CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,019 záznamov nájdených  1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam: Hľadanie trvalo 0.58 sekúnd. 
The galactic diffuse gamma-rays at extremely high energies / Mori, M
In : ICRR International Symposium on Extremely High-energy Cosmic Rays: Astrophysics and Future Observatories, Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan, 25 - 28 Sep 1996, pp.373-376
Origin of the diffuse galactic gamma ray emission at low and medium gamma-ray energies / Sacher, W ; Schönfelder, V
- 1983. - 24 p.
CERN library copies
Ultra high energy neutrino luminosity of SN1987a and expected ultra high energy gamma-ray flux / Honda, M ; Mori, M
- 1987. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Diffuse galactic gamma-ray emission / Purcell, W R ; Grabelsy, D A
In : 24th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.0.0, Rome, Italy, 28 Aug - 8 Sep 1995, pp.211-214
On the origin of the diffuse high-energy gamma-ray emission: final results of a CO survey at high galactic latitudes / Stacy, J G
In : 22nd International Cosmic-ray Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 11 - 23 Aug 1991, pp.141-144
Contribution of black hole x-ray binaries in galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission at energies above 1 MeV / Bhatt, N
2005 Published version: PDF;
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.31 (v.4)
The highest energy diffuse gamma-rays / Halzen, Francis
- 1991. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Very high energy gamma-ray observations of the Galactic plane with the CANGAROO-III telescopes / Ohishi, M
2005 Published version: PDF;
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.39 (v.4)
Observations of the Galactic Centre Region in Very High Energy Gamma-Rays with H.E.S.S. / Hinton, J A
2005 Published version: PDF;
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.21 (v.4)
A study of the intergalactic magnetic field using extra-galactic ultra high energy gamma-ray sources / Honda, M
ICR-166.- Tokyo : Tokyo Univ., 1989 - 12 p. - Published in : Astrophys. J. 339 (1989) 629-631
In : Search for high energy gamma rays from SN1987A, pp.128-130

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