[Flac-users] Winamp3 plugin built in debug mode?

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 17 19:06:02 PDT 2002

--- Steven Richman <junk at shift9.com> wrote:
> I just tried installing the flac plugin for Winamp 3, and Winamp
> reports
> that, "This application has failed to start because MSVCRTD.dll was
> not
> found." The fact that it's trying to link against MSVCRTD.dll rather
> than MSVCRT.dll suggests that the plugin was built in debug mode;
> most
> Windows installations won't have MSVCRTD.dll unless Visual Studio is
> installed.

Yes, you are correct... this was a lapse on my part, but
the plugin doesn't work on recent versions of wa3 anyway.

It will be all better for the next release (hopefully a
couple of weeks).


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