CERN Accelerating science

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Universal scaling of fragment production in projectile breakup / Beaulieu, L ; Bowman, D R ; Fox, D ; Das-Gupta, S ; Pan, J ; Ball, G C ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Guinet, D et al.
- 1996. - 14 p.
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Evolution of fragment production as a function of excitation in $^{35}$Cl and $^{70}$Ge projectile breakup / Beaulieu, L ; Bowman, D R ; Fox, D ; Das-Gupta, S ; Pan, J ; Ball, G C ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Guinet, D et al.
- 1996. - 11 p.
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Dependence of IMF production on the reaction mechanism in light heavy ion collisions at intermediate energy / Larochelle, Y ; Beaulieu, L ; Anctil, G ; Ball, G C ; Bowman, D R ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Guinet, D ; Hagberg, E et al.
- 1995. - 58 p.
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Formation of an intermediat-velocity remnant in $^{35}Cl+^{12}C$, $^{24}Mg$ and $^{197}Au$ reactions at 43 MeV/nucleon / Larochelle, Y ; Gingras, L ; Beaulieu, L ; Qian, X ; Saddiki, Z ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Laforest, R ; Roy, R ; Samri, M et al.
- 1996. - 62 p.
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Time scale in $^{24}$Mg projectile breakup at 25A and 35A MeV / Samri, M ; Ball, G C ; Beaulieu, L ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Hagberg, E ; Horn, D ; Laforest, R ; Larochelle, Y et al.
- 1995. - 16 p.
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Secondary decay and two-fragment correlation functions / Fox, D ; Bowman, D R ; Ball, G C ; Beaulieu, L ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Friedman, W A ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Hagberg, E ; Horn, D et al.
- 1996. - 14 p.
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Quasi-projectile breakup evolution from 25A to 70A MeV / Roy, R ; Samri, M ; Beaulieu, L ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Gendron, P ; Jalbert, E ; Laforest, R ; Larochelle, Y ; Pouliot, J et al.
TASCC-P-95-6.- Chalk River, Ontario : Canada. At. Energy Comm., 1995 - 17 p. - Published in : Ric. Sci. Educ. Perm., Suppl. (1995) , no. 101, pp. 140-154
In : 33rd Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, 23 - 28 Jan 1995, pp.140-154 - CERN library copies
Excitation energies in statistical emission of light charged particles in heavy-ion reactions / Beaulieu, L ; Samri, M ; Djerroud, B ; Auger, G ; Ball, G C ; Doré, D ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Gendron, P ; Hagberg, E ; Horn, D et al.
- 1994. - 14 p.
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Dissipative binary mechanisms in central $^{24}$Mg + $^{12}$C collisions at 25A and 35A MeV / Larochelle, Y ; Ball, G C ; Beaulieu, L ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Gendron, P ; Hagberg, E ; Horn, D ; Jalbert, E et al.
- 1995. - 15 p.
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Reaction mechanisms of the most violent $^{24}$Mg + $^{12}$C collisions at 25A and 35A MeV / Larochelle, Y ; Ball, G C ; Beaulieu, L ; Djerroud, B ; Doré, D ; Galindo-Uribarri, A ; Gendron, P ; Hagberg, E ; Horn, D ; Jalbert, E et al.
- 1995. - 9 p.
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