CERN Accelerating science

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Double beta decay, neutrino physics, nuclear structure and isospin and spin-isospin symmetries / Krmpotic, F
IFUSP-P-814.- São Paulo : São Paulo Univ. Ist. Fís., 1990 - 49 p.
In : International Workshop on Hadronic Matter, Olinda, Brazil, 15 - 18 Aug 1989, pp.205-253
Double beta decay in pn-QRPA model with isospin and SU(4) symmetry constraints / Krmpotic, F ; Sharma, S S
IFT-P-92-53 ; SAO-IFT-P-92-053.
- 1992. - 43 p.
CERN library copies
Spin-isospin nuclear response / Hicks, K H
TRI-PP-88-55.- Burnaby, BC : TRIUMF, 1988 - 13 p.
In : 3rd Conference on the Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics, Rockport, Maine, 14 - 19 May 1988, pp.26-38 - CERN library copies
Pion condensation and nuclear spin-isospin correlations / Weise, W (Regensburg U.)
1981. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
A test of Wigner's spin-isospin symmetry from double binding energy differences / Van Isacker, P ; Warner, D D ; Brenner, D S
- 1995. - 8 p.
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Exploration of the spin-isospin nuclear response function by neutrinos / Delorme, J ; Ericson, M
LYCEN-85-20.- Lyon : CNRS Lyon. Inst. Phys. Nucl., 1985 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 156 (1985) 263-266
The spin-isospin symmetry energy of nuclear matter / Dabrowski, J (Inst. Nucl. Res. Warsaw)
1976. - 19 p.
Nuclear spin-isospin polarizability and the spatial non-locality of the mean field / Desplanques, B ; Noguera, S
- 1986. - 16 p.
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The interplay between nucleonic and nuclear spin-isospin excitations / Weise, W (Regensburg U.)
- 1983. - 31 p.
CERN library copies
Constraints on pion condensates and precursors from nuclear spin-isospin excitations / Weise, W ; Härting, A
1982. - 18 p.
CERN library copies

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