We are Working at UP
Joanna Ut-seong Sio, Ph.D.
Department of Asian Studies, UP Faculty of Arts
“My colleagues are friendly and open-minded, and the students are absolutely fun. I find the cultural differences stimulating and at times hilarious.”
I have been working at Palacký University Olomouc since 2017, when I moved to Olomouc with my family. I come from Hong Kong, where I studied and later worked at the university. After that I worked at universities in Leiden and Singapore. I teach at Palacký University in the Department of Asian Studies and in the Department of English and American Studies. I specialise in Chinese linguistics, drama, and communication. When I’m not doing research, I like to perform stand up and improv comedy.
Mgr. Petr Novák, Ph.D.
Department of Experimental Physics, UP Faculty of Sciences
“The academic environment allows me to come up with new ideas constantly, and then realise them.”
I enrolled to UP as a student of the Bachelor’s, and then the Master’s programme in Applied Physics at the Faculty of Sciences. After completing my five-year studies, I decided to follow a career in science and to apply for doctoral study in the same field.
During my postgraduate study, I became an employee of the faculty as a researcher, first at RCPTM and later at the Department of Experimental Physics. After earning my doctoral degree, I have continued working at the department as an Assistant Professor. I am involved in developing and improving techniques for material research. I mainly specialise in Mössbauer spectrometry and its applications in the characterisation of nanomaterials. I am also involved in research into materials containing iron. This synthesis of material research and the development of special measuring devices enables us to obtain unique information about the studied materials.
Mgr. Marta Lucie Cincialová, Th.D.
Department of Pastoral and Spiritual Theology, Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology
“As a teacher, I love to debate with students; as a vice-dean, I believe in cultivating good relationships and mutual trust at the workplace.”
I used to study at Palacký University, and now I am employed here at Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology – as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Pastoral and Spiritual Theology, and at the same time, as Vice-Dean for Organisation, Development and External Relations. I am a Franciscan sister, and at present I also serve as Mother Superior.
Tomáš Kašpařík

Neředín Dormitories, UP Accommodation and Dining Services
"The work of the receptionist is ideal for me, giving me space for personal development."
In recent years, I have been travelling to international LEGO exhibitions throughout Europe and this hobby makes part-time work a necessity for me. In the summer of 2018, I started working part-time as a receptionist at the university dormitory in Neředín, which is exactly the job I was looking for. Since most of the students staying here are from abroad, from all over the world, I have excellent opportunities to expand my language skills. The free time I have allows me to fully devote to my hobby at home - building LEGO models. Also this year, I set out for several international events with my models. Experience from these exhibitions inspire me for the Olomouc international exhibition, which I organize once a year. Due to the ever-increasing interest, it will take place at the UP Sports Hall in autumn.