CERN Accelerating science

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MALTA-Cz: A radiation hard full-size monolithic CMOS sensor with small electrodes on high-resistivity Czochralski substrate / Pernegger, H. (CERN) ; Allport, P. (Birmingham U.) ; Berlea, D.V. (DESY, Zeuthen) ; Birman, A. (Technion) ; Bortoletto, D. (Oxford U.) ; Buttar, C. (Glasgow U.) ; Charbon, E. (LPHE, Lausanne) ; Dachs, F. (CERN) ; Dao, V. (CERN) ; Denizli, H. (Abant Izzet Baysal U.) et al.
Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (DMAPS) sensors developed in the Tower Semiconductor 180 nm CMOS imaging process have been designed in the context of the ATLAS ITk upgrade Phase-II at the HL-LHC and for future collider experiments. The "MALTA-Czochralski (MALTA-Cz)" full size DMAPS sensor has been developed with the goal to demonstrate a radiation hard, thin CMOS sensor with high granularity, high hit-rate capability, fast response time and superior radiation tolerance. [...]
arXiv:2301.03912.- 2023-09-13 - 24 p. - Published in : JINST 18 (2023) P09018 Fulltext: 2301.03912 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
DMAPS Monopix developments in large and small electrode designs / Bespin, C. (Bonn U.) ; Barbero, M. (Marseille, CPPM) ; Barrillon, P. (Marseille, CPPM) ; Berdalovic, I. (CERN) ; Bhat, S. (Marseille, CPPM) ; Breugnon, P. (Marseille, CPPM) ; Caicedo, I. (Bonn U.) ; Cardella, R. (CERN) ; Chen, Z. (Marseille, CPPM) ; Degerli, Y. (IRFU, Saclay) et al.
LF-Monopix1 and TJ-Monopix1 are depleted monolithic active pixel sensors (DMAPS) in 150 nm LFoundry and 180 nm TowerJazz CMOS technologies respectively. They are designed for usage in high-rate and high-radiation environments such as the ATLAS Inner Tracker at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). [...]
arXiv:2006.02297.- 2020-10-21 - 7 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 978 (2020) 164460
In : 12th international "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors (HSTD), Hiroshima, Japan, 14 - 18 Dec 2019, pp.164460
NA62 Liquid Krypton Purity Monitor / Bremer, Johan (CERN) ; Bryman, Douglas (British Columbia U. ; TRIUMF) ; Danielsson, Hans (CERN) ; Falaleev, Valeri (Dubna, JINR ; INFN, Perugia) ; Koettig, Torsten (CERN) ; Kurchaninov, Leonid (TRIUMF) ; Liberadzka-Porret, Joanna (CERN) ; Onufrena, Aleksandra (CERN) ; Velghe, Bob (TRIUMF)
A system for determining the purity of liquid krypton employed in the NA62 rare kaon decay experiment at CERN was developed based on the use of a time projection chamber. The attenuation of drifting ionization electrons from absorption of 511 keV gamma rays in liquid krypton was measured to estimate the purity. [...]
arXiv:2210.16232.- 2023-10-10 - 6 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1057 (2023) 168764 Fulltext: 2210.16232 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
MALTA: a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for tracking in ATLAS / Freeman, P M (Birmingham U. ; CERN) /ATLAS Collaboration
The MALTA team is developing the MALTA chip, a depleted monolithic active pixel sensor (DMAPS) implemented in the TowerJazz 180 nm modified CMOS process for tracking applications in high energy particle physics experiments such as the ATLAS experiment at the LHC . At the INFIERI school in Wuhan, China, I presented results on what was then the latest prototype of the chip, the MiniMALTA. [...]
2020 - 10 p. - Published in : JINST 15 (2020) C03019
In : 5th International Summer School of the global series INFIERI "on Intelligent Signal Processing for Frontier Research and Industry", Wuhan, Hubei, China, 12 - 26 May 2019, pp.C03019
Cross-talk of a large-scale depleted monolithic active pixel sensor (DMAPS) in 180nm CMOS technology / Schall, Lars (Bonn U.) ; Bespin, Christian (Bonn U.) ; Caicedo, Ivan (Bonn U.) ; Dingfelder, Jochen (Bonn U.) ; Hemperek, Tomasz (Bonn U.) ; Hirono, Toko (Bonn U.) ; Hügging, Fabian (Bonn U.) ; Krüger, Hans (Bonn U.) ; Moustakas, Konstantinos (Bonn U.) ; Pernegger, Heinz (CERN) et al.
Monolithic pixel detectors combine readout electronics and sensor in a single entity of silicon, which simplifies the production procedure and lowers the material budget compared to conventional hybrid pixel detector concepts. Benefiting from the advances in commercial CMOS processes towards large biasing voltage capabilities and the increasing availability of high-resistivity substrates, depleted monolithic active pixel sensors (DMAPS) are able to cope with the high-rate and high-radiation environments faced in modern high-energy physics experiments. [...]
arXiv:2402.12153.- 2024-04-19 - 7 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1064 (2024) 169381 Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2402.12153 - PDF;
In : 13th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Vancouver, Canada, 3 - 8 Dec 2023, pp.169381
Isothermal annealing of radiation defects in silicon bulk material of diodes from 8” silicon wafers / Kieseler, Jan (CERN ; KIT, Karlsruhe, ETP) ; Dias de Almeida, Pedro Gonçalo (CERN ; Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Kałuzińska, Oliwia Agnieszka (CERN ; Wroclaw Tech. U. ; KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Mühlnikel, Marie Christin (CERN ; Kirchhoff Inst. Phys.) ; Diehl, Leena (CERN) ; Sicking, Eva (CERN) ; Zehetner, Phillip (CERN ; LMU Munich (main))
The high luminosity upgrade of the LHC will provide unique physics opportunities, such as the observation of rare processes and precision measurements. However, the accompanying harsh radiation environment will also pose unprecedented challenged to the detector performance and hardware. [...]
arXiv:2211.04849.- 2023-09-06 - 19 p. - Published in : JINST 18 (2023) P09010 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2211.04849 - PDF;
Automatic Differentiation of Binned Likelihoods With Roofit and Clad / Singh, Garima (Princeton U.) ; Rembser, Jonas (CERN) ; Moneta, Lorenzo (CERN) ; Lange, David (Princeton U.) ; Vassilev, Vassil (Princeton U.)
RooFit is a toolkit for statistical modeling and fitting used by most experiments in particle physics. [...]
- 6 p.
High-temperature superconducting screens for magnetic field-error cancellation in accelerator magnets / Bortot, L. (CERN ; Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Mentink, M. (CERN) ; Petrone, C. (CERN) ; Van Nugteren, J. (CERN) ; Deferne, G. (CERN) ; Koettig, T. (CERN) ; Kirby, G. (CERN) ; Pentella, M. (CERN ; Turin Polytechnic) ; Perez, J.C. (CERN) ; Pincot, F.O. (CERN) et al.
Accelerators magnets must have minimal magnetic field imperfections for reducing particle-beam instabilities. In the case of coils made of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes, the field imperfections from persistent currents need to be carefully evaluated. [...]
arXiv:2103.14354.- 2021-08-26 - 11 p. - Published in : Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34 (2021) 105001 Fulltext: PDF;
Hybrid actor-critic algorithm for quantum reinforcement learning at CERN beam lines / Schenk, Michael (CERN) ; Combarro, Elías F. (U. Oviedo (main)) ; Grossi, Michele (CERN) ; Kain, Verena (CERN) ; Li, Kevin Shing Bruce (CERN) ; Popa, Mircea-Marian (Bucharest, Polytechnic Inst.) ; Vallecorsa, Sofia (CERN)
Free energy-based reinforcement learning (FERL) with clamped quantum Boltzmann machines (QBM) was shown to significantly improve the learning efficiency compared to classical Q-learning with the restriction, however, to discrete state-action space environments. In this paper, the FERL approach is extended to multi-dimensional continuous state-action space environments to open the doors for a broader range of real-world applications. [...]
arXiv:2209.11044.- 2024-02-21 - 17 p. - Published in : Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 (2024) 025012 Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2209.11044 - PDF;
Numerical Analysis of the Screening Current-Induced Magnetic Field in the HTS Insert Dipole Magnet Feather-M2.1-2 / Bortot, Lorenzo (CERN ; Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Mentink, Matthias (CERN) ; Petrone, Carlo (CERN) ; Van Nugteren, Jeroen (CERN) ; Kirby, Glyn (CERN) ; Pentella, Mariano (CERN ; Polytech. Turin) ; Verweij, Arjan (CERN) ; Schöps, Sebastian (Darmstadt, Tech. U.)
Screening currents are field-induced dynamic phenomena which occur in superconducting materials, leading to persistent magnetization. Such currents are of importance in ReBCO tapes, where the large size of the superconducting filaments gives rise to strong magnetization phenomena. [...]
arXiv:2005.09467.- 2020-10-30 - 14 p. - Published in : Supercond. Sci. Technol. 33 (2020) 125008 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;

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