TNA One Night Only - Joker's Wild 2014 Taping
Matches for One Night Only - Joker's Wild 2014 Taping
no. | match | duration | match type | title(s) | rating |
1 | Gail Kim | def. (pin) | Shanna | | | | |
2 | Doug Williams & Magnus | def. | Chris Sabin & Gunner | | | | |
3 | Bad Bones & Samoa Joe | def. | Christopher Daniels & Robbie E. | | | | |
4 | Bully Ray & Rockstar Spud | def. | Austin Aries & Mr. Anderson | | | | |
5 | Ethan Carter III & Kazarian | def. | Curry Man & Eric Young | | | | |
6 | Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards | def. | Bobby Roode & James Storm | | | | |
7 | Abyss & Sam Shaw | def. | Jessie Godderz & Zema Ion | | | | |
8 | Madison Rayne & O. D. B. & Velvet Sky | def. | Gail Kim & Lei'd Tapa & The Alpha Female | | 6-person tag elimination | | |
9 | Ethan Carter III | def. | Abyss, Bad Bones, Bully Ray, Davey Richards, Doug Williams, Eddie Edwards, Kazarian, Magnus, Rockstar Spud, Sam Shaw, Samoa Joe | | Battle Royal | | |
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