CERN Accelerating science

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Multiparticle Production Process in $pp$ Interaction with High Multiplicity at E_p=70 GeV. Proposal "Termalization" / Avdeichikov, V V ; Aleev, A I ; Balandin, V P ; Vasendina, V A ; Zhidkov, N K ; Zolin, L S ; Zulkarneev, R Ya ; Kireev, V I ; Kosarev, I G ; Kuzmin, N A et al.
The goal of the proposed experiment is the investigation of the collective behaviour of particles in the process of multiple hadron production in the $pp$ interaction $pp\to n_\pi\pi+2N$ at the beam energy $E_{\rm lab}=70$ GeV. [...]
JINR-P1-2004-190 ; P1-2004-190.
- 2004. - 45 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Preliminary results on raw asymmetry in the $\pi^{0}$-production on a polarized target at 70 GeV / Serpukhov-Dubna PROZA-M Collaboration
- 1997. - 11 p.
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Further measurements on the production of $\pi ^-$and $\k ^-$ mesons and antiprotons at the 70 GeV IHEP accelerator / Binon, Freddy G ; Denisov, S P ; Duteil, P ; Kachanov, V A ; Kutyin, V M ; Peigneux, J P ; Prokoshkin, Yu D ; Razuvaev, E A ; Shuvalov, R S ; Spighel, Maurice et al.
1969 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 30 (1969) 506-509
Mass limits on a light Higgs boson from pi-, K-, eta'-meson decays in the 70 GeV proton beam-dump experiment / Barabash, L ; Baranov, S A ; Batusov, Yu A ; Bunyatov, S A ; Denisov, O Yu ; Karev, A G ; Kazarinov, Yu M ; Klimov, O L ; Kuznetsov, O ; Ladygin, E et al.
1992 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 295 (1992) 154-158
Measurement of the Coulomb interaction effect in $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ pairs from the reaction $pTa \rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{-}X$ at 70 GeV / Afanasiev, L G ; Gorchakov, O E ; Karpukhin, V V ; Komarov, V I ; Kruglov, V V ; Kulikov, A V ; Kuptsov, A V ; Nemenov, L L ; Nikitin, M V ; Pustylnik, Z P et al.
E1-96-256 ; JINR-E1-96-256.
- 1996. - 30 p.
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Determination of the cross section of the process pi+pi- --> pi0pi0 in the dipion mass range 0.55 $<$ M $<$ 2.0 GeV from the reaction pi-p --> pi0pi0n at 39.1 GeV/c / Apokin, V D ; Arestov, Yu I ; Belikov, N I ; Borisov, N S ; Derevshchikov, A A ; Grachev, O A ; Kazarinov, Yu M ; Khachaturov, B A ; Khodyrev, V Yu ; Liburg, M Yu et al.
IFVE-88-76 ; IFVE-OTF-88-76.
- 1988. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
A study of the reaction $\pi^{-} + p\to n +\pi^{+}+ \pi^{-}$ at an initial $\pi^{-}$-meson momentum of 40 GeV / Vladimirski, V V ; Barkov, B P ; Katinov, Yu V ; Sutormin, A I
- 1971. - 21 p.
Photoproduktion von pi+pi-pi0 Endzuständen im Energiebereich von 20-70 GeV / Liebenau, V
BONN-IR-83-14. - Bonn : Bonn Univ., 1983.

CERN library copies
Untersuchungen an der Reaktion $\gamma p \to \eta \pi+ \pi- p$ im Energiebereich 20-70 GeV / Marsiske, H
BONN-IR-84-38. - Bonn : Bonn U., 1984. - 124 p.
CERN library copies
Investigation of nuclear pionic degrees of freedom in the reaction A($\pi$, $\pi\pi$) at 1.4 GeV / Bayukov, Yu D ; Efremenko, Yu V ; Fedorov, V B ; Khasanov, S S ; Kosov, M V ; Kuleshov, S V ; Leskin, G A ; Pivnyuk, N A ; Shuvalov, S M ; Shvartsman, B B et al.
ITEF-91-4 ; ITEP-91-4.
- 1990. - 21 p.
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