Adobe Reader ����� Acrobat �ɂ�����Ǝ㐫 (TA09-161A)
Adobe Reader ����� Acrobat �ɂ́A�����̐Ǝ㐫�����݂��܂��B
�@- Adobe Reader ����� Acrobat (Pro, Pro Extended, and Standard) version 9.1.1 ����т���ȑO
�@- Adobe Reader ����� Acrobat (Pro, Pro Extended, and Standard) version 8.1.5 ����т���ȑO
�@- Adobe Reader ����� Acrobat (Pro, Pro Extended, and Standard) version 7.1.2 ����т���ȑO
���� (JST) | ���e |
2009-06-12 03:21 |
FortiGuard FGA-2009-25: Acrobat TrueType Font Processing Memory Corruption Vulnerability TrueType Font �����̃������̔j���̐Ǝ㐫 (CVE-2009-1857) �Ǝ㐫�̌��J |
2009-06-11 01:02 |
US-CERT TA09-161A: Adobe Acrobat and Reader Vulnerabilities US-CERT ���[�����O���X�g�o�R�� Technical Cyber Security Alert ��M |
2009-06-10 22:15 |
US-CERT Adobe Releases Security Updates for Adobe Reader and Acrobat US-CERT Current Activity �Ƃ��ăZ�L�����e�B�A�b�v�f�[�g��� |
2009-06-10 12:22 |
@police �A�h�r�V�X�e���Y�Ђ� Adobe Reader �� Acrobat �̃Z�L�����e�B�C���v���O�����ɂ���(6/10) |
2009-06-10 07:52 |
SANS Internet Storm Center Adobe June Black Tuesday upgrades (Version: 2) |
2009-06-09 23:09 |
�A�h�r Security Bulletin - Adobe Reader and Acrobat Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) Adobe Reader �̃Z�L�����e�B�A�b�v�f�[�g��� |
2009-06-09 |
�A�h�r apsb09-07: Adobe Reader�����Acrobat�Ɋւ���Z�L�����e�B�A�b�v�f�[�g�̌��J Adobe Reader��Acrobat 9.1.2�A8.1.6�A7.1.3 �A�b�v�f�[�g�̃����[�X |
2009-05-07 |
VUPEN Security VUPEN-SR-2009-04: Adobe Acrobat and Reader JBIG2 Filter Heap Overflow Vulnerability JBIG2 �t�B���^�̃q�[�v�I�[�o�[�t���[�̐Ǝ㐫 (CVE-2009-0509) �Ǝ㐫���x���_�ɕ� |
2009-04-14 |
Secunia Research 2009-24: Adobe Reader JBIG2 Text Region Segment Buffer Overflow JBIG2 �����ɃI�[�o�[�t���[�̐Ǝ㐫 (CVE-2009-0198) �Ǝ㐫���x���_�ɕ� |
2009-02-25 |
iDefense Adobe Reader and Acrobat FlateDecode Integer Overflow Vulnerability FlateDecode �̐����I�[�o�[�t���[�̐Ǝ㐫 (CVE-2009-1856) �Ǝ㐫���x���_�ɕ� |
2009-02-24 |
Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) ZDI-09-042: Adobe Reader U3D RHAdobeMeta Stack Overflow Vulnerability U3D RHAdobeMeta �����̃X�^�b�N�I�[�o�[�t���[�̐Ǝ㐫 (CVE-2009-1855) �Ǝ㐫���x���_�ɕ� |
- Technical Cyber Security Alert TA09-161A
Adobe Acrobat and Reader Vulnerabilities - Vulnerability Note JVNTA09-161A
Adobe Reader ����� Acrobat �ɂ�����Ǝ㐫