacks to this approach are that dependencies between classes are not leveraged in the training and classification process, and the additional computational cost of training parallel classifiers. In this paper, we apply a new method for hierarchical multi-label text classification that initializes a neural network model final hidden layer such that it leverages label co-occurrence relations such as hypernymy. This approach elegantly lends itself to hierarchical classification. We evaluated this approach using two hierarchical multi-label text classification tasks in the biomedical domain using both sentence- and document-level classification. Our evaluation shows promising results for this approach.

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Biomedical Event Trigger Identification Using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network Based Models
Rahul V S S Patchigolla | Sunil Sahu | Ashish Anand

Biomedical events describe complex interactions between various biomedical entities. Event trigger is a word or a phrase which typically signifies the occurrence of an event. Event trigger identification is an important first step in all event extraction methods. However many of the current approaches either rely on complex hand-crafted features or consider features only within a window. In this paper we propose a method that takes the advantage of recurrent neural network (RNN) to extract higher level features present across the sentence. Thus hidden state representation of RNN along with word and entity type embedding as features avoid relying on the complex hand-crafted features generated using various NLP toolkits. Our experiments have shown to achieve state-of-art F1-score on Multi Level Event Extraction (MLEE) corpus. We have also performed category-wise analysis of the result and discussed the importance of various features in trigger identification task.

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Representations of Time Expressions for Temporal Relation Extraction with Convolutional Neural Networks
Chen Lin | Timothy Miller | Dmitriy Dligach | Steven Bethard | Guergana Savova

Token sequences are often used as the input for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in natural language processing. However, they might not be an ideal representation for time expressions, which are long, highly varied, and semantically complex. We describe a method for representing time expressions with single pseudo-tokens for CNNs. With this method, we establish a new state-of-the-art result for a clinical temporal relation extraction task.

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Automatic Diagnosis Coding of Radiology Reports: A Comparison of Deep Learning and Conventional Classification Methods
Sarvnaz Karimi | Xiang Dai | Hamed Hassanzadeh | Anthony Nguyen

Diagnosis autocoding services and research intend to both improve the productivity of clinical coders and the accuracy of the coding. It is an important step in data analysis for funding and reimbursement, as well as health services planning and resource allocation. We investigate the applicability of deep learning at autocoding of radiology reports using International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Deep learning methods are known to require large training data. Our goal is to explore how to use these methods when the training data is sparse, skewed and relatively small, and how their effectiveness compares to conventional methods. We identify optimal parameters that could be used in setting up a convolutional neural network for autocoding with comparable results to that of conventional methods.

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Automatic classification of doctor-patient questions for a virtual patient record query task
Leonardo Campillos Llanos | Sophie Rosset | Pierre Zweigenbaum

We present the work-in-progress of automating the classification of doctor-patient questions in the context of a simulated consultation with a virtual patient. We classify questions according to the computational strategy (rule-based or other) needed for looking up data in the clinical record. We compare ‘traditional’ machine learning methods (Gaussian and Multinomial Naive Bayes, and Support Vector Machines) and a neural network classifier (FastText). We obtained the best results with the SVM using semantic annotations, whereas the neural classifier achieved promising results without it.

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Assessing the performance of Olelo, a real-time biomedical question answering application
Mariana Neves | Fabian Eckert | Hendrik Folkerts | Matthias Uflacker

Question answering (QA) can support physicians and biomedical researchers to find answers to their questions in the scientific literature. Such systems process large collections of documents in real time and include many natural language processing (NLP) procedures. We recently developed Olelo, a QA system for biomedicine which includes various NLP components, such as question processing, document and passage retrieval, answer processing and multi-document summarization. In this work, we present an evaluation of our system on the the fifth BioASQ challenge. We participated with the current state of the application and with an extension based on semantic role labeling that we are currently investigating. In addition to the BioASQ evaluation, we compared our system to other on-line biomedical QA systems in terms of the response time and the quality of the answers.

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Clinical Event Detection with Hybrid Neural Architecture
Adyasha Maharana | Meliha Yetisgen

Event detection from clinical notes has been traditionally solved with rule based and statistical natural language processing (NLP) approaches that require extensive domain knowledge and feature engineering. In this paper, we have explored the feasibility of approaching this task with recurrent neural networks, clinical word embeddings and introduced a hybrid architecture to improve detection for entities with smaller representation in the dataset. A comparative analysis is also done which reveals the complementary behavior of neural networks and conditional random fields in clinical entity detection.

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Extracting Personal Medical Events for User Timeline Construction using Minimal Supervision
Aakanksha Naik | Chris Bogart | Carolyn Rose

In this paper, we describe a system for automatic construction of user disease progression timelines from their posts in online support groups using minimal supervision. In recent years, several online support groups have been established which has led to a huge increase in the amount of patient-authored text available. Creating systems which can automatically extract important medical events and create disease progression timelines for users from such text can help in patient health monitoring as well as studying links between medical events and users’ participation in support groups. Prior work in this domain has used manually constructed keyword sets to detect medical events. In this work, our aim is to perform medical event detection using minimal supervision in order to develop a more general timeline construction system. Our system achieves an accuracy of 55.17%, which is 92% of the performance achieved by a supervised baseline system.

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Detecting mentions of pain and acute confusion in Finnish clinical text
Hans Moen | Kai Hakala | Farrokh Mehryary | Laura-Maria Peltonen | Tapio Salakoski | Filip Ginter | Sanna Salanterä

We study and compare two different approaches to the task of automatic assignment of predefined classes to clinical free-text narratives. In the first approach this is treated as a traditional mention-level named-entity recognition task, while the second approach treats it as a sentence-level multi-label classification task. Performance comparison across these two approaches is conducted in the form of sentence-level evaluation and state-of-the-art methods for both approaches are evaluated. The experiments are done on two data sets consisting of Finnish clinical text, manually annotated with respect to the topics pain and acute confusion. Our results suggest that the mention-level named-entity recognition approach outperforms sentence-level classification overall, but the latter approach still manages to achieve the best prediction scores on several annotation classes.

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A Multi-strategy Query Processing Approach for Biomedical Question Answering: USTB_PRIR at BioASQ 2017 Task 5B
Zan-Xia Jin | Bo-Wen Zhang | Fan Fang | Le-Le Zhang | Xu-Cheng Yin

This paper describes the participation of USTB_PRIR team in the 2017 BioASQ 5B on question answering, including document retrieval, snippet retrieval, and concept retrieval task. We introduce different multimodal query processing strategies to enrich query terms and assign different weights to them. Specifically, sequential dependence model (SDM), pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF), fielded sequential dependence model (FSDM) and Divergence from Randomness model (DFRM) are respectively performed on different fields of PubMed articles, sentences extracted from relevant articles, the five terminologies or ontologies (MeSH, GO, Jochem, Uniprot and DO) to achieve better search performances. Preliminary results show that our systems outperform others in the document and snippet retrieval task in the first two batches.


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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing
Tomaž Erjavec | Jakub Piskorski | Lidia Pivovarova | Jan Šnajder | Josef Steinberger | Roman Yangarber

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Toward Pan-Slavic NLP: Some Experiments with Language Adaptation
Serge Sharoff

There is great variation in the amount of NLP resources available for Slavonic languages. For example, the Universal Dependency treebank (Nivre et al., 2016) has about 2 MW of training resources for Czech, more than 1 MW for Russian, while only 950 words for Ukrainian and nothing for Belorussian, Bosnian or Macedonian. Similarly, the Autodesk Machine Translation dataset only covers three Slavonic languages (Czech, Polish and Russian). In this talk I will discuss a general approach, which can be called Language Adaptation, similarly to Domain Adaptation. In this approach, a model for a particular language processing task is built by lexical transfer of cognate words and by learning a new feature representation for a lesser-resourced (recipient) language starting from a better-resourced (donor) language. More specifically, I will demonstrate how language adaptation works in such training scenarios as Translation Quality Estimation, Part-of-Speech tagging and Named Entity Recognition.

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Clustering of Russian Adjective-Noun Constructions using Word Embeddings
Andrey Kutuzov | Elizaveta Kuzmenko | Lidia Pivovarova

This paper presents a method of automatic construction extraction from a large corpus of Russian. The term ‘construction’ here means a multi-word expression in which a variable can be replaced with another word from the same semantic class, for example, ‘a glass of [water/juice/milk]’. We deal with constructions that consist of a noun and its adjective modifier. We propose a method of grouping such constructions into semantic classes via 2-step clustering of word vectors in distributional models. We compare it with other clustering techniques and evaluate it against A Russian-English Collocational Dictionary of the Human Body that contains manually annotated groups of constructions with nouns meaning human body parts. The best performing method is used to cluster all adjective-noun bigrams in the Russian National Corpus. Results of this procedure are publicly available and can be used for building Russian construction dictionary as well as to accelerate theoretical studies of constructions.

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A Preliminary Study of Croatian Lexical Substitution
Domagoj Alagić | Jan Šnajder

Lexical substitution is a task of determining a meaning-preserving replacement for a word in context. We report on a preliminary study of this task for the Croatian language on a small-scale lexical sample dataset, manually annotated using three different annotation schemes. We compare the annotations, analyze the inter-annotator agreement, and observe a number of interesting language specific details in the obtained lexical substitutes. Furthermore, we apply a recently-proposed, dependency-based lexical substitution model to our dataset. The model achieves a P@3 score of 0.35, which indicates the difficulty of the task.

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Projecting Multiword Expression Resources on a Polish Treebank
Agata Savary | Jakub Waszczuk

Multiword expressions (MWEs) are linguistic objects containing two or more words and showing idiosyncratic behavior at different levels. Treebanks with annotated MWEs enable studies of such properties, as well as training and evaluation of MWE-aware parsers. However, few treebanks contain full-fledged MWE annotations. We show how this gap can be bridged in Polish by projecting 3 MWE resources on a constituency treebank.

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Lexicon Induction for Spoken Rusyn – Challenges and Results
Achim Rabus | Yves Scherrer

This paper reports on challenges and results in developing NLP resources for spoken Rusyn. Being a Slavic minority language, Rusyn does not have any resources to make use of. We propose to build a morphosyntactic dictionary for Rusyn, combining existing resources from the etymologically close Slavic languages Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak, and Polish. We adapt these resources to Rusyn by using vowel-sensitive Levenshtein distance, hand-written language-specific transformation rules, and combinations of the two. Compared to an exact match baseline, we increase the coverage of the resulting morphological dictionary by up to 77.4% relative (42.9% absolute), which results in a tagging recall increased by 11.6% relative (9.1% absolute). Our research confirms and expands the results of previous studies showing the efficiency of using NLP resources from neighboring languages for low-resourced languages.

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The Universal Dependencies Treebank for Slovenian
Kaja Dobrovoljc | Tomaž Erjavec | Simon Krek

This paper introduces the Universal Dependencies Treebank for Slovenian. We overview the existing dependency treebanks for Slovenian and then detail the conversion of the ssj200k treebank to the framework of Universal Dependencies version 2. We explain the mapping of part-of-speech categories, morphosyntactic features, and the dependency relations, focusing on the more problematic language-specific issues. We conclude with a quantitative overview of the treebank and directions for further work.

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Universal Dependencies for Serbian in Comparison with Croatian and Other Slavic Languages
Tanja Samardžić | Mirjana Starović | Željko Agić | Nikola Ljubešić

The paper documents the procedure of building a new Universal Dependencies (UDv2) treebank for Serbian starting from an existing Croatian UDv1 treebank and taking into account the other Slavic UD annotation guidelines. We describe the automatic and manual annotation procedures, discuss the annotation of Slavic-specific categories (case governing quantifiers, reflexive pronouns, question particles) and propose an approach to handling deverbal nouns in Slavic languages.

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Spelling Correction for Morphologically Rich Language: a Case Study of Russian
Alexey Sorokin

We present an algorithm for automatic correction of spelling errors on the sentence level, which uses noisy channel model and feature-based reranking of hypotheses. Our system is designed for Russian and clearly outperforms the winner of SpellRuEval-2016 competition. We show that language model size has the greatest influence on spelling correction quality. We also experiment with different types of features and show that morphological and semantic information also improves the accuracy of spellchecking.

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Debunking Sentiment Lexicons: A Case of Domain-Specific Sentiment Classification for Croatian
Paula Gombar | Zoran Medić | Domagoj Alagić | Jan Šnajder

Sentiment lexicons are widely used as an intuitive and inexpensive way of tackling sentiment classification, often within a simple lexicon word-counting approach or as part of a supervised model. However, it is an open question whether these approaches can compete with supervised models that use only word-representation features. We address this question in the context of domain-specific sentiment classification for Croatian. We experiment with the graph-based acquisition of sentiment lexicons, analyze their quality, and investigate how effectively they can be used in sentiment classification. Our results indicate that, even with as few as 500 labeled instances, a supervised model substantially outperforms a word-counting model. We also observe that adding lexicon-based features does not significantly improve supervised sentiment classification.

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Adapting a State-of-the-Art Tagger for South Slavic Languages to Non-Standard Text
Nikola Ljubešić | Tomaž Erjavec | Darja Fišer

In this paper we present the adaptations of a state-of-the-art tagger for South Slavic languages to non-standard texts on the example of the Slovene language. We investigate the impact of introducing in-domain training data as well as additional supervision through external resources or tools like word clusters and word normalization. We remove more than half of the error of the standard tagger when applied to non-standard texts by training it on a combination of standard and non-standard training data, while enriching the data representation with external resources removes additional 11 percent of the error. The final configuration achieves tagging accuracy of 87.41% on the full morphosyntactic description, which is, nevertheless, still quite far from the accuracy of 94.27% achieved on standard text.

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Comparison of Short-Text Sentiment Analysis Methods for Croatian
Leon Rotim | Jan Šnajder

We focus on the task of supervised sentiment classification of short and informal texts in Croatian, using two simple yet effective methods: word embeddings and string kernels. We investigate whether word embeddings offer any advantage over corpus- and preprocessing-free string kernels, and how these compare to bag-of-words baselines. We conduct a comparison on three different datasets, using different preprocessing methods and kernel functions. Results show that, on two out of three datasets, word embeddings outperform string kernels, which in turn outperform word and n-gram bag-of-words baselines.

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The First Cross-Lingual Challenge on Recognition, Normalization, and Matching of Named Entities in Slavic Languages
Jakub Piskorski | Lidia Pivovarova | Jan Šnajder | Josef Steinberger | Roman Yangarber

This paper describes the outcomes of the first challenge on multilingual named entity recognition that aimed at recognizing mentions of named entities in web documents in Slavic languages, their normalization/lemmatization, and cross-language matching. It was organised in the context of the 6th Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing Workshop, co-located with the EACL 2017 conference. Although eleven teams signed up for the evaluation, due to the complexity of the task(s) and short time available for elaborating a solution, only two teams submitted results on time. The reported evaluation figures reflect the relatively higher level of complexity of named entity-related tasks in the context of processing texts in Slavic languages. Since the duration of the challenge goes beyond the date of the publication of this paper and updated picture of the participating systems and their corresponding performance can be found on the web page of the challenge.

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Liner2 — a Generic Framework for Named Entity Recognition
Michał Marcińczuk | Jan Kocoń | Marcin Oleksy

In the paper we present an adaptation of Liner2 framework to solve the BSNLP 2017 shared task on multilingual named entity recognition. The tool is tuned to recognize and lemmatize named entities for Polish.

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Language-Independent Named Entity Analysis Using Parallel Projection and Rule-Based Disambiguation
James Mayfield | Paul McNamee | Cash Costello

The 2017 shared task at the Balto-Slavic NLP workshop requires identifying coarse-grained named entities in seven languages, identifying each entity’s base form, and clustering name mentions across the multilingual set of documents. The fact that no training data is provided to systems for building supervised classifiers further adds to the complexity. To complete the task we first use publicly available parallel texts to project named entity recognition capability from English to each evaluation language. We ignore entirely the subtask of identifying non-inflected forms of names. Finally, we create cross-document entity identifiers by clustering named mentions using a procedure-based approach.

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Comparison of String Similarity Measures for Obscenity Filtering
Ekaterina Chernyak

In this paper we address the problem of filtering obscene lexis in Russian texts. We use string similarity measures to find words similar or identical to words from a stop list and establish both a test collection and a baseline for the task. Our experiments show that a novel string similarity measure based on the notion of an annotated suffix tree outperforms some of the other well known measures.

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Stylometric Analysis of Parliamentary Speeches: Gender Dimension
Justina Mandravickaitė | Tomas Krilavičius

Relation between gender and language has been studied by many authors, however, there is still some uncertainty left regarding gender influence on language usage in the professional environment. Often, the studied data sets are too small or texts of individual authors are too short in order to capture differences of language usage wrt gender successfully. This study draws from a larger corpus of speeches transcripts of the Lithuanian Parliament (1990-2013) to explore language differences of political debates by gender via stylometric analysis. Experimental set up consists of stylistic features that indicate lexical style and do not require external linguistic tools, namely the most frequent words, in combination with unsupervised machine learning algorithms. Results show that gender differences in the language use remain in professional environment not only in usage of function words, preferred linguistic constructions, but in the presented topics as well.

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Towards Never Ending Language Learning for Morphologically Rich Languages
Kseniya Buraya | Lidia Pivovarova | Sergey Budkov | Andrey Filchenkov

This work deals with ontology learning from unstructured Russian text. We implement one of components Never Ending Language Learner and introduce the algorithm extensions aimed to gather specificity of morphologicaly rich free-word-order language. We demonstrate that this method may be successfully applied to Russian data. In addition we perform several additional experiments comparing different settings of the training process. We demonstrate that utilizing of morphological features significantly improves the system precision while using of seed patterns helps to improve the coverage.

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Gender Profiling for Slovene Twitter communication: the Influence of Gender Marking, Content and Style
Ben Verhoeven | Iza Škrjanec | Senja Pollak

We present results of the first gender classification experiments on Slovene text to our knowledge. Inspired by the TwiSty corpus and experiments (Verhoeven et al., 2016), we employed the Janes corpus (Erjavec et al., 2016) and its gender annotations to perform gender classification experiments on Twitter text comparing a token-based and a lemma-based approach. We find that the token-based approach (92.6% accuracy), containing gender markings related to the author, outperforms the lemma-based approach by about 5%. Especially in the lemmatized version, we also observe stylistic and content-based differences in writing between men (e.g. more profane language, numerals and beer mentions) and women (e.g. more pronouns, emoticons and character flooding). Many of our findings corroborate previous research on other languages.


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Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora

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Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora
Serge Sharoff | Pierre Zweigenbaum | Reinhard Rapp

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Users and Data: The Two Neglected Children of Bilingual Natural Language Processing Research
Phillippe Langlais

Despite numerous studies devoted to mining parallel material from bilingual data, we have yet to see the resulting technologies wholeheartedly adopted by professional translators and terminologists alike. I argue that this state of affairs is mainly due to two factors: the emphasis published authors put on models (even though data is as important), and the conspicuous lack of concern for actual end-users.

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Deep Investigation of Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection Methods
Jérémy Ferrero | Laurent Besacier | Didier Schwab | Frédéric Agnès

This paper is a deep investigation of cross-language plagiarism detection methods on a new recently introduced open dataset, which contains parallel and comparable collections of documents with multiple characteristics (different genres, languages and sizes of texts). We investigate cross-language plagiarism detection methods for 6 language pairs on 2 granularities of text units in order to draw robust conclusions on the best methods while deeply analyzing correlations across document styles and languages.

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Sentence Alignment using Unfolding Recursive Autoencoders
Jeenu Grover | Pabitra Mitra

In this paper, we propose a novel two step algorithm for sentence alignment in monolingual corpora using Unfolding Recursive Autoencoders. First, we use unfolding recursive auto-encoders (RAE) to learn feature vectors for phrases in syntactical tree of the sentence. To compare two sentences we use a similarity matrix which has dimensions proportional to the size of the two sentences. Since the similarity matrix generated to compare two sentences has varying dimension due to different sentence lengths, a dynamic pooling layer is used to map it to a matrix of fixed dimension. The resulting matrix is used to calculate the similarity scores between the two sentences. The second step of the algorithm captures the contexts in which the sentences occur in the document by using a dynamic programming algorithm for global alignment.

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Acquisition of Translation Lexicons for Historically Unwritten Languages via Bridging Loanwords
Michael Bloodgood | Benjamin Strauss

With the advent of informal electronic communications such as social media, colloquial languages that were historically unwritten are being written for the first time in heavily code-switched environments. We present a method for inducing portions of translation lexicons through the use of expert knowledge in these settings where there are approximately zero resources available other than a language informant, potentially not even large amounts of monolingual data. We investigate inducing a Moroccan Darija-English translation lexicon via French loanwords bridging into English and find that a useful lexicon is induced for human-assisted translation and statistical machine translation.

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Toward a Comparable Corpus of Latvian, Russian and English Tweets
Dmitrijs Milajevs

Twitter has become a rich source for linguistic data. Here, a possibility of building a trilingual Latvian-Russian-English corpus of tweets from Riga, Latvia is investigated. Such a corpus, once constructed, might be of great use for multiple purposes including training machine translation models, examining cross-lingual phenomena and studying the population of Riga. This pilot study shows that it is feasible to build such a resource by collecting and analysing a pilot corpus, which is made publicly available and can be used to construct a large comparable corpus.

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Automatic Extraction of Parallel Speech Corpora from Dubbed Movies
Alp Öktem | Mireia Farrús | Leo Wanner

This paper presents a methodology to extract parallel speech corpora based on any language pair from dubbed movies, together with an application framework in which some corresponding prosodic parameters are extracted. The obtained parallel corpora are especially suitable for speech-to-speech translation applications when a prosody transfer between source and target languages is desired.

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A parallel collection of clinical trials in Portuguese and English
Mariana Neves

Parallel collections of documents are crucial resources for training and evaluating machine translation (MT) systems. Even though large collections are available for certain domains and language pairs, these are still scarce in the biomedical domain. We developed a parallel corpus of clinical trials in Portuguese and English. The documents are derived from the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry and the corpus currently contains a total of 1188 documents. In this paper, we describe the corpus construction and discuss the quality of the translation and the sentence alignment that we obtained.

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Weighted Set-Theoretic Alignment of Comparable Sentences
Andoni Azpeitia | Thierry Etchegoyhen | Eva Martínez Garcia

This article presents the STACCw system for the BUCC 2017 shared task on parallel sentence extraction from comparable corpora. The original STACC approach, based on set-theoretic operations over bags of words, had been previously shown to be efficient and portable across domains and alignment scenarios. Wedescribe an extension of this approach with a new weighting scheme and show that it provides significant improvements on the datasets provided for the shared task.

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BUCC 2017 Shared Task: a First Attempt Toward a Deep Learning Framework for Identifying Parallel Sentences in Comparable Corpora
Francis Grégoire | Philippe Langlais

This paper describes our participation in BUCC 2017 shared task: identifying parallel sentences in comparable corpora. Our goal is to leverage continuous vector representations and distributional semantics with a minimal use of external preprocessing and postprocessing tools. We report experiments that were conducted after transmitting our results.

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zNLP: Identifying Parallel Sentences in Chinese-English Comparable Corpora
Zheng Zhang | Pierre Zweigenbaum

This paper describes the zNLP system for the BUCC 2017 shared task. Our system identifies parallel sentence pairs in Chinese-English comparable corpora by translating word-by-word Chinese sentences into English, using the search engine Solr to select near-parallel sentences and then by using an SVM classifier to identify true parallel sentences from the previous results. It obtains an F1-score of 45% (resp. 32%) on the test (training) set.

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BUCC2017: A Hybrid Approach for Identifying Parallel Sentences in Comparable Corpora
Sainik Mahata | Dipankar Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

A Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system is always trained using large parallel corpus to produce effective translation. Not only is the corpus scarce, it also involves a lot of manual labor and cost. Parallel corpus can be prepared by employing comparable corpora where a pair of corpora is in two different languages pointing to the same domain. In the present work, we try to build a parallel corpus for French-English language pair from a given comparable corpus. The data and the problem set are provided as part of the shared task organized by BUCC 2017. We have proposed a system that first translates the sentences by heavily relying on Moses and then group the sentences based on sentence length similarity. Finally, the one to one sentence selection was done based on Cosine Similarity algorithm.

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Overview of the Second BUCC Shared Task: Spotting Parallel Sentences in Comparable Corpora
Pierre Zweigenbaum | Serge Sharoff | Reinhard Rapp

This paper presents the BUCC 2017 shared task on parallel sentence extraction from comparable corpora. It recalls the design of the datasets, presents their final construction and statistics and the methods used to evaluate system results. 13 runs were submitted to the shared task by 4 teams, covering three of the four proposed language pairs: French-English (7 runs), German-English (3 runs), and Chinese-English (3 runs). The best F-scores as measured against the gold standard were 0.84 (German-English), 0.80 (French-English), and 0.43 (Chinese-English). Because of the design of the dataset, in which not all gold parallel sentence pairs are known, these are only minimum values. We examined manually a small sample of the false negative sentence pairs for the most precise French-English runs and estimated the number of parallel sentence pairs not yet in the provided gold standard. Adding them to the gold standard leads to revised estimates for the French-English F-scores of at most +1.5pt. This suggests that the BUCC 2017 datasets provide a reasonable approximate evaluation of the parallel sentence spotting task.


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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology — From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology — From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality
Kristy Hollingshead | Molly E. Ireland | Kate Loveys

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A Cross-modal Review of Indicators for Depression Detection Systems
Michelle Morales | Stefan Scherer | Rivka Levitan

Automatic detection of depression has attracted increasing attention from researchers in psychology, computer science, linguistics, and related disciplines. As a result, promising depression detection systems have been reported. This paper surveys these efforts by presenting the first cross-modal review of depression detection systems and discusses best practices and most promising approaches to this task.

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In your wildest dreams: the language and psychological features of dreams
Kate Niederhoffer | Jonathan Schler | Patrick Crutchley | Kate Loveys | Glen Coppersmith

In this paper, we provide the first quantified exploration of the structure of the language of dreams, their linguistic style and emotional content. We present a collection of digital dream logs as a viable corpus for the growing study of mental health through the lens of language, complementary to the work done examining more traditional social media. This paper is largely exploratory in nature to lay the groundwork for subsequent research in mental health, rather than optimizing a particular text classification task.

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A Corpus Analysis of Social Connections and Social Isolation in Adolescents Suffering from Depressive Disorders
Jia-Wen Guo | Danielle L Mowery | Djin Lai | Katherine Sward | Mike Conway

Social connection and social isolation are associated with depressive symptoms, particularly in adolescents and young adults, but how these concepts are documented in clinical notes is unknown. This pilot study aimed to identify the topics relevant to social connection and isolation by analyzing 145 clinical notes from patients with depression diagnosis. We found that providers, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and psychologists, document descriptions of both social connection and social isolation.

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Monitoring Tweets for Depression to Detect At-risk Users
Zunaira Jamil | Diana Inkpen | Prasadith Buddhitha | Kenton White

We propose an automated system that can identify at-risk users from their public social media activity, more specifically, from Twitter. The data that we collected is from the #BellLetsTalk campaign, which is a wide-reaching, multi-year program designed to break the silence around mental illness and support mental health across Canada. To achieve our goal, we trained a user-level classifier that can detect at-risk users that achieves a reasonable precision and recall. We also trained a tweet-level classifier that predicts if a tweet indicates depression. This task was much more difficult due to the imbalanced data. In the dataset that we labeled, we came across 5% depression tweets and 95% non-depression tweets. To handle this class imbalance, we used undersampling methods. The resulting classifier had high recall, but low precision. Therefore, we only use this classifier to compute the estimated percentage of depressed tweets and to add this value as a feature for the user-level classifier.

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Investigating Patient Attitudes Towards the use of Social Media Data to Augment Depression Diagnosis and Treatment: a Qualitative Study
Jude Mikal | Samantha Hurst | Mike Conway

In this paper, we use qualitative research methods to investigate the attitudes of social media users towards the (opt-in) integration of social media data with routine mental health care and diagnosis. Our investigation was based on secondary analysis of a series of five focus groups with Twitter users, including three groups consisting of participants with a self-reported history of depression, and two groups consisting of participants without a self reported history of depression. Our results indicate that, overall, research participants were enthusiastic about the possibility of using social media (in conjunction with automated Natural Language Processing algorithms) for mood tracking under the supervision of a mental health practitioner. However, for at least some participants, there was skepticism related to how well social media represents the mental health of users, and hence its usefulness in the clinical context.

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Natural-language Interactive Narratives in Imaginal Exposure Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Melissa Roemmele | Paola Mardo | Andrew Gordon

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety-based disorder that affects around 2.5% of the population. A common treatment for OCD is exposure therapy, where the patient repeatedly confronts a feared experience, which has the long-term effect of decreasing their anxiety. Some exposures consist of reading and writing stories about an imagined anxiety-provoking scenario. In this paper, we present a technology that enables patients to interactively contribute to exposure stories by supplying natural language input (typed or spoken) that advances a scenario. This interactivity could potentially increase the patient’s sense of immersion in an exposure and contribute to its success. We introduce the NLP task behind processing inputs to predict new events in the scenario, and describe our initial approach. We then illustrate the future possibility of this work with an example of an exposure scenario authored with our application.

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Detecting Anxiety through Reddit
Judy Hanwen Shen | Frank Rudzicz

Previous investigations into detecting mental illnesses through social media have predominately focused on detecting depression through Twitter corpora. In this paper, we study anxiety disorders through personal narratives collected through the popular social media website, Reddit. We build a substantial data set of typical and anxiety-related posts, and we apply N-gram language modeling, vector embeddings, topic analysis, and emotional norms to generate features that accurately classify posts related to binary levels of anxiety. We achieve an accuracy of 91% with vector-space word embeddings, and an accuracy of 98% when combined with lexicon-based features.

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Detecting and Explaining Crisis
Rohan Kshirsagar | Robert Morris | Samuel Bowman

Individuals on social media may reveal themselves to be in various states of crisis (e.g. suicide, self-harm, abuse, or eating disorders). Detecting crisis from social media text automatically and accurately can have profound consequences. However, detecting a general state of crisis without explaining why has limited applications. An explanation in this context is a coherent, concise subset of the text that rationalizes the crisis detection. We explore several methods to detect and explain crisis using a combination of neural and non-neural techniques. We evaluate these techniques on a unique data set obtained from Koko, an anonymous emotional support network available through various messaging applications. We annotate a small subset of the samples labeled with crisis with corresponding explanations. Our best technique significantly outperforms the baseline for detection and explanation.

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A Dictionary-Based Comparison of Autobiographies by People and Murderous Monsters
Micah Iserman | Molly Ireland

People typically assume that killers are mentally ill or fundamentally different from the rest of humanity. Similarly, people often associate mental health conditions (such as schizophrenia or autism) with violence and otherness - treatable perhaps, but not empathically understandable. We take a dictionary approach to explore word use in a set of autobiographies, comparing the narratives of 2 killers (Adolf Hitler and Elliot Rodger) and 39 non-killers. Although results suggest several dimensions that differentiate these autobiographies - such as sentiment, temporal orientation, and references to death - they appear to reflect subject matter rather than psychology per se. Additionally, the Rodger text shows roughly typical developmental arcs in its use of words relating to friends, family, sex, and affect. From these data, we discuss the challenges of understanding killers and people in general.

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Small but Mighty: Affective Micropatterns for Quantifying Mental Health from Social Media Language
Kate Loveys | Patrick Crutchley | Emily Wyatt | Glen Coppersmith

Many psychological phenomena occur in small time windows, measured in minutes or hours. However, most computational linguistic techniques look at data on the order of weeks, months, or years. We explore micropatterns in sequences of messages occurring over a short time window for their prevalence and power for quantifying psychological phenomena, specifically, patterns in affect. We examine affective micropatterns in social media posts from users with anxiety, eating disorders, panic attacks, schizophrenia, suicidality, and matched controls.


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Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL 2017)
Ted Gibson | Tal Linzen | Asad Sayeed | Martin van Schijndel | William Schuler

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Entropy Reduction correlates with temporal lobe activity
Matthew Nelson | Stanislas Dehaene | Christophe Pallier | John Hale

Using the Entropy Reduction incremental complexity metric, we relate high gamma power signals from the brains of epileptic patients to incremental stages of syntactic analysis in English and French. We find that signals recorded intracranially from the anterior Inferior Temporal Sulcus (aITS) and the posterior Inferior Temporal Gyrus (pITG) correlate with word-by-word Entropy Reduction values derived from phrase structure grammars for those languages. In the anterior region, this correlation persists even in combination with surprisal co-predictors from PCFG and ngram models. The result confirms the idea that the brain’s temporal lobe houses a parsing function, one whose incremental processing difficulty profile reflects changes in grammatical uncertainty.

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Learning an Input Filter for Argument Structure Acquisition
Laurel Perkins | Naomi Feldman | Jeffrey Lidz

How do children learn a verb’s argument structure when their input contains nonbasic clauses that obscure verb transitivity? Here we present a new model that infers verb transitivity by learning to filter out non-basic clauses that were likely parsed in error. In simulations with child-directed speech, we show that this model accurately categorizes the majority of 50 frequent transitive, intransitive and alternating verbs, and jointly learns appropriate parameters for filtering parsing errors. Our model is thus able to filter out problematic data for verb learning without knowing in advance which data need to be filtered.

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Grounding sound change in ideal observer models of perception
Zachary Burchill | T. Florian Jaeger

An important predictor of historical sound change, functional load, fails to capture insights from speech perception. Building on ideal observer models of word recognition, we devise a new definition of functional load that incorporates both a priori predictability and perceptual information. We explore this new measure with a simple model and find that it outperforms traditional measures.

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“Oh, I’ve Heard That Before”: Modelling Own-Dialect Bias After Perceptual Learning by Weighting Training Data
Rachael Tatman

Human listeners are able to quickly and robustly adapt to new accents and do so by using information about speaker’s identities. This paper will present experimental evidence that, even considering information about speaker’s identities, listeners retain a strong bias towards the acoustics of their own dialect after dialect learning. Participants’ behaviour was accurately mimicked by a classifier which was trained on more cases from the base dialect and fewer from the target dialect. This suggests that imbalanced training data may result in automatic speech recognition errors consistent with those of speakers from populations over-represented in the training data.

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Inherent Biases of Recurrent Neural Networks for Phonological Assimilation and Dissimilation
Amanda Doucette

A recurrent neural network model of phonological pattern learning is proposed. The model is a relatively simple neural network with one recurrent layer, and displays biases in learning that mimic observed biases in human learning. Single-feature patterns are learned faster than two-feature patterns, and vowel or consonant-only patterns are learned faster than patterns involving vowels and consonants, mimicking the results of laboratory learning experiments. In non-recurrent models, capturing these biases requires the use of alpha features or some other representation of repeated features, but with a recurrent neural network, these elaborations are not necessary.

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Predicting Japanese scrambling in the wild
Naho Orita

Japanese speakers have a choice between canonical SOV and scrambled OSV word order to express the same meaning. Although previous experiments examine the influence of one or two factors for scrambling in a controlled setting, it is not yet known what kinds of multiple effects contribute to scrambling. This study uses naturally distributed data to test the multiple effects on scrambling simultaneously. A regression analysis replicates the NP length effect and suggests the influence of noun types, but it provides no evidence for syntactic priming, given-new ordering, and the animacy effect. These findings only show evidence for sentence-internal factors, but we find no evidence that discourse level factors play a role.


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages
Antti Arppe | Jeff Good | Mans Hulden | Jordan Lachler | Alexis Palmer | Lane Schwartz

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A Morphological Parser for Odawa
Dustin Bowers | Antti Arppe | Jordan Lachler | Sjur Moshagen | Trond Trosterud

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Creating lexical resources for polysynthetic languages—the case of Arapaho
Ghazaleh Kazeminejad | Andrew Cowell | Mans Hulden

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From Small to Big Data: paper manuscripts to RDF triples of Australian Indigenous Vocabularies
Nick Thieberger | Conal Tuohy

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Issues in digital text representation, on-line dissemination, sharing and re-use for African minority languages
Emmanuel Ngué Um

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Developing collection management tools to create more robust and reliable linguistic data
Gary Holton | Kavon Hooshiar | Nick Thieberger

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STREAMLInED Challenges: Aligning Research Interests with Shared Tasks
Gina-Anne Levow | Emily M. Bender | Patrick Littell | Kristen Howell | Shobhana Chelliah | Joshua Crowgey | Dan Garrette | Jeff Good | Sharon Hargus | David Inman | Michael Maxwell | Michael Tjalve | Fei Xia

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Work With What You’ve Got
Lucy Bell | Lawrence Bell

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Converting a comprehensive lexical database into a computational model: The case of East Cree verb inflection
Antti Arppe | Marie-Odile Junker | Delasie Torkornoo

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Instant annotations in ELAN corpora of spoken and written Komi, an endangered language of the Barents Sea region
Ciprian Gerstenberger | Niko Partanen | Michael Rießler

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Inferring Case Systems from IGT: Enriching the Enrichment
Kristen Howell | Emily M. Bender | Michel Lockwood | Fei Xia | Olga Zamaraeva

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Case Studies in the Automatic Characterization of Grammars from Small Wordlists
Jordan Kodner | Spencer Caplan | Hongzhi Xu | Mitchell P. Marcus | Charles Yang

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Endangered Data for Endangered Languages: Digitizing Print dictionaries
Michael Maxwell | Aric Bills

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A computationally-assisted procedure for discovering poetic organization within oral tradition
David Meyer

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Improving Coverage of an Inuktitut Morphological Analyzer Using a Segmental Recurrent Neural Network
Jeffrey Micher

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Click reduction in fluent speech: a semi-automated analysis of Mangetti Dune !Xung
Amanda Miller | Micha Elsner

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DECCA Repurposed: Detecting transcription inconsistencies without an orthographic standard
C. Anton Rytting | Julie Yelle

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Jejueo talking dictionary: A collaborative online database for language revitalization
Moira Saltzman

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Computational Support for Finding Word Classes: A Case Study of Abui
Olga Zamaraeva | František Kratochvíl | Emily M. Bender | Fei Xia | Kristen Howell

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Waldayu and Waldayu Mobile: Modern digital dictionary interfaces for endangered languages
Patrick Littell | Aidan Pine | Henry Davis

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Connecting Documentation and Revitalization: A New Approach to Language Apps
Alexa N. Little

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Developing a Suite of Mobile Applications for Collaborative Language Documentation
Mat Bettinson | Steven Bird

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Cross-language forced alignment to assist community-based linguistics for low resource languages
Timothy Kempton

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A case study on using speech-to-translation alignments for language documentation
Antonios Anastasopoulos | David Chiang


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes (CORBON 2017)

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes (CORBON 2017)
Maciej Ogrodniczuk | Vincent Ng

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Use Generalized Representations, But Do Not Forget Surface Features
Nafise Sadat Moosavi | Michael Strube

Only a year ago, all state-of-the-art coreference resolvers were using an extensive amount of surface features. Recently, there was a paradigm shift towards using word embeddings and deep neural networks, where the use of surface features is very limited. In this paper, we show that a simple SVM model with surface features outperforms more complex neural models for detecting anaphoric mentions. Our analysis suggests that using generalized representations and surface features have different strength that should be both taken into account for improving coreference resolution.

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Enriching Basque Coreference Resolution System using Semantic Knowledge sources
Ander Soraluze | Olatz Arregi | Xabier Arregi | Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza

In this paper we present a Basque coreference resolution system enriched with semantic knowledge. An error analysis carried out revealed the deficiencies that the system had in resolving coreference cases in which semantic or world knowledge is needed. We attempt to improve the deficiencies using two semantic knowledge sources, specifically Wikipedia and WordNet.

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Improving Polish Mention Detection with Valency Dictionary
Maciej Ogrodniczuk | Bartłomiej Nitoń

This paper presents results of an experiment integrating information from valency dictionary of Polish into a mention detection system. Two types of information is acquired: positions of syntactic schemata for nominal and verbal constructs and secondary prepositions present in schemata. The syntactic schemata are used to prevent (for verbal realizations) or encourage (for nominal groups) constructing mentions from phrases filling multiple schema positions, the secondary prepositions – to filter out artificial mentions created from their nominal components. Mention detection is evaluated against the manual annotation of the Polish Coreference Corpus in two settings: taking into account only mention heads or exact borders.

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A Google-Proof Collection of French Winograd Schemas
Pascal Amsili | Olga Seminck

This article presents the first collection of French Winograd Schemas. Winograd Schemas form anaphora resolution problems that can only be resolved with extensive world knowledge. For this reason the Winograd Schema Challenge has been proposed as an alternative to the Turing Test. A very important feature of Winograd Schemas is that it should be impossible to resolve them with statistical information about word co-occurrences: they should be Google-proof. We propose a measure of Google-proofness based on Mutual Information, and demonstrate the method on our collection of French Winograd Schemas.

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Using Coreference Links to Improve Spanish-to-English Machine Translation
Lesly Miculicich Werlen | Andrei Popescu-Belis

In this paper, we present a proof-of-concept implementation of a coreference-aware decoder for document-level machine translation. We consider that better translations should have coreference links that are closer to those in the source text, and implement this criterion in two ways. First, we define a similarity measure between source and target coreference structures, by projecting the target ones onto the source and reusing existing coreference metrics. Based on this similarity measure, we re-rank the translation hypotheses of a baseline system for each sentence. Alternatively, to address the lack of diversity of mentions in the MT hypotheses, we focus on mention pairs and integrate their coreference scores with MT ones, resulting in post-editing decisions for mentions. The experimental results for Spanish to English MT on the AnCora-ES corpus show that the second approach yields a substantial increase in the accuracy of pronoun translation, with BLEU scores remaining constant.

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Multi-source annotation projection of coreference chains: assessing strategies and testing opportunities
Yulia Grishina | Manfred Stede

In this paper, we examine the possibility of using annotation projection from multiple sources for automatically obtaining coreference annotations in the target language. We implement a multi-source annotation projection algorithm and apply it on an English-German-Russian parallel corpus in order to transfer coreference chains from two sources to the target side. Operating in two settings – a low-resource and a more linguistically-informed one – we show that automatic coreference transfer could benefit from combining information from multiple languages, and assess the quality of both the extraction and the linking of target coreference mentions.

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CORBON 2017 Shared Task: Projection-Based Coreference Resolution
Yulia Grishina

The CORBON 2017 Shared Task, organised as part of the Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes workshop at EACL 2017, presented a new challenge for multilingual coreference resolution: we offer a projection-based setting in which one is supposed to build a coreference resolver for a new language exploiting little or even no knowledge of it, with our languages of interest being German and Russian. We additionally offer a more traditional setting, targeting the development of a multilingual coreference resolver without any restrictions on the resources and methods used. In this paper, we describe the task setting and provide the results of one participant who successfully completed the task, comparing their results to the closely related previous research. Analysing the task setting and the results, we discuss the major challenges and make suggestions on the future directions of coreference evaluation.

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Projection-based Coreference Resolution Using Deep Syntax
Michal Novák | Anna Nedoluzhko | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

The paper describes the system for coreference resolution in German and Russian, trained exclusively on coreference relations project ed through a parallel corpus from English. The resolver operates on the level of deep syntax and makes use of multiple specialized models. It achieves 32 and 22 points in terms of CoNLL score for Russian and German, respectively. Analysis of the evaluation results show that the resolver for Russian is able to preserve 66% of the English resolver’s quality in terms of CoNLL score. The system was submitted to the Closed track of the CORBON 2017 Shared task.


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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017)

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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017)
Simonetta Montemagni | Joakim Nivre

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Capturing Dependency Syntax with “Deep” Sequential Models
Yoav Goldberg

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Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Plea for a Deep Dependency Sentence Structure
Eva Hajičová

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The Benefit of Syntactic vs. Linear N-grams for Linguistic Description
Melanie Andresen | Heike Zinsmeister

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On the Predicate-Argument Structure: Internal and Absorbing Scope
Igor Boguslavsky

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On the order of Words in Italian: a Study on Genre vs Complexity
Dominique Brunato | Felice Dell’Orletta

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Revising the METU-Sabancı Turkish Treebank: An Exercise in Surface-Syntactic Annotation of Agglutinative Languages
Alicia Burga | Alp Öktem | Leo Wanner

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Enhanced UD Dependencies with Neutralized Diathesis Alternation
Marie Candito | Bruno Guillaume | Guy Perrier | Djamé Seddah

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Classifying Languages by Dependency Structure. Typologies of Delexicalized Universal Dependency Treebanks
Xinying Chen | Kim Gerdes

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A Dependency Treebank for Kurmanji Kurdish
Memduh Gökırmak | Francis M. Tyers

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What are the limitations on the flux of syntactic dependencies? Evidence from UD treebanks
Sylvain Kahane | Chunxiao Yan | Marie-Amélie Botalla

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Fully Delexicalized Contexts for Syntax-Based Word Embeddings
Jenna Kanerva | Sampo Pyysalo | Filip Ginter

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Universal Dependencies for Dargwa Mehweb
Alexandra Kozhukhar

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Menzerath-Altmann Law in Syntactic Dependency Structure
Ján Mačutek | Radek Čech | Jiří Milička

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Assessing the Annotation Consistency of the Universal Dependencies Corpora
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe | Matias Grioni | Jenna Kanerva | Filip Ginter

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To What Extent is Immediate Constituency Analysis Dependency-Based? A Survey of Foundational Texts
Nicolas Mazziotta | Sylvain Kahane

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Dependency Structure of Binary Conjunctions(of the IF…, THEN… Type)
Igor Mel’čuk

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Non-Projectivity in Serbian: Analysis of Formal and Linguistic Properties
Aleksandra Miletic | Assaf Urieli

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Prices go Up, Surge, Jump, Spike, Skyrocket, Go through the Roof… Intensifier Collocations with Parametric Nouns of Type PRICE
Jasmina Milićević

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Chinese Descriptive and Resultative V-de Constructions. A Dependency-based Analysis
Ruochen Niu

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The Component Unit. Introducing a Novel Unit of Syntactic Analysis
Timothy Osborne | Ruochen Niu

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Control vs. Raising in English. A Dependency Grammar Account
Timothy Osborne | Matthew Reeve

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Segmentation Granularity in Dependency Representations for Korean
Jungyeul Park

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Universal Dependencies for Portuguese
Alexandre Rademaker | Fabricio Chalub | Livy Real | Cláudia Freitas | Eckhard Bick | Valeria de Paiva

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UDLex: Towards Cross-language Subcategorization Lexicons
Giulia Rambelli | Alessandro Lenci | Thierry Poibeau

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Universal Dependencies are Hard to Parse – or are They?
Ines Rehbein | Julius Steen | Bich-Ngoc Do | Anette Frank

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Annotating Italian Social Media Texts in Universal Dependencies
Manuela Sanguinetti | Cristina Bosco | Alessandro Mazzei | Alberto Lavelli | Fabio Tamburini

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Hungarian Copula Constructions in Dependency Syntax and Parsing
Katalin Ilona Simkó | Veronika Vincze

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Semgrex-Plus: a Tool for Automatic Dependency-Graph Rewriting
Fabio Tamburini

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Unity in Diversity: A Unified Parsing Strategy for Major Indian Languages
Juhi Tandon | Dipti Misra Sharma

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Quantitative Comparative Syntax on the Cantonese-Mandarin Parallel Dependency Treebank
Tak-sum Wong | Kim Gerdes | Herman Leung | John Lee

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Understanding Constraints on Non-Projectivity Using Novel Measures
Himanshu Yadav | Ashwini Vaidya | Samar Husain

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Core Arguments in Universal Dependencies
Daniel Zeman


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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation

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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation
Bonnie Webber | Andrei Popescu-Belis | Jörg Tiedemann

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Findings of the 2017 DiscoMT Shared Task on Cross-lingual Pronoun Prediction
Sharid Loáiciga | Sara Stymne | Preslav Nakov | Christian Hardmeier | Jörg Tiedemann | Mauro Cettolo | Yannick Versley

We describe the design, the setup, and the evaluation results of the DiscoMT 2017 shared task on cross-lingual pronoun prediction. The task asked participants to predict a target-language pronoun given a source-language pronoun in the context of a sentence. We further provided a lemmatized target-language human-authored translation of the source sentence, and automatic word alignments between the source sentence words and the target-language lemmata. The aim of the task was to predict, for each target-language pronoun placeholder, the word that should replace it from a small, closed set of classes, using any type of information that can be extracted from the entire document. We offered four subtasks, each for a different language pair and translation direction: English-to-French, English-to-German, German-to-English, and Spanish-to-English. Five teams participated in the shared task, making submissions for all language pairs. The evaluation results show that most participating teams outperformed two strong n-gram-based language model-based baseline systems by a sizable margin.

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Validation of an Automatic Metric for the Accuracy of Pronoun Translation (APT)
Lesly Miculicich Werlen | Andrei Popescu-Belis

In this paper, we define and assess a reference-based metric to evaluate the accuracy of pronoun translation (APT). The metric automatically aligns a candidate and a reference translation using GIZA++ augmented with specific heuristics, and then counts the number of identical or different pronouns, with provision for legitimate variations and omitted pronouns. All counts are then combined into one score. The metric is applied to the results of seven systems (including the baseline) that participated in the DiscoMT 2015 shared task on pronoun translation from English to French. The APT metric reaches around 0.993-0.999 Pearson correlation with human judges (depending on the parameters of APT), while other automatic metrics such as BLEU, METEOR, or those specific to pronouns used at DiscoMT 2015 reach only 0.972-0.986 Pearson correlation.

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Using a Graph-based Coherence Model in Document-Level Machine Translation
Leo Born | Mohsen Mesgar | Michael Strube

Although coherence is an important aspect of any text generation system, it has received little attention in the context of machine translation (MT) so far. We hypothesize that the quality of document-level translation can be improved if MT models take into account the semantic relations among sentences during translation. We integrate the graph-based coherence model proposed by Mesgar and Strube, (2016) with Docent (Hardmeier et al., 2012, Hardmeier, 2014) a document-level machine translation system. The application of this graph-based coherence modeling approach is novel in the context of machine translation. We evaluate the coherence model and its effects on the quality of the machine translation. The result of our experiments shows that our coherence model slightly improves the quality of translation in terms of the average Meteor score.

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Treatment of Markup in Statistical Machine Translation
Mathias Müller

We present work on handling XML markup in Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). The methods we propose can be used to effectively preserve markup (for instance inline formatting or structure) and to place markup correctly in a machine-translated segment. We evaluate our approaches with parallel data that naturally contains markup or where markup was inserted to create synthetic examples. In our experiments, hybrid reinsertion has proven the most accurate method to handle markup, while alignment masking and alignment reinsertion should be regarded as viable alternatives. We provide implementations of all the methods described and they are freely available as an open-source framework.

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A BiLSTM-based System for Cross-lingual Pronoun Prediction
Sara Stymne | Sharid Loáiciga | Fabienne Cap

We describe the Uppsala system for the 2017 DiscoMT shared task on cross-lingual pronoun prediction. The system is based on a lower layer of BiLSTMs reading the source and target sentences respectively. Classification is based on the BiLSTM representation of the source and target positions for the pronouns. In addition we enrich our system with dependency representations from an external parser and character representations of the source sentence. We show that these additions perform well for German and Spanish as source languages. Our system is competitive and is in first or second place for all language pairs.

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Neural Machine Translation for Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction
Sebastien Jean | Stanislas Lauly | Orhan Firat | Kyunghyun Cho

In this paper we present our systems for the DiscoMT 2017 cross-lingual pronoun prediction shared task. For all four language pairs, we trained a standard attention-based neural machine translation system as well as three variants that incorporate information from the preceding source sentence. We show that our systems, which are not specifically designed for pronoun prediction and may be used to generate complete sentence translations, generally achieve competitive results on this task.

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Predicting Pronouns with a Convolutional Network and an N-gram Model
Christian Hardmeier

This paper describes the UU-Hardmeier system submitted to the DiscoMT 2017 shared task on cross-lingual pronoun prediction. The system is an ensemble of convolutional neural networks combined with a source-aware n-gram language model.

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Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks v2.0
Juhani Luotolahti | Jenna Kanerva | Filip Ginter

In this paper we present our system in the DiscoMT 2017 Shared Task on Crosslingual Pronoun Prediction. Our entry builds on our last year’s success, our system based on deep recurrent neural networks outperformed all the other systems with a clear margin. This year we investigate whether different pre-trained word embeddings can be used to improve the neural systems, and whether the recently published Gated Convolutions outperform the Gated Recurrent Units used last year.

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Combining the output of two coreference resolution systems for two source languages to improve annotation projection
Yulia Grishina

Although parallel coreference corpora can to a high degree support the development of SMT systems, there are no large-scale parallel datasets available due to the complexity of the annotation task and the variability in annotation schemes. In this study, we exploit an annotation projection method to combine the output of two coreference resolution systems for two different source languages (English, German) in order to create an annotated corpus for a third language (Russian). We show that our technique is superior to projecting annotations from a single source language, and we provide an in-depth analysis of the projected annotations in order to assess the perspectives of our approach.

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Discovery of Discourse-Related Language Contrasts through Alignment Discrepancies in English-German Translation
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski | Christian Hardmeier

In this paper, we analyse alignment discrepancies for discourse structures in English-German parallel data – sentence pairs, in which discourse structures in target or source texts have no alignment in the corresponding parallel sentences. The discourse-related structures are designed in form of linguistic patterns based on the information delivered by automatic part-of-speech and dependency annotation. In addition to alignment errors (existing structures left unaligned), these alignment discrepancies can be caused by language contrasts or through the phenomena of explicitation and implicitation in the translation process. We propose a new approach including new type of resources for corpus-based language contrast analysis and apply it to study and classify the contrasts found in our English-German parallel corpus. As unaligned discourse structures may also result in the loss of discourse information in the MT training data, we hope to deliver information in support of discourse-aware machine translation (MT).

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Neural Machine Translation with Extended Context
Jörg Tiedemann | Yves Scherrer

We investigate the use of extended context in attention-based neural machine translation. We base our experiments on translated movie subtitles and discuss the effect of increasing the segments beyond single translation units. We study the use of extended source language context as well as bilingual context extensions. The models learn to distinguish between information from different segments and are surprisingly robust with respect to translation quality. In this pilot study, we observe interesting cross-sentential attention patterns that improve textual coherence in translation at least in some selected cases.

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Translating Implicit Discourse Connectives Based on Cross-lingual Annotation and Alignment
Hongzheng Li | Philippe Langlais | Yaohong Jin

Implicit discourse connectives and relations are distributed more widely in Chinese texts, when translating into English, such connectives are usually translated explicitly. Towards Chinese-English MT, in this paper we describe cross-lingual annotation and alignment of dis-course connectives in a parallel corpus, describing related surveys and findings. We then conduct some evaluation experiments to testify the translation of implicit connectives and whether representing implicit connectives explicitly in source language can improve the final translation performance significantly. Preliminary results show it has little improvement by just inserting explicit connectives for implicit relations.

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Lexical Chains meet Word Embeddings in Document-level Statistical Machine Translation
Laura Mascarell

Currently under review for EMNLP 2017 The phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) approach deals with sentences in isolation, making it difficult to consider discourse context in translation. This poses a challenge for ambiguous words that need discourse knowledge to be correctly translated. We propose a method that benefits from the semantic similarity in lexical chains to improve SMT output by integrating it in a document-level decoder. We focus on word embeddings to deal with the lexical chains, contrary to the traditional approach that uses lexical resources. Experimental results on German-to-English show that our method produces correct translations in up to 88% of the changes, improving the translation in 36%-48% of them over the baseline.

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On Integrating Discourse in Machine Translation
Karin Sim Smith

As the quality of Machine Translation (MT) improves, research on improving discourse in automatic translations becomes more viable. This has resulted in an increase in the amount of work on discourse in MT. However many of the existing models and metrics have yet to integrate these insights. Part of this is due to the evaluation methodology, based as it is largely on matching to a single reference. At a time when MT is increasingly being used in a pipeline for other tasks, the semantic element of the translation process needs to be properly integrated into the task. Moreover, in order to take MT to another level, it will need to judge output not based on a single reference translation, but based on notions of fluency and of adequacy – ideally with reference to the source text.


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Proceedings of the First ACL Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the First ACL Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing
Dirk Hovy | Shannon Spruit | Margaret Mitchell | Emily M. Bender | Michael Strube | Hanna Wallach

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Gender as a Variable in Natural-Language Processing: Ethical Considerations
Brian Larson

Researchers and practitioners in natural-language processing (NLP) and related fields should attend to ethical principles in study design, ascription of categories/variables to study participants, and reporting of findings or results. This paper discusses theoretical and ethical frameworks for using gender as a variable in NLP studies and proposes four guidelines for researchers and practitioners. The principles outlined here should guide practitioners, researchers, and peer reviewers, and they may be applicable to other social categories, such as race, applied to human beings connected to NLP research.

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These are not the Stereotypes You are Looking For: Bias and Fairness in Authorial Gender Attribution
Corina Koolen | Andreas van Cranenburgh

Stylometric and text categorization results show that author gender can be discerned in texts with relatively high accuracy. However, it is difficult to explain what gives rise to these results and there are many possible confounding factors, such as the domain, genre, and target audience of a text. More fundamentally, such classification efforts risk invoking stereotyping and essentialism. We explore this issue in two datasets of Dutch literary novels, using commonly used descriptive (LIWC, topic modeling) and predictive (machine learning) methods. Our results show the importance of controlling for variables in the corpus and we argue for taking care not to overgeneralize from the results.

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A Quantitative Study of Data in the NLP community
Margot Mieskes

We present results on a quantitative analysis of publications in the NLP domain on collecting, publishing and availability of research data. We find that a wide range of publications rely on data crawled from the web, but few give details on how potentially sensitive data was treated. Additionally, we find that while links to repositories of data are given, they often do not work even a short time after publication. We put together several suggestions on how to improve this situation based on publications from the NLP domain, but also other research areas.

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Ethical by Design: Ethics Best Practices for Natural Language Processing
Jochen L. Leidner | Vassilis Plachouras

Natural language processing (NLP) systems analyze and/or generate human language, typically on users’ behalf. One natural and necessary question that needs to be addressed in this context, both in research projects and in production settings, is the question how ethical the work is, both regarding the process and its outcome. Towards this end, we articulate a set of issues, propose a set of best practices, notably a process featuring an ethics review board, and sketch and how they could be meaningfully applied. Our main argument is that ethical outcomes ought to be achieved by design, i.e. by following a process aligned by ethical values. We also offer some response options for those facing ethics issues. While a number of previous works exist that discuss ethical issues, in particular around big data and machine learning, to the authors’ knowledge this is the first account of NLP and ethics from the perspective of a principled process.

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Building Better Open-Source Tools to Support Fairness in Automated Scoring
Nitin Madnani | Anastassia Loukina | Alina von Davier | Jill Burstein | Aoife Cahill

Automated scoring of written and spoken responses is an NLP application that can significantly impact lives especially when deployed as part of high-stakes tests such as the GRE® and the TOEFL®. Ethical considerations require that automated scoring algorithms treat all test-takers fairly. The educational measurement community has done significant research on fairness in assessments and automated scoring systems must incorporate their recommendations. The best way to do that is by making available automated, non-proprietary tools to NLP researchers that directly incorporate these recommendations and generate the analyses needed to help identify and resolve biases in their scoring systems. In this paper, we attempt to provide such a solution.

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Gender and Dialect Bias in YouTube’s Automatic Captions
Rachael Tatman

This project evaluates the accuracy of YouTube’s automatically-generated captions across two genders and five dialect groups. Speakers’ dialect and gender was controlled for by using videos uploaded as part of the “accent tag challenge”, where speakers explicitly identify their language background. The results show robust differences in accuracy across both gender and dialect, with lower accuracy for 1) women and 2) speakers from Scotland. This finding builds on earlier research finding that speaker’s sociolinguistic identity may negatively impact their ability to use automatic speech recognition, and demonstrates the need for sociolinguistically-stratified validation of systems.

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Integrating the Management of Personal Data Protection and Open Science with Research Ethics
Dave Lewis | Joss Moorkens | Kaniz Fatema

We examine the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the push from research funders to provide open access research data on the current practices in Language Technology Research. We analyse the challenges that arise and the opportunities to address many of them through the use of existing open data practices. We discuss the impact of this also on current practice in research ethics.

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Ethical Considerations in NLP Shared Tasks
Carla Parra Escartín | Wessel Reijers | Teresa Lynn | Joss Moorkens | Andy Way | Chao-Hong Liu

Shared tasks are increasingly common in our field, and new challenges are suggested at almost every conference and workshop. However, as this has become an established way of pushing research forward, it is important to discuss how we researchers organise and participate in shared tasks, and make that information available to the community to allow further research improvements. In this paper, we present a number of ethical issues along with other areas of concern that are related to the competitive nature of shared tasks. As such issues could potentially impact on research ethics in the Natural Language Processing community, we also propose the development of a framework for the organisation of and participation in shared tasks that can help mitigate against these issues arising.

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Social Bias in Elicited Natural Language Inferences
Rachel Rudinger | Chandler May | Benjamin Van Durme

We analyze the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) corpus in an investigation of bias and stereotyping in NLP data. The SNLI human-elicitation protocol makes it prone to amplifying bias and stereotypical associations, which we demonstrate statistically (using pointwise mutual information) and with qualitative examples.

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A Short Review of Ethical Challenges in Clinical Natural Language Processing
Simon Šuster | Stéphan Tulkens | Walter Daelemans

Clinical NLP has an immense potential in contributing to how clinical practice will be revolutionized by the advent of large scale processing of clinical records. However, this potential has remained largely untapped due to slow progress primarily caused by strict data access policies for researchers. In this paper, we discuss the concern for privacy and the measures it entails. We also suggest sources of less sensitive data. Finally, we draw attention to biases that can compromise the validity of empirical research and lead to socially harmful applications.

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Goal-Oriented Design for Ethical Machine Learning and NLP
Tyler Schnoebelen

The argument made in this paper is that to act ethically in machine learning and NLP requires focusing on goals. NLP projects are often classificatory systems that deal with human subjects, which means that goals from people affected by the systems should be included. The paper takes as its core example a model that detects criminality, showing the problems of training data, categories, and outcomes. The paper is oriented to the kinds of critiques on power and the reproduction of inequality that are found in social theory, but it also includes concrete suggestions on how to put goal-oriented design into practice.

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Ethical Research Protocols for Social Media Health Research
Adrian Benton | Glen Coppersmith | Mark Dredze

Social media have transformed data-driven research in political science, the social sciences, health, and medicine. Since health research often touches on sensitive topics that relate to ethics of treatment and patient privacy, similar ethical considerations should be acknowledged when using social media data in health research. While much has been said regarding the ethical considerations of social media research, health research leads to an additional set of concerns. We provide practical suggestions in the form of guidelines for researchers working with social media data in health research. These guidelines can inform an IRB proposal for researchers new to social media health research.

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Say the Right Thing Right: Ethics Issues in Natural Language Generation Systems
Charese Smiley | Frank Schilder | Vassilis Plachouras | Jochen L. Leidner

We discuss the ethical implications of Natural Language Generation systems. We use one particular system as a case study to identify and classify issues, and we provide an ethics checklist, in the hope that future system designers may benefit from conducting their own ethics reviews based on our checklist.


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Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop

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Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop
Tommaso Caselli | Ben Miller | Marieke van Erp | Piek Vossen | Martha Palmer | Eduard Hovy | Teruko Mitamura | David Caswell

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newsLens: building and visualizing long-ranging news stories
Philippe Laban | Marti Hearst

We propose a method to aggregate and organize a large, multi-source dataset of news articles into a collection of major stories, and automatically name and visualize these stories in a working system. The approach is able to run online, as new articles are added, processing 4 million news articles from 20 news sources, and extracting 80000 major stories, some of which span several years. The visual interface consists of lanes of timelines, each annotated with information that is deemed important for the story, including extracted quotations. The working system allows a user to search and navigate 8 years of story information.

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Detecting Changes in Twitter Streams using Temporal Clusters of Hashtags
Yunli Wang | Cyril Goutte

Detecting events from social media data has important applications in public security, political issues, and public health. Many studies have focused on detecting specific or unspecific events from Twitter streams. However, not much attention has been paid to detecting changes, and their impact, in online conversations related to an event. We propose methods for detecting such changes, using clustering of temporal profiles of hashtags, and three change point detection algorithms. The methods were tested on two Twitter datasets: one covering the 2014 Ottawa shooting event, and one covering the Sochi winter Olympics. We compare our approach to a baseline consisting of detecting change from raw counts in the conversation. We show that our method produces large gains in change detection accuracy on both datasets.

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Event Detection Using Frame-Semantic Parser
Evangelia Spiliopoulou | Eduard Hovy | Teruko Mitamura

Recent methods for Event Detection focus on Deep Learning for automatic feature generation and feature ranking. However, most of those approaches fail to exploit rich semantic information, which results in relatively poor recall. This paper is a small & focused contribution, where we introduce an Event Detection and classification system, based on deep semantic information retrieved from a frame-semantic parser. Our experiments show that our system achieves higher recall than state-of-the-art systems. Further, we claim that enhancing our system with deep learning techniques like feature ranking can achieve even better results, as it can benefit from both approaches.

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Improving Shared Argument Identification in Japanese Event Knowledge Acquisition
Yin Jou Huang | Sadao Kurohashi

Event knowledge represents the knowledge of causal and temporal relations between events. Shared arguments of event knowledge encode patterns of role shifting in successive events. A two-stage framework was proposed for the task of Japanese event knowledge acquisition, in which related event pairs are first extracted, and shared arguments are then identified to form the complete event knowledge. This paper focuses on the second stage of this framework, and proposes a method to improve the shared argument identification of related event pairs. We constructed a gold dataset for shared argument learning. By evaluating our system on this gold dataset, we found that our proposed model outperformed the baseline models by a large margin.

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Tracing armed conflicts with diachronic word embedding models
Andrey Kutuzov | Erik Velldal | Lilja Øvrelid

Recent studies have shown that word embedding models can be used to trace time-related (diachronic) semantic shifts in particular words. In this paper, we evaluate some of these approaches on the new task of predicting the dynamics of global armed conflicts on a year-to-year basis, using a dataset from the conflict research field as the gold standard and the Gigaword news corpus as the training data. The results show that much work still remains in extracting ‘cultural’ semantic shifts from diachronic word embedding models. At the same time, we present a new task complete with an evaluation set and introduce the ‘anchor words’ method which outperforms previous approaches on this set.

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The Circumstantial Event Ontology (CEO)
Roxane Segers | Tommaso Caselli | Piek Vossen

In this paper we describe the ongoing work on the Circumstantial Event Ontology (CEO), a newly developed ontology for calamity events that models semantic circumstantial relations between event classes. The circumstantial relations are designed manually, based on the shared properties of each event class. We discuss and contrast two types of event circumstantial relations: semantic circumstantial relations and episodic circumstantial relations. Further, we show the metamodel and the current contents of the ontology and outline the evaluation of the CEO.

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Event Detection and Semantic Storytelling: Generating a Travelogue from a large Collection of Personal Letters
Georg Rehm | Julian Moreno Schneider | Peter Bourgonje | Ankit Srivastava | Jan Nehring | Armin Berger | Luca König | Sören Räuchle | Jens Gerth

We present an approach at identifying a specific class of events, movement action events (MAEs), in a data set that consists of ca. 2,800 personal letters exchanged by the German architect Erich Mendelsohn and his wife, Luise. A backend system uses these and other semantic analysis results as input for an authoring environment that digital curators can use to produce new pieces of digital content. In our example case, the human expert will receive recommendations from the system with the goal of putting together a travelogue, i.e., a description of the trips and journeys undertaken by the couple. We describe the components and architecture and also apply the system to news data.

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Inference of Fine-Grained Event Causality from Blogs and Films
Zhichao Hu | Elahe Rahimtoroghi | Marilyn Walker

Human understanding of narrative is mainly driven by reasoning about causal relations between events and thus recognizing them is a key capability for computational models of language understanding. Computational work in this area has approached this via two different routes: by focusing on acquiring a knowledge base of common causal relations between events, or by attempting to understand a particular story or macro-event, along with its storyline. In this position paper, we focus on knowledge acquisition approach and claim that newswire is a relatively poor source for learning fine-grained causal relations between everyday events. We describe experiments using an unsupervised method to learn causal relations between events in the narrative genres of first-person narratives and film scene descriptions. We show that our method learns fine-grained causal relations, judged by humans as likely to be causal over 80% of the time. We also demonstrate that the learned event pairs do not exist in publicly available event-pair datasets extracted from newswire.

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On the Creation of a Security-Related Event Corpus
Martin Atkinson | Jakub Piskorski | Hristo Tanev | Vanni Zavarella

This paper reports on an effort of creating a corpus of structured information on security-related events automatically extracted from on-line news, part of which has been manually curated. The main motivation behind this effort is to provide material to the NLP community working on event extraction that could be used both for training and evaluation purposes.

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Inducing Event Types and Roles in Reverse: Using Function to Discover Theme
Natalie Ahn

With growing interest in automated event extraction, there is an increasing need to overcome the labor costs of hand-written event templates, entity lists, and annotated corpora. In the last few years, more inductive approaches have emerged, seeking to discover unknown event types and roles in raw text. The main recent efforts use probabilistic generative models, as in topic modeling, which are formally concise but do not always yield stable or easily interpretable results. We argue that event schema induction can benefit from greater structure in the process and in linguistic features that distinguish words’ functions and themes. To maximize our use of limited data, we reverse the typical schema induction steps and introduce new similarity measures, building an intuitive process for inducing the structure of unknown events.

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The Event StoryLine Corpus: A New Benchmark for Causal and Temporal Relation Extraction
Tommaso Caselli | Piek Vossen

This paper reports on the Event StoryLine Corpus (ESC) v1.0, a new benchmark dataset for the temporal and causal relation detection. By developing this dataset, we also introduce a new task, the StoryLine Extraction from news data, which aims at extracting and classifying events relevant for stories, from across news documents spread in time and clustered around a single seminal event or topic. In addition to describing the dataset, we also report on three baselines systems whose results show the complexity of the task and suggest directions for the development of more robust systems.

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The Rich Event Ontology
Susan Brown | Claire Bonial | Leo Obrst | Martha Palmer

In this paper we describe a new lexical semantic resource, The Rich Event On-tology, which provides an independent conceptual backbone to unify existing semantic role labeling (SRL) schemas and augment them with event-to-event causal and temporal relations. By unifying the FrameNet, VerbNet, Automatic Content Extraction, and Rich Entities, Relations and Events resources, the ontology serves as a shared hub for the disparate annotation schemas and therefore enables the combination of SRL training data into a larger, more diverse corpus. By adding temporal and causal relational information not found in any of the independent resources, the ontology facilitates reasoning on and across documents, revealing relationships between events that come together in temporal and causal chains to build more complex scenarios. We envision the open resource serving as a valuable tool for both moving from the ontology to text to query for event types and scenarios of interest, and for moving from text to the ontology to access interpretations of events using the combined semantic information housed there.

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Integrating Decompositional Event Structures into Storylines
William Croft | Pavlína Pešková | Michael Regan

Storyline research links together events in stories and specifies shared participants in those stories. In these analyses, an atomic event is assumed to be a single clause headed by a single verb. However, many analyses of verbal semantics assume a decompositional analysis of events expressed in single clauses. We present a formalization of a decompositional analysis of events in which each participant in a clausal event has their own temporally extended subevent, and the subevents are related through causal and other interactions. This decomposition allows us to represent storylines as an evolving set of interactions between participants over time.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2017)

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Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2017)
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Keynote Lecture 1: NLP in Tomorrow’s Profiling - Words May Fail You
Björn W. Schuller

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Deriving Word Prosody from Orthography in Hindi
Somnath Roy

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Three-phase training to address data sparsity in Neural Machine Translation
Ruchit Agrawal | Mihir Shekhar | Dipti Sharma

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Reference Scope Identification for Citances Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Saurav Jha | Aanchal Chaurasia | Akhilesh Sudhakar | Anil Kumar Singh

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A vis-à-vis evaluation of MT paradigms for linguistically distant languages
Ruchit Agrawal | Jahfar Ali | Dipti Misra Sharma

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Textual Relations and Topic-Projection: Issues in Text Categorization
Lahari Chatterjee | Samir Karmakar | Abahan Datta

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POS Tagging For Resource Poor Languages Through Feature Projection
Pruthwik Mishra | Vandan Mujadia | Dipti Misra Sharma

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An Exploration of Word Embedding Initialization in Deep-Learning Tasks
Tom Kocmi | Ondřej Bojar

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Curriculum Design for Code-switching: Experiments with Language Identification and Language Modeling with Deep Neural Networks
Monojit Choudhury | Kalika Bali | Sunayana Sitaram | Ashutosh Baheti

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Quantitative Characterization of Code Switching Patterns in Complex Multi-Party Conversations: A Case Study on Hindi Movie Scripts
Adithya Pratapa | Monojit Choudhury

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Towards Normalising Konkani-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text
Akshata Phadte | Gaurish Thakkar

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Towards developing a phonetically balanced code-mixed speech corpus for Hindi-English ASR
Ayushi Pandey | Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava | Suryakanth Gangashetty

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Keynote Lecture 2: Grammatical Error Correction: Past, Present and Future
Hwee Tou Ng

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Hybrid Approach for Marathi Named Entity Recognition
Nita Patil | Ajay Patil | B.V. Pawar

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Sentiment Analysis: An Empirical Comparative Study of Various Machine Learning Approaches
Swapnil Jain | Shrikant Malviya | Rohit Mishra | Uma Shanker Tiwary

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Handling Multi-Sentence Queries in a Domain Independent Dialogue System
Prathyusha Jwalapuram | Radhika Mamidi

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Document Level Novelty Detection: Textual Entailment Lends a Helping Hand
Tanik Saikh | Tirthankar Ghosal | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Is your Statement Purposeless? Predicting Computer Science Graduation Admission Acceptance based on Statement Of Purpose
Diptesh Kanojia | Nikhil Wani | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Natural Language Programing with Automatic Code Generation towards Solving Addition-Subtraction Word Problems
Sourav Mandal | Sudip Kumar Naskar

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Unsupervised Separation of Transliterable and Native Words for Malayalam
Deepak P

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Known Strangers: Cross Linguistic Patterns in Multilingual Multidirectional Dictionaries
Rejitha K. S | Rajesha N.

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Tutorial for Deaf – Teaching Punjabi Alphabet using Synthetic Animations
Lalit Goyal | Vishal Goyal

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SemTagger: A Novel Approach for Semantic Similarity Based Hashtag Recommendation on Twitter
Kuntal Dey | Ritvik Shrivastava | Saroj Kaushik | L Venkata Subramaniam

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Reasoning with Sets to Solve Simple Word Problems Automatically
Sowmya S Sundaram | Deepak Khemani

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Improving NER for Clinical Texts by Ensemble Approach using Segment Representations
Hamada Nayel | H. L. Shashirekha

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Beyond Word2Vec: Embedding Words and Phrases in Same Vector Space
Vijay Prakash Dwivedi | Manish Shrivastava

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Relationship Extraction based on Category of Medical Concepts from Lexical Contexts
Anupam Mondal | Dipankar Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Sinhala Word Joiner
Rajith Priyanga | Surangika Ranatunga | Gihan Dias

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Supervised Methods For Ranking Relations In Web Search
Sumit Asthana | Asif Ekbal

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Malayalam VerbFrames
Jisha P Jayan | Asha S Nair | Govindaru V

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Hindi Shabdamitra: A Wordnet based E-Learning Tool for Language Learning and Teaching
Hanumant Redkar | Sandhya Singh | Dhara Gorasia | Meenakshi Somasundaram | Malhar Kulkarni | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” – Understanding the psycho-sociological influences to it
Updendra Kumar | Vishal Kumar Rana | Srinivas PYKL | Amitava Das

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End to End Dialog System for Telugu
Prathyusha Danda | Prathyusha Jwalapuram | Manish Shrivastava

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Investigating how well contextual features are captured by bi-directional recurrent neural network models
Kushal Chawla | Sunil Kumar Sahu | Ashish Anand

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Correcting General Purpose ASR Errors using Posteriors
Sunil Kumar Kopparapu | C. Anantaram

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Retrieving Similar Lyrics for Music Recommendation System
Braja Gopal Patra | Dipankar Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Unsupervised Morpheme Segmentation Through Numerical Weighting and Thresholding
Joy Mahapatra | Sudip Kumar Naskar

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Experiments with Domain Dependent Dialogue Act Classification using Open-Domain Dialogue Corpora
Swapnil Hingmire | Apoorv Shrivastava | Girish Palshikar | Saurabh Srivastava

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Normalization of Social Media Text using Deep Neural Networks
Ajay Shankar Tiwari | Sudip Kumar Naskar

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Acronym Expansion: A General Approach Using Deep Learning
Aditya Thakker | Suhail Barot | Sudhir Bagul

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Exploring an Efficient Handwritten Manipuri Meetei-Mayek Character Recognition Using Gradient Feature Extractor and Cosine Distance Based Multiclass k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
Kishorjit Nongmeikapam | Wahengbam Kumar | Mithlesh Prasad Singh

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A Modified Cosine-Similarity based Log Kernel for Support Vector Machines in the Domain of Text Classification
Rajendra Kumar Roul | Kushagr Arora

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Document Embedding Generation for Cyber-Aggressive Comment Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Approach
Shylaja S S | Abhishek Narayanan | Abhijith Venugopal | Abhishek Prasad

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Coarticulatory propensity in Khalkha Mongolian
Ushashi Banerjee | Indranil Dutta | Irfan S

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Developing Lexicon and Classifier for Personality Identification in Texts
Kumar Gourav Das | Dipankar Das

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Linguistic approach based Transfer Learning for Sentiment Classification in Hindi
Vartika Rai | Sakshee Vijay | Dipti Misra

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Scalable Bio-Molecular Event Extraction System towards Knowledge Acquisition
Pattabhi RK Rao | Sindhuja Gopalan | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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Co-reference Resolution in Tamil Text
Vijay Sundar Ram | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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Cross Linguistic Variations in Discourse Relations among Indian Languages
Sindhuja Gopalan | Lakshmi S | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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Rule Based Approch of Clause Boundary Identification in Telugu
Ganthoti Nagaraju | Thennarasu Sakkan | Christopher Mala

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Keynote Lecture 3: Towards Abstractive Summarization
Vasudeva Varma

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“Who Mentions Whom?”- Understanding the Psycho-Sociological Aspects of Twitter Mention Network
R Sudhesh Solomon | Abhay Narayan | Srinivas P Y K L | Amitava Das

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Study on Visual Word Recognition in Bangla across Different Reader Groups
Manjira Sinha | Tirthankar Dasgupta

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Demystifying Topology of Autopilot Thoughts: A Computational Analysis of Linguistic Patterns of Psychological Aspects in Mental Health
Bibekananda Kundu | Sanjay Choudhury

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A Deep Dive into Identification of Characters from Mahabharata
Apurba Paul | Dipankar Das

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Neural Networks for Semantic Textual Similarity
Derek Prijatelj | Jugal Kalita | Jonathan Ventura

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Open Set Text Classification Using CNNs
Sridhama Prakhya | Vinodini Venkataram | Jugal Kalita

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Predicting User Competence from Linguistic Data
Yonas Woldemariam | Henrik Björklund | Suna Bensch

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Neural Morphological Disambiguation Using Surface and Contextual Morphological Awareness
Akhilesh Sudhakar | Anil Kumar Singh

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Word Sense Disambiguation for Malayalam in a Conditional Random Field Framework
Junaida M K | Jisha P Jayan | Elizabeth Sherly

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Semisupervied Data Driven Word Sense Disambiguation for Resource-poor Languages
Pratibha Rani | Vikram Pudi | Dipti M. Sharma

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Notion of Semantics in Computer Science - A Systematic Literature Review
Sai Prasad Vrj Gollapudi | Venkatesh Choppella

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Semantic Enrichment Across Language: A Case Study of Czech Bibliographic Databases
Pavel Smrz | Lubomir Otrusina


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Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

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Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Jose M. Alonso | Alberto Bugarín | Ehud Reiter

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Linguistic realisation as machine translation: Comparing different MT models for AMR-to-text generation
Thiago Castro Ferreira | Iacer Calixto | Sander Wubben | Emiel Krahmer

In this paper, we study AMR-to-text generation, framing it as a translation task and comparing two different MT approaches (Phrase-based and Neural MT). We systematically study the effects of 3 AMR preprocessing steps (Delexicalisation, Compression, and Linearisation) applied before the MT phase. Our results show that preprocessing indeed helps, although the benefits differ for the two MT models.

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A Survey on Intelligent Poetry Generation: Languages, Features, Techniques, Reutilisation and Evaluation
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira

Poetry generation is becoming popular among researchers of Natural Language Generation, Computational Creativity and, broadly, Artificial Intelligence. To produce text that may be regarded as poetry, poetry generation systems are typically knowledge-intensive and have to deal with several levels of language, from lexical to semantics. Interest on the topic resulted in the development of several poetry generators described in the literature, with different features covered or handled differently, by a broad range of alternative approaches, as well as different perspectives on evaluation, another challenging aspect due the underlying subjectivity. This paper surveys intelligent poetry generators around a set of relevant axis for poetry generation – targeted languages, form and content features, techniques, reutilisation of material, and evaluation – and aims to organise work developed on this topic so far.

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Cross-linguistic differences and similarities in image descriptions
Emiel van Miltenburg | Desmond Elliott | Piek Vossen

Automatic image description systems are commonly trained and evaluated on large image description datasets. Recently, researchers have started to collect such datasets for languages other than English. An unexplored question is how different these datasets are from English and, if there are any differences, what causes them to differ. This paper provides a cross-linguistic comparison of Dutch, English, and German image descriptions. We find that these descriptions are similar in many respects, but the familiarity of crowd workers with the subjects of the images has a noticeable influence on the specificity of the descriptions.

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Content Selection for Real-time Sports News Construction from Commentary Texts
Jin-ge Yao | Jianmin Zhang | Xiaojun Wan | Jianguo Xiao

We study the task of constructing sports news report automatically from live commentary and focus on content selection. Rather than receiving every piece of text of a sports match before news construction, as in previous related work, we novelly verify the feasibility of a more challenging but more useful setting to generate news report on the fly by treating live text input as a stream. Specifically, we design various scoring functions to address different requirements of the task. The near submodularity of scoring functions makes it possible to adapt efficient greedy algorithms even in stream data settings. Experiments suggest that our proposed framework can already produce comparable results compared with previous work that relies on a supervised learning-to-rank model with heavy feature engineering.

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Improving the Naturalness and Expressivity of Language Generation for Spanish
Cristina Barros | Dimitra Gkatzia | Elena Lloret

We present a flexible Natural Language Generation approach for Spanish, focused on the surface realisation stage, which integrates an inflection module in order to improve the naturalness and expressivity of the generated language. This inflection module inflects the verbs using an ensemble of trainable algorithms whereas the other types of words (e.g. nouns, determiners, etc) are inflected using hand-crafted rules. We show that our approach achieves 2% higher accuracy than two state-of-art inflection generation approaches. Furthermore, our proposed approach also predicts an extra feature: the inflection of the imperative mood, which was not taken into account by previous work. We also present a user evaluation, where we demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves the perceived naturalness of the generated language.

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What is the Role of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in an Image Caption Generator?
Marc Tanti | Albert Gatt | Kenneth Camilleri

Image captioning has evolved into a core task for Natural Language Generation and has also proved to be an important testbed for deep learning approaches to handling multimodal representations. Most contemporary approaches rely on a combination of a convolutional network to handle image features, and a recurrent network to encode linguistic information. The latter is typically viewed as the primary “generation” component. Beyond this high-level characterisation, a CNN+RNN model supports a variety of architectural designs. The dominant model in the literature is one in which visual features encoded by a CNN are “injected” as part of the linguistic encoding process, driving the RNN’s linguistic choices. By contrast, it is possible to envisage an architecture in which visual and linguistic features are encoded separately, and merged at a subsequent stage. In this paper, we address two related questions: (1) Is direct injection the best way of combining multimodal information, or is a late merging alternative better for the image captioning task? (2) To what extent should a recurrent network be viewed as actually generating, rather than simply encoding, linguistic information?

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Exploring the Behavior of Classic REG Algorithms in the Description of Characters in 3D Images
Gonzalo Méndez | Raquel Hervás | Susana Bautista | Adrián Rabadán | Teresa Rodríguez

Describing people and characters can be very useful in different contexts, such as computational narrative or image description for the visually impaired. However, a review of the existing literature shows that the automatic generation of people descriptions has not received much attention. Our work focuses on the description of people in snapshots from a 3D environment. First, we have conducted a survey to identify the way in which people describe other people under different conditions. We have used the information extracted from this survey to design several Referring Expression Generation algorithms which produce similar results. We have evaluated these algorithms with users in order to identify which ones generate the best description for specific characters in different situations. The evaluation has shown that, in order to generate good descriptions, a combination of different algorithms has to be used depending on the features and situation of the person to be described.

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Co-PoeTryMe: a Co-Creative Interface for the Composition of Poetry
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira | Tiago Mendes | Ana Boavida

Co-PoeTryMe is a web application for poetry composition, guided by the user, though with the help of automatic features, such as the generation of full (editable) drafts, as well as the acquisition of additional well-formed lines, or semantically-related words, possibly constrained by the number of syllables, rhyme, or polarity. Towards the final poem, the latter can replace lines or words in the draft.

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Refer-iTTS: A System for Referring in Spoken Installments to Objects in Real-World Images
Sina Zarrieß | M. Soledad López Gambino | David Schlangen

Current referring expression generation systems mostly deliver their output as one-shot, written expressions. We present on-going work on incremental generation of spoken expressions referring to objects in real-world images. This approach extends upon previous work using the words-as-classifier model for generation. We implement this generator in an incremental dialogue processing framework such that we can exploit an existing interface to incremental text-to-speech synthesis. Our system generates and synthesizes referring expressions while continuously observing non-verbal user reactions.

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Finding the “right” answers for customers
Frank Schilder

This talk will present a few NLG systems developed within Thomson Reuters providing information to professionals such as lawyers, accountants or traders. Based on the experience developing these system, I will discuss the usefulness of automatic metrics, crowd-sourced evaluation, corpora studies and expert reviews. I will conclude with exploring the question of whether developers of NLG systems need to follow ethical guidelines and how those guidelines could be established.

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Referring Expression Generation under Uncertainty: Algorithm and Evaluation Framework
Tom Williams | Matthias Scheutz

For situated agents to effectively engage in natural-language interactions with humans, they must be able to refer to entities such as people, locations, and objects. While classic referring expression generation (REG) algorithms like the Incremental Algorithm (IA) assume perfect, complete, and accessible knowledge of all referents, this is not always possible. In this work, we show how a previously presented consultant framework (which facilitates reference resolution when knowledge is uncertain, heterogeneous and distributed) can be used to extend the IA to produce DIST-PIA, a domain-independent algorithm for REG under uncertain, heterogeneous, and distributed knowledge. We also present a novel framework that can be used to evaluate such REG algorithms without conflating the performance of the algorithm with the performance of classifiers it employs.

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Natural Language Descriptions for Human Activities in Video Streams
Nouf Alharbi | Yoshihiko Gotoh

There has been continuous growth in the volume and ubiquity of video material. It has become essential to define video semantics in order to aid the searchability and retrieval of this data. We present a framework that produces textual descriptions of video, based on the visual semantic content. Detected action classes rendered as verbs, participant objects converted to noun phrases, visual properties of detected objects rendered as adjectives and spatial relations between objects rendered as prepositions. Further, in cases of zero-shot action recognition, a language model is used to infer a missing verb, aided by the detection of objects and scene settings. These extracted features are converted into textual descriptions using a template-based approach. The proposed video descriptions framework evaluated on the NLDHA dataset using ROUGE scores and human judgment evaluation.

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PASS: A Dutch data-to-text system for soccer, targeted towards specific audiences
Chris van der Lee | Emiel Krahmer | Sander Wubben

We present PASS, a data-to-text system that generates Dutch soccer reports from match statistics. One of the novel elements of PASS is the fact that the system produces corpus-based texts tailored towards fans of one club or the other, which can most prominently be observed in the tone of voice used in the reports. Furthermore, the system is open source and uses a modular design, which makes it relatively easy for people to add extensions. Human-based evaluation shows that people are generally positive towards PASS in regards to its clarity and fluency, and that the tailoring is accurately recognized in most cases.

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Evaluation of a Runyankore grammar engine for healthcare messages
Joan Byamugisha | C. Maria Keet | Brian DeRenzi

Natural Language Generation (NLG) can be used to generate personalized health information, which is especially useful when provided in one’s own language. However, the NLG technique widely used in different domains and languages—templates—was shown to be inapplicable to Bantu languages, due to their characteristic agglutinative structure. We present here our use of the grammar engine NLG technique to generate text in Runyankore, a Bantu language indigenous to Uganda. Our grammar engine adds to previous work in this field with new rules for cardinality constraints, prepositions in roles, the passive, and phonological conditioning. We evaluated the generated text with linguists and non-linguists, who regarded most text as grammatically correct and understandable; and over 60% of them regarded all the text generated by our system to have been authored by a human being.

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Talking about the world with a distributed model
Gemma Boleda

We use language to talk about the world, and so reference is a crucial property of language. However, modeling reference is particularly difficult, as it involves both continuous and discrete as-pects of language. For instance, referring expressions like “the big mug” or “it” typically contain content words (“big”, “mug”), which are notoriously fuzzy or vague in their meaning, and also fun-ction words (“the”, “it”) that largely serve as discrete pointers. Data-driven, distributed models based on distributional semantics or deep learning excel at the former, but struggle with the latter, and the reverse is true for symbolic models. I present ongoing work on modeling reference with a distribu-ted model aimed at capturing both aspects, and learns to refer directly from reference acts.

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The Code2Text Challenge: Text Generation in Source Libraries
Kyle Richardson | Sina Zarrieß | Jonas Kuhn

We propose a new shared task for tactical data-to-text generation in the domain of source code libraries. Specifically, we focus on text generation of function descriptions from example software projects. Data is drawn from existing resources used for studying the related problem of semantic parser induction, and spans a wide variety of both natural languages and programming languages. In this paper, we describe these existing resources, which will serve as training and development data for the task, and discuss plans for building new independent test sets.

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Shared Task Proposal: Multilingual Surface Realization Using Universal Dependency Trees
Simon Mille | Bernd Bohnet | Leo Wanner | Anja Belz

We propose a shared task on multilingual Surface Realization, i.e., on mapping unordered and uninflected universal dependency trees to correctly ordered and inflected sentences in a number of languages. A second deeper input will be available in which, in addition, functional words, fine-grained PoS and morphological information will be removed from the input trees. The first shared task on Surface Realization was carried out in 2011 with a similar setup, with a focus on English. We think that it is time for relaunching such a shared task effort in view of the arrival of Universal Dependencies annotated treebanks for a large number of languages on the one hand, and the increasing dominance of Deep Learning, which proved to be a game changer for NLP, on the other hand.

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The WebNLG Challenge: Generating Text from RDF Data
Claire Gardent | Anastasia Shimorina | Shashi Narayan | Laura Perez-Beltrachini

The WebNLG challenge consists in mapping sets of RDF triples to text. It provides a common benchmark on which to train, evaluate and compare “microplanners”, i.e. generation systems that verbalise a given content by making a range of complex interacting choices including referring expression generation, aggregation, lexicalisation, surface realisation and sentence segmentation. In this paper, we introduce the microplanning task, describe data preparation, introduce our evaluation methodology, analyse participant results and provide a brief description of the participating systems.

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A Commercial Perspective on Reference
Ehud Reiter

I briefly describe some of the commercial work which XXX is doing in referring expression algorithms, and highlight differences between what is commercially important (at least to XXX) and the NLG research literature. In particular, XXX is less interested in generic reference algorithms than in high-quality algorithms for specific types of references, such as components of machines, named entities, and dates.

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Integrated sentence generation using charts
Alexander Koller | Nikos Engonopoulos

Integrating surface realization and the generation of referring expressions into a single algorithm can improve the quality of the generated sentences. Existing algorithms for doing this, such as SPUD and CRISP, are search-based and can be slow or incomplete. We offer a chart-based algorithm for integrated sentence generation and demonstrate its runtime efficiency.

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Adapting SimpleNLG to Spanish
Alejandro Ramos-Soto | Julio Janeiro-Gallardo | Alberto Bugarín Diz

We describe SimpleNLG-ES, an adaptation of the SimpleNLG realization library for the Spanish language. Our implementation is based on the bilingual English-French SimpleNLG-EnFr adaptation. The library has been tested using a battery of examples that ensure that the most common syntax, morphology and orthography rules for Spanish are met. The library is currently being used in three different projects for the development of data-to-text systems in the meteorological, statistical data information, and business intelligence application domains.

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G-TUNA: a corpus of referring expressions in German, including duration information
David Howcroft | Jorrig Vogels | Vera Demberg

Corpora of referring expressions elicited from human participants in a controlled environment are an important resource for research on automatic referring expression generation. We here present G-TUNA, a new corpus of referring expressions for German. Using the furniture stimuli set developed for the TUNA and D-TUNA corpora, our corpus extends on these corpora by providing data collected in a simulated driving dual-task setting, and additionally provides exact duration annotations for the spoken referring expressions. This corpus will hence allow researchers to analyze the interaction between referring expression length and speech rate, under conditions where the listener is under high vs. low cognitive load.

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Toward an NLG System for Bantu languages: first steps with Runyankore (demo)
Joan Byamugisha | C. Maria Keet | Brian DeRenzi

There are many domain-specific and language-specific NLG systems, of which it may be possible to adapt to related domains and languages. The languages in the Bantu language family have their own set of features distinct from other major groups, which therefore severely limits the options to bootstrap an NLG system from existing ones. We present here our first proof-of-concept application for knowledge-to-text NLG as a plugin to the Protege 5.x ontology development system, tailored to Runyankore, a Bantu language indigenous to Uganda. It comprises a basic annotation model for linguistic information such as noun class, an implementation of existing verbalisation rules and a CFG for verbs, and a basic interface for data entry.

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A working, non-trivial, topically indifferent NLG System for 17 languages
Robert Weißgraeber | Andreas Madsack

A fully fledged practical working application for a rule-based NLG system is presented that is able to create non-trivial, human sounding narrative from structured data, in any language and for any topic.

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Generating titles for millions of browse pages on an e-Commerce site
Prashant Mathur | Nicola Ueffing | Gregor Leusch

We present two approaches to generate titles for browse pages in five different languages, namely English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. These browse pages are structured search pages in an e-commerce domain. We first present a rule-based approach to generate these browse page titles. In addition, we also present a hybrid approach which uses a phrase-based statistical machine translation engine on top of the rule-based system to assemble the best title. For the two languages English and German we have access to a large amount of already available rule-based generated and curated titles. For these languages we present an automatic post-editing approach which learns how to post-edit the rule-based titles into curated titles.

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Towards Automatic Generation of Product Reviews from Aspect-Sentiment Scores
Hongyu Zang | Xiaojun Wan

Data-to-text generation is very essential and important in machine writing applications. The recent deep learning models, like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), have shown a bright future for relevant text generation tasks. However, rare work has been done for automatic generation of long reviews from user opinions. In this paper, we introduce a deep neural network model to generate long Chinese reviews from aspect-sentiment scores representing users’ opinions. We conduct our study within the framework of encoder-decoder networks, and we propose a hierarchical structure with aligned attention in the Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) decoder. Experiments show that our model outperforms retrieval based baseline methods, and also beats the sequential generation models in qualitative evaluations.

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A model of suspense for narrative generation
Richard Doust | Paul Piwek

Most work on automatic generation of narratives, and more specifically suspenseful narrative, has focused on detailed domain-specific modelling of character psychology and plot structure. Recent work in computational linguistics on the automatic learning of narrative schemas suggests an alternative approach that exploits such schemas as a starting point for modelling and measuring suspense. We propose a domain-independent model for tracking suspense in a story which can be used to predict the audience’s suspense response on a sentence-by-sentence basis at the content determination stage of narrative generation. The model lends itself as the theoretical foundation for a suspense module that is compatible with alternative narrative generation theories. The proposal is evaluated by human judges’ normalised average scores correlate strongly with predicted values.

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Data-Driven News Generation for Automated Journalism
Leo Leppänen | Myriam Munezero | Mark Granroth-Wilding | Hannu Toivonen

Despite increasing amounts of data and ever improving natural language generation techniques, work on automated journalism is still relatively scarce. In this paper, we explore the field and challenges associated with building a journalistic natural language generation system. We present a set of requirements that should guide system design, including transparency, accuracy, modifiability and transferability. Guided by the requirements, we present a data-driven architecture for automated journalism that is largely domain and language independent. We illustrate its practical application in the production of news articles about the 2017 Finnish municipal elections in three languages, demonstrating the successfulness of the data-driven, modular approach of the design. We then draw some lessons for future automated journalism.

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Data Augmentation for Visual Question Answering
Kushal Kafle | Mohammed Yousefhussien | Christopher Kanan

Data augmentation is widely used to train deep neural networks for image classification tasks. Simply flipping images can help learning tremendously by increasing the number of training images by a factor of two. However, little work has been done studying data augmentation in natural language processing. Here, we describe two methods for data augmentation for Visual Question Answering (VQA). The first uses existing semantic annotations to generate new questions. The second method is a generative approach using recurrent neural networks. Experiments show that the proposed data augmentation improves performance of both baseline and state-of-the-art VQA algorithms.

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Personalized Questions, Answers and Grammars: Aiding the Search for Relevant Web Information
Marta Gatius

This work proposes an organization of knowledge to facilitate the generation of personalized questions, answers and grammars from web documents. To reduce the human effort needed in the generation of the linguistic resources for a new domain, the general aspects that can be reuse across domains are separated from those more specific. The proposed approach is based on the representation of the main domain concepts as a set of attributes. These attributes are related to a syntactico-semantic taxonomy representing the general relationships between conceptual and linguistic knowledge. User models are incorporated by distinguishing different user groups and relating each group to the appropriate conceptual attributes. Then, the data is extracted from the web documents and represented as instances of the domain concepts. Questions, answers and grammars are generated from these instances.

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A Comparison of Neural Models for Word Ordering
Eva Hasler | Felix Stahlberg | Marcus Tomalin | Adrià de Gispert | Bill Byrne

We compare several language models for the word-ordering task and propose a new bag-to-sequence neural model based on attention-based sequence-to-sequence models. We evaluate the model on a large German WMT data set where it significantly outperforms existing models. We also describe a novel search strategy for LM-based word ordering and report results on the English Penn Treebank. Our best model setup outperforms prior work both in terms of speed and quality.

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Investigating the content and form of referring expressions in Mandarin: introducing the Mtuna corpus
Kees van Deemter | Le Sun | Rint Sybesma | Xiao Li | Bo Chen | Muyun Yang

East Asian languages are thought to handle reference differently from languages such as English, particularly in terms of the marking of definiteness and number. We present the first Data-Text corpus for Referring Expressions in Mandarin, and we use this corpus to test some initial hypotheses inspired by the theoretical linguistics literature. Our findings suggest that function words deserve more attention in Referring Expressions Generation than they have so far received, and they have a bearing on the debate about whether different languages make different trade-offs between clarity and brevity.

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Realization of long sentences using chunking
Ewa Muszyńska | Ann Copestake

We propose sentence chunking as a way to reduce the time and memory costs of realization of long sentences. During chunking we divide the semantic representation of a sentence into smaller components which can be processed and recombined without loss of information. Our meaning representation of choice is the Dependency Minimal Recursion Semantics (DMRS). We show that realizing chunks of a sentence and combining the results of such realizations increases the coverage for long sentences, significantly reduces the resources required and does not affect the quality of the realization.

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SaToS: Assessing and Summarising Terms of Services from German Webshops
Daniel Braun | Elena Scepankova | Patrick Holl | Florian Matthes

Every time we buy something online, we are confronted with Terms of Services. However, only a few people actually read these terms, before accepting them, often to their disadvantage. In this paper, we present the SaToS browser plugin which summarises and simplifies Terms of Services from German webshops.

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Textually Summarising Incomplete Data
Stephanie Inglis | Ehud Reiter | Somayajulu Sripada

Many data-to-text NLG systems work with data sets which are incomplete, ie some of the data is missing. We have worked with data journalists to understand how they describe incomplete data, and are building NLG algorithms based on these insights. A pilot evaluation showed mixed results, and highlighted several areas where we need to improve our system.

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Improving the generation of personalised descriptions
Thiago Castro Ferreira | Ivandré Paraboni

Referring expression generation (REG) models that use speaker-dependent information require a considerable amount of training data produced by every individual speaker, or may otherwise perform poorly. In this work we propose a simple personalised method for this task, in which speakers are grouped into profiles according to their referential behaviour. Intrinsic evaluation shows that the use of speaker’s profiles generally outperforms the personalised method found in previous work.

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Analysing Data-To-Text Generation Benchmarks
Laura Perez-Beltrachini | Claire Gardent

A generation system can only be as good as the data it is trained on. In this short paper, we propose a methodology for analysing data-to-text corpora used for training Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems. We apply this methodology to three existing benchmarks. We conclude by eliciting a set of criteria for the creation of a data-to-text benchmark which could help better support the development, evaluation and comparison of linguistically sophisticated data-to-text generators.

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Linguistic Description of Complex Phenomena with the rLDCP R Package
Jose Alonso | Patricia Conde-Clemente | Gracian Trivino

Monitoring and analysis of complex phenomena attract the attention of both academy and industry. Dealing with data produced by complex phenomena requires the use of advance computational intelligence techniques. Namely, linguistic description of complex phenomena constitutes a mature research line. It is supported by the Computational Theory of Perceptions grounded on the Fuzzy Sets Theory. Its aim is the development of computational systems with the ability to generate vague descriptions of the world in a similar way how humans do. This is a human-centric and multi-disciplinary research work. Moreover, its success is a matter of careful design; thus, developers play a key role. The rLDCP R package was designed to facilitate the development of new applications. This demo introduces the use of rLDCP, for both beginners and advance developers, in practical use cases.

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A demo of FORGe: the Pompeu Fabra Open Rule-based Generator
Simon Mille | Leo Wanner

This demo paper presents the multilingual deep sentence generator developed by the TALN group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, implemented as a series of rule-based graph-transducers for the syntacticization of the input graphs, the resolution of morphological agreements, and the linearization of the trees.

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Referential Success of Set Referring Expressions with Fuzzy Properties
Nicolás Marín | Gustavo Rivas-Gervilla | Daniel Sánchez

We introduce the properties to be satisfied by measures of referential success of set referring expressions with fuzzy properties. We define families of measures on the basis of n-cardinality measures and we illustrate some of them with a toy example.

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Neural Response Generation for Customer Service based on Personality Traits
Jonathan Herzig | Michal Shmueli-Scheuer | Tommy Sandbank | David Konopnicki

We present a neural response generation model that generates responses conditioned on a target personality. The model learns high level features based on the target personality, and uses them to update its hidden state. Our model achieves performance improvements in both perplexity and BLEU scores over a baseline sequence-to-sequence model, and is validated by human judges.

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Neural Paraphrase Generation using Transfer Learning
Florin Brad | Traian Rebedea

Progress in statistical paraphrase generation has been hindered for a long time by the lack of large monolingual parallel corpora. In this paper, we adapt the neural machine translation approach to paraphrase generation and perform transfer learning from the closely related task of entailment generation. We evaluate the model on the Microsoft Research Paraphrase (MSRP) corpus and show that the model is able to generate sentences that capture part of the original meaning, but fails to pick up on important words or to show large lexical variation.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 13th Joint ISO-ACL Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-13)

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Proceedings of the 13th Joint ISO-ACL Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-13)

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Evaluating discourse annotation: Some recent insights and new approaches
Jet Hoek | Merel Scholman

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A semantically-based approach to the annotation of narrative style
Rodolfo Delmonte | Giulia Marchesi

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Annotating similes in literary texts
Suzanne Mpouli

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Revisiting the ISO standard for dialogue act annotation
Harry Bunt | Volha Petukhova | Alex Chengyu Fang

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Annotation of greeting, introduction, and leavetaking in dialogues
Emer Gilmartin | Brendan Spillane | Maria O’Reilly | Christian Saam | Ketong Su | Benjamin R. Cowan | Killian Levacher | Arturo Calvo Devesa | Lodana Cerrato | Nick Campbell | Vincent Wade

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Classification of modal meaning in negotiation dialogues
Valeria Lapina | Volha Petukhova

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Project Notes on building a conversational parser on top of a text parser: Towards a causal language tagger for spoken Chinese
Andreas Liesenfeld

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The representation and extraction of qunatitative information
Tianyong Hao | Yunyan We | Jiaqi Qiang | Haitao Wang | Kiyong Lee

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Towards interoperable annotation of quantification
Harry Bunt

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PACTE: A colloaborative platform for textual annotation
Pierre André Ménard | Caroline Barrière

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Interoperable annotation of (co)references in the Democrat project
Loïc Grobol | Frédéric Landragin | Serge Heiden

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Four types of emporal signals
Kiyong Lee

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Temporal@ODIL project: Adapting ISO-TimeML to syntactic treebanks for the temporal annotation of spoken speech
Jean-Yves Antoine | Jakub Wasczuk | Anaïs Lefeuvre-Haftermeyer | Lotfi Abouda | Emmanuel Schang | Agata Savary

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Towards efficient string processing of annotated events
David Woods | Tim Fernando | Carl Vogel

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Enriching the Notion of Path in ISO-Space
James Pustejovsky | Kiyong Lee


bib (full) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Long papers

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Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Long papers
Claire Gardent | Christian Retoré

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A Type-Theoretical system for the FraCaS test suite: Grammatical Framework meets Coq
Jean-Philippe Bernardy | Stergios Chatzikyriakidis

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Extracting word lists for domain-specific implicit opinions from corpora
Núria Bertomeu Castelló | Manfred Stede

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Is Structure Necessary for Modeling Argument Expectations in Distributional Semantics?
Emmanuele Chersoni | Enrico Santus | Philippe Blache | Alessandro Lenci

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Semantic Variation in Online Communities of Practice
Marco Del Tredici | Raquel Fernández

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Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype
Martin Diller | Adam Wyner | Hannes Strass

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Semantic Composition via Probabilistic Model Theory
Guy Emerson | Ann Copestake

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Towards an Inferential Lexicon of Event Selecting Predicates for French
Ingrid Falk | Fabienne Martin

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Learning to Compose Spatial Relations with Grounded Neural Language Models
Mehdi Ghanimifard | Simon Dobnik

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If Sentences Could See: Investigating Visual Information for Semantic Textual Similarity
Goran Glavaš | Ivan Vulić | Simone Paolo Ponzetto

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A constrained graph algebra for semantic parsing with AMRs
Jonas Groschwitz | Meaghan Fowlie | Mark Johnson | Alexander Koller

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Coarse Semantic Classification of Rare Nouns Using Cross-Lingual Data and Recurrent Neural Networks
Oliver Hellwig

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Extracting hypernym relations from Wikipedia disambiguation pages : comparing symbolic and machine learning approaches
Mouna Kamel | Cassia Trojahn | Adel Ghamnia | Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles | Cécile Fabre

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A Geometric Method for Detecting Semantic Coercion
Stephen McGregor | Elisabetta Jezek | Matthew Purver | Geraint Wiggins

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Exploring Substitutability through Discourse Adverbials and Multiple Judgments
Hannah Rohde | Anna Dickinson | Nathan Schneider | Annie Louis | Bonnie Webber

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Finite state intensional semantics
Mats Rooth

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When Conditional Logic met Connexive Logic
Mathieu Vidal

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Comprehensive annotation of cross-linguistic variation in tense and aspect categories
Mark-Matthias Zymla


bib (full) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Short papers

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Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Short papers
Claire Gardent | Christian Retoré

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Towards Universal Semantic Tagging
Lasha Abzianidze | Johan Bos

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Propbank Annotation of Danish Noun Frames
Eckhard Bick

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Deep Learning of Binary and Gradient Judgements for Semantic Paraphrase
Yuri Bizzoni | Shalom Lappin

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Living a discrete life in a continuous world: Reference in cross-modal entity tracking
Gemma Boleda | Sebastian Padó | Nghia The Pham | Marco Baroni

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Indexicals and Compositionality: Inside-Out or Outside-In?
Johan Bos

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A Semantically-Based Computational Approach to Narrative Structure
Rodolfo Delmonte | Giulia Marchesini

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Graph Databases for Designing High-Performance Speech Recognition Grammars
Maria Di Maro | Marco Valentino | Anna Riccio | Antonio Origlia

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Bigger does not mean better! We prefer specificity
Emmanuelle Dusserre | Muntsa Padró

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Utilizing Automatic Predicate-Argument Analysis for Concept Map Mining
Tobias Falke | Iryna Gurevych

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Contextual Characteristics of Concrete and Abstract Words
Diego Frassinelli | Daniela Naumann | Jason Utt | Sabine Schulte m Walde

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Surprisal and Satisfaction: Towards an Information-theoretic Characterization of Presuppositions with a Diachronic Application
Remus Gergel | Martin Kopf-Giammanco | Julia Masloh

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Incorporating visual features into word embeddings: A bimodal autoencoder-based approach
Mika Hasegawa | Tetsunori Kobayashi | Yoshihiko Hayashi

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Feedback relevance spaces: The organisation of increments in conversation
Christine Howes | Arash Eshghi

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Modeling Quantification with Polysemous Nouns
Laura Kallmeyer | Rainer Osswald

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Textual Inference: getting logic from humans
Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli | Livy Real | Valeria de Paiva

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Situating Word Senses in their Historical Context with Linked Data
Fahad Khan | Jack Bowers | Francesca Frontini

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An Object-oriented Model of Role Framing and Attitude Prediction
Manfred Klenner

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Argument Structure and Referent Systems
Marcus Kracht | Yousuf Aboamer

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Communicating and Acting: Understanding Gesture in Simulation Semantics
Nikhil Krishnaswamy | Pradyumna Narayana | Isaac Wang | Kyeongmin Rim | Rahul Bangar | Dhruva Patil | Gururaj Mulay | Ross Beveridge | Jaime Ruiz | Bruce Draper | James Pustejovsky

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Ambiguss, a game for building a Sense Annotated Corpus for French
Mathieu Lafourcade | Nathalie Le Brun

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The Pragmatics of Indirect Commands in Collaborative Discourse
Matthew Lamm | Mihail Eric

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Are doggies really nicer than dogs? The impact of morphological derivation on emotional valence in German
Gabriella Lapesa | Sebastian Padó | Tillmann Pross | Antje Rossdeutscher

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Compositionality for perceptual classification
Staffan Larsson

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Dual Embeddings and Metrics for Relational Similarity
Dandan Li | Douglas Summers-Stay

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Action Languages and Question Answering
Yuliya Lierler | Daniela Inclezan | Michael Gelfond

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Using Neural Word Embeddings in the Analysis of the Clinical Semantic Verbal Fluency Task
Nicklas Linz | Johannes Tröger | Jan Alexandersson | Alexandra König

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Neural Disambiguation of Causal Lexical Markers Based on Context
Eugenio Martínez-Cámara | Vered Shwartz | Iryna Gurevych | Ido Dagan

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Modeling Derivational Morphology in Ukrainian
Mariia Melymuka | Gabriella Lapesa | Max Kisselew | Sebastian Padó

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Evaluation Metrics for Automatically Generated Metaphorical Expressions
Akira Miyazawa | Yusuke Miyao

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Network Visualisations for Exploring Political Concepts
Paul Nulty

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Distributional Lesk: Effective Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Dieke Oele | Gertjan van Noord

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Unsupervised Induction of Compositional Types for English Adjective-Noun Pairs
Wiebke Petersen | Oliver Hellwig

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There’s no ‘Count or Predict’ but task-based selection for distributional models
Martin Riedl | Chris Biemann

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Role Semantics for Better Models of Implicit Discourse Relations
Michael Roth

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Representation Learning for Answer Selection with LSTM-Based Importance Weighting
Andreas Rücklé | Iryna Gurevych

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Skip-Prop: Representing Sentences with One Vector Per Proposition
Rachel Rudinger | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme

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Handling Multiword Expressions in Causality Estimation
Shota Sasaki | Sho Takase | Naoya Inoue | Naoaki Okazaki | Kentaro Inui

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Vision and Language Integration: Moving beyond Objects
Ravi Shekhar | Sandro Pezzelle | Aurélie Herbelot | Moin Nabi | Enver Sangineto | Raffaella Bernardi

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Can You See the (Linguistic) Difference? Exploring Mass/Count Distinction in Vision
David Addison Smith | Sandro Pezzelle | Francesca Franzon | Chiara Zanini | Raffaella Bernardi

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Sense Embeddings in Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Loïc Vial | Benjamin Lecouteux | Didier Schwab

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LexSubNC: A Dataset of Lexical Substitution for Nominal Compounds
Rodrigo Wilkens | Leonardo Zilio | Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro | Felipe Paula | Carlos Ramisch | Marco Idiart | Aline Villavicencio

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Exploring Soft-Clustering for German (Particle) Verbs across Frequency Ranges
Moritz Wittmann | Maximilian Köper | Sabine Schulte im Walde

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Towards Semantic Modeling of Contradictions and Disagreements: A Case Study of Medical Guidelines
Wlodek Zadrozny | Hossein Hematialam | Luciana Garbayo

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An Evaluation of PredPatt and Open IE via Stage 1 Semantic Role Labeling
Sheng Zhang | Rachel Rudinger | Benjamin Van Durme


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Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Parsing Technologies

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Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Parsing Technologies
Yusuke Miyao | Kenji Sagae

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Automatically Acquired Lexical Knowledge Improves Japanese Joint Morphological and Dependency Analysis
Daisuke Kawahara | Yuta Hayashibe | Hajime Morita | Sadao Kurohashi

This paper presents a joint model for morphological and dependency analysis based on automatically acquired lexical knowledge. This model takes advantage of rich lexical knowledge to simultaneously resolve word segmentation, POS, and dependency ambiguities. In our experiments on Japanese, we show the effectiveness of our joint model over conventional pipeline models.

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Dependency Language Models for Transition-based Dependency Parsing
Juntao Yu | Bernd Bohnet

In this paper, we present an approach to improve the accuracy of a strong transition-based dependency parser by exploiting dependency language models that are extracted from a large parsed corpus. We integrated a small number of features based on the dependency language models into the parser. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we evaluate our parser on standard English and Chinese data where the base parser could achieve competitive accuracy scores. Our enhanced parser achieved state-of-the-art accuracy on Chinese data and competitive results on English data. We gained a large absolute improvement of one point (UAS) on Chinese and 0.5 points for English.

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Lexicalized vs. Delexicalized Parsing in Low-Resource Scenarios
Agnieszka Falenska | Özlem Çetinoğlu

We present a systematic analysis of lexicalized vs. delexicalized parsing in low-resource scenarios, and propose a methodology to choose one method over another under certain conditions. We create a set of simulation experiments on 41 languages and apply our findings to 9 low-resource languages. Experimental results show that our methodology chooses the best approach in 8 out of 9 cases.

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Improving neural tagging with lexical information
Benoît Sagot | Héctor Martínez Alonso

Neural part-of-speech tagging has achieved competitive results with the incorporation of character-based and pre-trained word embeddings. In this paper, we show that a state-of-the-art bi-LSTM tagger can benefit from using information from morphosyntactic lexicons as additional input. The tagger, trained on several dozen languages, shows a consistent, average improvement when using lexical information, even when also using character-based embeddings, thus showing the complementarity of the different sources of lexical information. The improvements are particularly important for the smaller datasets.

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Prepositional Phrase Attachment over Word Embedding Products
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha | Xavier Carreras | Ariadna Quattoni

We present a low-rank multi-linear model for the task of solving prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity (PP task). Our model exploits tensor products of word embeddings, capturing all possible conjunctions of latent embeddings. Our results on a wide range of datasets and task settings show that tensor products are the best compositional operation and that a relatively simple multi-linear model that uses only word embeddings of lexical features can outperform more complex non-linear architectures that exploit the same information. Our proposed model gives the current best reported performance on an out-of-domain evaluation and performs competively on out-of-domain dependency parsing datasets.

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L1-L2 Parallel Dependency Treebank as Learner Corpus
John Lee | Keying Li | Herman Leung

This opinion paper proposes the use of parallel treebank as learner corpus. We show how an L1-L2 parallel treebank — i.e., parse trees of non-native sentences, aligned to the parse trees of their target hypotheses — can facilitate retrieval of sentences with specific learner errors. We argue for its benefits, in terms of corpus re-use and interoperability, over a conventional learner corpus annotated with error tags. As a proof of concept, we conduct a case study on word-order errors made by learners of Chinese as a foreign language. We report precision and recall in retrieving a range of word-order error categories from L1-L2 tree pairs annotated in the Universal Dependency framework.

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Splitting Complex English Sentences
John Lee | J. Buddhika K. Pathirage Don

This paper applies parsing technology to the task of syntactic simplification of English sentences, focusing on the identification of text spans that can be removed from a complex sentence. We report the most comprehensive evaluation to-date on this task, using a dataset of sentences that exhibit simplification based on coordination, subordination, punctuation/parataxis, adjectival clauses, participial phrases, and appositive phrases. We train a decision tree with features derived from text span length, POS tags and dependency relations, and show that it significantly outperforms a parser-only baseline.

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Hierarchical Word Structure-based Parsing: A Feasibility Study on UD-style Dependency Parsing in Japanese
Takaaki Tanaka | Katsuhiko Hayashi | Masaaki Nagata

In applying word-based dependency parsing such as Universal Dependencies (UD) to Japanese, the uncertainty of word segmentation emerges for defining a word unit of the dependencies. We introduce the following hierarchical word structures to dependency parsing in Japanese: morphological units (a short unit word, SUW) and syntactic units (a long unit word, LUW). An SUW can be used to segment a sentence consistently, while it is too short to represent syntactic construction. An LUW is a unit including functional multiwords and LUW-based analysis facilitates the capturing of syntactic structure and makes parsing results more precise than SUW-based analysis. This paper describes the results of a feasibility study on the ability and the effectiveness of parsing methods based on hierarchical word structure (LUW chunking+parsing) in comparison to single layer word structure (SUW parsing). We also show joint analysis of LUW-chunking and dependency parsing improves the performance of identifying predicate-argument structures, while there is not much difference between overall results of them. not much difference between overall results of them.

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Leveraging Newswire Treebanks for Parsing Conversational Data with Argument Scrambling
Riyaz A. Bhat | Irshad Bhat | Dipti Sharma

We investigate the problem of parsing conversational data of morphologically-rich languages such as Hindi where argument scrambling occurs frequently. We evaluate a state-of-the-art non-linear transition-based parsing system on a new dataset containing 506 dependency trees for sentences from Bollywood (Hindi) movie scripts and Twitter posts of Hindi monolingual speakers. We show that a dependency parser trained on a newswire treebank is strongly biased towards the canonical structures and degrades when applied to conversational data. Inspired by Transformational Generative Grammar (Chomsky, 1965), we mitigate the sampling bias by generating all theoretically possible alternative word orders of a clause from the existing (kernel) structures in the treebank. Training our parser on canonical and transformed structures improves performance on conversational data by around 9% LAS over the baseline newswire parser.

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Using hyperlinks to improve multilingual partial parsers
Anders Søgaard

Syntactic annotation is costly and not available for the vast majority of the world’s languages. We show that sometimes we can do away with less labeled data by exploiting more readily available forms of mark-up. Specifically, we revisit an idea from Valentin Spitkovsky’s work (2010), namely that hyperlinks typically bracket syntactic constituents or chunks. We strengthen his results by showing that not only can hyperlinks help in low resource scenarios, exemplified here by Quechua, but learning from hyperlinks can also improve state-of-the-art NLP models for English newswire. We also present out-of-domain evaluation on English Ontonotes 4.0.

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Correcting prepositional phrase attachments using multimodal corpora
Sebastien Delecraz | Alexis Nasr | Frederic Bechet | Benoit Favre

PP-attachments are an important source of errors in parsing natural language. We propose in this article to use data coming from a multimodal corpus, combining textual, visual and conceptual information, as well as a correction strategy, to propose alternative attachments in the output of a parser.

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Exploiting Structure in Parsing to 1-Endpoint-Crossing Graphs
Robin Kurtz | Marco Kuhlmann

Deep dependency parsing can be cast as the search for maximum acyclic subgraphs in weighted digraphs. Because this search problem is intractable in the general case, we consider its restriction to the class of 1-endpoint-crossing (1ec) graphs, which has high coverage on standard data sets. Our main contribution is a characterization of 1ec graphs as a subclass of the graphs with pagenumber at most 3. Building on this we show how to extend an existing parsing algorithm for 1-endpoint-crossing trees to the full class. While the runtime complexity of the extended algorithm is polynomial in the length of the input sentence, it features a large constant, which poses a challenge for practical implementations.

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Effective Online Reordering with Arc-Eager Transitions
Ryosuke Kohita | Hiroshi Noji | Yuji Matsumoto

We present a new transition system with word reordering for unrestricted non-projective dependency parsing. Our system is based on decomposed arc-eager rather than arc-standard, which allows more flexible ambiguity resolution between a local projective and non-local crossing attachment. In our experiment on Universal Dependencies 2.0, we find our parser outperforms the ordinary swap-based parser particularly on languages with a large amount of non-projectivity.

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Arc-Hybrid Non-Projective Dependency Parsing with a Static-Dynamic Oracle
Miryam de Lhoneux | Sara Stymne | Joakim Nivre

In this paper, we extend the arc-hybrid system for transition-based parsing with a swap transition that enables reordering of the words and construction of non-projective trees. Although this extension breaks the arc-decomposability of the transition system, we show how the existing dynamic oracle for this system can be modified and combined with a static oracle only for the swap transition. Experiments on 5 languages show that the new system gives competitive accuracy and is significantly better than a system trained with a purely static oracle.

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Encoder-Decoder Shift-Reduce Syntactic Parsing
Jiangming Liu | Yue Zhang

Encoder-decoder neural networks have been used for many NLP tasks, such as neural machine translation. They have also been applied to constituent parsing by using bracketed tree structures as a target language, translating input sentences into syntactic trees. A more commonly used method to linearize syntactic trees is the shift-reduce system, which uses a sequence of transition-actions to build trees. We empirically investigate the effectiveness of applying the encoder-decoder network to transition-based parsing. On standard benchmarks, our system gives comparable results to the stack LSTM parser for dependency parsing, and significantly better results compared to the aforementioned parser for constituent parsing, which uses bracketed tree formats.

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Arc-Standard Spinal Parsing with Stack-LSTMs
Miguel Ballesteros | Xavier Carreras

We present a neural transition-based parser for spinal trees, a dependency representation of constituent trees. The parser uses Stack-LSTMs that compose constituent nodes with dependency-based derivations. In experiments, we show that this model adapts to different styles of dependency relations, but this choice has little effect for predicting constituent structure, suggesting that LSTMs induce useful states by themselves.

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Coarse-To-Fine Parsing for Expressive Grammar Formalisms
Christoph Teichmann | Alexander Koller | Jonas Groschwitz

We generalize coarse-to-fine parsing to grammar formalisms that are more expressive than PCFGs and/or describe languages of trees or graphs. We evaluate our algorithm on PCFG, PTAG, and graph parsing. While we achieve the expected performance gains on PCFGs, coarse-to-fine does not help for PTAG and can even slow down parsing for graphs. We discuss the implications of this finding.

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Evaluating LSTM models for grammatical function labelling
Bich-Ngoc Do | Ines Rehbein

To improve grammatical function labelling for German, we augment the labelling component of a neural dependency parser with a decision history. We present different ways to encode the history, using different LSTM architectures, and show that our models yield significant improvements, resulting in a LAS for German that is close to the best result from the SPMRL 2014 shared task (without the reranker).


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Proceedings of the Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature

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Proceedings of the Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature
Beatrice Alex | Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb | Anna Feldman | Anna Kazantseva | Nils Reiter | Stan Szpakowicz

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Metaphor Detection in a Poetry Corpus
Vaibhav Kesarwani | Diana Inkpen | Stan Szpakowicz | Chris Tanasescu

Metaphor is indispensable in poetry. It showcases the poet’s creativity, and contributes to the overall emotional pertinence of the poem while honing its specific rhetorical impact. Previous work on metaphor detection relies on either rule-based or statistical models, none of them applied to poetry. Our method focuses on metaphor detection in a poetry corpus. It combines rule-based and statistical models (word embeddings) to develop a new classification system. Our system has achieved a precision of 0.759 and a recall of 0.804 in identifying one type of metaphor in poetry.

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Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of the Sumerian Language
Émilie Pagé-Perron | Maria Sukhareva | Ilya Khait | Christian Chiarcos

This paper presents a newly funded international project for machine translation and automated analysis of ancient cuneiform languages where NLP specialists and Assyriologists collaborate to create an information retrieval system for Sumerian. This research is conceived in response to the need to translate large numbers of administrative texts that are only available in transcription, in order to make them accessible to a wider audience. The methodology includes creation of a specialized NLP pipeline and also the use of linguistic linked open data to increase access to the results.

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Investigating the Relationship between Literary Genres and Emotional Plot Development
Evgeny Kim | Sebastian Padó | Roman Klinger

Literary genres are commonly viewed as being defined in terms of content and stylistic features. In this paper, we focus on one particular class of lexical features, namely emotion information, and investigate the hypothesis that emotion-related information correlates with particular genres. Using genre classification as a testbed, we compare a model that computes lexicon-based emotion scores globally for complete stories with a model that tracks emotion arcs through stories on a subset of Project Gutenberg with five genres. Our main findings are: (a), the global emotion model is competitive with a large-vocabulary bag-of-words genre classifier (80%F1); (b), the emotion arc model shows a lower performance (59 % F1) but shows complementary behavior to the global model, as indicated by a very good performance of an oracle model (94 % F1) and an improved performance of an ensemble model (84 % F1); (c), genres differ in the extent to which stories follow the same emotional arcs, with particularly uniform behavior for anger (mystery) and fear (adventures, romance, humor, science fiction).

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Enjambment Detection in a Large Diachronic Corpus of Spanish Sonnets
Pablo Ruiz Fabo | Clara Martínez Cantón | Thierry Poibeau | Elena González-Blanco

Enjambment takes place when a syntactic unit is broken up across two lines of poetry, giving rise to different stylistic effects. In Spanish literary studies, there are unclear points about the types of stylistic effects that can arise, and under which linguistic conditions. To systematically gather evidence about this, we developed a system to automatically identify enjambment (and its type) in Spanish. For evaluation, we manually annotated a reference corpus covering different periods. As a scholarly corpus to apply the tool, from public HTML sources we created a diachronic corpus covering four centuries of sonnets (3750 poems), and we analyzed the occurrence of enjambment across stanzaic boundaries in different periods. Besides, we found examples that highlight limitations in current definitions of enjambment.

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Plotting Markson’s “Mistress”
Conor Kelleher | Mark Keane

The post-modern novel “Wittgenstein’s Mistress” by David Markson (1988) presents the reader with a very challenging non-linear narrative, that itself appears to one of the novel’s themes. We present a distant reading of this work designed to complement a close reading of it by David Foster Wallace (1990). Using a combination of text analysis, entity recognition and networks, we plot repetitive structures in the novel’s narrative relating them to its critical analysis.

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Annotation Challenges for Reconstructing the Structural Elaboration of Middle Low German
Nina Seemann | Marie-Luis Merten | Michaela Geierhos | Doris Tophinke | Eyke Hüllermeier

In this paper, we present the annotation challenges we have encountered when working on a historical language that was undergoing elaboration processes. We especially focus on syntactic ambiguity and gradience in Middle Low German, which causes uncertainty to some extent. Since current annotation tools consider construction contexts and the dynamics of the grammaticalization only partially, we plan to extend CorA - a web-based annotation tool for historical and other non-standard language data - to capture elaboration phenomena and annotator unsureness. Moreover, we seek to interactively learn morphological as well as syntactic annotations.

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Phonological Soundscapes in Medieval Poetry
Christopher Hench

The oral component of medieval poetry was integral to its performance and reception. Yet many believe that the medieval voice has been forever lost, and any attempts at rediscovering it are doomed to failure due to scribal practices, manuscript mouvance, and linguistic normalization in editing practices. This paper offers a method to abstract from this noise and better understand relative differences in phonological soundscapes by considering syllable qualities. The presented syllabification method and soundscape analysis offer themselves as cross-disciplinary tools for low-resource languages. As a case study, we examine medieval German lyric and argue that the heavily debated lyrical ‘I’ follows a unique trajectory through soundscapes, shedding light on the performance and practice of these poets.

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An End-to-end Environment for Research Question-Driven Entity Extraction and Network Analysis
Andre Blessing | Nora Echelmeyer | Markus John | Nils Reiter

This paper presents an approach to extract co-occurrence networks from literary texts. It is a deliberate decision not to aim for a fully automatic pipeline, as the literary research questions need to guide both the definition of the nature of the things that co-occur as well as how to decide co-occurrence. We showcase the approach on a Middle High German romance, Parzival. Manual inspection and discussion shows the huge impact various choices have.

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Modeling intra-textual variation with entropy and surprisal: topical vs. stylistic patterns
Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb | Elke Teich

We present a data-driven approach to investigate intra-textual variation by combining entropy and surprisal. With this approach we detect linguistic variation based on phrasal lexico-grammatical patterns across sections of research articles. Entropy is used to detect patterns typical of specific sections. Surprisal is used to differentiate between more and less informationally-loaded patterns as well as type of information (topical vs. stylistic). While we here focus on research articles in biology/genetics, the methodology is especially interesting for digital humanities scholars, as it can be applied to any text type or domain and combined with additional variables (e.g. time, author or social group).

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Finding a Character’s Voice: Stylome Classification on Literary Characters
Liviu P. Dinu | Ana Sabina Uban

We investigate in this paper the problem of classifying the stylome of characters in a literary work. Previous research in the field of authorship attribution has shown that the writing style of an author can be characterized and distinguished from that of other authors automatically. In this paper we take a look at the less approached problem of how the styles of different characters can be distinguished, trying to verify if an author managed to create believable characters with individual styles. We present the results of some initial experiments developed on the novel “Liaisons Dangereuses”, showing that a simple bag of words model can be used to classify the characters.

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An Ontology-Based Method for Extracting and Classifying Domain-Specific Compositional Nominal Compounds
Maria Pia di Buono

In this paper, we present our preliminary study on an ontology-based method to extract and classify compositional nominal compounds in specific domains of knowledge. This method is based on the assumption that, applying a conceptual model to represent knowledge domain, it is possible to improve the extraction and classification of lexicon occurrences for that domain in a semi-automatic way. We explore the possibility of extracting and classifying a specific construction type (nominal compounds) spanning a specific domain (Cultural Heritage) and a specific language (Italian).

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Speeding up corpus development for linguistic research: language documentation and acquisition in Romansh Tuatschin
Géraldine Walther | Benoît Sagot

In this paper, we present ongoing work for developing language resources and basic NLP tools for an undocumented variety of Romansh, in the context of a language documentation and language acquisition project. Our tools are meant to improve the speed and reliability of corpus annotations for noisy data involving large amounts of code-switching, occurrences of child-speech and orthographic noise. Being able to increase the efficiency of language resource development for language documentation and acquisition research also constitutes a step towards solving the data sparsity issues with which researchers have been struggling.

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Distantly Supervised POS Tagging of Low-Resource Languages under Extreme Data Sparsity: The Case of Hittite
Maria Sukhareva | Francesco Fuscagni | Johannes Daxenberger | Susanne Görke | Doris Prechel | Iryna Gurevych

This paper presents a statistical approach to automatic morphosyntactic annotation of Hittite transcripts. Hittite is an extinct Indo-European language using the cuneiform script. There are currently no morphosyntactic annotations available for Hittite, so we explored methods of distant supervision. The annotations were projected from parallel German translations of the Hittite texts. In order to reduce data sparsity, we applied stemming of German and Hittite texts. As there is no off-the-shelf Hittite stemmer, a stemmer for Hittite was developed for this purpose. The resulting annotation projections were used to train a POS tagger, achieving an accuracy of 69% on a test sample. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt of statistical POS tagging of a cuneiform language.

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A Dataset for Sanskrit Word Segmentation
Amrith Krishna | Pavan Kumar Satuluri | Pawan Goyal

The last decade saw a surge in digitisation efforts for ancient manuscripts in Sanskrit. Due to various linguistic peculiarities inherent to the language, even the preliminary tasks such as word segmentation are non-trivial in Sanskrit. Elegant models for Word Segmentation in Sanskrit are indispensable for further syntactic and semantic processing of the manuscripts. Current works in word segmentation for Sanskrit, though commendable in their novelty, often have variations in their objective and evaluation criteria. In this work, we set the record straight. We formally define the objectives and the requirements for the word segmentation task. In order to encourage research in the field and to alleviate the time and effort required in pre-processing, we release a dataset of 115,000 sentences for word segmentation. For each sentence in the dataset we include the input character sequence, ground truth segmentation, and additionally lexical and morphological information about all the phonetically possible segments for the given sentence. In this work, we also discuss the linguistic considerations made while generating the candidate space of the possible segments.

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Lexical Correction of Polish Twitter Political Data
Maciej Ogrodniczuk | Mateusz Kopeć

Language processing architectures are often evaluated in near-to-perfect conditions with respect to processed content. The tools which perform sufficiently well on electronic press, books and other type of non-interactive content may poorly handle littered, colloquial and multilingual textual data which make the majority of communication today. This paper aims at investigating how Polish Twitter data (in a slightly controlled ‘political’ flavour) differs from expectation of linguistic tools and how they could be corrected to be ready for processing by standard language processing chains available for Polish. The setting includes specialised components for spelling correction of tweets as well as hashtag and username decoding.


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Proceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop

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Proceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Nathan Schneider | Nianwen Xue

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Readers vs. Writers vs. Texts: Coping with Different Perspectives of Text Understanding in Emotion Annotation
Sven Buechel | Udo Hahn

We here examine how different perspectives of understanding written discourse, like the reader’s, the writer’s or the text’s point of view, affect the quality of emotion annotations. We conducted a series of annotation experiments on two corpora, a popular movie review corpus and a genre- and domain-balanced corpus of standard English. We found statistical evidence that the writer’s perspective yields superior annotation quality overall. However, the quality one perspective yields compared to the other(s) seems to depend on the domain the utterance originates from. Our data further suggest that the popular movie review data set suffers from an atypical bimodal distribution which may decrease model performance when used as a training resource.

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Finding Good Conversations Online: The Yahoo News Annotated Comments Corpus
Courtney Napoles | Joel Tetreault | Aasish Pappu | Enrica Rosato | Brian Provenzale

This work presents a dataset and annotation scheme for the new task of identifying “good” conversations that occur online, which we call ERICs: Engaging, Respectful, and/or Informative Conversations. We develop a taxonomy to reflect features of entire threads and individual comments which we believe contribute to identifying ERICs; code a novel dataset of Yahoo News comment threads (2.4k threads and 10k comments) and 1k threads from the Internet Argument Corpus; and analyze the features characteristic of ERICs. This is one of the largest annotated corpora of online human dialogues, with the most detailed set of annotations. It will be valuable for identifying ERICs and other aspects of argumentation, dialogue, and discourse.

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Crowdsourcing discourse interpretations: On the influence of context and the reliability of a connective insertion task
Merel Scholman | Vera Demberg

Traditional discourse annotation tasks are considered costly and time-consuming, and the reliability and validity of these tasks is in question. In this paper, we investigate whether crowdsourcing can be used to obtain reliable discourse relation annotations. We also examine the influence of context on the reliability of the data. The results of a crowdsourced connective insertion task showed that the method can be used to obtain reliable annotations: The majority of the inserted connectives converged with the original label. Further, the method is sensitive to the fact that multiple senses can often be inferred for a single relation. Regarding the presence of context, the results show no significant difference in distributions of insertions between conditions overall. However, a by-item comparison revealed several characteristics of segments that determine whether the presence of context makes a difference in annotations. The findings discussed in this paper can be taken as evidence that crowdsourcing can be used as a valuable method to obtain insights into the sense(s) of relations.

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A Code-Switching Corpus of Turkish-German Conversations
Özlem Çetinoğlu

We present a code-switching corpus of Turkish-German that is collected by recording conversations of bilinguals. The recordings are then transcribed in two layers following speech and orthography conventions, and annotated with sentence boundaries and intersentential, intrasentential, and intra-word switch points. The total amount of data is 5 hours of speech which corresponds to 3614 sentences. The corpus aims at serving as a resource for speech or text analysis, as well as a collection for linguistic inquiries.

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Annotating omission in statement pairs
Héctor Martínez Alonso | Amaury Delamaire | Benoît Sagot

We focus on the identification of omission in statement pairs. We compare three annotation schemes, namely two different crowdsourcing schemes and manual expert annotation. We show that the simplest of the two crowdsourcing approaches yields a better annotation quality than the more complex one. We use a dedicated classifier to assess whether the annotators’ behavior can be explained by straightforward linguistic features. The classifier benefits from a modeling that uses lexical information beyond length and overlap measures. However, for our task, we argue that expert and not crowdsourcing-based annotation is the best compromise between annotation cost and quality.

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Annotating Speech, Attitude and Perception Reports
Corien Bary | Leopold Hess | Kees Thijs | Peter Berck | Iris Hendrickx

We present REPORTS, an annotation scheme for the annotation of speech, attitude and perception reports. Such a scheme makes it possible to annotate the various text elements involved in such reports (e.g. embedding entity, complement, complement head) and their relations in a uniform way, which in turn facilitates the automatic extraction of information on, for example, complementation and vocabulary distribution. We also present the Ancient Greek corpus RAG (Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War), to which we have applied this scheme using the annotation tool BRAT. We discuss some of the issues, both theoretical and practical, that we encountered, show how the corpus helps in answering specific questions, and conclude that REPORTS fitted in well with our needs.

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Consistent Classification of Translation Revisions: A Case Study of English-Japanese Student Translations
Atsushi Fujita | Kikuko Tanabe | Chiho Toyoshima | Mayuka Yamamoto | Kyo Kageura | Anthony Hartley

Consistency is a crucial requirement in text annotation. It is especially important in educational applications, as lack of consistency directly affects learners’ motivation and learning performance. This paper presents a quality assessment scheme for English-to-Japanese translations produced by learner translators at university. We constructed a revision typology and a decision tree manually through an application of the OntoNotes method, i.e., an iteration of assessing learners’ translations and hypothesizing the conditions for consistent decision making, as well as re-organizing the typology. Intrinsic evaluation of the created scheme confirmed its potential contribution to the consistent classification of identified erroneous text spans, achieving visibly higher Cohen’s kappa values, up to 0.831, than previous work. This paper also describes an application of our scheme to an English-to-Japanese translation exercise course for undergraduate students at a university in Japan.

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Representation and Interchange of Linguistic Annotation. An In-Depth, Side-by-Side Comparison of Three Designs
Richard Eckart de Castilho | Nancy Ide | Emanuele Lapponi | Stephan Oepen | Keith Suderman | Erik Velldal | Marc Verhagen

For decades, most self-respecting linguistic engineering initiatives have designed and implemented custom representations for various layers of, for example, morphological, syntactic, and semantic analysis. Despite occasional efforts at harmonization or even standardization, our field today is blessed with a multitude of ways of encoding and exchanging linguistic annotations of these types, both at the levels of ‘abstract syntax’, naming choices, and of course file formats. To a large degree, it is possible to work within and across design plurality by conversion, and often there may be good reasons for divergent design reflecting differences in use. However, it is likely that some abstract commonalities across choices of representation are obscured by more superficial differences, and conversely there is no obvious procedure to tease apart what actually constitute contentful vs. mere technical divergences. In this study, we seek to conceptually align three representations for common types of morpho-syntactic analysis, pinpoint what in our view constitute contentful differences, and reflect on the underlying principles and specific requirements that led to individual choices. We expect that a more in-depth understanding of these choices across designs may led to increased harmonization, or at least to more informed design of future representations.

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TDB 1.1: Extensions on Turkish Discourse Bank
Deniz Zeyrek | Murathan Kurfalı

This paper presents the recent developments on Turkish Discourse Bank (TDB). First, the resource is summarized and an evaluation is presented. Then, TDB 1.1, i.e. enrichments on 10% of the corpus are described (namely, senses for explicit discourse connectives, and new annotations for three discourse relation types - implicit relations, entity relations and alternative lexicalizations). The method of annotation is explained and the data are evaluated.

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Two Layers of Annotation for Representing Event Mentions in News Stories
Maria Pia di Buono | Martin Tutek | Jan Šnajder | Goran Glavaš | Bojana Dalbelo Bašić | Nataša Milić-Frayling

In this paper, we describe our preliminary study on annotating event mention as a part of our research on high-precision news event extraction models. To this end, we propose a two-layer annotation scheme, designed to separately capture the functional and conceptual aspects of event mentions. We hypothesize that the precision of models can be improved by modeling and extracting separately the different aspects of news events, and then combining the extracted information by leveraging the complementarities of the models. In addition, we carry out a preliminary annotation using the proposed scheme and analyze the annotation quality in terms of inter-annotator agreement.

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Word Similarity Datasets for Indian Languages: Annotation and Baseline Systems
Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar | Arihant Gupta | Avijit Vajpayee | Arjit Srivastava | Manish Shrivastava

With the advent of word representations, word similarity tasks are becoming increasing popular as an evaluation metric for the quality of the representations. In this paper, we present manually annotated monolingual word similarity datasets of six Indian languages - Urdu, Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Gujarati. These languages are most spoken Indian languages worldwide after Hindi and Bengali. For the construction of these datasets, our approach relies on translation and re-annotation of word similarity datasets of English. We also present baseline scores for word representation models using state-of-the-art techniques for Urdu, Telugu and Marathi by evaluating them on newly created word similarity datasets.

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The BECauSE Corpus 2.0: Annotating Causality and Overlapping Relations
Jesse Dunietz | Lori Levin | Jaime Carbonell

Language of cause and effect captures an essential component of the semantics of a text. However, causal language is also intertwined with other semantic relations, such as temporal precedence and correlation. This makes it difficult to determine when causation is the primary intended meaning. This paper presents BECauSE 2.0, a new version of the BECauSE corpus with exhaustively annotated expressions of causal language, but also seven semantic relations that are frequently co-present with causation. The new corpus shows high inter-annotator agreement, and yields insights both about the linguistic expressions of causation and about the process of annotating co-present semantic relations.

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Catching the Common Cause: Extraction and Annotation of Causal Relations and their Participants
Ines Rehbein | Josef Ruppenhofer

In this paper, we present a simple, yet effective method for the automatic identification and extraction of causal relations from text, based on a large English-German parallel corpus. The goal of this effort is to create a lexical resource for German causal relations. The resource will consist of a lexicon that describes constructions that trigger causality as well as the participants of the causal event, and will be augmented by a corpus with annotated instances for each entry, that can be used as training data to develop a system for automatic classification of causal relations. Focusing on verbs, our method harvested a set of 100 different lexical triggers of causality, including support verb constructions. At the moment, our corpus includes over 1,000 annotated instances. The lexicon and the annotated data will be made available to the research community.

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Assessing SRL Frameworks with Automatic Training Data Expansion
Silvana Hartmann | Éva Mújdricza-Maydt | Ilia Kuznetsov | Iryna Gurevych | Anette Frank

We present the first experiment-based study that explicitly contrasts the three major semantic role labeling frameworks. As a prerequisite, we create a dataset labeled with parallel FrameNet-, PropBank-, and VerbNet-style labels for German. We train a state-of-the-art SRL tool for German for the different annotation styles and provide a comparative analysis across frameworks. We further explore the behavior of the frameworks with automatic training data generation. VerbNet provides larger semantic expressivity than PropBank, and we find that its generalization capacity approaches PropBank in SRL training, but it benefits less from training data expansion than the sparse-data affected FrameNet.


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics
Michael Roth | Nasrin Mostafazadeh | Nathanael Chambers | Annie Louis

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Inducing Script Structure from Crowdsourced Event Descriptions via Semi-Supervised Clustering
Lilian Wanzare | Alessandra Zarcone | Stefan Thater | Manfred Pinkal

We present a semi-supervised clustering approach to induce script structure from crowdsourced descriptions of event sequences by grouping event descriptions into paraphrase sets (representing event types) and inducing their temporal order. Our approach exploits semantic and positional similarity and allows for flexible event order, thus overcoming the rigidity of previous approaches. We incorporate crowdsourced alignments as prior knowledge and show that exploiting a small number of alignments results in a substantial improvement in cluster quality over state-of-the-art models and provides an appropriate basis for the induction of temporal order. We also show a coverage study to demonstrate the scalability of our approach.

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A Consolidated Open Knowledge Representation for Multiple Texts
Rachel Wities | Vered Shwartz | Gabriel Stanovsky | Meni Adler | Ori Shapira | Shyam Upadhyay | Dan Roth | Eugenio Martinez Camara | Iryna Gurevych | Ido Dagan

We propose to move from Open Information Extraction (OIE) ahead to Open Knowledge Representation (OKR), aiming to represent information conveyed jointly in a set of texts in an open text-based manner. We do so by consolidating OIE extractions using entity and predicate coreference, while modeling information containment between coreferring elements via lexical entailment. We suggest that generating OKR structures can be a useful step in the NLP pipeline, to give semantic applications an easy handle on consolidated information across multiple texts.

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Event-Related Features in Feedforward Neural Networks Contribute to Identifying Causal Relations in Discourse
Edoardo Maria Ponti | Anna Korhonen

Causal relations play a key role in information extraction and reasoning. Most of the times, their expression is ambiguous or implicit, i.e. without signals in the text. This makes their identification challenging. We aim to improve their identification by implementing a Feedforward Neural Network with a novel set of features for this task. In particular, these are based on the position of event mentions and the semantics of events and participants. The resulting classifier outperforms strong baselines on two datasets (the Penn Discourse Treebank and the CSTNews corpus) annotated with different schemes and containing examples in two languages, English and Portuguese. This result demonstrates the importance of events for identifying discourse relations.

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Stance Detection in Facebook Posts of a German Right-wing Party
Manfred Klenner | Don Tuggener | Simon Clematide

We argue that in order to detect stance, not only the explicit attitudes of the stance holder towards the targets are crucial. It is the whole narrative the writer drafts that counts, including the way he hypostasizes the discourse referents: as benefactors or villains, as victims or beneficiaries. We exemplify the ability of our system to identify targets and detect the writer’s stance towards them on the basis of about 100 000 Facebook posts of a German right-wing party. A reader and writer model on top of our verb-based attitude extraction directly reveal stance conflicts.

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Behind the Scenes of an Evolving Event Cloze Test
Nathanael Chambers

This paper analyzes the narrative event cloze test and its recent evolution. The test removes one event from a document’s chain of events, and systems predict the missing event. Originally proposed to evaluate learned knowledge of event scenarios (e.g., scripts and frames), most recent work now builds ngram-like language models (LM) to beat the test. This paper argues that the test has slowly/unknowingly been altered to accommodate LMs.5 Most notably, tests are auto-generated rather than by hand, and no effort is taken to include core script events. Recent work is not clear on evaluation goals and contains contradictory results. We implement several models, and show that the test’s bias to high-frequency events explains the inconsistencies. We conclude with recommendations on how to return to the test’s original intent, and offer brief suggestions on a path forward.

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LSDSem 2017 Shared Task: The Story Cloze Test
Nasrin Mostafazadeh | Michael Roth | Annie Louis | Nathanael Chambers | James Allen

The LSDSem’17 shared task is the Story Cloze Test, a new evaluation for story understanding and script learning. This test provides a system with a four-sentence story and two possible endings, and the system must choose the correct ending to the story. Successful narrative understanding (getting closer to human performance of 100%) requires systems to link various levels of semantics to commonsense knowledge. A total of eight systems participated in the shared task, with a variety of approaches including.

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Story Cloze Task: UW NLP System
Roy Schwartz | Maarten Sap | Ioannis Konstas | Leila Zilles | Yejin Choi | Noah A. Smith

This paper describes University of Washington NLP’s submission for the Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics (LSDSem 2017) shared task—the Story Cloze Task. Our system is a linear classifier with a variety of features, including both the scores of a neural language model and style features. We report 75.2% accuracy on the task. A further discussion of our results can be found in Schwartz et al. (2017).

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LSDSem 2017: Exploring Data Generation Methods for the Story Cloze Test
Michael Bugert | Yevgeniy Puzikov | Andreas Rücklé | Judith Eckle-Kohler | Teresa Martin | Eugenio Martínez-Cámara | Daniil Sorokin | Maxime Peyrard | Iryna Gurevych

The Story Cloze test is a recent effort in providing a common test scenario for text understanding systems. As part of the LSDSem 2017 shared task, we present a system based on a deep learning architecture combined with a rich set of manually-crafted linguistic features. The system outperforms all known baselines for the task, suggesting that the chosen approach is promising. We additionally present two methods for generating further training data based on stories from the ROCStories corpus.

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Sentiment Analysis and Lexical Cohesion for the Story Cloze Task
Michael Flor | Swapna Somasundaran

We present two NLP components for the Story Cloze Task – dictionary-based sentiment analysis and lexical cohesion. While previous research found no contribution from sentiment analysis to the accuracy on this task, we demonstrate that sentiment is an important aspect. We describe a new approach, using a rule that estimates sentiment congruence in a story. Our sentiment-based system achieves strong results on this task. Our lexical cohesion system achieves accuracy comparable to previously published baseline results. A combination of the two systems achieves better accuracy than published baselines. We argue that sentiment analysis should be considered an integral part of narrative comprehension.

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Resource-Lean Modeling of Coherence in Commonsense Stories
Niko Schenk | Christian Chiarcos

We present a resource-lean neural recognizer for modeling coherence in commonsense stories. Our lightweight system is inspired by successful attempts to modeling discourse relations and stands out due to its simplicity and easy optimization compared to prior approaches to narrative script learning. We evaluate our approach in the Story Cloze Test demonstrating an absolute improvement in accuracy of 4.7% over state-of-the-art implementations.

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An RNN-based Binary Classifier for the Story Cloze Test
Melissa Roemmele | Sosuke Kobayashi | Naoya Inoue | Andrew Gordon

The Story Cloze Test consists of choosing a sentence that best completes a story given two choices. In this paper we present a system that performs this task using a supervised binary classifier on top of a recurrent neural network to predict the probability that a given story ending is correct. The classifier is trained to distinguish correct story endings given in the training data from incorrect ones that we artificially generate. Our experiments evaluate different methods for generating these negative examples, as well as different embedding-based representations of the stories. Our best result obtains 67.2% accuracy on the test set, outperforming the existing top baseline of 58.5%.

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IIT (BHU): System Description for LSDSem’17 Shared Task
Pranav Goel | Anil Kumar Singh

This paper describes an ensemble system submitted as part of the LSDSem Shared Task 2017 - the Story Cloze Test. The main conclusion from our results is that an approach based on semantic similarity alone may not be enough for this task. We test various approaches and compare them with two ensemble systems. One is based on voting and the other on logistic regression based classifier. Our final system is able to outperform the previous state of the art for the Story Cloze test. Another very interesting observation is the performance of sentiment based approach which works almost as well on its own as our final ensemble system.

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Story Cloze Ending Selection Baselines and Data Examination
Todor Mihaylov | Anette Frank

This paper describes two supervised baseline systems for the Story Cloze Test Shared Task (Mostafazadeh et al., 2016a). We first build a classifier using features based on word embeddings and semantic similarity computation. We further implement a neural LSTM system with different encoding strategies that try to model the relation between the story and the provided endings. Our experiments show that a model using representation features based on average word embedding vectors over the given story words and the candidate ending sentences words, joint with similarity features between the story and candidate ending representations performed better than the neural models. Our best model based on achieves an accuracy of 72.42, ranking 3rd in the official evaluation.


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Proceedings of the MultiLing 2017 Workshop on Summarization and Summary Evaluation Across Source Types and Genres

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Proceedings of the MultiLing 2017 Workshop on Summarization and Summary Evaluation Across Source Types and Genres
George Giannakopoulos | Elena Lloret | John M. Conroy | Josef Steinberger | Marina Litvak | Peter Rankel | Benoit Favre

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MultiLing 2017 Overview
George Giannakopoulos | John Conroy | Jeff Kubina | Peter A. Rankel | Elena Lloret | Josef Steinberger | Marina Litvak | Benoit Favre

In this brief report we present an overview of the MultiLing 2017 effort and workshop, as implemented within EACL 2017. MultiLing is a community-driven initiative that pushes the state-of-the-art in Automatic Summarization by providing data sets and fostering further research and development of summarization systems. This year the scope of the workshop was widened, bringing together researchers that work on summarization across sources, languages and genres. We summarize the main tasks planned and implemented this year, the contributions received, and we also provide insights on next steps.

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Decoupling Encoder and Decoder Networks for Abstractive Document Summarization
Ying Xu | Jey Han Lau | Timothy Baldwin | Trevor Cohn

Abstractive document summarization seeks to automatically generate a summary for a document, based on some abstract “understanding” of the original document. State-of-the-art techniques traditionally use attentive encoder–decoder architectures. However, due to the large number of parameters in these models, they require large training datasets and long training times. In this paper, we propose decoupling the encoder and decoder networks, and training them separately. We encode documents using an unsupervised document encoder, and then feed the document vector to a recurrent neural network decoder. With this decoupled architecture, we decrease the number of parameters in the decoder substantially, and shorten its training time. Experiments show that the decoupled model achieves comparable performance with state-of-the-art models for in-domain documents, but less well for out-of-domain documents.

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Centroid-based Text Summarization through Compositionality of Word Embeddings
Gaetano Rossiello | Pierpaolo Basile | Giovanni Semeraro

The textual similarity is a crucial aspect for many extractive text summarization methods. A bag-of-words representation does not allow to grasp the semantic relationships between concepts when comparing strongly related sentences with no words in common. To overcome this issue, in this paper we propose a centroid-based method for text summarization that exploits the compositional capabilities of word embeddings. The evaluations on multi-document and multilingual datasets prove the effectiveness of the continuous vector representation of words compared to the bag-of-words model. Despite its simplicity, our method achieves good performance even in comparison to more complex deep learning models. Our method is unsupervised and it can be adopted in other summarization tasks.

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Query-based summarization using MDL principle
Marina Litvak | Natalia Vanetik

Query-based text summarization is aimed at extracting essential information that answers the query from original text. The answer is presented in a minimal, often predefined, number of words. In this paper we introduce a new unsupervised approach for query-based extractive summarization, based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle that employs Krimp compression algorithm (Vreeken et al., 2011). The key idea of our approach is to select frequent word sets related to a given query that compress document sentences better and therefore describe the document better. A summary is extracted by selecting sentences that best cover query-related frequent word sets. The approach is evaluated based on the DUC 2005 and DUC 2006 datasets which are specifically designed for query-based summarization (DUC, 2005 2006). It competes with the best results.

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Word Embedding and Topic Modeling Enhanced Multiple Features for Content Linking and Argument / Sentiment Labeling in Online Forums
Lei Li | Liyuan Mao | Moye Chen

Multiple grammatical and semantic features are adopted in content linking and argument/sentiment labeling for online forums in this paper. There are mainly two different methods for content linking. First, we utilize the deep feature obtained from Word Embedding Model in deep learning and compute sentence similarity. Second, we use multiple traditional features to locate candidate linking sentences, and then adopt a voting method to obtain the final result. LDA topic modeling is used to mine latent semantic feature and K-means clustering is implemented for argument labeling, while features from sentiment dictionaries and rule-based sentiment analysis are integrated for sentiment labeling. Experimental results have shown that our methods are valid.

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Ultra-Concise Multi-genre Summarisation of Web2.0: towards Intelligent Content Generation
Elena Lloret | Ester Boldrini | Patricio Martínez-Barco | Manuel Palomar

The electronic Word of Mouth has become the most powerful communication channel thanks to the wide usage of the Social Media. Our research proposes an approach towards the production of automatic ultra-concise summaries from multiple Web 2.0 sources. We exploit user-generated content from reviews and microblogs in different domains, and compile and analyse four types of ultra-concise summaries: a)positive information, b) negative information; c) both or d) objective information. The appropriateness and usefulness of our model is demonstrated by its successful results and great potential in real-life applications, thus meaning a relevant advancement of the state-of-the-art approaches.

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Machine Learning Approach to Evaluate MultiLingual Summaries
Samira Ellouze | Maher Jaoua | Lamia Hadrich Belguith

The present paper introduces a new MultiLing text summary evaluation method. This method relies on machine learning approach which operates by combining multiple features to build models that predict the human score (overall responsiveness) of a new summary. We have tried several single and “ensemble learning” classifiers to build the best model. We have experimented our method in summary level evaluation where we evaluate each text summary separately. The correlation between built models and human score is better than the correlation between baselines and manual score.


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Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2017)

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Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2017)
Stella Markantonatou | Carlos Ramisch | Agata Savary | Veronika Vincze

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ParaDi: Dictionary of Paraphrases of Czech Complex Predicates with Light Verbs
Petra Barančíková | Václava Kettnerová

We present a new freely available dictionary of paraphrases of Czech complex predicates with light verbs, ParaDi. Candidates for single predicative paraphrases of selected complex predicates have been extracted automatically from large monolingual data using word2vec. They have been manually verified and further refined. We demonstrate one of many possible applications of ParaDi in an experiment with improving machine translation quality.

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Multi-word Entity Classification in a Highly Multilingual Environment
Sophie Chesney | Guillaume Jacquet | Ralf Steinberger | Jakub Piskorski

This paper describes an approach for the classification of millions of existing multi-word entities (MWEntities), such as organisation or event names, into thirteen category types, based only on the tokens they contain. In order to classify our very large in-house collection of multilingual MWEntities into an application-oriented set of entity categories, we trained and tested distantly-supervised classifiers in 43 languages based on MWEntities extracted from BabelNet. The best-performing classifier was the multi-class SVM using a TF.IDF-weighted data representation. Interestingly, one unique classifier trained on a mix of all languages consistently performed better than classifiers trained for individual languages, reaching an averaged F1-value of 88.8%. In this paper, we present the training and test data, including a human evaluation of its accuracy, describe the methods used to train the classifiers, and discuss the results.

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Using bilingual word-embeddings for multilingual collocation extraction
Marcos Garcia | Marcos García-Salido | Margarita Alonso-Ramos

This paper presents a new strategy for multilingual collocation extraction which takes advantage of parallel corpora to learn bilingual word-embeddings. Monolingual collocation candidates are retrieved using Universal Dependencies, while the distributional models are then applied to search for equivalents of the elements of each collocation in the target languages. The proposed method extracts not only collocation equivalents with direct translation between languages, but also other cases where the collocations in the two languages are not literal translations of each other. Several experiments -evaluating collocations with three syntactic patterns- in English, Spanish, and Portuguese show that our approach can effectively extract large pairs of bilingual equivalents with an average precision of about 90%. Moreover, preliminary results on comparable corpora suggest that the distributional models can be applied for identifying new bilingual collocations in different domains.

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The PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions
Agata Savary | Carlos Ramisch | Silvio Cordeiro | Federico Sangati | Veronika Vincze | Behrang QasemiZadeh | Marie Candito | Fabienne Cap | Voula Giouli | Ivelina Stoyanova | Antoine Doucet

Multiword expressions (MWEs) are known as a “pain in the neck” for NLP due to their idiosyncratic behaviour. While some categories of MWEs have been addressed by many studies, verbal MWEs (VMWEs), such as to take a decision, to break one’s heart or to turn off, have been rarely modelled. This is notably due to their syntactic variability, which hinders treating them as “words with spaces”. We describe an initiative meant to bring about substantial progress in understanding, modelling and processing VMWEs. It is a joint effort, carried out within a European research network, to elaborate universal terminologies and annotation guidelines for 18 languages. Its main outcome is a multilingual 5-million-word annotated corpus which underlies a shared task on automatic identification of VMWEs. This paper presents the corpus annotation methodology and outcome, the shared task organisation and the results of the participating systems.

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USzeged: Identifying Verbal Multiword Expressions with POS Tagging and Parsing Techniques
Katalin Ilona Simkó | Viktória Kovács | Veronika Vincze

The paper describes our system submitted for the Workshop on Multiword Expressions’ shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions. It uses POS tagging and dependency parsing to identify single- and multi-token verbal MWEs in text. Our system is language independent and competed on nine of the eighteen languages. Our paper describes how our system works and gives its error analysis for the languages it was submitted for.

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Parsing and MWE Detection: Fips at the PARSEME Shared Task
Vasiliki Foufi | Luka Nerima | Éric Wehrli

Identifying multiword expressions (MWEs) in a sentence in order to ensure their proper processing in subsequent applications, like machine translation, and performing the syntactic analysis of the sentence are interrelated processes. In our approach, priority is given to parsing alternatives involving collocations, and hence collocational information helps the parser through the maze of alternatives, with the aim to lead to substantial improvements in the performance of both tasks (collocation identification and parsing), and in that of a subsequent task (machine translation). In this paper, we are going to present our system and the procedure that we have followed in order to participate to the open track of the PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs) in running texts.

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Neural Networks for Multi-Word Expression Detection
Natalia Klyueva | Antoine Doucet | Milan Straka

In this paper we describe the MUMULS system that participated to the 2017 shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs). The MUMULS system was implemented using a supervised approach based on recurrent neural networks using the open source library TensorFlow. The model was trained on a data set containing annotated VMWEs as well as morphological and syntactic information. The MUMULS system performed the identification of VMWEs in 15 languages, it was one of few systems that could categorize VMWEs type in nearly all languages.

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Factoring Ambiguity out of the Prediction of Compositionality for German Multi-Word Expressions
Stefan Bott | Sabine Schulte im Walde

Ambiguity represents an obstacle for distributional semantic models(DSMs), which typically subsume the contexts of all word senses within one vector. While individual vector space approaches have been concerned with sense discrimination (e.g., Schütze 1998, Erk 2009, Erk and Pado 2010), such discrimination has rarely been integrated into DSMs across semantic tasks. This paper presents a soft-clustering approach to sense discrimination that filters sense-irrelevant features when predicting the degrees of compositionality for German noun-noun compounds and German particle verbs.

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Multiword expressions and lexicalism: the view from LFG
Jamie Y. Findlay

Multiword expressions (MWEs) pose a problem for lexicalist theories like Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), since they are prima facie counterexamples to a strong form of the lexical integrity principle, which entails that a lexical item can only be realised as a single, syntactically atomic word. In this paper, I demonstrate some of the problems facing any strongly lexicalist account of MWEs, and argue that the lexical integrity principle must be weakened. I conclude by sketching a formalism which integrates a Tree Adjoining Grammar into the LFG architecture, taking advantage of this relaxation.

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Understanding Idiomatic Variation
Kristina Geeraert | R. Harald Baayen | John Newman

This study investigates the processing of idiomatic variants through an eye-tracking experiment. Four types of idiom variants were included, in addition to the canonical form and the literal meaning. Results suggest that modifications to idioms, modulo obvious effects of length differences, are not more difficult to process than the canonical forms themselves. This fits with recent corpus findings.

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Discovering Light Verb Constructions and their Translations from Parallel Corpora without Word Alignment
Natalie Vargas | Carlos Ramisch | Helena Caseli

We propose a method for joint unsupervised discovery of multiword expressions (MWEs) and their translations from parallel corpora. First, we apply independent monolingual MWE extraction in source and target languages simultaneously. Then, we calculate translation probability, association score and distributional similarity of co-occurring pairs. Finally, we rank all translations of a given MWE using a linear combination of these features. Preliminary experiments on light verb constructions show promising results.

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Identification of Multiword Expressions for Latvian and Lithuanian: Hybrid Approach
Justina Mandravickaitė | Tomas Krilavičius

We discuss an experiment on automatic identification of bi-gram multi-word expressions in parallel Latvian and Lithuanian corpora. Raw corpora, lexical association measures (LAMs) and supervised machine learning (ML) are used due to deficit and quality of lexical resources (e.g., POS-tagger, parser) and tools. While combining LAMs with ML is rather effective for other languages, it has shown some nice results for Lithuanian and Latvian as well. Combining LAMs with ML we have achieved 92,4% precision and 52,2% recall for Latvian and 95,1% precision and 77,8% recall for Lithuanian.

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Show Me Your Variance and I Tell You Who You Are - Deriving Compound Compositionality from Word Alignments
Fabienne Cap

We use word alignment variance as an indicator for the non-compositionality of German and English noun compounds. Our work-in-progress results are on their own not competitive with state-of-the art approaches, but they show that alignment variance is correlated with compositionality and thus worth a closer look in the future.

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Semantic annotation to characterize contextual variation in terminological noun compounds: a pilot study
Melania Cabezas-García | Antonio San Martín

Noun compounds (NCs) are semantically complex and not fully compositional, as is often assumed. This paper presents a pilot study regarding the semantic annotation of environmental NCs with a view to accessing their semantics and exploring their domain-based contextual variation. Our results showed that the semantic annotation of NCs afforded important insights into how context impacts their conceptualization.

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Detection of Verbal Multi-Word Expressions via Conditional Random Fields with Syntactic Dependency Features and Semantic Re-Ranking
Alfredo Maldonado | Lifeng Han | Erwan Moreau | Ashjan Alsulaimani | Koel Dutta Chowdhury | Carl Vogel | Qun Liu

A description of a system for identifying Verbal Multi-Word Expressions (VMWEs) in running text is presented. The system mainly exploits universal syntactic dependency features through a Conditional Random Fields (CRF) sequence model. The system competed in the Closed Track at the PARSEME VMWE Shared Task 2017, ranking 2nd place in most languages on full VMWE-based evaluation and 1st in three languages on token-based evaluation. In addition, this paper presents an option to re-rank the 10 best CRF-predicted sequences via semantic vectors, boosting its scores above other systems in the competition. We also show that all systems in the competition would struggle to beat a simple lookup baseline system and argue for a more purpose-specific evaluation scheme.

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A data-driven approach to verbal multiword expression detection. PARSEME Shared Task system description paper
Tiberiu Boros | Sonia Pipa | Verginica Barbu Mititelu | Dan Tufis

“Multiword expressions” are groups of words acting as a morphologic, syntactic and semantic unit in linguistic analysis. Verbal multiword expressions represent the subgroup of multiword expressions, namely that in which a verb is the syntactic head of the group considered in its canonical (or dictionary) form. All multiword expressions are a great challenge for natural language processing, but the verbal ones are particularly interesting for tasks such as parsing, as the verb is the central element in the syntactic organization of a sentence. In this paper we introduce our data-driven approach to verbal multiword expressions which was objectively validated during the PARSEME shared task on verbal multiword expressions identification. We tested our approach on 12 languages, and we provide detailed information about corpora composition, feature selection process, validation procedure and performance on all languages.

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The ATILF-LLF System for Parseme Shared Task: a Transition-based Verbal Multiword Expression Tagger
Hazem Al Saied | Matthieu Constant | Marie Candito

We describe the ATILF-LLF system built for the MWE 2017 Shared Task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions. We participated in the closed track only, for all the 18 available languages. Our system is a robust greedy transition-based system, in which MWE are identified through a MERGE transition. The system was meant to accommodate the variety of linguistic resources provided for each language, in terms of accompanying morphological and syntactic information. Using per-MWE Fscore, the system was ranked first for all but two languages (Hungarian and Romanian).

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Investigating the Opacity of Verb-Noun Multiword Expression Usages in Context
Shiva Taslimipoor | Omid Rohanian | Ruslan Mitkov | Afsaneh Fazly

This study investigates the supervised token-based identification of Multiword Expressions (MWEs). This is an ongoing research to exploit the information contained in the contexts in which different instances of an expression could occur. This information is used to investigate the question of whether an expression is literal or MWE. Lexical and syntactic context features derived from vector representations are shown to be more effective over traditional statistical measures to identify tokens of MWEs.

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Compositionality in Verb-Particle Constructions
Archna Bhatia | Choh Man Teng | James Allen

We are developing a broad-coverage deep semantic lexicon for a system that parses sentences into a logical form expressed in a rich ontology that supports reasoning. In this paper we look at verb-particle constructions (VPCs), and the extent to which they can be treated compositionally vs idiomatically. First we distinguish between the different types of VPCs based on their compositionality and then present a set of heuristics for classifying specific instances as compositional or not. We then identify a small set of general sense classes for particles when used compositionally and discuss the resulting lexical representations that are being added to the lexicon. By treating VPCs as compositional whenever possible, we attain broad coverage in a compact way, and also enable interpretations of novel VPC usages not explicitly present in the lexicon.

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Rule-Based Translation of Spanish Verb-Noun Combinations into Basque
Uxoa Iñurrieta | Itziar Aduriz | Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza | Gorka Labaka | Kepa Sarasola

This paper presents a method to improve the translation of Verb-Noun Combinations (VNCs) in a rule-based Machine Translation (MT) system for Spanish-Basque. Linguistic information about a set of VNCs is gathered from the public database Konbitzul, and it is integrated into the MT system, leading to an improvement in BLEU, NIST and TER scores, as well as the results being evidently better according to human evaluators.

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Verb-Particle Constructions in Questions
Veronika Vincze

In this paper, we investigate the behavior of verb-particle constructions in English questions. We present a small dataset that contains questions and verb-particle construction candidates. We demonstrate that there are significant differences in the distribution of WH-words, verbs and prepositions/particles in sentences that contain VPCs and sentences that contain only verb + prepositional phrase combinations both by statistical means and in machine learning experiments. Hence, VPCs and non-VPCs can be effectively separated from each other by using a rich feature set, containing several novel features.

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Simple Compound Splitting for German
Marion Weller-Di Marco

This paper presents a simple method for German compound splitting that combines a basic frequency-based approach with a form-to-lemma mapping to approximate morphological operations. With the exception of a small set of hand-crafted rules for modeling transitional elements, this approach is resource-poor. In our evaluation, the simple splitter outperforms a splitter relying on rich morphological resources.

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Identification of Ambiguous Multiword Expressions Using Sequence Models and Lexical Resources
Manon Scholivet | Carlos Ramisch

We present a simple and efficient tagger capable of identifying highly ambiguous multiword expressions (MWEs) in French texts. It is based on conditional random fields (CRF), using local context information as features. We show that this approach can obtain results that, in some cases, approach more sophisticated parser-based MWE identification methods without requiring syntactic trees from a treebank. Moreover, we study how well the CRF can take into account external information coming from a lexicon.

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Comparing Recurring Lexico-Syntactic Trees (RLTs) and Ngram Techniques for Extended Phraseology Extraction
Agnès Tutin | Olivier Kraif

This paper aims at assessing to what extent a syntax-based method (Recurring Lexico-syntactic Trees (RLT) extraction) allows us to extract large phraseological units such as prefabricated routines, e.g. “as previously said” or “as far as we/I know” in scientific writing. In order to evaluate this method, we compare it to the classical ngram extraction technique, on a subset of recurring segments including speech verbs in a French corpus of scientific writing. Results show that the LRT extraction technique is far more efficient for extended MWEs such as routines or collocations but performs more poorly for surface phenomena such as syntactic constructions or fully frozen expressions.

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Benchmarking Joint Lexical and Syntactic Analysis on Multiword-Rich Data
Matthieu Constant | Héctor Martinez Alonso

This article evaluates the extension of a dependency parser that performs joint syntactic analysis and multiword expression identification. We show that, given sufficient training data, the parser benefits from explicit multiword information and improves overall labeled accuracy score in eight of the ten evaluation cases.

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Semi-Automated Resolution of Inconsistency for a Harmonized Multiword Expression and Dependency Parse Annotation
King Chan | Julian Brooke | Timothy Baldwin

This paper presents a methodology for identifying and resolving various kinds of inconsistency in the context of merging dependency and multiword expression (MWE) annotations, to generate a dependency treebank with comprehensive MWE annotations. Candidates for correction are identified using a variety of heuristics, including an entirely novel one which identifies violations of MWE constituency in the dependency tree, and resolved by arbitration with minimal human intervention. Using this technique, we identified and corrected several hundred errors across both parse and MWE annotations, representing changes to a significant percentage (well over 10%) of the MWE instances in the joint corpus.

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Combining Linguistic Features for the Detection of Croatian Multiword Expressions
Maja Buljan | Jan Šnajder

As multiword expressions (MWEs) exhibit a range of idiosyncrasies, their automatic detection warrants the use of many different features. Tsvetkov and Wintner (2014) proposed a Bayesian network model that combines linguistically motivated features and also models their interactions. In this paper, we extend their model with new features and apply it to Croatian, a morphologically complex and a relatively free word order language, achieving a satisfactory performance of 0.823 F1-score. Furthermore, by comparing against (semi)naive Bayes models, we demonstrate that manually modeling feature interactions is indeed important. We make our annotated dataset of Croatian MWEs freely available.

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Complex Verbs are Different: Exploring the Visual Modality in Multi-Modal Models to Predict Compositionality
Maximilian Köper | Sabine Schulte im Walde

This paper compares a neural network DSM relying on textual co-occurrences with a multi-modal model integrating visual information. We focus on nominal vs. verbal compounds, and zoom into lexical, empirical and perceptual target properties to explore the contribution of the visual modality. Our experiments show that (i) visual features contribute differently for verbs than for nouns, and (ii) images complement textual information, if (a) the textual modality by itself is poor and appropriate image subsets are used, or (b) the textual modality by itself is rich and large (potentially noisy) images are added.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Neural Machine Translation

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Neural Machine Translation
Thang Luong | Alexandra Birch | Graham Neubig | Andrew Finch

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An Empirical Study of Adequate Vision Span for Attention-Based Neural Machine Translation
Raphael Shu | Hideki Nakayama

Recently, the attention mechanism plays a key role to achieve high performance for Neural Machine Translation models. However, as it computes a score function for the encoder states in all positions at each decoding step, the attention model greatly increases the computational complexity. In this paper, we investigate the adequate vision span of attention models in the context of machine translation, by proposing a novel attention framework that is capable of reducing redundant score computation dynamically. The term “vision span”’ means a window of the encoder states considered by the attention model in one step. In our experiments, we found that the average window size of vision span can be reduced by over 50% with modest loss in accuracy on English-Japanese and German-English translation tasks.

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Analyzing Neural MT Search and Model Performance
Jan Niehues | Eunah Cho | Thanh-Le Ha | Alex Waibel

In this paper, we offer an in-depth analysis about the modeling and search performance. We address the question if a more complex search algorithm is necessary. Furthermore, we investigate the question if more complex models which might only be applicable during rescoring are promising. By separating the search space and the modeling using n-best list reranking, we analyze the influence of both parts of an NMT system independently. By comparing differently performing NMT systems, we show that the better translation is already in the search space of the translation systems with less performance. This results indicate that the current search algorithms are sufficient for the NMT systems. Furthermore, we could show that even a relatively small n-best list of 50 hypotheses already contain notably better translations.

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Stronger Baselines for Trustable Results in Neural Machine Translation
Michael Denkowski | Graham Neubig

Interest in neural machine translation has grown rapidly as its effectiveness has been demonstrated across language and data scenarios. New research regularly introduces architectural and algorithmic improvements that lead to significant gains over “vanilla” NMT implementations. However, these new techniques are rarely evaluated in the context of previously published techniques, specifically those that are widely used in state-of-the-art production and shared-task systems. As a result, it is often difficult to determine whether improvements from research will carry over to systems deployed for real-world use. In this work, we recommend three specific methods that are relatively easy to implement and result in much stronger experimental systems. Beyond reporting significantly higher BLEU scores, we conduct an in-depth analysis of where improvements originate and what inherent weaknesses of basic NMT models are being addressed. We then compare the relative gains afforded by several other techniques proposed in the literature when starting with vanilla systems versus our stronger baselines, showing that experimental conclusions may change depending on the baseline chosen. This indicates that choosing a strong baseline is crucial for reporting reliable experimental results.

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Six Challenges for Neural Machine Translation
Philipp Koehn | Rebecca Knowles

We explore six challenges for neural machine translation: domain mismatch, amount of training data, rare words, long sentences, word alignment, and beam search. We show both deficiencies and improvements over the quality of phrase-based statistical machine translation.

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Cost Weighting for Neural Machine Translation Domain Adaptation
Boxing Chen | Colin Cherry | George Foster | Samuel Larkin

In this paper, we propose a new domain adaptation technique for neural machine translation called cost weighting, which is appropriate for adaptation scenarios in which a small in-domain data set and a large general-domain data set are available. Cost weighting incorporates a domain classifier into the neural machine translation training algorithm, using features derived from the encoder representation in order to distinguish in-domain from out-of-domain data. Classifier probabilities are used to weight sentences according to their domain similarity when updating the parameters of the neural translation model. We compare cost weighting to two traditional domain adaptation techniques developed for statistical machine translation: data selection and sub-corpus weighting. Experiments on two large-data tasks show that both the traditional techniques and our novel proposal lead to significant gains, with cost weighting outperforming the traditional methods.

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Detecting Untranslated Content for Neural Machine Translation
Isao Goto | Hideki Tanaka

Despite its promise, neural machine translation (NMT) has a serious problem in that source content may be mistakenly left untranslated. The ability to detect untranslated content is important for the practical use of NMT. We evaluate two types of probability with which to detect untranslated content: the cumulative attention (ATN) probability and back translation (BT) probability from the target sentence to the source sentence. Experiments on detecting untranslated content in Japanese-English patent translations show that ATN and BT are each more effective than random choice, BT is more effective than ATN, and the combination of the two provides further improvements. We also confirmed the effectiveness of using ATN and BT to rerank the n-best NMT outputs.

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Beam Search Strategies for Neural Machine Translation
Markus Freitag | Yaser Al-Onaizan

The basic concept in Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is to train a large Neural Network that maximizes the translation performance on a given parallel corpus. NMT is then using a simple left-to-right beam-search decoder to generate new translations that approximately maximize the trained conditional probability. The current beam search strategy generates the target sentence word by word from left-to-right while keeping a fixed amount of active candidates at each time step. First, this simple search is less adaptive as it also expands candidates whose scores are much worse than the current best. Secondly, it does not expand hypotheses if they are not within the best scoring candidates, even if their scores are close to the best one. The latter one can be avoided by increasing the beam size until no performance improvement can be observed. While you can reach better performance, this has the drawback of a slower decoding speed. In this paper, we concentrate on speeding up the decoder by applying a more flexible beam search strategy whose candidate size may vary at each time step depending on the candidate scores. We speed up the original decoder by up to 43% for the two language pairs German to English and Chinese to English without losing any translation quality.

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An Empirical Study of Mini-Batch Creation Strategies for Neural Machine Translation
Makoto Morishita | Yusuke Oda | Graham Neubig | Koichiro Yoshino | Katsuhito Sudoh | Satoshi Nakamura

Training of neural machine translation (NMT) models usually uses mini-batches for efficiency purposes. During the mini-batched training process, it is necessary to pad shorter sentences in a mini-batch to be equal in length to the longest sentence therein for efficient computation. Previous work has noted that sorting the corpus based on the sentence length before making mini-batches reduces the amount of padding and increases the processing speed. However, despite the fact that mini-batch creation is an essential step in NMT training, widely used NMT toolkits implement disparate strategies for doing so, which have not been empirically validated or compared. This work investigates mini-batch creation strategies with experiments over two different datasets. Our results suggest that the choice of a mini-batch creation strategy has a large effect on NMT training and some length-based sorting strategies do not always work well compared with simple shuffling.

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Detecting Cross-Lingual Semantic Divergence for Neural Machine Translation
Marine Carpuat | Yogarshi Vyas | Xing Niu

Parallel corpora are often not as parallel as one might assume: non-literal translations and noisy translations abound, even in curated corpora routinely used for training and evaluation. We use a cross-lingual textual entailment system to distinguish sentence pairs that are parallel in meaning from those that are not, and show that filtering out divergent examples from training improves translation quality.


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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP and Computational Social Science

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP and Computational Social Science
Dirk Hovy | Svitlana Volkova | David Bamman | David Jurgens | Brendan O’Connor | Oren Tsur | A. Seza Doğruöz

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Language-independent Gender Prediction on Twitter
Nikola Ljubešić | Darja Fišer | Tomaž Erjavec

In this paper we present a set of experiments and analyses on predicting the gender of Twitter users based on language-independent features extracted either from the text or the metadata of users’ tweets. We perform our experiments on the TwiSty dataset containing manual gender annotations for users speaking six different languages. Our classification results show that, while the prediction model based on language-independent features performs worse than the bag-of-words model when training and testing on the same language, it regularly outperforms the bag-of-words model when applied to different languages, showing very stable results across various languages. Finally we perform a comparative analysis of feature effect sizes across the six languages and show that differences in our features correspond to cultural distances.

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When does a compliment become sexist? Analysis and classification of ambivalent sexism using twitter data
Akshita Jha | Radhika Mamidi

Sexism is prevalent in today’s society, both offline and online, and poses a credible threat to social equality with respect to gender. According to ambivalent sexism theory (Glick and Fiske, 1996), it comes in two forms: Hostile and Benevolent. While hostile sexism is characterized by an explicitly negative attitude, benevolent sexism is more subtle. Previous works on computationally detecting sexism present online are restricted to identifying the hostile form. Our objective is to investigate the less pronounced form of sexism demonstrated online. We achieve this by creating and analyzing a dataset of tweets that exhibit benevolent sexism. By using Support Vector Machines (SVM), sequence-to-sequence models and FastText classifier, we classify tweets into ‘Hostile’, ‘Benevolent’ or ‘Others’ class depending on the kind of sexism they exhibit. We have been able to achieve an F1-score of 87.22% using FastText classifier. Our work helps analyze and understand the much prevalent ambivalent sexism in social media.

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Personality Driven Differences in Paraphrase Preference
Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro | Jordan Carpenter | Lyle Ungar

Personality plays a decisive role in how people behave in different scenarios, including online social media. Researchers have used such data to study how personality can be predicted from language use. In this paper, we study phrase choice as a particular stylistic linguistic difference, as opposed to the mostly topical differences identified previously. Building on previous work on demographic preferences, we quantify differences in paraphrase choice from a massive Facebook data set with posts from over 115,000 users. We quantify the predictive power of phrase choice in user profiling and use phrase choice to study psycholinguistic hypotheses. This work is relevant to future applications that aim to personalize text generation to specific personality types.

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community2vec: Vector representations of online communities encode semantic relationships
Trevor Martin

Vector embeddings of words have been shown to encode meaningful semantic relationships that enable solving of complex analogies. This vector embedding concept has been extended successfully to many different domains and in this paper we both create and visualize vector representations of an unstructured collection of online communities based on user participation. Further, we quantitatively and qualitatively show that these representations allow solving of semantically meaningful community analogies and also other more general types of relationships. These results could help improve community recommendation engines and also serve as a tool for sociological studies of community relatedness.

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Telling Apart Tweets Associated with Controversial versus Non-Controversial Topics
Aseel Addawood | Rezvaneh Rezapour | Omid Abdar | Jana Diesner

In this paper, we evaluate the predictability of tweets associated with controversial versus non-controversial topics. As a first step, we crowd-sourced the scoring of a predefined set of topics on a Likert scale from non-controversial to controversial. Our feature set entails and goes beyond sentiment features, e.g., by leveraging empathic language and other features that have been previously used but are new for this particular study. We find focusing on the structural characteristics of tweets to be beneficial for this task. Using a combination of emphatic, language-specific, and Twitter-specific features for supervised learning resulted in 87% accuracy (F1) for cross-validation of the training set and 63.4% accuracy when using the test set. Our analysis shows that features specific to Twitter or social media, in general, are more prevalent in tweets on controversial topics than in non-controversial ones. To test the premise of the paper, we conducted two additional sets of experiments, which led to mixed results. This finding will inform our future investigations into the relationship between language use on social media and the perceived controversiality of topics.

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Cross-Lingual Classification of Topics in Political Texts
Goran Glavaš | Federico Nanni | Simone Paolo Ponzetto

In this paper, we propose an approach for cross-lingual topical coding of sentences from electoral manifestos of political parties in different languages. To this end, we exploit continuous semantic text representations and induce a joint multilingual semantic vector spaces to enable supervised learning using manually-coded sentences across different languages. Our experimental results show that classifiers trained on multilingual data yield performance boosts over monolingual topic classification.

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Mining Social Science Publications for Survey Variables
Andrea Zielinski | Peter Mutschke

Research in Social Science is usually based on survey data where individual research questions relate to observable concepts (variables). However, due to a lack of standards for data citations a reliable identification of the variables used is often difficult. In this paper, we present a work-in-progress study that seeks to provide a solution to the variable detection task based on supervised machine learning algorithms, using a linguistic analysis pipeline to extract a rich feature set, including terminological concepts and similarity metric scores. Further, we present preliminary results on a small dataset that has been specifically designed for this task, yielding a significant increase in performance over the random baseline.

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Linguistic Markers of Influence in Informal Interactions
Shrimai Prabhumoye | Samridhi Choudhary | Evangelia Spiliopoulou | Christopher Bogart | Carolyn Rose | Alan W Black

There has been a long standing interest in understanding ‘Social Influence’ both in Social Sciences and in Computational Linguistics. In this paper, we present a novel approach to study and measure interpersonal influence in daily interactions. Motivated by the basic principles of influence, we attempt to identify indicative linguistic features of the posts in an online knitting community. We present the scheme used to operationalize and label the posts as influential or non-influential. Experiments with the identified features show an improvement in the classification accuracy of influence by 3.15%. Our results illustrate the important correlation between the structure of the language and its potential to influence others.

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Non-lexical Features Encode Political Affiliation on Twitter
Rachael Tatman | Leo Stewart | Amandalynne Paullada | Emma Spiro

Previous work on classifying Twitter users’ political alignment has mainly focused on lexical and social network features. This study provides evidence that political affiliation is also reflected in features which have been previously overlooked: users’ discourse patterns (proportion of Tweets that are retweets or replies) and their rate of use of capitalization and punctuation. We find robust differences between politically left- and right-leaning communities with respect to these discourse and sub-lexical features, although they are not enough to train a high-accuracy classifier.

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Modelling Participation in Small Group Social Sequences with Markov Rewards Analysis
Gabriel Murray

We explore a novel computational approach for analyzing member participation in small group social sequences. Using a complex state representation combining information about dialogue act types, sentiment expression, and participant roles, we explore which sequence states are associated with high levels of member participation. Using a Markov Rewards framework, we associate particular states with immediate positive and negative rewards, and employ a Value Iteration algorithm to calculate the expected value of all states. In our findings, we focus on discourse states belonging to team leaders and project managers which are either very likely or very unlikely to lead to participation from the rest of the group members.

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Code-Switching as a Social Act: The Case of Arabic Wikipedia Talk Pages
Michael Yoder | Shruti Rijhwani | Carolyn Rosé | Lori Levin

Code-switching has been found to have social motivations in addition to syntactic constraints. In this work, we explore the social effect of code-switching in an online community. We present a task from the Arabic Wikipedia to capture language choice, in this case code-switching between Arabic and other languages, as a predictor of social influence in collaborative editing. We find that code-switching is positively associated with Wikipedia editor success, particularly borrowing technical language on pages with topics less directly related to Arabic-speaking regions.

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How Does Twitter User Behavior Vary Across Demographic Groups?
Zach Wood-Doughty | Michael Smith | David Broniatowski | Mark Dredze

Demographically-tagged social media messages are a common source of data for computational social science. While these messages can indicate differences in beliefs and behaviors between demographic groups, we do not have a clear understanding of how different demographic groups use platforms such as Twitter. This paper presents a preliminary analysis of how groups’ differing behaviors may confound analyses of the groups themselves. We analyzed one million Twitter users by first inferring demographic attributes, and then measuring several indicators of Twitter behavior. We find differences in these indicators across demographic groups, suggesting that there may be underlying differences in how different demographic groups use Twitter.

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Ideological Phrase Indicators for Classification of Political Discourse Framing on Twitter
Kristen Johnson | I-Ta Lee | Dan Goldwasser

Politicians carefully word their statements in order to influence how others view an issue, a political strategy called framing. Simultaneously, these frames may also reveal the beliefs or positions on an issue of the politician. Simple language features such as unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams are important indicators for identifying the general frame of a text, for both longer congressional speeches and shorter tweets of politicians. However, tweets may contain multiple unigrams across different frames which limits the effectiveness of this approach. In this paper, we present a joint model which uses both linguistic features of tweets and ideological phrase indicators extracted from a state-of-the-art embedding-based model to predict the general frame of political tweets.


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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA 2017)

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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA 2017)
Yuen-Hsien Tseng | Hsin-Hsi Chen | Lung-Hao Lee | Liang-Chih Yu

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NTUCLE: Developing a Corpus of Learner English to Provide Writing Support for Engineering Students
Roger Vivek Placidus Winder | Joseph MacKinnon | Shu Yun Li | Benedict Christopher Tzer Liang Lin | Carmel Lee Hah Heah | Luís Morgado da Costa | Takayuki Kuribayashi | Francis Bond

This paper describes the creation of a new annotated learner corpus. The aim is to use this corpus to develop an automated system for corrective feedback on students’ writing. With this system, students will be able to receive timely feedback on language errors before they submit their assignments for grading. A corpus of assignments submitted by first year engineering students was compiled, and a new error tag set for the NTU Corpus of Learner English (NTUCLE) was developed based on that of the NUS Corpus of Learner English (NUCLE), as well as marking rubrics used at NTU. After a description of the corpus, error tag set and annotation process, the paper presents the results of the annotation exercise as well as follow up actions. The final error tag set, which is significantly larger than that for the NUCLE error categories, is then presented before a brief conclusion summarising our experience and future plans.

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Understanding Non-Native Writings: Can a Parser Help?
Jirka Hana | Barbora Hladká

We present a pilot study on parsing non-native texts written by learners of Czech. We performed experiments that have shown that at least high-level syntactic functions, like subject, predicate, and object, can be assigned based on a parser trained on standard native language.

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Carrier Sentence Selection for Fill-in-the-blank Items
Shu Jiang | John Lee

Fill-in-the-blank items are a common form of exercise in computer-assisted language learning systems. To automatically generate an effective item, the system must be able to select a high-quality carrier sentence that illustrates the usage of the target word. Previous approaches for carrier sentence selection have considered sentence length, vocabulary difficulty, the position of the target word and the presence of finite verbs. This paper investigates the utility of word co-occurrence statistics and lexical similarity as selection criteria. In an evaluation on generating fill-in-the-blank items for learning Chinese as a foreign language, we show that these two criteria can improve carrier sentence quality.

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Hindi Shabdamitra: A Wordnet based E-Learning Tool for Language Learning and Teaching
Hanumant Redkar | Sandhya Singh | Meenakshi Somasundaram | Dhara Gorasia | Malhar Kulkarni | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

In today’s technology driven digital era, education domain is undergoing a transformation from traditional approaches to more learner controlled and flexible methods of learning. This transformation has opened the new avenues for interdisciplinary research in the field of educational technology and natural language processing in developing quality digital aids for learning and teaching. The tool presented here - Hindi Shabhadamitra, developed using Hindi Wordnet for Hindi language learning, is one such e-learning tool. It has been developed as a teaching and learning aid suitable for formal school based curriculum and informal setup for self learning users. Besides vocabulary, it also provides word based grammar along with images and pronunciation for better learning and retention. This aid demonstrates that how a rich lexical resource like wordnet can be systematically remodeled for practical usage in the educational domain.

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NLPTEA 2017 Shared Task – Chinese Spelling Check
Gabriel Fung | Maxime Debosschere | Dingmin Wang | Bo Li | Jia Zhu | Kam-Fai Wong

This paper provides an overview along with our findings of the Chinese Spelling Check shared task at NLPTEA 2017. The goal of this task is to develop a computer-assisted system to automatically diagnose typing errors in traditional Chinese sentences written by students. We defined six types of errors which belong to two categories. Given a sentence, the system should detect where the errors are, and for each detected error determine its type and provide correction suggestions. We designed, constructed, and released a benchmark dataset for this task.

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Chinese Spelling Check based on N-gram and String Matching Algorithm
Jui-Feng Yeh | Li-Ting Chang | Chan-Yi Liu | Tsung-Wei Hsu

This paper presents a Chinese spelling check approach based on language models combined with string match algorithm to treat the problems resulted from the influence caused by Cantonese mother tone. N-grams first used to detecting the probability of sentence constructed by the writers, a string matching algorithm called Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) Algorithm is used to detect and correct the error. According to the experimental results, the proposed approach can detect the error and provide the corresponding correction.

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N-gram Model for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
Jianbo Zhao | Hao Liu | Zuyi Bao | Xiaopeng Bai | Si Li | Zhiqing Lin

Detection and correction of Chinese grammatical errors have been two of major challenges for Chinese automatic grammatical error diagnosis. This paper presents an N-gram model for automatic detection and correction of Chinese grammatical errors in NLPTEA 2017 task. The experiment results show that the proposed method is good at correction of Chinese grammatical errors.

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The Influence of Spelling Errors on Content Scoring Performance
Andrea Horbach | Yuning Ding | Torsten Zesch

Spelling errors occur frequently in educational settings, but their influence on automatic scoring is largely unknown. We therefore investigate the influence of spelling errors on content scoring performance using the example of the ASAP corpus. We conduct an annotation study on the nature of spelling errors in the ASAP dataset and utilize these finding in machine learning experiments that measure the influence of spelling errors on automatic content scoring. Our main finding is that scoring methods using both token and character n-gram features are robust against spelling errors up to the error frequency in ASAP.

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Analyzing the Impact of Spelling Errors on POS-Tagging and Chunking in Learner English
Tomoya Mizumoto | Ryo Nagata

Part-of-speech (POS) tagging and chunking have been used in tasks targeting learner English; however, to the best our knowledge, few studies have evaluated their performance and no studies have revealed the causes of POS-tagging/chunking errors in detail. Therefore, we investigate performance and analyze the causes of failure. We focus on spelling errors that occur frequently in learner English. We demonstrate that spelling errors reduced POS-tagging performance by 0.23% owing to spelling errors, and that a spell checker is not necessary for POS-tagging/chunking of learner English.

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Complex Word Identification: Challenges in Data Annotation and System Performance
Marcos Zampieri | Shervin Malmasi | Gustavo Paetzold | Lucia Specia

This paper revisits the problem of complex word identification (CWI) following up the SemEval CWI shared task. We use ensemble classifiers to investigate how well computational methods can discriminate between complex and non-complex words. Furthermore, we analyze the classification performance to understand what makes lexical complexity challenging. Our findings show that most systems performed poorly on the SemEval CWI dataset, and one of the reasons for that is the way in which human annotation was performed.

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Suggesting Sentences for ESL using Kernel Embeddings
Kent Shioda | Mamoru Komachi | Rue Ikeya | Daichi Mochihashi

Sentence retrieval is an important NLP application for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. ESL learners are familiar with web search engines, but generic web search results may not be adequate for composing documents in a specific domain. However, if we build our own search system specialized to a domain, it may be subject to the data sparseness problem. Recently proposed word2vec partially addresses the data sparseness problem, but fails to extract sentences relevant to queries owing to the modeling of the latent intent of the query. Thus, we propose a method of retrieving example sentences using kernel embeddings and N-gram windows. This method implicitly models latent intent of query and sentences, and alleviates the problem of noisy alignment. Our results show that our method achieved higher precision in sentence retrieval for ESL in the domain of a university press release corpus, as compared to a previous unsupervised method used for a semantic textual similarity task.

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Event Timeline Generation from History Textbooks
Harsimran Bedi | Sangameshwar Patil | Swapnil Hingmire | Girish Palshikar

Event timeline serves as the basic structure of history, and it is used as a disposition of key phenomena in studying history as a subject in secondary school. In order to enable a student to understand a historical phenomenon as a series of connected events, we present a system for automatic event timeline generation from history textbooks. Additionally, we propose Message Sequence Chart (MSC) and time-map based visualization techniques to visualize an event timeline. We also identify key computational challenges in developing natural language processing based applications for history textbooks.


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Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics

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Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics
Jörg Tiedemann | Nina Tahmasebi

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Joint UD Parsing of Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk
Erik Velldal | Lilja Øvrelid | Petter Hohle

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Replacing OOV Words For Dependency Parsing With Distributional Semantics
Prasanth Kolachina | Martin Riedl | Chris Biemann

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Real-valued Syntactic Word Vectors (RSV) for Greedy Neural Dependency Parsing
Ali Basirat | Joakim Nivre

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Tagging Named Entities in 19th Century and Modern Finnish Newspaper Material with a Finnish Semantic Tagger
Kimmo Kettunen | Laura Löfberg

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Machine Learning for Rhetorical Figure Detection: More Chiasmus with Less Annotation
Marie Dubremetz | Joakim Nivre

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Coreference Resolution for Swedish and German using Distant Supervision
Alexander Wallin | Pierre Nugues

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Aligning phonemes using finte-state methods
Kimmo Koskenniemi

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Acoustic Model Compression with MAP adaptation
Katri Leino | Mikko Kurimo

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OCR and post-correction of historical Finnish texts
Senka Drobac | Pekka Kauppinen | Krister Lindén

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Twitter Topic Modeling by Tweet Aggregation
Asbjørn Steinskog | Jonas Therkelsen | Björn Gambäck

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A Multilingual Entity Linker Using PageRank and Semantic Graphs
Anton Södergren | Pierre Nugues

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Linear Ensembles of Word Embedding Models
Avo Muromägi | Kairit Sirts | Sven Laur

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Using Pseudowords for Algorithm Comparison: An Evaluation Framework for Graph-based Word Sense Induction
Flavio Massimiliano Cecchini | Chris Biemann | Martin Riedl

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North-Sámi to Finnish rule-based machine translation system
Tommi Pirinen | Francis M. Tyers | Trond Trosterud | Ryan Johnson | Kevin Unhammer | Tiina Puolakainen

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Machine translation with North Saami as a pivot language
Lene Antonsen | Ciprian Gerstenberger | Maja Kappfjell | Sandra Nystø Rahka | Marja-Liisa Olthuis | Trond Trosterud | Francis M. Tyers

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SWEGRAM – A Web-Based Tool for Automatic Annotation and Analysis of Swedish Texts
Jesper Näsman | Beáta Megyesi | Anne Palmér

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Optimizing a PoS Tagset for Norwegian Dependency Parsing
Petter Hohle | Lilja Øvrelid | Erik Velldal

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Creating register sub-corpora for the Finnish Internet Parsebank
Veronika Laippala | Juhani Luotolahti | Aki-Juhani Kyröläinen | Tapio Salakoski | Filip Ginter

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KILLE: a Framework for Situated Agents for Learning Language Through Interaction
Simon Dobnik | Erik de Graaf

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Data Collection from Persons with Mild Forms of Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Controls - Infrastructure for Classification and Prediction of Dementia
Dimitrios Kokkinakis | Kristina Lundholm Fors | Eva Björkner | Arto Nordlund

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Evaluation of language identification methods using 285 languages
Tommi Jauhiainen | Krister Lindén | Heidi Jauhiainen

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Can We Create a Tool for General Domain Event Analysis?
Siim Orasmaa | Heiki-Jaan Kaalep

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From Treebank to Propbank: A Semantic-Role and VerbNet Corpus for Danish
Eckhard Bick

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Cross-lingual Learning of Semantic Textual Similarity with Multilingual Word Representations
Johannes Bjerva | Robert Östling

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Will my auxiliary tagging task help? Estimating Auxiliary Tasks Effectivity in Multi-Task Learning
Johannes Bjerva

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Iconic Locations in Swedish Sign Language: Mapping Form to Meaning with Lexical Databases
Carl Börstell | Robert Östling

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Docforia: A Multilayer Document Model
Marcus Klang | Pierre Nugues

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Finnish resources for evaluating language model semantics
Viljami Venekoski | Jouko Vankka

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Málrómur: A Manually Verified Corpus of Recorded Icelandic Speech
Steinþór Steingrímsson | Jón Guðnason | Sigrún Helgadóttir | Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson

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The Effect of Translationese on Tuning for Statistical Machine Translation
Sara Stymne

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Multilingwis² – Explore Your Parallel Corpus
Johannes Graën | Dominique Sandoz | Martin Volk

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A modernised version of the Glossa corpus search system
Anders Nøklestad | Kristin Hagen | Janne Bondi Johannessen | Michał Kosek | Joel Priestley

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Dep_search: Efficient Search Tool for Large Dependency Parsebanks
Juhani Luotolahti | Jenna Kanerva | Filip Ginter

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Proto-Indo-European Lexicon: The Generative Etymological Dictionary of Indo-European Languages
Jouna Pyysalo

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Tilde MODEL - Multilingual Open Data for EU Languages
Roberts Rozis | Raivis Skadiņš

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Mainstreaming August Strindberg with Text Normalization
Adam Ek | Sofia Knuutinen

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Word vectors, reuse, and replicability: Towards a community repository of large-text resources
Murhaf Fares | Andrey Kutuzov | Stephan Oepen | Erik Velldal

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Improving Optical Character Recognition of Finnish Historical Newspapers with a Combination of Fraktur & Antiqua Models and Image Preprocessing
Mika Koistinen | Kimmo Kettunen | Tuula Pääkkönen

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Redefining Context Windows for Word Embedding Models: An Experimental Study
Pierre Lison | Andrey Kutuzov

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The Effect of Excluding Out of Domain Training Data from Supervised Named-Entity Recognition
Adam Persson

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Quote Extraction and Attribution from Norwegian Newspapers
Andrew Salway | Paul Meurer | Knut Hofland | Øystein Reigem

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Wordnet extension via word embeddings: Experiments on the Norwegian Wordnet
Heidi Sand | Erik Velldal | Lilja Øvrelid

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Universal Dependencies for Swedish Sign Language
Robert Östling | Carl Börstell | Moa Gärdenfors | Mats Wirén

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Services for text simplification and analysis
Johan Falkenjack | Evelina Rennes | Daniel Fahlborg | Vida Johansson | Arne Jönsson

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Exploring Properties of Intralingual and Interlingual Association Measures Visually
Johannes Graën | Christof Bless

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TALERUM - Learning Danish by Doing Danish
Peter Juel Henrichsen

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Cross-Lingual Syntax: Relating Grammatical Framework with Universal Dependencies
Aarne Ranta | Prasanth Kolachina | Thomas Hallgren

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Exploring Treebanks with INESS Search
Victoria Rosén | Helge Dyvik | Paul Meurer | Koenraad De Smedt

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A System for Identifying and Exploring Text Repetition in Large Historical Document Corpora
Aleksi Vesanto | Filip Ginter | Hannu Salmi | Asko Nivala | Tapio Salakoski


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Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Processing Historical Language

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Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Processing Historical Language
Gerlof Bouma | Yvonne Adesam

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Variance in Historical Data: How bad is it and how can we profit from it for historical linguistics?
Stefanie Dipper

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Improving POS Tagging in Old Spanish Using TEITOK
Maarten Janssen | Josep Ausensi | Josep Fontana

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The Making of the Royal Society Corpus
Jörg Knappen | Stefan Fischer | Hannah Kermes | Elke Teich | Peter Fankhauser

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Normalizing Medieval German Texts: from rules to deep learning
Natalia Korchagina

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Ambiguity in Semantically Related Word Substitutions: an investigation in historical Bible translations
Maria Moritz | Marco Büchler

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The Lemlat 3.0 Package for Morphological Analysis of Latin
Marco Passarotti | Marco Budassi | Eleonora Litta | Paolo Ruffolo

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HistoBankVis: Detecting Language Change via Data Visualization
Christin Schätzle | Michael Hund | Frederik Dennig | Miriam Butt | Daniel Keim

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Comparing Rule-based and SMT-based Spelling Normalisation for English Historical Texts
Gerold Schneider | Eva Pettersson | Michael Percillier

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Data-driven Morphology and Sociolinguistics for Early Modern Dutch
Marijn Schraagen | Marjo van Koppen | Feike Dietz

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Applying BLAST to Text Reuse Detection in Finnish Newspapers and Journals, 1771-1910
Aleksi Vesanto | Asko Nivala | Heli Rantala | Tapio Salakoski | Hannu Salmi | Filip Ginter


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Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval associated with RANLP 2017
Mireille Makary | Michael Oakes

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Deception Detection for the Russian Language: Lexical and Syntactic Parameters
Dina Pisarevskaya | Tatiana Litvinova | Olga Litvinova

The field of automated deception detection in written texts is methodologically challenging. Different linguistic levels (lexics, syntax and semantics) are basically used for different types of English texts to reveal if they are truthful or deceptive. Such parameters as POS tags and POS tags n-grams, punctuation marks, sentiment polarity of words, psycholinguistic features, fragments of syntaсtic structures are taken into consideration. The importance of different types of parameters was not compared for the Russian language before and should be investigated before moving to complex models and higher levels of linguistic processing. On the example of the Russian Deception Bank Corpus we estimate the impact of three groups of features (POS features including bigrams, sentiment and psycholinguistic features, syntax and readability features) on the successful deception detection and find out that POS features can be used for binary text classification, but the results should be double-checked and, if possible, improved.

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oIQa: An Opinion Influence Oriented Question Answering Framework with Applications to Marketing Domain
Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Cristian Onose | Stefan Trausan-Matu | Florin Pop

Understanding questions and answers in QA system is a major challenge in the domain of natural language processing. In this paper, we present a question answering system that influences the human opinions in a conversation. The opinion words are quantified by using a lexicon-based method. We apply Latent Semantic Analysis and the cosine similarity measure between candidate answers and each question to infer the answer of the chatbot.

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Automatic Summarization of Online Debates
Nattapong Sanchan | Ahmet Aker | Kalina Bontcheva

Debate summarization is one of the novel and challenging research areas in automatic text summarization which has been largely unexplored. In this paper, we develop a debate summarization pipeline to summarize key topics which are discussed or argued in the two opposing sides of online debates. We view that the generation of debate summaries can be achieved by clustering, cluster labeling, and visualization. In our work, we investigate two different clustering approaches for the generation of the summaries. In the first approach, we generate the summaries by applying purely term-based clustering and cluster labeling. The second approach makes use of X-means for clustering and Mutual Information for labeling the clusters. Both approaches are driven by ontologies. We visualize the results using bar charts. We think that our results are a smooth entry for users aiming to receive the first impression about what is discussed within a debate topic containing waste number of argumentations.

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A Game with a Purpose for Automatic Detection of Children’s Speech Disabilities using Limited Speech Resources
Reem Salem | Mohamed Elmahdy | Slim Abdennadher | Injy Hamed

Speech therapists and researchers are becoming more concerned with the use of computer-based systems in the therapy of speech disorders. In this paper, we propose a computer-based game with a purpose (GWAP) for speech therapy of Egyptian speaking children suffering from Dyslalia. Our aim is to detect if a certain phoneme is pronounced correctly. An Egyptian Arabic speech corpus has been collected. A baseline acoustic model was trained using the Egyptian corpus. In order to benefit from existing large amounts of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) resources, MSA acoustic models were adapted with the collected Egyptian corpus. An independent testing set that covers common speech disorders has been collected for Egyptian speakers. Results show that adapted acoustic models give better recognition accuracy which could be relied on in the game and that children show more interest in playing the game than in visiting the therapist. A noticeable progress in children Dyslalia appeared with the proposed system.


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Proceedings of the Workshop Knowledge Resources for the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities associated with RANLP 2017
Kalliopi Zervanou | Petya Osenova | Eveline Wandl-Vogt | Dan Cristea

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Connecting people digitally - a semantic web based approach to linking heterogeneous data sets
Katalin Lejtovicz | Amelie Dorn

In this paper we present a semantic enrichment approach for linking two distinct data sets: the ÖBL (Austrian Biographical Dictionary) and the DBÖ (Database of Bavarian Dialects in Austria). Although the data sets are different in their content and in the structuring of data, they contain similar common “entities” such as names of persons. Here we describe the semantic enrichment process of how these data sets can be inter-linked through URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) taking person names as a concrete example. Moreover, we also point to societal benefits of applying such semantic enrichment methods in order to open and connect our resources to various services.

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A Multiform Balanced Dependency Treebank for Romanian
Mihaela Colhon | Cătălina Mărănduc | Cătălin Mititelu

The UAIC-RoDia-DepTb is a balanced treebank, containing texts in non-standard language: 2,575 chats sentences, old Romanian texts (a Gospel printed in 1648, a codex of laws printed in 1818, a novel written in 1910), regional popular poetry, legal texts, Romanian and foreign fiction, quotations. The proportions are comparable; each of these types of texts is represented by subsets of at least 1,000 phrases, so that the parser can be trained on their peculiarities. The annotation of the treebank started in 2007, and it has classical tags, such as those in school grammar, with the intention of using the resource for didactic purposes. The classification of circumstantial modifiers is rich in semantic information. We present in this paper the development in progress of this resource which has been automatically annotated and entirely manually corrected. We try to add new texts, and to make it available in more formats, by keeping all the morphological and syntactic information annotated, and adding logical-semantic information. We will describe here two conversions, from the classic syntactic format into Universal Dependencies format and into a logical-semantic layer, which will be shortly presented.

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GRaSP: Grounded Representation and Source Perspective
Antske Fokkens | Piek Vossen | Marco Rospocher | Rinke Hoekstra | Willem Robert van Hage

When people or organizations provide information, they make choices regarding what information they include and how they present it. The combination of these two aspects (the content and stance provided by the source) represents a perspective. Investigating differences in perspective can provide various useful insights in the reliability of information, the way perspectives change over time, shared beliefs among groups of a similar social or political background and contrasts between other groups, etc. This paper introduces GRaSP, a generic framework for modeling perspectives and their sources.

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Educational Content Generation for Business and Administration FL Courses with the NBU PLT Platform
Maria Stambolieva

The paper presents part of an ongoing project of the Laboratory for Language Technologies of New Bulgarian University – “An e-Platform for Language Teaching (PLT)” – the development of corpus-based teaching content for Business English courses. The presentation offers information on: 1/ corpus creation and corpus management with PLT; 2/ PLT corpus annotation; 3/ language task generation and the Language Task Bank (LTB); 4/ content transfer to the NBU Moodle platform, test generation and feedback on student performance.

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Machine Learning Models of Universal Grammar Parameter Dependencies
Dimitar Kazakov | Guido Cordoni | Andrea Ceolin | Monica-Alexandrina Irimia | Shin-Sook Kim | Dimitris Michelioudakis | Nina Radkevich | Cristina Guardiano | Giuseppe Longobardi

The use of parameters in the description of natural language syntax has to balance between the need to discriminate among (sometimes subtly different) languages, which can be seen as a cross-linguistic version of Chomsky’s (1964) descriptive adequacy, and the complexity of the acquisition task that a large number of parameters would imply, which is a problem for explanatory adequacy. Here we present a novel approach in which a machine learning algorithm is used to find dependencies in a table of parameters. The result is a dependency graph in which some of the parameters can be fully predicted from others. These empirical findings can be then subjected to linguistic analysis, which may either refute them by providing typological counter-examples of languages not included in the original dataset, dismiss them on theoretical grounds, or uphold them as tentative empirical laws worth of further study.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Workshop Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology

Proceedings of the Workshop Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology
Irina Temnikova | Constantin Orasan | Gloria Corpas Pastor | Stephan Vogel

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Enhancing Machine Translation of Academic Course Catalogues with Terminological Resources
Randy Scansani | Silvia Bernardini | Adriano Ferraresi | Federico Gaspari | Marcello Soffritti

This paper describes an approach to translating course unit descriptions from Italian and German into English, using a phrase-based machine translation (MT) system. The genre is very prominent among those requiring translation by universities in European countries in which English is a non-native language. For each language combination, an in-domain bilingual corpus including course unit and degree program descriptions is used to train an MT engine, whose output is then compared to a baseline engine trained on the Europarl corpus. In a subsequent experiment, a bilingual terminology database is added to the training sets in both engines and its impact on the output quality is evaluated based on BLEU and post-editing score. Results suggest that the use of domain-specific corpora boosts the engines quality for both language combinations, especially for German-English, whereas adding terminological resources does not seem to bring notable benefits.

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Experiments in Non-Coherent Post-editing
Cristina Toledo Báez | Moritz Schaeffer | Michael Carl

Market pressure on translation productivity joined with technological innovation is likely to fragment and decontextualise translation jobs even more than is cur-rently the case. Many different translators increasingly work on one document at different places, collaboratively working in the cloud. This paper investigates the effect of decontextualised source texts on behaviour by comparing post-editing of sequentially ordered sentences with shuffled sentences from two different texts. The findings suggest that there is little or no effect of the decontextualised source texts on behaviour.

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Comparing Machine Translation and Human Translation: A Case Study
Lars Ahrenberg

As machine translation technology improves comparisons to human performance are often made in quite general and exaggerated terms. Thus, it is important to be able to account for differences accurately. This paper reports a simple, descriptive scheme for comparing translations and applies it to two translations of a British opinion article published in March, 2017. One is a human translation (HT) into Swedish, and the other a machine translation (MT). While the comparison is limited to one text, the results are indicative of current limitations in MT.

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TransBank: Metadata as the Missing Link between NLP and Traditional Translation Studies
Michael Ustaszewski | Andy Stauder

Despite the growing importance of data in translation, there is no data repository that equally meets the requirements of translation industry and academia alike. Therefore, we plan to develop a freely available, multilingual and expandable bank of translations and their source texts aligned at the sentence level. Special emphasis will be placed on the labelling of metadata that precisely describe the relations between translated texts and their originals. This metadata-centric approach gives users the opportunity to compile and download custom corpora on demand. Such a general-purpose data repository may help to bridge the gap between translation theory and the language industry, including translation technology providers and NLP.

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Interpreting Strategies Annotation in the WAW Corpus
Irina Temnikova | Ahmed Abdelali | Samy Hedaya | Stephan Vogel | Aishah Al Daher

With the aim to teach our automatic speech-to-text translation system human interpreting strategies, our first step is to identify which interpreting strategies are most often used in the language pair of our interest (English-Arabic). In this article we run an automatic analysis of a corpus of parallel speeches and their human interpretations, and provide the results of manually annotating the human interpreting strategies in a sample of the corpus. We give a glimpse of the corpus, whose value surpasses the fact that it contains a high number of scientific speeches with their interpretations from English into Arabic, as it also provides rich information about the interpreters. We also discuss the difficulties, which we encountered on our way, as well as our solutions to them: our methodology for manual re-segmentation and alignment of parallel segments, the choice of annotation tool, and the annotation procedure. Our annotation findings explain the previously extracted specific statistical features of the interpreted corpus (compared with a translation one) as well as the quality of interpretation provided by different interpreters.

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Translation Memory Systems Have a Long Way to Go
Andrea Silvestre Baquero | Ruslan Mitkov

The TM memory systems changed the work of translators and now the translators not benefiting from these tools are a tiny minority. These tools operate on fuzzy (surface) matching mostly and cannot benefit from already translated texts which are synonymous to (or paraphrased versions of) the text to be translated. The match score is mostly based on character-string similarity, calculated through Levenshtein distance. The TM tools have difficulties with detecting similarities even in sentences which represent a minor revision of sentences already available in the translation memory. This shortcoming of the current TM systems was the subject of the present study and was empirically proven in the experiments we conducted. To this end, we compiled a small translation memory (English-Spanish) and applied several lexical and syntactic transformation rules to the source sentences with both English and Spanish being the source language. The results of this study show that current TM systems have a long way to go and highlight the need for TM systems equipped with NLP capabilities which will offer the translator the advantage of he/she not having to translate a sentence again if an almost identical sentence has already been already translated.

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Building Dialectal Arabic Corpora
Hani Elgabou | Dimitar Kazakov

The aim of this research is to identify local Arabic dialects in texts from social media (Twitter) and link them to specific geographic areas. Dialect identification is studied as a subset of the task of language identification. The proposed method is based on unsupervised learning using simultaneously lexical and geographic distance. While this study focusses on Libyan dialects, the approach is general, and could produce resources to support human translators and interpreters when dealing with vernaculars rather than standard Arabic.

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Towards Producing Human-Validated Translation Resources for the Fula language through WordNet Linking
Khalil Mrini | Martin Benjamin

We propose methods to link automatically parsed linguistic data to the WordNet. We apply these methods on a trilingual dictionary in Fula, English and French. Dictionary entry parsing is used to collect the linguistic data. Then we connect it to the Open Multilingual WordNet (OMW) through two attempts, and use confidence scores to quantify accuracy. We obtained 11,000 entries in parsing and linked about 58% to the OMW on the first attempt, and an additional 14% in the second one. These links are due to be validated by Fula speakers before being added to the Kamusi Project’s database.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Biomedical NLP Workshop associated with RANLP 2017

Proceedings of the Biomedical NLP Workshop associated with RANLP 2017
Svetla Boytcheva | Kevin Bretonnel Cohen | Guergana Savova | Galia Angelova

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Document retrieval and question answering in medical documents. A large-scale corpus challenge.
Curea Eric

Whenever employed on large datasets, information retrieval works by isolating a subset of documents from the larger dataset and then proceeding with low-level processing of the text. This is usually carried out by means of adding index-terms to each document in the collection. In this paper we deal with automatic document classification and index-term detection applied on large-scale medical corpora. In our methodology we employ a linear classifier and we test our results on the BioASQ training corpora, which is a collection of 12 million MeSH-indexed medical abstracts. We cover both term-indexing, result retrieval and result ranking based on distributed word representations.

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Adapting the TTL Romanian POS Tagger to the Biomedical Domain
Maria Mitrofan | Radu Ion

This paper presents the adaptation of the Hidden Markov Models-based TTL part-of-speech tagger to the biomedical domain. TTL is a text processing platform that performs sentence splitting, tokenization, POS tagging, chunking and Named Entity Recognition (NER) for a number of languages, including Romanian. The POS tagging accuracy obtained by the TTL POS tagger exceeds 97% when TTL’s baseline model is updated with training information from a Romanian biomedical corpus. This corpus is developed in the context of the CoRoLa (a reference corpus for the contemporary Romanian language) project. Informative description and statistics of the Romanian biomedical corpus are also provided.

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Discourse-Wide Extraction of Assay Frames from the Biological Literature
Dayne Freitag | Paul Kalmar | Eric Yeh

We consider the problem of populating multi-part knowledge frames from textual information distributed over multiple sentences in a document. We present a corpus constructed by aligning papers from the cellular signaling literature to a collection of approximately 50,000 reference frames curated by hand as part of a decade-long project. We present and evaluate two approaches to the challenging problem of reconstructing these frames, which formalize biological assays described in the literature. One approach is based on classifying candidate records nominated by sentence-local entity co-occurrence. In the second approach, we introduce a novel virtual register machine traverses an article and generates frames, trained on our reference data. Our evaluations show that success in the task ultimately hinges on an integration of evidence spread across the discourse.

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Classification based extraction of numeric values from clinical narratives
Maximilian Zubke

The robust extraction of numeric values from clinical narratives is a well known problem in clinical data warehouses. In this paper we describe a dynamic and domain-independent approach to deliver numerical described values from clinical narratives. In contrast to alternative systems, we neither use manual defined rules nor any kind of ontologies or nomenclatures. Instead we propose a topic-based system, that tackles the information extraction as a text classification problem. Hence we use machine learning to identify the crucial context features of a topic-specific numeric value by a given set of example sentences, so that the manual effort reduces to the selection of appropriate sample sentences. We describe context features of a certain numeric value by term frequency vectors which are generated by multiple document segmentation procedures. Due to this simultaneous segmentation approaches, there can be more than one context vector for a numeric value. In those cases, we choose the context vector with the highest classification confidence and suppress the rest. To test our approach, we used a dataset from a german hospital containing 12,743 narrative reports about laboratory results of Leukemia patients. We used Support Vector Machines (SVM) for classification and achieved an average accuracy of 96% on a manually labeled subset of 2073 documents, using 10-fold cross validation. This is a significant improvement over an alternative rule based system.

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Understanding of unknown medical words
Natalia Grabar | Thierry Hamon

We assume that unknown words with internal structure (affixed words or compounds) can provide speakers with linguistic cues as for their meaning, and thus help their decoding and understanding. To verify this hypothesis, we propose to work with a set of French medical words. These words are annotated by five annotators. Then, two kinds of analysis are performed: analysis of the evolution of understandable and non-understandable words (globally and according to some suffixes) and analysis of clusters created with unsupervised algorithms on basis of linguistic and extra-linguistic features of the studied words. Our results suggest that, according to linguistic sensitivity of annotators, technical words can be decoded and become understandable. As for the clusters, some of them distinguish between understandable and non-understandable words. Resources built in this work will be made freely available for the research purposes.

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Entity-Centric Information Access with Human in the Loop for the Biomedical Domain
Seid Muhie Yimam | Steffen Remus | Alexander Panchenko | Andreas Holzinger | Chris Biemann

In this paper, we describe the concept of entity-centric information access for the biomedical domain. With entity recognition technologies approaching acceptable levels of accuracy, we put forward a paradigm of document browsing and searching where the entities of the domain and their relations are explicitly modeled to provide users the possibility of collecting exhaustive information on relations of interest. We describe three working prototypes along these lines: NEW/S/LEAK, which was developed for investigative journalists who need a quick overview of large leaked document collections; STORYFINDER, which is a personalized organizer for information found in web pages that allows adding entities as well as relations, and is capable of personalized information management; and adaptive annotation capabilities of WEBANNO, which is a general-purpose linguistic annotation tool. We will discuss future steps towards the adaptation of these tools to biomedical data, which is subject to a recently started project on biomedical knowledge acquisition. A key difference to other approaches is the centering around the user in a Human-in-the-Loop machine learning approach, where users define and extend categories and enable the system to improve via feedback and interaction.

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One model per entity: using hundreds of machine learning models to recognize and normalize biomedical names in text
Victor Bellon | Raul Rodriguez-Esteban

We explored a new approach to named entity recognition based on hundreds of machine learning models, each trained to distinguish a single entity, and showed its application to gene name identification (GNI). The rationale for our approach, which we named “one model per entity” (OMPE), was that increasing the number of models would make the learning task easier for each individual model. Our training strategy leveraged freely-available database annotations instead of manually-annotated corpora. While its performance in our proof-of-concept was disappointing, we believe that there is enough room for improvement that such approaches could reach competitive performance while eliminating the cost of creating costly training corpora.

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Towards Confidence Estimation for Typed Protein-Protein Relation Extraction
Camilo Thorne | Roman Klinger

Systems which build on top of information extraction are typically challenged to extract knowledge that, while correct, is not yet well-known. We hypothesize that a good confidence measure for relational information has the property that such interesting information is found between information extracted with very high confidence and very low confidence. We discuss confidence estimation for the domain of biomedical protein-protein relation discovery in biomedical literature. As facts reported in papers take some time to be validated and recorded in biomedical databases, such task gives rise to large quantities of unknown but potentially true candidate relations. It is thus important to rank them based on supporting evidence rather than discard them. In this paper, we discuss this task and propose different approaches for confidence estimation and a pipeline to evaluate such methods. We show that the most straight-forward approach, a combination of different confidence measures from pipeline modules seems not to work well. We discuss this negative result and pinpoint potential future research directions.

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Identification of Risk Factors in Clinical Texts through Association Rules
Svetla Boytcheva | Ivelina Nikolova | Galia Angelova | Zhivko Angelov

We describe a method which extracts Association Rules from texts in order to recognise verbalisations of risk factors. Usually some basic vocabulary about risk factors is known but medical conditions are expressed in clinical narratives with much higher variety. We propose an approach for data-driven learning of specialised medical vocabulary which, once collected, enables early alerting of potentially affected patients. The method is illustrated by experimens with clinical records of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and comorbidity of CORD, Diabetes Melitus and Schizophrenia. Our input data come from the Bulgarian Diabetic Register, which is built using a pseudonymised collection of outpatient records for about 500,000 diabetic patients. The generated Association Rules for CORD are analysed in the context of demographic, gender, and age information. Valuable anounts of meaningful words, signalling risk factors, are discovered with high precision and confidence.

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POMELO: Medline corpus with manually annotated food-drug interactions
Thierry Hamon | Vincent Tabanou | Fleur Mougin | Natalia Grabar | Frantz Thiessard

When patients take more than one medication, they may be at risk of drug interactions, which means that a given drug can cause unexpected effects when taken in combination with other drugs. Similar effects may occur when drugs are taken together with some food or beverages. For instance, grapefruit has interactions with several drugs, because its active ingredients inhibit enzymes involved in the drugs metabolism and can then cause an excessive dosage of these drugs. Yet, information on food/drug interactions is poorly researched. The current research is mainly provided by the medical domain and a very tentative work is provided by computer sciences and NLP domains. One factor that motivates the research is related to the availability of the annotated corpora and the reference data. The purpose of our work is to describe the rationale and approach for creation and annotation of scientific corpus with information on food/drug interactions. This corpus contains 639 MEDLINE citations (titles and abstracts), corresponding to 5,752 sentences. It is manually annotated by two experts. The corpus is named POMELO. This annotated corpus will be made available for the research purposes.

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Annotation of Clinical Narratives in Bulgarian language
Ivajlo Radev | Kiril Simov | Galia Angelova | Svetla Boytcheva

In this paper we describe annotation process of clinical texts with morphosyntactic and semantic information. The corpus contains 1,300 discharge letters in Bulgarian language for patients with Endocrinology and Metabolic disorders. The annotated corpus will be used as a Gold standard for information extraction evaluation of test corpus of 6,200 discharge letters. The annotation is performed within Clark system — an XML Based System For Corpora Development. It provides mechanism for semi-automatic annotation first running a pipeline for Bulgarian morphosyntactic annotation and a cascaded regular grammar for semantic annotation is run, then rules for cleaning of frequent errors are applied. At the end the result is manually checked. At the end we hope also to be able to adapted the morphosyntactic tagger to the domain of clinical narratives as well.


bib (full) Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language technology for Digital Humanities in Central and (South-)Eastern Europe

Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language technology for Digital Humanities in Central and (South-)Eastern Europe
Anca Dinu | Petya Osenova | Cristina Vertan

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A Diachronic Corpus for Romanian (RoDia)
Ludmila Malahov | Cătălina Mărănduc | Alexandru Colesnicov

This paper describes a Romanian Dependency Treebank, built at the Al. I. Cuza University (UAIC), and a special OCR techniques used to build it. The corpus has rich morphological and syntactic annotation. There are few annotated representative corpora in Romanian, and the existent ones are mainly focused on the contemporary Romanian standard. The corpus described below is focused on the non-standard aspects of the language, the Regional and the Old Romanian. Having the intention to participate at the PROIEL project, which aligns oldest New Testaments, we annotate the first printed Romanian New Testament (Alba Iulia, 1648). We began by applying the UAIC tools for the morphological and syntactic processing of Contemporary Romanian over the book’s first quarter (second edition). By carefully manually correcting the result of the automated annotation (having a modest accuracy) we obtained a sub-corpus for the training of tools for the Old Romanian processing. But the first edition of the New Testament is written in Cyrillic letters. The existence of books printed in the Old Cyrillic alphabet is a common problem for Romania and The Republic of Moldova, countries where the Romanian is spoken; a problem to solve by the joint efforts of the NLP researchers in the two countries.

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Tools for Building a Corpus to Study the Historical and Geographical Variation of the Romanian Language
Victoria Bobicev | Cătălina Mărănduc | Cenel Augusto Perez

Contemporary standard language corpora are ideal for NLP. There are few morphologically and syntactically annotated corpora for Romanian, and those existing or in progress only deal with the Contemporary Romanian standard. However, the necessity to study the dynamics of natural languages gave rise to balanced corpora, containing non-standard texts. In this paper, we describe the creation of tools for processing non-standard Romanian to build a big balanced corpus. We want to preserve in annotated form as many early stages of language as possible. We have already built a corpus in Old Romanian. We also intend to include the South-Danube dialects, remote to the standard language, along with regional forms closer to the standard. We try to preserve data about endangered idioms such as Aromanian, Meglenoromanian and Istroromanian dialects, and calculate the distance between different regional variants, including the language spoken in the Republic of Moldova. This distance, as well as the mutual understanding between the speakers, is the correct criterion for the classification of idioms as different languages, or as dialects, or as regional variants close to the standard.

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Multilingual Ontologies for the Representation and Processing of Folktales
Thierry Declerck | Anastasija Aman | Martin Banzer | Dominik Macháček | Lisa Schäfer | Natalia Skachkova

We describe work done in the field of folkloristics and consisting in creating ontologies based on well-established studies proposed by “classical” folklorists. This work is supporting the availability of a huge amount of digital and structured knowledge on folktales to digital humanists. The ontological encoding of past and current motif-indexation and classification systems for folktales was in the first step limited to English language data. This led us to focus on making those newly generated formal knowledge sources available in a few more languages, like German, Russian and Bulgarian. We stress the importance of achieving this multilingual extension of our ontologies at a larger scale, in order for example to support the automated analysis and classification of such narratives in a large variety of languages, as those are getting more and more accessible on the Web.

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On the annotation of vague expressions: a case study on Romanian historical texts
Anca Dinu | Walther von Hahn | Cristina Vertan

Current approaches in Digital .Humanities tend to ignore a central as-pect of any hermeneutic introspection: the intrinsic vagueness of analyzed texts. Especially when dealing with his-torical documents neglecting vague-ness has important implications on the interpretation of the results. In this pa-per we present current limitation of an-notation approaches and describe a current methodology for annotating vagueness for historical Romanian texts.

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Language Technologies in Teaching Bugarian at Primary and Secondary School Level: the NBU Platform of Language Teaching (PLT)
Maria Stambolieva | Valentina Ivanova | Mariana Raykova | Milka Hadjikoteva | Mariya Neykova

The NBU Language Teaching Platform (PLT) was initially designed for teaching foreign languages for specific purposes; at a second stage, some of its functionalities were extended to answer the needs of teaching general foreign language. New functionalities have now been created for the purpose of providing e-support for Bulgarian language and literature teaching at primary and secondary school level. The article presents the general structure of the platform and the functionalities specifically developed to match the standards and expected results set by the Ministry of Education. The E-platform integrates: 1/ an environment for creating, organizing and maintaining electronic text archives, for extracting text corpora and aligning corpora; 2/ a linguistic database; 3/ a concordancer; 4/ a set of modules for the generation and editing of practice exercises for each text or corpus; 5/ functionalities for export from the platform and import to other educational platforms. For Moodle, modules were created for test generation, performance assessment and feedback. The PLT allows centralized presentation of abundant teaching content, control of the educational process, fast and reliable feedback on performance.

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Natural Language Processing in Political Campaigns
Cristina Moise

This paper overviews the Majoritas ecosystem, providing a complete overview of political campaigns assessment aimed to assist politicians and their staff in delivering consistent and personalized message within social media.


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Vector Space Representations for NLP

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Vector Space Representations for NLP
Samuel Bowman | Yoav Goldberg | Felix Hill | Angeliki Lazaridou | Omer Levy | Roi Reichart | Anders Søgaard

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The RepEval 2017 Shared Task: Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference with Sentence Representations
Nikita Nangia | Adina Williams | Angeliki Lazaridou | Samuel Bowman

This paper presents the results of the RepEval 2017 Shared Task, which evaluated neural network sentence representation learning models on the Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference corpus (MultiNLI) recently introduced by Williams et al. (2017). All of the five participating teams beat the bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) and continuous bag of words baselines reported in Williams et al. The best single model used stacked BiLSTMs with residual connections to extract sentence features and reached 74.5% accuracy on the genre-matched test set. Surprisingly, the results of the competition were fairly consistent across the genre-matched and genre-mismatched test sets, and across subsets of the test data representing a variety of linguistic phenomena, suggesting that all of the submitted systems learned reasonably domain-independent representations for sentence meaning.

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Traversal-Free Word Vector Evaluation in Analogy Space
Xiaoyin Che | Nico Ring | Willi Raschkowski | Haojin Yang | Christoph Meinel

In this paper, we propose an alternative evaluating metric for word analogy questions (A to B is as C to D) in word vector evaluation. Different from the traditional method which predicts the fourth word by the given three, we measure the similarity directly on the “relations” of two pairs of given words, just as shifting the relation vectors into a new analogy space. Cosine and Euclidean distances are then calculated as measurements. Observation and experiments shows the proposed analogy space evaluation could offer a more comprehensive evaluating result on word vectors with word analogy questions. Meanwhile, computational complexity are remarkably reduced by avoiding traversing the vocabulary.

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Hypothesis Testing based Intrinsic Evaluation of Word Embeddings
Nishant Gurnani

We introduce the cross-match test - an exact, distribution free, high-dimensional hypothesis test as an intrinsic evaluation metric for word embeddings. We show that cross-match is an effective means of measuring the distributional similarity between different vector representations and of evaluating the statistical significance of different vector embedding models. Additionally, we find that cross-match can be used to provide a quantitative measure of linguistic similarity for selecting bridge languages for machine translation. We demonstrate that the results of the hypothesis test align with our expectations and note that the framework of two sample hypothesis testing is not limited to word embeddings and can be extended to all vector representations.

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Evaluation of word embeddings against cognitive processes: primed reaction times in lexical decision and naming tasks
Jeremy Auguste | Arnaud Rey | Benoit Favre

This work presents a framework for word similarity evaluation grounded on cognitive sciences experimental data. Word pair similarities are compared to reaction times of subjects in large scale lexical decision and naming tasks under semantic priming. Results show that GloVe embeddings lead to significantly higher correlation with experimental measurements than other controlled and off-the-shelf embeddings, and that the choice of a training corpus is less important than that of the algorithm. Comparison of rankings with other datasets shows that the cognitive phenomenon covers more aspects than simply word relatedness or similarity.

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Playing with Embeddings : Evaluating embeddings for Robot Language Learning through MUD Games
Anmol Gulati | Kumar Krishna Agrawal

Acquiring language provides a ubiquitous mode of communication, across humans and robots. To this effect, distributional representations of words based on co-occurrence statistics, have provided significant advancements ranging across machine translation to comprehension. In this paper, we study the suitability of using general purpose word-embeddings for language learning in robots. We propose using text-based games as a proxy to evaluating word embedding on real robots. Based in a risk-reward setting, we review the effectiveness of the embeddings in navigating tasks in fantasy games, as an approximation to their performance on more complex scenarios, like language assisted robot navigation.

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Recognizing Textual Entailment in Twitter Using Word Embeddings
Octavia-Maria Şulea

In this paper, we investigate the application of machine learning techniques and word embeddings to the task of Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) in Social Media. We look at a manually labeled dataset consisting of user generated short texts posted on Twitter (tweets) and related to four recent media events (the Charlie Hebdo shooting, the Ottawa shooting, the Sydney Siege, and the German Wings crash) and test to what extent neural techniques and embeddings are able to distinguish between tweets that entail or contradict each other or that claim unrelated things. We obtain comparable results to the state of the art in a train-test setting, but we show that, due to the noisy aspect of the data, results plummet in an evaluation strategy crafted to better simulate a real-life train-test scenario.

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Recurrent Neural Network-Based Sentence Encoder with Gated Attention for Natural Language Inference
Qian Chen | Xiaodan Zhu | Zhen-Hua Ling | Si Wei | Hui Jiang | Diana Inkpen

The RepEval 2017 Shared Task aims to evaluate natural language understanding models for sentence representation, in which a sentence is represented as a fixed-length vector with neural networks and the quality of the representation is tested with a natural language inference task. This paper describes our system (alpha) that is ranked among the top in the Shared Task, on both the in-domain test set (obtaining a 74.9% accuracy) and on the cross-domain test set (also attaining a 74.9% accuracy), demonstrating that the model generalizes well to the cross-domain data. Our model is equipped with intra-sentence gated-attention composition which helps achieve a better performance. In addition to submitting our model to the Shared Task, we have also tested it on the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) dataset. We obtain an accuracy of 85.5%, which is the best reported result on SNLI when cross-sentence attention is not allowed, the same condition enforced in RepEval 2017.

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Shortcut-Stacked Sentence Encoders for Multi-Domain Inference
Yixin Nie | Mohit Bansal

We present a simple sequential sentence encoder for multi-domain natural language inference. Our encoder is based on stacked bidirectional LSTM-RNNs with shortcut connections and fine-tuning of word embeddings. The overall supervised model uses the above encoder to encode two input sentences into two vectors, and then uses a classifier over the vector combination to label the relationship between these two sentences as that of entailment, contradiction, or neural. Our Shortcut-Stacked sentence encoders achieve strong improvements over existing encoders on matched and mismatched multi-domain natural language inference (top single-model result in the EMNLP RepEval 2017 Shared Task (Nangia et al., 2017)). Moreover, they achieve the new state-of-the-art encoding result on the original SNLI dataset (Bowman et al., 2015).

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Character-level Intra Attention Network for Natural Language Inference
Han Yang | Marta R. Costa-jussà | José A. R. Fonollosa

Natural language inference (NLI) is a central problem in language understanding. End-to-end artificial neural networks have reached state-of-the-art performance in NLI field recently. In this paper, we propose Character-level Intra Attention Network (CIAN) for the NLI task. In our model, we use the character-level convolutional network to replace the standard word embedding layer, and we use the intra attention to capture the intra-sentence semantics. The proposed CIAN model provides improved results based on a newly published MNLI corpus.

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Refining Raw Sentence Representations for Textual Entailment Recognition via Attention
Jorge Balazs | Edison Marrese-Taylor | Pablo Loyola | Yutaka Matsuo

In this paper we present the model used by the team Rivercorners for the 2017 RepEval shared task. First, our model separately encodes a pair of sentences into variable-length representations by using a bidirectional LSTM. Later, it creates fixed-length raw representations by means of simple aggregation functions, which are then refined using an attention mechanism. Finally it combines the refined representations of both sentences into a single vector to be used for classification. With this model we obtained test accuracies of 72.057% and 72.055% in the matched and mismatched evaluation tracks respectively, outperforming the LSTM baseline, and obtaining performances similar to a model that relies on shared information between sentences (ESIM). When using an ensemble both accuracies increased to 72.247% and 72.827% respectively.

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LCT-MALTA’s Submission to RepEval 2017 Shared Task
Hoa Trong Vu | Thuong-Hai Pham | Xiaoyu Bai | Marc Tanti | Lonneke van der Plas | Albert Gatt

System using BiLSTM and max pooling. Embedding is enhanced by POS, character and dependency info.


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
Phil Blunsom | Antoine Bordes | Kyunghyun Cho | Shay Cohen | Chris Dyer | Edward Grefenstette | Karl Moritz Hermann | Laura Rimell | Jason Weston | Scott Yih

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Sense Contextualization in a Dependency-Based Compositional Distributional Model
Pablo Gamallo

Little attention has been paid to distributional compositional methods which employ syntactically structured vector models. As word vectors belonging to different syntactic categories have incompatible syntactic distributions, no trivial compositional operation can be applied to combine them into a new compositional vector. In this article, we generalize the method described by Erk and Padó (2009) by proposing a dependency-base framework that contextualize not only lemmas but also selectional preferences. The main contribution of the article is to expand their model to a fully compositional framework in which syntactic dependencies are put at the core of semantic composition. We claim that semantic composition is mainly driven by syntactic dependencies. Each syntactic dependency generates two new compositional vectors representing the contextualized sense of the two related lemmas. The sequential application of the compositional operations associated to the dependencies results in as many contextualized vectors as lemmas the composite expression contains. At the end of the semantic process, we do not obtain a single compositional vector representing the semantic denotation of the whole composite expression, but one contextualized vector for each lemma of the whole expression. Our method avoids the troublesome high-order tensor representations by defining lemmas and selectional restrictions as first-order tensors (i.e. standard vectors). A corpus-based experiment is performed to both evaluate the quality of the compositional vectors built with our strategy, and to compare them to other approaches on distributional compositional semantics. The experiments show that our dependency-based compositional method performs as (or even better than) the state-of-the-art.

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Context encoders as a simple but powerful extension of word2vec
Franziska Horn

With a strikingly simple architecture and the ability to learn meaningful word embeddings efficiently from texts containing billions of words, word2vec remains one of the most popular neural language models used today. However, as only a single embedding is learned for every word in the vocabulary, the model fails to optimally represent words with multiple meanings and, additionally, it is not possible to create embeddings for new (out-of-vocabulary) words on the spot. Based on an intuitive interpretation of the continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) word2vec model’s negative sampling training objective in terms of predicting context based similarities, we motivate an extension of the model we call context encoders (ConEc). By multiplying the matrix of trained word2vec embeddings with a word’s average context vector, out-of-vocabulary (OOV) embeddings and representations for words with multiple meanings can be created based on the words’ local contexts. The benefits of this approach are illustrated by using these word embeddings as features in the CoNLL 2003 named entity recognition (NER) task.

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Machine Comprehension by Text-to-Text Neural Question Generation
Xingdi Yuan | Tong Wang | Caglar Gulcehre | Alessandro Sordoni | Philip Bachman | Saizheng Zhang | Sandeep Subramanian | Adam Trischler

We propose a recurrent neural model that generates natural-language questions from documents, conditioned on answers. We show how to train the model using a combination of supervised and reinforcement learning. After teacher forcing for standard maximum likelihood training, we fine-tune the model using policy gradient techniques to maximize several rewards that measure question quality. Most notably, one of these rewards is the performance of a question-answering system. We motivate question generation as a means to improve the performance of question answering systems. Our model is trained and evaluated on the recent question-answering dataset SQuAD.

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Emergent Predication Structure in Hidden State Vectors of Neural Readers
Hai Wang | Takeshi Onishi | Kevin Gimpel | David McAllester

A significant number of neural architectures for reading comprehension have recently been developed and evaluated on large cloze-style datasets. We present experiments supporting the emergence of “predication structure” in the hidden state vectors of these readers. More specifically, we provide evidence that the hidden state vectors represent atomic formulas 𝛷c where 𝛷 is a semantic property (predicate) and c is a constant symbol entity identifier.

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Towards Harnessing Memory Networks for Coreference Resolution
Joe Cheri | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Coreference resolution task demands comprehending a discourse, especially for anaphoric mentions which require semantic information for resolving antecedents. We investigate into how memory networks can be helpful for coreference resolution when posed as question answering problem. The comprehension capability of memory networks assists coreference resolution, particularly for the mentions that require semantic and context information. We experiment memory networks for coreference resolution, with 4 synthetic datasets generated for coreference resolution with varying difficulty levels. Our system’s performance is compared with a traditional coreference resolution system to show why memory network can be promising for coreference resolution.

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Combining Word-Level and Character-Level Representations for Relation Classification of Informal Text
Dongyun Liang | Weiran Xu | Yinge Zhao

Word representation models have achieved great success in natural language processing tasks, such as relation classification. However, it does not always work on informal text, and the morphemes of some misspelling words may carry important short-distance semantic information. We propose a hybrid model, combining the merits of word-level and character-level representations to learn better representations on informal text. Experiments on two dataset of relation classification, SemEval-2010 Task8 and a large-scale one we compile from informal text, show that our model achieves a competitive result in the former and state-of-the-art with the other.

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Transfer Learning for Neural Semantic Parsing
Xing Fan | Emilio Monti | Lambert Mathias | Markus Dreyer

The goal of semantic parsing is to map natural language to a machine interpretable meaning representation language (MRL). One of the constraints that limits full exploration of deep learning technologies for semantic parsing is the lack of sufficient annotation training data. In this paper, we propose using sequence-to-sequence in a multi-task setup for semantic parsing with focus on transfer learning. We explore three multi-task architectures for sequence-to-sequence model and compare their performance with the independently trained model. Our experiments show that the multi-task setup aids transfer learning from an auxiliary task with large labeled data to the target task with smaller labeled data. We see an absolute accuracy gain ranging from 1.0% to 4.4% in in our in-house data set and we also see good gains ranging from 2.5% to 7.0% on the ATIS semantic parsing tasks with syntactic and semantic auxiliary tasks.

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Modeling Large-Scale Structured Relationships with Shared Memory for Knowledge Base Completion
Yelong Shen | Po-Sen Huang | Ming-Wei Chang | Jianfeng Gao

Recent studies on knowledge base completion, the task of recovering missing relationships based on recorded relations, demonstrate the importance of learning embeddings from multi-step relations. However, due to the size of knowledge bases, learning multi-step relations directly on top of observed triplets could be costly. Hence, a manually designed procedure is often used when training the models. In this paper, we propose Implicit ReasoNets (IRNs), which is designed to perform multi-step inference implicitly through a controller and shared memory. Without a human-designed inference procedure, IRNs use training data to learn to perform multi-step inference in an embedding neural space through the shared memory and controller. While the inference procedure does not explicitly operate on top of observed triplets, our proposed model outperforms all previous approaches on the popular FB15k benchmark by more than 5.7%.

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Knowledge Base Completion: Baselines Strike Back
Rudolf Kadlec | Ondrej Bajgar | Jan Kleindienst

Many papers have been published on the knowledge base completion task in the past few years. Most of these introduce novel architectures for relation learning that are evaluated on standard datasets like FB15k and WN18. This paper shows that the accuracy of almost all models published on the FB15k can be outperformed by an appropriately tuned baseline — our reimplementation of the DistMult model. Our findings cast doubt on the claim that the performance improvements of recent models are due to architectural changes as opposed to hyper-parameter tuning or different training objectives. This should prompt future research to re-consider how the performance of models is evaluated and reported.

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Sequential Attention: A Context-Aware Alignment Function for Machine Reading
Sebastian Brarda | Philip Yeres | Samuel Bowman

In this paper we propose a neural network model with a novel Sequential Attention layer that extends soft attention by assigning weights to words in an input sequence in a way that takes into account not just how well that word matches a query, but how well surrounding words match. We evaluate this approach on the task of reading comprehension (on the Who did What and CNN datasets) and show that it dramatically improves a strong baseline—the Stanford Reader—and is competitive with the state of the art.

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Semantic Vector Encoding and Similarity Search Using Fulltext Search Engines
Jan Rygl | Jan Pomikálek | Radim Řehůřek | Michal Růžička | Vít Novotný | Petr Sojka

Vector representations and vector space modeling (VSM) play a central role in modern machine learning. We propose a novel approach to ‘vector similarity searching’ over dense semantic representations of words and documents that can be deployed on top of traditional inverted-index-based fulltext engines, taking advantage of their robustness, stability, scalability and ubiquity. We show that this approach allows the indexing and querying of dense vectors in text domains. This opens up exciting avenues for major efficiency gains, along with simpler deployment, scaling and monitoring. The end result is a fast and scalable vector database with a tunable trade-off between vector search performance and quality, backed by a standard fulltext engine such as Elasticsearch. We empirically demonstrate its querying performance and quality by applying this solution to the task of semantic searching over a dense vector representation of the entire English Wikipedia.

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Multi-task Domain Adaptation for Sequence Tagging
Nanyun Peng | Mark Dredze

Many domain adaptation approaches rely on learning cross domain shared representations to transfer the knowledge learned in one domain to other domains. Traditional domain adaptation only considers adapting for one task. In this paper, we explore multi-task representation learning under the domain adaptation scenario. We propose a neural network framework that supports domain adaptation for multiple tasks simultaneously, and learns shared representations that better generalize for domain adaptation. We apply the proposed framework to domain adaptation for sequence tagging problems considering two tasks: Chinese word segmentation and named entity recognition. Experiments show that multi-task domain adaptation works better than disjoint domain adaptation for each task, and achieves the state-of-the-art results for both tasks in the social media domain.

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Beyond Bilingual: Multi-sense Word Embeddings using Multilingual Context
Shyam Upadhyay | Kai-Wei Chang | Matt Taddy | Adam Kalai | James Zou

Word embeddings, which represent a word as a point in a vector space, have become ubiquitous to several NLP tasks. A recent line of work uses bilingual (two languages) corpora to learn a different vector for each sense of a word, by exploiting crosslingual signals to aid sense identification. We present a multi-view Bayesian non-parametric algorithm which improves multi-sense wor d embeddings by (a) using multilingual (i.e., more than two languages) corpora to significantly improve sense embeddings beyond what one achieves with bilingual information, and (b) uses a principled approach to learn a variable number of senses per word, in a data-driven manner. Ours is the first approach with the ability to leverage multilingual corpora efficiently for multi-sense representation learning. Experiments show that multilingual training significantly improves performance over monolingual and bilingual training, by allowing us to combine different parallel corpora to leverage multilingual context. Multilingual training yields comparable performance to a state of the art monolingual model trained on five times more training data.

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DocTag2Vec: An Embedding Based Multi-label Learning Approach for Document Tagging
Sheng Chen | Akshay Soni | Aasish Pappu | Yashar Mehdad

Tagging news articles or blog posts with relevant tags from a collection of predefined ones is coined as document tagging in this work. Accurate tagging of articles can benefit several downstream applications such as recommendation and search. In this work, we propose a novel yet simple approach called DocTag2Vec to accomplish this task. We substantially extend Word2Vec and Doc2Vec – two popular models for learning distributed representation of words and documents. In DocTag2Vec, we simultaneously learn the representation of words, documents, and tags in a joint vector space during training, and employ the simple k-nearest neighbor search to predict tags for unseen documents. In contrast to previous multi-label learning methods, DocTag2Vec directly deals with raw text instead of provided feature vector, and in addition, enjoys advantages like the learning of tag representation, and the ability of handling newly created tags. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct experiments on several datasets and show promising results against state-of-the-art methods.

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Binary Paragraph Vectors
Karol Grzegorczyk | Marcin Kurdziel

Recently Le & Mikolov described two log-linear models, called Paragraph Vector, that can be used to learn state-of-the-art distributed representations of documents. Inspired by this work, we present Binary Paragraph Vector models: simple neural networks that learn short binary codes for fast information retrieval. We show that binary paragraph vectors outperform autoencoder-based binary codes, despite using fewer bits. We also evaluate their precision in transfer learning settings, where binary codes are inferred for documents unrelated to the training corpus. Results from these experiments indicate that binary paragraph vectors can capture semantics relevant for various domain-specific documents. Finally, we present a model that simultaneously learns short binary codes and longer, real-valued representations. This model can be used to rapidly retrieve a short list of highly relevant documents from a large document collection.

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Representing Compositionality based on Multiple Timescales Gated Recurrent Neural Networks with Adaptive Temporal Hierarchy for Character-Level Language Models
Dennis Singh Moirangthem | Jegyung Son | Minho Lee

A novel character-level neural language model is proposed in this paper. The proposed model incorporates a biologically inspired temporal hierarchy in the architecture for representing multiple compositions of language in order to handle longer sequences for the character-level language model. The temporal hierarchy is introduced in the language model by utilizing a Gated Recurrent Neural Network with multiple timescales. The proposed model incorporates a timescale adaptation mechanism for enhancing the performance of the language model. We evaluate our proposed model using the popular Penn Treebank and Text8 corpora. The experiments show that the use of multiple timescales in a Neural Language Model (NLM) enables improved performance despite having fewer parameters and with no additional computation requirements. Our experiments also demonstrate the ability of the adaptive temporal hierarchies to represent multiple compositonality without the help of complex hierarchical architectures and shows that better representation of the longer sequences lead to enhanced performance of the probabilistic language model.

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Learning Bilingual Projections of Embeddings for Vocabulary Expansion in Machine Translation
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha | Cristina España-Bonet

We propose a simple log-bilinear softmax-based model to deal with vocabulary expansion in machine translation. Our model uses word embeddings trained on significantly large unlabelled monolingual corpora and learns over a fairly small, word-to-word bilingual dictionary. Given an out-of-vocabulary source word, the model generates a probabilistic list of possible translations in the target language using the trained bilingual embeddings. We integrate these translation options into a standard phrase-based statistical machine translation system and obtain consistent improvements in translation quality on the English–Spanish language pair. When tested over an out-of-domain testset, we get a significant improvement of 3.9 BLEU points.

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Prediction of Frame-to-Frame Relations in the FrameNet Hierarchy with Frame Embeddings
Teresa Botschen | Hatem Mousselly-Sergieh | Iryna Gurevych

Automatic completion of frame-to-frame (F2F) relations in the FrameNet (FN) hierarchy has received little attention, although they incorporate meta-level commonsense knowledge and are used in downstream approaches. We address the problem of sparsely annotated F2F relations. First, we examine whether the manually defined F2F relations emerge from text by learning text-based frame embeddings. Our analysis reveals insights about the difficulty of reconstructing F2F relations purely from text. Second, we present different systems for predicting F2F relations; our best-performing one uses the FN hierarchy to train on and to ground embeddings in. A comparison of systems and embeddings exposes the crucial influence of knowledge-based embeddings to a system’s performance in predicting F2F relations.

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Learning Joint Multilingual Sentence Representations with Neural Machine Translation
Holger Schwenk | Matthijs Douze

In this paper, we use the framework of neural machine translation to learn joint sentence representations across six very different languages. Our aim is that a representation which is independent of the language, is likely to capture the underlying semantics. We define a new cross-lingual similarity measure, compare up to 1.4M sentence representations and study the characteristics of close sentences. We provide experimental evidence that sentences that are close in embedding space are indeed semantically highly related, but often have quite different structure and syntax. These relations also hold when comparing sentences in different languages.

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Transfer Learning for Speech Recognition on a Budget
Julius Kunze | Louis Kirsch | Ilia Kurenkov | Andreas Krug | Jens Johannsmeier | Sebastian Stober

End-to-end training of automated speech recognition (ASR) systems requires massive data and compute resources. We explore transfer learning based on model adaptation as an approach for training ASR models under constrained GPU memory, throughput and training data. We conduct several systematic experiments adapting a Wav2Letter convolutional neural network originally trained for English ASR to the German language. We show that this technique allows faster training on consumer-grade resources while requiring less training data in order to achieve the same accuracy, thereby lowering the cost of training ASR models in other languages. Model introspection revealed that small adaptations to the network’s weights were sufficient for good performance, especially for inner layers.

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Gradual Learning of Matrix-Space Models of Language for Sentiment Analysis
Shima Asaadi | Sebastian Rudolph

Learning word representations to capture the semantics and compositionality of language has received much research interest in natural language processing. Beyond the popular vector space models, matrix representations for words have been proposed, since then, matrix multiplication can serve as natural composition operation. In this work, we investigate the problem of learning matrix representations of words. We present a learning approach for compositional matrix-space models for the task of sentiment analysis. We show that our approach, which learns the matrices gradually in two steps, outperforms other approaches and a gradient-descent baseline in terms of quality and computational cost.

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Improving Language Modeling using Densely Connected Recurrent Neural Networks
Fréderic Godin | Joni Dambre | Wesley De Neve

In this paper, we introduce the novel concept of densely connected layers into recurrent neural networks. We evaluate our proposed architecture on the Penn Treebank language modeling task. We show that we can obtain similar perplexity scores with six times fewer parameters compared to a standard stacked 2-layer LSTM model trained with dropout (Zaremba et al., 2014). In contrast with the current usage of skip connections, we show that densely connecting only a few stacked layers with skip connections already yields significant perplexity reductions.

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NewsQA: A Machine Comprehension Dataset
Adam Trischler | Tong Wang | Xingdi Yuan | Justin Harris | Alessandro Sordoni | Philip Bachman | Kaheer Suleman

We present NewsQA, a challenging machine comprehension dataset of over 100,000 human-generated question-answer pairs. Crowdworkers supply questions and answers based on a set of over 10,000 news articles from CNN, with answers consisting of spans of text in the articles. We collect this dataset through a four-stage process designed to solicit exploratory questions that require reasoning. Analysis confirms that NewsQA demands abilities beyond simple word matching and recognizing textual entailment. We measure human performance on the dataset and compare it to several strong neural models. The performance gap between humans and machines (13.3% F1) indicates that significant progress can be made on NewsQA through future research. The dataset is freely available online.

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Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Text Representations in Twitter Streams
Lawrence Phillips | Kyle Shaffer | Dustin Arendt | Nathan Hodas | Svitlana Volkova

Language in social media is a dynamic system, constantly evolving and adapting, with words and concepts rapidly emerging, disappearing, and changing their meaning. These changes can be estimated using word representations in context, over time and across locations. A number of methods have been proposed to track these spatiotemporal changes but no general method exists to evaluate the quality of these representations. Previous work largely focused on qualitative evaluation, which we improve by proposing a set of visualizations that highlight changes in text representation over both space and time. We demonstrate usefulness of novel spatiotemporal representations to explore and characterize specific aspects of the corpus of tweets collected from European countries over a two-week period centered around the terrorist attacks in Brussels in March 2016. In addition, we quantitatively evaluate spatiotemporal representations by feeding them into a downstream classification task – event type prediction. Thus, our work is the first to provide both intrinsic (qualitative) and extrinsic (quantitative) evaluation of text representations for spatiotemporal trends.

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Rethinking Skip-thought: A Neighborhood based Approach
Shuai Tang | Hailin Jin | Chen Fang | Zhaowen Wang | Virginia de Sa

We study the skip-thought model with neighborhood information as weak supervision. More specifically, we propose a skip-thought neighbor model to consider the adjacent sentences as a neighborhood. We train our skip-thought neighbor model on a large corpus with continuous sentences, and then evaluate the trained model on 7 tasks, which include semantic relatedness, paraphrase detection, and classification benchmarks. Both quantitative comparison and qualitative investigation are conducted. We empirically show that, our skip-thought neighbor model performs as well as the skip-thought model on evaluation tasks. In addition, we found that, incorporating an autoencoder path in our model didn’t aid our model to perform better, while it hurts the performance of the skip-thought model.

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A Frame Tracking Model for Memory-Enhanced Dialogue Systems
Hannes Schulz | Jeremie Zumer | Layla El Asri | Shikhar Sharma

Recently, resources and tasks were proposed to go beyond state tracking in dialogue systems. An example is the frame tracking task, which requires recording multiple frames, one for each user goal set during the dialogue. This allows a user, for instance, to compare items corresponding to different goals. This paper proposes a model which takes as input the list of frames created so far during the dialogue, the current user utterance as well as the dialogue acts, slot types, and slot values associated with this utterance. The model then outputs the frame being referenced by each triple of dialogue act, slot type, and slot value. We show that on the recently published Frames dataset, this model significantly outperforms a previously proposed rule-based baseline. In addition, we propose an extensive analysis of the frame tracking task by dividing it into sub-tasks and assessing their difficulty with respect to our model.

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Plan, Attend, Generate: Character-Level Neural Machine Translation with Planning
Caglar Gulcehre | Francis Dutil | Adam Trischler | Yoshua Bengio

We investigate the integration of a planning mechanism into an encoder-decoder architecture with attention. We develop a model that can plan ahead when it computes alignments between the source and target sequences not only for a single time-step but for the next k time-steps as well by constructing a matrix of proposed future alignments and a commitment vector that governs whether to follow or recompute the plan. This mechanism is inspired by strategic attentive reader and writer (STRAW) model, a recent neural architecture for planning with hierarchical reinforcement learning that can also learn higher level temporal abstractions. Our proposed model is end-to-end trainable with differentiable operations. We show that our model outperforms strong baselines on character-level translation task from WMT’15 with fewer parameters and computes alignments that are qualitatively intuitive.

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Does the Geometry of Word Embeddings Help Document Classification? A Case Study on Persistent Homology-Based Representations
Paul Michel | Abhilasha Ravichander | Shruti Rijhwani

We investigate the pertinence of methods from algebraic topology for text data analysis. These methods enable the development of mathematically-principled isometric-invariant mappings from a set of vectors to a document embedding, which is stable with respect to the geometry of the document in the selected metric space. In this work, we evaluate the utility of these topology-based document representations in traditional NLP tasks, specifically document clustering and sentiment classification. We find that the embeddings do not benefit text analysis. In fact, performance is worse than simple techniques like tf-idf, indicating that the geometry of the document does not provide enough variability for classification on the basis of topic or sentiment in the chosen datasets.

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Adversarial Generation of Natural Language
Sandeep Subramanian | Sai Rajeswar | Francis Dutil | Chris Pal | Aaron Courville

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have gathered a lot of attention from the computer vision community, yielding impressive results for image generation. Advances in the adversarial generation of natural language from noise however are not commensurate with the progress made in generating images, and still lag far behind likelihood based methods. In this paper, we take a step towards generating natural language with a GAN objective alone. We introduce a simple baseline that addresses the discrete output space problem without relying on gradient estimators and show that it is able to achieve state-of-the-art results on a Chinese poem generation dataset. We present quantitative results on generating sentences from context-free and probabilistic context-free grammars, and qualitative language modeling results. A conditional version is also described that can generate sequences conditioned on sentence characteristics.

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Deep Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition
Yanyao Shen | Hyokun Yun | Zachary Lipton | Yakov Kronrod | Animashree Anandkumar

Deep neural networks have advanced the state of the art in named entity recognition. However, under typical training procedures, advantages over classical methods emerge only with large datasets. As a result, deep learning is employed only when large public datasets or a large budget for manually labeling data is available. In this work, we show otherwise: by combining deep learning with active learning, we can outperform classical methods even with a significantly smaller amount of training data.

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Learning when to skim and when to read
Alexander Johansen | Richard Socher

Many recent advances in deep learning for natural language processing have come at increasing computational cost, but the power of these state-of-the-art models is not needed for every example in a dataset. We demonstrate two approaches to reducing unnecessary computation in cases where a fast but weak baseline classier and a stronger, slower model are both available. Applying an AUC-based metric to the task of sentiment classification, we find significant efficiency gains with both a probability-threshold method for reducing computational cost and one that uses a secondary decision network.

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Learning to Embed Words in Context for Syntactic Tasks
Lifu Tu | Kevin Gimpel | Karen Livescu

We present models for embedding words in the context of surrounding words. Such models, which we refer to as token embeddings, represent the characteristics of a word that are specific to a given context, such as word sense, syntactic category, and semantic role. We explore simple, efficient token embedding models based on standard neural network architectures. We learn token embeddings on a large amount of unannotated text and evaluate them as features for part-of-speech taggers and dependency parsers trained on much smaller amounts of annotated data. We find that predictors endowed with token embeddings consistently outperform baseline predictors across a range of context window and training set sizes.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Grounding for Robotics

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Grounding for Robotics
Mohit Bansal | Cynthia Matuszek | Jacob Andreas | Yoav Artzi | Yonatan Bisk

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Grounding Language for Interactive Task Learning
Peter Lindes | Aaron Mininger | James R. Kirk | John E. Laird

This paper describes how language is grounded by a comprehension system called Lucia within a robotic agent called Rosie that can manipulate objects and navigate indoors. The whole system is built within the Soar cognitive architecture and uses Embodied Construction Grammar (ECG) as a formalism for describing linguistic knowledge. Grounding is performed using knowledge from the grammar itself, from the linguistic context, from the agents perception, and from an ontology of long-term knowledge about object categories and properties and actions the agent can perform. The paper also describes a benchmark corpus of 200 sentences in this domain along with test versions of the world model and ontology and gold-standard meanings for each of the sentences. The benchmark is contained in the supplemental materials.

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Learning how to Learn: An Adaptive Dialogue Agent for Incrementally Learning Visually Grounded Word Meanings
Yanchao Yu | Arash Eshghi | Oliver Lemon

We present an optimised multi-modal dialogue agent for interactive learning of visually grounded word meanings from a human tutor, trained on real human-human tutoring data. Within a life-long interactive learning period, the agent, trained using Reinforcement Learning (RL), must be able to handle natural conversations with human users, and achieve good learning performance (i.e. accuracy) while minimising human effort in the learning process. We train and evaluate this system in interaction with a simulated human tutor, which is built on the BURCHAK corpus – a Human-Human Dialogue dataset for the visual learning task. The results show that: 1) The learned policy can coherently interact with the simulated user to achieve the goal of the task (i.e. learning visual attributes of objects, e.g. colour and shape); and 2) it finds a better trade-off between classifier accuracy and tutoring costs than hand-crafted rule-based policies, including ones with dynamic policies.

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Guiding Interaction Behaviors for Multi-modal Grounded Language Learning
Jesse Thomason | Jivko Sinapov | Raymond Mooney

Multi-modal grounded language learning connects language predicates to physical properties of objects in the world. Sensing with multiple modalities, such as audio, haptics, and visual colors and shapes while performing interaction behaviors like lifting, dropping, and looking on objects enables a robot to ground non-visual predicates like “empty” as well as visual predicates like “red”. Previous work has established that grounding in multi-modal space improves performance on object retrieval from human descriptions. In this work, we gather behavior annotations from humans and demonstrate that these improve language grounding performance by allowing a system to focus on relevant behaviors for words like “white” or “half-full” that can be understood by looking or lifting, respectively. We also explore adding modality annotations (whether to focus on audio or haptics when performing a behavior), which improves performance, and sharing information between linguistically related predicates (if “green” is a color, “white” is a color), which improves grounding recall but at the cost of precision.

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Structured Learning for Context-aware Spoken Language Understanding of Robotic Commands
Andrea Vanzo | Danilo Croce | Roberto Basili | Daniele Nardi

Service robots are expected to operate in specific environments, where the presence of humans plays a key role. A major feature of such robotics platforms is thus the ability to react to spoken commands. This requires the understanding of the user utterance with an accuracy able to trigger the robot reaction. Such correct interpretation of linguistic exchanges depends on physical, cognitive and language-dependent aspects related to the environment. In this work, we present the empirical evaluation of an adaptive Spoken Language Understanding chain for robotic commands, that explicitly depends on the operational environment during both the learning and recognition stages. The effectiveness of such a context-sensitive command interpretation is tested against an extension of an already existing corpus of commands, that introduced explicit perceptual knowledge: this enabled deeper measures proving that more accurate disambiguation capabilities can be actually obtained.

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Natural Language Grounding and Grammar Induction for Robotic Manipulation Commands
Muhannad Alomari | Paul Duckworth | Majd Hawasly | David C. Hogg | Anthony G. Cohn

We present a cognitively plausible system capable of acquiring knowledge in language and vision from pairs of short video clips and linguistic descriptions. The aim of this work is to teach a robot manipulator how to execute natural language commands by demonstration. This is achieved by first learning a set of visual ‘concepts’ that abstract the visual feature spaces into concepts that have human-level meaning. Second, learning the mapping/grounding between words and the extracted visual concepts. Third, inducing grammar rules via a semantic representation known as Robot Control Language (RCL). We evaluate our approach against state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised grounding and grammar induction systems, and show that a robot can learn to execute never seen-before commands from pairs of unlabelled linguistic and visual inputs.

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Communication with Robots using Multilayer Recurrent Networks
Bedřich Pišl | David Mareček

In this paper, we describe an improvement on the task of giving instructions to robots in a simulated block world using unrestricted natural language commands.

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Grounding Symbols in Multi-Modal Instructions
Yordan Hristov | Svetlin Penkov | Alex Lascarides | Subramanian Ramamoorthy

As robots begin to cohabit with humans in semi-structured environments, the need arises to understand instructions involving rich variability—for instance, learning to ground symbols in the physical world. Realistically, this task must cope with small datasets consisting of a particular users’ contextual assignment of meaning to terms. We present a method for processing a raw stream of cross-modal input—i.e., linguistic instructions, visual perception of a scene and a concurrent trace of 3D eye tracking fixations—to produce the segmentation of objects with a correspondent association to high-level concepts. To test our framework we present experiments in a table-top object manipulation scenario. Our results show our model learns the user’s notion of colour and shape from a small number of physical demonstrations, generalising to identifying physical referents for novel combinations of the words.

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Exploring Variation of Natural Human Commands to a Robot in a Collaborative Navigation Task
Matthew Marge | Claire Bonial | Ashley Foots | Cory Hayes | Cassidy Henry | Kimberly Pollard | Ron Artstein | Clare Voss | David Traum

Robot-directed communication is variable, and may change based on human perception of robot capabilities. To collect training data for a dialogue system and to investigate possible communication changes over time, we developed a Wizard-of-Oz study that (a) simulates a robot’s limited understanding, and (b) collects dialogues where human participants build a progressively better mental model of the robot’s understanding. With ten participants, we collected ten hours of human-robot dialogue. We analyzed the structure of instructions that participants gave to a remote robot before it responded. Our findings show a general initial preference for including metric information (e.g., move forward 3 feet) over landmarks (e.g., move to the desk) in motion commands, but this decreased over time, suggesting changes in perception.

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A Tale of Two DRAGGNs: A Hybrid Approach for Interpreting Action-Oriented and Goal-Oriented Instructions
Siddharth Karamcheti | Edward Clem Williams | Dilip Arumugam | Mina Rhee | Nakul Gopalan | Lawson L.S. Wong | Stefanie Tellex

Robots operating alongside humans in diverse, stochastic environments must be able to accurately interpret natural language commands. These instructions often fall into one of two categories: those that specify a goal condition or target state, and those that specify explicit actions, or how to perform a given task. Recent approaches have used reward functions as a semantic representation of goal-based commands, which allows for the use of a state-of-the-art planner to find a policy for the given task. However, these reward functions cannot be directly used to represent action-oriented commands. We introduce a new hybrid approach, the Deep Recurrent Action-Goal Grounding Network (DRAGGN), for task grounding and execution that handles natural language from either category as input, and generalizes to unseen environments. Our robot-simulation results demonstrate that a system successfully interpreting both goal-oriented and action-oriented task specifications brings us closer to robust natural language understanding for human-robot interaction.

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Are Distributional Representations Ready for the Real World? Evaluating Word Vectors for Grounded Perceptual Meaning
Li Lucy | Jon Gauthier

Distributional word representation methods exploit word co-occurrences to build compact vector encodings of words. While these representations enjoy widespread use in modern natural language processing, it is unclear whether they accurately encode all necessary facets of conceptual meaning. In this paper, we evaluate how well these representations can predict perceptual and conceptual features of concrete concepts, drawing on two semantic norm datasets sourced from human participants. We find that several standard word representations fail to encode many salient perceptual features of concepts, and show that these deficits correlate with word-word similarity prediction errors. Our analyses provide motivation for grounded and embodied language learning approaches, which may help to remedy these deficits.

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Sympathy Begins with a Smile, Intelligence Begins with a Word: Use of Multimodal Features in Spoken Human-Robot Interaction
Jekaterina Novikova | Christian Dondrup | Ioannis Papaioannou | Oliver Lemon

Recognition of social signals, coming from human facial expressions or prosody of human speech, is a popular research topic in human-robot interaction studies. There is also a long line of research in the spoken dialogue community that investigates user satisfaction in relation to dialogue characteristics. However, very little research relates a combination of multimodal social signals and language features detected during spoken face-to-face human-robot interaction to the resulting user perception of a robot. In this paper we show how different emotional facial expressions of human users, in combination with prosodic characteristics of human speech and features of human-robot dialogue, correlate with users’ impressions of the robot after a conversation. We find that happiness in the user’s recognised facial expression strongly correlates with likeability of a robot, while dialogue-related features (such as number of human turns or number of sentences per robot utterance) correlate with perceiving a robot as intelligent. In addition, we show that the facial expression emotional features and prosody are better predictors of human ratings related to perceived robot likeability and anthropomorphism, while linguistic and non-linguistic features more often predict perceived robot intelligence and interpretability. As such, these characteristics may in future be used as an online reward signal for in-situ Reinforcement Learning-based adaptive human-robot dialogue systems.

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Towards Problem Solving Agents that Communicate and Learn
Anjali Narayan-Chen | Colin Graber | Mayukh Das | Md Rakibul Islam | Soham Dan | Sriraam Natarajan | Janardhan Rao Doppa | Julia Hockenmaier | Martha Palmer | Dan Roth

Agents that communicate back and forth with humans to help them execute non-linguistic tasks are a long sought goal of AI. These agents need to translate between utterances and actionable meaning representations that can be interpreted by task-specific problem solvers in a context-dependent manner. They should also be able to learn such actionable interpretations for new predicates on the fly. We define an agent architecture for this scenario and present a series of experiments in the Blocks World domain that illustrate how our architecture supports language learning and problem solving in this domain.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models in NLP

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models in NLP
Manaal Faruqui | Hinrich Schuetze | Isabel Trancoso | Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh

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Character and Subword-Based Word Representation for Neural Language Modeling Prediction
Matthieu Labeau | Alexandre Allauzen

Most of neural language models use different kinds of embeddings for word prediction. While word embeddings can be associated to each word in the vocabulary or derived from characters as well as factored morphological decomposition, these word representations are mainly used to parametrize the input, i.e. the context of prediction. This work investigates the effect of using subword units (character and factored morphological decomposition) to build output representations for neural language modeling. We present a case study on Czech, a morphologically-rich language, experimenting with different input and output representations. When working with the full training vocabulary, despite unstable training, our experiments show that augmenting the output word representations with character-based embeddings can significantly improve the performance of the model. Moreover, reducing the size of the output look-up table, to let the character-based embeddings represent rare words, brings further improvement.

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Learning variable length units for SMT between related languages via Byte Pair Encoding
Anoop Kunchukuttan | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

We explore the use of segments learnt using Byte Pair Encoding (referred to as BPE units) as basic units for statistical machine translation between related languages and compare it with orthographic syllables, which are currently the best performing basic units for this translation task. BPE identifies the most frequent character sequences as basic units, while orthographic syllables are linguistically motivated pseudo-syllables. We show that BPE units modestly outperform orthographic syllables as units of translation, showing up to 11% increase in BLEU score. While orthographic syllables can be used only for languages whose writing systems use vowel representations, BPE is writing system independent and we show that BPE outperforms other units for non-vowel writing systems too. Our results are supported by extensive experimentation spanning multiple language families and writing systems.

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Character Based Pattern Mining for Neology Detection
Gaël Lejeune | Emmanuel Cartier

Detecting neologisms is essential in real-time natural language processing applications. Not only can it enable to follow the lexical evolution of languages, but it is also essential for updating linguistic resources and parsers. In this paper, neology detection is considered as a classification task where a system has to assess whether a given lexical item is an actual neologism or not. We propose a combination of an unsupervised data mining technique and a supervised machine learning approach. It is inspired by current researches in stylometry and on token-level and character-level patterns. We train and evaluate our system on a manually designed reference dataset in French and Russian. We show that this approach is able to largely outperform state-of-the-art neology detection systems. Furthermore, character-level patterns exhibit good properties for multilingual extensions of the system.

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Automated Word Stress Detection in Russian
Maria Ponomareva | Kirill Milintsevich | Ekaterina Chernyak | Anatoly Starostin

In this study we address the problem of automated word stress detection in Russian using character level models and no part-speech-taggers. We use a simple bidirectional RNN with LSTM nodes and achieve accuracy of 90% or higher. We experiment with two training datasets and show that using the data from an annotated corpus is much more efficient than using only a dictionary, since it allows to retain the context of the word and its morphological features.

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A Syllable-based Technique for Word Embeddings of Korean Words
Sanghyuk Choi | Taeuk Kim | Jinseok Seol | Sang-goo Lee

Word embedding has become a fundamental component to many NLP tasks such as named entity recognition and machine translation. However, popular models that learn such embeddings are unaware of the morphology of words, so it is not directly applicable to highly agglutinative languages such as Korean. We propose a syllable-based learning model for Korean using a convolutional neural network, in which word representation is composed of trained syllable vectors. Our model successfully produces morphologically meaningful representation of Korean words compared to the original Skip-gram embeddings. The results also show that it is quite robust to the Out-of-Vocabulary problem.

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Supersense Tagging with a Combination of Character, Subword, and Word-level Representations
Youhyun Shin | Sang-goo Lee

Recently, there has been increased interest in utilizing characters or subwords for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, the effect of utilizing character, subword, and word-level information simultaneously has not been examined so far. In this paper, we propose a model to leverage various levels of input features to improve on the performance of an supersense tagging task. Detailed analysis of experimental results show that different levels of input representation offer distinct characteristics that explain performance discrepancy among different tasks.

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Weakly supervised learning of allomorphy
Miikka Silfverberg | Mans Hulden

Most NLP resources that offer annotations at the word segment level provide morphological annotation that includes features indicating tense, aspect, modality, gender, case, and other inflectional information. Such information is rarely aligned to the relevant parts of the words—i.e. the allomorphs, as such annotation would be very costly. These unaligned weak labelings are commonly provided by annotated NLP corpora such as treebanks in various languages. Although they lack alignment information, the presence/absence of labels at the word level is also consistent with the amount of supervision assumed to be provided to L1 and L2 learners. In this paper, we explore several methods to learn this latent alignment between parts of word forms and the grammatical information provided. All the methods under investigation favor hypotheses regarding allomorphs of morphemes that re-use a small inventory, i.e. implicitly minimize the number of allomorphs that a morpheme can be realized as. We show that the provided information offers a significant advantage for both word segmentation and the learning of allomorphy.

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Character-based recurrent neural networks for morphological relational reasoning
Olof Mogren | Richard Johansson

We present a model for predicting word forms based on morphological relational reasoning with analogies. While previous work has explored tasks such as morphological inflection and reinflection, these models rely on an explicit enumeration of morphological features, which may not be available in all cases. To address the task of predicting a word form given a demo relation (a pair of word forms) and a query word, we devise a character-based recurrent neural network architecture using three separate encoders and a decoder. We also investigate a multiclass learning setup, where the prediction of the relation type label is used as an auxiliary task. Our results show that the exact form can be predicted for English with an accuracy of 94.7%. For Swedish, which has a more complex morphology with more inflectional patterns for nouns and verbs, the accuracy is 89.3%. We also show that using the auxiliary task of learning the relation type speeds up convergence and improves the prediction accuracy for the word generation task.

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Glyph-aware Embedding of Chinese Characters
Falcon Dai | Zheng Cai

Given the advantage and recent success of English character-level and subword-unit models in several NLP tasks, we consider the equivalent modeling problem for Chinese. Chinese script is logographic and many Chinese logograms are composed of common substructures that provide semantic, phonetic and syntactic hints. In this work, we propose to explicitly incorporate the visual appearance of a character’s glyph in its representation, resulting in a novel glyph-aware embedding of Chinese characters. Being inspired by the success of convolutional neural networks in computer vision, we use them to incorporate the spatio-structural patterns of Chinese glyphs as rendered in raw pixels. In the context of two basic Chinese NLP tasks of language modeling and word segmentation, the model learns to represent each character’s task-relevant semantic and syntactic information in the character-level embedding.

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Exploring Cross-Lingual Transfer of Morphological Knowledge In Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Huiming Jin | Katharina Kann

Multi-task training is an effective method to mitigate the data sparsity problem. It has recently been applied for cross-lingual transfer learning for paradigm completion—the task of producing inflected forms of lemmata—with sequence-to-sequence networks. However, it is still vague how the model transfers knowledge across languages, as well as if and which information is shared. To investigate this, we propose a set of data-dependent experiments using an existing encoder-decoder recurrent neural network for the task. Our results show that indeed the performance gains surpass a pure regularization effect and that knowledge about language and morphology can be transferred.

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Unlabeled Data for Morphological Generation With Character-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Katharina Kann | Hinrich Schütze

We present a semi-supervised way of training a character-based encoder-decoder recurrent neural network for morphological reinflection—the task of generating one inflected wordform from another. This is achieved by using unlabeled tokens or random strings as training data for an autoencoding task, adapting a network for morphological reinflection, and performing multi-task training. We thus use limited labeled data more effectively, obtaining up to 9.92% improvement over state-of-the-art baselines for 8 different languages.

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Vowel and Consonant Classification through Spectral Decomposition
Patricia Thaine | Gerald Penn

We consider two related problems in this paper. Given an undeciphered alphabetic writing system or mono-alphabetic cipher, determine: (1) which of its letters are vowels and which are consonants; and (2) whether the writing system is a vocalic alphabet or an abjad. We are able to show that a very simple spectral decomposition based on character co-occurrences provides nearly perfect performance with respect to answering both question types.

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Syllable-level Neural Language Model for Agglutinative Language
Seunghak Yu | Nilesh Kulkarni | Haejun Lee | Jihie Kim

We introduce a novel method to diminish the problem of out of vocabulary words by introducing an embedding method which leverages the agglutinative property of language. We propose additional embedding derived from syllables and morphemes for the words to improve the performance of language model. We apply the above method to input prediction tasks and achieve state of the art performance in terms of Key Stroke Saving (KSS) w.r.t. to existing device input prediction methods.

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Character-based Bidirectional LSTM-CRF with words and characters for Japanese Named Entity Recognition
Shotaro Misawa | Motoki Taniguchi | Yasuhide Miura | Tomoko Ohkuma

Recently, neural models have shown superior performance over conventional models in NER tasks. These models use CNN to extract sub-word information along with RNN to predict a tag for each word. However, these models have been tested almost entirely on English texts. It remains unclear whether they perform similarly in other languages. We worked on Japanese NER using neural models and discovered two obstacles of the state-of-the-art model. First, CNN is unsuitable for extracting Japanese sub-word information. Secondly, a model predicting a tag for each word cannot extract an entity when a part of a word composes an entity. The contributions of this work are (1) verifying the effectiveness of the state-of-the-art NER model for Japanese, (2) proposing a neural model for predicting a tag for each character using word and character information. Experimentally obtained results demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art neural English NER model in Japanese.

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Word Representation Models for Morphologically Rich Languages in Neural Machine Translation
Ekaterina Vylomova | Trevor Cohn | Xuanli He | Gholamreza Haffari

Out-of-vocabulary words present a great challenge for Machine Translation. Recently various character-level compositional models were proposed to address this issue. In current research we incorporate two most popular neural architectures, namely LSTM and CNN, into hard- and soft-attentional models of translation for character-level representation of the source. We propose semantic and morphological intrinsic evaluation of encoder-level representations. Our analysis of the learned representations reveals that character-based LSTM seems to be better at capturing morphological aspects compared to character-based CNN. We also show that hard-attentional model provides better character-level representations compared to vanilla one.

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Spell-Checking based on Syllabification and Character-level Graphs for a Peruvian Agglutinative Language
Carlo Alva | Arturo Oncevay

There are several native languages in Peru which are mostly agglutinative. These languages are transmitted from generation to generation mainly in oral form, causing different forms of writing across different communities. For this reason, there are recent efforts to standardize the spelling in the written texts, and it would be beneficial to support these tasks with an automatic tool such as an spell-checker. In this way, this spelling corrector is being developed based on two steps: an automatic rule-based syllabification method and a character-level graph to detect the degree of error in a misspelled word. The experiments were realized on Shipibo-konibo, a highly agglutinative and amazonian language, and the results obtained have been promising in a dataset built for the purpose.

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What do we need to know about an unknown word when parsing German
Bich-Ngoc Do | Ines Rehbein | Anette Frank

We propose a new type of subword embedding designed to provide more information about unknown compounds, a major source for OOV words in German. We present an extrinsic evaluation where we use the compound embeddings as input to a neural dependency parser and compare the results to the ones obtained with other types of embeddings. Our evaluation shows that adding compound embeddings yields a significant improvement of 2% LAS over using word embeddings when no POS information is available. When adding POS embeddings to the input, however, the effect levels out. This suggests that it is not the missing information about the semantics of the unknown words that causes problems for parsing German, but the lack of morphological information for unknown words. To augment our evaluation, we also test the new embeddings in a language modelling task that requires both syntactic and semantic information.

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A General-Purpose Tagger with Convolutional Neural Networks
Xiang Yu | Agnieszka Falenska | Ngoc Thang Vu

We present a general-purpose tagger based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), used for both composing word vectors and encoding context information. The CNN tagger is robust across different tagging tasks: without task-specific tuning of hyper-parameters, it achieves state-of-the-art results in part-of-speech tagging, morphological tagging and supertagging. The CNN tagger is also robust against the out-of-vocabulary problem; it performs well on artificially unnormalized texts.

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Reconstruction of Word Embeddings from Sub-Word Parameters
Karl Stratos

Pre-trained word embeddings improve the performance of a neural model at the cost of increasing the model size. We propose to benefit from this resource without paying the cost by operating strictly at the sub-lexical level. Our approach is quite simple: before task-specific training, we first optimize sub-word parameters to reconstruct pre-trained word embeddings using various distance measures. We report interesting results on a variety of tasks: word similarity, word analogy, and part-of-speech tagging.

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Inflection Generation for Spanish Verbs using Supervised Learning
Cristina Barros | Dimitra Gkatzia | Elena Lloret

We present a novel supervised approach to inflection generation for verbs in Spanish. Our system takes as input the verb’s lemma form and the desired features such as person, number, tense, and is able to predict the appropriate grammatical conjugation. Even though our approach learns from fewer examples comparing to previous work, it is able to deal with all the Spanish moods (indicative, subjunctive and imperative) in contrast to previous work which only focuses on indicative and subjunctive moods. We show that in an intrinsic evaluation, our system achieves 99% accuracy, outperforming (although not significantly) two competitive state-of-art systems. The successful results obtained clearly indicate that our approach could be integrated into wider approaches related to text generation in Spanish.

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Neural Paraphrase Identification of Questions with Noisy Pretraining
Gaurav Singh Tomar | Thyago Duque | Oscar Täckström | Jakob Uszkoreit | Dipanjan Das

We present a solution to the problem of paraphrase identification of questions. We focus on a recent dataset of question pairs annotated with binary paraphrase labels and show that a variant of the decomposable attention model (replacing the word embeddings of the decomposable attention model of Parikh et al. 2016 with character n-gram representations) results in accurate performance on this task, while being far simpler than many competing neural architectures. Furthermore, when the model is pretrained on a noisy dataset of automatically collected question paraphrases, it obtains the best reported performance on the dataset.

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Sub-character Neural Language Modelling in Japanese
Viet Nguyen | Julian Brooke | Timothy Baldwin

In East Asian languages such as Japanese and Chinese, the semantics of a character are (somewhat) reflected in its sub-character elements. This paper examines the effect of using sub-characters for language modeling in Japanese. This is achieved by decomposing characters according to a range of character decomposition datasets, and training a neural language model over variously decomposed character representations. Our results indicate that language modelling can be improved through the inclusion of sub-characters, though this result depends on a good choice of decomposition dataset and the appropriate granularity of decomposition.

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Byte-based Neural Machine Translation
Marta R. Costa-jussà | Carlos Escolano | José A. R. Fonollosa

This paper presents experiments comparing character-based and byte-based neural machine translation systems. The main motivation of the byte-based neural machine translation system is to build multi-lingual neural machine translation systems that can share the same vocabulary. We compare the performance of both systems in several language pairs and we see that the performance in test is similar for most language pairs while the training time is slightly reduced in the case of byte-based neural machine translation.

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Improving Opinion-Target Extraction with Character-Level Word Embeddings
Soufian Jebbara | Philipp Cimiano

Fine-grained sentiment analysis is receiving increasing attention in recent years. Extracting opinion target expressions (OTE) in reviews is often an important step in fine-grained, aspect-based sentiment analysis. Retrieving this information from user-generated text, however, can be difficult. Customer reviews, for instance, are prone to contain misspelled words and are difficult to process due to their domain-specific language. In this work, we investigate whether character-level models can improve the performance for the identification of opinion target expressions. We integrate information about the character structure of a word into a sequence labeling system using character-level word embeddings and show their positive impact on the system’s performance. Specifically, we obtain an increase by 3.3 points F1-score with respect to our baseline model. In further experiments, we reveal encoded character patterns of the learned embeddings and give a nuanced view of the performance differences of both models.


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Proceedings of the Workshop Computational Semantics Beyond Events and Roles

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Proceedings of the Workshop Computational Semantics Beyond Events and Roles
Eduardo Blanco | Roser Morante | Roser Saurí

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Understanding the Semantics of Narratives of Interpersonal Violence through Reader Annotations and Physiological Reactions
Alexander Calderwood | Elizabeth A. Pruett | Raymond Ptucha | Christopher Homan | Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm

Interpersonal violence (IPV) is a prominent sociological problem that affects people of all demographic backgrounds. By analyzing how readers interpret, perceive, and react to experiences narrated in social media posts, we explore an understudied source for discourse about abuse. We asked readers to annotate Reddit posts about relationships with vs. without IPV for stakeholder roles and emotion, while measuring their galvanic skin response (GSR), pulse, and facial expression. We map annotations to coreference resolution output to obtain a labeled coreference chain for stakeholders in texts, and apply automated semantic role labeling for analyzing IPV discourse. Findings provide insights into how readers process roles and emotion in narratives. For example, abusers tend to be linked with violent actions and certain affect states. We train classifiers to predict stakeholder categories of coreference chains. We also find that subjects’ GSR noticeably changed for IPV texts, suggesting that co-collected measurement-based data about annotators can be used to support text annotation.

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Intension, Attitude, and Tense Annotation in a High-Fidelity Semantic Representation
Gene Kim | Lenhart Schubert

This paper describes current efforts in developing an annotation schema and guidelines for sentences in Episodic Logic (EL). We focus on important distinctions for representing modality, attitudes, and tense and present an annotation schema that makes these distinctions. EL has proved competitive with other logical formulations in speed and inference-enablement, while expressing a wider array of natural language phenomena including intensional modification of predicates and sentences, propositional attitudes, and tense and aspect.

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Towards a lexicon of event-selecting predicates for a French FactBank
Ingrid Falk | Fabienne Martin

This paper presents ongoing work for the construction of a French FactBank and a lexicon of French event-selecting predicates (ESPs), by applying the factuality detection algorithm introduced in (Saurí and Pustejovsky, 2012). This algorithm relies on a lexicon of ESPs, specifying how these predicates influence the polarity of their embedded events. For this pilot study, we focused on French factive and implicative verbs, and capitalised on a lexical resource for the English counterparts of these verbs provided by the CLSI Group (Nairn et al., 2006; Karttunen, 2012).

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Universal Dependencies to Logical Form with Negation Scope
Federico Fancellu | Siva Reddy | Adam Lopez | Bonnie Webber

Many language technology applications would benefit from the ability to represent negation and its scope on top of widely-used linguistic resources. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of obtaining a first-order logic representation with negation scope marked using Universal Dependencies. To do so, we enhance UDepLambda, a framework that converts dependency graphs to logical forms. The resulting UDepLambda¬ is able to handle phenomena related to scope by means of an higher-order type theory, relevant not only to negation but also to universal quantification and other complex semantic phenomena. The initial conversion we did for English is promising, in that one can represent the scope of negation also in the presence of more complex phenomena such as universal quantifiers.

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Meaning Banking beyond Events and Roles
Johan Bos

In this talk I will discuss the analysis of several semantic phenomena that need meaning representations that can describe attributes of propositional contexts. I will do this in a version of Discourse Representation Theory, using a universal semantic tagset developed as part of a project that aims to produce a large meaning bank (a semantically-annotated corpus) for four languages (English, Dutch, German and Italian).

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The Scope and Focus of Negation: A Complete Annotation Framework for Italian
Begoña Altuna | Anne-Lyse Minard | Manuela Speranza

In this paper we present a complete framework for the annotation of negation in Italian, which accounts for both negation scope and negation focus, and also for language-specific phenomena such as negative concord. In our view, the annotation of negation complements more comprehensive Natural Language Processing tasks, such as temporal information processing and sentiment analysis. We applied the proposed framework and the guidelines built on top of it to the annotation of written texts, namely news articles and tweets, thus producing annotated data for a total of over 36,000 tokens.

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Annotation of negation in the IULA Spanish Clinical Record Corpus
Montserrat Marimon | Jorge Vivaldi | Núria Bel

This paper presents the IULA Spanish Clinical Record Corpus, a corpus of 3,194 sentences extracted from anonymized clinical records and manually annotated with negation markers and their scope. The corpus was conceived as a resource to support clinical text-mining systems, but it is also a useful resource for other Natural Language Processing systems handling clinical texts: automatic encoding of clinical records, diagnosis support, term extraction, among others, as well as for the study of clinical texts. The corpus is publicly available with a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.

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Annotating Negation in Spanish Clinical Texts
Noa Cruz | Roser Morante | Manuel J. Maña López | Jacinto Mata Vázquez | Carlos L. Parra Calderón

In this paper we present on-going work on annotating negation in Spanish clinical documents. A corpus of anamnesis and radiology reports has been annotated by two domain expert annotators with negation markers and negated events. The Dice coefficient for inter-annotator agreement is higher than 0.94 for negation markers and higher than 0.72 for negated events. The corpus will be publicly released when the annotation process is finished, constituting the first corpus annotated with negation for Spanish clinical reports available for the NLP community.

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Neural Networks for Negation Cue Detection in Chinese
Hangfeng He | Federico Fancellu | Bonnie Webber

Negation cue detection involves identifying the span inherently expressing negation in a negative sentence. In Chinese, negative cue detection is complicated by morphological proprieties of the language. Previous work has shown that negative cue detection in Chinese can benefit from specific lexical and morphemic features, as well as cross-lingual information. We show here that they are not necessary: A bi-directional LSTM can perform equally well, with minimal feature engineering. In particular, the use of a character-based model allows us to capture characteristics of negation cues in Chinese using word-embedding information only. Not only does our model performs on par with previous work, further error analysis clarifies what problems remain to be addressed.

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An open-source tool for negation detection: a maximum-margin approach
Martine Enger | Erik Velldal | Lilja Øvrelid

This paper presents an open-source toolkit for negation detection. It identifies negation cues and their corresponding scope in either raw or parsed text using maximum-margin classification. The system design draws on best practice from the existing literature on negation detection, aiming for a simple and portable system that still achieves competitive performance. Pre-trained models and experimental results are provided for English.


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Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Sense, Concept and Entity Representations and their Applications

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Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Sense, Concept and Entity Representations and their Applications
Jose Camacho-Collados | Mohammad Taher Pilehvar

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Compositional Semantics using Feature-Based Models from WordNet
Pablo Gamallo | Martín Pereira-Fariña

This article describes a method to build semantic representations of composite expressions in a compositional way by using WordNet relations to represent the meaning of words. The meaning of a target word is modelled as a vector in which its semantically related words are assigned weights according to both the type of the relationship and the distance to the target word. Word vectors are compositionally combined by syntactic dependencies. Each syntactic dependency triggers two complementary compositional functions: the named head function and dependent function. The experiments show that the proposed compositional method outperforms the state-of-the-art for both intransitive subject-verb and transitive subject-verb-object constructions.

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Automated WordNet Construction Using Word Embeddings
Mikhail Khodak | Andrej Risteski | Christiane Fellbaum | Sanjeev Arora

We present a fully unsupervised method for automated construction of WordNets based upon recent advances in distributional representations of sentences and word-senses combined with readily available machine translation tools. The approach requires very few linguistic resources and is thus extensible to multiple target languages. To evaluate our method we construct two 600-word testsets for word-to-synset matching in French and Russian using native speakers and evaluate the performance of our method along with several other recent approaches. Our method exceeds the best language-specific and multi-lingual automated WordNets in F-score for both languages. The databases we construct for French and Russian, both languages without large publicly available manually constructed WordNets, will be publicly released along with the testsets.

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Improving Verb Metaphor Detection by Propagating Abstractness to Words, Phrases and Individual Senses
Maximilian Köper | Sabine Schulte im Walde

Abstract words refer to things that can not be seen, heard, felt, smelled, or tasted as opposed to concrete words. Among other applications, the degree of abstractness has been shown to be a useful information for metaphor detection. Our contribution to this topic are as follows: i) we compare supervised techniques to learn and extend abstractness ratings for huge vocabularies ii) we learn and investigate norms for larger units by propagating abstractness to verb-noun pairs which lead to better metaphor detection iii) we overcome the limitation of learning a single rating per word and show that multi-sense abstractness ratings are potentially useful for metaphor detection. Finally, with this paper we publish automatically created abstractness norms for 3million English words and multi-words as well as automatically created sense specific abstractness ratings

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Improving Clinical Diagnosis Inference through Integration of Structured and Unstructured Knowledge
Yuan Ling | Yuan An | Sadid Hasan

This paper presents a novel approach to the task of automatically inferring the most probable diagnosis from a given clinical narrative. Structured Knowledge Bases (KBs) can be useful for such complex tasks but not sufficient. Hence, we leverage a vast amount of unstructured free text to integrate with structured KBs. The key innovative ideas include building a concept graph from both structured and unstructured knowledge sources and ranking the diagnosis concepts using the enhanced word embedding vectors learned from integrated sources. Experiments on the TREC CDS and HumanDx datasets showed that our methods improved the results of clinical diagnosis inference.

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Classifying Lexical-semantic Relationships by Exploiting Sense/Concept Representations
Kentaro Kanada | Tetsunori Kobayashi | Yoshihiko Hayashi

This paper proposes a method for classifying the type of lexical-semantic relation between a given pair of words. Given an inventory of target relationships, this task can be seen as a multi-class classification problem. We train a supervised classifier by assuming: (1) a specific type of lexical-semantic relation between a pair of words would be indicated by a carefully designed set of relation-specific similarities associated with the words; and (2) the similarities could be effectively computed by “sense representations” (sense/concept embeddings). The experimental results show that the proposed method clearly outperforms an existing state-of-the-art method that does not utilize sense/concept embeddings, thereby demonstrating the effectiveness of the sense representations.

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Supervised and unsupervised approaches to measuring usage similarity
Milton King | Paul Cook

Usage similarity (USim) is an approach to determining word meaning in context that does not rely on a sense inventory. Instead, pairs of usages of a target lemma are rated on a scale. In this paper we propose unsupervised approaches to USim based on embeddings for words, contexts, and sentences, and achieve state-of-the-art results over two USim datasets. We further consider supervised approaches to USim, and find that although they outperform unsupervised approaches, they are unable to generalize to lemmas that are unseen in the training data.

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Lexical Disambiguation of Igbo using Diacritic Restoration
Ignatius Ezeani | Mark Hepple | Ikechukwu Onyenwe

Properly written texts in Igbo, a low-resource African language, are rich in both orthographic and tonal diacritics. Diacritics are essential in capturing the distinctions in pronunciation and meaning of words, as well as in lexical disambiguation. Unfortunately, most electronic texts in diacritic languages are written without diacritics. This makes diacritic restoration a necessary step in corpus building and language processing tasks for languages with diacritics. In our previous work, we built some n-gram models with simple smoothing techniques based on a closed-world assumption. However, as a classification task, diacritic restoration is well suited for and will be more generalisable with machine learning. This paper, therefore, presents a more standard approach to dealing with the task which involves the application of machine learning algorithms.

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Creating and Validating Multilingual Semantic Representations for Six Languages: Expert versus Non-Expert Crowds
Mahmoud El-Haj | Paul Rayson | Scott Piao | Stephen Wattam

Creating high-quality wide-coverage multilingual semantic lexicons to support knowledge-based approaches is a challenging time-consuming manual task. This has traditionally been performed by linguistic experts: a slow and expensive process. We present an experiment in which we adapt and evaluate crowdsourcing methods employing native speakers to generate a list of coarse-grained senses under a common multilingual semantic taxonomy for sets of words in six languages. 451 non-experts (including 427 Mechanical Turk workers) and 15 expert participants semantically annotated 250 words manually for Arabic, Chinese, English, Italian, Portuguese and Urdu lexicons. In order to avoid erroneous (spam) crowdsourced results, we used a novel task-specific two-phase filtering process where users were asked to identify synonyms in the target language, and remove erroneous senses.

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Using Linked Disambiguated Distributional Networks for Word Sense Disambiguation
Alexander Panchenko | Stefano Faralli | Simone Paolo Ponzetto | Chris Biemann

We introduce a new method for unsupervised knowledge-based word sense disambiguation (WSD) based on a resource that links two types of sense-aware lexical networks: one is induced from a corpus using distributional semantics, the other is manually constructed. The combination of two networks reduces the sparsity of sense representations used for WSD. We evaluate these enriched representations within two lexical sample sense disambiguation benchmarks. Our results indicate that (1) features extracted from the corpus-based resource help to significantly outperform a model based solely on the lexical resource; (2) our method achieves results comparable or better to four state-of-the-art unsupervised knowledge-based WSD systems including three hybrid systems that also rely on text corpora. In contrast to these hybrid methods, our approach does not require access to web search engines, texts mapped to a sense inventory, or machine translation systems.

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One Representation per Word - Does it make Sense for Composition?
Thomas Kober | Julie Weeds | John Wilkie | Jeremy Reffin | David Weir

In this paper, we investigate whether an a priori disambiguation of word senses is strictly necessary or whether the meaning of a word in context can be disambiguated through composition alone. We evaluate the performance of off-the-shelf single-vector and multi-sense vector models on a benchmark phrase similarity task and a novel task for word-sense discrimination. We find that single-sense vector models perform as well or better than multi-sense vector models despite arguably less clean elementary representations. Our findings furthermore show that simple composition functions such as pointwise addition are able to recover sense specific information from a single-sense vector model remarkably well.

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Elucidating Conceptual Properties from Word Embeddings
Kyoung-Rok Jang | Sung-Hyon Myaeng

In this paper, we introduce a method of identifying the components (i.e. dimensions) of word embeddings that strongly signifies properties of a word. By elucidating such properties hidden in word embeddings, we could make word embeddings more interpretable, and also could perform property-based meaning comparison. With the capability, we can answer questions like “To what degree a given word has the property cuteness?” or “In what perspective two words are similar?”. We verify our method by examining how the strength of property-signifying components correlates with the degree of prototypicality of a target word.

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TTCS: a Vectorial Resource for Computing Conceptual Similarity
Enrico Mensa | Daniele P. Radicioni | Antonio Lieto

In this paper we introduce the TTCS, a linguistic resource that relies on BabelNet, NASARI and ConceptNet, that has now been used to compute the conceptual similarity between concept pairs. The conceptual representation herein provides uniform access to concepts based on BabelNet synset IDs, and consists of a vector-based semantic representation which is compliant with the Conceptual Spaces, a geometric framework for common-sense knowledge representation and reasoning. The TTCS has been evaluated in a preliminary experimentation on a conceptual similarity task.

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Measuring the Italian-English lexical gap for action verbs and its impact on translation
Lorenzo Gregori | Alessandro Panunzi

This paper describes a method to measure the lexical gap of action verbs in Italian and English by using the IMAGACT ontology of action. The fine-grained categorization of action concepts of the data source allowed to have wide overview of the relation between concepts in the two languages. The calculated lexical gap for both English and Italian is about 30% of the action concepts, much higher than previous results. Beyond this general numbers a deeper analysis has been performed in order to evaluate the impact that lexical gaps can have on translation. In particular a distinction has been made between the cases in which the presence of a lexical gap affects translation correctness and completeness at a semantic level. The results highlight a high percentage of concepts that can be considered hard to translate (about 18% from English to Italian and 20% from Italian to English) and confirms that action verbs are a critical lexical class for translation tasks.

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Word Sense Filtering Improves Embedding-Based Lexical Substitution
Anne Cocos | Marianna Apidianaki | Chris Callison-Burch

The role of word sense disambiguation in lexical substitution has been questioned due to the high performance of vector space models which propose good substitutes without explicitly accounting for sense. We show that a filtering mechanism based on a sense inventory optimized for substitutability can improve the results of these models. Our sense inventory is constructed using a clustering method which generates paraphrase clusters that are congruent with lexical substitution annotations in a development set. The results show that lexical substitution can still benefit from senses which can improve the output of vector space paraphrase ranking models.

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Supervised and Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation on Word Embedding Vectors of Unambigous Synonyms
Aleksander Wawer | Agnieszka Mykowiecka

This paper compares two approaches to word sense disambiguation using word embeddings trained on unambiguous synonyms. The first is unsupervised method based on computing log probability from sequences of word embedding vectors, taking into account ambiguous word senses and guessing correct sense from context. The second method is supervised. We use a multilayer neural network model to learn a context-sensitive transformation that maps an input vector of ambiguous word into an output vector representing its sense. We evaluate both methods on corpora with manual annotations of word senses from the Polish wordnet (plWordnet).


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Proceedings of the 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

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Proceedings of the 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue
Kristiina Jokinen | Manfred Stede | David DeVault | Annie Louis

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Automatic Mapping of French Discourse Connectives to PDTB Discourse Relations
Majid Laali | Leila Kosseim

In this paper, we present an approach to exploit phrase tables generated by statistical machine translation in order to map French discourse connectives to discourse relations. Using this approach, we created DisCoRel, a lexicon of French discourse connectives and their PDTB relations. When evaluated against LEXCONN, DisCoRel achieves a recall of 0.81 and an Average Precision of 0.68 for the Concession and Condition relations.

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Towards Full Text Shallow Discourse Relation Annotation: Experiments with Cross-Paragraph Implicit Relations in the PDTB
Rashmi Prasad | Katherine Forbes Riley | Alan Lee

Full text discourse parsing relies on texts comprehensively annotated with discourse relations. To this end, we address a significant gap in the inter-sentential discourse relations annotated in the Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB), namely the class of cross-paragraph implicit relations, which account for 30% of inter-sentential relations in the corpus. We present our annotation study to explore the incidence rate of adjacent vs. non-adjacent implicit relations in cross-paragraph contexts, and the relative degree of difficulty in annotating them. Our experiments show a high incidence of non-adjacent relations that are difficult to annotate reliably, suggesting the practicality of backing off from their annotation to reduce noise for corpus-based studies. Our resulting guidelines follow the PDTB adjacency constraint for implicits while employing an underspecified representation of non-adjacent implicits, and yield 62% inter-annotator agreement on this task.

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User-initiated Sub-dialogues in State-of-the-art Dialogue Systems
Staffan Larsson

We test state of the art dialogue systems for their behaviour in response to user-initiated sub-dialogues, i.e. interactions where a system question is responded to with a question or request from the user, who thus initiates a sub-dialogue. We look at sub-dialogues both within a single app (where the sub-dialogue concerns another topic in the original domain) and across apps (where the sub-dialogue concerns a different domain). The overall conclusion of the tests is that none of the systems can be said to deal appropriately with user-initiated sub-dialogues.

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A Multimodal Dialogue System for Medical Decision Support inside Virtual Reality
Alexander Prange | Margarita Chikobava | Peter Poller | Michael Barz | Daniel Sonntag

We present a multimodal dialogue system that allows doctors to interact with a medical decision support system in virtual reality (VR). We integrate an interactive visualization of patient records and radiology image data, as well as therapy predictions. Therapy predictions are computed in real-time using a deep learning model.

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Generative Encoder-Decoder Models for Task-Oriented Spoken Dialog Systems with Chatting Capability
Tiancheng Zhao | Allen Lu | Kyusong Lee | Maxine Eskenazi

Generative encoder-decoder models offer great promise in developing domain-general dialog systems. However, they have mainly been applied to open-domain conversations. This paper presents a practical and novel framework for building task-oriented dialog systems based on encoder-decoder models. This framework enables encoder-decoder models to accomplish slot-value independent decision-making and interact with external databases. Moreover, this paper shows the flexibility of the proposed method by interleaving chatting capability with a slot-filling system for better out-of-domain recovery. The models were trained on both real-user data from a bus information system and human-human chat data. Results show that the proposed framework achieves good performance in both offline evaluation metrics and in task success rate with human users.

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Key-Value Retrieval Networks for Task-Oriented Dialogue
Mihail Eric | Lakshmi Krishnan | Francois Charette | Christopher D. Manning

Neural task-oriented dialogue systems often struggle to smoothly interface with a knowledge base. In this work, we seek to address this problem by proposing a new neural dialogue agent that is able to effectively sustain grounded, multi-domain discourse through a novel key-value retrieval mechanism. The model is end-to-end differentiable and does not need to explicitly model dialogue state or belief trackers. We also release a new dataset of 3,031 dialogues that are grounded through underlying knowledge bases and span three distinct tasks in the in-car personal assistant space: calendar scheduling, weather information retrieval, and point-of-interest navigation. Our architecture is simultaneously trained on data from all domains and significantly outperforms a competitive rule-based system and other existing neural dialogue architectures on the provided domains according to both automatic and human evaluation metrics.

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Lexical Acquisition through Implicit Confirmations over Multiple Dialogues
Kohei Ono | Ryu Takeda | Eric Nichols | Mikio Nakano | Kazunori Komatani

We address the problem of acquiring the ontological categories of unknown terms through implicit confirmation in dialogues. We develop an approach that makes implicit confirmation requests with an unknown term’s predicted category. Our approach does not degrade user experience with repetitive explicit confirmations, but the system has difficulty determining if information in the confirmation request can be correctly acquired. To overcome this challenge, we propose a method for determining whether or not the predicted category is correct, which is included in an implicit confirmation request. Our method exploits multiple user responses to implicit confirmation requests containing the same ontological category. Experimental results revealed that the proposed method exhibited a higher precision rate for determining the correctly predicted categories than when only single user responses were considered.

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Utterance Intent Classification of a Spoken Dialogue System with Efficiently Untied Recursive Autoencoders
Tsuneo Kato | Atsushi Nagai | Naoki Noda | Ryosuke Sumitomo | Jianming Wu | Seiichi Yamamoto

Recursive autoencoders (RAEs) for compositionality of a vector space model were applied to utterance intent classification of a smartphone-based Japanese-language spoken dialogue system. Though the RAEs express a nonlinear operation on the vectors of child nodes, the operation is considered to be different intrinsically depending on types of child nodes. To relax the difference, a data-driven untying of autoencoders (AEs) is proposed. The experimental result of the utterance intent classification showed an improved accuracy with the proposed method compared with the basic tied RAE and untied RAE based on a manual rule.

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Reward-Balancing for Statistical Spoken Dialogue Systems using Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning
Stefan Ultes | Paweł Budzianowski | Iñigo Casanueva | Nikola Mrkšić | Lina M. Rojas-Barahona | Pei-Hao Su | Tsung-Hsien Wen | Milica Gašić | Steve Young

Reinforcement learning is widely used for dialogue policy optimization where the reward function often consists of more than one component, e.g., the dialogue success and the dialogue length. In this work, we propose a structured method for finding a good balance between these components by searching for the optimal reward component weighting. To render this search feasible, we use multi-objective reinforcement learning to significantly reduce the number of training dialogues required. We apply our proposed method to find optimized component weights for six domains and compare them to a default baseline.

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Automatic Measures to Characterise Verbal Alignment in Human-Agent Interaction
Guillaume Dubuisson Duplessis | Chloé Clavel | Frédéric Landragin

This work aims at characterising verbal alignment processes for improving virtual agent communicative capabilities. We propose computationally inexpensive measures of verbal alignment based on expression repetition in dyadic textual dialogues. Using these measures, we present a contrastive study between Human-Human and Human-Agent dialogues on a negotiation task. We exhibit quantitative differences in the strength and orientation of verbal alignment showing the ability of our approach to characterise important aspects of verbal alignment.

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Demonstration of interactive teaching for end-to-end dialog control with hybrid code networks
Jason D. Williams | Lars Liden

This is a demonstration of interactive teaching for practical end-to-end dialog systems driven by a recurrent neural network. In this approach, a developer teaches the network by interacting with the system and providing on-the-spot corrections. Once a system is deployed, a developer can also correct mistakes in logged dialogs. This demonstration shows both of these teaching methods applied to dialog systems in three domains: pizza ordering, restaurant information, and weather forecasts.

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Sub-domain Modelling for Dialogue Management with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Paweł Budzianowski | Stefan Ultes | Pei-Hao Su | Nikola Mrkšić | Tsung-Hsien Wen | Iñigo Casanueva | Lina M. Rojas-Barahona | Milica Gašić

Human conversation is inherently complex, often spanning many different topics/domains. This makes policy learning for dialogue systems very challenging. Standard flat reinforcement learning methods do not provide an efficient framework for modelling such dialogues. In this paper, we focus on the under-explored problem of multi-domain dialogue management. First, we propose a new method for hierarchical reinforcement learning using the option framework. Next, we show that the proposed architecture learns faster and arrives at a better policy than the existing flat ones do. Moreover, we show how pretrained policies can be adapted to more complex systems with an additional set of new actions. In doing that, we show that our approach has the potential to facilitate policy optimisation for more sophisticated multi-domain dialogue systems.

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MACA: A Modular Architecture for Conversational Agents
Hoai Phuoc Truong | Prasanna Parthasarathi | Joelle Pineau

We propose a software architecture designed to ease the implementation of dialogue systems. The Modular Architecture for Conversational Agents (MACA) uses a plug-n-play style that allows quick prototyping, thereby facilitating the development of new techniques and the reproduction of previous work. The architecture separates the domain of the conversation from the agent’s dialogue strategy, and as such can be easily extended to multiple domains. MACA provides tools to host dialogue agents on Amazon Mechanical Turk (mTurk) for data collection and allows processing of other sources of training data. The current version of the framework already incorporates several domains and existing dialogue strategies from the recent literature.

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Sequential Dialogue Context Modeling for Spoken Language Understanding
Ankur Bapna | Gokhan Tür | Dilek Hakkani-Tür | Larry Heck

Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) is a key component of goal oriented dialogue systems that would parse user utterances into semantic frame representations. Traditionally SLU does not utilize the dialogue history beyond the previous system turn and contextual ambiguities are resolved by the downstream components. In this paper, we explore novel approaches for modeling dialogue context in a recurrent neural network (RNN) based language understanding system. We propose the Sequential Dialogue Encoder Network, that allows encoding context from the dialogue history in chronological order. We compare the performance of our proposed architecture with two context models, one that uses just the previous turn context and another that encodes dialogue context in a memory network, but loses the order of utterances in the dialogue history. Experiments with a multi-domain dialogue dataset demonstrate that the proposed architecture results in reduced semantic frame error rates.

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Redundancy Localization for the Conversationalization of Unstructured Responses
Sebastian Krause | Mikhail Kozhevnikov | Eric Malmi | Daniele Pighin

Conversational agents offer users a natural-language interface to accomplish tasks, entertain themselves, or access information. Informational dialogue is particularly challenging in that the agent has to hold a conversation on an open topic, and to achieve a reasonable coverage it generally needs to digest and present unstructured information from textual sources. Making responses based on such sources sound natural and fit appropriately into the conversation context is a topic of ongoing research, one of the key issues of which is preventing the agent’s responses from sounding repetitive. Targeting this issue, we propose a new task, known as redundancy localization, which aims to pinpoint semantic overlap between text passages. To help address it systematically, we formalize the task, prepare a public dataset with fine-grained redundancy labels, and propose a model utilizing a weak training signal defined over the results of a passage-retrieval system on web texts. The proposed model demonstrates superior performance compared to a state-of-the-art entailment model and yields encouraging results when applied to a real-world dialogue.

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Attentive listening system with backchanneling, response generation and flexible turn-taking
Divesh Lala | Pierrick Milhorat | Koji Inoue | Masanari Ishida | Katsuya Takanashi | Tatsuya Kawahara

Attentive listening systems are designed to let people, especially senior people, keep talking to maintain communication ability and mental health. This paper addresses key components of an attentive listening system which encourages users to talk smoothly. First, we introduce continuous prediction of end-of-utterances and generation of backchannels, rather than generating backchannels after end-point detection of utterances. This improves subjective evaluations of backchannels. Second, we propose an effective statement response mechanism which detects focus words and responds in the form of a question or partial repeat. This can be applied to any statement. Moreover, a flexible turn-taking mechanism is designed which uses backchannels or fillers when the turn-switch is ambiguous. These techniques are integrated into a humanoid robot to conduct attentive listening. We test the feasibility of the system in a pilot experiment and show that it can produce coherent dialogues during conversation.

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Natural Language Input for In-Car Spoken Dialog Systems: How Natural is Natural?
Patricia Braunger | Wolfgang Maier

Recent spoken dialog systems are moving away from command and control towards a more intuitive and natural style of interaction. In order to choose an appropriate system design which allows the system to deal with naturally spoken user input, a definition of what exactly constitutes naturalness in user input is important. In this paper, we examine how different user groups naturally speak to an automotive spoken dialog system (SDS). We conduct a user study in which we collect freely spoken user utterances for a wide range of use cases in German. By means of a comparative study of the utterances from the study with interpersonal utterances, we provide criteria what constitutes naturalness in the user input of an state-of-the-art automotive SDS.

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Sample-efficient Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning with Supervised Data for Dialogue Management
Pei-Hao Su | Paweł Budzianowski | Stefan Ultes | Milica Gašić | Steve Young

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods have significant potential for dialogue policy optimisation. However, they suffer from a poor performance in the early stages of learning. This is especially problematic for on-line learning with real users. Two approaches are introduced to tackle this problem. Firstly, to speed up the learning process, two sample-efficient neural networks algorithms: trust region actor-critic with experience replay (TRACER) and episodic natural actor-critic with experience replay (eNACER) are presented. For TRACER, the trust region helps to control the learning step size and avoid catastrophic model changes. For eNACER, the natural gradient identifies the steepest ascent direction in policy space to speed up the convergence. Both models employ off-policy learning with experience replay to improve sample-efficiency. Secondly, to mitigate the cold start issue, a corpus of demonstration data is utilised to pre-train the models prior to on-line reinforcement learning. Combining these two approaches, we demonstrate a practical approach to learn deep RL-based dialogue policies and demonstrate their effectiveness in a task-oriented information seeking domain.

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A surprisingly effective out-of-the-box char2char model on the E2E NLG Challenge dataset
Shubham Agarwal | Marc Dymetman

We train a char2char model on the E2E NLG Challenge data, by exploiting “out-of-the-box” the recently released tfseq2seq framework, using some of the standard options offered by this tool. With minimal effort, and in particular without delexicalization, tokenization or lowercasing, the obtained raw predictions, according to a small scale human evaluation, are excellent on the linguistic side and quite reasonable on the adequacy side, the primary downside being the possible omissions of semantic material. However, in a significant number of cases (more than 70%), a perfect solution can be found in the top-20 predictions, indicating promising directions for solving the remaining issues.

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Interaction Quality Estimation Using Long Short-Term Memories
Niklas Rach | Wolfgang Minker | Stefan Ultes

For estimating the Interaction Quality (IQ) in Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDS), the dialogue history is of significant importance. Previous works included this information manually in the form of precomputed temporal features into the classification process. Here, we employ a deep learning architecture based on Long Short-Term Memories (LSTM) to extract this information automatically from the data, thus estimating IQ solely by using current exchange features. We show that it is thereby possible to achieve competitive results as in a scenario where manually optimized temporal features have been included.

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DialPort, Gone Live: An Update After A Year of Development
Kyusong Lee | Tiancheng Zhao | Yulun Du | Edward Cai | Allen Lu | Eli Pincus | David Traum | Stefan Ultes | Lina M. Rojas-Barahona | Milica Gasic | Steve Young | Maxine Eskenazi

DialPort collects user data for connected spoken dialog systems. At present six systems are linked to a central portal that directs the user to the applicable system and suggests systems that the user may be interested in. User data has started to flow into the system.

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Evaluating Natural Language Understanding Services for Conversational Question Answering Systems
Daniel Braun | Adrian Hernandez Mendez | Florian Matthes | Manfred Langen

Conversational interfaces recently gained a lot of attention. One of the reasons for the current hype is the fact that chatbots (one particularly popular form of conversational interfaces) nowadays can be created without any programming knowledge, thanks to different toolkits and so-called Natural Language Understanding (NLU) services. While these NLU services are already widely used in both, industry and science, so far, they have not been analysed systematically. In this paper, we present a method to evaluate the classification performance of NLU services. Moreover, we present two new corpora, one consisting of annotated questions and one consisting of annotated questions with the corresponding answers. Based on these corpora, we conduct an evaluation of some of the most popular NLU services. Thereby we want to enable both, researchers and companies to make more educated decisions about which service they should use.

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The Role of Conversation Context for Sarcasm Detection in Online Interactions
Debanjan Ghosh | Alexander Richard Fabbri | Smaranda Muresan

Computational models for sarcasm detection have often relied on the content of utterances in isolation. However, speaker’s sarcastic intent is not always obvious without additional context. Focusing on social media discussions, we investigate two issues: (1) does modeling of conversation context help in sarcasm detection and (2) can we understand what part of conversation context triggered the sarcastic reply. To address the first issue, we investigate several types of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks that can model both the conversation context and the sarcastic response. We show that the conditional LSTM network (Rocktäschel et al. 2015) and LSTM networks with sentence level attention on context and response outperform the LSTM model that reads only the response. To address the second issue, we present a qualitative analysis of attention weights produced by the LSTM models with attention and discuss the results compared with human performance on the task.

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VOILA: An Optimised Dialogue System for Interactively Learning Visually-Grounded Word Meanings (Demonstration System)
Yanchao Yu | Arash Eshghi | Oliver Lemon

We present VOILA: an optimised, multi-modal dialogue agent for interactive learning of visually grounded word meanings from a human user. VOILA is: (1) able to learn new visual categories interactively from users from scratch; (2) trained on real human-human dialogues in the same domain, and so is able to conduct natural spontaneous dialogue; (3) optimised to find the most effective trade-off between the accuracy of the visual categories it learns and the cost it incurs to users. VOILA is deployed on Furhat, a human-like, multi-modal robot head with back-projection of the face, and a graphical virtual character.

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The E2E Dataset: New Challenges For End-to-End Generation
Jekaterina Novikova | Ondřej Dušek | Verena Rieser

This paper describes the E2E data, a new dataset for training end-to-end, data-driven natural language generation systems in the restaurant domain, which is ten times bigger than existing, frequently used datasets in this area. The E2E dataset poses new challenges: (1) its human reference texts show more lexical richness and syntactic variation, including discourse phenomena; (2) generating from this set requires content selection. As such, learning from this dataset promises more natural, varied and less template-like system utterances. We also establish a baseline on this dataset, which illustrates some of the difficulties associated with this data.

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Frames: a corpus for adding memory to goal-oriented dialogue systems
Layla El Asri | Hannes Schulz | Shikhar Sharma | Jeremie Zumer | Justin Harris | Emery Fine | Rahul Mehrotra | Kaheer Suleman

This paper proposes a new dataset, Frames, composed of 1369 human-human dialogues with an average of 15 turns per dialogue. This corpus contains goal-oriented dialogues between users who are given some constraints to book a trip and assistants who search a database to find appropriate trips. The users exhibit complex decision-making behaviour which involve comparing trips, exploring different options, and selecting among the trips that were discussed during the dialogue. To drive research on dialogue systems towards handling such behaviour, we have annotated and released the dataset and we propose in this paper a task called frame tracking. This task consists of keeping track of different semantic frames throughout each dialogue. We propose a rule-based baseline and analyse the frame tracking task through this baseline.

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Towards a General, Continuous Model of Turn-taking in Spoken Dialogue using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
Gabriel Skantze

Previous models of turn-taking have mostly been trained for specific turn-taking decisions, such as discriminating between turn shifts and turn retention in pauses. In this paper, we present a predictive, continuous model of turn-taking using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). The model is trained on human-human dialogue data to predict upcoming speech activity in a future time window. We show how this general model can be applied to two different tasks that it was not specifically trained for. First, to predict whether a turn-shift will occur or not in pauses, where the model achieves a better performance than human observers, and better than results achieved with more traditional models. Second, to make a prediction at speech onset whether the utterance will be a short backchannel or a longer utterance. Finally, we show how the hidden layer in the network can be used as a feature vector for turn-taking decisions in a human-robot interaction scenario.

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Neural-based Natural Language Generation in Dialogue using RNN Encoder-Decoder with Semantic Aggregation
Van-Khanh Tran | Le-Minh Nguyen | Satoshi Tojo

Natural language generation (NLG) is an important component in spoken dialogue systems. This paper presents a model called Encoder-Aggregator-Decoder which is an extension of an Recurrent Neural Network based Encoder-Decoder architecture. The proposed Semantic Aggregator consists of two components: an Aligner and a Refiner. The Aligner is a conventional attention calculated over the encoded input information, while the Refiner is another attention or gating mechanism stacked over the attentive Aligner in order to further select and aggregate the semantic elements. The proposed model can be jointly trained both sentence planning and surface realization to produce natural language utterances. The model was extensively assessed on four different NLG domains, in which the experimental results showed that the proposed generator consistently outperforms the previous methods on all the NLG domains.

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Beyond On-hold Messages: Conversational Time-buying in Task-oriented Dialogue
Soledad López Gambino | Sina Zarrieß | David Schlangen

A common convention in graphical user interfaces is to indicate a “wait state”, for example while a program is preparing a response, through a changed cursor state or a progress bar. What should the analogue be in a spoken conversational system? To address this question, we set up an experiment in which a human information provider (IP) was given their information only in a delayed and incremental manner, which systematically created situations where the IP had the turn but could not provide task-related information. Our data analysis shows that 1) IPs bridge the gap until they can provide information by re-purposing a whole variety of task- and grounding-related communicative actions (e.g. echoing the user’s request, signaling understanding, asserting partially relevant information), rather than being silent or explicitly asking for time (e.g. “please wait”), and that 2) IPs combined these actions productively to ensure an ongoing conversation. These results, we argue, indicate that natural conversational interfaces should also be able to manage their time flexibly using a variety of conversational resources.

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Neural-based Context Representation Learning for Dialog Act Classification
Daniel Ortega | Ngoc Thang Vu

We explore context representation learning methods in neural-based models for dialog act classification. We propose and compare extensively different methods which combine recurrent neural network architectures and attention mechanisms (AMs) at different context levels. Our experimental results on two benchmark datasets show consistent improvements compared to the models without contextual information and reveal that the most suitable AM in the architecture depends on the nature of the dataset.

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Predicting Success in Goal-Driven Human-Human Dialogues
Michael Noseworthy | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung | Joelle Pineau

In goal-driven dialogue systems, success is often defined based on a structured definition of the goal. This requires that the dialogue system be constrained to handle a specific class of goals and that there be a mechanism to measure success with respect to that goal. However, in many human-human dialogues the diversity of goals makes it infeasible to define success in such a way. To address this scenario, we consider the task of automatically predicting success in goal-driven human-human dialogues using only the information communicated between participants in the form of text. We build a dataset from stackoverflow.com which consists of exchanges between two users in the technical domain where ground-truth success labels are available. We then propose a turn-based hierarchical neural network model that can be used to predict success without requiring a structured goal definition. We show this model outperforms rule-based heuristics and other baselines as it is able to detect patterns over the course of a dialogue and capture notions such as gratitude.

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Generating and Evaluating Summaries for Partial Email Threads: Conversational Bayesian Surprise and Silver Standards
Jordon Johnson | Vaden Masrani | Giuseppe Carenini | Raymond Ng

We define and motivate the problem of summarizing partial email threads. This problem introduces the challenge of generating reference summaries for partial threads when human annotation is only available for the threads as a whole, particularly when the human-selected sentences are not uniformly distributed within the threads. We propose an oracular algorithm for generating these reference summaries with arbitrary length, and we are making the resulting dataset publicly available. In addition, we apply a recent unsupervised method based on Bayesian Surprise that incorporates background knowledge into partial thread summarization, extend it with conversational features, and modify the mechanism by which it handles redundancy. Experiments with our method indicate improved performance over the baseline for shorter partial threads; and our results suggest that the potential benefits of background knowledge to partial thread summarization should be further investigated with larger datasets.

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Enabling robust and fluid spoken dialogue with cognitively impaired users
Ramin Yaghoubzadeh | Stefan Kopp

We present the flexdiam dialogue management architecture, which was developed in a series of projects dedicated to tailoring spoken interaction to the needs of users with cognitive impairments in an everyday assistive domain, using a multimodal front-end. This hybrid DM architecture affords incremental processing of uncertain input, a flexible, mixed-initiative information grounding process that can be adapted to users’ cognitive capacities and interactive idiosyncrasies, and generic mechanisms that foster transitions in the joint discourse state that are understandable and controllable by those users, in order to effect a robust interaction for users with varying capacities.

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Adversarial evaluation for open-domain dialogue generation
Elia Bruni | Raquel Fernández

We investigate the potential of adversarial evaluation methods for open-domain dialogue generation systems, comparing the performance of a discriminative agent to that of humans on the same task. Our results show that the task is hard, both for automated models and humans, but that a discriminative agent can learn patterns that lead to above-chance performance.

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Exploring Joint Neural Model for Sentence Level Discourse Parsing and Sentiment Analysis
Bita Nejat | Giuseppe Carenini | Raymond Ng

Discourse Parsing and Sentiment Analysis are two fundamental tasks in Natural Language Processing that have been shown to be mutually beneficial. In this work, we design and compare two Neural Based models for jointly learning both tasks. In the proposed approach, we first create a vector representation for all the text segments in the input sentence. Next, we apply three different Recursive Neural Net models: one for discourse structure prediction, one for discourse relation prediction and one for sentiment analysis. Finally, we combine these Neural Nets in two different joint models: Multi-tasking and Pre-training. Our results on two standard corpora indicate that both methods result in improvements in each task but Multi-tasking has a bigger impact than Pre-training. Specifically for Discourse Parsing, we see improvements in the prediction of the set of contrastive relations.

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Predicting Causes of Reformulation in Intelligent Assistants
Shumpei Sano | Nobuhiro Kaji | Manabu Sassano

Intelligent assistants (IAs) such as Siri and Cortana conversationally interact with users and execute a wide range of actions (e.g., searching the Web, setting alarms, and chatting). IAs can support these actions through the combination of various components such as automatic speech recognition, natural language understanding, and language generation. However, the complexity of these components hinders developers from determining which component causes an error. To remove this hindrance, we focus on reformulation, which is a useful signal of user dissatisfaction, and propose a method to predict the reformulation causes. We evaluate the method using the user logs of a commercial IA. The experimental results have demonstrated that features designed to detect the error of a specific component improve the performance of reformulation cause detection.

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Are you serious?: Rhetorical Questions and Sarcasm in Social Media Dialog
Shereen Oraby | Vrindavan Harrison | Amita Misra | Ellen Riloff | Marilyn Walker

Effective models of social dialog must understand a broad range of rhetorical and figurative devices. Rhetorical questions (RQs) are a type of figurative language whose aim is to achieve a pragmatic goal, such as structuring an argument, being persuasive, emphasizing a point, or being ironic. While there are computational models for other forms of figurative language, rhetorical questions have received little attention to date. We expand a small dataset from previous work, presenting a corpus of 10,270 RQs from debate forums and Twitter that represent different discourse functions. We show that we can clearly distinguish between RQs and sincere questions (0.76 F1). We then show that RQs can be used both sarcastically and non-sarcastically, observing that non-sarcastic (other) uses of RQs are frequently argumentative in forums, and persuasive in tweets. We present experiments to distinguish between these uses of RQs using SVM and LSTM models that represent linguistic features and post-level context, achieving results as high as 0.76 F1 for “sarcastic” and 0.77 F1 for “other” in forums, and 0.83 F1 for both “sarcastic” and “other” in tweets. We supplement our quantitative experiments with an in-depth characterization of the linguistic variation in RQs.

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Finding Structure in Figurative Language: Metaphor Detection with Topic-based Frames
Hyeju Jang | Keith Maki | Eduard Hovy | Carolyn Rosé

In this paper, we present a novel and highly effective method for induction and application of metaphor frame templates as a step toward detecting metaphor in extended discourse. We infer implicit facets of a given metaphor frame using a semi-supervised bootstrapping approach on an unlabeled corpus. Our model applies this frame facet information to metaphor detection, and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on a social media dataset when building upon other proven features in a nonlinear machine learning model. In addition, we illustrate the mechanism through which the frame and topic information enable the more accurate metaphor detection.

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Using Reinforcement Learning to Model Incrementality in a Fast-Paced Dialogue Game
Ramesh Manuvinakurike | David DeVault | Kallirroi Georgila

We apply Reinforcement Learning (RL) to the problem of incremental dialogue policy learning in the context of a fast-paced dialogue game. We compare the policy learned by RL with a high-performance baseline policy which has been shown to perform very efficiently (nearly as well as humans) in this dialogue game. The RL policy outperforms the baseline policy in offline simulations (based on real user data). We provide a detailed comparison of the RL policy and the baseline policy, including information about how much effort and time it took to develop each one of them. We also highlight the cases where the RL policy performs better, and show that understanding the RL policy can provide valuable insights which can inform the creation of an even better rule-based policy.

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Inferring Narrative Causality between Event Pairs in Films
Zhichao Hu | Marilyn Walker

To understand narrative, humans draw inferences about the underlying relations between narrative events. Cognitive theories of narrative understanding define these inferences as four different types of causality, that include pairs of events A, B where A physically causes B (X drop, X break), to pairs of events where A causes emotional state B (Y saw X, Y felt fear). Previous work on learning narrative relations from text has either focused on “strict” physical causality, or has been vague about what relation is being learned. This paper learns pairs of causal events from a corpus of film scene descriptions which are action rich and tend to be told in chronological order. We show that event pairs induced using our methods are of high quality and are judged to have a stronger causal relation than event pairs from Rel-Grams.

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Lessons in Dialogue System Deployment
Anton Leuski | Ron Artstein

We analyze deployment of an interactive dialogue system in an environment where deep technical expertise might not be readily available. The initial version was created using a collection of research tools. We summarize a number of challenges with its deployment at two museums and describe a new system that simplifies the installation and user interface; reduces reliance on 3rd-party software; and provides a robust data collection mechanism.

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Information Navigation System with Discovering User Interests
Koichiro Yoshino | Yu Suzuki | Satoshi Nakamura

We demonstrate an information navigation system for sightseeing domains that has a dialogue interface for discovering user interests for tourist activities. The system discovers interests of a user with focus detection on user utterances, and proactively presents related information to the discovered user interest. A partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP)-based dialogue manager, which is extended with user focus states, controls the behavior of the system to provide information with several dialogue acts for providing information. We transferred the belief-update function and the policy of the manager from other system trained on a different domain to show the generality of defined dialogue acts for our information navigation system.

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Modelling Protagonist Goals and Desires in First-Person Narrative
Elahe Rahimtoroghi | Jiaqi Wu | Ruimin Wang | Pranav Anand | Marilyn Walker

Many genres of natural language text are narratively structured, a testament to our predilection for organizing our experiences as narratives. There is broad consensus that understanding a narrative requires identifying and tracking the goals and desires of the characters and their narrative outcomes. However, to date, there has been limited work on computational models for this problem. We introduce a new dataset, DesireDB, which includes gold-standard labels for identifying statements of desire, textual evidence for desire fulfillment, and annotations for whether the stated desire is fulfilled given the evidence in the narrative context. We report experiments on tracking desire fulfillment using different methods, and show that LSTM Skip-Thought model achieves F-measure of 0.7 on our corpus.

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SHIHbot: A Facebook chatbot for Sexual Health Information on HIV/AIDS
Jacqueline Brixey | Rens Hoegen | Wei Lan | Joshua Rusow | Karan Singla | Xusen Yin | Ron Artstein | Anton Leuski

We present the implementation of an autonomous chatbot, SHIHbot, deployed on Facebook, which answers a wide variety of sexual health questions on HIV/AIDS. The chatbot’s response database is com-piled from professional medical and public health resources in order to provide reliable information to users. The system’s backend is NPCEditor, a response selection platform trained on linked questions and answers; to our knowledge this is the first retrieval-based chatbot deployed on a large public social network.

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How Would You Say It? Eliciting Lexically Diverse Dialogue for Supervised Semantic Parsing
Abhilasha Ravichander | Thomas Manzini | Matthias Grabmair | Graham Neubig | Jonathan Francis | Eric Nyberg

Building dialogue interfaces for real-world scenarios often entails training semantic parsers starting from zero examples. How can we build datasets that better capture the variety of ways users might phrase their queries, and what queries are actually realistic? Wang et al. (2015) proposed a method to build semantic parsing datasets by generating canonical utterances using a grammar and having crowdworkers paraphrase them into natural wording. A limitation of this approach is that it induces bias towards using similar language as the canonical utterances. In this work, we present a methodology that elicits meaningful and lexically diverse queries from users for semantic parsing tasks. Starting from a seed lexicon and a generative grammar, we pair logical forms with mixed text-image representations and ask crowdworkers to paraphrase and confirm the plausibility of the queries that they generated. We use this method to build a semantic parsing dataset from scratch for a dialog agent in a smart-home simulation. We find evidence that this dataset, which we have named SmartHome, is demonstrably more lexically diverse and difficult to parse than existing domain-specific semantic parsing datasets.

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Not All Dialogues are Created Equal: Instance Weighting for Neural Conversational Models
Pierre Lison | Serge Bibauw

Neural conversational models require substantial amounts of dialogue data to estimate their parameters and are therefore usually learned on large corpora such as chat forums or movie subtitles. These corpora are, however, often challenging to work with, notably due to their frequent lack of turn segmentation and the presence of multiple references external to the dialogue itself. This paper shows that these challenges can be mitigated by adding a weighting model into the architecture. The weighting model, which is itself estimated from dialogue data, associates each training example to a numerical weight that reflects its intrinsic quality for dialogue modelling. At training time, these sample weights are included into the empirical loss to be minimised. Evaluation results on retrieval-based models trained on movie and TV subtitles demonstrate that the inclusion of such a weighting model improves the model performance on unsupervised metrics.

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A data-driven model of explanations for a chatbot that helps to practice conversation in a foreign language
Sviatlana Höhn

This article describes a model of other-initiated self-repair for a chatbot that helps to practice conversation in a foreign language. The model was developed using a corpus of instant messaging conversations between German native and non-native speakers. Conversation Analysis helped to create computational models from a small number of examples. The model has been validated in an AIML-based chatbot. Unlike typical retrieval-based dialogue systems, the explanations are generated at run-time from a linguistic database.


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Proceedings of the 9th SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 9th SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing
Yue Zhang | Zhifang Sui

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Group Linguistic Bias Aware Neural Response Generation
Jianan Wang | Xin Wang | Fang Li | Zhen Xu | Zhuoran Wang | Baoxun Wang

For practical chatbots, one of the essential factor for improving user experience is the capability of customizing the talking style of the agents, that is, to make chatbots provide responses meeting users’ preference on language styles, topics, etc. To address this issue, this paper proposes to incorporate linguistic biases, which implicitly involved in the conversation corpora generated by human groups in the Social Network Services (SNS), into the encoder-decoder based response generator. By attaching a specially designed neural component to dynamically control the impact of linguistic biases in response generation, a Group Linguistic Bias Aware Neural Response Generation (GLBA-NRG) model is eventually presented. The experimental results on the dataset from the Chinese SNS show that the proposed architecture outperforms the current response generating models by producing both meaningful and vivid responses with customized styles.

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Neural Regularized Domain Adaptation for Chinese Word Segmentation
Zuyi Bao | Si Li | Weiran Xu | Sheng Gao

For Chinese word segmentation, the large-scale annotated corpora mainly focus on newswire and only a handful of annotated data is available in other domains such as patents and literature. Considering the limited amount of annotated target domain data, it is a challenge for segmenters to learn domain-specific information while avoid getting over-fitted at the same time. In this paper, we propose a neural regularized domain adaptation method for Chinese word segmentation. The teacher networks trained in source domain are employed to regularize the training process of the student network by preserving the general knowledge. In the experiments, our neural regularized domain adaptation method achieves a better performance comparing to previous methods.

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The Sentimental Value of Chinese Sub-Character Components
Yassine Benajiba | Or Biran | Zhiliang Weng | Yong Zhang | Jin Sun

Sub-character components of Chinese characters carry important semantic information, and recent studies have shown that utilizing this information can improve performance on core semantic tasks. In this paper, we hypothesize that in addition to semantic information, sub-character components may also carry emotional information, and that utilizing it should improve performance on sentiment analysis tasks. We conduct a series of experiments on four Chinese sentiment data sets and show that we can significantly improve the performance in various tasks over that of a character-level embeddings baseline. We then focus on qualitatively assessing multiple examples and trying to explain how the sub-character components affect the results in each case.

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Chinese Answer Extraction Based on POS Tree and Genetic Algorithm
Shuihua Li | Xiaoming Zhang | Zhoujun Li

Answer extraction is the most important part of a chinese web-based question answering system. In order to enhance the robustness and adaptability of answer extraction to new domains and eliminate the influence of the incomplete and noisy search snippets, we propose two new answer exraction methods. We utilize text patterns to generate Part-of-Speech (POS) patterns. In addition, a method is proposed to construct a POS tree by using these POS patterns. The POS tree is useful to candidate answer extraction of web-based question answering. To retrieve a efficient POS tree, the similarities between questions are used to select the question-answer pairs whose questions are similar to the unanswered question. Then, the POS tree is improved based on these question-answer pairs. In order to rank these candidate answers, the weights of the leaf nodes of the POS tree are calculated using a heuristic method. Moreover, the Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to train the weights. The experimental results of 10-fold crossvalidation show that the weighted POS tree trained by GA can improve the accuracy of answer extraction.

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Learning from Parenthetical Sentences for Term Translation in Machine Translation
Guoping Huang | Jiajun Zhang | Yu Zhou | Chengqing Zong

Terms extensively exist in specific domains, and term translation plays a critical role in domain-specific machine translation (MT) tasks. However, it’s a challenging task to translate them correctly for the huge number of pre-existing terms and the endless new terms. To achieve better term translation quality, it is necessary to inject external term knowledge into the underlying MT system. Fortunately, there are plenty of term translation knowledge in parenthetical sentences on the Internet. In this paper, we propose a simple, straightforward and effective framework to improve term translation by learning from parenthetical sentences. This framework includes: (1) a focused web crawler; (2) a parenthetical sentence filter, acquiring parenthetical sentences including bilingual term pairs; (3) a term translation knowledge extractor, extracting bilingual term translation candidates; (4) a probability learner, generating the term translation table for MT decoders. The extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed framework significantly improves the translation quality of terms and sentences.


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Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media

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Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media
Lun-Wei Ku | Cheng-Te Li

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A Survey on Hate Speech Detection using Natural Language Processing
Anna Schmidt | Michael Wiegand

This paper presents a survey on hate speech detection. Given the steadily growing body of social media content, the amount of online hate speech is also increasing. Due to the massive scale of the web, methods that automatically detect hate speech are required. Our survey describes key areas that have been explored to automatically recognize these types of utterances using natural language processing. We also discuss limits of those approaches.

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Facebook sentiment: Reactions and Emojis
Ye Tian | Thiago Galery | Giulio Dulcinati | Emilia Molimpakis | Chao Sun

Emojis are used frequently in social media. A widely assumed view is that emojis express the emotional state of the user, which has led to research focusing on the expressiveness of emojis independent from the linguistic context. We argue that emojis and the linguistic texts can modify the meaning of each other. The overall communicated meaning is not a simple sum of the two channels. In order to study the meaning interplay, we need data indicating the overall sentiment of the entire message as well as the sentiment of the emojis stand-alone. We propose that Facebook Reactions are a good data source for such a purpose. FB reactions (e.g. “Love” and “Angry”) indicate the readers’ overall sentiment, against which we can investigate the types of emojis used the comments under different reaction profiles. We present a data set of 21,000 FB posts (57 million reactions and 8 million comments) from public media pages across four countries.

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Potential and Limitations of Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification
Jan Milan Deriu | Martin Weilenmann | Dirk Von Gruenigen | Mark Cieliebak

In this paper we investigate the cross-domain performance of a current state-of-the-art sentiment analysis systems. For this purpose we train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on data from different domains and evaluate its performance on other domains. Furthermore, we evaluate the usefulness of combining a large amount of different smaller annotated corpora to a large corpus. Our results show that more sophisticated approaches are required to train a system that works equally well on various domains.

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Aligning Entity Names with Online Aliases on Twitter
Kevin McKelvey | Peter Goutzounis | Stephen da Cruz | Nathanael Chambers

This paper presents new models that automatically align online aliases with their real entity names. Many research applications rely on identifying entity names in text, but people often refer to entities with unexpected nicknames and aliases. For example, The King and King James are aliases for Lebron James, a professional basketball player. Recent work on entity linking attempts to resolve mentions to knowledge base entries, like a wikipedia page, but linking is unfortunately limited to well-known entities with pre-built pages. This paper asks a more basic question: can aliases be aligned without background knowledge of the entity? Further, can the semantics surrounding alias mentions be used to inform alignments? We describe statistical models that make decisions based on the lexicographic properties of the aliases with their semantic context in a large corpus of tweets. We experiment on a database of Twitter users and their usernames, and present the first human evaluation for this task. Alignment accuracy approaches human performance at 81%, and we show that while lexicographic features are most important, the semantic context of an alias further improves classification accuracy.

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Character-based Neural Embeddings for Tweet Clustering
Svitlana Vakulenko | Lyndon Nixon | Mihai Lupu

In this paper we show how the performance of tweet clustering can be improved by leveraging character-based neural networks. The proposed approach overcomes the limitations related to the vocabulary explosion in the word-based models and allows for the seamless processing of the multilingual content. Our evaluation results and code are available on-line: https://github.com/vendi12/tweet2vec_clustering.

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A Twitter Corpus and Benchmark Resources for German Sentiment Analysis
Mark Cieliebak | Jan Milan Deriu | Dominic Egger | Fatih Uzdilli

In this paper we present SB10k, a new corpus for sentiment analysis with approx. 10,000 German tweets. We use this new corpus and two existing corpora to provide state-of-the-art benchmarks for sentiment analysis in German: we implemented a CNN (based on the winning system of SemEval-2016) and a feature-based SVM and compare their performance on all three corpora. For the CNN, we also created German word embeddings trained on 300M tweets. These word embeddings were then optimized for sentiment analysis using distant-supervised learning. The new corpus, the German word embeddings (plain and optimized), and source code to re-run the benchmarks are publicly available.


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Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology

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Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology
Gustavo Henrique Paetzold | Vládia Pinheiro

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Uma Ferramenta para Identificar Desvios de Linguagem na Língua Portuguesa (A tool to identify the linguistic deviations in the Portuguese Language)[In Portuguese]
Jonathan Nau | Aluizio Haendchen Filho | Guilherme Passero | Vinicius Cavaco

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Estudo exploratório de categorias gramaticais com potencial de indicadores para a Análise de Sentimentos (An Exploratory study of grammatical categories as potential indicators for Sentiment Analysis)[In Portuguese]
Júlia Rodrigues | Adriana Pagano | Emerson Paraiso

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Geração de perguntas e respostas para a base de conhecimento de um chatterbot educacional (Application to generate questions and answers for an educational chatterbot)[In Portuguese]
Joyce Martins | Camila Martins

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A study on irony within the context of 7x1-PT corpus
Silvia Moraes | Rackel Machado | Matheus Redecker | Rafael Cadaval | Felipe Meneguzzi

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Improving Opinion Summarization by Assessing Sentence Importance in On-line Reviews
Rafael Anchiêta | Rogerio Figueredo Sousa | Raimundo Moura | Thiago Pardo

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Wheel of Life: an initial investigation. Topic-Related Polarity Visualization in Personal Stories
Henrique Santos | Renata Vieira | Greice Pinho | Jackson Pinheiro

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Investigating Opinion Mining through Language Varieties: a Case Study of Brazilian and European Portuguese tweets
Douglas Vitório | Ellen Polliana Ramos Souza | Ingryd Pereira | Adriano Oliveira

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A Rule-based Semantic Annotator: Adding top-level ontology Tags
Guidson Coelho Andrade | Alcione Oliveira | Alexandra Moreira

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Processo de construção de um corpus anotado com Entidades Geológicas visando REN (Building an annotated corpus with geological entities for NER)[In Portuguese]
Daniela Amaral | Sandra Collovini | Anny Figueira | Renata Vieira | Renata Vieira | Marco Gonzalez

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Formação de gentílicos a partir de topônimos: descrição linguística e aprendizado automático (Formation of Demonyms from Toponyms: Linguistic Description and Machine Learning)[In Portuguese]
Roger Alfredo Marci Rodrigues Antunes | Thiago Pardo | Gladis Maria Barcelos Almeida

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Visualização de glossário em sistemas de recuperação de informação (Glossary visualization in information retrieval systems)[In Portuguese]
Glauber Vaz | Leandro Mendonça Oliveira | Ivo Pierozzi, Jr.

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Avaliando a similaridade semântica entre frases curtas através de uma abordagem híbrida (A hybrid approach to measure Semantic Textual Similarity between short sentences in Brazilian Portuguese)[In Portuguese]
Allan Silva | Sandro Rigo | Isa Mara Alves | Jorge Barbosa

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A Comparative Study for Sentiment Analysis on Election Brazilian News
Caio Magno Aguiar Carvalho | Hitoshi Nagano | Allan Kardec Barros

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Influência de Técnicas Não-supervisionadas de Redução de Dimensionalidade para Organização Flexível de Documentos (The Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction Weight on Flexible Document Organization)[In Portuguese]
Beatriz Lima | Fernanda Eustáquio | Tatiane Nogueira

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Portuguese Word Embeddings: Evaluating on Word Analogies and Natural Language Tasks
Nathan Hartmann | Erick Fonseca | Christopher Shulby | Marcos Treviso | Jéssica Silva | Sandra Aluísio

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Utilizando Features Linguísticas Genéricas para Classificação de Triplas Relacionais em Português (Generic Linguistic Features for Relational Triples Classification in Portuguese)[In Portuguese]
George Barbosa | Daniela Barreiro Claro

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Normalizador de Texto para Lingua Portuguesa baseado em Modelo de Linguagem (A Normalizer based on Language Model for Texts in Portuguese)[In Portuguese]
Patrick Bard | Renan Lopes Luis | Silvia Moraes

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Evaluating Word Embeddings for Sentence Boundary Detection in Speech Transcripts
Marcos Treviso | Christopher Shulby | Sandra Aluísio

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Análise de Medidas de Similaridade Semântica na Tarefa de Reconhecimento de Implicação Textual (Analysis of Semantic Similarity Measures in the Recognition of Textual Entailment Task)[In Portuguese]
David Feitosa | Vládia Pinheiro

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FrameFOR – Uma Base de Conhecimento de Frames Semânticos para Perícias de Informática (FrameFOR - a Knowledge Base of Semantic Frames for Digital Forensics)[In Portuguese]
Ravi Barreira | Vládia Pinheiro | Vasco Furtado

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A Implementação de uma Minigramática do Português Brasileiro sob a Perspectiva da LFG (Implementation of a grammar fragment of Brazilian Portuguese in the Lexical-Functional Grammar formalism)[In Portuguese]
Daniel Soares | Francisco Nogueira | Leonel Figueiredo Alencar

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Constituição de Um Dicionário Eletrônico Trilíngue Fundado em Frames a partir da Extração Automática de Candidatos a Termos do Domínio do Turismo (The Constitution of a Trilingual Eletronic Dictionary Based on Frames from the Automatic Extraction of Candidate Terms of the Tourism Domain)[In Portuguese]
Simone Rodrigues Peron-Corrêa | Tiago Timponi Torrent

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A Modelagem Computacional do Domínio dos Esportes na FrameNet Brasil (The Computational Modeling of the Sports Domain in FrameNet Brasil)[In Portuguese]
Alexandre Diniz Costa | Tiago Timponi Torrent

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Descrição e modelagem de construções interrogativas QU- em Português Brasileiro para o desenvolvimento de um chatbot (Description and modeling of interrogative constructs QU- in Brazilian Portuguese for the development of a chatbot)[In Portuguese]
Natália Duarte Marção | Tiago Timponi Torrent | Ely Edison da Silva Matos

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Construções de Estrutura Argumental no âmbito do Constructicon da FrameNet Brasil: proposta de uma modelagem linguístico-computacional (Structural Constructs of Arguments in the Context of the Construction of FrameNet Brasil: a proposal for a computational-linguistic modeling)[In Portuguese]
Vânia Gomes Almeida | Tiago Timponi Torrent

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Investigação Preliminar Sobre a Prosódia Semântica de Verbos de Elocução: o Caso do Verbo “Confessar” (A Preliminar Investigation About the Semantic Prosody of Elocution Verbs: the Case for the Verb “Confess”)[In Portuguese]
Barbara C. Ramos

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Uma Proposta Metodológica para a Categorização Automatizada de Atrações Turísticas a partir de Comentários de Usuários em Plataformas Online (A Methodological Proposition for the Automatic Categorization of Touristic Attractions from User Comments in Online Platforms)[In Portuguese]
Vanessa Maria Ramos Lopes Paiva | Tiago Timponi Torrent

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Sofrer uma ofensa, Receber uma advertência: Verbos-suporte Conversos de ‘Fazer’ no Português do Brasil (Suffering an offense, Receiving a citation: Supporting Vectors Converted from ‘To do’ in Brazilian Portuguese)[In Portuguese]
Claúdia D. Barros | Nathalia P. Calcia | Oto A. Vale

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Os Provérbios em manuais de ensino de Português Língua Não Materna (The Proverbs of teaching manuals in Non-Native Portuguese)[In Portuguese]
Sónia Reis | Jorge Baptista

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Prosody, syntax, and pragmatics: insubordination in spoken Brazilian Portuguese
Giulia Bossaglia | Heliana Mello | Tommaso Raso

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As bases de dados verbais ADESSE e ViPEr: uma análise constrastiva das construções locativas em espanhol e em português (The verbal databases ADESSE and ViPEr: a contrastive analysis of locative constructs in Spanish and Portuguese)[In Portuguese]
Roana Rodrigues | Oto Vale | Laura Alonso Alemany


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Stylistic Variation

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Stylistic Variation
Julian Brooke | Thamar Solorio | Moshe Koppel

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From Shakespeare to Twitter: What are Language Styles all about?
Wei Xu

As natural language processing research is growing and largely driven by the availability of data, we expanded research from news and small-scale dialog corpora to web and social media. User-generated data and crowdsourcing opened the door for investigating human language of various styles with more statistical power and real-world applications. In this position/survey paper, I will review and discuss seven language styles that I believe to be important and interesting to study: influential work in the past, challenges at the present, and potential impact for the future.

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Shakespearizing Modern Language Using Copy-Enriched Sequence to Sequence Models
Harsh Jhamtani | Varun Gangal | Eduard Hovy | Eric Nyberg

Variations in writing styles are commonly used to adapt the content to a specific context, audience, or purpose. However, applying stylistic variations is still by and large a manual process, and there have been little efforts towards automating it. In this paper we explore automated methods to transform text from modern English to Shakespearean English using an end to end trainable neural model with pointers to enable copy action. To tackle limited amount of parallel data, we pre-train embeddings of words by leveraging external dictionaries mapping Shakespearean words to modern English words as well as additional text. Our methods are able to get a BLEU score of 31+, an improvement of ≈ 6 points above the strongest baseline. We publicly release our code to foster further research in this area.

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Discovering Stylistic Variations in Distributional Vector Space Models via Lexical Paraphrases
Xing Niu | Marine Carpuat

Detecting and analyzing stylistic variation in language is relevant to diverse Natural Language Processing applications. In this work, we investigate whether salient dimensions of style variations are embedded in standard distributional vector spaces of word meaning. We hypothesizes that distances between embeddings of lexical paraphrases can help isolate style from meaning variations and help identify latent style dimensions. We conduct a qualitative analysis of latent style dimensions, and show the effectiveness of identified style subspaces on a lexical formality prediction task.

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Harvesting Creative Templates for Generating Stylistically Varied Restaurant Reviews
Shereen Oraby | Sheideh Homayon | Marilyn Walker

Many of the creative and figurative elements that make language exciting are lost in translation in current natural language generation engines. In this paper, we explore a method to harvest templates from positive and negative reviews in the restaurant domain, with the goal of vastly expanding the types of stylistic variation available to the natural language generator. We learn hyperbolic adjective patterns that are representative of the strongly-valenced expressive language commonly used in either positive or negative reviews. We then identify and delexicalize entities, and use heuristics to extract generation templates from review sentences. We evaluate the learned templates against more traditional review templates, using subjective measures of convincingness, interestingness, and naturalness. Our results show that the learned templates score highly on these measures. Finally, we analyze the linguistic categories that characterize the learned positive and negative templates. We plan to use the learned templates to improve the conversational style of dialogue systems in the restaurant domain.

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Is writing style predictive of scientific fraud?
Chloé Braud | Anders Søgaard

The problem of detecting scientific fraud using machine learning was recently introduced, with initial, positive results from a model taking into account various general indicators. The results seem to suggest that writing style is predictive of scientific fraud. We revisit these initial experiments, and show that the leave-one-out testing procedure they used likely leads to a slight over-estimate of the predictability, but also that simple models can outperform their proposed model by some margin. We go on to explore more abstract linguistic features, such as linguistic complexity and discourse structure, only to obtain negative results. Upon analyzing our models, we do see some interesting patterns, though: Scientific fraud, for examples, contains less comparison, as well as different types of hedging and ways of presenting logical reasoning.

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“Deep” Learning : Detecting Metaphoricity in Adjective-Noun Pairs
Yuri Bizzoni | Stergios Chatzikyriakidis | Mehdi Ghanimifard

Metaphor is one of the most studied and widespread figures of speech and an essential element of individual style. In this paper we look at metaphor identification in Adjective-Noun pairs. We show that using a single neural network combined with pre-trained vector embeddings can outperform the state of the art in terms of accuracy. In specific, the approach presented in this paper is based on two ideas: a) transfer learning via using pre-trained vectors representing adjective noun pairs, and b) a neural network as a model of composition that predicts a metaphoricity score as output. We present several different architectures for our system and evaluate their performances. Variations on dataset size and on the kinds of embeddings are also investigated. We show considerable improvement over the previous approaches both in terms of accuracy and w.r.t the size of annotated training data.

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Authorship Attribution with Convolutional Neural Networks and POS-Eliding
Julian Hitschler | Esther van den Berg | Ines Rehbein

We use a convolutional neural network to perform authorship identification on a very homogeneous dataset of scientific publications. In order to investigate the effect of domain biases, we obscure words below a certain frequency threshold, retaining only their POS-tags. This procedure improves test performance due to better generalization on unseen data. Using our method, we are able to predict the authors of scientific publications in the same discipline at levels well above chance.

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Topic and audience effects on distinctively Scottish vocabulary usage in Twitter data
Philippa Shoemark | James Kirby | Sharon Goldwater

Sociolinguistic research suggests that speakers modulate their language style in response to their audience. Similar effects have recently been claimed to occur in the informal written context of Twitter, with users choosing less region-specific and non-standard vocabulary when addressing larger audiences. However, these studies have not carefully controlled for the possible confound of topic: that is, tweets addressed to a broad audience might also tend towards topics that engender a more formal style. In addition, it is not clear to what extent previous results generalize to different samples of users. Using mixed-effects models, we show that audience and topic have independent effects on the rate of distinctively Scottish usage in two demographically distinct Twitter user samples. However, not all effects are consistent between the two groups, underscoring the importance of replicating studies on distinct user samples before drawing strong conclusions from social media data.

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Differences in type-token ratio and part-of-speech frequencies in male and female Russian written texts
Tatiana Litvinova | Pavel Seredin | Olga Litvinova | Olga Zagorovskaya

The differences in the frequencies of some parts of speech (POS), particularly function words, and lexical diversity in male and female speech have been pointed out in a number of papers. The classifiers using exclusively context-independent parameters have proved to be highly effective. However, there are still issues that have to be addressed as a lot of studies are performed for English and the genre and topic of texts is sometimes neglected. The aim of this paper is to investigate the association between context-independent parameters of Russian written texts and the gender of their authors and to design predictive re-gression models. A number of correlations were found. The obtained data is in good agreement with the results obtained for other languages. The model based on 5 parameters with the highest correlation coefficients was designed.

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Modeling Communicative Purpose with Functional Style: Corpus and Features for German Genre and Register Analysis
Thomas Haider | Alexis Palmer

While there is wide acknowledgement in NLP of the utility of document characterization by genre, it is quite difficult to determine a definitive set of features or even a comprehensive list of genres. This paper addresses both issues. First, with prototype semantics, we develop a hierarchical taxonomy of discourse functions. We implement the taxonomy by developing a new text genre corpus of contemporary German to perform a text based comparative register analysis. Second, we extract a host of style features, both deep and shallow, aiming beyond linguistically motivated features at situational correlates in texts. The feature sets are used for supervised text genre classification, on which our models achieve high accuracy. The combination of the corpus typology and feature sets allows us to characterize types of communicative purpose in a comparative setup, by qualitative interpretation of style feature loadings of a regularized discriminant analysis. Finally, to determine the dependence of genre on topics (which are arguably the distinguishing factor of sub-genre), we compare and combine our style models with Latent Dirichlet Allocation features across different corpus settings with unstable topics.

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Stylistic Variation in Television Dialogue for Natural Language Generation
Grace Lin | Marilyn Walker

Conversation is a critical component of storytelling, where key information is often revealed by what/how a character says it. We focus on the issue of character voice and build stylistic models with linguistic features related to natural language generation decisions. Using a dialogue corpus of the television series, The Big Bang Theory, we apply content analysis to extract relevant linguistic features to build character-based stylistic models, and we test the model-fit through an user perceptual experiment with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. The results are encouraging in that human subjects tend to perceive the generated utterances as being more similar to the character they are modeled on, than to another random character.

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Controlling Linguistic Style Aspects in Neural Language Generation
Jessica Ficler | Yoav Goldberg

Most work on neural natural language generation (NNLG) focus on controlling the content of the generated text. We experiment with controling several stylistic aspects of the generated text, in addition to its content. The method is based on conditioned RNN language model, where the desired content as well as the stylistic parameters serve as conditioning contexts. We demonstrate the approach on the movie reviews domain and show that it is successful in generating coherent sentences corresponding to the required linguistic style and content.

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Approximating Style by N-gram-based Annotation
Melanie Andresen | Heike Zinsmeister

The concept of style is much debated in theoretical as well as empirical terms. From an empirical perspective, the key question is how to operationalize style and thus make it accessible for annotation and quantification. In authorship attribution, many different approaches have successfully resolved this issue at the cost of linguistic interpretability: The resulting algorithms may be able to distinguish one language variety from the other, but do not give us much information on their distinctive linguistic properties. We approach the issue of interpreting stylistic features by extracting linear and syntactic n-grams that are distinctive for a language variety. We present a study that exemplifies this process by a comparison of the German academic languages of linguistics and literary studies. Overall, our findings show that distinctive n-grams can be related to linguistic categories. The results suggest that the style of German literary studies is characterized by nominal structures and the style of linguistics by verbal ones.

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Assessing the Stylistic Properties of Neurally Generated Text in Authorship Attribution
Enrique Manjavacas | Jeroen De Gussem | Walter Daelemans | Mike Kestemont

Recent applications of neural language models have led to an increased interest in the automatic generation of natural language. However impressive, the evaluation of neurally generated text has so far remained rather informal and anecdotal. Here, we present an attempt at the systematic assessment of one aspect of the quality of neurally generated text. We focus on a specific aspect of neural language generation: its ability to reproduce authorial writing styles. Using established models for authorship attribution, we empirically assess the stylistic qualities of neurally generated text. In comparison to conventional language models, neural models generate fuzzier text, that is relatively harder to attribute correctly. Nevertheless, our results also suggest that neurally generated text offers more valuable perspectives for the augmentation of training data.


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Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms

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Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms
Marco Kuhlmann | Tatjana Scheffler

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A Feature Structure Algebra for FTAG
Alexander Koller

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Parsing Minimalist Languages with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars
Meaghan Fowlie | Alexander Koller

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Depictives in English: An LTAG Approach
Benjamin Burkhardt | Timm Lichte | Laura Kallmeyer

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Reflexives and Reciprocals in Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar
Cristina Aggazzotti | Stuart M. Shieber

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Coordination in TAG without the Conjoin Operation
Chung-hye Han | Anoop Sarkar

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Scope, Time, and Predicate Restriction in Blackfoot using MC-STAG
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko

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Combining Predicate-Argument Structure and Operator Projection: Clause Structure in Role and Reference Grammar
Laura Kallmeyer | Rainer Osswald

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Parsing with Dynamic Continuized CCG
Michael White | Simon Charlow | Jordan Needle | Dylan Bumford

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Multiword Expression-Aware A* TAG Parsing Revisited
Jakub Waszczuk | Agata Savary | Yannick Parmentier

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Single-Rooted DAGs in Regular DAG Languages: Parikh Image and Path Languages
Martin Berglund | Henrik Björklund | Frank Drewes

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Contextual Hyperedge Replacement Grammars for Abstract Meaning Representations
Frank Drewes | Anna Jonsson

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Transforming Dependency Structures to LTAG Derivation Trees
Caio Corro | Joseph Le Roux

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Linguistically Rich Vector Representations of Supertags for TAG Parsing
Dan Friedman | Jungo Kasai | R. Thomas McCoy | Robert Frank | Forrest Davis | Owen Rambow

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TAG Parser Evaluation using Textual Entailments
Pauli Xu | Robert Frank | Jungo Kasai | Owen Rambow


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Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: the Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: the Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing
Martin Riedl | Swapna Somasundaran | Goran Glavaš | Eduard Hovy

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On the “Calligraphy” of Books
Vanessa Queiroz Marinho | Henrique Ferraz de Arruda | Thales Sinelli | Luciano da Fontoura Costa | Diego Raphael Amancio

Authorship attribution is a natural language processing task that has been widely studied, often by considering small order statistics. In this paper, we explore a complex network approach to assign the authorship of texts based on their mesoscopic representation, in an attempt to capture the flow of the narrative. Indeed, as reported in this work, such an approach allowed the identification of the dominant narrative structure of the studied authors. This has been achieved due to the ability of the mesoscopic approach to take into account relationships between different, not necessarily adjacent, parts of the text, which is able to capture the story flow. The potential of the proposed approach has been illustrated through principal component analysis, a comparison with the chance baseline method, and network visualization. Such visualizations reveal individual characteristics of the authors, which can be understood as a kind of calligraphy.

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Adapting predominant and novel sense discovery algorithms for identifying corpus-specific sense differences
Binny Mathew | Suman Kalyan Maity | Pratip Sarkar | Animesh Mukherjee | Pawan Goyal

Word senses are not static and may have temporal, spatial or corpus-specific scopes. Identifying such scopes might benefit the existing WSD systems largely. In this paper, while studying corpus specific word senses, we adapt three existing predominant and novel-sense discovery algorithms to identify these corpus-specific senses. We make use of text data available in the form of millions of digitized books and newspaper archives as two different sources of corpora and propose automated methods to identify corpus-specific word senses at various time points. We conduct an extensive and thorough human judgement experiment to rigorously evaluate and compare the performance of these approaches. Post adaptation, the output of the three algorithms are in the same format and the accuracy results are also comparable, with roughly 45-60% of the reported corpus-specific senses being judged as genuine.

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Merging knowledge bases in different languages
Jerónimo Hernández-González | Estevam R. Hruschka Jr. | Tom M. Mitchell

Recently, different systems which learn to populate and extend a knowledge base (KB) from the web in different languages have been presented. Although a large set of concepts should be learnt independently from the language used to read, there are facts which are expected to be more easily gathered in local language (e.g., culture or geography). A system that merges KBs learnt in different languages will benefit from the complementary information as long as common beliefs are identified, as well as from redundancy present in web pages written in different languages. In this paper, we deal with the problem of identifying equivalent beliefs (or concepts) across language specific KBs, assuming that they share the same ontology of categories and relations. In a case study with two KBs independently learnt from different inputs, namely web pages written in English and web pages written in Portuguese respectively, we report on the results of two methodologies: an approach based on personalized PageRank and an inference technique to find out common relevant paths through the KBs. The proposed inference technique efficiently identifies relevant paths, outperforming the baseline (a dictionary-based classifier) in the vast majority of tested categories.

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Parameter Free Hierarchical Graph-Based Clustering for Analyzing Continuous Word Embeddings
Thomas Alexander Trost | Dietrich Klakow

Word embeddings are high-dimensional vector representations of words and are thus difficult to interpret. In order to deal with this, we introduce an unsupervised parameter free method for creating a hierarchical graphical clustering of the full ensemble of word vectors and show that this structure is a geometrically meaningful representation of the original relations between the words. This newly obtained representation can be used for better understanding and thus improving the embedding algorithm and exhibits semantic meaning, so it can also be utilized in a variety of language processing tasks like categorization or measuring similarity.

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Spectral Graph-Based Method of Multimodal Word Embedding
Kazuki Fukui | Takamasa Oshikiri | Hidetoshi Shimodaira

In this paper, we propose a novel method for multimodal word embedding, which exploit a generalized framework of multi-view spectral graph embedding to take into account visual appearances or scenes denoted by words in a corpus. We evaluated our method through word similarity tasks and a concept-to-image search task, having found that it provides word representations that reflect visual information, while somewhat trading-off the performance on the word similarity tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that our method captures multimodal linguistic regularities, which enable recovering relational similarities between words and images by vector arithmetics.

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Graph Methods for Multilingual FrameNets
Collin F. Baker | Michael Ellsworth

This paper introduces a new, graph-based view of the data of the FrameNet project, which we hope will make it easier to understand the mixture of semantic and syntactic information contained in FrameNet annotation. We show how English FrameNet and other Frame Semantic resources can be represented as sets of interconnected graphs of frames, frame elements, semantic types, and annotated instances of them in text. We display examples of the new graphical representation based on the annotations, which combine Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar, thus capturing most of the syntax and semantics of each sentence. We consider how graph theory could help researchers to make better use of FrameNet data for tasks such as automatic Frame Semantic role labeling, paraphrasing, and translation. Finally, we describe the development of FrameNet-like lexical resources for other languages in the current Multilingual FrameNet project. which seeks to discover cross-lingual alignments, both in the lexicon (for frames and lexical units within frames) and across parallel or comparable texts. We conclude with an example showing graphically the semantic and syntactic similarities and differences between parallel sentences in English and Japanese. We will release software for displaying such graphs from the current data releases.

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Extract with Order for Coherent Multi-Document Summarization
Mir Tafseer Nayeem | Yllias Chali

In this work, we aim at developing an extractive summarizer in the multi-document setting. We implement a rank based sentence selection using continuous vector representations along with key-phrases. Furthermore, we propose a model to tackle summary coherence for increasing readability. We conduct experiments on the Document Understanding Conference (DUC) 2004 datasets using ROUGE toolkit. Our experiments demonstrate that the methods bring significant improvements over the state of the art methods in terms of informativity and coherence.

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Work Hard, Play Hard: Email Classification on the Avocado and Enron Corpora
Sakhar Alkhereyf | Owen Rambow

In this paper, we present an empirical study of email classification into two main categories “Business” and “Personal”. We train on the Enron email corpus, and test on the Enron and Avocado email corpora. We show that information from the email exchange networks improves the performance of classification. We represent the email exchange networks as social networks with graph structures. For this classification task, we extract social networks features from the graphs in addition to lexical features from email content and we compare the performance of SVM and Extra-Trees classifiers using these features. Combining graph features with lexical features improves the performance on both classifiers. We also provide manually annotated sets of the Avocado and Enron email corpora as a supplementary contribution.

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A Graph Based Semi-Supervised Approach for Analysis of Derivational Nouns in Sanskrit
Amrith Krishna | Pavankumar Satuluri | Harshavardhan Ponnada | Muneeb Ahmed | Gulab Arora | Kaustubh Hiware | Pawan Goyal

Derivational nouns are widely used in Sanskrit corpora and represent an important cornerstone of productivity in the language. Currently there exists no analyser that identifies the derivational nouns. We propose a semi supervised approach for identification of derivational nouns in Sanskrit. We not only identify the derivational words, but also link them to their corresponding source words. Our novelty comes in the design of the network structure for the task. The edge weights are featurised based on the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and the semantic similarity shared between the words to be identified. We find that our model is effective for the task, even when we employ a labelled dataset which is only 5 % to that of the entire dataset.

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Evaluating text coherence based on semantic similarity graph
Jan Wira Gotama Putra | Takenobu Tokunaga

Coherence is a crucial feature of text because it is indispensable for conveying its communication purpose and meaning to its readers. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised text coherence scoring based on graph construction in which edges are established between semantically similar sentences represented by vertices. The sentence similarity is calculated based on the cosine similarity of semantic vectors representing sentences. We provide three graph construction methods establishing an edge from a given vertex to a preceding adjacent vertex, to a single similar vertex, or to multiple similar vertices. We evaluated our methods in the document discrimination task and the insertion task by comparing our proposed methods to the supervised (Entity Grid) and unsupervised (Entity Graph) baselines. In the document discrimination task, our method outperformed the unsupervised baseline but could not do the supervised baseline, while in the insertion task, our method outperformed both baselines.


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Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories

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Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories
Jan Hajič

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Annotating and parsing to semantic frames: feedback from the French FrameNet project
Marie Candito

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Downstream use of syntactic analysis: does representation matter?
Lilja Øvrelid

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Distributional regularities of verbs and verbal adjectives: Treebank evidence and broader implications
Daniël de Kok | Patricia Fischer | Corina Dima | Erhard Hinrichs

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UD Annotatrix: An annotation tool for Universal Dependencies
Francis M. Tyers | Mariya Sheyanova | Jonathan North Washington

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The Treebanked Conspiracy. Actors and Actions in Bellum Catilinae
Marco Passarotti | Berta González Saavedra

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Universal Dependencies-based syntactic features in detecting human translation varieties
Maria Kunilovskaya | Andrey Kutuzov

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Graph Convolutional Networks for Named Entity Recognition
Alberto Cetoli | Stefano Bragaglia | Andrew O’Harney | Marc Sloan

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Extensions to the GrETEL Treebank Query Application
Jan Odijk | Martijn van der Klis | Sheean Spoel

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The Relation of Form and Function in Linguistic Theory and in a Multilayer Treebank
Eduard Bejček | Eva Hajičová | Marie Mikulová | Jarmila Panevová

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Literal readings of multiword expressions: as scarce as hen’s teeth
Agata Savary | Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro

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Querying Multi-word Expressions Annotation with CQL
Natalia Klyueva | Anna Vernerová | Behrang Qasemizadeh

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REALEC learner treebank: annotation principles and evaluation of automatic parsing
Olga Lyashevskaya | Irina Panteleeva

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A semiautomatic lemmatisation procedure for treebanks. Old English strong and weak verbs
Marta Tío Sáenz | Darío Metola Rodríguez

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Data point selection for genre-aware parsing
Ines Rehbein | Felix Bildhauer

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Error Analysis of Cross-lingual Tagging and Parsing
Rudolf Rosa | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

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A Telugu treebank based on a grammar book
Taraka Rama | Sowmya Vajjala

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Recent Developments within BulTreeBank
Petya Osenova | Kiril Simov

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Towards a dependency-annotated treebank for Bambara
Ekaterina Aplonova | Francis M. Tyers

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Merging the Trees - Building a Morphological Treebank for German from Two Resources
Petra Steiner

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What I think when I think about treebanks
Anders Søgaard

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Syntactic Semantic Correspondence in Dependency Grammar
Cătălina Mărănduc | Cătălin Mititelu | Victoria Bobicev

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Multi-word annotation in syntactic treebanks - Propositions for Universal Dependencies
Sylvain Kahane | Marine Courtin | Kim Gerdes

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A Universal Dependencies Treebank for Marathi
Vinit Ravishankar

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Dangerous Relations in Dependency Treebanks
Chiara Alzetta | Felice Dell’Orletta | Simonetta Montemagni | Giulia Venturi

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Author Index

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Keyword Index


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Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2017)

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Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2017)
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe | Joakim Nivre | Sebastian Schuster

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Cross-Lingual Parser Selection for Low-Resource Languages
Željko Agić

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Swedish Prepositions are not Pure Function Words
Lars Ahrenberg

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Increasing Return on Annotation Investment: The Automatic Construction of a Universal Dependency Treebank for Dutch
Gosse Bouma | Gertjan van Noord

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Converting the TüBa-D/Z Treebank of German to Universal Dependencies
Çağrı Çöltekin | Ben Campbell | Erhard Hinrichs | Heike Telljohann

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Universal Dependencies for Afrikaans
Peter Dirix | Liesbeth Augustinus | Daniel van Niekerk | Frank Van Eynde

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Elliptic Constructions: Spotting Patterns in UD Treebanks
Kira Droganova | Daniel Zeman

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Dependency Tree Transformation with Tree Transducers
Felix Hennig | Arne Köhn

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Towards Universal Dependencies for Learner Chinese
John Lee | Herman Leung | Keying Li

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Does Syntactic Informativity Predict Word Length? A Cross-Linguistic Study Based on the Universal Dependencies Corpora
Natalia Levshina

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Estonian Copular and Existential Constructions as an UD Annotation Problem
Kadri Muischnek | Kaili Müürisep

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Universal Dependency Evaluation
Joakim Nivre | Chiao-Ting Fang

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Udapi: Universal API for Universal Dependencies
Martin Popel | Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Martin Vojtek

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Universal Dependencies for Greek
Prokopis Prokopidis | Haris Papageorgiou

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From Universal Dependencies to Abstract Syntax
Aarne Ranta | Prasanth Kolachina

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Empirically Sampling Universal Dependencies
Natalie Schluter | Željko Agić

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Gapping Constructions in Universal Dependencies v2
Sebastian Schuster | Matthew Lamm | Christopher D. Manning

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Toward Universal Dependencies for Ainu
Hajime Senuma | Akiko Aizawa

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Automatic Morpheme Segmentation and Labeling in Universal Dependencies Resources
Miikka Silfverberg | Mans Hulden

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A Systematic Comparison of Syntactic Representations of Dependency Parsing
Guillaume Wisniewski | Ophélie Lacroix


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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial)

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial)
Preslav Nakov | Marcos Zampieri | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Shevin Malmasi | Ahmed Ali

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Findings of the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2017
Marcos Zampieri | Shervin Malmasi | Nikola Ljubešić | Preslav Nakov | Ahmed Ali | Jörg Tiedemann | Yves Scherrer | Noëmi Aepli

We present the results of the VarDial Evaluation Campaign on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, which we organized as part of the fourth edition of the VarDial workshop at EACL’2017. This year, we included four shared tasks: Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL), Arabic Dialect Identification (ADI), German Dialect Identification (GDI), and Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing (CLP). A total of 19 teams submitted runs across the four tasks, and 15 of them wrote system description papers.

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Dialectometric analysis of language variation in Twitter
Gonzalo Donoso | David Sánchez

In the last few years, microblogging platforms such as Twitter have given rise to a deluge of textual data that can be used for the analysis of informal communication between millions of individuals. In this work, we propose an information-theoretic approach to geographic language variation using a corpus based on Twitter. We test our models with tens of concepts and their associated keywords detected in Spanish tweets geolocated in Spain. We employ dialectometric measures (cosine similarity and Jensen-Shannon divergence) to quantify the linguistic distance on the lexical level between cells created in a uniform grid over the map. This can be done for a single concept or in the general case taking into account an average of the considered variants. The latter permits an analysis of the dialects that naturally emerge from the data. Interestingly, our results reveal the existence of two dialect macrovarieties. The first group includes a region-specific speech spoken in small towns and rural areas whereas the second cluster encompasses cities that tend to use a more uniform variety. Since the results obtained with the two different metrics qualitatively agree, our work suggests that social media corpora can be efficiently used for dialectometric analyses.

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Computational analysis of Gondi dialects
Taraka Rama | Çağrı Çöltekin | Pavel Sofroniev

This paper presents a computational analysis of Gondi dialects spoken in central India. We present a digitized data set of the dialect area, and analyze the data using different techniques from dialectometry, deep learning, and computational biology. We show that the methods largely agree with each other and with the earlier non-computational analyses of the language group.

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Investigating Diatopic Variation in a Historical Corpus
Stefanie Dipper | Sandra Waldenberger

This paper investigates diatopic variation in a historical corpus of German. Based on equivalent word forms from different language areas, replacement rules and mappings are derived which describe the relations between these word forms. These rules and mappings are then interpreted as reflections of morphological, phonological or graphemic variation. Based on sample rules and mappings, we show that our approach can replicate results from historical linguistics. While previous studies were restricted to predefined word lists, or confined to single authors or texts, our approach uses a much wider range of data available in historical corpora.

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Author Profiling at PAN: from Age and Gender Identification to Language Variety Identification (invited talk)
Paolo Rosso

Author profiling is the study of how language is shared by people, a problem of growing importance in applications dealing with security, in order to understand who could be behind an anonymous threat message, and marketing, where companies may be interested in knowing the demographics of people that in online reviews liked or disliked their products. In this talk we will give an overview of the PAN shared tasks that since 2013 have been organised at CLEF and FIRE evaluation forums, mainly on age and gender identification in social media, although also personality recognition in Twitter as well as in code sources was also addressed. In 2017 the PAN author profiling shared task addresses jointly gender and language variety identification in Twitter where tweets have been annotated with authors’ gender and their specific variation of their native language: English (Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, United States), Spanish (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Venezuela), Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), and Arabic (Egypt, Gulf, Levantine, Maghrebi).

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The similarity and Mutual Intelligibility between Amharic and Tigrigna Varieties
Tekabe Legesse Feleke

The present study has examined the similarity and the mutual intelligibility between Amharic and Tigrigna using three tools namely Levenshtein distance, intelligibility test and questionnaires. The study has shown that both Tigrigna varieties have almost equal phonetic and lexical distances from Amharic. The study also indicated that Amharic speakers understand less than 50% of the two varieties. Furthermore, the study showed that Amharic speakers are more positive about the Ethiopian Tigrigna variety than the Eritrean Variety. However, their attitude towards the two varieties does not have an impact on their intelligibility. The Amharic speakers’ familiarity to the Tigrigna varieties is largely dependent on the genealogical relation between Amharic and the two Tigrigna varieties.

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Why Catalan-Spanish Neural Machine Translation? Analysis, comparison and combination with standard Rule and Phrase-based technologies
Marta R. Costa-jussà

Catalan and Spanish are two related languages given that both derive from Latin. They share similarities in several linguistic levels including morphology, syntax and semantics. This makes them particularly interesting for the MT task. Given the recent appearance and popularity of neural MT, this paper analyzes the performance of this new approach compared to the well-established rule-based and phrase-based MT systems. Experiments are reported on a large database of 180 million words. Results, in terms of standard automatic measures, show that neural MT clearly outperforms the rule-based and phrase-based MT system on in-domain test set, but it is worst in the out-of-domain test set. A naive system combination specially works for the latter. In-domain manual analysis shows that neural MT tends to improve both adequacy and fluency, for example, by being able to generate more natural translations instead of literal ones, choosing to the adequate target word when the source word has several translations and improving gender agreement. However, out-of-domain manual analysis shows how neural MT is more affected by unknown words or contexts.

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Kurdish Interdialect Machine Translation
Hossein Hassani

This research suggests a method for machine translation among two Kurdish dialects. We chose the two widely spoken dialects, Kurmanji and Sorani, which are considered to be mutually unintelligible. Also, despite being spoken by about 30 million people in different countries, Kurdish is among less-resourced languages. The research used bi-dialectal dictionaries and showed that the lack of parallel corpora is not a major obstacle in machine translation between the two dialects. The experiments showed that the machine translated texts are comprehensible to those who do not speak the dialect. The research is the first attempt for inter-dialect machine translation in Kurdish and particularly could help in making online texts in one dialect comprehensible to those who only speak the target dialect. The results showed that the translated texts are in 71% and 79% cases rated as understandable for Kurmanji and Sorani respectively. They are rated as slightly-understandable in 29% cases for Kurmanji and 21% for Sorani.

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Twitter Language Identification Of Similar Languages And Dialects Without Ground Truth
Jennifer Williams | Charlie Dagli

We present a new method to bootstrap filter Twitter language ID labels in our dataset for automatic language identification (LID). Our method combines geo-location, original Twitter LID labels, and Amazon Mechanical Turk to resolve missing and unreliable labels. We are the first to compare LID classification performance using the MIRA algorithm and langid.py. We show classifier performance on different versions of our dataset with high accuracy using only Twitter data, without ground truth, and very few training examples. We also show how Platt Scaling can be use to calibrate MIRA classifier output values into a probability distribution over candidate classes, making the output more intuitive. Our method allows for fine-grained distinctions between similar languages and dialects and allows us to rediscover the language composition of our Twitter dataset.

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Multi-source morphosyntactic tagging for spoken Rusyn
Yves Scherrer | Achim Rabus

This paper deals with the development of morphosyntactic taggers for spoken varieties of the Slavic minority language Rusyn. As neither annotated corpora nor parallel corpora are electronically available for Rusyn, we propose to combine existing resources from the etymologically close Slavic languages Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak, and Polish and adapt them to Rusyn. Using MarMoT as tagging toolkit, we show that a tagger trained on a balanced set of the four source languages outperforms single language taggers by about 9%, and that additional automatically induced morphosyntactic lexicons lead to further improvements. The best observed accuracies for Rusyn are 82.4% for part-of-speech tagging and 75.5% for full morphological tagging.

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Identifying dialects with textual and acoustic cues
Abualsoud Hanani | Aziz Qaroush | Stephen Taylor

We describe several systems for identifying short samples of Arabic or Swiss-German dialects, which were prepared for the shared task of the 2017 DSL Workshop (Zampieri et al., 2017). The Arabic data comprises both text and acoustic files, and our best run combined both. The Swiss-German data is text-only. Coincidently, our best runs achieved a accuracy of nearly 63% on both the Swiss-German and Arabic dialects tasks.

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Evaluating HeLI with Non-Linear Mappings
Tommi Jauhiainen | Krister Lindén | Heidi Jauhiainen

In this paper we describe the non-linear mappings we used with the Helsinki language identification method, HeLI, in the 4th edition of the Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) shared task, which was organized as part of the VarDial 2017 workshop. Our SUKI team participated on the closed track together with 10 other teams. Our system reached the 7th position in the track. We describe the HeLI method and the non-linear mappings in mathematical notation. The HeLI method uses a probabilistic model with character n-grams and word-based backoff. We also describe our trials using the non-linear mappings instead of relative frequencies and we present statistics about the back-off function of the HeLI method.

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A Perplexity-Based Method for Similar Languages Discrimination
Pablo Gamallo | Jose Ramom Pichel | Iñaki Alegria

This article describes the system submitted by the Citius_Ixa_Imaxin team to the VarDial 2017 (DSL and GDI tasks). The strategy underlying our system is based on a language distance computed by means of model perplexity. The best model configuration we have tested is a voting system making use of several n-grams models of both words and characters, even if word unigrams turned out to be a very competitive model with reasonable results in the tasks we have participated. An error analysis has been performed in which we identified many test examples with no linguistic evidences to distinguish among the variants.

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Improving the Character Ngram Model for the DSL Task with BM25 Weighting and Less Frequently Used Feature Sets
Yves Bestgen

This paper describes the system developed by the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (CECL) to discriminating similar languages, language varieties and dialects. Based on a SVM with character and POStag n-grams as features and the BM25 weighting scheme, it achieved 92.7% accuracy in the Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) task, ranking first among eleven systems but with a lead over the next three teams of only 0.2%. A simpler version of the system ranked second in the German Dialect Identification (GDI) task thanks to several ad hoc postprocessing steps. Complementary analyses carried out by a cross-validation procedure suggest that the BM25 weighting scheme could be competitive in this type of tasks, at least in comparison with the sublinear TF-IDF. POStag n-grams also improved the system performance.

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Discriminating between Similar Languages with Word-level Convolutional Neural Networks
Marcelo Criscuolo | Sandra Maria Aluísio

Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) is a challenging task addressed at the VarDial Workshop series. We report on our participation in the DSL shared task with a two-stage system. In the first stage, character n-grams are used to separate language groups, then specialized classifiers distinguish similar language varieties. We have conducted experiments with three system configurations and submitted one run for each. Our main approach is a word-level convolutional neural network (CNN) that learns task-specific vectors with minimal text preprocessing. We also experiment with multi-layer perceptron (MLP) networks and another hybrid configuration. Our best run achieved an accuracy of 90.76%, ranking 8th among 11 participants and getting very close to the system that ranked first (less than 2 points). Even though the CNN model could not achieve the best results, it still makes a viable approach to discriminating between similar languages.

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Cross-lingual dependency parsing for closely related languages - Helsinki’s submission to VarDial 2017
Jörg Tiedemann

This paper describes the submission from the University of Helsinki to the shared task on cross-lingual dependency parsing at VarDial 2017. We present work on annotation projection and treebank translation that gave good results for all three target languages in the test set. In particular, Slovak seems to work well with information coming from the Czech treebank, which is in line with related work. The attachment scores for cross-lingual models even surpass the fully supervised models trained on the target language treebank. Croatian is the most difficult language in the test set and the improvements over the baseline are rather modest. Norwegian works best with information coming from Swedish whereas Danish contributes surprisingly little.

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Discriminating between Similar Languages Using a Combination of Typed and Untyped Character N-grams and Words
Helena Gomez | Ilia Markov | Jorge Baptista | Grigori Sidorov | David Pinto

This paper presents the cic_ualg’s system that took part in the Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) shared task, held at the VarDial 2017 Workshop. This year’s task aims at identifying 14 languages across 6 language groups using a corpus of excerpts of journalistic texts. Two classification approaches were compared: a single-step (all languages) approach and a two-step (language group and then languages within the group) approach. Features exploited include lexical features (unigrams of words) and character n-grams. Besides traditional (untyped) character n-grams, we introduce typed character n-grams in the DSL task. Experiments were carried out with different feature representation methods (binary and raw term frequency), frequency threshold values, and machine-learning algorithms – Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB). Our best run in the DSL task achieved 91.46% accuracy.

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Tübingen system in VarDial 2017 shared task: experiments with language identification and cross-lingual parsing
Çağrı Çöltekin | Taraka Rama

This paper describes our systems and results on VarDial 2017 shared tasks. Besides three language/dialect discrimination tasks, we also participated in the cross-lingual dependency parsing (CLP) task using a simple methodology which we also briefly describe in this paper. For all the discrimination tasks, we used linear SVMs with character and word features. The system achieves competitive results among other systems in the shared task. We also report additional experiments with neural network models. The performance of neural network models was close but always below the corresponding SVM classifiers in the discrimination tasks. For the cross-lingual parsing task, we experimented with an approach based on automatically translating the source treebank to the target language, and training a parser on the translated treebank. We used off-the-shelf tools for both translation and parsing. Despite achieving better-than-baseline results, our scores in CLP tasks were substantially lower than the scores of the other participants.

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When Sparse Traditional Models Outperform Dense Neural Networks: the Curious Case of Discriminating between Similar Languages
Maria Medvedeva | Martin Kroon | Barbara Plank

We present the results of our participation in the VarDial 4 shared task on discriminating closely related languages. Our submission includes simple traditional models using linear support vector machines (SVMs) and a neural network (NN). The main idea was to leverage language group information. We did so with a two-layer approach in the traditional model and a multi-task objective in the neural network case. Our results confirm earlier findings: simple traditional models outperform neural networks consistently for this task, at least given the amount of systems we could examine in the available time. Our two-layer linear SVM ranked 2nd in the shared task.

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German Dialect Identification in Interview Transcriptions
Shervin Malmasi | Marcos Zampieri

This paper presents three systems submitted to the German Dialect Identification (GDI) task at the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2017. The task consists of training models to identify the dialect of Swiss-German speech transcripts. The dialects included in the GDI dataset are Basel, Bern, Lucerne, and Zurich. The three systems we submitted are based on: a plurality ensemble, a mean probability ensemble, and a meta-classifier trained on character and word n-grams. The best results were obtained by the meta-classifier achieving 68.1% accuracy and 66.2% F1-score, ranking first among the 10 teams which participated in the GDI shared task.

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CLUZH at VarDial GDI 2017: Testing a Variety of Machine Learning Tools for the Classification of Swiss German Dialects
Simon Clematide | Peter Makarov

Our submissions for the GDI 2017 Shared Task are the results from three different types of classifiers: Naïve Bayes, Conditional Random Fields (CRF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Our CRF-based run achieves a weighted F1 score of 65% (third rank) being beaten by the best system by 0.9%. Measured by classification accuracy, our ensemble run (Naïve Bayes, CRF, SVM) reaches 67% (second rank) being 1% lower than the best system. We also describe our experiments with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architectures. Since they performed worse than our non-neural approaches we did not include them in the submission.

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Arabic Dialect Identification Using iVectors and ASR Transcripts
Shervin Malmasi | Marcos Zampieri

This paper presents the systems submitted by the MAZA team to the Arabic Dialect Identification (ADI) shared task at the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2017. The goal of the task is to evaluate computational models to identify the dialect of Arabic utterances using both audio and text transcriptions. The ADI shared task dataset included Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and four Arabic dialects: Egyptian, Gulf, Levantine, and North-African. The three systems submitted by MAZA are based on combinations of multiple machine learning classifiers arranged as (1) voting ensemble; (2) mean probability ensemble; (3) meta-classifier. The best results were obtained by the meta-classifier achieving 71.7% accuracy, ranking second among the six teams which participated in the ADI shared task.

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Discriminating between Similar Languages using Weighted Subword Features
Adrien Barbaresi

The present contribution revolves around a contrastive subword n-gram model which has been tested in the Discriminating between Similar Languages shared task. I present and discuss the method used in this 14-way language identification task comprising varieties of 6 main language groups. It features the following characteristics: (1) the preprocessing and conversion of a collection of documents to sparse features; (2) weighted character n-gram profiles; (3) a multinomial Bayesian classifier. Meaningful bag-of-n-grams features can be used as a system in a straightforward way, my approach outperforms most of the systems used in the DSL shared task (3rd rank).

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Exploring Lexical and Syntactic Features for Language Variety Identification
Chris van der Lee | Antal van den Bosch

We present a method to discriminate between texts written in either the Netherlandic or the Flemish variant of the Dutch language. The method draws on a feature bundle representing text statistics, syntactic features, and word n-grams. Text statistics include average word length and sentence length, while syntactic features include ratios of function words and part-of-speech n-grams. The effectiveness of the classifier was measured by classifying Dutch subtitles developed for either Dutch or Flemish television. Several machine learning algorithms were compared as well as feature combination methods in order to find the optimal generalization performance. A machine-learning meta classifier based on AdaBoost attained the best F-score of 0.92.

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Learning to Identify Arabic and German Dialects using Multiple Kernels
Radu Tudor Ionescu | Andrei Butnaru

We present a machine learning approach for the Arabic Dialect Identification (ADI) and the German Dialect Identification (GDI) Closed Shared Tasks of the DSL 2017 Challenge. The proposed approach combines several kernels using multiple kernel learning. While most of our kernels are based on character p-grams (also known as n-grams) extracted from speech transcripts, we also use a kernel based on i-vectors, a low-dimensional representation of audio recordings, provided only for the Arabic data. In the learning stage, we independently employ Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) and Kernel Ridge Regression (KRR). Our approach is shallow and simple, but the empirical results obtained in the shared tasks prove that it achieves very good results. Indeed, we ranked on the first place in the ADI Shared Task with a weighted F1 score of 76.32% (4.62% above the second place) and on the fifth place in the GDI Shared Task with a weighted F1 score of 63.67% (2.57% below the first place).

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Slavic Forest, Norwegian Wood
Rudolf Rosa | Daniel Zeman | David Mareček | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

We once had a corp, or should we say, it once had us They showed us its tags, isn’t it great, unified tags They asked us to parse and they told us to use everything So we looked around and we noticed there was near nothing We took other langs, bitext aligned: words one-to-one We played for two weeks, and then they said, here is the test The parser kept training till morning, just until deadline So we had to wait and hope what we get would be just fine And, when we awoke, the results were done, we saw we’d won So, we wrote this paper, isn’t it good, Norwegian wood.


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Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Vision and Language

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Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Vision and Language
Anya Belz | Erkut Erdem | Katerina Pastra | Krystian Mikolajczyk

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The BURCHAK corpus: a Challenge Data Set for Interactive Learning of Visually Grounded Word Meanings
Yanchao Yu | Arash Eshghi | Gregory Mills | Oliver Lemon

We motivate and describe a new freely available human-human dialogue data set for interactive learning of visually grounded word meanings through ostensive definition by a tutor to a learner. The data has been collected using a novel, character-by-character variant of the DiET chat tool (Healey et al., 2003; anon.) with a novel task, where a Learner needs to learn invented visual attribute words (such as “burchak” for square) from a tutor. As such, the text-based interactions closely resemble face-to-face conversation and thus contain many of the linguistic phenomena encountered in natural, spontaneous dialogue. These include self- and other-correction, mid-sentence continuations, interruptions, turn overlaps, fillers, hedges and many kinds of ellipsis. We also present a generic n-gram framework for building user (i.e. tutor) simulations from this type of incremental dialogue data, which is freely available to researchers. We show that the simulations produce outputs that are similar to the original data (e.g. 78% turn match similarity). Finally, we train and evaluate a Reinforcement Learning dialogue control agent for learning visually grounded word meanings, trained from the BURCHAK corpus. The learned policy shows comparable performance to a rule-based system built previously.

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The Use of Object Labels and Spatial Prepositions as Keywords in a Web-Retrieval-Based Image Caption Generation System
Brandon Birmingham | Adrian Muscat

In this paper, a retrieval-based caption generation system that searches the web for suitable image descriptions is studied. Google’s reverse image search is used to find potentially relevant web multimedia content for query images. Sentences are extracted from web pages and the likelihood of the descriptions is computed to select one sentence from the retrieved text documents. The search mechanism is modified to replace the caption generated by Google with a caption composed of labels and spatial prepositions as part of the query’s text alongside the image. The object labels are obtained using an off-the-shelf R-CNN and a machine learning model is developed to predict the prepositions. The effect on the caption generation system performance when using the generated text is investigated. Both human evaluations and automatic metrics are used to evaluate the retrieved descriptions. Results show that the web-retrieval-based approach performed better when describing single-object images with sentences extracted from stock photography websites. On the other hand, images with two image objects were better described with template-generated sentences composed of object labels and prepositions.

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Learning to Recognize Animals by Watching Documentaries: Using Subtitles as Weak Supervision
Aparna Nurani Venkitasubramanian | Tinne Tuytelaars | Marie-Francine Moens

We investigate animal recognition models learned from wildlife video documentaries by using the weak supervision of the textual subtitles. This is a particularly challenging setting, since i) the animals occur in their natural habitat and are often largely occluded and ii) subtitles are to a large degree complementary to the visual content, providing a very weak supervisory signal. This is in contrast to most work on integrated vision and language in the literature, where textual descriptions are tightly linked to the image content, and often generated in a curated fashion for the task at hand. In particular, we investigate different image representations and models, including a support vector machine on top of activations of a pretrained convolutional neural network, as well as a Naive Bayes framework on a ‘bag-of-activations’ image representation, where each element of the bag is considered separately. This representation allows key components in the image to be isolated, in spite of largely varying backgrounds and image clutter, without an object detection or image segmentation step. The methods are evaluated based on how well they transfer to unseen camera-trap images captured across diverse topographical regions under different environmental conditions and illumination settings, involving a large domain shift.

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Human Evaluation of Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation: A Case-Study on E-Commerce Listing Titles
Iacer Calixto | Daniel Stein | Evgeny Matusov | Sheila Castilho | Andy Way

In this paper, we study how humans perceive the use of images as an additional knowledge source to machine-translate user-generated product listings in an e-commerce company. We conduct a human evaluation where we assess how a multi-modal neural machine translation (NMT) model compares to two text-only approaches: a conventional state-of-the-art attention-based NMT and a phrase-based statistical machine translation (PBSMT) model. We evaluate translations obtained with different systems and also discuss the data set of user-generated product listings, which in our case comprises both product listings and associated images. We found that humans preferred translations obtained with a PBSMT system to both text-only and multi-modal NMT over 56% of the time. Nonetheless, human evaluators ranked translations from a multi-modal NMT model as better than those of a text-only NMT over 88% of the time, which suggests that images do help NMT in this use-case.

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The BreakingNews Dataset
Arnau Ramisa | Fei Yan | Francesc Moreno-Noguer | Krystian Mikolajczyk

We present BreakingNews, a novel dataset with approximately 100K news articles including images, text and captions, and enriched with heterogeneous meta-data (e.g. GPS coordinates and popularity metrics). The tenuous connection between the images and text in news data is appropriate to take work at the intersection of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing to the next step, hence we hope this dataset will help spur progress in the field.

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Automatic identification of head movements in video-recorded conversations: can words help?
Patrizia Paggio | Costanza Navarretta | Bart Jongejan

We present an approach where an SVM classifier learns to classify head movements based on measurements of velocity, acceleration, and the third derivative of position with respect to time, jerk. Consequently, annotations of head movements are added to new video data. The results of the automatic annotation are evaluated against manual annotations in the same data and show an accuracy of 68% with respect to these. The results also show that using jerk improves accuracy. We then conduct an investigation of the overlap between temporal sequences classified as either movement or non-movement and the speech stream of the person performing the gesture. The statistics derived from this analysis show that using word features may help increase the accuracy of the model.

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Multi-Modal Fashion Product Retrieval
Antonio Rubio Romano | LongLong Yu | Edgar Simo-Serra | Francesc Moreno-Noguer

Finding a product in the fashion world can be a daunting task. Everyday, e-commerce sites are updating with thousands of images and their associated metadata (textual information), deepening the problem. In this paper, we leverage both the images and textual metadata and propose a joint multi-modal embedding that maps both the text and images into a common latent space. Distances in the latent space correspond to similarity between products, allowing us to effectively perform retrieval in this latent space. We compare against existing approaches and show significant improvements in retrieval tasks on a large-scale e-commerce dataset.


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Proceedings of the Third Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

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Proceedings of the Third Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop
Nizar Habash | Mona Diab | Kareem Darwish | Wassim El-Hajj | Hend Al-Khalifa | Houda Bouamor | Nadi Tomeh | Mahmoud El-Haj | Wajdi Zaghouani

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Identification of Languages in Algerian Arabic Multilingual Documents
Wafia Adouane | Simon Dobnik

This paper presents a language identification system designed to detect the language of each word, in its context, in a multilingual documents as generated in social media by bilingual/multilingual communities, in our case speakers of Algerian Arabic. We frame the task as a sequence tagging problem and use supervised machine learning with standard methods like HMM and Ngram classification tagging. We also experiment with a lexicon-based method. Combining all the methods in a fall-back mechanism and introducing some linguistic rules, to deal with unseen tokens and ambiguous words, gives an overall accuracy of 93.14%. Finally, we introduced rules for language identification from sequences of recognised words.

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Arabic Diacritization: Stats, Rules, and Hacks
Kareem Darwish | Hamdy Mubarak | Ahmed Abdelali

In this paper, we present a new and fast state-of-the-art Arabic diacritizer that guesses the diacritics of words and then their case endings. We employ a Viterbi decoder at word-level with back-off to stem, morphological patterns, and transliteration and sequence labeling based diacritization of named entities. For case endings, we use Support Vector Machine (SVM) based ranking coupled with morphological patterns and linguistic rules to properly guess case endings. We achieve a low word level diacritization error of 3.29% and 12.77% without and with case endings respectively on a new multi-genre free of copyright test set. We are making the diacritizer available for free for research purposes.

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Semantic Similarity of Arabic Sentences with Word Embeddings
El Moatez Billah Nagoudi | Didier Schwab

Semantic textual similarity is the basis of countless applications and plays an important role in diverse areas, such as information retrieval, plagiarism detection, information extraction and machine translation. This article proposes an innovative word embedding-based system devoted to calculate the semantic similarity in Arabic sentences. The main idea is to exploit vectors as word representations in a multidimensional space in order to capture the semantic and syntactic properties of words. IDF weighting and Part-of-Speech tagging are applied on the examined sentences to support the identification of words that are highly descriptive in each sentence. The performance of our proposed system is confirmed through the Pearson correlation between our assigned semantic similarity scores and human judgments.

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Morphological Analysis for the Maltese Language: The challenges of a hybrid system
Claudia Borg | Albert Gatt

Maltese is a morphologically rich language with a hybrid morphological system which features both concatenative and non-concatenative processes. This paper analyses the impact of this hybridity on the performance of machine learning techniques for morphological labelling and clustering. In particular, we analyse a dataset of morphologically related word clusters to evaluate the difference in results for concatenative and non-concatenative clusters. We also describe research carried out in morphological labelling, with a particular focus on the verb category. Two evaluations were carried out, one using an unseen dataset, and another one using a gold standard dataset which was manually labelled. The gold standard dataset was split into concatenative and non-concatenative to analyse the difference in results between the two morphological systems.

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A Morphological Analyzer for Gulf Arabic Verbs
Salam Khalifa | Sara Hassan | Nizar Habash

We present CALIMAGLF, a Gulf Arabic morphological analyzer currently covering over 2,600 verbal lemmas. We describe in detail the process of building the analyzer starting from phonetic dictionary entries to fully inflected orthographic paradigms and associated lexicon and orthographic variants. We evaluate the coverage of CALIMA-GLF against Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Arabic analyzers on part of a Gulf Arabic novel. CALIMA-GLF verb analysis token recall for identifying correct POS tag outperforms both the Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Arabic analyzers by over 27.4% and 16.9% absolute, respectively.

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A Neural Architecture for Dialectal Arabic Segmentation
Younes Samih | Mohammed Attia | Mohamed Eldesouki | Ahmed Abdelali | Hamdy Mubarak | Laura Kallmeyer | Kareem Darwish

The automated processing of Arabic Dialects is challenging due to the lack of spelling standards and to the scarcity of annotated data and resources in general. Segmentation of words into its constituent parts is an important processing building block. In this paper, we show how a segmenter can be trained using only 350 annotated tweets using neural networks without any normalization or use of lexical features or lexical resources. We deal with segmentation as a sequence labeling problem at the character level. We show experimentally that our model can rival state-of-the-art methods that rely on additional resources.

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Sentiment Analysis of Tunisian Dialects: Linguistic Ressources and Experiments
Salima Medhaffar | Fethi Bougares | Yannick Estève | Lamia Hadrich-Belguith

Dialectal Arabic (DA) is significantly different from the Arabic language taught in schools and used in written communication and formal speech (broadcast news, religion, politics, etc.). There are many existing researches in the field of Arabic language Sentiment Analysis (SA); however, they are generally restricted to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or some dialects of economic or political interest. In this paper we are interested in the SA of the Tunisian Dialect. We utilize Machine Learning techniques to determine the polarity of comments written in Tunisian Dialect. First, we evaluate the SA systems performances with models trained using freely available MSA and Multi-dialectal data sets. We then collect and annotate a Tunisian Dialect corpus of 17.000 comments from Facebook. This corpus allows us a significant accuracy improvement compared to the best model trained on other Arabic dialects or MSA data. We believe that this first freely available corpus will be valuable to researchers working in the field of Tunisian Sentiment Analysis and similar areas.

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CAT: Credibility Analysis of Arabic Content on Twitter
Rim El Ballouli | Wassim El-Hajj | Ahmad Ghandour | Shady Elbassuoni | Hazem Hajj | Khaled Shaban

Data generated on Twitter has become a rich source for various data mining tasks. Those data analysis tasks that are dependent on the tweet semantics, such as sentiment analysis, emotion mining, and rumor detection among others, suffer considerably if the tweet is not credible, not real, or spam. In this paper, we perform an extensive analysis on credibility of Arabic content on Twitter. We also build a classification model (CAT) to automatically predict the credibility of a given Arabic tweet. Of particular originality is the inclusion of features extracted directly or indirectly from the author’s profile and timeline. To train and test CAT, we annotated for credibility a data set of 9,000 Arabic tweets that are topic independent. CAT achieved consistent improvements in predicting the credibility of the tweets when compared to several baselines and when compared to the state-of-the-art approach with an improvement of 21% in weighted average F-measure. We also conducted experiments to highlight the importance of the user-based features as opposed to the content-based features. We conclude our work with a feature reduction experiment that highlights the best indicative features of credibility.

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A New Error Annotation for Dyslexic texts in Arabic
Maha Alamri | William J Teahan

This paper aims to develop a new classification of errors made in Arabic by those suffering from dyslexia to be used in the annotation of the Arabic dyslexia corpus (BDAC). The dyslexic error classification for Arabic texts (DECA) comprises a list of spelling errors extracted from previous studies and a collection of texts written by people with dyslexia that can provide a framework to help analyse specific errors committed by dyslexic writers. The classification comprises 37 types of errors, grouped into nine categories. The paper also discusses building a corpus of dyslexic Arabic texts that uses the error annotation scheme and provides an analysis of the errors that were found in the texts.

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An Unsupervised Speaker Clustering Technique based on SOM and I-vectors for Speech Recognition Systems
Hany Ahmed | Mohamed Elaraby | Abdullah M. Mousa | Mostafa Elhosiny | Sherif Abdou | Mohsen Rashwan

In this paper, we introduce an enhancement for speech recognition systems using an unsupervised speaker clustering technique. The proposed technique is mainly based on I-vectors and Self-Organizing Map Neural Network(SOM).The input to the proposed algorithm is a set of speech utterances. For each utterance, we extract 100-dimensional I-vector and then SOM is used to group the utterances to different speakers. In our experiments, we compared our technique with Normalized Cross Likelihood ratio Clustering (NCLR). Results show that the proposed technique reduces the speaker error rate in comparison with NCLR. Finally, we have experimented the effect of speaker clustering on Speaker Adaptive Training (SAT) in a speech recognition system implemented to test the performance of the proposed technique. It was noted that the proposed technique reduced the WER over clustering speakers with NCLR.

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SHAKKIL: An Automatic Diacritization System for Modern Standard Arabic Texts
Amany Fashwan | Sameh Alansary

This paper sheds light on a system that would be able to diacritize Arabic texts automatically (SHAKKIL). In this system, the diacritization problem will be handled through two levels; morphological and syntactic processing levels. The adopted morphological disambiguation algorithm depends on four layers; Uni-morphological form layer, rule-based morphological disambiguation layer, statistical-based disambiguation layer and Out Of Vocabulary (OOV) layer. The adopted syntactic disambiguation algorithms is concerned with detecting the case ending diacritics depending on a rule based approach simulating the shallow parsing technique. This will be achieved using an annotated corpus for extracting the Arabic linguistic rules, building the language models and testing the system output. This system is considered as a good trial of the interaction between rule-based approach and statistical approach, where the rules can help the statistics in detecting the right diacritization and vice versa. At this point, the morphological Word Error Rate (WER) is 4.56% while the morphological Diacritic Error Rate (DER) is 1.88% and the syntactic WER is 9.36%. The best WER is 14.78% compared to the best-published results, of (Abandah, 2015); 11.68%, (Rashwan, et al., 2015); 12.90% and (Metwally, Rashwan, & Atiya, 2016); 13.70%.

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Arabic Tweets Treebanking and Parsing: A Bootstrapping Approach
Fahad Albogamy | Allan Ramsay | Hanady Ahmed

In this paper, we propose using a “bootstrapping” method for constructing a dependency treebank of Arabic tweets. This method uses a rule-based parser to create a small treebank of one thousand Arabic tweets and a data-driven parser to create a larger treebank by using the small treebank as a seed training set. We are able to create a dependency treebank from unlabelled tweets without any manual intervention. Experiments results show that this method can improve the speed of training the parser and the accuracy of the resulting parsers.

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Identifying Effective Translations for Cross-lingual Arabic-to-English User-generated Speech Search
Ahmad Khwileh | Haithem Afli | Gareth Jones | Andy Way

Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) systems are a valuable tool to enable speakers of one language to search for content of interest expressed in a different language. A group for whom this is of particular interest is bilingual Arabic speakers who wish to search for English language content using information needs expressed in Arabic queries. A key challenge in CLIR is crossing the language barrier between the query and the documents. The most common approach to bridging this gap is automated query translation, which can be unreliable for vague or short queries. In this work, we examine the potential for improving CLIR effectiveness by predicting the translation effectiveness using Query Performance Prediction (QPP) techniques. We propose a novel QPP method to estimate the quality of translation for an Arabic-English Cross-lingual User-generated Speech Search (CLUGS) task. We present an empirical evaluation that demonstrates the quality of our method on alternative translation outputs extracted from an Arabic-to-English Machine Translation system developed for this task. Finally, we show how this framework can be integrated in CLUGS to find relevant translations for improved retrieval performance.

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A Characterization Study of Arabic Twitter Data with a Benchmarking for State-of-the-Art Opinion Mining Models
Ramy Baly | Gilbert Badaro | Georges El-Khoury | Rawan Moukalled | Rita Aoun | Hazem Hajj | Wassim El-Hajj | Nizar Habash | Khaled Shaban

Opinion mining in Arabic is a challenging task given the rich morphology of the language. The task becomes more challenging when it is applied to Twitter data, which contains additional sources of noise, such as the use of unstandardized dialectal variations, the nonconformation to grammatical rules, the use of Arabizi and code-switching, and the use of non-text objects such as images and URLs to express opinion. In this paper, we perform an analytical study to observe how such linguistic phenomena vary across different Arab regions. This study of Arabic Twitter characterization aims at providing better understanding of Arabic Tweets, and fostering advanced research on the topic. Furthermore, we explore the performance of the two schools of machine learning on Arabic Twitter, namely the feature engineering approach and the deep learning approach. We consider models that have achieved state-of-the-art performance for opinion mining in English. Results highlight the advantages of using deep learning-based models, and confirm the importance of using morphological abstractions to address Arabic’s complex morphology.

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Robust Dictionary Lookup in Multiple Noisy Orthographies
Lingliang Zhang | Nizar Habash | Godfried Toussaint

We present the MultiScript Phonetic Search algorithm to address the problem of language learners looking up unfamiliar words that they heard. We apply it to Arabic dictionary lookup with noisy queries done using both the Arabic and Roman scripts. Our algorithm is based on a computational phonetic distance metric that can be optionally machine learned. To benchmark our performance, we created the ArabScribe dataset, containing 10,000 noisy transcriptions of random Arabic dictionary words. Our algorithm outperforms Google Translate’s “did you mean” feature, as well as the Yamli smart Arabic keyboard.

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Arabic POS Tagging: Don’t Abandon Feature Engineering Just Yet
Kareem Darwish | Hamdy Mubarak | Ahmed Abdelali | Mohamed Eldesouki

This paper focuses on comparing between using Support Vector Machine based ranking (SVM-Rank) and Bidirectional Long-Short-Term-Memory (bi-LSTM) neural-network based sequence labeling in building a state-of-the-art Arabic part-of-speech tagging system. Using SVM-Rank leads to state-of-the-art results, but with a fair amount of feature engineering. Using bi-LSTM, particularly when combined with word embeddings, may lead to competitive POS-tagging results by automatically deducing latent linguistic features. However, we show that augmenting bi-LSTM sequence labeling with some of the features that we used for the SVM-Rank based tagger yields to further improvements. We also show that gains that realized by using embeddings may not be additive with the gains achieved by the features. We are open-sourcing both the SVM-Rank and the bi-LSTM based systems for free.

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Toward a Web-based Speech Corpus for Algerian Dialectal Arabic Varieties
Soumia Bougrine | Aicha Chorana | Abdallah Lakhdari | Hadda Cherroun

The success of machine learning for automatic speech processing has raised the need for large scale datasets. However, collecting such data is often a challenging task as it implies significant investment involving time and money cost. In this paper, we devise a recipe for building largescale Speech Corpora by harnessing Web resources namely YouTube, other Social Media, Online Radio and TV. We illustrate our methodology by building KALAM’DZ, An Arabic Spoken corpus dedicated to Algerian dialectal varieties. The preliminary version of our dataset covers all major Algerian dialects. In addition, we make sure that this material takes into account numerous aspects that foster its richness. In fact, we have targeted various speech topics. Some automatic and manual annotations are provided. They gather useful information related to the speakers and sub-dialect information at the utterance level. Our corpus encompasses the 8 major Algerian Arabic sub-dialects with 4881 speakers and more than 104.4 hours segmented in utterances of at least 6 s.

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Not All Segments are Created Equal: Syntactically Motivated Sentiment Analysis in Lexical Space
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Although there is by now a considerable amount of research on subjectivity and sentiment analysis on morphologically-rich languages, it is still unclear how lexical information can best be modeled in these languages. To bridge this gap, we build effective models exploiting exclusively gold- and machine-segmented lexical input and successfully employ syntactically motivated feature selection to improve classification. Our best models achieve significantly above the baselines, with 67.93% and 69.37% accuracies for subjectivity and sentiment classification respectively.

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An enhanced automatic speech recognition system for Arabic
Mohamed Amine Menacer | Odile Mella | Dominique Fohr | Denis Jouvet | David Langlois | Kamel Smaili

Automatic speech recognition for Arabic is a very challenging task. Despite all the classical techniques for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), which can be efficiently applied to Arabic speech recognition, it is essential to take into consideration the language specificities to improve the system performance. In this article, we focus on Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) speech recognition. We introduce the challenges related to Arabic language, namely the complex morphology nature of the language and the absence of the short vowels in written text, which leads to several potential vowelization for each graphemes, which is often conflicting. We develop an ASR system for MSA by using Kaldi toolkit. Several acoustic and language models are trained. We obtain a Word Error Rate (WER) of 14.42 for the baseline system and 12.2 relative improvement by rescoring the lattice and by rewriting the output with the right Z hamoza above or below Alif.

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Universal Dependencies for Arabic
Dima Taji | Nizar Habash | Daniel Zeman

We describe the process of creating NUDAR, a Universal Dependency treebank for Arabic. We present the conversion from the Penn Arabic Treebank to the Universal Dependency syntactic representation through an intermediate dependency representation. We discuss the challenges faced in the conversion of the trees, the decisions we made to solve them, and the validation of our conversion. We also present initial parsing results on NUDAR.

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A Layered Language Model based Hybrid Approach to Automatic Full Diacritization of Arabic
Mohamed Al-Badrashiny | Abdelati Hawwari | Mona Diab

In this paper we present a system for automatic Arabic text diacritization using three levels of analysis granularity in a layered back off manner. We build and exploit diacritized language models (LM) for each of three different levels of granularity: surface form, morphologically segmented into prefix/stem/suffix, and character level. For each of the passes, we use Viterbi search to pick the most probable diacritization per word in the input. We start with the surface form LM, followed by the morphological level, then finally we leverage the character level LM. Our system outperforms all of the published systems evaluated against the same training and test data. It achieves a 10.87% WER for complete full diacritization including lexical and syntactic diacritization, and 3.0% WER for lexical diacritization, ignoring syntactic diacritization.

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Arabic Textual Entailment with Word Embeddings
Nada Almarwani | Mona Diab

Determining the textual entailment between texts is important in many NLP tasks, such as summarization, question answering, and information extraction and retrieval. Various methods have been suggested based on external knowledge sources; however, such resources are not always available in all languages and their acquisition is typically laborious and very costly. Distributional word representations such as word embeddings learned over large corpora have been shown to capture syntactic and semantic word relationships. Such models have contributed to improving the performance of several NLP tasks. In this paper, we address the problem of textual entailment in Arabic. We employ both traditional features and distributional representations. Crucially, we do not depend on any external resources in the process. Our suggested approach yields state of the art performance on a standard data set, ArbTE, achieving an accuracy of 76.2 % compared to state of the art of 69.3 %.


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Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis

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Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis
Alexandra Balahur | Saif M. Mohammad | Erik van der Goot

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Detecting Sarcasm Using Different Forms Of Incongruity
Aditya Joshi

Sarcasm is a form of verbal irony that is intended to express contempt or ridicule. Often quoted as a challenge to sentiment analysis, sarcasm involves use of words of positive or no polarity to convey negative sentiment. Incongruity has been observed to be at the heart of sarcasm understanding in humans. Our work in sarcasm detection identifies different forms of incongruity and employs different machine learning techniques to capture them. This talk will describe the approach, datasets and challenges in sarcasm detection using different forms of incongruity. We identify two forms of incongruity: incongruity which can be understood based on the target text and common background knowledge, and incongruity which can be understood based on the target text and additional, specific context. The former involves use of sentiment-based features, word embeddings, and topic models. The latter involves creation of author’s historical context based on their historical data, and creation of conversational context for sarcasm detection of dialogue.

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Assessing State-of-the-Art Sentiment Models on State-of-the-Art Sentiment Datasets
Jeremy Barnes | Roman Klinger | Sabine Schulte im Walde

There has been a good amount of progress in sentiment analysis over the past 10 years, including the proposal of new methods and the creation of benchmark datasets. In some papers, however, there is a tendency to compare models only on one or two datasets, either because of time restraints or because the model is tailored to a specific task. Accordingly, it is hard to understand how well a certain model generalizes across different tasks and datasets. In this paper, we contribute to this situation by comparing several models on six different benchmarks, which belong to different domains and additionally have different levels of granularity (binary, 3-class, 4-class and 5-class). We show that Bi-LSTMs perform well across datasets and that both LSTMs and Bi-LSTMs are particularly good at fine-grained sentiment tasks (i.e., with more than two classes). Incorporating sentiment information into word embeddings during training gives good results for datasets that are lexically similar to the training data. With our experiments, we contribute to a better understanding of the performance of different model architectures on different data sets. Consequently, we detect novel state-of-the-art results on the SenTube datasets.

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Annotation, Modelling and Analysis of Fine-Grained Emotions on a Stance and Sentiment Detection Corpus
Hendrik Schuff | Jeremy Barnes | Julian Mohme | Sebastian Padó | Roman Klinger

There is a rich variety of data sets for sentiment analysis (viz., polarity and subjectivity classification). For the more challenging task of detecting discrete emotions following the definitions of Ekman and Plutchik, however, there are much fewer data sets, and notably no resources for the social media domain. This paper contributes to closing this gap by extending the SemEval 2016 stance and sentiment datasetwith emotion annotation. We (a) analyse annotation reliability and annotation merging; (b) investigate the relation between emotion annotation and the other annotation layers (stance, sentiment); (c) report modelling results as a baseline for future work.

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Ranking Right-Wing Extremist Social Media Profiles by Similarity to Democratic and Extremist Groups
Matthias Hartung | Roman Klinger | Franziska Schmidtke | Lars Vogel

Social media are used by an increasing number of political actors. A small subset of these is interested in pursuing extremist motives such as mobilization, recruiting or radicalization activities. In order to counteract these trends, online providers and state institutions reinforce their monitoring efforts, mostly relying on manual workflows. We propose a machine learning approach to support manual attempts towards identifying right-wing extremist content in German Twitter profiles. Based on a fine-grained conceptualization of right-wing extremism, we frame the task as ranking each individual profile on a continuum spanning different degrees of right-wing extremism, based on a nearest neighbour approach. A quantitative evaluation reveals that our ranking model yields robust performance (up to 0.81 F1 score) when being used for predicting discrete class labels. At the same time, the model provides plausible continuous ranking scores for a small sample of borderline cases at the division of right-wing extremism and New Right political movements.

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WASSA-2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity
Saif Mohammad | Felipe Bravo-Marquez

We present the first shared task on detecting the intensity of emotion felt by the speaker of a tweet. We create the first datasets of tweets annotated for anger, fear, joy, and sadness intensities using a technique called best–worst scaling (BWS). We show that the annotations lead to reliable fine-grained intensity scores (rankings of tweets by intensity). The data was partitioned into training, development, and test sets for the competition. Twenty-two teams participated in the shared task, with the best system obtaining a Pearson correlation of 0.747 with the gold intensity scores. We summarize the machine learning setups, resources, and tools used by the participating teams, with a focus on the techniques and resources that are particularly useful for the task. The emotion intensity dataset and the shared task are helping improve our understanding of how we convey more or less intense emotions through language.

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IMS at EmoInt-2017: Emotion Intensity Prediction with Affective Norms, Automatically Extended Resources and Deep Learning
Maximilian Köper | Evgeny Kim | Roman Klinger

Our submission to the WASSA-2017 shared task on the prediction of emotion intensity in tweets is a supervised learning method with extended lexicons of affective norms. We combine three main information sources in a random forrest regressor, namely (1), manually created resources, (2) automatically extended lexicons, and (3) the output of a neural network (CNN-LSTM) for sentence regression. All three feature sets perform similarly well in isolation (≈ .67 macro average Pearson correlation). The combination achieves .72 on the official test set (ranked 2nd out of 22 participants). Our analysis reveals that performance is increased by providing cross-emotional intensity predictions. The automatic extension of lexicon features benefit from domain specific embeddings. Complementary ratings for affective norms increase the impact of lexicon features. Our resources (ratings for 1.6 million twitter specific words) and our implementation is publicly available at http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/data/ims_emoint.

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Prayas at EmoInt 2017: An Ensemble of Deep Neural Architectures for Emotion Intensity Prediction in Tweets
Pranav Goel | Devang Kulshreshtha | Prayas Jain | Kaushal Kumar Shukla

The paper describes the best performing system for EmoInt - a shared task to predict the intensity of emotions in tweets. Intensity is a real valued score, between 0 and 1. The emotions are classified as - anger, fear, joy and sadness. We apply three different deep neural network based models, which approach the problem from essentially different directions. Our final performance quantified by an average pearson correlation score of 74.7 and an average spearman correlation score of 73.5 is obtained using an ensemble of the three models. We outperform the baseline model of the shared task by 9.9% and 9.4% pearson and spearman correlation scores respectively.

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Latest News in Computational Argumentation: Surfing on the Deep Learning Wave, Scuba Diving in the Abyss of Fundamental Questions
Iryna Gurevych

Mining arguments from natural language texts, parsing argumentative structures, and assessing argument quality are among the recent challeng-es tackled in computational argumentation. While advanced deep learning models provide state-of-the-art performance in many of these tasks, much attention is also paid to the underly-ing fundamental questions. How are arguments expressed in natural language across genres and domains? What is the essence of an argument’s claim? Can we reliably annotate convincingness of an argument? How can we approach logic and common-sense reasoning in argumentation? This talk highlights some recent advances in computa-tional argumentation and shows why researchers must be both “surfers” and “scuba divers”.

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Towards Syntactic Iberian Polarity Classification
David Vilares | Marcos Garcia | Miguel A. Alonso | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

Lexicon-based methods using syntactic rules for polarity classification rely on parsers that are dependent on the language and on treebank guidelines. Thus, rules are also dependent and require adaptation, especially in multilingual scenarios. We tackle this challenge in the context of the Iberian Peninsula, releasing the first symbolic syntax-based Iberian system with rules shared across five official languages: Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese and Spanish. The model is made available.

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Toward Stance Classification Based on Claim Microstructures
Filip Boltužić | Jan Šnajder

Claims are the building blocks of arguments and the reasons underpinning opinions, thus analyzing claims is important for both argumentation mining and opinion mining. We propose a framework for representing claims as microstructures, which express the beliefs, judgments, and policies about the relations between domain-specific concepts. In a proof-of-concept study, we manually build microstructures for over 800 claims extracted from an online debate. We test the so-obtained microstructures on the task of claim stance classification, achieving considerable improvements over text-based baselines.

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Linguistic Reflexes of Well-Being and Happiness in Echo
Jiaqi Wu | Marilyn Walker | Pranav Anand | Steve Whittaker

Different theories posit different sources for feelings of well-being and happiness. Appraisal theory grounds our emotional responses in our goals and desires and their fulfillment, or lack of fulfillment. Self-Determination theory posits that the basis for well-being rests on our assessments of our competence, autonomy and social connection. And surveys that measure happiness empirically note that people require their basic needs to be met for food and shelter, but beyond that tend to be happiest when socializing, eating or having sex. We analyze a corpus of private micro-blogs from a well-being application called Echo, where users label each written post about daily events with a happiness score between 1 and 9. Our goal is to ground the linguistic descriptions of events that users experience in theories of well-being and happiness, and then examine the extent to which different theoretical accounts can explain the variance in the happiness scores. We show that recurrent event types, such as obligation and incompetence, which affect people’s feelings of well-being are not captured in current lexical or semantic resources.

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Forecasting Consumer Spending from Purchase Intentions Expressed on Social Media
Viktor Pekar | Jane Binner

Consumer spending is an important macroeconomic indicator that is used by policy-makers to judge the health of an economy. In this paper we present a novel method for predicting future consumer spending from social media data. In contrast to previous work that largely relied on sentiment analysis, the proposed method models consumer spending from purchase intentions found on social media. Our experiments with time series analysis models and machine-learning regression models reveal utility of this data for making short-term forecasts of consumer spending: for three- and seven-day horizons, prediction variables derived from social media help to improve forecast accuracy by 11% to 18% for all the three models, in comparison to models that used only autoregressive predictors.

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Mining fine-grained opinions on closed captions of YouTube videos with an attention-RNN
Edison Marrese-Taylor | Jorge Balazs | Yutaka Matsuo

Video reviews are the natural evolution of written product reviews. In this paper we target this phenomenon and introduce the first dataset created from closed captions of YouTube product review videos as well as a new attention-RNN model for aspect extraction and joint aspect extraction and sentiment classification. Our model provides state-of-the-art performance on aspect extraction without requiring the usage of hand-crafted features on the SemEval ABSA corpus, while it outperforms the baseline on the joint task. In our dataset, the attention-RNN model outperforms the baseline for both tasks, but we observe important performance drops for all models in comparison to SemEval. These results, as well as further experiments on domain adaptation for aspect extraction, suggest that differences between speech and written text, which have been discussed extensively in the literature, also extend to the domain of product reviews, where they are relevant for fine-grained opinion mining.

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Understanding human values and their emotional effect
Alexandra Balahur

Emotions can be triggered by various factors. According to the Appraisal Theories (De Rivera, 1977; Frijda, 1986; Ortony et al., 1988; Johnson-Laird and Oatley, 1989) emotions are elicited and differentiated on the basis of the cognitive evaluation of the personal significance of a situation, object or event based on “appraisal criteria” (intrinsic characteristics of objects and events, significance of events to individual needs and goals, individual’s ability to cope with the consequences of the event, compatibility of event with social or personal standards, norms and values). These differences in values can trigger reactions such as anger, disgust (contempt), sadness, etc., because these behaviors are evaluated by the public as being incompatible with their social/personal standards, norms or values. Such arguments are frequently present both in mainstream media, as well as social media, building a society-wide view, attitude and emotional reaction towards refugees/immigrants. In this demo, I will talk about experiments to annotate and detect factual arguments that are linked to human needs/motivations from text and in consequence trigger emotion in the media audience and propose a new task for next year’s WASSA.

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Did you ever read about Frogs drinking Coffee? Investigating the Compositionality of Multi-Emoji Expressions
Rebeca Padilla López | Fabienne Cap

In this work, we present a first attempt to investigate multi-emoji expressions and whether they behave similarly to multiword expressions in terms of non-compositionality. We focus on the combination of the frog and the hot beverage emoji, but also show some preliminary results for other non-compositional emoji combinations. We use off-the-shelf sentiment analysers as well as manual classifications to approach the compositionality of these emoji combinations.

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Investigating Redundancy in Emoji Use: Study on a Twitter Based Corpus
Giulia Donato | Patrizia Paggio

In this paper we present an annotated corpus created with the aim of analyzing the informative behaviour of emoji – an issue of importance for sentiment analysis and natural language processing. The corpus consists of 2475 tweets all containing at least one emoji, which has been annotated using one of the three possible classes: Redundant, Non Redundant, and Non Redundant + POS. We explain how the corpus was collected, describe the annotation procedure and the interface developed for the task. We provide an analysis of the corpus, considering also possible predictive features, discuss the problematic aspects of the annotation, and suggest future improvements.

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Modeling Temporal Progression of Emotional Status in Mental Health Forum: A Recurrent Neural Net Approach
Kishaloy Halder | Lahari Poddar | Min-Yen Kan

Patients turn to Online Health Communities not only for information on specific conditions but also for emotional support. Previous research has indicated that the progression of emotional status can be studied through the linguistic patterns of an individual’s posts. We analyze a real-world dataset from the Mental Health section of HealthBoards.com. Estimated from the word usages in their posts, we find that the emotional progress across patients vary widely. We study the problem of predicting a patient’s emotional status in the future from her past posts and we propose a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based architecture to address it. We find that the future emotional status can be predicted with reasonable accuracy given her historical posts and participation features. Our evaluation results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed architecture, by outperforming state-of-the-art approaches with over 0.13 reduction in Mean Absolute Error.

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Towards an integrated pipeline for aspect-based sentiment analysis in various domains
Orphée De Clercq | Els Lefever | Gilles Jacobs | Tijl Carpels | Véronique Hoste

This paper presents an integrated ABSA pipeline for Dutch that has been developed and tested on qualitative user feedback coming from three domains: retail, banking and human resources. The two latter domains provide service-oriented data, which has not been investigated before in ABSA. By performing in-domain and cross-domain experiments the validity of our approach was investigated. We show promising results for the three ABSA subtasks, aspect term extraction, aspect category classification and aspect polarity classification.

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Building a SentiWordNet for Odia
Gaurav Mohanty | Abishek Kannan | Radhika Mamidi

As a discipline of Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis is used to extract and analyze subjective information present in natural language data. The task of Sentiment Analysis has acquired wide commercial uses including social media monitoring tasks, survey responses, review systems, etc. Languages like English have several resources which aid in the task of Sentiment Analysis. SentiWordNet and Subjectivity WordList are examples of such tools and resources. With more data being available in native vernacular, language-specific SentiWordNet(s) have become essential. For resource poor languages, creating such SentiWordNet(s) is a difficult task to achieve. One solution is to use available resources in English and translate the final source lexicon to target lexicon via machine translation. Machine translation systems for the English-Odia language pair have not yet been developed. In this paper, we discuss a method to create a SentiWordNet for Odia, which is resource-poor, by only using resources which are currently available for Indian languages. The lexicon created, would serve as a tool for Sentiment Analysis related task specific to Odia data.

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Lexicon Integrated CNN Models with Attention for Sentiment Analysis
Bonggun Shin | Timothy Lee | Jinho D. Choi

With the advent of word embeddings, lexicons are no longer fully utilized for sentiment analysis although they still provide important features in the traditional setting. This paper introduces a novel approach to sentiment analysis that integrates lexicon embeddings and an attention mechanism into Convolutional Neural Networks. Our approach performs separate convolutions for word and lexicon embeddings and provides a global view of the document using attention. Our models are experimented on both the SemEval’16 Task 4 dataset and the Stanford Sentiment Treebank and show comparative or better results against the existing state-of-the-art systems. Our analysis shows that lexicon embeddings allow building high-performing models with much smaller word embeddings, and the attention mechanism effectively dims out noisy words for sentiment analysis.

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Explaining Recurrent Neural Network Predictions in Sentiment Analysis
Leila Arras | Grégoire Montavon | Klaus-Robert Müller | Wojciech Samek

Recently, a technique called Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) was shown to deliver insightful explanations in the form of input space relevances for understanding feed-forward neural network classification decisions. In the present work, we extend the usage of LRP to recurrent neural networks. We propose a specific propagation rule applicable to multiplicative connections as they arise in recurrent network architectures such as LSTMs and GRUs. We apply our technique to a word-based bi-directional LSTM model on a five-class sentiment prediction task, and evaluate the resulting LRP relevances both qualitatively and quantitatively, obtaining better results than a gradient-based related method which was used in previous work.

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GradAscent at EmoInt-2017: Character and Word Level Recurrent Neural Network Models for Tweet Emotion Intensity Detection
Egor Lakomkin | Chandrakant Bothe | Stefan Wermter

The WASSA 2017 EmoInt shared task has the goal to predict emotion intensity values of tweet messages. Given the text of a tweet and its emotion category (anger, joy, fear, and sadness), the participants were asked to build a system that assigns emotion intensity values. Emotion intensity estimation is a challenging problem given the short length of the tweets, the noisy structure of the text and the lack of annotated data. To solve this problem, we developed an ensemble of two neural models, processing input on the character. and word-level with a lexicon-driven system. The correlation scores across all four emotions are averaged to determine the bottom-line competition metric, and our system ranks place forth in full intensity range and third in 0.5-1 range of intensity among 23 systems at the time of writing (June 2017).

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NUIG at EmoInt-2017: BiLSTM and SVR Ensemble to Detect Emotion Intensity
Vladimir Andryushechkin | Ian Wood | James O’ Neill

This paper describes the entry NUIG in the WASSA 2017 (8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis) shared task on emotion recognition. The NUIG system used an SVR (SVM regression) and BLSTM ensemble, utilizing primarily n-grams (for SVR features) and tweet word embeddings (for BLSTM features). Experiments were carried out on several other candidate features, some of which were added to the SVR model. Parameter selection for the SVR model was run as a grid search whilst parameters for the BLSTM model were selected through a non-exhaustive ad-hoc search.

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Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction with B-LSTM & CRF using Automatically Labelled Datasets
Athanasios Giannakopoulos | Claudiu Musat | Andreea Hossmann | Michael Baeriswyl

Aspect Term Extraction (ATE) identifies opinionated aspect terms in texts and is one of the tasks in the SemEval Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) contest. The small amount of available datasets for supervised ATE and the costly human annotation for aspect term labelling give rise to the need for unsupervised ATE. In this paper, we introduce an architecture that achieves top-ranking performance for supervised ATE. Moreover, it can be used efficiently as feature extractor and classifier for unsupervised ATE. Our second contribution is a method to automatically construct datasets for ATE. We train a classifier on our automatically labelled datasets and evaluate it on the human annotated SemEval ABSA test sets. Compared to a strong rule-based baseline, we obtain a dramatically higher F-score and attain precision values above 80%. Our unsupervised method beats the supervised ABSA baseline from SemEval, while preserving high precision scores.

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PLN-PUCRS at EmoInt-2017: Psycholinguistic features for emotion intensity prediction in tweets
Henrique Santos | Renata Vieira

Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) is a rich dictionary that map words into several psychological categories such as Affective, Social, Cognitive, Perceptual and Biological processes. In this work, we have used LIWC psycholinguistic categories to train regression models and predict emotion intensity in tweets for the EmoInt-2017 task. Results show that LIWC features may boost emotion intensity prediction on the basis of a low dimension set.

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Textmining at EmoInt-2017: A Deep Learning Approach to Sentiment Intensity Scoring of English Tweets
Hardik Meisheri | Rupsa Saha | Priyanka Sinha | Lipika Dey

This paper describes our approach to the Emotion Intensity shared task. A parallel architecture of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long short term memory networks (LSTM) alongwith two sets of features are extracted which aid the network in judging emotion intensity. Experiments on different models and various features sets are described and analysis on results has also been presented.

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YNU-HPCC at EmoInt-2017: Using a CNN-LSTM Model for Sentiment Intensity Prediction
You Zhang | Hang Yuan | Jin Wang | Xuejie Zhang

In this paper, we present a system that uses a convolutional neural network with long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM) model to complete the task. The CNN-LSTM model has two combined parts: CNN extracts local n-gram features within tweets and LSTM composes the features to capture long-distance dependency across tweets. Additionally, we used other three models (CNN, LSTM, BiLSTM) as baseline algorithms. Our introduced model showed good performance in the experimental results.

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Seernet at EmoInt-2017: Tweet Emotion Intensity Estimator
Venkatesh Duppada | Sushant Hiray

The paper describes experiments on estimating emotion intensity in tweets using a generalized regressor system. The system combines various independent feature extractors, trains them on general regressors and finally combines the best performing models to create an ensemble. The proposed system stood 3rd out of 22 systems in leaderboard of WASSA-2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity.

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IITP at EmoInt-2017: Measuring Intensity of Emotions using Sentence Embeddings and Optimized Features
Md Shad Akhtar | Palaash Sawant | Asif Ekbal | Jyoti Pawar | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

This paper describes the system that we submitted as part of our participation in the shared task on Emotion Intensity (EmoInt-2017). We propose a Long short term memory (LSTM) based architecture cascaded with Support Vector Regressor (SVR) for intensity prediction. We also employ Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based feature selection algorithm for obtaining an optimized feature set for training and evaluation. System evaluation shows interesting results on the four emotion datasets i.e. anger, fear, joy and sadness. In comparison to the other participating teams our system was ranked 5th in the competition.

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NSEmo at EmoInt-2017: An Ensemble to Predict Emotion Intensity in Tweets
Sreekanth Madisetty | Maunendra Sankar Desarkar

In this paper, we describe a method to predict emotion intensity in tweets. Our approach is an ensemble of three regression methods. The first method uses content-based features (hashtags, emoticons, elongated words, etc.). The second method considers word n-grams and character n-grams for training. The final method uses lexicons, word embeddings, word n-grams, character n-grams for training the model. An ensemble of these three methods gives better performance than individual methods. We applied our method on WASSA emotion dataset. Achieved results are as follows: average Pearson correlation is 0.706, average Spearman correlation is 0.696, average Pearson correlation for gold scores in range 0.5 to 1 is 0.539, and average Spearman correlation for gold scores in range 0.5 to 1 is 0.514.

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Tecnolengua Lingmotif at EmoInt-2017: A lexicon-based approach
Antonio Moreno-Ortiz

In this paper we describe Tecnolengua Group’s participation in the shared task on emotion intensity at WASSA 2017. We used the Lingmotif tool and a new, complementary tool, Lingmotif Learn, which we developed for this occasion. We based our intensity predictions for the four test datasets entirely on Lingmotif’s TSS (text sentiment score) feature. We also developed mechanisms for dealing with the idiosyncrasies of Twitter text. Results were comparatively poor, but the experience meant a good opportunity for us to identify issues in our score calculation for short texts, a genre for which the Lingmotif tool was not originally designed.

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EmoAtt at EmoInt-2017: Inner attention sentence embedding for Emotion Intensity
Edison Marrese-Taylor | Yutaka Matsuo

In this paper we describe a deep learning system that has been designed and built for the WASSA 2017 Emotion Intensity Shared Task. We introduce a representation learning approach based on inner attention on top of an RNN. Results show that our model offers good capabilities and is able to successfully identify emotion-bearing words to predict intensity without leveraging on lexicons, obtaining the 13t place among 22 shared task competitors.

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YZU-NLP at EmoInt-2017: Determining Emotion Intensity Using a Bi-directional LSTM-CNN Model
Yuanye He | Liang-Chih Yu | K. Robert Lai | Weiyi Liu

The EmoInt-2017 task aims to determine a continuous numerical value representing the intensity to which an emotion is expressed in a tweet. Compared to classification tasks that identify 1 among n emotions for a tweet, the present task can provide more fine-grained (real-valued) sentiment analysis. This paper presents a system that uses a bi-directional LSTM-CNN model to complete the competition task. Combining bi-directional LSTM and CNN, the prediction process considers both global information in a tweet and local important information. The proposed method ranked sixth among twenty-one teams in terms of Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

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DMGroup at EmoInt-2017: Emotion Intensity Using Ensemble Method
Song Jiang | Xiaotian Han

In this paper, we present a novel ensemble learning architecture for emotion intensity analysis, particularly a novel framework of ensemble method. The ensemble method has two stages and each stage includes several single machine learning models. In stage1, we employ both linear and nonlinear regression models to obtain a more diverse emotion intensity representation. In stage2, we use two regression models including linear regression and XGBoost. The result of stage1 serves as the input of stage2, so the two different type models (linear and non-linear) in stage2 can describe the input in two opposite aspects. We also added a method for analyzing and splitting multi-words hashtags and appending them to the emotion intensity corpus before feeding it to our model. Our model achieves 0.571 Pearson-measure for the average of four emotions.

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UWat-Emote at EmoInt-2017: Emotion Intensity Detection using Affect Clues, Sentiment Polarity and Word Embeddings
Vineet John | Olga Vechtomova

This paper describes the UWaterloo affect prediction system developed for EmoInt-2017. We delve into our feature selection approach for affect intensity, affect presence, sentiment intensity and sentiment presence lexica alongside pre-trained word embeddings, which are utilized to extract emotion intensity signals from tweets in an ensemble learning approach. The system employs emotion specific model training, and utilizes distinct models for each of the emotion corpora in isolation. Our system utilizes gradient boosted regression as the primary learning technique to predict the final emotion intensities.

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LIPN-UAM at EmoInt-2017:Combination of Lexicon-based features and Sentence-level Vector Representations for Emotion Intensity Determination
Davide Buscaldi | Belem Priego

This paper presents the combined LIPN-UAM participation in the WASSA 2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity. In particular, the paper provides some highlights on the Tweetaneuse system that was presented to the shared task. We combined lexicon-based features with sentence-level vector representations to implement a random forest regressor.

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deepCybErNet at EmoInt-2017: Deep Emotion Intensities in Tweets
Vinayakumar R | Premjith B | Sachin Kumar S | Soman KP | Prabaharan Poornachandran

This working note presents the methodology used in deepCybErNet submission to the shared task on Emotion Intensities in Tweets (EmoInt) WASSA-2017. The goal of the task is to predict a real valued score in the range [0-1] for a particular tweet with an emotion type. To do this, we used Bag-of-Words and embedding based on recurrent network architecture. We have developed two systems and experiments are conducted on the Emotion Intensity shared Task 1 data base at WASSA-2017. A system which uses word embedding based on recurrent network architecture has achieved highest 5 fold cross-validation accuracy. This has used embedding with recurrent network to extract optimal features at tweet level and logistic regression for prediction. These methods are highly language independent and experimental results shows that the proposed methods are apt for predicting a real valued score in than range [0-1] for a given tweet with its emotion type.


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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2017)

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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2017)
Toshiaki Nakazawa | Isao Goto

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Overview of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation
Toshiaki Nakazawa | Shohei Higashiyama | Chenchen Ding | Hideya Mino | Isao Goto | Hideto Kazawa | Yusuke Oda | Graham Neubig | Sadao Kurohashi

This paper presents the results of the shared tasks from the 4th workshop on Asian translation (WAT2017) including J↔E, J↔C scientific paper translation subtasks, C↔J, K↔J, E↔J patent translation subtasks, H↔E mixed domain subtasks, J↔E newswire subtasks and J↔E recipe subtasks. For the WAT2017, 12 institutions participated in the shared tasks. About 300 translation results have been submitted to the automatic evaluation server, and selected submissions were manually evaluated.

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Controlling Target Features in Neural Machine Translation via Prefix Constraints
Shunsuke Takeno | Masaaki Nagata | Kazuhide Yamamoto

We propose prefix constraints, a novel method to enforce constraints on target sentences in neural machine translation. It places a sequence of special tokens at the beginning of target sentence (target prefix), while side constraints places a special token at the end of source sentence (source suffix). Prefix constraints can be predicted from source sentence jointly with target sentence, while side constraints (Sennrich et al., 2016) must be provided by the user or predicted by some other methods. In both methods, special tokens are designed to encode arbitrary features on target-side or metatextual information. We show that prefix constraints are more flexible than side constraints and can be used to control the behavior of neural machine translation, in terms of output length, bidirectional decoding, domain adaptation, and unaligned target word generation.

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Improving Japanese-to-English Neural Machine Translation by Paraphrasing the Target Language
Yuuki Sekizawa | Tomoyuki Kajiwara | Mamoru Komachi

Neural machine translation (NMT) produces sentences that are more fluent than those produced by statistical machine translation (SMT). However, NMT has a very high computational cost because of the high dimensionality of the output layer. Generally, NMT restricts the size of vocabulary, which results in infrequent words being treated as out-of-vocabulary (OOV) and degrades the performance of the translation. In evaluation, we achieved a statistically significant BLEU score improvement of 0.55-0.77 over the baselines including the state-of-the-art method.

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Improving Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation with Filtered Pseudo-Parallel Corpus
Aizhan Imankulova | Takayuki Sato | Mamoru Komachi

Large-scale parallel corpora are indispensable to train highly accurate machine translators. However, manually constructed large-scale parallel corpora are not freely available in many language pairs. In previous studies, training data have been expanded using a pseudo-parallel corpus obtained using machine translation of the monolingual corpus in the target language. However, in low-resource language pairs in which only low-accuracy machine translation systems can be used, translation quality is reduces when a pseudo-parallel corpus is used naively. To improve machine translation performance with low-resource language pairs, we propose a method to expand the training data effectively via filtering the pseudo-parallel corpus using a quality estimation based on back-translation. As a result of experiments with three language pairs using small, medium, and large parallel corpora, language pairs with fewer training data filtered out more sentence pairs and improved BLEU scores more significantly.

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Japanese to English/Chinese/Korean Datasets for Translation Quality Estimation and Automatic Post-Editing
Atsushi Fujita | Eiichiro Sumita

Aiming at facilitating the research on quality estimation (QE) and automatic post-editing (APE) of machine translation (MT) outputs, especially for those among Asian languages, we have created new datasets for Japanese to English, Chinese, and Korean translations. As the source text, actual utterances in Japanese were extracted from the log data of our speech translation service. MT outputs were then given by phrase-based statistical MT systems. Finally, human evaluators were employed to grade the quality of MT outputs and to post-edit them. This paper describes the characteristics of the created datasets and reports on our benchmarking experiments on word-level QE, sentence-level QE, and APE conducted using the created datasets.

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NTT Neural Machine Translation Systems at WAT 2017
Makoto Morishita | Jun Suzuki | Masaaki Nagata

In this year, we participated in four translation subtasks at WAT 2017. Our model structure is quite simple but we used it with well-tuned hyper-parameters, leading to a significant improvement compared to the previous state-of-the-art system. We also tried to make use of the unreliable part of the provided parallel corpus by back-translating and making a synthetic corpus. Our submitted system achieved the new state-of-the-art performance in terms of the BLEU score, as well as human evaluation.

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XMU Neural Machine Translation Systems for WAT 2017
Boli Wang | Zhixing Tan | Jinming Hu | Yidong Chen | Xiaodong Shi

This paper describes the Neural Machine Translation systems of Xiamen University for the shared translation tasks of WAT 2017. Our systems are based on the Encoder-Decoder framework with attention. We participated in three subtasks. We experimented subword segmentation, synthetic training data and model ensembling. Experiments show that all these methods can give substantial improvements.

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A Bag of Useful Tricks for Practical Neural Machine Translation: Embedding Layer Initialization and Large Batch Size
Masato Neishi | Jin Sakuma | Satoshi Tohda | Shonosuke Ishiwatari | Naoki Yoshinaga | Masashi Toyoda

In this paper, we describe the team UT-IIS’s system and results for the WAT 2017 translation tasks. We further investigated several tricks including a novel technique for initializing embedding layers using only the parallel corpus, which increased the BLEU score by 1.28, found a practical large batch size of 256, and gained insights regarding hyperparameter settings. Ultimately, our system obtained a better result than the state-of-the-art system of WAT 2016. Our code is available on https://github.com/nem6ishi/wat17.

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Patent NMT integrated with Large Vocabulary Phrase Translation by SMT at WAT 2017
Zi Long | Ryuichiro Kimura | Takehito Utsuro | Tomoharu Mitsuhashi | Mikio Yamamoto

Neural machine translation (NMT) cannot handle a larger vocabulary because the training complexity and decoding complexity proportionally increase with the number of target words. This problem becomes even more serious when translating patent documents, which contain many technical terms that are observed infrequently. Long et al.(2017) proposed to select phrases that contain out-of-vocabulary words using the statistical approach of branching entropy. The selected phrases are then replaced with tokens during training and post-translated by the phrase translation table of SMT. In this paper, we apply the method proposed by Long et al. (2017) to the WAT 2017 Japanese-Chinese and Japanese-English patent datasets. Evaluation on Japanese-to-Chinese, Chinese-to-Japanese, Japanese-to-English and English-to-Japanese patent sentence translation proved the effectiveness of phrases selected with branching entropy, where the NMT model of Long et al.(2017) achieves a substantial improvement over a baseline NMT model without the technique proposed by Long et al.(2017).

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SMT reranked NMT
Terumasa Ehara

System architecture, experimental settings and experimental results of the EHR team for the WAT2017 tasks are described. We participate in three tasks: JPCen-ja, JPCzh-ja and JPCko-ja. Although the basic architecture of our system is NMT, reranking technique is conducted using SMT results. One of the major drawback of NMT is under-translation and over-translation. On the other hand, SMT infrequently makes such translations. So, using reranking of n-best NMT outputs by the SMT output, discarding such translations can be expected. We can improve BLEU score from 46.03 to 47.08 by this technique in JPCzh-ja task.

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Ensemble and Reranking: Using Multiple Models in the NICT-2 Neural Machine Translation System at WAT2017
Kenji Imamura | Eiichiro Sumita

In this paper, we describe the NICT-2 neural machine translation system evaluated at WAT2017. This system uses multiple models as an ensemble and combines models with opposite decoding directions by reranking (called bi-directional reranking). In our experimental results on small data sets, the translation quality improved when the number of models was increased to 32 in total and did not saturate. In the experiments on large data sets, improvements of 1.59-3.32 BLEU points were achieved when six-model ensembles were combined by the bi-directional reranking.

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A Simple and Strong Baseline: NAIST-NICT Neural Machine Translation System for WAT2017 English-Japanese Translation Task
Yusuke Oda | Katsuhito Sudoh | Satoshi Nakamura | Masao Utiyama | Eiichiro Sumita

This paper describes the details about the NAIST-NICT machine translation system for WAT2017 English-Japanese Scientific Paper Translation Task. The system consists of a language-independent tokenizer and an attentional encoder-decoder style neural machine translation model. According to the official results, our system achieves higher translation accuracy than any systems submitted previous campaigns despite simple model architecture.

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Comparison of SMT and NMT trained with large Patent Corpora: Japio at WAT2017
Satoshi Kinoshita | Tadaaki Oshio | Tomoharu Mitsuhashi

Japio participates in patent subtasks (JPC-EJ/JE/CJ/KJ) with phrase-based statistical machine translation (SMT) and neural machine translation (NMT) systems which are trained with its own patent corpora in addition to the subtask corpora provided by organizers of WAT2017. In EJ and CJ subtasks, SMT and NMT systems whose sizes of training corpora are about 50 million and 10 million sentence pairs respectively achieved comparable scores for automatic evaluations, but NMT systems were superior to SMT systems for both official and in-house human evaluations.

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Kyoto University Participation to WAT 2017
Fabien Cromieres | Raj Dabre | Toshiaki Nakazawa | Sadao Kurohashi

We describe here our approaches and results on the WAT 2017 shared translation tasks. Following our good results with Neural Machine Translation in the previous shared task, we continue this approach this year, with incremental improvements in models and training methods. We focused on the ASPEC dataset and could improve the state-of-the-art results for Chinese-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-Chinese translations.

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CUNI NMT System for WAT 2017 Translation Tasks
Tom Kocmi | Dušan Variš | Ondřej Bojar

The paper presents this year’s CUNI submissions to the WAT 2017 Translation Task focusing on the Japanese-English translation, namely Scientific papers subtask, Patents subtask and Newswire subtask. We compare two neural network architectures, the standard sequence-to-sequence with attention (Seq2Seq) and an architecture using convolutional sentence encoder (FBConv2Seq), both implemented in the NMT framework Neural Monkey that we currently participate in developing. We also compare various types of preprocessing of the source Japanese sentences and their impact on the overall results. Furthermore, we include the results of our experiments with out-of-domain data obtained by combining the corpora provided for each subtask.

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Tokyo Metropolitan University Neural Machine Translation System for WAT 2017
Yukio Matsumura | Mamoru Komachi

In this paper, we describe our neural machine translation (NMT) system, which is based on the attention-based NMT and uses long short-term memories (LSTM) as RNN. We implemented beam search and ensemble decoding in the NMT system. The system was tested on the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT 2017) shared tasks. In our experiments, we participated in the scientific paper subtasks and attempted Japanese-English, English-Japanese, and Japanese-Chinese translation tasks. The experimental results showed that implementation of beam search and ensemble decoding can effectively improve the translation quality.

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Comparing Recurrent and Convolutional Architectures for English-Hindi Neural Machine Translation
Sandhya Singh | Ritesh Panjwani | Anoop Kunchukuttan | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

In this paper, we empirically compare the two encoder-decoder neural machine translation architectures: convolutional sequence to sequence model (ConvS2S) and recurrent sequence to sequence model (RNNS2S) for English-Hindi language pair as part of IIT Bombay’s submission to WAT2017 shared task. We report the results for both English-Hindi and Hindi-English direction of language pair.


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Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation

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Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation
Ondřej Bojar | Christian Buck | Rajen Chatterjee | Christian Federmann | Yvette Graham | Barry Haddow | Matthias Huck | Antonio Jimeno Yepes | Philipp Koehn | Julia Kreutzer

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Sense-Aware Statistical Machine Translation using Adaptive Context-Dependent Clustering
Xiao Pu | Nikolaos Pappas | Andrei Popescu-Belis

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Improving Word Sense Disambiguation in Neural Machine Translation with Sense Embeddings
Annette Rios Gonzales | Laura Mascarell | Rico Sennrich

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Word Representations in Factored Neural Machine Translation
Franck Burlot | Mercedes García-Martínez | Loïc Barrault | Fethi Bougares | François Yvon

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Modeling Target-Side Inflection in Neural Machine Translation
Aleš Tamchyna | Marion Weller-Di Marco | Alexander Fraser

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Evaluating the morphological competence of Machine Translation Systems
Franck Burlot | François Yvon

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Target-side Word Segmentation Strategies for Neural Machine Translation
Matthias Huck | Simon Riess | Alexander Fraser

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Predicting Target Language CCG Supertags Improves Neural Machine Translation
Maria Nădejde | Siva Reddy | Rico Sennrich | Tomasz Dwojak | Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt | Philipp Koehn | Alexandra Birch

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Exploiting Linguistic Resources for Neural Machine Translation Using Multi-task Learning
Jan Niehues | Eunah Cho

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Tree as a Pivot: Syntactic Matching Methods in Pivot Translation
Akiva Miura | Graham Neubig | Katsuhito Sudoh | Satoshi Nakamura

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Deep architectures for Neural Machine Translation
Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone | Jindřich Helcl | Rico Sennrich | Barry Haddow | Alexandra Birch

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Biasing Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Networks Using External Alignment Information
Tamer Alkhouli | Hermann Ney

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Effective Domain Mixing for Neural Machine Translation
Denny Britz | Quoc Le | Reid Pryzant

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Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation through Unsupervised Adaptation
M. Amin Farajian | Marco Turchi | Matteo Negri | Marcello Federico

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Adapting Neural Machine Translation with Parallel Synthetic Data
Mara Chinea-Ríos | Álvaro Peris | Francisco Casacuberta

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Copied Monolingual Data Improves Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation
Anna Currey | Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone | Kenneth Heafield

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Guiding Neural Machine Translation Decoding with External Knowledge
Rajen Chatterjee | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi | Marcello Federico | Lucia Specia | Frédéric Blain

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Findings of the 2017 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT17)
Ondřej Bojar | Rajen Chatterjee | Christian Federmann | Yvette Graham | Barry Haddow | Shujian Huang | Matthias Huck | Philipp Koehn | Qun Liu | Varvara Logacheva | Christof Monz | Matteo Negri | Matt Post | Raphael Rubino | Lucia Specia | Marco Turchi

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Findings of the Second Shared Task on Multimodal Machine Translation and Multilingual Image Description
Desmond Elliott | Stella Frank | Loïc Barrault | Fethi Bougares | Lucia Specia

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Findings of the WMT 2017 Biomedical Translation Shared Task
Antonio Jimeno Yepes | Aurélie Névéol | Mariana Neves | Karin Verspoor | Ondřej Bojar | Arthur Boyer | Cristian Grozea | Barry Haddow | Madeleine Kittner | Yvonne Lichtblau | Pavel Pecina | Roland Roller | Rudolf Rosa | Amy Siu | Philippe Thomas | Saskia Trescher

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CUNI submission in WMT17: Chimera goes neural
Roman Sudarikov | David Mareček | Tom Kocmi | Dušan Variš | Ondřej Bojar

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Franck Burlot | Pooyan Safari | Matthieu Labeau | Alexandre Allauzen | François Yvon

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SYSTRAN Purely Neural MT Engines for WMT2017
Yongchao Deng | Jungi Kim | Guillaume Klein | Catherine Kobus | Natalia Segal | Christophe Servan | Bo Wang | Dakun Zhang | Josep Crego | Jean Senellart

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FBK’s Participation to the English-to-German News Translation Task of WMT 2017
Mattia Antonino Di Gangi | Nicola Bertoldi | Marcello Federico

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The JHU Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2017
Shuoyang Ding | Huda Khayrallah | Philipp Koehn | Matt Post | Gaurav Kumar | Kevin Duh

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The TALP-UPC Neural Machine Translation System for German/Finnish-English Using the Inverse Direction Model in Rescoring
Carlos Escolano | Marta R. Costa-jussà | José A. R. Fonollosa

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LIUM Machine Translation Systems for WMT17 News Translation Task
Mercedes García-Martínez | Ozan Caglayan | Walid Aransa | Adrien Bardet | Fethi Bougares | Loïc Barrault

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Extending hybrid word-character neural machine translation with multi-task learning of morphological analysis
Stig-Arne Grönroos | Sami Virpioja | Mikko Kurimo

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The AFRL-MITLL WMT17 Systems: Old, New, Borrowed, BLEU
Jeremy Gwinnup | Timothy Anderson | Grant Erdmann | Katherine Young | Michaeel Kazi | Elizabeth Salesky | Brian Thompson | Jonathan Taylor

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University of Rochester WMT 2017 NMT System Submission
Chester Holtz | Chuyang Ke | Daniel Gildea

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LMU Munich’s Neural Machine Translation Systems for News Articles and Health Information Texts
Matthias Huck | Fabienne Braune | Alexander Fraser

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Rule-based Machine translation from English to Finnish
Arvi Hurskainen | Jörg Tiedemann

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NRC Machine Translation System for WMT 2017
Chi-kiu Lo | Boxing Chen | Colin Cherry | George Foster | Samuel Larkin | Darlene Stewart | Roland Kuhn

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The Helsinki Neural Machine Translation System
Robert Östling | Yves Scherrer | Jörg Tiedemann | Gongbo Tang | Tommi Nieminen

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The QT21 Combined Machine Translation System for English to Latvian
Jan-Thorsten Peter | Hermann Ney | Ondřej Bojar | Ngoc-Quan Pham | Jan Niehues | Alex Waibel | Franck Burlot | François Yvon | Mārcis Pinnis | Valters Šics | Jasmijn Bastings | Miguel Rios | Wilker Aziz | Philip Williams | Frédéric Blain | Lucia Specia

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The RWTH Aachen University English-German and German-English Machine Translation System for WMT 2017
Jan-Thorsten Peter | Andreas Guta | Tamer Alkhouli | Parnia Bahar | Jan Rosendahl | Nick Rossenbach | Miguel Graça | Hermann Ney

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The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Systems for the News Translation Task in WMT 2017
Ngoc-Quan Pham | Jan Niehues | Thanh-Le Ha | Eunah Cho | Matthias Sperber | Alexander Waibel

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Tilde’s Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2017
Mārcis Pinnis | Rihards Krišlauks | Toms Miks | Daiga Deksne | Valters Šics

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C-3MA: Tartu-Riga-Zurich Translation Systems for WMT17
Matīss Rikters | Chantal Amrhein | Maksym Del | Mark Fishel

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The University of Edinburgh’s Neural MT Systems for WMT17
Rico Sennrich | Alexandra Birch | Anna Currey | Ulrich Germann | Barry Haddow | Kenneth Heafield | Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone | Philip Williams

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XMU Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT 17
Zhixing Tan | Boli Wang | Jinming Hu | Yidong Chen | Xiaodong Shi

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The JAIST Machine Translation Systems for WMT 17
Hai-Long Trieu | Trung-Tin Pham | Le-Minh Nguyen

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Sogou Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT17
Yuguang Wang | Shanbo Cheng | Liyang Jiang | Jiajun Yang | Wei Chen | Muze Li | Lin Shi | Yanfeng Wang | Hongtao Yang

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PJIIT’s systems for WMT 2017 Conference
Krzysztof Wolk | Krzysztof Marasek

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Hunter MT: A Course for Young Researchers in WMT17
Jia Xu | Yi Zong Kuang | Shondell Baijoo | Jacob Hyun Lee | Uman Shahzad | Mir Ahmed | Meredith Lancaster | Chris Carlan

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CASICT-DCU Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT17
Jinchao Zhang | Peerachet Porkaew | Jiawei Hu | Qiuye Zhao | Qun Liu

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LIUM-CVC Submissions for WMT17 Multimodal Translation Task
Ozan Caglayan | Walid Aransa | Adrien Bardet | Mercedes García-Martínez | Fethi Bougares | Loïc Barrault | Marc Masana | Luis Herranz | Joost van de Weijer

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DCU System Report on the WMT 2017 Multi-modal Machine Translation Task
Iacer Calixto | Koel Dutta Chowdhury | Qun Liu

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The AFRL-OSU WMT17 Multimodal Translation System: An Image Processing Approach
John Duselis | Michael Hutt | Jeremy Gwinnup | James Davis | Joshua Sandvick

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CUNI System for the WMT17 Multimodal Translation Task
Jindřich Helcl | Jindřich Libovický

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Generating Image Descriptions using Multilingual Data
Alan Jaffe

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OSU Multimodal Machine Translation System Report
Mingbo Ma | Dapeng Li | Kai Zhao | Liang Huang

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Sheffield MultiMT: Using Object Posterior Predictions for Multimodal Machine Translation
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha | Josiah Wang | Lucia Specia

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NICT-NAIST System for WMT17 Multimodal Translation Task
Jingyi Zhang | Masao Utiyama | Eiichro Sumita | Graham Neubig | Satoshi Nakamura

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Automatic Threshold Detection for Data Selection in Machine Translation
Mirela-Stefania Duma | Wolfgang Menzel

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Results of the WMT17 Metrics Shared Task
Ondřej Bojar | Yvette Graham | Amir Kamran

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A Shared Task on Bandit Learning for Machine Translation
Artem Sokolov | Julia Kreutzer | Kellen Sunderland | Pavel Danchenko | Witold Szymaniak | Hagen Fürstenau | Stefan Riezler

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Results of the WMT17 Neural MT Training Task
Ondřej Bojar | Jindřich Helcl | Tom Kocmi | Jindřich Libovický | Tomáš Musil

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Sentence-level quality estimation by predicting HTER as a multi-component metric
Eleftherios Avramidis

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Predicting Translation Performance with Referential Translation Machines
Ergun Biçici

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Bilexical Embeddings for Quality Estimation
Frédéric Blain | Carolina Scarton | Lucia Specia

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Improving Machine Translation Quality Estimation with Neural Network Features
Zhiming Chen | Yiming Tan | Chenlin Zhang | Qingyu Xiang | Lilin Zhang | Maoxi Li | Mingwen Wang

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UHH Submission to the WMT17 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Melania Duma | Wolfgang Menzel

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Predictor-Estimator using Multilevel Task Learning with Stack Propagation for Neural Quality Estimation
Hyun Kim | Jong-Hyeok Lee | Seung-Hoon Na

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Unbabel’s Participation in the WMT17 Translation Quality Estimation Shared Task
André F. T. Martins | Fabio Kepler | José Monteiro

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Feature-Enriched Character-Level Convolutions for Text Regression
Gustavo Paetzold | Lucia Specia

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UHH Submission to the WMT17 Metrics Shared Task
Melania Duma | Wolfgang Menzel

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MEANT 2.0: Accurate semantic MT evaluation for any output language
Chi-kiu Lo

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Blend: a Novel Combined MT Metric Based on Direct Assessment — CASICT-DCU submission to WMT17 Metrics Task
Qingsong Ma | Yvette Graham | Shugen Wang | Qun Liu

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CUNI Experiments for WMT17 Metrics Task
David Mareček | Ondřej Bojar | Ondřej Hübsch | Rudolf Rosa | Dušan Variš

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chrF++: words helping character n-grams
Maja Popović

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bleu2vec: the Painfully Familiar Metric on Continuous Vector Space Steroids
Andre Tättar | Mark Fishel

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LIG-CRIStAL Submission for the WMT 2017 Automatic Post-Editing Task
Alexandre Bérard | Laurent Besacier | Olivier Pietquin

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Multi-source Neural Automatic Post-Editing: FBK’s participation in the WMT 2017 APE shared task
Rajen Chatterjee | M. Amin Farajian | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi | Ankit Srivastava | Santanu Pal

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The AMU-UEdin Submission to the WMT 2017 Shared Task on Automatic Post-Editing
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt

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Ensembling Factored Neural Machine Translation Models for Automatic Post-Editing and Quality Estimation
Chris Hokamp

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Neural Post-Editing Based on Quality Estimation
Yiming Tan | Zhiming Chen | Liu Huang | Lilin Zhang | Maoxi Li | Mingwen Wang

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CUNI System for WMT17 Automatic Post-Editing Task
Dušan Variš | Ondřej Bojar

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The UMD Neural Machine Translation Systems at WMT17 Bandit Learning Task
Amr Sharaf | Shi Feng | Khanh Nguyen | Kianté Brantley | Hal Daumé III

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LIMSI Submission for WMT’17 Shared Task on Bandit Learning
Guillaume Wisniewski

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Variable Mini-Batch Sizing and Pre-Trained Embeddings
Mostafa Abdou | Vladan Glončák | Ondřej Bojar

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The AFRL WMT17 Neural Machine Translation Training Task Submission
Grant Erdmann | Katherine Young | Jeremy Gwinnup


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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text

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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text
Leon Derczynski | Wei Xu | Alan Ritter | Tim Baldwin

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Boundary-based MWE segmentation with text partitioning
Jake Williams

This submission describes the development of a fine-grained, text-chunking algorithm for the task of comprehensive MWE segmentation. This task notably focuses on the identification of colloquial and idiomatic language. The submission also includes a thorough model evaluation in the context of two recent shared tasks, spanning 19 different languages and many text domains, including noisy, user-generated text. Evaluations exhibit the presented model as the best overall for purposes of MWE segmentation, and open-source software is released with the submission (although links are withheld for purposes of anonymity). Additionally, the authors acknowledge the existence of a pre-print document on arxiv.org, which should be avoided to maintain anonymity in review.

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Towards the Understanding of Gaming Audiences by Modeling Twitch Emotes
Francesco Barbieri | Luis Espinosa-Anke | Miguel Ballesteros | Juan Soler-Company | Horacio Saggion

Videogame streaming platforms have become a paramount example of noisy user-generated text. These are websites where gaming is broadcasted, and allows interaction with viewers via integrated chatrooms. Probably the best known platform of this kind is Twitch, which has more than 100 million monthly viewers. Despite these numbers, and unlike other platforms featuring short messages (e.g. Twitter), Twitch has not received much attention from the Natural Language Processing community. In this paper we aim at bridging this gap by proposing two important tasks specific to the Twitch platform, namely (1) Emote prediction; and (2) Trolling detection. In our experiments, we evaluate three models: a BOW baseline, a logistic supervised classifiers based on word embeddings, and a bidirectional long short-term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM). Our results show that the LSTM model outperforms the other two models, where explicit features with proven effectiveness for similar tasks were encoded.

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Churn Identification in Microblogs using Convolutional Neural Networks with Structured Logical Knowledge
Mourad Gridach | Hatem Haddad | Hala Mulki

For brands, gaining new customer is more expensive than keeping an existing one. Therefore, the ability to keep customers in a brand is becoming more challenging these days. Churn happens when a customer leaves a brand to another competitor. Most of the previous work considers the problem of churn prediction using the Call Detail Records (CDRs). In this paper, we use micro-posts to classify customers into churny or non-churny. We explore the power of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) since they achieved state-of-the-art in various computer vision and NLP applications. However, the robustness of end-to-end models has some limitations such as the availability of a large amount of labeled data and uninterpretability of these models. We investigate the use of CNNs augmented with structured logic rules to overcome or reduce this issue. We developed our system called Churn_teacher by using an iterative distillation method that transfers the knowledge, extracted using just the combination of three logic rules, directly into the weight of the DNNs. Furthermore, we used weight normalization to speed up training our convolutional neural networks. Experimental results showed that with just these three rules, we were able to get state-of-the-art on publicly available Twitter dataset about three Telecom brands.

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To normalize, or not to normalize: The impact of normalization on Part-of-Speech tagging
Rob van der Goot | Barbara Plank | Malvina Nissim

Does normalization help Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging accuracy on noisy, non-canonical data? To the best of our knowledge, little is known on the actual impact of normalization in a real-world scenario, where gold error detection is not available. We investigate the effect of automatic normalization on POS tagging of tweets. We also compare normalization to strategies that leverage large amounts of unlabeled data kept in its raw form. Our results show that normalization helps, but does not add consistently beyond just word embedding layer initialization. The latter approach yields a tagging model that is competitive with a Twitter state-of-the-art tagger.

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Constructing an Alias List for Named Entities during an Event
Anietie Andy | Mark Dredze | Mugizi Rwebangira | Chris Callison-Burch

In certain fields, real-time knowledge from events can help in making informed decisions. In order to extract pertinent real-time knowledge related to an event, it is important to identify the named entities and their corresponding aliases related to the event. The problem of identifying aliases of named entities that spike has remained unexplored. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm, EntitySpike, that identifies entities that spike in popularity in tweets from a given time period, and constructs an alias list for these spiked entities. EntitySpike uses a temporal heuristic to identify named entities with similar context that occur in the same time period (within minutes) during an event. Each entity is encoded as a vector using this temporal heuristic. We show how these entity-vectors can be used to create a named entity alias list. We evaluated our algorithm on a dataset of temporally ordered tweets from a single event, the 2013 Grammy Awards show. We carried out various experiments on tweets that were published in the same time period and show that our algorithm identifies most entity name aliases and outperforms a competitive baseline.

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Incorporating Metadata into Content-Based User Embeddings
Linzi Xing | Michael J. Paul

Low-dimensional vector representations of social media users can benefit applications like recommendation systems and user attribute inference. Recent work has shown that user embeddings can be improved by combining different types of information, such as text and network data. We propose a data augmentation method that allows novel feature types to be used within off-the-shelf embedding models. Experimenting with the task of friend recommendation on a dataset of 5,019 Twitter users, we show that our approach can lead to substantial performance gains with the simple addition of network and geographic features.

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Simple Queries as Distant Labels for Predicting Gender on Twitter
Chris Emmery | Grzegorz Chrupała | Walter Daelemans

The majority of research on extracting missing user attributes from social media profiles use costly hand-annotated labels for supervised learning. Distantly supervised methods exist, although these generally rely on knowledge gathered using external sources. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of gathering distant labels for self-reported gender on Twitter using simple queries. We confirm the reliability of this query heuristic by comparing with manual annotation. Moreover, using these labels for distant supervision, we demonstrate competitive model performance on the same data as models trained on manual annotations. As such, we offer a cheap, extensible, and fast alternative that can be employed beyond the task of gender classification.

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A Dataset and Classifier for Recognizing Social Media English
Su Lin Blodgett | Johnny Wei | Brendan O’Connor

While language identification works well on standard texts, it performs much worse on social media language, in particular dialectal language—even for English. First, to support work on English language identification, we contribute a new dataset of tweets annotated for English versus non-English, with attention to ambiguity, code-switching, and automatic generation issues. It is randomly sampled from all public messages, avoiding biases towards pre-existing language classifiers. Second, we find that a demographic language model—which identifies messages with language similar to that used by several U.S. ethnic populations on Twitter—can be used to improve English language identification performance when combined with a traditional supervised language identifier. It increases recall with almost no loss of precision, including, surprisingly, for English messages written by non-U.S. authors. Our dataset and identifier ensemble are available online.

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Evaluating hypotheses in geolocation on a very large sample of Twitter
Bahar Salehi | Anders Søgaard

Recent work in geolocation has made several hypotheses about what linguistic markers are relevant to detect where people write from. In this paper, we examine six hypotheses against a corpus consisting of all geo-tagged tweets from the US, or whose geo-tags could be inferred, in a 19% sample of Twitter history. Our experiments lend support to all six hypotheses, including that spelling variants and hashtags are strong predictors of location. We also study what kinds of common nouns are predictive of location after controlling for named entities such as dolphins or sharks

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The Effect of Error Rate in Artificially Generated Data for Automatic Preposition and Determiner Correction
Fraser Bowen | Jon Dehdari | Josef van Genabith

In this research we investigate the impact of mismatches in the density and type of error between training and test data on a neural system correcting preposition and determiner errors. We use synthetically produced training data to control error density and type, and “real” error data for testing. Our results show it is possible to combine error types, although prepositions and determiners behave differently in terms of how much error should be artificially introduced into the training data in order to get the best results.

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An Entity Resolution Approach to Isolate Instances of Human Trafficking Online
Chirag Nagpal | Kyle Miller | Benedikt Boecking | Artur Dubrawski

Human trafficking is a challenging law enforcement problem, and traces of victims of such activity manifest as ‘escort advertisements’ on various online forums. Given the large, heterogeneous and noisy structure of this data, building models to predict instances of trafficking is a convoluted task. In this paper we propose an entity resolution pipeline using a notion of proxy labels, in order to extract clusters from this data with prior history of human trafficking activity. We apply this pipeline to 5M records from backpage.com and report on the performance of this approach, challenges in terms of scalability, and some significant domain specific characteristics of our resolved entities.

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Noisy Uyghur Text Normalization
Osman Tursun | Ruket Cakici

Uyghur is the second largest and most actively used social media language in China. However, a non-negligible part of Uyghur text appearing in social media is unsystematically written with the Latin alphabet, and it continues to increase in size. Uyghur text in this format is incomprehensible and ambiguous even to native Uyghur speakers. In addition, Uyghur texts in this form lack the potential for any kind of advancement for the NLP tasks related to the Uyghur language. Restoring and preventing noisy Uyghur text written with unsystematic Latin alphabets will be essential to the protection of Uyghur language and improving the accuracy of Uyghur NLP tasks. To this purpose, in this work we propose and compare the noisy channel model and the neural encoder-decoder model as normalizing methods.

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Crowdsourcing Multiple Choice Science Questions
Johannes Welbl | Nelson F. Liu | Matt Gardner

We present a novel method for obtaining high-quality, domain-targeted multiple choice questions from crowd workers. Generating these questions can be difficult without trading away originality, relevance or diversity in the answer options. Our method addresses these problems by leveraging a large corpus of domain-specific text and a small set of existing questions. It produces model suggestions for document selection and answer distractor choice which aid the human question generation process. With this method we have assembled SciQ, a dataset of 13.7K multiple choice science exam questions. We demonstrate that the method produces in-domain questions by providing an analysis of this new dataset and by showing that humans cannot distinguish the crowdsourced questions from original questions. When using SciQ as additional training data to existing questions, we observe accuracy improvements on real science exams.

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A Text Normalisation System for Non-Standard English Words
Emma Flint | Elliot Ford | Olivia Thomas | Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery

This paper investigates the problem of text normalisation; specifically, the normalisation of non-standard words (NSWs) in English. Non-standard words can be defined as those word tokens which do not have a dictionary entry, and cannot be pronounced using the usual letter-to-phoneme conversion rules; e.g. lbs, 99.3%, #EMNLP2017. NSWs pose a challenge to the proper functioning of text-to-speech technology, and the solution is to spell them out in such a way that they can be pronounced appropriately. We describe our four-stage normalisation system made up of components for detection, classification, division and expansion of NSWs. Performance is favourabe compared to previous work in the field (Sproat et al. 2001, Normalization of non-standard words), as well as state-of-the-art text-to-speech software. Further, we update Sproat et al.’s NSW taxonomy, and create a more customisable system where users are able to input their own abbreviations and specify into which variety of English (currently available: British or American) they wish to normalise.

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Huntsville, hospitals, and hockey teams: Names can reveal your location
Bahar Salehi | Dirk Hovy | Eduard Hovy | Anders Søgaard

Geolocation is the task of identifying a social media user’s primary location, and in natural language processing, there is a growing literature on to what extent automated analysis of social media posts can help. However, not all content features are equally revealing of a user’s location. In this paper, we evaluate nine name entity (NE) types. Using various metrics, we find that GEO-LOC, FACILITY and SPORT-TEAM are more informative for geolocation than other NE types. Using these types, we improve geolocation accuracy and reduce distance error over various famous text-based methods.

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Improving Document Clustering by Removing Unnatural Language
Myungha Jang | Jinho D. Choi | James Allan

Technical documents contain a fair amount of unnatural language, such as tables, formulas, and pseudo-code. Unnatural language can bean important factor of confusing existing NLP tools. This paper presents an effective method of distinguishing unnatural language from natural language, and evaluates the impact of un-natural language detection on NLP tasks such as document clustering. We view this problem as an information extraction task and build a multiclass classification model identifying unnatural language components into four categories. First, we create a new annotated corpus by collecting slides and papers in various for-mats, PPT, PDF, and HTML, where unnatural language components are annotated into four categories. We then explore features available from plain text to build a statistical model that can handle any format as long as it is converted into plain text. Our experiments show that re-moving unnatural language components gives an absolute improvement in document cluster-ing by up to 15%. Our corpus and tool are publicly available

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Lithium NLP: A System for Rich Information Extraction from Noisy User Generated Text on Social Media
Preeti Bhargava | Nemanja Spasojevic | Guoning Hu

In this paper, we describe the Lithium Natural Language Processing (NLP) system - a resource-constrained, high-throughput and language-agnostic system for information extraction from noisy user generated text on social media. Lithium NLP extracts a rich set of information including entities, topics, hashtags and sentiment from text. We discuss several real world applications of the system currently incorporated in Lithium products. We also compare our system with existing commercial and academic NLP systems in terms of performance, information extracted and languages supported. We show that Lithium NLP is at par with and in some cases, outperforms state-of-the-art commercial NLP systems.

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Results of the WNUT2017 Shared Task on Novel and Emerging Entity Recognition
Leon Derczynski | Eric Nichols | Marieke van Erp | Nut Limsopatham

This shared task focuses on identifying unusual, previously-unseen entities in the context of emerging discussions. Named entities form the basis of many modern approaches to other tasks (like event clustering and summarization), but recall on them is a real problem in noisy text - even among annotators. This drop tends to be due to novel entities and surface forms. Take for example the tweet “so.. kktny in 30 mins?!” – even human experts find the entity ‘kktny’ hard to detect and resolve. The goal of this task is to provide a definition of emerging and of rare entities, and based on that, also datasets for detecting these entities. The task as described in this paper evaluated the ability of participating entries to detect and classify novel and emerging named entities in noisy text.

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A Multi-task Approach for Named Entity Recognition in Social Media Data
Gustavo Aguilar | Suraj Maharjan | Adrian Pastor López-Monroy | Thamar Solorio

Named Entity Recognition for social media data is challenging because of its inherent noisiness. In addition to improper grammatical structures, it contains spelling inconsistencies and numerous informal abbreviations. We propose a novel multi-task approach by employing a more general secondary task of Named Entity (NE) segmentation together with the primary task of fine-grained NE categorization. The multi-task neural network architecture learns higher order feature representations from word and character sequences along with basic Part-of-Speech tags and gazetteer information. This neural network acts as a feature extractor to feed a Conditional Random Fields classifier. We were able to obtain the first position in the 3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT-2017) with a 41.86% entity F1-score and a 40.24% surface F1-score.

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Distributed Representation, LDA Topic Modelling and Deep Learning for Emerging Named Entity Recognition from Social Media
Patrick Jansson | Shuhua Liu

This paper reports our participation in the W-NUT 2017 shared task on emerging and rare entity recognition from user generated noisy text such as tweets, online reviews and forum discussions. To accomplish this challenging task, we explore an approach that combines LDA topic modelling with deep learning on word level and character level embeddings. The LDA topic modelling generates topic representation for each tweet which is used as a feature for each word in the tweet. The deep learning component consists of two-layer bidirectional LSTM and a CRF output layer. Our submitted result performed at 39.98 (F1) on entity and 37.77 on surface forms. Our new experiments after submission reached a best performance of 41.81 on entity and 40.57 on surface forms.

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Multi-channel BiLSTM-CRF Model for Emerging Named Entity Recognition in Social Media
Bill Y. Lin | Frank Xu | Zhiyi Luo | Kenny Zhu

In this paper, we present our multi-channel neural architecture for recognizing emerging named entity in social media messages, which we applied in the Novel and Emerging Named Entity Recognition shared task at the EMNLP 2017 Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT). We propose a novel approach, which incorporates comprehensive word representations with multi-channel information and Conditional Random Fields (CRF) into a traditional Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) neural network without using any additional hand-craft features such as gazetteers. In comparison with other systems participating in the shared task, our system won the 2nd place.

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Transfer Learning and Sentence Level Features for Named Entity Recognition on Tweets
Pius von Däniken | Mark Cieliebak

We present our system for the WNUT 2017 Named Entity Recognition challenge on Twitter data. We describe two modifications of a basic neural network architecture for sequence tagging. First, we show how we exploit additional labeled data, where the Named Entity tags differ from the target task. Then, we propose a way to incorporate sentence level features. Our system uses both methods and ranked second for entity level annotations, achieving an F1-score of 40.78, and second for surface form annotations, achieving an F1-score of 39.33.

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Context-Sensitive Recognition for Emerging and Rare Entities
Jake Williams | Giovanni Santia

This paper is a shared task system description for the 2017 W-NUT shared task on Rare and Emerging Named Entities. Our paper describes the development and application of a novel algorithm for named entity recognition that relies only on the contexts of word forms. A comparison against the other submitted systems is provided.

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A Feature-based Ensemble Approach to Recognition of Emerging and Rare Named Entities
Utpal Kumar Sikdar | Björn Gambäck

Detecting previously unseen named entities in text is a challenging task. The paper describes how three initial classifier models were built using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network. The outputs of these three classifiers were then used as features to train another CRF classifier working as an ensemble. 5-fold cross-validation based on training and development data for the emerging and rare named entity recognition shared task showed precision, recall and F1-score of 66.87%, 46.75% and 54.97%, respectively. For surface form evaluation, the CRF ensemble-based system achieved precision, recall and F1 scores of 65.18%, 45.20% and 53.30%. When applied to unseen test data, the model reached 47.92% precision, 31.97% recall and 38.55% F1-score for entity level evaluation, with the corresponding surface form evaluation values of 44.91%, 30.47% and 36.31%.