CERN Accelerating science

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Upgrade of the CERN SPS Extraction Protection Elements TPS / Borburgh, Jan (CERN) ; Balhan, Bruno (CERN) ; Barnes, Michael (CERN) ; Baud, Cedric (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew (CERN) ; Kain, Verena (CERN) ; Maciariello, Fausto (CERN) ; Steele, Genevieve (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco (CERN)
In 2006 the protection devices upstream of the septa in both extraction channels of the CERN SPS to the LHC were installed. Since then, new beam parameters have been proposed for the SPS beam towards the LHC in the framework of the LIU project. [...]
2015 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2015-WEPMN068 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Full-text at JACoW Server
In : 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 3 - 8 May 2015, pp.WEPMN068
Design and construction of the CERN SPS extraction protection elements for LIU / Balhan, Bruno (CERN) ; Baud, Cedric (CERN) ; Borburgh, Jan (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew (CERN) ; Hourican, Michael (CERN) ; Jorat, Louise Olivia (CERN) ; Nuiry, Francois-Xavier (CERN) ; Pianese, Stefano (CERN)
At CERN, the SPS synchrotron is equipped with two fast extraction channels towards the LHC. As a part of the LHC injector upgrade project (LIU), the protection devices upstream of the septa in both extraction channels will be upgraded. [...]
CERN-ACC-2019-191.- 2019 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPMP022 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.WEPMP022
Upgrade of the CERN SPS Extraction Protection Elements TPS / Borburgh, Jan (CERN) ; Balhan, Bruno (CERN) ; Barnes, Michael (CERN) ; Baud, Cedric (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew (CERN) ; Kain, Verena (CERN) ; Maciariello, Fausto (CERN) ; Steele, Genevieve (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco (CERN)
In 2006 the protection devices upstream of the septa in both extraction channels of the CERN SPS to the LHC were installed. Since then, new beam parameters have been proposed for the SPS beam towards the LHC in the framework of the LIU project. [...]
CERN-ACC-2017-0020.- Geneva : CERN, 2017 - Published in : Fulltext: PDF;
In : 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 3 - 8 May 2015
Design and Construction of the CERN PS Booster Charge Exchange Injection Chicane Bumpers / Balhan, Bruno (CERN) ; Baud, Cedric (CERN) ; Borburgh, Jan (CERN) ; Hourican, Michael (CERN)
In the framework of the LIU project and the connection from LINAC4 to PS Booster, the 160 MeV H⁻ beam will be injected horizontally into the PSB by means of one charge-exchange injection system for each PSB ring. A set of four outside vacuum pulsed dipole magnets (BSW) creating the required injection bump has been designed and built. [...]
2018 - 3 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEPMF082 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.WEPMF082
Commissioning and Results of the Half-Sector Test Installation with 160 MeV H⁻ beam from Linac4 / Mikulec, Bettina (CERN) ; Aguglia, Davide (CERN) ; Allica Santamaria, Juan (CERN) ; Baud, Cedric (CERN) ; Bracco, Chiara (CERN) ; Burger, Stephane (CERN) ; Guidoboni, Greta (CERN) ; Jorat, Louise Olivia (CERN) ; Martin, Christophe (CERN) ; Navarro Fernandez, Araceli (CERN) et al.
During the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) at CERN in 2019/20, the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) will undergo a profound upgrade in the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) project involving also the connection to the new Linac4 injector. The 160 MeV Linac4 H' injection entails a complete replacement of the PSB injection section, including a stripping foil system, injection chicane, an H⁰/H' dump and novel beam instrumentation. [...]
CERN-ACC-2017-276.- 2017 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOPIK047 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.MOPIK047
Upgrade of the SPS Ion Injection System / Uythoven, Jan (CERN) ; Borburgh, Jan (CERN) ; Bravin, Enrico (CERN) ; Burger, Stephane (CERN) ; Carlier, Etienne (CERN) ; Cravero, Jean-Marc (CERN) ; Ducimetière, Laurent (CERN) ; Gilardoni, Simone (CERN) ; Goddard, Brennan (CERN) ; Hansen, Jan (CERN) et al.
As part of the LHC Injectors Upgrade Project (LIU) the injection system into the SPS will be upgraded for the use with ions. The changes will include the addition of a Pulse Forming Line parallel to the existing PFN to power the kicker magnets MKP-S. [...]
CERN-ATS-2015-003; CERN-ACC-2015-003.- 2015 - 4 p. - Published in : (2015) , pp. THPF099 Published version from JACoW: PDF; External link: JACOW
In : 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 3 - 8 May 2015, pp.THPF099
High Intensity Beam Test of Low Z Materials for the Upgrade of SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Collimators and LHC Injection Absorbers / Maciariello, Fausto (CERN) ; Aberle, Oliver (CERN) ; Butcher, Mark (CERN) ; Calviani, Marco (CERN) ; Folch, Ramon (CERN) ; Kain, Verena (CERN) ; Karagiannis, Konstantinos (CERN) ; Lamas Garcia, Inigo (CERN) ; Lechner, Anton (CERN) ; Nuiry, Francois-Xavier (CERN) et al.
In the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) and High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, the collimators in the SPS-to LHC transfer lines will undergo important modifications. The changes to these collimators will allow them to cope with beam brightness and intensity levels much increased with respect to their original design parameters: nominal and ultimate LHC. [...]
CERN-ACC-2016-281.- 2016 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-TUPMB052 Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 8 - 13 May 2016, pp.TUPMB052
Direct Drive and Eddy Current Septa Magnet Designs for CERN’s PSB Extraction at 2 GeV
Reference: Poster-2015-507
Keywords:  direct drive  eddy current  septum  PSB  PS
Created: 2015. -5 p
Creator(s): Szoke, Zsolt; Atanasov, Miroslav Georgiev; Balhan, Bruno; Baud, Cedric; Borburgh, Jan [...]

In the framework of the LIU project, new septa magnets have been designed between CERN’s PS Booster (PSB) extraction and PS injection. The upgraded devices are to deal with the increased beam energy from 1.4 GeV to 2 GeV at extraction of the PSB. The direct drive recombination septa in the PSB transfer line to the PS, the eddy current PS injection septum together with a bumper at injection have been investigated using finite element software. For the recombination magnets an increase in magnet length is sufficient to obtain the required deflection; however, for the PS injection elements a more novel solution is necessary to also achieve increased robustness to extend the expected lifetime of the pulsed device. The injection septum will share the same vacuum vessel with an injection bumper and both magnets will be located adjacent to each other. The new PS injection magnet will be the first septum operated at CERN based on eddy current technology. The magnetic modelling of the devices, the comparison of the performance of the present 1.4 GeV devices with the predictions for the upgraded 2 GeV devices as well as solutions retained to achieve the field requirements are described in this paper.

© CERN Geneva

The Use of a Passive Scatterer for SPS Slow Extraction Beam Loss Reduction / Goddard, Brennan (CERN) ; Balhan, Bruno (CERN) ; Borburgh, Jan (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew (CERN) ; Stoel, Linda (CERN) ; Velotti, Francesco (CERN)
A significant reduction in the fraction of protons lost on the SPS electrostatic septum ES during resonant slow extraction is highly desirable for present Fixed-Target beam operation, and will become mandatory for the proposed SHiP experiment, which is now being studied in the framework of CERN's Physics Beyond Colliders program. In this paper the possible use of a passive scattering device (diffuser) is investigated. [...]
CERN-ACC-2017-124.- 2017 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOPIK044 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.MOPIK044
SPS Slow Extraction Losses and Activation: Challenges and Possibilities for Improvement / Fraser, Matthew (CERN) ; Balhan, Bruno (CERN) ; Bartosik, Hannes (CERN) ; Bertone, Caterina (CERN) ; Björkman, Daniel (CERN) ; Borburgh, Jan (CERN) ; Conan, Nadine (CERN) ; Cornelis, Karel (CERN) ; Garcia Alia, Ruben (CERN) ; Gatignon, Laurent (CERN) et al.
In 2015 the highest integrated number of protons in the history of the North Area was slow extracted from the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) for the Fixed Target physics programme. At well over 1.10¹⁹ protons on target (POT), this represented the highest annual figure at SPS for almost two decades, since the West Area Neutrino Facility was operational some 20 years ago. [...]
CERN-ACC-2017-123.- 2017 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOPIK045 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.MOPIK045

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